Desperate Deep State Wants War & Martial Law – Martin Armstrong
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says we are getting down to the wire with the 2024 Election, and the Deep State Dems are in panic mode. Could we have a false flag, martial law, debt crisis, default, war or all of the above? Armstrong says, “They want war. There is no question about that. . . . Lindsey Graham was on Face the Nation a couple of months ago, and he slipped and told the truth for once. I was shocked that he actually slipped and told the truth for once. He said there was a $10 trillion to $12 trillion natural gas asset under Crimea, and we can’t allow Russia and China to get that. . . . This is like Iraq. We are going after the oil.”
On martial law, Armstrong says, “I am very concerned about martial law. . . . They (Supreme Court) have kind of hinted that martial law is a common law type thing. When the courts are closed, then you have martial law. It is justified under ‘necessity.’ This is what the Supreme Court has said. So, I am very concerned that these neocons are so desperate that they are definitely going to try to create some sort of a false flag or anything they can do perhaps the last week in October going into the election.”
On the war front, we just had Israel bomb Iran, and NATO is still poking Russia. Armstrong says, “NATO is a retirement home for neocons. It should have been shut down. They are trying to take the world into World War III. They are now raising a $100 billion so they can continue the war against Russia in case Trump is elected.”
Armstrong is still seeing Trump winning in 2024 in a “landslide.” Kamala Harris is going the other way. A few months back, Armstrong said Kamala’s real approval rating was 10.5%. Armstrong says he just ran new Kamala Harris approval ratings with his Socrates computer program. Armstrong says, “It’s actually down to 6.5% to 7.5%. It’s really appalling.”
Armstrong says Kamala has “negative coattails,” which will spell big losses for Democrats down ballot in November.
On the economy, Armstrong says, “We are in this debt Ponzi scheme where they issue new debt every year to pay off the old debt. People say the debt is $34 trillion, but the level of the debt does not matter. It could be a quadrillion dollars. . . . China holds 10% of America’s debt. They sold $53 billion at the beginning of the year. This is where the danger comes. If you don’t have someone to take up what China is not buying, guess what? You can’t pay, and when you can’t pay, that’s when a default comes. This is why they want war . . . so they can default on everything. . . . They take us to war, and there goes Social Security and everything else.”
On the 2024 Election, Armstrong says, “The 2024 Election will be the last election. . . . The US will break up into three or four sections. . . . We are committing suicide. . . . This is how governments die. . . . Gold goes up when people lose confidence in government. This is why central banks want gold. They are afraid of governments defaulting on their debt in war. . . . In the war, we lose it next time. They want terrorism so they can lock us down. This is the future we face.”
There is much more in the 1-hour and 3-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong as he gives his analysis on martial law, debt default and world war for 10.26.24.
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Greg, Bongino seems to see the same martial law type thing in the planning =
Greg, Bongino warns to expect a false flag type JAN 6 if DJT wins…
And who is going to impose this martial law? The police? The military? They can’t even secure the border or stop crime in the big cities.
They will use the same useful idiots that wore mask!
The same useful idiots that still thinks CON-vid was a pandemic!
The same useful idiots that STILL even after the 2020 “election” think that we still have a free country or elections.
Sadly, our friends, neighbors and families
By IQ is wisdom acquired, so Fluoride was put into our drinking water and m-RNA Shots injected into us to give us Brain Fog!!!
Exposure to toxic chemicals prior to conception has also been associated with reduced fertility (Buck Louis, 2014) so Fluoride was also likely put into our drinking water “so women could not get pregnant”!!
Correct on all counts. Especially the con known as covid.
Amazingly 4 out of 5 people were gullible enough to line up and “Clap with Joy” as they were injected with the Pfizer and Moderna Bio-weapon (while lecturing the 1 out of 5 for being “anti-science” as they rubbed their heads, fainted, fell to the floor and (if they survived) took the booster shot and are now voting for Kamala!!
Yeah, I think a high % of those people are sick or very sick.
And when they meet resistance these cowards will flee. Just my two centavos
Because they have been ordered not too.
Men will live in peace and harmony with one another if their property and their honor are not infringed upon – when are Men Going To Grow Up and produce such a Government, its been ages since Rome did it and still there is absolutely no sign of enlightenment from the current governments of the world????
We had a great government…
We can have a great one again
Trump 2024
Vance 2028
Here is what some think could happen: A strong leader, likely a UN military officer using illegals (incl Chinese) armed w/ auto rifles who will take orders to kill Americans as part of the UN troop agenda. Most coming into this country are military age men. They will take orders to earn their keep, having no loyalty to Americans. Our military will be cannon fodder as always in foreign wars for profiting the military industrial complex. Regardless who gets in office, this plan cannot be stopped and politicians in Wash. DC will have quietly gone into their bunkers until the “job” is over.
How do the Globalist get rid of the U.S. Constitution? Get us into a war and LOSE.
Greg. was listening to George Gammon on this…and wondering what Martin Armstrong might know about this…=
Seems the war profiteers in the wider world…are using the spread for profits held in offshore accounts and care little about the nation’s sovereign debt…as they use war to drive up the debt…then use their profits to buy bonds to churn the scam and kick the can …as they pocket the profits for themselves as the working masses are burdened with paying the interest?
One has to wonder if it all is not just one large dangerous and murderous theater of war and school play to create chaos sufficient to mask the massive theft and loss of blood and treasure between a very high table of players across the globe? Guess we will never know unless one side actually does nuke or bomb the major banks, and HQ’s of the system of systems? NUKE the gold and silver vaults, maybe Basel-Geneva, City of London, some of the offshore bank areas, say the Cayman Islands, Isle of Man etc? The blood seems always to flow the most from those pushed to ‘defend’ their nations…as the ‘treasure’ is just absconded with and the skim hidden in those and other offshore banks? Sick world !
One wonders if the oldest countries have an edge as to the ‘old money’ of Europe and the politics controlled religions and corruption across Europe and old trade routes.
Seems the war profiteers in the wider world…are using the spread for profits held in offshore accounts and care little about the nation’s sovereign debt…as they use war to drive up the debt…then use their profits to buy bonds to churn the scam and kick the can …
The Deep State dual Anglo-American World Super Power must stop kicking the can down the road and can the can once and for all, canning AL THIS, chicanery!
Hi Martin, It was Lord Jesus Christ who said it first in the Bible” A house divided against its self can not stand” Abraham Lincoln said it quoting the Lord Jesus. 😊
Abraham Lincoln also quoted Boethius (and Kamala): “People will be filled with as much JOY as they can imagine into their minds!! However, if you don’t know where Kamala’s JOY is leading you (like Joyfully Drafting Women into the US Army to fight Russia, China, North Korea, the Houthis and Iran), you might not ever get there!!!
Use the voting lever “Joy Stick” on Nov 5th to bring you “MUCH JOY” voting for Trump!!!
Kamala should remember Abraham Lincoln’s famous saying: “You Can Fool Some of the People SOME OF THE TIME” (by changing your Color). “You Can Fool Some of the People ALL OF THE TIME” (with Black, Indian, Southern and Preacher accents). “But you Can’t Fool ALL THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME”!!! So take a stand boldly and fearlessly on Nov. 5th against such obvious tactics (by a really dumb laughing buffoon)!!!
To the Promised Land?? You mean we will instead go to Hell???
The words of the Prophets are all coming to pass now and it will all culminate in the return of our LORD JESUS CHRIST WHO will baccompanied by an army of Angels.
The world is completely leaderless and in the case of AAcrime and the coalition of the willing is a band of TOTALLY BANKRUPT AND HOPELESSY INSOLVENT countries who follow the warmongerings of AAcrime like a flock of idiots.
Yes!! I agree that the Donald might just be the last president of the u. s. of a.
Only those that have repented and given an Oath to Following JESUS CHRIST will survive!!!
In the meanwhile Gold heads for MUCH , MUCH HIGHER GROUND….having said that one of the stars of the Gold Board got hammered severely this week Newmont the company in question and from what I have read it was an orchestrated take down where the crooks that run new jerk stock exchange were filling their boots.
Thanks martin always value for money and a good track record for calling things correctly…Regards to Socrates and to you Greg for your great line up of guests
Amen to that brother Neville!
Brother Greg
Martin Armstrong is one of the few people I trust and respect for information. Thanks for bringing him back, After all, a man is know for the company he keeps.
Great interview! Thanks!
Thanks Tim.
How do the Globalist get rid of the U.S. Constitution? Get us into a war and LOSE.
Greg bitterly disappointed you never asked Martin what scocrates said about the price of gold!
Why so “bitter”? It was free and I did ask about gold and why central banks were buying gold.
There is a HOT SPOT IN HELL FOR THOSE THAT PREDICT WHERE THE PRICE OF GOLD IS GOING!!! Words of the late Mr George Louw who was during his lifetime a senior executive at a very famous Mining House…
Having said that ,in these days of complete and utter chaos on the stock markets these days ,for example take Shitcoin <it has absolutely no discernable value whatsoever and whoever can find it please place your comment below. Give us an account of its assets etc its capability of paying a dividend etc……Then you get Nvidia a more overvalued piece of utter garbage but hey!! its is the magnificent 7 line up and so the idiots out there spurred on by the diabolical black rock so anything goes.
Kings 10:10 – Queen Sheba gave 120 talents of gold to Solomon, which is 4,080 kg. 1 Kings 10:14 – Solomon received 666 talents of gold per year, which is 22,644 kg/year. Solomon ruled Israel for 40 years. The approximate gold he could have accumulated over the 40 years of his reign could be around 905,760 kgs.
