Uncovering Massive Fraud & Treason Leads to Upheaval – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com 

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle continues to warn about tough times coming to America.  DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency) is going to uncover massive fraud and treason in America.  How much fraud does Quayle say they will find?  Quayle says, “They are going to come close to $20 trillion to $25 trillion that’s what they can find immediately. . . . This is just the beginning.  I think it will go to $36 trillion. . . . It’s going to $36 trillion, and it’s going to freak out everybody. You are seeing all the crybabies and the woke folk already complaining. . . .  Maxine Waters is on record as saying, ‘We don’t know what all they have on us.’  That is a pretty powerful statement. . . . There are a lot of people flipping out over the IRS audits.  The reason these people are flipping out is that some of them have become millionaires on $250,000 a year salary.  AOC and others are panicked because they can’t account for how they made this money.  It is interesting how many Demo-rats and Republican zombies are absolutely terrified. . . . Those on the left and some on the right are going to lose their minds.  Can you imagine getting a jeopardy assessment, and you only claimed $1 million and you made $5 million?”

Quayle says the crime and theft of taxpayer dollars is the worst in history.  Quayle says, “The theft on this level and stealing of taxpayers’ funds are off the chart.  All of the pirates in history . . . nobody can match the level of theft that has happened. . . . This is premeditated fraud . . . . I think this is going to be the biggest upheaval in history. . . .This will absolutely shake the foundation of the nation.  This is why the weasels are complaining about Elon Musk.”

Quayle predicts, “Civil war, civil war, civil war, they want it.  Every communist takeover and takedown of nations, they need armed revolution.”

Another problem is the drug cartels that the US State Department recently declared terrorist organizations.  Look for US military conflict coming on the southern border.  Quayle, who has excellent military sources, says, “The cartels are more well-armed than we even know. . . . We don’t even have enough ammo for our aircraft carriers to have full missile tubes.  We gave them to Zelensky (Ukraine).  I believe that there were deals made in the background, that will come out, that will show our highest officers, starting with the President (Biden) and on down, were traitors. . . . We are going into an armed conflict with the cartels.  The US military has been stripped of its offensive weaponry and defensive weaponry. . . . Biden did his best to destroy the country no matter who the puppet masters were.  It’s important that people get a handle on this. . . . We were sold out.”

Quayle says, “Expect the US to be at war with the Mexican drug cartels in 2025.”

Quayle also likes gold and said, “It can easily go to $10,000 per ounce, and it might go to $100,000 per ounce.”

Quayle points out that there are 150 paper contracts for every ounce of physical gold.  When the supply far exceeds demand, Quayle says, “Look for a lot of people with paper gold to end up with nothing.”  Quayle hates digital currency and says it is the fastest way to lose our freedom.

In closing, Quayle says people can get prepared by storing food, water and above all, get right with Jesus and pray often for Him to intercede against evil.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes one-on-one with Steve Quayle, who talks about how exposing massive fraud and treason will lead to upheaval coming to America for 2.19.25.

After the Interview:

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  1. Don Doerr Sr.

    What saddens True Americans is that – for so many years – our Republic has been run by the Political Mob, especially since the formation of the Communist Democrat RINO Party on November 22, 1963 when it took complete control. Then -despite efforts by people such as President Ronald Reagan – this Evil became so intense that we saw many die, including *Laken Riley* (one of many Biden victims), Jeffrey Epstein, Vince Foster, Dorothy Kilgallen, the Weaver Family, the Branch Davidians, Bernard Ebbers and John Sidgmore as WorldCom was stolen from its owners and shareholders, the victims of the 9-11 inside job, Ashli Babbit on January 6th, our 13 Soldiers in Afghanistan (more Biden victims), and, more recently, the attempts to kill President Trump, 70 million innocent unborn children, and so many others. We have also witnessed the corruption of the FBI into a branch of the KGB. Now all we can do is pray for the Conversion of Pope Francis and the Safety of the new Trump Administration as America rids itself of 100% of the 2020 – 2024 Open Border Criminal and Treasonous Invaders of the United States. May God help President Trump and his Administration as they commence this 100% Deportation Process and call for the imprisonment of the politicians who have orchestrated this Reign of Terror upon America, perhaps the worst since the Northern involvement in the Civil War Scam and the decision to abandon our Troops at Pearl Harbor to the Japanese.

