America Will Be Painfully Reborn – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst, Bo Polny says get ready for a wild ride in 2025 and beyond.  Let’s start with the fraud done by the wicked in America being uncovered by DOGE.  So far, DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency) has saved taxpayers a staggering $115 billion in fraud, waste and abuse.  You ain’t seen nothing yet, according to Polny, “If you follow the money, you find out who got it and who the players are. . . . The players were all of Wall Street.  The players were all the Democrats.  The players were all the RINOs.  The players were all of Hollywood . . . and music industry.  The players were in Washington D.C. . . . . How are all these people, who are permanent politicians, worth hundreds of millions of dollars?  You follow the money, but they won’t let you follow the money, and that is why they need to stop Elon from following the money chain. . . . What they found so far is chump change. . . . The fraud is so big that it is mind blowing, staggering what the world is about to find out.”

Polny says the truth about the massive fraud in America is going to cause a financial reset.  Come July, the long-awaited Basel III is going to be implemented on banks July 1, 2025.  It is supposed to stabilize the banking system.  Polny says his calculations show America is going to be reborn after what the Bible says in Joel 2:31 “The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.”  Polny says this will happen most likely around the April Passover time frame.  Fast forward, and then, America will be reborn on July 4th 2025.  Polny explains, “The calculations are pointing to the rebirth of America this Fourth of July. . . . This is Biblical math.”  (In the interview, Polny goes into detail on the dates and Biblical timing.)

Polny says the US dollar is going to suffer when all the massive fraud is revealed. Polny says, “They have used the Federal Reserve Note to go against God.  They used the Federal Reserve Note to buy off all of Wall Street, to buy off every news media, to buy off Washington D.C., to buy off the elections and to buy off Hollywood.  They have used the money to buy off everybody.”

So, what is coming?  Polny says, “The real estate market is going to plummet. . . What we are about to witness is the collapse of the US dollar.  This is going to accelerate . . . in the month of April, and it’s going to continue, but April is going to be really bad for the US dollar.  That is going to lead to a collapse of the US bond market.  When the US bond market collapses, you are going to have so much real estate hit the market that those who have got gold, silver and crypto currencies will have their pick of homes or whatever you want. . . . Sellers are going to be everywhere. There is going to be the complete and utter destruction of the US financial system.  It starts now into the Fourth of July, and then, all heck breaks loose into year end.  Then, 2026 will be wild because we will be stepping into a new financial era, and the new financial system will be an honest money system.”

That new system will make gold and silver skyrocket in price.  Polny contends that silver could end up at “$2,000 per ounce,” and gold could get to “$80,000 to $100,000 per ounce.”  Polny points out that President Donald Trump will rebuild America, but it will be painful, especially for evil people and for the enemies of God.

In closing, Polny also points out that he thinks the Biblical “Angel of Death” is on the earth now just like the days of Pharaoh where the first born were killed during what is now called Passover.  Polny says this time, the Angel of Death is not coming for the first born, but for the wicked.

There is much more in the 98-minute in-depth interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Biblical cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny as he talks about the birth pains of America’s rebirth in 2025.

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After the Interview:

You can find free information on

To order Polny’s new book called “Revelation: The Good News, Understanding God’s Timeline into 2030 and Beyond,” click here.  (Remember to use the promo code “777” to get 30% off.)

If you want to see Polny’s free Power Point called, “Events in our World are Not Political, They are Biblical,” click here.

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  1. Anthony Australia

    God Bless you Greg.l ❤️🙏
    Fear not for we know our destination will be with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

  2. Donna Bartlett

    Glad to see your post tonight. Praying for you and your family’s safety with all the storms in your part of our country. Just saw the huge area of power outages over several states. Hope lots of people bought solar generators!

    • Greg Hunter

      Me too, Donna. They are going to need them at some point.

  3. Anthony Australia

    Watched Paul, Apostle of Christ.
    I reread The Acts of the Apostles and it overwhelmed me with many emotions and thoughts.

    “Therefore God gave them over in the desires of their hearts to impurity for the dishonoring of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise! Amen.

    For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. Likewise , the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

    Furthermore , since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers , God-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. They invent new forms of evil; they disobey their parents. They are senseless, faithless, heartless, merciless.

  4. Poochiwoo

    I hope so. I have not seen the head of the snake on a silver platter yet. Stock markets are still magically booming. Blue states are still doing what they want. To be clear, the steps taken by the administration give me hope, but I’ve seen how hard it is to clean up generational rot. It took many generations for East Germans to begin assimilating into West Germany. Many didn’t and remained spies for Soviet Russia. I think the rot in the US is far deeper and widespread. I am not settling down until certain benchmarks are crossed. The empire’s fate is still up in the air, in my opinion.

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  6. Don Doerr Sr.

    America’s first goal must be to deport 100% of the Biden Era Treasonous Open Border Criminal Illegal Invasion Force that is taking the lives of *Laken Riley* and so many others.
    If we choose a figure under 100% we are not honoring the law, and we are engaging in discrimination. Reagan made this mistake when he believed the Communist Democrat RINOs when they assured him that, if he would allow 5 million of their criminal illegals to remain in America, they would support secure borders. As usual, they lied. We have to understand that the Democrat Party formed on November 22, 1963 is not the Party of Harry Truman or even JFK. “NOW WE ARE ENGAGED IN A GREAT CIVIL WAR.”

