America Will Be Painfully Reborn – Bo Polny
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst, Bo Polny says get ready for a wild ride in 2025 and beyond. Let’s start with the fraud done by the wicked in America being uncovered by DOGE. So far, DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency) has saved taxpayers a staggering $115 billion in fraud, waste and abuse. You ain’t seen nothing yet, according to Polny, “If you follow the money, you find out who got it and who the players are. . . . The players were all of Wall Street. The players were all the Democrats. The players were all the RINOs. The players were all of Hollywood . . . and music industry. The players were in Washington D.C. . . . . How are all these people, who are permanent politicians, worth hundreds of millions of dollars? You follow the money, but they won’t let you follow the money, and that is why they need to stop Elon from following the money chain. . . . What they found so far is chump change. . . . The fraud is so big that it is mind blowing, staggering what the world is about to find out.”
Polny says the truth about the massive fraud in America is going to cause a financial reset. Come July, the long-awaited Basel III is going to be implemented on banks July 1, 2025. It is supposed to stabilize the banking system. Polny says his calculations show America is going to be reborn after what the Bible says in Joel 2:31 “The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.” Polny says this will happen most likely around the April Passover time frame. Fast forward, and then, America will be reborn on July 4th 2025. Polny explains, “The calculations are pointing to the rebirth of America this Fourth of July. . . . This is Biblical math.” (In the interview, Polny goes into detail on the dates and Biblical timing.)
Polny says the US dollar is going to suffer when all the massive fraud is revealed. Polny says, “They have used the Federal Reserve Note to go against God. They used the Federal Reserve Note to buy off all of Wall Street, to buy off every news media, to buy off Washington D.C., to buy off the elections and to buy off Hollywood. They have used the money to buy off everybody.”
So, what is coming? Polny says, “The real estate market is going to plummet. . . What we are about to witness is the collapse of the US dollar. This is going to accelerate . . . in the month of April, and it’s going to continue, but April is going to be really bad for the US dollar. That is going to lead to a collapse of the US bond market. When the US bond market collapses, you are going to have so much real estate hit the market that those who have got gold, silver and crypto currencies will have their pick of homes or whatever you want. . . . Sellers are going to be everywhere. There is going to be the complete and utter destruction of the US financial system. It starts now into the Fourth of July, and then, all heck breaks loose into year end. Then, 2026 will be wild because we will be stepping into a new financial era, and the new financial system will be an honest money system.”
That new system will make gold and silver skyrocket in price. Polny contends that silver could end up at “$2,000 per ounce,” and gold could get to “$80,000 to $100,000 per ounce.” Polny points out that President Donald Trump will rebuild America, but it will be painful, especially for evil people and for the enemies of God.
In closing, Polny also points out that he thinks the Biblical “Angel of Death” is on the earth now just like the days of Pharaoh where the first born were killed during what is now called Passover. Polny says this time, the Angel of Death is not coming for the first born, but for the wicked.
There is much more in the 98-minute in-depth interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Biblical cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny as he talks about the birth pains of America’s rebirth in 2025.
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After the Interview:
You can find free information on
To order Polny’s new book called “Revelation: The Good News, Understanding God’s Timeline into 2030 and Beyond,” click here. (Remember to use the promo code “777” to get 30% off.)
If you want to see Polny’s free Power Point called, “Events in our World are Not Political, They are Biblical,” click here.

God Bless you Greg.l ❤️🙏
Fear not for we know our destination will be with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Glad to see your post tonight. Praying for you and your family’s safety with all the storms in your part of our country. Just saw the huge area of power outages over several states. Hope lots of people bought solar generators!
Me too, Donna. They are going to need them at some point.
Watched Paul, Apostle of Christ.
I reread The Acts of the Apostles and it overwhelmed me with many emotions and thoughts.
“Therefore God gave them over in the desires of their hearts to impurity for the dishonoring of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise! Amen.
For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. Likewise , the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Furthermore , since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers , God-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. They invent new forms of evil; they disobey their parents. They are senseless, faithless, heartless, merciless.
I hope so. I have not seen the head of the snake on a silver platter yet. Stock markets are still magically booming. Blue states are still doing what they want. To be clear, the steps taken by the administration give me hope, but I’ve seen how hard it is to clean up generational rot. It took many generations for East Germans to begin assimilating into West Germany. Many didn’t and remained spies for Soviet Russia. I think the rot in the US is far deeper and widespread. I am not settling down until certain benchmarks are crossed. The empire’s fate is still up in the air, in my opinion.
