China Virus Hype Caused Biggest Economic Crisis in US History – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp says it was not the illness caused by the coronavirus from China, but the hype about how bad it was going to be. The projected death in the US alone was to be in the millions, and that did not happen. Shipp explains, “Remember, the World Health Organization (WHO) also said 3.4% of the population was going to get it and probably die, and they were over-inflated. The problem and the serious part of what this did is cause a panic in our economy. This was bolstered by the news media and drove us into maybe the biggest economic crisis in US history because they over-inflated these statistics. It is no small thing. Our economy has been damaged so badly we will never return to normal. We might get close over a few years, but the damage has been almost insurmountable because they overstated these statistics badly.”

Does Shipp think President Trump will keep the economy shut down? Shipp says, “At first, he had to let them go to show he was handling this pandemic using experts. . . . Trump is a strategist, and I think he is doing this: As he watches the actual numbers go down, and we are down to 60,000 (projected deaths from the coronavirus) from 2.2 million. He’s sitting back waiting for it to bolster his solid case and say, okay, the numbers were way off. Let’s talk about reopening the economy and saving this country from economic destruction.”

Shipp says you cannot underestimate the role the mainstream media (MSM) played in hyping this so-called pandemic. Shipp says major media organizations have ties to the Chinese communist government, and Shipp says, “Because the mainstream media hates Trump and everything he does, they are down playing Hydroxychloroquine and accusing Trump for having blood on his hands for telling people to take it. So, the MSM is joining in the propaganda to keep people from taking a lifesaving drug that is actually saving lives. . . . If anybody has blood on their hands, it’s the MSM because they are so focused on getting Trump that they let this pandemic happen and spun the Chinese propaganda.”

Shipp also says China “now has severe economic problems” and that “China may escalate this situation close to war. Then, this comes down to a real foreign policy issue for the Trump Administration because China is going to be desperate. When countries are economically desperate, history shows they go to war.”

Attorney General William Barr recently talked about the ongoing investigation on the failed coup on President Trump by top members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA. Barr, who many critics thought was not doing enough to bring the coup plotters to justice, said, “If people broke the law, and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted. . .”  Shipp says, “This is very encouraging. Durham is targeting former CIA Director John Brennan, and that may be the one that is indicted because of the provable things Brennan has done.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp to get his cutting edge analysis of top stories in the news.

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  1. Anthony Australia

    Happy Easter USAW Community. The establishment are tightening the screws.

    • eddiemd

      He is risen!

      Hebrews 10:22-25
      22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
      23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised;)
      24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
      25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

      Mark 13:31-37
      31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
      32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
      33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
      34 For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.
      35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
      36 Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
      37 And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.

      Take heed, watch, and pray. Watch He says, again and again. Pray always. Even the elect will be fooled. The snare will come upon all on the face of the earth, Just like now; even the elect churches and believers are part of the forsaking of assembly. Let us hold fast to the profession of our faith without wavering. For He is faithful that promised. He has promised that the pestilence will pass over us. The Blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is upon the lintel and doorposts of my heart, spirit, and home. There is no fear of death. He is risen! Christ Jesus in me, the hope of salvation. I have been set free from the law of sin and death.

    • Robert Desroches

      It is clear that you do not understand how models are used. The 2 million deaths came form a model that had the country doing nothing. Seeing the 2 million potential caused Trumo to shut down the country, thus reducing greatly the death count. The model worked very well I. That by reacting to it saved millions of lives.

      • Greg Hunter

        These folks using these models have been waaaaaay off. That’s a fact. We went from 2.2 million death (according to the models to now just 60,000 (and this # may be revised even lower) Stunning miss anyway you cut it. Off by orders of magnitude–period, the end.

        • JungianINTP

          Conflating year-to-year flu-bug with a weaponized bug, driving everyone to the hospital with just sniffles?: A Corona-Hyped Hoax? Side-by-side stats would tell us the degree of what might be a Damage-Trump-At-Any-Cost H o a x i n g, to include effecting a Greater Depression. Let’s see the Flu-Bug-Death numbers vs. the Corvid-19-Death numbers.

          Rappoport demonstrates CDC LIES:

        • Gaetano

          Ok CIA is CIA he would be dead if they didn’t want his story sorry he is bs. Tor if they font go to be hung then we the people are deleted its war no one wants to hear this wake up its humanity at st at steak keep the faith

      • Frank D2

        Actually Robert it is YOU who do not understand BOGUS MODELS. Remember the global warming models that predicted the seas would rise by several feet and wipe out coastal cities across the US and world? BOGUS. It didn’t happen. Now these same idiots are claiming their “models” predict the world will end in only 10-15 years because of climate change. BOGUS MODELS. It won’t happen. Mother Earth will do quite well, thank you very much. Well, these same “modelers” are involved in the covid-19 BOGUS MODELS. Oh, and I’m sure you were quite certain about all the election “models” that predicted Hillary would win in 2016 too, right? Its basic math and sadly too many of the “modelers” create BOGUS MODELS pushing their hidden agendas. Get a clue.

      • JungianINTP

        Robert, find CDC’s statistical count for 2020’s normal flu-bug deaths. Oops!!! Now you know why it’s a Deep State hoax—to take down anti-globalist Trump & Team. Here is evidence from Jon Rappoport:

        The Money Grab by Hospitals Hoaxing Diagnosis of Patients

        Conflating year-to-year flu-bug with a weaponized bug, driving everyone to the hospital with just sniffles?: A Corona-Hyped Hoax? Side-by-side stats would tell us the degree of what might be a Damage-Trump-At-Any-Cost H o a x i n g, to include effecting a Greater Depression. Let’s see the Flu-Bug-Death numbers vs. the Corvid-19-Death numbers.

        Rappoport demonstrates CDC LIES:

    • sam
      Armstrong’s emergency letter to President Trump
      The economy nust open fully by May 1st otherwise it will not recover until 2032

    • sam

      Weren’t the stats for covid-19 deaths modelled at Imperial College in London, UK? Ferguson is the scientist. His department have received 100’s of millions in funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

      • sam

        Too right
        Also Gates funds the CDC, the WHO, the BBC, and
        And event 201 at John hopkins

  2. Johnnie

    Over 100 years ago in a situation like this, Dr. Fauchi, Dr. Brix and Bill Gates would have been tarred, feathered and run out of town.

    • Greg Hunter

      They got this soooooo wrong it’s too stupid to be stupid!!

      • Lucas Doolin

        I think it was much more than being wrong.
        You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.
        Rahm Emanuel

      • William Stanley

        Mr. Hunter:
        Happy Easter!
        RE: Fauci, Birx, and Gates
        They seem to have had an enormous amount of help in the media and elsewhere.
        I’m even beginning to wonder whether the situation in Wuhan was as bad as the videos and anecdotes made out. Was there a lot of “crisis” acting and other similar disinformation going on?

        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks William and very good point!!!!

          • JungianINTP

            Greg and William, re William’s point about an “enormous amount of help in the media and E L S E W H E R E” ( my emphasis )—consider the Illuminati number 19 as suggestive evidence, as the Probable Elsewhere:



        • Lois Petersen

          You are right about the disinformation. Watch Liz Crokin’s latest documentary.

        • Dr Darrel L Smith

          Why did the Chinese medical people always show up exactly as the person was falling on the street from the virus. How was it possible for them to know where a person was going to succumb to the virus and be on the scene to attend to them so quickly?
          Does it seem like the death rate is so high because they are counting all deaths as Covid-19 and ignoring deaths from other causes?
          Is it possible this whole pandemic was a false flag event created by the Deep State to do damage to the Trump administration and in the to boost the vaccination agenda of Bill Gates?

          • K. Wayne

            “Pandemic was a False Flag” ???….WTF
            What do you have a Doctorate in …….STUPIDITY!
            DENIALISM , ILLOGIC….what ??

            • eddiemd

              Yes. The “pandemic” is a planned event using a bioweapon to bring in the antichrist system.
              Just say no when they try to microchip or tattoo you.
              This is the plan of last resort. Complete totalitarian control of the population. World currency, world government, then world religion. The deception is here.
              The attack on the Church, the Body of Christ, has begun.

              You are going to be a part of the antichrist system or die. You only choice at this moment is to seek Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Take heed, watch, pray always.

              • K. Wayne

                Don’t try to preach to me. I am well versed on the machinations and agendas of the Unelected Rulers of this Earth.
                If you were paying attention then you would have read my many comments about the events that lead up to the current crisis.

                • eddiemd

                  Gotcha Batman.

      • Chip

        So perhaps it was on purpose? Look at what India is doing now. CV cases there about the same as the State of Texas (not much)… Chip

        • Beligerant

          If you look at places like Wuhan or Milan they have terrible air quality. Wuhan has been wearing breathing masks for years and Milan has such bad smog they had no car days. Then take into account that 40% to 50% of the male population smokes. Lets remember this virus tends to kill through pneumonia so anyone with compromised or “dirty” lungs are its killing ground.

          Now lets jump to the U.S. Much cleaner air and much lower smoking rate. It seems to be no worse than the regular flu with the caveat there is no flu shot for the Covid-19. The people in danger seems to be the same as the regular flu which is the very old and frail plus those with serious underlying medical conditions.

          My vote, give everyone a mask and lets get back to work!!

          • K. Wayne

            “Lets remember this virus tends to kill through pneumonia so anyone with compromised or “dirty” lungs are its killing ground”.
            If your hypothesis were true then 60% of China would have caught it. Same would be true for every other polluted city on the Globe.
            “The people in danger seems to be the same as the regular flu which is the very old and frail plus those with serious underlying medical conditions”….
            NOT TRUE.
            Zinc & Vitamin D and auto-immune deficiency (those on medications for Blood Pressure and other ailments) together with Blood Type A have shown to be common factors in those who have been infected and died.

      • andyb

        It is purposeful Greg. The agenda is depopulation and the miracle vaccine that will be mandated will weaken our immune systems for the final bioweapon.

        • paul ...

          Actually new evidence has emerged from China … indicating that 78% of people with COVID-19 have no symptoms … so if the large majority of Corona Virus infections do not result in any symptoms at all why do we need a vaccine??? … results are showing 80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic … 15% are severe infections … and 5% are critical infections … so lets say we go back to normal (no quarantine, no masks, etc.) and allow everyone in America to get infected … only 5% will have critical infections (340 million x 5% = 17 million people) … and of those 17 million critical infections only about 1% actually die … so what this means is … we have been locking down America to mitigate 170,000 deaths (an average of only 3,269 deaths per State)!!!

          • paul ...

            To force a vaccine on 340 million Americans (80% of who have no symptoms) is absolute lunacy!!! … just take care of the ones who have low immunity … in fact giving a vaccine to people with low immunity is dangerous as it will probably worsen their condition!!

          • paul ...

            Since the flu kills about 42,000 a year … and the Corona Virus will kill 170,00 “worst case” (doing nothing, no quarantine, no masks, etc.) Cv-19 is only 4 times worse then the flu!!

          • William Stanley

            paul …,
            How sure are you that only about 1% of critical cases end in death? The numbers I’m seeing are much higher.
            I still would agree that we cannot allow the economy to be destroyed, no matter what.

          • K. Wayne

            I assume that you will put your hand up to volunteer for one of the (only) 170,000 deaths.
            Even 1 death from this Virus was wrong. It should never have happened. Government secrecy about funding and Bio-warfare programs …Death Science…..they all need to be stopped…put on trial with extreme prejudice…..and when the Guilty verdict comes in …injected with the Gates Vaccine. If that isn’t effective then put them all on a rocket ship, send them all on a one way trip to Mars. Let them practice their medicine on another world ….far removed from the humans that deserve to live on this planet.

      • Mick Lassus

        Happy Easter,

        With great respect,, there is no stupidity involved in bringing about this virus hoax. This is running exactly planned by those that are really in charge so they can move their agenda further.

        What is ‘their agenda? Probably the best, tangible starting point would be the Georgua Guidestones.

        Economic analysis, if it wants to be correct must now start looking at the banking system and the powerful individuals that hold sway in that realm. What views do thear people hold? Can these people be replaced? Do we really believe we can influence the final outcome? If so, how? My suspicion is that we can not change the direction of the economy.

