USA Kleptocracy is Like Russia – Warren Pollock

By Greg Hunter’s

Geopolitical and financial analyst Warren Pollock says Syria is a diversion at best. Pollock explains, “I think Syria is entertainment.  It’s Kabuki Theater.  Certainly, at the local level, it could be a skirmish.  They have this fellow Assad, who was the poster boy on 60 Minutes two decades ago when they said what a wonderful guy he was, and now he is the arch enemy of evil along with Vladimir Putin.  He is running a Kleptocracy, obviously, but at least it’s more honest than we are because our Kleptocracy doesn’t have the integrity to tell us what it is.  We also know what Vladimir Putin is, and if he wasn’t a strongman, it would be a total disaster in Russia.  It is what is necessary to keep that place controlled.  Unlike our form of governance, at least Russia has a 25 year horizon into their future, where the U.S. has nothing but competing interests and competing bureaucracy.  So, we (USA) are a Kleptocracy just like Russia, but the organs of our state are narrowed and are basically failing.  The press is failing.  It is a failed organ of our society.  Our governance has failed.  It is a failed organ of our society. . . . What we have is a veneer of governance.  It’s not the real governance that is in this country.  Our government has some of the elements of the Soviet system, and it has some of the elements of what Chris Hedges calls inverted totalitarianism.  It’s really hard to define our system of government.”

Pollock goes on to say, “What we think of as our government, the voting booth that is just a veneer, that is just to keep people placated. This bureaucracy, I think, is a major vector of theft.  When we look at the actual function of our system, it is actually atrophied.”

So, how do you navigate a bureaucratic system that is out to rob its citizens? Pollock says, “How do you get small?  Not having a website is one way.  Staying out of debt is one way.  Not applying for federal programs is another way along with state programs, Medicaid, Medicare, any large debt acquisition. . . . Getting smaller houses and not getting credit for a new car.  There are lots of ways for you to get small, and you will be happier as a result.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial expert and former Wall Street analyst Warren Pollock.

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After the Interview:

Warren Pollock has no website and nothing to sell. He only comes on as a public service to give his views about what is going on and what he sees coming for the public.

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  1. Maria das Santos

    Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Pollock.
    Regretfully,Mr Pollock has decided,quite rightfully,to “disappear”from the net and when he appears it is is painfully refreshing.He reminds me so much of a professor who taught Physical Chemistry,in tutorials he made you think very uncomfortably so does Mr Pollock.
    Here in the UK we do not have a functioning democracy neo- totalitarianism rules,our Prime Minister ,Mrs May,recently took a decision and ignored Parliament and obviously the people by launching an attack in Syria,this is her obvious “ignoring us the people”she has had her goons at GCHQ spying on us and foreign governments for years as the Home Secretary.She is of course the most recent iteration of our country’s elites and non-democratic.
    The infiltration of our society by China is remarkable,particularly via the Confuscius Society.With education as a number one goal they have planted Mandarin courses in our “great universities”and transplanted “students”onto courses full of technology.No wonder companies like BAE refuse to share their research now.
    Get small,ignore the big house and lavish car and accept your life span,your children’s lives depend on it.
    Thanks again Mr Pollock for reminding us how little we are.

  2. Paul ...

    Pollock says to get small … another way to get small … is to get out of the stock market … where the banksters , brokers and IRS know exactly what you own … and put your money into physical precious metals … and bury them until needed … for in just a few months the Fed will replace its quarterly rate hike policy with a monthly rate hike policy … and the market gains we have been seeing (fueled by corporate stock buybacks, QE and ultra low interest rates) will come to a halt as rates are pushed higher and higher (rates can be pushed up dramatically and quickly with a monthly rate hike policy) … at an 8% interest rate bonds will crash and the Dow will fall to “under” 1000 … so don’t dilly dally … miss the crash in bonds and stocks … and seize the opportunity coming for those holding physical precious metals … it is time to become aggressive in both your selling of paper and crypto and the buying of physical gold and silver coins (every time the manipulators artificially drive precious metal prices downward)!!

    • Paul ...

      Silver has broken out of its recent consolidation pattern and is now at about $17 dollars per ounce … it should soon move up to about $21 dollars per ounce … why pay an extra $4 dollars per ounce (or 23% more) … when you can buy it now!! … better get moving … good things don’t last forever …

    • frank jeffries

      yeah, its all rigged, totally. But, the American humans feed it by jumping on and are the problem….enablers……you get it. Fuck the banksters….. they are serial killers.

  3. William Stanley

    Mr. Hunter: Thank you so much; that was really interesting.
    The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance.
    Concerning our civilization and its current position and course, Mr. Pollock can be interpreted as having gotten pretty close to stage 5. I think I’m still in stage 1 or 2. However, although Mr. Pollock’s observations are undeniable, and I am pretty angry, I haven’t accepted the conclusion that serfdom is our ineluctable fate. Perhaps, neither has he. Maybe “getting smaller” is a strategy for dealing with a reality, rather than an “acceptance” of serfdom. (Then again, maybe I’m just bargaining).

    • This sceptred Isle

      You seem pretty switched on. You are probably further up the scale.

      • This sceptred Isle

        Everything and everyone has become financialised, spawning a generation of debt serfs. Bankers are the new feudal masters!

    • Roger D

      William, that’s a good summation of Mr. Polluck’s observations. Very good albeit sobering interview. Thanks Greg.

