will be on Medical Leave for a Few Weeks Longer

By Greg Hunter’s 

8/3/24 Update:  To All Brothers and Sisters in Christ: 

This is my latest update on my progress here on the USAW home page:  Again, I am coming back. Give me a few more weeks.  I had a surprise heart/medical emergency event, and I am doing great–now. I have a big scary, but nice, happy ending story to tell.  Not ready physically to fill you all in, but I will.

Short story: I had triple bypass surgery 7/11/24. The very good news is I have 90% of my heart working even before rehab. Heart surgeon called it a “miracle outcome.”  (More later)

I am going to do a stand alone explainer.

It will be big and will include my take on the demons that attacked me and Jehovah and Jesus who saved me.

Brother Greg


 (7/25/24 update:  Don’t worry, I am coming back in a few weeks–Count on it–Greg Hunter!!   Please continue to support our advertisers.)

Since going online with in August of 2009, we have never been off the air for any considerable time.  Starting today and for the next few weeks, we will not be doing new content, but we will be posting comments.  So, feel free to do some street reporting and trade information on the site.  We will be tending to your comments.  We will also be working on servers and improving our online security.  We are attacked continuously, and we need to take the time to make improvements to keep the site viable and secure.

Feel free to comment, and remember to check out our sponsors listed below that help keep us on the air.  We will be back in a few weeks delivering more great USAW content for the rest of 2024 that will be interesting and wild, to say the least.

Your friend, brother and newsman,

Greg Hunter


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  1. Carol Bolt

    Always listening Greg. We will be here when your back. Best of luck with the upgrades. I love the cartoon. Such a lot of truth in it.

    • Steve K

      We sure need you today, Greg. May President Trump be preserved. May those behind this assassination attempt be found out and suffer the consequences of their evil.

      • Anthony Australia

        Clif High’s WebBot Data Playing Out? Jean-Claude & Janine Examine the “Trump Fake Shooting!”

        • Anthony Australia

          New Max Igan & Victor Hugo: Trump Assassination Attempt Conspiracy Fact Fiction Part 1 and 2 Uncut and Uncensored

          • Anthony Australia

            This is a must listen.

            SHOCKING & EYE-OPENING Interview w/ Dr. David Martin MIRROR


            • Paul

              It’s better than an ap subscription news. All the news updates from your followers.

              Hope all is well
              Paul from arkansas

            • Anthony Australia

              New Clif High & Jay Weidner: The Fourth Turning & The Fourth War – Yes Clif’s Event Has Happened


            • Christine Hutchins

              So glad you are coming back. Miss your reports.
              I hope your upgrades go well and you get some rest.

              • Greg Hunter


                I am coming back. Give me a few weeks. I will have a big (scary) happy bending story to tell.


                • Marcin

                  Hi Greg
                  We miss you and can’t wait to hear you back. Good luck with your upgrades and come back soon!

                  • George Broekema

                    Miss you on the air Greg. Am praying for a speedy and full recovery to out God and Father Jehovah. Please hurry back, we need you on the air!

                  • Greg Hunter

                    Thanks Brother George. Working on it.
                    Brother Greg

                  • Eddie.

                    God’s speed Greg.

                • Jim

                  I hope you get some time for you and family. Work is great and love yours, just hoping you can get refreshed and enjoy some time for you. Love the show and thought the worse till I came here to the website

                • Suzanne McCormick

                  God Bless We will continue to Pray for You!

                • Laura

                  Was wondering where you were – came looking for you – just so use to listening to you – not just for the news but because you are missed…Greg Hunter May you heal and gain strength through your ordeal. Many Graces

                  • Greg Hunter

                    Thanks, Sister, Laura!!
                    Brother Greg

                • Lisa

                  Whoa, I had no idea! So happy to hear you got through it and are doing well! My brother needs a quadruple but has opted out of CABG. Prayers for you and your family and much peaceful healing ❤️

                  • Greg Hunter

                    Thanks Lisa.

                • John

                  Sending you very best wishes

                • Earth Angel

                  Geez Greg, Just checking back in on the site today and found your message about a health scare; but GLAD to hear you are OK and doing well with healing. It seems we are all being tested and tried in some way or another these days and I am happy you (and President Trump too) have made it through in one piece! I’ll keep you in prayer for God’s perfect healing. Looking forward to hearing your first rate reporting when you are able to return. Get some well deserved rest and I know you’ll be ready to come back stronger than ever. We sure miss you. Love and Blessings to you and your family.

                • Mike

                  Greg. I really miss your show. I did not know about your surgery until today. Thank you Jesus for getting Greg well. We sure do miss you. I had two Christian friends with same surgery doing great now. Incredible. Lord, please strengthen Greg every single day. God bless Mike USMC

                  • Greg Hunter

                    Thank you Mike for your Blessings & support.

                • Kenny Spivey

                  Greg my father literally went through triple bypass surgery a week ago and talked about under attack while under surgery buy demons and saw Jesus.
                  Amazing similarities going on here.

                  • Greg Hunter

                    Tell you dad to keep praying to Jehovah and Jesus day and night. Your dad is going to make it!!

              • Kim

                Prayers to you Greg and wishing you a speedy recovery. You’re the best at what you do and looking forward to your return. Get some much needed rest. Godspeed my friend.

              • Cliff and Denise

                Just now found out what happened to you. Praise the Lord, so glad you’re on the mend. We miss you. And we never miss your weekly wrap up. We live in Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
                Bless you brother.
                Cliff and Denise Smith

                • Greg Hunter

                  Brother Cliff and Sister Denise,
                  Thanks for caring about me!!

                • Izmir Ted

                  Wishing you well Greg, from all of your military retiree fans here in Turkey !! We are looking forward to your return !! Get well soon Sir !!

                  • Greg Hunter

                    Thanks Izmir!!!!

            • Dean

              get well soon Greg

          • Charlene LaFleur

            We love you, Greg! AND The USA WATCHDOG FAMILY !!!! GOD BLESS you all 💙🙏🫶🕯🇺🇲🕯🫶🙏💙 Looking forward to seeing y’all again soon 👍

            • Terri B

              Hope your system upgrade is going welll and you are back soon. Love USA Watchdog!

            • David Hernandez

              my brother in Christ Greg I pray that all is week with you and your family and that he station angels as a hedge of protection around always amen

              • Greg Hunter

                Brither David,

                I am coming back. Give me a few weeks. Had a surprise and I am going great–now. I have a big (scary) but, nice happy ending story to tell.

                I think I am going to do a standalone explainer.

                It will be big, and will include my take on the demons that attacked me and Jehovah and Jesus who saved me.

                Hint: some demons are in the hospital.

                Brother Greg

                • Anthony Australia

                  Praying for you GH!

                • Jodi M

                  I miss your show, see you soon🙂

                  • Rob S

                    You are sorely missed Mr. Hunter.
                    Take care of yourself and may you have the protection of ST Michael as a shield against all things evil.

                • Ray

                  Keep throwing out the left jab Brother……and that devastating Hunter right hook as well.
                  Can drop any demon straight to the canvas.

                  We’re all looking forward to your triumphant return.


                  Ray, Canberra, Australia

          • Anthony Australia

            Demonic mockery’: Paris’ opening ceremony act upsets 2.4 billion


            • Kelly Hamilton

              My prayers are with you and your family. Prayers for healing and protection. You are a honest, courageous, and admirable man.
              May God bless you. Even though you have been sorely missed, I think we all understand your need for recovery. I await your return to expose evil and fight for God.
              Be well,
              Kelly H.

              • Greg Hunter

                Thanks Kelly!!
                Brother Greg

                • Jenny

                  Dear Greg, I am so sorry that you experienced a terrible situation in the hospital. I have spent many many days in the hospital and it is a scary place. I miss your presence and your show. I pray that the Lord heals you both physically and emotionally. Your steadfast love for the Lord is evident! Thank you for all you do and thank you for honoring our Father in Heaven.
                  In His service,

                  • Greg Hunter

                    Sister Jenny,
                    I was not all bad in the hospital. My doctor said the surgery had a “miracle outcome.” 90% of my heart is working and rehab will improve that number. I think the CV19 vax in the medical staff in the hospitals has created some demons or at least some incompetence.

                • Brooklyn


                  Long time USAW family and podcast member, but have not commented recently. I’m am so pleased to hear that you are on the “recovery side” of your heart surgery. The image you have posted for the past few weeks with the Hand of God protecting President Trump, should be updated to read, how He has been Protecting GREG HUNTER…
                  God Speed, Greg and get back behind that USAW microphone as soon as possible In Good Health!

                  • Jenny

                    Greg, I am so thankful to our Father for protecting you.

                    I just wanted to let you know that I am so thankful that you have never dropped the bio weapon story. I have noticed that even if the injections are not the main subject you will always connect the conversation to them. I appreciate that. Because I feel like the we have just scratched the surface of the story. Also, whether people know it or not everyone has been affected and most likely have lost a friend or family member to the poison. Thank you for being diligent to bring this into the discussion always.

                    Praying for your full recovery.


                  • Greg Hunter

                    Thanks, Sister, Jenny
                    Brother Greg

              • Jane Hill

                Yes…take care of U..
                We can wait Greg

            • Terri B.

              Greg, glad you are doing well. Prayers for conti ued healing.

          • Anthony Australia


            Is Alex Jones A Shill? David Knight Joins Bradlee Dean (Video)

          • Anthony Australia


            Cost of living is insane, I’m glad people are calling it out in the USA.

        • Shannon Angstadt

          Miss you Greg! Your life spared 2 days before Trump! God’s hand is upon you as well. Blessings and GoSpeed recovery.

        • Ralph Kenniston

          I had triple bypass surgery two years ago. Be patient with yourself and you will come back stronger. Had a stroke as a precursor to the surgery. God was in the mix with the entire event. May God continue to protect and provide for you!

          • Greg Hunter

            Thanks, Ralph. Did you cut back on all the post-surgery drugs? How long did that take?

      • Patricia C. Hough

        What a time to take off! Had you known what would happen on Saturday night, the assassination attempt on President Trump, would you have waited another week to go on hiatus? I imagine so. Can’t in anyway condemn you, but missed your commentary on everything happening in the news. Miss you sir and hope and pray for you and your family.

        • Earl Thornburg

          Greg, I had been patiently waiting for your return, everyone needs a break occasionally. However, I thought your “vacation” time should have lapsed, not seeing your usual Saturday evening post, I thought I should check your site. Wow, it seems, you, like Trump, God is not done with either one yet. You have a mission to complete. Praying you have a complete recovery.
          Sincerely, Earl Thornburg

      • Ed F.

        Thank GOD for answered prayer. Praying christians, who put on the whole armor of GOD have covered Donald Trump in many layers of prayer. Thank you FATHER in JESUS mighty name for hearing and answering the prayers of YOUR childern.

      • Monica Craig

        I’m surprised you’ve held out so long; with all the news coming out. First thing I thought of was how you would be biting at the bit to get back in the saddle. We sure miss you.

      • Ruth

        Miss you a lot Greg. Love all your videos. Good luck with the upgrades and see you upon your return. God bless you brother!

        • Kelly Hamilton

          I pray all is well with you and your family. We do miss you. Your analysis, commentary, and guests are sorely needed. I pray the upgrades will be finished soon. I can’t wait to hear the latest Socrates information.
          Be well and many blessings,
          Kelly H.

      • Jeff Costello

        Good Afternoon Greg,
        Boy you picked a heck of time to Hiatus’s
        Crazy July Crazy July.

      • Kathy

        I pray you are having some good

        family time.
        You have prepared us all for what is coming.
        We’ll see you when you get back.
        God bless you.

      • Jeff Costello

        All the best Greg, get well we are praying for you. God Bless

        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks Jeff!

      • Anthony Australia

        Pastor Who Predicted Trump Would Be Shot In The Ear Makes New Bombshell Predictions

      • Baron

        Dear Greg,
        I wish you a full and speedy recovery. You have been a real blessing to all of us in the truther community with your unflappable courage, passion, and honesty.
        God bless you.
        Baron Daly

      • Louise

        I looked at your site today and saw your medical update,
        You prayed for me, now I am praying for you.
        May you continue to receive many blessings as you continue this journey through healing and recovery.
        We have a powerful prayer circle here.
        With best wishes ,

        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks Sister, Louise!
          Brother Greg

      • Patricia

        So saddened to hear that Greg has had physical issues. My heart breaks for Him, His Family and of course, all of us. He has been weighing heavily upon me… Thank you Lord for saving our Brother, Greg…
        What a time for the enemy to attack! My Word!!!
        Praying and speaking the name of Jesus over you Greg and Your Family.
        Kind Regards

        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks, Sister, Patricia!!
          Brother Greg

      • Felicia Music

        Greg, wow! how amazing your experience is/was. I’ll keep you in my prayers. Take all the time you need. In His great love for us all, Felicia

      • Caroline

        I was and am a supporter of your channel since before you were kicked off YouTube ( for illegal censorship) before the plandemic ( now they seem like the good old days. .. who would have guessed). I learned so much regarding real news and I am very grateful. When you went on rumble, to make sure you thrived, I posted your shows everywhere I could to make sure people could see your interviews again. You have been a wonderful source of true information, as a journalist should provide, to the people of the world. You are a watchdog o society and we can’t wait for your return. God bless you, recover well and we will be here praying for you.

        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks you Caroline for the very kind words and viral promotion.

    • Mike Martin

      After tens years of trying to understand the financial and geopolitical world the one person I have followed throughout is our friend Greg Hunter.

      Now that we have witnessed the parallelling of the Trump and Kennedy families with this attempt on DJT ‘s. Life we must expose all of those who ignored the warnings of the shooter minutes before the shots rang.

      We came within 2 inches of a civil war last night. It is time for the military to step in and do their job protect the constitution.

      Thank you Greg for all you have done to provide real news.

      • Earth Angel

        Agreed Mike. If we had a military worth even half their salt they would immediately turn on the treasonous weasels infesting our government; honor their oaths to defend the American people AND our Constitution- from threats both foreign AND domestic; round up these people, court marshall them and mete out appropriate justice for their treasonous crimes instead of following orders from them. Let’s hope somewhere, some of them find the balls to finally DO that. What ELSE will it take to finally wake these people up to what the hell has been really going on?! Otherwise, then WHY are we spending TRILLIONS of dollars (we really don’t have) to fund this military? They’re not protecting their OWN SHORES; they’re being used as a worldwide militia for PRIVATE agendas and that’s just wrong!

        • Ken Yu

          If the US Military can’t find the balls to protect the American people (who are paying Trillions of Dollars to the US Military each year To Protect OUR COUNTRY From Any and All Demonic Threats to destroy our USA) then Donald Trump should take Martin Armstrong’s advice and at a minimum make RFK his Attorney General as he has first hand experience in knowing exactly who these Satan Worshiping Demons are!!!

        • CCW

          I’m missing you already.
          The news mill is cranking out a cyanide cycle. It is good that you chose this time to handle tech and security issues.
          If you should decide to reinvent Watchdog as a weekly newsletter using your Friday roundup as a model, I will be right there. You have such a loyal core of viewers.
          I love the interviews, but I don’t follow any of the great folks. I can’t. This would be overwhelming.
          I rely on you to tastefully aggregate all the information coming in from these dozens of reliable sources. No fear porn, no agenda, just clear and concise reporting of issues that impact the days of our lives.
          Thanks Greg.

      • Little Lord Fauntleroy

        Believe it or not Kamala’s no dummy like Slow Joe, or corrupt like son punter, yes punter because he’s a putt’s! Kama’s no puppet either! They’r eventually gonna piss her off and when they do they’ll be hell to pay. Hell hath no fury as a Kamy scorned off.
        Just as the Sun will come up on the morning they will lose control of Kamala as the Sun will come out. You can’t keep a good woman down. It should be very interesting 🤔 when and if they ever try to throw that woman under the autobus!

      • JohnLittle

        Believe it or not
        Kamala’s no dummy like Slow Joe, or corrupt like son punter, yes punter because he’s a putt’s! Kama’s no puppet either! They’r eventually gonna piss her off and when they do they’ll be hell to pay. Hell hath no fury as a Kamy scorned off.
        Just as the Sun will come up on the morning they will lose control of Kamala as the Sun will come out. You can’t keep a good woman down. It should be very interesting 🤔 when and if they ever try to throw that woman under the autobus!

    • Joseph

      Hi Greg:
      You picked a great time to go on your well-deserved and long overdue vacation.
      Nothing of any import is happening. 🙂

      • Joe Wong

        True – but someone tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pa. The shooter was shot dead as well.

      • Talley

        Biden has not been seen in over 5 days, where is he? Letter stating his resignation from Champaign is not on a letter head paper plus signature is questionable – why? So many questions and no real answers. Hurry Back.

      • Earth Angel

        It has turned out that Greg’s timing on upgrading his computer systems and safety nets thereof couldn’t be better- in light of this most recent crowdsource blackout event. Switching away from Windows servers to less hackable and more secure systems seems the best way to go. I know almost nothing of computer tech in’s and out’s but it does look like in light of the deep state’s failed attempt on DJT’s life 10 days ago they are in panic mode and will try for another ‘black swan event’ which could be anything from hacking electronic voting machines to steal the elections again or bringing down the whole electronic grid (as much as possible) creating opportunity for martial law; or yet other assassanation attempts, bombings or God forbid a nuke event. We pray for continued Divine Intervention for God’s Creation and Good People everywhere; and look forward to having Greg and his excellent guests broadcasting more great analysis of these ever changing times.

    • ZeBond

      Agreed. Looking forward to Greg’s return. Safe travels, assuming a trip is in process. Blessings and safe return.

    • Judson

      Good grief Greg! I don’t watch TV. I listen to you faithfully. I am relieved to read that you are taking deserved time away to update your system and rest.
      You are in my prayers and are missed dearly.
      I will be waiting for your return and your next story.

    • Charlene LaFleur

      We love you, Greg! AND The USA WATCHDOG FAMILY !!!! GOD BLESS you all 💙🙏🫶🕯🇺🇲🕯🫶🙏💙 Looking forward to seeing y’all again soon 👍

    • Felicia Music

      Enjoy your time off, Greg, and really relax your mind and body. God bless you and your family. You are loved and appreciated. Felucia

    • Shirley young

      haven’t heard from you Greg. praying all is well with you, miss your reporting!

    • Robert

      I figured as much.
      Sounds like get well soon has already turned to get back to 100%

      Have a good day
      See you back here in a little bit.

      • Greg Hunter

        Brother, Robert,
        Mt Doctor called the a “Miracle” outcome.
        All glory for the “miracle” Goes to Jehovah and Jesus!!
        Brother Greg

        • Pamela McCoy

          Thank You Lord for not allowing the enemy to take Gregg.We need all the watchdogs we can get right now, especially those who will watch and pray. May the Lord continue to have His angels watching over you and your family always. I know it is hard, but maybe if we all could be a bit calmer, our bodies might have an easier time during this period (me included). As you know God is in control.

    • Guy pohlman

      We love you, Greg!

    • Sheryl

      I just read your update. so happy that u are so blessed. certainly take your time. 90%is 👍 great@ it is hard to bring a good man down

      • Greg Hunter

        Thanks, Sister, Sheryl. All the glory goes to Jesus and Jehovah!!
        Brother Greg

        • Daniel

          Amen Greg! I feel your pain and rejoice with you as you heal! Blessings to you and your family. After battling cancer for 30 months I know the power of prayer! And I bear witness to my family, friends, nurses and doctors. My wife is a saint! Looking forward to your healthy return.

        • Raphael

          We’re all grateful for your well being and sending you love for a speedy recovery. Take all the time you need, we’ll be here ready when you are.

    • Thomas Malthaus

      May the force be with you, Greg.

      Do you suppose Kamala Harris has a 5 percent or less popularity rating?

      • Greg Hunter

        Thomas, my “Force” is Jesus and Jehovah. They are with us all!! Kam is worse than Joe and they know it.

    • Robert

      Greg you picked the perfect time to take a break from reporting the news.
      Absolutely nothing worth talking about has happened during your break!
      I hope the R an R has been good. 🤭

    • Steve & Charlene LaFleur

      We Love you, Greg! Extra Prayers remain in progress 🙏👍🙏

    • Jeff

      Get better Greg. Praying for you!

    • Linda Quinn

      Greg- my brother & I look forward to each post you do. I time my week with your Friday updates & Saturdsy interviews. We consider you authentic & credible. Our prayers are with you for this Hick op. Jesus is holding you in his arms. May you receive many blessings. Linda Quinn

    • Tessa

      Dear Brother Greg,
      Many prayers for you brother. a speedy recovery.
      I know I miss you. You will have a lot to catch up on. Please don’t let things interfere with your health.

    • John cavallo

      get well fast. our prayers are for you.

    • R Shannon

      WOW, I can’t wait to hear your story. I’m glad you’re doing well. Looking forward to seeing you when you’re ready!

  2. Anthony Australia

    God Bless You!

    • Mark in OKC

      I also hope you get some Rest & Relaxation time. I cannot even come close to saying thank you enough for all your reporting in pursuit of the truth.

      • Steve from TX

        Hell of a day to go offline. I’m sure you’d be here if you could be though. Good luck with the downtime. Hope to see you again soon.

    • George

      Are you actually down under.?

      • docdownunder

        You’ve been a great resource to free-thinking people worldwide. Thank you for all you’ve done and will continue to do. I just hope you’re not heading off to your bunker d/t info that you can’t share!! Enjoy your summer, mate!

      • Anthony Australia

        “Do you come from a land down under
        Where women glow and men plunder?
        Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?
        You better run, you better take cover”

        • Esmai Watson

          Dear Tony,
          To0 right mate, you’re from a land down down under.
          But I’m from a land up yonder, north America.
          You could be downder in south America.
          Me thinks it’s Oz, not Amerika!!

          • Bobby Hitt

            Greg for years you have addressed us through a camera. In some ways it was like a see through mirror. We have been anonymous observers you could not see. But we saw you. Twice a week for years you have joined me for coffee and you didn’t even know it. You became more familiar to me than any of my neighbors. I note your moods, I worry for your safety and I pray for your divine protection. Your absence now leaves an uncomfortable hole I pray you will return and again fill. May God bless and protect you as you navigate His path.

            • Daniel Foley

              That’s a beautiful comment, Bobby. Yes, God bless Greg and his loved ones and God bless you.

    • Kathleen

      Greg, I love your podcasts! A few weeks off is so well deserved and long overdue. Enjoy your time off and we’ll all be here when you return. Take care and God bless!

    • Where is the security?

      Interview with a guy who claims he saw the Trump shooter before he fired

      • Karma Electra

        Mark in OKC07/12/2024 •
        I also hope you get some Rest & Relaxation time. I cannot even come close to saying thank you enough for all your reporting in pursuit of the truth.

        GEORGE07/12/2024 •
        Are you actually down under.?

        DOCDOWNUNDER07/13/2024 •
        You’ve been a great resource to free-thinking people worldwide. Thank you for all you’ve done and will continue to do. I just hope you’re not heading off to your bunker d/t info that you can’t share!! Enjoy your summer, mate!

        Anthony Australia07/13/2024 •

        “Do you come from a land down under
        Where women glow and men plunder?
        Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?
        You better run, you better take cover”

        Esmai Watson07/14/2024 •Your comment is awaiting moderation.
        Dear Tony,
        To0 right mate, you’re from a land down down under.
        But I’m from a land up yonder, north America.
        You could be downder in south America.
        Me thinks it’s Oz, not Amerika!!

        Reply to Where is the security? 07/13/2024 •

        Reply to Where is the security?
        Not at Trump rallies! Maybe that will change now.
        Somebody higher up in the quagmire should be fired and the real blokes responsible for such sloppy security. Whomever let this happen, may God have mercy on their souls. I’m sure we’d know who they are if we could saw them. Maybe somebody will trip up somehow and they’ll be found out. Or what goes around comes around, bad karma can get you!

      • K.E.

        Reply to Where is the security? 07/13/2024 •

        Reply to Where is the security?
        Not at Trump rallies! Maybe that will change now.
        Somebody higher up in the quagmire should be fired and the real blokes responsible for such sloppy security. Whomever let this happen, may God have mercy on their souls. I’m sure we’d know who they are if we could saw them. Maybe somebody will trip up somehow and they’ll be found out. Or what goes around comes around, bad karma can get you!

      • Karma Electra

        I don’t know what happened, but you can eliminate that long swap of posts! Greg

  3. Alex

    Dear Mr. Hunter,
    Please enjoy your well-earned vacation. Your work is helping save lives, safeguard freedom and bring people closer to God and his Son. Bravo, sit!

  4. Major

    2 hearts 4 free – give one get one

    AI = atomic immolation

    A leap of faith, is cheap transportation that takes you where you want to go.

    War is an organized crime racket.

    Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.

    Governments, politicians, and pirates are a law unto themselves, without respect for citizens or for law.

    Freedom was briefly won with sufficient blood and gut sacrifice in a revolutionary war against government.

    Free-dumb is the scam sold to mind slaves to support government largess.

    Mind control propaganda parasites have fluked the human race into our disgraceful submission. Our minds consent to regularly host parasites, of animosity, fear, worry, guilt, envy, and others. Our worst enemies are the parasites inside U$.

  5. Rodney

    Greg, you do what you need to do I’m sure you’ll get everything ironed out and squared up. We’ll be here when you get back, stay safe and well and in Gods grace.

  6. sam

    WOW..ain’t that a “kick in the head”……Now what am I supposed to do until you come back?….You will be Missed, I am sure.

    • Deborah

      rest up, patriot. appreciate all that you do for the Republic.

  7. Vance

    Will be praying for success with the updates on your security brother Greg. Get some rest as well, we re heading into rough waters.
    God Speed
    Brother vance🙏👍

  8. Karen Dalman

    Thank you, my brother-in-Christ, for all that you do. Enjoy your break, but continue wearing your Ephesians 6 armor every day. I’m sure I speak for others here…you are being remembered in many of our prayers. This is most definitely a spiritual battle, but we know Who wins!
    God bless you! Keep standing strong!
    Hoosier Gal

  9. Seer

    Safe times for everyone!
    Think about this- the worldwide geoengineering spraying of chemicals toxins and metal
    particulates especially Aluminum/Aluminium is contributing with the manipulated droughts to DRY out the paddocks/pasteurs!! Lower livestock/ fowl no produce production. Aluminum drives us all to drink more water. We didn’t carry water bottles in the 1950s or 60s.
    Don’t believe this? I am on 10 acres rural in New Zealand left FL 01/23. My friend few roads over has home killed some of her cattle ( meat supply) because the low rain this year and aluminum chemtrails her paddocks don’t have enough grass to feed all of them! She is heart broken having to cull her herd and the remaining cattle are freaked out seeing their tribe taken away.
    We don’t have chicken culling yet.
    Warner winter with fewer storms in this global cooling entering a mini ice age in northern hemisphere phase. It isn’t global warming.
    PS Please buy wool products instead of synthetics. Sweaters, socks, rugs, carpets – healthier and last longer. The sheep farmers need to export their wool. The sheep are sheared before spring so they are cool for summer. Sheared seasonally. False online info saying they are killed – not true just groomed and it cleaned and sold. Thanks!

    • Kalz

      Hi: Yes I know what you mean exactly. Here in rural British Columbia, the chemtrails have devastated our land too. And it continues; the aluminum and other crap they’re spraying on us (they’re spraying us like insects) falls to the earth and eats up the moisture. We’ve had lots of rain here this spring, now it’s clear and the jets are out again dumping the poison. The summer fire season has begun. After all the rain, the forests are dry as chips. There are individuals who insist that you call chemtrails by another ambiguous name- aerosol injection- that’s part of the scam- to confuse. If you draw attention to the chemtrails or planned wildfires, you get attacked. Who can stop this madness, who? Greg- I love your reporting and your unrelenting dedication to truth and to our Lord and savior. I look forward to your return.

      • The Canuck

        Hello from Vancouver Island. It’s been straight heat and sun since July 1rst. I notice the trails disappear when fire fighting season is in full swing but they are back spraying us like insects as well when the fires get dealt with. A lot of earthquake activity off the west coast in the Pacific as of late.

    • Earth Angel

      We are seeing the same situation with the pastures here in north central Georgia, USA Seer. Less good grass & more weeds proliferating because of the nutrient depleted, aluminum & other heavy metal saturated soils. Losing our once rich black top soils; now washed away red clay base exposed. As Dane Wigington has taught us aluminum is a dessicant, thus the unnaturally dry conditions even if chemically saturated rains do fall. Trees in ill health and dying all over. I have felt excessive thirst for a few years now and also seem to have dry mouth and lips most of the time despite reasonably good health despite the juggernauts we are all up against. You are so right about good cotton & wool fabrics. Hard to find quality products anymore. I just bought a pack of new underwear from a big box store and didn’t realize they are pure synthetic polymer; CRAP. Hot, scratchy and uncomfortable as soon as you put them on. I’m ready to throw them all out! Next time I’ll be a bit more careful with my purchase. Man, I sure miss the ‘good old days’.. we didn’t know how good we had it.

      • Galaxy 500

        No offense Angel but if he’s living in New Zealand he isn’t USA anything anymore …

        • Earth Angel

          No, I don’t know what you are talking about Galaxy 500. The entire world ecosphere and atmosphere is being destroyed by geoengineering- whether you are living in New Zealand, USA, Canada, South America, Russia, China, Antarctica or any place in between. What does the fact that Seer is not living in the USA anymore have to do with it?

          • Galaxy 500

            Miss read that as USA Seer.
            We got plenty of rain here.
            Well send you some.

      • Earth Angel

        Thank you so much for this information BC. I have heard of the Willard Water from Joyce Riley’s Power Hour radio broadcast from several years ago but had forgotten about it. I will look into this website you have shared. I like the H2O2 idea, makes sense about the purification for our bodies. I have also heard taking a little baking soda can be helpful and it isn’t expensive- yet. Perhaps some of us will make it through what’s coming. We have to hope so. Its a blessing DJT survived yesterday’s attack on his life. Hear Dane Wigington’s latest broadcast from yesterday July, 13th if you care to. Painful truths to comprehend. No wonder so many are in ill health now. I am grateful to be as healthy as I am. God’s life force is strong. You are right- healing is still possible even in these terrible times. May God Bless you and all of our USA Watchdog & GeoWatch family members. Thank you friend. We are all in this together.

    • Major

      Stratospheric ozone loss has allowed more ultraviolet energy into our earth system, causing the climate to change faster.

      Carbon dioxide is getting the blame, so that administration coffers will fill up with the carbon taxes.

      • Earth Angel

        Yes. The carbon taxes are the scam- but the DAMAGES to Earth’s life support systems are REAL and we all experience them every day. : (

      • Galaxy 500

        Yes, we need more CO2, not less

        • Earth Angel

          I’m not a scientist but I’m pretty sure Earth needs more oxygen and ozone. I’ve listened to Dane Wigington for 12 years and according to him we now have a carbon sink happening which is when dying forests are unable to convert the rising co2 levels into oxygen and instead begin to also give off carbon dioxides. It may also be happening with the oceans with iron fertilization and heating taking place. I don’t think we need more co2 although traditionally this is what trees and plant life converted back to oxygen for us to breathe. Earth’s natural systems have become overwhelmed and cannot deal with the vast amounts of carbon and pollution now being produced and put into the atmosphere. is Dane’s site and nowhere is there a more complete compilation of facts, data and research on the topic. No offense meant G 500, its a great place to learn from. Dane is tops in his field of expertise.

          • Galaxy 500

            Yeah, more co2 gets more oxygen. It’s called photosynthesis . And more O2 gets you more ozone. Check and see what small amounts of the atmosphere co2 is.

            • Earth Angel

              Yes, but photosynthesis STOPS at 104 degrees and decreases through the 90 degree mark. With so much of the earth’s surface heating up (with haarp manufactured heat domes being held in place) and possibly due to some natural causes too the stressed, dead and dying plants cannot keep up. I would really like to hear Dane’s expert explaination of this in detail. Perhaps if Dane should read this feed maybe he will comment for us. I know I have heard him say more c02 is not necessarily better. Our planet’s life support systems are struggling and failing and that is fact. We are in uncharted waters and passed the tipping point of return about 20 years ago. May God guide us & help us all.

              • Galaxy 500

                There is no REAL evidence that CO2 causes warming. But then who needs evidence, right.
                The climate change cult is the new religion.

            • Katy Bar

              Ninety nine (99) percent of the atmosphere is made of oxygen and nitrogen. The remaining One (1) percent are CO2 and water vapor which keeps the average temperature of the Earth at around 15˚C, or 59˚F, which allows for life to comfortably exist. However, the Greedy Globalists who want to sell us their heating oil don’t want Earth at a comfortable temperature, they want to remove the CO2 “And Make The Earth Colder” so they can sell us more oil and gas to burn to warm our freezing asses!!

              • Pete+only

                Katy, excellent review about the green scam for those that don’t know a lot about science. The Deep State wants more control over us all, including 30 minute ghettos to save us from the so called ill effects of “climate change”. Another control mechanism, as with starting wars, to hide the collapse of the dollar. Don’t be surprised if you wake up shortly and find the internet in the western world is suddenly down, or there is a major hacking event (and blamed on either Russia or China), and they need to take the internet down…probably if the Deep State doesn’t think it can cheat Kamala in.

              • Galaxy 500

                That’s a disingenuous statistic. CO2 is 0.04%. 78% Nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon so every thing else is in that less than 0.1%.
                I think your thesis about heating oil sells more tin foil than heating oil

  10. Jesse Boone

    It’s about time you took a well deserved break. While I will miss hearing from you the next few weeks, I perfectly understand your need for some quality down time. God bless and rest up because we are headed for some interesting times!

  11. Sheryl

    Good luck with working out the problems. I hope u can get in some time to relax and enjoy. I always look forward to reading comments from your viewers

  12. Pam

    A little humor! These two really nailed Biden and Trump!

    • Barbara

      And to think this was part of a presidential debate, not an SNL skit. Oh, my!

    • Galaxy 500

      Thanks Pam, I needed a laugh
      That was damn funny

  13. Really Awake

    Yes. Get some R&R before the SHTF. Rest up then buckle up for the wild ride in the fast lane on the Highway to Hell.

  14. Marion Fitzwalter

    ‘Russia Warns New Government of, Retaliation Over Potential Missile Use

  15. Paula Ruth Waterbury

    I will be looking forward to your new look. You will be missed. God bless and In the name of Jesus Christ, please clear the enemy from Watchdog’s path and make it straight. Amen
    Paula Ruth

  16. Matthew Gerawan

    Hope all is well with you folks. Look forward to more USAWD in the future. Peace and blessings to you Greg.

  17. Dave

    Enjoy your time away from the mic Greg, you’ve more than earned it.

  18. Southern Girl/Older Lady Now

    That is like taking candy from a baby. What the heck will we do?? I will go into withdrawal. I understand but wow get you and your site protected.

  19. Fred Lobster O.G.

    They’re Back…
    Scientists issue new stark ‘Day After Tomorrow’ warning after major change in Gulf Stream
    “… making temperatures in Europe drop by up to 15C.”

  20. Bill Kitelynn

    Love you brother and your work! May God bless you and your team. Praying that you will be successful.

  21. Katy Bar

    There is a seasonal tendency to have a stock market correction between August and October of Election Years. So, will the Federal Reserve “now surprise the market” with some additional money printing and a small rate cut “In Order To Keep the Immoral Demented Psycho Satan Rats in Power”? It is certainly possible. We have witnessed the problems Weimar Germany, Argentina, Venezuela and Zimbabwe all had in common (due to reckless fiscal policy, expansionary monetary policy and enormous budget deficits) – “It All Resulted in Hyperinflation”. Yet our Criminal Fed Banksters (who were given their Banking Charter in 1913 “To Intelligently Manage Our Money” did this to us instead: The Fed “Hyperinflated Our Money Supply” just as idiotically as the Satan Rat politicians we elected to office who for greedy bribes induced profligate spending and gave us “Endless Wars – For Endless Bribes” (from WWI , to WWII, to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and now Gaza with Taiwan likely next). Hyperinflation is going to be the inevitable result of such profligate Government spending and Central Bank money creation. And we the common people need to protect ourselves from these “Satan Rats” (who now want to start WWIII) by stocking up on necessary essentials (starting with food like garlic and ending with metals like silver) both known to repel such Immoral Greedy Satanic Vampires that always seem to Prey Upon Us (to fatten themselves up while they cull the herd)!!

    • Ken Yu

      Speaking of preparedness, I was reading some good advice by Bill Holter. And it makes sense to take some time now “to review your home security”. Check your window and door bars and locks, secure your wrought iron fencing, even have garden hose connections inside your home (so as to put out fires started by marauding gangs). We must plan ahead on defending our homes from a very real threat that is coming (from Insane Briben’s open boarder policy). We don’t have very much time left to prepare as the Satan Rats are probably already planning their riots now and which cities they plan to burn down when Trump is elected. The threat “is very real” and we all need to prepare to repel any threat upon us (without direct confrontation at first) but when the threat becomes such that your life and your families lives are at stake “we must be prepared to unleash hell upon the threat” (with silent bows and arrows, sling shots, etc., etc., etc. and be prepared to fire in every direction to repel and scatter the threat (which will likely be coming from all directions at once)!!

      • Katy Bar

        Ken – Setting up garden hoses inside ones home “is a good idea” for when Briben’s Terrorists (he is now welcoming across our southern border) begin to burn down our homes upon Trump’s election Fire Departments won’t be able to handle more then a few fires at a time (not the hundreds that the Psycho-Marxist Utopian Satan Rat Nazi’s are preparing to start) to Burn Us Down and Build Back Better “Their Psycho Commie Transgender Utopia”!!

  22. Guardian Angel

    The Scriptures come from God’s tears, not just God’s words. Mel Gibson made a “great” movie thirty years ago that is more relevant than ever. I pray that Trump shuns “pharmakeia” uncompromisingly and that he goes William “Braveheart” Wallace on WHO/WEF before they make US slaves!


    The Making of Braveheart (1995)

  23. Well Deserved

    No such thing as a bad day off!

  24. Shirlie Bassey

    Nuclear war map shows how 75% of US could be wiped out in in case of bomb – and were is the safest place
    Story by Joshua Taylor & Emily Hodgkin • 2h •
    ACold War-era map has revealed a chilling prediction of the US being covered in radioactive fallout in the event of a nuclear war. The doomsday forecast suggests that up to 75% of citizens residing in the most severely affected fallout zones would be killed.
    Look at the bright side, you could be part of the 25% that survive the blast and if you survive the radio-active nuclear fallout and the 10 year nuclear winter that fallows and somehow don’t freeze to death and your Patriot food supply doesn’t run out and so does Greg!
    So you’ll be here to see back, up and fully running with quite possibly a new array of guests and fellow survivors. To help you survive that asteroid given a 75% chance of hitting earth in the next 14 years! Yes there’s a lot to live for and look forward too. But don’t put any stock in a savior who say’s he has your back, even though he warned us they’ll be days like this, yes your Moma said!

    • freedom

      Russia nor China is interested in Nuking US. They already control. You don’t radioactive the food & water you moron. China Xi Jinping military commander wrote in the taking over of America without firing one bullet. Russia has never colonized like UK. It’s the British Pilgrim Society. Americans are controlled by their emotions and never their brain. Surfs are easier to be controlled by their feelings just like Sheep.

      • Galaxy 500

        Not being interested in doing something doesn’t mean you can’t be backed into a corner and be forced to do it

  25. György Schwartzkoph

    Biden Is Not Running the Government. So, Who Is?
    by Connor O’Keeffe | Mises Institute July 10th 2024
    Biden’s inability to get through a debate and a sit-down interview without issues shatters the illusion that he is the one running things in Washington and across America’s globe-spanning sphere of influence.
    After a disastrous debate performance two weeks ago and a weak damage-control interview last Friday, it’s finally become clear to almost everyone that President Joe Biden is not running the federal government.
    Every four years, we’re supposed to pretend that a single individual, who we collectively choose at the ballot box, takes charge of the federal government and acts as we would to address the problems we face at home and abroad.
    Biden’s inability to get through a debate and a sit-down interview without issues shatters the illusion that he is the one running things in Washington and across America’s globe-spanning sphere of influence.
    So, if Biden is not actually running the government, who is?

  26. Felix Lietner

    Putin Aide Warns Of Military Response As U.S. Vows To Put Hypersonic Missiles In Germany 5 hours ago

    Putin ‘Answers’ NATO With Military Action; Russia ‘Wins’ Ukraine Area After West’s F-16 Move Times Of India Jul 11, 2024
    Russia has announced the capture of another village in Ukraine’s Donetsk region amid ongoing conflict, following NATO’s reaffirmed support for Ukraine. The capture of Voskhod marks Moscow’s continued territorial gains despite intense fighting reported by Kyiv in the Donetsk area.

  27. z

    A great time for a vacation!!!
    Have fun and enjoy !!
    We will miss you!

  28. Felix Lietner

    Putin ‘Answers’ NATO With Military Action; Russia ‘Wins’ Ukraine Area After West’s F-16 Move

  29. Mark

    God bless you brother Greg and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to be richly with your spirit brother for “God has not given to us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sober mind” (2Tim.1:7) for “Great is the mystery of godliness Who was manifested in the flesh, vindicated in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world and taken up in glory” (1Tim.3:16, Jn.3:16)) with its “hope of glory” being “CHRIST IN YOU” (Col.1:27)
    So that now “if ANY man be IN CHRIST… A NEW CREATION, THE OLD THINGS HAVE PASSED AWAY; BEHOLD, THEY HAVE BECOME NEW” because ” God has reconciled us to Himself through Christ and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation; namely, that God in CHRIST was reconciling the world to Himself, not accounting their offenses to them, and has PUT IN US THE WORD (The TRUE REPORT) OF RECONCILIATION”… for “HIM WHO DID NOT KNOW SIN HE MADE SIN ON OUR BEHALF THAT WE MIGHT BECOME THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM”!!!! (2 Cor.5:17-21)
    Therefore then, we who have received God’s gracious offer of reconciliation based on the once-for-all sacrifice of His Son for the sins of the world, are EXPECTING, “ACCORDING TO HIS PROMISE A NEW HEAVENS AND A NEW EARTH IN WHICH RIGHTEOUSNESS DWELLS” (2Pe.3:13)!!!!!!

  30. Gregory Carter

    Good luck! I hope your upgrades go well.

    If not, don’t forget to turn it off and on again.

    I know, I work in I.T. 🙂

  31. Won Witness

    Lost power for 2 days in Texas (This Conservative Refugeed from Commifornia last year)
    Not getting the watchdog postings is to me a greater hardship.
    now a Joke:
    what to Joe Biden and anti gold Stan have in common ?

    Some really messy shorts !
    ( Gold up $44 bucks )

    • Earth Angel

      Ha Funny! WW, that’s a really good one! Very clever joke.

  32. Ray

    Rest up Brother.
    Enjoy a frosty beer in that warm North Carolina summer sunshine ☀️
    Great to see you are taking a thoroughly deserved break.
    Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘😎🍺

    • Anonymous
      • Greg Hunter
        • Ray

          What are you talking about Greg?
          Am I misleading anyone?
          I am wishing you well during your time off.
          Yet you publicly thank this IMBECILE for frothing at the mouth about it?
          Fair Dinkum…….do you ever take the time to read the venom that this piss ant sends my way on a regular basis, even when you ask him REPEATEDLY to stop?

          Now you are ACTUALLY THANKING HIM for having a shot at me for wishing you well!

          Are you not able to see that the only reason he is making these comments is so that he can spit some more venom my way? He scans the comment section looking for anything I have had to say, so that he can chime in with his cheap shots.

          Did you pat him on the back for the post he made in this thread about me “passing him the soap”? You let it go through……and it’s disgusting.


          Utterly putrid is this creature who sullies your website with his incessant jibes at people.

          I do expect a clarification from you Greg on all of this, and I respectfully ask if you actually read what he posts toward me and if you endorse it.

          If you do endorse it, you won’t hear from me again mate.


          Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺🦘😎

          • Greg Hunter

            Dear Ray, I do not endorse the posts directed towards you. My comment was made by accident, long hours dealing with tech issues. His comment has been removed. Greg

            • Ray

              Bless you my Brother, and please forgive my strong words.
              I know you are working very hard (as always)
              I also know that many of us here at your site were hoping you would be taking some well deserved rest during your hiatus.
              Perhaps others didn’t, which is a reflection on them more than us.
              These are incredible times to be sure.
              You steer the wheel with amazing steadfastness as we sail into an incredible storm.
              The Watchdog Community you have built over many years will always be grateful.
              Again, my apologies for my strong words.
              Your friend,
              Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺🦘😎

          • Anthony Australia

            This song goes out to Brother Ray 🇦🇺


      • Galaxy 500

        Wow, Sam, that was uncalled for. You sure got your panties in a wad over nothing.
        Regardless to what you may think the above says, there is a break in interviews and Weekly News wrap up.

        • Ray

          Those frosty beers here in Canberra are awaiting you Old Mate 🍺
          Mind you……winter here is frigging cold, so all I have to do is leave them outside until you lob here at my joint!!!
          There’s a warm fire inside though mate, and splendid, long hours of interesting chat I look forward to with you.
          Thanks for your unswerving support G500.
          It’s great, and always appreciated by me.
          Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺🦘😎

          • Clyde Barrow MICHIGANDER

            Ray old son, USAWatchdog’mate, pal and buddy! Don’t ever leave, you and sam are great entertainment! Your reply’s Ray, are devastatingly spot on! Yet Sam couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery! Let alone mounting a proper defense to your reply’s Raymond. His reply’s never pass the pub test, where he’s always doing a shoey.
            Raymond, your command of the mother tongue is splendidly direct yet sublime, around the edges. It never takes you much Ray, to knock him out the ring! Because your a gentleman, if he would just throw in the towel of his insolence and be an adult, admit defeat at the hands of a pro prizefighter making Australia Great again, MAGA!Along with all us Yanks, trying to make America great again, without the K!
            Ray and sam, two former colonial boy’s
            We must settle our differences. Of all the peoples of earth, It was only when we gained our independence did the prison ships go to Oz.
   Check out the Old Baily a few minutes in, or watch the thing!
            We Yanks and Aussie’s share a common heritage. So hang in there, or as Thomas Jefferson used to say, or will hand separate! Here’s three unlikely Americans, politically at odds with each other. Coming together to make the world greater with peace and security!
            Sam put on your big boy deep creep state, neo-con man panties and watch Nikki Haley, parents from India, Ron DeSantise, I think of Italian heritage and Vivek R., that must be American born running for president and watch to your chagrin sam, as they make Trump president again! All together now, Pip, Pip, Hurray. Pip Pip, Hurray Ray!
            NBC Chicago 4 hours ago
            Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy speak Tuesday evening at 2024 Republican National Convention.
            Now if they can come together, there is hope fer the rest of us!!

            • Ray

              Clyde Old Mate…….
              Ye doth honour me greatly with your gracious comment.
              You are indeed a well loved raconteur here at USA watchdog, and your posts are always looked forward to.
              “couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery”……love it!!!
              Yes, Australians and Americans have a great deal in common, a great deal, and there is hopefully a wonderful future ahead for both nations.
              Keep throwing out the left jab mate, and again, thank you for your razor sharp comment.
              Ray, Canberra, Australia

  33. Donna

    Take care of yourself and your family, Greg. We Watchdoggers will be here when you come back. Love your work! — Donna

  34. Tim

    Greg, enjoy the time away and get ready for an action packed fall. I listen to every post and thoroughly enjoy your interview style, updates and guests.

    The bad guys want to destroy good, like your website.

    I pray that God keeps you safe in Jesus name…. Don’t be afraid.

  35. Les L

    You earned this time off a long time ago, do what you need to do so the dark side has hard time infiltrating your site, also take some time for yourself, we will be here.

    Les L

  36. Really Awake

    I watched the solo Biden press conference. He still has a “cold”.

    This is the most embarrassing situation I’ve ever seen in the executive branch. Biden should just stay in the basement like he did back in 2020..

    This is just too stupid to be stupid. This is far too overt. This has to be a deliberate set up. I agree with Joel Skousen that the Deep State and unseen forces of evil want Americans to see the true Biden, because of nefarious reasons.

    • Anon

      Remember when THEY were showing all those newscasters stroking out on TV from the vax.

      They completely control the entire TV. Even “live” feeds are delayed in order too censor anything they don’t want heard or seen by the public.

      They did it on purpose. Some people speculate it’s a humiliation ritual. Parading the results of their handiwork in order to say: “Look there, we all know what is going on… but what are YOU going to do about it?”

      They are rubbing our noses in their evil.

    • Thomas Malthaus

      Biden has allergies and the pollen content around DC is very high.
      My second choice is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

  37. Susan R

    I have never seen you take time off. There is talk of something coming right ahead on or about the 15th which I am sure you are aware of, and I will just have to go it by myself. You will be sorely missed for sure. Enjoy your time and know you are appreciated by me as #1

    • Colleen

      Going without my favorite broadcast is going to be difficult. Just the thought of it puts me in withdrawal. But you are the best, Greg, and deserve a restful break from all your hard work. I will be here waiting for your next podcast, however long it takes. Have a good rest, Greg. For sure, you will be missed!

    • Earth Angel

      Last week my friend from the Chicago area mentioned something about not going out from July 10th to the 15th and being on alert, though she didn’t know what for. I thought she was being overly anxious at the time. Maybe it was the assassination attempt on Trump yesterday, July 13th, that was the crisis event predicted. Hmmmm.

      • Pete+only

        Did they know somebody in the FBI or CIA or were they affiliated with Alex Soros, as he was shorting 12 million shares of Trump’s Truth Social stock just before the assassination attempt…perhaps this person knew someone from Black Rock as well..

        • Earth Angel

          No I don’t think that’s the case. Nothing that intense. This person does not use a computer and is likely around 70 yrs. of age or older. She is and has been very studious and hip to deep state, illuminati history, their crimes and blk. op’s machinations, etc. She’s interested in climate engineering issues and such topics as Greg and his distinguished guests often discuss. She’s really an anomaly from the Chicago area. A person who sees through all the progressive liberal BS and holds very conservative viewpoints actually living in the State of Illinois. Loves Trump, hates Pritizker. Imagine that. I guess there is some hope, even for that State! I believe what she heard was maybe from listening to Caravan to Midnite, JB Wells program on the radio or something like that. Don’t read anything too complex into it. I just thought the timing of her comment of this warning was pretty wild- considering the date of the assault on Trump. We are both So very glad DJT and his family are all ok… nothing to do with Soros, Blackrock or the alphabet agencies. ; )

  38. Katy Bar

    Here is the latest from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The US is now borrowing cash from the world (but not the BRICS) at a faster and faster pace by simply issuing “paper” Treasury Bond (IOU’s) for all the cash it needs (to fund all the Wars and Pork Barrel Projects our Demon Rats in Congress require (in order to skim a large percentage off the top for themselves). The CBO now says the Debt that America will owe back to the World by 2034 will skyrocket to $50 Trillion Dollars. The interest being paid out on our Current Debt already exceeds what we spend on the Entire Defense Budget, and very soon will exceed what we spend on both Defense and our Federal Health Care Programs. Such skyrocketing debt makes a strong case for the price of Gold and Silver rising (in terms of all the new inflated dollars that will have to be printed out of thin air to pay back this Mountain of Debt to the not so savvy Saps in the World we borrowed it from). “It’s a Ponzi Scheme Folks” and the financial criminal Bernard Lawrence Madoff “was a small fry” compared to our “Criminal Fed” who (with the blessing of Satan’s Demon Rats in Congress) has Masterminded one of the Largest Known Financial Ponzi Scheme’s in All Recorded History (taking the purchasing power of our US dollar from 100% “to just about Zero” in one lifetime)!!!!!

    • Ken Yu

      As Andy Schectman says: “You don’t own Gold to get rich, you own Gold because it has survived everything the World has ever thrown at it”!!

      • Katy Bar

        Gold is like a life raft for those on the U.S. Titanic – and the “elite” are now scrambling to get aboard Gold because the Fed was not so SWIFT by playing sanction poker with the Russians thinking they had clear sailing head (but now finds itself powerless to save the U.S. Titanic which just got hit with a huge BRIC iceberg) that will ultimately send the U.S. Titanic to the ocean bottom!! As for the poor common people below deck on the U.S Titanic they will need to find an alternate to Gold (a Silver lining) to save them from drowning in a sea of fiat)!!

  39. Jimbo

    We all luvs ya Greg
    Take all the time you need my brother
    And May god guard and keep you and yours always

  40. Bill Holder

    Godspeed my friend.

  41. Paula D

    Completely understand your need for a much deserved rest Greg Hunter. Take all the time you need. We’ll be here when you are ready to resume. All the best. ❤️

    • Ray

      Stupid American Moron……..
      No-one here is interested in your negative gibberish.
      Greg is having a rest, even if his paragraph doesn’t mention such.
      You’d think you’d find something else to comment on, but not you.
      Your continuous displays of venomous comments toward me, even after Greg has REPEATEDLY asked you to desist, is indicative of the type of person you are..
      It is also a display of complete disrespect for Greg on your part as well.
      You ought to be ashamed of the way you conduct yourself here.
      You’re a mental midget in my estimation.

      As I have stated before: “We’re looking for wood. Pull your head in”.

      Ray, Canberra, Australia.

  42. Chad

    That’s great you are shoring up security of USAW. God Bless you Greg, and use this time also for some well deserved R&R with your family.