        Looking at this from a Republican / Democrat perspective doesn’t work. The better perspective might be to spend time making the hierarchy of political and financial power that is in place above all governments.

        If that doesn’t start to happen all of our analysis matters not. I mean, really, if we can’t point to where all our discussions have proven to make change of substance, how can it be justified?

        It must be acknowledged that their isca school of thought that believes that small businesses do not fit into future economies. This is true. Who believes this, who are these people?

        Our perspective must change, our approach must change.

        The ringing of alarm bells should be ringing loud and clear about vaccines and subsequent cards we must carry that shows if a person has been immunized. If that happens, cards will be lost, they’ll be burned, and eventually the implanting of this information into each human will take place

        Gid bless all of us. God bless those that do the will of the Lord. The notion that Chrustianity is a passive act is not correct. That myth needs to be dispelled. Don’t confuse faith in Jesus with doing those things one must do to survive. Survival us the key.

      • JC

        Bob Moriarty:
        But where we begin to bring light to the real issues of the coronavirus is by looking at the positions taken by Dr. Anthony Fauci. At first he claimed two million Americans would die. That number dropped to two hundred and forty thousand and now it seems to be about sixty thousand. That’s lower than the deaths from ordinary flu in a typical winter. Is it possible that he has an agenda that is just now being exposed?

    • Jeffrey

      They’re in bed with the deep state, and that vaccine flake Gates!

    • Elena Simmons

      So true! Yes and a little over 100 and fifty years ago, our great experiment in government. By the people and by the the Bible, stood it’s greatest test.
      Santa Fe Trail Trailer;
      That test, literally tore our country apart. Yet we overcame and prospered, along with our dear old mother country. Eventually and with the Soviet Russians too, winning world wars one and then two. Saving European western civilization, from fascist totalitarian dictatorship. We can do it again, as it threatens us again and internally this time around. Mankind will never ever go back to the dark age’s, of those whom think they know better and can rule better, without representative government over we the people!
      Deutsche Besatzung – German Occupation – l´Occupation allemande, film: color/bw
      Fallin’ For You

      • Lili Marlene

        Der Belgrader jung Wachposten
        “The Belgrade young Sentry”
        Long before MTV, could this be the very first music video????
        Lili Marleen – Lale Andersen – Musikvideo 1942
        Elena, the German soldier was human after all. As testified in German occupied former Yugoslavia, Belgrade Serbia.

        The Germans, people and soldiers combined, starved from the end of the war, and it was terrible. This is where the government of the Third Reich took them. The culprit is as much Hitler as the Allies who bombed the country. But Hitler committed suicide, with Goebbels and their little clique, and they left the country to fend for itself with no other solution than the ruin and shame caused by their own tyrants. You are learning this today on You may never have been told that wars cause this kind of annoyance! May our so called representatives never lead us down such a path and that’s what this song wants to evoke: strongly the end of the war, of all wars, and that lovers find themselves …
        Mojca Potrč – Lili Marlene, english version
        Lili Marleen – English Subtitles – 1930s/40s German Song [720p]

        • Rosie T. Riveter

          Elena, for every German soldier killed by a Yugoslav, Ten Slav’s would hang. Woman and girls caught fraternizing with German military would have they’re hair shorn and sheared as close to the scalp as possible. As was in most of occupied Europe and France. No woman would let a German soldier kiss her so affectionately in public. Nor even an ethnic German Yugoslav, or sympathizer. For fear of losing her man and mane!
          So my fellow future socialist Americanski. Better get your vaccination’s, or no certificate or implant and then no more kissing or hand shakes. Buying or selling, food water, or otherwise. Make sure your family can cover for the bullet and forget about a proper burial. The price of lead is already through the roof! Outpacing gold & silver exponentially! The only bright spot in all this mess.

        • David Havelock

          The True Story of Lili Marlene 1944
          6,435 views•Jul 11, 2018

          A Song That Ended A World War
          New Living Translation
          “At last!” the man exclaimed. “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken from ‘man.’” ◄ Genesis 2:23 ►
          The Extraordinary story of the song “Lili Marleen”
          1,333 views•Mar 9, 2018

      • Todd

        I believe many have discovered their true value at home, where there are two only one may return back into the workforce and a good majority may gave come straight from the book of judges.

    • Justn Observer

      Johnnie, Likely very true…a backlash in some of the media is brewing it appears .
      POTUS Trump needs to distance himself from the likes of Fauci and Brix…and those ‘sold’ on the idea of needing only a vaccine/certification passport to have a ‘viable’ access to work and travel… What kind of Orwellian contrivance is that ? Seesm not much different that the ‘credit’ system in China… Also was not impressed that the U.S. military and NATO joined in with the China led UN Pagentry as it seems to what to take the lead in a NWO style earth/space force for ””peace”’? Really- the U.S. sent our military to be part/join in that theme? Seems counter to the ‘independence’ as set out in the U.S. declaration of such, and the Constitution.
      Why next mandatory organ donations ? (Please Stop putting these videos in your posts please. Greg Hunter. I am not going to vet 1:15 min videos.)

    • A. Hall

      Greg: the Dr’s mentioned have been in government of some 30+ years each- they are part of the globalist cabal- bought and paid for. they should be fired by Trump!!!

    • eddiemd

      Bill Gates is an open enemy of the Almighty God. Mr. Gates is a servant of Satan. Such a pity that he has sold his soul for power and money.

      Fauci and Birx are being monitored. They will be revealed when the time is right. No doubt the NSA and Trump’s people have been watching them for leaks and espionage related activity. They think they are smarter than everyone else. When you get to that level of .gov there are always people more clever than you. Even below that level.

      The Almighty God is in control. No worries. He sees everything, everywhere, and at all times. He knows the future. We can trust in Him. He will never forsake us.

      He is risen! Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Glory to the King of Kings.

    • paul ...

      If the “war” losses are determined to be too great to allow a resumption of economic activity … food supplies will begin to deteriorate (to the point people will die of starvation) … so we must balance out how many “war” losses we have from the virus … against the losses we have from people dying of starvation … and come up with a battle plan … but first off all the Deep State culprits who launched this “war” on America must be arrested by Trump (starting with Obama on down to Gates and Fucci)!!

  3. Fredrick Getzschman

    Great report.

  4. Sir Manly Robinson

    So a global conspiracy is impossible because the American and Chinese governments are mortal enemies are they? Why did the US government give a grant to the Wuhan lab then? How else is the US government funding China.

    • K. Wayne

      On point.
      Also …the fact of the matter is …….”that President Trump did exactly the right thing and closed the Borders”…….KS @ 24.30 min.
      POTUS wasn’t listening to the media because they were all spreading misinformation about the severity of the Virus (as was China). Modelling forecast 2.2mln deaths based on infection/contagion rate R0 of 5-7. What was imperative in the modelling was the key denominator….Deaths being observed….. and then using mathematics to determine a date of infection, incubation/mortality cycle and infection rates. Its not rocket science …but the lockdown/closing of borders is proven to curb the infection and stop the VIRUS.
      Said differently ….the closure of borders and lockdowns were required to stem the Pandemic spread…without which the infections would have been exponential. Those that fail to understand math …are the same who believe that an early opening will avoid a second and third wave of this deadly Biological Weapon (that the US Taxpayers funded) causing mass destruction across America.
      That is ….TOO STUPID TO BE STUPID.
      There is absolute irrefutable evidence that the MSM and the Politico got this whole Pandemic wrong from the outset. POTUS played into the hands of the Propagandists who downplayed the Virus and even calling it a hoax.
      Context when viewing numbers of Deaths is all important.
      What has and is likely to transpire is deaths in America from COVID-19 exceeding that of the common flu. Take care when making any sort of comparison especially when time becomes a factor. Comparisons with flu deaths should be equalized in terms of the period over which the deaths occur. We have almost 20K deaths due to COVID-19 from 2 months ….annualized that equates to 120K. What would the number have been had we not had the borders shut and cities in lockdown?
      What is very apparent is that as the present crisis has developed over the past few weeks, all cross-sections have kept busy interpreting everything that happens through pro-Trump and anti-Trump prisms.
      The Denialists were slow to realize the imminent danger posed by the Virus up until mid-March when they had an epiphany that we were facing a full blown public health disaster. Keep in mind we are only 4 weeks into this lock-down. If China’s model is followed then we have another 45 days ….assuming China has not already let the Virus out of the bag again by opening up Wuhan.
      Flip-Flopping from the MSM, POTUS , the left wing and the right, the CDC and esp. DR Fauci give cause to distrust and disbelieve.

      Questions to be answered.
      Was a lock-down/border closure necessary? (Timing)
      Would the same have deleterious economic effects?
      Was it an intentional act in releasing the Virus?
      Was there a motive?
      Why has the US Government funded China’s Bio-warfare programs?

      • Bob

        Ok Mr Math Genius….

        An increase of 0.0001 % per century is exponential too.

        A decrease of 99% per minute is also exponential.

        It’s funny, as the Covid19 deaths mount up, pneumonia deaths reduce by a similar amount. Covid19 cures pneumonia and then kills the patient with pneumonia-like symptoms! Crazy but true. It’s all in the damned lies (statistics).

        • K. Wayne

          I don’t find any COVID-19 related deaths amusing.

          Ok …another denialist……who believes the lockdowns aren’t necessary….and that China didn’t lockdown half its economy….and that COVID-19 is just pneumonia.
          One reasonable and rationale conclusion was that China acted on real data and extrapolation rather than letting the Virus run its course thereby causing a complete catastrophe. It chose the lesser of the two options. Sure we don’t know (and probably never will) the true numbers of Deaths in China from COVID-19, but possibly that number was the deciding factor for China to take the action that it did.

          Ironical how you’ve quoted the convenient statistics about Pneumonia and COVID-19….are they from the same source that claim that patients die from pneumonia-like symptoms too…..not part of the same lies (statistics).
          Fact is…..90% of Doctors , Lawyers , Engineers and Economists will fail the global IQ test and will obligingly take the Gates/Fauci vaccine when it is offered.
          Make sure you take your vaccine…..then you can go to that quiet place and not endanger the rest of humanity.

          You may wish to actually do some research on how the Virus infects the body….and what the actual cause of death that results from that infection is.

          • Hilde

            K. Wayne:
            “ Make sure you take your vaccine…..then you can go to that quiet place and not endanger the rest of humanity.”

            K. Wayne,
            The creators of the Georgia Guidestones,
            B. Gates, A. Fauci and the rest of the globalists are proud of you!

            • K. Wayne

              I have no time for people who make false claims and spread false narratives. They need to be woken up.

              My suggestion to Bob was to continue to believe the LIES that are being propagated ….and in doing so ….he/she would be compliant and follow the recommended policy of mass vaccination, just like 95% of the population.
              You obviously don’t read my comments very often or haven’t bothered to understand what my message has been…. and still remains.

              My point, if you didn’t fully grasp it….
              A Vaccine promoted as the cure for COVID-19 will do more harm than good. I envisage that the EVIL Dr and his source of Funds (Gates Foundation) have planned this event as part of Agenda 21 ( a de-population scheme). Event 201 is the warm up for this. Georgia Guidestones are just 40 years old….the real story about this nefarious plan goes back centuries.

              Go back to late FEB and review the comments made on USAWD esp. Wayne Jett interview and the WNW for the prior week. You will see my observations there. I have been ahead of the curve with this for years.
              Greg will attest to this as he has all the records.

  5. Michael Christian Peak

    I really can’t take this virus garbage seriously anymore. The empty hospitals, third world countries not being impacted, overall death rates not changing death certificate manipulation. I work at a large UPS hub in VA and not one of nearly 400 drivers are sick.
    I wore a mask at first and people laughed at me. Now I don’t and people are mad at. I’ve had my fill of the sheep in this country.
    Thankyou for your hard work, Greg. Our forefathers would be proud of you.

    • Tim

      K Wayne, how many patients actually had the flu, but were counted as corona virus casualties? Proof: You hear nothing on the main stream media of flu deaths, zero.

