World at War with Criminals Controlling Weather – Dane Wigington

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says Hurricane Helene is the latest crime the climate engineering cabal put on the people of Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Florida.  The storm was no accident, and neither was its path.  Wigington says, “You see, these events are being ramped up to even more catastrophic levels.  Finally, and thankfully, people are waking up to what is being done to them.  More are waking up to the fact that these storms are being steered.  This is patented technology.  We can and are recording the transmission activations. . . . Those transmissions are posted on the homepage of  There are plenty of other storms (that are steered).  We recorded other hurricanes, too, such as Ian, Harvey, Michael and Maria.  This is not new, but the level of damage in this case (Helene) is.”

Who is behind the destructive weather control?  Wigington says, “Anybody who still thinks the U.S. government is there to protect them and preserve their future and their posterity’s future needs to wake up.  Those that run our government are nothing less than a criminal cabal.  They are a cancer that exists for their own ends.  Bottom line with Hurricane Helene is we see the same process that we have seen with other hurricanes in recent years.   These storms are not allowed to organize when they are out in the ocean, but when they get close to landfall, we get rapid intensification.  You have heard that term a lot lately.”

Why target Western North Carolina?  Wigington says you can speculate on the lithium mining in the area that locals want to restrict or crystal mines as well.  What is not speculation is technology that can be used for storm steering.  Wigington points out, “The world’s oceans are super-heating.   If the planet was left unfettered, there would certainly be storms spawning. . . That’s the world’s attempt to cool itself.  So, any intervention with these life support systems is definitely a leap in the wrong direction.  All of these programs are about power and control, ultimately.  The fact that they are steering the storms, we can definitively conclude that.

Wigington has been in contact with members of Congress with districts that were in the path of Helene.  Wigington says more and more people are waking up to the weather warfare happening around the world to destroy humanity.  Wigington says, “These congressional representatives are hearing from their constituents in the field, and they are saying nothing about this storm was normal, natural or anything they experienced before.  When you interfere with the planet’s life support system, you trigger downstream, cascading effects that are beyond catastrophic.  We are seeing that right now.  How many of these types of storms do we need to see? . . . All of this is a giant Ponzi scheme, and it’s about to come to a head. . . . They have taught and trained people in a way so they don’t know how close impact is.  Those in power are preparing.  They are doing everything they can to feed normalcy bias until the moment of impact.  Thus, the pumped-up stock market, the false jobs report and everything is going to be wonderful.  They make people think we are going to have some renaissance of consumerism, and it’s not going to happen.  This is a grand and lethal experiment . . .We are at war with a criminal cabal that runs it all.  That is the fact of the matter.”

Wigington still holds out hope that more people will reach a critical awareness and force the climate engineering to stop so we can salvage some of what’s left of the life support system of planet Earth.

There is much more in the 40-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with climate researcher Dane Wigington, founder of, with an update on the calamity of manmade climate engineering that destroyed much of the southeast with Hurricane Helene for 10.5.24

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After the Interview:

If you want to see the latest geoengineered heat map of the US, click here.

If you want to see a 90 sec video proving steering Hurricane Helene, click here.

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  1. Don Doerr Sr.

    We must be concerned about the impact of the November 22, 1963-founded Communist Democrat RINO Party, their Open Border Criminal Illegal Alien Invasion of the United States, the safety of President Trump, and the integrity of the 2024 Election. Why are they spending money on their murdering, raping, and free-loading Invasion Force and letting our citizens in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, and neighboring states die?


    • Anthony Australia

      Weather manipulation is another form of War.
      They now openly admit to cloud seeding technology . The Indonesian government, Chinese Party, Thai government are at the forefront.
      Many parts of Asia have been destroyed by these attacks and have become more prevalent than ever before.
      Thanks so much to Dane and a shout out to Debra Tavares ❤️

    • Anthony Australia

      North Carolina OMG!

      • Anthony Australia

        Are Hurricanes Used As Cover to Exterminate Homeless People?

      • Anthony Australia

        Asheville 😔😢
        Watching this reminds me of the precarious times we face from the warning scripture and adaptations in Leave the World Behind movie.