  43. Lili

    Dear Greg,
    Thank you for everything! I will truly miss you during your absence, you are a staple. I look forward to your broadcast every week.

    Take care, be well and God Bless you

  44. Jeffrobbins

    Take care Greg. It’s a heavy burden reporting on all the nefarious things going on. It’s a good lesson for all of us to lighten up and have a little R&R from time to time.

  45. James Quagraine

    Good luck Greg

  46. James H

    If the opportunity ever comes along again to spread the incredible plan of Jesus Christ, do not focus on the messenger, but the message.

    Surely it is true – he who rejects the power of the Holy Spirit by rejecting in whom the Holy Spirit resides, rejects not just the person but also the Holy Spirit.

    As it is written, so shall it be – he who blasphemes against God and Jesus Christ can be forgiven, but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never be forgiven.

    Jesus says do not worry about the clothes we wear to let us know that we should not worry about what human the Holy Spirit comes forth within from. Is not the inside if the cup that must be kept clean? Do not have concerns about the outside of the cup, for it is the inside of the cup that matters.

    Repent. And start your new journey. You can change the world by allowing God’s plan to be fulfilled through you.

    You know what to do.

  47. John Maskell

    Have a deserved break and try to rest up Greg . Yes , you’ll be missed but I know that your fighting spirit will be back , better than ever ! All our love from the UK . Thanks John .

  48. Roger Stamper

    ok tks for post

  49. Justn Observer

    The Chicken or the Egg. The War or Weather cycle. Patterns matter…whether nature’s or man made. The difference between Feast or Famine can be the consequence of what you grow, where you live, AND and chose to listen to as well as vote for. For context, one might consider….

    *As per a list previously provided by a USA watchdog commentor =
    Blown Up or Been Destroyed Under Demented Bribe’n and the Completely Psycho Demon Rat Administration That Cheated Him Into Office!!
    1— 4/30/21 Monmouth Smithfield Foods pork processing plant
    2— 7/25/21 Memphis Kellogg plant
    3— 8/13/21 JBS beef plant
    4— 8/24/21 Patak Meat Company
    5— 7/30/21 Tyson River Valley ingredient plant
    6— 10/21/21 Darigold plant
    7— 11/15/21 Garrard County food plant
    8—11/29/21 Maid-Rite Steak Company
    9—12/13/21 San Antonio food processing, West side Foods
    10—1/7/22 Hamilton Mountain poultry processing
    11—1/13/22 Cargill-Nutrene feed mill. Lacombe, La
    12—1/31/22 Winston-Salem fertilizer plant
    13—2/3/22 Wisconsin River Meats
    14—2/3/22 Percy dairy farm
    15—2/5/22 Wisconsin River Meats processing facility destroyed by fire in Mauston, Wisconsin.
    16—2/15/22 Bonanza Meat Company goes up in flames in El Paso, Texas
    17—2/15/22 Shearer’s Foods Food processing plant explodes in Hermiston, Oregon.
    18—2/16/22 Indiana Louis-Dreyfus soy processing plant
    19—2/18/22 Bess View Farms
    20—2/19/22 Lincoln premiere poultry
    21—2/22/22 Shearer’s Foods potato chip plant
    22—2/22/22 Fire destroys Deli Star Meat Plant in Fayetteville, Illinois.
    23—2/28/22 nutrient AG Solutions fertilizer facility burns
    24—2/28/22 Shadow Brook Farm & Dutch girl Creamery burns
    25—3/4/22 294,800 chickens destroyed at farm in Stoddard, Missouri
    26—3/4/22 644,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland
    27—3/8/22 243,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in New Castle, Delaware
    28—3/10/22 663,400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland
    29—3/10/22 915,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Taylor, Iowa
    30—3/14/22 Wayne Hoover dairy farm, barn full of cows burns
    313/14/22 2,750,700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Jefferson, Wisconsin
    32—3/16/22 Walmart Distribution Center burns for 76 hours in Plainfield Ind.
    33—3/16/22 Nestle Food Plant extensively damaged in fire and new production destroyed Jonesboro, Arkansas
    34—3/17/22 5,347,500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Buena Vista, Iowa
    35—3/17/22 147,600 chickens destroyed at farm in Kent, Delaware
    36—3/18/22 315,400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland
    37—3/19/22 Walmart Food Distribution center catches fire in Plainfield, Indiana
    38—3/22/22 172,000 Turkeys destroyed on farms in South Dakota
    39—3/22/22 570,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska
    40—3/24/22 Major Fire at McCrum Potato Plant in Belfast, Maine.
    41—3/24/22 418,500 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska
    42—3/25/22 250,300 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Franklin, Iowa
    43—3/26/22 311,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
    44—3/27/22 126,300 Turkeys destroyed in South Dakota
    45—3/28/22 1,460,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Guthrie, Iowa
    46—3/29/22 Maricopa, Az. Food Pantry burns down 50,000 pounds of Food destroyed in Maricopa, Arizona.
    47—3/31/22 Rio Fresh Onion factory damaged by fire in San Juan, Texas.
    48—3/31/22 76,400 Turkeys destroyed in Osceola, Iowa
    49—3/31/22 5,011,700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Osceola, Iowa
    50—4/6/22 281,600 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina
    51—4/9/22 76,400 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
    52—4/9/22 208,900 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
    53—4/12/22 89,700 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina
    54—4/12/22 1,746,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Dixon, Nebraska
    55—4/12/22 259,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Minnesota
    56—4/13/22 Fire destroys East Conway Beef & Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire.
    57—4/13/22 Plane crashes into Gem State Processing, Idaho potato and food processing plant
    58—4/13/22 77,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
    59—4/14/22 Taylor Farms Food Processing plant burns down Salinas, California.
    60—4/14/22 Salinas food processing plant
    61—4/14/22 99,600 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
    62—4/15/22 1,380,500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Lancaster, Minnesota
    63—4/19/22 Azure Standard nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire in Dufur, Oregon
    64—4/19/22 339,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
    65—4/19/22 58,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Montrose, Colorado
    66—4/20/22 2,000,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Minnesota
    67—4/21/22 Plane crashes into and destroys General Mills
    68—4/22/22 197,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
    69—4/23/22 200,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
    70—4/25/22 1,501,200 chickens destroyed at egg farm Cache, Utah
    71—4/26/22 307,400 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania
    72—4/27/22 2,118,000 chickens destroyed at farm Knox, Nebraska
    73—4/28/22 Egg-laying facility in Iowa kills 5.3 million chickens, fires 200-plus workers
    74—4/28/22 Allen Harim Foods a chicken processing company based in Delaware killed nearly 2 million chickens
    75—4/2822 110,700 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
    76—4/29/22 1,366,200 chickens destroyed at farm Weld Colorado
    77—4/30/22 13,800 chickens destroyed at farm Sequoia Oklahoma
    78—5/3/22 58,000 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
    79—5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Beadle S Dakota
    80—5/3/22 114,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
    81—5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Lyon Minnesota
    82—5/7/22 20,100 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
    83—5/10/22 72,300 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania
    84—5/10/22 61,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
    85—5/10/22 35,100 Turkeys destroyed Muskegon, Michigan
    86—5/13/22 10,500 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
    87—5/14/22 83,400 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
    88—5/17/22 79,00 chickens destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
    89—5/18/22 7,200 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
    90—5/19/22 Freight train derailment Jensen Beach FL
    91—5/21/22 57,000 Turkeys destroyed on farm in Dakota Minnesota
    92—5/23/22 4,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
    93—5/29/22 200,000 Chickens killed in fire in Minnesota
    94—5/31/22 3,000,000 chickens chickens destroyed at Forsman egg farm facility in Stockholm Township, Minnesota
    95—6/2/22 30,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania And
    96— S & P Meats Burn Down in Spokane, WA. Gone In Summer 2021

    Doesn’t’ one need to ask several questions as to just who is running the food/agriculture policies and WHY ARE THEY shutting down ranchers and farmers ability to provide food for the people, policies like cutting off Russian fertilizer sales, shutting down framers from the Netherlands to many places in the U.S. etc? ESPECIALLY when it is clear we are closing in on the CURRENT /next 400 year Milankovitch cycle which pre-dates biblical records by how many tens of thousands of years?

    So, IF this is to be so…AND war cycles seem to align with them quite a bit as weather history seems to indicate above…ARE war cycles caused by them…as a result of famine and why would governments institute policies to make the dwindling supply, processing, and supply-chains problems worse? And why would some also wish to amplify and make weather patterns worse as well? And why would some also desire to effect populations with ‘viruses’ unless they might be trying to lessen/manage/deal with the ‘die-off’ over a span of time, and of course be the ‘deciders’ of who goes and who gets to stay alive? Yes, all piggies have rights, some just have more rights than others, right? Knowledge IS power! and that’s why only some have access to and know what is hidden deep within the Vatican archives and the Smithsonian? LOL Rumfled would say, ‘there are things you don’t know you don’t know’ ? OR something like that…

    The only thing the ‘survivors’ will need to know is, how many people need to die for there to be enough food for them to get thru the next Grand Solar Minimum = the already named EDDY Minimum?

    • iwitness02

      Justn Observer,
      Thanks for posting this. It is the most comprehensive list I have seen. Seems as though famine will be unavoidable. Government is reaching peak evil.

      • sam

        “Government is reaching peak evil.”……..Not even close….”You ain’t seen nothin yet”!

    • I Dig Au

      Justn –

      Thank you for posting this.

    • Fool Me Never

      That list about the food plants that have been blown up or destroyed is bogus. All anyone has to do is search the Internet and it is easily found that the list is bogus.

      Take the first item on the list. Search on “4/30/21 Monmouth Smithfield Foods pork processing plant”

      What do you find?

      4/30/21 Monmouth Smithfield Foods pork processing plant
      Location: Monmouth, Illinois
      Date: April 30, 2021
      There is no specific information available about the Smithfield Foods pork processing plant in Monmouth on April 30, 2021. However, we can provide some general information about the plant and its history.

      The Smithfield Foods plant in Monmouth is a significant employer in the region, with a workforce of around 1,600 to 1,800 employees. The plant has undergone renovations and expansions over the years, including a major fire damage incident in 2016.

      In 2023, Smithfield Foods announced plans to reopen the Monmouth plant, which represents approximately 3% of U.S. fresh pork supplies. The plant is expected to resume operations on Saturday, according to a company statement.

      Please note that there may not be specific information available about the plant’s activities or events on April 30, 2021, as this date may not have been significant or notable enough to be documented.


      So, we see that yes, there was a fire, but not in the date cited in the list. And what else do we see? We see that the plant is reopening. In fact, it’s reopened and up and running.

      Like I said, the entire list is bogus. Anyone with any marbles should have seen that, as there are no links provided to back each of the claims.

      Sure, there is a war on the food supply. Sure, they want us all to starve to death, but for the love of God please don’t just put lists out like this with no accompanying documentation.

      There are a lot of people that worry all the time and are easily worked up into a frenzy. There is also a marketing strategy that sees these types of people as easy targets that they can sell their products to on a regular basis.

      Anyone that has followed right wing news for ten years or so knows what I am about to say is true – every week the alarm bells are sounded that the end of the world as we know it is imminent. Geez, it didn’t take me long to see to see that it’s all a marketing ploy.

      Jesus got it right – don’t worry about tomorrow.

      Try it, you’ll like it. Go fishing!

      • Galaxy 500

        This list is for the ill informed and sheeple that will believe anything

      • Patrick E Sturgeon

        Oh, so now we can go back to sleep, just because you say so , I only looked up #34 about the 5 million plus chickens killed and there was article after article about it .l’m sure most of the other’s will be the same way. This is something that congress and others should be looking into , surely there are other ways to deal with this than the complete slaughter of all of these birds. Who has the final say on this ?

    • Fool Me Never

      Looking at the 2nd item on the list of plants that have been blown up or destroyed, here is a link that talks about this event:

      Take a look at the article. LOL. The fire took place on a Monday and it closed but then reopened for business when? ON TUESDAY, THE VERY NEXT DAY!!

      LOL. If you actually believed this list of supposed plants that have been blown up or destroyed, well, I kindly suggest you reevaluate your mental acuity.

    • Lady Au Stackers United

      Re: The chicken or the egg.
      Food supply via Factory Farms is brutality harmful to the environment and brutally inhumane to the geoengineered animals raised for food consumption.

      • Galaxy 500

        Food. Needs.To.Be. Cheap! No one in America should have to struggle to buy food. Many are starving now or close to financial collapse.

        It needs to meet a standard of quality. I am not for animals being tortured but I don’t care if they are they can’t run around.
        Sorry, there has to be a cost effective solution. Chickens are never going to have a happy life. They are raised as a food source

        • Lady Au Stackers United

          Galaxy 500. I’m not for animals being tortured, but I don’t care, they can’t be running around.

          What a profoundly stupid statement.

          Humans are animals too. Sir, you are suffering from Speciesism and cognitive dissonance.

          Your statement parallels the Jewish people in concentration camps, ie, you’re not for torture, but you don’t care, they can’t be running around. Or take to the next level: Hamas holding Jewish hostages – same parallel analogy.

          If you insist on eating animal flesh then buy from small farm raised sellers rather than Big Corporate Factory Farmed raised mass produced, mass antibiotic injected, mass antibiotic resistant strains, and now mRNA injected animals and birds living in their fecal matter.

          As Dr Eads said in an interview, be aware of what you are chewing on, where it came from, how the animal lived prior to mass slaughter, all in crowded conditions, in their fecal matter, urine ammonia floor to stand and eat and sleep on.

          Corporate Factory Farms are disgusting! Period.

          If you insist on eating Factory farmed animal flesh, then opt for albeit more expensive, but much much healthier and cleaner animals raised humanely on small local farms.

          Eat. Clean. Foods.

    • SW

      This is terrifying! Thank you for posting!

  50. David Gordon Dunne

    God Bless you Greg, your family and all who comment here.

  51. Russ McMeans

    Good move Sir Greg. I wish you well with the time out and security upgrades. I wish my bank and medical & business companies would do the same thing. I dread having all my information being taken when they get hacked. It sucks. So I continue to dread that day.

    • Galaxy 500

      Well said Russ. I have received 2 notifications that my accounts have been “compromised”… technobabble meaning the companies and or their employees are F#€king inadequate, incompetent and ill prepared to be trusted with your C/C, Personal Medical information etc.
      Say what you will about paper records but they can’t be downloaded and are very very difficult to alter without being detected.
      And I recommend a GoDark pouch or the equivalent for both your cell phones, tablets and laptops. Also an RFID proof wallet for your credit cards. People with easily obtainable scanners can Hoover up all your info on these devices. If you use your equipment at a business’ hotspot, better have a VPN , good security and antivirus.

      And Greg is the hardest working man I know. His time off is well deserved.

  52. Brianroy

    We may have an entirely different Admin when you come back if Joe is prescribed a natural causes passing away and quick no autopsy cremation. A lot is up for grabs between conflicting forces who are already in control and ruining this Republic, and some of us are being layer upon layer tribulated prior to the Tribulation that is coming. We share in that life circumstance in the now. May such temporary and unwelcome paths be shortened for we the Elect in Jesus.
    Enjoy the pre-dawn and dawn hours, as they are the closest the Earth has to Sabbath Rests, and refresh yourself in Christ Jesus in the variety of ways you can to make your time off more soul and body nourishing and fulfilling. May your time off truly be a refreshing and free from adversity. Peace be unto you. Amen.

  53. George

    Well, we should know by next week who Trump’s VP pick will be ? He said that he will announce his pick at the Republican National Convention next week, and I still think it will be Mr. Vivek Ramaswami, because two Trumps are better that one Trump ! What say you?

    • Galaxy 500

      Vivek would be a horrible choice for elected office, especially in the Trump administration

  54. Galaxy 500

    Hi Greg
    Hoping all is well for you and yours.
    You deserve a little time off 😉

  55. Grateful Listener

    Be blessed Greg. Hope this means you and your family are enjoying a well deserved vacation from the head spinning crazy.

    May God continue to bless you and yours.

    Thank you for all your hard work.

    Many blessings.

  56. Paraclete

    While you’re on a well earned sabbatical, and security sweep, it’ll be interesting to mull over who’ll be your first interview upon returning…Armstrong ?, Holter ?, CAF ?…
    Maybe a poll, of likely candidates, could shed light upon your choice…???
    Please enjoy what “down time” that you’ll actually be able to acquire…

  57. Justn Observer

    Greg, and watchdoggers…an important case study vid on ‘mis-information’ and how MSM and LOCAL msm, are used to discredit alt-media …
    OREGON | NEWS STATION with ties to (X) Governor attempts to CONTROL NARRATIVE of FARM OVERREACH

    • Justa Participant

      Be a part of it all!

      Fulfilling the will of the Father is not possible by those on the outside looking in.

      If the Holy Spirit has filled you after baptism, repentance, and prayer, you understand exactly what I am saying.

  58. Pete C Hawk

    Greg, thanks for all your diligent reporting. Hope you get everything in order.

  59. William C Lester

    gotta love Greg Hunter…take care my brother in Christ 😁

  60. Justn Observer

    Greg, the next ‘plandemic’ in the making?
    Government Cultivated Meat | Bovine H5N1 fears spur calls for Government Lab Grown Food.

  61. Jive

    We will see you soon Brother Greg!

  62. Maria dasSantos

    Thanks again Mr Hunter for your exhaustive analysis of the world we actually live in .Sadly the demise of the UK and Europe are on a very fast train. It is now obvious to even the most moronic that our democracy here is a sham at best and our economy is dead.
    Have a great break and come back refreshed .

    • Amerigo Vespuchi

      Maria, there is hope!
      Orban navigates between global powers to secure to secure Hungary’s national interests.
      Peace & Security= PROSPERITY! What the world needs now Maria, NOT WORLD WAR!
      Where did world war get Britain last time, the Sun never set on Britain’s empire before that world at war. This one must stop now and we wont wait for the crazy days ahead of the US. presidential selection election. Were not waiting for

      Modi in Russia Row: US tells India not to take Friendship for Granted | Vantage with Palki SJul 12, 2024
      Modi in Russia Row: US tells India not to take Friendship for Granted | Vantage with Palki Sharma
      The US has decided to lecture India again over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Russia. The US ambassador to India said that US-India ties are not deep enough for India to take them for granted. Why does the US have a problem with India’s Strategic Autonomy?

      Only in America Maria!

  63. Mark Duane

    You will be greatly missed. God bless and stay safe

  64. Todd

    Thank you. I will be praying for you, and the crew.

  65. Harvey Ackermann

    Rest up before the storm my friend.
    I think I can safely say that we all appreciate you.

  66. John Duffy

    Our own government and military targets christians.

    Start at 7minute mark:

  67. Marie Joy

    Joe and the traitors need a war before the election.

  68. Puffalong

    Well deserved time off. You always provide fantastic content.

  69. Thomas Wigand

    Godspeed Greg, in every respect.

    Looking forward to your return, hopefully rested and ready to engage with what portends to be a remainder of 2024 and beginning of 2025 that will be of Biblical scale, of not of Biblical prophecy.

  70. David Morgan

    Enjoy, well deserved time off. Keep your bank deposits at the minimum required.

  71. Jeff

    Yes Greg please take some time off, rest and renew your spirit in the Lord. Your work is tremendous and we have benefited for nearly 2 decades. Please let us know what we can do to help you or provide further for you and your family. I pray the favor of God and man over you according to Luke 2:52.

  72. Justn Observer

    Greg, People keep asking…if its not Joe, who is running the WH and making the decisions and policy decisions? Who knows…but one might like to ask these ‘influencers’? Maybe the MSM/LLM should ask some of these people?
    and an interesting list of ‘groomed’ or followed ‘new comers’?,29569,2023831,00.html
    then there is people at CGI one might ask?
    OR….MAYBE someone else could browse around and see who ‘they think’ might be those ‘in the loop’ and directing the WH puppet?

  73. CJ

    Already miss USA watchdog. May the updates be smooth and quick. May you get the rest you deserve.

    I was hoping that you would address how quickly the democrats have turned on Biden after his mental issues were shown to the world. Question: If Biden is in as poor mental health as he seems, can any of his executive orders stand? Will his EO on student loan forgiveness, criminal invasion or any others be allowed to continue? How can the democrats say that those orders should be allowed to continue, if they are saying he needs to step down? Either he is fit to run for office, or his previous work must be questioned. Either way, they lose.

  74. Prospector

    I spoke with Jim Gayle from and his stories and encounters with county officials trying to inspect and seize TWO chickens on his 51 acre property, building inspectors probing and how he handled these intrusions. FYI there are now new laws on the books for transporting any live animals or birds across state lines.

    Our food source is being firewalled off state by state.

    Interview :
    Grow Food.

  75. Galaxy 500

    Any one that Karl Rove backs is not anyone that Trump should consider

    • Galaxy 500

      JD Vance is a great choice for Veep
      Young intelligent and MAGA

  76. ould be

    When you come back think about a bi monthly call in show with only specific questions. or send in questions that are worth talking about. Could be about the last 2 or 3 shows as the topic for example.

  77. Karen Smith

    Everyone deserves a break! Thanks for all you do and your courage. I look forward to your return.
    Cincinnati, Ohio

  78. Sue Robinson

    You will be sorely missed during your absence. Take care and enjoy! We out here in the ether will try to keep the lights on while you are gone. All the best to you.

  79. Shiloh1

    Call me crazy, but wouldn’t it be better for Trump if every Republican in California and Minnesota voted for RFK jr?

    • Neville

      BINDEN is not being treated for P arkinsons disease.
      PARKINSON is treating BINDEN for BINDENS
      This is a disease of a person without a brain.
      The above is according to the whitehouse staff.

  80. Aram

    You need some time off during the site update for a good rest. Think about other stuff for awhile and decompress. We’ll see you in a few weeks. Thank you for all you do sir.

  81. I Dig Au

    Probably a good time to lay low with all that’s happening next week. Pray for President Trump’s safety and that American’s will make the correct choices.

  82. Bob Piper

    JPMorgan Chase CEO goes Viral over Work-life Balance Comment | Vantage with Palki Sharma Firstpost 5 hours ago
    The Dem’s should consider Dimond not Opre’s pick Michelle!
    If not somewhere in a Trump administration, maybe.

  83. Poochiwooo

    Things look quiet for a few more weeks. Just the Biden bread and circus show. It is a good time to take time off. Thank you so much Greg for working so hard. Attempt to enjoy your time off.

  84. Mark in OKC

    It’s growing worse day-by-day…
    FedEx Trucks Will Be Spying On You For the Police
    by Attorney Steve Lehto

  85. Jeffrobbins

    I want to share a recent conversation; In 1607 Jamestown was settled along the James River in Virginia.- keep in mind a virgin river and estuary. In the first couple years more than half died from malnourishment, disease, and the harsh new environment, but not really harsh just no conveniences. As i learned as a kid from that area, the remaining settlers loaded up and set sail back to England. I believe that was after almost two years. In the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay the resupply ship with the new commander met them and made them turn around. Here’s the point, the majority of people in charge have always been idiots and people suffer because of it. Not sure ?- it isn’t taught any where, but how could Bible learned people not know about catching fish in nets? Even the difference between fresh and salty water was known, as Paul writes about. We assume somehow we are enlightened in our modern age or that folks back then were generally ignorant, and that is a mistake. The early disaster of Jamestown was born in the idea of profit above all else and forgetting about the importance of work- skilled trades to be exact. The Virginia Company was the entity legally doing the work of looking for and setting up trade opportunities. Don’t be surprised if one day soon Elon Musk, or Congress establishes ‘The Space Company” as a company, for profit opportunities on asteroids or for manufacturing. They went there to get rich, not to build anything meaningful. I think that is a powerful lesson. The tragedy happening in the Ukraine is the same story, a bunch of people trying to get rich and they don’t give a damn about young men dying there. All the crazy about the bird flu, looks like a massive consolidation of the food industry to me, not to mention more billions spent for vaccines- and some people will get rich, others will be bankrupted. Not sure?- is there any talk of dealing with the wild birds? How about breeding the chickens that survive the infection? The governor of Colorado just declared some kind of emergency for the Bird Flu- bet there are some finances involved with that. Greed helps explain a lot of the nonesense in the news.

  86. Elizabeth

    You are such a blessing! Thank you for all you do! My thoughts and prayers are with you are yours. God bless you!

  87. Frank Leisner

    Brother Greg-
    Hopefully you can get some much deserved rest during your time away. You are going to need it as this year finishes out. It’s about to get real.

    God bless,

    Frank Leisner

  88. wAde cook

    Alec Baldwin’s Rust shooting trial dismissed after lawyers say evidence was withheld
    New Mexico judge agrees charges should be dropped after lawyers said state ‘buried’ evidence about live ammunition/Betsy Reed Editor, Guardian US
    WOW! Baldwin won by the skin of his teeth!

  89. Peace & Security Equal's PROSPERITY!

    Putin Has Last Laugh Despite Mega NATO Summit: No Ukraine Counteroffensive In 2024 Because Russia….. \ Hindustan Times 3 hours ago
    NATO officials made a big claim over anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russia. The New York Times reported that NATO officials do not expect a new Ukrainian offensive in 2024. The NATO officials cited a delay in the delivery of military aid pledged by the West to Ukraine. The officials claimed the aid will take months and years to be delivered to Ukraine.

    Zelensky ‘Unhappy’ Even As Ukraine Set To Get First F-16: ‘Not Sure It Can Change…”Hindustan Times Jul 12, 2024
    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has voiced his dissatisfaction over the numbers and timing of the US-made F-16 fighter jet delivery. Zelensky said to Fox News, “Russia is operating so many combat aircraft; small numbers of F-16s won’t make a difference.” Zelensky’s reaction came after NATO on July 10 announced that Ukraine would get its first F-16 fighter jet by the end of 2024.

  90. Lily Langtree

    THE WESTERNER Walter Brennan Gary Cooper
    Saturday afternoon movie, or Sunday afternoon in Oz.
    Does the judge remind you of Biden and Cole Hardin the Trumpster and the court, the Biden Administration and Vinigaroon D.C.? Yup!

  91. Lily
    This might be a better copy- The Westerner

  92. Robert Goad

    Even down here in Mexico (for 10 years now) I listen weekly for some unvarnished truth about how things are going back in the motherland. Thanks for all you do. Old school journalism rocks………………..

  93. Galaxy 500

    Naw, there isn’t any voter fraud. Our elections are free and fair… ROFLMAO
    If you believe this demonstrably false statement then I have some beach front property in OHIO that I can sell you at a real deal.
    How does this happen? It was not an accident. We are talking about 10K ballots. The fraudsters know that even the mammoth cheating in the last election will not be enough and they believe that they can steal 2024 and we will just sit on our a$$es and let it slide. I pray to YHWH regularly that he smit these evil bastards and save our once Great Nation.

    • H. Strangways

      Michigan is ground zero! They way Michigan goes, so goes the whole United ? Er, divided states!
      Past 8mile Rd. the border of Detroit Mi., to the porcupine mountains in Michigan’s vast upper peninsula, along the 400 mile border with Wisconsin. It’s all dark red, except for of course. All black and blue urban Detroit! Where they stuff ballot box’s and connect the Dominion voting machines to the internet!

      • Galaxy 500

        “ black and blue urban Detroit! ”
        Crime and voter fraud capital.
        H, I pray that these Evil people are Exposed and brought to justice

      • Shiloh1

        Michigan governor, attorney general and Secretary of State – a witches coven.

  94. Galaxy 500

    You want some on the ground reporting?

    I talk to about 100 people a week outside of the company I work for. I had one high earner in the medical field start talking about how bad things were and I used my standard a political statement when asked who I was supporting, “I wish none of the above was on the menu.” You don’t talk to suppliers, customers or even other employees about politics while at work. They laugh and said that they liked Kennedy but couldn’t pull the lever for him. They go on to say about how bad things will be if Trump is elected. I comment that it scares me that we don’t know who is actually making decisions. This medical professional, know that Buy-dem is compromised is going to vote for him anyway. I also say I had a lot more extra money under the previous administration regardless to what you think of him personally.

    I respectfully steered the conversation back to resolution and took care of them. People, how in the Hell can a medical professional that admits SLOJo is compromised, understands that inflation is real pull the lever for an empty suit. This person lives in a high dollar neighborhood surrounded by an ocean of crime and homeless encampments . They decided I supported Kennedy and I said nothing that would have changed their mind. People like this would have no problem attempting to get my fired and have a high probability of speaking with high management, maybe even directly with the CEO. These people are a danger to the Republic.
    What exactly are these people voting for and what the f#€k are they voting against?
    Outside of a few mean tweets, not starting any wars, decreasing the animosity of NorKo and standing firm on the US Constitution what exactly did Trump do that generated this willful ignorance and outrage?
    I get that this person has money to burn so inflation is just a number they hear but isn’t really impacting their lifestyle .
    Meanwhile SLOJo is clearly racist, both past and present. Did you see him ignoring the black woman in the front row of his small rally reaching and shaking hands all around but blatantly ignoring her? His anti American and anti Freedom policies? Bankrupting America to send money to Ukraine that is laundered back to both Demoncrats and RINOs.
    Selling our oil reserves to China at a discount. Taking bribes to sell out the citizens of America and he sells us damn cheap too.
    I don’t get it. 20 yrs ago you could sit and talk while breaking bread with the “classical liberal” and part on friendly terms. We could agree to disagree agree. But as the deviants gained more power and were hidden in high places of the bureaucracy to push their Satanic agenda, you were attacked for “wrong think”. They pushed illegal regulations not passed by congress. They let fellow deviants criminals go without charges to prey upon children while persecuting Christians.
    If you want to own a home, be able to go where you please and eat what you want, when you want, you damn well better vote Trump. If you can’t see what the Demoncrats want to do to you then I truly feel sorry for you. And your f you don’t vote or if you pull the lever for Kennedy or SloJo then you will surely reap what you have sown.

    • Akdave

      Welcome to my world.

    • Major

      Operation Mockingbird hypnotized liberals, and created a way to divide U$, permanently.

  95. Galaxy 500

    Satanic minion wants to replace Joe as one of the High minions. Polis is destabilizing and destroying Colorado and he wants to finish SLO Jo’s work in doing America the same

  96. Galaxy 500

    So who is making these decisions for SLOJo?
    No one that wants him to continue because they have to know he is shot mentally. If Dokta Jill is allowing this, she is shot mentally too.
    Every time Buy-dem is out in public, like the NATO meeting, it shows how week we are, leadership wise.

  97. Marie Joy

    Just in case

    • Major

      It seems we are being PSYOPed, psychological operation (programmed) to
      semi-automatically eliminate each other in SHTF, protecting or sacking pantries
      and panties. All our weapons will eventually be removed, from our cold dead hands.
      Probably by UN Peacekeepers.

    • Randy Best

      Yes, I agree with you again.

    • Galaxy 500

      Ammoland… my favorite place

  98. Tim K

    Great job Greg. Ge some much needed rest and continued to be guided by the Holy Spirit

    Our friend in Christ

  99. Galaxy 500

    By Debra Heine

    July 12, 2024
    Dr. Robert Redfield, the former director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Thursday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pushed […]

  100. Galaxy 500
    By Debra Heine

    July 11, 2024
    House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) has subpoenaed three key White House staffers who are allegedly shielding Joe Biden from media scrutiny and doing […]

  101. Johnny Nobody

    CV-19 vaxx overreach – Court Decision:

  102. Robert P Bailey

    I have seen over 45 years of watching the MSM, so much lies and crazy propaganda, but to the POTUSA talking or trying too and walking just like a robotic actor is just unbelievable! The political party of the ‘Donkey’ are clearly out of their minds ! If they think that all this act of their Commander in Chief is all based of truth ?

    Maybe its this time that Lucifer, will appear as Jesus Christ, as the final global delusion and do his miracles and will convince the human race that what he is saying is the truth just like Joe Biden !

  103. Prospector

    ” NO MATTER WHO WINS THE ELECTION , neither side will accept the results. ”
    Think about what chaos that means.

    Cyber defense guy , LTC Steven Murray (ret.) has been saying this a lot. He has shows several times a week on —- RUMBLE.COM.
    ( Go to RUMBLE. com , enter LTC Steven Murray in search bar. )

    Lots of good , current information..many good guests …. Signal , not noise.

  104. Galaxy 500

    Electric cars. Less mobility, more costs!
    Car dealerships could win big in the Biden administration’s push for electric vehicles (EV) due to their greater need for repairs and short lifespans, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

    EVs spend much less time on the road before being replaced compared to gas vehicles due to battery degradation, insurers often preferring to replace EVs rather than repair them and rapid technological advancement, according to the WSJ. More frequent car replacements and higher repairs as more EVs hit the road could mean more sales for car dealerships.

  105. Prospector

    FOOD WARS / Planned Famine.

    Beware the trolls trying to tell you ” this is NOT happening. ”

    Interactive Map Details Destruction of Numerous US Food Manufacturing Plants, Grocery Stores, etc. — Compares US Incidents to Global Trends

    By Jim Hoft
    Published June 23, 2022 at 1:15pm
    Earlier this month, The Gateway Pundit published an article on a list of US-based food manufacturing plants that were destroyed, damaged or impacted by “accidental fires,” disease, or general causes from 2021 to 2022 under the Biden administration. These data were first published at Think Americana.

    Below is the list:

    ZEE Maps . com . Search for food plants. ( You will notice some are officially listed as arson. )

    • Major

      Prospector – you’re making Greg proud of us filling in while he is upgrading.

  106. Prospector

    The Gateway Pundit has done good reports on food & supply chain destruction.

    Manufacturing Plants Aren’t Just Mysteriously Getting Burned Down In The United States, It’s Happening Around The World…
    By Alicia Powe Jul. 4, 2022

    More factory fires occurred in 2021 than any year in recorded history.

    Nearly a quarter of the supply chain disruptions globally were attributed to manufacturing plants being set aflame, according to exclusive data compiled from Resilinc’s EventWatch monitoring database.

    According to the FBI’s Cyber Division, cyber-attack threats on agricultural cooperatives are an imminent threat.

    Rockefeller Foundation’s managing director of Food Initiative Sara Farley detailed plans about “How to reimagine our food system for a post-COVID world” in an article published in June on WEF’s website.

    It makes you wonder — So what are they plotting?

  107. Prospector


    Without farms, there is no food. period. Over the weekend, Vice President Kamala Harris made a statement of her own calling for a “reduced population.” This can be accomplished in part through the destruction of the global food supply. The latest version of the global warming narrative is that food itself causes it. Apparently, the entire world must go back to stone age with a hunter and gatherer society and very few actual people remaining in order for the planet to “cool” itself down and return to “normal.”

    We can presume from this language that among the practices being considered are replacing a major portion of the beef and dairy cattle, pork, and chicken stocks that populations rely on for protein with insect larvae, mealworms, crickets, etc.,” says journalist Leo Hohmann about what the Global Methane Pledge entails.

    The UN, World Economic Forum, and other NGOs have been promoting meatless diets and the consumption of insect protein for years, and billionaires have invested in massive insect factories being built in the state of Illinois, in Canada, and in the Netherlands, where mealworms, crickets, and other bugs will be processed as additives to be inserted into the food supply, often without clear labels that will inform people of exactly what they are eating.”

    13 Countries Sign WEF Treaty To Engineer an ‘Ethical Global Famine’ – via #planettoday

    Many source links at article :

  108. Shiloh1

    When I see things like this I look to the sky for an asteroid hitting this country:

  109. Skip Havely

    Greg, Good luck with your efforts the next couple of weeks. I will miss your posts. You have been my favorite “truth teller” for years. Please take the time to rest and recharge as you work on other things requiring your time.

  110. Colleen

    I’m just letting everyone know that there are several current interviews with our favorite guests from on line. I went to YouTube and searched for Catherine Austin- Fitts, Martin Armstrong, and Bill Holder and found recent interviews with all three. Bill Holter’s most recent interview on Smart Talk Trading/ YouTube even has a reference to Greg and USA Watchdog.

    Anyway, I thought this would be another resource to keep ourselves informed and entertained while we are missing Greg and If anyone finds a good interview, please post the information on Greg’s comment section. I personally am interested in finding good informative interviews with Greg’s Watchdog guests! Thank you.

  111. Prospector


    Wounded , alive.

    The machine is desperate.

  112. z

    President Trump has been shot. Blood on ear and face.
    Pray for Trump!!!

  113. Gregory Carter

    You picked a hell of a week to do upgrades.

    • Galaxy 500

      Several conservative sites were attacked and damaged. was turned into gibberish.
      The Principalities and Powers are making a full on press to attack Greg and others. They do not want even one person to know the truth. And they especially don’t want anyone brought to Jesus.

  114. Katy Bar

    Like General Custer (at the Little Big Horn) , the Little Big Guy (Joe Bribe’n) fires off a few rounds at the Demon-ratic Indians “Who Want His Scalp”. In Joe’s version of Four(4) Dimensional Chess he shows how Really Savvy He Is Mentally by calling the person in charge of Ukraine “PUTIN”!! “Which is Undeniably True” and shows to the American people that “HE STILL HAS ALL HIS MARBLES”!! And when asked about his “Vice” President – Bribe’n Once Again Shows His Is Mental Savvy, by stating that: Former President Trump (who he has indicted on so many criminal charges) is actually the “Vice” President!!
    However, the Obama Tribe is still out to scalp the Little Big Guy and will likely use Mike along with Kamala as a Totally Black (Harris/Obama) team to swing the Nation away from the MAGA White Christian Terrorists (as Bribe’n likes calls them)!!!

  115. RK


    I hope you’re resting, you definitely deserve it
    While you’re away, all hell breaks loose and the DS/ Obama biden regime attempt to assassinate President Trump.

    USAWD nation, please pray for President Trump and our nation. We need Jehovah more than ever.

  116. Earth Angel

    A despicable attempt was made on President Trump’s life at a Pennsylvania rally today. Thank Goodness it was unsuccessful and though he suffered some injury, we are told he will be all right. Sadly, it seems a rally attendee was killed in the attempt and it is reported the shooter was killed. We shall see how this all unfolds. The globalist/ leftists with their freedom destroying agendas are desperate. Another VERY sad day in America. Praying for President Trump and all Americans right now. May the blood of the Lamb cover us all with God’s protection and these evil agenda’s backfire on those perpetrating them. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

  117. Galaxy 500

    Damn, they actually tried to assassinate Trump

    • Glenn

      Who is “they”? You mean someone. If “they” would have tried, “they” would have done a better job. You do not send a boy to do a man’s job.

  118. Led Skeletor

    Trump shot… the shooter must NOT of been from CIA/Deep State because MSM didn’t report “the complete details instantly”, we don’t even know what the shooter had for breakfast during the past month, color of skin, nationality, or who he supports. Wot, no manifesto? Usually MSM gets the complete 14,000 page story written by the comedians at the Deep State off the wire instantly, or even before WTC7 was “PULLED”.

    Unless the CIA/Deep State wanted this failed assignation look like a sloppy f*up Joe idiot job? It sounded like a child’s cap gun. Amazing no one else got hit.

    Literally trillions of taxpayer $$$ on the line if Trump wins, what will the War Industrial Complex do if Trump brings peace? And half of DC ought to be behind bars for life, will he drain the swamp?

    • Major

      It’s NOT a swamp, it is a cesspool, they have to be pumped. No way to drain them.

    • Johnny Nobody

      “the shooter must NOT of been from CIA/Deep State because MSM didn’t report “the complete details instantly”,” Not so fast LS. See report by BBC linked to in comment immediately below . . .

  119. Ken Yu

    Don’t have confirmation yet??? But it seems ten minutes ago:

    • Johnny Nobody

      Your comment suggests that the BBC report you link to was published a few minutes after the assassination attempt. If so, it’s extraordinary that according to the BBC (globalist propaganda media) “Special Agent Kevin Rojek confirmed the agency was treating the shooting as an assassination attempt.
      He added that the Crooks had not been carrying ID and that investigators used DNA to formally identify him.”

      How long do you suppose it takes to analyse a blood sample for DNA? Surely, the sample needs to be transported to a suitably equipped laboratory. Then you have to run a check with a DNA database to find a match. Super fast eh?! Maybe the security services already knew the identity of the shooter . . . .


  120. Randy Avera

    Survived a headshot…Fucking Legend
    Apparently, there was vacant high ground around the rally.
    Mr. Majorkas needs to give RFK,Jr. Secret Service protection now, or is he afraid of him too.

    • Lee Harvard Yard

      Take your ball and security clearance back to Booz Alan Ham.
      Your confrontational attitude reveals your deep state warmongering self!
      Typical Deep state Nazi loving operation paper clip, project Mocking bird brained, KOO KOO! THIS IS WHY YOU HATE THE AUSSIE’S. THEY HAVE A FREE PRESS, OUT OF REACH OF THE PROJECT MOCKING BIRD DEEP STATE CREEPS and yer the werst!

      ‘Sad day for America’: [Sad day for Sam he missed!]
      Sky News host blasts CNN coverage of attempted Trump assassination
      Sky News Australia Jul 14, 2024
      Sky News host Gabriella Power has slammed CNN for its initial coverage of the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump.
      Ms Power said: “If you were following media outlets like CNN today, you would have thought Donald Trump had a fall”.
      A breaking CNN article included a headline which read: “Secret Service rushed Trump off stage after he falls at rally”.
      “Falls? It was an assassination attempt. He’s not Joe Biden,” Ms Power said.
      Ms Power said it was a “devastating day for America” and claimed there was likely to be growing support for the former president, following the attack.

      ‘Extraordinary’: Kevin Rudd and Scott Morrison slam Trump’s assassination attempt
      Sky News Australia Jul 13, 2024
      Sky News Australia host James Morrow has reacted to the “extraordinary event” where former US president Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt at his Pennsylvania rally.
      Mr Morrow commended former prime ministers Kevin Rudd and Scott Morrison for criticising the attack.
      “Kevin Rudd called it what it was – an attack,” Mr Morrow said.
      “Scott Morrison called it an assassination attempt.”

      Donald Trump ‘so demonized’ that attempted assassination was ‘logical endgame’
      Sky News Australia Jul 14, 2024 TONING DOWN THE DEM’S GOOD V’s EVIL
      The “shocking scenes” which unfolded at a former US president Donald Trump campaign rally is a day that will “go down in history”, Sky News host Caleb Bond says.
      “It is a day that will go down in history, it is a day that could have changed history,” Mr Bond said.

      • Major

        Disregard CIA asset, stirring up animosity amongst us.

      • Ray

        Thanks for your support, and well said.
        This guy clearly has problems.
        As I have pointed out over the past 12 months, he has the written expression skills of a 5 year old and the manners of a hog.
        Now he is referring to himself in the 3rd person.
        That is a sign of mental issues right there.
        Fair dinkum…….I post a message to Greg stating I hope he enjoys some well earned time off with a cold beer, and this Zubberdex chimes in with his ridiculous comment.
        He should return from whence he sprang……to the veritable shallows of the Zero Hedge comment section, although come to think about it, he has probably been banned from there as well for his “sharp as a butter knife” commenting style.
        My guess is he doesn’t have many friends, and I can see why.
        My best wishes be with you and yours LHY,
        Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺🦘😎

    • Ken Yu

      Do you think Biden knew the Secret Service is a critical part of the Deep State Globalists “Hit Team” and very intelligently did not give Kennedy “its protection”????, and even tried to deny Secret Service “protection” to Trump????

      • Lee @ Harvard Yard

        Your welcome Ray!

  121. Katy Bar

    The suspect that shot Trump fired from only 200 feet to 300 feet away “on an elevated shed” – isn’t it the job of the Secret Service to check out “the immediate area surrounding the stage upon which Trump was to speak”?????????

  122. Ken Yu

    The Deep State was aiming for the head just like they did with JFK!!!

    • Katy Bar

      What “Party” the President belongs to “is irrelevant” to the Evil Deep State Globalists who use the US Secret Service as their “Hit Men” to take out whomever (regardless of Party) is pushing back against “Their Thing” (Complete Global Conquest and Worldwide Human Subjugation to Their Will and Economic Control)!!!

  123. Shiloh1

    Hi Greg and all here. Heard that Lying Legacy Media had their A-Team on duty immediately this lazy summer afternoons: Anderson Cooper, Lester Holt, and Wolf Blitzer, among others.

  124. Ken Yu

    This botched up attempt on Trumps life likely by a Demon Rat “may spark a retaliatory attempt on Biden’s life” – which is probably exactly what the Demon Rats want!! So lets hope Biden stays safe. We don’t want the Truly Evil Deep State Globalists getting exactly what they want!!!

    • Major


    • King Cummings

      Yup, Ken Yu,
      The useful Idiot is no longer so useful and if he won’t step down for a more useful kamala, or Michelee, or a hardnosed Grethen, no Wit mire. He better crawl down the basement and stay till Kingdom come.

  125. Johnny Nobody



    You’ll have to return to us sooner than you anticipated.

  126. Katy Bar


    • Major

      WHY? Because they are in the club. Trump is not.

    • Major

      No, It will require extra time off.

      • Major

        No, It will require extra time off, reply was meant for Johnny Nobody

    • Katy Bar

      Bribe’n and his Deep State Neocon Buddies steal of the 2020 Election, the Rape of Ukraine, the Blowing Up of the Nord Stream Pipeline, the Cluster Bombing of Children, etc., etc. pales in comparison to the July 13, 2024 Assassination Attempt on President Trump’s Life, where the Depth of U.S. Deep State Depravity is Laid Bare before the Entire World to SEE in the Most Clear and Stark Way!!! It is Time!!! Time to Finally Get Rid of these Evil Demon Rats “Once and For All”!!!

    • Glenn

      How about doing us a favor. First, stop using all caps when you type. Second, get your facts right.

      • Katy Bar

        Sorry Glenn I stand corrected – Trump was only about “120 to 150 METERS” away from the DEEP STATES HIRED GUNMAN (not the “100 FEET” I mentioned). So does this “extra distance” absolve the SECRET SERVICE from securing that rooftop?? (Which Was the Closest Building to the Podium from which Trump was Speaking)???

        • Glenn

          Again you need to get your facts right. The building from where the shooter shot from was certainly not the closest building. Several buildings were much closer which did have the snipers on.

        • Katy Bar

          Additionally – Studying the following video of Trump “before he is hit by a bullet” – At the 0:44 mark I see Trump is still speaking and the Secret Service Sniper on the roof behind Trump is aiming his rifle at the assassin – at the 0:56 mark Trump is still talking and it looks like the SS Sniper may have fired off a shot at the assassin (as he then picks up his head to see if he hit his mark) and a second later the assassin probably as he is dying fires off 5 shots (which miss fatally shooting Trump)!!
          Do Your own analysis folks but for all the bashing of the Secret Service for allowing the assassin to get on the roof in the first place, I think the Loyal and Patriotic Secret Service Sniper on the roof behind Trump may have actually knocked off the assassins aim “Saving Trumps Life”!!!

          • Ken Yu

            Katy – The assassin only got off 3 shots after being hit by the Secret Service Sniper!!!

        • Katy Bar

          Glenn – The video above shows I was wrong – the Secret Service did have snipers on the building “closest to Trump” and “were aware” of the assassin on the roof about 130 meters away – so despite the faux pas with regard to allowing a gunman to get into position to shoot at Trump in the first place, the Patriotic Secret Service men on the ground SHOULD BE HEARTFULLY THANKED AND CONGRATULATED FOR PREVENTING WHAT COULD HAVE TURNED OUT TO BE SOMETHING EVEN MORE TRAGIC, FOR BOTH TRUMP AND OUR NATION!!!

          • Ken Yu

            Katy – I didn’t hear any shot by the Secret Service Sniper so I guess you are assuming he had a silencer on his weapon (this should be verified for us by the Secret Service in their upcoming report on the incident)!!

            • Ken Yu

              Alex Jones is saying we must go on Full Alert!!! The Globalists are making their move and many sniper experts, Green Beret, etc. are saying this attack on Trump was clearly a planned and coordinated “inside job”!!

            • Ken Yu

              Katy – Seems that (according to CIA Intel Analyst Larry Johnson) The SS Agent on the roof who lifted his head “DID NOT” FIRE A SHOT AT THE ASSASSIN!!!!
              So we are back to God Jesus being the one who saved Trump!!!

            • Ken Yu

              Bob Moriarty “confirms” that it was Local Police Snipers on the roof behind Trump and they were Under Strict Orders from the Secret Service “Not to Fire Upon the Assassin” (until the assassin got off his shots)!!!

            • Ken Yu

              Katy – the guys on the roof behind Trump were not Secret Service Snipers (they were Police Snipers that were under orders “not to shoot the assassin”)!!!

    • Earth Angel

      Katy, The points you make are very good and valid questions. What I could see from the video footage shown was only trees around and behind the podium and grandstand area in the distance. Perhaps this shooter had climbed a tree and was hiding in it. I never even saw any buildings directly behind or to Trump’s right where someone could hide. Funny no news cameras panned over to the direction of where the shots came from during the incident either.

    • Tin foil hat

      Looking at the the picture of the USSS snipers, the detachable magazine looks like a .300 or even .338 caliber magnum with a very powerful scope with a range finder. These are 1,000 yrd rifles. It’s not a .308 or any other midsize cartridge. It’s almost impossible for that idiot to get so close to Trump without being detected.

      • Ken Yu

        Seems like the SS snipers were simply waiting for their hired stooge to kill Trump before they shot their fall guy (the same way they took care of Oswald after the deadly deed was done to JFK)!!

      • Galaxy 500

        It was reported by one source to be 300 win mags, 338 much bigger action.

        A new report by NBC News revealed the Secret Service identified the rooftop next to Trump’s Butler, Pennsylvania event as a security vulnerability days before the rally.

        The agents failed to secure the building so a man with a rifle was able to climb up to the roof, position his scope, and fire several shots at President Trump.

        • Pete+only

          And they left a ladder for the assassin to use to climb the roof…he did not act alone…also there is footage of one of the CIA agents clearing a path for the shooter by the stage, and for 2 minutes before the shooting, people in the audience were telling the authorities there was a shooter on the roof.

  127. Johnny Nobody

    Apologies if this comment turns out to be BS, but is based, at time of writing, on what little news has emerged about the DJT assassination attempt.

    Reported by an ex CIA person (does anyone actually leave the CIA?!) that the “lone gunman” (Lee Harvey Oswald ~ anyone?) “shot with a rifle from a building OUTSIDE of the venue, and that the Secret Service got to shoot him dead almost immediately afterward”.
    Trump’s personal bodyguard could not have located at short notice, and then shot the assailant outside of the venue with hand guns. This would-be assassin was obviously set up to be shot dead, immediately after the deed, so that he couldn’t talk.

    Trump just met with Hungary’s Prime Minister, Victor Orbán, who recently visited Putin in Moscow. Victor is trying to mediate for peace in Ukraine. The NWO globalists cannot countenance peace with Russia. Russia is run by white Christians nationalists and MUST be defeated to enable a ‘One World Government’ (authoritarian dictatorship). IMHO, the WEFers would rather blow the world to Kingdom come than accept the defeat of their decades long Orwellian project.

    If the shot that rang out on 7/13/24 had hit its mark, then:
    Joe would have been spared the abject humiliation of the next scheduled presidential debate.
    The presidential election could have been delayed ‘to allow time for the GOP to select an alternative (RINO) candidate’.
    Delaying the election would allow time for the Democrats to ease Joe out and ease his alternate in.
    Post election, propagandising the American public (made legal by Obomber) that the rigged 2024 election was fair, would have been MUCH EASIER than trying to convince them that Trump lost to sleepy Joe AGAIN!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      Like the so-call assassin , Lee Harvey Oswald, he was a Shiite shot. Oswald barely passed his USMC rifle test. He was the lowest of the low. There is plenty of evidence that Oswald was not the shooter that killed Kennedy. Did you know that they NEVER did ballistic testing on Oswald’s rifle. Not only that, the FBI didn’t preserve Oswald’s rifle. The FBI (Federal Bureau of Incompetence) allowed the rifle to rust to pieces. These are demonstrable facts.
      So it’s wasn’t a lone gunman

      • Johnny Nobody

        Yes. I know the JFK ‘lone gunman’ story is BS. The point I was trying to make is that the deep state operatives use the same MOs time and again. Seems they lack imagination.

    • Major

      Who sighted in the weapon, was it 3 inches off on purpose?

      • Galaxy 500

        No it wasn’t. He didn’t miss, YHW$ moved Trump out of the way.

  128. Bosco P. Horowitz


    thanks for all you do! You’ve one been one of the few reliable, dependable, always-can-count-on beacons of light in the media! I can’t thank you enough for your dedication of consistently putting out excellent content with your A-list guests and your weekly wrap-up’s on Thursday nights. Been a regular listener since spring/summer of 2015!

    Enjoy your time away, my good man!

    Dr. Bosco

  129. Allen BLaine

    I have been a fan for over 3 years, experiencing your expulsion from Youtube, run by Indians from India, who know nothing about American culture. Thank God for Musk who changed the scenery forever– he sent these Champagne Socialists a”packin” —- You have had quests who none of these MSM idiot puppets have dared have on.. they aren’t “journalists– they are over-paid Soros whores, now run by his limp-wristed son….. we always wonder who will be next, meaning your guests… religiously I watch them every week !!!!!! And learn a little or LOT each time !!!!!!!

  130. gary

    hope you and yours are well. enjoy what you do.