      • K. Wayne

        I can’t explain the lack of reporting of deaths from the Flu.
        No different to the lack of reporting /categorization of deaths from heart attacks or motor vehicle accidents or any other age related illness. I’m not in that conspiracy corner…because its WRONG.

        But from what I do know… that COVID-19 is nothing like the Flu.
        People who die from the Coronavirus suffer oxygen deprivation. It has nothing to do with pneumonia. It has an infection rate that is close to 7 or higher compared with the flu (R0=1.3).
        I look at hard evidence too…..not from China …but from UK, Italy and Spain…..where Doctors and Nurses and other health care workers have openly and repeatedly said that they have never seen anything like this in the entire working life. Can they all be part of a Global Hoax as you suggest in your comment that downplays the severity and existence of a highly contagious bio-weapon designed to KILL humans. The Virus is very real….it is not natural …it is not the Flu… is man-made and regardless of what side of the fence you actually sit….this lock-down could have been avoided and all the American lives spared…had the ChiComs and the WHO not obfuscated the TRUTH.
        There will be a price to pay for the millions of lives affected.
        This is 21 st Century BIO-Warfare……. regardless of which narrative you want to follow.
        Another factor to consider is that deaths from Flu (Influenza A /B) usually start to dissipate from March onwards …EVERY SINGLE YEAR….is that coincidental?

  6. paul ...

    Happy Easter Greg … Wouldn’t it be a miracle if Trump watching tonight’s USA Watchdog … simply decides to … Raise the US Economy from the Dead … Three(3) Days From Now? … it sure would give new meaning the date (April 15)!!!

  7. Lazlo

    Growing up, I’d stay up late on Saturday nights to watch SNL… Now, I stay up late for USAWatchdog’s Early Sunday Release. Happy Easter Patriots!

    • Greg Hunter

      What a complement!! Thank you!!

    • Diane

      Me too

  8. Jeffrey

    Greg, I voted for Trump, and realize he’s a better option than Killary, or Pedo Joe, but I hope you and Kevin understand Trump is far from perfect, and is doing somethings that hurt our country! Printing trillions of dollars, and wanting negative interest rates for starters. Instead of being a perennial Trump cheerleader, can you admit to his faults?

    • Karen Leckey

      Greg Hunter’s is neither Democrat nor Republican, Liberal or Conservative. Hmmmmm…very biased in my opinion.

  9. Maria das Santos

    Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Shipp.No wonder Mr Trump has skipped the MSM and gone to the people via the TWITTERING class.
    American Middle Class 0 – Federal Reserve 6,083,131,000,000.
    This is Britain,a population that is deep in the narrative,
    Meanwhile,Martin Armstrong’s reality check,
    HAPPY EASTER to all.
    Pray for Mr Trump to come to his senses and grab Democracy back from the Communists in the bureaucracy.

    • Keith

      A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of paul. George Shaw.

      • paul ...

        Getting a $1200 dollar check from the Peter-files isn’t going to make me support them!! …

  10. Maria das Santos

  11. Ray

    Outstanding interview……..thank you Greg and Kevin.
    The troubling thing for me here is this:
    Kevin states that it is clear that Obama was complicit in an attempted coup against Trump, but he may never be prosecuted because he is too far up the ladder of the Deep State.
    If that holds true, then what hope is there?
    I mean, seriously……..what hope is there?
    In my view, a nation is only as good as it’s system of justice.
    If upper level Deep State are beyond its’ reach, then ALL IS LOST.
    Sorry to be so negative……..maybe someone here can show me some hope.
    Wishing you all health and happiness this Easter from Canberra, Australia.

    • Self Exiled

      I know, I have watched this process for years. Is has been one of the most difficult things to watch; your country die. I watched students lay on railroad tracks of trop trains in California, students die at Kent State, police beat protesters at the Chicago Democratic convention, on and on. The democrats said ” vote for Goldwater and we will end up in Viet Nam”. Sure enough my father voted for Goldwater and we did. As they say here, joke la. The deep state learned their lessons well, no more Silver Caskets on TV after VietNam War. ”It is because of the Lord’s tender mercy and loving kindness we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not.” Lamentations 3:22 I know two Australians, told them the only thing wrong with Australia was they didn’t kick the British out soon enough. We laughed and so did our British partner.

      • Ray

        Well said SE…..and very much agree!
        Hope you and yours are well.
        Ray, Canberra, Lap Dog Nation.

  12. FC

    This has been decades in the planning and lets not think for one second that what we are experiencing now of low death numbers wasn’t in their plan.
    As we rightfully refute the excessive measures taken by governments based on the numbers, Governments will then partially lift bans and the feeling of confidence will return and that’s when they will release the actual virus that will kill millions, frightening even the non vaccine activists into accepting the Mark of the Beast.

    • J.

      FC, I have thought the same, and mentioned it to a relative a few days ago.

      The authorities, know the vast majority of the general public does not trust government.

      The authorities’ intentionally estimated very high COVID-19 cases/deaths, knowing they would not occur, . . . thereby causing the public to lose even more trust in government, . . . if that is possible.

      Then, the next time, “we the people” . . . for good reason, will not believe them when they release a truly deadly bioweapon, and once again, estimate very high cases/deaths.

      Therefore, “we the people” will not take sufficient precautions, and many will die . . . just as they planned! (I hope and pray . . . I am wrong!)

      The elite/lucifarian/illuminati/satanists, et al, are demonic infested scum, . . . and unless they repent, and are saved by Christ Jesus, they will suffer never-ending damnation!

  13. paul ...

    Here we have the biggest economic crisis in US history … and the Fed is doing more of this … … printing dollars (and handing them out to growing numbers of greedy people) …
    No longer in God … but in “Greed we Trust” …
    Let’s return to doing what God does (to reduce the greed in men’s souls) … “Create” … something of value …
    So why are we growing grass under our feet … every homeowner should turn over his front lawn and begin planting the seeds that will bring their family “real wealth” … by simply doing as God does … “Create” … an abundance of wealth will fill our souls (and the insane greed for fiat paper debt IOU’s will be eliminated)!!!
    PS: “Sweet potatoes” is an excellent first crop to start and its leaves are edible (whereas regular potato leaves are poisonous)!!

    • paul ...

      PS: Asparagus should be your next crop … plant it once and they come up every year … it’s one of the best vegetables for clearing arteries (and it’s full of fiber, minerals, and a long list of vitamins including K, B1, B2, C, and E … asparagus can help to lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots that can cause serious cardiovascular illness … plant them to bring real wealth to you and your family!!

    • J.

      FC, I have thought the same, and mentioned it to a relative a few days ago.

      The authorities, know the vast majority of the general public does not trust government.

      The authorities’ intentionally estimated very high COVID-19 cases/deaths, knowing they would not occur, . . . thereby causing the public to lose even more trust in government, . . . if that is possible.

      Then, the next time, “we the people” . . . for good reason, will not believe them when they release a truly deadly bioweapon, and once again, estimate very high cases/deaths.

      Therefore, “we the people” will not take sufficient precautions, and many will die . . . just as they planned! (I hope and pray . . . I am wrong!)

      The elite/lucifarian/illuminati/satanists, et al, are demonic infested scum, . . . and unless they repent, and are saved by Christ Jesus, they will suffer never-ending damnation!

    • The Impossible Dream

      Paul, what do you make of this?

      • paul ...

        Hillaryous!! … but not as professionally done as Hillary would do!! … Hillary would never mention she had a yen for a “pizza”!!

  14. Chip

    Here’s a note about the low numbers I sent to our Texas Governor Greg. It also got picked up as an article on The Burning Platform… Chip

    • Chip

      Happy Easter!

    • Chip

      OT but I found a great six minute video on the futility of US immigration policy to solve the world poverty situation. Just look at the faces in the audience as the presenter demonstrates the enormity of the problem. I find links to really good material here from many of the commenters and this is a must watch that should be shared as widely as possible. Enjoy and Happy Easter… Chip

  15. K. Wayne

    I would be very interested in hearing K Shipp’s opinion on the veracity of US Intelligence reports and analysis about the China Virus…being such a threat that they referred to the situation as a potential “cataclysmic event,” … far back as Late November 19.
    China needs to be held accountable….and our intelligence needs to prove exactly what China did to the whole Globe.

  16. al

    Yesterday morning I was at the local brand name supermarket, they sell “news”papers. I happen to glance at the magazine shelves I’ve been ignoring for years, and took one good, hard look.
    I couldn’t help noticing that the size of each “news”paper was down to a few sheets. The amount the store holds in stock were less than 5 per “news”paper. This is commerce yelling, “Our readership has dwindled! Our sponsors have left, and no store wants to buy in bulk any more!” This goes for the WSJ, NYT, USA yesterday and all the other failed or failing Enemy Media publications who only survive by the “grace” of lord Soros.
    Communist State Sponsored Enemy Cult Media has DIED!

    I watch President Trump’s briefings not for this virus thing, but for the real news, and lots of it. The same goes for his Rallies.
    As for his Health Team, I can’t stomach D. Brix, she speaks like a 2nd Grade School Teacher.
    As for Fauci (di minghia) AKA: The Garden Gnome with a loaded hypodermic needle in his pocket, he is all for vaccines and rarely concentrates on a cure.
    Like the Federal Reserve, their “models” don’t work, and their supporting entities (WHO) are corrupt. They say things like “we have to look at the models of the models”… TRANSLATION… “OUR MODELS FAILED AND WE ARE JUST GUESSING.”

    Trump (the Boss! the Business Man) WILL NOT up with such failure much longer.

    Excellent interview Greg, as always.
    Happy Easter

  17. Jerry

    People that believe that we are coming back from this planned economic collapse probably believe in the Easter bunny to. There is a much bigger strategy at play than most people are willing to admit.

    I find it interesting that on the heels of the World Economic Forum in Davos, and the second amendment kickback in Virginia, that the coronavirus suddenly appears in China!. This whole thing stinks. What makes it even worse, is that our government was conducting military exercises under the crimson contagion exercise over a year ago.

    I’m waiting to see which side of this globalist plan Donald Trump is on. If the plan involves mandatory testing and vaccinations to return to work we”ll know. Who says that works? China has data that indicates people can be reinfected. Meanwhile the central banks are busy installing world wide digital currency exchange systems into their computers for a reset, while we remain locked down in our homes. Make no mistake. Lucifer is swinging for the fence.

  18. Chip

    No one, including the POTUS, has the right to tell us to stay at home!!! We have God given and Constitutional rights! There is no asterisk in the constitution that says, “in the case of a bogus declared emergency we have the right to suspend your constitutional rights”….!

    If we the people do not stand up for our rights they will vanish! Wake up America!


    • J.

      Chip, I agree with you!

    • FC

      This is what we are up against and yet we allow it to continue, we deserve what we get if we don’t ALL stand shoulder to shoulder and resist.

    • K. Wayne

      We are all being conditioned like animals.
      Stay in your cage and you will be fed and will be allowed to have some daily exercise!!
      It must be fun for the unelected Rulers…to be sitting atop the tree looking down on their playground….observing the countless minions….planning how they will treat them next… to ensure conformity.

      The program continues.

      • Frank D2

        Right you are! Watch this 1 hour video (Out of Shadows) about TPTB who control us thru the media. Kevin Shipp has a significant part in it towards the end. Very illuminating.
        Frank D

      • Self Exiled

        ”Look at the proud; his soul is not right within him, but the just and the righteous man shall live by his faith and in faithfulness.” Habakkuk 2:4

    • JC

      Pitchforks Chip, pitchforks are being sharpened!

      Bob Moriarty:
      Governments always want more and more control over their citizens. Never let a crisis go to waste. But at some point the divide between the 1% and the 99% gets so great that the great unwashed become the great armed and pissed. Am I the only person to hear the sound of pitchforks being sharpened?

      Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates may need to be reminded of the old saying, “Be careful of what you wish for.”

  19. jim

    I Really like kevin , but in your past interviews with him , he listed a whole group of criminal CIA,FBI,CONGRESS, HILLARY,OBAMA, That are going to be prosecuted , and now he says DON`T HOLD YOUR BREATH on them same people . Can you ask him , why he feels differently now ?

