Christmas Message 2017 – Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s
Greg Hunter of gives his Christmas message. He also talks about the good news in some top stories such as the Trump tax plan that just passed both houses of Congress. The best news is Jesus Christ was born to save the world, and we celebrate his birth.
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After the Christmas Message:
Clif High of will be the guest the day after Christmas 2017.

December 20, 2017
The left calls for the overthrow of Trump, then criticizes conservatives for noticing it.
Trump’s overthrow. MSNBC wouldn’t have any programming at all if it weren’t for that constant drivel! The other week “Morning Joe” was demanding that Trump’s cabinet start drafting plans to kick him out of the presidency. “What’s the cabinet waiting for?” said Joe Scarborough. “Mike Pence, guess what? Republicans want you to be president… You know why? Because you’re stable.” But this week Scarborough professed shock at Fox News for saying, “there’s a coup going on right now” and then going on to say, “which is one of the most extraordinarily irresponsible things I have ever heard a major network say.”
So, again, calling for a coup is responsible; reporting on one is not. The google eye’d clown Scarborough and his beautiful and dutiful “Slavic-Viking” wife [] are nothing but self-righteous, stuck up prig’s!
Brackets is why link above didn’t take, this works;
The beautiful and dutiful “Slavic-Viking” wife sheik, Mika!
To date the investigation into the Fusion GPS-manufactured collusion scandal has focused largely on the firm itself, its allies in the press, as well as contacts in the Department of Justice and FBI. However, if a sitting president used the instruments of state, including the intelligence community, to disseminate and legitimize a piece of paid opposition research in order to first obtain warrants to spy on the other party’s campaign, and then to de-legitimize the results of an election once the other party’s candidate won,
we’re looking at a scandal that dwarfs Watergate—
a story not about a bad man in the White House, but about the subversion of key security institutions that are charged with protecting core elements of our democratic process while operating largely in the shadows.
A Tablet investigation using public sources to trace the evolution of the now-famous dossier suggests that central elements of the Russiagate scandal emerged not from the British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s top-secret “sources” in the Russian government—which are unlikely to exist separate from Russian government control—but from a series of stories that Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and his wife Mary Jacoby co-wrote for The Wall Street Journal well before Fusion GPS existed, and Donald Trump was simply another loud-mouthed Manhattan real estate millionaire.
In a Facebook post from June 24, 2017, that Tablet has seen in screenshots, Jacoby claimed that her husband deserves the lion’s share of credit for Russiagate. (She has not replied to repeated requests for comment.) “It’s come to my attention that some people still don’t realize what Glenn’s role was in exposing Putin’s control of Donald Trump,” Jacoby wrote. “Let’s be clear. Glenn conducted the investigation. Glenn hired Chris Steele. Chris Steele worked for Glenn.” This assertion is hardly a simple assertion of family pride; it goes directly to the nature of what became known as the “Steele dossier,” on which the Russiagate narrative is founded. The fact that Jacoby is a reporter who often shared bylines with her husband at The Wall Street Journal is another reason to take her Facebook post seriously.
Last week’s revelation that Simpson hired Nellie Ohr, the wife of ranking Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, to work on the dossier certainly supports Jacoby’s implicit contention that Steele’s role in compiling the dossier has been exaggerated. Ohr is a Stanford Ph.D. whose expertise is Russia, and she appears to be fluent in the language. Perhaps she conducted interviews, along with—or even instead of—the British ex-spy whose byline helped credential the now-famous oppo research file as an “intelligence product.” Maybe she wrote up parts of the dossier or even the whole thing.
In any case, the history of the “Steele dossier” doesn’t begin with Christopher Steele or Nellie Ohr in the summer of 2016; it begins with a story that Glenn Simpson and Mary Jacoby co-wrote for The Wall Street Journal dated April 17, 2007.
Hey All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump
It could get very interesting in 2018 if a real investigation is allowed to be pursued by the Justice Department. We’ll see!
Mika’s job is to be what Combs was to Hannity. To be the token contrary argument. She must always be and look “concerned”. That is her job, to look at the camera and be concerned. A gibbon monkey could just as easily do it.
Great wrap up, as always!!
Information is empowerment!
Education is the great equalizer between all people!
Thank you for providing the information we all need to make up our own minds. Your site makes a difference, in an age where society breakdown is occurring in specific places, yet society is overcoming in other areas. We are in a time of change, which brings about confusion and sometimes fear. FEAR NOT!
Merry Christmas to you Greg and ALL the watchdoggers! God bless each and everyone!
Kim … the information provided to us by God the Father when he brought Jesus into our world was to advise us “not to kill” … the majority of people do use their brains and abide by God the Father’s advise (that he passed on to us through Jesus) … but a small minority of evil neocons “need to kill” and are constantly looking for ways to start new wars to satisfy their lust for power, money and practice their immoral perverted sex on the people they prey on … these evil neocons are the people God cursed!!
Greg, I’m going to forget the mess and bless you and fellow Watchdoggers a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Thanks Greg! Merry Christmas!
Yes … lets all try to be Merry this Christmas … light our tree, give gifts, pray for peace and not promote war … but what is of much greater importance is the fact that God the Father “chose a human being to give birth to his Son” … this is the very important message of Christmas! … and we as humans “should live up to this great honor” by not debasing women, selling them into slavery or using children for deviant sexual practices or creating Ponzi schemes to take advantage of your neighbors!
How we got here and why we fight to preserve.
Donald J. Trump’s word’s at the signing of the biggest tax rebellion since the revolution of the birth of the United States of North America.
As the last of the global kingdom’s, Anglo-American. Prepare for the coming war between heaven and Earth. Take a look at the last world at war.
Did Britain Treat All Its Colonies Equally?
Welcome to Britain, 1943
Know your Ally Britain
Battle of the old country
National Socialists, The Nazi Leftists, will never win, ever!
Merry Christmas Greg Hunter and to
all those who seek truth and a just life.
THE FACTS: It isn’t. For months Trump has refused to recognize larger tax cuts in history, of which there have been many, or to grant that other presidents have enacted big tax cuts since Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.
An October analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that it would be the eighth biggest since 1918. As a percentage of the total economy, Reagan’s 1981 cut is the biggest followed by the 1945 rollback of taxes that financed World War II. Trump’s plan is also smaller than cuts in 1948, 1964 and 1921, and probably in other years.
Valued at $1.5 trillion over 10 years, the plan is indeed large and expensive. But it’s much smaller than originally intended. Back in the spring, it was shaping up as a $5.5 trillion package. Even then it would have only been the third largest since 1940 as a share of gross domestic product.
Merry Christmas! You are a great interviewer.
Big fan, Adam G
Columbus OH
Thank you Adam and Merry Christmas to you too!!
Greg I was recently in the hospital for two weeks due to the reaction I had to phospho soda I was given for a colonoscopy My kidney function went from that of an 18 year old to very little in a matter of 2 days My wife was by my side every minute and evidently her prayers were answered as I’ve recovered miraculously Very scary though for awhile My Professor/ Nephrologist was named Mehmet Ozkaya very similar to America’s own Dr Oz
Frederick … with the Holidays and all … stay away from soda’s with phosphoric acid in it like Coke and Pepsi that can destroy the kidneys and weaken your bones … if you must drink soda … use the ones that use citric acid (but avoid all those with benzoic acid added (which can create neurological problems)! …
This link shows, DOW 100000 theory( possibility, it was 40% or so lower then). Dear Friends , Greg, if all the rise in the stocks is not ALREADY DISCOUNTED BY MARKET then even for one years or so, market could rise 50-100K with all that money flowing in and we could WIPE OUT THE ENTIRE DEBT OF USA( see linkedin post from last year and now). YES, 10000 DOW is 100 TRILLION Dollars, 20% Capital gains tax when FORCED or naturally taking place, will WIPE OUT USA DEBT ( 20 TRILLION $) and we can MAKE AMERICA GREAT ( DEBT FREE) Again.
