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  1. paul

    It seems to me that the foremost major problem in the U.S. and in fact the world in general is not the banks, the governments,etc., but is actually the reporters of the media,gov’t and bank controlled networks! If (and I am only giving as an example) all the networks and
    cable stations (NWO controlled) were taken over and only the truth then being told to the public. (This being much easier to do than take over gov’t etc.)Then and only then would a mass awakening definately occur instead of the mass propaganda that is now in place.
    A preplanned organised and well timed mission to do this (with honest prerecorded messages etc.)would be far easier to implement. (and I even think quite plausible).
    Trying to awaken the public through subversion, the courts and politics is a waste of time because they are all corrupt.
    Therefore; the first and foremost ideal would be to take over their corrupt media! Please make this viral!

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