Washington is Arranging Support of the Dollar-Paul Craig Roberts

4By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com 

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says new Trade deals with the EU and Asia are meant to backstop the dollar.  Dr. Roberts contends, “Washington is arranging that many countries have a stake in supporting the dollar.  That frees them from the consequences of the printing press for now and a number of years.”  It may already be working as Roberts points to the recent plight of NSA leaker Edward Snowden.  He says, “Snowden tells the whole world the Americans are listening in on your every communication.  You have no privacy whatsoever from the Americans and, yet, nobody will step forward and give him asylum. . . . They’d rather have American money than defend the guy who brings them the truth.”  Not every country thinks the U.S. will be successful in saving the dollar.  Dr. Roberts points out, “China is importing a tremendous amount of gold.  They seem to not have much confidence in the longevity of American plans.”  Even so, a dollar crash might be pushed back.  Dr. Roberts contends, “They can put that off for a long time if these various schemes work.”  And if they don’t work?  Roberts says, “Well, there’s going to be a big blowup.  I think there will be a big blowup anyhow.”  Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.  

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  1. Johann

    The Austrians on the street are outraged. The You Tube film “the Obama Deception” has been translated into German and among the youth it has gone viral. What will happen is anyone guess.

  2. Rishabh Dave

    All of this advocacy for Snowden is misplaced. Simply put, Snowden is a criminal fugitive at large and will be killed or caught. The damage he has done to the security of the United States was comprehensive and will not stand. Regimens are now in place to prevent his departure from Russia, but even if he manages to get airborne, dont be surprised when our airforce shoots a plane down carrying one Eric Snowden.

    • Greg

      Rishabh Dave,
      So you don’t care about “Due process” of the Constitution? Just shoot down the plane Snowden is riding on and kill everyone? No jury, no trial, no due process. Just kill anyone who speaks out against the unconstitutional acts of and out-of-control government? No discussion? What Snowden released (for the most part) has already been released. Check out USA Today and the stories they have done with past NSA leakers:http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/06/16/snowden-whistleblower-nsa-officials-roundtable/2428809/
      By the way “Rishabh Dave” no more anonymous incendiary comments from you with out providing a verifiable real name. You are going to have to man-up and own your words here from now on. No exceptions.

      • Rishabh Dave

        “incendiary comments” ##################################################################### This is Greg Hunter I have blocked out the rest of this comment.

        • Greg

          Rishabh Dave,
          I am requiring a real verifiable name for you to post your comments. You are going to have to man-up and own your words.

          • George

            What a poor sport

          • rrr


          • Rishabh Dave

            It looks like Greggy fears me.

            • Greg

              Rishabh Dave,
              It is you who are fearful of owning your words. Man-up and give a verifiable real name and you may post comments here. What are YOU afraid of?

    • B michael

      Rishabh ,
      do you work for the cia? they use such horrible methods…
      The information he ‘disclosed’ has been known to people who are awake and out of the matrix for a decade or more. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 Section 222 obligates telecommunications companies to spy for the government. OLD NEWS really !
      How’s this grab you :CIA Chief Petraeus : We’ll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher..
      Snowden is a small distraction in this theatrical production we call politics, all pre-determined outcomes for a hundred years.

  3. Derrick Michael Reid

    Paul Craig Roberts is a true American Patriot. Hear Hear!!!
    Greg Hunter is a true American Patriot. Hear Hear!!!

    Re: Ending Bullion Suppression and Socialism in the USA


    I am pounding the payment, on the web, looking for anyone who would like to be a world class hero, and financially help an in-place team, as the financier, to take down JPM in the bullion pace. I am looking for 500K$ to do just that, with a 2m$ return in about one year to the financier, to end bullion paper price suppression and free honest real money thereby stopping the con that is the FRN.

    Do you want to stop the spread of socialism and all those who pander it? If so, do you know who, where, how and by whom to strike at the heart totalitarian socialism for immediate concrete results? If not, then I am your attack dog, who is seeking to do the same. Totalitarians enslave the people as tax mules or state dependents, by income taxes and printable paper money. Income tax changes are not politically feasible at this time. Printable paper money is vulnerable if the alternative real gold and silver money is freed from price manipulation. Real money use forces balance budgets and that is the route to stopping corrupting socialism and totalitarianism. I can end real money price manipulation and just need and am asking for a little help.

    Sincerely, Derrick Michael Reid BS JD
    USA Attack Plan B on TBTF TBTJ Greedster
    Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Saturday, July 06, 2013 5:23:12 AM
    Attack Plain A was developed during May and June 2013. Now, Attack Plan B has been rapidly developed mostly as a funding alternative.




    After the light bulb went off 4/29/13, of an understanding how to take down the TBTF TBTJ Greedster Mob Boss in the USA, and to liberate the people, eight weeks were spent drafting up that attack plan, attack plan A. The first two weeks of July 2013 were to be used for and are presently being used to publicize attack plan A, in the hopes that someone with means would step up and fund a very robust assault on the TBTF TBTJ Greedster Mob Boss who unduly influences and corrupts the US Government whilst enabling the enslavement of the people while the TBTF TBTJ Greedster Mob Boss officers live like kings. That funding effort continues. However, another plan, attack plan B, has been quickly developed, and very rapidly so, as merely a downsizing of attack plan A.

    First is required an understanding of Attack Plan A as compared to Attack Plan B.

    Attack Plan A is a robust assault on the TBTJ TBTF Greedster Mob Boss JPM. Plan A requires 6m$ in funding and includes many diversionary trial court tactics, including misdirections, MOPE public rallies, Chief Judge assignment motion, En Banc five man judge review motion, multiple summary judgment motions, expedited discovery motions, in dept six plaintiff assault, extensive hiring of GOLD notable as nine trial experts, and a six man attorney litigation team of four law firms. A 157 page single lined spaced detailed attack plan was developed and has been confidentially distributed to some extent and transmitted to the preferred financier. The proposed action would be brought in a gun totting state, for simple tort claims, with a preliminary injunction motion, where morality is the central issue under the equitable jurisdiction of the district court, so as to shut down the TBTF TBTJ Greedster JPM Mob Boss in the bullion space. The attack team comprises six plaintiffs, six attorneys and nine high profile gold notable experts, for a total of a 21 man team with an expected six month time duration from funding to enjoin the TBTF TBTJ Greedster mob boss in the gold and silver bullion space.

    Attack B is merely a downsizing of attack plan A. Hence, Attack plan B was rapidly developed in only a couple of days. Attack plan B does not include use the misdirections, MOPE public rallies, Chief Judge assignment motion, En Banc five man judge review motion, multiple summary judgment motions, expedited discovery motions, an in-depth six man plaintiff assault, extensive hiring of GOLD notables as nine experts, and a six man attorney litigation team over four law firms.

    Rather, downsized attack plan B uses only one plaintiff, only one litigator, yours truly, only one local counsel in a gun toting conservative state, and just three experts who are already close associates of the plaintiff and who are already in regular contact with the plaintiff. Thus, attack plan B, is only six man team, but is still brought in a gun toting state, along a narrow front of simple tort claims, with a preliminary injunction motion. URL based judicial notice will be more heavily relied upon, for enhanced cost effective judicial prosecution, so that, in attack B, there is still the same time horizon of six months from funding. Attack plan B is a viable option to attack plan A, particularly where funding is of issue, and attack plan B is estimated to cost 500K$, which is 1/12 of attack plan A. Under attack plan B, the one plaintiff, the three experts and the one litigator have already been selected and are totally on board, leaving only the selection of only one local counsel in the selected gun toting state district for bringing essentially the same legal action in a federal district court there.

