America in Totally Unknown Territory-Scott Uehlinger

By Greg Hunter’s 

Former CIA Station Chief Scott Uehlinger says the 2016 Presidential Election put “America in totally unknown territory.” Uehlinger explains, “I lived in countries like Azerbaijan, Moldova and Kosovo.  These were rough and tumble places where this was my bread and butter.  There was always a Prime Minister or a head of state that was using intelligence services to embarrass or frame or destroy members of the opposition party.  This is something I have seen time and time again.  This is something I have had to collect intelligence on time and time and time again, and I think this kind of gives me a unique perspective into what is going on in the United States right now.  I have seen this all before, but we also have to remember that this has never been here before.  This is something new for Americans and, unfortunately, it’s not really new for me.

Uehlinger says that former President Obama is running his own shadow government. Uehlinger contends, “Shadow government is a mainstream expression even in the countries where I lived.  When you are a Prime Minister in power, you always had an opposition Prime Minister or a shadow Prime Minister.  The opposition guy lines up his guys, and each of them has an opposite number in the administration.  Actually, Obama has set up, and he can call it anything he wants, but, effectively, it is a shadow government, and it’s designed to undercut the legitimacy of the Trump Administration.  We are in unknown territory here.”

So, what does Trump have to do to survive and succeed? Uehlinger says, “Trump needs to be more aggressive in bringing in his supporters, people who believe in what his campaign stood for.  He needs to bring them more quickly into the government.  In the meantime, these offices are empty, and until it’s filled with somebody who is an inherent of President Trump, it’s going to be occupied temporarily by a civil servant who is elevated to that position and . . .  most of those people are Democrats.  So, the faster President Trump moves in and fills up these buildings, the better off he’s going to be.”

Uehlinger goes on to say, “Trump is not there by himself. 30% of the agencies are going to be people who think the way I do.  It’s the same way that most cops that deal in the real world are conservatives, it’s the same way in the CIA.  The academics and those people who are products of the universities are going to be more liberal.  However, the people in the streets, the case officers and operations officers such as myself, who are up to our elbows in the real world and understand how the real world works, I think a lot of those people think the status quo is intolerable and has to be changed.  So, Mr. Trump has support, but he doesn’t have as much because of the natural tendency that the civil servants tend to be Democrat.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former CIA Station Chief Scott Uehlinger.  (

(There is much more in the video interview.)

After the Interview:

Uehlinger writes for a variety of publications. His latest article was published in  It’s called “The public cannot afford to ignore foreign aid spending.” Uehlinger also has a website where he discusses subjects on intelligence.  It’s called


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  1. Paul ...

    The CIA needs to re-embrace American values and ethics … the good guys at the CIA should know who the people are that are bringing in Heroin from Afghanistan (that is destroying American children’s lives) … these good guys should send “a list of the bad guys” to WikiLeaks … so Trump can get rid of them all (no matter their political affiliation)!!

    • Paul ...

      We should also get a list of the bad guys that are trying to start WWIII with Russia by attacking Iran … the US needs a “moderate” power in the region to counterbalance the evil Saudi regime that is creating havoc in the Middle East … the “moderate” Iranian President Rouhani is up for re-election … he is a very good negotiator (like Trump) and suceeded in bring billions of dollars of extra revenues to Iran and getting sactions removed (that bad deal for the US) … but the “Deep State in Iran” wants a war with the West (just as much as the “Deep State in the US” wants war with Iran) … Trump’s seemingly changing policy towards Iran “may actually be designed to help Mr Rouhani” … in order to show he is firm against America (test-firing a ballistic missile in apparent violation of a UN resolution and launching military exercises in the Strait of Hormuz where one third of the global oil traded by sea passes through) … the “Deep State in Iran” is finding it hard to counter the heightened tensions between Iran and the US … their only hope to stop Mr Rouhani from becoming President for another four years is to use the Iranian newspapers (which are owned by the hardliners) to start a smear campaign to highlight Mr Rouhani’s “failures” in domestic, foreign, and regional policies … however the criticisms raining down on Mr Rouhani from the Iranian Main Stream Media has not resulted in Mr. Rouhani completely losing the blessing of the supreme leader Khamenei … Khameni still desperately needs the moderate Rouhani’s very good diplomatic skills to avoid the war with the West the “Deep State in Iran” wants to start (in order to kill all the Santanistic pedofiles in Washington)!!

    • Russ McMeans

      Maybe Trump should just disband/ fire/cut funding & simply not use the intelligence agencie’s services. One could apply the same to the EPA, Dept. of Education, energy, and every other agency ….. why not? Of what helpful use are all these ‘advisors’ as bureaucrats?
      Donald Trump could run the country based on a lot less of this crap.

    • al Hall

      Paul/Greg: Greg, you know “W” is a friend and ex-CIA officer. He told me more than a decade ago that the CIA is actually two different factions, one good Americans, and the other Nazi based(democrats). It all comes from how the CIA was formed after WW2, operation “paper clip”!
      Anyway- I was told that Obama was put into hiding over 6 months ago- that he has a body double, a clone as it were! He is not being seen much now anyway- but was seen in N.Y. at a restaurant. Photos on the net show it was not really him. Recent photos of Killary are also shown to be strange- again body doubles! This goes along with the story that Putin’s wife says that the Putin we see is not her husband?? Google
      to see claim! No one is who they seem these days! “Deep State” can do these things according to W?

    • gregd

      They do know Paul, its the CIA. Det.Rupert from L.A. proved it. They use the money for their black projects. Off the books stuff like suiciding people and other fun Government things.

    • A Johnson

      Paul, there are probably no good guys at the CIA able to do anything about the others. The organization needs to be shut down. We have 17 intelligence agencies, that is more than enough to do any and all actual work that is needed. And get rid of the rest, as they are busy little bees.

  2. coalburner

    Trump needs to appoint temporary supporters into these jobs with the mission to start getting rid of as many of the enemy as possible. If that happens the Democrats will have no reason to hold back approving his appointees. Dems are colluding with the shadow gocvernment to inflict as much damage as possible. Get the temp permants out with temporary appointees sent with a mission. Later on make them the deputy to the new chief. The new chiefs will need someone they can trust anyway when they get there. Meantoime Trumps policies can be started. Cut, Cut , Cut!

    • Mohammad

      Talking about letting the Fox in the hen’s cage….!


      • Mike Ilitch

        Yes Mohammad,
        Lets get all the foxes on our side to outfox the CIA/M.BrudderHoods!

        • Mohammad



      • JC Davis

        Doc this is truly crazy times.

  3. Rick Geisler

    A very good interview with Mr. Uehlinger. I would equate those Democrats in the District of Columbia and Northern Virginia to the people rioting and buying lobster in the check out line ahead of me at the grocery store with an EBT card. In order for Dr. Trump to truly restore the “patient” to good health he must first remove the parasites that are bleeding the life from it. The United States has been strong but it can’t take a bunch of freeloaders, from DC bureaucrats to scammers with EBT cards, forever and by design. Go President Trump!!

    • Frederick

      I know right Rick That’s one reason I stopped working after 50 years even though I was physically and mentally very able Why pay taxes for that and people like Gina right?

      • This sceptred Isle

        And worse. Does paying taxes make us complicit in their crimes? I have often wondered this?

        • Charles H

          You can defund the military; but then you have to haul your own trash. I married a woman with good and bad traits. I’ve never gotten rid of the bad. Pity.

        • Flattop

          Sceptred Isle: Know the feeling. Living in California and seeing my tax dollars go to pay for a sex change operation on a convicted felon in prison really gives me pause. Be elderly and with an ailing wife, it is not an easy thing to move out of this socialistic state.

    • gregd

      Elimination of these alphabet departments would be preferred. Including corporate welfare as well as peoples welfare. Give the people basic healthcare but no welfare. You can get a roof and meals from family and friends and charity but healthcare you can’t.

      • Rick Geisler

        I agree that most federal departments are redundant or not needed or should be turned back over to the states. Still to solidify my points made above I post quotes from one of my favorite founders: Benjamin Franklin.
        I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.
        — Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor; 29 November 1766

        I am for doing good to the poor, but…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed…that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.
        — Benjamin Franklin

        When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.
        — Benjamin Franklin

  4. dlc

    Just prior to this interview, I was watching a YouTube pictorial of the rise of national socialism in Germany. No comments, no leading narrative whatever for roughly an hour, but just the pictures were unnerving.

    My parents were big history buffs, and being children of immigrants, they very much appreciated this country and made a point of having us understand what my grandparents ran from. I feel we are at a crossroads like Germany, Russia, Eastern Europe and we have just so much time left to get things turned around.

    I also watched a piece on Wiemar Germany and see many similarities between those times and now.