Sam, if you heard Martin, he said gold goes up (actually dollar goes down, gold is neutral) when confidence goes down. Confidence is pretty well gone now, so it doesn’t matter what the price of gold is or will be. It will still be wealth. The USD will be the equivalent Confederate money now, or nearly so. If you have it, you will sleep better than if you don’t.
When the US dollar goes Confederate (and looking at the following chart suggests it is already there “no amount of US dollars” will buy you an ounce of Gold!! Poor is the man who won’t act on his own behalf and needs the permission of others to do what they know is right and won’t act on their own behalf because their soul has been conquered by Globalists who demand they shall own nothing and eat bugs!!!
Martin says people buy gold when their faith in government declines. If the USA is having its last election it seems to me that might be the definition of loss in faith in government. Jim Sinclair’s numbers on gold will then happen. Bo Polny will be proven right too.
Everyone should be stacked by now.
stay stacked but the real question is will their be product available, get your supplies now
America is under agenda 2030 incrementally so most people won’t notice since they are so busy w/ social media to care about much else.. Most haven’t a clue what it is or how suppressed citizens will be when it is fully implemented by 2030. A tiny percentage fully understand that it is total enslavement and the rest are so dumbed down they will be conditioned anyway by MSM, schools, universities and lack of critical thinking skills. Now, we know we all must top off supplies for our family and prepare best we can. Protection devices are a must since larger cities will be in chaos. Many will be killed during civil unrest running the streets.
Exactly LD,
Look at what the US Dollar has done compared to Gold since 1970:
To Many People in the West are like Cave Men continually caving to accumulate “more and more worthless” US Dollars (that they Proudly Wear like Barbarous Rocks or Millstones Around Their Necks). The more Intelligent People in the East focus on getting “More of God’s Money” (GOLD)!!!
3200 in spring time
Stay Frosty…
good morning everyone, what is, martial law ?
where your luciferian government locked you down for the problem they created
tks for post martin greg
Please consider reducing commericals… have too many Rumble advert interruptions and then you add your private additional sponsors beginning middle and end?? Too much…..overmonetized!
I have complained to Rumble about the ads, and they say they are working on it. This is a Rumble thing, and I have no control over the advertising unless it’s my own sponsors.
Greg, I’ve noticed, as was mentioned by others last week, that if your interviews are viewed on the Brave browser, there are NO commercials. God bless you, Brother.
Curt is right. I tried watching on the Brave browser and there were no commercials.
Someone I know that made good money on YouTube and was paid pennies a month from Dailymotion. They started a new career
Greg, doesn’t have any control over these ads. How do I know? Greg, would pull the plug on these scam filled ads. Not something he would support or show to his viewers.
Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Armstrong. Utterly Gold interview.
Imagine, when the USA splits will its Unified Dollar be worthless? Imagine sitting on Millions of US Dollars which are now worthless there will be many unhappy bunnies in some trades.
Maria, the US dollar looks worthless already ( The Fed is the “Creator of Nothing from Nothing” (and therefore they are a False God)!! The Real TRUE GOD “Created SOMETHING from Nothing”!! And all it took was putting a negative (Satan) into our world to create all the positive Good things (just like a mathematician produces a +1 and -1 out of zero)!!! So in the beginning GOD who is ALL (was composed of Three (3) entities the Father, Son and Holy Ghost) just as taught to us in Catholic School) and the Fed has No-awhere-to-hide !!
So Katy, are you saying that God created Satan so that “we could exist as positive physical entities and enjoy the beauty of life” (feeling it was a good trade-off and compromise “as long as we ‘as physical living beings’ could learn to steel ourselves morally against Satan’s constant call to bring us back to Hell” (the Zero Point of Nothingness)???
Exactly Ken, and God the Father put His Son in our Physical World “to teach us by example” how we Must Live Morally (to Enjoy the Physical Life He Has Given Us) by Learning to Resist Satan’s call to Return Us Back to “A Place of Nothingness” (i.e. Hell, or Trapped in a Borg)!!
We Need President Donald Trump
Tulsi Gabbard 89,419 views Oct 26, 2024
Chapters 0:00 Introduction
2:15 How Tulsi Got Into Politics
7:04 The Choice We Have In This Election
11:57 Tulsi’s Experience In The Vice Chair Of The DNC
15:03 Hilary Clinton
18:44 Tulsi Gabbard And The Russia Conspiracy
23:24 Kamala Harris & Liz Cheney Campaigning Together
29:34 Border Security Crisis Under Kamala Harris
42:58 Donald Trump Being Charged 4 Years in Prison
44:38 Tulsi On Being Placed On Quiet Skies
51:42 We Need Donald Trump
I will only rely on the savior of the world JESUS CHRIST
Thank you for having Armstrong. I love this guy. He is brilliant. And if this doesn’t make you pull as many assets as you can out of markets and banks and convert a % into real money… then nothing can interfere with your unreality bubble.
Mark 3:24-25 (KJV)
24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Have you guys seen the Komrad Kamala commercials? Trump, who cut my taxes last time is gonna raise it this time. While Kamel is gonna cut taxes for 100mill people? Who are these 100 Million people? Illegal aliens? Why have they done that 3.5 year ago? And Kam is gonna stop price gouging… the only price you is with my taxes. SLO Jo and Kamaltow caused massive inflation. Inflation isn’t price gouging. I know the local grocer and a local restaurant. Every cost they have has gone up. It isn’t price gouging to make a profit.
But Trump is gonna do a national sales tax… more lies. China is upset that Trump is going to do tariffs which didn’t raise our prices last time.
Oh Kamala is gonna give you give you money *25K for house* if you are illegals ** $6000 for**+ where is this money gonna come from?
G500 – The Biden Administration has been warning Israel “not to attack Iran’s oil production facilities” (as that would result in a spike in oil prices and harm Kamala’s election chances). But “after the election” Iran’s Oil Facilities could become fair game if Trump allows it (or just threatens to allow it to get concessions from Iran)!! Any threat of an oil disruption will drive inflation fears higher so Trump will be drilling for gas and oil like crazy here in the US but the “Rest of the World (without oil) will see inflation, and will thus be buying Gold and Silver “which will give us stackers” (not just the illegals) the 25K for a house!!
The National Sales tax has been written about already in a book by Neal Boortz and John Linder called “The Fair Tax Book”. If this is what Trump has referred to (because I have not heard him speak of a national sales tax) then it would be a Great Thing! The ‘Fair Tax’ calls for the income tax to be dropped completely and in its place a national sales tax placed on ONLY NEW goods purchased. (if memory serves me right) No used goods purchased would be taxed and you keep 100% of the money you earn. In this way EVERYBODY contributes something who lives and consumes in this country (even foreigners and illegals) – and you can control how much federal tax you pay by controlling the amount of NEW goods you purchase. I have this book. The late Great American, Herman Cain also came up with an excellent plan when he was running for President in 2012; the 9-9-9 Plan. It ran on a similar type basis. So if this is a plan referenced by Trump then it should be a welcome topic for debate- and perhaps a thing whose time has finally come. Just sayin’!
Sorry Greg but too many ads now showing up during interview not to mention your extra sponsors…..
Sorry, Gary my free site does not fit your high standards. Help me get rid of all ads:
How about I put in a pay wall?
The ads are the admission price for the excellent content. Some of those ads probably saved my life and allow me to sleep better at night.
Jeffrey Sachs Of Fans 1,797 views Premiered 70 minutes ago
Jeffrey Sachs Interviews – Uncontrollable
Jeffrey Sachs is a well-known American economist, academic, and public policy analyst who has made significant contributions to the fields of sustainable development and economic development. He has held various prestigious positions throughout his career, including serving as the director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University and as a special advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General on the Millennium Development Goals. Sachs has authored numerous books and articles on topics related to economics, poverty reduction, and sustainable development. Website:
Isn`t the US Government secretly providing illegally printed $DOLLARS to its ALLIES under the table to buy its DEBT!? What about the Plunge Protection Team? So, how does the USA get around selling debt?
Source? Not saying you are wrong because these evil people will do anything to keep the game going.
A good question would have been what does a modern day first world nation look like after a communist coup? They are running the color revolution playbook and very few see it. The goal is to breakup all the super powers so no one can challenge their UN Army that answers to only the globalist.
Babylon is going to fall.
Jer.50:12 the hindermost of the nations
Jer.50:3,9,41 a land out of the north
Jer.50:9 the northern weapons shall hit their mark
Jer.50:3,13 no longer inhabited
Jer.50:3; Isa.14:4 made desolate
Rev.18:10,19 judgment in one hour
Jer.50:39,40 no longer inhabited as Sodom and Gomorrah
God is in control and judgment is coming.
Yes, YHWH is in control. And NO America is not Sodom and Gomorrah, nor are we Babylon.
Hahaha… Yo… Y’all we have disappointed the 0bama’s again… so my job here is down. LOL
I do not care if the President has an innie or an outie genitalia wise. I care about competence. Something that the Dems have lacked for decades. Kamala exudes incompetence and looking at her debates and videos, you have to wonder what drugs she is high on.
All the while the Demons scream Trump is incompetent… The most competent leader we have had in my lifetime. Isn’t that just like evil, accuse the others guys of what your weakness is or the evil that you are doing… I fear the Demons will demand civil war when they lose and they are not gonna like what happens… I think it called “upending the game board.” Yes, the Demoms will try to rent the nation asunder. They would rather destroy the entire nation that be brought to justice.