  2. Shirl

    Truth is stranger than fiction…WOW!!!
    Pray Up For DOGE and for the ENTIRE President Trump Administration…your life depends on it…not just in America but, around the world.

  3. Katy Bar

    We should ask Martin Armstrong to ask Socrates’ if the US stands any chance of Wining the coming War against the Mexican Drug Cartels!! Or, if we will simply Go Down Fighting like at the Alamo (against an Enemy with More Weapons then we have, thanks to Obomber, the CIA and even Ukraine shipping our weapon stockpile to the Mexican Drug Lords (for under the table cash never reported to the IRS)!!! Musk must immediately “Audit the Pentagon” to see exactly “which Demonic Traitors were Stealing our Weapon Stockpile and Selling it for Cash”, while at the same time “Trying to Disarm the American People” by taking away our AR15’s!!!

  4. Anonymous

    My husband and I relocated back to Colorado in 2017 from Florida (both of us born and raised on the Western Slope). We were in a small town, Olathe, Colorado between Montrose and Delta – it’s a small agricultural town – blink and you will miss it! One day, I was outside walking, and I heard this odd but familiar sound. Years ago, I had lived in a Muslim nation where I heard the call to prayer, 5 times per day. In Olathe, that sunny afternoon, I heard it again. Surprised me so much, I stopped at the high fence separating properties to listen closely to ensure what I was hearing, was what I was hearing. This is what I heard over the loudspeaker coming from the adjacent property:

    Alahu Akbhar,
    Death to America, Death to America!
    Alahu Akbhar,
    Death to America, Death to America!

    This repeated for at least 30 minutes on a daily basis (I would walk for an hour at a time). I actually had my husband try and drive back to the property this was coming from, but it was locked down from all sides. To say that this alarmed me was an understatement. To say that no one else was alarmed, bothered me to no end. I am unsure which is worse, that I heard this over a loudspeaker in the middle of rural America. Or the fact that no other American in the vicinity was bothered by a chant of “Death to America, Death to America!”.

    Steve Quayle and others who are reporting that there are cartels and other terrorist cells in this nation are not lying, they are not stretching the truth, exaggerating or fabricating tales for viewership. It is true, I’ve heard it for myself. The problem in our nation is the mind-blowing apathy and absolute disinterest in what is in our nation and what has set up “shop” in our nation for the near future’s fireworks of guerilla warfare. If I were to take an educated guess, I would say Americans feel invincible because war hasn’t been fought on our soil since the Civil War in the 1860’s. We are not used to carnage: bombs going off in the night sky, infrastructure flattened by missiles, fatalities strewn about in the streets, kids hungry and roaming the streets without parents. Americans, I would say, do not believe that war can touch our soil. No one can touch us – so many believe this.

    I say that we are not our grandfather’s or great-grandfather’s nation – WWII – the greatest generation that fought against true evil. We WERE a Christian nation, at that time. We WERE a nation of motivated men and women who weren’t confused over their sexual identification, who didn’t dabble in witchcraft and paganism, who didn’t embrace lawlessness and rebellion, who hadn’t a clue what the LGBTQ+ plus, DEI or Critical Race Theory agenda was or is, who actually loved this nation and God who protected us. We aren’t those things anymore. We are a nation that is vulnerable and the rest of the world senses it, smells it, is a pack of wolves at the gate waiting for the rest of the wall to come tumbling down.

    Trump is trying. But we have enemies within the very hallowed halls of our own government offices of power. Trump is working to get rid of the traitors. But we have foes that hide their identities behind the masks of politicians who seem to be on board with Trump’s cleaning up of the swamp. Yet, they lay in wait, watching for the moment to sabotage him. We are not out of the woods, not even close. I give Trump credit, he is working around the clock to rid this nation of the rot, decay and those that perpetrated the crimes against We, the people.