    I hung on every word of this interview. You asked some really great questions. We get no news with what is called news and I spend a good deal of time looking for answers and deprogramming from all the propaganda of the past.

    As to the subject of child trafficking, I randomly picked up a book called “Walking Dead” by Greg Rucka. It mainly involved abductions in Ukraine that trafficked to Dubai and to Las Vegas. A fiction book, but it covered all the facets of this subject. We hear about child trafficking in almost a sanitized manner. It is a horror show. The failed states are apparently places where many children are snatched up. This seems to be an international dirt common and lucrative pursuit.

    • safensecure

      Agree that there are some concerns about similarities to Germany. One scholar, Timothy Snyder, writes about how we can prevent a return to authoritarian under Trump that could be similar to Germany. Another, Sarah Kendzior, thinks Trump more resembles the dictators of the “stans” such as Uzbekistan. She is a compelling read for those interested in the study of dictatorships. And another writer , whose name I don’t recall, thought Trump is more in the model of Berlusconi of Italy – a very corrupt billionaire -and we should focus mostly on his corrupt financial dealings and worry less about the authoritarian leanings.

      So, who knows where we’re going. But it is good to study the models of dictatorships past so we can recognize the signs and be prepared. Trump has already given us a lot of iinformation, such as his labeling some of the press as the “enemy,” his veiled, but clear threats to the safety of his opponent, his penchant for wild conspiracy theories and the clear financial corruption that is already enriching his family’s empire.

      I never thought I’d live long enough to see such a thing happen in America. But I’m still alive, he’s here, and it’s here, so we might as well pay attention, learn from it, and defend our democratic institutions with our hearts and souls against it. If our treasured institutions hold, then America will indeed be great again, in spite of, not because of Mr. Trump.

      Cheers and good day.

      • Frank Cooper

        Hell hath no fury as a shadow government scorned!
        Snoop Dogg ‘shoots’ Trump clown ‘Ron Klump’ in new video
        This is what the deep state disinformation campaign by way of our mainstream media lackeys, for our shadow government has wrought. With all it’s consequences.
        Lets call it for what it is, our shadow Maddow inspired Washinton post Arab spring! Minus the cherry blossoms.
        Comcast customers, remember who owns her. You!

        Senator Johnson: I’ve Been Denied a Briefing by CIA on Russian Hacking
        Is Obama CIA playing politics in its final days?
        Kevin Binversie 11:22 AM, Dec 16, 2016

        Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson on Friday[11/1816] said the CIA denied his request for a briefing on its findings about Russian cyber attacks allegedly designed to influence the election.

        “I’m not happy they denied a briefing to me,” the Wisconsin Republican told a public radio interviewer in his home state on Friday morning. “I need information from the [Obama] administration, and right now they’re withholding it.”

        He added in a statement: “It is disappointing that the CIA would provide information on this issue to the Washington Post and [MS] NBC [Comcast] but will not provide information to elected members of Congress.” MORE;

        Former U.S. intel officials say signs point to leak, not hack

        After nearly 54 years a case was closed today by LA county sheriffs department when an 93 year old Claude Cooper from Cleveland was. . …

  5. dlc

    Fast forward to 57:00 for an interview on Infowars with Michael Savage. I thought it was one of the best, and Savage actually got to finish his sentences and train of thought, something I appreciate about your own interview style.

    This is the kind of hard-nosed speaking that only the left is so good at. It has been intimidated out of the rest of us. Listening to Michael is like swallowing a bottle of ipecac, gets all the pent-up poison out of you.

    He talks like my independent, strong-willed, opinionated NYC uncles whom I miss dearly. Michael once remarked that this world can only be saved by the British-style soccer thugs of this world. The Mister Rogers approach on the part of the right got us where we currently are.

  6. Greenskeeper Carl

    Great interview,
    Mr. uehlinger has confirmed what many including
    Wikileaks have been alluding to for weeks. Trump
    needs to become more aggressive and get rid of Obamas
    insiders quickly. Hopefully he has a plan and is ready to
    implement it, stat !

  7. Robert Lykens, Rabid Zionist

    Mohammad, to answer your previous questions to me:
    – America did not bomb Iraq for a false reason. Hussein had WMDs there – much evidence was found after America invaded, including stockpiles of missiles filled with “very pure” Sarin nerve gas. If you don’t believe me, Google “Operation Avarice”.
    – Your “million Iraqis” is a made-up fantasy. 268,000 people have died, including combatants. Meanwhile, muslims have killed 465,000 other muslims in the Syria civil war. What do you have to say about muslims using nerve gas on each other in Syria?
    – Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was absolutely justified because if we hadn’t nuked them, we would have had to invade Japan and many more people would have died. Don’t like it? Don’t attack America.
    – Don’t pretend that islam has nothing to do with terrorism. That’s a lie straight from the mouth of Hussein Obama. Islam needs no help from me in being tarnished.
    – What “Langley mercenaries financed by Saudis” are you talking about?
    – I see very clearly, thank you. I see innocent victims beheaded in the name of islam. I see young girls raped in the name of islam. I see the stifling subjection of women in the name of islam. I see sick fools mutilating their women’s genitals in the name of islam. I see “honor killings” – fathers murdering their own children for an imagined offense – in the name of islam. I see 30,450 terror attacks since 9/11 in the name of islam.

    “Religion of peace” my ass. Only a muslim or a liberal would tell such an outrageous lie and expect anyone to believe it.

    • Greg Hunter

      Robert, Enjoy!!

      • Frederick

        See what I mean Greg is a nice guy but totally biased to cretins like this Lykens creep How sad is that?

        • Shadow of Doubt

          Good Grief Frederick,
          As an American, I am sure you have heard about the “Freedom Of Association”. Unless you are Greg’s mother writing under a nom de plume give it a break.

    • This sceptred Isle

      1) Robert, you should familiarise yourself with the findings of the Chilcot enquiry. Even the findings of the British government concluded that there were no weapons of mass destruction.

      “Chilcot says the intelligence community worked from the start on the misguided assumption that Saddam had WMDs and made no attempt to consider the possibility that he had got rid of them, which he had.”

      2) Regarding operation Avarice:
      “These munitions were remnants of an Iraqi special weapons program that was ABANDONED long before the 2003 invasion, and they turned up sporadically during the American occupation in buried caches, as part of improvised bombs or on black markets.”
      The poor state of most of the weapons recovered supports this.

      3) “I had been conscious of depression and so I voiced to (Sec. Of War Stimson) my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at this very moment, seeking a way to surrender with a minimum loss of ‘face.’ ”
      – General Dwight D. Eisenhower

      Whatever the rights and wrongs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki it is undeniable that civilians were targeted to achieve a military objective. If you accept that civilians can legitimately be targeting in order to win a war more rapidly and thus minimise loss of life on one side you are opening Pandora’s box. Remember, it was the Japanese military that committed the atrocities and not the Japanese public.
      The suspicion remains that America wanted to test its new weapons in a real-life scenario. American scientists did in fact study the Japanese victims of the bombs whilst withholding medical treatment after the war.

      • This sceptred Isle

        Sorry, I forgot to post the link to point 1).

        • Frank D

          TSI, quoting the NYT and then the Guardian removes all credibility to your “claims”. You’ll have to do better than that.

          • This sceptred isle

            Interesting you criticise my sources without engaging the arguments. Also, curiously you criticise my sources but the ignore the fact that Robert Lykens was intellectually freestylin and used no sources to back up his arguments.

      • Robert Lykens

        In Operation Avarice, the missiles recovered were in good condition and the Sarin nerve gas in them was of very high quality. Evidence of other WMDs was found in Iraq but Saddam had already moved them – probably to Syria – by the time we got there.

        I’m willing to target civilians in order to win wars. If the people of Germany had risen against Hitler, millions of lives would have been saved (including many of their own). A nation which attacks another nation – blindsided, in the example of Japan – is more than its military. It is the industries which fuel the aggression, and the industries are run by civilians. The governments are also usually civilian.
        The notion of “surgical strikes” and “no-collateral damage” are fantasies. Civilians are complicit and civilians are killed in war.

        Don’t make the mistake of calling terrorist attacks “war”. They aren’t, they’re murder by fanatic, insane individuals who dare not stand up to organized militaries. But when nation rises against nation, one of the nations must be defeated. I say, do what is necessary to save the lives of our soldiers and stop Nazi-esque behavior.

        I want to be absolutely clear on this:
        I hope America has the cojones to preemptively strike North Korea before that insane communist strikes Hawaii or South Korea or Japan. I also hope the same for Iran, which will destroy Israel if given the chance; indeed they are already planning it through Hizballah.
        Attack them. Bomb them into submission, then send in a Macarthur to receive their unconditional surrender. If we don’t, many more lives will be lost because of our political correctness.
        The world is a worse, more dangerous place under this present timid, liberal America.

