Disasters Increasing – Get Prepared – Steve Quayle
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Sponsored Post)
Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is warning that disasters of all types are increasing, and it’s not going to get better anytime soon.
Look at what happened with back-to-back hurricanes in Florida and the Southeast. There was massive flooding, huge wind damage and millions without power and cell service. There are 10,000 people still without power in the North Carolina mountains after massive flash flooding caused by Hurricane Helene. People were abandoned by FEMA and the government. That storm struck the Florida coast in late September, and there is no telling when the lights will come back on. This is not bad luck or an accident, and Quayle contends, “This is a scripted takedown, takeover and takeout of the United States of America. The power grid is what has enabled us to live with such a blessedness and an abundance of everything. . . . You need to recognize the globalists, the Luciferians are absolutely plotting and planning the destruction of human beings in this country. This is the genocidal destruction and the extinction of Americans.”
Quayle is a spokesman for Satellite Phone Store. They are experts in backup power, satellite phone communication and security of RF/ballistic Faraday bags that will stop both electronic thieves and bullets. Quayle says, “It is critical and no longer a luxury that you have to have what I call a life assurance plan. Life assurance is taking the forethought and saying to yourself look at what happened to Florida. That could be me. If you live in an earthquake zone, it’s the same thing.”
Also, FBI Director Christopher Wray has testified to Congress many times that we should expect hacking and terrorism that could take down the power grid, communications, water systems and even the banks.
So, check out the backup power systems from Satellite Phone Store. Watch the 8-minute video to explain how easy it is to ride out any power killing event. You can contact them at BeReady123.com.
Along with millions of power outages in the Southeast because of storm damage from Helene and Milton, there were just as many cell phones that could not function because cell towers were down or damaged. Sat phones don’t need ground-based towers, and their signals travel into space. Check out the options at Sat123.com.
Finally, there are new ways for criminals to break into your home and into your car to rob or hurt you. Wireless key fobs and garage door openers are being hacked using technology that gives thieves access to your car or garage. One such robbery recently happened in Phoenix when a man watched his truck being stolen out of his driveway using this technology to open and start his vehicle. Darkbags.com have ways to stop thieves from gaining access to any of your electronic devices.
In closing, Quayle says, “With the open Southern border, this is like taxpayers hiring their own firing squads.”
There is much more in the 30-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes one-on-one with Steve Quayle who talks about getting ready for increasing disasters on 10.15.24.
After the Interview:
Watch the 8-minute video to explain how easy it is to ride out any power killing event. You can contact them at BeReady123.com or call 1-941-841-0844
For all Satellite communication go to Sat123.com or call 1-941-841-0844.
For stopping thieves and spying, there is a big selection of Faraday EscapeZone bags at Darkbags.com or call 1-941-213-8547.

Prepare spiritually as we are within biblical times.
Repent and make your peace with God.
Amen Brother AA!! Pray to Jehovah in Christ Jesus name!!
Brother Greg
God bless you Greg & USAW Community.
Good advice, but you need to have the Body’s needs covered as well.
No mane knows the time of the coming, not even the Son.
Chemtrails all weekend, confirmed in a least two states here. Obligatory on a sunny day.
Funny how when it rains nowadays lawns turn brown/yellow not green.
I wonder how ignorant people must be not to take notice of their natural surroundings.
I look up and imagine the devil is trying to hide his evil on earth from God with the chemtrails. Good luck with that!
Not seeing that here, my lawn is green from March until Nov, sometimes Dec.
Not doubting your reporting, it just that this near the coast, there is plenty of rain without them doing anything… they get us with the excess rain, the flooding and the wind
I believe this comment as well.
New Clif High: 39 Days To Melee
Gold price today in AUD $3,983 & NZD $4,395
Record price AUD $4,001.37!
Wow, wonder when those prices come to US ?
They are here now… it’s an equivalent measure
When gold is $7000 NZ it will be $4400 US, assuming current exchange rate of about 1.60.
Actually if you plot gold price vs average annual income, it’s been getting harder and harder to buy gold over the last 2 decades.
Soon a 10 Oz bar in NZ will be 50k. It was 32k not long ago.
Hi Bob,
You are spot on, it’s getting harder by the hour.
I remember a 400oz bar in AUD was 700k, it is now over 1.6 million.
Has anyone heard from Stan and how his gold shorts worked out. Are his high-flying friends still calling him? Hopefully he has seen the light.
Getting prepared is no longer optional.
A medium for trade
There is no canned chicken on the shelves in Walmart in Copperas Cove, Tx……none
Thanks for the street reporting Jakob!!
Greg, please see if you can interview Andrew Bridgen (ex British MP), who was thrown out of the UK Conservative Party for being Conservative and for opposing Vax mandates. https://youtu.be/OQx3AARRXEs?si=J5DbHnMNG0fMITfy
Steve Quayle as an archeological dig expert has been able to throw some light on our desperate human condition. I think it is time we try to get out of this “Ocean” filled with Evil Deep State Murdering Globalist Sharks and get on to the “Land” where we can live our lives Free of all these Evil Murderous Demons around us!! Many millions of years ago according to archeological scientists the first fish stepped out of the ocean upon dry land and evolved to become the mammals we are today (evolution theory) – whereas according to our Christian Belief the first step of a Christian “fish” upon Moral High Ground occurred 2000 years ago during the time of Jesus!!! Now if we consider the cognitive and emotional responses of non-human fishes millions of years ago (seeking peace from a murderous ocean filled with evil sharks trying to kill them) resulting in the rise of reptiles, dinosaurs and then us mammals (where according to archaeological evolutionary theory Synapsida Dinosaurs (https://paleontologyworld.com/exploring-prehistoric-life/synapsids#google_vignette) were the mammal-like reptiles we human manuals derived from (and therefore one part of our brain according to Scientists is reptilian) but this does not mean the reptile within us can’t be social, emotional, and sensitive (if we Learn To Control the “Dinosaurus Rex” within us and stop the Constant Wars)!!! Actually brain scientists (like those experimenting with the m-RNA Kill Shots) have found that the Human brain comes in Three (3) Functional Layers – the Reptilian brain, the Limbic system, and the Cerebral cortex where the Human Reptilian brain controls the regulatory systems in our body (like hormones, body temperature, blood pressure, and hunger) while the Human Limbic system is the emotional part of our brain (making us feel fear, anger, joy, or gratitude) and finally the Human Cerebral cortex (the most evolved part of the brain) oversees and controls our decision making and long-term planning. What is interesting about all this is that Science seems to have “Proved” we Humans have “Three Persons Within Us”!! Which leads me to question why can’t Noahide Jews can’t accept the fact that there is “Three Persons” in the One God (From Which We Came)???
