Deep State Knows It Cannot Cheat Kamela In – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s 

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong predicted less than a month ago that there would be another assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life, and the Deep State was going to do everything possible to start a war with Russia.  He was right on both counts.  All the chaos, debate fraud and push for World War III comes down to the Deep State knows it cannot cheat enough to put Kamala Harris into the White House in November.  Forget the phony polls where they all say Kamala is running neck and neck with Trump.  Armstrong says his “Socratees” computer program shows Kamala’s real approval rating is around 10%, and all his computer models say Kamala is going to lose big in November no matter how much they cheat. Armstrong says, “Just about everybody in politics looks at Socratees now because its track record on politics has been phenomenal for 30 years.  They know what is going on.”

So, is the Biden Administration panicking with this second clumsy attempt to assassinate Trump while playing golf?  Is our own government trying to kill Trump because they know they cannot win?  Armstrong says, “I believe so. . . . Look, these people have been warmongers. . . . This is their power.  They have gotten so close to destroying Russia, which is their end goal here.  Handing long-range missiles to Ukraine, this is like hiring somebody to kill your spouse and then saying, well, he shot, I didn’t. . . . Trump and RFK Jr. are against war. . . . My concern here is they need to create war before January, if not even before the election.  I think this is what all this stuff is about with the long-range missiles to shoot into Russia.  If Trump does get in, they have to trap him into war.  The whole nonsense about Russia Gate and all the rest was because Trump is against war. . . . The neocons called Trump Putin’s puppet because Trump will not engage in war against Russia.  This is what this is all about.”

Will the demonic Deep State try yet another assassination of Trump?  Armstrong says, “I would not put it past them.  Maybe next time they use Monkey Pox or Bird Flu.  Look, Trump represents a real threat to their power.  If Trump gets in, the neocons are out.  Who wrote that recent article for the Washington Post that said Trump would be a “dictator”?  It was Victoria Nuland’s husband.  Why?  Because Victoria Nuland was thrown out of Trump’s Administration.  She has been in every administration except Trump’s. . . . This is the neocons against the American people.  The computer has been showing that this may be the very last election we have.  Just look at the chaos that has been going on at this stage.”

Armstrong is afraid that Putin may be overthrown in Russia because his response has been too timid against NATO.  Armstrong says, “Putin knows the neocons want war, and he won’t take the bait.”  Armstrong is also afraid that if Putin does get booted out of office, then the people who replace him will be far worse, and brutal war would follow.

Armstrong says the evil people in Washington will hide in bunkers when the atomic weapons drop on the rest of America.  He thinks a big problem coming will be shortages in everything –including food.  If there is bigger war, the economy will plunge, and interest rates will skyrocket.  Greatest Depression here we come.

In closing, Armstrong says, “The Deep State is scared to death of Trump winning in November because he now knows how to play the game. . . . and Secretary of State Tony Blinken is running the country” because we know Joe Biden is not.

There is much more in the 50-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong as he gives his analysis on trying to kill Trump and starting a world war before the 2024 Election for 9.17.24.

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After the Interview:

If you want to attend Armstrong’s 2024 World Economic Conference in Olando, FL, Nov. 8, 9 & 10, 2024, or register for streaming of the event, click here.

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  1. LoriQ

    Whenever I read about Harris and her miraculous and meteoric rise in the polls, I think of Herr Joseph Goebbels quote:

    “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.”

  2. Art Simpson

    7th trumpet, day 1335, Da 12:12, 1 Cor 15:52, Re 10:7, Re 7:14, 16:17 is the Rapture. You need 6 to 7 years of food.

    • Holio of the corn

      Jesus is coming back as a ball of fire that will destroy mankind just like the flood, except for the few who accept both Him and God’s Law over their life. Those who subject themselves to mans law will not be protected. And nobody is going to just disappear into the clouds and avoid the suffering to come. Jesus himself said there would be nowhere to hide.

      The rapture idea came from a young girl in 1830. Seems to me that if there was going to be a rapture Jesus would have made it unmistakable and clear and he would have repeated that selling point endlessly.