  131. Ken Yu

    The only way the Demon Rats can spin this assassination attempt on President Trump’s life is to either 1) “Blame it on a disgruntled White Christian Terrorist or 2) Blame it on the Russians to get their efforts at fostering WWIII to rapidly go Nuclear. Assassinating leaders such as President Lincoln, JFK or Trump is all due to an Evil Satanic Deep State Commie/Marxist/Dictatorial Cabal that has illegally taken control of our American Government with the aim to either Control the Destiny of the Entire World or Failing that Spark a Total Worldwide Annihilating Revolution. They Must Be Stopped!!!

  132. Katy Bar

    Eye Witness Speaks: After a regular person in the crowd sees a gunman with a rifle sneaking around on the roof of a building just a few hundred feet from where Trump was speaking. He immediately notifies Police and “Wonders Why Trump Was Not Immediately Removed From Danger”?? (Trump was simply allowed to continue to speak “And Be A Target” until the shots rang out)!!!

    • Lora

      Regarding the assassination attempt on Trump, it was a bit suspicious that a 20 year old kid knew exactly which vulnerable roof at the rally to set up his equipment/gun on. And when a bystander in the audience alerted police that there was a suspicious man at this particular spot, the authorities weren’t in a hurry to check out this concern.

      • Ken Yu

        Many people were actually pointing to the assassin on the roof with a rifle and screaming out to the State Police and the Secret Service Snipers “to take some immediate action”!!! – And They DID NOTHING!!!! – “Until The Assassin GOT OFF HIS SHOTS”!!!!!
        Note: It is going be interesting to see What Sort of Excuse the Secret Service is going to Dream Up (other then tell us that they are going to hire more women into the Secret Service “who won’t have the strength to lift a big man like Trump into an ambulance if he was seriously wounded)!!!!!

  133. Andy

    Watchdog USA going “radio silence” just in time for 15th July chaos?🤷‍♂️

    • Judith Grandledge

      Just In Time Andrew;
      Farage Reform UK leader – and long-time Donald Trump ally – Nigel Farage is joining Laura Kuenssberg on her Sunday political programme.
      He begins by saying he’s “very upset” by the attack on his “good friend” – but not surprised.
      He says the “nasty” narrative put out by “liberals who oppose him” almost “encourages this type of behaviour”.
      He highlights recent reported comments by Joe Biden, before the shooting, about putting Trump “in the bullseye”.
      “Liberal intolerance is increasingly a part of this problem,” Farage says, before outlining how he himself has been the victim of repeated physical attacks.
      “And because it’s me no-one cares,” he says.
      Dear Andy 07/14/2024 •
      Watchdog USA going “radio silence” just in time for 15th July chaos?
      i FOUND YOU GREG. JUST IN TIME, just in time. . . . . . . . .

  134. Ken Yu

    Martin Armstrong’s Socrates Computer Program is predicting another “Panic Cycle by the Deep State” the week of September 9th!! (Does this mean another Assassination attempt will be made on President Trump in early September)??? President Trump “better be on guard with his own Private Security Force” rather then rely totally on the Secret Service for protection!!!

  135. nIEL kELLY

    Sky News hosts blasts Joe Biden’s ‘disgusting’ Trump rally shooting statement
    Sky News Australia 932,008 views Jul 13, 2024
    Sky News host Chris Kenny has blasted US President Joe Biden’s “disgusting statement” regarding the shooting at former US president Donald Trump’s rally.
    “At such a time of chaos and concern for American democracy, he said nothing to call off the dogs … off Donald Trump,” Mr Kenny said.
    “Nothing to say that we’ve got to stop being this divisive and not demonise this man.

    ‘Political moment for the ages’: Donald Trump survives assassination attempt
    Sky News Australia Jul 14, 2024
    Sky News US analyst Michael Ware has called the failed assassination attempt of former US president Donald Trump a “political moment for the ages”.
    “When the Secret Service allows him to rise up and he’s in that cocoon they put him in, that security cocoon,” Mr Ware said.
    “There is a moment I swear when he decides this is a chance to say something.
    “This is a chance to show my resilience and composure and to rally the faithful.
    “You can see there was a political judgment made I believe at that instance.”

  136. Gene

    There is no truth to the rumor that the Biden campaign has referred to the assassination attempt as, “a mostly peaceful protest.”

  137. Justn Observer

    Greg. interesting vid on attempted assassination… sure ‘LOOKS LIKE’ no one was interested in stopping shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, until AFTER he got his shots off? Clearly a failure of security…no SNIPER overwatch posted on building soooo close to the event- 130 yds? EASY SHOT at that distance, NOT WITHIN PERIMETER? = BS, every cop, agent, x military knows with today’s equipment…clear shots from 1 mile are ‘routine’ for a committed sniper. How this guy got on a roof, and moved from roof top to roof top on a wide-open white roof a football field away from where DJT was speaking? And the cops and SS not even ‘concerned enough’ when people are telling and pointing and trying to show them= ‘THEY’ let it happen IMO

    • Major

      Greg will become emotional when he reads what we wrote here, valiantly covering the news for him, while he is upgrading

    • Ken Yu

      From Booth to Oswald, Hinckley and Crooks the DEEP STATE GLOBALISTS have used Hired Gunmen “to change American foreign policy”. Now it seems the Secret Service has put itself into the not so enviable position of being the “Pay for Play” Murder Incorporated Agency the Globalists can hire at any time “to do their dirty work”!!

  138. Galaxy 500

    So please tell me how a shooter gains high ground within 150 yards of Trump? When I lived in Greensboro and Obama was coming. They welded the manhole covers shut. Roads were blocked, cars were searched.
    They had an “Oswald” Antifa member close to stage. The CIA isn’t as good at assassinations as they were in the 60s

    • Tin foil hat

      One time and one time only, I’m grateful for the DEI hires.

      • Major

        Good point, Tin foil hat. Perhaps a DEI sighted in the weapon for the shooter. What would the Milwaukee shindig be like without the nominee.

  139. Galaxy 500

    Brought to you by Demoncrats and RINOs near you,,,

  140. Pete+only

    By the miracle of God’s intervention, Donald Trump is still alive. A bullet grazed Donald Trump’s ear, and the assassin was shot dead seconds later.
    Here is actual footage of the assassination attempt and news story of the event.
    It is deeply troubling that main stream media was just calling it an “incident” at a Trump Rally, when they constantly whip people up into a frenzy of wanting to kill Donald Trump every day it seems.
    7/13/24 will be a defining moment in history…
    Greg, I hope all is well with you and your family.

  141. Really Awake

    Many of us knew that the forces of evil would try and park a bullet in Trump’s head. This time Trump got his ear pierced. And yet another miracle happened for Trump. And he’s going to need many more miracles just to get back in The White House. And, if Trump achieves the impossible by actually making a come back, then he’s got four long years of hell on Earth to deal with. The Forces of Evil have made their intentions clear. This is going to be a fight to the death.

    I say we better get our prepping done and prepare accordingly.

  142. Tin foil hat

    Must Watch: JFK Motorcade and Odd Secret Service Behavior

  143. Thom Swain

    Reform UK leader Nigel Farage says it’s a “miracle” that Donald Trump is still alive
    Sky News Jul 14, 2024
    Mr Farage, who has joined Mr Trump at a number of rallies, said he was “very upset” by the scenes at the Pennsylvania rally.
    Speaking to Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips, the MP said: “I was very upset when I heard the news late last night, Donald Trump survived by a miracle, frankly.”
    Mr Farage said he would have “almost certainly” been at the rally, had he not won a seat in the general election.

    Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips: Lucy Powell, Andy Street, Dr Philip Banfield & Baroness Falkner Sky News Streamed live 3 hours ago
    Join Trevor Phillips on our flagship weekly programme that aims to set the political agenda, delve deep into the big stories and hear from news-making guests.

  144. Scott

    Inside job by the current desperate administration. There is no way a 20 something can come close to making that shot. You believe what you want but no chance that kid would be within 10 of an object at that distance, angle and pressure.

  145. Galaxy 500

    So how did a 20yr old know where the hole was in Secret Service Security perimeter? Why did the counter snipers not see and know the shooter wasn’t supposed to be there?
    This kid had help and praise YHWH he was a crappy shot. I was shoot IPSC Combat, NRA silhouette and bench rest matches at that age.
    They say he had a guntuber T shirt on. What the hell does that even mean? And how can you walk across a field with a rifle toward a president’s rally and not be challenged and shot down way before he gained access to the vantage point he shot from?

    • Ken Yu

      One very important question I want an answer to is: Who provided the ladder for the assassin to climb up to the roof of the building (that conveniently had zero Secret Service agents on it)????

  146. Jeff T

    Thought in email to Greg, on further thought… here shared with God-loving, Truth loving tribe… God bless all.
    Assassin sighted, known… deeply-stated, dead-aim targeted; but (strangely) NOT shot. Until (film shows): roof-top `gov’t protective’ sniper waiting… waiting… waiting…. until moment assassin-wanna-be – takes, letting loose `his shot’.

    Then WHAM-BAM… 187. `Wetwork’. Quickly eliminated!

    Greg… watching film… over and over; he was known, seen… in rifle sighting: focused upon, deadly aimed at; until lone gunman, would-be assassin on roof – pulled his trigger. Then, only then… eliminated by roof-placed sniper intently focusing on, clearly aiming at him.

    Films taken, showing sequence of shooting with popping gunfire sounds… tells all, `deeply stated’. Clearly seen. This… what eyes with ears… and Spirit of Truth reveals.
    ~ Jeff Thirlwall

    • Ken Yu

      From the 0:40 to the 0:56 mark on the video [ ] the Secret Service Sniper had the assassin in his cross-hairs with an opportunity to fire on the assassin (before the assassin had a chance to shoot) . Now I’m no gun expert but does it take that long “to pull the trigger”? Considering Trump was likely in the assassins cross-hairs getting a shot off quickly by the Secret Service Sniper “was critically necessary” (the assassin fired off three shots just 5 seconds later at 1:01!!

  147. Marie Joy

    We want Biden to stay. He has NO chance of winning. Biden is the best thing that can happen to republicans.
    I see that shooting and, every time, I’m in tears. So close.
    Dear GOD, in Heaven, Thank you.

  148. CJ

    Two things I noticed watching the videos of the Secret Service getting President Trump off the stage.

    First was the older guy flipping off the cameras. I don’t normally like kind of public display, but for some reason it seemed appropriate given the situation.

    Second was the pathetic display of one of the female secret service member guarding the president. She couldn’t re-holster her weapon. I’m not personally an expert, but have a couple of family members who are in law enforcement. They were very quick to point out she shouldn’t have been here. Being able to secure your weapon quickly so you can put hands on a person is very important. A second can mean the difference between life and death. How could that person be allowed to be in the Secret Service, especially guarding someone like Trump who they know is a potential target? Has the Secret Service started ESG hiring? Did they intentionally put substandard personnel on Trump’s detail? Being female allows me to ask these questions where a man doing so would be called a sexist. Notice I mentioned just one of the females. The other one seemed to do a great job.

  149. Pat McGee

    You picked a fine time to go offline Greg!

    • Ken Yu

      Sadly, Greg Missed the Story of the Century, like I missed the investment of the Century (by not buying a Bitcoin at only what it now costs to purchase a one ounce Gold coin)!!

      • Katy Bar

        Trump say he will support Bitcoin as a form of money!! It would be nice if he also states he will support Silver coins as a form of money!!!

  150. Michael McCammack in Indiana

    Greg, we miss you.
    I hope all goes well with the upgrades.
    Cyber security is a real challenge these days. I have no clue what all it details. I know my former employer that claimed they had the best security in place lost my personal data on multiple occasions. Thank you, FAA and DOT.
    Yes, the federal government.
    How those protecting Trump can’t find a shooter on a white rooftop 130 yards away is beyond me. They claimed to have drones in the air surveilling everything. Was the shooter wearing white? NO!
    I have many questions and I know you are working on the answers.
    Thanks for your tireless work.

    • Galaxy 500

      There were several sites all attached around same time. All conservative. was destroyed and defaced. Greg was attacked. There are others
      This is a concerted effort to silence Christians

  151. G

    I just saw a prophecy on April 8 that said Trump would be shot in the ear and he feel on his knee and became a born again Christian.
    How accurate! And this has been on line since 4/8
    YHWH be praised

    • Glenn

      Not that accurate. The supposed prophecy that was stated never said that Trump would be shot in the ear. Only that the bullet flew by his ear, close to his head. This is what we call a false prophecy. Also if that prophecy was really true then that would mean Trump was not really a Christian before he got shot since he only now became a “born again” Christian. Prior to be “born again”, he like every else was spiritually dead.

  152. Harry Hooligan

    Former classmate of Trump rally gunman says he was ‘bullied almost every day’
    NBC News
    A former classmate of the 20-year-old Pennsylvania man law enforcement identified as the shooter who opened fire at former President Donald Trump’s rally says he was “bullied almost every day” at school. NBC News’ Shaq Brewster reports on what is known about the background and life of Thomas Matthew Crooks.

  153. Mike

    Clif High predicted something big was going to happen at this time around mid July

  154. Galaxy 500

    The head of Secret Service is a DEi hire. I have looked at the videos of the assassination attempt over 50 times. I looked at my history and stopped counting at 50. Satan’s minions conspired and attempted to kill Trump. YHWH said you can not kill my choice for King/president/leader.
    Did you see the female SS agent bent down exposing Trump head and center mass to the assassin?
    The counter snipers gave the assassin at least 5 free SHOTS at our President. Trump turned his head and the bullet grazed him instead of killing him. How upset the demons are. This was Beijing Buy-dem’s government that conspired to do this. This wasn’t a guy that got luck and just walked up. There was a F#€king ladder… an extension ladder…that the government put there and gave the shooter access to. The little Shiite was told where to go to find the ladder. Walked across an open field near the president with a rifle in plain view and yet no one challenged him let alone stopped him. People saw him and reported to police and were waiving at the SS sharpshooter and yet nobody did anything. I don’t fault the guys that shot the assassin for killing him. My buddy said they were tying up loose ends. He isn’t a shooter, he’s a sailor. Maybe there is merit to his opinion but you don’t shot someone with a high powered rifle and expect them to live. I want to know about the ANTIFA guy that they hauled away that was standing in the front near Trump. Was he armed and was he the Oswald? Shooting under pressure is tough and there was little chance of the guy surviving. Not sure what the counter snipers were using but I have some M118 and its magic. Overrun bought by the 1000 loose pack. My guess is the Federal 168gr Gold Medal match. This works best in what I have. Almost as good as hand loads.
    For all the a$$hole paid trolls and demons that come here and post Shiite about Trump being part of the Establishment, well I hope this crystallizes things for you.
    If Buy-dem’s handlers do manage to Kill Trump, I believe there will be civil war.
    They had 3-4 worthless women agents around Trump. Did you see the one that couldn’t even holster her pistol? These are women playing at being men. They will never be fit enough, never be strong enough and never have enough endurance. These things matter. It a fact, it’s not an opinion. Women should not have a different standard for firemen, military or police. But they do and it endangers all of us

    • Ken Yu

      That guy competing as a woman in swimming events should make himself useful and join the Secret Service that the current women heading up the Secret Service wants to fill up with many more women agents by 2030!!

      • Galaxy 500

        Damn, that is funny

  155. Galaxy 500

    This is same secret service director that refused to give Trump more agents and she also deleted all the SS J6 text messages, thousands of them.
    Corey Comperatore died shielding his daughter.
    These Demoncrats allowed this… no, they facilitated this assassination attempt

  156. Galaxy 500

    There was 1 video of Kennedy. There are at minimum 100s of videos of the Trump assassination attempt, maybe 1000s

  157. Lois Douglas

    Goodness Greg we need you RIGHT NOW! This is a BIG story.

    • Major

      Greg will be emotional and proud of our news reporting while he is away upgrading his equipment. He trusts us to get ourselves through this. That is why he suggested we post here.

    • Major

      Mr. Martin Armstrong has posted good information on this at:

  158. Galaxy 500

    So Task & Purpose is reporting Counter Snipers used a 300 Win Mag out of a REM 700 action.
    Points out how SS is supposed to be on all high ground and/or control access

  159. Tommy

    Jacoby Jones, NFL superstar receiver, dead at 40. Cause not released. Hmm.

  160. CCW

    I feel the same way. Time for a rest.
    The face of broadcasting has changed dramatically. The content too. The contents are changing also.
    Today there are hundreds of
    glitzy prepper sites–all parroting earlier sites. Those with great content but primitive production skills are fading into the fog of internet history

  161. Galaxy 500

    Here is the Pastor who prophesied Trump being shot in the ear. And what did Trump post on Truth Social.
    Fear not! Just what Greg says! Praise YHWH, Glory be to God YHWH. Thank you, Lord. Your most unworthy servant praises you and thanks you for heeding my prayers of protection for America and President Trump.
    Here is a prophecy on March 14, 2024. This is no joke. It’s called 3 prophets explain America. This isn’t some scam seeking money like is posted for the South American scammer that claims to be speaking to Mary. This is the real deal

    • wayne hardin

      Real deal ???????????
      Did you listen to the so called prophecy ??????
      Lets see there was going to be a bullet that came close to his ear
      and would bust his ear drum. Did that happen?????????
      He would go to his knees and be praying and become radically born again . I pray that it does happen we will see .
      As far as the video that the dude did he said the prophecy said the bullet took a piece of the ear / when the prophecy said close to the ear and busted the drum .
      Adding to what was said just like someone saying the Lords Prayer used to say Jehovah Father and not Father in heaven .

      PS Don’t add to something / it becomes a lie ……. That is the Real Deal .

      Wayne Hardin

      • Galaxy 500

        I heard shot in the ear. Neither of us have any medical reports sayings there was a wasn’t ear damage.
        I saw the on his knees dude. Do you hate God?

        • wayne hardin

          The point is where did you hear it .
          The prophet didn’t say shot in the ear .
          Since God is the truth / you asking if i hate God .
          Is a JOKE .
          I do hate lies for sure .

          Wayne Hardin

        • wayne hardin

          The real ? is do you hate God .
          God said to Love your enemies .
          You are asking him to kill them .
          The End .

          Wayne Hardin

        • Earth Angel

          Yes, Mike Adams the Health Ranger did a report and forensic audio analysis of the sequence of shots and he said almost certainly Trump would have hearing loss in his right ear due to the sonic boom that the bullet blast causes breaking the sound barrier. He explained with more scientific expertise than I have, but essentially stating that there would be ear damage from the projectile coming that close to his ear & head. It may well come out in future reports he suffered hearing loss. I am still shaken from this horrible event. Trump is truly an amazing and courageous man. With ALL that has been thrown at him; the insults, the outright LIES, the unjust lawfare, the relentless attempts at public humiliation and now a murder attempt- and he’s cheerfully back on the campaign trail with messages of hope going forward for every American! He truly is TRUMP TOUGH. We should have yard signs printed saying that. May God continue to watch over, protect and bless him, his family and the rest of us too. Hey, Wasn’t the RNC a fantastic event?! We watched it and it was like nothing we’ve ever seen before. Full of excellent people, meaningful presentations and we fell in love with Trump’s grandaughter Kai Madison, who gave the most touching testimony of love to her grandfather. We had no idea what an incredible family the Trumps are. THESE are the kinds of people who SHOULD be our leaders- for that’s what they naturally are. Top drawer & FIRST CLASS! Greg, I hope you and your family are well and we can’t wait to hear from you when you come back to report to us. Be well all.

  162. Galaxy 500

    I don’t know if this posted, this pastor prophesied that Trump would be shot at and hit in the ear, falls to his knees and is reborn again in Christ. He is warning of a great dark time of economic collapse. He see Trump on his knees in tears praying in supplication to the Lord. This was posted March 13

    • wayne hardin

      There is a old saying .
      Close Only Counts in Horseshoes and Hand Grenades !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Wayne Hardin

      • Galaxy 500

        Wayne the weak link in the prophecy is the prophet. You have to wonder how much the prophet added being human. He had a vision and I think the ear drum damage is something he assumed. And we don’t have all the details. It looked spot on to me.
        Shot in ear
        Falls to his knees
        Born again
        That’s what I saw. What did you see?

        • wayne hardin

          What i saw was a man say God said something that
          did not happen .
          And saw you say he said something he didn’t .

          That is what i saw .

          Am i wrong ?

          Wayne Hardin

    • Tin foil hat

      Like it or not, the Deep State is keeping us comfortable by kicking the can down the road. If Trump were serious about MAGA, he would embrace the painful withdrawal and guide us thru the Ponzi meltdown.

      Money is king in the Great Depression, stocks and hard assets (other than real estates) are the things to hold in the Weimar Germany hyperinflation.

    • Glenn

      If that prophecy was true then that means Trump was never a Christian before the shooting since he now just got “born again”. Prior to the shooting Trump was dead spiritually. But like I said if that prophecy was true. It seems not to be since the bullet hit his ear and did not simply go by it as was in the prophecy. I have yet to hear of any modern-day prophecy that actually came true down to the smallest detail.

  163. Galaxy 500

    So Dems tried to strip SS protections from Trump a few months ago. Had they succeeded, Trump would be dead

  164. Galaxy 500

    Satan is pissed. His evil machinations failed. YHWH spared Trump. HE has a plan for America and for Trump. Thank you my Lord, Jesus.
    Miracles are real

  165. Pete+only

    Your website is now over the target greg…
    Here are key takeaways from the Trump Assassination that the the media doesn’t want you to know.. very new and interesting..

  166. Galaxy 500

    His motives were to kill Trump. I mean damn

  167. Son of a Marine

    C R O OKs?

    Blackhawk Down : On the Set

  168. CraigfromVA

    By a miracle of God’s grace Trump literally dodged a bullet. I pray for his safety.

    I am starting to believe that we’re fighting evil which is a shock to me as me as I once considered myself an atheist.

    El Salvadoran president Bukele said the first thing he did when he was elected was to pray.

    Pray to protect this nation.
    Pray for peace for both the Ukrainians and the Russians.
    Pray for the future.
    Lord .. give us the strength

  169. Pete+only

    so the main stream media is ignoring the assassination attempt, and the CIA security around Trump it sounds so far was ignoring people’s warnings about the sniper climbing the roof top with a rifle in hand, so this tells me that the banana republic is now in power…same as it is in Canada, Germany, France, Great Britain, and other countries right now…we have nothing to lose but our chains, attack the main stream media where you can, as they allow this to happen as is the deep state, filled with politicians having more than one passport…name and shame them, and vote against them if you get the chance..sorry to have to offend anyone but that is the reality…fk them all..Greg, I hope they are not holding you hostage…

  170. Justn Observer

    Greg, more vids of attempt on DJT life including one of that shows guy setting up and aiming his gun before he fires…so what was SS waiting for…what are the rules of engagement? you’d think just being there aiming a gun at DJT was enough to take the shooter down? How/why did the local cop trying to get up on the roof not radio the SS he was in pursuit of a guy up on the roof?
    @16:16 pic of shooter setting up on roof before he took the shots=
    Bill Oreilly names several who is responsible for the climate of hate of DJT=

    No doubt about it…Obama was successful in his ‘fundamental transformation of America’ plan….and appear ‘they’, the world oligarchy does not want FPOTUS DJT to MAGA? Divine intervention? Clearly Obama is not the MESSIAH ‘they’ tried to claim he was…
    Stay calm and in prayer… violence is NOT necessary….DJT fist pump and the U.S. flag and God loving people behind him, is what winning looks like!

  171. Robert Dziok

    It is reported 7/14/2024 by the CLAIM: Police Sniper Had Trump Shooter in-sight 3 minutes. Secret Service REFUSED Permission to shoot. The report states in a posting on a social media service, a user writes the following:

    “My name is Jonathan Willis, I’m the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trumps’s rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the Secret Service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100%, the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he too the shots at President Trump.”.

    The report also includes a screen shot of the posting.

  172. Robert Dziok

    It is reported 7/14/2024 by that Turning of His Head Saved Trump From Brain Stem Being Ripped Out. This is shown in the report by pictures and diagrams. The report states had Trump not turned his head, the bullet would have entered his skull and ripped-out the President’s Brain stem, killing him instantly.

  173. Mark in OKC

    The latest blog post from Martin Armstrong is a doozy… the last paragraph is very telling.

    Trust in Government – Data Aligns with ECM

  174. Shankar Hadon

    Well, the deep state is in deep do do now fer sure! Somebody made a move at the finale solution as Tucker Carlson predicted. Weather it was just a kid and when I was growing up you weren’t an adult, man or a woman till 21. Even if you were fighting at Anzio in ww2! As you can see by the comments here most think it was a set up. As Galaxy500 put it. “The CIA isn’t as good at assassinations as they were in the 60s.” WHAT Galaxy?
    Your wrong mate! In fact they know, that we all know, nowadays. How back in that day, they used assassination. Back when we were the number one assassin, nation!
    They couldn’t take the heat, knowing that we the people know, they got JFK. That they weren’t now just a bunch of hashish smoking assassins. Like they’re hash bash pot smoking master, Obomber and maybe best bud Alex, chief Soros too. Alex maybe just looks high because of nearsightedness?
    Yes, now today they must be much more sophisticated at assassination, letting the mass hysteria ginned up by project Mockingbird acolytes, to do your heavy lifting of demonetization killing and mass murder, remember Vegas, the 2020 summer of love? Get we the people to accomplish they’re dirty work, through big pharma and their psychotropic drugs and the government funded and project Mockingbird media Propaganda. Obama allowed not to be against the law, but to be lawfully used against the American people. For the main stream media to be allowed to lie, propagandizing we the people. Propaganda with nice legs, preaching hatred against Trump!
    “Americans Finally Have Access to American Propaganda
    A law went into effect this month that ends the ban on U.S. government-made propaganda from being broadcast to Americans. In a remarkably creative spin, the supporters of this law say that allowing Americans to see American propaganda is actually a victory for transparency.” 2012 By Elspeth Reeve
    Joseph Goebbels: Hitler’s propaganda minister, would have been proud!

    ‘Sad day for America’: Sky News host blasts CNN coverage of attempted Trump assassination /Sky News Australia 2,618,777 views Jul 14, 2024
    Sky News host Gabriella Power has slammed CNN for its initial coverage of the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump.
    Ms Power said: “If you were following media outlets like CNN today, you would have thought Donald Trump had a fall”.
    A breaking CNN article included a headline which read: “Secret Service rushed Trump off stage after he falls at rally”.
    “Falls? It was an assassination attempt. He’s not Joe Biden,” Ms Power said.
    Ms Power said it was a “devastating day for America” and claimed there was likely to be growing support for the former president, following the attack.

    ‘Lack of professionalism’: Alex Stein blasts Secret Service after Trump assassination attempt/Sky News Australia 874,740 views Jul 14
    Commentator Alex Stein has criticised the Secret Service over its handling of the situation following former US President Donald Trump’s assassination attempt during a rally in Pennsylvania.
    “This is a serious issue for the Secret Service there is only one other roof across the whole entire event that had a shootable lane to the president and they had to wait till he shoots them,” Mr Stein said.
    “This is a lack of professionalism by the Secret Service that doesn’t care about actually protecting Donald Trump.”
    More Stein! “A controlled demolition?”

  175. yolanda burl

    China Prepares for War
    Posted Jul 15, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

  176. Trust LIZ!

    “Malice Or Massive Incompetence”: Erik Prince Gives Detailed Assessment Of Secret Service Failure
    Former Navy Seal and Blackwater founder Erik Prince gave a detailed assessment of yesterday’s Secret Service debacle in the wake of a failed assassination attempt on former President Trump.

  177. Red Georgia Clayman

    Brad Colombo in this piece, I beg to differ. That bullet didn’t miss Trump, by mere millimeters or inches. The bullet ripped through the top of his ear mate! It didn’t miss him. Actually missing his skull Brad, or he’d be dead. By a lone solitary fraction of an inch, maybe? Between the top of his ear to the side of his head! Place your finger between your ear and the side of your head. For most, less than the width of your index finger! Unless your Bing Crosby, you might have a half an inch. He used to call himself Dumbo.
    Walt Disney’s big eared elephant!
    Well folks and fellow Amerikans, it truly was a miraculous close call, wouldn’t you say!
    Divine intervention, Dumbo luck?

    God Has Numbered “the Very Hairs of Your Head”
    “Not one bird will fall to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”​—MATTHEW 10:29, 30.
    How much more so, the course of nations! Indeed, the sentiment expressed here reflects a profound belief in divine providence and omniscience. The idea that a higher power is aware of every detail, from the smallest to the grandest and resonates, like Trump heard the wiz of that bullet resonating past his right eardrum, so across various religious and philosophical traditions, God is aware. So don’t be scared!
    In mathematical terms, this concept can be likened to the precision of a limit. Just as the limit of a function approaches a specific value as its input approaches a certain point, the divine understanding encompasses all events and entities. It transcends human comprehension, much like an infinite series converging to a fixed sum.
    x→∞lim​f(x)=Divine Knowledge
    (f(x)) represents the unfolding events of the world.
    (\infty) symbolizes the vastness of existence.
    May this perspective inspire contemplation and reverence of what just happened last night. Beyond comprehension?
    The awe that can be sparked by the various idiosyncrasies and facets of life. Here are some common sources:
    Nature in all it’s grandeur of landscapes, ancient trees, vast oceans, star-studded skies, can evoke such awe.
    Masterpieces, of art and Music that harmonious melodies, and intricate compositions can transport us beyond the ordinary.
    Acts of courage inspiring people to kindness, and extraordinary virtue can leave us in awe.
    Mystical Encounters, that defy explanation or touch the transcendent.
    Life and Death, contemplating existence and mortality can evoke profound awe.
    Big Ideas and Epiphanies, insights that expand our understanding and perspective.
    These experiences connect us to something greater, reminding us of the magic inherent in our world.

  178. fran furhmann

    July 14, 2024 / Joseph P. Farrell / No Comments
    It’s been one of those weekends, so I’m going to round out this week’s blogs by posting the following story from Zero Hedge, referencing Blackwater founder Erik Prince (gee… I wonder where in this tangled mess we heard that before?), and his criticism of the Secret Service, which, from any perspective, seems to (once again) have fallen down on the job:

    “Malice Or Massive Incompetence”: Erik Prince Gives Detailed Assessment Of Secret Service Failure

    Thank you, Mr. Prince, for pointing out the obvious.

    But I have to wonder, what’s the agenda? Well, suppose, just suppose for a moment, that there are billions of dollars to be made, by privatizing essential government functions, like presidential and infrastructure security (which would include things like nuclear weapons, rods of God… you know, all of “that” stuff). Moreover, by doing so, you could exercise a great deal of control not only over the government and its officers, but that influence would be all but without any public oversight or control. With enough maneuvering and skill, you could even propose replacing the diverse, inclusive, and equitable (DIE) military. You could oversee all those monetary transfers to the Ukraine and make sure the graft and skim was going into t he right pockets.
    You could, in fact, fundamentally transform Amerika…

  179. Fred Flynn Stone

    ive: President Biden to address the nation following Donald Trump assassination attempt
    ABC News 852,649 views Streamed 9 hours ago

  180. Justn Observer

    Greg, along with the above posts about the SS sniper team not give authorization? to shoot for 3 minutes…which sounds a lot like AFGHANISTAN, this report is that the local cop who climbed up on the roof after the shooter ALSO backed down and retreated from the roof and gave the ‘shooter’ time to get his shots off. So it ‘appears’ the ‘rules of engagement’ are DON’T FIRE UNTIL FIRED UPON? Not good from the now building ‘conspiricy theory’ perspective for sure. SS but another ‘infiltrated’ and weaponized perspective?
    My other thoughts looking at the ‘event’ was, why on earth and who assigned two women that are what looks like 5′ 4″ as body shield agents for a man 6′ 3″? From a DEI perspective…ok having women is OK, but there are many I am sure taller women more suitable for the job. Unless of course, the Democrat Party choses to run ‘the first ever small person’ as a candidate? And preferable one, that would be more focused on actually ‘covering’ the subject than fumbling around and exposing him further while she gathers her hat and sunglasses while FPOTUS is being shot at? Clearly, this is not a good look for the SS. They ARE BETTER than that…IF AND WHEN, like the military, ‘they’ leave diversity choices out of it! The Director of the SS should resign if she is not fired straight away IMO. More than just a comedy of errors going on when one considers all the ‘lapses’ of judgement. Thank God for HIS intervention, DJT’s good luck, and the cooler heads of MAGA supporters, or society might be ‘as they’ might actually want it’ = all at each other’s throats and total civil disorder.
    DJT might entertain the thought of changing his campaign event song to another one from now to election? =

    • Shiloh1

      The only good secret service agents since 1963 were James West and Artemus Gordon.

      • Luke McCain

        Wasn’t that 1863?

        SUPERCUT: JD Vance—2024 GOP VP Nominee—Discusses The Russia-Ukraine War
        Forbes Breaking News 17,958 views 9 hours ago
        Over the past two years, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), former President Trump’s nominee for 2024 GOP Vice Presidential nominee, has forthrightly shared his views on the Ukraine-Russia war.

        When exposing a crime is treated like a crime, you are being ruled by criminals” – Edward Snowden

        The “Deep State” Explained
        Johnny Harris 6,649,776 views Mar 13, 2024
        Trump was Right, the Deep State is Real
        With all the allegations about a group of unelected men making decisions that impact the rest of the country, we wanted to dig into the documents and talk to experts to find the truth. Is there a Deep State? And if so, how deep does it go?
        We wanted to give a special thanks to Jefferson Morely for his extensive research and writing surrounding this topic and for taking time interview with us. Be sure to check out his blog: and his other work.

  181. Tommy

    Biden tells us to dial it down. Does that mean Trump voters are no longer a threat to democracy and the republic, or is he just not going to say it anymore?

  182. Galaxy 500

    It looks like the Secret Service had elements that stood down and allowed Crook a few free shots at Trump. This kid’s Dad bought the rifle. He tried out for HS Rifle Team as a Freshman but failed to make the team as he was a bad shot.
    Secret Service had a bunch of DEI hires pretending to protect Trump. Secret Service isn’t worried about get the best, the head stating wants 30% women. They had problems closing a car door and holstering their gun. Secret Service had 1 job

  183. Marie Joy

    and become involveed in the voting process.
    It matters

    • Major

      Voters elect the best liars, every time.



      Voting any politician into office, certifies to them,
      beyond any reasonable doubt, that voters are STUPID!




      Voters elect the best liars, every time.

      • Galaxy 500

        Voting isn’t useless. They would spend a billion dollar trying to win if it was.
        You seem to be trying to discourage voters.

  184. War Monger

    German blogger was persecuted and tortured by the SBU in Ukraine for two years:

    A German blogger who had lived in Ukraine for about ten years was persecuted and tortured by the SBU for over two years. The German embassy even refused to help. Now the blogger and his family are finally safe.


  185. Ken Yu

    Photo of Thomas Matthew Crooks:,1024&quality=75&strip=all
    CNN interviewed more than a half-dozen former classmates and neighbors of Crooks who generally remember him as “somewhat of an intelligent misfit”. His long “girlish hair” may suggest him being a transgender queer like the one who shot up and killed a number of people in a school recently. Because Crook had a Libertarian Father and Democratic Mother it may explain “his divergent political leanings” (registering to vote as a Republican but making a small donation to a Democratic-leaning group).

    • Atam Gits

      He was registered as a Republican because the dems in his state (a closed primary state) were registering as democrats so they vote for Nikki Halley to try and keep Trump off the ballot. There was no reason for them to vote in the democrat primary because Brandon was already set to be reinstalled, so they resorted to their normal sleazy tactics.

  186. Colin

    Is this the shot that will be heard around the world?

  187. uncle samski

    Doctor Sounds Alarm After Diagnosing Turbo Cancer Every Week
    Sean Miller | Infowars July 15th 2024, 10:35 am
    Covid shots are documented in medical literature to cause cancer.
    Dr. Ben Marble sounded the alarm Tuesday about the fact he has been diagnosing new-onset cancers in patients basically every week since the Covid shot rollout in 2021.
    Dr. Marble has been in the practice for 26 years. He said that previous to the Covid shot rollout, he’d diagnose a couple cases of cancer a year. That number has since ballooned to around one case each week.

  188. Trust LIZ!

    Sunday Emergency Broadcast: Globalists Will STILL Try To Kill Trump Again! The Alex Jones Show July 14th 2024
    Questions swirl over the failure of the Secret Service to protect the former president and how shooter was allowed to be within striking distance — tune in and share this link!
    Alex Jones will also exclusively break a citizen journalist organization catching bizarre rituals on video and Republicans plotting against Trump!
    Alex Jones discusses the unforgivable security failures surrounding the attempted assassination of former President Trump on Saturday, which have led many to question the Secret Service and whether its failure to protect Trump was just a major mistake or a deliberate stand down. We’ll break it all down!

  189. Conradco Blackich
    Google’s service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
    Reagon Melania Trump për sulmin ndaj bashkëshortit
    Translation from the Slavic Serbian
    Melania Trump reacts to the attack on her husband
    July 14, 2024 5:17 p.m
    Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, said that when she saw the bullet that hit her husband “she realized that her life and Barron’s (their son) was on the verge of destruction”.
    In a letter published on the X social network, Melania said she is grateful to Secret Service agents and law enforcement officials who risked their lives.
    “America, the fabric of our nation is fragile and torn apart, but courage and common sense must rise and unite. When I saw that violent bullet that shot my husband, Donald, I knew that my life and Barraon’s were on the verge of devastating change. I am grateful to the brave Secret Service agents and law enforcement officials who risked their lives to protect my husband,” she said.
    The wife of the US presidential candidate further stated that a “monster tried to incite Trump’s passion”.
    “The essential aspects of my husband’s life, his human side, were buried under the political machine,” she added
    Mrs. Trump was born and raised in Ljubljana Slovenia. City and province of the former communist country of Yugoslavia. Of which Belgrade the capitol and Serbia was also a province.

  190. Felix Lietner

    Alex Jones Issues Emergency Message Concerning Future Of America & The World: We Must Protect Trump To Stop WW3!
    Posted 3 hours ago
    Alex Jones is LIVE right now taking your calls and covering the stories globalists DO NOT want you to hear, Join the discussion!

  191. Keith

    According to the news. There was a tree blocking the secret servicemen sniper teams from the roof of the building where the gunman was positioned. The tree did not block the gun mans line of fire when he opened up on trump. If the police did inform the secret servicemen sniper teams about the gun mans position on the roof, they may have had a difficult job locating the gunman. The gunman had a clear view of trump and the stage. Sadly most government departments are managed by morons who got there position through being woke, diversity, and being a lesbian or gay or bisexual, or into crossdressing and being a transsexual deviant. So it’s no wonder the secret service is broken and not fit for purpose.

  192. yolanda burl

    Read the email CEO Jamie Dimon sent to JPMorgan employees after the assassination attempt on Trump
    Story by [email protected] (Ana Altchek) • 1h •

  193. Jeffrobbins

    There’s a guy that has a youtube channel called ‘Last Days’. He claims to have visions and visitations and the Lord has shown him things of future events. I’ve been a bit on the fence, but overall thought him as legit because he looks like he has a touch of Down syndrome and “power is made perfect in weakness”. I don’t know how all of you view the prophetic, but this guy did call for Trumps ear to be shot some time ago. I’ve seen a lot of his videos. He’s also calling for an economic calamity worse than anything this nation has experienced- he believes it to last 4 years, and to be corrected mostly by the actions that a Spirit filled president Trump will make. A word of caution- when ever we read the Bible or hear a prophetic word or vision there are two main questions. How do we interpret it and how do we apply it?

    • wayne hardin

      How do we interpret it and how do we apply it?
      Word for word from the person that said it / not what someone said he said .
      You said / but this guy did call for Trumps ear to be shot some time ago .
      Where can i find the video Please / of HIM saying trumps ear would be shot .

      No disrespect intended ….

      Wayne Hardin

    • Glenn

      This supposed prophet that you follow did not say that Trump was going to be shot in the ear. He wrongly said that the bullet would fly by his ear, close to his head. Not the same as hitting his ear.

  194. Justn Observer

    Greg Expert evaluation of event errors =
    Assassination Attempt: Secret Service Breakdowns w/ Erik Prince
    SS = beyond grotesque malpractice!!!!!

  195. Anon

    What if…

    THEY really thought they were going to win in Ukraine. They poured everything WE had into that death hole and doubtlessly assumed the kitchen sink would do the trick.

    However, it didn’t work out. The Globalists / Deep State / Cabal (Whatever they are) lost against Putin.

    So… why not jiggle the chessboard too arrange getting Trump back in who will immediately settle the Russia issue thereby saving face on “losing” that proxy war… and then instead support the zionists battle in Iran which Biden’s regime can not do without alienating their base. This all looks like a convenient switcharoo to me.

    (You wait… THEY will be saying that Russia is a middle-east ally or something next as they steer western hate back against the muslim world which all this immigration is probably a part of – THEY are wielding the West or what’s left of it like a sword to again attack the middle east and finished what they started after 9/11)

    What if they also blame Joe for the asassination? That’ll get him out of office pretty sharp and ensure a dem failure. They can make up anything they want.

    If Trump gets in… that needs to be the START of real patriots retaking the US. Trump can’t fix anything without REAL people – just like you and me right here and now – standing up with him rather than standing back just watching the show. Every one of us decent people that stands back is allowing some kind of devil weasel to step up.

    • Major

      If a “devil weasel” measures winning in Ukraine by the death count, they won over 500,000 Ukraine military and a million or two dead civilians. Add in the Russ losses and their “win” gets even bigger. Tom Crooks may have believed he was “decent people” taking out a “devil weasel” when he fired his weapon, rather than “standing back just watching the show.”

      If the show is a deepfake (synthetic media that have been digitally manipulated) better not get your soul involved.

      Who was it that said “Love thine enemies.”
      Luke 6:27-36
      27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
      32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. 35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

      A devil weasel wants your hatred. . . to rot your soul.

  196. Louis Carmichael

    Thomas Matthew Crooks exercised his 2nd Amendment right to fight tyranny!

    Remember, y’all, the 2A isn’t there to ensure the ability to hunt…

  197. Mike

    A compilation proving Trump’s assassination was planned
    You got to watch this

  198. Lauran F.

    Greg……………….God Bless, and you will be missed!…Your faithful readers are hoping for you to get a bit of a rest and come out with the better security that you need. I hope people understand that “they” are watching and listening to phone calls, e-mail and even what everyone watches on TV if anyone gives information to the apps on the tube. For those with Roku TV or a set with any apps, give no info. Especially if you get Rumble, OAN or any religious stations. They don’t really care about your “preferences”. They are just after the data. Too many people buy into giving out info for a ‘better experience” in selecting TV sites. Take in information, but do not give it out.

  199. Justn Observer

    Greg, if the not so comedy of errors? was not bad enough…there is even more…after the ANALYSIS by Eric Prince of Blackwaters …on Jessie Watters on FOX, the shooter was on top of the building the local police was using as their event staging area? The shooter was seen a full half hour earlier carrying a ladder and rifle. Was chased and lost by the police yet still got up on the roof and took those shots? while one cop climbed up and saw him then dropped out of site and left him their without WARNING the DJT there was an armed perp at large in the area and elluding the police so they could have evacuated Trump to a safe zone? Now that is just too much, too many mistakes to not be something nefarious a going on. Puts the odds way to far out their to believe someoen was not wanting IT to happen.

    • Galaxy 500

      How do you allude the POPO with a frigging extension ladder and rifle? Even the grossly obese donut obsessed ones? This little criminal wasn’t an athlete.

  200. Galaxy 500

    So the kid bought ammo and ladder day of? Tell me how he walked around a President’s rally with a rifle and a ladder. How did he know where to go?
    This was an inside job just like Kennedy. And isn’t it amazing that after denying RFK Jr SS protection, they are going to provide it now…

  201. War Monger

    Top Biden administration officials with Ukrainian Jewish roots are working against U.S. interests, economist warns:

  202. Won Witness

    YOU :
    SAW with your own eyes what happened.
    KNEW the deep state, uniparty, wef etc. had run out of options.
    KNOW what they did to leave him vernerable to a sniper.

    Do we Realize ? We have witnessed a MIRACLE !

    Praise God ! And do NOT let the EVIL investigate THEMSELVES (when? next year ?)

    Right NOW Trump needs to hire private security !

    Right NOW We need an honest D. A. (like D.A. Jim Garrison of New Orleans who investigated the Kennedy assassination after the warren commission cover up) To Start collecting evidence on this MURDER * Attempt.

    The politically weponized FBI has NO MORAL AUTHORITY To investigate Secret Service’s Way Too convienient lapses. The FBI’s immediate history shows it’s political corruption..examples pre election hiding of Hunter Biden’s laptop allowing it to be called russsian disinformation, covering for Hillery and email/server destruction, Instigating/entrapment of peaceful Jan 6 protestors with Ligitimate Questions about a now obvious multi state election steal, lieing about Russion Colusion, etc.

    P.S. God has exposed the years of MAINSTREAM MEDIA LIES via the presidential debate. Why even listen to them anymore ? or Care what lies they spread ? they are proven FALSE WITNESSES.
    stick to the “free press” like X, Rumble, and of course WATCHDOG USA.
    Freedom is a gift from God and its past time we started to honour that gift and exercise it.

    * MURDER because the word “assassination” has a diluted meaning due to left’s belief it’s just another form of political action.

  203. K.Clayser

    Jack Black Cancels Tenacious D Tour and ‘All Future Creative Plans’ After Kyle Gass’ Remark on Trump Assassination Attempt: ‘I Was Blindsided by What Was Said’ Story by Zack Sharf • 1h •

  204. Harve Pell

    Retired Green Beret Level One Sniper Says Trump Rally Was ‘Planned, Coordinated Attack’

    • Protection

      That’s the kind of people Trump needs and you know there are a lot of others.

  205. Led Skeletor

    Joe Adolph Biden now proposes nationwide rent cap! Draw the Adolph mustachio on all of the DEMs and RINOS that still support this flatline dirtnapper. American businesses aren’t running a free charity here!!

    “Trump must not be allowed to exist because Trump’s a Dictator!!” HOW ABOUT BIDEN AND THE DEM/RINO PARTY? How many times has this ‘person’ and his DEM ilk come out with unconstitutional TAKEAWAYS and FREE GIVEAWAYS, to illegal aliens even. Why do they insist on the confiscation of wealth or property and even the unconstitutional elimination of certain forms of legal contractual debt. IT GETS THEM MILLIONS OF VOTES.

    And this same trash and its ilk calls Trump Hitler? Another rant:

    Lets make the entire Biden Secret Service all women to give the shooters carte blanch . Woman SS agents during the shooting: “where are we going, what do next?” Fumbling and bumbling around. Women SS agents moving around looking like they are Biden on stage!! One couldn’t even holster her gun without stopping and giving it 100% of her attention. Woman SS agent hiding behind another, not protecting anyone. Women SS agents half the size of the person they are being paid to protect.

    Maybe this is where women SS agents out to only be on details protecting other women? Another example of women demanding all the glory, the title position and the big bucks, yet not doing the minimum required to even be considered for the position. Maybe replace all the women with 6’9″+ ANGRY ENTITLED Amazonian Trannies named Mike.

  206. György Schwartzkoph

    Russian farmers fight to salvage harvest as major region cuts forecast
    Story by Sergei Pivovarov and Olga Popova • 2h •

    Food Shortages​—An Evidence of What?

    INCLUDING this as part of “the sign” of what the Bible calls the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus said that “food shortages” would occur “in one place after another.” Giving us reason for hope, however, he explained that these food shortages would be an evidence that “deliverance” was “getting near.”​—See Luke 21:7, 11, 28.

    Are the food shortages signifying imminent deliverance really in evidence today? Many people think so. Do you?

    Consider the Fact War is a prime cause of food shortages, so it was only to be expected that the first global conflict, World War I, would be followed by serious food shortages. It was. World War II was even more catastrophic and likewise the food shortages it helped produce.
    Today were in war with NATO, Ukraine and Russia. Israel and Iran, China and Taiwan. It’s a world war, that just hasn’t gone Nuclear yet. Remember, WW2 was on a few years, while we were supplying Great Britain before we sent in our troops . Just as today talk of drafting girls in the US. to send to Ukraine now. So just because Americans aren’t dying yet, does not mean this is not a world at war.
    Of course many other factors besides war have contributed toward making food shortages a global problem. But, how many more millions are doomed to die before it all, can be solved by man or GAWD!?
    In summary, what do these facts show? That present food shortages affect more people now worlswide than at any other time in history, that rather than being temporary in nature as in the past, they are like the forever wars, food shortages are becoming a permanent feature of today’s world, and that despite scientific progress no human solution seems forthcoming. These facts make this phenomenon of food shortages something new, just exactly what we would expect to see in fulfillment of Jesus’ “sign.”
    But do not forget that Jesus said that “food shortages” experienced “in one place after another” would be clear evidence that “deliverance” was “getting near.” Learn more about this exciting prospect here on

  207. Ruprecht III

    If a bullet had taken off even a centimeter of the edge of the ear, it would be bleeding profusely, and we would see blood dripping from his earlobe down onto his shirt and jacket. I have scratched off scabs on my ear that bled more that that, and you probably have, too. Then there’s the little problem about allowing him to stand up and do his little dance, gesturing to the crowd and so on. They had to get the picture for the papers. But if this had been real they would have kept him down. He would never have been allowed to stand back up almost immediately, making himself a target again. That was against all protocol and logic.

    • Paul

      Your comments prefer his death.

      Paul from arkansas

      • Won Witness

        We must be merciful Ruprecht, he’s ill. Trump derangement Syndrom is a form of chronic lying sickness necessary to maintain thier imaginary world. Lets enjoy their silly TDS monologs. They always make up things to support and cover their silly world.
        Ruprecht is just following the standards set by TDS & Vax damaged Joe Biden at the debate who could not understand how much of his fanciful statements didn’t jive the the facts of america’s real world.
        Now the narrative of lies is broken all except the most severe TDS sufferers know it’s over for them.

  208. Ruprech IV

    Then we have the miracle picture of the bullet flying by Trump.
    They really think you are stupid, to buy that photoshopped POS. That was allegedly captured by a NYT photographer. Convenient. So how fast was his shutter speed? Well, they saw that question coming, because they tell us he was using a Sony A1 at 1/8000s. Since Trump is not known to move 1000 feet per second himself, it is unclear why the photographer would be using that shutter speed. But let’s say he was. At that shutter speed, how far would the bullet move? Since this was an AR15, the bullet would have slowed to about 2000fps. So we just multiply. The bullet should have traveled ¼ foot, or three inches. Is that track 3 inches? No, it is about a foot, which is four times too long. Obviously, the bullet would need to be moving 8000fps to make a track one foot long on a film open for 1/8000s. Anyone can do that math. 8000/8000 = 1. Then there is the reaction of the crowd behind Trump, which allegedly had eight bullets whizzing past them. They stand there like idiots, many not running or even ducking. That’s because they know the bangs are just blanks.

  209. Ruprecht III

    You will say one of those people was killed. Corey Comperatore. Unfortunately, his story doesn’t add up, either. We are being told he was an ex-fire chief in Buffalo Township. But his LinkedIN profile doesn’t mention being a firefighter. It says he has worked at JSP in Butler for 30 years. Plus, this dead guy is still posting at LinkedIN as of today.
    Nice of him to comment on his own death, right? That’s very helpful. You will say there are two Corey Comperatores in that area of the same age who look exactly alike.
    Not according to Intelius and Instantcheckmate, which both tell us there is only one Corey Comperatore there. And not according to the Los Angeles Times, which is using the second pic there in their obituary, which is the one from LinkedIN. So as usual, this is all incredibly sloppy. Also funny: it appears the guy never changes shirts.
    His old firehouse now has that memorial. Except for one thing: they spelled his name wrong. They have never heard of that guy.

    • Won Witness

      Earlier I commented that Ruprecht has Trump Derangement Syndrome.
      I stand corrected. His soul is in danger from the 2nd stage TDS.
      T rue D emon S ervent of the father of lies.
      I will pray for him to find God’s truth.

  210. Lovely Rita

    Lefties losing it: Sky News host roasts ‘leftie’ Jill Biden after Trump rant
    Sky News Australia 2,775,638 views Jun 7, 2024
    The hosts of American talk show ‘The View’ are keen to show “misery loves company” with US First Lady Jill Biden being the latest “leftie” to lose it on the program, says Sky News Australia host Rita Panahi.
    “You’d think there was enough weapon-grade crazy on The View from the miserable wackadoodle hosts – but no, the ladies of The View are keen to prove that misery loves company,” Ms Panahi said.
    “And they invite other lefties to lose it on their program, including the First Lady.”

  211. Prospector

    This guy predicted Trump would be shot in the ear — 4 MONTHS AGO.

    I do believe GOD sends prophets sometimes. Sadly there are many false ones too so we must use discernment. ( Trust your gut , is a good place to start. )

    This man also predicts extreme heat , big storm long-track tornadoes and a big earthquake in the New Madrid , Mississippi River zone. Big enough to cut bridges and require Chinook helo flights of supplies into the area after.

    • Prospector

      Link got cut off :

      The man who predicted Trump getting shot but surviving is named :
      Brandon Biggs.

      The show was March 14 , 2024 on — DISCOVERCHURCH.ONLINE

    • Glenn

      Not true. The prophecy said it flew by Trump’s ear. Coming close to his head. It did not hit his ear according to the prophecy. Just another false prophet.

  212. fran furhmann

    2nd Trump Shooting Gunman? Water Tower Theory Emerges Due To Eyewitness Interviews July 16th 2024, 1:16 pm
    Internet questions official narrative of assassination attempt on 45th President.