Katy, I always wondered what happened to the Dinosaurs, are you telling us the Dinosaurs became us Humans???
Yes Ken! And it seems Science “has found” we have Three(3) Brains in Us (just like there are Three Persons in the One God we came from)!!!
Problem is we humans don’t seem to know how to deal with the Reptilian “within us” just as Adam and Eve had problems dealing with that Snake “known as Satan”!! But God must have had some purpose for putting a bad ass Reptilian “with us”, most likely so we would know exactly how to deal with Demon Rats (and Rid the Earth of Them)!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU4jENyoSss
I guess when we Humans soon create AI Borgs to “replace us humans” in the near future, the AI Borgs will look upon their Creator (Man) “As Their God” and will Worship us as the Giver of Life and the Programmer who gave them the 7 to 10 Moral Rules they should live by!! But, I bet even they will probably also have some AI Borgs denying that their “God” (Man) was in fact “Three Persons in One God”!!!
Kit, what I fear is coming is a World of about 8 Billion AI Borg’s, where most of us Humans will soon “Be Forced by the Satanic Globalists” to Store our Human Consciousness (on the Promise of Immortality)!! But, when our AI Borg breaks down mechanically, it will go back to “God” (The Few Globalists Who According to the Georgia Guidestones Will Remain as Carbon Based Life Forms) who then will Evaluate and Judge how “their owned and patented” AI Borg (Now Containing Our Consciousness) Operated Before it Malfunctioned and Died. Then, “Upon Judgement” they will either “Resurrect It” (if it properly obeyed the 7 to 10 Noahide Rules programmed into it during its operating life). Or, the Globalist “Gods” will simply throw their “owned and patented” AI Borg (Containing Our Consciousness) into a Molten Furnace (Never to Live Again)!! Although The Globalists Will Initially Promise to Give Us Immortality, most likely they will have buried in the “fine print” that we must have lived by their 7 Noahide Rules to Allow Such a Transfer Of Our Consciousness “TO CONTINUE” in a Resurrected (and fully Globalist Owned and Patented) AI Borg!!
Not going to happen. Jesus said, “There would be no flesh left if the days were not shortened. So, for the sake of the elect the Days Shal Be Shortened.”
I agree Greg!! Some say Nibiru or Planet X is heading toward the Earth (from behind the Sun) supposedly due to create a Cataclysmic and Disastrous Encounter with Earth (by the year 2033)?? Such a Heavenly Encounter should put a Stop the Globalists who want no human “flesh” left alive on Earth (according to their Georgia Guidestones)!! According to Jesus “this Heavenly Encounter” will probably speed up the Rotation of the Earth (shortening the days)!! This “must happen” for the Sake of the Elect (some of who will probably survive like Noah did)!! Otherwise, “None of Us Will be Left Alive by the Georgia Guidestone Eugenics Crowd” who have Evil Plans to “Kill Us All” (if we don’t transfer our Conscious Souls into a Demonic AI Borg)!!!
It’s the “Black Star.” \
Some say the Reptilians who live on Nibiru are like Komodo Dragons (who are adaptive decision-making Reptiles who have a deep and sensitive intelligence and can interact with and “bond with with Humans”). The UFO community says these Reptilians “are already here” providing Advanced Knowledge to Humans about Anti-gravity, UFO’s, Lasers, AI Computers, etc., etc. to US, Russian and Chinese Scientists!! The Bible warned us of one such “Reptilian” (also trying to help out Adam and Eve) and it resulted in them “Both Being Thrown Out of the Garden of Eden”!!! So, we Humans better be Very Very Careful about who We Choose to Follow (and that goes for the upcoming election where we have a Big Choice to make , either 1) “Be Moral” and Elect Trump or 2) “Be Immoral” and Elect Lying Kamala and Pedophile Tim!!!
I’m sure you’re right! Tower of Babel says we won’t be able to communicate What blessing that will be. Not to hear from those with the demonic thoughts as you have expressed. Seems you may have eternity ahead of you to further contemplate your big ideas. Your comrades also believe this trash.
This region of the Middle East in and of and surrounding Israel, has throughout history, especially in the 1st century B.C. and the 1st century A.D., seemingly has ALWAYS been torn: by famines, by drought, by pestilences, and by wars from without; by civil wars from within, by robber bands, and by mobs following false messiahs and crazy men; by foreign forces which swept back and forth across the Land, and by opinions and politics that was as attractive as a kazoo brass band. Exhaustingly, this strife was so annual that there hardly seemed to ever be a year or two together that could be called “peaceful”. In the 1st Century A.D. period of New Testament history, we never really read or find that the “Land had rest”, as we might in the book of Judges. Through the history left us by Josephus, there is a presumption of peace in Jesus’ ministry, but then we are told of Barabbas and informed by Josephus of robber bands after Jesus’ ministry that were ex-gladiator caliber Sicarii that gradually consumed Israel, and seemingly died only with their last robber-band fall in Masada.
The Christian will do well, to learn by the first 44 years of Christian sufferings (they who were by profession primarily sailors, soldiers, and farmers) after Christ’s resurrection and ascension and learn from them, use them as an example. We are to put our trust exclusively in Christ, both for our life in this world, and for the one in the world to come. Therefore, as Christians, we are to be wary of unbelief; lest it be a root cause for personal tribulations and downfall. Each person must prayerfully seek the LORD, not out of fear or confusion, but of and from a trusting mind and a trusting heart. We are to heed the Instruction if for us it is better to “bug in” or to gather funds and prepare to “bug out”. Scripture advises in such things that it is better to go to a neighbor near friend that is truly near than a brother afar off (Proverbs 27:10), but I would say someone that also can expect you and make room by a previous recent agreement to do so AND can truly be trusted as a friend.