  4. Town Called Alice

    The real fair dinkum skinny on Syria!

  5. Anthony Australia

    Mighty fine interview Greg. A+

    Was at a friend who had the Telly on, first time I’ve seen commercial shows in years, I was almost sick in the stomach to see the absolute mind numbing garbage on. Supposed reality TV that’s obviously scripted; full of confrontation, fake drama and abuse.

  6. FC

    I must be a billionaire I own 2 beat-up station wagons and I’m sure the 4 new Goodyear tires are worth more than the car itself.

    • Gary Cates

      FC I just filled my Jeep with gas and doubled it’s worth !

    • DB Cooper

      FC, I am with you … I drive a ’93 Dodge Cummins … they put a 500,000 mile engine in a 70,000 mile truck … got 160,000 miles on the meter and the truck is falling apart !! The engine will no doubt out-live me and it cost almost $1,000 to put tires on it last year !! DB

      • William Stanley

        FC, GC, and DB: LOL!
        In all seriousness, with guys like you there is no way they can beat us.

  7. Russ McMeans

    Warren is simply one of your most brilliant guests Greg. I’m going to name him our humble “quiet Yoda”
    Like an old sage is he. Wonderful pointing out our predicaments- which our many. I have my own ‘getting small’ story to tell, but later. Here is a fascinating story from the NYT via a friend in Idaho that dovetails perfectly into this conversation. Enter the State Pension funding issue: ( make sure you read the last paragraph in the article…. whoa! -no gasoline for the trucks!) ……

  8. Nick de la Gaume

    Correct,correct,correct, correct and yes, correct.


    You Wonder Why We Have Trump?
    The warmongering neo-conmen and woman EXPOSED!
    We now have the left and right deep state department creeps on the run and Donald J. Trump is going to kick their asset’s to KINGDOM CUM! _
    In Review;
    We the people stopped the letting of American and ISIS blood for oil pipelines thru Syria!


      Sorry, make that gas pipelines, not oil.
      P.S. Guess they’ll have to find some other suckers to fight for their pipe dreams to Europe. why don’t they send their kid’s. Hey Joe Biden what you think. You better cum up with somebody because your kid’s got a lot more than mine to lose you prig!

  10. Robert Lykens

    It’s been said that the dollar is the best option of all the bad options out there, that’s why it’s strong.

    The US is the same thing. Although we have our problems, we’re still the best option in a world of bad options. Pollock should have said that. He should have admitted that he wouldn’t live in Syria, or Russia, or Venezuela, or…
    There are kleptocracies and there are damned kleptocracies.

    The United States of America is still the leader of the free world and the light of freedom to the not-free world.

    • David

      The US is indeed a kleptocracy. It is also a kakistocracy: “government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power.” And the worst is the current president and his cabal of Trotskyites, neoconservatives and warmongers.

      • Robert Lykens

        The US is still the light of the free world, wouldn’t you agree? Or would you prefer to live in Russia or under the rule of the Taliban?

      • William Stanley

        David: Trotskyites? I thought only Bolsheviks so vehemently reviled Trotskyites.

  11. ross

    When I looked at Trump at his inauguration with his young children walking on the podium, I thought there is no way he will risk all this to free the American people and unfortunately I was right. They will blame Trump for all the economic debacles they have created and he will probably leave as a disgraced president . Change will only come from the people and not some billionaire who has never suffered hardship to survive. The West has reached the pit of depravity and does not realise it. Orwellian double speak is the order of the day and few have a grasp of reality. With psychopathic war mongers like John Bolton installed by Trump, the future looks very bleak.

    • This sceptred Isle

      The snake is indeed eating its own tail in order to survive! The consumer, on which capitalism relies, is being squeezed as purchasing power declines.
      Multinational companies are replacing humans with machines in their drive for greater efficiency and profits. As a result consumers are being destroyed as they lose jobs.
      The rising inequality also spells doom for the current system. As wealth is concentrated in fewer hands, less consumers will be able to purchase goods and services in the real economy. The elites, meanwhile, plough their ever increasing wealth into financial assets and real estate.

    • FC

      I agree Ross many people believe Trump is a Prophet and just as Jesus was sacrificed for our sins, Trump will be sacrificed in reputation for the Bankers sins.

    • Paul ...

      Looks like your right Ross … David Knight is of similar opinion … he see’s Nicky Haley as the “real” President of the US now … as Trump folded (and gave the middle finger to all his supporters)!! … … Gina must be in all her glory to see that “Regime Change” has taken place right before her eyes in Washington DC and a woman President now installed by the warmongering neocons as the head of our Nation … even before 2020!!

  12. A. Illingsworth

    Trump Announces New Plan To Pull Out Of Syria
    Published on Apr 17, 2018
    How President Trump plans to build an Arab Army in the middle east, trained by U.S. soldiers, that can then handle the region and provide stability as the country is returned to all the fair Dinkum religion of peaceful Syrian people, no head-chopping religionists allowed!

  13. Jerry

    I fully believe that we have reached the long awaited reset stage as the ECB begins to unravel.

    I find it amazing as a market watcher that both Deutsche Bank Stock, and Bank of Japan Stock are cratering at the same time the main stream media is fixated on Stormy Daniel and we have false flag after false flag. If I were writing a journal documenting current events to a future generation, no one would believe it.

