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Mutated Bird Flu, New CV19 Vax Injury & Cancer Treatments – Dr. Peter McCullough

By Greg Hunter’s

Dr. Peter McCullough is a renowned cardiologist who has been fighting the government CV19 vax propaganda from the beginning.  Dr. McCullough is now out with new warnings about treatment needed for the CV19 bioweapon vax and the coming Bird Flu vaccine.  Let’s start with the Bird Flu where McCullough warns, “The current bio-security protocol is to test 11 chickens . . . pool the swabs into the same test tube, send it off for testing.  If it comes back positive, they don’t know which bird is positive, so they kill the entire flock. . . . The estimates were only 10,000 birds died of Bird Flu, but we know nearly 200 million chickens have been killed with this bio-security process.” (more…)

Europe is Falling & Needs War with Russia – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong is back with a new warning about war coming to Europe.  You may have seen the heated exchange between President Trump and President Zelensky of Ukraine on Friday.  If not, you should.  Some of the Trump highlights are:  “President Zelensky is not ready for peace. . . (Zelensky is) gambling with WWIII, and You either make a deal or we are out.”  It looks like Zelensky intentionally started a fight with Trump in the White House.  It also looks like every country in Europe is backing more war in Ukraine. And now, there is renewed talk of an EU army.  Armstrong says, “Why?  Because they all are facing the collapse of the European Union.  The debt is just unbelievable.  They never consolidated.  Between Covid, Climate Change and sanctions on Russia, the German economy has shrunk . . . 3% to 5%.  The economic growth (of the EU) is appalling.  Europe is falling, and this is why they need war.  So, they are backing Zelensky.” (more…)

RFK Jr. Will Stop All CV19 Vax Bioweapons – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who is back with some good news about the CV19 bioweapon vax.  Kingston was one of the first to say the shots were dangerous bioweapons and did not work as intended.  She also predicted late last year that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) would not only be confirmed as the new HHS head, but one of the first things he would do is pull the CV19 “vaccines” off the market.  Now, other news outlets are picking up on this story.  Kingston says, “I think the (CV19 vax) shots are going to come off (the market) quick.  I think this upcoming ACIP meeting (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) that is going to be scheduled is going to be used by RFK Jr. as a platform to present data that his staff has pulled as well as to allow parents to speak and other doctors that are experts to speak out against this. (more…)

DOGE Forces US Bankruptcy Reset – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Financial writer and precious metals broker Bill Holter is back with a new warning on the effects of the Trump DOGE team (Department of Government Efficiency).  Everyone now knows of the huge unfolding fraud and waste being uncovered in federal government audits.  It simply has to be done for the nation to survive, but what many are missing are the consequences of these audits that are unavoidable.  Holter and his former business partner Jim Sinclair (RIP) laid out the US bankruptcy scenario nearly five years ago on USAW.  The post was titled “Trump Win Offers a Way Forward After US Bankruptcy – Holter & Sinclair.”  Of course, Donald Trump “lost” in 2020, and the bankruptcy button was not pushed.  Back then, Holter and Sinclair said the US was going to go bankrupt.  (more…)

Uncovering Massive Fraud & Treason Leads to Upheaval – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s 

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle continues to warn about tough times coming to America.  DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency) is going to uncover massive fraud and treason in America.  How much fraud does Quayle say they will find?  Quayle says, “They are going to come close to $20 trillion to $25 trillion that’s what they can find immediately. . . . This is just the beginning.  I think it will go to $36 trillion. . . . It’s going to $36 trillion, and it’s going to freak out everybody. (more…)

Greatest Immediate Danger is Digital ID – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

The last time Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF) was on, she warned that the real battle would be fought in the Trump Administration trenches between “Freedom & Deep State Control.”  CAF contends that there is no bigger ongoing battel for lovers of freedom than the battle taking place over the freedom killing idea of digital ID.  CAF warns, “The greatest immediate danger is digital ID.  The Trump Administration is pushing digital ID.  We are seeing new testimony in Congress saying the right kind of digital ID will save the federal government $1 trillion a year in expenses.  There is one thing after another pushing the digital ID, and it is the last thing we ever want.  Do everything you can not to get this.  They tried to get the digital ID after 9/11, and they finally got the states to do ‘Real ID,’ and they are promoting it like crazy. . . . Do not accept Real ID. . . . They can’t make you get a Real ID.” (more…)

Left Will Push Violent Revolution Against Trump – Larry Klayman

By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned Attorney Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and later Freedom Watch USA, predicted that the crap would hit the fan after Donald Trump was sworn into office.  He was correct.  Now, Klayman says, “Just in the last few days, we have had Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters and Hakeem Jefferies, the Minority Leader in the House, threatening to go into the streets for violence.  We can expect violence, but right now, what they are testing are these federal judges. . . . The Democrats have gone forum shopping in leftist states, I don’t even call them liberal anymore . . . and they are enjoining every one of President Trump’s major executive orders.  It’s an outrage.  It’s illegal, and I don’t think President Trump should obey those orders.  I think they are illegal. (more…)

Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025 – Ed Dowd

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Former Wall Street money manager and financial analyst Ed Dowd of is back with a new report called “Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025.”  The new report shows how a weak economy was propped up under the Biden Administration and how a crash, this year, is inevitable.  Dowd says, “What we are going to have going forward is the reversal of deficit government spending, which was juicing the economy with illegals.  Some of them got jobs, but a lot of them got benefits.  They got housing accommodations.  The NGO system was flush with money to facilitate this massive, purposeful logistical operation. (more…)