As I stated before, I learned from the COVID-19 lock-downs that “all bug ins should go on the presumption of you being in a permanent flu-like or injured state, and to plan accordingly.: (or words to this effect). In other words, for bug-in supplies, have nothing that requires great strength to have access to or in itself to lift or move, and keep it as much as possible to less than 40 lbs, less than 24 lbs, with 10 lbs or less as the operational goal, because there will come a time that even just a gallon of water to be lifted might seem as a great feat of strength, and woe to those needing to remove 5 gallon bucket lids or move heavy storage boxes and having no physical strength to do so.
tks greg and steve
Monetary collapse soon? https://hubertmoolman.wordpress.com/2024/10/14/silver-is-stepping-up-to-monetary-restoration/
Morning Greg… in light of Steve Quayle pointing out that “they’re hunting FEMA” and what the rest of us might be doing as well in the near future, I thought I’d give you the Rules of Engagement used by the U.S. Marines and U.S. Army (at least what I learned 45+ years ago). Enjoy and learn:
1. You are not John Wayne or Superman.
2. If it’s stupid but it works, it isn’t stupid.
3. Don’t look conspicuous, it draws fire.
4. Don’t draw fire — it irritates the people around you.
5. Try to look unimportant – the bad guys may be low on ammo.
6. The important things are always simple.
7. The simple things are always hard.
8. The easy path is always mined.
9. If the enemy is in range, so are you.
10. Incoming fire always has the right of way.
11. The only thing as accurate as incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.
12. Incoming Friendly fire – isn’t friendly.
13. Suppressive dire doesn’t suppress.
14. Tracers work both ways.
15. If you find yourself in a fair fight – your tactics suck.
16. Only hits count.
17. When the pin is pulled, Mr. grenade is not your friend.
18. All five second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds.
19. Have a plan.
20. Have a back-up plan – the first plan rarely works out.
21. Even the back-up plan goes to crap 10 seconds into a combat engagement.
22. Never share your fighting position with someone braver than you.
23. The enemy diversion you’re ignoring IS the main attack.
24. If your attack is going really well, it’s called an ambush.
25. If you’re forward of your last known position to HQ, the artillery will always fall short.
26. Communications always fail the moment you desperately need to call-in fire support.
27. Move laterally and diagonally away from the attacker – distance is your friend.
28. The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get.
29. If you make it too tough for the enemy to get in, you can’t get out.
30. Sho0t what’s available, as long as it’s available, until something else becomes available.
31. Professional soldiers are predictable, but the world is full of amateurs.
32. Don’t shoot fast, shoot good.
33. Bring your guns to the fight – brings all your friends with guns to the fight.
34. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating, reloading, and running.
35. Accuracy is relative, the ‘pucker factor’ trumps the accuracy of your gun every time.
36. All skill is in vain when an angel pisses on the flintlock of your musket.
37. If you’re running low on everything except the enemy, you’re in combat.
38. A large bore muzzle pressed against someone’s head usually means ‘STOP’.
39. There is no such thing as ‘cheating’ in a fight.
40. No combat ready unit ever passed inspection.
41. Anything you do can get you shot – including doing nothing.
42. There is no possible victory in defense only.
43. Don’t pick a fight with an old man that’s too old to fight – he’ll just shoot you.
44. You can NOT save the world – but you might be able to save yourself and your family.
45. An armed man will shoot an unarmed man with monotonous regularity.
46. Flank the enemy when possible – protect yours.
47. Don’t ever drop your guard.
48. Always tactical load and threat scan 360 degrees
49. Decide to be aggressive enough, quickly enough, for as long as it takes.
50. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one.
51. Be polite. Be professional. But have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
52. Use cover and concealment when possible – keep the targets in FRONT of your gun.
53. Good decisions come from experience that survived bad decisions.
54. Never let a threat get within ‘arm’s length’ of your position.
55. Never say ‘I have a gun’. Just be ready to use it.
56. If it’s worth shooting – shoot it twice. Ammo is cheap compared to your life.
57. Your best option for personal security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escallation.
59. Watch their hands. Hands kill. In God We Trust. Everyone else… keep your hands where I can see them.
60. “The true soldier doesn’t fight because he hates what’s in front of him, but because he loves what’s behind him.” G.K. Chesterton
61. Rules for ‘weapons free’ engagement: It’s always open season. There is no ‘bag’ limit. ‘Catch & Release’ is NOT allowed. Hunting before sun-up and after sun-down may be necessary. Make sure you have optics that allow for that option.
62. Someday, someone may kill you with your own weapon. The only acceptable reason will be that your weapon was empty, you were out of ammo, there were no BFR’s to grab (‘big f’n rocks), your position was over-run by far superior forces, there were at least 3 goons holding you down, and THEN, they beat you to death with your own weapon.
63. “Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of mankind. If mountains and oceans can be overcome, anything man builds can also be overcome” Gen. George S Patton.
64. “No S.O.B. ever won a war by dying for his country…. you win a war by making the other S.O.B. die for his.” Gen G.S. Patton
I don’t want to start problems here with Jerry, but…….
Jerry says: “51. Be polite. Be professional. But have a plan to kill everyone you meet.”
The Bible says: “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13)
Fair Dinkum……..
If this is the American attitude going forward, then what is coming to America will be thoroughly deserved (and I am sure Jerry is an honourable, fair minded gentleman nonetheless)
Jesus wants is to STOP KILLING one another.
That was His teaching.
As it is stated……the narrow path very few will follow.
Have a plan to kill everyone you meet……..why…….to extend your earthly existence?
Do that, and expect nothing less than to be slammed into the darkest corner that God can find for you.
May God bless you and yours Jerry.
With Respect,
Ray, Canberra, Australia. 🇦🇺🦘🐊
It’s important to know that Kill and Murder are
not the same in God’s word.
The Accurate translation of the Commandment is
“You shall not Murder”
Many times God has told his chosen to Kill the enemy.
Many times government tell their soldiers to Kill the enemy.
Society may execute (kill) the condemned.
A Father may Kill an intruder who’s intent is to do grave harm or Murder of innocent family members.
A side note, Those who say abortion is murder, would be correct as killing of the innocent is Murder and has been since Cain killed Able.
Hi WW,
Thanks for your thoughtful comment.
I always enjoy the input and wisdom you regularly bring here.
I agree with your point regarding abortion of the innocent unborn.
Jerry’s post was a good one, with plenty of food for thought.