    May Trump be successful. And may the American people be awake, cautious, alert and on-guard. The previous Administrations created and caused much harm and damage that is going to bring hardship to this nation. Hopefully, most of it can be mitigated and the rest held to a minimum. But we are up against evil forces that are not going to take kindly to being removed from this nation (when they were invited in by Biden). Expect some fireworks!

    • Aware

      Now that is street reporting.

  5. Ken Yu

    Wake Up America!!! – The Constitution cannot be used to “PROTECT TRAITORS”!! So Trump needs to go after “and lock up” all the Demon Rats “Giving Aid and Intel to our Enemies” i.e. like As to Where our Border Guards are Located, or on how Illegal Gangs Already Within our Borders “Can Avoid Being Arrested!! https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/aoc-clashes-border-czar-advising-135737036.html

  6. Maria dasSantos

    Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Quayle truly appalling theft from the people of America.
    Those numbers initially announced by Mr Quayle in $20+Trillions seems somewhat near those numbers Dr Austin Fitts has been screaming about that has disappeared.Much respect to you Mr Hunter for reporting these numbers many years ago before it became popular. Australia should be watched very carefully for the movement of dirty money to connected people.
    Meanwhile here in the UK our government are demanding Apple Phone have a “backdoor” to its technology across the world that will be shared to the NSA and CIA !
    Again another meanwhile our central bank,the Bank of England , are establishing “mechanism” to protect the British Bond Market whilst delaying delivery of Gold as the drum beat to War is being beaten very loudly and Capital Controls are coming. Even some of my bosses are moving “art” for expert cleaning to the USA,”RIGHT!”.
    The theft of huge amounts of money from the people of America has to be an alarm that utterly angers Americans of decency. Meanwhile millionaires who work for the government on a mere salary of$200K are selling their $5M houses in Washington, there are Universities that would employ these people to teach HOW to accumulate millions legally! As if accumulated legally.
    Of course we us plebs are mere trash to the elite and dispensable so a war is nothing to these elites to us plebs it will be horrific and here in the UK CONSCRIPTION is now in the media .War in Europe is here and escalating and capital controls are coming soon.Move it or lose it.

  7. Kit Lee

    Fact Check: Is NY Governor Hochul going to free notorious “Tren de Aragua” Venezuelan Gang Members from NY Prisons “to reduce the violence” that is causing the Prison Guards to go on strike?? Or, is she simply going to call out the National Guard to help the Prison Guards (who are now being mandated to work 16 to 24-hour shifts, almost on a daily basis)???

  8. Katy Bar

    FINALLY!! DeSantis is now addressing the Massive Fraud now being Inflicted Upon Homeowners “by Considering Totally Removing Property Taxes Now Being Imposed Upon Them”. School Taxes have been raised to “Extreme Levels” (because Schools now have to Educate all the Illegal Alien Children Criminal Demonrat Bribe’n brought into the US, in addition to all their other Unnecessary (Queer Story Time, etc., etc.) Expenditures). The only “Fair Solution” is for Trump and Musk to “Restructure the Current Property Tax System Entirely”!! Trump like DeSantis must Seriously Consider “Completely Eliminating Local Government’s Ability to Tax Peoples PRIMARY RESIDENCE” (which is now at the point where many Senior Citizens (on fixed incomes) are being forced to Sell Their Homes “for lack of cash to pay their Property Taxes”)!! Trump and Musk need to force Local Governments to “Live Within Their Means” (instead of Using Homeowners “Especially The Retired Seniors on a Fixed Incomes” as their Personal ATM’s to Gather Up Even More Money). Especially when All The State and Local SALES TAX MONEY they are Currently Collecting “IS GOING THROUGH THE ROOF” (Due to Inflation)!!! “THE AMERICAN DREAM OF HOME OWNERSHIP HAS TURNED INTO A NIGHTMARE”!!! https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/markets-by-sector/real_estate/desantis-considers-removing-property-taxes/

  9. Galaxy 500

    Interesting interview Greg. Keep up the Good Work.
    Dude, you look amazing!
    Yes, hard times are coming. Thieves, murderers and scoundrels have been enriching themselves at our expense. They will upend the game board, thinking we won’t remember who do what.
    That is pretty misguided as we won’t forget and they will reap what they sow in the coming troubles

  10. A Stevenson

    Finding all this fraud but no one arrested yet, why ?