  3. Brianroy

    There is a growing consensus that with the second assassination attempt fail by a CIA proxy who is a literal Neo-Nazi attached to the Azov Ukraine Nazis as a RECRUITER, who was told to be at point A while the CIA inside man convinced Trump at the last minute to play golf, that there will be another assassination attempt by September 23, and perhaps another within 3 days after that. By example Alex Jones talking with Jack Prosobiec said this, or words to that effect.
    To me, to say there could be as many as 15 attempts to kill Trump before Election Day itself, whether by bullets, explosives, airplane sabotage, by driving construction machinery or a big rig into the motorcade, or any number of ways, all of the above because of DNC Trump Derangement Syndrome, far worse than what the Bush Derangement Syndrome used to be, all these are in the need of PROBABILITY Security Precautionary planning rather than just will likely never happen and kind of forget about it even as a possibility.
    Trump needs not just a 3x greater security force and perimeter, he needs a 12x – 16x greater (at stops and events) at the level of Eric Prince armed and ballistic protected SPEC-OPS level security forces ever deploying a constant fleet of 6 to 12 drones any time he is on the ground with a plus 1 mile perimeter of roving heavily armed and ballistic plated intercept security teams of 3 to 4 per drone at event stops, from now to January 20, 2025 and beyond. If he needs to fund raise for this separate unit, there are those like Musk and others who would probably foot tens of millions of dollars up front as it has NOTHING to do with charitable contribution restrictions. It has gotten that Banana Republic bad, courtesy of the US Intel Agencies and Federal Departments gone rogue from our own US Code, so that they believe to them there will be NO consequences, no matter what they do or who they eliminate.
    In my opinion, the “DNC of Nazi and Communist parties United” backing Kamala Harris appear to be aiming for Totalitarianism by January 2025 and a Constitutional Convention probably by the same month or very soon after to fully remove the US Constitution altogether. My opinion.

    • 5 Deep

      Brianroy, if the puppet masters wanted former President Trump dead already, he would be. My opinion.

      • Brianroy

        The Deep State is a separate organization within the Government, and are not the puppet masters…they are a red-tape bureaucracy of greedy self-centered traitors who are a governance to themselves. In matters of overseas actions, the CIA and the DOD and the Department of State all engage in their own independent covert programs independent of the President of the United States and of one another under Biden-Harris.
        Under Reagan to Bush Jr., the Vice-President would so direct foreign oversight from his White House basement office and keep POTUS informed and receive verbal directives on how to proceed and so forth, being kept separate from the President’s Daily Briefings. So if the CIA director, in this case alone and independently for 2 attempts, seeks to authorize hits on a POTUS Candidate. While the C.I.A. has been literally been “authorized” by Congress, Obama, (and friends) as of July 2, 2013, (under the passage of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012) to wage a Propaganda and Disinformation War, with its part in overthrowing the US POTUS Election in 2020 with the NSA and Dominion and the Chinese, it now is actively seeking to murder a POTUS candidate, perhaps to add to their Supreme Court Justice Scalia trophy? If that is so, then certainly.
        The “Puppet Masters” are CIA Agent Dr. John Coleman revealed in 1992 as out of Old London and the families of the 300 simply have not intervened as yet, and are sitting back perhaps figuring an either or will not matter based on the calamity they have planned coming for us anyway. It is NOT puppet masters attempting against Trump, but CIA and Department of Treasury and the DOJ at present.
        It may be that at outside events the crowd will have those take the law into their own hands against obvious assassins, and really change the dynamics to make assassin fear the mob that will turn on and be coming for them, should they increase the attempts and frequency. And if that happens, will they forget the Government and just do a bon chat de bon rat? THAT is the realm of possibility our double-assassination attempt of a POTUS Candidate for a national election has opened up. They did it, and if it goes that way, it all goes surreal.

  4. Charlene Sapieha

    If Canada said, no more french, most of the country would celebrate

  5. Coal Burner

    Thank You Greg and Martin, we appreciate your help.

  6. Jake

    good morning everyone, are Trump’s Secret Service bodyguards, the best in the world, ? thank you so much for informing us all, sir about nuclear war.

  7. Coal Burner

    Oh Wow I knew Blinkin was running most of it. He is dumber than a stump and that is not his biggest problem. He was the little turd that was bullied as a kid but did not understand the rules to deal with that. So he turned to the crybaby backstabbing weasel personality. No one knows what he thinks and he cannot really tell. Growing up a frightened little weasel turd makes terrible people. Parents should never let that happen to their kids. Start at five years old and send them to a tough Marshall Arts school.

  8. Rodney

    It’s hard to believe Kamala’s approval is 10%. What exactly has she done except not be there, anywhere, anytime.