Where I can’t agree though is, as I mentioned, having a plan to kill everyone you meet.
I can envision the scene when such a person passes on, and is perhaps standing outside the Pearly Gates awaiting admission:
Killing Planner: “Can I come in please”
God: “First things first old son…….did you have a plan to love everyone you met, or to kill everyone you met?
Killing Planner: “I had plans to kill everyone I met”
God: “Well good. Come on in. Over to the left there are all the people you killed, they’ve got glasses of champagne and canapés at the ready for you…….they just can’t wait to tell you how grateful they and all their families members are that you had a plan to end their lives for them. Nicely done……you walked the narrow Godly path well you did”.
That shan’t be happening.
All people are God’s chosen people in my view, and whosoever puts themselves up above others in that regard, whether they be Arab, Jew or Calathumpian, are seriously deluded when it comes to their comprehension of what God The Creator actually is.
May God bless you and yours WW.
Take care mate.
Regards, Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊
Ray, I like your little Alligator/ Crocodile!
Which is it? Alligator, or Crocodile? Your being from Oz, I suspect it to be a Croc!
But most Yank’s, would suspect an Alligator.
What’s the difference, besides Gators are found in the US. and Croc’s Oz? Just wondering. As a Bwit, they look da same to me’s! Any body got an answer?
Like somebody from Louisiana, Florida or outback Queensland!🇻🇬🦘🦬🐑🐿️💃🇺🇲🇬🇸
Hi Johnny,
Yes mate…….its a crocodile!
As far as I know, and I could be wrong, crocodiles and alligators are cousins.
In Australia, we have salt water crocodiles, and they can grow to enormous sizes. They are located in the tropical north of our country.
They can sometimes be found further upstream in rivers, where water turns from salt to brackish.
From what I can gather, salt water crocodiles are larger than their cousins, the alligators, but both are lethal.
Generally, the girth of a crocodile’s snout is much wider than that of the alligator, same with their bodies.
Gotta hand it to them……they have been around for a very long time, and are a successful species to be sure.
Let’s hope Australia and America can do similar!!
(Doesn’t seem likely on our current trajectory)
Take care Johnny, my best wishes be with you.
Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊
Lost power for a week during the 2011 Halloween Nor’easter. Had a good stockpile of candles so that helped with keeping warm. Cold showers sucked but at least the plumbing still worked. Total darkness at night in the neighborhood and that’s why I never got a generator. If you’re the only one around with lights and noise from an outdoor generator, you’re now a target.
Losing all the food in your fridge and freezer might be a bigger problem.
Greg, An indoor generator (battery powered) saves the fridge. Plus I’ve got a ton of freeze-dried food in #10 cans, chafing fuel, mini stoves, etc. And of course lots of water.
Smart Lady!!
Greg… I agree with both you and Cheri… that’s why I would go with solar with battery back-up and a high wattage inverter.
From working experience, a ‘pure-wave’ 120/240 inverter is the better way to go but more expensive. Some motors in freezers, refrigerators and AC units don’t care much for the digital square wave inverters but they’ll still work. My only suggestion would be to calculate the total wattage needed for all your equipment – all running at the same time and pick an inverter that can produce 3 times the wattage requirement at ‘normal’ operating output – not ‘peak’ out-put. Peak output is for supplying surge power at start-up of the ac motor or compressor.
Having your inverter operating at one-third it’s ‘normal’ operating output will keep heat build-up of the inverter much lower and greatly extend the life of the inverter.
Another thought is: if you have a generator to go along with a solar system, I would wire it into a configuration that would allow you to run a portion of your home via the operating instructions from the generator manufacturing company – but also power a battery charger for recharging your back-up batteries during a ‘low light’ or ‘no-light’ situation…
Food for thought….
More food for thought (and good eating) – begin to dig yourself a hole “for a garbage can (root cellar)” that can be used to preserve your food “without electricity”!! https://www.askaprepper.com/why-you-should-bury-a-trash-can-in-your-backyard/
Also have plenty of salt stored away to preserve your food when the power goes down!! A 15% salt solution will stop “all bacterial growth” COMPLETELY!!! https://americanfarmsteadhers.com/how-to-store-food-without-electricity/
If your electrical power goes down take your carton of eggs out of your non-functioning refrigerator along with a stick of butter and coat the uncooked egg shells with butter, then put them back into the egg carton (pointy side down) and they will last for 6 to 9 months without refrigeration!!!
You make good points. For me the lighting is not a high priority when the power goes out. If a lot of rain, sump pump. If cold esp below freezing, the boiler. The fridge. Phone/computer charging. If very hot, AC in at least one room for the dogs.
Great information/demonstration, Greg.
Generators are loud because the mufflers SUCK. I once saw where a man built a muffler out of a coffee can for a 5hp briggs & stratton to put in a ride around locomotive and you couldn’t hear the thing run. Just puffs of air. The same concept could be used with a generator.
Someone on the internet said recently that FEMA stood for ”Forget Expecting Meaningful Assistance”
Ten Key Factors https://www.newstarget.com/2023-06-12-top-10-factors-contributing-to-cognitive-decline-americans.html – For decades, certain apparatus have been in place to keep the IQ of the average American in the gutter, so to speak, which helps the government keep the populace “in check.” For example, ever since WWII, most of the municipal tap water in this country has been adulterated with toxic fluoride, proven in Harvard studies to significantly lower intelligence. Ten key factors causing mental malfunctions and loss of intelligence for the majority of Americans today
#1. The “Woke” Mentality
#2. Spike Protein Injections
#3. Canola Oil
#4. Fluoride in Tap Water
#5. Pesticides
#6. Mainstream Media
#7. Communism
#8. COVID Masks
#9. Prescription Drugs
#10. Online Disinformation
Meanwhile, the majority of Americans consume bug killer, weed killer, and canola oil in most of their meals and snacks, reducing their cognitive abilities and heading straight for dementia early in life. Canola oil coagulates in the blood, causes loss of memory, and leads to mental decline (Alzheimer’s Disease), as proven in scientific studies.
Stay smart and healthy, because the powers that be want us all broke, stupid, and perverted. “Woke” is dying fast. Avoid it at all costs.