  20. al

    If I may please, a positive thought…

    Easter means Spring, Rebirth, Spirituality… We are witnessing the Rebirth of this Nation (and others) to something much better. A reboot mechanism was needed… Kong Flu… (never let a good crisis go to waste for the God’s side)..

    We needed a reset/reboot/SPARK to ignite this reset bomb. BOOM!!! Get the popcorn out and please, think positively, it will soon be over and we’re going to benefit greatly as a people

    > It takes 21 days to break a bad habit … think about that
    > No Mass Shootings
    > School from home = No direct COMMUNIST SCHOOLING bullying our kids
    > Work from home = No traffic jams
    > Better hygiene
    > Beaches and parks are clean
    > Less noise = people will want to hear birds more often than road noise
    > More people saving and storing up for the future
    > Forward thinking precedes Logical thinking = Conservative Constitutional Values
    > Ultimate Economic Freedom (you’ll see)
    BONUS: No air pollution (sorry for the Greta moment there), but it’s a bonus anyway

    This “crisis” will end sooner than we expect, yet it took a situation like this to REBOOT THE WORLD, not just the United States.

    Honestly the deep state lost and our ankle bracelet phones will be locked out of the prying eyes of the corporation and governments, it’s technically possible and being developed. Freedom is back!

    Thanks again Greg
    Happy Easter

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Al!!!! We all Needed that!!

      • Ray

        Agreed……..good stuff Al 😉
        Ray, Canberra, Lap Dog Nation.

  21. Farmer John Maine


    Really appreciate your channel and your reporting style, you bring the truth to the masses. This whole fiasco demonstrates how powerful the media is in ‘thought-shaping’ the country, 90% do not question the narrative. Using buzzwords like ‘social distancing’ they drum this into people’s heads until they’re in a hypnotic state. This reminds me of the narrative right after 911…box cutters…they hate our freedoms…etc.

    I did watch Out of the Shadows last night which was very well produced, it could wake people up to a certain extent, my fear is that a lifetime of media programming is so engrained into people’s minds that the truth is too hard to swallow.

    I work in Healthcare IT and support the nations biggest hospitals as a Level 3 engineer, my company laid off last Wednesday 5% of workforce and cut pay 10-30% of existing employees making over 100K. I was working while a client and wrote some SQL (database) queries to show them that the patient load has been deceased by roughly 30% since the outbreak as compared to last year.

    After witnessing 911 personally I’ve been waiting and prepping for something like this to happen, been learning skills and living off the land for the last 19 years, lost many friendships and family because of my beliefs. I think now the ones that criticized my life-style are having second thoughts. Personally I think we crossed the rubicon now and putting any false hope in the “Q movement is going to hurt our chances to take the Country back due to trusting the plan.

    If you didn’t see this coming then you chances are lessened and you’ll been herded into a camp when your food runs out. If Trump was the real deal he would be sending small farmers all over the country funds to secure the food supply, why this has not been done eludes me as food the the linchpin of society, people become uncivilized when starved.

    We all need to pray to God through Jesus Christ and ask to have our sins cleansed and come back to him for guidance since we fighting a spiritual battle at this point, the evil ones think they have us cornered but are naive thinking that meekness equals weakness, God’s judgement is upon us it’s obvious at this time.

    I pray for you as a watchman you’ve done a great service to your Lord and country men, remember “He has risen” on this most important day of the year. While we might not have the chance at victory in this lifetime perhaps those of us that that are saved will battle this evil with our savior in the heavens.

    God bless you and your family Greg!


    Farmer John Maine

    • Self Exiled

      ”And the troops of heaven, clothed in fine linen dazzling and clean, followed him on white horses.” Revelations 19:14

  22. Roger Stamper


  23. Russ

    Thanks Greg, great information from Kevin Shipp. I wonder where the rest of the intelligence community has been — do they have no good sources within China? Guess not…
    “How China muzzled its Bat Woman: Beijing authorities hushed up the findings of a scientist who unlocked the genetic make-up of the coronavirus within days of the outbreak”

    China knew what was happening in Wuhan and let it run wild. Yes, the Chinese Communist Party is on the hook for the entire COVID-19 debacle.

  24. donna s.

    great wrap up friday and good interview today! I do however disagree with one thing your guest said. He didn’t think getting the number of deaths they originally stated (sooooo wrongly) was deliberate . I think it was absolutely deliberate! NEVER LET A GOOD CRISES GO TO WASTE !!!!! I think they wanted to scare the people to see just how far they could push us and how much we would take, while tanking the economy to hurt Trumps re-election . The president came out this week pretty much saying it is looking like this is winding down and we will be able to stop the lockdowns soon. What did Faucci say? that it is probably not so and we could be doing this for months. What I am reading is Faucci has ties to Bill Gates and there in lies the problem. Both pushing vaccines and Id cards to prove you have been vaccinated with there cocktail of crap.I pray this Easter Sunday that all are well and that more and more people turn to Jesus for the truth.. We are told nothing but lies

  25. donna s.

    I see Paul comment a lot on your site and one thing I often see is his commenting on the price of gold and silver on the national debt clock, so guess this is a question for Paul. Why does the debt clock show gold and silver so much higher? it also shows oil at 64 a barrel right now which is not correct according to what it is selling at today. I have never understood this and wish someone could explain it to me

    • paul ...

      Donna … all the Debt Clock does is calculate the price of gold, silver, oil , etc. based upon the amount of fiat paper money the Fed has already created … for example … say there are 10 gold coins in the world and 10 paper dollars … then the Debt Clock would say that one gold coin is worth one dollar … however if the amount of gold coins remains the same (10) but the Fed (say because of the Corona Virus) prints up an extra 100,000 dollars in the world … the value of one gold coin would then be worth based on the increased fiat (100,000 / 10) 10,000 dollars … that is all the Debt Clock does … it tells you what the value of your gold “should be” based upon the total amount of money the Fed has created … the manipulated price of gold you see in the newspapers is simply a “fake” number … however most people believe what they see in the newspapers … and therefore are easily swindled into selling their gold cheap to the central banksters who are buying it up as fast as JP Morgan is buying silver!! … looking at the Debt Clock right now (April 12, 2020) … … Gold is currently worth $19,465 fiat dollars and Silver is worth $2,348 dollars per ounce … one week ago (April 6, 2020) Gold was worth $17,873 fiat dollars per ounce and Silver $2156 … so you can see the “unrestrained and explosive” magnitude of the Fed’s printing going on right now … the Fed is depreciating the value of our currency at an “explosively exponential” rate … so while the “fake price” you see for gold and silver in the newspaper has remained relatively constant at $1700 for gold and $15.50 for silver over the last week … gold was really moving up (due to the Fed printing like crazy) from $17,873 to $19,465 (up $1,592 fiat dollars in just one week) … and silver is up from $2,156 to $2,348 (up $192 dollars in just one week) … is it any wonder it is hard for us ordinary people to buy gold and silver at the “fake manipulated price” … now say there is a re-set of the financial system and the banksters have to back their fiat currency with gold … they would likely choose to back their fiat with only 40% gold (the Debt Clock assumes a 100% backing) … if such a re-set was done today … it would mean Gold would instantly be re-set to ($19,465 x 40%) … or $7,786 fiat dollars per ounce … and Silver to $939 fiat dollars per ounce!!

  26. Justn Observer

    Greg, Happy Easter ! to you and yours and to those join you here…

  27. Spike4187

    “Because the mainstream media hates Trump and everything he does, they are down playing Hydroxychloroquine and accusing Trump for having blood on his hands for telling people to take it. So, the MSM is joining in the propaganda to keep people from taking a lifesaving drug that is actually saving lives. . . . If anybody has blood on their hands, it’s the MSM because they are so focused on getting Trump that they let this pandemic happen and spun the Chinese propaganda.”
    Same old story on a different day. The baby butchering demoncraps and their propaganda wing always accusing Trump of things that they do everyday. American people better wise up………….lets hope the damage to the economy is not as bad as they are saying and we can recover. The democrats and the republicans who don’t stand up against these traitors to America need to pay for their treachery.

  28. Riverman

    Greg in a time when many Americans will question where their next house, car , health insurance payment will come from. The thought of spending pay check to pay check is no longer in view. The unfortunate reality of having nothing to lose will become common place in the fore front of average Americans psyche. The leadership of this country would be advised to take notice should this begins to spread. In the words of Kris Kristofferson ( Freedom just another word for nothing left to lose). It may be time for those in power to recognize who elected them and not those who bought favor during the elections.

    • paul ...

      No worry’s Riverman … we are on a ride … “Wee America” (Weimar for short) … the Fed has added $10 Trillion to the National Debt … “you don’t have to be an Einstein to figure out you can’t willy-nilly print-up $10 or $20 Trillion dollars without eroding the value of the currency” and pushing the price of Gold and Silver higher!!!

      • paul ...

        Stan … remember I said Gold would be $1800 by April … well April is not over yet!!! … I also said Gold would be $2,500 by summer!! … as I recall you said: “If Gold goes to $2500 by summer I’ll jump off the George Washington bridge from the upper level” … well Stan … I hope you bought yourself a parachute before the lockdown!!

        • paul ...

          Stan … Actually … if you wanted to buy a 1 oz Canadian Gold Maple Leaf today 04/13/20 … the Buy Price is as follows:
          By Wire/Check: $1,870.10
          By Bitcoin: $1,888.80
          By Credit Card/PayPal: $1,944.90

        • Stan

          Paul: You’ll see $933 before you see $1800

          • Greg Hunter

            And we would believe you why? All your other great calls?

          • paul ...

            Stan … I assume you are talking about silver!!

  29. DanielSong39

    Happy Easter! I thank God for both His mercy and His judgment. It will come soon.

  30. David


    So now you could say that Dr. Fauci, Birx , the Shadow Government and the MSM have blood on their hands!!
    The evidence is staring glaringly at us in the face.
    When something works, (hydroxychloroquine), use it till something better comes along, dah!
    A shame they are getting away with murder, not just in lives from the virus but from the stresses ignited by the economic crises and all the lives obstructed and ruined from destroying their businesses.
    The Truth is, those groups don’t care. They want to control the USA and Countries across the Globe and continue to destroy Constitutional Liberties of the USA!
    They don’t want Trump as President!
    What a disgrace!!!!
    Long Live Freedom and Liberties contained in the Constitution of the USA!
    May the Glory of the Lord Shine Brightly over the USA and the Earth and may we say Thank you Lord!
    These people need the DOJ to implement the consequences for this plan-Demic!!

  31. Hilde

    8 scientists in Norway proves with real numbers that much less people in Norway, Sweden and Denmark have died from Covid -19 than from flu. Headlines in Norway. You’ll have to use google translate, unfortunately. Partly translated here, rest on the link:

    “ In order to assess the most stringent measures we still have, we must have an idea of ​​how many we can save.

    According to eight researchers at Oslo University Hospital, the University of Oslo and the University of Tromsø.

    The researchers have studied coronary infection and deaths in Norway, Sweden and Denmark from mid-February to the first part of April. They then compared this to how many people die because of normal flu.

    They term the death toll after the corona virus as “low” for the three countries. They point out that Sweden also had less stringent measures than Norway and Denmark for a long time.

    In the last four influenza seasons, an average of 21 people died daily in Norway from influenza, 23 in Denmark and 53 in Sweden, according to the researchers.
    During the corona period the researchers have studied (15 February – 9 April), an average of 1.9 people have died daily in Norway from covid-19, 4.4 in Denmark and 8.4 people in Sweden.
    – The figures for Norway, Sweden and Denmark show that all three countries have low mortality compared to other countries in Europe. As it seems today, the strict measures in Norway have had little effect, especially if we compare with Sweden, claims scientist Mette Kalager. She makes a statement on behalf of the research team.”

  32. Hilde

    In case anyone would like to read more articles from the eight scientists, these are the names and info:
    (Again, google translate would probably have to be used on most articles.)

    Mette Kalager, physician and professor in the clinical effect research group at Oslo University Hospital and the University of Oslo.