    • Katy Bar

      Rodney – It is likely that (that 10% is composed of all Queers and Transgenders) who wildly support Commie Kamala and Tampon Tim. And who after their Pride Parades go into our Elementary Schools to give our young children “Story Time Lessons” on the “Joy’s of Gender Transition”, “Same-sex Romance Between Children” and how Cutting Off Their Sexual Organs is Beneficial to Their Mental Health . And probably also encourage Transgenders to shoot normal school children with AK47’s (if they don’t want to change into a pervert)!!

  9. Dave Milne

    Did This Wall Street Journal Article Stop Nuclear War?
    Opinion | U.S. Shrugs as World War III Approaches
    Opinion by Walter Russell Mead • 1d •

  10. Katy Bar

    How will the Brainwashed American People respond in November to the Demonic Onslaught now being waged against them by the Deep State Neocons?? Will they elect Black Commie-la and Tampon Tim to run the US because they don’t want to be considered RACIST or ANTI-GAY??? Will they continue to put up with not being able to call their parents Mother and Father, will they continue to put up with their children being Sexually Perverted and Trafficked for their Organs, will they accept a Nuclear War to satisfy the Deep State Neocons Dreams of Ukrainian Riches??? If so, they will vote this November for Commie Kamala and China Tim to run a Pet-less, Child-less and Freedom-less United States of America!!! Maria Zee explains it very very well at the 2:28:50 mark. All Liberal Americans need to listen to Maria’s experience with Commies and Queers in Australia, AND TAKE HEED OF HER WARNING BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR “THE LAST BASTION OF FREEDOM IN THE WESTERN WORLD” (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA)!!!

  11. Marie Joy

    Secret Service did not make one attempt to check the fenceline around the golf course where Trump would be. This second shooter in September was on the fenceline for 12 hours. Secret Service is either in on it or profoundly incompetent.

    • Greg Hunter

      Very good point Marie.

  12. Katy Bar

    Well today is the day the Fed will likely lower interest rates by half a point probably to mitigate and preempt any Stock Market Crash (that usually always occurs in October) and which the Fed for political reasons can’t allow to occur right before an Election!! By the Fed lowering rates they will probably trigger a parabolic blow-off in the stock markets where we could even see gold pushed up to $3300 (but $4000 or $5000 is not out of the question) because our Politicians in both Party’s are desperate to Fix the US Dollar Problem with War, Sanctions and Propaganda (by the Democrats) or with Tariffs (by the Republicans) which will only create an Even More Intense Wave of De-dollarization in the year to come. So, even if the Fed cuts rates today and drives them down to 2.5% on the 10-Year Bond over the next year, I expect (because the world will continue to De-dollarize) the Silver price will add an additional $70-$100 US Dollars to it’s Current Price (therefore my best guess is that we will likely see a $100 to $140 US Dollar Price Increase for Silver “within about a year”)!!

    • Ken Yu

      In order to prevent real money “like physical Gold and Silver” from providing people a way to get “off the grid” (where their hard earned wealth is dangerously exposed to an internet take-down, restrictions on its use, or just plain outright confiscation) 134 countries are now exploring methods to launch CBDC’s to keep control of their citizens money “in their hands” and to “also allow for increased taxation”, which under a cashless society can be raised to 100% if globalist politicians (like Klaus Schwab) so choose to make sure “YOU OWN NOTHING” While Being Happy You Can Still Eat De Bugs!!

  13. Gary Luchak

    Cant cheat her back in ?
    Oh yes they can.
    Do you actually believe that they are going to give up power?

    • Greg Hunter

      Well, they think this. You give these weasels too much credit.

  14. Allen

    Hello Greg so good to see you well, PRAISE GOD!! Love your shows and BTW I cannot leave comments any more on your Rumble??? I don’t know why. Do you remember me? I am the one who sent you the law passed by Reagan to restore our rights to own gold in 1985 making the American Eagle Coin numismatic by law.

    • Greg Hunter

      Sometimes Rumble blocks people automatically. What is your name you post under?
      I’ll see if I can “unmute” you.