  14. Jerry

    Heads up USA watchdog bloggers. Something is clearly getting ready to go down. Many online sites are being taken down including twitter.

    Last night I spent a lot of time on down detector, and found thst many sites are clearly being taken down (at least temporarily ) for some reason. Possibly a beta test for some future event. I’m also getting reports of national guard troops being called up. I find this particularly interesting in that I have first hand information that many troops are being recalled from the Asian theature to begin training for urban warfare and riot control.

    • Jerry

      Persuant to my last post . Check out this recent legislation .

      The readers digest version. It expands the Presidents war powers authority without congressional approval. Is anyone getting nervous yet? I’m still waiting for those orange jump suits and sealed indictments to be served.

  15. Tad

    I think if Mr. Trump would remove the remaining sanctions against Russia and selected citizens, this tension that has both nations at about ten minutes till midnight would have to abate. For how long, no one knows.

    Some apprentices might have to go.

  16. Walter Baumgarten

    Great work Greg, always love to listen to Warren Pollock, he sees it and calls it like it is. He is absolutely correct, the USA is no longer a representative government but a thieving parasite upon those that it once served. What Warren says about the slow burn is accurate, you can squeeze the American public a little bit harder every day and increase the pressure week by week, year by year and they will simply shut up and pay. Well maybe not shut up, but they will pay and the infinite credit system is there to make sure that they keep paying. Getting small IS the only answer though few will be able to do it. I know it works because it has worked for me. Unfortunately for America, marketing works and is a bright and shiny object that those so programmed cannot turn away from. See it, want it, do anything to get it will always snare more victims than those who escape. But that it why it is written that many will be called but few will be chosen. Our mission is not to save the World, but to shine the light of Truth for those that can see it and come to it. Keep the light shining brother, God Bless, be well, fight on!

  17. Rob

    Mr. Pollock is absolutely correct when beginning at the 29 minute mark he said:
    “Trump thinking he could actually manage this “beast” is a mistake!”

    His term “the great narrowing” is the bureaucratic form of corporatism that we presently live under globally that will morph into authoritarian corporatism that is somewhat described in this page:

    This bureaucratic form of corporatism that we are presently living under globally is described here with the diadems on the 7 heads:
    Revelation 12:3 And there was seen another sign in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his heads seven diadems.

    Once the “covenant with many” described in Daniel 9:27 is established through a series of crises the “bureaucratic corporatism” will quickly narrow into an “authoritarian corporatism” with 10 diadems on the horns of the “Beast” that will arise over a 1260 day period in the midst of the seven years:
    Revelation 13:1 and he stood upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads names of blasphemy.

    Yes there has been an abundant supply of food the last 7 years since Fukushima on 03/11/11 but please do not forget that history(His~story) will repeat in type as the story of Joseph prophesied:
    Genesis 41:25-32 And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: what God is about to do he hath declared unto Pharaoh. (26) The seven good kine are seven years; and the seven good ears are seven years: the dream is one. (27) And the seven lean and ill-favored kine that came up after them are seven years, and also the seven empty ears blasted with the east wind; they shall be seven years of famine. (28) That is the thing which I spake unto Pharaoh: what God is about to do he hath showed unto Pharaoh. (29) Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt: (30) and there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land; (31) and the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of that famine which followeth; for it shall be very grievous. (32) And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh, it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.
    Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 That which hath been is that which shall be; and that which hath been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. (10) Is there a thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been long ago, in the ages which were before us.

    Father’s plan for “getting small” is coming out:
    Revelation 18:4-5 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come forth, my people, out of her, that ye have no fellowship with her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues: (5) for her sins have reached even unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

    As it’s looking like things are unwinding globally in perfect timing so that a famine of 7 years commences with the destruction of fiat thus purchasing power:

    Please know the timing and the enemy:

    • Beverly Kingsford


      AMEN to what you have said here about history repeating itself. I hear very few people talk about this whole collapse in a religious way. How refreshing to see that others are willing to talk religion!! I love Pastor Jack Abeelen because he compares our world today with Bible events. We are headed for a famine and we should all be storing food. And, a big part of “getting small” is to grow our own gardens and bottle our own food. We will HAVE to do this if we want food. These are going to have to be BIG gardens because that food will have to last through the winter too. People are not used to living that way. I think looking at Cuba and what Cubans had to do during that time when the U.S. was not shipping anything into that country. They were growing their own food all over the place! Pollock is absolutely right in that we need to get ourselves OUT of the world. We don’t need the crap that the world wants to give us. What we need is to turn to God, live His commandments and be willing to sacrifice for doing that. We have grown way too worldly in this country and turned away from God because of it. Will God show mercy on those of us who are at least fighting for our freedoms? I think so. BUT, we are going to have to be able to recognize what that mercy entails and where it is when it happens. I believe there will be another Gathering of Israel, just like Israel gathered to Egypt during the famine. They became slaves, but then God sent Moses to free them. We will have the same thing happen to us here in the U.S. There will be a rescue plan from God, but God can’t rescue those who refuse to be rescued. We need to watch closely. Hopefully we will have some kind of communication available to us in the future.

      • JC Davis

        Well said Beverly. Jesus was going to be stoned at one time, and he walked through the people as they could not see him. The lord will give us what we need when we need it by his power. He told us not to think of what we will say when brought before the instead of Christ. He will speak through us words we could not imagine. I so hope to make it to the guillotine. Love in Jesus.

