Bipolar Ionic Air Purifier Kills Covid & Spike Proteins – Weston Warren

By Greg Hunter’s

Scientist and inventor Weston Warren showed off his germ killing and air purifying technology that took nearly 20 years to perfect.  It’s bipolar ionic air purification that kills germs, viruses and mold to name a few.  This includes the deadly spike proteins shed by people who took the CV19 bioweapon/vax.  Warren nearly sold out of his air purifying technology after the last USAW interview, and he is here for an update with overwhelmingly positive feedback from hundreds of people.  In one story, Warren says, “A six-year old had severe allergies. . . .  the grandparents saw the USAW interview back in February and bought one.  They put it in his room, and for the first time ever, he got an entire night’s sleep.  He did not wake up congested.  This happened the next night and the following night, and it kept working.  Now, they tell me that when the six-year-old is ready for bedtime, he says where is my blue light?  I need my blue light, and he has it right next to his nightstand in his bedroom.  He has tremendous relief.  The mother (who was very skeptical), is a surgeon in Michigan and is now convinced because she has seen in real life what it has done for her son.  They have bought many units.”

Warren says his technology has been hidden and blocked by dark powers.  He thinks it’s because it kills viruses like Covid and destroys spike proteins shed by the CV19 vaxed.  Warren says, “Just like any type of bacteria or virus . . . you will have protein stems sticking out of the capsid.  This technology is able to sheer off these protein stems because of the hydrogen oxygen charged state. . . . When it pulls off one of these hydrogen atoms, it blows off.  There is a like a little firecracker, an electrical discharge, and it puts a pinhole in the capsid.  Anytime you can puncture the membrane of a bacteria or virus, it is compromised, and it only takes one.  We do 60 or 70 holes in the capsid membrane, and now it’s neutralized.  Spike proteins get bombarded anytime one of our products is running in a room, and that virus or bacteria does not stand a chance.  It is stopped in its tracks.”

The company slogan is “Don’t just trap germs, kill them naturally.”

Warren says he is already seeing supply chain problems with components such as rare earth metals and other parts he needs to produce his bipolar ionic air purifiers.  Warren says, “This is hard to say . . . I think the products we have on hand right now might be able to service USAWatchdog clientele and their families, and that’s it.  I won’t have anymore.  I am not advertising with anyone else.  I can’t make enough units. . . . We are heavily reliant on China for rare earth metals because they have such a monopoly.”

There is much more in the 32-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Weston Warren, scientist and inventor of the “CarryiOn” air purifier and many other bipolar ion air purification products for 4.19.23

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After the Interview:

There is lots of information on

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  1. The Seer

    Ordered this morning before even knowing who the next guest would be!!! Important to combat the shedding and geoengineering with every tool and supplement we can. Add emf shielding blanket and grounding mattress pad. Great products!

  2. Anthony Australia

    I hope so!
    Remembering this Doctor on the Jesse Ventura show over a decade ago and s right she was.
    Well she’s back.

    Dr. Rima Laibow Warns Globalists Preparing New Bio Attack / Learn the Secret History of COVID

  3. Gerald Eatock

    Today I ordered one .I always have trouble ordering anything online with my bank .This transaction was instant .GODS got this ❤.
    Was worried that it didn’t ship to uk . But Gods got this too ❤. Looking forward to better health. Let’s all pray for Gods Anointed Donald J Trump. Look to our savour Jesus Christ ,with the knowledge his Glory is coming soon on this earth. All he asks is faith.
    Thankyou Greg as always you are a hero ,you are an inspiration and you are an education.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Gerald for your kind words & all your support.

  4. MLK

    What about nono-particles?

  5. S. Jacobson

    Its unfortunate that these are so expensive. With all of the things we must purchase just to survive, it comes down to choices.

    • Greg Hunter

      Clean air like clean water is the basics of survival.