    Ørjan Olsvik, physician and professor of microbiology at the Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Norwegian Arctic University, Tromsø.

    Michael Bretthauer, physician and professor in the clinical effect research group at the University of Oslo and senior consultant at the Department of Transplant Medicine, Oslo University Hospital.

    Magnus Løberg, physician and associate professor in the clinical impact research group, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital.

    Erle Refsum, physician and postdoctoral fellow in the clinical impact research group, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital.

    Lise M. Helsingen, physician and doctoral fellow in the Clinical Impact Research group at Oslo University Hospital and the University of Oslo.

    Frederik Emil Juul, physician and doctoral fellow in the clinical effect research group, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital.

    Dagrun Kyte Gjøstein, social anthropologist and doctoral fellow in the clinical impact research group, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital.

  33. Hilde

    Italy has the highest rate of people in Europe with antibiotics resistance. This means antibiotics does not work, when needed to work the most. One gives antibiotics when put in respirator.
    The main reason for antibiotics resistance in a body is that it’s been handed out to freely to people.
    That, in addition to them having the largest population of elderly in Europe, explains a lot of the high death toll from Covid-19 in Italy. On top of it, with at least 100.000 Chinese workers in Italy with direct flights Italy to/from Wuhan, the explanation is clear.

    • Donna

      Great comments, Hilde, thanks!

      • Hilde

        Thanks for the kind words, Donna!:-)
        I love Greg Hunters website, it’s got to be THE best and definitely most interesting one around at all. Both he and his guests are beyond brilliant, imo. Beats Zerohedge by miles and miles.

  34. Spike4187

    Looks like the N.W.O has infected all faucets of American Government. I can understand why Trump is frustrated and he most likely has no idea who he can trust. When the baby butchers eventually take over, America will be finished.

    • Occasnltrvlr

      No wonder we’re all feeling so drained.

      • iwitness02


      • JC

        Occasnltrvlr04, excellent. 🚿

  35. David L

    Greg, Great reporting, thanks! Hey, please go to the U.S. Debt Clock! Please report on the disparity between the Comex and the Debt Clock prices of Gold and Silver! By the end of April, Gold will exceed $20,000 and Silver will be over $2,500 per ounce! The Comex has No Metal. We need some experts how we transition from the Lies to the Realities! Thanks, David

    • Kevin S.

      It seems you are making a big deal out of what the U.S. Debt Clock says about the price of gold and silver. The U.S. Debt Clock does not determine what the value of gold and silver should be. As it is with anything, the fair market value is the price at which property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller. For example, you might think your house is worth $1,000,000 and your real estate agent may tell you that, but if you can only sell it for $500,000, then that is what your house is really worth. Right now the value of an ounce of gold today in the U.S. is around $1850 and for silver it is around $22.00. Nobody today is paying $3,000 for a common 1 ounce gold bar simply because it is not worth that much. It does not matter what the spot price is, or what the futures markets say it is, or what you or I think gold and silver should be at. The U.S. Debt Clock is really meaningless when it comes to determining what gold and silver are worth today. The same is true of oil. A barrel of oil is not worth $65 toady as stated by the dollar to oil ratio of the U.S. Debt Clock, is it? Of course not. A barrel of oil today is worth only about $25.00.

      • paul ...

        Kevin … Gold’s market price depends upon what is real and what is pseudo … a manipulated price … or a logically calculated price!!!

        • Kevin S.

          Yes. And the real price is as I have stated. Not that silly debt clock price.

          • paul ...

            Kevin … The Debt Clock price is the logically calculated price!!

  36. Mike

    Will they get to the level of Obama? I want to see them go even higher and get to the level of George Soros.

  37. Madi

    Excellent documentary about the controlled media.
    Kevin Shipp and you Greg are doing a great service to society.
    God is in control

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Madi!

  38. Cloyd kasper

    We’ve all been tricked what’s the next poop show

  39. Richard

    As I understand this interview the rule of law does not exist anymore and thus our nation as it was put together no longer exist. They are now using in the name of national security we can not tell you anything to protect the nation. However this is actual destroying the nation. I hope I am wrong.

  40. Trurl

    Hi Greg —

    Long time viewer here.

    Suggestion: please create a ‘step 0’ intro course suggesting and exploring some changes people may want to consider in their lives. Your regular viewers sorta make this an echo chamber, but a real basic video is something we could share with our family and friends, many of whom haven’t heard this line of reasoning before…

    • GVB

      Hi Trurl

      Please be advised that step (1) is the Four Horsemen Documentary ( and step (2) is the documentary in this video “Out Of The Shados” ( Step (3) you want to consider, is to share your family and friends with the following URL of Max Keiser and George Galloway doing a seminar “FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH” (

      Best of Luck

      • GVB

        Also consider reading “Another’s’ comepndium here ( It actually proves the manipulation that has been going on for decades.

        What else can I doooo?

        • GVB

          I’ve been too quiet for too much time. Here’s an excerpt of the compendium. Not my words, but “His”. You know, patriots have existed for a long time… That’s just true.

          One may not
          “accept” the conclusions, but they can, “mentally experience the outcome” of the future. For this
          end I will now offer real direction. That of Why, When and How Much! I do this for those of “Family
          and Country”, and persons of Honor. Those that live to help, not take, in times of change! Some
          say this knowledge should not be in a “public way”, but I say secrets are for fools.

  41. Mike

    Why no mention of Mr. Shipp’s movie “Out of shadows”. It’s an important video. Very eye opening. Love the way it starts and leads in to Liz Crokin , His movie has a lot of the same info as “the fall of the cabal “ Found on in the search box , he just didn’t go as deeply . The same search box will find ms Crokin, multiple vids from her.
    I have great respect for all the people that risk their lives and lively hood to put this info in front of the country. Mr. Shipp is to be commended for having the courage to come out against these dark forces. Personally I have received so much grief and ridicule for not buying into the virus scam Demic and fear that now I tell people I know, “that apologies will be accepted at a later date, as I am a very forgiving person”!
    The info coming out in these videos is going to allow the people to see just how much evil. There is in our world. I thank you for bringing them into view. You sir are appreciated. Mike

    • Greg Hunter

      Look in the after the interview section and there is a link.

  42. Rick Derby

    My wife’s father passed away on Monday. He was 91, and gratefully died from natural causes and did not suffer the horrors of Covid – 19. . He lived on 88th Street and Amsterdam Avenue in NYC. Around mid March my wife and I left NYC to work remotely in Western Massachusetts. However, it was extremely challenging for my wife to not go to her father’s side. She was about to go get in the car and return to Manhattan when she got the call that he had passed. My wife’s mother had passed 3 years ago, so she had already walked the path through the various city agencies and funeral home. As sad as it was to lose her father, and not be there, the nightmare began when she had to negotiate through the over taxed city agencies. None of the funeral homes could cremate the remains for at least 30 days. Her exchanges with the ME office were the most severe. They said if the body was not claimed within 6 days, “they would bury it in a field.” We later saw a NY Post story of where the city is burying bodies. Ultimately the ME office changed and is allowing the remains to be picked up in 14 days. She asked where the remains are being stored. They said, “the Manhattan Morgue.” Which I suspect is a giant truck bed. We even tried a funeral home two hours north of NYC, in Hudson, NY. The said they were already deluged with bodies from NYC and would not accept her father. Ultimately a funeral home in the Village would embalm her father and cremate him when basically it was his turn in line. I appreciate there is a lot of “fake news” out there, but this account is our personal experience. We are living through this. It is not an opinion. Or something we heard or read. And I personally know you Greg, through our mutual friend Katina. So you know I am a trusted commenter and not an individual repeating hear say. What I’d like to emphasize is that a lot of people are dying, and in numbers that are taxing the system in ways that we have not experienced in my lifetime. I wish for readers and guests to realize that whether this is a “pandemic” or not, many are losing family members. And it seems many more will. I think the role of the media is to help people understand the seriousness of the virus, and refrain from social gathering. We have no cure or treatment. Social distancing seems our only defense at the moment. I know there are those who think prayer is enough, but the good Lord gave us brains to use too. So let’s use them. From our personal experience, this danger of this virus was not overstated. This past week was an unimaginable nightmare.

  43. paul ...

    You know … we have Marxist politicians going around lecturing about the benefits of Socialism and we have Marxists in our “Institutions” teaching our children how Capitalism “is a failed system” … and how Socialism is the answer … we send our children to school so they will “use their God given brains” … instead they are brainwashed by commie Marxist psychopaths in these Institutions “that Capitalism has failed” (when we are actually living under a Socialist/Commie/Marxist/Fascist Economic System “where no one is allowed to fail”) … and the students love it … as they are given free checks, their debts forgiven and they always get passing grades … they are never allowed to fail just like the banks and corporations!! … if we really want to change “this failed commie system we currently live under” we should seriously think about going back to a system that works “Capitalism” … as it throws out the losers!!!

    • Jose Sanchez Gallardo

      Communists are the far left they believe in fascism and how one must sacrifice themselves for the economy and they strongly oppose individualism.

  44. Open Eyes

    Happy Easter!

    Look up Jennifer Zeng on Twitter for what’s really going on in China. I think she’s a journalist with Epoch News and New Tang Dynasty TV.

    It looks like Guangdong and Sichuan provinces are having Wuhan-400 outbreaks. It’s not over in Wuhan either.

    • donna s.

      I had left a comment earlier and was hoping you might help me understand this as I have seen you comment on it in the past. Why does the national debt clock show gold and silver at such high levels? It also shows oil at 60something a barrel which is way higher than it is being sold for. If you have any insight to this I would appreciate it if you could share this with me as it has been a question in my mind for sometime. Thanks for your comments

      • paul ...

        Donna … all the Debt Clock does is calculate the price of gold, silver, oil , etc. based upon the amount of fiat paper money the Fed has already created … for example … say there are 10 gold coins in the world and 10 paper dollars … then the Debt Clock would say that one gold coin is worth one dollar … however if the amount of gold coins remains the same (10) but the Fed (say because of the Corona Virus) prints up an extra 100,000 dollars in the world … the value of one gold coin would then be worth based on the increased fiat (100,000 / 10) 10,000 dollars … that is all the Debt Clock does … it tells you what the value of your gold “should be” based upon the total amount of money the Fed has created … the manipulated price of gold you see in the newspapers is simply a “fake” number … however most people believe what they see in the newspapers … and therefore are easily swindled into selling their gold cheap to the central banksters who are buying it up as fast as JP Morgan is buying silver!! … looking at the Debt Clock right now (April 12, 2020) … … Gold is currently worth $19,465 fiat dollars and Silver is worth $2,348 dollars per ounce … one week ago (April 6, 2020) Gold was worth $17,873 fiat dollars per ounce and Silver $1662 … so you can see the “unrestrained and explosive” magnitude of the Fed’s printing going on right now … the Fed is depreciating the value of our currency at an “explosively exponential” rate … so while the “fake price” you see for gold and silver in the newspaper has remained relatively constant at $1700 for gold and $15.50 for silver over the last week … gold was really moving up (due to the Fed printing like crazy) from $17,873 to $19,465 (up $1,592 fiat dollars in just one week) … and silver is up from $2,156 to $2,348 (up $192 dollars in just one week) … is it any wonder it is hard for us ordinary people to buy gold and silver at the “fake manipulated price” … now say there is a re-set of the financial system and the banksters have to back their fiat currency with gold … they would likely choose to back their fiat with only 40% gold (the Debt Clock assumes a 100% backing) … if such a re-set was done today … it would mean Gold would instantly be re-set to ($19,465 x 40%) … or $7,786 fiat dollars per ounce … and Silver to $939 fiat dollars per ounce!!

        • paul ...

          err … [ one week ago (April 6, 2020) Gold was worth $17,873 fiat dollars per ounce and Silver $1662 ] …

          should read … [ one week ago (April 6, 2020) Gold was worth $17,873 fiat dollars per ounce and Silver $2156 ]

          • donna s.

            thank you so much for answering this. I finally understand the huge difference. much appreciated.

        • Kevin S.


