Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.5.13
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
A key provision in Obama Care has been postponed. Didn’t I tell you even the strongest Obama supporters are worried about the damage this will cause in the economy? The Obama Administration abruptly postponed the “employer mandate” portion of the health care rollout. Employers were already cutting hours to 29 from 40 because they didn’t want to be forced to give health care to full time employees. Individuals are still going to be forced to buy health care insurance or get fined. Obama Care is still going to be a disaster to the economy; they’re just trying to lessen it until after the 2014 mid-term election. The Obama Administration is just putting off what even some prominent Democrats have called a “train wreck” so they will get hurt less in the upcoming election. My prediction–this is not going to save them.
The military coup in Egypt that ousted President Mohamed Morsi is just another sign of Middle East instability. The Army moved in and moved out Morsi amid massive protests to his year old presidency. The Muslim Brotherhood is now out of power and, at least for the near term, that is good news. Egypt’s economy is caught in a downward spiral that Morsi presided over. Tourism is off 30% or more because of Morsi’s hard line Islamist rule and massive ongoing protests. Just that has caused this economically hard hit country to take a least a $3 billion hit. Many of the original protesters say the Muslim Brotherhood hijacked the movement and traded one tyrant for another. The Army says it will have elections but no timetable was set.
The latest casualty in the Edward Snowden NSA leak scandal is relations between the U.S. and EU counterparts. Snowden revealed the NSA not only spied on just about every American but on our EU allies as well. They are mad as hell. European officials want to bring this up as they negotiate on a massive trade deal. It’s called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Snowden is supposed to leak more embarrassing stories in the future. By the way, Russian spy Anna Chapman tweeted a marriage proposal to Snowden recently. Remember her? She was the hot redhead caught spying for Russia. The U.S. deported her and several others about three years ago.
Finally, Citigroup has joined a growing list of big banks to settle with the government for misrepresenting the quality of mortgages it sold to Fannie Mae. Citi is paying $968 million to settle claims on 3.7 million home loans. Let’s see, that’s about $260 for each loan. That sounds pretty cheap to me. Basically, we’re talking about mortgaged-backed securities that Citi said it sold as top quality but instead had high default rates. They could have been forced to buy them back because they were not as good as they said they were. These loans were commonly called “toxic.” Many of the loans in the securities contained what are called “liar loans.” Why do the taxpayers have to absorb this junk while another Too-Big-Too-Fail Bank gets a slap on the wrist? Why are there not fraud charges brought? Why isn’t Citi forced to buy this junk back? Oh, that’s right, that’s what Too-Big-Too-Fail means. You think Citi would survive if it had to take back 3.7 million loans? If each loan was just $100,000, that would mean Citi would have to take back $370 billion in “toxic” debt. Don’t you love how the mainstream media soft pedals this kind of massive rip-off to the taxpayer?
Join Greg Hunter as he gives his analysis on these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

hi greg you never mentioned who determined the 968 million on the so called dispute.i think who ever determined that amount is as guilty as the banks.kepp up the good work.i love your guests and your opinions on world news.i think you are the most credible news person around.thanks again erik
erik dokken,
It was probably a deal between the Justice Department, Treasury (Treasury Secretary Jack Lew came from Citi) and Citigroup. Thank you for your kind words.
Hi Greg, great wrap up but Citigroup will not be washing all those loans at $260 each. There will also be serious kick-backs being paid behind the scenes to corrupt officials. But I would love to hear “Sanjay” on the subject – God Bless the United Staes of America! Suck it up suckers! Because there’s plenty more where that came from!
Thank you for weighing in. I am happy you are as outraged as I am on this subject!
Your challenge to ‘Sanjay’the had me ROFLMAO! God bless you. I need a laugh badly 😉
Citigroup (and the other Amerikan banksters) F-d the global financial system in 2008 with their so-called AAA mortgaged backed securities. Legal cases are now being heard and settled everywhere. This settlement simply sets a (low) precedent of $260 per mortgage so as to limit the enormous exposure of global Amerikan fraud.
Yes, and how is 968 million going to hurt a bank that receives billions from the government too. Good job Greg.
Great to hear some honest reporting always look forward to fridays wrap-up..take care and have great weekend
‘This is costing the U.S. taxpayer plenty. Simply outrageous. How do you like the way the MSM is covering this enormous rip-off? That in and of itself is a outrage on its own. I heard Bill O’Reilly on FOX News last night sign off on his show by saying he was “looking out for you.” Really? He missed this enormous fraud and crime that has gone unreported and unpunished? Please stop the “spin” in the “No spin zone.” I should not single him out though because as far as I can tell, nobody did any analysis of coverage of this financial atrocity.
And for the rest of the news & truth, here’s Greg Hunter, The best news man ever! Have a wonderful week end, you deserve it!
M. Smith,
Thank you very much for your kind words!!!
I agree, Bill O’Reilly’s give a damn is busted. He has his pantry packed and a safeplace. Plus, he is too darn old to care anymore it seems. He is just pumping and dumping for self serving purposes for the most part.
O’Reilly has always been all about self-promotion. Even at his best, his focus was on pedophilic judges and things like that that angers all of us and about which no sane person could disagree. Bill wasn’t even good enough to qualify as “controlled opposition”.