So be prepared. Food, water, meds, communication, fuel, Back up Power and personal protection. It isn’t too late. Get what you can. The last thing that you need is to be forced to try to go to the city to get food/water/fuel… you won’t be able to get arms as the required FBI back ground checks will likely be down… not saying that the FBI is evil and working as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Demoncrats national government.
I hope you have made a little prep along but you better do your final prep now.
The Obamas have weighed in on the 2024 presidential election. Barack Obama, of course, was seen leading a confused Joe Biden off stage at a fundraiser earlier this year and showed a complete lack of self-awareness by telling a crowd he didn’t see how the country had gotten so toxic and divided.
Michelle Obama says the race being so close keeps her up at night, and she just can’t understand why Kamala Harris isn’t 50 points ahead. She’s pulling out one of the liberals’ favorite excuses — the country just might not be ready for a female president.
The Obamas can never fail, they can only be failed.
America is ready for a female president … just not this female.
“America is ready for a female president” ….RIDICULOUS!…No Intelligent thought behind that dangerous statement….out of 100% of the corrupt female “leaders” in this Failed Republic…maby 1 OR 2 Females are Honorable and Fit for the Job, if that Not STUPID and Not CORRUPT……Pretty much MOST (not all) belong in GITMO not in the Oval!
With the hormonal changes that go on in women every month you men are going to put a Nuclear Weapon in her hands???
LIVE | Iranian Counter-Attack Blocks IDF Jets From Breaching Iran Airspace? Big Claim Out | Times Of India 453 watching now
Started streaming 5 hours ago #TOILive #TOIVideos
Iran’s military issued a carefully worded statement Saturday night suggesting a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon was more important than any retaliation against Israel. While still saying it held the right to retaliate, the statement from Iran’s military suggests Tehran may be trying to find an off-ramp to further escalation in the war after Israel’s attack early Saturday morning.
LIVE | Erdogan’s War Message: Big Speech After Israel Attacks Iran; Turkey Entering Battlefield? Hindustan Times watching now 542
Started streaming 5 hours ago #turkey #iran #israel
NATO nation Turkey reacted sharply after Israel launched retaliatory strikes against Iran on October 26. Turkish foreign ministry, in a strong-worded statement, said, “It is now clear that putting an end to Israeli terror in the region has become a historic task to ensure international security and peace.” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also hit out at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Erdogan said, “Israel will achieve nothing.”
U.S. News
NYC Mayor Adams: Stop Calling Trump a “Fascist”
by Raw Egg Nationalist October 27th, 2024
“I know what Hitler has done, and I know what a fascist regime looks like. I think, as I’ve called over and over again, that… we could all dial down the temperature,” Eric Adams said at a press conference
His intervention comes as the mainstream media and Harris campaign have stepped up their “fascist” attacks on Trump
BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE: Elon Musk Launches His Most Powerful Attack Yet on the Vicious Lies of The Deep State-Controlled Media & Their War on America
by October 26th, 2024
Musk and MAHA alliance drop 4 devastating truth bombs on the Harris-Walz crime syndicate
When these things begin to happen, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” RAPTURE OF THE BRIDE OF CHIST.
The 2020 election steal wasn’t just about putting in Biden it was also when they “elected” Harris, yes I mean in 2024!
She received 1% of the democratic vote in the 2020 primary, so they know “electing” her
will bring in massive chaos!
Jesus said
I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me;
God bless and protect my brothers and sisters in Christ 🙏
Greg, I heard rumors that a document was introduced that would allow the military to be used against citizens. Have you come across anything like this?
Nice weekend, but war is coming.
That really says it all. War. It’s just a matter of time.
Personally, I’m a happy man everytime America makes it past another weekend. For one thing, it gives me more time to stockpile all that canned food Marty says his Socrates program suggested to be on the to-do list.
Did it escape your notice that war, famine, plague, economic turmoil, national debt crisis and martial law are coming. And all this and more is coming no matter what. Even if Trump overcomes the Big Vote Cheat, the best we can hope for is that Trump buys us more time… And like I said, I’ll take every “nice weekend” I can get, so Trump is the man to make that happen. More nice weekends before the Day Of Reckoning. That’s the best case scenario.
I’m having a nice barbecue on Sunday, and mostly I’m spending most of Sunday storing up treasure in Heaven. Hope you all can do the same.
The kingdom of God and the tribes of man are at a historic divergence. I say be ready to defend our true home. Safeguard this truth no matter what. Life on this planet is a split second of eternity, not worth losing our eternal home for. This means we all have to be willing to die rather than be savages. The savages will inherit the earth, not a place I want to be.
What do you mean we have to be willing to die? All men die.
Are you saying that if we righteous defend ourselves, we will be considered savages? I can’t find that support by scripture.
You can defend your heavenly home and your earthly one without worry. If you don’t defended yourself, and you could have, that is no different from suicide.
Galaxy500, I am referring to our soul. Life here is brief and our eternal life can be forgotten. We are entering what may be the final battle. I will fight and am prepared to defend what is mine and my life but that is the red line. I will not be one who would try to kill me, those who kill ones who have not done anything to another will lose their heavenly home. I pray we do not enter into this. Don’t worry about me. I will not commit suicide. I have a good life, and I want an eternal life with God. I wish you a good life too and safety in coming days. I apologize for upsetting you. if we met you would understand what I say better. I will try not to do that again. May your life bring you fulfillment and many blessings.
Hi Susan,
Not upset, just confused so I asked what you meant. Confusion appears to be my state of residence these days. Your response was reasoned and eloquent. Thank you for taking the time to provide a genteel and kind reply. I dare say you and yours could sit down with me and have an adult conversation, even in areas we disagree. In my youth, I remember where you could sit, break bread with people of differing opinions and have a stimulating conversation. As you, I will defend me and mine. If I am able to offer charity, I will. Our positions are not different.
Thou Shalt not murder is a hard red line. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? For our heavenly home and salvation is everything. As you say, our time here is fleeting. What is even a hundred years here in an imperfect world against eternity with our Lord, Jesus?
Galaxy 500, Beautiful words spoken from the heart. God Bless You.
For those that think Martin Armstrongs view is unbelievable: Nazi Germany was a feast for well vinculated people before capitulation like Baron von Finck, who got the Natanial Rothschild jewish bank in Vienna from Hitler, the royal house of Hannover seizing jewish companies too in Austria and many others. This mostly recovered after capitulation, being family Baron von Finck the richest foreign family living in Switzerland! It pays for rich people handsome to become billioneere if you manage to influence White House. Just do not care what ordinary citizens think, they do not matter. Aristoteles thousands of years ago warned about the real rich, best to have sort of big middle class.
Greg Hunter
Our Ultimate American Patriot
Stay Well my Brother
Great Interview
Thanks for all you do
Greg, thanks for having Martin Armstrong on.
It’s not just what Martin says, but it’s what he hasn’t said that you need to take into account.
For example, if China only owns 10% of all U.S debt, and has only sold $53 billion of it the first quarter of 2024, (likely more since then), this is still very little money in the scheme of things.
So who is it then that owes the balance of this U.S debt, if everyone else in the western world is equally in debt?
This year’s deficit of $1.8 trillion equates to over $50,000 per citizen of the United States, which is far more than any pension fund can even hope to buy, and we haven’t even discussed who is buying all the rolled over U.S government debt this past year, likely in the many trillions of dollars on top of all that.
So it is clearly money that has been clearly made up. The only thing keeping this scam going is people’s total ignorance of how government financing works.
Martin is completely right when he says that it was actually the result of the weaponization of the SWIFT payment system and the U.S dollar against namely Russia and other countries that BRICS and now 84 more countries have joined forces to stand up against tyranny, enforced by the CIA, the deep state, and the U.S military.
Unfortunately, in the coming short term days, we need to be prepared for anything, including terror events that may be linked by the deep state to Iran, or Russia. Personally, I would be avoiding attending major sporting events, I hate to say it.
When asked by Joe Rogan the other day who our greatest enemy enemy was, Donald Trump replied it was from “the enemy within”. (at about half way into the interview).
We certainly live in interesting and unsettled times, but we need to remain hopeful, as we do have God at our backs.
Now is the time to mend fences where we can and come together as a society and be pointing the finger at the deep state, because you can never win a war if you don’t know who the enemy really is.
Pete+only, I think the $1.8 trillion deficit equates to $5,000 per citizen, not $50,000
Pierre, I stand corrected, the Federal deficit for 2024 is $5,000 per person, so the government ‘s deficit is $15,000 for a family of 3.
I have heard RFK Jr say that it is possible to cut the defence budget in half to cut the annual deficit in half with that act alone going forward.
It would amount to cutting the CIA budget for overthrowing governments around the world and closing hundreds of military bases as well and focusing on things closer to home.