    • Greg Hunter

      Give them a bit of time here.

  11. Galaxy 500

    Strange actions taken by supposed conservatives…
    We are surrounded by enemies.
    I would love to know what the real deal is on this.

  12. Rick Hester

    Jesus is Lord.
    Romans 10:9

  13. suzanne wilhelm

    Income taxes are illegal. Why wouldn’t any taxpayer want to know where their funds were directed? We are told that the government was using the funds to improve the lives of citizens, protect us from the bad people trying to kill everyone, educated our children, improve healthcare and infrastructure. Man, were we misled. What happens next to our country should make everyone concerned.

  14. Galaxy 500

    I read with both horror and laughter a comment on the previous interview from “Resistance Strikes Back” alluding to another assassination attempt on Trump.
    I hope you FYI’ed the FBI. These poor fools need to be given help and forced to take their meds until they understand the consequences of their actions. Then they need to be tried.

  15. HeyWho

    If I could make a slight recommendation – try not to interrupt your guests so much. I think you interrupted Steve a good 20 times and it really just messes up the flow of thought and his conversation. Keep up the good job you do my friend.

  16. Roger Stamper

    tks for post steve greg

  17. Led Skeletor

    What Happens if President Trump and Elon Musk Find the Gold in Fort Knox Is Gone?

    It doesn’t matter, the question to ask is, who legally owns each gold bar?

    I’d guess most bars have been rehypotheticated (like a naked short, selling the same bar to many other persons) numerous times with multiple parties that all have legal claim to the same single gold bar. That will be the big uproar that collapses London.

  18. Joseph

    FBI Investigates As U.S. Treasury Attack Confirmed – Jan 2, 2025



  19. Don W.

    I totally agree with all that was said. I will add that Biden also declassified many TOP SECRET orders that had orders of a squadron I was in back in 1955-1958.
    The Biden group has totally wrecked the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. We have never seen days like we will have, starting in 2025.
    Really, the whole world is in trouble today and will be for years to come.
    I am so glad that I am 90. and ready, and Love the Lord. Yes, I am Blessed.

  20. Joy N.

    Thanks for the information..
    The Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity’s doorstep & the time to escape is very short. To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

  21. Carl Clarkson

    Still waiting for Hillary to be locked up and for mass deportations.

    Or for any real justice for the Covid Scam or any of the other multitude of crimes/treason committed against America for decades on end.

    I’m tired of the talk, I’m sick of the excuses, I’m done listening to the dumb predictions of “Truthers” and their “ insider sources”.

    If Trump fails to deliver, screw him and screw his hardcore supporters…

    • Greg Hunter

      You are a jackass, and you never said a word here when Joe Biden was President and mandating this crap. Piss Off!!

      • JayJay

        You do know these folks are paid to type what they type to rile you. I learned many years ago….just scroll past these a**holes. When they get no reaction, they move on.

        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks JayJay,
          I delete most of them, but I think I have to answer a few.

  22. cytek

    Greg it’s all true. New study shows the vaccinated this have the vaccine after 709 days.
    There has never been any vaccine like this one. Long term effects of vaccinated?
    Full study
    NEW STUDY – Circulating Spike Protein Detectable 709 Days after COVID-19 mRNA Injection

    • Greg Hunter

      I got kicked off of You Tube and banned from AdSense for telling people NOT to take the bioweapon CV19 injections. Now, people need treatment and nobody will tell them to get it.

      • Julia

        Greg, I have informed someone 3 times about Dr Kory’s site for help with recovery from Covid shot. Not one time has this individual reached out to Dr Kory’s sight for help. By the way I located a new Doctor from Dr Kory’s site. Thank you.

  23. Sam A. Morgan

    Great interview. And this is my surmise…
    To Quote Steve Quayle, “We are going into an armed conflict with the Cartels.”