Isn’t it illegal for Obama to change the law? How can this dictator just decide which pieces of the law he wants and which he doesn’t?
Who is going to hold his feet to the fire? The MSM? That is a valid point!! Thank you for making it here.
Greg: re Obamacare: I guess the total marxist takeover of the US has hit a snag. I wonder what Plan B is?
Democrats are deluding themselves if they think this one delay in Obama care is going to save the economy. There is plenty in the law that goes into effect in 2014 that will help kill the business environment. Thanks for the comment.
I really enjoy watching your youtube videos!
Thanks and keep the good work up
Thank you Robert!
Greg I work directly with the Health Insurance Industry. The Insurance companies are telling us Health Insurance Cost will go up by as much as 125% next year. They are going to absorb huge loses when pre-exiting condition mandates kick in. I predict people will be lining up at the government exchanges to get coverage. Good-bye private Insurance companies. Hello single payer Government Healthcare. Can you imagine a government that not only data mines private information for the IRS through the NSA, but has complete access to your health records? Pretty scary stuff. I mean come on, what are they going to do, if people refuse to buy Health Insurance, start jailing them? I’m even hearing of reports that under Obamacare Doctors are required to report to the CDC anyone that has a concealed to carry license, that has any form of mental illness, or physical disability. Its none of their business! Obamacare will give the Federal Government unlimited access to your private records. Greg, I don’t know about you, but I’m about to say screw it, and quit working and stop paying taxes, and let KashKari keep buying Treasury Bonds, and take care of me for a change. But then again, about the time I would do that, the whole outhouse would go up in flames anyway :).
Blue Cross and Blue Shield told me the same thing. How is this not going to suck the life out of an already teetering economy? Thank you for your reporting from the real world!
Well said Brother!
Be afraid, be very, very afraid of…IRS, NSA, DHS…basicly your govt
Jerry you are so right. The way to change there non-government back into our government is to simply don’t cooperate. We cant lose if we don’t play the rigged game at hand. Thank you.
Ps. I like the way Gerald Celente put it – There is no Republican, or Democrat party. There is a party and we the people are not invited. Yet we the people are paying for it.
Whats unbelievable is not what the fascist government is letting the banks get away with, it is that we the people still think there is a difference between the banks and our government!
Now that we have all been convinced that saving and investing are the same, and that all our retirement funds are tied up in these fraudulent schemes run by the banks, they got the leverage they need to do just about whatever they want, so long as its explained all nice and innocently to us toothless (and I do mean toothless) low life serfs feeding off the table crumbs at the bottom of the dip tank. Kinetic actions, easing of a quantitative type, settling a dispute or two, all the kind of wordsmithing bullshit designed to act in conjunction with those candy colored meds and that undying dull flickering light coming out of the boob tube to make it seem all right.
Given that the criminal behavior at the top is now completely unchecked I expect that we will soon see the velevety pretentious glove fall of the pitiless iron fist as it mashes our collective faces into bone chip filled pulp, and that will just be the warm up act, tyranny and unaccountability contort the people who “benefit” from it into sick, sick, sick creatures indeed!
You said, “. . .the people still think there is a difference between the banks and our government!” Bingo!!! Fantastic point! Thank you for making it here.
Greg, big business in bed with the government is fascism, pure & simple, and american big business are likely to have twins this time around.
Exactly. This partnership explains the huge support the big corporations give to Obama. And Big Gov cripples Small Biz which greatly helps Big Biz.
The trade unions are a false front to take away the sovereignty of the United States. I you look at how the EU was formed and then implemented you will find an exact game plan. These trade agreements are bad for the US
If the banks and their settlements get this kind of treatment we are screwed….. there is no rule of law just a cheap pawn games……
Thank you Allen Hall for the comment. Sad 4th of July in the USA!
I hate that the extremists have co-opted the “Progressive” label. Contrary to Glen Beck, Ted Roosevelt’s brand of Progressivism was a good thing. He believed that people should be given a hand up and a man should pull himself up by his bootstraps.
I agree with you that Obamacare destroys America.
So you think TR was a genuine populist looking out for the common man? OMG! Read Andrew Napolitano’s book “Theodore and Woodrow” and get the facts! TR loved big, unconstitutional gov’t and was a believer in NWO. Populism was a facade to fool the sheeple.
i have read a good portion of TR’s writings and base my opinion on that. Have you?youngest
Happy Friday Greg
Well let’s see, we have backed all the people we are supposed to hate in the middle east meanwhile causing division between ourselves, Russia & China. Does someone want a big war for profit (always like to leave that last bit so I don’t get confused by the MSM about all our good motives for doing what we do. No comment on Mr. Snowden because I tried to submit one an hour ago and my computer locked up when I hit submit. Wasn’t the first time at your site this happened. I’ll just pray for him. A little late for complaining about Citi and others dumping toxic assets on us using Fannie Mae. We should have complained when the “assets were moved. Almost immediately after the assets were downgraded to toilet paper. Again, notice, no names involved just Citi. I think the last time people were named other than Madoff was Ken Lay and Skilling (who by the way just had his sentence greatly reduced. What the un-named should have learned from the Enron debacle is to not be corrupt because the American people through their representatives will get you. What they learned was they, using our representatives could declare corporations people and never need to name names again (with the help and full cooperation of the MSM). Besides any issue involving corruption and huge sums of money with the help of our representatives now are national security issues which should not be looked into (again with the help and full cooperation of the MSM). Obama care is a joke because it was always designed to put 45 million people in debt to the insurance companies at taxpayer expense. Anyone who ever thought “single payer” or “public option” was ever a real option does not have a grasp on the new Capitalism. The rest they don’t really care about as long as they get the 45 million.