          What the debt clock says is really meaningless. If a re-set was done today, gold and silver may be higher than what the debt clock says or it may be much lower. I would say very much lower at least for silver. No one today would pay anything close to what the debt clock says for one ounce of silver. Right now the price of gold is moving higher and the price of silver and other industrial commodities are moving lower for the right reasons. The price for the most part reflect supply and demand. Gold is currently worth about $1850-$1900 an ounce and silver about $23.00. In general, that is what people are willing to pay with online dealers, at your local coin dealer and on eBay in a free market environment.

          • paul ...

            Just wait Kevin … the fuse is lit and heading for the Powder Keg!!

            • Kevin S.

              Yes, but how long the is fuse no one knows.

    • dd

      The Epoch Time, Shen Yun Dancers, and Jennifer Zeng are Fa Lun Gong, based in the New York City. Disinformation were manufactured and produced in the US by this cult. A picture with no beginning and no end, can provide whatever made up story that they want to lead your nose to.
      You can believe what ever you want but a Christian should not stir up hatred between people, races and nations.
      Do you have the courage to face your Lord Almighty that knows your every thoughts and deeds?

      • William Stanley

        RE: “. . . a Christian should not stir up hatred between people, races and nations.”
        It looks to me that you are doing precisely that . . . except that you’re not a Christian.

        • dd

          Thank you for your reply.
          I do wish you the best and get a A+ report card from Him.

        • Charles H


          Comrade dd only understands blind party-line defense, within a limited toolbox of intimidation. He can’t understand that he makes no sense. And as you pointed out: he has no grasp of Christianity. If Ridicule is the emblem of a poor intellect: then Intimidation is the banner of an imprisoned or poisoned mind.

          • dd

            I do realize that I am not smart.
            It is my sincere wish for William.
            Why do you twist my words into intimidation.

            It is my constant wish that the sick, the old and the orphans are cared for, be on the earth or in the universe.

            I mean no harm.

      • Open Eyes

        Yes. The Roman Catholic Church has opposed Communism since it’s beginning. It is right and just to fight evil. Try reading The Old Testament.

        “Arise, O Lord and let Thine enemies be scattered and let those that hate Thee flee before Thy face!!!”

      • Open Eyes

        Proverbs 6:16-19 New King James Version (NKJV)

        These six things the Lord hates,

        Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:

        A proud look,

        A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,

        A heart that devises wicked plans,

        Feet that are swift in running to evil,

        A false witness who speaks lies,

        And one who sows discord among brethren.

      • Open Eyes

        So the Tiananmen Square Massacre was disinformation, as well as organ harvesting and imprisoning a million Uighurs… to go along with destroying Christian churches and killing millions of people in China?

        Plus, destroying Tibet and Tibetans?

        Any lover of communism is an evil follower of satan. Period.

        • dd

          Please be at ease, gentlemen.
          It was with good intention that I wanted to remind you that attachment to the mundane world does not lead one to the heaven. One’s words and actions follow one like a shadow
          and bind one to the earth.
          If one truly carries out the Bible’s teaching, there is no need of fear. You do not need to jump up and down to accuse me being a satan and defending a cult. The instigator of all events you mentioned is plain in sight.
          I am a senior old sweet lady. I do not harm an ant or a fly.

          Other people or nation’s words and actions are other’s fruit to
          bear, bitter or sweet.

          I want to apologise for the emotions and animosity that I have caused here. May you truly listen to the Lord and act accordingly. Love thy neighbor.
          It has been fun.

          • Open Eyes

            You’re also a lying Communist. Why would a “senior old sweet lady” write this:

            The Epoch Time, Shen Yun Dancers, and Jennifer Zeng are Fa Lun Gong, based in the New York City. Disinformation were manufactured and produced in the US by this cult. A picture with no beginning and no end, can provide whatever made up story that they want to lead your nose to.

            Get your pay-check commie troll.


            Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima against Communism

            O Queen of Fatima, in this hour of so many dangers for the Americas and the world, turn away from us the scourge of atheistic communism. Do not allow communist regimes, which deny all the Commandments of God, to be established in the many countries born and formed under the sacred influence of Christian civilization. Therefore, O Lady, nourish and intensify the rejection which communism encounters at all levels of society in the Americas.


            • eddiemd

              Who is this lady of fatima? I cannot find reference to this entity in the Holy Bible?

              Is it the queen of heaven mentioned by the prophet Jeremiah? The one that Jeremiah warned against.

              • Open Eyes

                Mary the Mother of Jesus appearing in Fatima, Portugal.

                Now tell me the apostolic succession of Martin Luther.

                • eddiemd

                  Mary the mother of Jesus? Appearing in Fatima, Portugal? Really?
                  I have heard of these strange ideas. Is that something like praying to wooden idols like statues?
                  Or bowing to a man called the pope?

          • Open Eyes

            Plus, your English sucks!

        • Open Eyes

          Mao’s Great Leap Forward ‘killed 45 million in four years
          * Friday 17 September 2010 11:23

          Mao Zedong, founder of the People’s Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history, an expert who had unprecedented access to official Communist Party archives said yesterday.

          Speaking at The Independent Woodstock Literary Festival, Frank Dikötter, a Hong Kong-based historian, said he found that during the time that Mao was enforcing the Great Leap Forward in 1958, in an effort to catch up with the economy of the Western world, he was responsible for overseeing “one of the worst catastrophes the world has ever known”.

          Mr Dikötter, who has been studying Chinese rural history from 1958 to 1962, when the nation was facing a famine, compared the systematic torture, brutality, starvation and killing of Chinese peasants to the Second World War in its magnitude. At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years; the worldwide death toll of the Second World War was 55 million.

          Mr Dikötter is the only author to have delved into the Chinese archives since they were reopened four years ago. He argued that this devastating period of history – which has until now remained hidden – has international resonance. “It ranks alongside the gulags and the Holocaust as one of the three greatest events of the 20th century…. It was like [the Cambodian communist dictator] Pol Pot’s genocide multiplied 20 times over,” he said.

          Between 1958 and 1962, a war raged between the peasants and the state; it was a period when a third of all homes in China were destroyed to produce fertiliser and when the nation descended into famine and starvation, Mr Dikötter said.

          His book, Mao’s Great Famine; The Story of China’s Most Devastating Catastrophe, reveals that while this is a part of history that has been “quite forgotten” in the official memory of the People’s Republic of China, there was a “staggering degree of violence” that was, remarkably, carefully catalogued in Public Security Bureau reports, which featured among the provincial archives he studied. In them, he found that the members of the rural farming communities were seen by the Party merely as “digits”, or a faceless workforce. For those who committed any acts of disobedience, however minor, the punishments were huge.

          State retribution for tiny thefts, such as stealing a potato, even by a child, would include being tied up and thrown into a pond; parents were forced to bury their children alive or were doused in excrement and urine, others were set alight, or had a nose or ear cut off. One record shows how a man was branded with hot metal. People were forced to work naked in the middle of winter; 80 per cent of all the villagers in one region of a quarter of a million Chinese were banned from the official canteen because they were too old or ill to be effective workers, so were deliberately starved to death.

          Mr Dikötter said that he was once again examining the Party’s archives for his next book, The Tragedy of Liberation, which will deal with the bloody advent of Communism in China from 1944 to 1957.

          He said the archives were already illuminating the extent of the atrocities of the period; one piece of evidence revealed that 13,000 opponents of the new regime were killed in one region alone, in just three weeks. “We know the outline of what went on but I will be looking into precisely what happened in this period, how it happened, and the human experiences behind the history,” he said.

          Mr Dikötter, who teaches at the University of Hong Kong, said while it was difficult for any historian in China to write books that are critical of Mao, he felt he could not collude with the “conspiracy of silence” in what the Chinese rural community had suffered in recent history.

          • dd

            You are a very negative entity.
            It is very strange that you have such tremendous hatred in your heart.

            It is a vicious cycle. lives taken without consent and came back to do the same to others.

            I wish you the best.

            English is not my first language and as I have stated before that I know I am not street smart.
            I should have adhered to SILENCE IS GOLDEN.
            Some will understand but your heart is closed.

            • Charles H


              No. No. And no.

              The question to answer is: Why would a harmless old lady respond SPECIFICALLY to identify sublets as sources of Fa Lun Gong (Falun Gong)? Because “she” is looking.

              And why would said ‘harmless old, sweet lady” demean the character of such organization as being a cult? Because it is a China centric and China originated spiritual belief system that recognizes through Nature that there are ‘natural rights’: and that has earned the solid opposition of the CCP – which does NOT allow or recognize EITHER religious OR moral expression of rights beyond the Party Line. Fa Lun Gong is the enemy of the State of China: and in so being – it is to challenged wherever it is found.

              And the inference, that serves as an accusation of “hatred” is nothing but “code speak” to cast dispersions of bad character at those who would respond, refuse, or rebuke your assertions.

              Open Eyes is correct: you are a lying communist troll – hiding behind a facade. How many like you are assigned to monitor and ‘fight against’ sources or comments that are unfavorable to China’s CCP on sites like this??
              No doubt you will remain anonymous, and change your ‘ID’ for the next piece in support of the CCP. But what will not change is the style and substance of your “commenting” here.
              Also – the SARS-COV-2 “China Virus” will be written into History – just as clearly as the other atrocities. Biological Chernobyl

              • William Stanley

                RE: “But what will not change is the style and substance of your “commenting” here.”
                How true!
                It’s also fascinating how transparent and counter-productive, his lies are. Still, it is useful to explicitly point them out and analyze them publicly.
                Thanks, Charles!
                Thanks, also, to “dd” for (inadvertently) providing the platform for exposing the nature, methodology, and toxicity of his Communist ideology.

                • dd

                  Greg found his first China paid troll on his Friday report.

                  Greg never called me by any name in the last 10 years.

                  We are at the great fianle.
                  We are already in the middle of the final judgement day.
                  Whether you qualify to see Jesus or not is another soul searching question.

                  Quoting the bible and attacking others do not lead you to any where.

                  You are wasting your time to comment on politics.
                  You are only exposing your own mindset.

                  You can not see that we are in the process of this final settlement of all accounts. Accounts of debts of lives. Accounts of actions taken. Accounts of words spoken. Accounts of mind of thoughts.

                  Like Jerry said to get one’s spirit house in order or you will miss the ride.

                  “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself”

                  Ask your self if you truly follow the above words.

                  At this very critical moment, you are still hinged on promoting hatred.

                  ps: I do not change ID like Open Eyes. Fatima Matter for different purpose and different agenda.

                  • Greg Hunter

                    So anyone who disagrees with you is “Unhinged and promoting hatred”!!! Stop the “progressive tactics and go away. We both know you believe in the black hole of nothing ness. If you did you would be mentioning Jesus our Lord and Savior. This is not unhinged and hatred it’s just the way it is. Please just go away like you said you were going top do and I hope you seek Christ.

                • dd

                  I am from the land of Canuk.
                  It is fun to see how you gentlemen can conjure up so many identities for me.

                  Here I have tried my best and hoped that people will find their humane side of selves.

                  It is mission impossible, therefore, good bye and fare well.

  45. Mike

    Ever been to George news ?

  46. Rodney

    Not intentional misnumbering…. FAUCT BIRX all part of Gates /Bloomberg /who/ rothschilds CON to gain world power and vaccinate and cripple the world, and to say these inhuman’s dont mean any harm.. JEEZ,
    Gates has used his first Vaccine for this CON in Africa (as always) and the first 7 kids injected with it dies almost straight away…
    THIS GATES IS EVIL, as all his family were Eugenics who want the guide stone to be true..

  47. tim mcgraw

    I just read the preamble to the interview and agree with everything in it. We’ve all known that the MSM has been spouting propaganda and lies for years, but we certainly didn’t predict that it would actually try and destroy the USA and Western Civilization.
    Government institutions have failed us over and over. They serve someone else.
    When the war comes, how good is the US Military really?
    I guess we’ll find out.
    Happy Easter. There’s a good article on the Shroud of Turin at the Lew Rockwell site today.

    • Greg Hunter

      There is always much more in the video. Enjoy and thanks for your comment and support!!