        • This sceptred isle

          Hmm…shall I agree with Eisenhower or Robert?

        • This sceptred Isle

          “A nation which attacks another nation – blindsided, in the example of Japan – is more than its military. It is the industries which fuel the aggression, and the industries are run by civilians.”

          That explains why America is the world’s number one arms dealer – thanks for clarifying that.

      • Charles H

        If Saddam HAD the weapons, whether he got rid of them or not: establishes that he had them. Their condition has no relevance to the fact of their existence. That they were stored by burial, rather than in secure and condition appropriate – gives rise to the idea that obstrufication and covering of tracks is involved.
        The use of the Atomic Bomb will be a controversy to the end of time. Many official documented their opinion that to submit Japan, who was training their civilians to fight: that around a million casualties were expected to end the war by invasion. Here, a two sided coin offers a good selection for the Cherry-pick of the Month Club.
        World War Two changed the map in that Germany and Japan TARGETED CIVILIANS, changing the rules; but I read no condemnation or citation to this fact. History has proved that no nation, or peoples, have ever refrained from opening a Pandora’s Box. The reason America made the Atomic Bomb?: Germany was working on it herself.
        America has it’s share of problems; but it is not the cause of all the evils in the world. How is it that people learn such negativity?

        • This sceptred Isle

          Even if WMD were found (a highly dubious proposition and that is being kind) you are supposed to find smoking gun evidence BEFORE you go to war not invade then look for the evidence amidst the rubble retrospectively. If Saddam had these weapons of mass destruction why didn’t he unleash them when Iraq was invaded? Not to do so kind of defeats the purpose of having them. Finding odd caches of old weapons does not necessarily mean Saddam was hiding them. You have all sorts of groups operating in Iraq. Was Saddam knowledgeable about every single weapon hoard hidden within Iraq? You overestimate his powers.

          • Charles H

            I’ve always had difficulty answering for Saddam Hussein: he lived so far away and we did speak much…

            • This sceptred Isle


      • Deanna Johnston Clark

        Didn’t Harry Truman justify the dropping of atomic bombs as a way to deter Stalin? It was to impress Joe, not defeat Japan.
        Any historians here?

    • Mohammad

      Full of BS…
      nuff said, you have no consideration to lives as long as they are overseas.
      enjoy like Greg said.


      • Robert Lykens

        You can afford to speak your mind. Muslim women can’t.
        – Sharia law allows men to beat their wives.
        – Under Sharia law, women have fewer (and lesser) rights than men.
        – Sharia law allows sex with little girls before they reach puberty (sounds kinda like the Democrat Party and Pedophile Island, doesn’t it, Mohammad?).
        – Under Sharia, women are deemed lacking in intelligence.

        Mohammad, these are well-known facts available to anyone who searches for them. I simply Googled “women under Sharia law”.
        As a muslim man, do you agree with these facts? Or do you have it within you to denounce these horrendous hadiths?

        I was good enough to answer your questions to me, one by one. Have the same courtesy. Tell me where I’m wrong.

        Your statement that I have “no consideration” for lives overseas is ridiculous. I donate $600/mo to overseas Christian missions. This money goes, in part, to helping people learn to feed themselves and to orphanages for special needs children in China. How much “consideration” do you have for people overseas, Mohammad?

        And by the way, every answer I gave you above is fact. Your dislike for the facts doesn’t make them “BS”.

        • Robert Lykens

          Greg, the willing blindness of some people causes me to rant once in a while. I’ll back off now – before my blood pressure causes me to pop a cork.

      • Frederick

        Mohammad I totally agree and ####### like this Lykens won’t be happy till the blowback burns them in the keister Warmongers like Johnny Wetstart MCCain are these people’s heros Pathetic

        • Greg Hunter

          No name calling.

      • jifton plinton

        It is really, really good for the world that he did not have any more people he needed to IMPRESS,
        if he had others to impress, well, I guess he would have had to drop more a-bombs.

    • eddiemd

      WMD. We were conned by this propaganda. Sixteen years later and where are they?

      If 911 was caused by terrorists outside the USA, then there should have been a 912 when Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan were nuked as payback. It would have avoided the past 16 years of perpetual war and saved trillions. We had the opportunity to completely destroy these criminals in the days after 911. This is not my idea but from friends within USASOC.

      We fired bombed Germany and nuked Japan during WW II. We should have made an example of these countries right after 911.

      It is harsh but it is reality.

      • Frederick

        Eddie NO it was orchestrated by people like Bush,Cheney, Zokheim ,Chertoff, Rumsfeld and Silverstein and their Mossad /CIA operatives on the ground Don’t be naive The evidence is overwhelming

        • Greg Hunter

          It’s always the jews and nobody else causing the problems in the world??? Really??? I am reposting my reply to Mohammad below:

          “Israel is always you big evil player and not a peep about Iran want to destroy Israel. Israel (and any country) has a right to defend itself. The Supreme Leader of Iran wrote a “How to” book to destroy Israel: And what about all the Radical Islamic crime, terror and murder around the world??? It’s documented here: Are the Jews behind that too?? I am just giving some balance to your lopsided comment.”


          • This sceptred Isle

            My biggest problem with removing secular leaders such as Saddam and Gaddaffi is that it allowed for the spread of the extremism that Robert hates so much. Robert Lykens goes on and on about radical terrorist groups and then when some old cache of weapons is found in Iraq uses this as retrospective justification for the war. Is it not possible the weapons were hidden by someone unbeknown to Saddam or a different group altogether? Also, can Robert explain why this impressive arsenal of weapons that Saddam supposedly had was not used to defend Iraq during the invasion?

            • Greg Hunter

              I agree and has said similar things years ago on USAW.

          • Mohammad


            You know my stand on the Jews, I will repeat it here since you have selective memory, JEWS ARE GOD FEARING PEOPLE, if we Muslims do not believe in Judaism or Christianity we are not believer in Islam….I hope I clear this point for you and readers.
            Zionism is an atheist organization highjacked judaism same way neocons highjacked christianity same way ISIS /wahhabism /IRAN highjacked Islam.
            Rabbis (I linked to lots of videos before) who are scholars in judaism say Israel as a state is AGAINST their holy book Turat. they were ordered to be in exile and they survived all those thousands of years simply because they followed their holy book, but Zionism serves an interest opposite of the Jews’ (THAT IS SAID BY THE JEWS THEMSELVES) and here is a reminder link:



            • Greg Hunter

              I don’t think all Jews would agree, Just like all Muslims would agree with: Lots of times people use the term “Zionist” to cover anti-Semitism. I know this is not your stand but is is for many others. Israel has a right to defend itself. The Jews will not walk quietly into a gas chamber or into the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Dark powers want them out of Israel and that is never going to happen. End of story.

              • Mohammad


                if the term is used by jews themselves you cannot call them anti semite can you….?
                Watch the video I posted I bet you did not.


                • Greg Hunter

                  I did and you should watch the former Muslim (son of Hamas founder) who is now a Christian (that’s the best part) call out terror perpetrated by radical Islam. I’ll say it again: Just because the Jews (or Zionists) refuse to walk happily into the gas chamber or the Mediterranean Sea doesn’t make them bad. How dare they protect themselves from terror by people who want to wipe them out?? Please don’t act like it’s not a fact that radical Islam (Hamas, the PA, Fata, al Qaeda, al Nusra, Iran and every other radical Islamic group isn’t out to kill every Jew they can and wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Let’s admit that right hear and now. That’s a fact.

                  • Mohammad


                    there is no radical ISLAM it is a disinformation for hidden agendas, there are many radical movements from every belief .


                  • Greg Hunter

                    Somebody is massacring people around the world while yelling “Allah Akbar” and it’s not the Jews.

                  • Mohammad

                    And of course they wear hoods covering their faces while they think they are “going to heaven” …Hmmmmm
                    Did those hoods trigger in your investigative mind any question????????


                  • Greg Hunter

                    What are you talking about????? This is really over the top and not an effective way to try to win points.

                  • Mohammad

                    Am not trying to win any point, am just poking the investigative instinct to ask yourself why those criminals always wear hoods that cover they identities and for odd reasons they killed more muslims than others? is it possibly because they are foreign agents, is it possible because they are not muslims to start with? Do you recall the British intelligent agents that were captured in Basra killing people saying Allah Akbar and when they were prisoned in Iraq the British forces demolished the prison and set them free:



                    Still over the top Greg?


                  • Greg Hunter


                    What does this have to do whit our conversation. Radical Islamic Terror is a world wide phenomenon. By the way, never use Wikipedia as a source. It is notoriously unreliable.