  6. Michael Krawitz

    I bought one after your last USA Watchdog interview. It arrived promptly and works very well. I leave it running all day and I am very pleased with it.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Michael, for the positive feedback.

      • Jerry

        How about put a little tape over it and walla it gone!

  7. James Quagraine

    If the blue light is too bright wear a sleep mask

  8. Linda

    I am absolutely (95%) certain that Morris Jenkins (HVAC Co.) replaced a “bulb” like this in my system about a year ago. It looked exactly like the unit he showed for installing in the duct work. I don’t know exactly where the bulb went in my system. Morris Jenkins said the purpose was to protect the system and prevent mold/mildew buildup in the system.
    What do y’all think?
    I do not know the generic name for this “bulb”.

    • Greg Hunter

      Weston Warren’s products are patented. Ask you HAVC man where it came from. All Ion products are NOT the same.

  9. Cheryl Hedges

    such a sweet man. i really pray the Lord will keep him in business and allow him to grow in a timely manner that he can handle without working 24/7. God bless you both and your families. im glad he was back on today and i placed an order. I have 10 cats and im sure it will help.

    • Greg Hunter

      Me too Cheryl!

  10. Steve Sheridan

    Hello Greg, is Weston Scientific offering any promo codes? I’m retired but I’d like to buy several units for family and friends and need to watch my expenses … especially these days. Thank you

    • Greg Hunter

      No promo codes Steve. Just good tech at a reasonable price.

  11. Phil

    There are a lot of very young people in this small town I live in dying now. This is truly a genocide. Please keep up the work you are doing.

  12. Nicole Lafleur

    Thank you Greg for promoting this wonderful company. I ordered mine last February before the interview had ended. I like to know that what I buy comes from a good source and not from a slave market. This way I know the product is excellent and will be more beneficial.

  13. Gary Horn

    I currently have a different brand of electronic air purifier that makes similar claims, and have no doubt that both perform their jobs well. One question that comes to mind is weather or not they are able to destroy graphine oxide nanotech that may be shed, or possibly even parasites (another theory of covid-19 symptoms), venom peptides, etc? And since the virus (germ) theory is now in question, that is no longer a concern I have.

  14. Breck

    Great interview and update. My wife and I have purchased two and are considering more to give away – like you have done.
    Air we breathe [CarryiOn air purifier], water we drink [Dry Element], food to survive [Brickhouse] and silver for the economy [Discount Gold and Silver] with during the coming event.

  15. Frank Kasper

    Just ordered. Always ready to help local businesses!!!!

  16. Todd

    I am 100% satisfied with this product. After your first interview with Mr. Warren I ordered two of these for my home. Great product and great interviews. Thanks Greg!!

  17. Ed Siceloff

    Got this clearly this time around. I want one. Supply line problems. I say this with some sarcastic laughter in my head, but just think if the rare earth materials that China has a lock on, a monopoly, could be used not for militaries, but for this kind of stuff. Russia, China, and of course the United States uses them for development of missile systems. China suffers from a polluted atmosphere, as does Russia (not so much in Siberia) and most definitely the US. So, what are the rare earth metals used for? Ha, ha ha. Weapons and guidance systems. Meanwhile the humans that use them for weapons could use some spiritual guidance that would be manifest a loving attitude of their neighbors.
    I want one of these. Suffering the train wreck and destruction of my little bit of “Eden” from the VOCs released from the train wreck. Dioxins that governmental regulatory bodies will not admit to. I want one of these.

  18. France Marie Gelinas

    Such a huge blessing!! A heartfelt Thank you Greg and your wife for having Weston on your show to inform us and give us another tool to protect our families.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks France!

  19. Southern Girl

    Bought one of these the first time you had Weston on. I received an email From Weston about finding several carry bags on Amazon so I ordered one. I also had my own power bank with 38,000 it lasts for days. I Do sleep better with it by my bed each night. And also take into where I volunteer and when I go out to eat. Get some strange looks, but no one has asked about it.