    Both Attack A and Attack plan B have the very same primary, secondary and tertiary objectives.

    Primary Objectives are to enjoin the TBTF TBTJ Greedster mob boss JPM, so that bullion gold and silver bullion are liberated from the paper price manipulations on the Comex, so as to stop irreparable harm by the greedster mob boss in the bullion space.

    Secondary Objectives, flowing naturally from primary objectives, are the destruction of the fraudulent irredeemable US FRN paper money as the US paper currency of the FED bank, under the current fiat paper monetary ponzie scheme of the current leftist totalitarian socialistic US Government that are used to enslave the American people as tax mules and state dependents.

    Tertiary Objectives, flowing naturally from the secondary objectives, are the destruction of the GOLD CARTEL of 15 TBTF TBTJ greedster banks profiting off of the bullion price manipulation, and the destruction of World Central Bank fiat currency paper printing, so as to force the World Central Banks to stop printing and passing fraudulent fiat currency notes, but rather to have all nations use exclusively Gold and Silver honest real money as the medium of exchange, so as to force all governments to live within their means so as to stop robbing the people through monetary inflationary paper money printing, which robs all paper currency note holders every day that then concentrates power in the governments who enable totalitarian control over the people, so as to free peoples worldwide from socialistic totalitarian enslavement as government tax mules and state dependents.

    Of course, I would, as the vicious ruthless litigator of the attack team, as it would only take 10 days to get the bar license reinstated to reactivate that 100% plaintiff success rate, have to relocate for one year to the selected judicial district and man an HQ office, and sure I would miss the home, and the honey, and the two young boys 8yo and 10yo, and I would miss teaching them daily the wonders of the universe and playing with them as house husband and helping them with elementary school home work, for one year, but, I have been retired four years now, studying up on the bullion markets and the TBTF TBTJ greedster mob boss, and I am ready to come off the bench, as duty’s call is simply irresistible, as it was for my 28yo US Army boy, a Army lifer, who has served three tours in the Middle East, and I am ready to answer the call of duty, and besides, the young boys are old enough now, and the honey and the two young boys could come for short visits over that year, so it seems that all systems are a go, save 500K$ in funding with an 8x ROR to the financier.

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    USA Should Rally to Libertarian-Green Banner
    Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Saturday, July 06, 2013 2:43:49 PM
    My fellow Americans, I stand as a candidate of the unformed Libertarian-Green political party for the US Presidency in 2016, standing currently alone, undaunted but absolutely determined, as duty calls upon all patriots to stand stall at this time. There are so many of my countrymen disenchanted with current political stalemate gripping the country into stagnate and corrosive ruination. The Libertarian-Green offers solutions for all of you.

    To the Tea Partiers, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, as the tax burden upon your shoulders increases year by year, without let up, so as to enslave you under concentrated totalitarian DC rule as its tax mules. I seek to abolish the current tax code that is currently based upon income.

    To the Wall Street Occupiers, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, as the Wall Street Banksters’ and Greedsters’ tentacles reach far to pervasively corrupt governmental functions. I seek to destroy the TBTF TBTJ Wall Street Banksters and Greedsters.

    To the Libertarians, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, as governmental oppression of your freedom and liberties increases year by year. I seek to dramatically down size the federal government to restore our founding father freedoms from government.

    To the Green Peacers, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment as our society over consumes natural resources of mother earth. I seek to install a pay-and-forget consumption sales tax where consumption is penalized and not rewarded, to conserve the resources of mother earth of this great nation.

    To the Democrats, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment of the rightist agenda while being trapped for the rest of your lives, as are fifty million of my countrymen, now living in indignity and shame, on government hand outs. I seek to unleash our innate greed and charity duality in all of us for an economic explosion, thereby offering jobs to anyone willing to work and live proud again.

    To the Republicans, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment with the leftist agenda ruining the country in totalitarianism, but merely being a slow drag thereon and failing to offer restoration of our founding father Republic, you are effectively a rightist partner to totalitarianism enslaving DC rule. I seek to restore the Republic with social services again vested in the many states as the states so choose.

    To the Spiritualist, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, but you can live in faith with tolerance, as Jesus has taught me to do as being apparently part of his live long plan bringing me here this day, and you can live and keep your faith in tolerance of nonspiritualists who only seek inherent freedom and liberty without condemnation.

    To the Nonspiritualists, I feel you pain, I sense your disillusionment, as you feel condemned by the spiritualists, but through your respect of spiritualists who live with innate tolerance, you can live your lives as you deem fit in freedom and liberty.

    To the NRA, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, as the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with violent crimes or traditional hunting, but only the last ditch defense of freedom against totalitarian centralized control and imprisonment of the people.

    To the Bugs, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, as the FRN is a con by the totalitarians in control used to enslave the people under fiat dishonest currency that anit worth a continental. I seek to restore Gold and Silver honest real money as the nation’s only legal tender.

    To all Americans, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, as the national debt weighs heavy upon your shoulders. I seek to eliminate the national debt and prevent government from enslaving by debt your children and grand children in perpetuity.

    I kindly ask all Libertarians, Green Peacers, Wall Street Occupiers, Republicans, Democrats, Spiritualists and Nonspiritualists, and NRA members, Bugs, and all Americans, to rally to the new libertarian-Green Banner of inherent State Rights and liberty, to restore the Republic and our freedoms from government, to conserve mother earth resources, to destroy totalitarian concentration of political power in DC enslaving us all as tax mules or state dependents, to unleash economic growth so all can live in dignity, to destroy corrupt undue influences upon our great USA Government, to live in faith with tolerance, to live in liberty with respect, to possess lawful guns as the last defense to totalitarian imprisonment, to eliminate fiat money and the national debt, so that we all may live in freedom again, together as one, without destructive conflict, as our founding fathers sought for this great nation.

    Hear Hear

    Problems: Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, and More-Government, To-Much-Government, and Way-To-Much Government.
    Solutions: Abolish all Federal Social Programs, Federal Pay-and-Forget Sales Tax Exclusivity, State In-Rem Property Tax Exclusivity, Real Gold and Silver Coinage Money Exclusivity, Pay Off All Federal and State Present and Future Obligations with 100T FRNs, State Social Safety Nets, Out Law Federal and State Bonds, Out Law Federal and State Debt, Out Law Federal and State Fiscal Deficits, Abolish Paper Money, Abolish Federal Reserve Notes, Redeem FRNs at more than $1,000,000.00 per gold ounce, Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, Reward Productivity, Penalize Unproductivity, Free the People From Government, and Restore the Republic.
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    2016 Presidential Bid, Hat in the Ring
    Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:46:05 AM
    Happy Freedom Day America.

    My fellow Americans, I will stand for the presidency of the USA in 2016. I will not campaign. I will accept campaign contributions. I will not spend 300 million to buy your votes or your love or your friendship, but would accept your votes if willingly given. I will be brutally honest with you then and now. It makes no difference in my mind if you are a left handed fool or a right handed fool, you are still a fool. My fellow Americans, you have been had by two totalitarian political parties, as there is effectively no choice in the election booth, as there is a slight difference between them, as there is no significant difference, in my mind, between the devil and the devil’s helper. The biggest tragedy is the legal bench which has sold you all out to those totalitarian political parties, through plenary totalitarian rule, so as to concentrate socialistic totalitarian power in DC.