Happy Christmas Dear Greg
Boris How much would a loaf of bread cost?
After a collapse, nothing(:-
Indeed. Christmas! Thank you Greg for all you do and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
As I said, some people can make it happen
and TRUMP, may have needed help. Nobody better than
Martin Armstrong to “make it happen”. I just theorize , Martin+Trump
can make it happen(:-
Correction above (100000 not 10000 Dow(:- )
B . C. I like a lot of what you say, but Martin Armstrong is not one I can trust. In 1985 Armstrong was found to have violated Commodity Futures Trading Commission regulations by failing to register as a commodity trading advisor, failing to deliver required disclosure documents to clients, and failing to maintain proper records. In 1987 one of Armstrong’s trading entities, Economic Consultants of Princeton Inc., was charged with failing to disclose a commission-sharing agreement, and another of his entities, Princeton Economic Consultants Inc, He was charged with misrepresenting hypothetical performance results and omitting a required disclaimer in advertisements. The penalties levied banned Armstrong and his companies from trading for 12 months, revoked their registrations, imposed cease and desist orders, and levied civil penalties total $50,000. He is just a man, but at some point we must say he is all about himself, and his. I only scratched the surface of his corruption. I pray he seeks Gods mercy.
If we worry too much about offending someone, the politically correct dunderheads are gaining ground.
Democrats Complain About $1.5 Trillion Estimated Cost Of Tax Bill But President Trump Already Nearly Pays It Off
EXCELLENT Christmas Message Greg. God bless you and yours and may HE give continued blessings over what you do for all of us on this website. Merry Christmas! Chip and Tammy.
REPORT: House Republicans Holding ‘Secret Talks’ To Build Criminal Case Against Senior FBI & DOJ Officials Q ANON – QUESTIONS CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER Q Clearance Anon: Is it #happening? Part XIII
Greg, I am confused, You seam to be talking out of both sides of your mouth. HOW can the economy boom and everything be falling apart at the same time. And another thing I can`t figure out, In the past when interest rates were zero, all your guest would say if interest rates would only go to one half percent, everything would blow up. Here we are at 6 times raising rates 1/4 percent and nothing has happened, I just don`t get it.
Six minuscule quarter point raises is nothing I Remember in 1980 when Volcker raised rates to 18 percent Wonder how our economy would fare today with that rate
jim c,
It’s simple, for more than 30 plus years now, the financial economy has been booming and everything else in the rust belts are falling apart at the same time with the exception of Sillicon Valley.
As far as the interest rates and the stock markets go, I suspect the Exchange Stabalization Fund has been utilized in markets other than the Forex. When is the last time the NY Fed was audited?
1953….the year before I was born!
You’re right! Only rarely I’m I hearing the words “Happy Holiday” this year (I bet next year the dollar stores will be overstocked with “Happy Holiday” cards).
It feels great to wish you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
I think the secularisation of Christmas is a negative trend.
Greg, TPTB must still think the folks in fly over country can’t reason their way out of a wet paper bag.
These polls they keep talking about. Wow you would think the country is overwhelmingly against Trump. Well this is total BS, I could run a poll and skew it left or right just by polling the right zip codes!
Take the Kansas City metro area .
You want a Democrat result just poll these zip codes Missouri 64133,64138.64134,64145,64146,64030,64147,64012. Kansas 66102,66112,66109,6610466106.
You want a Republican result these zip codes Missouri 64118,64117,64119,64068,64161 Kansas 66208,66207,66213,66026 .
Yes I could do more in depth research but this gives you the basic outline.
Any way you get the idea. So I don’t believe any of the crap the MSM is putting out.
After all Hillary had a insurmountable lead on Trump that us little people might as well not show up at the polls last November right????
Merry Christ mas everyone.
Why has no one named this tax reform a helicopter Trump dump for the rich ? When Ben Bernanke prescribed this money dump to stave off deflation he was named helicopter Ben.
Heads up, eyes wide open. Be thankful, and to God be the praise.
I visit your site everyday. It is a must for me. You must be so proud of what you have accomplished. A great informative CHRISTIAN site. I love, love, love you weekly news wrap-ups. Very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year to you, yours, and all the Watchdoggers. I have not been so happy in years after knowing that God is answering our prayers for help against satan and his demons.
Thank you SG and Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!! “Fear Not”!!!
and Gandalf
Merry Christmas, Greg. Thank you for the inspired job you do. Thanks today for your reminder that Jesus is the ultimate authority, it being up to us to listen and judge accordingly.
Merry Christmas Bob and Thank you for your support!!!!
For all the work you have done this past year, THANK YOU. May our Lord and Savior bless you in this coming year with wisdom, knowledge, understanding and prosperity. Merry Christmas
Thank you Flattop!! Merry Christmas!!!!
Another side bar. I had my DNA done. What a shocker! When I list my race on paperwork I can check almost every box. Like the commercial I had to trade in my lederhosen for a kilt. I’m more from Great Britain than Germany. I’m Asian, American Indian, I’m literally from all over Europe. For Pete Sales I’m even from Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Russia, etc. The only thing I’m not is from India, Africa, Polynesian Islands and a few others. I’m 1% Jewish. Go figure that. What a pleasant surprise. I think if more people have their DNA done they will find out how we are not what we thought we were. It makes it a smaller world.
Race is an abstract concept. divide and conquer.
Southern Girl; Jesus loves you no matter what your genes say. That’s whats most important. When I accepted him as my Lord and Savior, his DNA became my DNA. Hallelujah
God the Father mixing his genetics with a human woman … was obviously intended to make his DNA our DNA more compatible to one another … and thus make it easier “to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior” … neocons, warmongers, pedophiles, etc. don’t want “some alien peace loving DNA” contaminating the human specie … as it interferes with their evil greed, lust for war and human sacrifice!!
The evil neocons have been on a roll … they did away with Jesus Christ (nailing him to a cross) 2017 years ago and today they are trying to do away with all Christ’s followers (by beheading them) … hard to enjoy Christmas knowing these evil neocons are deeply embedded throughout our government (McCain, Hillary, etc., etc.)!
Thank you Greg. FRIENDS, LOOK AT THIS.. Bitcoin Meltdown. Plunges nearly 8K from high. Greg and I outlined how this would happen 1 week ago. “Gregory Mannarino – Bitcoin Futures Biggest Pump and Dump Ever.” Click here:
Thank for coming on Gregory!! You called this move with the futures contracts and markets and gamming it!!
Andy Hoffman will probably tell us he sold his position weeks ago after adding to the hyperbole.
Some bitcoin humour
You certainly did that GM on 12/13/2017 .
But IMHO …BTC was gamed from the outset.
Silence is Golden 12/08/2017 •
Bitcoin can be best summarised with the following quote….
“Greed can make a man, but beyond a certain point, it can absolutely destroy him”.
Bitcoin / Blockchain is not too dissimilar to the Tech Bubble of the late 90’s. We all know how that ended for most participants….especially those who thought free lunches were still on the menu.
An entity with an idea, but without asset or income, has no value… except in the minds of those who believe in fairy tales, are blinded by greed and are victim to the greater fool theory.
Play at your own peril. History does rhyme after all.
Time will tell if they try to PUMP this thing back up again. I understand that smart money was taken off the table prior to Sunday 12/17/17. Like with all market action nothing goes up in a straight line. A correction/crash was inevitable. Interestingly 10,000 was a major support level.