        • JC Davis

          Pastor Jack. Hearing God vs Knowing God.

        • Occasnltrvlr

          Please consider, JC Davis, the instead-of-Christ cannot fool anyone into believing he is Christ, by using a guillotine.

  18. foggygoggles

    Good grief, what a depressing assessment of our current situation. The only thing missing is the suggestion to kill oneself.

    • JC Davis

      FOGGYGOGGLES, you are so right. If I did not have faith in Jesus I don’t think I could not study very much of this picture.

  19. JC

    Outstanding guest! Brilliant, soft spoken genius. Warren Pollock “sees” things as they really are. I totally agree with “going small”, started doing it about 15 years ago, when I
    asked myself “Why do I have two cars”? So I traded them in and bought a new, but very low end car. That was just the beginning stage of “going small.”
    Thank you Greg, for having Mr. Pollack on, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

    • JC Davis

      JC you may want to use another name. Many will think you are me. Over the years I have ticked some off . I used JC several times, and added my last name. I have two trucks and a bus, and a motor cycle. I need them all to stay small. My friends think I am crazy for being outside the system yet they feed me and couth me. I am in TN and taxes / insurance are eating my savings up. The day is coming when I decide to live off the land or except gov help. The land will be for me. Better to die with character then live without character. Worthy link. Watch it all the way…Through. From freedom to fascism. Arron Russo.

  20. DerStan

    Getting smaller means growing some food in your backyard. If you have a lawn behind your house that gets 6 hrs or more of sunlight you should have a garden. You can start with one or two raised beds or in ground beds. There are many many you tube videos that can help you!

    • Beverly Kingsford


      Exactly!! Let’s get back to being pioneers!!

  21. Diane

    Greg…..this interview really hit me. I think it hit you too…you had the same grim expression as I did.
    Somehow we knew Mr. Pollack was speaking the TRUTH. Difficult to listen to.
    Thank you Greg and Warren. God bless you.

  22. Mr. Byrd

    Warren Pollock is an interesting, and often insightful guest. However, he loses credibility when he cites John J. Xenakis. Xenakis is a war mongering propagandist whose views of history are simple minded and cliched. I thought that Pollack was above such nonsense.

  23. Paul ...

    You know … think about the absurdity of Trump Bombing Syria with 100 Tomahawk missiles because the Syrians supposedly killed 80 to 100 civilians … when Saudi Arabia in just the last few months killed 817 civilians in Yemen??? … logic would suggest that Trump should have bombed Saudi Arabia with 800 Tomahawk missiles by now for their killing of civilians!! … but not one missile was launched at the Saudi’s by Trump?? … the Deep State must think the American people are a bunch of really dumb asses … the same way Obama thought of the American peoples intelligence-less when he planned Obama Care and Pelosi told American’s it was perfectly alright for Congress to pass laws without reading them … so they have Trump looking like an idiot imposing sanctions on Russia along with Terrorisor May based upon “unconfirmed evidence” of the poisoning of a Russian spy … and idiotically launching 100 Tomahawks on Syria based upon “unconfirmed evidence” … yet the “confirmed evidence” of the Saudi’s killing 10,000 civilians in Yemen so far “compiled by numerous humanitarian and UN organizations” is simply ignored??? …
    Hey Deep State … why are you not launching Tomahawks against the Saudi’s for killing a hundred times as many civilians in Yemen then what you say Syria has killed? … And Putin … why are you not launching missiles at the Saudi’s (if Trump and his neocon warmongers won’t do it)??? … come on … why do Yemeni civilians have to depend on a few freedom fighters to launch “little firecracker missiles” at the Saudis???

    • Paul ...

      I would like to know why … American taxpayers are burdened with the bill to pay the warmongering neocon’s Military Industrial Complex the price of a Tomahawk missile for each and every women and child killed by gas in Syria? … don’t we have a budget problem? … where is all this money coming from?? … imagine the cost to the American taxpayer if Trump fired 10,000 Tomahawks at Saudi Arabia for them killing 10,000 Yemeni civilians!! … we must end the Fed … the Fed being able to print money out of thin air is what fuels all these neocon warmongers wet dreams of destroying Nations in continual non-stop wars of conquest and destruction to create a New World Order ruled by these psychopaths !!!

    • Tinfoil hat Canuck

      Hypocrisy on a grand scale for sure. Most foreign policies are rife with it. The Empire’s are just astronomical, that’s all.
      And please, KSA has had a blank check since Nixon and Kissinger. Once the oil is gone, then we’ll see. Or better yet, how about the Chinese INSIST they pay for Saudi oil with gold backed yuan? Then we’ll see some real politicking.

      • Paul ...

        Hypocrisy on a “grand scale” was inflicted when the CIA provided Saddam in Iraq the chemical weapons to use on the Iranians a few years back … and also provided Saddam with the exact the satellite coordinates so as to kill thousands of human beings in the most horrible way imaginable using saran, mustard and resin gas … the CIA and M16 are still killing women and children with chemical weapons today (i.e. Skripal, etc.) to further their political objectives … and to add to this immorality and injustice … sanctions are then imposed on Russia by Terror-isa May and Tomahawks rained down on Syria by Trump … for the immoral actions of their own governments … the world needs an apology from both Terror-isa May and Trump!!