    If invited onto a major news show, and given plenty of time to address the public, I would do so only for purpose of enhancing the education of the people, but will not go to any news show for just a couple of minutes to squeak out some talking points, just to catch your ears. My heart is libertarian-green and is based in a love for freedom and conservation of mother earth. I will institute very drastic political and fiscal changes of federal government, solving the big problems facing the country today, so as to right the ship of state, so as to restore the Republic, with freedom for all, with long lasting prosperity for all, unleashing personal freedom and our innate greed and charity for maximum standards of living, in freedom and conservation.

    When the Attorney General of the USA says effectively that the Wall Street Lawyers, Banksters and Greedsters are to TBTF and TBTJ, the private sector must rise up, to save the government and its people, from undue criminal influences corrupting governmental functions and its people. I am a private citizen, and will answer that call of duty, and would serve, without pay, if asked to do so by the American electorate in 2016.


    2016 Presidential Bid, My 5 hats are in the ring, as one must be true to ones self, always.
    Hail to the Chief

    Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Friday, July 05, 2013 8:26:07 PM

    As long we are having fun fun fun, lets let it all hang out, I mean you can make this sutff up.

    In connection with TARP, the Paulson gang raped the US Government, and came onto the executive, GW Bush, who was purportedly forced into TARP to save the Banksters and Greedsters of the Financial system.

    The Government does not want the FRN reserve currency to fail, so as to continue the inflationary robbing of the US people so as to sustain Government Military leverage and Totalitarian control over the people by the US Government through IRS income taxes and paper money printing.

    The Government in effect controls the FED having available gold hoards for Governmental use.

    Bill Murphy of GATA hits a dead end regarding Fort Knot gold hoard, as it is a national secret and gold stores are not disclosed.

    Reid fingers China as the secret buyer of Gold bullion April fools 2009 on bloomberg with Ernie Low.
    The FED accommodates JPM with ZIRP policy so that JPM can borrow money free at US taxpayer expense to then be able to sell bullion naked short on the Comex.

    James G Rickards says that there is no manipulation, and hence, some unknown client of JPM must have gold hoards available to sustain the so called naked short position allegedly using hedged client money.

    Eric Sprott indicates that supply and demand figures do not square up, and that the there must be another source of bullion for the greedster bullion banks to sale bullion, even if through naked short sells.

    JPM naked short sales on the Comex are used to manipulate the bullion market, using free paper money through the FED ZIRP, to make the FRN look much better than it actually is, and JPM is rewarded by TBTF TBTJ status by the US Attorney General, so that JPM is able to acquire physical gold such as GLD through bullion price manipulation for profit sales on the Comex market and to through bullion sells to open arms China.

    China central government manipulated that China gold market and thus conspires with JPM to price manipulate the bullion space on the Comex so that JPM can then acquire physical bullion and sell it at a profit to China to take possession of physical through Honk Kong.

    The FED engages in QE to infinity at taxpayer expense, and thus many project that the FRN will eventually fail, and thus, is motivated to help sell of bullion as the money alternative to the FRN, so that bullion is acquired by JPM and low prices for sells to China and thus the FED and JPM are consider treasonous to the people of the US.

    JPM rallies members of the Gold Cartel to synchronously MOPE gold buyers, through front running market signals and early FED press releases to special members so as to help sell bullion and manipulate the price of bullion lower, so as to gang sell paper bullion prices on the Comex to make profits and then sell acquired physical bullion to open arms china.

    JPM front run and stack orders as market electronic detection signals to other member of the Gold Cartel Members all racketeering to manipulate the price of bullion lower.

    Andrew Maquire discovers the market stacking detection signals, a smoking gun, and is threatened so as to shut him up.

    Andrew Maquire takes the detection signaling method discovery to corrupt CTFC and the DC court to save his neck in a dead end procedure play.

    FED engages in QE at taxpayer expense, to sustain the totalitarian control of the US Government, with fiscal deficits as far as the eye can see, and with a national debt which will never be paid off.

    US Government generates false BLS reports to pretend and extend US dominance and totalitarian controls over the US People.

    The DNC and RNC are overt conspirators with the US Government to destroy the Republic and enslave the people of the US, so as to vest all power in the totalitarian US Government, and their political futures, while the DNC and RNC lock up the voting booth through MOPE of the US people offering no effective vote at all.

    The judicial Bench is corrupted by congressional political totalitarians of the DNC and RNC, allowing the US Federal Government to have Plenary Power over the US People, so as to sustain the Military Power control over the world and the totalitarian control over the US people by the US Government.

    The totalitarian control by the US Government is based upon IRS paper taxes and printing of FED money, the two tools used by the US Government to sustain the totalitarian control over the people.

    Paper money printing is a ponzie scheme, the FRN is an irredeemable note, as a con game fraud upon the FRN holders world wide.

    JPM and the gold cartel comply with all trading laws and criminal statutes and are thus untouchable under TBTF and TBTJ at law actions before the king’s judicial bench granting the Federal Government Plenary power.

    Reid proposes a simple tort action in equity to defeat JPM with morality being the central issue, drafting a 160 page attack play, brought in gun toting states and outside of the two west and east coasts where the legal bench is corrupted and in lock step with the US central socialized totalitarian control of the US Government in DC.

    BHO does not support terrorism, he is just a weak minded totalitarian fascist racist panderer in over his head, with no clue how to lead or take a stand, but dang, he is one heck of a vacationing campaigning socialist. Oh, and his wife wears great outfits to go along with the great smile she has, perfect for MOPE the dopes.

    Reid proposes plan B, the quick strike against JPM and the Gold Cartel to liberate the bullion space and free the people from totalitarian rule by the US Government.

    When Reid brings the claims against JPM, a case is brought in inequity, but JPM will use the US Government out card again, that JPM was asked by the US Government to sale bullion to China and to rig the bullion space, and hence, the KING, CIA, NSA and FED forced JPM to sale monstrous naked shorts and sell to China to in fact manipulate the markets to sustain the FRN and US military and monetary control over world affairs by the US Government.

    JPM is in bed with the US Government with another OUT to manipulation of the Comex bullion paper price and to treasonously sell to China, so as to enslave the people of worlds by the US Government.

    The FED is acting treasonous against the people of America but not the US government.

    Bullion surfacing in the EU suggests that FDR 1933 confiscated gold is being released in the EU, suggesting the FED has been selling its gold hoards to sustain totalitarian control of the US Government.

    The FED is lending, leasing, and selling GOLD hoards to JPM to go as much Naked short as JPM wants on the Comex to profit to make the FRN look better than the ponzi fraud that it is so as to sustain the totalitarians in the US Government.

    JPM manipulates the paper price of bullion gold and silver on the Comex to create any technical analysis pattern JPM wishes with the overt blessings of the US Government.

    Turd Federson, an expert in COT and TA analysis, has to eat his hat, as conventional COT and TA analysis is a thing of the past, when JPM can create any price pattern JPM wishes with TBTF TBTJ impunity from the US Attorney General of the US Government.

    The US Government, including the NSA and CIA, through the FED banks and through the NY hoodies puts out a hit contract on REID. YIKES!

    REID plays the trump card, and declares candidacy for US Presidency in 2016, to take down the totalitarians in DC, to destroy the FRN control means and switch IRS taxes to pay-and-forget consumption based sell taxes so as to end totalitarian controls by the US Government, and to get the FED NSA CIA to back off from the prospective hit contract on REID.

    Its life or death, in Laguna Tuna Land, while Reid plays remote control toy cars with the boys, as REID is targeted by NY hoodies by the request of the US Government, YIKES!! Its touch and go.