And avoid the beloved masks that most Democrats, liberals, allopathic-enthusiasts and brainwashed hypochondriacs simply love to death (pun intended). These are obviously more than useless and support the communist movement to take away people’s personality while lowering their cognition substantially. Science has already proven the masks do not prevent the contraction or transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), but do reduce oxygen flow and breed bacteria in the mouth, throat and lungs. A “perfect” resource for perpetuating the care industrial complex model and for furthering the installation of communism in the country of the sick.
Bible proven true once again; Jeremiah 10:23 I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. This explains why ALL human governments ARE corrupt; Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.
Satan giving the earth to Jesus is like a renter trying to sell the house they are renting.
I am very concerned about Mike Adam’s, the Health Ranger. I know that Steve Quayle is a good friend of Mike Adam’s. Please ask Mr. Quayle about Mr. Adams’ decent into hyper animosity toward Israel and the Jews to the point that Mike is putting out false teaching from the Bible. Mike started to teach Bible studies on his posts about news and health and his teaching is very off and confusing. I have been praying for Mike Adams and I’ve made a few comments to him about my concerns but he never responded. Thank you for your help for Mike Adams.
We stopped reading anything that Adams put out due to his hatred for Jews and Israel. What is his problem. And I bet he prays to Jesus who was a Jewish Rabbi.
You have to wonder what else he is so absolutely wrong about…
Everything these people think is tainted
I think James Howard Kunstler (Jewish) blog on this past Monday, last 2 paragraphs, makes important distinctions in this area.
FYI – His blog was cyber attacked a couple of months ago, now it’s a substack, but same Monday and Friday morning essays.
[email protected]
9:22 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
Please post this on USAW comment section with Steve Quayle.
From: John Geis
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 8:20 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Watch “What’s Really Happening in North Carolina | Hurricane Helene | Bear Brief 15OCT24” on YouTube
Monday I was in North Carolina delivering critical support supplies to Grindstone Ministries. They do not need cutting teams. They need WINTER CLOTHING! They need CAMPING TRAILERS to care for the survivors. They need people to move supplies to the people, LOGISTICS!! Bear runs Grindstone Ministries!
You NEED to hear the truth and to listen to his report.
They killed many tens of thousands of the least of HIS there!
Listen at 14 minutes! Air dropping pop tarts. 14:25 Oddities. this is the part that must come out! “I am not suicidal and I did not kill myself”.
Listen as he tells about little Germany. Listen at 26 minutes about body bags stacked like cordwood! 27 minutes this area has the nuclear fuel for our bombs. All the RDX for our artillery shells… Bear at the end says point blank; “Your water needs to be rock solid, your power needs to be rock solid, your coms need to be rock solid.”
He knows that judgement is coming and that ALL OF AMERICA will be little Germany very soon!
I have been down through rural Pennsylvania and Virginia many times but this time I was shocked! Everywhere I saw massive satanic displays and decorations to celebrate Lucifer’s holy day. We are told that people are tapped out by the inflation, but I saw thousands of skeletons, tens of thousands of expensive pumpkins. all manner of ghoulish decorations MOCKING GOD! There was even an Amish buggy lit up on top of a shipping container being pulled by skeletons. The DECEIVED American people are not putting the last of their precious resources into worshipping God and caring for the least of His! NO! They are putting the last of their resources into CELEBRATING LUCIFER’S HOLY DAY of DEATH!!
People say “pumpkins aren’t satanic”. Well they are not cheap and they are not for food! An old friend’s grandmother used to say this old rhyme; ” If wishes were horses and PUMPKINS were watches then BEGGARS would ride with time by their side.”
Great man on the ground reporting.
Only thing I take exception with is pumpkin pie. It’s one of my favorite. There is pent up anxiety and I think you are seeing it expressed in the decorations.
What can I do to help the guys in Western NC?
Can you post a link to Grindstone Ministries?
I’d like to look them up and see what I can do to help.
John, Most people don’t do Halloween as a satantic holiday. They do it for fun. Most don’t know it’s a satanic holiday.
Most just want an excuse to party. I am not Irish but on Saint Patrick’s Day, I am in the Green
Hi USAWatchdogs,
If you can, show these guys and gals in Western NC some love.
Grindstone does appear to be good guys albeit they don’t have current 990 listed.
Grindstone Ministries Inc is a nonprofit organization committed to offering disaster and humanitarian aid. In 2022, their projects include constructing Kaleb House, serving as a sanctuary for trafficking survivors, assisting individuals affected by natural disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes, and participating in various mission initiatives. Their mission encompasses providing essential support and relief to those in need.
Is Grindstone Ministries Inc legitimate?
Grindstone Ministries Inc is a legitimate nonprofit organization registered as a 501(c)(3) entity. Grindstone Ministries Inc submitted a form 990, which is a tax form used by tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., indicating its operational transparency and adherence to regulatory requirements. Donations to this organization are tax deductible.
Here are some key statistics you may want to consider:
Executive Compensation: $0
Professional Fundraising Fees: $0
Other Salaries and Wages: $24,250
For more financial information, click here
We need to pray like we’ve never prayed before. God is the only one who can stop this nonsense with these evil people who want nothing but control!!!
I agree Patricia.
This is the ‘fifth column’.
Dave Hodges interview with J.J. Carrell
Fifth, Haitians are sixth, moslems are seven, Somalians are eighth…
Hell, we are F’ing surrounded LOL
Navy Seal Author and Historian Matt Bracken comes back on the podcast to discuss his recent suspension on X, the devastation from Hurricane Helene, fault lines leading into the election.
( He gives great detail to North Carolina flood impacts and the long road to recovery. Also discusses the danger of infrastructure attacks by all the illegals , terrorists that have been LET INTO THE COUNTRY ON PURPOSE !! )
Highly recommend.
New Stockmarket high…
LOL… when is this overpriced overinflated ball of Pooh gonna blow?
Hell, I thought it was gone in 2008. Shows you what I know
All they have been doing since 2008 is propping up a failed system.
Greg, what do you think about this? How does this align w/your Christian views?
*Trump comes out as pro genital mutilation for minors, as long as there is parental consent.*
Not the way I took it. Have some common sense.
It’s a facist sight that slanders everything Trump, every thing normal, everything Christian…
Forget about her being a Christian, why would a reasonable person take something like this as true without considering the source? Just saying it strains credibility
Trump is against this.