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America’s first goal must be to deport 100% of the Biden Era Treasonous Open Border Criminal Illegal Invasion Force that is taking the lives of *Laken Riley* and so many others.
If we choose a figure under 100% we are not honoring the law, and we are engaging in discrimination. Reagan made this mistake when he believed the Communist Democrat RINOs when they assured him that, if he would allow 5 million of their criminal illegals to remain in America, they would support secure borders. As usual, they lied. We have to understand that the Democrat Party formed on November 22, 1963 is not the Party of Harry Truman or even JFK. “NOW WE ARE ENGAGED IN A GREAT CIVIL WAR.”
Bottom Line: US Dollar’s are like a “Gift Cards” handed out like an Ocean of Water to every Demon Rat in the World – but will be worth Absolutely Nothing once the Corporation (the US Government) Declares Bankruptcy!! Just like a Gift Card issued by Walmart, Target, etc., etc. becomes “Worthless” Upon Their Bankruptcy, and why God’s Gold (and Silver) is the Only Real “Physical” Money People can Depend Upon to Always Exist and have Value (when Governments, Corporations and Computers “FAIL”)!!! If Trump prevents a US Bankruptcy all the Gift Cards (US Dollars) handed out by the Demon Rats will retain value (making all their criminal deeds justified)!! Trump needs to screw all the Demon Rats and bring out a New Dollar (backed by Gold and Silver) and all the Old Paper Dollars the Demons have accumulated “Declared WORTHLESS”!!!
Yes Katy and all of the so called celebrities lap it up.
Bo should have added sport to the list; NFL, NBA, MLB & Moto GP all washed with fake printed currency. Inflation is ridiculous in the EPL where players transfer fees are in the tens of millions; oh and the F1 is in Australia today, major sponsors are Louis Vuitton and TAG Heuer.
The world suffers whilst these so called talented people have everything.
Gambling, Alcohol advertising is destroying our society.
To be “Reborn” – The US Corporation must first go Bankrupt!!
I agree. That’s the painful part.
Bo Polny (predicting $2,000 dollar/oz Silver) brings back some wonderful childhood memories (“A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust, and a hearty Hi-Yo, Silver Chart – “)
Polny says: “Silver could end up at $2,000 per ounce, and Gold could get to $80,000 to $100,000 per ounce”. If Bo is right “Silver is the Better Buy” giving 58 Times Your Money (compared to Gold giving 26 to 33 Times Your Money)!! As for Bitcoin (to stay even with Gold), each Bitcoin will have to rise to Two and a Half Million Dollars each. But for Bitcoin “to remain equal to Silver” it will have to rise to “Five Million Dollars”!!!
“Beware The Ides Of March”!!! Gold just broke its all time high (hitting $3,014.90 per ounce on March 14, 2025 @6:25 AM!! And an analysis of Silver reveals a massive Cup and Handle Formation (spanning over 44 years)!! Silver is now poised for “A Historic Surge” over the next few years!!!
As for Crypto, with 100 million Satoshis in one Bitcoin (even with a Bitcoin price of Five Million Dollars) each Satoshi will only be worth 5 cents!! Whereas one(1) Silver War Nickel (about 1/20th of an ounce of Silver) will be worth $100 dollars (with Silver at $2,000 per ounce)!! Much easier to buy gas and food with one(1) Silver War Nickel then with a $2,000 dollar Silver Eagle!!
Note: [War Nickels (and other silver coins) are definitely going to be needed “to make change” when Klaus Schwab brings us “His Cyber Attack” (and Satoshi’s can’t be accessed)]!!!
Let me make a prediction. When it’s all over, Crypto will be renamed to CRAPto
Bitcoin is fool’s gold.
I always enjoy you and your content and guests.
For some reason I’m not seeing the comments from your listeners.
I just started to put them up.
Great interview as always Greg, slight correction Bo. It was king Xerxes the son of Darius the great of Persia (not Egypt). Esther was his queen of the Medes and Persians.
Get real. Let’s knock off a few zeros on that “could” rise to six figure quotes on price of PMs per Troy ounce. Been hearing this for decades. I can see a potential $8000/troy ounce gold. And see a potential $200/troy ounce silver. But even those prices in USD is highly unlikely anytime soon. But if you want to see the price of gold or silver in Canadian dollars, for example, then yeah I can see a potential sooner than later.
Not according to many real experts I talk to. You do realize the official debt is $36 trillion with another $30 or $40 trillion off-book and then there are the derivatives. $1 quadrillion? I could go on with unfunded liabilities, but you get my point. Big numbers are they not? So, yeah, “let’s get real.”