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    • jc the oligarch slayer

      I did not come here to read a novel. This is a posting ! short ! easy!
      I am sorry Greg. People seem to be mistaking your kindness, and tolerance to be ignorance.

      • George

        Amen…Derrick Michael Reid , Dud, take a Xanax. Please stop the copy and paste of other posts you’ve made. And if you think we’d give you half a mill or so for a scheme to “break” the bank…maybe, take 2

    • Reader


      Why in Heavens name did you have this comment posted? Were you hacked?

      • Greg

        No I will ask Mr. Read to shorten his comments in the future.

    • Stanley Crawford

      So,Derrick Michael Reid thinks Paul Craig Roberts is a true “Patriot”, yet doesn’t research the facts about the man. Paul Craig Roberts calls himself “Father of Reaganomics”; that nearly tripled the deficit having nothing to do with the collapse of the former U.S.S.R., while raising taxes 7 out of the 8 years in office. That took the U.S.A. from being the #1 creditor nation in the world to the #1 debtor one in less than 8 years. The entire Reagan “legacy” was based on massive debt spending your progeny will only be paying a fraction upon its compounding interest. How’s that “trickle down” working out for you and your descendents now?

      Reagan fired the union FAA Air Traffic Controllers that green-lighted corporations to off-shore and out-source American manufacturing. Reagan removed the solar panels from the White House roof and gutted alternative energy programs and didn’t follow through on the Carter Energy Policy, that would have had the U.S. operating on a grid of mass transit and the country leading the world in the desirable “green” technology jobs and not China. With China now possessing over 1.5 trillion $’s in U.S. Treasuries it can be said that both Reagan and P.C.R. admire the C.C.P. form of government.

      P.C.R. claims the U.S. “won” the Cold War, yet Russia today is a far more serious threat to the U.S.A. than it was 30 years ago.

      P.C.R. vilifies the coward Buckshot Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, yet had no problem working with them when a part of the Reagan administration.

      P.C.R. pontificates against the illegal activities of recent presidential administrations, but his “Gross Ignorance” about the illegal agenda the Treason fomenting Iran-Contra weapons for cocaine scandal proved; that should have had the most convicted Felons and others of the Reagan administration swinging from the ends of ropes. Wehrmacht soldiers were hung for lesser offenses.

      P.C.R. bloviates against the current Israeli government, yet had no problems working with them when a part of the Reagan administration; when his opinions could have been more influential.

      P.C.R. has written much about Terrorism, but neglects the Reagan administration called Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Al-CIAda, the Taliban “Freedom Fighters”; providing them billions of $’s in weapons, including Iran.

      P.C.R. says the “To Big to Fail” corporations should not have received the bailouts they got, yet it was the Reagan administrations lack of enforcing Anti-Trust legislation that allowed them to become what they are today.

      There are many other things P.C.R. has written about recently that run contrary to his actions of the past, but I’m not wanting to bore the reader, who can find out for themselves if they only did a little research. Being a shame most people seem to parrot lies and innuendo instead of searching for the truth.

      • Greg

        Stanley Crawford,
        Lots of blame to spread around to both parties especially Bush (43) and Obama. Paul Craig Roberts is a good man. Nobody has a perfect past. Thant said thank you for making your points here on USAWatchdog.com.

  4. Derrick Michael Reid

    Dr Roberts speak of US lawlessness and hubris.
    Dr Roberts is so right on here.

    USA Totalitarism leads Civil War
    Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Sunday, July 07, 2013 9:08:12 AM
    As I can only speak to California, being a resident, as there appears to be growing dark shadows over both coasts, that if change and direction is not had, the totalitarians in control may go to far, in the USA, and force upon us all, civil war and blood shed, for anyone with a reasonable mind who can project into the future, must see the inevitable clash between the police state and freedom lovers. Some people have already had enough, and have taken to violence. One man in Texas actually flew his plane into an IRS building, apparently no longer wanting to be a tax mule for the totalitarians in DC. The question is, who is really at fault, the guy who snapped, or was it IRS thuggery? Is an accumulative taking of 70% just to much. Does the labor participation rate have even further to fall? The USA police state has called freedom lovers now “extremists” and enacted laws to where mere speech is imprisonable, be it in a state run concentration camp or a county metal hospital, in which both, drugs are freely administered to sedate the so called unruly, who might have expressed undesirable free speech.

    The legal community, and the politicians are basically in bed together, into the control freak thing, being inherent cowards that they are, unwilling to let the people just rock and roll within actionable acts outside of criminal violence. The 9th circuit, and California legislatures are out of control, and are simply obscene with their rules, regulations, and opinions, to coward the people, to march in lock step to their brand of totalitarian rule.

    However, there is a thing called prosecutory discretion where the police state, armed with plenty of statues from the totalitarians, decide when to and when not to, actually prosecute, and incarcerate, and it is this discretion where, totalitarianism and freedom hang by a thread in the balance. They can not arrest everyone, so they must pick and choose. The cant throw everyone in concentration camps, so they must pick and choose. They cant tax everyone into financial ruination, for who would feed them. The cant enslave everyone with the hand outs, as someone must produce. They can however make examples of any free thinker, to coward nearly all, and the totalitarians in control have done a very good job at that. The contest is really between populace cowardice and bravery, in the land of the supposed free and brave. These totalitarians will stop at nothing to take away our guns, thoughts, and speech. The second amendment has nothing to do with criminal violence or hunting, but only to enable gun possession so that totalitarianism does not run out of the control, as armed brave people is the last ditch defense of freedom. Totalitarianism and Freedom hang by a thread in the balance. If totalitarianism is not stopped, more people will snap, and that will eventually lead to more violence, armed revolt, civil war, and blood shed. Totalitarianism must be stopped now civilly by the election process, before we reach the point of no return. I stand for nonviolent freedom of gun possession, thought and speech, as our founding fathers sought and as the plain language of the US Constitution prescribed.

  5. Derrick Michael Reid

    So JPM rigs the bullion space, but asserts that Clients money is “hedged”, though that wench did not mention the use of in-house money dump, in the tag team push down of the paper prices, but lets run with that.

    So client hedges, to justify naked shorts are:

    1) a Fraud, selling something you dont have,

    2) robbery from the GLD, a contigent interest in GLD through Melon

    3) sourced from other bullion banks, as part of racketeering,

    4) sourced from central banks, trying to protect paper currency.

    But it dont matter which it is, as all of them are interference of markets, except that, option 4) is the public image so-called out, as the kings can do no wrongs, but even so, to sale massively CB gold, to press down the markets, is interference, rather than selling in step wise lots so as to get maximum price for the CBs. Hence, even with the CB out, its still interference, and it still price rigging. It dont matter if its 1-2-3-4, in all cases, you nail them on massive dumps, to drive the price lower, and thats price rigging.

  6. Derrick Michael Reid

    The above 2 posts are just the PROLOGUE,
    this will rock your socks off.

    xxxxx puts the notice:

    Sinclair in Chicago July 8
    Submitted by xxxxxx on July 7, 2013 = 6:54am.

    If any Turdites are attending the meeting and would like to meet for lunch, the Berghoff Restaurant at 17 W. Adams is a block away from the Palmer House. They open at 11 am and I will be there around 11:15 am.

    A couple of fellow Turdites will be joining me and we look forward to meeting more of you. It would be fun to put some faces with names. You can ID me by my gold baseball cap. Look forward to meeting you.

    PM me if your interested so I can get a count for the restaurant.


    Hey Joe
    Submitted by Mad5Hatter on July 7, 2013 = 9:29am.