        • Paul ...

          And it’s not just the men in politics who are immoral … what was it Marylin Allbright said about the 500,000 Iraqi children that were killed by America? … something to the effect “It was necessary and well worth their sacrifice”!! … where do these evil people come from? … according to the Pope she can’t come from Satan’s Hell (which now officially doesn’t exist) … so she must come from some other evilly Great place (where Satan lives) with his neocon worshipers who sacrifice babies (before they are born as well as after they are born)!!

          • Tinfoil hat Canuck

            Can’t argue with your points. Men and women in power are often corrupted, ok, it is rare indeed where power and corruption are not found together.
            We are an inquiring species right? So where are the historical/psychological academics out there? Isn’t it not a very important question to ask — does politics groom society’s psycho/sociopaths for leadership roles? Or at least, what really motivates senior business and political beasts ?
            Or maybe Hollywood does present some truth in their stories such as Game of Thrones and House of Cards? Oh, let’s not forget Wag the Dog.

          • sk

            MADELEINE Allbright

  24. Small grey weasel

    I sure sense Piketty’s basic tenets throughout Mr. Pollock’s dialogue. Wonderful guest. Thank you.

  25. Diane

    Good advice for President Trump

  26. Sylvia Sterling

    Warren Pollock seems to be able to see the whole picture. He is quite the genius.
    It is a joy to listen to his commentary. Please have him on more often.

  27. Ron

    Take a close look at the Board and NTI facilities locations. Is this what Trump is bombing in Syria?

  28. Rock

    Pollock is one of my favorite guests that you have on, as his perspective is deep and accurate. Thanks Greg for your fine work…

  29. Charles H


    Warren Pollack displays a real grasp of reality, combined with exhaustion and honesty. The concept of “getting small”, and picking your battles – is totally wise and practical. He has come to ground much like Rob Kirby; except he mutes his opinion of the loss of Rule of Law, and hopelessness of reform.

    Nice split-screen presentation. Great stuff!

  30. iwitness02

    “Good luck to everyone.” Sounds like it’s going to be every man for himself at some point. Once everyone comes to understand how fraudulent our present form of gov. is, they will realize we are on our own. Factor in the realization that our money is just as phony as the gov. and you have a good starting point on reality. Then what? Will we ever unite as a people and rebel against being raped and pillaged? Time will tell. Speaking for myself, I feel very hopeful that the day will come when a significant number of people will say, Enough is Enough! We want truth and justice now, and we are coming to enforce our demands. Not talking about the ballet box. Talking about freedom from criminals. Freedom from crime committed under the color of law. Freedom from lying bankers, judges, lawyers, cops, and bureaucrats. Freedom from from the injustice that haunts all the common people of the earth. Freedom from the cruelty inflicted by our so called ruling elite (scum). FREEDOM!!! We are coming for truth and justice. We are praying to our Creator to heal our land from the evil that is currently destroying so many lives around the world. Destroying even the world itself. I believe freedom is worth fighting for, and I am not alone in this thought.

    • Beverly Kingsford


      I agree with your thoughts on freedom here and I have often wondered what will happen to those people out there who have been helped by compassionate people, but when those compassionate people can’t even feed their own family, then what? What about those people living, who have not been giving back to society? They will not all the sudden be able to give back, and I’m afraid there will be many that die as a result. But still, we musn’t just give up!! We have to keep fighting the fight! Warren Pollock’s strategy is to just get out of the picture and avoid it, instead of fighting back. But, are we always going to be able to do this? If enough of us make our voices heard, then we would be way ahead. But, people are too afraid, so we keep degenerating. Trump is gathering voices in a way but we need to coordinate somehow.

    • susan

      Greg, you don’t have to show this. I live in the “middle of nowhere” “the end of the world” is within sight. Around here we live small. The farmers and ranchers take care of the locals (friends) first. Money is second. It is difficult for me to understand how city people think and plan, even though I have lived in very large cities in the US and Europe. Over half of the people here are prepared for whatever comes and most trust God to take care of them. We will take care of our families and neighbors. I could give classes on prepping for down to earth, not rich folks. Politics is different, too. Locally we’re good and the idiots are pushing their way into the state, but so far the folks are winning. By the way, I used your Friday closing in my Bible study. Everyone appreciated it.

      • regaleagle

        Freedom of the wallet morelike…….that’s where this all ends. Without the means and finances to operate, there can be no united opposition to the corporatism that exists globally. Only when the means and finances are cut off from them can any opposition impose its will for reforms. Until that time occurs, thinking and becoming “small” will help exacerbate the agendas of these corporate and political neocons by hitting them where it hurts most……in THEIR wallets. Naturally, all of this will necessarily require much to happen first, so thinking and living small seems to be not only good advice for John Q Public, but the logical path for self preservation and hope that the current status quo will unwind itself through its many tangled webs of sinister deeds. Without the financial support of John Q, the current paradigm is destined to collapse……even with endless money printing at the source.

    • Mark Maples

      History tells us that nothing fundamentally changes without violence from the populace.

      Violence doesn’t swell from the populace until people go hungry.