Have a fun weekend and happy birthday us.
I think that the fatal flaw in their plan is that when they beggar the American tax payer and destroy millions of Small business, who is going to pay the military industrial complex?
The elites know it’s all coming down. Their plan is to steal as much as they can now, then they expect to be on the inside of the NWO to profit yet again. They’re doing all they can to prop up the dollar’s reserve currency status so the USA can keep up its debt spending as long as possible.
It used to be were the little guy had all of the rights of a wealth guy. Now, not only will the little guy get prosecuted by the govt but he has to pay for the greed and corruption of the rich guy. Who came up with this plan?
The stupidity and inculcation of the American education system really shows at election time. Only a country of fools and uneducated, drugged out ne’er-do-wells would keep voting the same thieves back into government. Obama deserved to be reelected as much as he deserved the Nobel Peace Prize.
We needed the economy addressed during his first term, his party controlled BOTH houses of congress and could have passed anything that they wanted to help the economy. What did they (Obama and the dimwitted Democrats [OK, I admit the Republicans are just as repugnant and dumb] do? They pass a 2,000+ page health care bill (Obamacare)that will kill the economy outright instead of make things better.
It is not a race issue as the extremist say (they call you a bigot if you analyze Obama’s performance and don’t use the American educational system of grading…A=showed up…after all, we don’t want to hurt the children’s feelings by giving they what they EARNED) when you do simple math and find Mr. Obama lacking in leadership, integrity, force of will. He paid his backers and banker buddies off, organized corrupt unions for voter drives and organized the greatest threat to the American people: the NSA and Obamacare.
America deserves what it is getting because the people pay more attention to American Idol than they do the character of the people they elect. We reelect demonstrable liars, those lacking integrity and character and last and least of all, the corrupt.
I pray God saves us as a nation but isn’t it time that everyone in America started voting like their life, liberty, Freedom and lively hood depend on it?
Contrary to the extremist Democratic elite, THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH!!
SOMEONE always has to pay. Isn’t it funny that the Dems say that they are after the RICH but everything is structured to rob the little people blind to keep the bankers wealth!
Thank you for the comment and analysis George!
Alot of comments in regards to banks and health insurance here today, I just wanted to draw some attention back to the situation in Egypt.
The straw that broke the camels back in the eyes of the Egyptian people is when Morsi went on tv to declare “holy war” against Assad. I’m quite impressed by Egyptian society, two revolutions in such a short time span against a leader who doesent represent the ideaoligy of his people.
Does Arab spring part 2 = victory for Assad?
What a huge blow this revolution is to USA’s startegy in dealing with Assad and the Middle East… But more interesting enough, I love looking at the situation in Egypt, it’s seems like a precursor and blueprint to what might occur here in America. Just as Greece was a blueprint for future bail outs I feel as if Egypt is a blueprint for future revolution across the globe… See dictatorships have evolved. Althought brute force used to be the main means of many regimes, they have turned to deceptivness more so now, Morsi did not claim power in Egypt via brute force, he cleaverly maneuvered the political world to achieve his goal.
This to me, is the ” new revolution” facing the globe today. Countries independence and liberties can not be restored via one massive rally… Yes, it’s important to organize and demonstrate but revolution now it’s somewhat like swinging a golf club, if you don’t follow through with the swing from beginning to end then the shot suffers.
Is whats happening to Morsi and the Egyptian people the equivalent to what may happen to Obama and the American people?
Albert Tesla,
Good point Albert. Egypt could be one of many black swans to show up and yes it could come to the U.S. I think that is what the DHS is buying all the bullets are for. I hope I am wrong.
The Egyptian question is spiking oil. How is it that every crisis makes many american businesses great profits while hurting the little guy every time? Answer: Planned. When the price of oil gets over $4.00 again and stays for awhile the crisis will end, the profits will be banked, and the little guy will have eaten hamburger instead of steak once again. This happens all the while the government & our gang of 535 claims its unfair.
Hi Greg,
After reading about Citi Bank and TBTF I can’t help but point out that Wall street was doing exactly what the government wanted them to do when they were fleecing us. The repeal of Glass-Steagall, changing the banking regulations to allow this toxic mortgage debt to be treated as assets, our ACORN community organizer President organizing protests against banks that didn’t issue enough sub prime mortgages,and allowing this crap to be rolled into securities in the first place which was just another form of money creation specifically targeting the housing market. The federal government was constantly threating lawsuits against banks that didn’t go along. HUD used Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac to reduce the requirements to qualify for mortgages. Federal regulators were savaged by congress in 2006 when they warned of an impending disaster with labels like “disgusting” and “racist”. In some cases by members of congress who had been given sweetheart mortgage deals by the banks. In his memoirs Hank Paulson noted that when he called executives of Fanny and Freddie to a meeting they did not know they were about to be told that they were being taken over. When he dropped this bombshell he told them ” If you acquiesce I will make clear that I am not blaming management. You didn’t create the business model you have and it’s flawed. You didn’t create the regulatory model and it is equally flawed”. He then writes “I left it unspoken what I would say publicly if they didn’t acquiesce”. The government bears just as much blame as Wall Street for this whole economic disaster especially considering the revolving door that exists between Wall St. and Washington.