    While you’re there, I mean, if nothing is really going on, except bunch of yakity yak cows complaining, ask Santa, the tanz hag, if he has any spare change, to like, solve his freaking problem, as I cant panhandle that far, arms are to short.

    Brainwave: print a copy of the 500K Plan B, to take along in your hand to shoot your old lady down, by getting in front of the mic, on my behalf, and ask the hag why the bullion heavies have not yet funded the proposed 500K take down of JPM so as to end the reign of terror in the bullion markets. 😮

    Jimi Hendrix = Hey Joe

    Another brainwave, lightening strikes me again and again,

    print 100 copies of the 500K Plan B here.
    See the PROLOGUES …
    Submitted by Mad5Hatter on July 7, 2013 = 5:08am.

    Get to the conference 1 hour early, and pass them out kindly to people entering.

    Sinclair will be flaggergasted
    Eric King will think it OUTSTANDING as usual.
    Sprott will be beside himself and that golden Ifle tower
    Trud will chit a brick
    Murphy will be on the floor
    The cows will start screaming, half scared to death
    you will make code=prink look like sissies,
    and baby you will rock this world. LOL!!!

    Lou Christie = Lightnin’ Strikes


    Submitted by Mad5Hatter on July 7, 2013 = 10:21am.

    you bet, hatter just hit the trip wire, and the explosion is in motion, as next we all will get another scathing pointed essay from California Lawyer on public MOPE, political terrorism, and market interventions. LOL!

    George McCrae == Rock your Baby (1974)
    VAN McCOY = the hustle (1975) (HQ)

    both sides can play this game, and its about time the bugs went on offense.

    Two of Hearts By Stacey Q (HQ)

    In the mean time, lets twist the cat’s tail, and little more.

    @JamesGRickard Hope 2nd book how precisely JPM gets client hedges to naked short 400tons/min, Fraud, GLD or CB, what say U?

    The answer could also be Gold Cartel racketeering, but nonetheless also interference, ie. criminal price rigging. You wait till its grab balls time. The Merrill Lynch Wall Street Bull is gonna squeak, real loud.

    THEN CAME FANTASY LAND, totally off the charts!!

    So, PM 7/7/13 joe stays up all night making copies of the 500K attack Plan B,
    leafetts for passing out at the door of the Sinclair yakety Yak conference
    In AM 7/8/13 joe, dressed in civilian clothes, under cover, passes out copies of attack plan B to would be attendants at Santa’s conference.
    During the conference, there is a restless undertone, who would have known?
    At 10am 7/8/13 at the show, joe hits the mic, and asks Santa directly, why have not the gold heavies funded attack plan B,
    there is immediate uproar from the audience, at the conference, many standing, with fists clinched, loud voices everywhere, in sympathy for the question posed by good ole turdville JOE,
    Raucous cheers are heard loud and clear, the crowd is becoming unruly
    Security to the conference is summoned, quickly, the police are called by 911, while,
    Mr Gold is ushered off the podium surrounded by personal security guards and body guards with pistols brandished in plain view,
    FBI types in plain clothes hit the hotel floor where the conference is had.
    Security rushes into the conference room, weapons drawn, in body armor.
    Joe is hand cuffed on the spot, and is dragged away, last heard screaming, “DONT TAZ ME BRO”!!!
    Joe is incarcerated in the local precinct, guards with assault rifles are posted 24/7
    Court appointed psychologists are summed with injections and pills to sedate JOE in prison behind bars.
    Street occupiers hit the street yelling in unison, RELEASE JOE, RELEASE JOE, in an impromptu demonstration for free speech.
    O’Reilly on the No=Spin issues a talking condemning civil unrest in America
    Hannity, throws spit balls, footballs, and slated curves ball directly at Joe for stirring the pot and encouraging civil disobedience.
    BHO from the oval office asks the country to remain calm
    NY hoodies with Greedster hit contracts in had, lurk about Hatter’s home
    CIA types hit Hatter’s track with heat detection cameras looking for NY Hoodies
    Ferguson is chitting bricks, but fumbling the buttons on big boy pants, its touch and go
    Rickards drops off radar, having to rewrite chapter 5, of his 2nd new book.
    Trudites pop butter popcorn, as field reports hit the wire at turdville
    California lawyers hits the keyboard with another scathing lambasting essay of the police state locking up poor Joe exercising free speech rights
    Turd posts the scathing essay to rally turdite support, as California Lawer post comments numbers hit all time turdville highs
    Turd passes a big yellar for donations for bond money to “FREE JOE”, the new trudville hue&cry
    Eric King on KWN interviews Santa in a very important interview about the nasty occurrence, and the civil lawlessness and disobedient to authority
    Eric King on KWN interviews Embry in a another just stunning interview about the global degeneration going on everywhere as shown at the Santa conference.
    Joe is finally released from the jail cell, still whistling the tune to the pink panther, with tazer burns from head to toe, and black eyes from police interrogations, and wet hair from water boarding.
    Eric Sprott coughs up the doe, and mad hatter launches attack plan B.

    Just another day at turdville ….

    The Pink Panther Theme Song (Original Version)

  7. Fraser

    I fear that PCR is correct. Washington is systematically destroying each and every country. Some by wars and some by installing US banksters to control the economy. Then the assasins offer the “lifeline” of freshly printed US dollars. Until everyone is addicted and the US owns the world. Shoot me now!

  8. Albert Tesla

    Why is it so hard to fathom that the internet is 100 percent monitored? Even as a child in my teens i understood ultimately that the internet must have a “source” thats man made and hence the logic that someone can perhaps be intercepting / storing whatever it is I’m doing.

    And plus, to be honest, yes it does sound very Orwellian for the US to be spying on everyone from citizens to other nations, but can you blame them? The internet is very much the equivalent of an entire new world….although its not a tangible land you can touch, it influences our world beyond anything we have ever seen in human history…. imagine if a new continent was discovered tomorrow with an abundance of rare X Y and Z resources….what would happen? Everyone would try to claim it….duh….usa was the first to conquer the internet, i say kudos to them.

    To me, the entire world is a free for all chess game, each player (whether they are nations, or secret societies) is trying to get the advantage over the other…having dominance in the internet/communications world is VITAL in this era were a thing called twitter can potentially shut down cities….

    As for his comments on the trades with Europe, he claims Europeans are “stupid” essentially for agreeing to the terms….What makes you think these people (european leaders) aren’t shaking their hands with USA leaders with their fingers crossed behind their backs?

    “The biggest mistake a smart general can make is assume he is smarter then everyone else” – old quote not exact but the meaning is there

    If i was a country in the EU, i would say “hell yeh lets ride this out get this free money and when the shit hits the fan we bail”

    One world currency i laughed out loud (or lol as they say) good luck to achieving that goal victory goes to the highest bidder and russia got the supply lines not to mention many cultural and former political ties / ideologies with many european nations with all that delicious energy that russia has what can USA give them in return GMO corn?

  9. jc the oligarch slayer

    Great interview Greg. Saturday I was at the local store buying my regular silver coins. A gentleman listening to our conversation said the USA will never let the dollar fail. I asked how can they stop it? He said they will come up with something. Seems like they have.
    I consider the dollar to be a pyramid scheme. The people at the bottom are running out, so now the people at the top are expanding to continue the scheme. Gravity tells no lies. Top heavy trees eventually falls. Thanks as always.
    PS. Will John Williams be on soon? Its been to long. LOL

    • Greg

      jc the oligarch slayer,
      Remember this is not a fix but more pretend and extend. It may not work or some black swan could derail everything. Who knows. One thing is for sure the financial system is now very complicated with all this financial engineering and manipulation. According to Dr. Nassim Taleb http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/ Complicated systems are inherently fragile. You should be protecting your self from the fragility of the system because it is likely to crash from some unforeseen “Black Sawn” event. I know you are doing just that when you buy PM’s. Thank you for your comment.