Merry Christmas to you and all WD’s.
I would expect that the PM sector and the miners would catch a bid now that BTC has taken a major hit….. and the USD will enter a bear market.
Sorry SG…Bit-coin recovered from the GBTC inspired short/ fear of Wall St.! Check the charts….that is were the ”’sell-off”’ started not in the exchanges… but the ‘fear’ did spread and cause one in the ‘weak hands’ which then blew the stops -like always –as in the ‘paper PM’ markets , so the thieves of NYC and NJ and Wash…have another fine Christmas at the loss and expense of the little people ! What’s changed? And who loses if BIT-COIN and Lite-coin is successful? Yes- the bankers/IPO stock market and bond market makers and breakers! Direct investment into good ideas and companies where they can ‘skim’ the top…and may actually even side-line good inventions and ideas that ‘threaten’ their monopoly…is a threat to ‘their’ stranglehold on the finances and energy of every nation. And that end draws near !
Sorry JO…BTC was ALWAYS a speculative play at best.
What forces were in play to push the price of BTC to extremes. Hmmmmm? They were all of the “Human” kind.
Quick to put the blame on the FAT CAT Bankers for the sudden reversal, but you are conveniently overlooking the hype and greed that engulfed BTC in the first place.
How does one measure “success” with the likes of BTC? Please provide me with your thesis.
Perhaps you can enlighten us with …..
– Market share
– Earnings Growth
– Yield
– Top 20 holders
– Distribution of holders
“Weak Hands”…does that include the founder selling out near the top?
BTC & LTC can never succeed in becoming a world reserve currency. How much of a threat to the Bankers /Govt. do these cryptos actually present ? If settling in BTC for drugs, arms and other illegal activities is suggested as support for its use/acceptance, then I would encourage all and sundry to head smartly to the exit…take some coin off the table….notwithstanding its supposedly superiority in remaining anonymous together with its Game-Changing non-conventional trading system.
Tell me how to value BTC…then u may have my interest. Until then I will struggle to understand any price point that is given in the market.
Gregory Mannarino,
$50,000=1 bitcoin give or take between now and 2020
I will leave this post bookmarked to remind you later on.
Mohammad what will be the home price if 100 k today. ?
with civil unrest , may be nukes thrown around and the coming depopulation….NOTHING
Yep. Congratulations to your faith in Jesus.
There are many roads that lead to a city. 4 gates into the capital. Only the Blood of God will open the gates.
M. What we are seeing is all out deception on a different scale. Bitcoin/ stocks . all the way down to the false buying of credit threw out the world.
Every currency is fake , So every currency will suffer lose. In a lot of way Mohamisdism has good points. so do those who believe we live in a Republic. The oligarchy is a replica of the one true God. So then we look at the cross of Christ. What value should we put on it.
I for one put my soul on it. You may be one of his chosen ones. I hope I have not offended you.
Recovery? two days ! and will return to new highs as several major world on -line enterprises announce adoption of the Lite-Coin and Bit-coin Cash and Veritaseum exchanges within weeks… and by the way it appears even the Vatican has direct currency exchange for bit-coin terminals within the Holy See grounds and in thousands of cities across Europe already…
At this posting— average bit-coin per minute – 23 range usually between 7 and 45 depending on time of day of which country and this one two of the major exchanges of sales…
Merry Christmas Greg and to all Watchdogs.
I won’t be watching the Superbowl either. The NFL should be about football and instead has turned to political & social activism — I’m will not support that.
Tried to watch it once, many years ago. Too many breaks for TV commercials…football has been a secondary consideration for some time.
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed
As much as the left/MSM/progressives would like to call President Trump a failure, you can’t argue with success.
If Bonds and stocks crash together…rates rise returning cash buys back debt at cheaper price …makes companies stronger as mentioned but after that and bonuses perhaps the best “investment’ for companies is to invest in themselves with the buying of new capital equipment and expanding their workforce.
So much for the rush to safety.
What am I doing this Christmas weekend? Instead of sitting by the fire thinking warm cozy thoughts, I’ll be delivering gifts to the needy, and visiting the sick in the hospitals.
There by the grace of God go I.
Thanks to lords good grace and the urgency of preparing for the major event to come, I have no debt and can do that even though my business has declined by 30% over the last two years.
As far as The Trump Tax Cut? It came to late for me as most of my clients have long shuttered their doors and gone out of business while their former employee’s filed for unemployment, disability or went on welfare.
Its not hard to find something to be thankful for this Christmas when you see so many others around you who have far less. Be thankful for what you have, You never know when you might not have it.
Merry Christmas Greg, and USA Watchdoggers,
Merry Christmas, Jerry. You’ve hepled us out a lot.
Thanks Charles.
Hey Jerry: What am I doing this Christmas weekend? I’m looking at all of your doom & gloom posts over the last 12 months and laughing at them. None of them have come true.
Stan, take some time off, it is Christmas after all.
Merry Christmas to you too, Stan. I hope you are right with God – because He has the LAST laugh.
Stan everybody laughed at Peter Schiff too justbefore he was proven right The so-called experts on CNBC and Bloomberg had a lot of crow to eat
For Christmas I delivered food and heaters to the needy and visited the sick in the hospitals. What did you do? Of that’s right….snipe at me. That’s what losers do Stan. You can’t win this argument because the numbers don’t lie. There’s no way in Gods green earth that the United States can continue sustaining over 125 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities using 3.5 trillion dollars in tax revenue. I know it. Donald Trump knows it. And the rest of the world knows it. When you can explain how that can continue I will take you seriously. Denial and sniping at me smells of desperation. Try something new for a change like helping other people.
Stan in all fairness not a lot has collapsed. I have a list of 3 pages that has never happened that happened in 2017. 76 short list. in one year. Never before happened. Jerry is simply warning what must happen. So what he may have missed in months, or even a year or 5. Do you see it going the other direction. Anyone can be a critic. Prove what you say.. Like Jerry has done. Math don’t lie so keep it in the math because the world has enough liars. Spare me your time.
I take great pleasure in saying Merry Christmas and watching peoples response. Peoples faces range from fear to complete joyful smiles.
About 77% of American adult population identify as Christians. Perhaps the United States is not mentioned in end-time prophecy because most of the population will disappear in the Rapture.
Merry Christmas!
A friend of mine is an Italian from New York – do the math on his religion… He’s in business though so he greeted me with “Happy Holidays” and I responded with “Merry Christmas”; from there the conversation moved to how sad it is that our society has forced people to these inane neutral/non-sectarian greetings for what should be religious holidays. I’ve been saying “Merry Christmas” since forever though. I can see how a business type person may need to ensure he does not offend in this litigious culture, but I’m not in business and if someone is going to take offense, I want to know so that I can avoid any unnecessary contact going forward.
If the person is normal, regardless of religion, they will not take offense at “Merry Christmas”, just as I do not take offense when greeted with “Happy Hanukkah” — take the greeting in the spirit it is given and respond politely. If you take offense at a polite greeting, you may not be normal and may even be clinically antisocial –
You aren’t offended unless you choose to be offended.
Bravo, Greg Hunter.
Thank you and
Merry Christmas to all Watchdoggers
Merry Christmas Greg! Thank you for all your hard work! I watch pretty much every show you post. When you commented about the United Nations vote and talked about Canada abstaining from the vote, I felt sad that we did not stand with America in recognizing Jerusalem. I think we should have. It shows how much our country has turned away from God as well. Love your show!
Thanks Ron and Merry Christmas!!
We hear many predictions about our upcoming future every year. Ever so often a few hit them out of the park!!! Then there are some that do get them partially correct, they just mess up on the timing part a bit.
However, remember most mystics, despite their hyped credentials, simply strike out.