The repeal of Glass-Steagall was done away with (for the most part) with Bill Clinton. I just want to point out that both parties were in on that very bad decision. Top representatives of both parties were there when the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gramm%E2%80%93Leach%E2%80%93Bliley_Act was signed into law. (I saw it with my own eyes and thought it was a terrible law right then and there back in 1999.) I also want to point out that Sandy Weill of Citi Bank which later became Citigroup was one of the many top bankers pushing this atrocity. I was the government doing what the bankers wanted and not the other way around. That said, you do make some very good points about Fannie and Freddie!! We will all pay dearly for this enormous mistake. When it blow up, and it will, there will be no distinction between Democrats and Republicans. We will all sink in the same boat. Thank you very much for your comment
Hi Greg,
It certainly was not my intention to suggest that the crisis was partisan. Politicians were all eager to bask in the political glow of easy mortgage money and artificially inflated home prices. The revolving door I mentioned between Wall Street and Washington is indeed bipartisan.
Thank you Mal. I just like to make sure to spread the blame around. Your points are valid!
How to defeat NSA spying:
(I hope this goes viral) !
USA Should Rally to Libertarian-Green Banner
Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Saturday, July 06, 2013 2:43:49 PM
My fellow Americans, I stand as a candidate of the unformed Libertarian-Green political party for the US Presidency in 2016, standing currently alone, undaunted but absolutely determined, as duty calls upon all patriots to stand stall at this time. There are so many of my countrymen disenchanted with current political stalemate gripping the country into stagnate and corruptive ruination. The Libertarian-Green offers solutions for all of you.
To the Tea Partiers, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, as the tax burden upon your shoulders increases year by year, without let up, so as to enslave you under concentrated totalitarian DC rule as its tax mules. I seek to abolish the current tax code that is currently based upon income.
To the Wall Street Occupiers, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, as the Wall Street Banksters’ and Greedsters’ tentacles reach far to pervasively corrupt governmental functions. I seek to destroy the TBTF TBTJ Wall Street Banksters and Greedsters.
To the Libertarians, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, as governmental oppression of your freedom and liberties increases year by year. I seek to dramatically down size the federal government to restore our founding father freedoms from government.
To the Green Peacers, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment as our society over consumes natural resources of mother earth. I seek to install a pay-and-forget consumption sales tax where consumption is penalized and not rewarded, to conserve the resources of mother earth of this great nation.
To the Democrats, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment of the rightist agenda while being trapped for the rest of your lives, as are fifty million of my countrymen, now living in indignity and shame, on government hand outs. I seek to unleash our innate greed and charity duality in all of us for an economic explosion, thereby offering jobs to anyone willing to work and live proud again.
To the Republicans, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment with the leftist agenda ruining the country in totalitarianism, but merely being a slow drag thereon and failing to offer restoration of our founding father Republic, you are effectively a rightist partner to totalitarianism enslaving DC rule. I seek to restore the Republic with social services again vested in the many states as the states so choose.
To the Spiritualist, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, but you can live in faith with tolerance, as Jesus has taught me to do as being apparently part of his live long plan bringing me here this day, and you can live and keep your faith in tolerance of nonspiritualists who only seek inherent freedom and liberty without condemnation.
To the Nonspiritualists, I feel you pain, I sense you disillusionment, as you feel condemned by the spiritualists, but through your respect of spiritualists who live with innate tolerance, you can live your lives as you deem fit in freedom and liberty.
I kindly ask all Libertarians, Green Peacers, Wall Street Occupiers, Republicans, Democrats, Spiritualists and Nonspiritualists, to rally to the new libertarian-Green Banner of inherent State Rights and liberty, to restore the Republic and our freedoms from government, to conserve mother earth resources, to destroy totalitarian concentration of political power in DC enslaving us all as tax mules or state dependents, to unleash economic growth so all can live in dignity, to destroy corrupt undue influences upon our great USA Government, to live in faith with tolerance, to live in liberty with respect, so that we all may live in freedom again, together as one, without destructive conflict, as our founding fathers sought for this great nation.
Hear Hear
Problems: Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, and More-Government, To-Much-Government, and Way-To-Much Government.
Solutions: Abolish all Federal Social Programs, Federal Pay-and-Forget Sales Tax Exclusivity, State In-Rem Property Tax Exclusivity, Real Gold and Silver Coinage Money Exclusivity, Pay Off All Federal and State Present and Future Obligations with 100T FRNs, State Social Safety Nets, Out Law Federal and State Bonds, Out Law Federal and State Debt, Out Law Federal and State Fiscal Deficits, Abolish Paper Money, Abolish Federal Reserve Notes, Redeem FRNs at more than $1,000,000.00 per gold ounce, Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, Reward Productivity, Penalize Unproductivity, Free the People From Government, and Restore the Republic.