So how do we PREVENT VIOLENCE when Trump wins but Kamala and the Democrats won’t accept the result?? SIMPLE, Allow the United States of America to go into MITOSIS (the Process of Division that Cells Normally go through)!! Trump Simply Claims to be President of the Red States (and Red Counties within the Blue States) of the USA, as Kamala Claims to be the President of the Blue States (and the Blue Counties within the Red Sates) of the USA!! The Republican and Democratic Senators and House Members “no longer come together in compromise to pass Laws for the Entire Country” but pass laws only applicable to their respective constituents. The Republican Senate and House members simply pass laws that are binding in the Red States and Counties within the USA) and the Democratic Senators and House Members pass Laws only applicable within the Blue States and Counties in the USA! So for example, 1) Abortion will “be Legal” in the Blue States and Counties and “Illegal” in the Red States and Red Counties, 2) only Citizens of the Blue States can be Drafted to go help Ukraine fight Russia and China etc., etc., etc.!!! Therefore, the US Military “Also Needs to also Split in Two” (where the Republican Generals pledge Allegiance to Trump and the Democratic Generals pledge Allegiance to Kamala)!! However, it will be “CRITICAL FOR TRUMP TO LET RUSSIA AND CHINA KNOW” THAT WHEN THE DEMOCRATIC GENERALS LAUNCH NUCLEAR WEAPONS AT RUSSIA AND CHINA (TO SAVE UKRAINE AND TAIWAN) THAT BOTH RUSSIA AND CHINA SHOULD RETALIATE WITH THEIR NUCLEAR WEAPONS ONLY AGAINST “THE BLUE STATES AND BLUE COUNTIES”!!! As for the US Currency (it too will need to be split) the Red States must have their own “Gold and Silver” Backed US Dollar, and the Blue States can continue “printing to infinity” (to fight all their greed driven Wars) the current paper US Dollar shown here:
Great Idea Katy, as the Red United States will then be able to join the BRICKS Nations and if the Demon Blue States want to INFLATE THE US DOLLAR TO INFINITY that’s their problem!!!
I like the part where “Only Democrats Are Drafted” to fight in their Manufactured Wars for Lust and Greed!! Also, all Child Trafficking and Queer Story Time Hour Should Only be Allowed in the Blue States (this way Republican children will be protected from the Perverts)!!!
So back to 1860 once more , Hmmm ? How did that work out ?
Biden Illegal Alien Camps. Busses loading going to _____? Are these the same busses and illegal faces that show up at the Guatemala Harris Shit Shows? Just asking.
Chicago City streets where legal American citizens are banned from walking and filming upon. Dude was filming from the city street where the illegal alien gathering point in Chicago, the buses to an UNKNOWN FUNCTION were being loaded by illegals. Legal citizen had to leave the public sidewalk.
Illegal alien gathering point had signs painted in at least 12 languages, including the Asian and Middle Eastern scribble.
Biden gives free flights for people that want to leave Central and South America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Isn’t that nice of him? Has he lost his mind?
Biden gives our tax dollars away, giving free clothing, transportation, legal services, education, health and housing to these illegal abductees. Is each kidnapped alien counted on the new jobs report as a government job – the actual job… paid attendee to the Harris Shit Salad Shows? Just asking.
Guatemala Harris busses thousands of “supporters” to her Shit Word Salad Shows, where are these people from and who really pays for it? Just asking.
I think only a person that doesn’t know English would sit through the ten minute Kamala Harris Shit Salad Show.
I see a possible news story here.
If what I think may be occurring here, the DEM party benefits directly from the illegal use of taxpayer money, and by breaking existing immigration laws on the books.
Treason against the United States of America. DEM and RINOs GUILTY. Let them all swing at the end of ropes.
Fraud, waste, and abuse, and the Legal American Citizen Working Taxpayer gets screwed in plain sight.
And nothing will ever become of this, because the good people are too terrified to open their eyes.
We should be very concerned about the American Jewish People who vote for the candidates promoting such things! American Jewish Voters tend to favor Democratic candidates, with 71% choosing Democratic candidates on average and only 26% choosing Republicans since 1968!! When Moses parted the Red Sea he did not mean for the Jews to part with the Republican Party (in favor of the Demons and Rats promoting War)!!!
I think that Dem number is going to be way down from our Jewish brothers and sisters. many will vote fro Trump and many will stay home.
I think the Jewish People will find it to be in their best interest to vote for Trump (“a Man of Peace”), because by obediently following the orders given by Warmongering US Democrat Neocons has “already resulted” in the State of Israel being made “Inhospitable as a Homeland for the Jewish People”!! War and Instability has resulted in may Jewish workers leaving Israel with their families to live and work in safer countries (i.e. like Germany and the US) and thus Large Israeli Corporations are beginning to decouple and plan to move out of Israel (for fear of being hit by a Hypersonic Missile that Iran has shown can penetrate the Iron Dome)!! After the US election on Nov 5th I think the Democratic Neocons plan to foolishly order Israel to attack Iranian Oil Production Facilities before Christmas (so they can create the fear, panic and hyperinflation necessary “To Order Marshall Law in the US” so the Neocons can Suspend the Transfer of Power to Trump and Keep Kamala in as “Acting President” of the United States of America!!
To their credit Holocaust survivors are now speaking out against the Democrats!!!
Who are these Jews and are they actually True Hebrews ? Rev 2:9 and Rev.3:9 KJV if you please ! You better pay attention when God repeats himself in back to back Chapters on the same exact verse !
tHanks Greg. Voted yesterday and if I had had no other reason, the D’s had no viable candidate so I went with the Trump. Coattails being what they are, I voted a straight ticket.
This is Cali and the Senate race here is of some importance nationally as are all Senate races. So Schiff-for-brains or a former ball-player named Steve Garvey. I went for the former LA Dodger & SD Padres ball player rather than a career politician who I really dislike.
Hmmm, the neocons want martial law — some folks should be careful what they wish for.
How should we react if Trump expands / starts / continues war? Armstrong says Zelensky ran anti-war and provoked war.
That’s not going to happen.
It is obvious that Martin Armstrong is not advising his clients to invest in Gold ( or silver for that matter). Gold may not earn interest but it preserves purchasing power when the s$#t hits the fan. Gold will continue to rise as the fiat currencies depreciate and the government steals your purchasing power. Buy Gold and Silver to preserve wealth…period.
Armstrong has said on USAW that gold is going into a muti-year bull market.
I’ve argued that Trump should have declared martial law back in December 2020, because there is no other way to remove the cancer, and it’s likely the democrats WILL implement martial law to secure their power. Many on our side think declaring martial law is abhorrent, an absolute no way, and that we should not even consider it under any circumstances. This is why we will lose, as we always do. We underestimate what the democrat party is capable of consistently.
I hear everyone advising on what to do to survive in a civil war? How many of you have actually lived through a civil war? I operated in Angola in the early and mid 1990s for over 7 plus years. I have news for all of you, you have no bloody clue. If you think you are prepared, you will be among the first to perish.
If it occurs, it will be an enormous Charlie Foxtrot. No one is prepared, no matter how long they have been preparing.
Not sure what a contemporary “civil war” would actually be (too ill-defined). In the event of a Trump election victory I can imagine some people rioting or causing localized civil disturbances. (Trump Derangement Syndrome). I can NOT even imagine a complete breakdown in law and order everywhere for now. However, that only happens after a EMP or nuclear war, as in Zombie Takeover. Sounds overly dramatic, like the hit summer movie, “civil war”. A bit sensationalized, wouldn’t you say ?
The movie civil war president character is about Trump. It looks like Trump can or will win the election. Seems to be following a script. Now they have the movie war game 2024 it is a suspense thriller that simulates a political coup in the US after a contested 2024 election.
The powers that be can start mass destruction by doing just one thing, cut off entitlements Social Security, food stamps, welfare, medicaid etc. via an economic collapse. Cities will burn to the ground, more than enough willing participants: antifa, BLM, illegal invading ARMY, triggered dems.
They have several other available avenues to get things going. Doesn’t seem that hard to me.
Thanks Greg.
Silver appears to be going into a multi-year rally:
Wonder how those “who have sold Gold short” feel knowing that Gold will be up to $3175 at the time Trump takes office on January 20, 2025?? Will they ever begin to cover their short positions???
As I said before, some people “Need the Permission of Others” to do “What they Know is Right in their Hearts” and “they Won’t Act on Their Own Behalf ” (because their “Soul has been Conquered” by “Truly Evil Globalists” who Boldly Demand “They Shall Own ‘NOTHING’ and Must Eat ‘BUGS'”!!!
Greg, as a believer in Christ and a fellow American citizen I just want to say that I am so sorry for all the people complaining to you about the ads they “have to listen to”. I’m actually embarrassed by them. You do an amazing job and I love to listen to your weekly wrap ups, ads or not, it is a pleasure and a benefit to me and my fellow Americans. Shame on them. Thank you sir, for your service to God and country. I pray for your continued health, prosperity and happiness. God bless you and God please bless and protect all believers everywhere. Amen.
The Intelligence Briefing /Cartels, Elections & Mob Rule – John B Wells LIVE
Caravan to Midnight 14,298 views Streamed live 13 hours ago
Topic: The Intelligence Briefing /Cartels, Elections & Mob Rule
Shoot to 1:10:31 mark for full show
Or get to the meat ~ 2:10:30 MARK FOR BREAKING NEWS_ The Fix is in? The $64,000 dollar question! HOW Dominion FAT CATS, PLAN to steal votes despite too big to fail? Thus, THEY’RE Willing to risk jail time not only for themselves, but co-conspirators like Smart and the Pilgrim society_, Sir Nigel Knowles Kings, George Soros Alex Soros, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown Optic Software & Smartmatic-Technology, corrupt British law firm DLA Piper, United Nations election rigging, Eric Holder honorable mention.
You can skip news break to 3:10:50 mark. Hurst ‘Blues’ Buckholz & Gary Berntsen.