  213. sadie hawkshaw hawkins

    Former Top Biden Staffer & CNN Contributor: ‘Democrats Have to Turn Their Fire on Trump’ by Adan Salazar July 16th 2024, 12:56 pm
    Former White House Communications Director for Biden apologizes after using loaded terminology in immediate aftermath of attempt on Trump’s life.

  214. Lloyd Cousins
    Rachel mad as hell Maddow, exposes J.D. Vance when he too bought the lies on Trump, like most of us including, me!

    • Katy Bar

      Do you believe what Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle said!!! She said that a decision was made to put local law enforcement inside the building (that assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks climbed on top of to shoot Trump) due to the “Safety Factor” of exposing law enforcement to the Danger of Slipping on a Sloped Roof”!!!!!
      What about these guys???

      • Ken Yu

        Does Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheat’le understand that her Job Description says her main concern should be to “Protect the President” (not the Police) from Crooks and Assassins!!!!!

      • Galaxy 500

        Amazingly laughable wasn’t it

    • Major

      It would seem that the public is being made fun of openly, by such a ‘sloped ‘ answer.

  215. Galaxy 500

    These Fuktards live in a different reality than the rest of us. This is clearly false but these people are feckless liars

  216. Galaxy 500

    Here are some animations of just how close the assassin came to killing Trump.
    This was a miracle. This is the kind of thing I have been praying to our Heavenly Father, YHWH, for. To protect Trump and our nation and to bring our corrupt politicians and government officials to desolation. I pray for these evil bastards to receive justice and for them to be brought down from their lofty positions and punished for their crimes against YHWH, against America and against Americans.

  217. Galaxy 500

    Tom Macdonald’s rap song, ‘You Missed’

  218. David Bagley

    Why isn’t anyone asking why Trump is silent regarding the greatest crime against humanity in history ☠️ 💉

    • Earth Angel

      Which crime are you referring to David? There have been so many of them! It’s hard to tell which is the worst. Would that be the covid scandal worldwide genocidal vaxx murder campaign?, the total ecosphere destroying climate engineering weather warfare crimes taking place for the past 75 yrs. without public knowledge or consent by militaries and governments?, or is it the complete monetary fraud the Fed. Reserve System has been using to suck up the wealth of individuals and countries around the world for the past 110 yrs.? what about the contamination of our food supply by GMO’s, bioengineeered foods, toxic glyphosate and other chemicals sprayed over our farms and other lands?, is it the destroying and killing of children with autism producing vaccine programs pushed by big pharma & incentivized $$$$ doctors?, what about radiation poisoning and destruction of the planet by military activities, endless wars, and the toxic radioactive waste produced by all of this; and the deaths of literally millions of ‘takes’ and injuries to innocent sea (or land) creatures and human beings from these nonsensical ‘tests’ and other military activities? I haven’t heard anyone on the political stage talk about ANY of this other than RFK jr. He has at least addressed some of it. I truly HOPE we are able to get more candidates in ‘the spotlight’ to engage in discussion of the issues so very important to the near term survival of the human race and our once thriving and beautiful planet Earth.

  219. Galaxy 500

    Like in Nov 1963, our government, the US Government, conspired to assassinate a US President. The Demons running our country… and running it into the f#€king ground … the have raided the treasury. They have raided all the petroleum stores. They have raided the ready reserve (military stores). They have raided our children’s bodies and minds. They have raided and twisted college students.
    People if you don’t vote for America, If you don’t vote for freedom, if you don’t vote for a return to normalcy, if you don’t vote Trump… I pity you. You are voting for the destruction of America and your own subjugation. You are the Brownshirts… You are the useful idiots and you will be culled when it’s convenient by your Satanic leaders
    Trump 2024
    There is NO OTHER CHOICE

    • Major


      • Galaxy 500

        Stop the BS about voting doesn’t count. You position is demonstrably false.
        Are you paid to discourage voting?

  220. Galaxy 500

    How did this 20 yr old know that a 5’ ladder would do it? Who scrubbed his phone and computer history?
    How did he plan this? Is it reasonable to think this kid is a genius assassin? Or is it reasonable think this kid is a government asset?
    The Secret Service made the Uvalde PD look professional.

  221. Tin foil hat

    I pretty much had figured out how they did it with the exception of how the shooter, Thomas
    Matthew Crooks who lived so close (50 miles away) from Butler, was recruited within such a short time frame – 2 to 3 weeks max.

    Crooks was seen in a Black Rock commercial!! If I were Trump, I would take a real good look at whoever suggested to hold that rally at Butler. The rest of the plot is easy, they made enforcement impotent with ridiculous protocol and rules of engagement.

    They brought Trump to the shooter!

  222. Tin foil hat

    Thomas Matthew Crooks was likely recruited after appearing in a BlackRock ad in 2022.

    • Katy Bar

      BlackRock stood to benefit immensely if the Trump assassination was successful, not only because of the Billions they would have made on the Put Options placed on Trumps company, but because they are planning to make Trillions in the Ukraine “slaughter house”!!!

  223. Galaxy 500

    Brought to a city near you by Biden’s illegal peeps

  224. Galaxy 500

    “GARM” Is New Version Of Old Tactic To Starve Conservative Media of Revenue To Silence Dissent
    Our Op-Ed In NY Post: “leftist activists are not trying to win the argument, they are trying to deprive conservatives and free-speech advocates of platforms on which to make their arguments. Ultimately, they are trying to deprive you, the audience, of hearing those arguments and coming to conclusions on your own.” 
    Posted by William A. Jacobson
    Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 07:00pm

    • Katy Bar

      To completely “Silence Dissent” the next attack upon the American people by the Evil Globalists is to do “a Cyber Attack” to shut down all our Free Speech Platforms that is currently exposing them for what they are (Satan’s Demons), and these Evil Rats will likely put Hillary into the White House (to replace Bribe’n) because she has already pledged to go along with their Evil Plans for the Destruction of the United States!! Remember what Hillary said back in 2017: “I will treat a Cyber Attack like any other attack by Russia or Iran, and when a Cyber Attack occurs I will give the order to launch Nuclear Weapons”!! “And when I give That Order I expect (those in the Military) to follow my orders”!!!

      • Ken Yu

        Hillary Clinton said: “The Federal government needs to classify Cyber-attacks on the United States “As Acts Of War”!! And as President, Hillary said that she will make it clear to the Russians or Iranians that the United States will treat Cyber-attacks just like any other attack.” Bottom line on firing Nuclear Weapons Hillary said “That when I give the Order to the US Military, It Must Be Followed in the Four(4) Minutes Between the Order Being Given by Me and They Must Launch the Nuclear Weapons!!!
        How will Hillary know with absolute certainty that the Russians did the Cyber-attack when the CIA has the capability to make it look like the Russians did it?? (Just like she knew from 59 CIA agents that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation)???

  225. Galaxy 500

    The officer who confronted Thomas Crooks, the guy who shot former President Donald Trump, alerted everyone on a shared tactical channel about the shooter on the roof.

    The question is…did the Secret Service have access to the blanket tactical channel? Collin Rugg wrote:
    NEW: Two police officers phoned into a “blanket tactical channel” to alert that an armed individual was on the roof moments before Trump was shot at the PA rally…

  226. Galaxy 500

    Why were they worried this day? This seems awful damn convenient doesn’t it? They always know where their 20 yr old son is?

  227. Katy Bar

    People always say “Follow the Money”. Well consider this very strange coincidence that Bob Moriarty mentions in the attachment below, that Blackrock (who had previously hired the Assassin that shot at Trump) has a Lot to Lose in Ukraine (possibly as much as a Trillion Dollars if Trump is Elected and Successfully Stops the War over There) !!

  228. Baron

    There are so many levels of fu$*ery that it’s hard to get a handle on anything. I do enjoy the narrative changes- Bidens dementia is suddenly a problem. Lol. My favorite narrative 180 is the liberals pointing out anomalies at shootings, challenging the official narrative. Society has devolved into full clown show mode. Head/swivel Patriots.

  229. James Hall

    This is an interesting clip with a lot of undisputable facts. I’m a Trump supported.

  230. Monica

    Greg, if you don’t see that Trump is in on this & that he’s not for the people, I will lose all faith in you. I’ve loved listening to you, but I can’t see how many of the independent journalists & truth tellers can’t see through this whole scam. Please read what Leo Hohmann is saying. We all need to be reality based, or we’re setting ourselves up to be offed! I hope you post my comment. Blessings from a fan in So Cal, USA.

  231. Laura Coogan

    DJT Stock Sees 800% Volume Spike, Record Shorts DAY BEFORE Assassination Attempt
    by Adan Salazar July 17th 2024
    ‘Surge indicates that individuals or large organizations anticipated a significant drop in the stock’s value by July 15, a scenario that would likely have materialized had President Trump died in Pennsylvania,’ notes financial outlet Finbold.
    Were corrupt insiders with prior knowledge planning to profit off Trump’s death?

  232. Galaxy 500

    …Exclusive—MTG: Mayorkas ‘Slowing’ Process of Info About Shooting…

    United States Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas is “stepping in and slowing the process of information,” regarding the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said during an interview with Breitbart News at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday.
    Speaking about former President Donald Trump’s “miracle” survival on Saturday, Greene noted that he turned his head at the exact right moment, looking at a chart offering statistics of the border invasion.

    “There’s so many little things that line up, but you’re right, the fact that he turned his head at the precise time and his life was spared, that bullet clipping his ear, it really was a miracle we all witnessed. But can we move on to the fact that what he turned his head to look at is exactly the key issue that is one of the things … completely destroying our country: It’s the statistics of the border invasion,” she said.
    “He had a chart on the screen in that moment, and he was speaking to all the people at the rally talking about the border invasion, the illegal border invasion of the Biden administration,” showing the spike in illegal immigration, Greene explained.

    • Ken Yu

      Trump turned his head to look at the spike in border crossings and avoided a spike to his head. What we need to do is put a Silver spike into the Heart of the Deep State Vampires (who have been suppressing the price of Silver and took our silver coinage out of circulation – the way they now want to take Trump out of circulation)!!!

  233. Laura Coogan

    Nuclear war map reveals that two thirds of US could be ‘vaporized’ in hours
    Story by Joshua Taylor & Emily Hodgkin & John O’sullivan • 10h •
    Achilling Cold War-era map has surfaced, predicting a grim scenario of the US blanketed in radioactive fallout in the event of a nuclear war. The doomsday projection suggests that up to 75 percent of citizens living in the most severely affected fallout zones would perish, as shown in this map.

    Details emerge about Trump shooter Thomas Crooks’ sister
    Story by Rebecca Rosenberg, Julia Bonavita • 7h •

    • Katy Bar

      Seems the assassin’s sister (Katie Crooks) is a “hardworking woman” who juggled two jobs “just to make ends meet” (yet her brother wanted to take out Trump who wants to bring jobs back to America and kick out the illegals crossing our border)???? The Deep State must have offered Thomas Crooks a huge amount of money probably telling him he could then help his sister out!!!

  234. L.Coogan

    Video shows shooter at Trump rally moments before attack
    Video shows the shooter on a rooftop moments before former President Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday. A former fire chief attending the rally with family was killed, as was the gunman. Two other people were critically wounded.

  235. Frank Cooper

    “These Women Were Half The Size Of Trump” | Secret Service’s Response To Assassination Attempt TalkTV 526,334 views Jul 15, 2024
    WOW! The why/ Must be answered!

  236. Clutch Gallager

    The Priest Who Prayed on Stage Moments Before Trump Shooting.
    EWTN 363,211 views Jul 14, 2024
    Fr. Jason Charron prayed on stage just before the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. And incredibly, he told people in the crowd to pray for the former president, saying “there are people who want to shoot him, there are people who want to kill him.” Moments later a bullet grazed the former president’s right ear. EWTN’s Colm Flynn interviewed Fr. Jason Charron.

  237. US.News & World Retort

    ‘Demented, deranged and deluded’: Lefties erupt following Trump’s assassination attempt
    Sky News Australia 1,233,723 views Jul 15, 2024
    Sky News host Danica De Giorgio has reacted to “demented, deranged and deluded” lefties having a meltdown on social media following a failed assassination attempt on former US president Donald Trump.
    “It’s been a big day for the demented, deranged and deluded,” Ms De Giorgio said.
    “I mean truly, the left have come out of the woodwork because of the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump.”

    Angry and unhinged’ MSNBC host’s Trump remarks slammed
    Sky News Australia Very disturbing and can’t continue!\……

    Secret Service chief ambushed at RNC by angry Republicans
    Sky News Australia 4.37M subscribers Jul 18, 2024
    Republican politicians have confronted Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle at the GOP convention in Milwaukee.
    Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) confronted Cheatle at the RNC convention about the failed assassination attempt on Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump.
    Donald Trump was close to getting killed at a Pennsylvania rally when he missed the bullet with a head tilt.
    Marsha Blackburn confronted Kimberly Cheatle telling “You owe the people answers” in a video she posted on X.
    She said, “This was an assassination attempt. You owe the people answers. You owe President Trump answers.”
    Laughing Stock?_ Sad but true!

  238. Guy Royce

    LIVE: Donald Trump holds MAGA rally in Minnesota
    The Times and The Sunday Times 2,890,444 views Streamed live on May 17, 2024
    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will address an annual gathering of Republicans in St. Paul, Minnesota’s capital.
    The state leans slightly Democratic, but Trump’s campaign aides have indicated they believe they can compete there this year.

  239. Justn Observer

    Greg, No bags or backpack checks entering the rally and witnesses say shots ALSO fired from a water tower = possible multiple shooters? @9:00

  240. Galaxy 500

    So is there anyone in a position of power in Fulton County not a feral human? Fulton County Housing Authority has much complaints of misuse of funds, staff not qualified and sexual harassment.
    Hmmm. Just like the feral 304 showing her Fani?
    In Fulton County GA, it appears the ferals are running the County and if you bring their crimes to light, you are fired

  241. Galaxy 500

    So we are being told that this limp dick 20 yr less than Beta male light was a super Agent 47 level assassin and bomb maker. So he was supposed to be at work Saturday instead of magically funded the right place to shoot and being left unmolested by Secret Service after they saw him with a rangefinder looking straight at counter snipers. Allowed to work HIS plan (yeah, I don’t buy it was his plan either) for hours. Not minutes although people called attention to assassin on roof and local Police who had initiative to climb on top of each other to look on roof and then fell while trying to draw. Isn’t it odd that the assassin somehow knew the right spot and bought a ladder day of. All social media wiped just like cellphones and computers. He somehow was a bomb maker and a strategic planner and assassin. It’s much more likely that he was a CIA or FBI asset that was set up as a patsy, just like Oswald. It’s funny, can anyone remember watching on TV and Oswald saying he was a patsy?
    This glaring failure of Secret Service is more than incompetence, it was an inside job. I don’t know any other answer. Occam’s razor say use the smallest set of elements. The smallest set of element are. Demons are seeking to retain control of government by any means necessary. Voter fraud worked last time but they have been exposed and it would have to be orders of magnitude more this time. So over the top no one would buy it; revolution happens when voters know they are disenfranchised. Demons tried trumped up charges for make believe Soviet style Lawfare. That didn’t work. So the only thing they had left was assassination. Just like they did JFK.

  242. Linda Milkes

    I hope you get your tech & security issues taken care of!

  243. Kathryn

    You and your content are greatly missed! I look forward to when you are back up and running! Blessings to you and your family!

  244. CycloneSteve

    I’m glad I bookmarked this site. I was wondering why I hadn’t seen any posts on Rumble in a while.

  245. Ben Gayson

    Trump shooter’s parents called police hours before assassination attempt
    The motive behind shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania still unknown
    Unkopwn by whom
    Moderna Shot 30% Deadlier Than Pfizer Shot — Government Numbers
    Sean Miller | Infowars July 18th 2024
    While both brands are known to kill, Moderna is more effective at it.
    Numbers like these have led many to refer to the Covid vaccine as a ‘lethal injection’.

    • Ken Yu

      Trump avoided the Evil Globalists Kill Shot just like “we non-vaxed” avoided the Evil Globalists Kill Shot!!!

      • Katy Bar

        By the Grace of God!!

  246. Grace Hurly

    1:21 / 26:40

    Snipers Saw Trump Assassin 3 Times Before Shooting & Did NOTHING! Said He “DISAPPEARED”!

    The Jimmy Dore Show

    Jul 18, 2024 #TheJimmyDoreShow
    The story unfolding about the MASSIVE security failures that allowed 20-year-old Thomas Crooks to fire a direct shot at Donald Trump from less than 150 yards away during the former President’s Butler, Pennsylvania rally becomes more surreal and unbelievable every day. The latest bit to emerge is that snipers who were stationed inside the building saw Crooks outside looking at the building and disappearing before he climbed up on the roof to take his position. Oh, and the head of the US Secret Service says the roof was too pitched to send anyone up to investigate it before hand. How steep is the pitch? 10 degrees.
    Jimmy discusses all this and more about the unbelievable circumstances surrounding the assassination attempt.

  247. Grace Gayson

    The Jimmy Dore Show
    Jul 18, 2024
    The story unfolding about the MASSIVE security failures that allowed 20-year-old Thomas Crooks to fire a direct shot at Donald Trump from less than 150 yards away during the former President’s Butler, Pennsylvania rally becomes more surreal and unbelievable every day. The latest bit to emerge is that snipers who were stationed inside the building saw Crooks outside looking at the building and disappearing before he climbed up on the roof to take his position. Oh, and the head of the US Secret Service says the roof was too pitched to send anyone up to investigate it before hand. How steep is the pitch? 10 degrees.
    Jimmy discusses all this and more about the unbelievable circumstances surrounding the assassination attempt.

  248. Fran Fuhrmann

    NYC Gets Worse… Shoplifters Raid Costco
    Cash Jordan
    A new report reveals the only Costco in Manhattan is now being targeted by thieves, and it just so happens this Costco is next to a Target which closed a few months ago, because of theft.

  249. Shiloh1

    Recent interesting podcasts on deep state and last Saturday’s incident –

    Coffee and a Mike with Matt Bracken:

    Ray McGovern on the Failed Assassination of Donald Trump
    Dialogue Works – Nima R. Alkorshid

    In this interview Ray (x-CIA) is a lot more free-wheeling than he is when on Judge Nap show.

    • Katy Bar

      Ray McGovern tells us straight out Who the Deep State Assassins Are – but he has “some doubt” that Trump will have the courage to tell the American people who did the assassination attempt on his life (as Trump did not have the courage to release who did the JFK assassination)!!! But, I think McGovern is wrong. I think Trump (Under the Divine Protection of Jesus) is “Finally Going Get These Deep State Murderers In Control Of Our Government Off The Backs Of The American People Once And For All” !!!!!

  250. Rules of Engagements

    Watch Globalist Victoria Nuland Smirk & Say Trump Won’t Be President 2 Days Before Assassination Attempt by Kelen McBreen July 18th 2024,
    A video clip going viral online shows the moment globalist minion Victoria Nuland fought back a smile while telling a Russian news channel she didn’t think Donald Trump would be reelected as U.S. President.
    Nuland’s husband previously wrote op-ed calling for Trump to be murdered à la Julius Caesar.
    ‘I don’t think that Donald Trump is going to be president. So, if that’s what Putin’s betting on, he’s going to get a unhappy surprise,’ she says.
    Wow, this says’ it all! The cookies for war gal, the brains behind the Ukraine war!
    What’s this world coming too? An end I hope! I mean not nuclear winter, but Strictly Biblical. Where the meek inherit the earth?
    You know, paradise lost, Adam and Eva. Paradise regained by messiah or Christians Jesus returns with the key’s to the kingdom.
    But I’m afraid, we must all go through the fire of tribulation, far worse than any recession, depression reset or world war! To get to the other side, then afterwards. Paradise on earth. Get my drift?
    Where we drift from here nobody knows. Not even Victoria Nuland or her fat ass hubby! Only the man upstairs and how much Hell on earth before he upsets the apple cart! Remember Patton? Will Trump have the last smirk? Ask the Hebrews God Yahweh!
    They don’t evnen believe it! Now when it’s most important!

    • Ken Yu

      This Evil Neocon (Satan’s Globalist Minion Victoria Nuland) is clearly seen “holding back a smile” while gleefully telling us “Donald Trump Will Not Be Re-elected U.S. President” – Brazenly Admitting To The Entire World That She Is Part Of The Evil Conspiracy To Kill Trump (just like her husband who previously wrote an op-ed “Calling for Trump to be Murdered à la Julius Caesar”). And this Evil Demonic Neocon She-Wolf also clearly told Putin: “If Trump is What You Are Counting On To Prevent A Nuclear War” – “You Are Going To Get A Very Unhappy Surprise”!! And Bingo “just as the Evil Globalists Planned” they have launched their Cyber Attack upon the United States of America that will be Blamed on Russia (by the CIA who just tried to Kill Trump) and so “their newly assigned” Demon-Ratic President (probably Hillary) can Immediately Launch a Full Scale Nuclear Attack Upon Russia and Destroy America (Before Trump Takes Office)!!!

  251. garth darlington

    Will China Be the First Domino in a Global Collapse?
    by SchiffGold July 17th 2024, 1:01 pm
    A recent Bloomberg report found that Chinese GDP growth slowed far more than economists expected, and while the ruling party has made moves to boost domestic industrial production and exports, domestic demand remains extremely low among consumers.

  252. Ken Yu

    As Katy says: “Follow the Money” and we’ll know exactly who’s behind the Failed Trump Assassination!! Well, Alex Jones now reveals who it was that sold a DJT Company Naked SHORT “before the assassination attempt” likely expecting to make Billions of Dollars (it could then hand out to further strengthen Leftist Globalist Organizations like Blackrock, Soros, the ADL, etc., etc., etc.)!!!

  253. Led Skeletor

    J.D. Vance has that Ulysses S. Grant feel to him, screams leadership.
    I hope DJT gives JDV the highest amount of responsibility of any VP that we ever had.
    Look at the difference between Vance and Pence.
    Pence was a stick in the mud, Pence would of fit right in as Biden’s VP.
    We need a high caliber of leadership during the Reconstruction of America.
    We need all hands on deck to drain the The Great Dismal Democrat Swamp.
    Vance was a good pick.
    Good bye Joe Biden and your Joker VP.

  254. Galaxy 500

    More misinformation from the FBI… does anyone believe the FBI will provide any accurate information? The same FBI that has persecuted Trump illegally?
    Anyone believe those Intel Agencies will provide accurate info?
    Liars and traitors, one and all

    • Katy Bar

      To reconstruct America we must Immediately Fire all the Upper Management of the CIA, FBI, etc., etc. for being Co-conspirators, Deep State Assassins and steal-ers of our rightful Presidents – and then “Build Our Nation Back Better”!!

  255. David Anderson

    What? Are you preparing a bunker to ensure the survival of USA Watchdog after the coming events? I can’t see any other good reason to not be here.

    • Ken Yu

      Remember David how the Deep State Operates!! After the Deep State succeeds in killing Trump they will go after and kill off “All Their Opposition”. Why do you think Alex Jones “is so concerned”. He intuitively knows that as soon as they kill Trump the Deep State will “eliminate” him, Tucker, Rogan, etc., etc., etc. (all the others running Patriotic Truth Media Sites)!!!

  256. Robert Stockmann

    WATCH LIVE: Donald Trump speaks at 2024 Republican National Convention | 2024 RNC Night 4

    Donald Trump at 52min called out the most terrifying thing
    he called out The Green New Scam.

  257. Galaxy 500

    Wow… it was a set up…

    IT WAS A SETUP! – Senator Hawley: Whistleblowers Most of Trump Security Working Rally Were Not Even Secret Service –
    by Jim Hoft Jul. 19, 2024 9:15 am1151 Comments

    Trump is surrounded by agents after he was nearly assassinated at his PA rally.
    And the hits keep coming.

    Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) sent a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Friday demanding answers on the attempted assassination attack on President Trump at his rally in Pennsylvania last weekend.

    Senator Hawley wrote that whistleblowers have notified him that a majority of the security officials working the rally last weekend were not even Secret Service personnel but were with the Homeland Security Investigations team!

    They were not even trained Secret Service personnel!

    Government officials also treated the attempted assassination as a “loose” security event and that canines were not used at entry points and to detect threats

    • Katy Bar

      The Police Snipers on the roof behind Trump were frantically asking “for permission to take out the sniper” (that they had in their scope cross-hairs 20 minutes before the assassin fired off his 5 shots at Trump). But “they were denied permission to take out the assassin” (until the assassin got off his shots)!!!! And still no one has lost their job (without retirement benefits) or even been suspended (without pay) as of yet!!!!!!!

  258. Lynne Reville

    Dear Greg, as a Canadian, I watch from all borders. What the EU has done today will provoke the Saudi’s. Ursula knows what she’s doing. Orban’s efforts must be ground to a halt. Peace is verboten. This may sound amiss but I hope Bin Salman sells the EU bonds as he’s threatened. A woman MP from Poland catastigated Ursula on the floor of the EU parliament in the most spectular way. Kudos to her. Canada is eerily quiet the past few days. This IT outage is seemingly part of an ouster of peace. Russia not affected as per RT news. I await the tumult of Russia’s “guilt”. As per what I’ve garnered, it depends if you use Micro or Mac. Micro brings the world to a halt. My own city’s med system is down. Toronto-Dominion is down. Funny they were nailed for $ laundering, n’est pas? I miss your WNW. Friday morning coffee isn’t the same. Take your time, fight the fight. God bless you. You’re a beacon in the days of darkness. James 4:6. I admire your insight as much as your humility to address these days in light of God’s wisdom. Fight the good fight & take as long as needs be. Lord knows they attack from all fronts. God bless you & keep you & yours.
    With much love & respect, Lynne from Canada

  259. michael burton

    Just wish you well during your hiatus, but I will miss your newscast. Here is a YouTube video of analyses of maybe 2 shootings, not one at pres trump take a look and see what you think May Jehovah god through his son Christ Jesus be with you and your family see you in a few weeks. I noticed Lou Dobbs passed away what a great news reporter always using the term those radical Dems.

  260. Justn Observer

    Greg, whoz, might explain/answer even more of the questions/speculations

  261. Fred Lobster, O.G.

    We found another DEI sexist pig in charge.

    U.S. Marshal Anna Ruzinski, “Women bring unique skills to balance law enforcement teams. Studies have found that women have a lower use of force, effective de-escalation techniques, and high-level interpersonal skills.” United States Marshal for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.

    Does Ruzinski understand the word UNIQUE? She is saying women, unique, NOT MEN, have a lower use of force, effective de-escalation techniques, and high-level interpersonal skills. Women, unique…. something unequaled or unparalleled??? BAHAHA

    Lower use of force… because a 250 pound women is pooped out walking ten feet from chair A to chair B, requiring two hours of safe space quiet time. And those 60+ days of annual sick leave is also uniquely women.

    Freezing and falling to the ground is not an effective de-escalation technique, unless you are protecting an ex-President that the deep state and MSM wants eliminated.

    Slowly moving towards an exit and relying upon the male agents to do the heavy lifting is not an effective de-escalation technique.

    Most women “pretending to not be one” only know how to “take assets from” a duped male, take away the most resources by any means possible with the smallest amount of effort, by lying, larceny, by the court system, and from white simp knights.

    If your in a life or death situation the last thing you’d want is a woman in charge to bollocks it all up.

  262. Mike

    OMG Greg, so much unfolding right now, really miss your perspective, insight, interviews, guests, and commentary. Can’t wait for your return.

  263. ZZBrown

    Is this our Y2K computer outage, in the form of deliberate cyber chaos in 2024?
    Is this cyber outage a shot over the bow, Pearl harbor type WW3 false flag attempt and attack?
    4 day’s ago, after Trump assassination. Alex Jones warned of a massive deep state, globalist cyber attack. There is actual infighting, civil war between forces of good and evil GOING ON NOW !
    Elon Musk and most of Silicon Valley has been Identified as a force against this WW3 takeover attempt.
    Buckle up folks, the greatest attempt at a fascist world takeover could be here?

    As Greg Hunter has warned. To be prepared for such a time as this and now is the time for physical courage and spiritual faith!

    “Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.”—Hebrews 11:1
    “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”—Hebrews 11:1, King James Version.
    This verse provides the most concise Scriptural definition of faith and shows that faith involves more than mere belief.
    “Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for.” In the original-language text of Hebrews 11:1, the Greek word translated “faith” conveys the thought of confidence, trust, or firm persuasion. Such faith is not based on wishful thinking; it is an “assured expectation.” The Greek term rendered “assured expectation” a could also be translated “title deed,” referring to a guarantee that gives assurance, or confidence, to the one possessing it.
    “Faith is . . . the evident demonstration
    [or, “convincing evidence,”] of realities that are not seen.” Faith exists as a result of compelling proof. Such proof is so strong that it convinces a person that even though he cannot see a thing, it is real.
    Context of Hebrews 11:1

    The Bible book of Hebrews is a letter written by the apostle Paul to first-century Christians living in and around Jerusalem. In this part of the letter, Paul discusses the importance of faith. For example, he writes: “Without faith it is impossible to please God well, for whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” (Hebrews 11:6) After defining faith in Hebrews 11:1, Paul provides examples of men and women in the Bible record who displayed this quality. He recounts how they demonstrated their faith by acting in harmony with God’s will.—Hebrews 11:4-38.

    The Greek word here translated “assured expectation” is hy·poʹsta·sis, which could literally be rendered “that which stands under, a foundation.” In Latin, this word is translated sub·stanʹti·a, from which the English word “substance,” used in the King James Version, is derived.

    Please read Hebrews chapter 11 along with explanatory footnotes in a red lettered new testament with cross-references.

  264. Fred Cooper

    Why is India sounding the warning and not our corporate deep state Comcast CIA project Mockingbird bought and paid for US. media?

    China Widens War Zone Against America | Chinese Warships Spotted Near Alaska | Gravitas WION 234,871 views Jul 12, 2024 GRAVITAS
    The U.S. Coast Guard says that four Chinese military vessels were spotted near Alaska’s Aleutian islands on July 10. Is China trying to widen the conflict with the U.S.? What else explains the spotting of Chinese military ships inside the U.S.’ exclusive economic zone?

    Vladimir Putin LIVE: Putin says BRICS May Establish its own Parliament in Future
    Firstpost 42,644 views Streamed live on Jul 12, 2024
    Vladimir Putin LIVE: Putin says BRICS May Establish its own Parliament in Future
    Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday said that the economic bloc BRICS may establish its own parliament in the future. Addressing participants at the 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum in St. Petersburg, Putin said regular meetings of lawmakers from BRICS countries will help the process of establishing a parliament.
    Putin also praised lawmakers’ efforts to forge ties between BRICS member countries and to address socioeconomic development issues, improve the well-being of nations, reduce international tension, and form “a more just, democratic, multipolar, and multilateral world order.”

    • Ken Yu

      Remember how Putin asked that Russia be allowed to join NATO (but was refused)!! Perhaps Trump will ask to join the BRICS!!

  265. F.Cooper

    Putin Aide Targets ‘European Capitals,’ Threatens West Against Hosting U.S. Missiles | Times Of India 70K views 5 days ago
    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov issued a stark warning to European nations against hosting U.S. deployments of long-range missiles, particularly hypersonic ones, citing potential risks to their capitals. Peskov highlighted Russia’s capability to counter such threats and emphasized historical tensions during the Cold War, where Europe bore the brunt of missile conflicts.

    Russia Pulls Out Nuclear Weapons In Retaliation To U.S. Missiles In Germany | Times Of India 63,704 views 14 hours ago
    Russian deputy foreign minister Sergey Ryabkov stated that Moscow is considering all options. Moscow says ‘all options’ include the deployment of nuclear missiles. The strong Russian response is due to the u.s. decision to deploy long-range missiles in Germany. The Russian deputy FM said Moscow does not feel constrained in deciding what to deploy, where and when.

    Russia To Strike German Missile Sites? Terrified U.S. Responds To Putin’s Warning | Times Of India 4 hours ago
    The U.S. State Department has expressed concern over Russian statements following U.S.-German announcements of missile deployments in Europe for 2026. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov’s remarks, including the assertion of retaining nuclear options, have raised tensions.

  266. Duke of EarlShiebster

    War Comes to America

  267. Low Dollars

    “Biden Set To Drop Out!” – Media Insider Reveals
    The Jimmy Dore Show 4 hours ago
    Delegates to chose- Not we the people, always the plan. Only Pelousie votes!

    • Galaxy 500

      I really don’t see “Dr” Jill giving up the Ring of Power willingly

  268. Dr. No Ah Jr.

    Jim Rickards Shared Some Horrible News
    Plain Finance Reborn 6,201 views Jul 17, 2024
    Jim Rickards warns that the economy is going to be destroyed. He explains how banking crisis spread and the fact that the Fed never knows what they are doing.

  269. G. Witkneemir

    “BlackRock’s Next Plans Will SHOCK THE WORLD” – Whitney Webb’s LATEST LARRY FINK EXPOSE
    Savvy Finance 1.6M views 11 days ago

    • Ken Yu

      Fink not only bought puts (to profit from Trumps assassination) and but is praying to Satan for a Worldwide Nuclear War (to start in Ukraine) “so as to profit even more”!!!

  270. Gretch W.

    How Blackrock Trained Trump’s Shooter?
    King Luxury 6 hours ago

  271. G.W.

    RFK Jr. Decides to Finally EXPOSE Joe Biden’s Dark Secrets
    Michael Duffy 5 hours ago

  272. Lynette

    I miss your analysis Greg. I wake up on Friday morning looking forward to your show. These last two Fridays I feel like a junkie needing my fix! I will be glad when you are back!
    God Bless you and keep you safe.

  273. Elizabeth Krispin

    We miss you Greg. Providence took you out of commission during the initiation of these increasingly turbulent times. Rest up, the ride will be fierce and wicked, when you return. We will be needing you.

    Much Appreciation,


  274. Katy Bar

    Crooks outsmarted the Secret Service the same way the Crooks in Washington outsmart the American People “IN PLAIN VIEW”!!

    • Galaxy 500

      This 20 yr old had serious help. He’s a patsy. Where was the 2nd shooter?

  275. Jimn Googinhide
    ‘We Are In The Most Dangerous Times’: Warns Stock Market Expert Edward Dowd July 19th 2024
    “They won’t stop until they’re in handcuffs.”

  276. Galaxy 500

    Right… the Oswald treatment. We are smarter and there are cameras everywhere

  277. CJ

    Massive fire at church lead by pastor that endorsed the covid vaccine. “Robert Jeffress, who called the vaccines a “gift from God,” hosted a vaccination clinic at his 14,000-member megachurch, First Baptist Dallas. ”

  278. Mike S

    Greg I scrolled through the humongous number comments sent while you’re on hiatus. Tons! You’ve been a VITAL cog in the wheel of the resistance. Educating, exhorting, etc!
    May God Bless and protect Greg and all his guests and their families and the America most of those posting here want back!

  279. Justn Observer

    Greg, Dems know they are going to lose…they are going to ditch Biden as a sacrifical lamb, and hope to deny the RECESSION started last Octover 2023 = net losses month over month, and make it as hard on DJT new admin. as possible so ‘they’ can blame the failed economy on him is the insight in this vid. Things worse than media is protraying, but holding off the reports to keep that realization until later.
    “All HELL BREAKS LOOSE” (In the Next Few Months) says FED Insider, Danielle DiMartino Booth

  280. Katy Bar

    Freedom of Religion is part of the American tradition – so lets not get so worked up about our VP Vance having a Hindu Wife like in the following post:
    No one seems to bat an eye when the Pope in Rome celebrates Mass worshiping Lucifer and actually calling Jesus (the Son of Lucifer)!!
    If the Hindu’s want to believe in their god and the Pope in his god why is it we Christians now all of a sudden can’t say the name “Jesus” anymore? They want us to say Yahweh or Jehovah instead?? Why????? (Is One World Religion the goal just like One World Government)!!!

  281. Galaxy 500

    Nasty evil disgusting little man… Fauci made millions pushing kill shots. Fauci makes Josef Rudolf Mengele’s evil look like a Jr High School science project. This man must be tried for his crimes

  282. Galaxy 500

    I hear people say they are not for reciprocity. These bastards on the left destroyed peoples lives and I mean nobodies like myself, over nothing at all and now want to cry out when they, the evil liberals, are brought down by actions inciting violence and murder.
    I am for censorship… now before you get your panties in a wad, please am talking about a very narrowly targeted censorship. Snuff fix, kiddie porn, pedophile organizations, illegal actions such as actual threat and doxing as opposed to offensive, offending, hurting snow flakes feelings and or unpopular opinions. What G500? Not slander or libel? There are laws to sorts that Shiite out how ever if I had a site it would properly community the crap out of demonstrable fake Shiite like those saying Trump set this up to be shot in the ear. No one that knows anything about shooting has any silly theories like this.

  283. Son of a Marine

    God Wrote The End From The Beginning

    And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear.
    But Jesus answered, “No more of this!” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.
    Luke 22:50-51

    Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
    Matthew 10:28

    My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.
    John 17:15

  284. Justn Observer

    Greg, way crazy but possible = Jim Richard’s = Biden likely to step aside, she could pick Obama. She will step aside, and Obama CAN become President because he was not [elected]…as were several other who became President, like Ford etc. which COULD fix the black vote drain?
    Richards'” Trump didn’t drain the swamp because he couldn’t find it’, ‘Nobody thought Trump woudl win the first time, and DJT didn’t or understand the PLUM BOOK’, then he talks about who ran DJT transition team = Chris CHRISTIE ! Christie but Jared’s father in prison. A LOT OF OTHER NUGGETS.

  285. Justn Observer

    Greg, two more very interesting vids o information for people to consider….

    • Shiloh1

      Thank you – highly recommended!

      • Justn Observer

        Shiloh1, yes, seems all the MSM reports want to use direct overhead pics, and NOT expose/show the 2 story building AND the open window directly behind behind where the LLM/MSM first reported the ‘shooter’ was laying? when other pics show the ‘shooter’ killed was actually 50 or so feet further down the roof line as the people on the ground videoed with their cell phones. Seem rather like a BUILDING 7 on 9/11 moment?
        He is the one in the link on the audio analysis =
        PH’d Martensen did some excellent analysis also…so when Greg gets back I hope he can interview him as he has in the past…

  286. Justn Observer

    What Is The Eurodollar System? (Must Know) =
    (Is this The Black Hole that holds financially what we do not see in things like Rossa Bonds, derivatives, and beyond where developed that Kirby used to try to expose..that beecame the mis-used funds which the BRIC now want to move away from because of its weaponization?)

    Core CPI=Inflation Report Reveals the Truth About the Economy

    The Treasury Market Is Starting to Un-invert (Here’s what that means)

    The Global Monetary System Is Reliant on Swap Spreads (Here’s what they are)

    The Copper Gold Ratio is Sending a Massive Warning to the Economy (here’s what that means)

  287. Randy Avera

    Nessun Dorma…Trump picks the Music…
    Here it is @ RNC…
    Here it is in English
    Here it is showing what is coming…

  288. Galaxy 500

    Girls pretending. Mayorkas upset people hurt worthless agents feelings… after they fail to protect Trump and can’t holster their weapons

  289. Galaxy 500

    The Hydroxychloroquine Crime

  290. Danielle Duval

    Dear Brother in Christ,
    Enjoy your well deserve vacation with family!
    Safe traveling,
    Best wishes
    Hello to all 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💪💪💪🇺🇸

  291. Goebel epling

    Greg it is about time after all these years that you took him some hard-earned time off along with upgrading all your equipment and not letting it fall into the outdated Abyss like greasy Gavin Newsome has with California’s infrastructure that’s another story for another day but why you are out on hiatus is there any rough time frame when we will be seeing you again?

  292. Galaxy 500

    Not having Microsoft saved Russia…

  293. Katy Bar

    SECOND SHOOTER??? – Look at the Secret Service Agent in full Military Gear who point his rifle directly at Trump as he is being put into the van at the 1:20 to 1:23 mark (but decides not to shoot for some reason) !!!
    What excuse would this SSA have to come in and point his rifle directly at Trump like he did ??? His only excuse could be is that he thought Trump was being threatened by one of the Secret Service Agents surrounding him and was simply preparing to take out one of the Agents!!!

    • Katy Bar

      Remember how they first wounded JFK “to make him know he was shot” and then blew his head off!! Well it looks like they may have been trying the same thing on Trump (wounding him in the ear first) and then the Second Shooter blows his head off in the van at close range)!!!!

  294. Prospector

    CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE . COM is asking the right questions.

    The biggest question inside the investigation of the Trump assassination attempt, is the thing no one has mentioned. Why have there been no daily press briefings?
    ♦ Where are the official 10:00am press briefing updates every day on the investigation?

    ♦ Where are the official press conferences from the Secret Service, FBI and law enforcement answering questions and providing information from the prior days investigative results?

    ♦ Where are the organized and official updates to let the American people know what has been found out about the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump?

    Instead, the Secret Service, FBI and Law Enforcement have been selectively leaking details, testing what would be and would not be accepted, and we have only seen controlled snippets of information.

    OFFICIAL STORY THUS FAR – In addition to bringing explosives, a detonator, a range finder, a backpack and an AR15 rifle to the rally, while finding a way to sit atop the counter-sniper position, the 20-year-old without a social media footprint apparently had air superiority via drones.

    ( Don’t be surprised if they blame 3rd party state actors. Jesse Kelly Show reports shooter had ENCRYPTED COMMUNICATIONS. )

  295. Colleen

    Hi Greg,

    I’m getting a chuckle out of the news media as they are all hyperventilating over the fact that Alex Jones is stating that Hillary will replace Biden for the presidential run. If the media had been watching your interview with Martin Armstrong,WEEKS AGO, they would already know that information. I’ve told friends that Mr. Armstrong stated that information and they didn’t believe me that Hillary would run for president. Now that Alex Jones is stating it, they are gasping! I say, get your news early on USA watchdog! I also wanted to say how much I am missing your weekly updates. I appreciate the fact that your commentaries are always so factual/truthful. I eagerly await your return to the airwaves. blessings to you, Greg. To all things there is a season, and I patiently await your return.

  296. Mr. Allison

    Gravitas: Is NATO preparing for World War III?
    WION 8,470 views hours ago
    A “secret document” reveals that around 800,000 allied NATO troops will be deployed during a war with Russia, supported by a huge number of weapons, and around 200,000 vehicles. The deployment will occur over a phase of three to six months, with troops arriving via Germany’s North Sea ports before heading east towards the battlefields.

    Some spend thousands to flee as new draft notices are sent out in Ukraine
    Scripps News 13,568 views Jul 18, 2024
    New draft notices are going out in Ukraine, affecting men as young as 25 to make themselves available for the effort to fight against Russia in war.
    The new mobilization law came into effect on May 18th, just a month after President Zelensky signed it into law. After May 18th, Ukrainian military aged men were given a 60 day window to update their information with military authorities. This week, that 60 day period expired, which is why draft notices are now going out.
    Due to this, there has also been reports of some draft doggers spending thousands to be smuggled out of the country.

    BLOODSHED IN BAKHMUT: Fearless Fighters in Ukraine’s Deadliest Meat Grinder | WELT Documentary
    WELT Documentary 1,457,405 views Premiered Mar 8, 2024
    The eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut was the scene of the largest and most costly battle of the war so far. For more than ten months, the city was under the bombardment of Russian troops, until it fell in May 2023 despite the fierce resistance of the Ukrainians. The documentary follows three young soldiers a few months before the fall of Bakhmut: Vadim Adamov, Mykhailo Alekseenko, and Yuriy Samanyuk. Only one of the three men will survive the second year of the Russian assault on Ukraine.
    @luisfigueiras5707 20 hours ago
    “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” ― George Orwell, 1984

  297. Mr. Allison

    J.D. Vance addresses RNC crowd: FULL SPEECH
    FOX 4 Dallas-Fort Worth
    1,764,967 views Jul 17, 2024
    Donald Trump’s running mate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, gave his first speech since he was picked for the Republican ticket. Vance discussed his humble beginnings and the importance of a Trump-Vance ticket for the future of the country.

    Watch Donald Trump’s 2024 RNC speech in full
    6abc Philadelphia 899K views 2 days ago
    Donald Trump, somber and bandaged, accepted the GOP presidential nomination on Thursday at the Republican National Convention in a speech describing in detail the assassination attempt that could have ended his life just five days earlier.

  298. June Bug

    Watch Donald Trump’s 2024 RNC speech in full
    6abc Philadelphia 899K views 2 days ago
    Donald Trump, somber and bandaged, accepted the GOP presidential nomination on Thursday at the Republican National Convention in a speech describing in detail the assassination attempt that could have ended his life just five days earlier.
    J.D. Vance addresses RNC crowd: FULL SPEECH
    FOX 4 Dallas-Fort Worth
    1,764,967 views Jul 17, 2024
    Donald Trump’s running mate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, gave his first speech since he was picked for the Republican ticket. Vance discussed his humble beginnings and the importance of a Trump-Vance ticket for the future of the country.

  299. Galaxy 500

    Sound analyst says 2 shooters… just like Oswald. Hmmm… now this comes out

  300. Dan Gowin

    One of the greatest stories in history and Greg is on hiatus handling tech & security. Good luck Greg. God Bless.

  301. Valerie Kirk

    Trump’s 2024 RNC was LGBTQ-friendly, featured a Porn-whore speaker Amber Rose (who very recently praised Satanism & abortion), an embarrassing appearance from fake-wrestler Hulk Hogan, and included a blasphemous prayer to “the one true god Vaheguru” from a Sikh immigrant…and overlying it all an equally blasphemous idolization of the Hollywood Liberal DJT.

    ‘Christian Conservatives’: you clearly stand for nothing & have no principles.

    You & your Republican Party have followed the Democrat Party right into the sewer.

    If, after this disaster of an RNC, you still believe Trump & Co. are going to lift a finger against illegal immigrants, advance Christian morals, keep us out of war, work to restore American liberty or advance an America-first agenda…you’re DELUSIONAL!

  302. Prospector

    COVER-UP: FBI Tries to Kick Out Senator Josh Hawley at Assassination Attempt Site Despite Having Local Security Operator’s Permission — “Get Out of Here. You Shouldn’t Be on the Site”
    ” ……….more security on that site than they did on the night of the incident.”
    Gateway Pundit – July 20

    Not the first time for encrypted comms.

    Feds Challenged by Encrypted Devices of San Bernardino Attackers
    ABC News – Dec. 9 , 2015
    ” The couple who launched the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, last week had devices with some form of encryption, making it difficult for authorities to access all potential information on phones and perhaps other devices, two senior U.S. officials told ABC News.

    There was a KNOWN threat unresolved , Trump still allowed to take stage.
    Majority of security were not actual secret service — lacked proper training.

  303. Prospector

    Via Matt_Bracken , GAB .com

    PSYOP-CYBER-POLYGON: Is The Largest IT Disruption In History A Planned Setup For Mass Power & Internet Outages?

    By now most have heard of the unprecedented IT outages due to a Bill Gates’ Microsoft update, and the associated widespread disruptions in banking, travel, commerce and even hospitals going offline. This incident may very well have just served as a warmup to a far worse worldwide CyberPolygon attack on infrastructure, with the “solution” paving the way for much more devastating global IT exploits:
    [read it all at the top link]

    ( Speculation is that while security was down , backdoor code could be installed to enable a much larger attack / outage. Remember , Klause Schwab – WEF – said a ” CYBER 911 would make Covid disruptions look minor)

  304. Prospector

    Cliff’s Notes :

    twitter @HarrisonHSmith
    So let me see if I have this Crowdstrike story straight….

    When Hillary Clinton was Sec. of State, she was illegally funneling sophisticated weapons through Libya to terrorists in the MidEast in an effort to take out Assad in Syria for Israel.

    When the weapons transfer went sideways and the US Ambassador was killed in Benghazi, it was discovered she was using an illegal private server for secret communications.

    She destroyed the server, but not before its contents were leaked by Wikileaks, including communications about bizarre occult rituals and inexplicable code words involving children and pizza.

    Instead of investigating the leak themselves, the FBI relied on a Crowdstrike investigation that falsely claimed the server was hacked by Russia.

    The FBI cleared HC despite admitting she broke the law, and launched the Russiagate investigation, using more fake Clinton campaign disinfo to tie Trump to Russia to get a FISA warrant and spy on Trump while leaking dirt to the press to undermine first his campaign, then his presidency.

    When Trump had a call with Zelenskyy and asked about Crowdstrike, a “whistleblower” falsely claimed quid-pro-quo and launched the first impeachment to stop Trump’s inquiries.

    (It was in the midst of this impeachment trial, btw, when Event 201 took place. But that’s another story.)

    Fast forward to 2024 and Trump is dominating Biden when he miraculously survives a deep state orchestrated assassination attempt two days before the RNC.

    Two days later Crowdstrike causes the biggest computer network crash in all of history, knocking millions of corporate and government systems offline for hours.

    Other than the fact that Blackrock owns Crowdstrike and a Blackrock affiliated investment firm placed millions of dollars betting against DJT in the hours before the assassination attempt by a shooter who was featured in a Blackrock promo, did I miss anything?

    • Major

      Thanks for connecting more dots for us, good work.

  305. Joseph

    Here’s an interesting site I just stumbled on:

  306. Prospector


    This will be a major Monday distraction from Secret Service failure hearings.

  307. Ken Yu

    Bribe’n seeing as how the Deep State gets rid of the people they don’t like with a bullet in the head, immediately quits the Presidential Race and nominates Kamala Harris to save whatever brains he has left!!

  308. Justn Observer

    Greg. Biden out….

  309. Galaxy 500

    Wow… wonder what this cost Kamel-ala?

  310. DavidM

    OMG Mr. Hunter. Since You went into hiatus, the USA has gone to pot. Are You preparing a bunker somewhere? … have You a Musk or Bezo´s goldenticket You haven´t told anyone about?
    1) An attempt on President Trump where he can only thank G-d for his protection rather than any effort of the secret servive. Indeed the protection of president Trump was so badly run one has to ask whether MsCheadle was complicit by negligence;
    2) The breakdown of computer sevices, not through a hack, but by a standard software update implemented by a software company formely employed by the DNC to frame president Trump; and now
    3) the stepping down of president Biden as a presidential nominee for 2024, and his endoresement of VP Kamela Harris for president, a candidate who could not even drum up enough support in her own district for her owncampaign as a presidential candidate in 2020.
    Mr. Hunter, I can only imagine You are kicking back and revitalising yourself for what is to come. I suspect You will need it. To paraphrase the late modern prophet Kim Klement (referred to by Bo Polny), “strange july, strange july, … hypnotice november”. I wish You the best Mr . Hunter for what looks like to be the white knuckle ride to come. You are a voice of sensibility and clarity in a jungle of intrigue and a desert of lies. Please keep up the good work and don´t let the ***tards grind You down.

    • Scott

      When I read Greg’s announcement of taking time off – I called my buddy who is an avid follower and I said the exact same thing. Greg is working hard behind the scenes because something BIG is about to happen. We still have 10 more days left in this month.

  311. Prospector

    Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin MAY be Harris’ VP running mate.

    Unconfirmed , but F.E.C. filings shown online suggest so. Developing.

    If it was a low rent horror film it would be called ” Attack of the Liberal Karens .”

    • Clyde

      This Marxist-impregnated-nitwit, Kamala Harris, is nothing but bad news. She works for her globalist-masters and NOT the American citizens. She MUST NOT be allowed anywhere near the WH.

  312. neville


  313. Ray

    Biden steps out of contention……..GOOD.
    Now Kamala wants to sit in The Big Chair.
    I wonder if “those who organised a shot at Trump’s head” might take sharper aim at Kamala in coming weeks.
    Perhaps Hillary is speaking with her CIA friends right now?
    This is really heating up.
    God bless America, and especially all here at USAWATCHDOG.

    Ray, Canberra, Australia.

    • Ken Yu

      Up until now only the Deep State Satanic Demons used Assassins (Six Ways to Sunday to take out their Opposition). Perhaps it is now time for the MAGA Party to stop turning the other cheek and begin hiring their Own Snipers (Hillery style) to take out the Evil Satanic Globalists as they are giving their Speeches (about how we will all own nothing and eat bugs, and who clearly intend to start a Worldwide Thermonuclear War to kill off 98% of the World’s Population)!!!

  314. Brah

    Greg you picked THE worst time to shut down. Trump’s attempt Assass and Biden steps down. You are blowing it BIG time!

  315. Marcus S

    Did he drop out…. or drop dead? Serious question

  316. Katy Bar

    Crowdstrike (owned by Blackrock) causes the Biggest Computer Network Crash in All of History (after a Blackrock affiliated investment firm placed millions of dollars betting on the assassination of Trump by a shooter who was featured in a Blackrock promo). Now, I know Jesus Christ asked the Father to Forgive Those Who Know Not What They Do, but for those “Who DO KNOW What They Do” It’s now Going To Be An EYE For An EYE and a Tooth For A Tooth as Trump hires Delta Force Patriots to Protect Him and the American People from the Evil Globalists Kill Shots!!
    If the Evil Globalist Demons (continue to try and do a Kill Shot on Trump and the American people) “And Do Not Repent Their Sins In The Next 60 Days”, they may just find “Themselves to be Targets” (of Delta Force Patriots acting in kind)!! And all those Deep Underground Bunkers the Evil Globalists have built “Will Not Protect Them From Just Us” (as many guests on Alex Jones are now forecasting)!!!!!!