Another good honest wrap up of the week on the important issues. Always a great line up of guest. My favorite is always Gerald Celente. First time I ever heard you was on Coast to Coast. They say George Noory, Alex Jones and Gerald Celente’s of the world are nuts and out of the mainstream. The question should be is it true? – Veritas
John C,
I think we both know the answer.
Greg in regards to the Egyptian coupe, even though it wasn’t reported by the MSM, the main catalyst in the uprising was the collapse of the Banking system in Egypt. The Egyptian people thought Morsi was going to turn the economy around, but instead decided to implement Islamic law with the Moslem Brotherhood. The army simply had no choice but to declare marital law, because the system was beginning to break down. If this thing boils over into civil war, look out.. because a great deal of the worlds oil passes through the Suez Canal. The NWO elite may not have been involved with the coupe, but they sure as heck were involved with the Banking Collapse, just like they were in Cyprus. Say tuned. This show maybe coming to a Banking system near you. Its just a matter of time.
Thank you for bringing this up here. I did not know the Banking system collapsed. This is much worse than I thought.
What happened, who is responsible, how to fix it:
The Money Masters – video
The website:
C Ireland,
Thank you for the links and comment.
Re: Ending Bullion Suppression and Socialism in the USA
I am pounding the payment, on the web, looking for anyone who would like to be a world class hero, and financially help an in-place team, as the financier, to take down JPM in the bullion pace. I am looking for 500K$ to do just that, with a 2m$ return in about one year to the financier, to end bullion paper price suppression and free honest real money thereby stopping the con that is the FRN.
Do you want to stop the spread of socialism and all those who pander it? If so, do you know who, where, how and by whom to strike at the heart totalitarian socialism for immediate concrete results? If not, then I am your attack dog, who is seeking to do the same. Totalitarians enslave the people as tax mules or state dependents, by income taxes and printable paper money. Income tax changes are not politically feasible at this time. Printable paper money is vulnerable if the alternative real gold and silver money is freed from price manipulation. Real money use forces balance budgets and that is the route to stopping corrupting socialism and totalitarianism. I can end real money price manipulation and just need and am asking for a little help.
Sincerely, Derrick Michael Reid BS JD
USA Attack Plan B on TBTF TBTJ Greedster
Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Saturday, July 06, 2013 5:23:12 AM
Attack Plain A was developed during May and June 2013. Now, Attack Plan B has been rapidly developed mostly as a funding alternative.
After the light bulb went off 4/29/13, of an understanding how to take down the TBTF TBTJ Greedster Mob Boss in the USA, and to liberate the people, eight weeks were spent drafting up that attack plan, attack plan A. The first two weeks of July 2013 were to be used for and are presently being used to publicize attack plan A, in the hopes that someone with means would step up and fund a very robust assault on the TBTF TBTJ Greedster Mob Boss who unduly influences and corrupts the US Government whilst enabling the enslavement of the people while the TBTF TBTJ Greedster Mob Boss officers live like kings. That funding effort continues. However, another plan, attack plan B, has been quickly developed, and very rapidly so, as merely a downsizing of attack plan A.
First is required an understanding of Attack Plan A as compared to Attack Plan B.
Attack Plan A is a robust assault on the TBTJ TBTF Greedster Mob Boss JPM. Plan A requires 6m$ in funding and includes many diversionary trial court tactics, including misdirections, MOPE public rallies, Chief Judge assignment motion, En Banc five man judge review motion, multiple summary judgment motions, expedited discovery motions, in dept six plaintiff assault, extensive hiring of GOLD notable as nine trial experts, and a six man attorney litigation team of four law firms. A 157 page single lined spaced detailed attack plan was developed and has been confidentially distributed to some extent and transmitted to the preferred financier. The proposed action would be brought in a gun totting state, for simple tort claims, with a preliminary injunction motion, where morality is the central issue under the equitable jurisdiction of the district court, so as to shut down the TBTF TBTJ Greedster JPM Mob Boss in the bullion space. The attack team comprises six plaintiffs, six attorneys and nine high profile gold notable experts, for a total of a 21 man team with an expected six month time duration from funding to enjoin the TBTF TBTJ Greedster mob boss in the gold and silver bullion space.
Attack B is merely a downsizing of attack plan A. Hence, Attack plan B was rapidly developed in only a couple of days. Attack plan B does not include use the misdirections, MOPE public rallies, Chief Judge assignment motion, En Banc five man judge review motion, multiple summary judgment motions, expedited discovery motions, an in-depth six man plaintiff assault, extensive hiring of GOLD notables as nine experts, and a six man attorney litigation team over four law firms.
Rather, downsized attack plan B uses only one plaintiff, only one litigator, yours truly, only one local counsel in a gun toting conservative state, and just three experts who are already close associates of the plaintiff and who are already in regular contact with the plaintiff. Thus, attack plan B, is only six man team, but is still brought in a gun toting state, along a narrow front of simple tort claims, with a preliminary injunction motion. URL based judicial notice will be more heavily relied upon, for enhanced cost effective judicial prosecution, so that, in attack B, there is still the same time horizon of six months from funding. Attack plan B is a viable option to attack plan A, particularly where funding is of issue, and attack plan B is estimated to cost 500K$, which is 1/12 of attack plan A. Under attack plan B, the one plaintiff, the three experts and the one litigator have already been selected and are totally on board, leaving only the selection of only one local counsel in the selected gun toting state district for bringing essentially the same legal action in a federal district court there.