World Silver production is currently about 800 million ounces per year. Assuming the same production level over the last 100 years means the World has produced 80,000,000,000 ounces of Silver. Assuming the US somehow gets hold of “ALL THE SILVER IN THE WORLD”!! With our official US Debt and Off-book Debt at about $80,000,000,000,000 Dollars, Silver will need to be set at $1,000 dollars per ounce to cover it!! But when you add in the $1 Quadrillion in Derivatives, Silver will need to be set to $13,500 dollars per ounce!! Now, assume only a 15% Silver backing of the US dollar and we magically get the $2,000 dollars/oz for Silver that Bo Plony is predicting!!
I have a business and many customers who have owed us money filed for bankruptcy and we received zero owed to us.
Get a grip if you think governments accounts payables or debts will be fully paid and computations to forecast prices on precious metals based on that debt owed will be realized. Pure pushing the book.
Prices on all things are and will be based on supply and replacement costs to bring good to market. Period.
Unless of course, a gun is used to make sure you accept without this intrinsic value.
Fraud and corruption is based on when pricing of a good is over the true market replacement cost.
What Bo predicts is bail -ins for banks. So the commodities will preserve capital and keep up with inflation.
The real wars is about
Fractioning money and commodities.
The frogs have to boil longer because their jumping from their pots .
Thanks, Paul, for the personal reporting! I think gold is in Fort Knox, but it has many owners. US gov. will keep the gold and default on the contracts–all of them.
Greg, that’s what’s called hypothecation. And, as you know, that’s the nature of a Ponzi scheme and other scams, such as covering multiple debts with the same collateral, the perpetrator gambling that the claims won’t all come in at once, you know, as in our current banking system. Best always. PM
If you intelligently required your customers to back up their loans from you “with something tangible” you would not have gotten left with nothing when they defaulted. I simply want Our Government’s Paper (Dollars) printed up and loaned to me for a weeks work (to be backed by silver) so I don’t get stuck with nothing “like you” when they default or go bankrupt!!!
You are not considering how much silver is consumed in industrial processes that is never recovered. While gold is nearly immutable, silver is consumed more as an industrial metal than a precious metal
Well said Greg and that is exactly the point, AAcrime through all its nefarious escapades both local and abroad and the unmitigated theft of trillions by those in authority has rendered AAcrime HOPELESSLY BANKRUPT AND TOTALLY INSOLVENT…….So!! The example set by the totally valueless shitcoin and the other so-called crypto currencies going totally ballistic with shitcoin topping out at a mind boggling $109,000 was totally rediculous and an outright insult to our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY WHO gave us GOLD as an integrous store of value.
Please pass on thanks to Bo and will be watching out for his prophecies most of which I have similar views.
Kindly request another Bill Holster interview.
Speaking on GAP accounting terms, the US financial statement if presented would be considered fraudulent.
Martin Armstrong said the Dollar would be the last currency to fall. I believe him! Gold and Silver are due to rise I get that but Bo has been off more times than I wish to consider.
You have to credit him for being right on big calls too. You did not watch the interview –did you?
Spot Gold price in AUD currently is $4,725 in NZD it is $5,202!
Greg and Bo,
What is going to happen to people who are only on social security or very poor people on welfare?
Thank you.
You got to prepare, and I would start with food, but it is late in the game.
The persons Debi described will need to find a job-there is a labor shortage. If food is a concern, work for a food producer, distributor or restaurant. When these scenarios go down, survival depends on the gritty ones to get through .
According to the Terrorist Demon Rats (now burning down Tesla Car Dealerships) they will soon be Stopping Your Social Security Checks (with the help of their buddy Klaus Schwab who already has his evil plan all set to do a Massive Cyber Attack), and all because Elon Musk is cutting very deeply into the Terrorist Demonrat’s Gigantic Theft of Our Money!!!
Dr. Steven Greer is pushing to have Full Disclosure by the end of the year of the Incredible Scientific Advancements “provided by our Space Brothers” (which will Help Immensely the Very Poor People on Welfare and Social Security). Trump can and should act quickly to immediately release (from Deep States hands) “FREE ZERO POINT ENERGY” and “Anti-Gravity” Knowledge (that was Back-engineered from all the UFO’s the Deep State has been Shooting Down)!! Zero Point Energy will provide the World “FREE” Electricity to power all our Electric Cars and Heat our Homes (“AT ZERO COST”)!! The only problem is the Big US Oil Companies, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, etc. are likely going to resist seeing their Oil Industry shut down (but Trump can promise to compensate them and their Petro-Chemical Industries “will still be needed”!!!
There a million of us and 8 Billion of them and they’re still winning because WE are so damn apathetic most of us do nothing.