  15. Helen Ann Rudinsky

    You are doing a terrific job providing us with topnotch info to navigate
    the tough times ahead. Thank you for your diligent work!
    Put take care of yourself and your recovery. Self care is very important too!
    God bless,

  16. Psalm 91

    1Whoever goes to the Lord for safety,
    whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty,
    2 can say to him,
    “You are my defender and protector.
    You are my God; in you I trust.”
    3 He will keep you safe from all hidden dangers
    and from all deadly diseases.
    4 He will cover you with his wings;
    you will be safe in his care;
    his faithfulness will protect and defend you.
    5 You need not fear any dangers at night
    or sudden attacks during the day
    6 or the plagues that strike in the dark
    or the evils that kill in daylight.

    7 A thousand may fall dead beside you,
    ten thousand all around you,
    but you will not be harmed.
    8 You will look and see
    how the wicked are punished.
    9 You have made the Lord your[a] defender,
    the Most High your protector,
    10 and so no disaster will strike you,
    no violence will come near your home.
    11 God will put his angels in charge of you
    to protect you wherever you go.
    12 They will hold you up with their hands
    to keep you from hurting your feet on the stones.
    13 You will trample down lions and snakes,
    fierce lions and poisonous snakes.

    14 God says, “I will save those who love me
    and will protect those who acknowledge me as Lord.
    15 When they call to me, I will answer them;
    when they are in trouble, I will be with them.
    I will rescue them and honor them.
    16 I will reward them with long life;
    I will save them.”

  17. Susan Russo

    Greg, thank you for this, it is beyond brilliant like the light of an atom bomb which according to Martin Armstrong is headed our way.
    This has laid out precisely the whys and hows of where we are headed.
    My path will remain the same, getting ready, which I see as a forked road. I have been working equally as hard on each fork, the spiritual and physical.
    God Bless Putin as the trigger point in this current world situation holding the trigger steady, but for how long as Armstrong says he is fighting to hold back the release.
    The allure of being the puppet master is astronomical. The final chapter is the ultimate survival of humans or extinction. That this is where we are is unfathomable to me. I do not have the ability to know this evil, only to acknowledge it.

  18. Jay

    Every time there is an attempt on Trump, he just gains more support and popularity. But these attempts don’t look real and the circumstances don’t add up. And people are gullible. What if we are all being played for fools and Trump is actually arranging these failed attempts in order to gain power, much like a child would act injured in order to get sympathy? But are we really that gullible? If the FBI and or CIA are behind it, are we to believe that their shooting skills are really that poor? If it is leftist liberals, radicalized by Rachel Madcow doing it over at MSNBC, are we really to assume that our secret service and Presidential security is so inept that they can’t keep the leftist loonies out of Presidential speaking events and golf games? And then we watch Trump walk out of courtroom after courtroom as if nothing happened at all and get on his personal 757 to go to yet another rally, as if he controlled what the judges could do. This is the kind of power that is wielded by powers far beyond what America has previously been exposed to. We only know of one man who will have this kind of power besides Jesus Christ Himself, and that other man will be known as the Antichrist or the beast of Revelation. Who else can issue a decree and declare a pandemic that locks down every church, every athletic facility, every airplane, every public building and every restaurant worldwide? And then offer an MRNA shot with an identifying (mark) in it? No other President has ever had those kinds of capabilities. What other U.S. President has ever been so popular with the Jewish people that they actually put his picture on the Hebrew Shekel? No, I don’t support Biden or Harris and I voted for Trump twice because I didn’t want Hillary, but the Bible tells us that when the Antichrist comes on the scene, he will deceive the whole world. From the looks of things, that doesn’t appear to be a difficult thing to do.

  19. Blinken - Politicians

    Coal Burner
    “So he turned to the crybaby backstabbing weasel personality.”

    That would be most of our politicians- and with this administration you would have to say cross dressing freak shows.

  20. Philip

    Here is a very clear explanation of pre-trib rapture

    Listen and learn

    • Matt

      Test the Pre Trib message against the Word of God
      -Are not the dead (In Christ) risen first – Before the Catching Up?
      1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as indeed the rest of mankind do, who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead, so also God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep through Jesus. For we say this to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and THE DEAD IN CHRIST WILL RISE FIRST. Then we who are alive, who remain, will be *caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore, comfort one another with these words.
      The resurrection of the believers happens PRIOR to the catching away.
      -This resurrection of believers is the FIRST resurrection.
      -According to the Word – the first resurrection includes those beheaded by the Anti-Christ
      Rev 20: 1-7: Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he took hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he threw him into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were completed; after these things he must be released for a short time. Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their foreheads and on their hands; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. (Before the Millennium) The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. THISIS THE FIRST RESURRECTION. Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with Him for a thousand years.
      -Paul agrees.
      2 Thessalonians 2:1-5: Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, regarding the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit, or a message, or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. No one is to deceive you in any way! For it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things?
      The Anti-Christ is revealed BEFORE the catching away!
      -Jesus said in Matthew 24 v29 “But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
      v30: And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory.
      v31 And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET BLAST, and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
      Jesus in Matthew and Revelation, and Paul agree – there is no Pre-Trib Rapture