                  • Mohammad

                    Lets agree to disagree,
                    Peace Greg.


                  • Greg Hunter

                    Good men can disagree.

            • Charles H


              The Hebrews or Jews are cut-off from their God; and Islamists do NOT believe in the God of Christianity. Do NOT diseminate this falsity. Mohammedans teach and believe that Jesus Christ is a prophet, and not God Himself – isn’t this correct?!?? IF Jesus Christ is very God Himself, then that violates one of the Pillars of the Faith of the Quran, the Shahada. (“Shahada is a declaration of faith and trust that professes that there is only one God (Allah) and that Muhammad is God’s messenger.[10] It is a set statement normally recited in Arabic: lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāhu muḥammadun rasūlu-llāh (لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله) “There is no god but God (and) Muhammad is the messenger of God.”; Wikipedia) Linking belief in all three faiths is incorrect and confusion. If you wish to profess Christianity: then you must confess that Jesus Christ is the one, true God, to the refutation of Allah.

      • Mohammad


        One thing about 911 I wish someone explains:
        What the f@#$ was the passport of attalla made of to survive the inferno …..??????


        • This sceptred Isle

          yet all the black boxes were lost…

    • Charles H


      I think it would be good if you did not ‘bleed-over’ a running commentary from one interview page to another. I have been involved, in my defense, in this: and regret it. To keep to one page allows interchanges to settle-out; rather than continue. it seems a healthier approach for this valuable site. I mean no offense.

    • Roger D

      Mr. Lykens, Satan loves two things, deceit and shedding of innocent blood. You glowingly describe both.

      WatchDogs, how did America become so blood thirsty? What happened to the America that believed in the ‘Golden Rule’? (Matthew 7:12). America is committing the greatest crime of international law, the Crime of Aggression. We preach the virtue of truth but embrace the Mother of Fake News: our government’s story of 9/11 and WMDs. Hypocrites we are!

      Our Day of Judgement will come when will answer to God for our pride and arrogance.

      • Frederick

        Bingo Roger that 🙂

      • Charles H

        Roger D,

        There is only ONE God – whom the Hebrews refused to accept when He visited them; and the Ishmaelites or mohammadians changed to be only a man, in order to promote their own false god by substitution: which set Israel back by forewarned punishment, and Islam into abject idolatry. The same with America, whose Founders embraced the only true God, left-off the knowledge of Him for a profane and atheistic “scientific knowledge” – that is the same mistake of the afore-mentioned two, only differing in the object-cause of rejection.
        The consequences seen in America and the whole world are the indications of separation or substitution from the One, true God and His unique righteousness: the result being automatic default to the only other domain – the domain of evil. As America developed technology and science, taught generations the lie of “Evolution” – America swung away for the knowing of God and even the acknowledging of God. The murder of Abortion, and depravity unbounded sexuality, along with a gradual descent into depravity: the value of human life has ebbed away. It isn’t just America which is blood-thirsty; but a complete shame she has slipped to the animalistic level of butchery with everyone else. She is no more evil than anyone else now; just more prominent, more prone to the attention of finger-pointers and fault-finders.
        Everyone SHALL give an account unto God: the problem is when they don’t know Him. Unfortunately, BILLIONS who think they are right: will be shown that they are wrong. The world had always been plagued with following the wrong leaders.

    • Bob

      Robert, why do Jews like Barbara Specter push for more Muslim immigration into Europe?

      • Frederick

        I think we ALL know why they do that Bob to weaken the strong monolithic power in those countries so they can be more easily controlled and manipulated and I would add not specifically Jews but Zionist Jews who have a nefarious agenda This includes plenty of people calling themselves Christians as well even though they are obviously NOT that at all

  8. sam
    “While today is know as Pi Day, tomorrow is the fateful Ides of March and indeed to Trump we must say – Beware! It clearly appears that the Treasury has been deliberately trying to get rid of its cash reserves which stood at $435 billion before the election. They obviously expected President Hillary Clinton would be in the White House and the Democrats would control Congress so there would be no problem in raising the debt ceiling as always.
    However, Trump resiodes not Hillary and it clearly seems that the Treasury since January 20th has moved into high gear to create an intentional crisis to blame Trump with 70 years+ of deficit spending post-World War II. The Treasury’s cash has vanished and it has collapsed rapidly down to $88 billion. The massive drain of cash has been deliberate. Never has such a raid decline taken place.
    There is a coming disaster thanks to the Obama/Boehner selling out the country. Politicians know that they can do anything as long as you push it off into the future after they leave office for all blame will fall of the next person holding office. Hence, Trump will be blamed for the entire debt – just watch. This will not end nicely. “

  9. Russ McMeans

    I’m sorry but if Trump and the Republicans don’t repeal and bring back real free market reforms on Obamacare and our Tax code – for business and individuals, the Trump/ Republican legacy will be a side note in history. None of this deep state stuff is on any average American’s radar. They are just trying trying to just get by and keep their families above the water line. ( which is bankruptcy). And any wealthy retirees on this site, you may have an opinion, but you’re not on the front lines trying to make a living. Remember that please….

  10. Russ McMeans

    Scott’s right: Michael Savage’s book debuts and makes Drudge Report!

  11. James Mansfield

    Greg reposting from Google plus (linked to the youTube segment with Scott U–Greg this is all compounded by the fact that the deep state is exponentially enhanced because of SINergy….I have some really important details about this concept….to get a small taste, go to and watch both 2 minute trailers…then make contact with me for a document that explains much more…remember: Jesus is King, He controls everything!

  12. Chip

    Greg, OT but everyone here needs to contact their congressmen with the following message…


    Concerning a full repeal of Obamacare, we’ve been promised this in 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 from Republican members of Congress and the U.S. Senate.

    Voters gave the Republicans the House, the Senate, and they gave them the White House, and now all of a sudden, the entrenched Republican establishment comes up with a whole list of reasons why they can’t do what they’ve been promising the American people.


    • Russ McMeans

      Amen Chip! Just repeal the Mother of all fing Taxes!
      I hate this GOP establishment! Why the hell would would the voters return Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to Washington! Why?!

  13. karl kuhle

    Liberal scum need culling it’s that sumple

  14. Justn Observer


    From John Williams—-
    No. 871: February Labor Conditions, Help Wanted Online, Money Supply M3, Consumer Liquidity
    March 10th, 2017
    • Real World Employment Prospects Deteriorated in February 2017, Plunging at an Annual Pace Not Seen Since the Depths of the Economic Collapse into 2009
    • Nonetheless, FOMC Hawks Got Their Strong Headline Jobs Report
    • Headline Employment and Unemployment Remained Nonsensical and Generally Not Comparable Month-to-Month or Otherwise
    • Payroll Employment, Which Gained 235,000 Jobs in February, Counts Each Part-Time Job as an Employed Individual
    • Household Survey Employment Counts Each Individual Only Once; Multiple Job Holders Gained 260,000 in February
    • February Unemployment Rates Dropped: U.3 Declined to 4.7% from 4.8%, U.6 Fell to 9.2% from 9.4%, ShadowStats-Alternate Fell to 22.7% from 22.9%
    • February Money Supply M3 Annual Growth Sank to a 55-Month Low, Closing in on a Formal Recession Signal

  15. Mme. Hedin

    Mr. Trmp needs to release his full tax returns, just as every other President has donefor the past fifty years during the campaign AND every year thereafter as a serving President. Until Mr. Trump comes clean and does this, as every other President has done, he will continue to be under fire from the legitimate press and from the people of America. He has a proven history of business dealings with foreign nationals and we as citizens have a right to know to what extent he is beholden to them – this is no wee Georgia peanut farm!

    • Greg Hunter

      Non issue for you to use to pile on and try to discredit Trump. Yawn.

      • Mme. Hedin

        I’ll bet it would not be a “non-issue” to you if Mr. Obama had refused to provide HIS tax returns by this point! Double standard , Greg! And Mr. Trump does business and has hotels around the globe – he deals with foreign nationals all the time. If he was “clean”, he’d provide his tax returns like every other President has done before him. He is accountable to the American people! But he hasn’t, so alone that should give any idiot some pause about his potential entanglements…

        • Greg Hunter

          Not an issue with Obama either as long as he did not cheat and he did not. Non issue. It’s a big SO WHAT with me.

    • Frank D

      MOst Americans don’t give a hoot about Trumps tax returns. If anything Trump should release them the day after Obozo releases his college records and Kenyan birth certificate.

    • Russ McMeans

      What does Donald’s tax returns have to do with fixing and getting our economy and budget issues back on the right track? What the hell are you thinking here!? How about whe look at our federal government and more specially the Democrats’s and GOP establishment’s tax returns? ….. it’s 20 plus trillion and counting! You know nothing! Mme……

  16. nonya scott

    audio issues and ringing in the ears does not mix

    • Greg Hunter

      I could not fix the audio problems. It plays better on a laptop than a smart phone. So sorry.