      As long as people eat, we will put up with all levels of corruption and criminality from the government

    • Jennifer Ohman

      I witness02…have you not heard the story of the old man who was warned that a flood was coming to his town.? Everyone was advised to evacuate or risk drowning as help would most likely be unable to save anyone, once the flooding began.
      All his neighbors evacuated except for him. Instead he prayed to God to save him as he wanted to stay with his belongings and to be in the comfort of his home. As the water rose into his house, he was forced to the second floor, however. Authorities were able to come to his rescue with a lifeboat, but still the old man refused their assistance. He did not want to depart from his precious belongings, so instead he prayed to God to save him.
      The water continued to rise. He was now forced onto his roof. Authorities made one last attempt to save him. They arrived with a helicopter and pleaded with the old man to accept their rescue line. Again he declined. He thanked them, but insisted that his prayers to God, for his salvation, would be met. The water continued to rise, sweeping the old man away, to his death.
      In Heaven the old man asked God, “How come you did not save me? I believed in you, I gave my self over to your power and wisdom, I just don’t understand?”
      To which God replied, “Oh, my son…but I did answer you’re prayer. I sent you a message of warning to evacuate, I sent you a boat to bring you to safety, and I sent you a helicopter lest you be swept away, but most of all, I blessed you with the gifts of free will, of a mind to make sound judgments, and with the body and heart to accomplish anything of importance that you have set your sights on…you had it all, if you just chose not to sit still.”
      “God helps those who helps themselves.” If you want freedom, don’t pray and sit idle and expect your prayers to be answered. Act. Fight for Freedom! It is only then that you will likely see your prayers being answered.
      Jennifer Ohman

  31. Jennifer Ohman

    Hi Greg,
    I believe that Mr. Pollack is correct when he says that White Collar workers are really just factory workers, which often is accompanied with very rigorous compliance rules that preclude them from “straying” from their defined “job for a reason”.
    I jest with friends and family when I say that it was a much more rigorous vetting, hiring process for me in order to be hired at Morgan Stanley a few years ago than the COMBINED vetting process for when I was accepted, years back, to my Alma Mater, NYU…as well as being hired as a trading assistant at Commodities Corporation in Princeton, NJ, as an analyst at EF Hutton, as a broker (now called Wealth Manager) at Refco, and as a Trader at Bear Stearns as well as Private Saudi owned trading firm, i Rockefeller Center!
    In all of these jobs my creativity, experience good judgment were my greatest assets and valued. Now at Morgan Stanley, my experience was also an asset, but the industry is very different now. You are hired for a reason and rigorous compliance is in place to make sure that you do not “stray”. You are like a factory worker.
    I resigned shortly after being hired.
    I have 2 doctors in the North Shore LIJ network that wear pins that say, “I am a Team Player.”, and they were actually trying to sell me services to bring me back again!! That is exactly how I have come to view them, sadly, as factory workers!
    I agree with you though, to Fear Not…, to use good judgment, but also to own gold and silver as theses take one out of the entire network that both you and Mr. Pollack were discussing. These gives the Individual, the real object of assault, a level of power that those in power are at war with.
    Kind Regards,
    Jennifer Ohman

  32. David H

    Brother Greg,

    Great interview! Would you consider Jerome Corsi as a guest?

    David H

  33. Russ

    Thanks Greg, great wisdom in Warren Pollock’s thoughts on getting small. There’s something of becoming a “grey man” in his words. Blend in, don’t make yourself a target.

  34. Russ

    Looks like there’s blood in the water…
    I like the part about, “Neither U.S. Attorney John Huber nor a special counsel (if appointed) should report to Rosenstein.”

    But will it go anywhere…

    • Chip

      I doubt it will go anywhere. And look at the two flimsy issues for Clinton. Nothing about her Clinton Foundation or the illegal servers… Chip

  35. Mohammad


    What Iran would be without their nuclear program after all those years of impoverishing their people for the sake of having it?


    Here is what I think is the next phase:
    US will pull out of Syria, it is no secret, he announced it (Trump that is) on many occasions.
    Then he will pull out of the Iran’s deal in May after he sets aside N.K. as an ally to Iran with the blessings of China…(also he announced the no deal deal is bad).
    Notice please Greg that MAY is the month of two key events:
    1- meeting with N.K.’s head.
    2- renewal of Iran deal (pulling out of it would rather be more accurate).
    After he neutralizes N.K., pulls out of Iran’s deal, HE WILL HIT IRAN.
    The hit of Iran is to remove the nukes capabilities but not with the intention of degrading Iran’s military capabilities because that hit IS TO SERVE A BIGGER PURPOSE.
    Which is:
    Iran deprived of its nukes is Iran deprived of its pride, the answer will be unleashing Iran on Saudi Arabia.
    That is the ultimate plan .
    The Hawks in the admin and Penta will get the war they have long asked for, but as the old say goes, be careful what you wish for.


  36. Julia

    Great interview! I can not agree more when Mr. Pollack said no one is taking responsibility. I like his advise to get small and Parents using Private Education. All you can do is take care of yourself and most importantly… grow in your relationship to the LORD and let him help you through this.

  37. Tim McGraw

    Great to see Warren Pollock again! Thanks for the interview. Perhaps next time you have him on your program, you could question him about his experiences with Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath. Warren lives in the NYC area. He learned many lessons from the disaster.

  38. Hogan's Hero

    Want Prof When The American People Speak This White House Listens

    Sanctions Flap Erupts Into Open Conflict Between Haley and White House
    Are you listening Haley Bop Comet?