Our president is in horrible danger.
Wood and woodstoves. The woodstove should be something you can cook on.
As far as I can tell, there are no plans for the president after Trump.
Trump appears to be a once in a lifetime president. I hope I’m wrong
Say, what happened at the 1:03:00 min mark for 8 seconds? Audio blanked out? Any lip readers here?
Hi Greg,
Bo is a passionate speaker. History repeats itself.
Fiat currencies go to zero. For 18 years I stay away from fiat. The unbelievable happened so far…. 17 years after 2008 fiat still stands. It could be unbelievable some years get added. I believe in a divine world….. not the Bible. Bible ….. Koran etc ….. a divine world can see the wars coming over these books….. that’s not divinity in my mind….
Fiat will fall…. no one knows the year in my opinion.
I am a fan of Peter……. he is right, as except his predictions for over a decade. USA sovereign debt becomes ridiculous though….. but maybe some years left for an out of control system…..
re: -$30 a barrel – did anyone buy? LOL
James it actually happened on 4/20-2/21 2020. Look it up “LOL”
Hi Greg,
How can one know a prophet is communicating with the divine world. Justice be done in the afterlife so far. Does Justice need a prediction, or does it get served 24/7 somehow?
Polny has said many times he is NOT a Prophet.
tks for post bo greg
Kamala was booed off the stage and it was so loud, I thought it was all of us going to Kamala’s rally. Good work guys.
You might want to look up Dave Wilkerson: Gold Will Not Provide Security -‘The price of gold is going to rise astronomically but it will not be sustained over a long period of
time ‘neither silver nor gold will offer real security … Gold hoarders are going to get hurt ‘ badly. This is one of the most significant predictions in this book.’ David Wilkerson, ‘The Vision & Beyond’
Haggai 2:8 King James Version
8 “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts.”
Hopefully we are able to get past our own greed and fear to be able to sell at a good time. I have some gold coins and would love to sell to pay for a house build or more land. It’s not beyond history’s range for anywhere of 5 to 20 ounces to buy a nice house.
Blood sacrifice in Butler, PA rally, too.
Good to see that you brought Polny back, Greg. I believe Bo Polny works by inspiration. He is not always inspired, otherwise he would be God, but when he is on a streak, his prediction to the exact day are quite amazing, defying logic and probability
Gold and silver aren’t “God’s money”. Man has chosen AU and named it “gold” and designated ot as “money”.
God allows man privileges. For example, God allowed Adam to name animals.
Book of Genesis Chapter Two: “Now Jehovah God had been forming from the ground every wild animal of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and he began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one; and whatever the man would call each living creature, that became its name”.
God created gold, but man has chosen both the name and set the value. That’s an important distinction.
I disagree with Mr. Bo Polny on many things, but he seems to be working very hard at figuring out Biblical matters. Bo doesn’t claim to be inspired, but he does claim to be influenced by Holy Spirit; therefore, giving credit to God for Bo’s proclamations.
I don’t have any of those gifts from Jehovah God other than the natural IQ and human comprehension I was born with. And I’m very thankful for what I was born with and my inclination to develop and fine-tune my intellect.
And that intellect helps me notice certain things which escape others’ notice. For example, it hasn’t escaped my notice that Satoshi Nakamoto is a name which actually means “center of intelligence” or Central Intelligence”. So, the origin of Bitcoin and the blockchain can be deduced by examining the code, tracing the code, reading the declassified NSA papers and, drum roll please, understanding that names have meaning, e.g., Satoshi Nakamoto.
What does the name Jesus Christ mean? That name was actually chosen by Jehovah God, not Joseph and Mary. And the name has an important meaning.
In case you didn’t know, Satan makes choices, too. And he is allowed to run the day-to-day rise, plateau, decline and fall of earthy empires. Jehovah God only does intervention when it fulfills a necessary purpose. Satan also is master over the secular money supply. As I have written before, Bitcoin is actually Satan’s money. Chosen and approved by Satan. Of course, Satan can get the job done with 30 pieces of silver, but Bitcoin is much, much better…. this for self-evident reasons.
Jehovah God didn’t tell me this. Jehovah didn’t tell me anything. I don’t have any special gifts. No special inspiration. God’s Finger isn’t guiding and directing me. I have nothing more and nothing less than most of you do. The ooly real difference between me and most other men is I get up every day and work very hard at examining the world around me when most others let it pass them by. I spend many hours studying the Bible, when most others don’t. My only advantage: Time, effort and diligence.