Reply to M.Vanierd
Sir Nigel Knowles, Kings, “Trust” !? Formerly of the Prince’s Trust!
Not the $64,000 dollar answer, but solves the mystery!
Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | Feb. 19, 2021, Updated Mar. 30, 2021 | PDF |
I believe it is most important to understand how we got here. Crisis creation and ”
” extreme emergency measures ” are about the only tool the controllers have left.
FEMA and what Executive Order 11490 give them control over .
All communications, food , food production , energy , transportation, create citizen work battalions , etc.
Excerpt :
So they implemented by executive order the “the trading with the enemies act” in 1933, which literally put the United States and its citizens under emergency rule, which means the constitution, habeas corpus, things like that are suspended. Now, they didn’t tell the people that. And in the law it specifically exempted the American people as being the enemy. In 1937, they reissued the executive order again. Only this time they left out that passage and the American people became “the enemy”.Now we’ve been living under that declaration of emergency ever since then. So the concept that anyone in this county is protected by the constitution today, or has been since 1933 is erroneous. It’s false. That’s why they’ve been able to do many of the things that we question, like “how can they do that? That’s against the constitution. Obviously that’s against the constitution, that’s illegal. How can they be able to do that? Obviously, that’s against the constitution? That’s illegal. But they are doing things all the time constantly that tell us that the constitution is no longer enforced .
Now later, in 1945, Harry Truman signed the United Nations participation act, ratified by the senate. They immediately pushed through and signed the national security act of 1947. They created a veil of secrecy behind which they could operate, to bring power into the hands of the United Nations and destroy the sovereignty of all the nations of the world.
Now when Kennedy became president he signed the first executive order creating what’s called FEMA, the federal emergency management agency. It was put into place to take over local, state and federal government in case of invasion by a foreign power or a nuclear attack upon the United States. So he signed this executive order. This created FEMA.They also began back in the 50’s building underground cities. All across the country. They have their own water supply and everything. Under a mountain in Virginia. Under a mountain in Virginia, there’s a place called Mount Weather where they even have a “government in waiting” They have a president there, which has not been elected. They have a full cabinant there,. Theo have.departments of all of the government agencies in the United States, down there, waiting., in this place called Mount Weather.They also have a computer data bank with a master warrant lis, where they are collecting the names and addresses of known patriots and patriot leaders who will fight the overthrow of the constitution, overtly and the absorption of the United States overtly into the United Nations, and the transfer of power of our armed forces to the United Nations making them, in fact, a world police force, doing with the military forces of what used to be called the Soviet Union.Later on, Nixon elaborated on these executive orders, he changed them around, took out invasion by a foreign country, or attack by a nuclear weapon… and its worded very curiously now, and then reagan changed it. But now, the wording says, “in case of internal unrest” or “economic instability”
Of course they can generate that (those conditions) anytime they want to. ”
Thank you Greg for interviewing Martin Armstrong; always very interesting and thought provoking. A couple of questions based on some things he said:
1. If Trump wins elections, then 70% of California wants to “secede”. This does not make sense to me after he says that the Harris approval rating is at 6.5%. Also, your friend who works in tech corroborates this by saying the Harris approval is in single digits.
2. Armstrong said China owns 10% of US Debt. I just did the search that is cut/pasted below:
AI Overview
Learn more
As of January 2024, China held $797.7 billion in U.S. debt, making it the second-largest foreign holder of U.S. debt. This is about 2.6% of the total U.S. debt.
U.S. debt held by China
$797.7 billion as of January 2024
Percentage of total U.S. debt
I get a kick on how he calls commie Kamala as “Camilla”….it should be “Cruella”, but I guess that is already taken by the unstable/insane Whitmer in Michigan.
Thank you Greg and continue good health to you!
Sundance get it partly correct , but it is much bigger and entrenched.
See my post above on the Mt. Weather complex and the entire SECOND unelected government in waiting, under ‘ continuity of government ‘ programs.
Bill Cooper wrote in ” Behold A Pale Horse .”
I believe the plan to suspend the Constitution is directly tied to the
underground facility called Mount Weather and to the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA). Mount Weather is so shrouded in secrecy
that 99.9% of Americans have never heard of it. FEMA, however, is
another story. Remember Hurricane Hugo? Remember the federal agency
(FEMA) that was sent to handle the emergency and was thrown out by the
citizens because of gross incompetence? FEMA was incompetent, because
“emergency management” is just a guise for its real purpose, which is to
take over local, state, and federal government in case of a national emer-
gency. The only way FEMA could do such a thing is if the Constitution
Were suspended and martial law were to be declared. Therefore its very
existence is proof positive that a plan to suspend the Constitution does in fact exist.
The official name was “The Continuity of Government Program. ”
Congress has repeatedly tried to discover the real purpose of Mount
Weather, but so far has been unable to find out ANYTHING about the
secret installation. Retired Air Force General Leslie W. Bray, director of the
Federal Preparedness Agency, told the Senate Subcommittee on Constitu-
tional Rights in September 1975: “I am not at liberty to describe precisely
what is the role and the mission and the capability that we have at Mount
Weather or at any other precise location.”
In June 1975, Senator John Tunney (D), California, chairman of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, charged that Mount Weather held
dossiers on at least 100,000 Americans. ”
I know from my stint with the Office of Naval Intelligence that these
dossiers consist of information collected about American patriots, men and
women who are most likely to resist the destruction of our Constitution
and the formation of the totalitarian police state under the New World
Order. The patriot data bank is constantly updated so that when the
appointed hour arrives all patriots can be rounded up with little if any
effort. The plan calls for this to be accomplished in the dead of night on a
national holiday. The most likely holiday is Thanksgiving,”
”A list of other files kept at the facilities was furnished to
the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights in 1975. ”
The committee concluded that these data bases “operate with few, if
any, safeguards or guidelines.” Senator James Abourzek (D), South
Dakota, a member of the subcommittee, said, “I feel the entire operation
has eluded the supervision of either Congress or the courts.” Chairman
Tunney said, “Mount Weather is out of control.” Nothing was done by
Congress to rectify the situation, however, and Mount Weather remains out
of control.
I firmly believe that our Continuity of
Government program has not provided continuity at all, but has been the
instrument for discontinuing open and democratic government, and that
the very program designed to protect Americans has actually been turned
against us.
My long term “Pursuit of Doing Nothing” always seems to get disrupted by Evil Criminals trying to Ruin My Happy Life!! So now it looks like I’ll have to get Off My Ass and Vote for Trump on November 5th!!!
Good move Kit. Most powerful is he who puts himself in control of his own life. The important thing to remember “as to how to continue living doing nothing” is not to be controlled by Globalists who want to limit your movement, limit what you can say and limit what you can think!!
He who wants to live in peace pursuing nothing but “Joy” should definitely get off their ass and prepare for War Against Those who will “Draft Women to be Joyfully Shot” helping Ukraine and putting a few Billion More Bucks into the pockets of the Deep State Neocons (who routinely Manufacture Wars for Profit)!!
Greg, et al, this is a Del Bigtree interview of historian. Matthew Ehret. He connects some historical dots. I think he makes a lot of sense. It is very compelling to listen to, if you are so inclined.
Mr Armstrong said the country will divide.
can you recommend where the best place to be for a white heterosexual Christian Male?
Think RED.
The Living God — He is the living God.—Dan. 6:26 – Jehovah (Psalms 83:18) has shown his supremacy over entire coalitions of rulers. He fought for Israel, enabling them to conquer large portions of the Promised Land. (Josh. 11:4-6, 20; 12:1, 7, 24) Time and again, Jehovah has proved to be the Supreme One! When King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon boasted about ‘his own strength and might and the glory of his majesty’ instead of humbly acknowledging Jehovah as the One deserving of praise, God struck him with insanity. After he recovered, Nebuchadnezzar “praised the Most High” and acknowledged that “[Jehovah’s] rulership is an everlasting rulership.” He added: “There is no one who can hinder him.” (Dan. 4:30, 33-35) The psalmist observed: “Happy is the nation whose God is Jehovah, the people he has chosen as his own possession.” (Ps. 33:12) There are some 9 million TODAY that walk in His Holy Name and they are known as Jehovah’s Witnesses and worldwide they preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God exactly as Jesus said would be done; Matthew 24:14 And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. This prophecy has been fulfilled so we now know for a certainty that the end can come at any time and we have been told that the end is VERY close! What good reason, indeed, we have to keep our integrity to Jehovah!
Jehovah has also shown his supremacy over entire coalitions of rulers. He fought for Israel, enabling them to destroy an alliance of 31 Canaanite kings and to conquer large portions of the Promised Land. (Josh. 11:4-6, 20; 12:1, 7, 24) Jehovah also dealt a crushing blow to King Ben-hadad and 32 other Syrian rulers who battled with Israel.—1 Ki. 20:1, 26-29.
Time and again, Jehovah has proved to be the Supreme One! When King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon boasted about ‘his own strength and might and the glory of his majesty’ instead of humbly acknowledging Jehovah as the One deserving of praise, God struck him with insanity. After he recovered, Nebuchadnezzar “praised the Most High” and acknowledged that “[Jehovah’s] rulership is an everlasting rulership.” He added: “There is no one who can hinder him.” (Dan. 4:30, 33-35) After Daniel’s integrity to God was tested and Jehovah rescued him from the lions’ pit, King Darius decreed: “People are to tremble in fear before the God of Daniel. For he is the living God and he endures forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed, and his sovereignty is eternal.”—Dan. 6:7-10, 19-22, 26, 27. This is a short version; if you would like to read all of the info about God is love, please request it via email.