  17. Mme. Hedin

    Per my previous post above, all of this chatter and frankly, B.S. about a “Deep State” is simply to distract us from Mr. Trump’s own financial (and potentially treasonous) secrets. If he has nothing to hide, then why won’t he release his tax returns like every other President has done?!? Just the term “Deep State” has a deliberately “sinister” feeling to it – simply because someone has been a government employee for eight years doesn’t make them pedophiles or crooks! And of COURSE they are generally Democrats – they were hired eight years ago to work under a Democratic President! And, DUH, Trump’s going to hire their replacements and they’ll be conservative/Republicans, reflecting Trump’s affiliations! That’s how it works, people!

    • Greg Hunter

      A former president spying on an incoming president and setting up a command bunker to undermined and discredit the new administration is a new low for America. This is NOT a story of some leftover Democrats. It is totally dishonest of you to paint the situation this way. We had a fair election and now there needs to be a peaceful transition of power and the transition is being undermined and thwarted. This is sedition and treason.

      • Charles H

        Time always serves to reveal the true purposes and motives. Commentors start on the periphery with good observations: but gradually and consistently gravitate to their true objectives. In this case Mme is just a hash-n-mash of an underminer. Pity.

      • Mme. Hedin

        First, there is NO evidence that Obama was spying on Trump. Trump has provided no evidence to back his claim. If youhave evidence, please supply it. The FBI said there was NO wiretapping order on Trump as well. And what “bunker” are you talking about? Please cite your news source. At this point, Trump is just looking like a fool and paranoid mental, because he gives no evidence, no proof of spying – he just shoots off his mouth about a former President no less, who was impeccably gracious to Trump from his election through his inauguration.

        • Mme. Hedin

          Further evidence of no wiretapping – it was all in Trump’s mind….

          • Greg Hunter

            Ha ha ha Mme. How was Gen. Flynn recorded, transcribed and released??? Flynn was in Trump Tower.

          • Bob

            In Trump’s initial Tweet on the matter he said he had been told the tower was wiretapped.

            How is that in his mind? He was just relaying what an adviser told him.

            Who cares? Obama sucked.

        • Greg Hunter

          I am not a spy agency I am a news analyst and reporter. Here’s what Obama is doing: Here’s what the FBI said :

          This is disinformation to not admit that what is going on now is unprecedented in U.S. history for an outgoing President to mount an opposition against a new president. It is happening and it is fact. This is what Obama’s OFA (Organization for Action) is all about. Lots written on this, just not from the Very Fake (MSM) News.
          By the way, my guest is a former CIA Station Chief and knows a lot more than you. What is your real name and what are your credentials? I want to be able to verify who you are, and know you are not a paid troll. Verifiable name and credentials, and “Mme.” does on even come close.

          Ou and one last link about spying on Trump:

          • Robert Lykens

            Greg, a similar comment by you some time back convinced me to post my real name here. I haven’t regretted it; in fact I like knowing I have more courage than most of your visitors.

          • Frank D

            Greg, “Mme” is obviously a paid troll that you should block.

          • Old Coop

            Greg, These deep statster geeks love/hate you. For as long as they followed you and they had a lot of good laughs amongst themselves. Here you were undeniably boldly proclaiming to these fakeRuski imitating hacking hackers that trump had it in the bag and never yielded despite all their intel disinformation [lies] They never had a clue!

            You inadvertently made them men and have given them the chance to live up to their own credo and keep the United States safe by unrelentingly seeking [doing their job] of the Truth, which sets us all [black/white/brown/red/left/right/poor/middle class/rich] free!
            Free at last! Free at last!
            Stay free! Ditch the [Master!]

            In 1985, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency authorized the creation of an official CREDO. The result clearly outlines the mission and objectives of the Agency.

            Central Intelligence Agency CREDO.

            We are the Central Intelligence Agency.

            We measure our success by our contribution to the protection and enhancement of America’s values, security, and national interest.

            We believe our people are the Agency’s most important resource. We seek the best and work to make them better. We subordinate our desire for public recognition to the need for confidentiality. We strive for continuing professional improvement. We give unfailing loyalty to each other and to our common purpose.

            We get our inspiration and commitment to excellence from the inscription in our foyer: “And Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”.
            Greg, we salute you!!! Old State
            Ultimate Deep State

        • Russ McMeans

          But The Danold has been right before.
          My prediction is that Trump is also right about winning the popular vote. I.e. There where 3 million illegals, people voting in more than one state and dead people that voted for Hillary. ( the evil one)..

          • Russ McMeans

            When you type into a website, the font is about size 10. Facebook is the worst! So it’s very easy to misspell and tough to proof read. I’m wearing prescription glasses and I can barely see what I’m typing here. But I see clearly enough to have voted for our best man of the hour for president. Cruz was my first choice, but this is how it is.

    • Robert Lykens

      Mme, since you are so obviously concerned about presidents’ and politicians’ finances, I’m certain you spoke out strongly against Hillary taking millions of dollars from foreign governments while she was secretary of state. I must have missed it, so why don’t you repeat it for us here? It will give you another chance to express your deep concern over her treasonous financial dealings.

    • Charles H


      Never before in American history has political affiliation been more potent, polarizing, and divisive. Eight years of civil service certainly doesn’t make people pedophiles or crooks: but it can affect their willingness and ability to function in their job positions. If I worked in a company and undermined it’s sales and production: I’d get fired. But somehow stonewalling and refusal to complete with duties in a civl administration environment is totally alright?!?? Just as Obama purged the military of hundreds of leading-rank commissioned officers identified as ‘conservative’, or Republican – so has much of the civil service domain of the government been ‘stacked’ by liberals and Democrats. Exactly just as you refuse to give President Trump an even break and a fair chance from the start: so there are minions like you in government which would rather shoot this country in the foot than cooperate.
      Greg Hunter is completely correct:the treason lies on the side of the outgoing administration; and those who adamantly identify with it.

    • gregd

      We just made it through “hope and change ” for 8 years. The Dems had their chance and nothing got done. So instead of changing and improving, they chose to they to make the other side look bad.
      The debt got almost doubled in that eight years. I wish the CBO scored how high healthcare will be and how many drop out of Obamacare as it go’s up.
      As for Obama and global warming, its a political scam. Take a look at a Nobel Laureate explain it so normal people can understand it. And remember his Attorney General thought about putting people in jail for denying global warming.

  18. Jerry

    I believe that as we approach the IMF World Bank board of governors meeting on April 21st you will see “Black Swans” flying in formation. There will be multiple events taking place to divert attention away from the main event. Namely a currency reset. Those privy to this information are getting the hell out of dodge.

    There is a three pronged attack on Donald Trump right now (by the deep state) in preparation for this event. The globalist do not want him screwing this up, so they have to take him down. For the next few weeks this administration will be bogged down with congressional investigations, and attacks by the MSM. Meanwhile the budget will be imploding while tensions increase in the South China Sea with China. The first domino to fall will be the collapse of the British pound following BREXIT from the EU at the end of the month. The Rothschild’s (who own the Bank of England) are waiting for the green light from the City of London Corporation before they pull the trigger.

    A lot of this information is from inside sources, and some of it is an educated guess on my part. I would give the probability of being accurate about 65%. There are so many moving parts its next to impossible to predict exact times and dates. But know this. The global economic shift is going to happen. The globalist have laid the ground work for it to happen, and want it to happen, Trump be damned.

    • Jerry

      This is for all the marbles.
      The United States must present its case as to why they should remain the worlds reserve currency trading peg? The Chinese have done they’re due diligence. They’ve set up trade platforms throughout the world. They’ve bought gold by the trainload to back up their currency. And they’ve managed to maintain a GDP of 7% or more over the last eight years. It is my understanding that currency weight in the IMF basket is determined and voted on by the board of governors based upon GDP and economic growth. If that is true where does that leave us? With the EU collapsing, I see the IMF turning toward China to bail them out. I can’t remember the last time the United States signed a deal with anyone? Or created a market anywhere? The only thing we seem to export is war. Libya. Iraq. Afghanistan. Ukraine. And now Syria.

      • Charles H

        It leaves us with a load of liars in the Board of Governors, to perpetrate fraud against the rest of the world. It’s the old “Lucky Strike” mentality: “I’d rather fight, than switch.” (?)

      • Jerry

        I have received information from one of my sources (that I don’t know) that the IMF and central banks have already agreed and signed off on a new exchange system before their meeting in April. He went as far as saying that new USN’s have already been installed and that redemption transfers are taking place right now. He even went as far as to say the 2017-2018 budget has already secretly been passed and prerecorded and that they will release it some time today.