  48. iwitness02

    A visual sighting of justice has been very elusive. Perhaps it will come into focus.
    That would make for a Happy Easter, all by itself.
    The Lamb is risen.

  49. Jeffrey

    Trump will soon show whose side he’s on. If he allows more mandates ie. forced vaccination, 666 chips, more money printing, negative interest rates, longer lock downs, and no prosecutions – looks like another vote in November for the lesser of two evils!

  50. Bill B

    One of out modern day Prophets, John Paul Jackson, once proclaimed that there will be a world wide epidemic. However, there would be another world wide virus which will be worse than the first. Maybe our President is aware, and is now stockpiling those medicines and supplies that will be needed in the future.

  51. Auntie Seize

    Epstein is most likely in either the Witness Protection Program, or he’s Livin’ Large in the land of his Mossad backers and handlers, Israel. There are simply too many unexplainable “accidents” and “coincidences” in the preposterous account of his alleged murder, that being spirited away to another locale explains them all.
    Why is Ghislaine Maxwell still running around free as a bird and not being held for questioning at the very least? The so called “murder” is the plausible denial that distracts away from what’s really going on.

  52. Rock

    Thank you Greg for yet another great interview with Kevin.
    Can someone on this board tell us why President Trump is not standing in front of the Presidential Seal of the United States anymore when he addresses the nation on the status of things? What is the plausible explanation for this unusual thing?

  53. Ronnie Bell

    Explosive Report: Wuhan Biolab Captured Bats From Caves Traced To COVID-19 Outbreak, Had US Funding

    USA FUNDING….funny that. From China flu to Possibly US flu or the good old CIA FLU.
    Can’t beat China economically.
    Can’t use the carries within 1000kms
    Can’t stop Chinese hypersonic missiles
    Can’t beat China Military unless they unleash ww3 nuke war. ( assuming China does not take out the West Coast.
    The flu hysteria is being used to collapse the US dollar and destroy an evil empire.
    Kennedy tried :his brother Bobby tried. Nixon Was destroyed by a sting op for offering China peace. (You cannot whack too many in a row…Tony Soprano 101)
    God all ways uses evil to destroy evil….no matter who’s flag the evil belongs.
    Jonathan Cahn needs to be back on to tell us all ,….one more time, what is really going on.
    Greg take the red white a blue blinkers off. We live in historic times. Mid April is the return of the free market Gold Standard and end of the petrodollar fix…well that’s my guess any road. Silver coins to be the money in your pocket.
    My father was a disgusting alcoholic. At discovering it at 35 years of age was a horrifying shock for me.
    Disbelief, shame and a sense of betray was devastating. I ran away from everything and everyone. Because I could not handle it.
    America will share my sad past.

    • Mike R

      This DID NOT come from bats. Sheesh.

  54. J.

    Greg, just want to say Thank You, and I appreciate all your hard work, and dedication!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks J.!

  55. Mimi

    Greg–Happy Easter——-watch you always—————I think—
    China did this virus on purpose—along with the Dems. & deep state—think about it—
    They made this virus—they knew it was communicable –THEY LIED ABOUT IT—
    They went ahead and had their New Year celebrations to spread it—
    Then sent 700,000 people around the world to infect as many as possible!
    They wanted the world to get this virus so countries would shut down–economies would be ruined and they’d be # 1—and they couldn’t just send this to the US, that was the real target–that would look too fishy!

    The Dems worked with China to do this to get to Trump—it’s just that simple—the only reason they hate him is he won in ’16 and ruined their plans–they tried everything else—nothing else worked so lets kill a bunch of people and blame him—maybe that will work!
    Sorry Dems—not even this is going to take him down—just you guys and China!
    Drs. Fouci and Burks/Burx? need to be benched as they are Dems.—Dr. Fouci–why not try hydoroxychloroquine—it’s only been used for 65 years—whatch gotta loose?

  56. Mike R

    Many small and medium size businesses will simply go under. They cant take on any more debt. Theyve had zero cash flow going on months now. they all would need major cash infusions, probably 6 months worth to cover all rent, payrolls, inventory etc, and all of that forgiven at year end, to have any chance. multiple supply chains are now broken and could take 12 to 18 months in some cases to repair or replace.

    They’ve now scared the crap out of consumers so badly, that it could take 18 months to 2 years for many to return like they did, depending on the business. Who will now go to movies, restaurants, gyms, coffee shops, book stores, retail chains, like they did before and not worry about still getting this crap ??? Sure masks will be worn, but hand shakes are gone, and people will be paranoid at the slightest breath on them, and run for the hills when someone coughs, or perhaps even start a fight if someone gets pissed for being coughed or sneezed on. Who is going to want to go to hi rise office buildings, and be on the same elevator with a group of others ? Mass transit with people on top of each other ??? no way. This is going to be way worse than 9/11, with permanent scars.

    More rights and civil liberties will no doubt be stripped away. You’ll need health certificates to get re-employed, or be spyed on by Apps that will track your contacts, and register whether you had anti body tests, maybe even twice a day temp checks. Its gonna be beyond Orweillian. Its now totally Darwinian and survival of not just the fittest, but the most aggressive in terms of self defense and security with armor. Prepping will take on an entirely new level, with pressurized moon suits, that will lock out disease, or new types of helmets, with oxygen tanks, and all forms of new stylized PPE.
    You can kiss any school good bye for the rest of semester as neither teachers nor students will risk going back, until all sorts of new regimes are established, and it may not re-start in the fall, if the waves they are mentioning return with a vengeance. See nobody really knows.

    Many types of industries may entirely go under never to be seen again. Are you going to go back to do group yoga, or risk going to the gym that was already infested with microbes, germs,many viruses, MRSA, and now one that can kill you quickly where spreaders are asymptomatic ? What about salons and haircuts ? This stuff sticks to hair. Is your stylist going to permanently wear a mask, or ask to see your ID with anti-body testing, before she/he will cut your hair ?

    This aint going back to the way it was. Remember pre-TSA , and how you could skate through an airport ? Well multiply that times 10, across entire industries, in terms of how freedoms will be stripped entirely. This had to be man made. It had to be intentional. Nature would never create something this evil, with such a spread and no symptoms, and wide variance of effects.

    • paul ...

      And Mike … how will boys and girls meet? … can’t go dancing at discotheque’s any longer … marriages will be few and far between … demographics will collapse … and we will have even more Fed money “for fewer people” … even though everyone will be a millionaire … they will be standing on a bread line looking for a handout!!!

      • Occasnltrvlr

        “Discotheque”…, wow.

    • Susan

      Mike R. it is the same as 911 and we will lose the same amount or much more of our freedoms. Second verse, same as the first…….

  57. JC

    Hal Turner:
    A person need not be a Bible Thumper to clearly see that many of the strange things taking place recently, fit events describes in the Book of Revelations, the final book in the Bible.

    Given the fact that COVID-19 is presently a “plague” attacking the human race, gigantic swarms of locusts are a “pestilence” ravaging huge portions of entire countries from Africa to the Middle East, “earthquakes” are taking place in areas where they generally do not, and now “volcanoes” all over the planet are erupting, I think it might be a good guess that something really big is going on. Something Biblical. Perhaps the kind of things that make folks maybe want to pay attention and get right with God.

  58. Hilde

    That was a really great interview. Spot on .
    Shipp has so much integrity and honesty. What a true hero and patriot.

  59. Coalburner

    The second time through I realized you guys were probably right. But one thing is that Barr and his Justice will delay to see if Trump gets re-elected. If he loses, nothing at all will happen. Maybe if he is elected one or some will go to jail. Second point forget Epstein, Trump has to get those people who were after him one way or another or his family may turn into the Kennedys’. What family has the disasters or is targeted as much hteir clan! Some of these people have to be eliminated, disappeared or something or the Deep State will hack the Trumps to pieces when he is no longer in power. I believe Obama fears Trump and that is why he is so quiet.

  60. paul ...

    Bank of America is saying “world economies will re-open to a greatly diminished demand environment … with high saving rates … and very low discretionary spending … arguing for a U-shaped recovery (rather then a V shaped recovery)” … … “meaning the yield curve will become frozen … inflationary imbalances will build up … leading to asset price hyper-inflation … and a soaring gold price”!!!

  61. paul ...

    Is a Debt Jubilee coming?? … Pope Francis on Easter Sunday morning said the debt burden on the most impoverished countries should be forgiven (a debt jubilee) … but will it be implemented on a level playing field?? … where Americans with credit card debt also have their debts forgiven???

  62. Justn Observer

    Greg, Considering all the above who called what might come in the future better than
    Mr. Wayne Jett did in his last interview with you?

  63. Claude

    I received a letter from the RNC this week asking for donations. I sent it back and told them I would be happy to contribute when I saw the first inditement come out for Brennen, Comie, McCabe, Susan Rice, Clapper, or any of the other co-conspirators involved in the soft coup against the President of the United States.

  64. JC

    Emailed a friend in Nassau County, New York today to see if everything was ok. Here is his reply.

    “Yes for me it is. Vinny Pavlovsky’s mother in law got C-19 and was dead within hours. We have 6 refrigerated trailers behind NCUMC in East Meadow and they are full with over 1,000 bodies. I know others on ventilators like Vinny Sodano, he used to own the Exxon station. I can’t even tell you how many got sick. We are completely OK. I am hoping the peak has hit.”

  65. Stan

    This Gold market is so rigged it is disgusting

    • Greg Hunter

      Yeah Stan,
      Especially since you have been short the market since $1,300 per ounce. Oh, and DB stock, that you were touting at $9 to $11 per share is now at $6.52.

    • Mike R

      we know that stan, which is why the price is way too low. It should have been around $5000 by now if it weren’t ‘rigged’ as you suggest. I’m sure however, that your disgust is actually directly related to your pain of losing so much money trying to short gold. Keep shorting it stan.

    • paul ...

      Stan … I agree, glad to see you are coming over from the Dark Side … yes, “they” have been manipulating the price of gold for far too long … and as you say … “it is disgusting”!!!

    • K. Wayne

      When did you convert from being a Liar to a Comedian.
      That is some of the funniest S*&T I’ve read this year.
      AND….you know what…..I think its hurting you more…. than it is me….. from laughing too much.

  66. Cole

    I live in New Jersey. The governor has declared that no one shall work at a store or shop at a store without a mask. Have people been tricked into taking the “mark-of-the-beast”? Mask = “mark-of-the-beast”?

  67. Wade Gayle

    Saw Out of Shadows. Hope all those scumbags are arrested. Then there is the next step. An interactive movie designed to bring church out of pews. You can’t win a war with army in the pews. He rescues children from the sex slave ring. He had an encounter with God shortly after his mother abandon him. Today his ministry reaches 250,000 children worldwide. The movie script has been written, but nobody with a voice is listening. What they do in Metro World Child can be duplicated across America. It would change our culture in the long run. It would also help children that are being abused.

  68. Rodster

    Greg, is there anything we can do to avoid “forced Covid 19 vaccinations” which Bill Gates is pushing for? If we allow that to happen, that will give them the go ahead for more forced vaccinations in the future.

    • JC

      Rodster, there is something we can do. Refer to what I posted earlier, here it is.

      Bob Moriarty:
      Governments always want more and more control over their citizens. Never let a crisis go to waste. But at some point the divide between the 1% and the 99% gets so great that the great unwashed become the great armed and pissed. Am I the only person to hear the sound of pitchforks being sharpened?

      Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates may need to be reminded of the old saying, “Be careful of what you wish for.”

  69. H. Craig Bradley



    We have been under State and Federal Lock-down orders for about a month and 20 Million former workers, their families, and mortgage holders are now presumably collecting unemployment benefits. The CARES Act requires mortgage companies and lenders to extend 6 months forbearance on homeowners who are in arrears on their mortgage payments. After Sept. then what? As it is, the real estate sales business is dead in the water. You could not sell your house at any price. The system has been frozen. (Deep Freeze).

    Congress has enriched these unemployment benefits to initially pay 100% of salaries for the first few months and then extended the duration way beyond the customary 25 weeks. May be continued for a year or even longer. However, the government does NOT intend to take care of anybody and once the people figure out this hard reality ( they are truly “on their own”, if possible many of them will rebel or take to the streets and riot.