    The Cartels have received USA weapons (and European weapons) purchased for Ukraine. These weapon transfers To The Cartels are a FEATURE. Not a quirk. It’s deliberative. Again, think of the Cartels as a Mafia with a CIA enhancement.
    The Cartels will attempt a Decapitation Attack. Number one targets include Elon, POTUS, and Vance. ALL weapons are available to include Mines, MANPADS, Bombs, Rockets, and even Gas. Not to exclude a stealthy Poison, or Knives/Manchettes, etc…
    Terror Attacks with mass casualties may also be planned. Terror attacks would be for misdirection, diversion, and intimidation.

    Question: What did the Sicilian Mafia do to the Anti-Mafia Prosecutor Giovanni Falcone?
    Answer: From Wikipedia..Four hundred kilograms (881 lbs.) of explosives were placed in a culvert under the highway between Palermo International Airport and the city of Palermo, near the town of Capaci. Brusca’s men carried out test drives, using flashbulbs to simulate detonating the blast on a speeding car, and a concrete structure was specially created and destroyed in an experimental explosion to see if the bomb would be powerful enough.

    Brusca detonated the device by remote control from a small outbuilding on a hill to the right of the highway on 23 May 1992. Giovanni Falcone, his wife Francesca Morvillo and police officers Rocco Dicillo, Antonio Montinaro and Vito Schifani were killed in the blast. The explosion was so powerful that it registered on local earthquake monitors.

  24. Susan Russo

    Almost every day I search for Steve Quayle who is my favorite. He hits on what are to me the highest points of what is important.
    Steve’s report of the cartels being better militarized than our own military and that this conflict will happen is astounding! These truths would make most people’s hearts skip a beat. How to prepare for this is almost why bother! This time is historic with the tensions about as high as ever before and the locked and loaded ammos that could close this chapter of history.
    I believe every one of us needs to be ready to meet our maker, to resolve every and all inner conflict of our lifetime to lift off for flight with absolutely no extra baggage.

  25. Doug

    If there is any illusions about the punishment of lack of food look n9 further than the starving children and adults in Palestine. It is horrific and pure evil.

    • Greg Hunter

      Why does not Hamas let the leave? Palestinians always play the victim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xGfJVt6Xyw This too is “horrific and pure evil” but it does not bother you supporters of the demon Hamas terrorists.

  26. Glenn Smith

    Someone needs to inform Katherine Austin Fitts that there is a difference between “crypto currency” and Bitcoin. Her ignorance is glaring and diminishes everything else she say. She is very correct in most things she states, but needs to do some more research on Bitcoin. She must be a Peter Schiff protogee

    • Greg Hunter

      Crypto is a Cult that will burn you. You are NOT smarter than the big money people who control things.

      • Paul

        Silver year high price when Bitcoin was introduced in 2009- 14.67.
        15 years later
        Today- 32.00 and change
        Since Covid the dollars devaluation almost 50 percent In purchasing power.
        Bitcoin today over 98,000. Dollars. That cult could has the potential to dominate the precious metal space.


  27. Galaxy 500

    Well Snap, Greg. This is about 20 years too late.
    I guess Satan told him he was gonna be calling Mitch’s marker due

  28. Ricky Bobby

    I didn’t listen to the interview, read the transcript above. Paper Ag is 378:1, did he mention that?

  29. William [email protected]

    Eggs in Ghana are $1.10/dozen

  30. Jeff

    Mr. Hunter, thank you for all you do. Any thoughts on the gold price going to his numbers by revaluation or over time? A colleague likes to argue that they won’t revalue higher as this would make India and other nations wealthy. I state we aren’t in a position of power to call all the shots anymore. What is your take? Thank you in advance!

    • Greg Hunter

      Gold and silver are going much higher. Silver seems the better deal to me but have both in my opinion.