One of our more famous Nobel Prize winner’s Paul Krugmen, who currently writes for the distinguished NY Times, made this whopper back in 1998.
“The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in “Metcalfe’s law”–which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants–becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other!” wrote Krugman. “By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s.”
Looking forward to the Cliff High interview next week!
Merry Christmas Greg and fellow watchdoggers!
And for those that may have missed it…….
Macray’s 2018 Gold Prediction for Greg and his Watchdogger audience.
For the “first time in over 4.5 years”, Gold will reach and breach the $1400 level by the end of the first quarter of 2018. And then the gold markets will get very interesting, very quickly.
For those that need another prediction where those 10 year treasury’s interest rates will be going in 2018 …………………
zerohedge twitter
For the 6th year Goldman predicts 10Y will hit 3% in 2018. Goldman has been wrong 5 years in a row
7:42 AM – 22 Dec 2017
Krugman is a useful idiot. The establishment reward those ‘experts’ when their views are convenient, like Krugman’s it’s ok to print as much money as you want and some beliefs. The only question is whether Krugman is paid to espouse such views or he actually believes it.
by the way people keep saying the same about solar power, that its growth will level off or slow down.
“The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.” Albert Bartlett
It sure isn’t slowing down here in SW Turkey I just had a nice hot shower all from solar panels on my roof
I saw drums attach to solar panels on top of the buildings everywhere in Turkey. I wonder why it isn’t more popular elsewhere.
MERRY CHRISTMAS GREG AND MRS. HUNTER! Looks like Christmas is really back in the Whitehouse! Them halls are really decked out.
Godspeed Greg
Thank you for posting this Randy!!!! Merry Christmas!!
Have a blessed Christmas with your family and friends. I believe America with President Trump n charge is going in the right direction.
I pray the new year will bring subpoenas for those that deserve them! It would take me too long to name them all.
Well hey, maybe while they are at it they can forgive the past money issues the pentagon had no questions asked, or the awkward peculiarities of the clinton foundation, or all those unfortunate and aberrant indiscretions of those goshdamn piece of crap child abusing hobgoblins in hollywood and DC. Hey why not overlook any involvement the big banks have in the trafficking of all things illicit as well, or the way in which the state department colludes with various entities to profit off of bloodshed, war and war mongering, I mean just so long as that freaking blood stained demonic cash comes back from all those dark pools it was stashed away in right?
What we should be dong is knuckling down and bearing that cross with our savior, we should be undertaking the long and painful process of incinerating or otherwise disowning anything that was ever given to us from these fiends and servants of hell sitting on top of us and just dealing with the consequences of such a break using only the strength, wisdom and fortitude freely bestowed upon us by our Maker, God and Savoir. How about we show some backbone and make a stand with God instead of dealing with the devil.
Yeah merry Christmas.
MERRY CHRISTMAS Greg and USA Watchdogs!
Never fear. Keep on doing God’s work and seeking truth.
Ben Rhodes Muses About Pence, Ryan And McConnell’s Death.
Scalise’s Response; Shut Him Down [NOW]!
Political Report 12/21/2017
Why does Ben Rhodes want three men dead? For Christmas!
What is Rhoda afraid of ?
He certainly isn’t afraid of the American people?
Does he expect his mocking bird brained corporate propagandist leftest National Socialist, [NAZI] deep state, Muslim brotherhood, shadow Maddow government, Obama/Holder’over, Soros media stooge brother. To be his CBS, 60 minutes intimidating, investigative journalist’s! Get out of jail free card?
Any care to speculate? Before too late!
Obama Officials Manufactured Media Narrative Ahead Of Investigations Into Hezbollah Scandal
PETER HASSON Associate Editor 12/21/2017
Check out the video!
All he wants for Christmas is three men’s front teeth Scalise!
Where was Walter Cronkite when we needed him for two and a half years? John Dickerson!
God Bless you Greg and all you smart pups, I have learned a lot this past year from you and your posts and pray that we all will be able to continue to speak truth in 2018.
On that note I say;
Wise men still seek him.
Merry Christmas.
Pete from Canada.
Merry Christmas, Pete. Wise men still seek Him, indeed.
I had an epiphany about Bitcoin: There may only ever be 21 million Bitcoins, but there’s no limit on the number of potential cryptocurrencies! This is the long-term problem with Bitcoin. Competitors will undermine Bitcoin in every way possible, just like various messaging apps are always trying to make themselves the default app on my smart phone.
What would be ideal, though, would be a precious-metal-based cryptocurrency that could be moved as easily as Bitcoin, but convertible to metal at any time – and purchaseable with metal. Then, there could be viably-competing metal-backed cryptos. That is what’s needed.
Very interesting news from Joseph P Farrell
Bit coin, Fed coin cashless society coming soon?
Mandatory reading for all the pro Marxist/Nazi/Communist/Socialistic nutcases should be, among other things, George Orwell’s book 1984 where Big Brother controlled everything, free choice did not exist, and people were arrested for “think crimes”. Or watch the movie 1984, as well as the movie Brazil, and then they should do a close study of Stalin, or any other dictator and see how it always turns out. I honestly think they are just uneducated for the most part.
OMG EVERYBODY! is this a christmas gift? I think I hear the plug being removed from the swamp, hearing a sucking sound? If this is true, this is very exciting and truly a wonderful christmas gift!!
Merry Christmas Greg!!
How I found the above youtube is from the comments in an article relating to the REAL reason Eric Schmit resigned from Google. article on Infowars: 2018 might turn out to be a preety good year after all! 🙂 Keeping fingers crossed!
Have a Merry Christmas Brother Greg Hunter!
David H
Thank you Brother David! Merry Christmas back!!!
Brother Greg
Merry Christmas to all in the Watchdog pack!
Mr. Hunter: Thank you for a great year of news and views reporting. Merry Christmas!
Thank You and everyone here for a great year of support!!!! Merry Christmas!!
Mr. Greg,
King Herod was not the only one who wanted to kill Christ.
Check out this evil
Do you have any comment on this, Mr. Greg?
And remember Mr. Greg, she was a speaker at the Demonrat National Convention.
She is so lost she does not even know how lost she really is. I feel sorry for her actually.
Joe … the real irony about this Herod Jew’s “joke” about killing Jesus … was the Demon-rat audience’s reaction to her “anti-Christian” remark … Hillaryous Laughter!??? … no wonder the neocons can get away with “beheading Christians” … their disgusting laughter sounded like a bunch of Christian hating “selfish evangelicalized white hating snowflakes” who would bringing on nuclear Armageddon just so they can be “ruptured” even though it kills all of us in the process … luckily baby Jesus avoided being aborted as a baby … so he had some time to teach us not to believe in death or war or killing but in life (he rose from the grave) … Jesus’s life was about the all people’s human right to live in freedom (not slavery, or occupation) … instead all we get from these Demon-rats is John McCain like laughter at the beheading of Christians!!
Mr. Greg,
That BamyCare tax is nothing but pure theft.
Mr. Greg,
Do you know if anyone in the government has reached out to Ortel? He has incontrovertible proof the Clintons and their cronies are criminals.
Any chance of getting Ortel back on to give us an update???
Always love the Ortel videos where he looks like his hiding out, doing the interview on his smart phone.
Merry Christmas ! We will never be able to do enough to glorify Jesus Christ on His birthday.
Really appreciated the heartfelt, off script, last 5 minutes of this video. No other media figurehead could get away with this and going a little bit out of character. Because your relationship with your viewers is real, it doesn’t seem unnatural at all.
Keep up the great work. You’re doing a hell of a job!!
Thank you RW and Merry Christmas!!!!