  20. Nick

    Remember the simple things too, like baking soda (bicarbonate of soda).

  21. Jones

    Greg you’ve been a legend over the last couple of years and I’ve looked forward to your posts especially CAF and good ‘ol Cliff High. Personally (and you may not post this) but I’m now questioning viruses, shedding and Trump. As Reo Speedwagon say “If you’re tired of the same old story… turn some pages”. Best from Wales. UK.

    • Greg Hunter

      You can question the facts all you want. The Shedding is scientific fact and Trump wrote a good contract with Pfizer that required them to produce a safe vax. That too is a fact. If the story changes I will report it, but we are STILL under attack from evil. How are you liking that 10% inflation in the UK??? Question that, While you are at it, why in the hell are your leaders spending money they don’t have on a war they are not going to win? Maybe this is where your inflation is coming from? Our stupid leaders in the U.S. are doing the same thing. More facts.

      • Jones

        Fair points Greg. Best from UK.

        • Greg Hunter

          I love the UK by the way!!

          • Jones

            Greg – dont get me wrong I love you Yanks and despise the politicians this side of the pond… I’m just questioning things a lot more than I ever did in the past. Alex Newman always a good listen. Best from Wales.

            • Daniela

              I’m a teacher, and believe me, the shedding is real and so hard to deal with day after day. I put an ion filter by my desk and try to stay over there. When I have to go to a different room with lots of kids or teachers exhaling in it, or forget to turn on my ion filter, I get sick–I get all congested, scratchy throat, sometimes itchy eyes, bad digestion, tired, headache. In teacher meetings when our sweet director (whose been jabbed 5+ times) talks right next to me for the hour, I leave those meetings significantly congested with a scratchy throat–every time. I also keep colloidal silver handy and just spray and breathe it in after these meetings. It helps to keep cvd from developing. If I forget to turn on my ion filter or use the silver the whole day, I go home basically ill. Sometimes at home I can stop the progression by treating myself with silver or iver mectin, but sometimes it’s too late and I become full-blown ill and have to stay home a day or two. I was never jabbed, but basically feel like I have been, due to all the shedding. I was carpooling with two older female colleagues when they were first jabbed, and it caused my period to go out of control, hemorrhagic, and I believe it sent me into early menopause. I was hoping to have children. No chance now. The shedding is real.

              • Greg Hunter

                Thanks, Daniela, for the street level reporting. Doctors I talk with say Ivermectin is a top drug to combat spike proteins from the CV19 bioweapon vax.

  22. Denise Andersen

    Got my order in. Thank you Greg, and thank you Weston! God Bless

  23. Rose Mont Sellicka

    US military prepares for possible Sudan embassy evacuation
    Story by By MATTHEW LEE and LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press • 3h ago
    WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon is moving additional troops and equipment to a Naval base in the tiny Gulf of Aden nation of Djibouti to prepare for the possible evacuation of U.S. Embassy personnel from Sudan

    • The Seer

      A contact of mine said gold was discovered in Sudan so guess who is after that land?

  24. Vernon Locke
    Radio Audio From F-16 Shoot Down Of Object Over Lake Huron – The War Zone

  25. Ed Eibling

    Is there a promotional code? My CarryiOn works well, and am thinking about a second for the office.

    • Greg Hunter

      I have no promo code. I interviewed Warren for free to get the word out on his technology.

  26. Chzr

    The air is lava.

  27. Cindy

    Wish he would take payments. I’m on social security & only get a monthly check.

    Update. I called and spoke with Weston. We have worked out a way to get the 1500. What a wonderful person! Not too many in this day & age are willing to help as he has for me.
    Thank you Greg for having him on for a second time. I wanted this the first time you interviewed him and couldn’t do it financially. So thank you again!

  28. Enough Already

    ALERT People with perfect or high credit scores and a large down payment
    are now to pay more for a mortage versus people with the lowest credit scores and little or no down payment!!