  21. Harve Pell

    The departure of the super rich is an early warning siren for the rest of us
    Story by Christian May • 12h • Gettin Outa Dodge, not ina Dodge, But a Roll’s!

  22. Old Rancher

    Greg, please calm down! You’re gonna have another coronary right when we need ya.

  23. H. Craig Bradley

    FED chair finally panicked and lowered interest rates by -.50% to 4.75%. Powell is all but admitting he has lost the war against inflation in the long run but for now, the establishment wins ( More Federal spending and now cheaper debt.)

    Muni-bonds have recently been selling like hotcakes regardless of a state’s credit rating or default risk. That may come back to bite bond holders in a few more years. Call it “digging yourself a big hole”. Gerome Powell kept publically stating or warning current govt. spending is “not sustainable” and it isn’t but it can be continued as long as Powell is the FED Chair. His warnings have fallen of deaf ears.

    Gerome Powell will probably lower the FED Funds rate some more too by Nov. By so doing, he has released the animal spirits in the stock markets which are catching a flier for now. If stock markets rise further from here up to election day then historically, the party in Power (Democrats) has the advantage and usually wins with a bull stock market.

    Next year may begin a Bear stock market but voters apparently don’t care about tomorrow. Live for today, for tomorrow your soul may be required of you.
    Fall of Rome v. 2.0

  24. Catherine

    Obama is the antichrist. Kamala is a witch and Biden is a demon. The separation of powers is non existent in this unholy trio.
    God bless Trump and his family. Open miracles are now happening. God does have the final vote. Trump RFK jr and Musk is going to be great when they take over the Government. Finally a strong cohesive front to destroy the evil in this country.
    Glad you’re feeling better Greg. 😊

    • 5 Deep

      Catherine, thanks for the humor.

    • 5 Deep

      Catherine, to clarify my last comment to you, when I said, ” … thanks for the humor,” I was referring to your statement, “Trump RFK jr and Musk is going to be great when they take over the Government. Finally a strong cohesive front to destroy the evil in this country.”

  25. Fredricka Astoria

    The concept of the “generation that will not pass away” is a significant teaching among Bible believer’s, particularly in relation to the events of the first of the world wars. As we face a third world at war, that can be human life ending in itself and the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
    –_The Generation of World War One
    The generation that witnessed the events of World War I, will not pass away until all the things prophesied by Jesus are fulfilled. This belief is based on Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:34: “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened”.
    Interpretation of “Generation”
    The term “generation” has been interpreted in various ways. It does not refer to a fixed number of years but rather to the people who were alive at a significant historical event. In this context, it includes those who witnessed the events of that first world war and some are still with us from even before that war are still alive today.
    Prophetic Fulfillment
    That the events of that war marked the beginning of the “last days” and that the generation alive at that time would see the fulfillment of all the prophecies related to the end times. This includes the preaching of the good news of God’s Kingdom worldwide, as mentioned in Matthew 24:141.
    The End of the Age
    The belief is that this generation will witness the end of the current system of things and the establishment of God’s Kingdom under Christ. This new world order will be characterized by righteousness and peace, fulfilling the mandate given to Adam and Eve to fill the earth and make it a paradise.
    The Great Crowd
    Revelation 7:9-14 describes a “great crowd” that survives the end of the current system and enters into God’s new world. This great crowd will come out of the ashes of this present wicked system of things, destroyed by God, not men and live under God’s Kingdom rule of, thy Kingdom incoming!.
    Jesus’s teaching emphasizes the urgency of the times and the need for individuals to align themselves with God’s purposes. It reassures believers that the fulfillment of God’s promises is imminent and that they will soon see a new world, where neither mourning nor outcry or death rule, but righteousness is to dwell.
    __I’m Not Against Wishful Thinking, Not NOW!