      • jc the oligarch slayer

        Greg thanks for all you do.

  10. art barnes

    Greg, its not that the U.S. economy is good, its just that the other countries economy are no better or worst, meaning, still top dog. Top dogs control and control means staying on top. I think that was what the good Dr. was saying, although more eloquent of course. One thing is certain around here in the west, more people are becoming the working poor with each new low wage or part time job this economy is producing.

    • Greg

      Good point Art Barns.

  11. Anne Elliott

    American ingenuity; if you can’t beat them, join ’em, so that you CAN beat them!!

  12. jerry

    Greg great interview. I hate to disagree with Dr. Roberts, but there really is no way to avoid falling off the “Debt Hockey Stick” regardless of whether other countries decide to continue to trade with us or not. At the end of the day they will all run to “Gold” as a safe haven to protect their assets. The derivative trading is well outside the bounds of government control, and is on a course of its own. Leave it to Joe Biden to spill the beans.
    They all know what is coming. That is why the Chinese are buying huge amounts of Gold right now. Greg did you hear anything about a major Chinese Bank going insolvent a few weeks ago?

    • Greg

      Your point and video link are valid. Who knows what will happen and when? Thank you for weighing in here.

  13. david (archivesDave) clumpner

    They just keep on getting better Greg… One of the best ones yet!

    Here’s my tribute to the ‘Good Doctor’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMHLrqKTOfA
    One minutia I have to pick with him: His comment about America’s oil
    supply being depleted in twenty years.
    Come on…If he’d done his homework on the ‘oceans’ of oil under the Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska’s Bering Sea, he certainly wouldn’t have
    made that ridiculous statement.
    So is he obfuscating on purpose or is he truly oblivious of this?

    • Greg

      Thank you David, Jim and Andrew for the comments and links.

    • Furrball

      Ocean’s of oil eh? An ocean is an awful lot. Would you care to provide some hard data as to how much is available considering that the world consumes 93 million barrels of oil a day. 93 million barrels a day is 33.945 billion barrels a year. The cost of offshore drilling is much higher than that of just drilling it out of the ground. Dr. Roberts is actually correct, your oceans of oil assumption needs to be verified and brought to market cheaply. Remember the US is only consuming 19 million barrels of oil a day. Barely 20% of WORLD consumption. The US does not use all of it’s oil for its personal consumption and in fact companies sell that oil to make a profit. The government just gets the tax base. And it takes close to 7-10 years to get all the necessary permits to finally set up said rig.

  14. Jim H

    Good morning Greg
    Thank you Paul Craig Roberts for telling us the dollar will stand. Everyone keeps waiting for gold to hit 6 thousand (and well, it should already be there)but the stock market just keeps going up and gold down. This is reality. The NWO planner’s can chip us (whether on a card or implant)much easier using digits rather than gold. We really need to see facts can no longer be used to calculate where money will go from here.

  15. Dwain

    Greg, media keeps referring back to Feds hinting of pullback as the cause for bond yields surging. But the selloff started before the announcement. The timing is suspicious. I’m wondering if the announcement is cover for more ominous reasons for selloff and therefore excuse for increasing stimulus.

    • Greg

      At this point nothing would surprise me. We no longer have fundamentals just market manipulation. Thank you for checking in here.

      • bob d

        The market has been fixes most of my 63 years. Inflation is the easy fix year after year. The whole idea of paper money with no nothing backing it,puts the fix right in your face.
        The only thing a working stiff can save is a home paid off
        and hope like hell the city don’t want to incorporate your Potato garden. Peace

  16. Charles H.

    Hey Greg,

    I’ve long thought that the rotten, cheating USA would play unfair for as long as they could get away with it. This confirms my opinion. Now it seems that they will try to extend their corruption to all the Western world through it’s alliances. First the US government just about forces banks to give unqualified loans – liar loans – to anybody and everybody; then packages those loans certified “AAA” to sell the world over (as Derivatives?): thus placing most buyers of US Debt on the hook. I can imagine the officials bullying and blackmailing these heavily invested countries to join in the same corrupt practices or go down in flames with the debt they hold that would go totally to zip if America crashes. Frankly, I think the leaders will cave; after putting up a front of indignation.
    What these countries OUGHT to be asking themselves is – if they stoop so low as to cave to US demands to play such fraud, on a world-wide scale: then they demonstrate they are no better than the stinking USA. America has “sold out” it’s people; but other countries don’t have to, like Germany (though the Bundesbank is just like Citi – it’s broke; and the US still has it’s gold). If I were them – I’d take the loss and let the US go down in flames alone, then pick up the pieces. IF they do cave, and lengthen-out the felonious spiral down – then the whole of the Western world is guaranteed to crash as a single entity, sometime down the road. Or do the world leaders really believe they can live a lie?!?; or split the world in two???
    Who would have guessed that it would be Russia and China who, in this global economic chess-match, that could “pull the plug” and stop this madness by redeeming all their Treasuries and debt, and become saviors of sorts. But why trip someone who is in the process of falling themselves? And if they wait – they might bag the whole Western world at one time. (Or it could be the Arabs and their oil.)
    With a solidified economic and subjugated political block – America will be able to continue to destroy Precious Metals, and fight any competition to it’s devaluing currency, with everybody devaluing theirs. It’s like playing Monopoly with a kid who rigs the game and won’t let anyone else win. Human government becomes the enemy of mankind. Again.

  17. AndyB

    Greg: PCR’s take on the TPP is interesting. I, for one, feel that it has little chance given that leaked portions of it (it has been written and negotiated with utmost secrecy) indicate that, if passed, will totally abrogate individual national sovereignty in favor of multinational corporate interests and the FED/BIS run banking cartel. While it is true that most national leaders are corrupt and beholden to the banksters, it will take only a few sovereign patriots to derail the TPP. But maybe I am too naive.

  18. ken

    Not only Europe and Asia but Russia too! Didn’t Putin come out recently and call the US “their partners” while chastising Snowden?

    Could Russia (Putin) be this stupid? Has there been some kind of stupid germ loosed on the world?

    These trade agreements are only good for the banking cartel. It appears they ARE the “world government” and are about to uncloak. Not a good thing for us peasants.

  19. Mitch Bupp

    Watched this today … check out the economic numbers and how we are all doomed ……


    Thank You < Greg and Paul ….. accurate, timely and reality in a world of denial…..

    • Greg

      Thank you Mitch for the links and kind words.

      • jc the oligarch slayer

        Thanks Mitch. Very educational. America may be able to print itself out of a depression, but it cant print the world out of one.

  20. Monique Verdin

    PCR never fails to enlighten us to the situation of the world at large in terms that are easy to understand.

  21. Brian

    What I am noticing from many of my friends and others, is that when the topic of gold and the dollar comes up there is this almost apologetic admission that the dollar has been abused to the point that it is now held up through total fear alone. That is to say that not only here in this country, but obviously elsewhere throughout the developed world, these banks and our fed have managed to get people so entangled with the fate of the dollar that no one wants to see it go down…..no one wants to take the cold shower and no one wants to take the plunge into what will likely be a chaos filled correction in regard to what is used for money.