Salk, there are places where the state decides this for your child. That’s what he’s talking about. No Christian is pro genitalia mutilation. Common Sense like comprehension isn’t so common anymore
Galaxy 500, you’re a shameless & shameful Trump-worshipper–even worse than your buddy Greg.
The coward & idolator Greg Hunter censored my response to his defense of LGBT promoter Trump.
Here is your hero Trump proudly waving the ‘Pride’ (Satanic) flag:
No Ma’ma,
I am just not stupid, I can do basic reasoning. I pity you. Take your 30 pieces of silver or what ever you get for shoveling your evil and go play on the freeway.
Greg’s Audience is smart that your echo chamber and fellow loons. This is a hit piece…
Did you miss this part? “He didn’t actually mention LGBT rights in the speech that followed.”
BUT… just in case you really missed the Word, we don’t hate the LGBT community. We treat all with basic courtesy.
Even people overflowingly full of Bovine excrement as yourself. Don’t know you. You might might be High Minion in Satan’s Army. What you are not is a serious person with an educated, fact driven position.
I proudly support Trump.
Your position is Trump is “what ever Satan’s the talking points are for the day” so vote for Kamel-tow who is as stupid as you appear to be. She will enslave you, you will own nothing, you will eat big and you will be happy because your betters tell you, you are happy.
Salk without Trump, we Get the destruction of America, we get WW III, we get our children castrated, raped and murdered by your buddies. We get everything we have stolen. We get persecuted for quitely praying in from of a baby murder factory….
You post some vile fabrication…
One thing Trump is NOT and that is a hater. He doesn’t care if you are black or a Jew or Asian or even gay.
So yes, I support the flawed human that YHWH sent to save us. I support Trump. But then I am a flawed unworthy servant of the most High GOD… the ONE, True GOD, YHWH also called Jehovah.
Another cover-up?
Prayer request
Posted on October 14, 2024 by Nurse Claire
The situation in North Carolina is extremely dire. I’ve seen the TikTok videos and tweets on X painting an apocalyptic picture. But it can sometimes be difficult to discern the real story vs Internet sensationalism. Since COVID, I’ve tried to not drawn any conclusions other than what I perceive with my own senses or hear directly from trusted colleagues & friends.
At any rate, I expected a few thousand to be dead in western NC, but in speaking with a friend last night, I realized that I had really low-balled the number.
Backstory: my friend is also a nurse anesthetist. She resides in Florida but is doing a “travel assignment” at a hospital in North Carolina (she started there before Helene hit). The following is what she has told me:
“Other CRNAs have been involved in the plane program, flying in shipments from private organizations to drop zones in the mountains. They fly to different bases, some in NC, some in Tennessee, even to a jail!… to pick up supplies then are flying them directly to the remote areas. Plane only can hold 1800lb of supplies. So they make 5 trips in 9 hours…each day. They drop off epi, insulin, meds, food, water, etc. they said the people flock to the plane like a third world country. Thousands are still stuck there with no way out, impoverished people with medical needs, no heat (it’s getting cold at night), no electricity, etc. no FEMA there. One PACU nurse’s husband went on the ground there to help. She said he came back in a state like she’s never seen. Dead babies in trees, hanging in branches, bodies everywhere, but the people in trees, no one can get to. There’s no ladder tall enough. He is traumatized. My coworkers whose husbands work for fire rescue in NC said the body count for the flooding is 13,000 or more. Not 250.”
My concern now is disease outbreak in the coming weeks without accessibility to clean water. Please pray for these suffering souls.
Steve looks like he is on a bunker. Did he move out of Montana?
Quayle moved his office and it’s not in any sort of bunker.
Can I have the bunker please?
If he has a spare one…
Where you have crazy weather a tornado shelter or bunker is a great idea.
IF you show the world you have lights/power, they will beat a path to your door and you don’t want that. Best to keep it a secret. My neighbor was peeking in my window and got an eyeful of preps.
IF demonrats and rinos take over, we either stand or die
Stand or die.
Marie, May I Respectfully suggest.
Of Course there’s the option of getting your neighbors prepped.
Army 6p’s saying,”proper planning prevent piss poor performance”
A Neighborhood with good preparation stands a good chance to survive.
Talk Prep, you might be surprised (I was) at the number of well prepped neighbors you have but like you, are quiet about it. Find who among your neighbors who is the army medic, nurse, doctor, veterans / hunters, handyman, car mechanic, electritian. Police and fire fighter neighbors can help with prep and training as they will want a neighborhood that can take care of thier families while their away restoring order. They will return for one of 2 reasons. The order is restored (good) or thier last line of defence is thier neighborhood and family.
Garded neighborhood entrance checkpoints, neighborhood resource shareing, cooking, power and fuel sharing, sharing weapons, training, ammo, fire extinguishers, opened #10 cans of anything before it spoils, etc. No matter how well you prep, budgets, storage space stored food expiration dates, forgot to buy and on and on,,,,you will have better balance sharing that case of olives that expire last week with a neighbor. A neighbor that loves olive and remembered there’s some gas to siphon from her car for your generator. A neighbor who is now your ally keeping an eye on the creepy widow peeker.
Our earliest ancestors survived by forming Tribal units.
If we are going to return to the Stone Age, a Tribal/neighborhood unit is essential.
Reality says no one is watching a solo soldier’s back,
Although I will admit to often seeing one guy out gun multiple attackers successfully… In The Movies !
Any disaster response team member will tell you when you enter a damaged building you do so as a 2 person team one to look for the injured the other to look for hazards to themselves.
No one should fearfully hide alone in the dark. Do so with a neighbor and tell goast stories if your a thrill seeker.
Remember Jesus said wherever two or more are gathered, I am there also.
“Jesus said wherever two or more are gathered, I am there also”. For three(3) brains are better then one!!!
And that means over lapping fields of fire
Let’s not forget that light switch…. Ammo UP
Ammo up with Sam at https://www.sgammo.com/
I have been a customer for more than 15 years.
thanks always for the great info Greg our prayers go out to our fellow Americans that are in distress.If you could hook us up with honest charitable orgs,I don’t trust the red cross.So I can donate money for supplies for my fellow Americans.
Southern Baptists?
Hillbilly Navy?
They need water, food, baby supplies, female supplies, blankets and much more. IF you send canned food, make it poptops because they may not have a way to open canned food.