This Christmas I want to share two documentaries and an interview with you. These are my two heroes. One lived in the 1800’s. He helped children who lived on the streets to have a home. The second is still alive. He too brings hope to children. He still has a bus route at 69 and also has a doctorate. and It is my hope that one day someone will do a movie of these two men. We need inspiration in this time of madness and corruption. And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall be corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Daniel 11:32 King James Bible
Merry Christmas Greg! To you and all of your family. I pray the peace, love, joy, and faith of season richly live in you and all of the USAWatchdog. God Bless you all.
For those of you who are awake and haven’t joined the sunshine pumper club, what does it say when our Government tells a foreign country to stop using dollars for trade?
Check it out. The U.S. power brokers are loosing reserve currency status by admission.
Strap it in. The next few weeks should be REAL interesting.
More evidence of a global currency shift.
While the rest of the pack is discussing North Korea and the Trump Tax Cuts the global economic shift is picking up speed. Like I have said multiple times here, the transition is occurring right now inside the international banking system. Is anyone paying attention? Japan, the economic hyper hole for dark money is preparing to trade in Yuan. What does that tell you?
Its gonna take decades for any shift to have any significant effect on the dollar. All these announcements are simply talked about ‘plans’, and really don’t mean bupkis in the entire scheme of things. By the time any thing material comes about in terms of trillions, not just millions or billions, its very probable that some other form of decentralized payment schemes could be developed by the US, that is very similar to the advantages of Bitcoin, or other cryptos, but with significant backing of multiple central banks. The thing to take from the advent of crypto’s, is not that any one crypto issued now will be worth a thing, but that the concepts employed will likely be adopted by multiple central banks. The US with its massive financial powerhouse and financial acumen, and the world beaters like GS, JPM, etc. will be many steps ahead of the crowd, and many steps ahead of whatever any one country (like China) attempts to do in terms of the impact of any particular currency. We all know every currency is dead. And will die. But this time, technology will supercede the concept of any new fiat currency issuance. Many people way smarter than any of us, are studying the impacts of all of this, and these crypto issuances are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of experimentation, and real world application. Personally, I would not be worried about a pakistan saying they will trade in Yuan, nor any number of 150 or more other countries like them doing the same. They are centuries behind all of the rest of developed countries in terms of technology and global trade acumen. China is going after an old world, ancient trading formula. Nobody on WS is shaking in their boots – trust me on that. That $21 trillion missing for example ? That is chump change for what WS, and all the real connected money controlled here in the US, by our government and other big players have access to. For all you know, that $21 trillion has been deployed in technology that would blow away anything China or Russia can come up with. For Christmas, everyone should give themselves the gift of not worrying about any of this big picture stuff that is so far out of one’s control, it’d be akin to trying to get to another planet that is 10 trillion light years away. Ain’t gonna happen. And there literally is nothing you can do about it. Worrying about any of it, won’t leave you any more ‘prepared.’ The best thing to do is work on what you can personally control. Period. We all die. None of us can predict when. So why worry about all this other non-sense about currencies or what China is doing ? If it makes you feel better to buy some gold, hold some ammo, build a bunker, then go ahead and do it. But to speculate or worry about China, or how other countries may trade and what form of medium they will use to do so, seems like a lot of wasted mental energy. I’d be exhausted and not able to get out of bed, if I consumed myself with such distant and remote speculation. Rather, I accept how little I am privy to, or think I ‘know’, and put whatever faith I have in the good Lord’s hands. For example, I’m more likely to die in a car accident due to some moron texting, and crossing the yellow line in a head on collision, than to be affected by what currency Pakistan and China are going to transact in over the next 30 years. And so if I work to minimize that, which I can to some extent, that is what I can work on personally and somewhat within my control.
“But this time, technology will supercede the concept of any new fiat currency issuance. Many people way smarter than any of us, are studying the impacts of all of this,”
You place WAY too much faith in ‘experts’. If they are of the intellectual caliber of Krugman that is not very comforting.
You place WAY too much faith in technology. The people that control the technology will still be the same idiots that control the system now, just with a much greater capacity to cause chaos.
In essence what you suggest is for us all to put our heads deeper into the sand.
Yep great strategy alright.
I’ve heard it all before. Denial is nothing new here. It doesn’t require you to do anything. Once again I will ask the question: How do you pay for a 125 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities using 3.5 trillion dollars in tax revenue.? When you can answer that question, I will take you serious. Life is full of choices. Pick one.
I have a plan. What’s yours?
Mike R,
I understand how you feel and hope you are right. I’m exhausted of getting beat up fighting the Fed myself. However, I lost my confidence in our financial power house and their acumen in 2009 even thought they had successfully forced a square peg in a round hole.
I concur we are still many steps ahead of China and Russia but I’m afraid they may be the turtle in “The Tortoise and Hare” fable, I wouldn’t take my eyes off the race just yet as the gap is closing.
More countries signing on to a new global currency.
I can see my time here drawing to a close, as we inch ever closer to global currency reset. All of us have been given extra time to prepare for the biggest debt dump in recorded history. Not even the Exchange Stabilization Fund can stop what is coming. At this point most people have either given up waiting for something to happen and have gone back to the blue pill matrix, or have joined the sunshine pumper crowd planting lollipops in fantasy land like Bitcoin investors. My question is… what’s changed? The debt is still there. The Federal Reserve is printing money hand over fist. And Congress has kicked the budget debacle can down the road for the umpteenth time.
Just like an alcoholic we have drank from the bottle of denial so many times we don’t know truth from fiction anymore. We’ll keep drinking from that bottle until we empty it, or it kills us.
Jerry Your comment after the link nailed how I feel. Illusion has become the nation. No longer a Republic, No free markets. Everything has no foundation.
Jerry Most Americans don’t want to hear reality We know this from the response to the 911 attacks Sad but true Merry Christmas and hold onto your hat in the New Year
I’m watching the BRICS alliance move the reset pieces into place almost everyday while most Americans are asleep watching dancing with the stars. Here’s a prime example.
How many Billions…no… Trillions of dollars did the United States dump into Iraq? And who did they do a deal with? China. The Trump Tax cut is like trying to cap a 3 inch sewer pipe with a band aid. The rest of the Sunshine pumper crowd may be buying it, but not me. If Trump is serious about giving us our money back , why not just send me the check personally instead of going through all that tax bull crap?
Jerry I ask this years ago. the answer is it would be called the trump drop not he helicopter Ben drop. This stuff is crazy. 21 trillion in debt. What happened if we gave it to the poor and needy instead or the rich and greedy. America inventive and renewed . The oligarchy don’t have it in the scrip.
Jesus is coming.
excellent work this year!!!
Allen we agree on this Jerry has produced a lot of information we would have not known.
Wow way of with the socializem rant, your democracy is no clean slate with wars and lies….. I don’t think you can bag other nations for their past cycles , when yours is the largest crimes committed……
I think you lose all credibility when you bag others past…… Move forward with humanity as we are all one.
When the world wakes up and sees who actually is behind and ‘runs’ the United States corporation….it will not be ‘this country nor it’s people’ blamed… but what comes straight out of Europe old ties thru the City of London, Switzerland and the Vatican banking systems. Yes- the U.S. is the duped ‘military’ police force for sure…but the ‘orders’ flow from on high. Show a ‘president’ of any western nation that has not Jesuit ties, and training…and answers not the the ‘assortment’ of bodies political not aligned by the various societies! Move forward with humanity as we are all one? The people spoke and elected Trump in hopes of exactly doing otherwise…for we are not ‘all one’ ! First – the pedophiles , the perverse, the thieves and liars must be unseated, not just in the U.S. but throughout the world, that play roles and scheme to pit one people against another, create chaos as that is their MO, for making profits, and ‘con-troll -ing’ the people and dispossessing them not just of their material wealth and lands, but their God given natural rights and freedoms….