    The problem is that, just like what is asserted here, the actions being taken now to preserve the dollar are only buying time and not staving off the inevitable, at some point people are going to walk from the dollar, what the governments of the developed world are doing with the time being bought is not too hard to figure out. One thing is for sure the time is not being used to soften the landing for all of us peons, rubes, “Rians” and peasants.

    • g.johnson

      rishabh dave, or whoever you are. greg is correct. mr. snowden told us nothing that those of us who have been paying attention have not already known for many years. he just got the word out to those who have not been paying attention so much.
      not sure where you are from dave, but you seem lacking in your understanding of the constitutional responsibilities and duties of an American citizen. mr. snowden observed a corrupt government acting out in a decidedly constitutionally untoward manner and made his observances known. basic civic duty, nothing more.
      so one must ask, given your misplaced advocacy for a corrupt government, just what is your agenda?

  22. Jim

    Celente repeats often: Currency war, trade war, shooting war and in the end they take you to war. Is this part of the trade war with the munipulation being described?

  23. Janet G

    Hi Greg, You mentioned that the Bible says there would be one currency. As I have been a student of the Bible for many years, I do not know of this. Please give me the scripture.
    Thank you.

    • Greg

      Janet G,
      Sorry I meant to say “cashless society.”

      • jc the oligarch slayer

        Greg is this the scripture you were thinking of ?

        The Mark of the Beast
        16And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three score and six.

        • Greg

          Thank you JC for posting this.

    • Anne Elliott

      The Bible says that in the end times, no one will be able to buy or sell without receiving the mark of the Beast. This mark has been assumed to be a cashless type of currency, or the approval to use the currency, and in modern times has been assumed to be a micro-chip like those used in Identification badges or in credit cards.

      • jc the oligarch slayer

        Anne. There was a time as a young man these things made no sense. Today they fit like a glove.

  24. Omartin

    Due diligence regarding the FED & Federal Reserve Note (“FRN”) plainly describes the fact that FRN is simply a promise to pay the bearer…in more FRN’s, which are only backed by “assets” of the FED (more fiat paper such as T-Bills, Treasuries, etc.). When Silver was $35/oz, my son asked me for a $900 loan. To show teach him a valuable lesson about “real money” & use of collateral, I took possession of his Silver Kilo bar and didn’t return it to him until he repaid his loan. Proudly (as a father), my son was more devastated that he “lost” his kilo bar than about the money he spend/borrowed.

  25. Jim Weeber

    Can enough deals be made to navigate our way out of a treasurey bond bust? Are these described deals being done now the equivalent of “death spiral financing” as we see when businesses and individuals take out 2nd and 3rd mortgages?

    I don’t think anyone has ever won betting against the US government. Are we on the verge of something we’ve never seen?
    Stansberry and Peter Schiff apparently think we are on the edge. Is there a point where mathmatical shananigans and currency manipulations no longer keep the economy running? Looking for historical learned opinions.

  26. Mark

    I have tremendous respect for Dr. Roberts, in particular his courage.

    I agree that the U.S. will do everything to sustain the dollar as the reserve currency of the world. However, a lot of things have to stay together for this to happen, which I have a hard time believing. It’s hard to believe that the European ruling class can’t see where U.S. hegemony is leading. In this regard, I agree with a previous commenter, that blackmail is the great persuader here.

    The U.S. has the hammer hand over Europe regardless of trade or oil dependency. Bakken oil at best will add 1% to global production. However, more and more drilling is required since decline rates are horrific. Besides, it isn’t oil Europe needs, it’s natural gas. It’s not likely Russia will be displaced as the main supplier of this energy source anytime soon. The big strategic play here is controlling the pipeline from the Black/Caspian Sea area to do a run around of Russia, for gas to Europe. One more reason Iran is in the cross hairs.

    Europe van also trade with the U.S. in dollars but it can also trade with China in Euros, or Russia for that matter. But does trade really create the biggest demand for dollars? All we have to do is to look at financial trading to see that it dwarfs tangible trade. There is no question that the U.S. is absolutely dominant in that.

    There are far too many balls in the air for all these central planners to juggle. The debt bomb is the biggest risk, as any serious decline in global economic activity will makes not only banks but most countries seriously insolvent. Money printing will only go so far in keeping that situation afloat. All it takes is for one to fall, and they all fall.

  27. g.johnson

    dang it!! that last reply was meant to go under reply to rishabh dave,oops.


    this whole protect the dollar scheme looks like the last and ultimate kicking of the can from here. just when we are about out of road to kick it down.

    the dollar is in no trouble whatsoever. even though we call them dollars, what we are talking about here is the federal reserve note, a completely different animal than the dollar which has not been circulating in the economy for over a hundred years.

    starting to think that maybe the people of Egypt are on to something.

    keep up the good work greg, you seem to come up with a new angle to consider just about every day.

  28. Troy

    one of your best and most informative interviews to date Greg!


    • Greg

      Thank you Troy!

  29. MAL

    Hi Greg,
    I have a few questions for you or other commenters.
    1. Amidst all the posturing fro European leaders over our spying
    is it plausible that their own intelligence agencies were
    completely unaware of this?
    2. With so many counties buying gold how do their gold
    purchases stack up against their holdings of U. S.
    treasuries. Could this be a hedge in anticipation
    of a drop in bond prices when interest rates go up.

  30. garys


    Thanks for all you are doing. Many moons ago I started reading your site. Before starting reading your things I started hording tools, metals and doing gardening. I am now hording more metals and have expanded gardening to permaculture. I’ve also at one time seen a live talk by Dr. Roberts.

  31. Amman

    IMO, The worst that can happen in the USA is a devaluation of the dollar – which is not as horrible it sounds and is something that is quite survivable. Also, IMO, The chances of the US economy imploding or that oft-used word, “collapsing”, are remote to nil. The US Government, tho, will continue to take a beating on the international state/foreign arena – one reason being that its actions are always locked to Israeli interests and Muslim countries/people IMO will not overlook this. There will probably be no country as individually great as the US again – but the US will be eclipsed by the fearsome (but safe!!) 21st century WORLD that is emerging.

  32. jerry

    Greg did you catch on Friday that the government has come out and said that they will rely upon “peoples word” about whether or not they meet the income qualifications for the subsidies under the Affordable Care Act that will open exchanges in October? Talk about ringing the debt dinner bell. Is it obvious yet that the NWO plan is to keep drawing us deeper into the hole? That way when people panic they will go along with whatever plan they present them.

    • Greg

      Good stuff jerry. Thank you for posting it here. Ding ding!!!

  33. Bryon

    Did it ever dawn on you that this snowden guy must be a cia operative? He did work for the correct agencies. Notice how fast Been Gauze ee, went away? They keep talking about snowed-in like it is a movie with sequel after sequel… perfect set up for a distraction. And, what, my friend did he reveal that no one already knew? It is a lie, set up, and distraction…. known as an “operation.” However, one can always disagree with that, as it is a speculation on either party. Good gold days ahead and thanks for your articles and interviews, they are great. Kindly, Bryon

    • Greg

      Good point.

  34. Derrick Michael Reid

    USA Needs Good Project Engineering

    To right the ship of state, the highest level of government functions, need to first get it right. Currently, loose cannons rule the roost, and so, what do you all expect? Come on folks, chop down them trees, viciously too, confliction running wild, and make as big a mess as you have done.

    Working another missive, understanding the whole, the failures of greenies, democrates, republicans, RNA, Bugs, spiritualists, nonspiritualists, occupiers, American-centric electrorate, freedom lovers, totalitarians, kenyesians, austrians, etc, all centered and playing cards with MOPEd perspectives, backgrounds, and cultures, failing to comprehend the whole, with those MOPEd perspectives, where greed (Self Interests) and charity (Mutual Interests) are the real personal and global drivers, when taught and understood, can unite them all for humanity’s continued ascent, with their sought after solutions, and, couched in plain language constitutional terms, for the object at hand.