Please remember that Almighty God has guaranteed in His Bible that the earth will exist forever.
Politicians lie ALL of the time? Why? Because they are put into power by the father of the lie, Satan; Satan rules! Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.”
Make no mistake about this; time is NOW very short. We have been notified that the Great Tribulation is VERY close! When that starts, the door to salvation will be much harder to open!
CO2 shows that the Earth is cooling — 1.48°F. That is how much the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) is down in 2022 from a peak in 2012, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This means an average cooling of temperatures by nearly 1.5°F in the last 10 years.
CO2 is increasing the rate of GLOBAL GREENING – Nobel Prize laureate, over 1,600 scientists and professionals declare: There is NO climate crisis; Yet most people ‘believe’ that the earth is heating up because of excess CO2, which is a lie; more CO2 means more green plants which NEED CO2 to live AND to produce oxygen. This is basic high school science information showing us that this is a self-balancing action that our planet was designed with by the Creator. No, CO2 isn’t a pollutant – it enriches the atmosphere and makes the planet GREENER Please listen to the next part very carefully;
Laboratories in Germany Publish Evidence That There Is No Virus and That COVID Does Not Exist – Think about this; Up to 80% of people are gullible enough to take a depopulation bioweapon injection because they were told it’s a “vaccine.” This demonstrates that the Bible is correct when we are told that man is not capable of self-rule; Rev. 4:11 “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power”; men should never be glorified. If 4 out of 5 people are gullible enough to line up and be injected with a bioweapon — while lecturing everyone else for being “anti-science” — there’s not much hope for our species as a whole. And no, I did not take the ‘jab’; I have never been vaccinated and never will be. I read, more than 40 years ago, about how bad ALL vaccines are! ALL vaccines impair your immune system, which leads to much higher usage of big pharma’s drugs. Now, do you really think that is all just a coincidence? If you do, have I got some great deals for you where you can make millions! Or, you can turn to the Bible for answers, especially as to who actually rules the earth, and that ruler is Satan; Luke 4:1-8. NOTE; Rapid cognitive decline is spreading across all countries where bioweapon jabs were administered in large numbers. Critical thinking is all but gone. Public education is nearly non-existent and high school graduates can’t do basic math.
Richard, I could not have written a better summation of the state
of society. Tip of the cap to you.
“high school graduates can’t do basic math”….or read their diplomas, count change or tell time on a second hand clock.
Please Richard use some common sense with regard to ‘global cooling’ and visit Dane Wigington’s site. It also helps to open your own eyes and look at the world around you. The signs of WARMING are everywhere! Dandelions, honeysuckle and wild violets have been growing in North Georgia (where I am from) in winter months now for at least a dozen years. Our garden is STILL producing some tomatos, beans, okra and peppers into November!! Not necessairily good quality mind you, but still producing. This would have been unheard here of 30 or 40 years ago. I just observed a flock of Canadian Geese flying NORTHEAST the other day! The poor creatures are so confused they don’t know where to go. In years past, this time of year they would normally be flying over us in a SOUTHWESTERN direction. Dane constantly mentions how many consecutive months of record breaking warm temperatures we have been experiencing and its somewhere like 60 months if I remember correctly. Glaciers are melting at phenomenal rates at both north and south poles and Greenland as well. How in the HELL can that be global cooling?! Please open your eyes to the world around you and visit Dane’s site for facts and data then observe what matches up to what you are actually SEEING happening around you. I do concur with your last paragraph’s observations.
I am so tired of the fascist Nazi Democrats calling Trump and the rest of us Nazis…
Hey Galaxy…
Saul Alinsky said… on his rules for Radicals.
RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
The Nazi narrative will wear out because is not sticking. They cannot follow their own rules because they make no sense; the Dems will eat each other appart. Those Dems will get destroyed by their own rules. The best is not to give them a reaction, throwing punches on the air will wear them out.
Thank you Bill! I needed that pep talk.
I think you are correct. Talking about that is giving that oxygen
Martin: “We [The German Green Party] have to destroy Russia to clean the environment.” Were it not so dangerous; their zeal would be almost amusing. Memo: These warmongers had better set their sights on China, and India. The Russian air/environment is pristine by comparison. However; as Martin said; it’s not about the climate. They’re obsessed with defeating Russia. (Perhaps; instead; “force” Russia to impose a punishing “carbon” tax on its citizens.) Similar to Trudeau; whose ever-rising “carbon tax” makes not one speck of a difference to the climate. Canada contributes almost nothing to the manmade greenhouse gases in the world. If it disappeared; there would be no measurable difference in total emissions around the world. In the authoritarian Trudeau’s case; it’s all about the money. Who gets the multi-billions he’s confiscating from Canadians? The greenhouse gods? A planned mission to the sun; to reduce its temperature? Change the tides? Word has it that the WEF gets a huge chunk of the cash. Meanwhile; the nuclear war drums grow louder.
Wow, you can hear the echos of “Sieg, Heil! Sieg, Heil!”
Yes, they have “vays of making you conform” to their new religion worshipping the weather
Take a wild guess who got the highest numbers in this ” test ” of advance election night reporting. Pay no attention , move along.
PENNSYLVANIA, USA — Test results for the upcoming November 5 general election mistakenly appeared on WNEP-TV early Sunday evening during a broadcast of the Formula 1 Mexico Grand Prix.
Those numbers should not have appeared on the screen, and it was an error by WNEP that they did.
The numbers seen on the screen were randomly generated test results sent out to help news organizations make sure their equipment is working properly in advance of election night.
WNEP Web Staff
Published: 7:36 PM EDT October 27, 2024
My dog named Socrates gives his analysis!! Pre-dickting that Harris and Walz will have a “Dog’s Day” Night on Nov 5th!!!
The digital prison Catherine Austin Fitts has been warning about, now awaits Kuwaiti citizens. Armstrong just posted this on his website.
“Kuwait Suspends Services to Thousands for Failing to Submit Biometric Data”
My all-time favorite guest! Could listen to Martin for hours. Thank you, Greg, for this incredible interview!
Pervert Bill Gates (who just gave $50 Million Dollars to persuade Kamala to launch the Monkey Pox Vaccine) told Trump not to listen to RFK Jr. about the Dangers of Vaccines and said: “Setting up a Commission to Study the ‘Safety of Vaccines’ was a DEAD END”!! And that it would be a “Bad Thing to Investigate the Safety of Vaccines”, and told Trump “DON”T DO THAT”!!! How very curious that Gates would champion the cause of “Less Scientific Inquiry” (not more)?? If Gates really wanted to push his money making vaccines as “safe and effective” (as we were so constantly told to believe) what was he worried about? A Commission to Study the “Safety of Vaccines” would have vindicated his position that “The Kill Shots Were Safe and Effective” (and would have put all the “Anti-vaxxer Conspiracy Theorists” into the dust bin of history!! Well, this time around Trump is “Not Listening to Gates” and has RFK Jr. solidly on his Team!!! And for “good measure” Trump will be releasing the Jeffery Epstien “travel list” (showing Bill Gates to be a “prolific pedophile” flying many many times on Epstein’s Lolita Express to go “diddle with children” on Epstein’s Island late into the night)!!
Pervert Bill Gates of Microsoft is going to ban terms like ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’!! Mother will be replaced by “Birthing Person” and Father will be replaced by “The Second Birthing Person”!! So what will “God the Father” be replaced by?? The “Birthing Person of Lucifer”????
We needed Saddam to take out Evil Kuwait and Iran (but the One World Order Globalists got rid of him)!!
FULL INTERVIEW: Trump Sits For Live Interview From Bloomberg News EIC At The Chicago Economic Club Forbes Breaking News 834,723 views Oct 15, 2024
Former President Trump sits for a live interview from Bloomberg News Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait at a Bloomberg News and Chicago Economic Club event in Chicago, Illinois.
FULL REMARKS: Trump Goes Scorched Earth On Harris, Schumer In Merciless 2024 Al Smith Dinner Speech Forbes Breaking News 480K views 9 days ago
Former President Trump spoke at the Al Smith Dinner in New York, New York.
Comedian Jim Gaffigan roasted the full political world too, in his remarks to the Al Smith Dinner in New York City.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Urges Voters To Reject Kamala Harris At Trump Walker Michigan Rally
The second photo is the picture of Jewish ww1 soldiers celebrating the Jewish holiday
Very poignant Hubert, as I too have some German blood running through my veins. So I can relate to the folly of war as so many Germans have experienced.
War brings people together, unfortunately mostly in killing each other and sometimes in cold blooded, outright murder and with much blood on the hands of our so called, in name only, government, “representatives”!
If they were truly really representing us, we the people. Instead of our LGBQRSTUV+ WOKE, BROKE. BUSTED & DISGUSTED INTELL PSYCO, SAN FRAN SICKO, DICK CHENEY, Mike Pompeo wing of the CHICKEN HAWKS! Who stole our representation, we fought the bloody British fur! You could bet your bottoming dollars for war, there’d be a lot less of them thar wars, in the world and a lot more prosperity! But worst of all, war separate’s loved ones. Some never to see each other ever again, at least in this world. The length of our forever wars is not only murder on our troops, but the folks back home as well. As the treasury keeps the printing presses going 24/7, printing Benjamin’s! Not just for CIA PSYOPERATION’S, GREASING PALM’S. BUT NOW ALL-OUT WAR! Mind you, WITH THE RUSSKI’S! Not only diluting the value of our mom’s and pop’s dollar, the real and only tax payers in this country. But the burden of this UNFAIR warfare stagflation inflation, is killing our working poor. WHO CAN’T AFFORD PAYING OFF OBOMBER/ BIDEN CRIME FAMILY’S ZELINSKI GOVERNMENT HIRED GUN’S FOR OUR BUTTER!