        Not sure why this has and Asian tragedies has not been covered more here in Australia. Then I heard Dane mentioned they are trying to avoid exposure and subsequent investigations by the open minded.

      • Anthony Australia

        This one Greg please.
        Asheville 😔😢
        Watching this reminds me of the precarious times we face from the warning scripture and adaptations in Leave the World Behind movie.

        Not sure why this and Asian tragedies has not been covered more here in Australia. Then I heard Dane mentioned they are trying to avoid exposure and subsequent investigations by the open minded.

    • Bubba in NC

      my MD friend who works in Tampa area with board of elections said vote “early and in person”

      said They will try to set up events to stop nov 5 voting

      dems always vote early

      DJT supporters must do the same from now on… to put all your hope in voting on one day makes the conservatives’ cause VULNERABLE to potential deep state false flags in early November, targeted for preventing DJT votes, when 80-90% of dem votes will have already been cast!

      in this grand game of chess, we must play well

      DJT votes must be in before Halloween

      tell EVERYONE

    • Tanya Quarterman

      there are no $750 checks. those that have internet can APPLY for the $750 “assistance” which is a LOAN that if not paid back on time allows the gov to seize their property. if you had homeowners insurance you do NOT QUALIFY for the $750 loan. check out the increased wealth of Kamala husband since the storm

  2. Maria dasSantos

    Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Wigington, in any other field Mr Wigington’s research would carry a doctorate IF science were free along with universites.
    Here in the UK we have a lottery,I dare not say which one, but its statistics are way off and have been for many years. One researcher has asked a few difficult questions and he barely makes a living now. So much for randomness!

  3. Victress Jenkins

    Much of what you’re talking about can be found in”After the Warning to 2038” chapters concerning apparitions of Mary , the Mother of God, to various seers(pages 145 to 168”

  4. Neville

    Dane in my opinion is the REAL WATCHDOG in the room,when you have knowledge that Dane has about what is going on with the rigging/manipulating of our climate world wide and he goes to all lengths to get it out to the world at large.
    So on a peculiar note the scum of the earth better known as the cabal have taken their rigging of the stock markets/currencies/financial data etc etc to NEW HEIGHTS!!!
    I have witnessed what Dane told us about in at least 6 different countries and tried to speak to the people living there about the manmade disaster happening right in front of them unfortunately most of them thought I was cooky to say the least.



  5. Ivan

    General Flynn EXPOSES The Dark TRUTH About What’s Happening In Appalachia: ‘THOUSANDS Are Dead…

  6. Anthony Australia

    With permission Greg.
    The 3rd seal of revelation!
    Bo Polny and of course Scriptures say it and now this interview confirms we are on track.

    New Clif High & David Rodriguez – A Cataclysmic Event That Will Change The World Forever.

  7. Poochiwoo

    Greg, unfortunately I too believe there is no Renaissance coming. I have been feeling very strongly for many years the ruling class is keeping us busy while they prep. I believe it all comes down between 2027 and 2033. All of it. Until then, they want to reduce the population for their own safety. They intend to start fresh on the other side without most of us. I also feel we should be adding the moving magnetic poles to the discussion.

    • Greg Hunter

      Don’t give these elite bastards too much credit and Jesus and Jehovah not nearly enough.

  8. Anita

    All a Satanic distraction to keep us apart from God’s purposes in Jesus Christ. To keep truly born again in a state of babyhood with a false sense, imagination of growing when in reality they are not. They remain 1/8th in. deep and a mile wide when many should be swimming in rivers of Living water.

    • Greg Hunter


      We all love Jesus and Jehovah here, but are we supposed to simply lie down to evil and give up? 2 Chronicles 7:14 Pray, everybody continue to pray.


  9. A Friend



  10. Rodster

    We are now being told that another Hurricane will directly hit the West coast of Florida. How do they know that for sure unless they are steering it in our direction? Could it be that they want to create chaos in Florida prior to the election? Florida tends to be pro Trump.

  11. Stephen Smith

    Sense you’ve been back, your videos are getting any annoying break ins that we have to exit from. I figured you don’t have any control over this. Love yah Greg!

    • Greg Hunter

      That is a Rumble thing. So sorry.