        I must say I was very skeptical when I heard this, an then 20 minutes later this happened.
        Evidently someone was not happy with the deal that was cut.

    • Jerry

      While the deep state is busy going after Donald Trump this is what you’re missing.
      I just love the smell of tactical nukes in the morning. What could go wrong?

      • Mohammad


        You do not have enough knowledge of this part of the world so it may seem like sky is falling, actually all the fighting and all the destruction and all the evacuation of civilians is AGREED upon by both the east and west, and the presence of both US /RUSSIAN armies in one city does not mean a damn thing all it means they are eating the cake they divided earlier on and they are drawing the new lines.


        • Jerry

          I have no doubt that you are right. Anytime the MSM doesn’t report it, there is a reason. Historically Russians and Americans do not get along, so I have my doubts how long this cooperation will last. I have close friends in the military that would love to tangle with the Russians to feed their inflated ego’s. I for one thinks its ridiculous to be uninvited into another country like Syria. If they wanted to take ISIS out there’s a thousand ways to do it without using ground pounders.

          • Mohammad


            I see the bigger plan and picture.
            At the end Russia and US will collide only when Israel decides so after it finishes using both to clean the land from river to river from its inhabitants.
            I see it clearer than the sun in the sky of a clear summer midday.


            • Greg Hunter

              Israel is in control of the whole world??? Please.

              • Charles H

                There is almost a “Hitchcock-ian tilt” to the Islamists. You get a good picture: but it is always askew, tilted to one side. (?)

                • Greg Hunter

                  Charles H,
                  This link says it all every day of every year: Where is the outrage in the Muslim community for actions listed on this site??? The Jews are not slicing off the heads of people. The Jews are not throwing gays off of 10 story buildings. The Jews are not lighting people on fire. The Jews are not committing crimes and rape in Europe. If they were we’d hear about it.

                  • Charles H

                    Yes, I know this site: thanks. Like ‘selective attention’ a mother shows, who talks on the phone while her child wails at her knees: many ‘moderate’ Islamists ignore, discount, or refuse to believe that the more hardcore or radicals that are terrorists represent Islam- as if it were some anomaly. We know it isn’t.

              • Mohammad

                Who is controlling your F&^% federal reserve?????

        • Deanna Johnston Clark

          I have suspected that, but most people have to believe in something and don’t like knowing such things. I’m content with my rabbi. (Jesus). I don’t have to kid myself…hopefully!!!

  19. Gadfly


    Well, collecting “intelligence” on your political opponents sure is nothing new in American Political history, at least. Take a look-back the the 1960’s and the Presidency of one Lyndon B. Johnson (D). President “LBJ” had regular informal meetings with then Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover. LBJ had FBI Director Hoover collect dirt on all his opponents in the Congress and U.S. Senate. He used this “intelligence” to coerce or blackmail other sitting politicians into supporting his policies.

    I think what we have in recent years is a greater willingness by public officials and the Federal Bureaucracy to take illegal (warrantless) “wiretaps” to the next level and routinely use it regularly in everyday (civilian) life, as well. This is a the real (notable) change which we should be most concerned about. Alas, most Americans are apathetic and don’t really care what is going-on in Government. Many citizens just reply: ” I don’t know” ( Translation: “I don’t care to know about it” Nothing good will come in the end from such attitudes @ large or the snooping we all know is practiced at many levels in society. Nothing Good at All.

    Sub-Rosa Political Investigations by the FBI were very much LBJ’s “Stick” and he used it whenever necessary to get what he wanted while in the Presidency. Plainly, LBJ abused his official powers. So, its really just standard procedure in with many Democratic Presidents throughout our history, according to Conservative film maker and author, Dinesh D’Souza . Sure Not ‘new’ at all, as it turns out. ( Perhaps just another journalistic embellishment).

  20. George Tirebiter

    I’m betting that you already realize that ‘former’ rarely means anything when it comes to CIA operatives………whatever info Uehlinger is sharing is sanctioned by the CIA……for nefarious purposes.
    When he says “it’s not really new for me”, that’s actually because what he describes is exactly what the CIA does all over the world, while working with the ‘Economic Hit Men’.
    When Uehlinger says that former President Obama is running his own shadow government, it’s clear he’s been given the OK by his superiors to validate what’s been going on consistently for many decades.
    At this point the CIA doesn’t care what the public knows about its activities.
    After all, the citizens has been fully programmed to accept anything as long as they have their Bread and Circuses.
    Anyone who believes that the CIA hasn’t been consistently applying the same tactics at home as it does abroad, hasn’t been paying attention.
    The tactics are tested outside the country, where they are refined and then applied in the ‘Land of the Free’.
    Can you say Color Revolution?
    But then you’ve got to already know this.

    • Charles H

      Kinda like tinting everyone’s glasses, huh?

  21. Teeter

    Yes, opportune time to have him on, BECAUSE NOBODY KNOWS WHAT COMING. Jerry posts mostly facts, your guest state purely opinions. Lets not promote FAKE NEWS.

  22. al

    I DISAGREE… Wikileaks is Patriotic due to its intentions
    Simple formula. > (+)TREASON on (-)TREASON = PATRIOTISM !
    There is a fine distinction between stealing information for good and just stealing information.
    Read the book “The Enemy Within” and you’ll understand

  23. Laura Snyder

    For me, an excellent presentation is one where the speaker’s well-prepared message flows directly into my mind without my mental pondering. Whenever I begin to hear such a well-prepared talk, I always hope there will not be visual or vocal distractions. I feel that at this time, you have achieved a relatively perfect presentation, because I now feel your important information flowing into my mind with understanding. Thank you.

    Laura Snyder

    • Mohammad


      That is exactly the definition of brain wash.
      When ever all your senses under the influence of whatever outside stimulus are telling you something, and whenever every thing is flowing in smoothly, SLAM THE DAMN BRAKES of your mind for a second and look in the opposite direction you may see something of a substance there.


      • Deanna Johnston Clark

        Exactly Mohammed…God created our intellect to question, to joke, to pray, to solve problems and serve Him. Putting that asleep serves only one purpose…leading us up the garden path away from truth and free choice. And that includes “meditation techniques” and new age stuff.

      • Bob

        “Brainwashing is the attempt to change the thoughts and beliefs of another person against their will. ”

        Stop brainwashing us Greg or I will attempt to escape to a different website.

        • Mohammad


          Not against someone’s will, that is the primitive old ways, now it is more sophisticated.
          You walk willingly into the digital shackles with a big smile on your face.


  24. Linda L.

    Thank you Greg for this interview with Mr. Uehlinger.
    On another subject but related, whatever happened to the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE & WHY of honest journalism? When there are so many stories that impact Americans, mainstream MSNBC spins their wheels in muck again by reportedly releasing President Trump’s tax records (low blow). I could care less what trump made in the past as a successful business man, and think if the powers that be don’t like it, then they can change the tax rules by majority. Trump is no criminal, but his desperate enemies sure enjoy dragging him through their pig trough.

    • Greg Hunter

      The MSM has turned into propaganda. It’s that simple. I for one really find it sad. Trump needs our support and prayers. God is on his side.

      • Gadfly

        God Works often through people according to is His Will. Thus, Donald Trump is being “used” (A Tool). Its all a Mystery.

        • Mohammad

          Wait until he rams US In Iran with his next major war then will see how useful that tool is.


          • Mark Maples

            As a former Marine for 8 years (no combat tours thankfully) I cannot for the life of me understand what we are trying to accomplish in the Middle East. Since I have never been there I am speaking from a limited intellectual capacity but it seems to me every time we topple a government what replaces it is worse. I would also like to say that in my opinion rathe Saddam had WMDs or not, it didn’t rise to the level of a national security threat to the USA

            • Mohammad


              All the respect to the Marines.
              The answer is simple, we are used to fight Israel wars, and now under the Donald it is Iran’s turn.
              Gen. Wesley Clark sums it up the best:


              • Greg Hunter

                Israel is always you big evil player and not a peep about Iran want to destroy Israel. Israel (and any country) has a right to defend itself. The Supreme Leader of Iran wrote a “How to” book to destroy Israel: And what about all the Radical Islamic crime, terror and murder around the world??? It’s documented here: Are the Jews behind that too?? I am just giving some balance to your lopsided comment.