    • Ken Yu

      There are many Patriotic Military men in the USA who know how to use a sniper rifle! So we don’t need a Civil War in America (where Blacks and Whites are at each others throats the way the Evil Globalists so desperately want). Simply, “Do Unto the Evil Globalists What They Are Now Doing To Us” and the World will finally have One Thousand Years of Peace as the Leaders of Nations “Are Forced By Patriots Under Pain of Death Not To Learn War Any-longer” and thus finally Bind Satan and his Evil Demonic Rats {To Do No Further Harm To The Human Race for A Very Long Time)!!
      Isaiah 2:4

  317. Ken Yu

    Guess What!! – DemonRat O’bomber hires Cloud “Strike” to PROTECT CYBER SECURITY in the United States of America and “Instead of Protecting Us” we get the Worst Cyber Attack in our History!!!
    (Thank You Blackrock)

  318. regaleagle

    When can an oxen and donkey be yoked to plow a field? Can Righteousness ever marry Evil to find peace and happiness? Will rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic delay its appointed time of destruction? There is only one Way and one True God that rules over the entire universe…….His name is Jesus Christ. His servants know the affairs of this world are only temporal and not everlasting…..and that there will be no true peace on this earth until Jesus Christ returns as King to eliminate all evil and the unrighteous. All praise in heaven and on the earth belongs to our Lord… be careful of your desires and your associations.

    • Richard


    • Self Exiled

      Regal advice grounded by the Holy Spirit.

    • Self Exiled

      Our prayer.

      Do not keep silent, O God;
      Do not hold Your peace or be still, O God.
      For behold, Your enemies are in tumult,
      And those who hate You have raised their heads [in hatred of You].
      They concoct crafty schemes against Your people,
      And conspire together against Your hidden and precious ones
      Psalm 83:1-3

    • wayne hardin

      It is very true that there will be no true peace on this earth until Jesus Christ returns .
      So the prayer of every Born Again believer should be for his return .
      Very few pray that prayer / at least i haven’t seen many .
      When i ask people to agree that he comes back they wont .
      Just as the Bible says most love this world .

      Come quickly Lord !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Wayne Hardin

    • Ray

      Splendid comment Regal Eagle.
      Succinct and to the point.
      Great wisdom lies therein.
      Thank you.
      Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘😎

  319. Galaxy 500

    So an angry demented old fool or just a plain idiot.
    Demented Jo or Kamel-ala…
    How can anyone who is not evil and or corrupt put the Ying Yang vote Demoncrats?

  320. Larry
    It’s too bad about these guys. I wonder how much they would have gave they’re lives for this just and Nobel cause, if they knew the rest of the story. I wonder how much Hunter Beijing Biden would have risked his neck for Ukraine, that he and Fink soaked and raped!

  321. Won Witness

    A Persistant Thought that I can’t shake…..

    Gavin Newsome and an Earthquake.

    Should California’s long overdue Earthquake hit before the democrates lock in a replacement for Multi Vaxed, Turbo Dementia, covid suffering Joe Biden,
    Could Gavan Newsome slip in ??

    References from history:
    Juan Peron owed his control of Argentin to many things, the Unions, Evita Perona, But his fame from leading an emergency response to the 1944 San Juan earthquake put him on the political map.

    New York Mayor Rudi Giulioni Suddenly became “America’s Mayor” after 911 twin towers Attack.

    God protected and elevated President Trump. At 6:11 p.m. (BTW,read eph 6:11 )

    Satan, the Father of lies, Must be angry. He could counter attack with a California Disaster and the promotion by the press of Heroic Gavin Newsome’s response ?

    I am NOT PREDICTING the above but I’ve had a PERSISTANT feeling that A massive California\earthquake would suit Satan to elevate his Presidential Pick AND facilitate another ELECTION STEAL since covid lock downs were questionable to so many.
    How much less so a Massive earthquake.

    Anybody out there has this premonition too?

  322. Joe Wong

    And things may change for the better, since Joebama Buyden 82 has officially DROPPED out of the US Presidential Race, after losing support from major Democratic Allies and Donors. They supported his rival Donald Trump instead. Hopefully, things can change for the better after January 20, 2025.

    As for Joebama Buyden’s Project Ukraine – I’m afraid that this conflict in Ukraine will end the same way the War in Afghanistan (aka the graveyard of empires) when Kyiv is finally captured and falls to the advancing Russian Forces. Then the EU & NATO may cease to exist and the US & the UK will be greatly weakened and bankrupt after this is all said and done. Again – wars no longer works anymore, since the ones being attacked by these above warmongers now have the ability to FIGHT BACK against them now !!!

    • Randy Best

      NATO is a paper tiger.

  323. Katy Bar

    Data scientist Tony Seruga says he has Digital ID proof that there was an FBI Sniper on the Water Tower “Also Shooting to Assassinate Trump”!!!
    Tony Seruga and his partners are “Data Scientists” who have the digital ID of every Mobile device/Computer in the U.S. “And Have Indexed and Archived Every IP Address in the World” with extensive experience in collecting Digital Data (including Geo-tracking and Geo-location) which makes his Data Collection company The Top Authority for Providing Data to Law enforcement and U.S. Government Agencies (like the CIA, NSA, DoD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI including Interpol and Foreign Intelligence Organizations). And his Digital Data of the Communication Device carried by the would be Trump Assassin shows it was an FBI Agent on the Water Tower, who after firing his shots at Trump escaped by tramming down a glide wire to a waiting FBI Van!!!

    • Ken Yu

      Supposedly from gun shot “sound analysis” only three (3) weapons were fired (the Assassin Crook’s AK-15 Rifle, the Secret Service Sniper rifle (that took Crook out) and the Police Sniper Rifle (that missed Crook) – no mention was made of any shot by an FBI shooter. ALTHOUGH IF THE FBI HAD THE EXACT SAME WEAPON AS THE ASSASSIN CROOK (then some of the “many bullets” ascribed to the Assassin Crook getting off) Could Have Come From the Water Tower!!!

    • Glenn

      No one was shooting at Trump from that water tower. Several videos from people right near Trump and in the stands behind Trump show that you can’t see the water tower because of the trees and that big sign. When those people turned their videos in the direction of the tower, you did not see it at all. All you saw was trees and that big sign. If you can’t see the tower, then no one on that tower can see you. The only way to see the tower is if you are much farther away from Trump, then you can see the top of it.

      • Katy Bar

        Glenn – If trees blocked the Water Tower then Tony Seruga’s Data Collection Company IS NOT THE TOP AUTHORITY for Providing Data to Law enforcement, U.S. Government Agencies, the CIA, NSA, DoD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI, Interpol and Foreign Intelligence Organizations!!!!

        • Glenn

          Sorry but all I know is that the big sign completely blocks the view of the water tower from the area where Trump was. The trees behind the sign also blocked most of the tower. Several videos I saw clearly shows this.

          Pause the video below at the 37 sec. mark. You see Trump in dark blue suit speaking. Right by him is that big sign. Behind the big sign are the tress and behind the trees you see a real small part of the water tower.

          No way anyone could see Trump if they were on the water tower.

  324. Randy Best

    Gerald Celente and the Trends Journal is the #1 place to go for truth.

  325. Led Skeletor

    President Mike Johnson?

    Whip out the 25th Amendment, I say remove both Biden (dementia including Alzheimer’s disease) and Harris (Pseudobulbar Affect (PBA) and Fantasy Prone Personality (FPP)). When both refuse to voluntarily resign, then Impeach them both.

    Forgive my Laughter:
    I have a Condition. [MORE ON BACK]

    It’s a medical condition causing sudden,
    frequent and uncontrollable laughter that
    doesn’t match how you feel.
    It can happen in people with a brain
    injury or certain neurological conditions.

  326. Justn Observer

    Greg, appears we now have Kamela Harris running on the Dem side, one who has expressed she wants the Princess Wanda ‘super power’of seeing what can be, unburdened by what has been’ ?
    Not really into word salad. So likely will go with one with more a warrior spirit and hoping to expose truth, one more grounded in ‘what is, and has been, The Constitution then one with her own Obama style Hope and Change message of ‘transformation’ which no one then never asked, transform from what to what? which now seems was from a Constitutional Republic to a public-private FASCIST corporate run WOK socialism.
    A governing and surveillance by the ruling piglets that have more rights and access to ‘free money'(cronyism) while the rights are suppressed and their credit suppressed or cut off for being dis-obedient lesser piglets.
    Beyond that, VP Harris explicitly failed those victims of the Catholic Church pedophile problem in S.F. area as AG. and later further was then elevated to being ‘selected’ Senator of CA. ? So, strongly pro-abortion and disregard for pedophile cases while busting as many ‘illegal pot smokers’ as she could find… Seems a strang set of moral bias to elected/selected by ANY party to be a POTUS.

  327. Victor Manino

    You picked a terrible time to go on hiatus as I’m sure you are aware by now

  328. Gerald Mays

    Hi Greg:
    It’s been a super slow news cycle with absolutely nothing going on, so feel free to take an extra week or two off. 😄

    • Laramie


  329. Gary Pratt

    Greg, so much going on…..Get back to work!!

  330. Rud Carlson

    Gone just before the biggest story this year. Did you get a friendly nudge from some caring person to stand down for a while (like Kingston and Cernovich) to safeguard your well being?

    • Katy Bar

      Rud – You are insinuating that Greg stepped aside simply to safeguard himself and his family. However, you must understand that “If Trump Was Successfully Rubbed Out by the Deep State last week”, they would have Immediately Come Out with their Long Knives and Assassinated Everyone in the Alternative Media (not just Alex Jones but Greg too) who would have been on-air supporting action to get Trump’s killers!! Now, with all these Deep State Enemies “STILL OUT THERE” it Make’s A Lot of Sense for Greg to Highly Strengthen his USAWatchdog Site “Against Future Cyber Attack, etc.” which is Critical Action because the Deep State is more then likely going to try and Kill Trump Again by any means possible (poison, a truck bomb, etc., etc., etc.)!!!

      • Ken Yu

        Trump should have his Private Security Forces setup Laser Weapons all around his Florida Mansion. Because the Demonic Psychopaths in the Deep State under Satan’s Orders will probably fly in Suicide Drones (with explosives or poison attached) the same way the Russian’s are using drones to take out NATO tanks. They desperately need to take out Trump “before the 2024 Election” so that the Laughing Hyena Will Be A Shoo-in as the next Deep State Puppet President!!!

  331. Ken Yu

    The NAMES of the people “Out to get Trump” is likely a strategic part of the Deep State’s Strategy to get the American People Totally Fed Up and Disgusted with their Own Government and thus “more easily accept” a New World Order run by Demons under the control of Satan. So they 1) cheat in a President called “Bribe’n” who calls Trump a danger to Democracy and hires a “Cheat’er” as head of the Secret Service who stands down to allow a “Crook” to blow off the head of Donald Trump!!! Then they have a guy named “Blink’in” trying to get us involved in a Nuclear War with Russia (probably so the Russians can’t see the whites of his eyes) and now they just forged Bribe’ns signature on a statement that “he will not run in 2024” so they can get “Her’ass” into the White House “Hitlery”!!

  332. Target 2010

    Obviously, the quickest way for Team NimrOD to humiliate, demoralize, and destroy America is with assassination, slavery, lawfare, Marxist propaganda, bad medicine, chemical sorcery, “pharmakeia” drugs, sexual immorality, atheist/Marxist “education,” erosion of Biblical values, destruction of the nuclear family, elimination of the middle class, disrespect for unborn, elders, and their creator, hyperinflation, endless bankers wars, civil war, and competence replaced with the royal motherweffing Egyptian/Nineveh/Babylon’s incestuous “goddess I$i$” and “$ata,” their snake god idol: [Look, they just got away with trillion$ for Corona-murdering a million Americans!]

    • Katy Bar

      Yes!! Their God Is $$$$$$$ ($ATAN – I$I$ – $ATA) Evil – Murdering – Snakes !!!

  333. John Maskell

    Missing you so much Greg . What crazy times ! Hope you’re resting up . All our love from England , John .

  334. Jerry

    Greg, there is so MUCH going on. Are you coming back anytime soon???

  335. Becky Finley

    I am listening to other Christian news sources, but your weekly news wrap up is sorely missed at this time in our nation’s history. I dearly miss hearing your perspective and good words at this difficult and uneasy time. I have been listening to you for years Greg, and I can’t wait for you to be back.

  336. The Fairford Rook

    Has anyone seen Joe Hindend lately? It’s been five days. The Silver Alert is a public notification system in the US to broadcast information about missing senior citizens, especially with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or other mental disabilities.

    VP Screwloose recently stated, “What can be unburned must be burdened.”

  337. Prospector

    Coverup much ?

    Top Security Chiefs Snub Congress: Secret Service, FBI, and Homeland Security Heads Reportedly Refuse to Testify on Day Two of Trump Assassination Inquiry

    Gateway Pundit

  338. Prospector

    Biden to make address to nation on Wednesday evening 8 PM
    ” What Lies Ahead ”

    Nixon style resignation ?

  339. Justn Observer

    Greg, strong ‘speculation’ /opinions voiced that bit-coin and tether as being used to backstop SOFR. Might try and get Clif High on that as see what he or Bix Weir might know? …also mentioned is that DJT has plans to make Bit-coin holdings a ‘Strategy Awset’ and may be why he is Jamie Dimon in consideration brought in?
    Just throwing that out there along with something being run down about while in Canada, VP Harris might have been ‘groomed’ by MI6 ?
    Also, if anyone knows about the banking in The Isle of Man, and in Malta…Putin might be ready to drop an October surprise with a list of bank accounts that might make Panama Papers blush with envy?
    Could the CROWDSTRIKE vs PALANTIR, PAYPAL crews be squaring off? current software problems be a result to stifle transfers of those bank accounts and add more CHAOS.?
    Will the DJT admin put RJKjr in as AG to get to the bottom of the vaccine situation AND to get to the bottom of the JFK files.
    Tulsi Gabbard into say, Sec. of State, Defense, or ?
    Phone calls are going everywhere for a massive coalition of unity to MAGA. The GLOBALISTS and their lackeys could actually BE freaking out. As to Hillary, so close to UK- MI6, and with Soro’s jewish son married to HC x sidekick who’s mother has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood? How’s that work. Then notice to who Susan Rice was married to in Canada. and kamela’s time spent in Canada being groomed early on , SO then on ‘the other side’ is Nikki Haley and others with ties to who/where? Same place like Pelosi’s staff crew ‘Amran, get in here no staff? ie. read Georg Webb’s bookS on that 1,2,3 drop box /server story…
    also covered by a book by Roaiak, = Obstruction of Justice.
    ALL….but a slow moving trainwreck of collusion and corruption and skimming off of and now collapsing of the Western world banking system.
    Yeah, at first the Jamie Dimon possible pic freaked me out, but either he can help fix and be part of the solution or go down with the pirate ship that is taking on water from the DJT assassination miss. IF anyone knows where the grift is, and those close to Jeffrey Epstein, he does, as likely does his VP that travels to DAVOS with him?
    Certainly, much inside baseball going on…with people shifting sides, jumping partys, forging new alliances as they stab each other in the back currently. Clearly a time to have Sibel Edmond’s files on those in Congress compromised list to be resurrected, along with a re-read of her books, The Lone Gladio and Classified Woman.
    AND one of the first to express a warning of coming vaccines and the intent to impose travel passport as a result =

  340. Mike

    Get back in the game Hunter.

  341. SweaterboyJr

    Greg, thanks for your many years of broadcast excellence. I put you in the same company as Howie Carr, Chuck Crismier, Rush Limbaugh and the great Paul Harvey. Your coverage of current events is a light in the darkness. We all look forward to your return soon!

  342. Jeffrobbins

    We miss you Greg!. It’s not been talked about much, but the Dems boxed out Kennedy who at this point could have been a contender for the nomination. Just imagine if they had trusted in some form of their own nominating process, even if just going through the motions. It’s not hard to imagine the Bernie Sanders block (and they are 8 years wiser) now sees how Kennedy got the shaft too. I don’t see how the Dems walk back from the identity politics either. For all the big Dem donors, the whole thing has to look like a scam. I guess their next nominee in 2028 will be black, transgender, migrant, Native American, obese, paralyzed and a midget or some other multitude of boxes to check off- never mind qualifications and accomplishments; those are trivial after all.

  343. Bill Holder

    it is time to say no to authority. politicians get their power from all of you. If all say no, and walk away, we can change the world in a day.

    As long all of you believe in their authority and feel the need of the $$$ they got you by the genitals.

    • Katy Bar

      The need for Money $$$ should not be so great that Good People allow the Evil Demons to Stop Them From Being Moral Human Beings. Satan’s Demons want us to lose Faith in Mankind!! But the SUN OF GOD RISES EACH MORNING” no matter what Dark Demonic Clouds the Globalists keep trying to Geo-engineer Over our World each day (like Corona Saturday, Cyber Sunday, Bank Run Monday, Stock&Bond Market Crash Tuesday, Assassination Wednesday, Grid Down Thursday and Nuclear War Friday!!!

  344. VP Asinine Talentless Brat

    “19 cities targeted nuclear war”, tonight on John B. Wells – Caravan to Midnight.
    “Putin Readies 200,000 Troops to CRUSH Ukraine’s Army, NATO Threatens WWIII” now on Danny Haiphong.
    Peak Prosperity has me sold on “Audio Analysis, Two or Three Shooters at J13”
    All this and the Magnetic Pole Shift Which Will Allow In Deadly Rays and the Earth Turning Over , over at Suspicious0bservers.

    911 World Crime Scenes were dismantled, cut up and sent to China in a matter of days. J13 National Crime Site was dismantled too before any real investigators could test it.

    I think Biden is hiding (hiding, or maybe even worse) so that the truth regarding J13 doesn’t slip out. Biden would still be running for Pres if Trump had died.

    Somewhere earlier today on Youtube I heard a “RUS could nuke POL and tell the USA to end UKR war or else BOSTON gets it next.” I fear we are about to experience a nuclear exchange because the powers that be think an nuclear exchange is equal to a few sticks of TNT.

  345. S W

    Trump’s plan to refill the swamp.
    Whitney Webb discuss whether Trump’s VP pick JD Vance is a puppet of billionaire Peter Thiel.

  346. Jeannie

    It seems so odd not to hear your reporting and insights from your guests. So many things keep happening and I keep checking back to see if you’ve returned. I would imagine it might be hard for you as well. I hope you’re able to accomplish all you’ve set out to do.

  347. Galaxy 500

    Things have changed since Nov 22, 1963. Everyone has a camera and a damn good one. Hubris … expecting to get away with assassinating Trump. The people that did this will not get away with it…

  348. Galaxy 500

    So Secert Service is saying that they will kill Trump if he Campaigns…

  349. Galaxy 500

    So a well documented 304 with a mid double digit IQ is now running for president… … Willie Brown… ROFLMAO

  350. Galaxy 500

    Evil plans YHWH laughs….
    Demons mad because someone brings up election laws…

  351. Galaxy 500

    Naw… Kamel-ala is incompetent? Say it ain’t so.

    • Ken Yu

      It’s not so much that a Laughing Hyena may be an Incompetent Moron but that there are Many Voters out there who are So Immoral that they will Accept Money to Put Such a Moron in as President of the United of America!! We just lived through a Crook being our President and a Crook trying to get rid of our Next President all for THE LOVE OF MONEY!! And All the Psychopathic Demon Rats Without Morals (Currently Working for Satan) actually believe that if they simply make a Weekly Donation to a Church, Synagogue or Mosque they can Buy Themselves into Heaven (for in their Low IQ Brains they Blissfully Assume that Almighty God Has No Morals And Will Take A Bribe Just Like Them). BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!

  352. Target 2024

    The AMA “lojo” is a downward spiral!

    Look, FDA approved solvents…including duh spray paint solvent, toluene:

    Q3C — Tables and List Guidance for Industry

    Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.
    Revelation 2:7

    “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.”
    Matthew 12:31-32

  353. Marie Joy

    Youtube gives you a strike if you say anything bad about the Big K.
    New thing.

    • Jerry

      I never comment on YT, in fact I do not use a google account.

  354. Friski Boyd Floyd

    EXCLUSIVE: Trump shooter’s father returns to public life, says ‘we just want to try to take care of ourselves’ Story by Christina Coulter • 1d •
    Wow, here it is folks. Two victims’ of the food industry, industrial complex! Big pharma and victims of the propagandist enablers of the CIA project Mockingbird media protestation of taxpayers monies. Two counselors no doubt fully vaxed and boostered and of course Trump haters. They’re victimhood, is very telling by these pictures alone. Only commenters would understand how these two poor souls are victimes of a greedy self-serving psycopathetic* system that is trying to kill us all for false profits! Cloud strike disabled servers are mainly on the plains of Ukraine!
    Just remember profiteering bloodsuckers, what goes around can eventually come back around. Haunt you and right back at you! Call it karma’s pharma, Yahweh or Jehovah. Whatever.
    Found this article and picture very interesting. Life is dangerous and we must rely on a higher power, no matter if we bought the farm and bit the dust, trust to the end! There is HOPE! There is a new world coming!
    There has to be hope, you dopes!
    Last But Not the Least: ON the BEACH WW3

    Adj. One who has psychopathic tendencies but displays them in a pathetic manner.
    Example: The psycopathetic teenager tore his classmate’s painting so it could not win the art contest.

  355. FriskFloyd

    PRAY for PEACE
    Remember PEACE?
    Holland 1923 and twenty years later in the middle of world war two’
    Now the Kagans want to risk WW3
    New York, Paris, Berlin c.1928: in Amazing 4K 60fps
    Peace & Security, Prosperity for Posterity!, or more war and poverty while our war-lords ass’ set’s gets bigger!

  356. Galaxy 500

    Team Watchdog
    The Minions of Satan are trying to put government in to your credit and debit card transactions…
    It would not take them long to prevent you from buying anything if you “wrong think.”

  357. Galaxy 500

    Incompetence in action… that Kamel-ala

  358. Susan R

    Today is the 25th, two weeks since you posted your upcoming absence, and it has been tough to lose you Greg. Thank you for putting up all the comments meanwhile, they help. I am hoping for your return tomorrow. God be with you.

  359. Katy Bar

    So why is it that the Secret Service and FBI only released the name of one(1) of the assassins [Crook, who was wearing “long pants”]. And won’t release the name of the second (2nd) assassin ?????, lying dead on the roof who was wearing “short pants”]??? How long is it going to take for the Secret Service to release the name of the second assassin?? Or are they going to tell us that while Crook was firing his AK15 at President Trump “he had time to quickly change his pants” before he was taken out on the roof (by the Police Sniper??)!!

  360. Colleen

    Will someone please tell me why Obama has not given Kamala the nod? Anyone, Do you think they are still going to run Hillary or has Kamala locked in the presidential spot?

  361. Ken Yu

    While we all contemplate how many assassins were taken out during the Trump shooting, the Commie Demon Rats assure us that our Great Nation will soon be safely in the hands of “Laughing Hyena” Kamala, who will likely laughingly claim that she is really not in charge of the United States of America (just like she now claims she was not in charge of the border when it disintegrated)!!!

    • Ken Yu

      When the Demon’rats impeached Trump “twice” (for absolute nonsense) does it not make sense for the MAGA Republicans to now begin impeachment proceedings against Kamala Harris for “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” (for her helping out Communist China by refusing to uphold our Immigration Laws and for her Flagrant Breaching of the Public Trust)!?!

      • Katy Bar

        When asked if she was ever at the border Kamala responds “Well I was never in Europe either”!! So in her loony tune psycho-mind that justifies her not being at the border overseeing the US invasion problem as the “Officially Designated Border Zar”!!!!

  362. Lisa Alexander

    I was relieved to find your post indicating you are well. Missing your insight and reporting. Glad you are taking the time to do necessary maintenance. I am really looking forward to your return!

  363. Dee

    Brother Greg, hope all is well. These times are perilous. Your voice and interviews are greatly missed. I didn’t realize how much a part of my week your programs have become.

  364. Prospector

    Civil Unrest Is The Next Most Predictable Crisis For America Now

    Please read. Understand. The invasion of military age males continues.. When general unrest happens for any reason, ( think B.L.M. – Antifa ) , the foreign spies will kick things into high gear.

  365. Galaxy 500

    Is the FBI involved in every mass murder event and assassination?

  366. Self Exiled

    Do any of you find the news no matter where it comes from annoying????? Sense the Kennedy assassination all is so repetitive, one scheme and cover up after another, one oligarch replacing another as they die off, another behind the scenes agenda no matter who the candidates.

    Concerning evil, both of their hands pursue it and do it diligently and thoroughly;
    The prince asks, also the judge, for a bribe,
    And a great man speaks the [evil] desire of his soul.
    So they twist the course of justice between them. Micah 7:38

  367. Nanna Banana Bellson

    Rep. Turner tears into Director Cheatle, claims Trump was ‘killed’

    House Intelligence Committee Mike Turner, a congressman from Ohio, tore into Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle. Rep. Turner said she was incompetent and should be fired.
    Wow, you got’s to hear this! Finally enough is enough! The people are starting to get angry at the in your face bull shit, that’s been in place since Obomber became the perfect deep creep state puppet! Somebody please throw your highness some clothes! They’re all as naked as a jaybird!
    You know who you are and you know we know who you are. So believe your lying eye’s and move over before you get stepped on because were as mad as hell and we aren’t gonna take it anymore. Your train has left the station and your not on it. You’ve been abandoned, thrown under the bus and a new world is coming!
    You have Mama Cass’s word on it!

    Zelensky Ready For Surrender? Ukraine’s Big Message To Putin’s Close Ally
    Times Of India 101K views 1 day ago
    Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Guangzhou, marking the first high-level Ukrainian visit to China since Russia’s 2022 invasion. Discussions focused on Ukraine’s openness to negotiations with Russia, contingent on Moscow’s willingness to engage in good faith. Click to know more
    !st. of 782 Comments @Augustine-mu3if 1 day ago
    It will not be like the Minsk accord

  368. Shute's, Were Back at it!

    On the Beach (1959) 1440p – Gregory Peck | Ava Gardner | Fred Astaire | Anthony Perkins | Sci-fi/War
    Silver Screen Remaster 5.1K views 6 months ago
    “On the Beach” is a 1959 American post-apocalyptic science fiction drama film directed by Stanley Kramer. The movie is based on Nevil Shute’s 1957 novel of the same name. The story is set in a world devastated by nuclear war, and it explores the lives of a group of people in Australia as they await the inevitable arrival of deadly radiation that will reach them soon.

    @aerily1 2 weeks ago
    I recall seeing this as a child, and weeping at the end. My grandmother tried to reassure me that such a war would never happen. Today people have really tuned out.. as we are once again on the brink. Thanks for the upload, good quality

    @pi.actual 2 weeks ago
    I can’t remember exactly when I first saw this film but I recall knowing, when they showed the 1964 calendar, that it was supposed to be in the near future so probably 1962 and I was 8 years old. The height of the cold war, they had just erected the Berlin Wall and this movie scared the crap out of me. That San Francisco periscope scene still gives me chills.

  369. Galaxy 500

    All the facts will come out in the Trump assassination. What is undeniable is that this was a Government assassination attempt. At the very least, the Secret Service and DHS were involved and likely the FBI as well. And probably the CIA as well. So we have a plethora of Alphabet Agencies conspiring to commit murder verses make believe Soviet style criminal charges against President Trump.
    This is almost unprecedented… except for Nov 22, 1963.

    • Katy Bar

      The DemonRats now in Control of Washington AC/DC have clearly and blatantly shown that they are “Globalist Loving Assassins” who have Totally Lost the Moral High Ground with their Assassination Attempt on Trump and the Ordinary Common People have “Now Been Awakened” (by the Sheer Magnitude of the Immorality shown by these Demons, who have fully embraced Satan as their God)!!!

      • Ken Yu

        “Our future generations will be born without Rothschild’s chains around their wrists and ankles.”
        – Vladimir Putin

        • Katy Bar

          There is no need for a revolution where blacks and whites are at each others throats the way the Globalists want to bring in their New World Order. Patriots with sniper rifles simply need to put the Evil Commie Globalist Elites in their cross hairs (the same way the Demons do to us Patriots)!! Tit for Tat, and an eye for an eye which also means just as many Globalists have to be immediately locked up as they locked up J6’ers!!!!

  370. Galaxy 500

    Just want you to know that there were many “Conservative” sites were attacked just like your site. I hope you get the site super secure and restored soon

    • Katy Bar

      We need to foil Satan’s Demon Rats in every way possible!!!

    • Prospector

      Unfortunately , local and state police saw giant gaps in security but stood down or did nothing, afraid to step on toes.

      See Conservative Treehouse – Whistleblower Report 7/26/2024

      Trump will be back in Pennsylvania next week. Pray they do not try again.

    • L.Parsons

      Loss of Trust? Get a load of this poop,
      FBI Director Claims Trump May NOT Have Been Hit by Bullet,
      Winning the Gold Medal of the Gaslighting Olympics /By Sean Miller
      FBI director Wray is questioning the narrative of a mass shooting. Infowars July 26th 2024
      As one Trump supporter died and two others were wounded, the Trump Shooting Families may be hurt by the Director’s statements.
      This man has a very bad reputation of liar, written all over his face. Yet he couldn’t lie himself out, a paper bag! His audacity’s over the top, overwhelming!
      Here’s Trump facing a bullet coming right at him, for his face! Flying past his head caressing through his right ear! Yet shrapnel from behind him somehow came back from behind to come right back at him in the face staring out a the location of said assassins? It’s impossible!
      Chris Wray’s presumptuous arrogant behavior, in questioning the flight of a bulle. Coming face forward at DJT, is totally synonymous with the effrontery of a man with an agenda and not the agenda of a genuine FBI g-man, I grew up admiring g-men to this day. Tall handsome, tan and rugged! OUTDOORSMAN!
      Wray’s buffoonery is becoming loathsome and tiresome to a lot of the American people.
      He should get out for some fresh air and sunshine. At least hit the beach Wray, it’ll do you some good and us, your boss the taxpayers!

      • Katy Bar

        He is damn lucky that some of that shrapnel he is talking about didn’t ricochet and put him out of the Wray!!

  371. Katy Bar

    As our next Vice President (Vance) has effectively stated: We “should not have Queers assigned to positions of power within our government” because they don’t have a stake in the procreation of the human race. Since these Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, ++ Queers don’t have children of their own to worry about it is easy for them to pass laws to exterminate humanity (like Kill Shots or stopping fertilizer and food production” because they don’t have to worry about feeding or the health of the children they never had. Same with Nuclear War (Queers can more easily vote to go to Nuclear War with Russia because they don’t have any offspring to worry about)!! The most important thing the MAGA Republicans can do “To Save Our Great Nation” is to remove all the Queers from positions of power within our Government and only vote for or assign “Family Men Who Have Children To Such Offices” (and a Queer like Obama married to a Tranny with adopted children does not count as a married man with children (just look at the problems he has givin our Nation with Bribe’n and Kamala)!!!

    • Pdx R13

      Don’t forget about blackmail potential for closeted or promiscuous or pedo bi-homosexuals. Denial of access to Security Clearance ( including For Official Use Only) material is very reasonable, thus putting an appropriate promotion ceiling above a coded gov’t employee. the Mohammedian 10-story solution should be rejected.

    • Glenn

      How do you feel about other sexually immoral people like adulterers, fornicators and sodomites? Should they be allowed to be in positions of power?

      • Katy Bar

        They should also be immediately removed!!!

  372. Michelle from Pennsylvania

    Hello Greg, Hope you are doing well! You are greatly missed for sure. We all like hearing REAL news. I have not had a chance to read through every comment yet so pardon me if there is a comment out there for poll numbers. Can you post the real poll numbers for Trump vs Harris from your sources (if you can). I know the LMM is way off. God help us!

  373. Donna Bartlett

    We sure miss listening to you throughout the week but hope you are able to get some rest and relaxation! You definitely deserve it! Thank you for all you do! And thanks for having great sponsors with wonderful essential products! Keep up the good work brother! Prayers for blessings for you and your loved ones.

  374. Lady Au Stackers United

    My posting a comment about CV-19 shots definitely does not trump current events, no pun intended, but I just want to report for confirmation. Another acquaintance has died from what I believe is a result of booster shot. Her cancer was in remission. I informed her the reason why to not take any more Shots, but she chose to believe the medical industrial complex as I like to frame it these days. Three months after the booster, cancer returns and is turbo-charged so-to-speak. She died a very uncomfortable death a few days ago just a year after the last booster shot. Remember Dr Tenpenny said in USAWD interview that CV-19 (KILL SHOT) can cause compromised immune system even 10 years out from injection. Of note, my brother’s wife is now having respiratory issues blood problems and internal organs weakening of unknown etiology as per her doctors. The other brother’s wife is experiencing severe musculoskeletal pain in joints, ruling out osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis, age 47. Both are a few years out post Moderna shots. Remember the 10-year rule…

  375. Ken Yu

    So how did the Satanic Deep State Globalists choose 7-13 to assassinate Trump??? Easy they added 11-22 (the date JFK was assassinated) to 9-11 (the date of the WTC/Pentagon take-down) and 1-6 (the date of the Capital trespass)!
    21-39 and divided by 3 = 7-13
    So when can we expect the next Globalist attack. Using the above methodology we need to watch out for July 13, 2025 (which is 28-52 divided by 4) !!!!

    • Katy Bar

      The Globalists planning to assassinate Trump again (on the same exact date of July 13 next year) makes sense, as a little over one hundred years ago the “Beautiful Lady of Fatima” Appeared on “July 13” with a Message of Warning: “That a Sea of Fire would Engulf the World that would burn men, women and Demons alike to embers as they shrieked and groaned in pain”!! Which sounds exactly like “the Nuclear Holocaust” the Psychopathic Globalists intend to bring upon the Entire World with the help of their own “Laughing Lady” (Kamala)!!!

  376. Prospector

    MAJOR Cyber Hack.

    It’s being reported by Bloomberg and others today that one of the largest IT service providers to the U.S. military-industrial complex has experienced a major cybersecurity breach.
    According to Cyber Security News, clients served by Leidos include the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security, NASA, other U.S. and foreign agencies, and private corporations. Contracts with the U.S. government constitute 87% of Leidos’ revenue.

    Now it has been breached.

  377. Daryl from Denver

    The Most Important Thing

    What do you really want out of life?

    And what will happen to you after this life ends?

    Most people never give too much thought to such questions. Sadly, most of us just sort of drift through life being pulled from one distraction to another.

    But the truth is that this life is very short, and we should want to make the most of the time that we have been given.

    Because for many of you that are reading this, the cold, hard reality of the matter is that your lives are going to be a whole lot shorter than you ever imagined.

    We have already seen millions of people unexpectedly die over the past couple of years, and we will soon enter a time when billions will die.

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of the people that are living on this planet today will not live to a ripe old age. Most of them will die very suddenly and very unexpectedly, and vast multitudes of them will not be prepared to face God when it happens.

    If you died right now, what would you tell God?

    You might want to think about that, because even now we are seeing way too many people suddenly drop dead all around us. In fact, the vast majority of the people that will read this book will personally know someone that has recently died.

    Death is in the air.

    In what follows, I am going to share with you the most important thing that you need to know before you die.

    And for a lot of you, that may be very soon.

    Without God, we have no hope.

    But with God all things are possible.

    If you don’t believe in God, how in the world do you think that we got here?

    In a single human cell, which is a thousandth of an inch in diameter, there is enough information to fill a thousand books of six hundred pages each.

    Do you actually believe that somehow happened by accident?

    The human brain alone contains approximately 100 billion cells, and they work together to form a “central processing unit” that is vastly superior to anything that man has ever created.

    If I showed you the computer that I was writing this book on and I told you that it came together spontaneously, you would laugh at me.

    That is because something so complex had to have been designed.

    Well, the same thing is true for the human body. Our bodies are far more complex than anything our best scientists have ever created, and so for anyone to suggest that we are the result of a long series of “accidents” is absolutely laughable.

    Just by looking at the world around you, it should be exceedingly obvious that there was a Creator.

    But who did the creating?

    Today, the fact that there are so many religions in the world has created a great deal of confusion. With so many faiths to choose from, how can we possibly know which one to follow?

    It isn’t actually that complicated. The vast majority of the religious traditions on the planet can be traced back to one of two sources.

    Either they originally evolved from the mystery religion of ancient Babylon, or they can trace their roots back to the God of the Bible.

    Of course some traditions actually mix elements of the mystery religion of ancient Babylon with the worship of the one true God of the Bible, and that is a grave error.

    All of the major pagan religions that sprang up in the Middle East and ultimately spread all over the globe have remarkable similarities, and that is because they all came from the same source.

    On the other hand, the God of the Bible is not represented by the sun, moon, stars or idols made by human hands, because He is the unseen God that made everything around us.

    The Bible tells us the story of human history.

    It is the best selling book of all time, and no other book even comes close.

    God has laid everything out for us. He has told us the end from the beginning, and your future is in the Bible too.

    The good news is that you get to choose which ending you want.

    Either you will choose God and spend eternity with Him, or you will reject God and be permanently separated from Him.

    God gives us just enough space to make this a legitimate choice.

    If you want to ignore God and embrace evil, you have been given enough room to do that.

    But if you want to find God, evidence for Him is all around us.

    And He has made it really easy for you to reach out to Him.

    God loves you with a love that is so great that I could never possibly come up with words that are sufficient to describe how great that love is.

    God created you, He specifically placed you at this moment in human history, and He has been watching over you throughout your entire life.

    He wants to have a relationship with you, but you have also got to be willing to have a relationship with Him.

    God isn’t going to force you to do anything. Each one of us gets to make a choice, and I am praying that you will make the right one.

    Sadly, right now most of the world has turned away from the one true God. The Scriptures warn us that evil will be greatly embraced in the end times, and that is precisely what we are witnessing at this moment. Just about every form of evil that you can possibly imagine is absolutely exploding all around us, and it is getting worse with each passing day.

    Because evil is growing all over the globe, our world is full of suffering, violence, depression, despair, anger, frustration and very deep pain. Even formerly Christian nations such as the United States have almost entirely abandoned God, and the consequences for doing that have been extremely bitter.

    God always gives us choices, but it is also imperative to understand that there are consequences for those choices.

    If we choose what is right, we will walk in His blessing.

    But if we choose what is evil, things will not go well for us.

    In our time, there is so much confusion about what is right and what is wrong. In fact, what is good is often called “evil”, and what is evil is often called “good”. But there shouldn’t be confusion, because all throughout human history God has made what He expects of us very clear.

    Just like every governmental entity on the entire planet, God also has laws, and perhaps the best known of those laws are the “Ten Commandments”. If you are not familiar with them, you can find them in Exodus chapter 20…

    3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

    4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

    5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

    6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

    7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

    8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

    9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

    10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

    11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

    12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

    13 Thou shalt not kill.

    14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.

    15 Thou shalt not steal.

    16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

    17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

    God’s laws are not complicated.

    The first four commandments in that list are about how we are to love God, and the last six in the list are about how we are to love others.

    And that is what our lives are supposed to be all about.

    We are supposed to love God greatly, and we are supposed to love others greatly.

    When Jesus was asked which commandment is the greatest, He responded with a very straight answer. We read the following in Matthew chapter 22…

    35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

    36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

    37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

    38 This is the first and great commandment.

    39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

    40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    Wouldn’t our world be such a beautiful place if everyone was deeply focused on loving God and deeply focused on loving others?

    Unfortunately, most people on this planet don’t want anything to do with God or His commandments. So they are running the other direction as fast as they can, and as a result our world is a giant mess.

    Collectively, God’s commandments are known as “the law”, and in 1 John 3:4 sin is defined as “the transgression of the law”…

    4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

    Have you ever broken God’s commandments?

    Of course.

    All of us have.

    In fact, all of us have broken God’s commandments over and over again.

    That is what a “sinner” is. It is simply someone that has repeatedly broken God’s commandments.

    If you look back through your entire lifetime, without a doubt there are many things that you are deeply ashamed of doing. Some of those things others may know about, and there are probably others that you hope that nobody ever finds out about.

    But God knows everything.

    And just like in every other legal system on the entire planet, when God’s laws are broken there is a penalty to be paid…………

    Just think about it. If you went out today and committed murder and the police caught you, would you expect to go free?

    Of course not. Instead, you would probably expect to spend most of the rest of your life behind bars in some nightmarish prison somewhere.

    Well, God is the perfect judge, and He knows every single evil thing that you have ever done.

    Someday you will stand before Him, and none of your secrets will be hidden.

    That thought should chill you to the core.

    If you suddenly died, are you ready to be held fully accountable for all of the evil things that you have ever done?

    I know that isn’t a pleasant question to think about.

    But I strongly urge you to do so.

    There will come a day when you stand before God, and that clock is ticking.

    At some point there won’t be any time left, and that day will have arrived.

    The good news is that someone else has already paid the price for every sin that you have ever committed.

    God loves you so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross to pay the penalty for the sins of the entire world.

    You are probably already familiar with what John 3:16 says…

    16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    This is the heart of the gospel message.

    When Jesus came to this world the first time, it was a rescue mission. He willingly allowed Himself to be nailed to a wooden cross to pay the penalty for all of our sins.

    It was an act of love that changed all of human history.

    As it says in Romans 5:8, Jesus laid down his life for us even though we did not deserve it…

    8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    All of us were stone cold guilty, but the Son of God died in our place.

    He was mocked, He was beaten, He was ruthlessly scourged and He was nailed to a wooden cross. He was totally innocent, but He was willing to suffer and die because He loved all of us that much.

    Three days and three nights after He died, Jesus proved that He is the Son of God by rising from the dead.

    In fact, Jesus specifically warned His followers that this would happen. This is what Matthew 12:40 says in the Modern English Version…

    40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

    If there was any other possible way for us to be reconciled to God, Jesus would not have had to die on the cross. He could have just told us to follow one of the other ways to get to heaven. But there was no other way. The death of Jesus on the cross is the only payment for our sins and He is the only way that we are going to have eternal life. In John 14:6, Jesus put it this way…

    6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    Jesus made a way when there was no way.

    Without His sacrifice, we would have absolutely no hope. But now we can have life that never ends if we will choose to embrace what He has done for us.

    It is not enough just to intellectually understand that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for your sins.

    The Bible tells us that we must individually commit our lives to Jesus as Savior and Lord. When we give our lives to Jesus, our sins are forgiven, we become children of God, and we are given eternal life…

    “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12).

    “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Romans 10:9).

    So exactly how does someone do this?

    It is actually very simple.

    The Bible tells us that it is through faith that we enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. This is what Ephesians 2:8-9 says…

    8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

    9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    Entering into a relationship with the Lord Jesus is an act of faith. It means renouncing all of your sins and making Him your Savior and Lord. Intellectually understanding that Jesus died on the cross and that He rose from the dead is not enough to become a Christian. Having a deep emotional experience is not enough to become a Christian either.

    You become a Christian by faith. It is an act of your will.

    And if you are ready, you can do that right now.

    It is the most important commitment that you could ever make, and it is not something that should be done lightly.

    If you are ready to invite Jesus into your life, it is not a complicated process.

    Just tell Him.

    Don’t worry if your words aren’t perfect. What really matters is the attitude of your heart.

    If you are ready to become a Christian right now, the following is a prayer that can help you express that desire to Him…

    “Lord Jesus, I want to become a Christian. I know that I am a sinner, and I thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I believe that you are the Son of God and that you rose from the dead. I repent of my sins and I open the door of my life and ask You to be my Savior and Lord. At this moment, I commit my life to You. Thank You for forgiving all of my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of my life and make me the kind of person that You want me to be. From this point on, I will live my life for You. Amen.”

    If you are ready to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, then I invite you to pray this prayer right now. Jesus will come into your life, just as He has promised to do.

    If you have invited Jesus to come into your life, you can know with 100 percent certainty that you have become a Christian and that you will be with Him for eternity. In 1 John 5:11-13, the Bible tells us the following…

    “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life”.

    Do you understand what this means?

    If you have invited Jesus Christ into your life, your sins are forgiven and you now have eternal life.

    In other words, you will live forever.

    Our society has trained us not to think much about what happens to us after we die, but the truth is that we are all going somewhere. In John 3:36, Jesus made this exceedingly clear…

    “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”

    Is there anything that you currently have that is so valuable that you wouldn’t be willing to give it up for the opportunity to live forever?

    Imagine drawing a line from one large dot to another large dot on a piece of paper. The first dot represents your birth, the second dot represents your death, and the line in between the dots represents your lifespan.

    For most people, that is all that they think they have.

    But now I want you to imagine an arrow going beyond the dot that represents your death.

    Imagine it going to the end of the paper and beyond. Then imagine it leaving your house and going down the street and getting on the highway. Finally, imagine it circling the entire globe over and over and over.

    That is eternity.

    If you know Jesus, you have millions of years ahead of you, and that will only be just the beginning.

    Are you starting to understand why I am so passionate about helping others find Jesus?

    If eternal life is real, and it is, then introducing people to Jesus is the greatest thing that you could possibly do for others.

    If you have decided to become a Christian today, you are going to need some assistance in taking the very first steps in your new life. The following are four important keys that are critical to the spiritual growth of any Christian…

    #1) The Bible – If you do not have a Bible you will need to get one and read it every day. It is God’s instruction book for your life.

    #2) Prayer – Prayer does not have to be complicated. Prayer is simply talking with God, and the truth is that God wants to hear from you every day. Prayer changes things, and over time you will discover that prayer is an absolutely essential spiritual discipline.

    #3) Fellowship – The Scriptures very clearly tell us that we need one another. Find a fellowship of local Christians that believe the Bible and that sincerely love one another. They will help you grow in your new faith.

    #4) Witnessing – Tell others about the new life that you have found in Jesus Christ. Helping even one person find eternal life is of more value than anything else that you could ever accomplish in this world.

    If you have made a decision to invite Jesus Christ to come into your life, I would love to hear from you. You can contact me at the following email address…

    TheEconomicCollapseBlog @

    I know that I often write about very difficult things, but I am not here to make you feel good.

    I am here to tell you the truth.

    Because I write about such difficult things, a lot of people assume that I must be down, depressed and defeated all the time.

    Of course that is not true at all.

    I am not down, I am not depressed, and I am not defeated.

    In fact, my life is constantly full of joy. I know who I am, I know where I am headed, and I know how the story ends.

    If I could pick any time in human history to be alive, it would be right now. The years ahead will be a period of immense darkness, but they will also be an opportunity for us to do absolutely amazing things. There has never been a time like this before, and there will never be a time like it again. All of human history has been building up to a great crescendo, and we get to be here for it.

    Yes, the days ahead will be exceedingly challenging, but they will also be incredibly exciting.

    Even in the midst of all the chaos and all the darkness, I believe that the greatest chapters for the people of God are still ahead.

    All over the globe, God is bringing together a mighty end times army. He is raising up a Remnant that will keep His commandments, that will boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world, and that will see that message supernaturally confirmed by the power of the Holy Spirit just like the very first believers in Jesus did. This Remnant is described in Revelation 12:17 and Revelation 14:12, and you can be a part of it.

    What we are witnessing is the final transition of the church. God is bringing everything full circle, and nothing is going to be the same ever again.

    The Remnant of the last days is going to do things the way that Christians in the first century did things. Have you ever wondered why so many Christian churches today do not resemble what you see in the Bible? Well, the sad truth is that over the centuries churches got away from doing the things that the Scriptures tell us to do, but now God is restoring all things. Without God we can do nothing, but with God all things are possible.

    Right now, we have such an amazing opportunity. During the first century, there were only about 200 million people living on the entire planet. Today, the global population is estimated to be somewhere around 7.8 billion. That means that the population of the world is about 39 times larger today than it was back in the first century.

    I believe that we are on the verge of the greatest move of God and the greatest harvest of souls in all of human history, and I encourage you to be a part of what is happening.

    As wars, natural disasters, pandemics and economic problems shake the globe, people are going to be searching for answers, and Bible prophecy will become one of the hottest topics on the entire planet.

    During the years ahead, so many will be consumed with despair as their lives are totally turned upside down by the cataclysmic events that are coming. Instead of giving in to fear like everyone else will be, it will be a great opportunity for the people of God to rise up and take the message of life to a lost and dying world.

    Yes, believers will face tremendous persecution during the times that are coming. The world system absolutely hates the gospel, and the Book of Revelation tells us that many Christians will be hunted down and killed for what they believe.

    But those that have read the end of the book know that we win in the end. The Bible tells us that Jesus is coming back, and He will reign forever and ever.

    In these last days, those that have a passion for God and a passion for reaching the lost are going to turn this world absolutely upside down for Jesus.

    The Scriptures tell us that “there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents.” We are in a great battle for souls, and every victory is a major victory.

    As millions upon millions of precious souls are brought into the Kingdom in the years ahead, what do you think the atmosphere in heaven is going to look like?

    Come and be part of something that is much bigger than yourself.

    Come and be part of history.

    In each one of us, there is an innate desire to experience love and to give love on a very deep level. Unfortunately, for many of us that innate desire has been almost completely destroyed by years of pain, abuse, failure and frustration. But it is still there. And no matter what you have been through, God can still take the broken pieces of your life and turn them into a beautiful thing.

    Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way that you want, but you can only spend it once.

    Spend your life on something that really matters.

    If reading this has blessed you, I would encourage you to regularly follow my work online. I have written thousands of articles over the years, and you can find them on the following websites that I consistently update…

    The Economic Collapse Blog:

    End Of The American Dream:

    The Most Important News:

    Thank you for taking the time to read this all the way to the end. I would love to hear any feedback that you may have. Just like everyone else, I am always learning.

    I will be praying for you and for all of those that read this.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you.

    May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.

    May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you His peace.


    – Michael Snyder

    Mr. Greg Hunter, we thank you for ALL of your efforts. You are Loved-dje

  378. Jj. Bellson

    Friday & Saturday Infowars LIVE! WW3 Still in Progress?
    KILL TRUMP BLAME IRAN Netanyahu’s Wet Dream Let Slip?
    The establishment intelligencia, is they’re own worst enemy!
    Can we survive these deep state creeps run amok. A wild, unruly, and often violent bunch, typically characterized by a loss of control or restraint. People running Amoke` originates from the Malay word “mengamok,” meaning a furious and desperate charge. Initially, it described a cultural phenomenon observed in Malay tribesmen, where they would engage in violent and destructive outbursts, often resulting in harm to themselves or others.

    Modern Usage

    In contemporary English, “running amok” is used metaphorically to describe situations where individuals or groups exhibit uncontrolled and chaotic behavior, often without malicious intent. This can include:

    Unruly children or pets causing damage or disruption
    Crowds or mobs behaving wildly and uncontrollably
    Individuals acting impulsively or recklessly, without regard for consequences
    Key Characteristics

    Running amok is often marked by:

    Loss of control or restraint
    Unpredictable and chaotic behavior
    Potential for damage or harm, although not necessarily intentional
    Distinction from Similar Phrases

    While “running amok” is often confused with “running amuck,” the latter typically implies a more playful or mischievous tone, without the connotation of violence or destruction. “Running amok” carries a more serious and intense meaning, suggesting a complete breakdown of control or decorum.

    • Jj.Bellson

      The bullet was coming from behind DJT<
      Sorry, but what do I know anyways! Duh!

      • Ken Yu

        According to FBI Chief Wray: The assassin Crook was really aiming at someone in the bleaches and the bullet that killed that Fireman probably split in half upon entering his brain and bounced back and “Accidentally Hit Trump in the Ear” (thus trying to imply to the American People that “It Was Not Another JFK Type Assassination Attempt”)!!!

  379. Bob

    Hope life is being good to you and maybe it’s good to have a bit of a break,although it’s an interesting time to be away from current events although I am certain bigger events are coming.Thanks once again for all you do in telling the truth your way and keeping us informed.God bless you and yours Bob.

  380. Al Kaycook

    Local cops refusing to share info with FBI as agency suffers ‘crisis of confidence’ with DEI hires, damning whistleblower report reveals
    By Social Links for [Aussie Angel!] Miranda Devine
    Published July 25, 2024

  381. bernard

    Gerald Celente recently made his new Forecast about 2024 election. I agree with him.

    He said Kamala Harris will win 2024. The Abortion issue will be her winning card in 2024.

    Gerald believes 2024 will see a LARGEST women voters turn out in American History. It makes sense, if you think about it. 70% of women across all ages identify as Left and most of them support unrestricted Abortion Rights.

    DO NOT underestimate how ignorant and stupid the average Normies are!

    Gerald went further

    IF we have Financial Crisis in 2024, Trump will win
    IF we don’t have Financial Crisis in 2024, Kamala will win

    I’ve been saying this for over a year now:
    They are going to LOWER Interest Rate between now and Nov. To make the Democrat looks good. The reason why they haven’t done it yet, is because they are waiting for Biden to be replaced. Now that he had…

    Previously I thought they are going to pull a Financial collapse this year. But now Kamala had replaced Biden, I don’t think we are going to have Financial Collapse anymore in 2024.

    They are going to PROP UP the economy for another 6 months, just to get Kamala through to the White House

    But In 2025, all bets are off!