Yes war is Hell ~ Especially Obomber’s vision of un Civil War: William Tecumseh Sherman.
The prophecy in Isaiah about turning swords into plowshares is a powerful vision of possible peace. Isaiah 2:4 says, “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” This message of transforming instruments of conflict into tools for cultivating life resonates deeply with many here, not R.I.N.O.’S, ‘YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE” of the REPUBLICRAT PARTY of course.
The “Let Us Beat Swords into Plowshares” statue at the UN headquarters
in New York —gifted by the Soviet Union in 1959—visually captures this ideal. It stands as a reminder and a hope for a world where cooperation replaces conflict.–Let-Us-Beat-Swords-into-Plowshares–2AM9LO5PNQZK.html
Hubert, our Lily Marleen is “Lorena,” it’s a melancholic Civil War-era song, written in 1856 by Rev. Henry D. L. Webster and Joseph Philbrick. Its themes of lost love and longing became poignant to soldiers on both sides of the conflict. The song reflects the personal tolls of war, much like “Lili Marleen” did during WWII.
These symbols and songs underscore humanity’s recurring longing for peace and the personal cost of conflict. It’s a profound reminder that while war can strip away much, the hope for a peaceful future remains a powerful and uniting force.
How do these themes resonate with your own thoughts and experiences HUBERT?
the Civil War’s most beloved song
Dr. Phil Makes The Case For Why Trump Is Not A ‘Bully’ At Madison Square Garden Campaign Rally Forbes Breaking News 951,517 views 9 hours ago
Dr. Phil McGraw speaks at the Trump-Vance 2024 campaign event at Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York.
Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi compares Kamala and Hillary’s wild rants
Sky News Australia Oct 27, 2024
Sky News host Rita Panahi reacts to the similarities between Vice President Kamala Harris and former Democrat presidential candidate Hilary Clinton during their respective rallies.
From about 1961 the CIA placed Hyman Larner in charge over the Chicago Italian mob, and used their assassins for CIA wet work both in the USA and overseas, according to open source Dealy Plaza assassin James Sutton. Larner was Mossad at his highest level connections and a double agent for the CIA. We have Mossad in the US Department of State, the Pentagon, and the FBI building besides at CIA. We really have lost control of Mossad’s manipulations in our Government with Epstein blackmailing so many of our “elites” on that alone. It is bad enough we have other manipulations and agendas out of Old London and out of China. We have Old London using CIA to war in Ukraine, and Mossad with CIA bringing us to war in the Middle East with Iran being the goal. When the Tavistock Institute and others shift the talking points narrative in the CIA media, we know there is a potential change in the works despite other CIA factions that has their DNC project their own sins onto Trump and his supporters. America needs Trump and disclosure on the basic corruption and foreign based manipulations, and put an end to them. Our economy can be recovered with a 7 year no bank interest on current debts frozen with only very minor processing charges of less than a monthly $10, for example, but banks won’t implement what works in the national best interest for the economy due to greed and their disinformation. In the Bible, Mamon or material wealth is a religion that one has to use imagination to place value on (gold, silver, land etc) and it is a replacement belief system to GOD as the other worship system against GOD. We need to address this in specificity from the Scriptures.
Hi Greg. Thank you for having Martin Armstrong on, great interview.
Recent Naomi Wolf video –
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable…”
Thank you Greg.
The founders found the formula for unifying diverse interests in the United States Constitution. However, we have not followed its original intent for over 100 years. I can read the enumerated powers allocated to the Federal Government, and I don’t need high priests of the law to interpret them for me. There is no need for a breakup of the United States. We, the people, need to impeach those who violate the Constitution.
I saw bus loads of anarchists sent into our cities while Trump was President. The national Guard was protecting them. Do you really expect people to believe that Trump wasn’t in control of that?
Jay, are you sure the State Governors did not activate ‘their’ national guard and not DJT? Thinking DJT offered Military assistance, and the State Governors turned down ‘federal’ assistance. Many states have different elements/units of military…some infantry, some military police, others mechanized special training…so at times problems in one state needs the expertise of differently trained assets. Which then those states can ask for POTUS – U.S. MILITARY TO ACTIVATE ASSETS OF SPECIAL TRAINING TO BEST FIT THE NEED …. air assets, police, logistical needs etc. Likely, DJT was aware of some problems…but unless extreme threat that the states cannot handle…until it reaches a ‘ national’ threat level or insurrection…am sure unless the ‘offer’ is accepted by or requested by the State Governors, the Governors can activate their own NG as the Comander of their own NG…
DJT likely WOULD HAVE been painted as a ‘ NAZI style dictator’ for sending ‘jackbooted thugs’ into those states and metro areas having those
‘ mostly peaceful – summer of love fests with bonfires ‘ in say Seattle WA or Portland OR or Minnesota etc. Especially with the rhetoric these days…am sure the Democrats would have loved to goat DJT into such! lol
Same with the D.C. peaceful and patriotically march …DJT saw that just the size of any march or assembly COULD come with problems…so He DID offer extra personnel to stand by so local authority who less likely be overwhelmed if something did arise…but Pelosi and Capitol Police turned it down…THEN blamed DJT for the breach of – those invited/allowed in of the assembled crowd…so it could look like an out of control ””’insurrection”” of unarmed mostly old couples and MAGA supporters which were infiltrated with rebel rousers and instigators in those crowds
Amazing with the CIA,FBI, DHS, etc. – none ever bothered to find where and who or how all those fireworks, pallets of bricks delivered etc ever got there or who paid for them. hmmm
You have many great guests , But Matin is your best.
The Muslim leaders and community endorses Donald Trump for Presidency in 2024 USA election ALLAN KHOYI 322 views 1 day ago
‘Keeping his edge’: Donald Trump’s ‘monumental and powerful’ New York City rally
Sky News Australia 109,473 views Oct 28, 2024
Comedian Alex Stein lauded Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s “monumental and powerful” rally in New York City.
Donald Trump held a rally at Madison Square Garden ahead of the US presidential election featuring the likes of Hulk Hogan, Dr. Phil and Elon Musk.
“This rally was great,” Mr Stein told Sky News host Rita Panahi.
“Donald’s keeping his edge.”
The BAITE & SWITCH?:::::Didn’t Work Beyond Say so, you?
Gingrich: Trump winning New York would be ‘landslide, Reagan-scale’ election
Fox News contributor and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich describes his experience at Trump’s MadisonSquareGarden rally and what he calls a ‘new’ Republican Party.
Trump winning New York would be the Straw that Breaks the Kamala’s back and will make Chuck (Seven days from Sunday) Schumer very very un-Joyful “as he finds that “he too” will soon be “Tossed into the Garbage Bin of History” !!!
Greg, people might want to vote early and take ballots directly to a county office to drop their ballot since several states have reports of ballot box bins are being burned =
the more the tyrants try and squeeze their fist, the more people will ooz out of their fingers and reject them.
Just basing it by the attendance and support at Trump rallies, he should win by a landslide. The question really becomes, can the Leftists steal this election and give it to Harris. She is a 100% certified, “Idiot” so don’t be shocked if come election morning, Harris is “selected as the Deep States” new puppet. If they selected Biden who even I knew he was dealing with dementia in 2019 during his campaign, they could pull off another Harris steal.
Either way as Martin points out, this country is toast whoever wins because no one will accept the results.
Great interview , Martin!
My Jewish conservative California girlfriend calls the liberal Jews in America “suicidal Jews”. Israel is much different. Some liberal socially; but they have a strong family and cultural bent. I moved to a ‘red state” , and there are liberal Jewish people here in the larger cities, but where I live rurally, they are conservative. I wonder why these liberal people cannot understand what is actually happening to their future. If the Jewish people do not fight against this attitude, they will be taken over again. Study history. It repeats itself. God bless and help this crazy world!
Military and police helicopters land at the US Capitol this evening.
Don’t get involved in any election protests of any kind before, during, or after. It was a set up then. It’s a set up now. CYA. Don’t let your picture be taken. Paranoia is good.
Kamala Harris getting ‘desperate’ as she ‘sinks fast’ in the polls
Sky News Australia 715,771 views Oct 28, 2024 [WHAT A LAUGH, LOL!]
Sky News host Andrew Bolt has slammed “desperate” Kamala Harris for painting Donald Trump as “the new Hitler”. [🤦♀️🤷♀️🤦♂️ And Embarrassment!]
“Voters have seen Trump as president for four years already. He wasn’t a dictator then; it’s a lie to say he will be Hitler next time, and most voters will think that a politician … who says he will be a new Hitler is out of their mind or a liar,” he said.
“No wonder that Harris … is sinking fast in the polls.”
Cheer up mate, you’ll come ah waltzing with thee!
Putin’s not smokin dope like Obomber in his bedroom all day!
Russia’s not woke, broke busted and disgusted!
Americanski, fire bumster OBOMBSKA! Throw the bum’s out!
Make love not war’s, TRUMPA 24!
Freedom, Peace, PROSPERITY & Security MAGA MAGNUM!