  31. Marie Joy

    We should all assume we will be in a kinetic war.
    And we don’t have enough of anything, esepcially defense. This is OUR country.
    Easy times have made us weak.
    We need to be in better shape for what’s coming.
    Grow everywhere, inside and outside. Learn to preserve your food.
    Organic heirloom seeds. Learn to save seeds.
    Who are their leaders?
    At some point, credit will be shut down for everyone.
    Have the Clintons left yet?
    He needs our help.
    Teach your children what they need to know.
    Informative interview.
    Two years of food is not enough.
    You don’t have enough. Go for more heat and power.
    IF they see your lights, they will take your preps.

  32. cousin vinny

    this guy is an alarmist always has been! If Trump releases the full scope of the US Militarily on the drug cartels, they will clean their clocks so fast you will not believe it! The threat is real but Trump is serious, no fooling around this time. Mexico and the people are up for this, simply tired of the stronghold on the public.

  33. Angie

    The cartels armes may be underestimated but there is no way they are a force we need to fear..no way. This guy is way off the mark.

  34. Thermos

    Yeah, we all read that and they will probably uncover even WORSE things that arrest warrants, convictions, and even HANGINGS must take place. I repeat, it is so bad HANGINGS are required.

    Wait and see, more to be uncovered though it’s hard to imagine what could be worse.

  35. War Monger

    This is the face of communism:

    Breaking Video: Investigation Proves Democratic Leaders Are Directing Their Minions To Engage In Violence Against Trump & Elon Musk Including Murder For Hire!


  36. Sensei Jade

    I respect Steve Quayle on all points. I enjoyed reading this article please continue to feature Stevr Quayle he Ha wisdom we need …Evil is not going quietly into the night.
    Blessings to you …
    Sensei Jade

  37. Really Awake

    The amount of corruption, waste, fraud, abuse, nepotism, cronyism, hypocrisy, duplicity all add up to a great big kakistocracy (the voters) and a kleptocracy (the politicians)…

    Some of us have known for decades just how disgusting is the situation. For example, Alex Jones has been laying it all out for years. In fact, Alex has had to hold back feom telling the entire truth, because people just can’t handle the truth. The truth used to sound too crazy. How does it sound now?

    Finally, the lid is getting blown off and the truth is being poured out for all to see. The public has been screwed over and over for decades. And I say tens of millions of people won’t be able to accept the fact that they voted for con wo(men) who totally suckered and played the public for uber fools.

    Many, many people will remain in denial and actually attack the truth-tellers. America will become so destabilized that it will break apart.

    The Democrat Party won’t survive this. And America won’t, either. Trump and Elon have only been at this for a month. We got four years of Trump and Elon waging war on the kleptocracy.

    This is going to be the most epic time in American history. And anything could happen.

    • Paul

      And God willing we get to participate and help alter it.
      Let’s remove the vile garbage out of society.