Sell sell sell Steve sell sell sell!
People, move out of the USA!
Wake up!
Look at the weather weapon damage photos where
all is gone – they blow away any preps!
Long deep recession to depression
cycle repeating. Crumbling apart.
Get out!!
There’s no where to go?
Where to Seer?
You lack vision and understanding… the entire world is an economic nightmare. You think your area will prosper while the rest of the world burns?
Are you pushing Australia or New Zealand?
Australia can likely survive if the Chinese don’t come and take it from the defenseless people. I can see the rugged Aussies giving the Chinese Hell.
But I don’t know that NZ is self sufficient but I do know that you have no rights there. I saw what both countries did to the people that were too smart to meekly go to the slaughter house for their very own bioweapon shot.
I’ll stay here, Seer. NZ is beautiful…No doubt and without debate. It’s just run by politicians that the common man.
if I am still alive at the end of the all the upheaval maybe me and some buddies can help recolonize if there is anything left
Greg, no surprise who has patents for hurricane steering patents?
Hi my friend,
Can you point me to the actual patents?
While there are a few abandoned weather control patents, I can not find Bills.
Method for controlling hurricanes
A method for controlling hurricanes by raising temperature in the eye and/or in the outflow. Air temperature within the eye and in the outflow of a hurricane is raised by flying scores of jet planes with afterburners in the structure. Small changes in temperature on a large scale bring in large changes in other variables on the smaller scale to change the direction and intensity of the hurricane.
Images (6)
A01G15/00 Devices or methods for influencing weather conditions
Life Sciences & Earth Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences
Show more
United States
Download PDF Find Prior Art Similar
Inventor Manilal J. SavlaVishal T. Shah Current Assignee Individual
Worldwide applications
2009 US
Application US12/586,102 events
Application filed by Individual
Priority to US12/586,102
Publication of US20100072297A1
I found it … it’s a water pump and the plan is to destroy the deep sea ecosystem… GOOD plan
I don’t see bill having a steering patent although last steering patent was to us nukes
Bill Gates Patents a Device Aimed at Halting Hurricanes
By Eliza Strickland
Jul 16, 2009 3:09 PMApr 10, 2023 11:23 AM
Where are all the “torches and pitchforks”? Guillotines? ETC?
I do not understand the apathy.
Apparentl,y Common Core and fluoride work.
Ammo up!
When is Operation Sandman going to happen?
Randy, ALL bets are off it would appear, anything that sticks on the wall to help make the globalist plans go forward, and erase the ONLY Constitutional Republic that dare declare independence from ‘their’ old world order and now resists ‘their’ attempt to reform it into ‘their’ NWO by trying to reform ‘our’ waning Republic now under threat because of infiltration and supression of ‘our’ God GIVEN AND Constitutional Bill of Rights that define what power ‘they’ , the government and public-private partnerships NO RIGHT to interfere with/in. Those above are NEGATIVE RIGHTS, to block, interfere, abridge EXCEPT by duping the public into CONtracts which individuals enter into, usually by ‘their’ fraud, lack of mutual assent, and use of long and fine print on uneducated, people with those of poor eyesight and especially lack of legal implications of surrendering a right for a perceived benefit and CON-venience.
No surprise evil enters by deception, lies, and pandering. and import of revisionist history and complicated events and manipulated circumstances such as the long-discussed Hegelian dialectic, especially when people use little to no decrement or vigilance as Ben Franklin warned about.
To your point = sandman, or embridge, or BRIC, or whatever the ‘scheme of the day’ is called…the name of the ruse matters little… yet symbols speak … as does the evolution of ‘their’ control over the ‘system of systems’ that controls civil commerce across borders and the ‘their’ ability to afford the manipulation thereof, including wars seize and maintain control of which ‘they perceive’ as ‘their’ resources in ‘their’ pursuit of world domination which INCLUDES you…as one of ‘their’ human resources.
(Dammit she still lives)
I stayed in Evacuation Zone A during the Hurricanes (despite Jane Castor). My highrise is a mighty fortress.
Weathered Floridians typically know that it’s usually not the worst scenario.. coastal factors.
Matthew, 12:25: “And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.”
Satan’s Minions are not a monolith… Evil is not a good trustworthy partner, even to other evil. Arab’s are high minions of Allah, Satan’s other favorite name.
There is going to be greater evil done on Election Day BUT then these Deamons have done Great evil for the last four years. Christians jailed for years not for violence but for praying near baby murder factories. Not just one person, but many. The poor “J6” political prisoners that are still being tortured, even now for what… walking thru Their Nations Capital being escorted by the PoPp while the Fed Instigators are being hidden by the Department of UnJustice and Federal Bureau of Instigators. Trump is being pursued by criminals under color of law and courts have ruled against the face of facts that he attacked a womanly that demonstrably lies. They vaxed tens of millions and killed hundreds of thousand.
I could go on and on…
On a positive note, Hama Leader Yahya was granted a personal audience with Lucifer himself complements of the IDF. Here’s hoping that all of Hamas and Hezbollah is welcomed by Allah soon
Get ready Watchdogers. I suspect Trump will win the election, and that invites the worst of possibilities. I am seriously concerned about a major financial event, or process after the election. I would guess the danger zone to last into the first couple months of the new administration. There could be a lot of money made by the Black Rocks of the world if positioned correctly, while a new Trump admin is knee capped. They could always dust off a fresh virus, but Buffet isn’t holding all that cash for nothing. If it occurred prior to inauguration, who would be blamed anyway? Jill Biden? Prep accordingly.- for a little fun, i just discovered the Dilley Meme Team.
Did you see where the Dems had authorized the Army to murder us if the Dems steal the election again and we protest?
Seems to me to indicate that they know they need to do the physical coop as the paper one isn’t going to work this time around.
Good things the Army went DEI… blue and purple hair is easy to see coming
If Trump wins it won’t be just a financial collapse. There will be “peaceful” protest(civil war) like we have never seen before, cities burning to the ground via antifa, BLM, illegal invading army, triggered dems, etc
You fear a major financial event under Trump????
And blame the war industrial complex and the welfare entitlement complex for making you pay for crap we don’t actually need. You should blame the FED reserve for 100 years of thievery.