  12. Nicole

    Why are so many people neglecting to mention the devastated areas of Eastern Tennessee? Complete farms are under water, and their animals have drowned. Patients and staff had to be evacuated from the roof of a hospital. The town of Erwin is just gone. We have people and animals who have died. Our people are suffering too, but the “news” and a lot of truther channels are just ignoring Tennessee. It’s really sad.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you for bringing it up.

  13. Adam Giessler

    Revelation 11:17-19
    “……………and the time has come to destroy those who destroy the earth…………………..”

    enough said

    • Greg Hunter

      Brother Adam,
      Amen to that!!
      brother Greg

  14. Mark

    Thank you Greg for this.

    regarding energy weapons, the technologies they intend to use on the entire population is described in detail at

  15. Jim Wade

    Thanks for this interview Greg.
    The detailed message is stunning, revealing and terrifying. Our leaders are corrupt beyond description. Only Satan can program such evil in leadership. We must get on our knees, seek forgiveness and beg for help.
    Jonathan Cahn delivered another message today re warnings for America. Here’s the link.
    Keep up your great work. I’m very happy for you that your recovery is progressing well as evidenced by your work.

  16. David Lynch

    Revelation 21:8
    “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

    Thanks , Greg and Dane you are true warriors in this epic end times battle ! The gloves are off and the lucifarian globalists are going all out to destroy humanity, created in the image and likeness of the living God ! Choose this day whom you will serve ! I choose Jesus , the King of Glory ! Revelation 21: 8 spells out how plan B will work out for those whose chose to follow satan ! The battle is on ! Ephesians Ch. 6

  17. kay

    Milton is coming for the West Coast of FL on Weds. Please keep us in your prayers. The storm surge from Helene is putting 40-year-old small businesses out of business, and they didn’t even get a direct him. Milton is now making a beeline for the West Coast of FL. They will ramp it up to deadly status and push it across the State. Realtors say that existing contracts are falling through because insurance companies will not write new policies. All this will mess up the real estate market in FL as it messes up humans.

  18. Carol Bolt

    Heck of a way to manipulate the election coming up. Gonna be hard to get out the vote in all this mess. One has to wonder are they that scared of Republicans? Terrible destruction everywhere. I hope Karma comes back to bite them real hard!!

  19. Art Martello

    Who is exactly responsible for Geoengineering? Names and positions? Whos desk does the buck stop at? How is the program specifically funded? How do we kill it?

  20. Rmbrumley Sr Lt. Col USMC (ret.)

    Mr. Greg Hunter
    Our Ultimate American Patriot
    Stay Well Brother
    Thanks for all you do
    In GOD I Trust

  21. Pierce Arrowton

    Israel has ‘three options’ to respond to Iran as ‘world prepares for war’
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    In this episode, we explore the shocking and game-changing developments on the Ukrainian battlefield, where Russia has executed a perfectly timed and devastating offensive on October 1st—Ukraine’s National Defense Day. Scott Ritter, the renowned military analyst, dives into the strategic brilliance behind Russia’s recent victories, the crumbling Ukrainian defenses, and the catastrophic losses suffered by Ukraine’s elite forces. With critical supply lines cut off and morale at an all-time low, Ukraine faces its most significant defeat yet. Discover how Russia’s relentless precision is reshaping the war and pushing Ukraine into a corner.

  22. Susan

    I wish I could show you pictures of a hail storm that occurred in CO back in 2018. TENNIS ball size hail. NOT NORMAL. There were so many hail storms that summer in CO it was unfathomable. My friend had his car totaled two years in a row and the roof of my house had to be repaired two years in a row.
    Re; WNC, I lived in NC for many years and that area of the country is so incredibly beautiful. What is happening there is unconscionable and insane. But you know what? They messed with the WRONG people. The people are uniting and helping each other out. Time for everyone else to wake the hell up. Enough already.

  23. WorldWarThrd.

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    So, for 50 F-35 fighter jets, the total cost would be approximately $6 billion.
    That’s a hefty price tag! What do you think about the investment in such advanced military technology?
    Will we end up with the best jets, but captured because of economic collapse caused by a top heavy military industrial/Wall Street trader’s like James Diamond, BlackRock’s Fink, devastated taxpayers and banks busted fiat currency Ponzi scam gone awry!