I own silver and gold. And all my stocks were sold before five trillion in market capitalization was just lost. When Marty Armstrong informed us that “the Trump rally has stalled” – that was the signal to close out (for now) our positions. Marty doesn’t have any Divine Gifts, but he does have Socrates. And that seems to be good enough for secular profits – but not nearly adequate for “storing up treasure in Heaven “.
“25% of government taxes are collected from the stock market” ~ Ed Dowd
I haven’t verified Mr. Dowd’s claim that buying and selling and associated stock market activities fund the government by taxing said action, but I tend to believe it’s close. Therefore, ask yourself this: what happens to President Trump’s budget and the U.S. National Debt when tens of trillions dissappear from the markets? What happens when the both the commercial and residential real estate markets go bust? What happens when the Tariff & Trade War really gets going? And what happens when Euroland and Russia exchanges nuclear missiles? – and the USA gets pulled in? – and Little Rocket Man and Big Rocket Man Xi jumps in? and Iran and Israel?
This socioeconomic and geopolitical situation will take on a life of its own.
Is Satan’s Blockchain Money going to save us? Is all the gold and silver in the world going to save us?
Get your prepping done including storing up real gold, silver and treasure in Heaven.
R A,
Haggai 2:8 King James Version
8 “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts.” I don’t like Bitcoin either.
Pslam 24 a melody of David: “To Jehovah belong the earth and everything in it, The productive land and those dwelling on it”.
Job 41:11 “Who has given me anything first that I should repay him? Whatever is under the heavens is mine”. So says Jehovah.
1 Corinthians 10:26 …..“to Jehovah belong the earth and everything in it.”
When I interpret my interpretation is wholly done without Divine Inspiration. So it’s very important for me to keep Scripture in context with all sixty sux books of the Bible and let the Bible interpret itself – and not let my opinion interfere. That’s very difficult for me to remain objective to myself and subjective to the Holy Bible.
Everything “belongs to Jehovah”. It’s all His including my life and all the gold and silver temporarily in my possession. So, in a general sense the Bible clearly states that all of the gold and silver and platinum and copper that men stamp their images on and assign a pecuniary number to actually in truth belong to The Almighty. If that’s what your interpretation of Haggai is then I agree. But just remember whose image was stamped on the 30 pieces of silver paid to Judas. In a secular sense that money belonged to Caesar. It’s not necessarily easy understanding why Jehovah allows men to have free choice on what they do with “His gold and silver” and every material thing under the sun.
“Pay back, therefore, Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God”. Jehovah allows a temporary and limited ownership of material things including real estate and, in some cases, slaves. So, why did Jehovah allow slaves to be used as a medium of exchange? Can a man really own another man? – and use that man or woman as barter money to trade for sheep or cows? Acquiring accurate knowledge takes time, experience and patience. Are not men more valuable than gold? The Roman’s including the Roman Catholics used slaves as payment and as a status symbol of wealth. Just ask Marty Armstrong. He studied the many different Roman gold, silver and copper coins and the written history and then drew some interesting and valid conclusions on what constituted a rich Roman.
I say that once an individual learns the principles of what Jehovah values, then that one will know what God’s Money really is and how to “pay back God’s things to God” and store up true treasure. in Heaven where thieves do not break in and steal.
Like everyone else, I have my own convictions.
Personally, I’m still working on it. And I’m way behind in stockpiling treasure in Heaven.
Really Awake,
GOD created Gold (rare among the elements) as it cannot be made inside Stars (only upon the rare occasion When a Star Explodes “is Gold Created”) – Men who have found some of God’s Precious Gold “rare among the elements” sprinkled upon the Earth (purposely suppressed and set it’s market price and created Bitcoin) so as to steal God’s Precious Gold away from others and put it in their Private Vaults (to prevent other men from getting any of the rare metal)!!!
Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Polny.
Here in Europe,yes including us in the UK,our elites who have NOT been voted in have decided to have a WAR to cover the corruption and incompetence of the EURO which is having a breather due to the ECB grabbing money back from the USA at a government level,whilst private money is fleeing to the USA.
am I snared by the author? can i know why?
“Snared”? Explain Pls.
Mark Taylor’s name keeps coming up. Hope you can get him on again. Love to hear what he thinks about the two months that Trump has been in office.
He’s on every Monday as a guest on Michelle Moore’s Rumble channel.
May we never forget, MT was the first prophetic voice to say Roe V Wade was going to be overturned. And, he has been screaming about Paula White-Cain as Trump’s spiritual advisor. He recently was on USAWD and I agree that it would be great to have him back on. My request for Greg is to have MT get deeper into all the current false prophets, namely those associated to the Re-awaken America cabal and the prosperity preachers. In the past few weeks, he’s been spot on with the analysis of these modern day Pharisees.