  26. F.Astoria

    As of now, there are very few people still alive who were even born before the first world war. Estimates suggest that fewer than 100 individuals worldwide from that generation are still living. This number is continually decreasing due to the advanced age of these individuals. So we know time is short, even if we take in consideration a generation can be described as covering or belonging to a 25 year span with no certain day or starting time.
    Like desciping the world war one generation, that some still remain. Other than that, were all doomed. Except for that divine intervention they talked about concerning the Trumpster.

    It’s quite remarkable to think about the historical events and changes these centenarians have witnessed over their lifetimes!

    The oldest person in the world was María Branyas Morera, an American-born Spaniard. She lived through two world wars, the Spanish Civil War, and the COVID-19 pandemic. María was born on March 4, 1907, in San Francisco and later moved to Spain. She held the title of the world’s oldest living person until her passing at the age of 117 last month on August 20, 2024.
    María was known for her wisdom and resilience, often sharing her life experiences and advice with others. Her family described her as someone who lived a peaceful and fulfilling life.
    The oldest living person ever verified was Jeanne Calment from France. She lived to be 122 years and 164 days old, passing away on August 4, 1997. Jeanne Calment’s remarkable longevity has been well-documented and verified, making her the longest-lived person in recorded history.
    Jeanne Calment’s record remains unbeaten to this day.

  27. James Rudd

    Kursk Battle LIVE: Putin Unleashes Russian Marines In Kursk, Uses Ukrainian Tanks To Confuse…
    Hindustan Times 193 watching

    Russian Special Forces Enter Kursk Battle; Capture NATO Vehicle, Confuse & Kick Out Ukrainians
    Times Of India 22,736 views 2 hours ago Sep 18, 2024
    Russia has announced significant gains in Kursk following Ukraine’s incursion into the region. The Russian Defense Ministry released a detailed statement on a special operation by elite forces, claiming that Russian troops achieved notable success, forcing Ukrainian forces to withdraw. A video featured a driver known as “Livadiya,” who discussed the mission’s swift execution and coordination. Footage showed assault troops seizing positions and utilizing a captured Ukrainian Kozak armored vehicle for support.

    Lefties losing it: Taylor Swift’s ‘emotional diatribe’ about Republican senator
    Sky News Australia 247,882 views Sep 18, 2024
    Sky News host Rita Panahi has reacted to Taylor Swift’s “emotional diatribe” about Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn from the singer’s 2020 Netflix documentary Miss Americana

    She was left alone in the Arctic with polar bears, and 2 years later they returned and found this
    Discoverize 669K views 9 days ago

  28. S_Adams

    Martin Armstrong is always agreat choice. The Great Awakening will be the end of the globalist cabal once people see, know, and understand what drives them to do what they do.

  29. Michael Day

    My fellow AMERICANS
    Camel toe is placed in a very deep hole
    They just used a patsy to explained how a suit case NUKE is in THE USA

    • S_Adams

      There is no Democracy Reset because the US is a Republic. The Democracy banner is a globalist euphemism for their dominance system.

      Ask around what Democracy means, a lot of people have different notions of what it means. Democracy by definition is a Gov ran by the People (made of 2 Greek words, Demos = People, Cratia = Ruling). HlThe so called Democrats are none of that.

      Keep in mind, the political parties do not meant what they say; they say one word, they meant 180deg the opposite.

      The US need to fall to cleanse itself; we cannot fix what we have now, we are beyond the point of “fixable.”

  30. Weimar Dollar

    Thank you Federal Reserve for screwing over the savers yet again. Markets at all time highs, cost of nearly everything at all time highs, record amount of planetary debt…AND THEY WANT EVEN MORE!!

    Who Loses When There Is a Fed Rate Cut?

    Loser No. 1: Savers
    A reduction in the fed funds rate doesn’t benefit savers, who have been enjoying yields of 5% or higher on savings accounts, certificates of deposit and money market accounts.
    “The yield they will receive will go down in direct correlation, so a CD or savings rate will reduce accordingly,” Silas says.

    Loser No. 2: Banks
    Depending on their assets and liabilities, banks could be adversely impacted by a Fed rate drop. “For example, if most of a bank’s loans are floating-rate, and the Fed cuts rates by 0.5 (percentage points), the bank would see a decline in the interest income it collects on loans,” Safer notes. “This would be somewhat offset by the bank’s ability to lower the rate it pays on deposits, but not fully.”