    Furthermore, if this degenerates into a full blown global Depression then my 95- year old Aunt tells me that many Americans starved to death during the Great Depression of the 1930’s. Get that, Americans will die, not from Corona Virus, but from starvation ( like Biafra during the Nigerian Civil War of the late sixties and early seventies).

    So, the longer the shutdowns, safe distancing requirements at grocery stores and other outlets, and stay-at-home orders remain in-force-the faster we destroy our capitalist economy and our financial system. Our currency is now a sad joke, as we are debasing it faster than I ever imagined was possible. I am afraid, our dollar, long term, is “toast”. I now have a reasonable doubt that we may never fully recover from our collective folly. This can’t be happening, yet it is. We have outdone ourselves.

    I say, more than 3 months will put us beyond the point of no-return. Do we know what we are doing? Do our leaders realize that all decisions in Life involve various trade-offs? Do they know what the trade-offs are if we continue indefinitely or until after the November Presidential elections? Sure doubt it. This smells like a Global Conspiracy against the U.S. Dollar and our Oil and Gas Industries, without which we become slaves to the foreign markets and suppliers.

  70. Mike R

    Gold futures at $1771. Spot gold $1721. $50 premium means comex is broken, and no gold is available for delivery. if you can even find a dealer who has it, you are paying way more than $50 premium. You’d be lucky to obtain any meaninful amount below the price of $1850.

  71. BIllWest

    The fat emperor is getting crazier by the day!!

  72. Peter

    This is a last ditch effort by the globalists to take down the country. I am a PhD microbiologist that works in infectious disease; this is a big nothing. The goal of the NWO is to develop vaccines that are mandatory. Nobody dies from Covid! People who die (99%) have pre-existing conditions. I even question whether this is virus. Assuming it is, (possibly an incorrect assumption) social distancing is the wrong approach. People need to interact to develop herd immunity.
    You should try to get Dr. Shiva on your show. He lays it all out as to what is really going on with this Planndemic.
    So why is church not an essential busienss???? It is because the NWO are satanists.
    I miss going to mass so I’m pissed.
    Keep the faith and keep up the good work.

    • Susan

      Our church came up with many ways to observe Good Friday and Easter “resurrection” Sunday. On Friday everyone in our congregation was invited to decorate a white paper sack with Christian symbols or words. These were filled with sand or cat litter and we put battery candles in them and put them down the sidewalk in front of the church. That was necessary because we had snow in Montana. On Sunday everyone signed up to ring the church bell every fifteen minutes and then my husband, the pastor, rang it 122 times representing the 122 years Easter was celebrated in the church. This excited everybody and then my husband gave a prayer and sermon on the radio. What was amazing is people all over the country commented and participated in this Resurrection Celebration. Praise God! Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is still in control!

  73. Jerry

    I’ve got a question. This is what President Trump said today that I found very odd?

    Fauci should be fired. Last time I checked, he was president. What’s stopping him? Couple that with the Presidential seal being removed from the presidential podium and Air Force one and I’m beginning to wonder who’s running this show. Still no arrest.

  74. Sharon Lindung

    Belated Happy Easter Greg,
    Pay attention to those that speak out against our country and our president. I think you will find that their hands are in the pocket of the Chinese Government, meaning that they are all benefiting financially. We have seen that already with the January arrest of the Harvard professor Charles Lieber. How long will it take for the companies and individuals involved to be called out and charged as traders?

    • Greg Hunter

      I agree Sharon!

  75. JC

    The worst is yet to come!

    Martin Armstrong:
    The number of unemployed persons rose by 1.4 million to 7.1 million in March. The sharp increases in these measures reflect the effects of the coronavirus and efforts to contain it. This has continued and has now reached nearly 17 million. Based on our model, the 1st quarter elected ALL FOUR Quarterly Bullish Reversals in one shot. That has NEVER taken place on our unemployment mode even during the Great Depression. This implies we will see this trend unfold going into May. The worst is yet to come.

    The number of unemployed persons rose by 1.4 million to 7.1 million in March. The sharp increases in these measures reflect the effects of the coronavirus and efforts to contain it. This has continued and has now reached nearly 17 million. Based on our model, the 1st quarter elected ALL FOUR Quarterly Bullish Reversals in one shot. That has NEVER taken place on our unemployment mode even during the Great Depression. This implies we will see this trend unfold going into May. The worst is yet to come.

  76. Hilde

    Dear K. Wayne,
    I realise my words were too harsh. I just wanted to point out that IMO Gates, Fauci and the creators of Georgia Guidestones, globalists et al want us to feel like useless, worthless people, to drive us mentally into apathy, and we now know to what length they will go, which lies will be created or what tools they will use to convince governments worldwide to implement authoritarian facist laws, which are making us all bankrupt and removing basic human rights within hours. They have wilfully created planetary mass hysteria, and MSM is their loudspeaker.
    They want only a certain number of people on the planet, as we then would be easier to control, because they are paranoid psychopaths. Much like in the mind of Stalin: everyone who is a threat to them must die, they are afraid of powerful independently thinking people. They know what they will do when THEY are powerful: they will create death and destruction, and so they cannot fathom that anyone powerful and independent can be good!
    The intention is covered up by the MSM PR that they are helping, when in fact they’re doing the complete opposite.
    Their weapon is fear mongering, their aim is to convince us through MSM that we’re all “Potential mass murderers”, this based on the fact that one can have the virus without symptoms, and may give it unknowingly to others, thus “causing the death of numerous people”, which is a proven lie if one checks the facts and numbers.
    Someone with destructive intentions will make trillions of dollars on a vaccination program, and I believe it will be mandatory one way or the other. Read up on the dreadful side effects of Bill Gates’ vaccination programs, eg in India and Africa. Not to mention that other ingredients were put into the vaccines, which caused infertility and death. It’s easy to find sources for this.
    I strongly support the suggestions for making the other remedies available for all asap, there are several remedies, including anti-malaria drugs, there are even preventive measures one can take which boost the immune system.
    The point I’m making is that there is no reason to lie down and die and give in to their plan. They count on that we are sheeple, but it is my true belief they are eventually totally underestimating the integrity and ability amongst people to think for themselves and see through the propaganda.

    • K. Wayne

      Your words were not harsh I can assure you.
      In fact I believe we are on the same page.
      I sense that you have misinterpreted my comments.
      I am far removed from being ignorant and oblivious.
      I am an informed independent thinking person.
      To clarify…..I have been researching / data collecting /deciphering and applying a great deal of critical thinking to those matters which you describe and much more….. since the turn of this century…… all of which the public in general….. continue to ignore.
      I am acutely aware of the power struggle that exists amongst the world’s Elite. Also how they have created intricate networks and layers of entities and intermediaries to ensure their identities remain private….. always enjoying and protected by a high degree of separation….but very capable of implementing their desires.
      Their nefarious plans are known as is their distaste for human (dirty cattle) life. They worship a God…but it is not the one we follow. They seek the shelter of Satan…and are rewarded with power, fame and fortune.

      Mark 8:36, 37

      “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

      What we are witnessing today is the culmination of years, decades, centuries of planning. Subtle changes are introduced gradually to lifestyle…minor infringements on rights and liberties…..increased government footprint……debauchery of a nation’s currency….rise of socialism and communism and corporatism and fascism …..increased presence of existential man-made threats in form of biological agents designed to infect and kill….mind control, indoctrination and thought shaping. All intricately woven into the human psyche over many many years.

      As I have indicated previously there were 5 stages of this blueprint for world domination. They have achieved 2 of these. Time is not of essence. It is the end game that they desire…..even if it takes another 100 years. The useless eaters will be reduced to allow for the AI /Robotics of the future. It was necessary to use the human skillset to develop the knowledge and technology to allow for advancement. That advancement was never intended to benefit the whole human race. Suddenly the globe has 7Bln more people than is desirable or necessary.

      The infestation of this disease ( not of the covid-19 variety but of the Luciferian kind) is extraordinary in its depth, width and breadth. It is a complex web based on deceit….whilst hiding in the shadows. Secrecy is their motto. They have infiltrated every facet of society and are indeed the true hidden hand of government. Any suggestion of one man or woman attempting to rid the planet of these creatures is pure fantasy.

      The matter of removing the superfluous humans is one that causes great angst. I can suggest we may be closer to this scenario than I care or dare annunciate. The COVID-19 or an alternate Virus….will be a precursor to the great societal cataclysm. Because of the complexity of the system that we inhabit …it will be difficult to ascribe one particular cause …as the failure in one element will cause waves and imbalances in others until the whole system is unstable and collapses.
      I’m sure you and many others can plot together this array of dots and formulate some semblance of the greater blueprint that awaits mankind.

  77. Vernon Locke

    Hydroxychloroquine was manufactured by apotex. Apotex was founded by a rich Canadian named Barry Sherman, who you may recall was found with his wife both strangled in their home in December 2017. The Bill Gates funded Pirbright institute was applying for their coronavirus patent at this same time. Mr.Gates now wants to sell his vaccine, which could kill many of us and is doing his best. With his lackey falsie Fauci, to downplay the Barry Sherman drug. All this cannot be a coincidence, can it?
    Mr. Gates, there’s a mosquito out there. With your name on it! Were praying, for you and the mosquito. May you rest in peace.

  78. Gina M Mancarella



    • Greg Hunter

      It looks to me it is you who is melting down. Try decaffeinated coffee.

  79. Justn Observer

    Greg, A good expose’ on Kevin Shipp’s outing of the ‘deep state’ and the elements of occultism within the story.
    The mind control and narrative shaping of MSM and Fox News via the ‘mockingbird’ operation…which is actually like the softening of the ground before the invasion. Including the ‘entrainment’ techniques Catherine Austin-Fitts alluded to. Then, as the post above shows, Wayne Jett’s GREAT work of over ten years, he exposes the second front…the weakening of the U.S. economically.
    The Pandemic is the ‘tool’ the black swan – or is it a Phoenix rising out of it – of a crashing banking system as chaos ensues… ‘faith’ in the fiat debt system wanes…as a new social credit system comes into view as an attempt to push the use of CASH and Constitutional coinage and currency in obscurity.
    Yes, from untracked SS and OSS blended into a faded memory…as did the warnings of MIC, secret societies, black flags, and un-explainable events that defy analysis by scientific method, and now somehow the people are found in ‘lockdown’ and Christians are being fined for gathering for prayer and meeting in churches on Easter?
    It is really not hard to understand if one sees the origins of where it all, including the ideology likely emanates from… Of a belief of superiority, of the need for purity via eugenics, DNA tracking, anti-Christian , occultism and embracing older pagan beliefs.
    How the capital seemed to just ‘vanish’ so much like the Nazi wealth just before the end of the WW. to where in likely ended up…and now to ‘vanishes’ to where? A breakaway society also surmised by Catherine Autin-Fitts. Then too – we have the 80’s front page of THE ECONOMIST , with the amazing prediction of the table of fiat going up in smoke with a PHOENIX rising from the ashes… All while the children are dumb down by U.S. education system, others stupefied with drugs, legal or illegal, the inner cities ravaged with them and the people stuffed into ‘corporate run’ prison systems and the working middle class destroyed via altered CPI data, taxes and user fees, forced into ‘transfer of wealth’ policies , as THE STATE body of employees expands to nearly a majority voter block of it self…with a cadre’ of unelected career leadership with a designation of almost something so similar……. S (E) S…who apparently IS the object of the term….Continunity of Government? by ‘unelected’ people ‘appointed’ by who?

    The ideology is not new,yet likely not familiar too many in the U.S. but not forgotten to some that like reading, and WAS the root of a very similar rising, and behind a plan to rise again? The answer to the test just might be, least my guess is =

    • paul ...

      Armstrong suggests that Trump allow people to stop paying rent, stop paying their credit cards and stop paying their State and Local taxes to incentivize politicians to resist Bill Gates and his lock-down (that he needs to sell his vaccine to everyone to make even more money he doesn’t need) … and suggests that Trump open up the country!!

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