Intel Agencies Caught in Massive Voter Fraud – Dr. Jerome Corsi

By Greg Hunter’s 

Dr. Jerome Corsi has a Harvard PhD in political science.  He has written more than 30 books with many of them becoming best-sellers.  Dr. Corsi’s latest project is about voter fraud.  Corsi says he can prove Donald Trump really did win in 2020.  There were also countless down-ballot thefts in 2020 and in 2024.  Dr. Corsi and others have uncovered a grand scam that dates back to the early 2000’s that has cheated people into office that actually lost.  The architects of the steal can be traced back to U.S. intel agencies.  Dr. Corsi created a website for this project called and explains, “ is named after the David and Goliath Bible story.  This is when David picks up five smooth stones from the brook, and they are the exact ones needed to kill Goliath.  That’s what we are aiming to do is to kill this Goliath of voter fraud.” (more…)

AI Goal to Kill Human Race – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s

 Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who is back with a new warning about artificial intelligence (AI) and deadly and debilitating mRNA “vaccines.”  Let’s start with the horrible mid-air collision that happened in Washington D.C.  The question that is not being asked is what is the vax status of all involved with this deadly accident?  It is now a well-known fact that both Covid 19 and the CV19 vax are bioweapons that cause “catastrophic neurological damage”. . . and cause “cognitive impairment.”  Kingston says, “The number one symptom is cognitive decline.   This is similar to Alzheimer’s and dementia.  There is lack of memory, responsiveness, fatigue and exhaustion.  Another symptom of both the CV19 injections and Long Covid is vision decline, as well.  I think it would make sense that anyone involved in aviation to have a full cognitive test and a vision test to make sure their eyesight is still sharp.” (more…)

Winter is Coming – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is warning of attacks coming from hidden dangers that will be unleashed by the demonic Deep State against America.  It’s not a matter of if but when.  Let’s start with the ongoing attack on our food supply.  Quayle says, “We are dealing with food disappearing from the shelves.  We are dealing with the attack on the farmers and ranchers.  We are dealing with the Federal Drug Assassins–the FDA.  We are dealing with the bureaucrats of the global elites’ plan to starve to death the earth’s population.  It’s time to sit up and notice . . . how the shelves are empty. . . .What’s going on behind the scenes, according to sources I know that are former military, former intelligence officers and people that are in the know, the point is we are facing starvation nation.”  Quayle says stay stocked up on food. (more…)

Devalued Dollar Will Crash the DOW – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong is back with a warning to President Trump, who is on record wanting a weaker dollar.  Trump might try to force a lower value for the US dollar to help offset the trade deficit.  Just this past week, Trump is demanding lower interest rates.  Experts say this might also lower the value of the US dollar.  Armstrong predicts, “Everything has an international value.  If you lower the value of the dollar, then oil in terms of dollars will rise.  Look at gold.  It’s not making new highs right now because the dollar is going up, but chart it in Canadian dollars or Euros and it’s making new highs. . . . You dramatically lower the dollar and you are going to cause a crash–again. . . . It could be 40% to 50%.” (more…)

President Trump Set Them Free – Gary Heavin

By Greg Hunter’s (Updated 1/20/25)

(Breaking: President Trump has released ALL J6 prisoners in 35 states held at 75 federal prisons.  Gary Heavin reports that the J6 prisoners must be released by midnight 1/20/25.  Heavin and his volunteers are standing by at all 75 prisons to help the released J6 political prisoners.)

There has been much controversy over the so-called J6 participants in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2020.  The Lying Legacy Media (LLM) and the Deep State call it a “violent insurrection.”  Donald Trump supporters call it a setup, psyop and frame job of people protesting a stolen election.  Martin Armstrong contends the real theft of the 2020 Election happened because Democrats needed an excuse to suspend the rules of election integrity in Congress and push Joe Biden into the White House under emergency rules.  Armstrong says, “Videos Prove January 6 was an Inside Job.”  Hundreds have been imprisoned under weak and concocted legal cases, where witnesses were tampered with and evidence was destroyed and “lost.”  President-elect Donald Trump promised in his 2024 campaign to give a blanket pardon to the people sitting in prison for the crime of exercising free speech and protesting a rigged election on January 6, 2020.  Will he pay off on his campaign promise? (more…)

America Under Satanic Attack – Mark Taylor

By Greg Hunter’s

Retired firefighter, Lieutenant Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” predicted Donald Trump would become President years before the 2016 Election.  He also predicted Trump would be a two-term President.  Taylor made many other predictions and prophecies and is now out with a dire warning for America.  Taylor says, “The LA County Fire Department and LA City Fire Department used to be premier fire departments in the country.  They were looked up to.  A lot of these guys were state-of-the-art, but the problem is you had the transgender, DEI programs that are decimating our services.  This is done by design . . . and these guys are up against an agenda to purposely destroy the services such as military, law enforcement and fire services from within.  (more…)

Vast Devaluation of Dollar Coming in 2025 – Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Financial writer, market analyst and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted at the beginning of 2024 that the US National Debt would tack on another $2 trillion to the $34 trillion that was already there.  The federal debt now stands at $36.3 trillion.  Hemke was correct, and now he’s back with his 2025 predictions.  Let’s start with where interest rates, they have already gone up dramatically in the last year.  Hemke says, “If the economy really is sliding into recession, and they can’t get the budget under control, because of the liquidity that is going to be needed to control interest rates, the fed will be talking openly about yield curve control.” (more…)