  39. Jodyp

    A gauge to show ones getting small? My junk mail is almost non-existent. About the same as my parents who died 7 and 8 years ago.

  40. oneno

    A deep history of the Kleptocracy can be found here.

  41. kevin george

    I think you all miss his point! You are all caught up in the theater and fail to see what’s happening to you, me, all of us –slowly bled to death by the bureaucrats, especially at the state and local levels. Here is anecdotal evidence to support his thesis. My property taxes this last year went up 33% without any improvements–the average for our area. Next I was cited for petty offences by fish and wild-life(my info on crab pots wasn’t dark enough–fine $700.00. Two goons were hiding in the bushes when I left the dock and confiscated my gear, but they drove a really nice, new SUV. State sales tax increased from 8.9 to 9.8 percent, not to mention increases in licensing fees for almost everything from vehicles to permits. Dare I stand up! Of course not–too time consuming and costly to fight them so I simply take it in the shorts until………….
    You fill in the rest of the story.

    • Paul ...

      Is this why 4 king crab legs now costs $50 dollars??? … I’ve been reduced to eating imitation crab (pollock) because these evil government thieves and crooks are skimming off the American people everywhere they can!!

  42. Dawn Garmon

    Thanks for the great interview, can’t wait to have him back on again.

  43. dee

    Thanks for the great interview, can’t wait to have him back on again.

  44. JC Davis

    I got small many years back because I see greed ruling everyone. Communism, and Republics are controlled by the same type of oligarchy’s. Greedy ones !
    Cleaning the swamp ? Impossible. You would have to collapse every connected corporation connected around the world. Build the wall ? Why ? The same kind of oligarchy runs it all / Everything. Being small just makes them use a larger magnifier. No one can hide. No one can win. The world has become a fire ball of greed. Thank God threw Jesus I am just passing through. Our only hope is, and should be in God.

    • JC Davis

      I did it again. Thank God through Jesus we have hope of a better life.

  45. Marie

    Dear Greg
    Would it be possible to have James Wesley Rawles on? I know, he’s different but, I think, the time has come.
    Thank you.

  46. DougG

    Sorry Greg but Mr. Pollock is becoming a more frightened man every time I see him. He used to be a positive intelligent pundit. Now he seems to resemble someone from the movie Network ” ‘Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won’t say anything. Just leave us alone.’ “ He wants to become small and insignificant so that he will be left alone. We don’t need this advice. We need to stand up and be counted. We need to push back.

    • Jodyp

      True Doug, but you need fresh hearts and minds to make that kind of stand too. Look around. I don’t see many. I see dead people.

  47. Tad

    The president’s comments about walking out of a meeting with Kim Jong Un
    if they appear stalled , signals to me that North and South will go it alone. The US will not denuclearize its South Korea-based operations.

    As to North Korea disarming? The US is still operating in over 100 countries.

  48. Arthur Barnes

    Greg, the deep state and its bureaucracy has gotten so greedy and corrupt now that it will have to kill the host it survives upon in order to continue its plunger of the middle class working people. Of course, in doing so, it also kills itself so there is some good news in the metaphor.

  49. Chip

    I wish Warren would write a book or something. Just love listening to his thoughts. Absolutely brilliant… Chip

  50. Gina M Mancarella

    Well Well Well Greg, The “there there” is coming home to roost.
    Looks like Trump will be the first president to be charged with high crimes and misdemeanors and thrown in jail. Im going to enjoy the perp walk from the white house to the plush cabin inside the police cruiser with Trump in handcuffs behind his back. When they shove him in the car, I hope they arent too gentle with this racist, antiwoman, criminally insane narcissist.

    • Greg Hunter

      You are cheering total lawlessness against a President that was elected fair and square. You and your Marxist and communist friends are sick and desperate.

      • Gina M Mancarella

        You can call us what you want, but it appears our side now has control of the chess board. Wait until we control the white house again. Fake news will soon be outlawed under penalty of confinement and terminal incarceration. You will be singing a different tune next month.

        • Greg Hunter

          “our side,” you mean the evil, NWO, Luciferians. “Bow down to Hillary”–NOT. She is going to jail along with many of her buddies. Behold:

        • Jennifer Ohman

          I think you mean Fact News Gina, not Fake News, for it is Fact News that is the nemesis of the Left. What Fact News is to the Left, sunlight is to a Vampire. It’s Fact News and its powerful healing benefits that are “hated” by intolerant left, like yourself. Lies, hate, intolerance, vitriol and most probably unhappiness and envy, is their brand. It’s all so flimsy and weak. Paper tigers!
          Whoever stands strong, aligned with reality, the truth and the facts, will always win in the end.

          • Jennifer Ohman

            …and I’m sure you HATE that!!

      • Mohammad

        another reason to start Iran war is to escape what gina has just said


      • Marie

        Throughout my life, I have seen people, easily led by troublemakers, liars and Common Core graduates, be told an obvious lie but they fall for it every time. Why? I think it’s just a flaw in the human psyche. The people you allow yourself to be led by are trying to kill you. THINK FOR YOURSELF.

    • Jodyp

      This isn’t funny!?!?!?…must be Kathy G.