    Loser No. 3: Retirees
    Retirees living on fixed incomes and relying on interest payments could feel pain when rates are cut. That’s because lower rates decrease yields, diminishing the income generated from bonds, CDs and other fixed-income instruments that retirees often invest in. Kass says that a 25-basis-point rate cut would cost Treasury bill investors $250 per year. The 4 week TBill already fell over sixty basis points in the past week (fell 6/10ths of 1%).

    I ask, who will buy the trillions of perpetually rolled-over debt issued as TBills as the world de-dollarizes and the American people are broke? Likely answer, the FED itself, and the national debt will climb perhaps a trillion each month!!

    • Greg Hunter

      W D,
      This move by the Fed is going to backfire–BIG!

      • Ray Monad Milland

        Our Allen Dulles created CIA shadow government, based on Nazi operation Paper Clip influencers,
        which stole our power, of we the peoples representational form of government from the office of the presidency. In assassinating president Kennedy, this shadow government now is holding it power over the the house and senate, through the plausible deniability scam. Which should be our representatives and not the three letter agency puppets, like the notorious D/CIA Burns, FBI’s Chris, “cant lie with a straight face” choking Wray and last and least likely to succeed DOJ attorney general, is Merrick Barrack Judy Judy, Garland. All allowed to to run roughshod over our supposed representatives in government, we fought the British empire fer, in the no taxation without representation American Revolution. Remember the Boston tea party anyone still alive?
        Or our LGBQRST+ Citizens, are you there, or be square? If we don’t hang together folk’s, including you traitors, we’ll all hang separate! Said Old son, Ben Franklin. His picture is on that deflated Fifty in your pocket, soon to be worth 50 cent. With Jerome Powell’s cave to the Dems stagflateing, rate bait cut! Overpowered by CIA Neo-Conmen Paper Clip + media project Mockingbird Deep State creep’s, that have gone absolutely MAD MAX, as a Hatter!

      • R.Milland

        They’re willing to bypass Ukraine in this war were losing badly with Russia and risk going nuclear in our high tech exchanges’ they’re THROWING EVERYTHING BUT THE KITCHEN SINK TO START A NUCLEAR WAR THAT WERE ALREADY IN, A WORLD WAR! All to stop Trump to save their own necks, they don’t care about the country or the world for that matter! Nuclear winter commeth?
        Not MAGA now,. but THE REPUBLIC MUST SURVIVE! TRMS! And family?
        P.S. That flyer nailed and posted on the Liberty Tree reads;
        “Countrymen” Ships Laden With English Tea Are
        now bound for _This Port
        Shun The Detested Beverage And let NONE
        Be Landed On These Shores
        Every Friend of his country, to Himself,
        and Posterity, is now called upon to meet at
        FANEUIL HALL at nine o’clock
        {Be There, or be Nowhere! My addition, lol!}
        Don’t, PANIC YEAR ZERO!

    • S_Adams

      Go through history and find how banking started, it will take you to the Babylonian days. There is a faction that learned the way of the Babylonians, once you find them, you will find the root cause of the evil.

      Nobody can escape The Great Awakening, some will survive it, some will deny it, some might not survive it; but is coming…

  31. 5 Deep

    My opinion, Putin will soon be replaced by someone far more aggressive and sinister. Be prepared!

    • Dale Anderson

      I pray not because his replacement might be much more willing to push the nuke button.

    • Marie Joy

      For years, only Trump and Putin came between me and nuclear war. Trump is currently out and the only thing between me and nuclear is Putin. When Putin is gone only President Donald Trump will be between me and nuclear war because WE voted all these traitors into office.
      It takes a weak people to allow all this.

  32. Johnny Nobody

    Just discovered what Klaus Schwab means by, “You will own nothing and be happy”.
    This seeming oxymoron paraphrases (Lord) Bertrand Russell 1872 – 1970, member of the Committee of 300, who proclaimed; “Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, ALL WILL BELIEVE THEMSELVES HAPPY, (my emphasis) because the government will tell them that they are so.”

  33. Trinacria

    Thank you for interviewing M. Armstrong; always insightful. However, I am confused on one thing and, I am asking you Greg or anyone else for clarification on this: Armstrong says “we” are trying to spread democracy…whereas, I believe we have a serious communism, Marxism or call it collectivism problem in this country and in Europe. DEI, and all the related programs that preceded it and succeed it are all recycled collectivist garbage built upon the Hegelian Dialectic. How can he say we are trying to do the opposite of what Kruchev originally said in the 1960’s about spreading communism, and we are trying to counteract by spreading democracy….very confusing and contradictory. Can someone help clarify this. Thank you.