    PS: Oh btw, it looks like Oprah Winfrey will be Kamala’s VP pick

    • Susan R

      I enjoy listening to Gerald Celente also, but all of us cannot give our resignation to this. The power of our Creator is greater than all else. He is our relay to give authority to who will win. Even if our choice does not win, will we shrivel in defeat! Life is lived alongside many, many markers regardless of party affiliations. The final outcome may be civil war and upend enough to clear a path to a restart which after enough suffering will shake us to view what IS important. The fighting has created absurd characters to surface and claim truth because of control of MSM. That needs to change. I have believers in my own family and have to blacklist certain topics. Prayer is the ascendant vehicle to God, of which there is only one!!!! I cannot demonize anyone because He is called by another name!!! This is another area that creates the venom to destroy us. We have to accept we are all God’s children no matter our color or identity. Our planet is a warring sphere that has this history from the beginning. We are amping up to war against our foes who are you and I. Try looking without labels which at this point is near to impossible. We have to heal this flaw but probably won’t, for unity as it stands now, is the sacred cow.

      • Greg Hunter

        I am with you. “Fear Not.”

        • bernard

          Don’t underestimate Oprah Winfrey as Kamala’s VP. She has a HUGE fanbase mostly women. Couple this with Abortion Rights, you are going to see the largest woman voters turn out in 2024 most in support of Democrat.

          They are going to throw everything including the kitchen sink to prop up the economy for another 6 months to get Kamala/Oprah winning the race.

          Also, they will lower interest rates. As I said, they will DO ANYTHING to stimulate and prop up the economy so the Democrat can win again.

          They don’t care, because the economy is going to collapse ANYWAY, what’s another 6 months delay???

    • Galaxy 500

      Okra isn’t going to be Kamel-ala’s VP. It would interfere with her proclivities.
      Just my two centavos

  382. Galaxy 500

    I know I am not supposed to hate…
    But I passionately hate these MF’ers in these alphabet agencies run by deviant alphabet people…
    Even the President is a pedophile whose own daughter admitted that he showered with her when she was a child. how has a strange fixation upon children and sniffs them. His son, Hunter, is a deviant’s deviant. He’s accused of doing a young relative. Greg pointed out how the Bible’s says a nation suffers under a corrupt leader. And the corrupt minions running the show behind Brain dead Biden… like Chrissy Wray. Hey Chrissy. Where would shrapnel come from exactly? Oh, now you want to say it’s a bullet or bullet fragment. How could it be a bullet fragment? It was a clear, unobstructed line of sight. These people are desperate and despicable. They lack morals and are void of character. And that’s on a good day

  383. Galaxy 500

    There is no justice in America and hasn’t been for a while now. Remember the mostly peaceful, but fiery protests? If you are Christian, expect to be punished for anything. Jay walking. Praying in front of a building. Oh, and you can be murdered by government storm troopers in the middle of the night like the airport worker in Arkansas. These evil minions of the Principalities of Power have no compunction against murder, rape or robbery. They will imprison you and you will die in prison.

    Walk into the Capitol on January 6 and the FBI will hunt you down and throw you in pre trial detention. Assault a police officer while wearing a Palestine flag and you get released with a request to stay away from Union Station.
    Democrats don’t prosecute Democrats.
    So there was outrage and then
    At least eight people arrested during the anti-Israel protest in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday now face federal criminal charges, while some are either still pending or being dropped by local prosecutors.
    Federal prosecutors at the U.S. attorney’s office in D.C. have charged eight people so far, including Crow Momamome, Antonio Somerville, and Frederick Coates, with attempting to carry a dangerous weapon. Zachary Allen Kam is being charged with two counts of assault on a law enforcement officer, while Nathaniel Lawrence, Sonia Krishan, and Roger Miller are being charged with attempted theft. Essa Eject is being charged with threats related to the demonstration, officials told the Washington Examiner.

    Does anyone really believe that anything is going to happen to these evil bastards. They give a 70 yr old year in prison for praying at a Baby Murder factory. They held people who walked around Congress with a Police escort and others that peacefully just walked around with years of confinement. Antifa burned and destroyed billions of dollars of property and murdered people … no charges.
    People, evil is protecting evil when it is convenient. And evil will punish us on a whim. Especially if you follow YHWH.

  384. Angie

    Please listen to this about JD Vance because he has deep ties to the surveillance state .

  385. Mark

    Mr.Greg Hunter I am not sure I’m hearing things correctly or I’m just hearing things. What I heard is that Kamala Harris is going to pick AOC for vice president or one of the squad members?

    • Katy Bar

      Mark – Seems like a very remote possibility that Harass would choose AOC, because AOC won’t help the ticket very much (as she is from New York which is not a “swing” State)!!!

  386. June Bug

    JFK A President Betrayed off_air recording
    Mark Chesak 112,220 views Nov 21, 2023
    For educational use only.
    Narrated by Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman, “JFK: A President Betrayed” uncovers new evidence that reveals how JFK embarked on secret back-channel peace efforts with Nikita Khrushchev and Fidel Castro and was determined to get out of Vietnam despite intense opposition inside his own government. (aspect ratio is squeezed)
    The more things change, the more some things stay the same.

  387. gasto burger

    Amb. Craig Murray: On the Verge of Provoking Nuclear War
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom 18,960 views Jul 24, 2024
    Amb. Craig Murray: On the Verge of Provoking Nuclear War

    NASTY: Ted Cruz RIPS Antony Blinken To SHREDS For LIES And Foreign Policy Failures ESTEFANIA DOMENES 1,080,063 views 13 hours ago
    NASTY: Ted Cruz RIPS Antony Blinken To SHREDS For LIES And Foreign Policy Failures /

    Prof. Jeffrey Sachs : Blinken, Biden, Sullivan, Miller, Kirby – SHAMEFUL!

    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom 48,719 views Jul 24, 2024
    Prof. Jeffrey Sachs : Blinken, Biden, Sullivan, Miller, Kirby – SHAMEFUL!

  388. Ken Yu

    According to Alex Jones, Trump kills Iranian General Soleimani, but then Netanyahu doesn’t return the favor when Trumps calls him for help in 2020 (when many of his buddies in the Demonratic Party were stealing Trumps election)!!
    Now unbelievably Netanyahu goes even further to tell his Demonratic buddies in Congress (who dismally failed to take Trump out) that Iran “will successfully complete the job for them and assassinate Trump”!! But, that when this deed is accomplished “They Should Not Be Cowards” (and start the Nuclear War that all the Globalists like Hillary, etc., etc., etc. want)!!!

  389. Galaxy 500

    Interesting read from Ammoland, where I have applied for citizenship. Where the range is always open and ammo is cheap…

    Just in Case: The Rationale for Spare Gun Magazines
    Ammoland Inc. Posted on March 16, 2024 by AmmoLand Editor Duncan Johnson
    By Keith Coniglio
    Gun writer & activist Keith Coniglio makes the case for why you can not have too many spare gun magazines. Of course, we think you will agree.

    Gun Magazines
    Just in Case: The Rationale for Spare Gun Magazines
    Whether it’s because of the inconvenience of yet another item to carry (and conceal), or the old saw, “if I can’t get it done in [insert an arbitrary number of rounds here], more probably won’t help,” many gun owners who carry a defensive firearm “just in case” deride fellow CCW holders who choose to carry one or even two spare magazines … “just in case.”

    The pragmatic focus is usually on how many rounds you may “need” in a defensive shooting.

    Spare Gun Magazines

    An FBI statistical figure of 3.7 rounds is often cited.

    Confusing a calculated average with an ironclad guarantee that you won’t be the statistical outlier, however, could be a fatal error.

    Just ask Sergeant Timothy Gramins, formerly of the Skokie, IL police department.

    In 2009, he was in pursuit of a suspected bank robber, who slammed his vehicle to a halt and bailed out, firing at Sergeant Gramins. Gramins, a “master firearms instructor and a sniper on his department’s Tactical Intervention Unit,” immediately returned fire. In an exchange that lasted less than a minute, the robber fired twenty-one rounds, and Gramins fired thirty-three, striking his assailant fourteen times – including six wounds in supposedly “fight-stopping” locations.

    Except they failed to stop the fight. He was down to four rounds remaining when he was able to make a fatal headshot, ending the gunfight.

    There is another, sometimes overlooked reason for carrying spare magazines: mechanical failure. I am a quality assurance engineer – a tester – by trade. It’s my job to not only make sure things work as they should under ideal circumstances, but to probe for weaknesses and envision ways something could fail. And trust me – magazines do fail.

    A detachable box magazine is simply that – a box, usually with a removable floorplate, containing a spring under a good amount of pressure. They are simple devices with few parts, but they aren’t impervious to wear. A weakening of the spring or split in the feed lips can cause feed failures. Floorplate failures, while rare (I’ve witnessed only one in the last three decades), will unload your entire magazine in the blink of an eye, scattering loose rounds across the ground.

    In a defensive encounter, having the ability to immediately eject the now-empty magazine body and replace it with a functioning unit could be the determining factor in the outcome.

    Given that you will never know if fate is about to deal you a “Gramins moment” or a mechanical failure, carrying at least one spare magazine is a small choice that can offer major advantages. You know – just in case.

    Stacks of Brand New GLOCK Magazines
    GLOCK Magazines, is this too many, or just enough, you decide?
    Did we change your mind on extra mags? We recommend you get new gun magazines online here at Brownell’s. ~ AmmoLand

    About the Author:

    Keith Coniglio is a father, software tester, NRA-certified pistol instructor, and devoted Second Amendment advocate. He is also the editor-in-chief of Descendants of Liberty Press, a site dedicated to rekindling Americans’ passion for – and defense of – their Constitutional rights and personal liberty. Keith writes more at Descendants of Liberty Press.

    About Second Call Defense:

    Second Call Defense the first insurance-backed membership organization in America to offers immediate, comprehensive, nationwide, 24-hour support for gun owners who are forced to defend themselves or their family with a firearm.

  390. Justn Observer

    Greg, is it legal if they ‘scrub’ U.S. Congressional record? Might this one disappear soon?
    Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Vice President Kamala Harris should be removed from her position as the head of the Biden administration’s strategy to address the root causes of migration.

    Whereas, on March 24, 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris was named “Border Czar” in charge of leading efforts to stem migration across the United States-Mexico border;

    Whereas Vice President Harris has visited the southern border once since President Biden appointed her to lead efforts to stem migration across the United States-Mexico border;

    Whereas border security is national security and the ongoing influx of migrants poses a significant threat to the public health and safety of our communities;

    Whereas, under the Biden administration, a historic number of illegal immigrants, violent criminals, and deadly drugs have flooded into our communities through the southern border;

    Whereas over 4,500,000 migrants have illegally crossed our southern border since January 2021;

    Whereas U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized over 14,700 pounds of illicit fentanyl in fiscal year 2022, enough to kill over 3,000,000,000 people;

    Whereas, in the first 5 months of fiscal year 2023, 69 people whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were encountered at the southern border, totaling more than fiscal years 2017 through 2021 combined;

    Whereas the Biden administration has allowed for mass migration to the United States by allowing politics to cloud its judgment when assessing policies;

    Whereas our southern border is less safe now than it ever has been; and

    Whereas U.S. Customs and Border Protection is overwhelmed and lacks resources needed due to Vice President Harris’s refusal to address the issues: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved, That the House of Representatives urges the Biden administration to—

    (1) remove Vice President Kamala Harris as the head of any executive branch task force or strategy relating to immigration;

    (2) appoint an experienced and competent leader to replace Vice President Kamala Harris as the head of the Biden administration’s strategy to address the root causes of migration;

    (3) recognize that border security is national security;

    (4) immediately provide U.S. Customs and Border Protection with the adequate support and resources to do their job effectively and adequately;

    (5) immediately reinistate the Migrant Protection Protocols;

    (6) take action to protect American communities from fentanyl; and

    (7) stop allowing politics in Washington to cloud their judgment regarding policies implemented at the southern border.

  391. Galaxy 500

    I saw a troubling report that only 5 cartridge cases were found by the shooter. Add that with an audio expert saying that some shots came from a different location and what do you have?
    A second shooter that likely was unready because the 20 yr old was surprised by the PoPo. YHWH, my GOD and HIS Son, Jesus were certainly protecting Trump that day. Average male head is 4-6”. Had YHWH not intervened, 20 yr old shot would have been into Trump’s eye socket and the civil war would have started. Lying prone with optics, even cheap ARs will shoot a 5 shot group under 2”, most average 1” -1.5”at 100yrds with quality ammo and 3”-5” with surplus M855 ball. I haven’t heard rifle and ammo being ID’d yet.
    The 3 letter alphabet agencies are releasing misinformation with the limp d/( Head of the FBI going so far as to claim that Trump was not really shot. Same agency that was willing to pay the fake Trump dossier guy millions. The same FBI that phonies up evidence on the raid at Marilargo.
    You know they were swearing the area with metal detectors. I want to see how many rounds were left in the magazine. You know they (CIA, Secret Service, FBI, DHS )are all trying to cover up their tracks and involvement.
    DEI hire and former head of the Secret Service had encrypted communications from a non government phone with Dingy House formerly the White House. She had all the radio communications that day that were recorded destroyed.
    Have you asked yourself when are they going to either take another shot at him, use a roadside IED or fire a MANPad at his plane as it’s taking off or landing. These are desperate, delusional, deviant demonic MFers that want our country to burn, assuring themselves a place of power.
    Pray to the one Teune GOD, YHWH and ask him to protect Trump, and save our once great nation from the corrupt Satanic malefactors and puppet masters who stole an election.

  392. Jan F. Solvberg

    April 4, 2007 Kim Clement prophesied,
    —#Trump shall become a #trumpet, says the Lord
    April 4, 2024, I woke up early hearing,
    —Trump is my trumpet, says the Lord!

    God has not changed His mind!

  393. Prospector


    Do not believe that local police were ‘ innocent ‘ .

    News Nation Now . com ——– State Police : Officers left their post.
    Col. Paris in testimony before congress admits overwatch post was abandoned.
    Pennsylvania State Police Col. Christopher Paris made his statement while testifying before Congress.

    Plat start at 20. min. 30 sec.

    There was also massive communication issues. ( Intentional ??? )

    “Normally, they put a person from the locals in the Secret Service area,” said U.S. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah. “Today, the locals shared with us they were not allowed to have anyone in there. As far as radio communications, there was very little communication between the outer and inner perimeter.”

    Keystone Cops

    • Ken Yu

      The Bribe’n Demon Rats shut down the Keystone Cops just like they shut down the Keystone Pipeline!!!

  394. Bill Holder

    Bad timming to take off Greg… Too much Crap-O-La is coming at us fast and furious. I bet when you get back you will have plenty material to report about, perhaps so much that you will not even know where to start 😉

    • Greg Hunter

      Timing out of my control.

      • Storming Norman

        Yup Greg,
        Timing is out of our hands, but not his! Just ask Donald John Trump!
        There always comes a time to let go and let God. Now if we could just incorporate it in our lives 24/7. It’s not easy to let God and letting go, of all our cares and worries. Maybe thats why were told to pray incessantly? Making God our constant companion, all day long and with him when we lay our head down at bedtime.
        Yup, it’s timing for sure. Lets make it his time, this time and forevermore!
        Ballad For Americans – 06.07.1940

    • Katy Bar

      Here is more material. The Demons in the Medical Establishment are now teeing up for the launch of another “Plandemic”, this one centering around H5N8 Influenza (also known as avian influenza or Bird Flu). Plandemic 2.0 is all set and ready to go (as soon as Trump wins) and the FDA will once again grant Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for mRNA bird flu shots (just like they did with the COVID Kill Shots). These Evil Globalists plan on hitting us with everything they have as they now fear for their lives. Yes, they can give us Kill Shots once again but this time around they may get some Kill Shots in return!!!

      • Ken Yu

        Globalists Bill and Melinda Gates laughingly smirked as they told us to prepare for the next Plandemic (you can see it for yourselves by fast forwarding to the 6:50 mark)
        Patriots should begin their own Philanthropic Organization where retired Military Snipers freely give their services to bring Kill Shots to the Elites (the same way the Elites bring Kill Shots to the people)!!

        • Katy Bar

          The World War being waged by the Evil Globalists is not so much “Nation against Nation” but is an all out “War Against Human Civilization Itself” (as the Evil Globalists are out to Kill Off 13 out of 14 People on Planet Earth with their New Plandemic (which will be a Threshold Event where Humanity will be Lucky to be Barely Holding on to Life with its Fingernails)!!!

          • Ken Yu

            But I believe the People can exterminate the Globalists “before they Exterminate Us”!! Notice how their Georgia Guidestones “are no longer standing”!! This Demonic inspired eyesore was a bald faced affront to Many Thousands of Years of Civilized Human Existence (that these Self-Appointed Psychopathic-Queer-Nazi-Loony-Tunes ‘Who Worship Satan’ want to Extinguish Forever from Earth and replace Humanity with Robotic Borgs)!!

  395. Fred Bergstrum

    ‘This Is A Joke!’: Donalds Tears Apart Secret Service Director For ‘Gross Incompetence’ To Her Face 1,422,578 views Jul 22, 2024
    At today’s House Oversight Committee hearing, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) questioned Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle about the assassination attempt on former President Trump.

  396. Legally Blonde Kamala

    Santa Claus wants to buy your votes:
    RFK Jr. said: “I will sign an executive order directing the US Treasury to purchase 550 Bitcoin daily until the US has built a reserve of at least 4,000,000 Bitcoins”. Add another $2 trillion to the national debt, because bitcoin will trade at records levels $$$ daily until the 4 million bitcoins are purchased. And those bitcoins, they are backed by ___nothing___!! Clearly a PONZIE. Hey, that is a fitting nickname for RFK.

    I’m waiting for Trump and Kameltoe to “Santa Claus” the same deal, or even worse!

    It used to be young people would work jobs manufacturing a product with value, starting at the bottom and working their way to however far their talent/intelligence would take them. Used to be ashamed to even accept a penny of welfare or assistance from anyone else.

    Now days young people want to party until sunrise, sleep until 3pm, trade a few shitashi’s, and expect to retire millionaires at the age 25; they expect a free everything for life, with 22 million plus government “workers” pushing endless paperwork ensuring that no one that doesn’t work – can live like a king. Now they poke fun of the people that actually work for a living.

    There will be a surprise ending to all these shenanigans.

    • Katy Bar

      When Bitcoin (an electron in a computer) is worth millions of paper dollars will Trump still allow the continued suppression of the Silver price?? Probably not. And that is why JPMorgan Chase is currently investing in Silver and other precious monetary metals!! Silver’s price suppression has been Official U.S. Government Policy since President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Coinage Act of 1965 (which removed Silver from United States coins). When signing the Act into Law, Johnson proclaimed (like all lying DemonRats):
      “If anybody has any idea of hoarding our US Silver coins, let me say this. Treasury has a lot of Silver on hand, and it can be ‘and it will be used’ to keep the price of Silver (down) in line with its value in our present Silver coins. There will be no profit in holding them out of circulation for the value of their Silver content”!! But smart investors “did exactly the opposite” of what President Johnson warned would bring them no profit and intelligently removed and hoarded the Silver coins in circulation as inflation of the U.S. dollar steady increased making them worth “far more than their face value” (making these investors 20 times wealthier so far with a lot more to come as the rapid printing of US dollars (for unnecessary wars, etc., etc.) continues!!!

  397. Frank S.

    Censorship and blocking getting worse web-wise. Tried watching Karen Kingston on the Mel K show (Gettr) 7/6/24. It was zapped 2 minutes in. Found it on Rumble via InPrivate browser using Duckduckgo. Greg, consider airing your show exclusively on InPrivate. Steady viewers won’t mind the change.

  398. Jeffrobbins

    I have a project I’m working on some of you may find interesting. Normal garden issues are always area specific, but around here, watering is an issue as we have hot, very dry summers. Not that i have an issue with working, but time is where it’s at. To kill a couple birds with one stone; I am attempting to make a floating island for our pond. It’s coloring outside the lines for sure. Water quality for the pond should improve, and there will be 18 or so 4” pvc cups to put potted veges in each year. I could enlarge them later on. I’m in the middle of filling a good number of holes with a 2 part marine grade foam, and need to order more. The main material are 3 sheets of a 2” thick filter media that measure 10 feet x 54”. I’ve never grown anything hydroponic, but if the flotation is good, the top half will be above the water and i hope to adjust the high of the plants so it will be some kind of hybrid hydroponic system. I want to get in a few late summer veges. I will give an update later this fall. Yes, it is some expensive lettuce and peppers, but I’m looking for easier less time intensive garden plants. And I’ll know where they come from.

  399. Clyde

    Left-wing Radicals Hate America

    The bottom line: Insane left-wing-radicals have declared war on all normal American Citizens – now they’ve attempted to assassinate President Trump!

    Make no mistake – Every one of these left-wing-lunatics are trying to destroy this nation from within. We need to prepare accordingly.

  400. Pam Lyssand

    I am praying for you & your family, Greg, & am thankful you’re taking a well-earned sabbatical! Maybe you already know that there’s a myriad of your faithful listeners that consider you a trusted friend & a dear brother in Christ!

  401. Justn Observer

    Greg, just passing along in case people have not heard this…which I had not when I got it ‘=

    The History of Kamala Harris

    by Geoffrey B. Higginbotham Major General, USMC (Ret.)

    For your knowledge and interest about the Biden Vice President, Kamala Harris. Here is a timely editorial that exposes the hidden background of Kamala Harris from the Combat Veterans for Congress Political Action Committee that is posted here with permission of the author. CVFC PAC supports the election of US military combat veterans to the US Senate and House of Representatives. The editorial begins:

    Kamala Harris’ father was an avowed Marxist professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. Both of Harris’ parents were active in the Berkeley based Afro-American Association; Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were the heroes of the Afro-American Association.

    The group’s leader, Donald Warden (aka Khalid al-Mansour), mentored two young Afro-American Association members, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale; they created the Maoist inspired Black Panther Party which gained strong support from Communist China; the Black Panther Party served as the model for creation of the Black Lives Matter Marxist organization Khalid al-Mansour subsequently went on to arrange financing and facilitated for Barack Hussein Obama to be accepted as a student to matriculate at Harvard Law School.

    Following her graduation from college, Harris returned to California and subsequently became the mistress of the 60-year-old married Speaker of the California Assembly, Willie Brown, Jr. Brown’s political campaigns were supported and funded by Dr. Carlton Goodlett, the owner of The Sun Reporter and several other pro-Communist newspapers.

    Brown was elected as Mayor of San Francisco, and strongly endorsed Harris’ Marxist political philosophy; he guided Harris’ political rise in California politics, leading to her election as California’s Attorney General. Willie Brown, Jr. was a well-known long-time Communist sympathizer. Willie Brown, Jr. was initially elected to public office with the substantial help of the Communist Party USA.

    Today, Willie Brown is widely regarded as one of the Chinese Communist Party’s best friends in the San Francisco Bay Area.

    While serving as San Francisco District Attorney, Kamala Harris mentored a young San Francisco Radical Maoist activist, Lateefah Simon, who was a member of the STORM Revolutionary Movement; Simon currently chairs the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Board. Simon has always been close friends with the founder of Black Lives Matter Marxist Domestic Terrorists, Alicia Garza, as well as STORM member and avowed Communist, Van Jones. Harris has been openly and aggressively supporting Black Lives Matter Marxists; Kamala Harris is still closely associated with Maoist Lateefah Simon and Marxist Alicia Garza.

    Kamala Harris’s sister Maya Harris was a student activist at Stanford University. She was a closely associated with Steve Phillips, one of the leading Marxist-Leninists on campus and a long-time affiliate with the League of Revolutionary Struggle, a pro-Chinese Communist group.

    Phillips came out of the Left, and in college he studied Marx, Mao, and Lenin, and maintained close associations with fellow Communists. Phillips married into the multibillion-dollar Sandler family of the Golden West Savings and Loan fortune. He funded many leftist political campaigns, and voter registration drives in the Southern and South Western states in order to help his friend, Barack Hussein Obama, defeat Hillary Clinton. Phillips has been a major financial sponsor for Kamala Harris’s political campaigns for various California elective offices plus Cory Booker, Andrew Gillum, Stacey Abrams to name a few.

    Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff works for the law firm DLA Piper, which “boasts nearly 30 years of experience in Communist China with over 140 lawyers dedicated to its ‘Communist China investment Services’ branch. He was just appointed Professor at Yale to school future lawyers in the fine points of Communism.

    When she was elected to the US Senate, Kamala Harris appointed a Pro-Communist Senate Chief of Staff, Karine Jean-Pierre. Jean-Pierre was active with the New York-based Haiti Support Network. The organization worked closely with the pro-Communist China/Communist North Korea Workers World Party and supported Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the far-left Communist former president of Haiti and the radical Lavalas movement.

    Fortunately for Harris, but potentially disastrous for the Republic, elected office holders are not subject to the security clearance process. If the FBI did a Background Investigation on Kamala Harris, she never would have passed, because of her 40-year close ties with Marxists, Communists, Maoists, and Communist China. Harris would never have been approved for acceptance to any of the 5 Military Service Academies, been appointed to a US Government Sub-Cabinet position, or would have been approved to fill a sensitive position for a high security defense contractor. Yet, since Joe Biden was elected, Harris could be a heartbeat away from being President.

    The US constitutional Republic is being threatened by the People’s Republic of Communist China (PPC) externally, and by their very active espionage operations within the United States. The People’s Republic of Communist China (PPC), with 1.4 billion people, is governed by the
    90 million member Chinese Communist Party (CCP), that has been working with Russia to destroy the US Constitutional Republic for over 70 years.

    If the American voters read the background information (in Trevor Loudon’s article) on Kamala Harris, they would never support her election as Vice President of the United States. Joe Biden is suffering from the early onset of dementia and will continue to decline in cerebral awareness; he will never be able to fill out a four-year term of office.

    Since Biden was elected, the Socialists, Marxists, and Communist who control Kamala Harris, are planning to enact provisions of the 25th Amendment, in order to remove Joe Biden from office, so Harris can become the first Communist President of the United States.

    Since Biden was elected, because Biden would not be up to it, Kamala Harris would lead the effort to appoint very dangerous anti-American Leftist, Communist, Socialists, and Marxists to fill highly sensitive positions in the Washington Deep State Bureaucracy. She would fill all appointive positions in the US Intelligence Agencies, in the Department of Homeland Security, in the Department of Defense, in The Justice Department, the Department of State, the FBI, the CIA, most cabinet positions, the National Security Council, and in the White House Staff.

    American voters must alert their fellow Americans that Kamala Harris is a very serious National Security threat to the very survival of the US Constitutional Republic; she has been a fellow traveler of Marxists, Communists, Maoists, Socialists, Progressives, and Chinese Communists for over
    35 years.

    President Trump had much more background information on Kamala Harris than we presented here, and he was correct, when he accused Kamala Harris of being a Communist subverter.

    Geoffrey B. Higginbotham Major General, USMC (Ret.)

  402. Dominic

    You deserve a break Greg. Weekends wre not the same without you but I am glad that you are re-charging your batteries. I wish you a great holiday and thank you for all you do.

  403. Nanna Banana

    When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime , you are being ruled by criminals
    Edward Snowden: How the deep state banking families and Obombers Chicago mob, use your Cell Phone to Spie on You!
    The Gov’t. wants you to think this guy is a traitor. Actually, this guy is a Hero Pompaspao! A Truthteller. A Whistleblower. History will be very kind to Edward Snowden…..Not you Obomber and your Holster Holderman!

    SUPERCUT: These Were Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle’s Toughest Lines Of Questioning
    Forbes Breaking News 1,524,647 views Jul 23, 2024 Today’s House

  404. Won Witness


    John F. Kennedy
    Many do not know that the Nov 22 1962 kennedy assassination wasn’t just about starting a war in Vietnam but ALSO JFK was going to ISSUE a NON bank U.S. National CURRENCY free of private bank interest costs.
    Abe Lincoln
    Lincoln’s non bank CURRENY Green backs, were a Treasury and not a private bank issue that would not incure interst costs so Lincoln lived to a ripe old age of… hold it, strike that, Of course he was killed too.
    The some recent leaders who rejected the Federal reserve notes, Kadafi, Saddam Hussein.

    Trump talking to Bitcoiners, plans to stop the Fed’s darling CBDC (central bank digital currency)
    The Deep state, will want 1962 Dallas, JFK solution a.s.a.p.


    The deep state controlled via blackmail? Secret Service and FBI no longer worthy of trusted with the job !
    And now add the private federal reserve to the list but put it at the TOP of the list, because they have been at this game before there was a secret service or FBI .

  405. Norman Greenjeans

    Take a 3 1/2 minute break, when men were men and woman, well woman!
    Ann Miller | Hit The Deck | Warner Archive

    • Mr.Greenjeans

      Here’s more and even better!___DOWN MEXICO WAY
      Ricardo Montalbán, Ann Miller, Cyd Charisse
      | The Kissing Bandit (’48) “Dance of Fury” |
      YES, That’s Ole Frank!

  406. Arnie Benedict

    Find out why M8ike Pompeo want’s this meek, mild mannered man DEAD!
    Full Interview: Edward Snowden On Trump, Privacy, And Threats To Democracy | The 11th Hour | MSNBC MSNBC 20,290,909 views Sep 17, 2019
    On the eve of his memoir ‘Permanent Record’ being published, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden talked at length from Moscow with MSNBC’s Brian Williams in an exclusive interview. This is their discussion in its entirety, edited down slightly for clarity.
    Aired on 9/17/2019. The pen M8ike is mightier than the sword!

    • Katy Bar

      Just be aware that all the electronic devices you own are spying on you and recording your actions illegally. To confuse the Spying Globalists each of us should “swap our electronic devices with each other on a routine basis” (daily is better) so the Globalists get mixed patterns of behavior (like your cell phone is located at one address on Monday say shopping for a sports car and at another address on Tuesday shopping for a bike, or say a man is talking from home in New York City about how he is going to vote for Trump but on Wednesday that cell phone has some women on Staten Island talking about how she will be voting for Harris and on Friday at some home on Long Island the conversation then switches to Spanish. The idea being to: “Swap Your Phones and other Electronic Devices to “CORRUPT THE DATA” Being Collected Illegally On You By Evil Globalist Corporations”!!!

      • Ken Yu

        The Evil Globalists “already thought out the possibility” that we the people “may try to confuse and corrupt their data collection activities”. So they intelligently planned on “putting Chips right inside our bodies” under the guise of a Plandemic (where everyone who gets vaccinated can then be continually monitored (until they die) with the Globalists micro-chips placed right in their mRNA Kill Shot vials (and of-course not listed on the ingredients list as required by law)!!!

        • Katy Bar

          An Official new Study by the CDC Confirms that the COVID Jab “Lowers Male Life Expectancy By 24 Years”!! So there you have it folks it is now Officially Confirmed that men who received the Covid vaccine will tragically suffer a 24-year Loss in their Life Expectancy!!

  407. Justn Observer

    Greg, people need to understand this will continue to effect the supply chain issues for some time…a slow flying Black Swan of its own !

  408. John Mahoney

    i keep checking to see if u had put a video out, and not seeing it, i got worried, now i see why, glad ur ok, we dont want to lose u Greg, GOD Bless

  409. Galaxy 500

    The Principalities of Power and their Satanic deviants disrespects YHWH, makes fun’s of Christians and think they are special.
    Remember when all these wannabe child predators “just wanted to be able to marry.”
    No, they just want to destroy normal marriages, destroy your children and groom them.

    LGBTQI+ Leader Defends Opening; Claims Lack of Visibility, Acceptance

    Meet Theater Director Behind the Olympics’ Drag Queens, Same-Sex Foreplay, Queer Last Supper Opening

    Olympic Sponsor C-Spire Pulls Ads After ‘Mockery ‘of Last Supper‘We Were Shocked’

    Demonic WokenessOlympics Opens with Drag Queen Parody of the Last Supper……And Bisexual Threesome‘Non-Binary’ Athletes Take Paris…

  410. Galaxy 500

    Sure, masks would have saved 250,000 lives… IF they had t taken the bioweapon… they left that part out.

  411. John Duffy

    We are Done!

    Bill Gates Convinces Gov’t To ‘Force-Jab’ Public by Adding mRNA to Everyday Food Items

    • Gerard Montgomery

      All The Day’s of Our Lives

      Man with vaccine side-effect has message for unvaccinated
      CNN 2 years ago
      Anthony Flint, who claims to have developed Guillain-Barré syndrome after his Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccination, discusses the rare autoimmune disorder and why he is still urging others to get vaccinated. [Misery, LOVES MORE COMPANY?]

      Appalling vaccine injury
      Dr. John Campbell 3.11M subscribers 2 months ago

    • Wes Gould

      Dear John,
      Here’s the culpret himself!
      I’t look’s like he eats his own cooking, he hasn’t aged well at all. He should have worked with what mother nature gave him instead of against her!
      Bill Gates Vows To Pump mRNA Into Food Supply To ‘Force Jab’ the Unvaccinated

      To health and good fortune in the Year of the Dragon!
      BILL GATES to YOU!

  412. Bill Holder

    Meanwhile, when the empire is crumbling, we can hear the politicians debating if Angels are Male or Female.

    History rhimes a lot, right? 😉

    • Ken Yu

      Yeah! Now China’s Ministry of Defense has publicly stated ‘China is ready to intervene militarily, “anywhere in the world”, if the United States or NATO attacks Russia!!

  413. Obama and Macron married to trans-men

    Rebel Archbishop Slams Olympics’ “Vile Attacks On God” – Says Macron, Obama Married To Trans Men

    • Katy Bar

      These Psycho-Queers married to Trans Men are all for Population Reduction by Kill Shots (or Thermo-Nuclear War) because They Don’t Have a Stake in Humanities Future!! And Their Evil Plan to Reduce the Human Population was Announced Country by Country in their (now redacted) Deagle Report that we luckily saved a copy of!!!

      • Ken Yu

        And these Trans Men think Vance is weird??? Probably because Vance is “not married to a man”, “does not wear a dress”, “does not put on red high heel shoes or a blond/green/purple wig” and “does not have adopted children to bring to Drag Queen Events to be brainwashed into thinking immoral bisexual perversions are normal human activities”!!!!

  414. Guardian Angel

    But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’
    Mark 10:6

    EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTARY – Chasing Trump Political Prosecutions: Justice Gone Wrong – 33 mins.

    • Katy Bar

      God made humans to be male and female so the two will become one flesh and Create Children therefore perpetuating life beyond one human lifespan (De-facto Immortality) and “What God Has Seen Fit To Joined Together To Perpetuate Human Life”: LET NO HOMO/QUEER/TRANSGENDER /+++ TEAR ASUNDER!!

  415. Naomi Zentmyer

    So gratified that you are recovering and ok.
    God bless you,

  416. Greg Not Greg Hunter

    Hey GH hope your doing ok. If you dont come back I am jumping in my pickup to come look for you.
    Bless you.

    • Greg Hunter

      I’m coming back.

  417. Tim Horton

    Lefties losing it: Sky News host slams ‘clowns’ calling for assassination of Trump
    Sky News Australia / 637,582 views Jul 25, 2024
    Sky News host Rita Panahi has slammed “clowns” who were filmed calling for former president Donald Trump to be assassinated.
    One person in a video shared by ‘endwokeness’ on X called Donald Trump supporters “evil” and hoped they would “burn in hell”.
    In another video shared by ‘officialpostman’ on X, one woman said she wished Mr Trump was killed in the recent assassination attempt but stressed she did not have “hatred in her soul at all”.

    Sky News host reacts to ‘bizarre’ woke Paris Olympics opening ceremony
    Sky News Australia Jul 28, 2024
    Sky News host Caleb Bond weighs in on a “bizarre” Paris Olympics drag performance during part of the opening ceremony.
    It comes as the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony is being slammed with some planning to boycott the games in protest following part of the ceremony which showed what appeared to be a nod to Leonardo da Vinci’s painting ‘The Last Supper’.
    “Watching the lampooning of Christianity which should be allowed to be done I have no qualms with that but if you’re going to do it at least be equal opportunity about your lampooning of religion,” Mr Bond said.

    Russia issues ominous threat as it warns of invasion of US state: ‘Ready to enter war’
    Story by Rebecca Robinson • 5h •
    To ALASKA Russia’s Own?

  418. Ken Yu

    Steve Quayle issues Urgent Warning of “WAR in the Middle East” (Setting Off a FINANCIAL COLLAPSE Event)!!

  419. Galaxy 500

    When did the Olympics go to hell?
    The opening act in Paris featured not just that (Satanic) parody of the Last Supper, but also—and worse yet—an outright DANCE OF DEATH that seemed to CELEBRATE the millions “dying suddenly” worldwide

    Mark Crispin Miller
    Although ostensibly a celebration of athletic excellence and world fraternity, the Olympics has long had a darker side—especially since Avery Brundage used the games in 1936 to boost the Nazi state, and then went on (in 1952) to run the IOC, using it to push essentially the same racialist world-view that moved Hitler to refuse to shake the hand of Jesse Owens. (“Do you really think I’d allow myself to be photographed shaking hands with a Negro?” he snapped at Nazi youth leader Baldur von Schirach shortly afterward.) As IOC president, Brundage supported the regimes in both Rhodesia and South Africa as zealously as he had championed the Reich (and, in particular, Leni Riefenstahl, whom—along with Charles Lindbergh and Walt Disney—he warmly welcomed to Hollywood when she visited in 1938).

  420. Nancy

    I hope you are getting better Greg! My first thought when you said you were going to be off for a while was medical. (And if surgery was involved, I hope you didn’t need any blood since the blood supply is tainted.)

    Just take care of yourself and get a lot of rest. You are greatly missed!!!! We are all looking forward to you returning.

    • Katy Bar

      Proof that there was at least “a Second Shooter” is verified here:
      So the question that needs to be asked is: Why was only one shot fired by the Secret Service (to take out Crook), and “No Shot Fired” To Take Out The Second Gunman???
      What’s very interesting in the analysis above is that the bullet that grazed Trumps ear had an “Upward Trajectory” because after it passed by Trump’s ear it hit a man “Higher Up in the Bleaches” behind Trump, which means that the first bullet came from a height lower then the roof that Crook was on (like the open window below Crook where the Secret Service and FBI were stationed)!!!

  421. Mr. Allison

    Gavin Newsom Humiliated as Elon Musk Responds to His Threat
    The Rubin Report Jul 29, 2024
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Elon Musk’s vicious comeback to Gavin Newsom for threatening him for posting an AI-generated parody of a Kamala Harris campaign ad.

  422. June Bug

    Megyn Kelly on New Poll Showing Trump Obliterating Both Biden and Harris Among Young Voters Now/shocking!

  423. lIZ hOOD

    Are Biden’s proposals to limit the Supreme Court constitutional?
    46,709 views Streamed live 8 hours ago The Dershow staring Alan Dershowitz

  424. gasto burger

    Scott Ritter REVEAL: The Total Destruction of Ukraine as Biden Falls, Russia Moves Strike Final Blow
    Jul 30, 2024

    US, China Threaten “Forceful Measures” Over Ukraine War | Russia Downs 21 Drones, Gains in Donetsk CRUX 94,650 views Jul 28, 2024
    Ukrainian drones hit a Russian military airfield in Dyagilevo, in Ryazan Oblast, just 160 km from the capital Moscow. The airbase is a training centre for Russia’s strategic bomber force and is the site of Tupolev Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3, and Tu-134UBL aircraft and an Ilyushin Il-78 tanker. Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR) said it struck an oil field in the Ryazan Oblast with kamikaze drones. Roughly two hours after the explosions in Dyagilevo, the HUR struck the Engels airbase in the Saratov Oblast which houses strategic bombers.

  425. O SBORN

    Ukraine Concedes Defeat In…’: Putin’s Men Bring Zelensky’s Troops to Knees in This Region /Times Of India Jul 30, 2024
    Another day of humiliation on the battlefield for the Ukrainian army. Russia has once again registered victory in an intense battle in Donetsk. Vladimir Putin’s men have seized control of Volchie in the Donetsk region. The victory came after one of the fiercest battles between Russia & Ukraine. The Russian army’s ‘Battlegroup Center’ played a key role in ‘capture’ of Volchie. Shortly after the ‘capture’, Ukraine tried to regain control but failed in its attempts. Russia bombarded Ukrainian positions, forcing Kyiv’s troops to retreat.

  426. John Little

    Ted Nugent Says Uncle Sam Tried to Kill Trump
    The Alex Jones Show July 29th, 2024
    Uncle Ted warns 45th President Deep State wants him dead!

    BREAKING VIDEO: Trump Warns Globalists Planning to Depopulate Humanity July 29th, 2024
    This is a major development in the infowar!

    Anglo-American Classic!
    The Beginning of the Revolt/Swearing the Oath
    Deep state Outlaw

  427. Galaxy 500

    Is anyone surprised that the Principalities of Power pick corrupt minions? Just like we have millionaires getting illegal Student Loan relief while people that made smart decisions and became tradesmen (plumbers, carpenters and electricians) and the common man are forced to pay for these sleazy deviant bastards. You disagree? Remember the Demoncrats aide that was being sodomized on camera in a Congressional conference room?
    You can’t make the Shiite up… they think they have cowed us, broken us and forced us to believe that their deviancy is normal, acceptable and natural. It is none of those things. It is an abomination in the Eyes of YHWH. And these Satanic skin covered piles of excrement hate YHWH. They hate us normal people, especially men and extra especially Christians.
    You disagree? All you have to look at is the Olympic Games opening. They mocked Jesus, in turn mocking the One, True GOD, YHWH. All the deviants are coming out, being exposed. Adidas, founded by Nazis, forgot about the 1972 Olympic massacre and brought out a BLOOD RED commemorative sneakers with a rabid, virulent Jew-Hating spokesperson. As I said, you can’t make this Shiite up.

    Remember, “Fear not!” YHWH has not forsaken us. Also don’t forget that YHWH expects your participation, expects your actions. “Seek and ye say find. Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and th door shall be opened.” All of these things require our action. Don’t be fooled into sitting on the sidelines this election. Vote for Trump. Vote to save our once Great Nation.

  428. regaleagle

    O Lord…..Give us the grace, humility, and presence of your Holy Spirit to set aside our petty differences at this critical hour to unite as a brave body of believers that will represent Truth and Righteousness in unity against all Evil and Unrighteousness in the world. Let Your light shine thru us so those that lack Faith and do not believe will have a change of heart and repent in earnest for Your free gift of everlasting life. Amen.

  429. Galaxy 500

    Wow… even when caught committing felonies they Adidas worry as they are being protected by the higher minions.

  430. Galaxy 500

    Save America repeal the 19th Amendment…
    an acquaintance said…
    Beginning to think they have a point …
    Why do women, especially the childless ones, get to vote to send me and my sons to war while they sit at home eating bonbons?
    Think the 19th should be changed to where you must serve 2 or 4 years in some branch of military to vote.
    It really needs to be changed to something other than what we have.
    And it should be 20 yrs hard labor for voter fraud with execution on the 2nd offense.
    Our nation is truly being run by feckless men and childless cat ladies

  431. Justn Observer

    Greg, if this is true…either the new SS director is unaware or there were actually 3 shooters and 10 rounds fired…and shocking if true…the cop with a rifle at what- 40 yards missed? the comedy of errors is reaching horrific at this point!

    • Katy Bar

      This well-planned, criminal conspiracy to assassinate Trump was carried out by entities who knew ahead of time “that Trump would not be around much longer”,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
      people in a position to supply the weapon, supply the encrypted communications gear, supply the blasting caps and explosives, supply the remote detonator, and get the rifle and ladder into the secured area to be available for Crooks to use!! The policeman who was boosted to the roof “surprised Crook” who evidently Forgot to Fire Off the Explosions that would have Blurred Out the Audio Recordings of all the shots being fired. FBI Director Chris Wray Briefed Senators and told them that not only did the alleged shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks have a remote detonator (for explosives that were in a vehicle he parked nearby) but he was also using “Encrypted Communications.”
      Only US Government Agency’s like the FBI/CIA/DHS could have supplied the Encrypted communications gear, supply the Blasting caps, supply the Explosives, supply the Remote detonator (and placed Ladder) for Crooks to use!!
      So the question our Senators and Representatives in Congress should be asking is: “Who was Crooks communicating with? And on what frequency and encryption code?? Was he communicating with the Police, the FBI, the CIA, or DHS??? Congress should be asking these questions on behalf of the American People who they “supposedly represent”!!!!!
      And the possibility exists that there was a “Third Shooter”(waiting on the Water Tower for Crooks to press the detonator button to cover up his bullet audio trail). For in Dr. Chris Martensen’s video he did the math on one bullet being fired with only a 0.77s delay (meaning a significantly higher muzzle velocity due to a longer-range round such as a 300 win mag having a 3000 fps velocity) which means someone at around 1,386 feet also fired at Trump “and this distance is consistent with the Water Tower location”!!!

      • Galaxy 500

        Can you post the link. I want to see how Chris is calculating this. The Mk248 Mod 0 cartridge has a muzzle velocity of 3,030fps out of the M2010 ESR (Modified MK24 rifle re chambered to 300WM) with suppressor.
        The 190gr HPBT is still over 2000fps at 500 yards. I want to see what he is calculating and how.
        Plus the garage door opener has very short range. Blasting caps were unlikely as most homemade bombs don’t use them. But everything about the bomb is a big guess. The government calls a sack of fertilizer a bomb. I would love to see photos and what an EOD guy thinks about it.

    • Ken Yu

      Breaking News: Remember how Chris Martenson showed us that the bullet that hit Trumps ear was on an upward trajectory (in order for it to hit a man in the upper bleachers behind Trump). Well we now have Visual Proof of a Rifle Muzzle Flash (from a first floor window of a building Very Near the WATER TOWER) shooting at Trump on the Podium along with Crook who was firing from the flat roof!! See the flash for yourself Here:!! You can fast forward to the 4:20 mark then prepare to stop exactly at 5:04 mark “to see the muzzle flash”!!!

      • Galaxy 500

        When did the roof the 20 yr old was on become flat?

  432. Marie Joy


  433. Mike

    Looks like the military will remove the corporate governments and a placeholder government will be used for 120 days until elections for a restored republic can be held.

  434. Bubba Schwartz


    Happy to know you survived.

    BT, DT. Mine was a lethal subarachnoid hemorrhage, complete with NDE and OBE. I pleaded with God to return me in order to fulfill my mission here. I was shown a few things that have changed my life.

    Yes, there I still life after death. Yes, prayer works.

    God bless,


    • Greg Hunter

      Me too, Brother, Bubba, but all the Gloria to Jehovah and Christ Jesus.
      Brother Greg

      • Katy Bar

        Greg – Did you have some sort of a hemorrhage? If so God’s protective hand saved you like he did Trump!!! Praying for your speedy recovery and return. Look forward to having you back at USAWatchdog soon and giving us your cutting edge commentaries once again!!!

  435. virginia clark

    God bless your good recovery. Glad you are doing so good. Can’t wait till you are back.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Virginia! Mee too!!

  436. Terri

    Oh my Greg, I had no idea you’ve been sick. I’ve missed you so much! I trust your reporting, your opinions and so many of your guests. Thank you for all you’ve done. Please take care of yourself! Your so important to so many!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Terri!!

    • Katy Bar

      Hope what happened to Greg was not an attack by the same Demons who went after Trump???

  437. Jeff T

    The LORD heal and bless thee Brother Greg… and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. (Num 6:24-26) … in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Jeff.

    • Raymond Browning

      Dear Greg my prayer for you is that God will keep you strong in good health, and bless you as you serve Him in Christ Jesus. Bro. Ray

      • Greg Hunter

        Thanks, Brother Ray!!!
        I am getting better every day with no setbacks. Praise Jehovah and Christ Jesus!!!
        Brother Greg

  438. Jeff Thirlwall

    God bless you Brother Greg…
    The LORD heal and bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. (Num 6:24-26)

    Rest… sweet sleep, healing and return to full healthful strength…
    When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken. (Pro 3:24;26)
    In Great Physician, our Lord and Healer’s name, Jesus; AMEN!

    • Katy Bar

      Just make sure when you lie down to sleep you have your HEPA filter on “taking the toxins being created by your ozone generator out of the air”!! The greatest risks of negative ion generators is to your respiratory system. Which can worsen asthma symptoms or actually increase your risk for lung inflammation, heart problems and cancer!!

  439. Marie Joy

    Dominion, 2000 Mules, Traitors.

  440. Jennifer Updegraff

    God Bless you Greg. What is committed to Him, He is well able to keep. God is faithful.
    Get well!

  441. Nancy

    OMG, Greg, my female intuition was correct. I was very worried that you had a medical event. Just take care of yourself and get a lot of rest. We all really miss you!!! I hope you are getting good advice from some of the doctors you have had on the show. Get better!!!!! We all love you!!!!!!

  442. Charles

    Greg. G-D Bless you. I
    In our family’s difficult July 2024, I thought you might be on vacation. But since I couldn’t imagine you taking off the last week,I got worried. Your love of G-D has moved me over the past 5 years and I have moved the gauge considerably. Thank you. I pray and look forward to your speedy and full recovery. A kiss for your wife too, for putting up with you 😉. Rest, you have trained us, your devoted audience, well. We search out viable news and use our discernment exceptionally well. Just take care of yourself and enjoy your loved ones. We will be fine and will fight because you taught why we must and how to do it. We will not comply. Love and respect you, Now stop this silliness and stop worrying your wife. Looking sooooo forward to ‘seeing’ and hearing you soon. G-D Bless you.-joan

  443. Won Witness

    Wish you well, I’m sure God, the Master physician and healer has his hands upon you.
    Remembering how Karen Kingston also had an episode that interfered with her work, Evil attacks people who do the good work.
    Of course you are in my prayers.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks “Won”
      Brother Greg

      • Tim K

        Hi Greg,

        Thank God you are still with us. Last year, I had five large pulmonary embolisms (did not take the jab). The doctors could not believe I was still standing. You are doing very important work. I do not think it was a coincidence that you took this specific time off. I do think it was a God incidence.

        God bless you


        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks Tim,
          I am coming back in a few weeks.

  444. Carla

    Sounds like you experienced a miracle. Look forward to the telling. Sending lots of healing love and strength your way, in the name of Jesus Christ, King of Kings. Lord of Lords, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Amen.

  445. Galaxy 500

    DEI Secret Service leader is in this assassination attempt neck deep.

  446. Galaxy 500

    This is what the would have happened if they had succeeded in murdering Trump. Well, except we would be much better equipped… and it will be a real Shiite show if they try to steal the election.
    That is what they should fear… but they fear their loss of power more.

  447. Galaxy 500

    Try to Google President Trump. Try to google this assassination attempt.
    We can not let this go until charges are brought against this criminal conspiracy that includes 3 letter agencies and the Secret Service.
    Trump can not trust the Secret Service for his safety.
    Do not let this go. Write your so called representatives and Senators . Call them. Be polite. Politely demand they take action and if it’s legal, record the call. Might be some comedy gold there than can be used to unseat these twits if they don’t do the right thing.
    And Vote Trump…

  448. Galaxy 500

    Dump ESG !

    We must fight for our way of life. For the right to eat well and good food cheap.

  449. Galaxy 500

    So did you see this?

    White men for Kamel-ala? Run by a or at least the headliner a Biden Sodomite. And then White women for Kamel-ala… with a mentally ill guy in drag as a headliner….
    Why don’t they just combine and change name to:
    Gays and transvestites for Harris?
    Oh, wait… they can’t do a rally. They wouldn’t fill a Waffle House with attendees. So they did a Zoom call.

  450. Galaxy 500

    Karen’s for Kamel-ala…
    Chucks for Kamel-ala…
    Homos for Harris… now that’s the ticket. Because who will support what Harris is selling except deviants and leftist in the government bureaucracy?

  451. John

    I love your analysis and miss it a ton. Please do not push yourself so hard as it can really do a number on your health.

  452. Galaxy 500

    I have never been a liberal. But I have had some that were good acquaintances. What is laughable is that the classical liberals from 30 to 40 yrs ago are considered Conservative by the communists. Spoke to one that voted Clinton (Bill) and for the Big O. Registered DEM. We spoke last week for an hour, catching up. He hasn’t voted for a Demoncrat since the Big O and dint vote for a second term for the Big O. He is angry at what college education has done to his children and he worked hard to “educate” his grandchildren to keep them forward toward goals and Christ instead of self destructive behavior and rhetoric.
    I laughed and said, “welcome to the dark side”
    He said he didn’t change, the party did

    • Katy Bar

      Do you know who is “so loving” that she presided over a Drag Queen Shindig at her personal AC/DC residence at both the 2023 and 2024 Pride Celebration Festival!! And as part of her loving activities brings Drag Queens to Public Schools where Innocent Children are exposed to their Perversions!!! If you haven’t already guessed here is her photo:
      Yes. Kamala openly supports two new laws signed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom that allow Teachers and Administrators to Deceive or Keep Secret From Parents their Children’s “Trans” or “Gay” Proclivities, laws which provide “Free Rein to Queer Teachers to Indoctrinate Normal Children into the LGBTQ+ Cult (right within their classroom) and also gives these Queer Perverts the right to perform other Abominations like “Transition Procedures on Children” (even if the Child’s Parent Opposes the Mutilations)!!!

      • Ken Yu

        You know why she(he) he, he, he supports the LGBTQ+ Cult??? Because (according to Jim Willie) Kamala and Michelle Obama share something in common down there !!
        One other thing about Kamala is: She(he-he-he) is “was not born in the U.S.”!!! So shouldn’t that normally preclude someone from running for President???

        • I Dig Au

          It didn’t prevent the Kenyan from becoming president.