Both Attack A and Attack plan B have the very same primary, secondary and tertiary objectives.
Primary Objectives are to enjoin the TBTF TBTJ Greedster mob boss JPM, so that bullion gold and silver bullion are liberated from the paper price manipulations on the Comex, so as to stop irreparable harm by the greedster mob boss in the bullion space.
Secondary Objectives, flowing naturally from primary objectives, are the destruction of the fraudulent irredeemable US FRN paper money as the US paper currency of the FED bank, under the current fiat paper monetary ponzie scheme of the current leftist totalitarian socialistic US Government that are used to enslave the American people as tax mules and state dependents.
Tertiary Objectives, flowing naturally from the secondary objectives, are the destruction of the GOLD CARTEL of 15 TBTF TBTJ greedster banks profiting off of the bullion price manipulation, and the destruction of World Central Bank fiat currency paper printing, so as to force the World Central Banks to stop printing and passing fraudulent fiat currency notes, but rather to have all nations use exclusively Gold and Silver honest real money as the medium of exchange, so as to force all governments to live within their means so as to stop robbing the people through monetary inflationary paper money printing, which robs all paper currency note holders every day that then concentrates power in the governments who enable totalitarian control over the people, so as to free peoples worldwide from socialistic totalitarian enslavement as government tax mules and state dependents.
Of course, I would, as the vicious ruthless litigator of the attack team, as it would only take 10 days to get the bar license reinstated to reactivate that 100% plaintiff success rate, have to relocate for one year to the selected judicial district and man an HQ office, and sure I would miss the home, and the honey, and the two young boys 8yo and 10yo, and I would miss teaching them daily the wonders of the universe and playing with them as house husband and helping them with elementary school home work, for one year, but, I have been retired four years now, studying up on the bullion markets and the TBTF TBTJ greedster mob boss, and I am ready to come off the bench, as duty’s call is simply irresistible, as it was for my 28yo US Army boy, a Army lifer, who has served three tours in the Middle East, and I am ready to answer the call of duty, and besides, the young boys are old enough now, and the honey and the two young boys could come for short visits over that year, so it seems that all systems are a go, save 500K$ in funding with an 8x ROR to the financier.
President Ronald Reagan Clip: “Tear Down This Wall”
John F. Kennedy ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country
Just win baby
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Werewolves Of London
The Bonnie Blue Flag – Gods and Generals
Steelers Renegade AFC Championship game 2011
They Will Never Take Our Freedom – Braveheart (3/9) Movie CLIP (1995) HD
Loverboy – Turn Me Loose
USA Should Rally to Libertarian-Green Banner
Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Saturday, July 06, 2013 2:43:49 PM
My fellow Americans, I stand as a candidate of the unformed Libertarian-Green political party for the US Presidency in 2016, standing currently alone, undaunted but absolutely determined, as duty calls upon all patriots to stand stall at this time. There are so many of my countrymen disenchanted with current political stalemate gripping the country into stagnate and corrosive ruination. The Libertarian-Green offers solutions for all of you.
To the Tea Partiers, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, as the tax burden upon your shoulders increases year by year, without let up, so as to enslave you under concentrated totalitarian DC rule as its tax mules. I seek to abolish the current tax code that is currently based upon income.
To the Wall Street Occupiers, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, as the Wall Street Banksters’ and Greedsters’ tentacles reach far to pervasively corrupt governmental functions. I seek to destroy the TBTF TBTJ Wall Street Banksters and Greedsters.
To the Libertarians, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, as governmental oppression of your freedom and liberties increases year by year. I seek to dramatically down size the federal government to restore our founding father freedoms from government.
To the Green Peacers, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment as our society over consumes natural resources of mother earth. I seek to install a pay-and-forget consumption sales tax where consumption is penalized and not rewarded, to conserve the resources of mother earth of this great nation.
To the Democrats, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment of the rightist agenda while being trapped for the rest of your lives, as are fifty million of my countrymen, now living in indignity and shame, on government hand outs. I seek to unleash our innate greed and charity duality in all of us for an economic explosion, thereby offering jobs to anyone willing to work and live proud again.
To the Republicans, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment with the leftist agenda ruining the country in totalitarianism, but merely being a slow drag thereon and failing to offer restoration of our founding father Republic, you are effectively a rightist partner to totalitarianism enslaving DC rule. I seek to restore the Republic with social services again vested in the many states as the states so choose.
To the Spiritualist, I feel your pain, I sense your disillusionment, but you can live in faith with tolerance, as Jesus has taught me to do as being apparently part of his live long plan bringing me here this day, and you can live and keep your faith in tolerance of nonspiritualists who only seek inherent freedom and liberty without condemnation.
To the Nonspiritualists, I feel you pain, I sense your disillusionment, as you feel condemned by the spiritualists, but through your respect of spiritualists who live with innate tolerance, you can live your lives as you deem fit in freedom and liberty.