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  24. Richard Gould

    World War 3 – is a very real possibility NOW. Trump Guilty, Missiles Fired on Russia
    Everyone knows that the US debt is never going to be repaid; that is impossible with those who actually control who is ‘acceptable’ to ‘serve’ in the US government; the BIG donors. These are also the benefiters of the massive government pay outs/debt buildup. Much/most of the wealth of the BIG donors came from the ridiculous and continuously growing unpayable debt of the US Corporation in Washington DC. We know why this Satanic system ends; “IT WILL WITHOUT FAIL COME TRUE” is the promise given us in the Bible about the end of Satan’s time to rule the earth and select the politicians; Luke 4:1-8.
    Some of Almighty Jehovah God’s (Psalms 83:18) servants have been waiting for the end of this system of things for a long time. From a human standpoint, the fulfillment of God’s promise might seem to be delaying. Jehovah addressed that concern when he assured the prophet Habakkuk: “The vision is yet for its appointed time, and it is rushing toward its end, and it will not lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it! For it will without fail come true. It will not be late!” (Hab. 2:3) Did God provide that assurance for the benefit of Habakkuk only? Or do His words have meaning for us today? Under inspiration, the apostle Paul applied those words to Christians, who are in expectation of the new world. (Read Hebrews 10:36, 37.) Yes, we can be sure that even if our promised deliverance seems to delay, “it will without fail come true. It will not be late!” And, we have been told that the end is very close; VERY close. We were told before that the end is close; this is the first time we have been told that the end is VERY close.

  25. Katy Bar

    The Neocon Globalist “Commie Control Freaks” (who created the Federal Reserve in 1913 to “Enhance their Power and Control over Everyone” now find that they have Run the US Dollar “Too Far into the Ground” and Bribing People (with their Unbacked Paper Dollars To Do Their Bidding) has become “Too Exceedingly Difficult”. For even people outside the BRICS Nations now consider the US Dollar to be almost worthless. So the Globalists need Other Mechanisms to Keep Their Control Over The People (as bribery with worthless paper is just getting too difficult). So the Globalists have decided to use WAR, FAMINE and VIRUSES to keep exerting their CONTROL OVER PEOPLE!! Their Problem Is The Common People Have Seen Through their Global Warming Hoax (and have stockpiled food as these Globalists shut down their farms, stopped fertilizer production and burned down food processing plants) and The Common People have Rejected their Virus Laden Vaccines to create Plagues and have also Rejected their War in Ukraine (which is definitely not going well for them). So the Globalists “Have Doubled Down” by expanded their Weather Attacks now using Hurricanes to target these Common People, and are bringing out New Plagues (that spread without the need for a vaccine injection) and have Expanded their War with Russia (into the Middle East) to create a Two Front War for Russia. But “to create the two front war” THEY MUST ATTACK Russia’s Ally Iran!! The two main targets the Globalists need to go after is Iran’s Nuclear Facilities or their Oil Production. The problem with going after Iran’s oil facilities is that it will drive the Price Of Oil Sky High (which can’t be done for political reasons Right Before An Election (where they Need To Get Their Puppet Elected). So this leaves Attacking Iran’s Nuclear Facilities (but Iran has placed them so deep under ground that only Space Based High Power Directed Energy Microwave Weapons can be used to Burn Through the Ground (the way they were used to disintegrate the stone and steel in the World Trade Center into powder) . When the Evil Globalists use this Direct Energy Weapon it will (according to Clif High) have an order of magnitude higher emotional impact upon the world’s population then the 9-11 Attack they used to cover a Deteriorating Financial Situation (remember the auditors at the Pentagon and all the underhanded financial records in Building 7 were completely destroyed). The Globalists now feel that only an Attack Upon Iran will get Russia and China coming to Iran’s aid and Give Them The WWIII Cover They Need to Bring in Their New Digital Currency (That Will Replace Their Now Almost Worthless US Dollar and Serve to Maintain Their Complete and Total Control “OVER THE PEOPLE”)!!!

  26. Frank S.

    Interesting quick demo video on an electrical field steering water.,https://instructional%2D

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