  34. Cliven Bundy

    Trump: Howard Stern went ‘woke’
    Fox News 264,387 views 5 hours ago
    Former President Trump discusses how several celebrities and talk
    show hosts, like Howard Stern, have gone ‘anti-Trump’ on ‘Gutfeld!’
    @Mytwocentsisallicanafford 5 hours ago
    If it wasn’t for media I think Trump would get 99% of the vote

    Lefties losing it: CNN hosts destroyed after spreading ‘bloodbath’ lie
    Sky News Australia 25,038 views Sep 19, 2024
    Sky News host Rita Panahi reacts to strategist Scott Jennings accusing CNN hosts of spreading “garbage” about Donald Trump’s “bloodbath” comments.

    FULL INTERVIEW: JD Vance Faces Grilling From CNN’s Bash About Comments About Haitians In Springfield
    Forbes Breaking News 1.7M views 3 days ago

  35. C.Fundie

    Lefties losing it: CNN hosts destroyed after spreading ‘bloodbath’ lie
    Sky News Australia 25,038 views Sep 19, 2024
    Sky News host Rita Panahi reacts to strategist Scott Jennings accusing CNN hosts of spreading “garbage” about Donald Trump’s “bloodbath” comments.

    FULL INTERVIEW: JD Vance Faces Grilling From CNN’s Bash About Comments About Haitians In Springfield
    Forbes Breaking News 1.7M views 3 days ago

    Trump: Howard Stern went ‘woke’
    Fox News 264,387 views 5 hours ago
    Former President Trump discusses how several celebrities and talk
    show hosts, like Howard Stern, have gone ‘anti-Trump’ on ‘Gutfeld!’
    @Mytwocentsisallicanafford 5 hours ago
    If it wasn’t for media I think Trump would get 99% of the vote

  36. richarda

    Do some research on Emperor Hadrian and why he had to invade Dacia.

  37. Yola Beryl

    LIVE Lebanon: Mobile Phones, Solar Panels Start Exploding After Pagers, Radio | Hezbollah, Israel
    Hindustan Times 207 watching now Started streaming 48 minutes ago Live Device Exploding | Live Hezbollah Device Exploding | Hezbollah Solar Device Exploding | Isreal Live News | Hezbollah Live News
    Lebanon’s official news agency reports that home solar energy systems exploded in several areas of Beirut.

    Russia Retakes Two Kursk Settlements, 14,000+ Ukrainian Troops Killed, Putin Burns Kyiv’s Weapons Hindustan Times Sep 19, 2024 Russian forces continue to drive away Ukrainian soldiers from the Kursk region. In the latest, Russian forces have taken control of the settlements of Nikolayevo-Dayino and Daryino in Kursk. TASS reported that Russian forces also captured eight Ukrainian soldiers and killed up to 400 enemy soldiers in the last 24 hours. Watch this video for the latest on the Russia-Ukraine war.

  38. bernard

    It Happened folks! Gerald Celente is proven time and again to be right! Even when everyone else in the Alternative says otherwise.

    As I predicted and as I’ve been saying since February Last Year!

    The Fed just Cut Interest Rates by 0.5%. The first in 4 years. The FIRST of many cuts in the near future.

    No one believe me when I said, the Fed will cut rates in the second-half of 2024.

    THEY NEED to cut rates, in order to give the illusion of prosperity. So the Democrats/Joe Biden look good and win the Election!!!

    Don’t be surprised if Kamala/Democrat will the Election. I’m just saying…

  39. Perl Baily

    Scott Ritter : 72 Minutes away from the world ending.
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
    441K subscribers 25,836 views Sep 18, 2024

  40. Prospector

    Can anyone confirm these reports ?

    Trump rally attendees suffer odd symptoms.
    Approximately 20 attendees, including “Latinos for Trump” members, reported blurred vision, severe eye pain, and facial swelling after Trump’s Tucson rally.

    Doctors diagnosed several with chemical burns, though…

    Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) September 19, 2024

    Other links at :
    @ MattWallace888

    ” One attendee diagnosed with chemical burn by doctor. ”

    What’s next ? Havana Syndrome ?

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