  51. Steve Twitchell

    Thank you for having Warren back on. His acumen and reading of the times is excellent . . . especially since he has no book or service to sell. I would like to make a suggestion. No one seems to know what to call the era that we are in ie depression, recession etc. Warren calls it a narrowing. My suggestion is to call it the “Great Compression” goes along with the common depression, recession. We, the middle class, are being pressed and compressed in every way. Thus, “the great compression”.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Steve!! How’s the Christian T-shirt site going? Site looks great!!

  52. JC Davis

    Greg I have never read a lot from (SIG )that should never be removed. Educational, and respectful is all I ever got from him (Sig) is one of the reasons I started reading any comments on any sites. Never met him , but I love his kindness to the less knowledgeable. Like me and others..Hope it don’t ick you off , But SIG is a keeper big time. For those that don’t know SIG is short for Silence Is Golden. A commenter on this site.

    • JC Davis

      Removing comments is just wrong. Agree to disagree is what I learned from Greg Hunter.

      • Greg Hunter

        I am not going to allow trolls take over. I had one commenter Col, post 11 comments with links. Every one of them bashed America. That is lopsided. I am also not going to allow people to commit libel and slander especially under an anonymous name. I also do not allow cursing and vulgar comments like our paid troll “Gina” tries to post. Sure agree to disagree but I am not allowing the site to be taken over by paid trolls and communists that want America to fail. You want to spend your money and years of time (working for free) building a platform to allow that, be my guest.

        • Neil

          Greg I think we have got to the point where your reporting is of limited value because your viewpoint has become so narrow. Soon you won’t allow anything that isn’t praise of your country regardless of what is or has happened. Increasingly you seem like someone who wilfully frustrates well meaning contributors like Col but especially those who volunteer aspects of truth you personally don’t like or wont accept. Really you may as well be a honeypot and gatekeeper for potential Christian resistance to the NWO in that case.

          • Greg Hunter

            Total BS “Neil.”

            If USAW is of such “limited Value” you should go to another totally free site for your information. You sir, must be a gatekeeper for your Godless, Luciferian, NWO, Marxist, weasels.


    • Greg Hunter

      SIG never talks trash about his own beloved country (UK) unless it’s about bashing a Tory (Conservative). I’d like him to post more comments about UK because they have big problems with radical terrorists, and budget deficits, and being screwed by Brexit and the communist/anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn who wants to lead the UK one day. I am tired of the America bashing that is for thought shaping and propaganda. SIG cannot or will not trash his own country and there is plenty wrong with the UK. That said, there is plenty right with the UK too.

  53. Jerry

    Take a look at this.
    10 year treasury chart

    • Greg Hunter

      Please add chart. We want to see it. Thank you.

  54. Tad

    No Greg, I think Nikki Haley’s days are numbered. About two months. Probably return to SC and count flapjacks and waffles in her dreams while trying to figure out where she went wrong.

    • Occasnltrvlr

      I disagree completely. She’s a class A-1 mouthpiece for the US propaganda machine, and she’s good-looking (very good looking, among politicians).

      So, she’ll be there for a long time, and will probably be in the White House (or UN) in some capacity afterward.

  55. coalburner

    Interesting post! I have been trying to figure out what is going on in Syria. It did not make sense for me that Trump Bombed a group of empty garbage cans twice in Syria. IT is like he doesn’t believe the False Flags so he try’s not to hurt anyone??? What, make no new enemies, just see what Russian rockets can do to slow pokey cruse missiles. Huh!! They do provide work for people to build new ones and what better way to get rid of outdated inventory. But who is he placating? The Mickey Mouse News Media Warmongers! String along the Deep State! He warned Russia in advance and arranged for them to sell a few more S400’s. Maybe you are partly right! Oh yes he was tough on Russia which is like cutting our financial own throat! I don’t get it!

    • Mohammad

      Let me share with you an experience from my childhood in 1973.
      Israel bombed in Syria many times to try to provoke a reaction and KNOW what the Syrian army has (of course what Russia has to be more accurate), I remember then (I was 13 years old) we were talking every day on our dinner table at home asking why the Gov. allowed the bombing and did not respond and it was rumored then that Syria had top of the art missiles against aircrafts?
      Up until the morning of the war in 1973, I vividly remember the Israeli’s planes were downed by SAM 7 missiles like flies from the sky , and we were walking in the streets of Damascus holding the transistor radio listening to the news and seeing the white lines of the missiles then the white flash of the hit of the Israeli plane.
      Why am saying that? and why this memory was triggered when I saw what you have described as hitting empty trash cans by Trump in Syria?
      He was poking to know what the Russians have in preparation for the BIG ONE, and that is Iran.


      • Occasnltrvlr

        Thank you, for that very interesting perspective.

  56. Sayonara

    Warren is amazing. Definitely the top interview of the year. Living in Commifornia, we are being hammered with taxes especially after GOP tax scam to lower corporate taxes and subsidize them by capping the state tax deductions to $10K decimates middle class Americans living in blue states. This will definitely cause a recession! – Unintended consequences by the grossly incompetent GOP leadership.
    My wife and I this week were in the middle of discussing chopping hundreds of dollars off our monthly budget so we could get small and pay our huge federal tax increase to the tune of thousands of dollars and then the Warren Pollack interview comes along and confirms our thoughts precisely. Now we are entertaining selling our home in Commifornia and moving to the outback of a different state to get even SMALLER. Warren is absolutely clairvoyant!
    Thank you ,

  57. brvalentine

    Warren has described the current state of the US eloquently as it is – The Fascist Business Model at work.

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