  453. Mary

    Dear Greg.
    I only just learnt of your health crisis today, 10 mins ago.
    May you continue to be divinely protected along the road to your full recovery.
    Take a whole year off to recover if you need to to.
    Meanwhile, God bless you and your family.
    We are all rooting for you.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Mary I am coming back!!

  454. Da Yooper


    Your health is more important than USAW.

    You & your family come first.

    We all can wait . Take your time & get well for what is coming in the fall.

    Take care

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks D Y!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks DY!!

  455. Southern Girl/Older Lady Now

    May God keep you and bless you and your family. I commanded 10,000 Angels to be sent to guard, pray, etc. to keep you from the demons and all evil. I pray for your recovery. I miss you and will be patient until you return. Take care and don’t push yourself. We can wait and want only the best for you. With much love!

    • Greg Hunter

      Love you back SG/Sister!!
      Brother Greg

  456. Won Witness

    to all,
    Wondering Aloud……
    I am boycoting the Olympics this year,
    for obvious God mocking in the opening ceremonies.

    The vile world economic forum, and one world types, want to UNDERMINE Sovreign Nations, make them WEAK, and move on to world government control.
    (that’s why they hate MAGA / Trump so much)

    What if….
    The overly OFFENSIVE satanic Olympic open WAS PLANNED that way with a second goal as well?
    Expecting us to turn the TV OFF AND NOT ENJOY the NATIONAL PRIDE of Cheering our best as they strive for the gold medal ?

    Up Next ?…
    Would anybody be surprised if the Olympic Committee proposed a WORLD TEAM For the Next Games ?
    A WorldTeam for anti nationalist athletes to join as an expresion of their hatred for their home country that they view as an enemy of World Peace or Climate Change or Equil outcome, or World Health, or Real boarders etc. ?
    In my life I’ve seen american medal winners raise black cloved fists during the national anthem, Professional football players refuse respect for flag and national anthem and more.
    Such behavior must be very pleasing to Satan and his plans for one world government.

    May God bless, heal and protect us all.

    • Greg Hunter

      Evil is in our face showing us who they are.

  457. Colin

    Greg, prayers for you and so glad you pulled through whatever situation you dealt with.

    Demons are real–I had a single experience with one and invoking Jesus’ name saved me from it’s attempt to grip me. It was nearly 10 years ago and in the middle of a peaceful sleep next to my wife, something filled my soul with the most powerful dread I have ever felt. I was more terrified than anytime in my life from this unseen but overwhelming presence. Not wanting to wake my wife, I went into the bathroom and simply said “in the name of Jesus, leave NOW!”. And poof, in an instant, it was over.

    It taught me the power of Jesus and converted me from a passive believer into a strong advocate for Him.

    Godspeed with your recovery.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for sharing.
      And thanks for supporting me.

  458. Richard

    Prayers for your speedy recovery!

  459. wayne hardin

    It becomes more clear each day why the bible said the love of money is the root of all evil .People say and do anything it takes to get it .
    Like people talking about how everything is a lie and evil about to have a stroke
    or heart attack talking about it .
    And then come back with lets get in the game and make MONEY .
    SAD is all i can say .
    They say it is all about the money / it should be it is all for the money .

    No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

    Wayne Hardin

  460. Galaxy 500

    So Israel can not trust our Government…
    Hell, we can’t trust our government, either.

    In October 2023, Joe Biden’s special envoy to Iran and principal architect on resurrecting the nuclear deal was accused of sharing classified information with the Islamic regime.

    House Republicans claim the US. Special Envoy to Iran Robert Malley, “May have had a compromising tie to the Iranian regime.”

    Robert Malley, a deranged Trump-hater, has already been suspended from his position with the Biden regime. The FBI is investigating him and whether or not he mishandled classified information.

    Entire article:

    • Greg Hunter

      This is a major indictment by our top ME ally.

  461. Justn Observer

    Greg, hope to SEE you soon, be well. The viewers here might consider this and hit up his gold sponsor…looks like the pullback will be short lived in the metals market…
    Vince Lanci: Gold & Silver Selloff After Nasdaq Sinks 3.6%
    and NOW as of just hours ago, =
    Senate Proposal Calls To ‘Revalue Fed Gold’ To Fund Strategic Bitcoin Reserve=

    Possible future linking of gold to bit-coin as a strategic asset?

  462. Babe Love Macintosh

    Dear Greg,

    Good heath begins in the gut, your colon. Costco has 100% Montmorency cherry juice. I don’t have to get into the merits of Cherry’s but their great! As are all the berries, mango’s and avocado’s too. The food of our ancestors. Thank you Johnny Appleseed, who born in the last two years of the American colonies, who grew up and went on into the western frontier and planted apple tree’s along the way as we became an independent nation!

    Thank you too Greg, a great American! Thank you for your service!

  463. Katy Bar

    Why can’t we get a man like Col. Douglas Macgregor into a Position of Power in the US Government to Drain the Swamp??? He speaks a lot of common sense which is woefully lacking in Washington today!!

  464. Ely Ball

    Leaked New Video Of Secret Service Director With Trump’s Shooter Goes Viral
    The Fugitive Crime 9 hours ago

  465. e.b.

    Trump’s Shooter’s Dad Leaks Audios of Blackrock’s CEO Manipulating His Son
    The Fugitive Crime 774,413 views 18 hours ago

  466. Nanna Banana

    Kamala Harris WALKS Off Stage SCREAMING After Rally ONLY Draws 60 people!! Trump WINNING BIG OkayRickk 672,871 views Jul 29, 2024
    Time to join the Rigger’s union?

  467. Shute's, Were Back at it!

    BACKFIRE! Black Audience ROARS with Laughter As Trump DESTROYS Reporter LIVE: ‘You Are Nasty!’ 🤣 Benny Johnson 81,126 views Jul 31, 2024 This is PRIME Trump!

    ‘Terribly Low IQ’ 👈 Kamala Harris STORMS OFF CRYING after Trump & JD Vance DEFEAT dems [no debate] kevin_247K views 2 days ago

  468. Norman Greenjeans

    Tulsi Gabbard Calmy NUKES Joy Behar of ‘The View’ After Calling Her An Idiot
    Woke Virus 461,179 views 2 days ago
    Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar from ‘The View’ are known for their bias takes when it comes to politics. On another show, Joy Behar called Tulsi Gabbard, a Former United States Representative, a “useless idiot”. Tulsi was not taking the disrespect so she called out Joy Behar live on ‘The View’, and then destroyed her calmly.

  469. N.Carpentaer

    Putin’s 7th Drone Fury Hits Kyiv; Russian Blitz Of 89 UAVs & Missile Ravages Ukraine |
    Putin’s 7th Drone Fury Hits Kyiv; Russian Blitz Of 89 UAVs & Missile Ravages Ukraine | Watch / Times Of India 22K views 5 hours ago
    Putin’s 7th Drone Fury Hits Kyiv; Russian Blitz Of 89 UAVs & Missile Ravages Ukraine |

  470. Jj. Bellson
    Putin’s 7th Drone Fury Hits Kyiv; Russian Blitz Of 89 UAVs & Missile Ravages Ukraine | Watch / Times Of India 22K views 5 hours ago

  471. Kim

    I have never commented before, but have followed you for a long time. Miss you Bigly!! With love and prayers for continued miracles, and I am looking forward to your return!

    • Greg Hunter

      Getting better every day. Thanks for supporting me at USAW!!!

      • Christopher Pope

        Miss you so much Sir, God bless you, thank you for keeping your listeners informed. I’m concerned the deep state will start going after people telling the truth Greg. So stay safe and aware like myself, and Trump was supposed to die and then they were coming after people who’ve had large followings. Not trying to scare you but just to make you aware. God knows, I am going to keep you in my prayer for protection as well as Trump.

        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks Christopher!


  472. Justn Observer

    Greg, foods that may suffer shortages come August=

  473. Jayna Williams

    Get Well Soon!
    I have been praying for your healing, worried about you.
    I’m glad you have a fairly good report from your health scare.

    Jayna Williams

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Jayna!! Getting better every day!!

      • Galaxy 500

        Here is some disturbing news… but then isn’t it all disturbing these days. Satan is on the ballot. He stole the election in 2020 and put his puppet in charge. More damage has been done in the last almost four (4) years than the previous 50. And Beijing Biden is a willing puppet. Joe and Jill sold their souls to Satan. Their entire family has, all for a the modern day version of 30 pieces of silver.

        New Walz Stolen Valor Footage – Posed as ‘Battlefield’ Warrior on National TV

        Dems Panic Over New Poll: Attacks on Men Are Turning Gen Z into a Right-Wing Generation

        Watch: ‘Normal’ Tim Walz Supports 10-Year-Olds Getting Transgender Care

        The Last Time Walz and Harris Teamed Up, Downtown Minneapolis Was Destroyed

        Is the FBI/DOJ/CIA trying to import terrorist to kill Trump and us?
        Did the Secret Service Abandon Trump in Butler? New Body Cam Videos Make You Wonder.

        Guess How Many Terror Watchlist Illegals Biden and Harris Have Released Into the U.S.?

        Rest Assured, the Biden-Harris Regime Is Still Tracking Terrorists. Just Not Ones You’d Expect.

  474. John Duffy

    Boom! This woman says everything so perfectly and sums up every issue that is upside down in our country. 💯%

    • Greg Hunter

      Fantastic!! Thanks for posting this.

    • Major

      Here is the woman telling us this on Rumble, from TWO years ago.
      Wake up America! Titanic America has hit an iceberg.
      The prose is posted many other places in other forms if you DuckDuckGo the words: I never dreamed that I would have to face the prospect of not living in the United States of America.

  475. Frank S.

    Great news, Greg, Glad God still has use for you here with us mere mortals.

  476. Peggy Salvatore

    Dear Brother Greg, Thank you for sharing this update. You will be high on my prayer list that we see you again soon. I pray our God Jehovah/Yeshua holds you gently in His loving arms as He returns you to your watchman’s post soon. Miss you and your insightful, enthusiastic news presentations. Your longtime viewer and Sister in Christ, Peggy

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for all your prayers, Sister, Peggy!!! 🙂
      Brother Greg

  477. Justn Observer

    Greg, Powell hardly finished stroking the everythings ok 401k huggers…and after hours trading = the bond market goes into freefall so heads up on the open in the morning – KAMALABOMICS just fell out of bed…? One wonder if KAMALA could even explain why =
    EMERGENCY UPDATE: Yields Collapsing After Hours

    • Katy Bar

      Guess the Bond Market feels the Fed is going to soon lower interest rates (by half a point) to help get Kamala elected (where lower rates will push the US dollar down)!! Although a lower US dollar “will make our exports cheap” it will also “raise Gold and Silver prices”. But the Demonrats probably figure that since the BRICS nations own a lot of Gold and Silver they will have “even more money to spend buying cheaper US goods” and thus they will get the credit for getting the US Economy moving again (basically stealing Trump’s Strategy to lower the US dollar once he is elected to make the America Economy “Great Again”)!!!

    • pap

      ~2,500 Gold and ~30 Silver is rising…

      • Katy Bar

        And why is Gold and Silver rising when the Fed is not doing QE and is keeping interest rates high?? Because, Yellen “Is Carrying Out QE At The Treasury” (by shifting US long-term debt to short-term debt to save on interest expenses)!! But by doing this accounting trick it “Makes Our Overall US Debt Rise Exponentially” decreasing the purchasing power of the US dollar even more (which is exactly what our politicians want as “a weak dollar” helps to sell American products to foreigners)!! Our current US Debt is now increasing by One(1) Trillion Dollars every 100 days. So this year (365 days) alone our US Debt will increase by 3.65 Trillion Dollars. So Yellen’s version of QE (where she intends to swap long term debt for short term debt by floating new T-Bill debt issuance) “IS JUST LIKE THE FED DOING QE”!!! And so Gold and Silver is justifiably rising in price to reflect this continuing purposeful devaluation of the US dollar by our Government Officials!!!!

  478. Kim

    Greg! You are missed and loved. Rest up and thanks be to God you are still with us!

    • Greg Hunter

      I am here because of Jesus and Jehovah. Thanks for the kind words!!

  479. Brooks

    Hi Greg –

    Praise Our Lord you’re on the mend !
    What ever it takes, do it…we’ll be here when you return…
    meanwhile, you’re still on the prayer list…
    It would be interesting to see a pole taken, of all of us, as to who might be your first interview…while we’re waiting for your return.
    Personally, either Martin Armstrong or Cliff High would be my first two guesses…

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brooks! and Amen!!!

      • Brooks

        Heavenly Father, we thank You for this day, and all the blessings contained with-in. Please forgive us for the sins which we’ve committed against You, those around us, and ourselves. May Your hand of blessing, and healing, be upon brother Greg, at this time.
        May those who’re in attendance of brother Greg be given wisdom, beyond their years, as to provide Greg with that which is needed to restore his health according to Your will. May the Love of God, the Grace of Jesus Christ, and the Peace of The Holy Spirit be with us all…
        in Jesus name I pray, Amen

        • Greg Hunter

          Amen, Brother, Brooks and thanks for your prayers!!!
          Brother Greg

    • Brian Vaci

      I know your guests are in high demand and their schedules are quite limited, but Martin Armstrong, Cattherine Austin Fitts, or Bill Holter would be amazing.
      I am sure all three have been in contact with you because they love and respect you just as we do.

  480. Nanna Banana Bellson

    Many notable figures were absent from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s congressional address in Washington, D.C., last week, but one name in particular stood out: Vice President Kamala Harris.

  481. Jayson Devonport

    My request for Ai, you be the judge.
    Hey, good morning!
    Let’s get started with your conversation
    Sent by you:
    Gods kingdom, of 1,000 years will do what for mankind
    Sent by your Copilot:
    The concept of God’s kingdom lasting 1,000 years is often associated with the Millennium—a period mentioned in the book of Revelation. Here are some key points about it:
    Millennium Duration:
    The Millennium refers to a 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ on Earth.
    It follows the tribulation period described in Revelation (Revelation 6-19).
    The book of Revelation specifically mentions this 1,000-year period (Revelation 20:4-6).
    Purpose and Characteristics:
    During the Millennium:
    Jesus Christ will rule as King, and His saints (believers) will reign with Him (Revelation 20:4).
    Satan will be bound and unable to deceive the nations (Revelation 20:2-3).
    The Earth will experience a time of peace, abundance, and restoration.
    It represents a fulfillment of God’s promises to establish His kingdom on Earth.
    Restoration and Fulfillment:
    The concept of a 1,000-year reign is based on the idea that God’s plan for humanity spans 7,000 years.
    The first 6,000 years are allotted for human rule, followed by the 1,000-year reign of Christ (Revelation 20:4).
    This parallels the six days of creation (Genesis 1) followed by God’s rest on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2).
    The Millennium represents a time of rest and restoration for the Earth and its inhabitants.
    In summary, the Millennium symbolizes a period of divine governance, peace, and fulfillment of God’s promises.
    WOW! Couldn’t have said it better meself!

  482. Anon

    Hi Greg. I’m obviously unfamiliar with the details of your “medical event” but it might be worth a shake-up of your diet and any supplements you’re taking.

    Clif High is a smart guy when it comes to this kind of thing. It might be worth asking for his help to go over your supplements with a tooth comb… because if there’s something causing a “conflict” or an disbalance – and it could be just ONE tiny peripheral ingredient – then that could be enough to cause a problem.

    I overdosed on supplements many years ago to fix an eye issue. It did fix the blurriness I was experiencing but I now have black “floaters” in my vision ever since. More of something isn’t always better and overdoses can cause other problems – or require a balancing supplement (Like Folic acid & B12 for instance).

    Another fellow who might be able to give you some life-tips for health is Christopher James of “A Warrior Calls”. Some people experience heart trouble via EMF / 5G (Just take a look at the sky and you can see unnatural formations in the clouds these days… it looks like data patterns in waves so THEY are certainly beaming something out at us) and there’s a device that can apparently negate these EMF effects so that might also help with a heart issue or a targeted EMF attack. Chris’ll know how to help you if you were interested.

    Glad you made it. The world needs you.

    • Katy Bar

      Some studies say “Negative Ions” in our bedroom may help us By Killing Covid Viruses floating in the Air, other studies suggest “BOTH Positive and Negative Ions created by blue and black lights CAN HARM US” as both types of ions “help toxic particles attach to our lungs which can lead to “respiratory, cardiovascular and central nervous system problems”. Ions are dangerous, so if you are dead set on creating them to kill Covid viruses then it also makes sense to also use a HEPA micro-filter to catch all the dead “but highly toxic particles”!!

  483. Evelyn Noyes

    Dearest Greg,
    Just read your update and want you to know we have you in our prayers. We are waiting for your return as so many are.

    Blessings and healing always!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Sister, Evelyn,
      rother Greg

  484. History Repeats

    If cat lady Kamala slept with former San Francisco Mayor Willy Brown to “catapult” herself into politits, WHO did she have to f*ck to get into the White Ho?

    Barry ‘n Kamala sitting in a Tree
    (of Knowledge of Good ‘n Evil)
    First comes Obama
    Then baby mama
    Then comes a bastard
    In the baby mama drama

    “Thank God for Planned Parenthood”
    -President B.H.Obama, 2013

  485. Terry G

    Dear Greg,
    I am so relieved to hear an update from you. You are sorely missed and very loved. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong, keep the faith. God’s got you and we all love you. ❤️🤍💙🙏🏻🇺🇸

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Terry!

  486. Dan Gowin

    Greg, you are missed brother. You have left a vacuum. The evil has attacked all the truth tellers. This is not a accident. This attack was done on the truth tellers starting 4 months before the election. You need to come back brother. We have two more years of hard battle.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Dan. We have Jesus and Jehovah on our side. Evil does not have a chance. I need 3 weeks before I can even get started with USAW.

  487. Justn Observer

    Greg, Good Morning ! did you see the bond dip sub 4 this am…
    Some now are say’n Gold and Silver break out as Biden-Harris obamanomics now in fail mode. Target for gold prior to ‘selection’ process late Sept-October =
    Guess the fate of the U.S. is now between voting for a word salad or someone that might have the skills to manage and help the world banking cartel failure and get the U.S. out of stupid wars NO COUNTRIES can afford. This is a time ALL the middle-class stand up and unity – together- set their petty differences aside as to race, skin color, religion and choose life and love rather than irrational ideologies…

  488. Denise Andersen

    Missing you, but really want you to be safe, sound and healthy. God takes care of his warriors. Keeping you and yours in my prayers.

    God Bless and God Speed.


    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Sister Denise. Fear Not always.
      Brother Greg

  489. Robogoad


    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for your support and kind words about USAW!!!

  490. Jerry

    Glad you’re okay. Glad you made the change from “God” to Jehovah. By what authority do you still change the name of Yeshua to “Jesus”?

    • Greg Hunter

      Both Jesus and Yeshua are correct.

  491. Justn Observer

    Greg, food situation in China and South America more dire than most know? Is the government and media intentionally downplaying it? Some interesting FACTS and some speculation as to the why and how to best prepare as to who wants to control the planet as this develops and people do eventually become aware.

  492. J.

    Brother Greg, I am praying for you! Take sufficient to heal.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks J.!!
      Getting better every day.

  493. Jj. Bellson

    Gutfeld!’ reacts to Kamala’s ‘fake’ southern accent
    Well, I do declare?_ _ _ _ !
    Fox News guest host Kat Timpf and ‘Gutfeld!’ panelists discuss Vice President Kamala Harris using a southern accent during her campaign’s latest rally in Georgia.
    And they think were weird? At least we taint FAKE!

  494. Lauran F.

    Greg……………I just said a prayer for you, that you will retain your health, get better, and take the time you need to recover. Even though we all miss you, do not PUSH to get back to work until you are ready. Everybody will be there when you are ready to roll. I truely think that people are “waking up” to what is going on in the world, which is good. Evil will never triumph!…….God Bless, ….Lauran F.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Lauran! I am getting better every day.

  495. Lady Au Stackers United

    So Breaking News and is reporting that 46 million people in a collaboration of nations show a lower incidence of adverse cardiovascular events after partaking in the CV-19 shots. I can only presume this data gathering was paid for by Big Pharma. I think this information is skewed and biased perspective in support of Big Pharma and the continuing push for the mRNA Kill Shots.

    Anyone else have an opinion or concrete information disputing the information that it is good to take the shot because it supposedly reduces risk of cardiovascular events?

    • Katy Bar

      Here is some concrete information. If the Kill Shots have been shown to fill up your veins and arteries with “long rubbery tape worm looking clots” you intuitively know the CV-19 shots “Do Not Reduce the Risk of a Cardiovascular Event” and that Big Pharma is LYING to us (or the CARDIOVASCULAR EVENT they are taking about is that the Heart “Does not Explode Inside Your Body like a Hand Grenade”!!!

  496. Nancy

    Hi Greg,
    I had the Chaplain pray for you yesterday at the beginning of Bible Study. Take care of yourself and get better!!!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Nancy. Prayers work and I welcome them!!

  497. Donna

    First of all, I’m sorry you had a “big scary thing” happen to you but I’m so glad you’re okay now, thanks to The Helper (The Holy Spirit) through Yahweh & Yeshua. Chrstians are under attack as I’ve never seen before. I’ve been under attack with medical conditions since March. One horrific thing after another to this day. Anxiety off the charts as well as dizziness off the charts on almost a daily basis for months now. Debilitating! Lost about 35 pounds. For once it was a good thing I was overweight! Whoever reads this, please pray for my healing and Yahweh bless you if you do. Greg, if you read this I want you to know that your zeal for righteousness comes across loud and clear on your show. You’re tops and your guests are too. Yahweh bless you Greg and thank you for all you’ve done to give us real news.

    • Greg Hunter

      You are very kind to say this Sister, Donna!!
      Brother Greg

  498. wayne Nason

    Greg you are in my prayers! I watch you every week and have to say I miss getting the truth from you, but you need time to heal and get better. You are 100% correct with LORD JESUS opening believers’ eyes to the insane demonic activity happening now. We believers here in Maine are dealing with much the same yet we fear not…Get well and come back!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Hang in there, Brother Wayne!!!
      Brother, Greg

  499. Galaxy 500

    So it sounds like the new head of the Secret Service is part of the assassination attempt . What he did was set the stage for the 20 yr old patsy and the real second shooter and maybe third shooter.
    All the video from all the attendees needs to be analyzed.

  500. Carter

    Glad to hear things are working out okay for you Greg. You’ve been missed, but a large crowd will welcome you back when the right time arrives. Good luck and may God bless you.

    • Greg Hunter

      Nice to hear Carter, Thanks!!!
      I am coming back in a few weeks.

  501. Nancy This is a great sermon I just heard. This British pastor understands things better than most American Christians do. It’s worth watching.

  502. Detective Mike Hunt

    What’s next? Will it be tonight, tomorrow or a few days from now? Soon… the MSM newsflash “Russians just shot down the F16s” or “Russians destroyed the entire base where the F16s are parked, including the Captain Drag-Queen Memorial Mess Hall, the BLM Base Exchange and the American/NATO F-16 support troops”?

    CGI Biden will claim it was an unprovoked Pearl Harbor. Will CGI Biden be on the BoobTube screaming that the USA must “go all-in” all out war against Russia or will he secretly scribble another Executive Odor to use tactical battlefield nukes against Russian territory without even addressing the MSM or Congress? Ten minutes later the world sees on Rumble or X some US warships getting nuked live.

    See how long it takes CGI Biden to also proclaim that he has immediately ordered to send $1.75 trillion in war aid and 250,000 troops!! CGI Biden and his MSM will rally his party and the 35% braindead public into going all in, we will be lucky to see the next sunrise.

    Everything the left warned Trump would do, the left is actually doing, and getting away with.

    Get used to hearing that 1,050 Hz tone from the Emergency Alert System.

    • Katy Bar

      We all know that Blackrock, Soros and the Rothschild Globalists along with their hoard of Satanic Minions will be “Trying Once Again to Assassinate Trump” before the 2024 Election. So, what Trump needs to do is “Stay Locked in an Underground Bunker (the way Biden did in the 2020 Election) and simply send out “Trump lookalike doubles” to do his Campaign speeches (Until He is Actually Sworn in as President of the United States)!! This is “Critical” because the lieing Demon Rats (noted for never shooting straight) will probably simply hire some Iranian (who can shoot straight)!!!

  503. gasto burger

    Mahmood محمود عود views 12,503 Aug 1, 2024

  504. Mike M

    Demons attacked you and jehovah and jesus saved you. Hilarious!!

  505. Eric from Rule The Wasteland

    Get well soon Greg!

    Been missing your great content.

  506. Marie Joy

    IF we don’t find our inner vicious, violent bitch, very soon, we will be a muslim/ communist country and our dieoff will happen very fast.
    You cannot vote yourself out of communism.
    Bitch up or die

  507. Dee Purkeypile

    Dear Heavenly Father we ask for you to wrap your loving arms around Brother Greg Hunter. We pray for his continued healing and protection. In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Sister Dee. All the prayers are working. I am feeling better every day!!!

  508. Marc A Wallin

    I am sending healing green Ray energies to you from Archangel Rafael Greg, and I wanted to thank you for all your tireless work in journalism all these years. You are held in the same esteem and honor held for journalists like the great great Lou Dobbs who passed away much too soon; who was a heroic journalist standing up with integrity, truth, justice, and for the American way!!! I know you will heal back 200% of your previous self. I have a journalism degree and it’s journalists like you that I’ve always looked up to and aspired to be. Once again, thank you for all you do , Godspeed ~😇🌟🖖

  509. Holley P

    Praying for your quick and easy recovery Greg.

  510. Galaxy 500

    Did you see that Trump during a TV interview attributed his being saved from assassination to YHWH saving him?

  511. Marie Joy

    Greg, We’re all thinking of you and praying for you. Hope you’re ok ASAP. Marie

    • Greg Hunter

      This is my latest update on my progress on the USAW home page: I am coming back. Give me a few more weeks. I had a surprise heart/medical emergency event, and I am going great–now. I have a big (scary) but, nice happy ending story to tell. Not ready physically or mentally to fill you all in, but I will. Short story: I had triple bypass surgery 7/11/24. The very good news is I have 90% of my heart working even before rehab. Heart surgeon called it a “miracle outcome.”

      I think I am going to do a standalone explainer.

      It will be big and will include my take on the demons that attacked me and Jehovah and Jesus who saved me.

      Brother Greg

      • Martin Katz

        God bless you Greg. I’m praying for your speedy recovery. Fear Not Jesus is in control. I am looking forward to your next update. 🙏🏻

      • N.Carpentaer

        Dear and preciouses Greg!
        Greg ask your doctors about Co-Q10 , the best form Ubiquinol on sale now at Costco’s!
        Co-Q10 sat on the shelves of big pharma for years and tears because they couldn’t tweak it into a drug to patent it and charge a fortune for. Then a whistleblower spilled the beans and now since the eighties anybody can buy it all natural and the biggest nutrient in our hearts that is harder to get as we age. It truly is a miracle for the heart. I have had to buy many a bottle for friends and even strangers. One friend found two times in the bushes blue by a nieghbor was told he needed a heart lung transplant and sent home to die with hospice because he could not survive the operation. We got him some Ubigunol Co-Q10 and in ten minutes could breath normally and remarked it must be psychological because nothing works that fast!. My boss had to retire because sudden onset of COPD and he couldn’t walk ten feet! Cured him and never retired! One guy couldn’t lift his head off the table and in minutes could. I could go on and on but don’t expct millions to be spent on commercials when anybody can put it in pills and sell it. You can get it in foods but you’ll have to eat tons of greens! Or cow hearts. Maybe thats why they are grass fed. You yes its in grasse fed beef and butter, but you can’t eat enough unless you got two stomachs like a cow!
        By the way, my friend found in the bushes had his oxygen company pounding on his door for two weeks screaming you’ll die without this oxygen!
        I take it too sometimes, it really gives the energy. It’s descripted as
        llike platinum spark plugs giving your car a boost because Co-Qten is the spark plug for the heart.

        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks “N”!

          • N.Carpentaer

            Greg, while at Costco you can pick up a Ninja 1600 watt blender for about $160.00 and for 90 days if it goes on sale, get money back without receipt because everything is recorded on your member card!
            Healthy smoothie recipes:
            These ingredients make the most nutritious drink USA TODAY
            In the summer, it’s too hot to fathom drinking anything that isn’t cool. Blending your fruits and vegetables can also be a creative way to get in more nutrients.
            You might want to add a smoothie to your regular snack habits – only about 12% of Americans meet their daily fruit intake, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found in 2019.
            Blending up something delicious this week? Here’s your definitive guide to making the healthiest one.

      • Karen not a Karen

        Many prayers for a complete and speedy recovery. Rehab is so critically important!
        Not a frequent commenter but read all the time and really, really miss your site.

  512. Colleen


    Wishing you God’s speed on your recovery. I pray daily for you and for your protection from evil. Now I will add a speedy recovery. Blessings to you.🙏🏻

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Sister, Colleen for the daily prayers!!
      Brother Greg

  513. Galaxy 500

    Why is this evil allowed to be visited upon young girls and then women who worked their entire life only to lose to a cheater. A man pretending to be a woman or girl, cackling when they permanently injure a girl, ruining her future.
    These deviant demons hate women are are destroying them.

    • Justn Observer

      Galaxy…oner might consider the wider view of what is going on…and which sub-groups are aligned to NOT MAGA…which the DNC and been USING to retain their control….and who ‘they’ will throw under the bus, like Biden, whoever or whenever necessary to advanvce = FORWARD ! their ultimate Marxist/Maoist goal. Even Angela Davis was not as far left as Chameleon Harris. Each of those sub-groups has to preceive their ideology is gaining an advantage to stay in ‘lock step’ for ‘their plan’ to become fruitful. The LGBT want their place in the sun, the radical ‘African- American’ Marxists who have bought hook line and sinker into ‘victimhood’, the Islami
      st hope for their Sharia Law and any takedown of Christians and Jews is fine with them and then to many Zionists in the gov’t SES held positions within the agencies = like SOROS types…maybe more relegaed to the financial goals with greed more their driving demon.
      One might think, had the boxer been more honest, he might, having forcing the woman to surrender, just told her to get out of his ring, put on a niqab and get back in the kitchen…
      Clearly, IMO the anti women movement by the left is to minimize women, deflate them back into submission as a ‘lessor’ gender with lower expectations. Along with the humiliation of defeat being employed, the hope to further that humiliation by forcing women to accept men in their dressing and bathrooms, which also the LBGT enjoy = a plus plus for the DEMON CRATS. All which is OK with the Marxists, since ‘they’ rely on disunity- chaos- and conflicit to divide the concensus of the ‘other side.
      So, they peel off votes with abortion, while they also attack women’s equality, by dividing them, then offer ‘inclusion’ if they join their ‘DEI’ MOVEMENT. so first destroy unity, divide into subgroups, the as the ‘lost and confused’ struggle for ‘acceptance’ they – the now vicitms are offered a home if they accept their proper pronoun.
      In the end, the most ‘resistant’ are carted or bused off to entrainment camps or worse, and the other groups like the LGBT, if the Islamists win, certainly will also be thrown into those camps or bone piles. It is how all extreme Fascist, Socialist, Communist movements end. be they POL POT, HITLER, STALIN, MAO…
      During such times the ‘stolen wealth’ of those preyed on moved up thru people like Soros…to the elite wealthy pay to players. History is ‘re-written’, new polls and territorial borders shared and redrawn between ‘them’, and what they have failed to hide, the damage of the psyche will drive ‘their’ complicity into the deep recesses of their minds. Look across the world, my bet is IF ‘they’ are successful…you will see LGBT geting thrown off the Empire State building at some point. Then the ideological driven ‘disruptors’ and ‘influencers’ and the ala cart of enviromentalist and habitual chaos creators USED to splinter reason and national policy and attack Constitutional norms and rights from with they hope to surplant them with ‘their’ new norms and morality.

  514. Zandra Potter

    I have been missing your weekly updates on Rumble. I came to your website to see when your vacation was over and saw your post regarding your health. I worked as a cardiac nurse and realize what you have gone through. However, so relieved to hear of such a miraculous outcome!!! You will be in my prayers for a continued recovery, and I will be looking forward to your return. We all need a voice of common sense in the world we live in today.

    God’s Speed and healing to you!

  515. Anthony Marmalich

    Hi Greg,
    I’m a faithful follower of USAwatchdog. You are one of the few online that
    I have any trust in. I wish you a fast and full recovery and will have you in my prayers.
    Many blessings to you.

  516. Blazing Satellites

    C’mon! Where’s the Spirit?
    Was it over when the Irish bombed Oklahoma? NO!
    When the going gets tough….

  517. PL

    Greg, it seems many of us were “notified” by a feeling that something was wrong. Our family (and friends) continue to keep you (and your family) in our prayers. We wanted you to know that you are very missed, and we are so thankful that you are recovering well.

    • Greg Hunter

      I am getting better every day!!
      Thanks for caring for me.

  518. Brenda

    Hi Greg,

    I am a longtime listener/follower of your work which is needed so much in today’s upside down world. You are one of the few journalists left that I respect and admire. My heartfelt wishes for your speedy recovery.


    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Sister, Brenda!
      Brother Greg

  519. Merry Piper

    Greg: I want you to know that I greatly appreciate you and check in on your site every day and have done this for more years than I can count. Thank you with all of my heart. Sending prayers your way.

  520. Shawn

    Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness.

    God bless you and keep focused on your health.
    — Shawn

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Shawn!!
      Brother Greg

  521. Steve

    Greg, I had heart surgery 2 years ago. It took about 6 weeks to recover. Everyone’s body is different and hopefully your recovery will be quicker than mine. During my recovery I had a lot of night sweats with my t-shirt soaked in the morning. It’s a good time to get some reading you have always wanted to do but were to busy.
    Hang in there.

    • Greg Hunter

      Brother Steve,
      By the Grace of Jesus and Jehovah I am not having that. I have had no chest pain at all. Thanks for your kind words and for sharing your experience.
      Brother Greg

  522. James P Paradise

    I have missed you Greg and just checked in to see what is new. Shocked to hear about your heart problems and relieved to hear you are doing well. May God Bless you and heal you completely as our Father in Heaven needs you here on earth, as do your follows. Keep the Faith and when you are ready we will be here waiting for your return.
    God Bless you Brother, James

  523. Randy in GA

    I’ve been following you for a long time and am so sorry to hear of your health scare. You, and your family, are in my prayers for healing, but also a peace that passes all understanding. God bless you Greg.

  524. Brian Vaci

    In reading your story, you reminded me of Job.
    Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. 10 “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has?
    God’s hedge of protection surrounds you snd your household.
    Even though our enemy, Satan, comes to kill, steal, and destroy, God is still in control.
    FEAR NOT !!!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks brother Brian. I have been blessed by Jesus and Jehovah.
      Brother Greg

  525. dave bravehart

    Friday Live: Inside Job Confirmed! Secret Service was Ordered to Stand Down on July 13th in Butler, Penn., by Acting Director — Ronald Rowe has Been Caught in Massive Perjury Before Congress —The Alex Jones Show August 2nd 2024
    Alex Jones full-spectrum coverage breaking news exclusive Deep State information
    Tune in & share this link to be a part of the restitution against the tyranny as a member of Team Humanity! [It’s all here folks time is short!]

  526. Mike Johnson


    Glad to hear that you are doing well with the medical problems that you had. Take the time off that you need to take off. Of course now that you have been off for a while it might seem that the entire world is going to hell in a hand basket. But lately that seems to be its’ standard condition anyway. So don’t worry too much about it. Get better and come back when you can.

  527. Shrill Bassey

    Jesus said there’d be days like this, tribulation would be worse than anything before and ever again! What is the result ? A great crowd of people come out of?
    Answer From AI Co-Pilot
    Certainly! According to the book of Revelation, during the tribulation period, a vast multitude of people from every nation, tribe, and language will come to saving faith in Christ Jesus. These individuals are described as the “great multitude” and their robes have been washed white in the blood of the Lamb. They will stand before the throne and the Lamb1. So, yes, a great crowd of people will emerge from the tribulation. 🌟

    From one of it’s searches on the web

    “Look! A Great Crowd”


    “Look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, . . . standing before the throne and before the Lamb.”​—REV. 7:9.

    AT THE end of the first century C.E., the apostle John was in a distressing situation. He was elderly, confined to the isle of Patmos, and likely the only apostle alive. (Rev. 1:9) He knew that opposers were misleading congregations and causing divisions. It may have seemed that the small flame of Christianity was about to be extinguished.​—Jude 4; Rev. 2:15, 20; 3:1, 17.
    Mama said;

  528. blumhagen

    Carrying on for Greg,

    Iraqi forces are lining the border of Syria/Iraq in the thousands in solidarity with Iran.
    Cyprus and Greece have closed down their air space and opened it for US & UK military.

    Then there is this, (holding a graphic for all to read), Ukraine lost 2500 hundred soldiers last week fighting the number 1 military in the world, Ukraine has the 24th strongest army in the world, RUSSIA has the number one.

    There is a quote of an enemy of the USA, hated so much by our politicians. By a leader running the biggest Christian nation in the world, Russia….here is the quote by Vladimir Putin: “Our future generations will be born without Rothschild’s chains around their wrists and ankles.”

    This is why Russia is hated, because the Rothschild want it that way.

  529. Roman Quarters

    Group of orcas attack and sink vessels off Iberian Peninsula
    PBS NewsHour 2.2M views 1 year ago
    A small group of orcas is causing a lot of damage to boats off the Iberian Peninsula. Last month, killer whales rammed a boat continuously for over an hour, managing to remove the rudder. In another incident, three orcas repeatedly struck a yacht causing it to sink. Stephanie Sy reports.

    Devil and his demons having much anger knowing their time is short?

    Watch: Whale capsizes boat, sending 2 fishermen into the water
    81K views 9 days ago
    Dramatic video taken off the coast of New Hampshire shows a breaching whale capsizing a small boat and sending two fishermen into the water. That’s when two teenage brothers jumped into action, helping to pull the men into their boat — and capturing the whole incident on video. NBC’s Emilie Ikeda reports for TODAY.

    THEY WANNA KNOW WHO YOU IS Obomber, Holster Holder, Alex SoreArse
    Biden-Harris Task Force Urges Online Age Verification Digital ID Tool Development
    Newsletter Archive: August 1, 2024 Didi Rankovic
    The online digital ID age verification creep in the US continues from a number of directions, through “recommendations” and “studies” – essentially, the government is nudging the industry to move in the direction of implementing digital ID age verification tools.

  530. Janice Bechdolt

    Really miss your comments and analysis and get well wishes for you…and just take as long
    as needed to be back healthy and strong. We are all getting older, and along with that comes the health issues. Thanks for all you have done, and look forward to your return.

  531. Susan R

    Greg, you said you had triple bypass surgery 7/11. I was in the hospital in late 2019 for three weeks because of complications from heart surgery, a new mitral valve and a sleeve put on my aorta. I came home and three days later had to go back for two days with swelling and not able to breath while sleeping. I had therapists come to my house for three weeks and had a unit that took vitals and sent them to my doctor. I was supposed to go to rehab classes at a hospital but they were all shut down because of the beginning of covid. It was quite a long haul to get myself back to being able to do my life with most of my abilities back. I am myself giving you all the time you need. You will be back but don’t overestimate how quickly that will happen. All the love and support I see here for you is well deserved. God had your back.

    • Greg Hunter

      Sister, Susan,
      Jehovah and Jesus have all our backs! Thanks for sharing your experience and kind words!
      Brother Greg

  532. Nanna Banana Bellson

    Trouble in da Campus
    NATO nation sides with terrorists! WW3 Intensification

    After Turkey’s ‘Invade Israel’ Threat, Ankara Does This In Tel Aviv; Turkish Envoy Summoned | Hamas Hindustan Times 21,941 views 3 hours ago
    Israel’s foreign ministry summoned the deputy Turkish ambassador on August 2 to lodge a strong protest after Turkey’s embassy in Tel Aviv lowered its flag to half mast in response to the killing of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said in a statement, “The State of Israel will not tolerate expressions of mourning for a murderer like Ismail Haniyeh”.

    “Mourn With Your Master Erdogan” Israel Fumes As Turkish Embassy Lowers Flag For Hamas Chief Haniyeh CRUX 35,425 views 3 hours ago
    Israel’s foreign minister summoned the Turkish deputy ambassador to protest the lowing of Turkish flag atop its embassy in Tel Aviv. The summon comes after the Turkish embassy in Tel Aviv lowered its flag to half-mast in honor of slain Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.
    “Israel will not accept expressions of participation in mourning for a murderer like Ismail Haniyeh,” Israel Katz says in a statement. Announcing the summoning of Turkish diplomat, Katz said that he ordered it for a “stern reprimand” over the incident.
    Israeli lawmaker Avigdor Lieberman also called the flag being lowered in Tel Aviv “one big disgrace.”

    After Nasrallah’s Warning, Hezbollah’s Secret Move Amid Israel War Fears | Military Equipment Being…Hindustan Times 7,077 views 1 hour ago
    The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has reportedly begun evacuating its senior personnel from the strongholds of Beirut. According to Arabic media source report, Hezbollah has also moved the military equipment it stored in the Beirut suburbs to areas further away.

  533. N.Bellson

    Nuclear War In Middle East? Israel Threatens To Use “Doomsday Weapon”, Iran Warns “Obliterating War” CRUX 593,203 views Jul 1, 2024
    As the war rhetoric between Israel and several Middle Eastern armed groups, which are part of the Iran-led Axis of Resistance, intensifies amid the deadly conflict in Gaza, Tel Aviv has decided to up the ante with a new threat. On June 29, Yair Katz, who is the Chairman of the Israel Aerospace Industries Workers’ Council warned that Israel has the capability to use a “doomsday weapon” after Iran threatened the country of an “obliterating war”. Days after the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel, a lawmaker from Netanyahu’s Likud party called for the use of the nuclear-capable Jericho missile on Gaza. Watch this video to know more about Israel’s unacknowledged, but widely known strategic nuclear arsenal.

  534. Laura Simpson

    I’m glad to hear you’re on the mend. I have missed your weekly news wrap ups. Praying for a full recovery. God bless you!

  535. test

    We Love you Greg!

  536. Colleen

    Martin, Armstrong viewers,

    I thought some of you might be interested in viewing a recent Martin Armstrong interview (8 days ago) on YouTube. Search for The Western Empire is in its Final days: History is repeating….Martin Armstrong

  537. Tim Weiss

    Glad you’re doing better brother!

  538. Galaxy 500

    Wookie Goldberg said the quite part out loud.
    The “Elites” installed Kamel-ala…
    These demons on the view are enamored with the sound of their own voices.

  539. Scott

    This news is scary, and I’ve been worried about your stress levels for quite some time. Prayers for your full recovery and restored and continuing strength sent to the Throne just now.

    Please take it easy and take time off for as long as you need, no rushing back to the grind. We’ll still be here, no matter how long it takes.

    God bless you, Brother …

    In Christian Love,


    • Greg Hunter

      Brother Scott,
      Fighting Evil is stressful. Thanks for your very kind words.
      Brother Greg

  540. James Hall

    Drink raw milk from grass fed cows and goats daily. This is the number one super food.
    I have serious experience with this stuff, research 1929 raw milk study.

  541. Rolf Amundson

    Whistleblowers Tell Sen. Hawley Acting Secret Service Chief Personally Ordered Cuts Ahead of Trump Rally, Targeted Agents Who Raised Security Concerns August 1st 2024
    “The whistleblower claims that if personnel from Secret Service Counter Surveillance Division had been present at the rally, the gunman would have been handcuffed in the parking lot after being spotted with a rangefinder,” Hawley wrote in his letter directed at Rowe.

    BREAKING: Secret Service Head Caught In Perjury To Congress / Deliberate
    Stand Down In Trump Assassination Attempt / August 2nd 2024
    Acting Secret Service director possibly lied to Congress when he failed to note manpower reductions during direct questioning.

  542. LoriQ

    Oh goodness! I am glad you are doing well/better. Sincerely believe the kingdom of the dark one is working overtime to harm God’s people. Praying for you and your family, Greg to keep you all safe under His wing. Psalm 91.

    • Greg Hunter

      Always remember you have Christ Jesus and HE will never be defeated.

  543. youknowwho

    You can’t keep a good man down! Glad to hear you’re up and at’em, Greg!!!

  544. Galaxy 500

    The story that the Turd’s father called police over not knowing where 20yr old turdboy on a Saturday afternoon. Why would they not call the range where they thought he was. Why were they concerned at all? And the request for FOIA for info on the call said no record. Cover up? Or Cover up? LOL

    EXCLUSIVE: Accused Assassin’s Father Reportedly Called Police Before Assassination, Police Deny Receiving Call
    by Guest Contributor Aug. 2, 2024 2:20 pm167 Comments
    Guest post by Joe Hoft at and AbleChild– republished with permission.

    Matthew Crooks, father of would-be assassin Thomas Crooks, snaps at media following shooting.
    It has been widely reported that the father of the alleged would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, in search of his son, made a phone call to law enforcement prior to the assassination attempt, but there doesn’t appear to be any record of that call. How is that possible? More importantly, is that the only call that the father made when trying to locate his son?
    Is the missing phone call just another anomaly in what is turning out to be a long list of weird, bizarre and unbelievable shenanigans that make up the story line of this attempted assassination?
    The BBC, for example, reported on July 18th that “The father of the gunman who tried to assassinate Donald Trump called police before the Saturday shooting because he was concerned about his son.”

    Additionally, the BBC explains, “Matthew Crooks’ father called police because he was worried about his son and his whereabouts, a law enforcement source told the BBC’s new partner CBS. It’s unclear when the call was made but it was before the shooting.”

    Most people who read this story found it odd that a father, unaware of where his twenty-year old son was on a Saturday afternoon, would think first to call the police. AbleChild found it odd too.
    So, in an effort to understand this unusual parental action, AbleChild contacted Butler Police Department to obtain any information that may be available about the alleged call. Butler Police advised that it was not within its jurisdiction and referred Ablechild to the Pennsylvania Open Records laws.
    Naturally, Ablechild contacted by email the Open Records section and was advised that “Based on a thorough examination of records in the possession, custody and/or control of Butler County, requested record does not exist in the possession, custody and/or control of Butler County, and request is therefore denied as no records exist, as permitted by Section 705 of the RTKL.” Okay. the record of the alleged phone call does not exist.
    Given that nearly three weeks after the shooting, a video has surfaced revealing a man running along the roof of the AGR building seconds before shots ring out, a missing phone call must seem like small potatoes. But it’s not.
    This is a very specific phone call reportedly made by the father of the alleged shooter prior to the shooting, leaving many to wonder why the former President was allowed to take the stage.

    On its face the alleged call is weird, but according to a July 17th article in the, “The parents of Trump’s would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, called the cops to say he was missing before the shooting.”
    The article further stated, “his father told law enforcement he assumed his son had gone to the shooting range at The Clairton Sportsmen’s Club to practice with his rifle and would be back by 1pm on Saturday.”
    This is interesting. His father assumed his son had gone “to the shooting range…” Then why did the father call the police? Why didn’t he call the shooting range to make inquiries? More importantly, what made the father worry about his son to the point of calling the police? Both of Crooks’ parents are mental health counselors. Did the father believe his son was having mental health problems?
    The FBI has advised that Crooks had no mental health problems and was not taking medication, so the counselor father could not have been concerned about that. Something about the father’s great concern for his son prior to the shooting isn’t adding up.
    The Crooks have remained silent throughout the investigation, but according to the FBI they are cooperating. In fact, to date the only direct response to media occurred when the father responded to a reporter’s request for comment saying, “I gotta pee.” That response is so out of the realm of decent and tactful that one must wonder if these parents are being protected and why?
    Regardless of the father’s apparent disregard for the family of the rally attendee, Corey Comperatore and those wounded, the father’s phone call made to police prior to the shooting is evidence. That evidence appears to be missing. What happened to that phone call and what was said may be key to knowing the shooter’s motive.
    More importantly, though, one must wonder why law enforcement and, in particular, the FBI hasn’t made the contents of that phone call public. Why hasn’t the FBI advised whether the father made a phone call to the son on the day of the shooting. Seems logical that a father, concerned about his son, would call the son’s mobile phone.
    C’mon. This is a no-brainer. Parents normally don’t first call the police when trying to locate a grown child. What was the father worried about? What was said in the phone call between father and son, prior to the father calling the police? Of course, maybe this is why there is no record of the call.

    Be the Voice for the Voiceless
    Every dollar you give is a powerful statement, a resounding declaration that the struggles of these families will no longer be ignored. Your generosity today will echo through generations, ensuring that the rights and well-being of children are fiercely guarded.Don’t let another family navigate this journey alone. Donate now and join us in creating a world where every child’s mind is nurtured, respected, and given the opportunity to thrive. As a 501(c)3 organization, your donation to AbleChild is not only an investment in the well-being of vulnerable children but also a tax-deductible contribution to a cause that transcends individual lives.

  545. Norman Greenjeans

    jeffostroff Premiered 5 hours ago
    In this Donald Trump shooting analysis, Jeff OStroff shows you a dashcam video of the suspected Trump shooter entering the AGR property before the Trump Rally. The analysis also discusses the possible 3rd shooter, believed to be a Beaver County police SWAT member, whose shot may have distracted the Trump shooter long enough for the Secret Service Hercules 1 sniper team to take their shot and kill the shooter. Also, the police’s initial report on the failures that took place during the Trump Rally offers a glimpse into the timeline that led up to the Trump shooting.

  546. WORLD WAR

    Col. Douglas Macgregor : US Dangerous Foreign Policy
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
    266,911 views Streamed live on Jul 31, 2020

    Will There Be an Emergency Rate Cut to Avert a Crash?
    13,039 views 3 hours ago
    The Peter Schiff Show Podcast

    Mike Huckabee: It’s ‘insane’ Kamala Harris is doing this
    Fox Business 2 hours ago
    Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee joins ‘The Evening Edit’ to discuss if Vice President Kamala Harris is prepared to handle a potential recession.

    Moderna v Pfizer, deaths
    Dr. John Campbell 13 days ago

    What Happened When The USA Nuked Space (declassified)

    The Space Race
    304K subscribers 1M views 5 days ago


    Hezbollah Launches 5 Attacks In Just 6 Hrs On Israel After Iran IRGC Chief’s Call | Haniyeh | Hamas
    Hindustan Times 72,526 views Aug 3, 2024
    On August 2, Hezbollah claimed responsibility for a series of significant aerial strikes on northern Israel. This assertion followed a phone conversation between Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Chief, Major General Hossein Salami, and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. During their conversation, Salami had threatened “sacred fury” and “harsh revenge” by Iran-backed forces. Shortly after, Hezbollah reported carrying out as many as five attacks on Israel within just six hours. Watch the full video for more.

    Larry Johnson’s RED ALERT:
    Tonight, Iran’s Missiles Will RAIN DOWN On Israel! DESTRUCTION Is Coming
    Tài Tỏi Vlog Aug 2, 2024

    Douglas Macgregor:
    Iran’s Wrath Will FALL On Israel In Next 72 HOURS! US URGENTLY Sends Warships
    Tài Tỏi Vlog 5,044 views 1 hour ago

  548. Jason Han

    Hi Greg,

    We all miss you and are praying for your fast recovery. We’re relieved to hear you’re doing well after such a big scare. Take all the time you need—we’re looking forward to having you back when you’re ready.

    Best wishes,
    Jason H

  549. Ian Mitchell

    Hi Greg,
    Hope that you’re starting to feel better. Scary stuff. Your number 1 priority is to take care of yourself. Everything else….. can wait. The world, such as it is, will most probably still be here when you return to doing what you do best.
    Looking forward to your return…..

  550. Justn Observer

    Greg, very powerful reveal and what seems an apology by Dr. Malone for being manipulated and used for psyop 5Gen. warfare. Totally throws the UK and 5 eye collabroative western powers use of data collection and propaganda, and social media as tools against their nations people. YES, appears even the ”’trust science’ crew are raising their heads and looking up and out of their silos and AWAKENING to their manipulation for surveillance, control and greed.

  551. Justn Observer

    Greg, to follow up on Dr. Malone link = Steve Bannon and why they want/need to silence his views as well?

  552. Galaxy 500

    OK, Team. What is the difference between Demoncrats and RINOs?

    Demoncrats stab you in the front. RINOs stab you in the back.

  553. Galaxy 500

    So Lloyd Austin the Secretary of making the USA Defenseless, decides that he is the going to approve any sentence or pretrial agreement with terrorist? He terrorized enlisted men and women demanding they take the kill shot… you know the vaccine that is anything but… If justice is ever restored in America, little Lord Lloyd will be tried both for treason and murder.

  554. Pete H

    Hi Greg,
    I’m so glad that you are recovering nicely. You have been part of my thirst for real news since way back in maybe 2008 or 2009 or so. Thank you for all you do!
    God willing, you’ll be back soon. Don’t worry too much about things with USAWatchdog…we’ll be here for you.
    Take care of yourself and follow where you being led by Jesus.
    Your health and happiness are in my thoughts and …..

  555. Pete H

    Hi Greg,
    I’m so glad that you are recovering nicely. You have been part of my thirst for real news since way back in maybe 2008 or 2009 or so. Thank you for all you do!
    God willing, you’ll be back soon. Don’t worry too much about things with USAWatchdog…we’ll be here for you.
    Take care of yourself and follow where you’re being led by Jesus.
    Your health and happiness are in my thoughts and …..

