RFK Jr. Will Stop All CV19 Vax Bioweapons – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who is back with some good news about the CV19 bioweapon vax.  Kingston was one of the first to say the shots were dangerous bioweapons and did not work as intended.  She also predicted late last year that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) would not only be confirmed as the new HHS head, but one of the first things he would do is pull the CV19 “vaccines” off the market.  Now, other news outlets are picking up on this story.  Kingston says, “I think the (CV19 vax) shots are going to come off (the market) quick.  I think this upcoming ACIP meeting (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) that is going to be scheduled is going to be used by RFK Jr. as a platform to present data that his staff has pulled as well as to allow parents to speak and other doctors that are experts to speak out against this. I think it’s going to be tremendous. . . .In 1979, they got rid of the diagnostic code for vaccines to cause any disease or death.  That doesn’t stop RFK Jr. and those at Health and Human Services from running data reports that say a person got the CV19 vaccine on this day, and then the next day they were dead, and there were thousands of these.  So, that data is going to be audited and looked at as well.  It’s very easy to pull the CV19 shots.  They are going to do it because they are not effective.  They are going to pull them because they have caused increased disease, disabilities and death.  Now, it’s all over the news that those that are suffering from ‘Long Covid’ are the ones that are vaccinated.”

Kingston says that RFK Jr. will also expose hype over the so-called Bird Flu outbreak that is being pushed around the clock.  Kingston is on the record saying the Bird Flu was really a scheme to destroy the food supply.  Look at the skyrocketing egg prices.  Kingston says, “They say the number one sign of sickness of H5N1 (Bird Flu) of dairy cows and chickens is no symptom at all even though they are still sick. . . . The chickens are testing positive for chicken DNA.  Now, cows are testing positive for chicken DNA and humans too.  It’s all a bunch of made-up stories and nonsense so they can inject us with these gene-editing technologies and inject our animals with gene-editing technology.  I think RFK Jr. is going to have a powerful voice to speak out against the use of vaccines and not just for adults and children, but for our animals and food supply. . . . We are told Bird Flu has an 80% mortality rate, and there has only been one case of death in the last year. . . . The top symptom of this highly deadly disease is no symptom at all.  People don’t even know they have it.  So, how can it be deadly?   It’s a total scam.”

Kingston does have a warning about artificial intelligence (AI) and Elon Musk, who is using AI at DOGE cutting federal waste and fraud out of the budget.  Cutting waste and fraud is a very good thing, but Kingston says, “Elon does not want his AI regulated.  AI is infiltrating more and more responsibilities in our government, in our US military and in our workforce.  Senator Josh Hawley says if we don’t start regulating AI, we are going to have tech billionaires who produce this AI, and they are going to be programming the AI that is going to be running our government and taking away human rights and running us out of our jobs.  Again, that was Senator Josh Hawley about two years ago. . . . Data is the new gold . . . Elon Musk needs data to feed his AI machine called Colossus.”  It is the largest supercomputer in the world.

There is much more in the 64-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with renowned biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she predicts the mRNA CV19 bioweapon vax will be pulled from the market soon by new HHS Secretary RFK Jr.   Kingston also gives a warning about artificial intelligence (AI) and warns about the possible takeover of government if AI is not regulated.

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After the Interview:

There is some free information on Kingston’s Substack.

To support Kingston financially, you can become a subscriber to her Substack by clicking here.

If you want to donate to Kingston electronically so she can continue informing the public, please click here.

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  1. Charles England

    I don’t think RFK should pull the CV19 vaccines off of the market, instead he should simply make the liability exemption null and void and let the ambulance chasing lawyers take care of big pharma. Without this liability exemption the drug compaiies would pull the CV19 vaccines themselves therefore eleminating any kickback on RFK.

  2. Shirl


  3. Jonathan



    Thank you…

  4. MJ Quinn

    Great ! Remove the bioweapons !! Reinstate OTC ivermectin.

    Chronic diseases result from “lifestyle” injuries to our autonomic nerves (nerves to our organs). They are largely preventable.

  5. Don W.

    Thank you Greg for having Karen on again. This needs to get out to ALL.
    I am one that lost my oldest son to those shots. He got his shot, on the fifth day, he was showering and passed out, fell on his right shoulder, demolished it totally. His wife was down stairs, just below him and heard him fall. He was still alive, but almost gone. She got him to the hospital and then called me. I flew from CO to WA and got to the hospital about 3:30pm. He was still awake but almost gone. We did get a little talking in before the hospital made me leave at 7pm. His wife notified us several hours later, that he had passed away. ALL DUE TO THOSE “MAKE PEOPLE DEAD” SHOTS.

  6. Justn Observer

    Greg, Kelly Loeffler recently reported 19 million dead people ‘potentially’ on voter roles via Social Security. Wonder how they can identify how many are where, in which States….which might, depending on which state, make one wonder if HOW MANY Representatives some states have more than they should have? Representatives are determined by population- right? In states where the balance between parties are tight..might make a difference if one party or another ‘really’ did not have all the ‘LIVE’ votes they say they do!

  7. Roger Stamper

    tks karen greg

  8. Linda

    Well, I hope he stops the self-replicating bird flu vaccines that have apparently been approved in Europe (I haven’t listened yet, so maybe this will be addressed here).

  9. Yvonne

    What about the self-replicating bird-flu vaxes

  10. Unprecedented Exodus

    How I See the UK After 20 Years Living in Russia
    Sam’s Russian Adventures Feb 25, 2025
    After living so long outside of the UK, my views about the country have changed. This is what I think…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1ULvbiQIb8
    I recently set up a second channel with a little bit different content, you can check that out also: at this link / @broadrussia

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