It will be interesting to see what happens with gold and silver. Bo is one of my favorites!
Request Bill Holter interview
Like Jim Sinclair (Mr. Gold), Bill Holter (Mr. Silver) will probably tell us that Gold (and of-course Silver) will be going up for “At Least Three(3) More Years” and to “BUY NOW”!! – Simply Look At The Following Chart:,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
and You Can See Just About Where You Should Take “Some” Profits Off the Table (likely about 2027 to 2028)!!!
Everybody laughed at Mark Taylor when he said (10 years ago?) that the need for justice was going to outstrip the capacity of the justice system, and we would have to resort to military-style or outright military tribunals. I know that his statements struck me as fantastic, and I struggled with his revelations. At the time, nobody was prepared for what he (Taylor) was saying. I’m not here to defend Taylor, his claims, or even his record, but when he said all of that here on USA Watchdog, I stored it away in the mental cupboard, and now it seems that maybe he (Taylor) wasn’t so far-fetched. This is corruption on a scale never before seen in the history of Humanity. It is going to get wild. We, collectively as a country, and individually, may not make it. Best always. PM
U.S. Constitution
Article I Section 10:
“No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts”…
So how does a privately held entity (Federal Reserve) get to claim their (I.O.U.) notes are LEGAL tender for all debts public and private?
It certainly appears a gold backed currency could be legally enforced upon those greedy bankers! More importantly, we should rally a ground up revolution to show Trump will have the support of the American people if he tries to make it happen.
GOOD point, Larry!!
Greg: About 10 seconds of Bo’s comments were muted out toward the end of the cast. I am not a lip-reader! So I was respectfully wondering if that was a glitch, or done on purpose for a good reason? Can we get what posted what he said there?
So sorry Gregg. That was a glitch in Skype or on Bo’s end. It was about 9 secs. I did not mute or edit it out.
The word ‘Dollar’ appears twice in the U.S. Constitution and it refers to the SLIVER Spanish milled Dollar which was the common coin used in the American Colonies. The nominal amount of SILVER in the Spanish milled Dollar was determined to be 371 and 4/16 grains of Fine SILVER. That is, one CONSTITUTIONAL U.S. Dollar = 371 and 1/4 grains of Fine SILVER (or its equivalent value in Gold).
What most people refer to as a U.S. Dollar is, in REALITY, a Federal Reserve Note, which is NOT a CONSTITUTIONAL U.S. Dollar, but, a PROMISE to pay – backed by NOTHING! A Federal Reserve Note is NOT MONEY, it’s a FIAT Currency!
Why are you paying a tax on your labor?
The Income Tax is an Excise tax. Excise taxes are on PRIVILEGED activities or events.
Since when is working for a living, in the private sector, a PRIVILEGE?
It’s NOT! It’s one of your most basic RIGHTS!
Besides — INCOME = PROFIT or GAIN. You do NOT have PROFIT or GAIN by working.
You have an EQUAL exchange of labor for compensation – NO INCOME!
Only a SLAVE pays a tax on their LABOR!
Inspiration is a form of divine intervention, Greg.
This is what happens when you don’t educate your children but you inculcate them.
These traitors need to be charged with sedition
These are the minions of Satan that the Liberals communists have brought here to destroy the Christian. They are pedophiles, murderers, robbers, rapists and that is on a good day
These people are the epitome of evil. They are Satan’s High minions. These people are not compatible with a Judo Christian society
Did you guys notice how the Legacy Media protected this person who assaulted the President?
This could have been a prelude to an assassination attempt.
As rightly concluded very bad times coming. The Prince of darkness is impatiently waiting to unleash unprecedented horror on the earth.
The Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity’s doorstep & the time to escape is very short. To read more, pls visit
Bo Polny’s area of study within scripture and his focus on gold and silver includes a wide view. This is very welcoming for many. His analysis on gold and silver will make many of us very happy but I fear for those who have no means to own these metals. The prophecy says many will perish. Where will the souls who remain with no means to gold and silver end up? I know some who fit this definition and how will they benefit?
There has to be another narrative that explains the future for these people who are righteous with God yet live without what Bo speaks of to become wealthy through metals.
At the 103:00 I cannot hear what Bo is saying. I have tried to listen 5 times and all 5 times the sound just goes until 103:09. Can you tell me what he is saying please?
That was a Skype glitch or a problem on Bo’s end. I did not mute Bo Polny in any way. I don’t know what he said in the 9 sec spot of the interview.