                • Mohammad


                  Yo know my stand on the Jews, I will repeat it here since you have selective memory, JEWS ARE GOD FEARING PEOPLE, if we Muslims do not believe in Judaism or Christianity we are not believer in Islam….I hope I clear this point for you and readers.
                  Zionism is real and it is an atheist organization highjacked judaism same way neocons highjacked christianity same way ISIS /wahhabism /IRAN highjacked Islam.
                  Rabbis and I linked lots of videos before who are scholars in judaism say Israel as a state is AGAINST their holy book Turat. they were ordered to be in exile and they survived all those thousands of years simply because they followed their holy book, but Zionist serves an opposite interest of the Jews (THAT IS SAID BY THE JEWS THEMSELVES) and here for a reminder a link:



                  • Charles H


                    Because this is such an important point: I will repeat, in essence, my above comment…
                    No one can make a legitimate claim to believe in all three faiths: that of the Hebrew, Christians, and Islam.
                    Mohammedans (Islam) DOES take an heritage through ancestry to Abraham, the father of nations: but spiritual association and worship ends there. Abram was 86 years old when Hagar bore Ishmael, the patriarch of the Arabs. It wasn’t until Abram was 90 that God revealed the covenant with Himself, by changing Abram’s name to Abraham, promising a son; the whole land of Canaan; changing Sarai’s name to Sarah; naming the unborn child Isaac; and precising His covenant with Isaac, not Ishmael.
                    Ishmael was born too early, to the wrong woman, and rejected the God of Abraham. (El Shaddai, or Jehovah: NOT Allah).
                    That the Quran teaches that Jesus Christ was a prophet does not mean the Islamic and Christian faiths are essentially linked. This is a far, FAR stretch: and is untrue. It may give some veneer of continuity from Old Testament patriarchal history, through New Testament characters – but with the reassignment of the Figurehead and God of the New Testament to be only a prophet. THEN having this in place the subsequent ‘revelation’ of Mohammad was made, borrowing illegitimately on both.
                    For you to profess to believe in Christianity: you must truthfully believe that Jesus Christ is the only true God , and there is none other. HE didn’t change His name for the mohmmadianists, or commission another revelation. Perhaps you were taught some form of teaching that makes this association, and pass it along here: but is is entirely incorrect. The Jews have cut themselves off from Jehovah because they don’t believe Jesus Christ is God; and the mohammadens have substituted Allah and the Quran for Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible, and so have separated themselves unto something which in no way resembles Christianity. I say again: the narrative of continuity from Judaism to Christianity to Islam can be nothing other than a false claim, in real, spiritual terms.
                    If you want to profess to believe in Christianity: you must truthfully believe that Jesus Christ, God the Son, is the only, true God: to the denial of Allah. These two are NOT the same. And one cannot cling to both and pretend to worship. I do NOT intend to confuse Christianity with Islam: please do not try to confuse Islam with Christianity: the two are distinct and separate.

          • Gadfly

            I NEVER implied that GOD necessarily favors any one nation such as the United States or Iran. Events often are leading in a direction that is beyond comprehension or prediction.

            Your view, Mohammad, is most likely a case of “self deception”. History is full of nations and empires relegated to the dustbin, especially in the Middle East. There are, however, many reasons why they come and go but they tend to go unnoticed in the moment. Incomprehensible Timelessness is what you are dealing with. You are simply not up to it.

            • Mohammad

              Middle East to the dustbin????
              How ignorant you are…..!
              Middle East is going to be the center of the world but lots of events will unfold after uncovering the Mussad/Langley Mercenaries (ISIS) :


              and the rise of the real substance ensues after Jesus returns to earth.
              Simply how ignorant you are…..


        • Deanna Johnston Clark

          Attila called himself “The Scourge of God”. Personally, I don’t worship that God. Attila was a Christian. There are people today who believe (hope?) that God is about to Scourge billions for the sins of mankind. I wonder in whose interests those prophecies are spread. Is God being set up as the patsy?

  25. Lansing

    I was born in 1950, I have watched the big changes spiritually in America and the world. In the 1950’s children were taught in sunday (or saturday) school or YMCA’s that we are tri-part beings, 1. Body 2. Mind 3. Spirit and that we need to exercise all three. America has been spiritually out of sync since the 1960’s, our moral values have changed or become non existant. Americans are out of sync now, it’s not Ameri-can or “One nation under God” any more. I have noticed that Liberterians are Conservatives without the God factor.
    Without the Judeo-Christian heritage, we are adrift in a lifeboat with out a compass.
    ie biblically we are told, not to bear “false witness”, yet many illegal immigrants do. Obama was trying to help himself out by saying, “America is not a Christian nation any more”, and he is right and that will be our downfall…..

    • Roger D

      Lansing, Amen. We are lost souls.

      I am a little older than you. Look around at any liberty movement rally and all you see is a sea of gray and balding heads. We have witnessed America abandon both God and our Constitution. Sadly, it will not be long before no one will be left who remembers what we lost.

  26. Scott Miller

    And Janet Hellen does it. Raises the rate again!

    So much for all those wrong predictions, High, Stockman, Kirby.

    Gotta love March 15th! Glad everybody prepared!


    • Frederick

      Scott Did Stockman predict the FED would not raise rates? I didn’t see that

    • Jerry

      Wise up. You don’t know what deals have been cut behind closed doors. Do you really think they would tell the public? I sit in meetings all the time that are not disclosed to the public. Janet Yellen is just an errand boy for a clerk. You don’t know who really owns the store.

      • Frederick

        Sure we know A bunch of the richest people in the world Rothshilds Warburgs Rockefeller etc etc

      • Mohammad

        I know.


  27. dbcooper

    Greg, Isn’t there an anti-trust and monopoly issue here in regard to the mainstream propaganda machine in the US? When (What is it) six families own/control nearly all of the media. DB.

  28. R B

    Dear Greg. The world would say the true beliver in Christ as Saviour is narrow minded but consider what Jesus said in Jn.14 :6 I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comethod unto the father, but by me. RB.

    • Robert Lykens

      RB, whenever I’m called “narrow-minded” (or worse) for my faith, I speak out all the more.
      Christianity can’t be stopped.

      Jesus Appears to Muslims in Dreams

      • Frederick

        And you are still extremely “narrow minded” and NOT a good example of what a Christian is supposed to look like that’s for sure And before you pop a vessel Sorry if you can’t handle the truth but there it is

        • Greg Hunter

          So, when somebody does not agree with you he’s “narrow minded”?? That’s rich. How about throw in “intolerant” too??

  29. George

    Can you imagine how better off the nation, and most certainly the world, would be if JFK would have actually succeeded in dismantling and destroying that infenal criminal outfit called the CIA (Catholics in Action!).

    Two groups of completely corrupted and criminal people are ruining everything in the world, not only financially robbing but actually killing people for the only reason of profit, and that’s The Privately Owned Federal Reserve Corporation Central Bank, and the Foreign Controlled Catholics in Action (CIA).

    Dismantle, arrest, convict, and hang them for what they have done and are doing!!!

  30. Fatso

    NO! We were in totally unknown territory when you had the unknown Obama sodomite up there. You know the foreigner from Kenya or was it Indonesia or did he have amnesia?

    We all know about Donald but we still don’t know where Obama came from. Still won’t release records or his birth certificate (the real one).

    • RealityCheck

      Amen to that… Obomba was a real Manchurian Candidate. The people always get the short end of the stick and no one is telling the truth about anything.

  31. Jerry

    A few months ago a friend of mine told me he saw pallets stacked high with manuals in a national guard armory gymnasium. He couldn’t see the manuals because they were still wrapped in dark plastic. But this is probably what he saw.

    Since the national guard armory was located in our state capital, I can surmise that it was being used as a staging area for mass distribution to other facilities. In times of civil unrest the national guard is coordinated with local law enforcement, so its only natural that they would be training. The bigger question is why now? I have personally spoken with many local law enforcement personnel who have told me that they are being coordinated with state officials for some type of EMP attack. They take this very seriously and so should we since tensions with North Korea and China are beginning to escalate.

    • Mike R

      The Great Permian extinction was the largest extinction known to mankind, much bigger than that which wiped out the dinosaurs, leaving the Earth nearly completely devoid of life. If the US suffered an EMP attack, which was strong enough to knock out our power grid, then I guarantee you, that America would cease to exist and resemble the same type of catastrophic outcome as the GP extinction. It might be days, to months before most of the people vanish, but a knock out of our power grid would render hundreds of millions of people without food, water, adequate shelter, or any police or fire protection. The military spread abroad would not be able to do one thing to help. Collateral damage would also transmit this worldwide, as MANY countries depend upon the US for so many commodities, food, and financial transactions, that they too would have millions perish. If Russia and/or NK or even China had the wherewithall to conduct this, there really is nothing the US could do to stop it, or thwart the damage. Probably preferable to nukes, as once the die off is complete, the leftover resources could be plundered by any advanced and people large military. For all anyone knows, NK could easily be a ‘front’ for hostile Chinese actions, supplied with all the manpower, $$$, weapons they needed, and get away with it more quickly than if China attempted to conduct the attacks. Our military and nation would be completely caught off guard, and never expect NK was powerful enough or even capable enough to do something this horrific. But remember, you have a maniac with a huge ego leading NK, so he would do it in a heartbeat, not caring one iota if his country was nuked off the planet in retaliation for such a strike. He naturally would not be anywhere close to his country, when such an attack was perpetrated. Chinese are masters of deception. Koreans are not far behind. And the Russians not far behind either of those two. EMP would be far worse than nukes, as those would be instantaneous, and limited in coverage. EMP would be a bit slower, and extremely painful in terms of starvation, riots, and quick lack of everything we need to live, that is based on a just in time distribution system. It would quickly turn into ‘just too late.’