    Isn’t it enough that I already pay more for my utilities (I pay special fees that supposedely help the poor get heat and electric in the winter), I already pay higher prices in the stores to pay for the shoplifting, higher insrance rates because 1/3 of the population are totally irresponsible and I have to pay for their crap because they don’t have insurance. The majority of the taxes I pay go to pay for the programs that benefit the bottom half only.

    THIS IS ENOUGH!! I am not a golden goose.

    It is time to march on DC and shut this shit down.

    People should earn it!!
    EARN by laboring, not get things by borrowing, they shouldn’t hold their hands out expecting free stuff because they refuse to work, they should not expect anyone to help them except by their own two hands by working!!

  29. Richard Kern

    Thanks Greg for bringing this technology to the attention of your viewers.
    I just ordered my CarryiOn a few moments ago. I was impressed by Mr. Warren
    and his fight to get his products to market. It just shows what the Deep State will do
    to kill all of us. I hope Mr. Warren can continue to grow his company, with our help.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Richard, for the kind words on Weston Warren and his products.

  30. Pete

    EU must stand for Eunochs

  31. David Caron

    Come to Canada, I will help you any way I can. Talk to Greg I have been sending him messages!

  32. Jeff & Sue

    We ordered 2 CarryIon units (after seeing the original interview on USA Watchdog) and love them! We use them in the car as well as home. Better air quality. Best of all, dual use in combating airborne contaminants from geo-engineering as well as neutralizing bacteria, viruses and spike proteins. Fewer worries with social interaction!

  33. Maria das Santos

    Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Warren this technology will change air quality for many and improve health outcomes .

  34. Johnny

    I bought the Carryion a month ago and it works great. I highly recommend it. It really works!!! I am now going to buy a new bigger 1500 unit now.

  35. William T Westenberger

    Ordered the Weston Scientific1500 and the WS 1500 replacement Purification Plate today but they said it probably wouldn’t ship until May… guess I’ll have to wait and see!

  36. Steve

    Gentlemen, excellent interview as always. I’ve seen a bunch of Weston’s other interviews which have blown my mind. He is definitely a wealth of knowledge when he explains his science and philosophical understandings. I highly recommend you bringing him back regularly!!!

  37. Frank

    “Sorry, our products are not currently available in your region.” The mental migets abiding is Sacramento have a death grip on controlling their sand box that is full of fecal material.

  38. Madi

    Dear Greg , just catching up with USAWATCHDOG
    I can tell you that I was so amazed with the carry on device. I just purchased the big on for my home. I can honestly say: the water filter you advertised also save me a lot of money.
    No more plastic bottle! I just filtered all my tap water for drinking and cooking.
    Our family and our elderly dog is breathing better!
    Thank you for all your hard work and your message that , Fear Not because God is in control. To you and all your supporters ,
    Shop Americans products!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Madi, for supporting the people who support the truth tellers!!

  39. Frank Kasper

    Just got my Carryion and love it. The smell is just like fresh rain water and it’s whisper quiet.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Frank!!

  40. Raines

    Both the CarryiOn Portable Air Purifier and Surface Sanitizer and All-In-One Portability Bundle are out of stock. I am periodically checking and both were always out of stock since the first interview two months ago.

    The website doesn’t allow me to place an order because the items are out of stock. I am willing to wait but I can’t place an order while the items are out of stock. If the website was modified to allow ordering and being placed on a waiting list, I would place multiple orders immediately.

    • Greg Hunter

      I talked to the CEO Weston Warren, and he told me they were sold out after hundreds of orders. They are going to fill all the orders they have and resupply by the end of May. The CarryiOn and the W-1500 were huge hits with lots of great reviews from users. Hang in there and check back near the end of the month.

  41. Cynthia Q

    Great products! Just added the HVAC units to our home and office. My husband was able to install them himself. But would still be well worth it to have professionally installed. Can’t say enough good things about Weston Scientific! They are working very hard to keep up with the demand.

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