Then- we will have a Merry Christmas …and successively Happy New Years !
Merry Christmas, Greg ! And may your spirit stay true not to just HIS message but to your calling to promote truth from which people can plot their course in troubled times! Thank you and your guests for their contributions, courage to speak, and willingness to ruffle the ire and raise eyebrows of those of power and principality.
Merry Christmas Greg and a very happy New Year to you and yours.
Thank you for the great interviews with people like Clif High, Greg Manorimo, dr Mark skidmore, Doug Casey etc. What I enjoy the most though is your weekly news wrap up with your take on the weeks news. It’s informative and it’s sincerely held. You are speaking the truth as you know it. God bless. And hopefully we get out of this mess without another war.
Thank you James.
Thanks Greg,
Great site been watching for years cant wait for your interviews.
God bless you an family
Thank You Jim and Clif High will be out Tuesday.
Merry Christmas Greg, and all the best for 2018.
I look forward to another year of great interviews!
Thank you Andy for your comment and for supporting USAW!!!! Merry Christmas!!!
You are surely one light of this world. You give hope and peace to Believers like me. Enjoy your Christmas with your family. Thanks for everything that you do.
You are very kind Angelo! Merry Christmas!!!
Darkness reveals the brightest lights.
Greg Merry Christmas you are such an asset to this country if not for you people just simply would not know what’s going on I hope you have such a joyous New Year and that your family and yourself both prosper.
Thank you “R” and Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year! I have forward my donation to USAWATCHDOG LLC. Thank you for all your hardwork and honesty, 2 very rare commodities today. I encourage everyone who has enjoyed or visited your site to do the same. It is the least we can do.
Thank you for your donation and for your comments here!! Merry Christmas!!
Thank you so much for all of your programs. I wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year. May the LORD continue to give you strength to continue with your blessed messages to us all! Jeffrey kerner
God bless Donald Trump and his teams of outstanding experts who will do the right things to render prosperity like we’ve never seen. After the new year the ultracomplex combinations of lower taxes, banking skills and reducing spending on such unnecessary items such as education, government pensions, social security, Medicare and Medicaid will supercharge our economy into an entirely new era of widespread prosperity and long lasting wellness. President Trump has also promised several times to initiate large numbers of meaningful infrastructure reconstruction projects throughout the country except, of course, in Puerto Rico. These projects, of course, will be financed by entirely restructuring the internal revenue service (IRS) cash flow dynamics into an immediate irreversible long overdue one hundred eighty (180) degree double pronged deployment into obscure upper echelon repositories sometimes referred to upstairs as high speed gigabyte brokerage accounts with esoteric names located adjacent to the trading floor.
Your reporting of the NFL stance reminded me of ancient Rome. How when Rome was about to fall to the Germanic tribes they were in denial. The Roman people with the officials still went to the Colosseum to view the next games that were happening. They didn’t acknowledge reality just the next game or themselves. They of course did not make it. The barbarians sacked the city. Let’s hope the idiots at the NFL wake up before it isn’t just the quarterbacks that are sacked at the NFL and the idiots that run it as well.
Thank you Rick and Merry Christmas!!!
Dear Greg,
Great weekly report. I’ve been watching you for some 6 months now. You are a superb source for accurate, timely information on what’s really happening. I was wondering where you bought your copy of “Monetary Opinion,” by Stephen Laurence. I haven’t been able to locate any place that sells it. Can you provide a link to where it can be obtained? Many thanks, and Merry Christmas to you and all those you love.
Steve sent it to me. Maybe you can check Amazon or maybe Steve will read this and answer here. Thank you for your comment and support!!!
I am waiting for the coming back of jesus, if it is in my time i will be among his followers.
He will set the records strait and will reign the world with justice.
Darkness will run for the hills and righteousness will triumph.
Will you be following Jesus as the Son of God or the penultimate messenger of God?
Merry Christmas.
I am happy you will be following the Son of God. Merry Christmas!!
With the coming mother of all events, and that is the coming back of Jesus, and the battle of all battles between the false and real one in M.E. they triumph will be to one of the two,
either the one who claims he is the son of god, or the one who claims he is the messenger of god. There is no third outcome, both can not coexist, one or the other.
i will follow the triumphant.
I know who of the two he is.
I will leave it there since it is CHRISTMAS.
Will you do the same?
Sure Mohammad but, Christ is the Son of God and this is his day. Merry Christmas.
Thank you for providing the best and most reliable, truthful, ‘real news’, every week without fail, and the excellent interviews and guests that come on your show. Your insights and dissemination of the truth are a breath of fresh air and a shining example to us all. Much blessings to you and your family for Christmas
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Thank you Garth for your kind words and $upport!!! Merry Christmas!!!
Here’s to hoping everyone’s Christmas doesn’t involve receiving Bitcoin as a ‘gift’….
Its value is $0.0.
P.S. Not long ago, its ‘mining’ costs were $1800. Now they are up over $4200. 1 coin ! The more coins mined, and the fewer left, and the more transactions each day, makes the energy costs to mine them skyrocket. So maybe it’s real value is NEGATIVE ! I expect a very massive and continued sell off of all crypto’s after the new year. The jig is up. Bitcoin will be purely a 2017 short lived fad. Probably the shortest time period ever for a fiat ‘currency.’ And it is truly fiat, as people are only ascribing a ‘value’ to it, because someone says it has value.
PPS. Blockchain has no patentability. Anyone can do it. Therefore if that’s the basis of crypto’s they have less than any real value. Given the power consumption requirements, I believe Blockchain is a total dead end proposition. Also given its inherent slowness, given to how it has to be distributed across any and all nodes to be effective, its worse than dead end. People are being so scammed by all of this, precisely because their knowledge of mathematics and exponential functions is next to non-existent. You’d be surprised how mathematically stupid people on Wallstreet are too.
Mike … the best gift I got for Christmas was not the partrich in a pear tree, or the two turtle doves, or the three French hens, or the four hummingbirds … it was the five(5) gold rings (and after the 12 days of Christmas I now have sixty(60) gold rings) … you know … if the banksters don’t change this popular Christmas song there soon won’t be enough gold in the world to celebrate Christmas (if they don’t change the song … they can always just be-head all the Christians)!!
Thank you Greg for our end of the year Christmas present- your excellent journalism and ability to explain objectively the news. We made it another year and now our President has taken up residency in the Left’s heads rent free! And the Donald can’t be budged out of that priceless real estate- their minds.
Merry Christmas to all you Watch Doggers out there!
Thank you Russ!!! Merry Christmas!!!
Mr. Hunter, I want to wish your and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. To all the USA Watchdog viewers Merry Christmas and prospers New Year.
Mr. Hunter, have you heard of Jim Fetzer? Would you consider having him as a guest? He is very interesting and has completed many investigations on Kennedy Assassination, 9/11 etc. the Elites.
I look forward to next year.
Stay safe everyone!
Merry Christmas Greg!
The greatest gift of all, humanities opportunity for salvation via our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at Calvary. Looking forward to all the informative work you provide all of us Deplorables in 2018!
Amen Brother Alan!!
Brother Greg
Alan … It is not so much Christ’s “death” at Calvary that saved us … but the fact that God the Father chose to gave him “life” (within our human specie) … that God the Father of the “Entire Universe” and creator of all the stars, planets and living things within this vast Universe “chose us” (of all the animals and insects in the entire Galaxy and of every other galaxy) to bring forth “his Son” … what does that say of the possibility of our “salvation” as we see species dying off at “an unprecedented exponential rate” today … due to the actions of moronic neocons poisoning of our environment either through ignorance or “intentionally” by an overtly diabolically evil plan … but have no fear … the fact that God the Father “chose a human being” to give birth to his Son says much “to the possibility” of our Salvation if we follow the word and teachings of Christ!!
keep the speeches coming watchdog,
“I will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee”
Matthew 21:43 “Therefore I say to you, that the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and shall be given to a nation yielding the fruits thereof.”