I’m never sure how to apply the things Bo says. Put more away in gold and silver. I was surprised he didn’t say much about digital/ crypto assets. That aside, i have been considering the land of Goshen for some time. For the Angel of Death to make a pass over the land, a Goshen type place is where we want to be. We got a few sheep, Dorper, last year and have had a few babies born recently. It’s almost shocking how fast they grow and how attached we are. My wife and all the children love them- my brother and his 5 kids are out here in a large 5th wheel. It certainly is busy here. Putting in an rv spot wasn’t much money and might be a good move for some of the audience- for family and friends- state welfare may not be available at some point.
Hello Greg,
I encourage Everyone to study the Historism interpretation regarding Revelation and see how accurate that book is.
Mr Hunter, you said the most important portion of the entire show. To be right with God , the days will be shortened and God is in control. To prepare ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually. God in His mercy said to come out of Babylon. Nothing about getting rich and buying homes etc.
I sincerely wish Everyone to be well.
The U.S. Dollar (Index or DAX ) peaked along with the S&P 500 Index and other major US indexes and the 7 large tech stocks almost 2 months ago in February. Gold (+11%) and silver (+13.3%) are leading the commodity sector up now, along with long duration treasuries. Current inflation remains benign, however.
The price of oil (<$70/barrel) currently reflects global economic weakness, as well. So, gradually we see a possible major shift underway towards commodities and emerging markets (BRICS +) countries and currencies.
If this long cycle persists, we can expect paltry U.S. stock market returns and higher bond yields, reflecting investor concerns about the U.S. Dollar and our continued excessive Federal spending and annual budget deficits ( Continuing Resolution). Residential and commercial real estate is also in a downtrend for a few years, as well. Bonds and stocks as well as the U.S. Dollar will decline in-concert.
It's fair to say that the rest of the world has growing concerns as to how much money we have been wasting and never tracked before. D.O.G.E. is revealing many budget "skeletons" in Congress's closet, further undermining global confidence in the U.S. and our currency. Maybe we are no longer seen as the "cleanest" shirt in the "pantry" any longer ?
We are apparently fast headed for a debt or bond market/ currency crisis. In-addition war is a fait accompli in Europe for which President Trump can only delay with a peace treaty that probably won't last very long. (Wars are always inflationary).
If Putin eventually double-crosses President Trump then his sanctions would become punitive (nasty) further retarding global trade, which is already slowing-down Corporate profits. All these negative economic inputs feed back into our economy and markets, weakening them as people hoard cash and hold-off on any new investments or plans. ( Already a work in-progress).
German Bunds (bond) yields are going up because demand for these bonds is declining and investors are selling them off. Germany and other major EU countries are altering their financial rules to allow more debt formation so they can build-up more defense spending even in a weak economy in preparation for a planned war against the Russian Federation in a couple more years, or possibly even sooner than that.
According to the most recent U.S. Drought Monitor map, droughty soil conditions in Great Plains and Midwestern "Bread Basket" (States) suggests Greg is correct about diminished crop yields of common staple crops, higher prices, and possible future food shortages, as well. Remember how thin most Americans were in the 1930's before WWII began in 1941?
This time around, you can add-in a new plague or new pandemic, malnutrition, and disease and death even without a war due to global cooling and poor public policies ( Net Zero Carbon and Paris Accords)..
Dear Greg and Bo, great show!!
Regarding the presidency of Trump, with Trump being the 47th president, I would like to add my 2-cent insights regarding this presidency and the story of the flood given in Genesis 7.
“11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.” – Genesis 7, 11
Looking at the date given, assuming a biblical year of 360 days where one month would have 30 days, then the number of days of the year of the flood (1656 Anno Mundi) before the flood started was 30+17 = 47. In essence, in the year 1656 AM up to the 47th day, it was business as usual for the rest of humanity (or what was left of it in terms of purity of their generations). Afterwards that world was swept away quite literally. Also assuming Noah and family stepped on the Ark on the 40th day, then by the end of the rains Noah and family had been upon the ark 47 days before Noah opened up the window of the ark
“6 And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made:” – Genesis 8, 6
I believe therefor that what is happening now with this presidency of 47 is a season of transistion where what will come after will be completely different from that which came before. But I am uncertain what will reign thereafter.