I kindly ask all Libertarians, Green Peacers, Wall Street Occupiers, Republicans, Democrats, Spiritualists and Nonspiritualists, to rally to the new libertarian-Green Banner of inherent State Rights and liberty, to restore the Republic and our freedoms from government, to conserve mother earth resources, to destroy totalitarian concentration of political power in DC enslaving us all as tax mules or state dependents, to unleash economic growth so all can live in dignity, to destroy corrupt undue influences upon our great USA Government, to live in faith with tolerance, to live in liberty with respect, so that we all may live in freedom again, together as one, without destructive conflict, as our founding fathers sought for this great nation.
Hear Hear
Problems: Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, and More-Government, To-Much-Government, and Way-To-Much Government.
Solutions: Abolish all Federal Social Programs, Federal Pay-and-Forget Sales Tax Exclusivity, State In-Rem Property Tax Exclusivity, Real Gold and Silver Coinage Money Exclusivity, Pay Off All Federal and State Present and Future Obligations with 100T FRNs, State Social Safety Nets, Out Law Federal and State Bonds, Out Law Federal and State Debt, Out Law Federal and State Fiscal Deficits, Abolish Paper Money, Abolish Federal Reserve Notes, Redeem FRNs at more than $1,000,000.00 per gold ounce, Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, Reward Productivity, Penalize Unproductivity, Free the People From Government, and Restore the Republic.
The Hollies – On a Carousel
“SECRETARIAT” Greatest Race Horse of All Time – Kentucky Derby Preakness Belmont Stakes 1973 Video
2016 Presidential Bid, Hat in the Ring
Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:46:05 AM
Happy Freedom Day America.
My fellow Americans, I will stand for the presidency of the USA in 2016. I will not campaign. I will accept campaign contributions. I will not spend 300 million to buy your votes or your love or your friendship, but would accept your votes if willingly given. I will be brutally honest with you then and now. It makes no difference in my mind if you are a left handed fool or a right handed fool, you are still a fool. My fellow Americans, you have been had by two totalitarian political parties, as there is effectively no choice in the election booth, as there is a slight difference between them, as there is no significant difference, in my mind, between the devil and the devil’s helper. The biggest tragedy is the legal bench which has sold you all out to those totalitarian political parties, through plenary totalitarian rule, so as to concentrate socialistic totalitarian power in DC.
If invited onto a major news show, and given plenty of time to address the public, I would do so only for purpose of enhancing the education of the people, but will not go to any news show for just a couple of minutes to squeak out some talking points, just to catch your ears. My heart is libertarian-green and is based in a love for freedom and conservation of mother earth. I will institute very drastic political and fiscal changes of federal government, solving the big problems facing the country today, so as to right the ship of state, so as to restore the Republic, with freedom for all, with long lasting prosperity for all, unleashing personal freedom and our innate greed and charity for maximum standards of living, in freedom and conservation.
When the Attorney General of the USA says effectively that the Wall Street Lawyers, Banksters and Greedsters are to TBTF and TBTJ, the private sector must rise up, to save the government and its people, from undue criminal influences corrupting governmental functions and its people. I am a private citizen, and will answer that call of duty, and would serve, without pay, if asked to do so by the American electorate in 2016.
2016 Presidential Bid, My 5 hats are in the ring, as one must be true to ones self, always.
Hail to the Chief
Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Friday, July 05, 2013 8:26:07 PM
As long we are having fun fun fun, lets let it all hang out, I mean you can make this sutff up.
In connection with TARP, the Paulson gang raped the US Government, and came onto the executive, GW Bush, who was purportedly forced into TARP to save the Banksters and Greedsters of the Financial system.
The Government does not want the FRN reserve currency to fail, so as to continue the inflationary robbing of the US people so as to sustain Government Military leverage and Totalitarian control over the people by the US Government through IRS income taxes and paper money printing.
The Government in effect controls the FED having available gold hoards for Governmental use.
Bill Murphy of GATA hits a dead end regarding Fort Knot gold hoard, as it is a national secret and gold stores are not disclosed.
Reid fingers China as the secret buyer of Gold bullion April fools 2009 on bloomberg with Ernie Low.
The FED accommodates JPM with ZIRP policy so that JPM can borrow money free at US taxpayer expense to then be able to sell bullion naked short on the Comex.
James G Rickards says that there is no manipulation, and hence, some unknown client of JPM must have gold hoards available to sustain the so called naked short position allegedly using hedged client money.
Eric Sprott indicates that supply and demand figures do not square up, and that the there must be another source of bullion for the greedster bullion banks to sale bullion, even if through naked short sells.
JPM naked short sales on the Comex are used to manipulate the bullion market, using free paper money through the FED ZIRP, to make the FRN look much better than it actually is, and JPM is rewarded by TBTF TBTJ status by the US Attorney General, so that JPM is able to acquire physical gold such as GLD through bullion price manipulation for profit sales on the Comex market and to through bullion sells to open arms China.
China central government manipulated that China gold market and thus conspires with JPM to price manipulate the bullion space on the Comex so that JPM can then acquire physical bullion and sell it at a profit to China to take possession of physical through Honk Kong.
The FED engages in QE to infinity at taxpayer expense, and thus many project that the FRN will eventually fail, and thus, is motivated to help sell of bullion as the money alternative to the FRN, so that bullion is acquired by JPM and low prices for sells to China and thus the FED and JPM are consider treasonous to the people of the US.