Israel of the New Covenant is the Nation Christ established, the Catholic Church.
“Israel of the New Covenant”?!?? NO SUCH THING. The Matthew 21:43 reference of the kingdom of God” speaks to the salvation by Grace through Faith. NO Denomination has a lock on Biblical Truth. Salvation accompanies God’s Word: never a church. In fact, the Catholic Church more resembles the Luke 11:46-52 verses. Who burned and prohibited Bibles in the Dark Ages? Who conducted the Inquisition? Who makes the claim that Heaven can’t be gained except through them? Rubbish! The Scribes had it right (from Mark 2:7) “Who can forgive sins but God only?” Everything else is intrusion and usurpation.
Yes there is such a thing.
Hebrews 8:13 “Now in saying a new, he hath made the former old. And that which decayeth and groweth old, is near its end.”
One needs more than faith to be saved:
Matthew 7: 21 “ Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
James 2:19-20 “Thou believest that there is one God. Thou dost well: the devils also believe and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?”
Bishops, Sacraments, the Mass, the command to follow Apostolic Tradition, etc, etc etc is all in Scripture. Because Scripture is Catholicism.
“Who burned and prohibited Bibles in the Dark Ages?”
The Church never burned bibles. Scripture is used in Mass. They may have prohibited personal ownership, but that is because people would (and Have) come up with erroneous interpretations. Interpretations that have spawned many heretical religions.
2 Peter 1:20 “Understanding this first, that no prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation.”
Inquisitions were about the stopping of damning heresy in Catholic countries. Many souls were saved because of them.
Christ only set up one religion, so yes only Catholics can be saved.
John 10: 16 “And other sheep I have, that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd”
Yes, only God can forgive sins and He does so through the Sacrament of Confession He established:
John 20:22-23 “When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.”
Holy Scripture has two main, great issues for proper interpretation: Harmony, and Context. One cannot ‘cobble together’ Scripture outside of these. I fear you violate these in your response.
There IS a New Covenant – but it is made to the whole world. This Hebrews passage deals with the redemption of Israel when, after the anti-christ offers the abomination of desolation on the alter of the Third Temple (future event); and the heart of the nation of Israel will be turned to the Messiah, Who they refuse today – Jesus Christ. This corresponds to the last half of Tribulation, of Rev.11:14. This is prophesied in Hosea 2:14-23. Jeremiah 24:7 speaks of this day – but they must embrace Jesus Christ to come to the Father Jehovah. It therefore is NOT a covenant with Israel: but to the Church of all Born-again Believers. Israel is thus turned to, or back into, a covenant not made cronologically with them. The promises of God made exclusively to them – are folded in – to the New Testament Covenant of the Blood of Jesus Christ. BUT – this does NOT make the Catholic Church a nation, and Israel of the New Covenant.
And I cannot more strongly disagree with you concerning ‘needing more than Faith to be Saved’. It isn’t Jn. 7:21, or James 2:19,20 that establishes anything other than Faith. Jesus Christ’s own answer defines what “works” God accepts. “This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He has sent.” Scripture sure is NOT Catholicism. You are Catechism brain-washed at this point to not discern or acknowledge the true facts – where Catholic doctrine and Bible doctrine disagree absolutely.
Jesus Christ only set up ONE FAITH: NOT one religion. Either Catholic doctrine is THE Authority of God; or the Holy Bible is THE Authority of God: it cannot be both. What you attempt to do is subjugate the Authority of the Bible to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Sorry, but this is blasphemy. Man cannot have authority over God.
Your John 20:22,23 mention speaks only to the time and personages of the Transitional Ministry of Christ and the lives of the Apostles. This miraculous endorsement of God no longer exists. It was a sign for the Jews who required signs to believe in the infant, Apostolitic church. History and the weight of scholarship DENY these ‘sign-gifts’ continuity unto this day. And certainly the hocus-pocus of the “sacrament” is not established in Scripture. ‘Priestly’ INTRUSION into the Office of Intercession is, again, not supported by Scripture however you were taught to believe. There is NO Apostolitic Succession; and the claims to Christ through Peter is thinly veiled heresy.
If you cannot believe the Holy Bible over everything else: it is you who has no hope, and no salvation.
“It isn’t Jn. 7:21, or James 2:19,20 that establishes anything other than Faith. ”
Saint James clearly states that faith without works is dead, but you just casually brush it away. You’ll just brush these aside as well, but here are someone quotes:
2 Peter 1:10 “Wherefore, brethren, labour the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election. For doing these things, you shall not sin at any time.”
Philippians 2:12 “Wherefore, my dearly beloved, (as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but much more now in my absence,) with fear and trembling work out your salvation.”
Luke 9: 23 “And he said to all: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”
” Either Catholic doctrine is THE Authority of God; or the Holy Bible is THE Authority of God: it cannot be both”
Again, the Bible is Catholicism. Catholic Doctrine is two parts. Scripture and Apostolic Tradition:
John 14: 26 “But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you.”
John 16:12-13 “I have yet many things to say to you: but you cannot bear them now. But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will teach you all truth. For he shall not speak of himself; but what things soever he shall hear, he shall speak; and the things that are to come, he shall shew you.”
2 Thessalonians 2:14 “Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle.”
Catholic Doctrine IS God’s Doctrine.
“This miraculous endorsement of God no longer exists. ”
Where in Scripture is that? It isn’t in Scripture, it’s your own doctrine.
Sacrament of Communion:
Mathew 26 : 26-28 “And whilst they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke: and gave to his disciples, and said: Take ye, and eat. This is my body. And taking the chalice, he gave thanks, and gave to them, saying: Drink ye all of this. For this is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins.”
John 6: 51-52 “I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world.”
John 6: 56-57 “For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed.He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him.”
Acts 2:42“And they were persevering in the doctrine of the apostles, and in the communication of the breaking of the bread, and in prayers.”
Real Christians receive Jesus in Holy Communion.
Christ’s Church has Preists and Bishops:
1 Timothy 3:1-5 “A faithful saying: if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. It behoveth therefore a bishop to be blameless, the husband of one wife, sober, prudent, of good behaviour, chaste, given to hospitality, a teacher, Not given to wine, no striker, but modest, not quarrelsome, not covetous, but One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all chastity. But if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?”
“There is NO Apostolitic Succession”
Where in Scripture is this?
“If you cannot believe the Holy Bible over everything else: it is you who has no hope, and no salvation.”
My point exactly.
I have posted a lot of quotes and don’t wish to copy the whole Bible, so this will be my last response. Good day.
One cannot put the cart before the horse, and expect anything to work. The Holy Bible deals with the complete issue of Salvation AND Christian life AFTER Conversion. What James conveys, in a completely Jewish context – is those things which accompany salvation: good works. But the spiritual reality is in THE ORDER God Himself sets forth to be observed or obeyed: “Savation by Grace through Faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” One must first be born-again, by God’s spiritual adoption into His family – under His condition of NO WORKS; so it can be a “gift”; so no human merit can be measured to God’s salvation; so it can be 100% God’s Grace, and to God’s glory alone – FIRST. Then and only then can man begin to evidence “good works” which, in good sense, the Bible would contain for a coverted life to follow. So the Order is: salvation, then good works to evidence faith; NOT “good works” to evidence Faith – then salvation somewhere behind. It is not my intent to ‘brush aside’ anything; but to set both Scripture in proper meaning and in good order. UNTIL one is “born again” (Jn. 3: 3-8): one is still “dead in tresspasses and sin” and “unquickened” by God through the new, spiritual birth (Eph2:1) One cannot work until one comes into life. The ‘horse’ is therefore Salvation; the ‘cart’ which follows, is good works. To rearrange this order – is to dispute with God Himself. It cannot be done. ( Those who choose to do so, do at the risk of eternal loss.)