Zelensky To Completely Outsource War? As Putin Trains N Korean Troops, Ukraine’s Shocking Move Hindustan Times 12K views 1 day ago
Russian Army Strongest In World, Overtakes America Despite Ukraine War Losses: US Report Hindustan Times 36,765 views 19 hours ago
LIVE: Russia Tanks, Fighter Jets, Drones, Howitzer Guns In Action, Burn Ukraine Army|Putin,Zelensky
Hindustan Times 14,941 views Streamed 1 day ago
What was the point of Vietnam? To support the “freedom” side of a civil war? Was Vietnam part of whatever Central/World banking before the war? Is it possible that the hate on Russia is because they refuse to do the Covid lockdown/Climate change/Transgender bs?
Greg…. It is NOT a debt problem or Inflation problem….it IS A GOVERNMENT SPENDING TOO MUCH PROBLEM? = George Gammon =
Greg, appears Kamela Harris attempting to ‘set conditions’ for a sit-down conversation with Joe Rogan….which he refuses to agree to. Thats – true journalism IMO… unedited un-varnished just open and candid and honest questions and answers. Seems that is NOT happening these days with the democrats. Do hope everyone did take the time to view the ROGAN – TRUMP 3-hour conversation…which 35 million on You Tube alone did, and that many more on his Spotify … so far…Kamela is a no show.
and as for the jokes at the MSG …totally taken out of context by DNC and ITS media activists…which only shows the Dems have no sense of humor and see any comment as an opportunity to SPIN into a racist, or gender insult for driving a political wedge…=
Another great interview with Martin. You rock Martin!! That question you had for him at the end blew me away, asking him to ask the computer program when the Rapture is. I’d be really blown away if it came up with the correct answer of February 12 2027. But as Jesus said, come to Me for the answer and I shall tell you. That’s how I received it.
Jim Willie on the schedule soon?
Greg, RSBN = LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks to the Press in Palm Beach, FL – 10/29/24
I personally do not believe, that there will be a war in the likes of WWI or II. I think especially after the C- vaccine issues, a lot of people have changed their minds, hearts and thinking in regards to all things “official”. I assume, I wish, I pray that people will be clever and refrain from partaking in coming wars or local conflicts. Instead come together and prove to ourselves, how great humanity really is, when each individual is acting humane, following their respective faiths core values, helping and serving each other in the face of adversity.
Interesting drill.
Military and police helicopters land at the US Capitol this evening.
H/T – @Matt_Bracken ,
PenguinSix: “A readiness exercise was conducted at the US Capitol tonight with 12 helicopters landing on the West Front of the US Capitol, and of course, I was there.”
[The Feds are getting ready for some spicy times in DC.]
Top several comments under that video :
” Continuity of government choppers at the capitol on election week isn’t making me feel real confident ”
” Active Military remember your oath is to the Constituton of the USA! Not to any individual persons or political partys! “
FULL TOWN HALL: Trump Takes Questions From Voters At
Campaign Event In Fayetteville, North Carolina 2.9M views 3 weeks ago
Greg, BREAKING NEWS HOURS AGO? HUGE implications from Switzerland’s directive and plan to SHUT DOWN mBRIDGE and the BRIC plans for their new payment system?
So, who made Switzerland the arbiter of the world SWIFT system? What does Switzerland think it is going to do to enforce that? as in all the prior links…in regard to Switzerland…hmmm Some huge stones for such a small nation unless they have some plan to use the U.S. and NATO for ‘their’ enforcement arm?
War on Global South: BRICS’ mBridge to be Shut Down by Western Allies to Save the US Dollar
yup…appears those bankers and Dulles CIA ties that first set up the BIS for war reparations settlements…has been EXPANDED to enforce the whole world bank system of systems to even countries that were NOT part of that? Seems that was a dupe/scheme all along now become clearer, which had the SWIFT system more recently becoming a ‘big stick’ and weaponized system as it has become. Like most things these days…the misuse of power…and weaponization of agencies to FORCE agendas, along with lawfare is now out in the open. Certainly seems to show ‘INTENT’ that ‘they’ plan to have ‘their’ total control/surveillance ‘mark of the beast’ style CBDC system ‘hell or high water’?
Civil War Alert! Deep State Planning To Launch False Flag Attacks During Contested Election! Just As Alex Jones Predicted, “US Intel Agencies” Are Telling Law Enforcement To Brace For Trump Supporters Carrying Out Terror Attacks! Must-Watch/Share LIVE Broadcast! Posted 1 hour ago
Alex Jones LIVE right taking calls and covering the news globalists DO NOT want out!
The quickening is happening! Major players & calamities have accelerated the globalists’ war against humanity!
Know your enemy: The traitor who couldn’t keep his damn mouth shut.
Greg, Steve Bannon speaks post is release from prison…names names and the way forword for a landside election win –
Imperfect by design…
Their Dreams are our nightmares…
You often warn your erstwhile colleagues in the legacy media, that they will be replaced by AI. Just announced here in the U.K., a former leading talk show host, Michael Parkinson (died 2023) is to have ‘his’ show rebooted by AI. The show will be entitled, ‘Virtual Parkinson’.
So, there you have it. The broadcaster/s will no longer have to pay huge salaries to employ television personalities. What’s more, the virtual replacements will be forever young . . .
LIVE: Trump Holds Campaign Rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania
NTD 2,690 watching now as of 7:30 Started streaming 90 minutes ago
Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump holds a rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania, on Oct. 29. He was scheduled to deliver remarks at around 6 p.m. ET. But is late!
LIVE: Trump Holds Campaign Rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania
I remember Martin Armstrong saying that Biden was going to issue an EO granting illegal aliens the right to vote.
That turned out to be bull crap.
I think his and Greg’s sources regarding Kamala’s sub-10% approval rating are also bull crap.
Trump is a very weak candidate who will be lucky to beat the equally bad Kamala.
If either side had put up a halfway decent candidate they would’ve easily won.
Time for another booster mate? Lol!
We are past protests/
On Oct. 28 the U.S. Department of Treasury announced that the US Federal Government plans to borrow $1.369 Trillion over the next six months (or about 2.7 Trillion each year) most of which will be given as “a GIFT” to Ukraine and Israel to fight their wars (Enriching and Giving Joy to the Globalist Neocons). Now, how about giving US Citizens “a GIFT” (by simply borrowing another $2.18 Trillion) and Declaring “All Income Taxes will be Eliminated” (the Federal Government collects $2.18 Trillion in Income Taxes each year from the American People)!! Why should our US Government Favor “Foreigners and Illegals” over its own Citizens??? All the Tariff Money Trump plans to collect should immediately be given as a “Gift to the American People” and by totally eliminating the IRS as a Branch of Government the entire 2.18 Trillion can be recouped by Trump to pay for the Border Wall and Rounding up all the Illegals!! Next Trump should get rid of the Department of Education which will eliminate the need to borrow almost a Trillion Dollars every 3 Months. Stop supporting the UN and NATO and all that money can be used to Strengthen our Military!! And by Drilling for Oil and Gas in America and using Clean Coal for Electrical Generation we American Citizens can additionally have our Gas and Electric Bills CUT IN HALF!! But, “WE MUSTDO OUR PART” and “ELECT TRUMP” on Nov.5th!!!
LIVE | Trump Ally Steve Bannon Addresses Media After Being Released From Prison | N18G | News18 Live CNN-News18 6,735 watching now Started streaming 7 hours ago
Drudge today make it seem like Kamala wins easy and they win the House too. They are going to steal it – the US is DONE!
“Oh, ye of little faith.”
Why? Why? Why? Desperate Deep State (a tiny council fronting financially for over 8,000 nefarious corporations)
How about we cover Who? What? Why? Where? When? & How?
Unfunded liabilities hitting against a bankrupted fake system controlled by [DS & Co.s] thugs who don’t want to repay people the trillions owed to everyone together. Once you are a doubly dead U.S. CITIZEN THING PERSON, (stuck with worthless FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES STILL TRADABLE FOR U.S. COMMERCE ITEMS) you ain’t getting anymore monthly slow payouts such as your Social Insurance repayments owed back to you. The first death was your Identity getting converted to their COMMERCE VESSEL and the second death is your flesh-n-blood becoming un-alive when you’ve died suddenly with no clear access for your kins to your autopsy results.
Why Neocons hate Russians? The truth is way too far deep for people to understand.
People will get that a-ha moment during The Great Awakening. In the meantime, the bias is preventing most of the people from understanding.
Upcoming Brave New World too: New Pandemic, possibly by 2026 with International Travel restrictions, International War by 2027 and the financial effects (inflation, shortages, rationing?) to be felt by 2028. This may be when all our national sins come home to roost, causing crisis, chaos, and the Great Unraveling. A fateful election indeed.
The late Senator Barry Goldwater stopped by the office of President-elect John F. Kennedy and Senator Barry Goldwater asked JFK “do you really want this job ? ” and JFK responded: “You can have it “..Fateful answer indeed.
America has been a nation at perpetual war most ever since 1962. If the U.S. dollar is fully displaced, it sure WON’T be on account of BRICS as so many speculate but rather as a consequence of a new war which we are destined to lose once again.
We will be totally unready & unprepared for the coming war. The Chinese military has already been ordered to be ready for action by 2027. We have decided to focus on internal (domestic) politics and personalities. Wrong choice of issues to begin with.
History is repeating, as all Republics eventually become corrupted. America is such a late stage Republic.
Fall of Rome v 2.0
Iranians/Persians are no Arabs