I also believe I´m being inspired by the Lord to take an interest in hebrew calendars. The current year according to the standard hebrew calendar is 5785 AM. There is also the Essene Calendar ( based on the 364 Enoch calendar including 360 days and 4 Tekufahs, and this gives a date for this year (at the time of writing) of 5949 AM. On wednesday of this week, the 19th March 2025 (1st of Nisan), this calendar transitions to the year 5950 AM. Thus according to this calendar, wednesday is the start of the penultimate Jubilee year before the final Jubilee of the year 6000 AM of the Essene calendar (2075 A.D. according to the Gregorian calendar). By the time Trump finishes his presidency in january 2029, there will be 47 years which will have to pass before the beginning of the 7th millenium from creation. I hope and pray the Lord is not going to wait up to the last 7 years to initiate the Rapture.
I am a reformed sinner, but to paraphrase a hebrew saying, somethimes a repentent man can tread where a tzadik dare not.
The angel of death comment makes me wonder. We saw in the histories of Josephus the fulfillment of Christ;s warning in Matthew 12:45 after he related 12:43-45. So many were exorcised of demons etc, but failed to believe, so that with Jesus’ ascension all Israel descended into a type of causeless hatred and lawlessness for the next 40 years and far beyond to even Bar Kosiba / Bar Kochba of 132-136 A.D.
We have religious cleansings in our generations, but people either failing to Romans 10:9-10, 13 believe or have that John 12:26 relationship with the LORD Jesus so that whensoever their life ends in this body, they get the 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 experience. The Angel or Messenger of Death spoken by Bo Polny, it seems to me, might simply mean a great apostasy such as UFO Aliens coming forth as shape-shifters and people believing into them by strong delusion that they should believe a lie (2 Thessalonians 2:11). That would be a spiritual death. But then, it could be that a plague is unleashed or the Covid-19 injection Graphene Oxide with HIV AIDS shot is 5G and 6G activated? Elon Musk’s satellites alone can clandestinely do that, there are so many of them above the USA now.
If we change Government on July 3, that may require a Shekel level type of Currency Reset, which would explain a financial crisis Bo was talking about, but our having Vengeance on the evil ones?” A Rapture leaving them behind as the Tribulation launches and the man of sin is revealed , to me personally, seems more likely. But then, last fall I thought they would kill Trump off or deny him any chance of the Presidency, and when he got in, I was in disbelief that he would do anything meaningful, but then he launched D.O.G.E. in waste-finding with such great success. All the hopes I had for him in 2017, which first 100 days was a D- is in reverse so that in many ways he is Cum Laude (with honor) at or near Summa, (greatest), which I still am in shock that he is achieving, which Bo last Fall talked about with you and predicted. Thanks for the lengthier program with Bo this time out. Much appreciated.
This needs a hard deep dive. Kash needs to reopen this case.
Jonestown massacre.
No cool air. Cia hit squads. Blackwatch hit squads. Hasburg money.
The key is to continue to accumulate Silver – especially pre 1965 US Dimes, Quarters and Half Dollars.
Keep President Trump Safe
In GOD I Trust
To look back in the OT when Israel wanted a king and God told them the cost and at the time Samuel pleaded God s case on deaf ears. So not only 10 percent to the priesthood who could have taken care of all the leadership roles but another 10% to the king’s table army and servants. This would be a kind system in our day if our taxes were all in the county and only 20% which God pointed out as excessive
If we carry this into the NT the church has wanted the 10% even though that outer part of the temple was made void as Jesus presented himself as the sacrifice and the blood shed for our rescue from death yet looking at God s word like DOGE we in the church would be guilty of taking a 10% that does not belong to anyone as through Jesus we can all come in the Holy of Holies where no sacrifice of any kind is required as our high Priest has paid it all and open a 7/24 Kingdom of God with the baptism of God s presence or the Holy Spirit which Jesus fully tested and found Him to be up to the task of ruling the flesh and hearing the voice of our God where we will come to know Him as our Father It would be a very smart setup in a country if the Spirit-filled saints did sit in the seats of ruling as all that would be required is a 10% tax system that covered all the expenses of running a Country with God s leading treating the whole country as a group of potenial kindom people rather then a bunch of lost demonics as we have been preaching and acting it is also a great campaign platform
Didn’t Mark also say somthing like, Two will be taken and Two will be shaken. He clarified by saying he was referring to former and current POTUS. I remember that on an interview that you had with Mark.
This is the Taylor prophecy you are talking about:
He wrote this while all 5 Presidents were alive. Bush 41 was the first to go and recently (2024) Carter died. It’s all coming to a head.
I like Bo! He has a good take on our current shituation. Gold is Gold, just remember that. The dollar is a paper belief system taken over by the federal reserve note. A note is debt, not a dollar.
Greg, another awesome show. I’ve been waiting for these next months for a lifetime and its got me on the edge of my seat.
I paid for the entire seat but i’m only using the front 2 inches.