    High order project engineering sets forth the trade offs in articulated terms, and then lets the tree choppers have at it, knowing that the close loop system will eventually work magic to align the tree choppers to right directions generally and maximal prosperity during the ascent of human kind.
    NASA video: Space shuttle Endeavour final launch

    But Im still having trouble figuring out the price of tomatoes. Must be Comex naked short selling rigging price manipulation, preventing real price discovery.

    Here is a clue:

    Fight and Flight, being aware of aggregate global perspectives, political parties and personal skulls, experiencing cross currents and eddies, translates generally into freedom lovers and totalitarians. So, ying and yang, which side are you really on, at this time, of the ascent of man?
    Stacey Q – Two of Hearts

    O’Reilly on the factor hit a ball out of part, indicating that the Supreme Court has become a political body. Yours translated that many years ago as “Judicial Corruption” and Bill, my friend, here is the reason why, 110 years of totalitarian leftist pandering that has had its effects. Bill is one of the best thinkers out there, ratings suggest the same, actually, its just to bad he has to chop trees most of the time, for the nightly drama, to pay the bills, (pun intended), and gets distracted, for the guy has a excellent mind to get it all, comprehensively so.

    I wonder if Bill or Laura or Hunter would ever consider being Press Secretary? Just Asking.
    Could you imagine Ann being a press secretary? MSM would get butt bit, quick.

    • droidX-G

      This is slightly incoherent … I know because some of my posts read that way too ;-l)
      Try being succinct and not the streaming of raw thought

  35. Kenny the K

    John Rappaport from nomorefakenews.com makes a a compelling case that Snowden was a CIA operative exposing all this NSA surveillance on behalf for non other than – drum roll please “The CIA” who have been bucking heads with the NSA for decades.
    Seems to make alot of sense as William Binney and others have been openly talking about the massive surveillance programs for quite some time now with very little if any reaction from the TPTB


    • Greg

      Good stuff Kenny. It’s hard to argue against Rappaport’s logic and analysis.

  36. jc the oligarch slayer

    Question in my mind. If the price of gold was 1.00 per oz. and the banks unloaded it to the people. What could one do with it? What would be its value ? Could we the people buy at the stores with it?
    Just a crazy question in my mind.

    • Greg

      IMHO if gold was valued at $1 Gasoline would be 1 cent a gallon. Anybody else want to shed some analysis on JC’s question. You are a good man JC. Thank you for starting a discussion here.

      • Anne Elliott

        If gold was a dollar an ounce, I would buy as much of it that I could, and then sell it to all of the computer, cell phone and tv manufacturers, as well as all of the dentists, jewelers, and and bouillon manufacturers! See http://geology.com/minerals/gold/uses-of-gold.shtml for the many uses of gold. I’ve even seen people eat gold foil that garnished fancy cakes… Wonder what that does to the digestive system…

        • jc the oligarch slayer


          • jc the oligarch slayer

            Goldschlager would be the drink of poor people. The list goes on. Gold false teeth.

    • Rebecca

      It’s a great question, JC the oligarch slayer.

      One (not me!) has a warehouse of gold stored.
      The crash comes, the economic system collapses.
      Does one take gold and go to the grocery store and buy goods?

      Why does logic say – no, you don’t?

      It would seem the only purpose to gold is to redeem for the “new currency” or to be a player in the “new economic system” that emerges after the old one goes bye-bye.

      Trading those gold pieces for the new “digital” or “cashless” new world order money and restoring some measure of your wealth. To restore some “buying power.”

      I do not believe the buying power of gold will be at the grocery store.
      It will be at the New World Order Bank.
      Cash in your gold and step up to take their MARK.
      It’ll be easy.

      But before you do, remember what God told us all in Revelation about the MARK.

  37. jerry

    J. C.
    I once worked for a company that made their fortune smuggling Gold across the border from Canada during the Depression. The fact is when times are hard the Banks want Gold in exchange for dollars, and they don’t care how they get it. The trick is to hold it until prices hit rock bottom. When the collapse comes the initial phase is hyperinflation. Most people aren’t prepared and spend most of their resources to survive. At least that’s how it worked the last time during a period my grandpa referred to as “The Dirty Thirty’s”.

    • jc the oligarch slayer

      Jerry. I am sure you have forgotten more then most will ever know.

  38. Derrick Michael Reid

    USA and the Libereens
    Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Tuesday, July 09, 2013 4:14:26 PM
    The proposed political party, the Libertarian-Green party presently has a member of one, but there is always one who breaks the mold and ventures forth where none dare travel, such as in 1492. This new party would only have an HQ staff for logistics, and members only to the extent necessary of offering yours to the country as a commander in chief as that is the call of duty, and no more. There is no interest in money, libraries, personal glory, perpetual political power, but only righting the ship of state, at this time, before its too late, where when, all can join and help this noble cause to save the country from ruination and collapse. For more click this link: http://totalcontrol.blogtownhall.com/

    • droidX-G

      Good post

    • droidX-G

      You had me thinking you were being paid by the character posted

  39. John Marty

    Our currency sounds like a house of cards. Check out this video:

  40. jerry

    I don’t mean to be rude but, what in the name of Barack Obama’s dog are you talking about?

  41. allen hall

    Greg: Dr. Paul is just absolutely wrong on the USA oil status. I have 3 inside government people that say we have 600-800 years of oil already found, and the government won’t release it until they take oil to $150+/barrel. Wait until you ask Rev. Lindsey Williams about this??


    • jc the oligarch slayer

      Allen hall. I heard Lindsey Williams say that on Alex jones radio less then a year ago. Just like Alex jones , Lindsey Williams comes across a little off the wall, Yet they both are usually right.

      • A. Hall

        Greg & JC- I know a top insider officer from the CIA. Lindsey says about 600 years of oil, my CIA friends said no to that – he says 800 years. If people don’t believe this– listen to Linsey- he gives the where the oil is, date reported, quality of the oil. He doesn’t make these things up. Another insider agrees with my CIA friend. These insiders will talk the truth, you just have to be trusted by them. I know of lots of other input that most would never believe- all bad about our government and what is about to take place here in the USA!!!

  42. Joe

    Greg blocks everybody he does not agree with. Applies both here and on his Youtube channel. I guess that it looks better when the critics are blocked.

    • Greg

      Is this Jopejustjoe again? I block people who give tons of criticism and do not use real names. Man-up and use a real name and I’ll let you on. the other thing is you have to keep it clean. foul language will not be tolerated. By the way, I also block people giving investment advise without giving proper credentials. I don’t post anonymously and my guests do not interview with hidden identities why should you?

  43. Suzanne

    Hi Greg!
    I’ve noticed a couple of things…
    first, you won’t find any denomination of US paper money younger than 2009. They’re creating money… by data entry… but not actually printing paper money.
    Secondly, I put your site, and a few others, on the research sources each answer I offer on Yahoo Answers. Anytime I tell someone to get away from the big banks, get out of the stock market and buy some silver, I get “reported” to Yahoo Answers by some troll, either some government spook or a stockbroker troll.
    I consider this my own little commando mission into consciousness.

  44. Dana W

    Great interview Greg, sure don’t blame Paul Craig Roberts for not wanting to make any predictions seems like since 2007 when things tanked everything has been pretty unpredictable and totally manipulated.

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