  38. Galaxy 500

    Arms stopped to Ukraine… reason unclear… ROFLMAO


  39. War Monger


    Madrid, Spain, 30 May – 2 June 2024

    Abrams, Stacey (USA), CEO, Sage Works Production
    Adeyemo, Adewale (USA), Deputy Secretary, Department of the Treasury
    Adlercreutz, Anders (FIN), Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering
    Albares, José Manuel (ESP), Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chair, Evercore Inc.
    Alverà, Marco (ITA), Co-Founder, zhero.net; CEO, TES
    Amodei, Dario (USA), Co-Founder and CEO, Anthropic PBC
    Anderlini, Jamil (DEU/USA), Editor-in-Chief, POLITICO Europe
    Appathurai, James (INT), Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Innovation, Hybrid and Cyber, NATO
    Applebaum, Anne(USA) , Staff Writer, The Atlantic
    Auchincloss, Murray (GBR), CEO, BP plc
    Aydin, Mustafa (TUR), Professor of International Relations, Kadir Has University
    Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), Chair and CEO, Temaris & Associés SAS
    Barroso, José Manuel (PRT), Chair International Advisors, Goldman Sachs International
    Baudson, Valérie (FRA), CEO, Amundi SA
    Bengio, Yoshua (CAN), Professor in Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal
    Bini Smaghi, Lorenzo (ITA), Chair, Societé Générale SA
    Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Group Executive Chair, Banco Santander SA
    Bourla, Albert (USA), Chair and CEO, Pfizer Inc.
    Braathen (NOR), Kjerstin, CEO, DNB ASA
    Buschmann, Marco (DEU), Minister of Justice
    Calviño, Nadia (INT), President, European Investment Bank
    Carney, Mark J. (CAN), Chair, Brookfield Asset Management
    Carvalho, Charlene de (NLD), Executive Director, Heineken Holding NV
    Castries, Henri de (FRA), President, Institut Montaigne
    Castro, Ildefonso (ESP), Secretary International Affairs, Partido Popular
    Cavoli, Christopher (INT), Supreme Allied Commander Europe
    Champagne, François-Philippe (CAN), Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry
    Chhabra, Tarun (USA), Senior Director for Technology and National Security, NSC
    Chubays, Anatoly B. (RUS/ISR), Visiting Professor, London School of Economics
    Corydon, Bjarne (DNK), CEO and Editor-in-Chief, Dagbladet Børsen
    Coveney, Simon (IRL), Former Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment
    Creuheras, José (ESP), Chair, Grupo Planeta and Atresmedia
    Cuerpo, Carlos (ESP), Minister of Economy, Commerce and Business
    Daurella Comadrán, Sol (ESP), Chair, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners plc
    Della Vigna, Michele (ITA), Head, Natural Resources Research EMEA, Goldman Sachs
    Domański, Andrzej, (POL) Minister of Finance
    Donohoe, Paschal (INT), President, Eurogroup
    Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chair and CEO, Axel Springer SE
    Easterly, Jen (USA), Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
    Ek, Daniel (SWE), CEO, Spotify SA
    Empoli, Giuliano da (ITA), Political Scientist and Writer, Sciences Po
    Entrecanales, José M. (ESP), Chair and CEO, Acciona SA
    Eriksen, Øyvind (NOR), President and CEO, Aker ASA
    Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Stanford University
    Finer, Jonathan (USA), Deputy National Security Advisor
    Fontcuberta i Morral (CHE), Anna, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, EPFL
    Fraser, Jane (USA), CEO, Citigroup
    Gabuev, Alexander, Director (INT), Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center
    Gentiloni, Paolo (INT), European Commissioner for Economy
    Gil, Isabel, Rector (PRT), Catholic University of Portugal
    Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor, La7 TV
    Gruyter, Caroline de (NLD), European Affairs Correspondent, NRC
    Gürsel, Kadri (TUR), Journalist, Medyascope
    Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor Em. of Economics, Leiden University
    Harrington, Kevin (USA), Managing Director, Thiel Capital LLC
    Hassabis, Demis (GBR), CEO, Google DeepMind
    Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation
    Hernández de Cos, Pablo (ESP), Governor, Banco de España
    Hobson, Mellody (USA), Co-CEO and President, Ariel Investments LLC
    Hoekstra, Wopke (INT), European Commissioner for Climate Action
    Johansson, Ylva (INT), European Commissioner for Home Affairs
    Kaag, Sigrid (INT), Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza, UN
    Kadri, Ilham (BEL), CEO, Syensqo
    Kalemli-Özcan, Sebnem (TUR), Schreiber Family Professior of Economics Brown University
    Kallas, Kaja (EST), Prime Minister
    Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies Inc.
    Kerameus, Niki (GRC), Minister for the Interior
    Kieli, Kasia (POL), President and Managing Director, Warner Bros. Discovery EMEA
    Koç, Ömer (TUR), Chair, Koç Holding AS
    Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
    Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chair, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
    Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Chair, The Museum of Modern Art
    Kudelski, André (CHE), Chair and CEO, Kudelski Group SA
    Kuleba, Dmytro (UKR), Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Lander, Eric S. (USA), Founding Director, Broad Institute