2Pet. 1:10 reads: “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if you do these things; ye shall never fall:” And two issues spring from your reference: one is that you use a Bible that has changed words to suit a purpose – against God’s warning; and Peter’s ministry toward the Jewish converts is apparent. There isn’t a human on earth that doesn’t sin – not saved or unconverted. A REAL Bible says – you won’t “fall” – an exhortation to observe the items in the preceding passages, verses 4 through 8; or lose the reward of the everlasting kingdom (which the Jews were accustomed to view as the end of their faith.). This, again, is exhortation to the (born-again) Believer: not to the unsaved or unconverted. Is it not YOU who completely skip the clear Bible issue of Salvation or being “born again” by the Spirit of God?
The Philippians 2:12 verse MUST be taken in CONTEXT of verses 9 though 11. “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and of things in earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father.” This does violence to the Catholic doctrine of both the Pope and the Virgin Mary – who have neither equivalency nor Office to intercede or speak for the One Who has NEVER delegated such authority: Scripture itself bearing the testimony.
“Catholic Doctrine is two parts. Scripture and Apostolic Tradition:” There is “Sacred Knowledge”, contained only in the Holy Bible; and “Profane Knowledge” which falls within the realm of everything else. The two cannot be mixed or compared. “Tradition” is of man: not of God.
Scripture certainly does spell-out the end of ‘God’s miraculous endorsement of the “Sign-gifts”. 1Corinthians 13: 8-10 “Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophesies, they shall fail (cease to be emitted); whether ther be tongues, they shall cease (perfect past Greek Aorest tense – cease in and of themselves?); whther there be knowledge, it shall vanish away (special, specific Holy Spirit inspiration). For we (the Apostles) know in part and prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come (the Holy Bible), that which is in part (knowledge and prophesy [tongues]) shall be done away. This is the Internal Evidence – which History and the Early Fathers BOTH confirm. There is no revelation of God apart from the Holy Bible. Authority must have one final source. And it isn’t man trying to speak for God. Just Scripture: no Tradition. It isn’t just “my doctrine” – the Bible plainly speaks of neither “adding to” or “taking away” from Holy Scripture. Tradition adds to.
The Issue of “Communion”, then makes man a cannibal, through hocus-pocus?!?? For one it contadicts Scripture in Leviticus: and Scripture doesn’t contradict itself. The other is the obvious use of METAPHOR. Luke 22:19 includes: ” this do in rememberance of me”. 1Cor. 11:23-26 CONFIRMS this issue: that the cup and bread are REMEMBRANCES, used in METAPHOR.
As to Apostolic Succession having ended: it is SUPERSEDED by the priesthood of the Believer. 1Pet. 2:9(10) “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light: (Which in times past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy).” So both the universal office of priest/believer is established; but also “mercy” is obtained directly of
God, and not through some human office.
My point is this: you cannot mix the Sacred and the Profane – and see eye-to-eye with God. You may have been taught this, and you may think or believe this: but God has NO respect to us offering to Him whatever we decide upon. Sorry – it won’t fly. As long as you take Catholic Tradition on-par with the Holy Bible: you forfeit the Bible. The Catholic Church holds it’s subscribers in bondage to sacraments and what-have-you – through it’s claim to be the only way to Heaven: when in fact, the (stand-alone) Truth of the Bible is the all and only Way. God made Salvation by Grace though Faith a Bible-only principle – so that NO Church or Denomination could make a claim to Heaven exclusively. The fact that Catholicism does: disqualifies it. You are clinging to damnable error. If your eyes were the least bit open; you would understand my taking time to explain here – is a mercy, and loving kindness.
Have a Happy New Year.
Fear Not!
Check this site out! Get the dope on the doper state!
Challenger The Untold Story
Time people call it for what it is….in progress was a illegal attempt to influence an election that has turned into a ‘planned’ attempt to overthrow a sitting President. With elements of violence, propaganda to inflame public discourse, and the destruction of the lives of people like Gen. Flynn for their attempts to harness the excesses of bad ‘deep state’ actors via the use of internal rogue sub-sets within the government= Treason…and sedition… That the AG Sessions sits on his hands puts his own motives in question…and why there was little opposition of his approval for that office…being part of the ‘ole boy’ system of the Senate…and his near immediate recusal of the Russia controversy and so allowing this travesty to go forward unimpeded… This is not a time for ‘retirements’, stepping down, or re-assignments…it is a time for indictments !
The ‘reasons’ for FISA warrants has become a flimsy as a straw holding up an elephant!
Yes, to the world of God’s Predestined Elect. Ephesian Ch. one and 2. Please read it.
Good News – I request some clarification on the comment around 23:58 that the “US and Israel are the same” please let me know what that means.
Brian Bargerhuff
Merry Christmas Greg. Jesus is the reason for the season. Happy New Year too. God bless.
A side note Gregg. Trump would be the right guy in a collapse because Trump knows real estate and just look at a map of the USA and how much of that land is owned by the federal government. Now imagine if most of that were sold off to American citizens only and imagine how that would be a one off time to reduce debt. Then imagine that the states that that land is in will now suddenly be receiving revenue from property taxes since that land would be in private hands. Just something to chew on and contemplate. What do you think?
” D S ”
I agree but the federal government never should really own the land. It belongs to the states.
So if anyone doubts that Bitcoin is pyramid scheme, then all you have to do is check the history of the so called ‘inventor’ who is actually Russian. I knew the name Satoshi was a fake too.
“Eight years have passed since the decentralized cryptocurrency’s introduction, and probably biggest mystery surrounding it is still the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym used by its founder or founders. Now, Russian trolls say they have uncovered the digital currency pioneer’s true identity, posting a screenshot of the shadowy figure they say is Nakamoto online.
“The founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, becoming the richest man on the planet, has finally appeared in public.”
The image immediately led a stream of users born after the year 2000 rushing to try to figure out the identity of the man in the photo. But older users instantly remembered him as Sergei Mavrodi, the infamous conman and founder of MMM, a pyramid scheme which wiped out the savings of millions of Russians in the mid-1990s. Its gonna be interesting to see when Clif High comes clean on this garbage, and tells us all what a fake scheme this truly is. Blockchain is not fake. But the scheme concocted by Mavrodi is, along with all the other perps creating all the hype surrounding crypto’s, taking advantage of the trickery on display by Bitcoin. Truly this stuff isn’t worth these purported prices, but with the shameless ‘marketing’ of ‘limited coins’, and the scheme behind the ginned up concept of ‘mining,’ makes it all appear to have some sort of value. The real fall out will be will the whole thing collapses the power-grids, because people are too stupid to figure out that the consumption is an exponential function, that increases not linearly, but geometrically, with each passing day, and each transaction, as more users get on board the ponzi. Sad.Sick.Duplicitous crap.
Established in 1989 as an office equipment importer, MMM switched to full-time Ponzi scheming in 1994. Mavrodi, a mathematician and programmer by trade, set up his MMM pyramid promising fantastical yearly returns of up to 3,000%, leading upwards of 10 million Russians, struggling to make ends meet in the economic chaos following the collapse of the Soviet Union, to put the last of their savings in the scheme.