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for your dedication to USAW. I went online in Aug 2009.

  556. Galaxy 500

    So will a decrease in rates do anything for the unemployed? Demand is weak. Beijing Biden’s Puppetmasters have destroyed the middle class, veterans and devastated the working poor. However, if you are a criminal illegal alien, you are on easy street. The Demons throw big hand fulls of cash at them while working Americans make hard decisions about which bill can wait so they can buy groceries. Groceries, rent, electricity have never been more expensive. The Elites are preparing to rape our retirement plans one last time before the end of the good life we used to have.
    And it is the Christians (I fall into this one) and Gun owners (me, me) are responsible for this mess going on for this long. A high percentage of us are not registered to vote. And others of us are too busy, too misguided or too lazy to vote. I really have no respect for the paid trolls how tell us that voting doesn’t matter. It does or billions wouldn’t be spent trying to win. Also the paid trolls or those misguided that try to say they can’t vote Trump because he isn’t perfect. All the while these trolls and/or the drooling idiots are the last people that should be drawing moral parallels with their pitiful, insincere “righteousness.
    Seldom have the choices been so easily and demonstrably clear. Those that don’t vote or don’t vote for Trump seek to finish America off. Either from jealousy of those that work hard to succeed or just want to see America burn.
    Those that vote on the side of Light, on the side of Righteousness and for a great America will vote and they will vote Trump. Those that don’t vote or those that vote for the current corrupt Administration are evil albeit different degrees of evil. If you can save someone, anyone or something important, like America, and don’t do it are in fact evil.
    You can not be on the side of evil and not you yourself be evil, it simple math. You disagree? Tell me, do you think the common people that fought for Hitler and Stalin are evil? Damn right they were. You march under the banner of evil… you are F#€£ing evil. No ifs, and or buts. If you sit on the sidelines when you should be voting these monsters out of office, you are at the very least tacitly evil. The banality of evil should never be underestimated.
    Remember when Jesus, my Lord and Savior, (yours as well) telling the Pharisees, “Rend unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto YHWH what is YHWH’s”?
    Voting is rending unto Caesar.
    One of Satan’s greatest lies is that he doesn’t exist. His second greatest lie is that voting doesn’t matter.
    Remember what we had, remember who we are, remember we still have a future…
    Vote Trump 2024…

  557. Galaxy 500

    What an odd thing to do? Is Lloyd send assets to ME so he can attack Israel? I mean these guys gave $billions to Iran that could have been used at home or better yet, not spent at all…

  558. David Gordon Dunne

    God Bless you Greg and he will heal you my brother.

  559. Giovanni Mancarella

    Greg, I want to wish you well in your journey to recovery. Not sure if you recall, but my mother Gina used to post comments critical of your view for years prior to her death and also tried to indoctrinate me during my teen years with all the woke craziness. I am grateful that sites like yours and others like the gateway pundit exist to enlighten the public about what has been happening to our country. You will be in my prayers and I hope you will have e speedy return. Get well soon Greg.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks “GM” for the very kind words about USAW!!!

  560. Diana Brown

    My Dearest Greg: You are so very missed! Have been concerned about your welfare but trust in that you and your family know what is best for your total recovery. Since I know you are not COVID vaxxed & boosted I have even more hope that you will recover fully. A very good friend of mine in real estate had triple bypass surgery a little while ago and he is back to his normal energy and doing very well. I know you are sore so my family sends you a gentle hug. I hope that is of comfort to you.

  561. Darren Bonner


    Hope you get well you are great. If there is one thing or person or concept that can be introduced to you it’s how to detox/cleanse your body and it’s a raw food diet of Fruits/Berries/Melons and some Veggies and secondly Herbs (Botanicals) which are the magic healers. I got my remedy and health back this way from learning about the great Robert Morse ND, who has been helping people heal for 50 years. Here is the site:
    I am not here to promote him or his herbs, I’m trying to wake people up on how they can break free from the current system and take control of their health.

    Best of luck.

  562. Linda J Crean

    Dear Greg, 🙏🕊️💓 I am so glad to hear that you are on the mend and are taking the time to heal and let the Lord Jesus Christ strengthen you in your 1) inner/ spirit man, 2) your soul man (our mind, will & emotions) and your 3) body as we need all three areas of our lives to be working together to be effective in the calling that our Lord Jesus Christ has called us to do. You and your wife are a blessing to the 🌎🌍 world and the Body of Christ for the Lord Jesus Christ has given you eyes to see and ears to hear what the God Head, Trinity wants you to see & hear and to report to the world 🌎🌍 what others didn’t see or hear them being tied up in the trials of life. I’m not telling you anything you don’t know already that you make sure you put on and keep on the Full armor of God to be able to withstand all that the enemy is sending your way for we are Well Able to withstand if we stand as close as we can to our Lord Jesus Christ for without LORD JESUS WE CAN DO NOTHING, HE who already put all things under His feet and is waiting for US to make our enemy His foot stool. Having done all to stand we are to stand therefore for our feet are shod with the Gospel of Prace🕊️ and we have and use the 🗡️ Sword of the Spirit which is the WORD OF GOD which is our ONLY defensive weapon as seen with our Lord Jesus being tempted by the devil Lord Jesus Christ only used the Word of God against him for the Bible/ WORD says WE OVERCOME BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THE WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY and we love not our life unto death.🙏
    THANK GOD you have a great wife for the Lord Jesus Christ says “he who finds a wife finds a good thing and favor of the Lord”. Sincerely Linda 🙏♥️ peace 🕊️
    PS ; Like my granddaughter Hannah Rose 🌹 once said when she wasn’t even three years old ” Everybody, everybody just calm down” . 😊 Trust in the Lord.
    Mark 11:22 Have the faith of God.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Sister, Linda!
      Brother Greg

      • TitanTrader

        Wow, I knew something was up. Thought about it again last night and just decided to come here and see if you had an update. Didn’t know it was a medical event but so, so glad you’re on the mend. 10 maybe even 15 years I’ve been watching each week can’t quite remember but I was an early follower. You’ll never understand how much I appreciate and love your shows. I sent to all my friends and call you conservative stand up. In these trying time your sense of humor just cracks me up. I didn’t even think you even know you’re being funny. Like I tell friends you keep me off of crazy pills because you see it, get it and am outraged as I. Get well soon, I’ll be praying for you. P.S, you chastised me for not using my real name before and i understand why you would do that. I felt from day one using my real name on the internet would bite me sometime. Look at this cancel culture of late. Nothing to hide just prefer to stay private.

  563. Galaxy 500

    Someone in PA, is texting me, +1 (717) 616-9084
    That I haven’t applied for my mail in ballot and points me to my state’s absentee ballot site.
    So are these evil democrats trying to steal my vote? Sure they are…
    I contact my State Board of Election and called this out as a fraud attempt

  564. Donna Wilson

    Oh God, Greg! Just reading of your heart surgery and so very glad to know you’re recovering well. Missing you greatly but your health is number ONE priority–take all the time you need and don’t worry about us here at USAW. We will be here when you return. Thinking of you and sending all my love.

  565. mark

    God bless you Greg, our dear brother in Christ and faithful servant of the living God!!!
    Just last evening when I went to check the comments section at did I learn of your recent triple bypass surgery!!!!
    Thank you for posting an update as to your progress in healing as I am rejoicing with you in the fact that you are making daily progress and also rejoicing in hearing of the miracle from the Lord that 90% of your heart remains in good condition!!!!
    As always brother Greg may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be richly with your spirit for “God has not given to us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sober mind” (2Tim.1:7) and also I pray that He, the One who raised Jesus our Lord from among the dead, continue to minister life even to your mortal body by His Spirit which indwells you (Rom.8:11) because “Great is the mystery of godliness Who was manifested in the flesh, vindicated in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world and taken up in glory” which has “CHRIST IN YOU (US)” as its “HOPE OF GLORY” Whom we announce, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man complete (full-grown, mature) IN CHRIST!!!! (1Tim.3:16, Col.1:24-28)

  566. Elizabeth

    Greg my friend;
    I told you everyday while you were laying in that hospital bed that God wasn’t done with you! You are a very special child of God doing great things through him! You are shining his light with the world
    Awakening millions of sheep! You are chosen for this mission! I pray for you every morning and every evening before I sleep! I love you and your wife and look forward to seeing you soon!
    Your Sister in Christ,
    Elizabeth Eads

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Dr, Betsy. You helped save my life by getting my stubborn butt into get tests that showed I had a massive heart attack. I would be dead if not for your advice!!! Thanks for your very kind words. You are the read-deal medical professional doctor!!!!!


      • Sam A. Morgan

        Dear Greg,
        Just checked in…Wow! Did not realize you had a heart attack.
        I too had a heart attack Jun 23rd. Definitely gets your attention.
        In Jesus Name you will recover. And looking forward to enjoying the great and important work you do.
        Thank you for USAWatchdog.

  567. Laura Parsons

    Secret Service Head Panics, Hosts Desperate Press Conference After He Was Caught Lying To Congress August 3rd 2024
    GOP lawmakers claim the move was an obvious cover-up attempt after he was caught perjuring himself before Congress this week.
    Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe held a last-minute press conference Friday in a desperate bid to save face after he was caught perjuring himself before Congress while questioned over his agency’s security failures surrounding the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.
    My AI Co-Pilot response. . .
    Ah, the famous tale of young George Washington and the cherry tree! While it’s a well-known story, it’s actually a myth rather than a historical fact. The anecdote goes like this:
    As a child, George Washington supposedly confessed to his father that he had cut down a cherry tree. His father, impressed by his honesty, replied, “George, I’m glad you told the truth. It’s better to admit your mistakes than to lie.”
    However, there’s no concrete evidence that this incident actually occurred. It’s more likely a moral lesson created to emphasize the importance of honesty and integrity. Nevertheless, it has become a part of American folklore and is often associated with George Washington.
    Remember, though, that historical accuracy sometimes takes a backseat to the power of a good story! 😄
    THIS IS NO MYTH; Night of Decision

  568. Friski Boyd Floyd

    Douglas Macgregor Warns: 1,000,000 Russian Soldiers Are SECRETLY Moving For SOMETHING BIG To Happen
    Lan Handmade 130K subscribers 316K views 1 day ago
    1st. of 1,617 Comments
    @michaeltawaka762 20 hours ago
    America can’t even protect Trump

    ‘The View’ Host FREAKS OUT SCREAMING After Chris Sununu ADMITS Trump Will Win Live On The View
    OkayRickk 541,268 views Aug 1, 2024
    The New Hampshire governor shares why he supports Trump’s candidacy despite formerly rebuking him.

    Another Milestone: Iskander Missile Destroyed MiG-29 After Taking Out 6 Su-27s!
    Military TV 29,160 views Aug 3, 2024
    It seems that the Russians are increasingly relying on Iskander missiles to target Ukrainian air assets. Their impressive success rate has made these missiles a significant weapon in the ongoing conflict. After already destroying six Su-27 fighters, the Iskander has now also hit a Ukrainian MiG-29. How will Ukraine adjust its air defenses to address this escalating threat? And what could this mean for the balance of air power in the conflict? Let’s explore further!

    Russian military planes were sent to Iran, Tehran is expected to attack Israel
    36,811 views Premiered 5 hours ago
    Russian military planes continue to land in Iran one after the other. Iranian analyst Hayal Muazzi wrote about this.
    “Events are developing very interestingly. I mentioned in my analysis that if the war starts, Russia will be with Iran,” he said.
    It should be noted that Iran is expected to attack Israel in order to avenge Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas, who was killed in Tehran.
    The US president has vowed to help Israel counter Iran’s looming attack but warned the Israeli prime minister not to count on US support if he escalates further and keeps Washington in the dark, as he did with the killing of a Hamas leader in Tehran. According to an Axios report citing two US officials, President Joe Biden had a “tough” call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, where he vented his frustration from the fallout from Israel’s escalatory action, as his administration tries to broker a hostage and ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.
    Iranian officials convened in Tehran with representatives from Iran-backed groups to discuss plans for what is said to be a joint mission against Israel, which they blame for the killing of Haniyeh and Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr. Iran and its allies are preparing coordinated actions intended to “deter Israel while avoiding full-scale war,” according to AFP.

  569. Justn Observer

    Greg, so good to hear your healing up well. And yes, Dr. Eades has been a god send to so many of us…and many that don’t even know what Drs like her did for them by standing in the gap. All with the help of your strong commitment to provide a platform where all those you interview can provide truth and light and informative insight in these days of darkness, and dis/mis information used to deceive everyone across the world who seek unity, understanding, truth, and a way forward that we all can shed the hate ‘they’ have tried to instill to keep us divided and under ‘their’ control. Like all the well wishers, we wait with patience for you full recovery…and for your return. Thanks, Greg, for your many years of God inspired informative REAL journalism. Proof that not only Jesus is not dead…nor is Journalism.

  570. Merry Piper

    Greg: How wonderful to learn that you are recovering. You are supported and loved by so many people. I have visited your site every day for more years than I can count. Thank you for your steadfast courage.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Sister Merry!!!
      Brother Greg

  571. Hattie Baby

    She Cried Because She Was Never Loved Before, When I Carried Her, She Fell Asleep In My Arms The Moho Jul 26, 2024

    “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”—John 3:16, King James Version.
    Certainly! John 3:16 conveys a powerful message about God’s love and salvation. Let’s break it down:
    “For God so loved the world”: This phrase emphasizes God’s immense love for humanity. Despite our imperfections and sinfulness, God cares deeply for us.
    “that he gave his only-begotten Son”: God’s love led Him to send Jesus Christ, His unique and beloved Son, to Earth. Jesus’ sacrificial death is central to God’s plan for salvation.
    “so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life”: By believing in Jesus and accepting His sacrifice, we can avoid spiritual destruction and gain eternal life.
    In summary, John 3:16 highlights God’s boundless love and the opportunity for everlasting life through faith in Jesus.
    More meaning of John 3:16
    A more intense and detailed intake on the subject of God’s love for mankind, you might find interesting, but very stupid? You be the judge.
    Here come da judge!🤔?

  572. Justn Observer

    Greg, as to the financial unwinding and ‘their’ reset…a few more links to ponder as to how this is being played out = agree with Jim Willie and a few others….too few people even have heard of ‘THE UNIT’ let alone know what it is..

    his wider view based on sources from outside the U.S. looking in as to silver

    seems Andy Schectman agrees with Jim Willie =

    that said…this link has some interesting insights as well =
    Luke Gromen: Why you Should Prepare for a MASSIVE Economic Shift =

    That said, per the recent signal = un-inverting of bond market…the now ‘late’ data dependent move to lower rates…which most know – like in 2008 will not fix the problem – but only cause more excssive printing making inflation worse…in a period of dis-inflation…which will as Mannarino says, only makes it easier for the Central banks to ‘buy everything’ as the last of the middle class sinks deeper into debt and credit/economic enslavement.
    This new FED chart, the Sahm Rule..-early indicator of impending uptick in unemployment which start April 2023
    .seems to suggest – yes- the recession is already in progress…with little chance small and late rate cuts will do anything to halt what has become obvious and too big a problem that can be hidden – ie,,, The Obama/joe the plumber-Biden- Harris onomics has failed…as the border policy has made it significantly worse to correct as the layers of the safety nets/ and hammocks are now in collapse as is the ability to repay all the ‘debt’ in present time especially with so many nations population in sub 1.4 pop growth or now re-inflate it all away as most all Central Banks are themselves insolvent…without much pain.

  573. John

    Get well soon! God Bless!

  574. Bill Kitelynn

    Greg, my favorite person to listen to. I am praying you are back on your feet quickly. The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Bill!!

  575. WorldWar3 Fast&Furiouse!

    WOW, Greg! If it bleads as they say, it leads. is cutting edge the human factor that runs the gamut! It has everything and above all the truth!
    The real life participation of all us Watchdoggers in the fears and tears of the drama of our lives as the world turns , coming to an inglorious end I hope! To a better world in the hands of the son of God almighty.
    Your the star here Greg, not for heaven. At least not for now!
    Jeremiah 29:11
    According to AI and 3 sources
    God has plans to give you a hope and a future – Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God promises hope for the suffering. You’re here, you might be struggling with something and wondering, “why am I still here and suffering?
    God has plans to give you, a real future of forever …

    Jeremiah 29:11, as rendered in the New International Version, states: “‘I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”
    Dear Greg,
    The whole world is in extrem turmoil, going to Hell in a handbasket. A basket case! with no way out! From the baby crib to the Washington and Moscow scribe and all the road rage and infighting and wars in between!

    Scott Ritter: Iran THREATENS US Navy, Hezbollah Will SMASH IDF And Push Israel Into DISASTROUS Defeat? Is this man MAD?
    Tài Tỏi Vlog 56,650 views 9 hours ago
    WORLD WAR 3 FAST & Furious!
    Major BETRAYAL! Iran once again stabbed in the back! US & Israel can’t believe it! Tehran collapsed!
    USS Pentagonal 13,790 views 3 hours ago
    Aug 3, 2024
    Major BETRAYAL! Iran once again stabbed in the back! US & Israel can’t believe it! Tehran collapsed!
    This verse reflects Jehovah God’s promise to His worshippers—a future filled with peace and hope. It was originally addressed to the Israelites in Babylon during their captivity. Despite their circumstances, God assured them that after 70 years, they would return to Jerusalem. Their hope was fulfilled when Babylon fell, and they were able to go back home. Today, this promise extends to all who trust in God’s word, including the hope of earth-wide peace through His Kingdom under Christ Jesus . Remember, God’s plans are for our well-being, not harm, and they offer hope for the future. 🌟

  576. Mr. Howard Beal's comment

    A Piccadilly Circus
    A Rising of The Sheeple People!
    The Mancunian Eruption: Clash in the City
    FritzMedia 5,707 views 1 hour ago Aug 3, 2024 PICCADILLY GARDENS
    Clashes between protesters and counter protesters hits the streets of Manchester. Shops looted and missiles launched.
    Reality T.V.

  577. Jane Donuttier

    Reasoned 117,338 views Aug 3, 2024
    Keir Starmer doesn’t want you to see this: he only wants pictures of white ‘far-right thugs’ causing chaos at riots to be seen by you. He definitely doesn’t want you to know that a group of masked, armed men gathered outside Stoke mosque before descending on the crowds of anti-immigration protestors. The police stood by and ignored the armed men, probably because they weren’t white. Two-tier policing has reached new heights, alongside two-tier reporting by our own Prime Minister.

    This is now civil war. The streets of Britain are no longer safe. If the British public cannot trust the police, the judiciary, the media and the Government to be truthful and keep them safe, people will resort to rioting and civil war. Something has to change.
    Chloe Dobbs reacts to today’s riots.

  578. Clutch Cargo

    The America We Knew SPECIAL: October 1970
    FredFlix 111,073 views May 18, 2024
    First season of Monday Night Football, Janis Joplin’s death, Reds/Orioles World Series, Winn-Dixie and cigarette commercials!
    Gone But Not Fergotten

  579. Lorna Dew

    Top 30 Nuclear Bomb Scenes in Movies 220,587 views Jul 14, 2024
    Thankfully, we don’t often see these in real life! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most memorable, effective, and devastating nuclear bomb explosions in movies. Be warned, this list is full of spoilers. Our countdown includes scenes from movies “The Dark Knight Rises”, “Independence Day”, “The Divide” and more! Which of these scenes still stays with you? Tell us about it in the comments.

  580. Sam A. Morgan

    Dear Greg,
    Just checked in…Wow! Did not realize you had a heart attack.
    I too had a heart attack Jun 23rd. Definitely gets your attention.
    In Jesus Name you will recover. And looking forward to enjoying the great and important work you do.
    Thank you for USAWatchdog.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother, Sam!!
      Brother Greg

  581. Cranky

    Greg God Speed! The Lord is with you! We miss you! Rest my friend. We will all be waiting for you when the time is right! Rest my brother!

  582. Not So Free

    Thanks for the update. Hope and prayers for you.
    Hope you are back in fighting form sooner rather than later.

  583. Dr William Mount

    love ya Greg .. praying for you. Will ask for prayer for you and your family on my show… And again ask my viewers to watch your show

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Dr Mount!

  584. Greg Waters

    Hi Greg,

    Great to hear your feeling better. Now that we know, I will have my wife put you on the prayer chain. We will pray for you as well. I had two stents put in last year. 95% blocked in one artery. I checked into the hospital at 8 AM, done by 10 AM, and they let me walk out to my wife’s car at 4:30 PM. Modern medical science is amazing, when their not trying to kill us. LOL

    • Greg Hunter

      Brother Greg,
      Prayer = divine medicine!! Thanks for the real medicine!!
      Brother Greg

  585. Helmut

    All the best, Greg! Everybody misses your great work.

  586. JOL

    Gregg, was wondering why I didn’t get anything from you. So glad you are getting all the needed help. You will look back at this episode and be so thankful that you got throught it.
    Happy to hear you are better. Your column always is a favorite for me to read and watch the videos. Peace and Love to you. Saying prayers. 🙏💖

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for the prayers and support.

  587. Dr Steve Hall


    Great to know you are doing well and only 10% of your heart was damaged.

    As a medical worker in a heart trauma rehabilitation clinic the following factors are important to note:

    Heart and vascular disease and strokes are associated with family history or inherited genes , through sharing an environment of risky or negative behaviors and aging.

    Personality and mental health factors such as anger, stress, depression, anxiety, and obsessive tendencies also contribute to heart and related diseases.

    Sedentary behaviors such as sitting for hours in an office or at home watching TV or in front of the computer is not good. Standing and walking around is far better. Diet, exercise and weight management is important too.

    High blood pressure, diabetes and obesity are red flags or widow makers .

    While procedures such as stents are getting better around 40%+ first time tented men experience further events down-the-line and live shorter lives due to genetic predispositions, negative personality characteristics and habituated negative behaviours.

    Being in a constant state of anger (fight) or fear ( flight) shortens life, period.

    Live life harmoniously with others, and be happy and grateful each and every day!

    • Greg Hunter

      Dr. Steve,
      The doctors think I’ll get most of the 19% back with rehab.
      Thanks for the kind words!!

      • TScott

        Fantastic news

    • Katy Bar

      The intentionally created Covid 19 Plandemic (Bat Flu +HIV +mRNA, etc., etc., etc.) “Killed Only About One out of a Hundred people” (1% of the Population), and injured and weakened many more with its various effects on the human body from Heart and Vascular Disease to Strokes and Cancer. Obviously, this Covid 19 “Test Run” helped to refine the procedures the Evil Globalists will use to Kill “Many More of Us” Next Time as they prepare to launch their Plandemic 2.0 (Bird Flu +mRNA, etc., etc.) in the fall of 2024 (Which this time around will Kill “One out of Five People” (or 20% of the population) [which put a very big smile on Bill and Melinda Gates faces:!!! Will Trump be able to stop the Emergency Use Authorization this time around by more effectively explaining to the American People that there are other drugs and vitamins that can fight off this Killer Bird Flu the Evil Globalist Eugenicists are now preparing to infect us with???

  588. Rick Smith

    Been there, Done that. 13 stents later and doing fine with God’s help and touch.
    Be praying for your complete recovery. Time is short now, so come back soon.
    We seem to be in the last nanoseconds of the Church Age, and you know what
    THAT means.

  589. Jillly

    Hi Greg! Thank you for the update. I was hoping to see your shining face and hear your report or interview, but this time off is more important than anyone knew. All this to say that you are loved and missed.

    Thank God you’re alright! I’m excited to hear all about it. Get WELL soon.

  590. Barbara

    Well, no wonder you have been heavy on my mind and heart for some time,
    and the Lord had me pray for you, even woke me up in the middle of the night with you on my mind to pray.
    Glory to God for the success of your heart surgery, Brother.
    ‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper.’ ‘By His Stripes, you were healed.’
    In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
    Continued prayers for you Greg.
    Barbara/ HoosierDownUnder

    • USAWatchdoggie Michigander

      Whats an Indiana Hoosier doin down Unda?

  591. Southern Girl/Older Lady Now

    As time passed, I had this awful feeling it was your heart. God bless you and keep you!
    Prayers coming your way. So glad you had the surgery. You are so young to have such a scare.

  592. Cal

    Speedy recovery.
    I miss my Sunday reads.
    God Bless you.

  593. Bill M

    Focus on what really matters Greg. Feel better and come back stronger with an even more insightful perspective!

  594. Justn Observer

    Greg, cracks in NATO developing? So now Zelenksky is running policy in EU?
    Amazed the U.S. gov’t supports this but then, no surprise. Appears pushing for peace and ending wars and death is seen as needing pumishment? A possible new win for BRIC is the making as more nations feel the whip of the endless wars crew?

  595. Kevin

    Greg we miss you.

    Thank you for all you do, and for sharing with us your recent heart condition.

    Everything is in God’s hands, may He protect and guide you into holiness.

    Take your time, heal up well, we will be here and aren’t going anywhere.

  596. kbg

    Best wishes Greg and get well soon. Can’t wait to hear from you again!

  597. Danielle Duval

    Dear Greg,
    So good to hear .
    I am a cardiology Nurse Practitioner for 24 years!
    Yes you made it! Triple bypass, widow maker …
    You are a man who has been blessed and you you will be bless again.
    Over the years we have helped each other to live and believe in God.
    We miss you

  598. Doug Fox

    God Bless you Greg, come back soon we need you here with us for awhile longer.
    Thanks for all you do and God’s speed in your recovery!!!! take care

  599. Harve Pell

    US and Israel bracing for imminent Iranian attack – Axios
    Tehran will likely launch a series of strikes on the Jewish state within 48 hours, the outlet’s sources expect
    US and Israel bracing for imminent Iranian attack – Axios
    The US and Israel are continuing preparations for a major attack by Iran in retaliation for the assassination of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, Axios reported on Saturday, citing sources. The assault is anticipated to begin on Monday.

  600. Jack Nickledaughter

    Watch: CNN Stunned When Barbershop Blacks Claim Kamala Harris Isn’t Really Black August 4th 2024
    CNN anchor Smerconish then dismisses the black men as “low-information voters.”

    Those men were the exception not the rule? Low-information voter’s? my eye! Id like to inform you CNNski, according to Kamala herselfie, “I’m Asian Indian and Black Afrikaner! And by the way Obomber, Valery Jarret looks white, more than youwho!
    No reason to fire that Jewish comedian woman, fergot her name. Had an ABC show. Lives in Hawaii, where you was borned. Near that Marine Corpes airbase.

  601. Justn Observer

    Greg, sadly it appears Canada is NOT the ‘good neighbor’ we had hoped they are =
    13,000 Migrants Just Entered New York… From Canada

  602. Ken Yu

    In 2006 an Office Building at 135 West 50th Street in Midtown Manhattan sold for $332 Million Dollars. In 2024 this same building sold for 39 Times Less ($8.5 Million Dollars). Losing 39 Times Ones Money is like buying a One Ounce Silver Liberty Dollar at $39 Dollars and selling it for its face value!!! Is this an indication of things to come??? Warren Buffett probably thinks so, as he has raised Berkshire Hathaway’s cash level to a record $277 Billion (slashing big chunks of his stock holdings including Apple)!! Is Buffett anticipating Riots, War and a Plandemic to be thrust upon Trump???


    John Mearsheimer WARNS: Israel Vs Iran, Middle East Is Going To EXPLODE! Hezbollah Has BIG MOVE Tài Tỏi Vlog
    65,734 views 15 hours ago

    John Mearsheimer: US Warships URGENTLY Come Israel & Prepare For A BRUTAL Attack On Lebanon Tài Tỏi Vlog
    43,507 views 9 hours ago

  604. Norman Eisinboiger

    OMG! Kamala Harris Vs Donald Trump Rallies are Completely Different IN SAME STATE – EXPOSED!!! /OkayRickk 373,098 views Aug 3, 2024

  605. Robert Moffett

    You have my best wishes and prayers. Take all the time you need but take care of yourself. We need and miss you but will be here whenever you come back. Thank you for fighting.
    Robert Moffett

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother, Robert!!
      Brother Greg

  606. Atam Gits

    I’m praying for you. And I believe this is a blessing in disguise. The time may soon come when the care you have been receiving may not be available. God is getting you healed before it’s too late.

    • Greg Hunter

      I Think you are right “A G”!! This is not luck I lived. It’s a blessing from Jesus and Jehovah!!

  607. Led Skeletor

    If JD Vance is wierd, then DEMS and MSM are queer.

  608. Laz

    Love You Greg! GOD WINS!

    • Greg Hunter

      Amen to that and love you back!
      Brother Greg

  609. Elsa Junkers

    Wow, we seem to be here now. . . . . Now? _What?
    As Clif High say’s, tHE WOO!? A turning point in our human history! The end of an age. The big inning of a recession depression, or the biblical great tribulation?
    Things are happening so fast, I’m afraid we shall soon find out and soon enough!
    I know it’s weird, we live in weird times! It’s become so weird, were all weirdly wired up!
    Like Benjamin Franklin said to the signers of our Declaration of Independence, of our young country.
    Yentleman, err gentleman. We may have just signed our death warrant. We must now hang together, or we shall most assuredly hang separately and after leaving the signing an older lady asked. Mr. Franklin sir, do we have a Republic? And answered. Only if we can keep it!
    The question now is, can we keep it? The freedoms, the dignity. The American dream of home ownership, or renters in old man Potters field! The tyranny that those men fought and died. For us to be free of and the so many throughout the more than two and a half centuries of our republic. For which it stands, one nation, indivisible and under GAWD!. What would they say today? Give it up? What ever will be, will be?
    Perhaps, perhaps it will be answered when that final day when kingdom comes, yes God’s Kingdom comes. . . . . . WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
    You may believe it, or not. But the real people who lived this story, they believed it. They knew. They took, that one step beyond!
    Will You?
    The Night of Decision

    • Greg Hunter

      It’s called the Return of Christ, and NO, Jesus is not a space alien.

  610. Dwight Branson

    Praying for your speedy recovery.
    You miss one week and the deep state takes advantage thinking they can assassinate Trump!
    Thank the LORD that He has You, Trump, and the rest of us believers covered by His Grace 😉

    GOD Bess!!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks D B!!!

  611. Ray and Terri

    Heal up – Pray up !
    My wife and I are relieved that you are healing and returning to your rumble channel in the near future!
    We will be praying for your healing and recovery in Jesus’ Name.
    God Bless

  612. Shiloh1

    Hi Greg. I hope you are recovering nicely. Miss you a lot.

    From Tommy Kerrigan podcast, Ltc Murray and Tom Luongo. About 50 min in Luongo lays out the potential time if the deep state had killed him, esp using an ar. false flag riots, something ‘happening’ to Biden, Hillary installed at DNC, martial law, gun confiscation, no election, 1:16:50.

    Coffee and a Mike with John Cullen, part 2 (part 1 a few days earlier) 4 or 5 shooters, Crooks may have never fired a shot. Must watch video versions, Cullen posits that there were at 2 different guns used by the window shooter, the second an ar.

    Last but not least, Ltc Tony Shaffer on with Judge Nap, first 15 minutes, make sure you see look on Nap’s face at ~ 14:40 –

    • Galaxy 500

      I don’t know who sows more disinformation, our sides are theirs. Wish we had all the information. I bet an analysis of the a large % of attendee based video/audio would be eye opening.
      The Grass Knoll guy is much harder to hide

  613. Curtis

    Missed you … Glad things are working out
    We will be praying for your healing and recovery in Jesus’ Name.
    God Bless

  614. Donna

    I came searching for information because you hadn’t posted in so long that I became very concerned. I’m so glad to hear you are okay! Wishing you the speediest of recoveries and hope to see you on air soon!

  615. CycloneSteve

    I miss your 2-3 reports every week on Rumble terribly. Get well.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Steve! I am coming back. Not sure when but things are progressing well for me.

  616. Dave & Janet Weitzel

    Dear Greg,
    We are praising God for His Mighty hand of protection over you! I pray total and complete healing over your heart. We serve the God of miracles! He’s still the same GOD that healed the lepers, made blind men see, the deaf hear, and raised the widow woman’s son. Healing your heart 100% is nothing to God. We cover you with the all powerful Blood of Jesus; we speak total healing and peace over your heart. We bind the spirit of fear that may try to intimidate your wife or try to stop you. We are praying that the tangible presence of God fills your home and meets ALL of your needs. God promises to do more than we can think or imagine. Romans 8:28 promises us that God will use all things together for our good and His glory. It’s in the mighty name of Jesus that we trust.
    We will support your sponsors and continue to pray for you and your precious wife. You are not alone.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Dave and Sister Janet. Things are going very well in recovery.
      Thank you both for caring about me!!

  617. danknight

    God bless you, Greg, and your family.

    I am sorry I missed the update. My father passed, and I had an incredible work load for a few weeks, which, thankfully, has begun to subside.

    Glad to read you’re doing well, and we will pray for your full recovery.

    • Greg Hunter

      Brother Dan,
      So sorry to hear you lost your dad!

  618. Led Skeletor

    The American Debt Bomb. SHTF Monday Morning. Is the recession now on? The FED better watch out! I think they are very close to checkmating themselves.

    As T-Bill rates continue to fall, and foreigners no longer want to buy additional US debt in any form; in a failed Treasury auction, the Fed would have to step in and buy US bonds, adding potential trillions on to the $35 trillion already, fanning inflation beyond belief!!

    This entire stock market went up because the inflation, product shrinkage, subsidies, war industrial trillions, big pharma COVERT trillions, and free money giveaways, all out paced the actual corporate production output. The USA industrials are putting out less real stuff than when the DJIA was below 1,000. I’d love to see it fall 90% just to get rid of the excess in the system since DC refuses to make the necessary deep cuts anywhere in the budget. Something must give, you can’t give away free shit to all that don’t earn it and expect to stay in business.

    I for one will not be purchasing any TBills the moment the 4 week goes below 5%. I bet that is when the Treasury auctions will fail and the FED will be buying up the debt using new debt!

    The FED ought to be raising interest rates as they did in the 1980’s.

    You don’t make it easier for a heroin addict to get more H, (unless you are from California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, New England, or Hawaii).

    It looks like Bit-Con (-11%) is heading towards its real physical value, ZERO.

    Will Google and the MSM ban the word RECESSION until after Trump’s victory?

  619. Wild Bill

    Hi Greg!
    I am very glad to hear that you are doing well. I just thought you were on vacation. WOW! Sounds like you had a team upstairs looking out for you! If you don’t know it by now, your doing God’s work by keeping all of us informed. We are all patiently waiting we aren’t going anywhere. So, please come back only when you really physically are able.
    Thank for doing REAL reporting!

  620. Dave Milne

    Larry Johnson WARNS: Iran ANNOUNCED Next 24 Hours Will Be HISTORY! Russia SMASHED Ukraine Front Line Tài Tỏi Vlog 7 hours ago

  621. Friski Boyd Floyd

    Bank of Japan Pricks Everything Bubble As Nikkei Nosedives 13.47%.
    maneco64 1 hour ago

  622. R.M. Stockmann Why would Trump do such a potential dangerous mission with the Secret Service in dangerous territory in Atlanta? That’s because Trump in these rallies really has a story to tell. which you will hear nowhere else : Oh my goodness! Trump is taking it to the cleaners. Trump mentioned how George Slapadapoulus from ABC was hired full stop to interview Biden. Everything George said was fake and fully paid for.

  623. Kevin

    God’s speed Greg ! You have been greatly missed !
    Heal quickly brother 💪💪💯🙏

  624. john

    Stay strong Greg

  625. June Bug

    BREAKING VIDEO: UN Spokesperson Calls for NATO/UN Troops to Occupy Western Nations to Enforce Lockdowns, Force Injections
    Sean Miller | Infowars August 5th 2024
    Hotez calls for people to be locked down and then injected with deadly vaccines by force.

  626. Mr. Allison

    Tulsi Gabbard Under TSA Watchlist Surveillance via Federal Terrorism Investigation Program — Report Sean Miller | Infowars August 5th, 2024
    Quiet Skies and the TSA keeps America safe from former elected representatives and infant babies, because terrorism comes in all shapes and forms these days.
    Deep State [CIA, FBI, FSB, Banking Families, Alex Soros, Puppet’s George Soros’s Hillary, Clinton’s Obomber] It’s over, the end of the fiat money Ponzi! Globalist Power Bubble Bursting Come to an End
    Big Boy Insider’s as Phony As a 3 Dollar Bill Protecting Themselves
    Oracle of Omaha Pulled 277 billion Out of Dodge to Protect his Ass’_et’s!
    Was Out Before Japan Caved! This Is Just the Big Inning! 50% Correction Comeing_ Good By By Invidia!
    Fed to Lower_ Hello Weimar Germany
    We’re Not in Kansas Aymore! Middle of November
    The Booby Prize Awaits Us All as God’s Kingdom Will Rule?
    If you’re concerned about the current economic situation and potential market corrections. Let’s break down some of the points we’ve mentioned:

    Warren Buffett’s Cash Reserves: Warren Buffett, often referred to as the “Oracle of Omaha,” has indeed increased Berkshire Hathaway’s cash reserves to nearly $277 billion. This move is seen as a defensive strategy, possibly indicating his cautious outlook on the market.
    Economic Comparisons to Weimar Germany: The Weimar Republic experienced hyperinflation in the early 1920s, leading to severe economic instability. While it’s a dramatic comparison, concerns about inflation and economic policy are valid in today’s context.
    Market Corrections and Predictions: Predicting market corrections can be challenging. While some analysts foresee potential downturns, others remain optimistic. It’s essential to stay informed and consider diverse perspectives.
    Federal Reserve Actions: The Federal Reserve’s policies, including interest rate adjustments, significantly impact the economy. Monitoring their decisions can provide insights into future economic trends.
    The Fed Can’t Fix it Austin! They Broke it!

  627. Mr.Greenjeans

    Stocks Collapsing Worldwide! Globalists Imploding Economies In Next Phase Of Great Reset by Kelen McBreen August 5th 2024
    Planned economic plunge could trigger mass unrest the elite need to complete Big Brother spy state.

  628. Justn Observer

    Greg, are we at the point that the people that kept DJT effort to re-industrialize the U.S. will apologize? IF, this economist views are correct, who for decades had eyes on the inside of China, their massive accumulation of metals over decades and what has been obscured by ‘fake’ bus. news reports and data given to the people in the west by gov’t and media…we might only be at the very start of one hell of a rollercoaster ride/willie coyote/elevator cable break moment = WORLD 40% market crash that could be too difficult to accept…that it itself could trigger a world war?

    40% Stock Market Crash is Here with Simon Hunt

  629. Breck

    Thank you for letting us know about your challenge and God’s victory in your life. May the LORD Jesus continue to manifest His healing power in you. By His stripes you were healed. 1 Peter 2:24

  630. Bennet Cecil

    I am glad that you had bypass surgery to keep you with us. You are a treasure.

  631. Skip ONeill

    Greg – Miss you and you are in our prayers.

    I thought I’d share that today (August 5th) on Greg Mannarino’s market recap, he brought up your name and called you a dear friend and he hoped for speedy recovery.

  632. middle west earth

    Prescient lines from “Lord of the RNAs” (2001) and special features:

    Mordor’s “one evil ring to control them all,” sounds like Moderna: MORDORNA?!

    “It is a strange thing that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing.”

    “This task was appointed to you and if you do not find a way no one will…. Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” -Cate Blanchett as Galadriel

    “He’s a assassin.”
    -Orlando Bloom (“Team Fauci”), describing his elf character, Legolas

    “Everyone that was a part of this gave up two years of their life.” -Liv Tyler

    “The film is a mythic quest to destroy a ring which will rid the world of a great evil. The ring in Tolkien’s mind represents a machine, is what he always said; and, by saying it represents a machine, it represents something that takes away your free will.”
    -Director, Peter Jackson

    Quest For The Ring (21:00)

  633. Galaxy 500

    These people what to do the ultimate cheat…

  634. Galaxy 500

    Ever wonder why who is teaching your children?
    Be afraid, be very, very afraid

  635. Galaxy 500

    Kamel-tow is destroying the economy and assuring WWIII and she isnt even on the ballot…

  636. Don Doerr Sr.

    I have been banned from Facebook for being a Pro-Life Jesus Follower. I have not seen your column posted lately, Greg, so I was afraid that you had blocked me. It is wonderful to hear from you! Keep fighting with Jesus for all of us! Thank you.

    • Greg Hunter

      Not Blocking you Brother Don.
      Brother Greg


    Kamel-ala hate us. Hates our country.

  638. Beverly Michaels

    Must Watch: My Most Important Video of the Year (Market Crash Imminent) Steven Van Metre 1 hour ago
    More from Austan Goolsbee, fed head fix it man extraordinaire~!

    “PREPARE NOW!” – This Is Your LAST CHANCE To Become A MILLIONAIRE In 2024 | Michael Saylor
    Tom Bilyeu 1.2M views 1 year ago
    Substitute this for Silver, or faith in God’s kingdom rule? BOTH!

    In Case You Missed It!
    JD Vance HUMILIATES Kristen Welker when she tries insulting him on live tv
    The Based Conservative 407K views 2 weeks ago
    JD Vance HUMILIATES Kristen Welker when she tries insulting him on live tv

  639. Galaxy 500

    These evil nasty bastards forget that the winds shift and even go quite… and sometimes the butterflies flapping their wings in the Demoncrats Party generate a hurricane that blows their house clean…

  640. Galaxy 500

    So will Beijing Biden’s Puppet Masters dump half a trillion or so into the markets?
    Unless they want to force everyone away the Indian Jamaican Princess?
    Will they allow gold and silver to fly to the moon?

  641. John

    Hiya Greg. Hope yer up and kicking quick. Getting old is for everyone. Finding it really hard to slow down and I can’t count how many lives get slowed for them. Live long and proselytize (and not in any word twisting not rational definition sort of way). Too few are paying attention to the ground rules being changed.

  642. Geoff

    Dear Greg,.

    I am late to the news of your situation. I was wondering why I haven’t seen your emails of late. So I came here to check your website to discover your health scare. Reading the amount of comments shows how much you are missed and loved by your viewers. I have been watching your videos for years and appreciate all I’ve learned from you. May God heal you completely and multiply spiritual and physical blessings for your faithfulness.
    God Bless my friend. So much looking forward to seeing you again and hearing your analysis on all that is going on in the world.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Geoff for your healing Blessings, much appreciated.

  643. Galaxy 500

    whistleblowers tell him that the lead agent on the Trump Butler job was NOT enforcing the normal security protocols that day and she wasn’t having ID’s checked that day. He describes it as a free-for-all and says as we speak, this lead agent is still doing all her duties on the job.
    Embedded video

  644. Tim

    Wishing you well Greg. Glad to hear things are doing aalright and looking forward to hearing from you.

    Do you mind unblocking me from commenting on your videos on rumble? My handle is prt13. It looks like a bot so you prob blocked it accordingly, but I’m real and always civil.

  645. pauline plast

    Hugs Greg! Glad to know you’re on the mend!

  646. Gina Coyle

    Dear Greg,

    It’s wonderful to hear from you! So glad that you have come through this health scare as well as you have. It’s a miracle! Your voice is so important to us all. May God heal you and keep you and your family safe. This has got to be hard on them as well.

    Come back soon!

  647. Rick Hester

    Praying for your speedy recovery Greg.

  648. Tom Cunningham

    Brother Greg,

    Glad to hear you’ve made it to the other side on something as massive as a triple bypass. Prayers on a continued speedy recovery and I know you will have a lot to talk about when you return.


  649. Bert

    Try Stauss heart drops.

  650. Galaxy 500

    Hi Greg,
    You and yours are in my prayers. I hope that you continue to health and become stronger.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother, 500!!
      Brother Greg

  651. Galaxy 500

    Hey, if you live in Minnesota then go to polls Aug 13 and vote for Omar’s Dem challenger. If we get 6-8K Republicans to vote against Omar in this open primary, she will be gone and America will be a better place

  652. Galaxy 500

    Hmm…. Pakistani illegal… FBI conveniently says is allied with Iran. DOJ knew about murder for hire plan against Trump. The Pakki thought you could hire an assassin to kill Trump for pocket change. $5K… another FBI patsy
    Remember when you could trust the FBI?
    Me neither

  653. Galaxy 500

    Never has there been such a great difference in those that are running for President…
    On the side of Satan, you have Kamel-ala who traded sexual favors for a political appointee position… this is a well know and demonstrable fact. Kamel-ala the Border Czar… who made it so easy that at least 10 million illegal aliens to break our law, steal our Identities and Jobs with the added Satanic benefit of rape, robbery and murder of us normal Americans. A dimwit who gained wealth from her position… or was that positions? We need to ask ol’ Willie Brown how that worked.
    And her VP choice was “not the Jew” Tampon Tim. America’s creepy uncle. The high-speed driving DUI, Stolen Valor VP choice that gave free tampons to boys and put tampons in boys restrooms. Where and what are boys gonna put theses? Tim can help you with that.
    Trump worked for $1 a year and gave the rest of his salary to charity. He has withstood the illegal coup attempts while in office and the flood of Soviet style no crime criminal prosecution by the DOJ and Satan’s other minions.
    JD Vance, the VP choice is everything that Kamel-ala is not. Intelligent, hardworking, has children and the worst thing Satan’s children accuse him of is being “weird” for having children.
    If previously unregistered or those Christians and gun owners that haven’t voted turn out and vote for America, because that is what a vote for Trump is, they couldn’t print enough fraudulent ballots to win.

    Trump/ Vance for America in 2024

  654. Galaxy 500

    What did Hr. Joseph Goebbels Say? Tell big lies and repeat them often…
    That is what Tampon Tim has been doing…
    He claims service he didn’t do and a retired rank he did not achieve…

  655. Galaxy 500

    All of these Satanic fraudsters support one another until there is a tidal wave of evidence that even Satan’s minions raise an eyebrow against their own…

    • Greg Hunter

      I love evil hating on evil!

  656. Galaxy 500

    When good men confront evil…
    We can not let these cretins slide. They must be brought to justice. There are many many more to be brought down

  657. Bryan

    Greg, You are my hero.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Bryan. I am coming back, but my recovery is a process.

  658. Lady Au Stackers United

    My father had bypass surgery in his early 80s! It gave him another 14 years until age 95. I read it can take up to 3 months to fully recover.
    Take 2 to 3 months off if need be. We all miss your great interviews! Your health, however, is much more important than you rushing back to work. And all the guests you’ve interviewed, we’ve got their website addresses thanks to you :⁠,⁠-⁠)… Godspeed to you in your recovery, Greg Hunter

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, “Lady,” for the information and kind words.

  659. Galaxy 500

    Evil hating on evil? Or just a smoke screen…
    If you are not useful to these evil bastards they will burn you… and Beijing Biden and his Family are corrupt and IF we have a system of Justice, his entire clan will do hard time for the rest their lives and an extra 10 just to be sure.

  660. V-ger

    Get well soon. Have missed your posts and interviews.
    Thank you

  661. Galaxy 500

    People, this is the other side. This what the Demoncrats and RINOs want and vote for

  662. Galaxy 500

    So Biden has a serious medical issue and is medicated to hospital on 07/17 and magically Biden steps down. Is he dead? At an event it shows what I think is an actor in a Biden mask as he is 3-5” taller than the real Joe Biden. And it isn’t not the first time a stand in has been used. Old men just don’t have a growth spurt.
    Is he in a coma, is he even alive? These Satan worshippers running things never tell the truth especially if it has an impact on their power.
    Kamel-ala even used Joe Biden’s campaign # instead of a new one for her, which I believe is illegal. This allows ole dumb Kamel-tow to steal Joe Biden’s Campaign funds.
    America used to be a meritocracy. Yes, Tycoons put relatives in places and usually regretted it. But people rose mostly through merit, ability and effort. Today the Demoncrats are the poster child of Failing Up.
    Let’s look at Kamel-ala. She traded sexual favor for a political position with Willie Brown. This isn’t libel, it’s just a well known fact. She can not speak coherently for even short periods. I wonder if she is a psychopath as she laughs at the strangest things. She is a Homunculus. A manufactured thing of evil. I have wondered several times if She is even human. She has no accomplishments, no successes and no achievements. The Kamel-ala Campaign has no platform. They stand for nothing… well, nothing good and wholesome anyway.
    So ask yourself WHO is running things because unless you are really stupid, you have to realize that Beijing Biden isn’t in charge or anything, not even his bowels? Hunter and Jill are in charge of the bribes. WHO is really pulling the levers of power? That should scare the Shiite out of you. People that were not elected and don’t answer to you and me. People who can do great evil and blame it on the old guy.

    BREAKING: Las Vegas Police Recordings Released from Joe Biden’s Sudden Medical Emergency and Mad Dash to Air Force One — “POTUS IS 421”
    by Julian Conradson Aug. 10, 2024 9:00 am582 Comments

    Guest post by Miriam Judith.

    On Friday afternoon, the Heritage Oversight Project released audio recordings from the Las Vegas Metro Police Department’s protective detail during President Joe Biden’s sudden medical emergency on July 17 that was kept from the public.

    Last month, Biden announced he had tested positive for COVID-19 and would be isolating as he recovered.

    The official narrative was that Joe Biden’s trip was cut short due to him testing positive for COVID-19. But, an anonymous source close to Las Vegas Metro claimed the U.S. Secret Service had informed them of an emergency situation involving Joe Biden.

    Kirk’s initial post stated:

    Got a weird lead on a story that people should look into. I got a call from a source close to Las Vegas Metro. The official story was that Joe Biden’s trip was cut short last week due to COVID.

    However, according to this source, US Secret Service informed LV Metro that there was an emergency situation involving Joe Biden and to close necessary streets so that POTUS could be transported immediately to University Medical, which they began to do in earnest.

    Then, mysteriously, there was a stand down order and the USSS informed local Vegas PD that they were going to “medivac” POTUS to Johns Hopkins, which they presumed meant fly him back east ASAP. Apparently the rumor mill in the police department was that Joe Biden was dying or possibly already dead.

    I didn’t think too much about this lead, seemed too wild to be true, but given that Joe Biden has been out of public sight for days and dropped out of the race via an X post, and his brother James indicated health was a factor, I’m beginning to grow more curious if COVID or something else has been more serious than reported.

    It can be recalled that Frank Biden, Joe Biden’s younger brother, was smeared as an “alcoholic” after he suggested Joe Biden was terminal.

    Frank Biden told CBS News that Biden’s declining health played a considerable role in his decision to drop out.

    The recordings were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request and confirmed initial reports that Biden had planned to go to Las Vegas University Medical Center after canceling a speaking engagement due to a sudden illness.

    For some reason, he was later diverted directly to Harry Reid International Airport.

    In two of the new audio clips, officers can be heard being instructed to respond to a Code 3, signaling an emergency motor vehicle response. Soon after, the protective detail received an update, confirming Biden was experiencing a medical emergency and was being seen on-site by medical personnel. Officers were initially instructed to standby:

    “For everyone on the radio, right now POTUS is 421. He’s being seen, so we’re just kinda waiting to see how this is shaping out. So, for everybody’s knowledge, he’s 421 right now; we’re just trying to figure out what’s going on and we’re gonna go from there.”

    Code 421 denotes a sick or injured person, according to the LVMPD’s code sheet.

    Once the emergency was called in, officers can be heard fervently coordinating with Biden’s protective detail to clear the routes and get POTUS medical attention over the next 20 minutes of the clip.

    Biden had been set to speak at MGM Grand when the incident unfolded, prompting his detail to quickly change course and divert him to the hospital.

    Trending: BREAKING: U.S. Secret Service Breaks into Massachusetts Hair Salon and Tapes Over Security Camera, Allegedly to Let People Use the Bathroom During Kamala Harris Fundraiser

    Biden, however, never made it there. He was rushed to Air Force One and flown back to Delaware instead.

    Here is the audio clip via the Heritage Oversight Project:

    You can listen to the full 43-minute audio here.

  663. Galaxy 500

    What does this tell you? If you are intelligent, it says that they are planning for so over the top voter fraud that they know and understand that there will be civil war. They want to disarms us before they seize power. It’s hard to believe they were able to orchestrate a coup against Trump and few raised a voice and those that did were imprisoned like they do in Cuba and Iran.
    If you give up your arms to this illegal administration, your life and freedom will be over. Do you think those with guns will not victimize you under color of law? How about the criminals?

  664. Galaxy 500

    You have the freedom of speech however there is no freedom from consequences. These people think there pooh-pooh smells like roses. All their minions tell them so. And to be honest we sat on our hands and didn’t punish them…we didn’t boycott… until we were pushed against the brick wall and they were crushing us with a Mack truck. We are slow learners…
    My Fiancé didn’t understand why I didn’t go to see movies, I don’t shop at certain places until I explained myself.

  665. Galaxy 500

    Life imitates Art… Weekend at Bernie’s

  666. Galaxy 500

    These people want us dead. You can not compromise with these people. They want more and more until you have nothing. They want you impoverished, enslaved, and or dead. If you can not protect you and yours now, you better buy tools now to do so.

  667. Pearl

    Take all the time you need and take care of yourself.
    We love you.
    We can wait.

  668. Gregory

    Dear Greg,
    I have been watching for the last 10 years or so. I get chills every time your about to sign off when you speak the holy words “Fear Not…” those words are so compelling and inspiring.
    When you speak the name of the Son of God Jesus Christ it brings me to tears.
    How that man was so brutally tortured and crucified for all our sins.
    You sir are his Prophet.
    Listen to your doctors and most of all listen to your heart. (No Pun intended)
    Get well soon. We all need you back. Reporting the news like no other.

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