    Lee, Peter (USA), President, Microsoft Research
    Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chair, dsm-firmenich AG
    Lighthizer, Robert (USA), Chair, Center for American Trade
    Liikanen, Erkki (FIN), Chair, IFRS Foundation Trustees
    Linde, Ann (SWE), Former Minister for Foreign Affairs
    Luckey, Palmer (USA), Founder, Anduril Industries
    Meeus, Tom-Jan (NLD), Journalist, NRC
    Mensch, Arthur (FRA), Co-Founder and CEO, Mistral AI
    Merz, Friedrich (DEU), Leader, CDU
    Michel, Charles (INT), President, European Council
    Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP
    Minton Beddoes, Zanny (GBR), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
    Monti, Mario (ITA), Senator for life
    Moreira, Duarte (PRT), Co-Founder and CEO, Zeno Partners
    Netherlands, H.M. the King of the (NLD)
    O’Leary, Michael (IRL), Group CEO, Ryanair Group
    Pannier-Runacher (FRA), Agnès, State Secretary at Ministry of Agriculture
    Papahelas, Alexis (GRC), Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper
    Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), Chair, TITAN Cement Group
    Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chair, KKR Global Institute
    Philippe, Édouard (FRA), Mayor, Le Havre
    Phillips, Richard H. (USA), Office of the Director of National Intelligence
    Pind, Søren (DNK), Founder and CEO, Danish Cyber Defence
    Pouyanné, Patrick (FRA), Chair and CEO, TotalEnergies SE
    Rachman, Gideon (GBR), Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, Financial Times
    Ramírez, Pedro J. (ESP), Director, El Español
    Rendi-Wagner, Pamela (AUT), Director Elect, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
    Ruiz, José Juan (ESP), Chair, Elcano Royal Institute
    Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister
    Sawan, Wael (GBR), CEO, Shell plc
    Sawers, John (GBR), Executive Chair, Newbridge Advisory Ltd.
    Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
    Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Former CEO and Chair, Google
    Schmidt, Wolfgang (DEU), Head of the Chancellery, Federal Minister for Special Tasks
    Šefčovič, Maroš (INT), European Commissioner Green Deal, Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight
    Sewing, Christian (DEU), CEO, Deutsche Bank AG
    Sherman, Wendy R. (USA), Former Deputy Secretary of State
    Siddall, Evan (CAN), CEO, Alberta Investment Management Corporation
    Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Şimşek, Mehmet (TUR), Minister of Finance
    Stephens, Bret (USA), Opinion Columnist, New York Times
    Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO
    Stubb, Alexander (FIN), President of the Republic
    Suleyman, Mustafa (GBR), CEO, Microsoft AI
    Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital LLC
    Varadkar, Leo (IRL), Former Prime Minister
    Verhoeven, Karel (BEL), Editor-in-Chief, De Standaard
    Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chair, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
    Ward, Jonathan (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
    Wolf, Martin H. (GBR), Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
    Wright, Thomas (USA), Senior Director for Strategic Planning, NSC
    Yläjärvi, Erja (FIN), Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat
    Zadrazil, Robert (AUT), Country Manager Austria, UniCredit Group
    Zakaria, Fareed (USA), Host, Fareed Zakaria GPS
    Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), President, Warner Bros. Discovery International

    70th Bilderberg Meeting to take place 30 May – 2 June in Madrid, Spain

    MADRID, 30 May 2024 – The 70th Bilderberg Meeting will take place from 30 May – 2 June 2024 in Madrid, Spain. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia, labour and the media has been invited. The list of participants is available on bilderbergmeetings.org.

    The key topics for discussion this year are:

    State of AI
    AI Safety
    Changing Faces of Biology
    Future of Warfare
    Geopolitical Landscape
    Europe’s Economic Challenges
    US Economic Challenges
    US Political Landscape
    Ukraine and the World
    Middle East

    Founded in 1954, the Bilderberg Meeting is an annual conference designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Every year, between 120-140 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, labour, academia and the media are invited to take part in the Meeting. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; approximately a quarter from politics and government and the rest from other fields.

    The Bilderberg Meeting is a forum for informal discussions about major issues. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor any other participant may be revealed.

    Thanks to the private nature of the Meeting, the participants take part as individuals rather than in any official capacity, and hence are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. There is no detailed agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued.

    Media contact: media[@]bilderbergmeetings.org

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