  7. Katy Bar

    Bottom Line: US Dollar’s are like a “Gift Cards” handed out like an Ocean of Water to every Demon Rat in the World – but will be worth Absolutely Nothing once the Corporation (the US Government) Declares Bankruptcy!! Just like a Gift Card issued by Walmart, Target, etc., etc. becomes “Worthless” Upon Their Bankruptcy, and why God’s Gold (and Silver) is the Only Real “Physical” Money People can Depend Upon to Always Exist and have Value (when Governments, Corporations and Computers “FAIL”)!!! If Trump prevents a US Bankruptcy all the Gift Cards (US Dollars) handed out by the Demon Rats will retain value (making all their criminal deeds justified)!! Trump needs to screw all the Demon Rats and bring out a New Dollar (backed by Gold and Silver) and all the Old Paper Dollars the Demons have accumulated “Declared WORTHLESS”!!!

    • Anthony Australia

      Yes Katy and all of the so called celebrities lap it up.
      Bo should have added sport to the list; NFL, NBA, MLB & Moto GP all washed with fake printed currency. Inflation is ridiculous in the EPL where players transfer fees are in the tens of millions; oh and the F1 is in Australia today, major sponsors are Louis Vuitton and TAG Heuer.
      The world suffers whilst these so called talented people have everything.
      Gambling, Alcohol advertising is destroying our society.

    • Kit Lee

      To be “Reborn” – The US Corporation must first go Bankrupt!!

      • Greg Hunter

        I agree. That’s the painful part.

  8. Ken Yu

    Polny says: “Silver could end up at $2,000 per ounce, and Gold could get to $80,000 to $100,000 per ounce”. If Bo is right “Silver is the Better Buy” giving 58 Times Your Money (compared to Gold giving 26 to 33 Times Your Money)!! As for Bitcoin (to stay even with Gold), each Bitcoin will have to rise to Two and a Half Million Dollars each. But for Bitcoin “to remain equal to Silver” it will have to rise to “Five Million Dollars”!!!

    • Kit Lee

      “Beware The Ides Of March”!!! Gold just broke its all time high (hitting $3,014.90 per ounce on March 14, 2025 @6:25 AM!! And an analysis of Silver reveals a massive Cup and Handle Formation (spanning over 44 years)!! Silver is now poised for “A Historic Surge” over the next few years!!!
      As for Crypto, with 100 million Satoshis in one Bitcoin (even with a Bitcoin price of Five Million Dollars) each Satoshi will only be worth 5 cents!! Whereas one(1) Silver War Nickel (about 1/20th of an ounce of Silver) will be worth $100 dollars (with Silver at $2,000 per ounce)!! Much easier to buy gas and food with one(1) Silver War Nickel then with a $2,000 dollar Silver Eagle!!
      Note: [War Nickels (and other silver coins) are definitely going to be needed “to make change” when Klaus Schwab brings us “His Cyber Attack” (and Satoshi’s can’t be accessed)]!!!

  9. Glen Gurnard

    I always enjoy you and your content and guests.
    For some reason I’m not seeing the comments from your listeners.

    • Greg Hunter

      I just started to put them up.

  10. Mr. Kim Beaney

    Great interview as always Greg, slight correction Bo. It was king Xerxes the son of Darius the great of Persia (not Egypt). Esther was his queen of the Medes and Persians.

  11. Lady Au Stackers United

    Get real. Let’s knock off a few zeros on that “could” rise to six figure quotes on price of PMs per Troy ounce. Been hearing this for decades. I can see a potential $8000/troy ounce gold. And see a potential $200/troy ounce silver. But even those prices in USD is highly unlikely anytime soon. But if you want to see the price of gold or silver in Canadian dollars, for example, then yeah I can see a potential sooner than later.

    • Greg Hunter

      Not according to many real experts I talk to. You do realize the official debt is $36 trillion with another $30 or $40 trillion off-book and then there are the derivatives. $1 quadrillion? I could go on with unfunded liabilities, but you get my point. Big numbers are they not? So, yeah, “let’s get real.”

      • Katy Bar

        World Silver production is currently about 800 million ounces per year. Assuming the same production level over the last 100 years means the World has produced 80,000,000,000 ounces of Silver. Assuming the US somehow gets hold of “ALL THE SILVER IN THE WORLD”!! With our official US Debt and Off-book Debt at about $80,000,000,000,000 Dollars, Silver will need to be set at $1,000 dollars per ounce to cover it!! But when you add in the $1 Quadrillion in Derivatives, Silver will need to be set to $13,500 dollars per ounce!! Now, assume only a 15% Silver backing of the US dollar and we magically get the $2,000 dollars/oz for Silver that Bo Plony is predicting!!

  12. Debi Cloyd

    Greg and Bo,
    What is going to happen to people who are only on social security or very poor people on welfare?
    Thank you.

    • Greg Hunter

      You got to prepare, and I would start with food, but it is late in the game.

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