    • eddiemd

      At the end of 2016 I noted that the Army reserve and NG camps in Phoenix were full of military vehicles. The parking areas were absolutely full. This would suggest stockpiling equipment there in the central part of the Phoenix/Tempe area.

      I had been riding my bicycle regularly for the past 5 years past the armories there and had never seen this type of traffic. They are ready for something.

      Also noted some other developments in the area which suggests preparation for a coming event.

      There are underground bunkers at the Papago armory there in Phoenix for the state emergency/crisis management HQ. There is also a fixed wing landing strip on the backside of the base for STOL aircraft.

    • Mark Maples

      I am former law enforcement and still work closely with agencies here in Georgia. I have heard no such thing in regards to training or preparation for anEMP attack. Just street reporting from Atlanta Ga. FYI: Construction through the roof I can’t keep up with all the expanding business and in the residential real estate market it is a great time to be a seller as new home construction can’t keep up with demand

      • Jerry

        I live between two military bases, so naturally our threats would be different than yours. I have helped give emergency preparedness classes with local law enforcement personnel for months and I am simply stating what they have told me.

  32. JC Davis

    Greg and site Trump is giving a great speech here in Nashville TN. Miles long can not get into the municipal auditorium. Big day in Nashville. Small group of protestors. uneventful protestors.

    • JC Davis

      Nashville wants her locked up BIG TIME . Hillary must be jailed to make Nashville happy.

    • JC Davis

      Damn Greg it has been a full day and My comment is not posted. If you don’t want me on your site, Speak your mind. I will leave, Smile and speak well of you.
      If you need help running the site then let us help you.

  33. Robert Lykens, Rabid Zionist

    FA18 Super Hornets!

    Be proud, Americans.

  34. Jo

    Glen Greenwald:

  35. coalburner

    I like reading your stuff. Just don’t forget the uncalculated invisible power. I still believe in Devine Intervention especially since Trump was elected. He is going to need more of it to set the globalists back any substantial amount. But the fight is on. Im my state today some bad law was defeated. IT is because we were able to elect some new and good people, though Trump couldn’t turn our state red we turned a lot of counties red. Enough to make our lives less restricted.

  36. Mohammad


    The slippery slope gains momentum:
    Deploying more than new thousand US soldiers on Syrian soil for the upcoming Raqqa battle after deploying 2000 new US soldiers in Iraq recently for Musul battle:خطط-أميركية-جديدة-بنشر-ألف-جندي-إضافي-شمال-سوريا.html

    And the saga begins…


  37. John Shipp

    Wikileaks is NOT treason, Assange is not an American and cannot be treasonous concerning the US, however, if anyone provided information to Assange then they may be American and therefore be traitors . If Assange got the information electronically then is is cyber cleaverness.

  38. Deanna Johnston Clark

    That is going on here as well.
    If ‘it’ happens, I hope poor God, our loving Father, isn’t blamed. I’m really tired of blasphemy…it’s getting old.

  39. Bill

    GREG: Whats with this mohammed dude? Are we supposed to feel sorry for him, or about him???

    • Mohammad


      funny dude you are bill …thanks for the laughter.


  40. JC Davis

    The News is people by the millions are supporting Trump and his ideas. . That is the scoop. hidden yet wide open for all American’s to see

  41. Mike R

    You need no more proof than this, that the FED is so far behind the curve, that NOTHING will stop the runaway freight train of inflation, or a sky-rocketing stock market, going hyperbolic.
    “Specifically, he (Goldman’s Hatzius) says that while the FOMC delivered the expected 25bp hike, with only minor changes to its projections. “surprisingly, financial markets took the meeting as a large dovish surprise—the third-largest at an FOMC meeting since 2000 outside the financial crisis, based on the co-movement of different asset prices.”

    Even more surprisng is that according to Goldman, its financial conditions index, “eased sharply, by the equivalent of almost one full cut in the federal funds rate.”

    In other words, the Fed’s 0.25% rate hike had the same effect as a 0.25% race cut!

    The implication from the market’s reaction is that at current levels, financial conditions are poised to make a substantial positive contribution to growth in 2017, from a starting point of essentially full employment, inflation close to the target, and a sub-1% funds rate; which in light of concerns about an economic overheating due to Trump’s fiscal policies is precisely the opposite of what Yellen wants. Hatzius warns that “the FOMC will lean against this, and will deliver more monetary tightening than discounted in the bond market.”
    (This folks is what you end up with after years of QE, and continuously and specifically targeting stocks by placing an effective ‘put’ under the market, with the use of unfettered and reckless policy ‘tools.’ The dynamic is this. The hyperbolic blow off in stocks is totally uncontrollable, unpredictable, and even if the Dow goes to 30,000, when it does finally implode, its going to TAKE EVERYTHING down with it. Trying to predict when or attempting to time the top is totally a fools errand. Thats actually the worst part of this. you rue every day you are not in the market, if you aren’t, and keep kicking yourself bc it keeps going up and up and up. No other asset class keeps up with it, so you are falling way behind. Buying gold doesn’t help, it doesn’t protect you, and in fact could be quite detrimental, as if you did know when to get out exactly, you could have made 3, 5, 20 times your investment in stocks, and then at the right moment sell them, and park that money in gold. Gold can only help you, if you are already a millionaire, or billionaire, and your today’s wealth is large enough, that if all you had left was gold, that if you sold the amount today, you could live off of that for the next 20 or 30 years. If what you have today, is only enough to live off of for 2 or 3 years, that same will be true, after a collapse. 2 to 3 years is not very long, and you will still have start from scratch and build up what you need after that 2 or 3 years, PROVIDED, you can find a job at that time, and you are not competing with others at a 50% unemployment rate, or you somehow contrive a business, that no matter how poor 50% of the nation is, you still derive a livable income from that business. The net sum of all of this, that the Fed cannot raise more than a 1/4 point at a time, for fear it will wreck the market, and the longer they wait on their ‘gradual increases’ the worse the implosion will be when it occurs. Thus no different now, than when they weren’t raising rates. These rate hikes are mirages. They don’t mean squat. They wouldn’t mean squat until we are at nominal rates of 5%, and the hikes were actually taking big time steam out of the market. The Fed is actually doing more damage now with tiny hikes spread out over time, than no hikes or even easing further. They should be raising rates by 1/2 or 3/4 point steps, as rapidly as possible, irrespective of what happens to stocks. but they can’t and wont because they are too politically weak, as is the President and Congress. They have made stocks the end all be all, for indicator of ‘economic health’. Of course nothing could be further from the truth. The market couldn’t be anymore over-valued than it is today. Ever. The FED is a fraud, and totally gutless, as is every banker, and bankster and Wallstreeter in the US. )

  42. Mohammad

    Am very happy for the Trump supporters who voted him in and started receiving notes to inform them their land is going to be confiscated to build the “WALL”…


    “Trump border wall: Texans receiving letters about their land”

    Lets see how long that wall is….I will know from the screaming of Texans losing land, the higher the scream the longer the wall is I guess……!


  43. Joe

    Interesting interview, horrible audio but I don’t think it was Greg’s fault. The dude either has a horrible mic or didn’t have it set up right.

  44. H. Van Wyden


    Another great interview. I suppose it will become common place to find real minds being questioned and challenged by you on the current state of our world while the lamestream media beats their chest in protest about their manufactured news, masquerading as truth. Trump needs to return to his campaign style of float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, rope a dope, ala Mohammed Ali. Keep the opposition off balance.
    Kudos to Greg Hunter…
    But, wait for it, you will be declared persona non grata by the SPLC sometime soon. You can wear that badge with honor and distinction. I predict the upcoming network of truth,
    GNN…. Greg News Network.

    btw, the audio on this was difficult, just Uehlingers’ side, extremely soft and ending somewhat normal. Just a heads up.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you H.! Work on progress. Lots of moving parts and many I have no control over.

  45. James Brown

    Thank you for the truth.
    So refreshing.
    Great interview.
    I still want to see Martin Armstrong.

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