JPM rallies members of the Gold Cartel to synchronously MOPE gold buyers, through front running market signals and early FED press releases to special members so as to help sell bullion and manipulate the price of bullion lower, so as to gang sell paper bullion prices on the Comex to make profits and then sell acquired physical bullion to open arms china.
JPM front run and stack orders as market electronic detection signals to other member of the Gold Cartel Members all racketeering to manipulate the price of bullion lower.
Andrew Maquire discovers the market stacking detection signals, a smoking gun, and is threatened so as to shut him up.
Andrew Maquire takes the detection signaling method discovery to corrupt CTFC and the DC court to save his neck in a dead end procedure play.
FED engages in QE at taxpayer expense, to sustain the totalitarian control of the US Government, with fiscal deficits as far as the eye can see, and with a national debt which will never be paid off.
US Government generates false BLS reports to pretend and extend US dominance and totalitarian controls over the US People.
The DNC and RNC are overt conspirators with the US Government to destroy the Republic and enslave the people of the US, so as to vest all power in the totalitarian US Government, and their political futures, while the DNC and RNC lock up the voting booth through MOPE of the US people offering no effective vote at all.
The judicial Bench is corrupted by congressional political totalitarians of the DNC and RNC, allowing the US Federal Government to have Plenary Power over the US People, so as to sustain the Military Power control over the world and the totalitarian control over the US people by the US Government.
The totalitarian control by the US Government is based upon IRS paper taxes and printing of FED money, the two tools used by the US Government to sustain the totalitarian control over the people.
Paper money printing is a ponzie scheme, the FRN is an irredeemable note, as a con game fraud upon the FRN holders world wide.
JPM and the gold cartel comply with all trading laws and criminal statutes and are thus untouchable under TBTF and TBTJ at law actions before the king’s judicial bench granting the Federal Government Plenary power.
Reid proposes a simple tort action in equity to defeat JPM with morality being the central issue, drafting a 160 page attack play, brought in gun toting states and outside of the two west and east coasts where the legal bench is corrupted and in lock step with the US central socialized totalitarian control of the US Government in DC.
BHO does not support terrorism, he is just a weak minded totalitarian fascist racist panderer in over his head, with no clue how to lead or take a stand, but dang, he is one heck of a vacationing campaigning socialist. Oh, and his wife wears great outfits to go along with the great smile she has, perfect for MOPE the dopes.
Reid proposes plan B, the quick strike against JPM and the Gold Cartel to liberate the bullion space and free the people from totalitarian rule by the US Government.
When Reid brings the claims against JPM, a case is brought in inequity, but JPM will use the US Government out card again, that JPM was asked by the US Government to sale bullion to China and to rig the bullion space, and hence, the KING, CIA, NSA and FED forced JPM to sale monstrous naked shorts and sell to China to in fact manipulate the markets to sustain the FRN and US military and monetary control over world affairs by the US Government.
JPM is in bed with the US Government with another OUT to manipulation of the Comex bullion paper price and to treasonously sell to China, so as to enslave the people of worlds by the US Government.
The FED is acting treasonous against the people of America but not the US government.
Bullion surfacing in the EU suggests that FDR 1933 confiscated gold is being released in the EU, suggesting the FED has been selling its gold hoards to sustain totalitarian control of the US Government.
The FED is lending, leasing, and selling GOLD hoards to JPM to go as much Naked short as JPM wants on the Comex to profit to make the FRN look better than the ponzi fraud that it is so as to sustain the totalitarians in the US Government.
JPM manipulates the paper price of bullion gold and silver on the Comex to create any technical analysis pattern JPM wishes with the overt blessings of the US Government.
Turd Federson, an expert in COT and TA analysis, has to eat his hat, as conventional COT and TA analysis is a thing of the past, when JPM can create any price pattern JPM wishes with TBTF TBTJ impunity from the US Attorney General of the US Government.
The US Government, including the NSA and CIA, through the FED banks and through the NY hoodies puts out a hit contract on REID. YIKES!
REID plays the trump card, and declares candidacy for US Presidency in 2016, to take down the totalitarians in DC, to destroy the FRN control means and switch IRS taxes to pay-and-forget consumption based sell taxes so as to end totalitarian controls by the US Government, and to get the FED NSA CIA to back off from the prospective hit contract on REID.
Its life or death, in Laguna Tuna Land, while Reid plays remote control toy cars with the boys, as REID is targeted by NY hoodies by the request of the US Government, YIKES!! Its touch and go.
Johnny Rivers – Secret Agent Man
Mission Impossible – Original Intro ( 1966 – 1973 )
Goldfinger – Theme Song
James Bond 007 Movie Theme Music
I Spy Theme
The Man From UNCLE Theme (Long Version)
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. First season
Get Smart
Elliott Fisher – Theme From “Our Man Flint”1967 –
OUR MAN FLINT (TRAILER) James Coburn http://videorevo1.blogspot.com/
Tom Jones – Thunderball Theme (cre8gent)
From Russia With Love – Opening Titles (James Bond Is Back, From Russia With Love, James Bond Theme)
1967 – James Bond – You only live twice: title sequence
The Pink Panther Theme Song (Original Version)
It’s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963) Official Theatrical Trailer
Hear, hear, indeed