And the crime, DEMS never see the crime that their DEM mayors, DEM prosecutors and judges and DEM governors create. It is Mad-Max in many American cities.
And the education system that deserves an F.
we think GenZ are not thinkers, that’s nothing, look at the DE-GENERATION. They demand everyone believe in total lies , 2+2=5, obortion at creation is not murder, a he is a they, a she is what ever it demands you call it. Just because you can imagine it doesn’t make it so. They will do and say anything to avoid work, becoming self realized, respectable, responsible citizens and raising a family. It is, they are avoiding work. They demand everything handed to them for free.
You should be pissed every time Commyla opens her mouth with a new taxpayer paid money giveaway in exchange for votes. UNLESS YOU ARE A NON-WORKING ENTITLEMENT PARASITE. A tip for you: earn your lot in life, don’t sit and beg like a dog.
Time to put on your big boy pants.
Good rant
AJ and others fear Trump’s win will not be certified. That may lead to civil war.
IF Kamala becomes president, a few of us here might just as well turn around and kiss our ass goodbye because you know they will come after their political foes.
It’s going to be a cold winter.
Like minded individuals should come together.
Encouraging the “WOKE” to awake from the brainwashing TeeVee Programming is a daily exercise and practice along with Prayer.
Pray Up, Stand Up, Speak Out and Take Action!!!
Greg, one thought while watching the Al Smith dinner was the age of all the pay to players sitting like ducks in a row…and how much better the world would be/ will soon be without their sort setting at ‘their’ money tables. The question will be, whether the public will allow ‘their’ wealth to be passed to ‘their’ ilk and dynastic families to continue the chrade and school play. All the great changes in the course of history game after historic events, assassinations, purges of religious and political figures. When they can NOT be legally voted out…alterior means have always come, be it Caesar or the more recent assassination of 50 plus politicians in Mexico, or the current wiping out of the leadership of HAMAS.
Things a simple as the use of Bryan Montgomery’s software…attainable to all to seek out all the nexus of ‘birds of a feather’ on the web, in the dark web, and those maybe found in both goes little used…which is ONLY because of the lazyiness of people unwilling to take some time to find and understand who and how ‘those desiring to be the ‘ruling class’ = your god…are, as persistent and long planning they are.
DID Rome, or the Otttoman or Persian Emipres ever REALLY fall or go away? or was ‘their’ wealth just re-orgainized and re-employed, re-legioned…for the purpose of powee and control over the masses from before the days of Babylon to the more present ‘ prince and principalities and stakeholders ‘ of their present system of systems..the multi-national corporations, central bankers and blue book or pay to players.=
then although we are clearly focused on the current U.S. election here…
one might consider the current wars in EU/NATO and Middle-East and meld some of this information into the mix to consider
then or NOW we are dealing with the ‘ownership- control’ over the GAZA strip? = the historical period = Timeline of Gaza | 3500 BCE to October 7th, 2023 =
not not discounting the muddling of it with such like Rothschild’s import of the BALFOUR ‘agreement’…. being injected as to the more current ‘divisions’ of lands in the Middle East.
HOW it all turns out is anyone guess as to who believes what and who continues to allow these psycho and sociopaths to ‘govern’ and manage them and control them using the sustem of systems and ‘their’ bull crap ‘debt’ based unbacked fiat system.
Really, comparing the murder of people to war against terrorist that raped children and murdered babies and old people…
Damn… not cool
I suppose Germans in the 1930s were equivalent to George Washington and his Freedom Team.
SILVER BREAKOUT TODAY !!! – NEXT STOP IS $50 DOLLARS PER OUNCE (Which was the historic high Silver reached in January 1980)!! The lowest price for Silver in the last 30 years was $3.56 per troy ounce (when Stan was probably selling it short). Let’s all say a prayer for Stan who is most probably still selling Silver short today!!
I have a sure bet commodity investment with no counter party risk.
Instant profit. Every cent you invest pays 2.85 cents !
How to get into this ?
Just pull out the 1982 and earlier pennies from your change since they are copper ( not the new copper plated zinc) and worth 2.85 times face value. a couple of rolls of those might be good barter. Some may laugh but I heard laughter when I saved my pre ’65 silver coins as a youngster that are worth over 22 times face value now.
now for those speculating thrill seekers..
Nickels are worth 5.5 cent worth of nickle……….
The above is serious and true.
below is humor because all fear and no fun is bad for your physical and mental health.
So a by partisan commity was set up to study how to repeal a zombie attack on Congress. The bill moved along until a witness pointed out zombies only attack to eat peoples brains. Since the Democrats wern’t at risk they pushed to table the bill believing only the Republican would be attacked. The common sense Republicans were not worried, because they know the truth. (zombies don’t exist)
Yeah, Won, we have heard this before…
Nickel is an industrial metal, it isn’t a precious metal. You come to trade with me, I don’t have a forge and I don’t need nickel. I don’t need copper either. It was considered a semi-precious metal by our Forefathers.
I will take trade goods (Food, ammo, alcohol, medicine, tools, spare parts, gasoline, LP gas…) that I need or can off load easily OR COIN of the Realm… you know, Good ole Gold and Silver.
Who knows… guy across the street has a blacksmith set up on the backside of his property. He may need a nickel at some point if he had the propane and need to smelt chromium nickel steel but you now,,, I kind of doubt it.
Your advice may be serious to you but we country folk would be better served to take those Pennies and nickels and buy some cans of beans. They have value now and in the future
Value is relative… both now and in the future. The point that I am attempting to make is that value is relative to the other person’s need and the general usefulness of the item/commodity.
Just because something has value now, is useful now, doesn’t mean it will hold value during a severe depression and or social upheaval.
Gold and Silver have been used as a medium of trade for almost 5,000 years. Then it’s gonna be stuff you really need and what you have that I want.
If you really really really need it and are like most “Mininion”, utterly useless and unprepared… You are going to say that I should share… it’s for the greater good. And You are going to try to take my stuff by force because I am not going to share except with my buddies and % to Church. I plan to vehemently resist these attempts .
And a Buddy just advices that if I had the correct equipment, I would want some copper and zinc so I could make cartridge cases…
ROFLMAO… if ole G500 had that equipment, I would have made enough money the last 2 decades to buy that remote island and that submarine.
Yes, it would be great to be able to do this but what about smokeless power. I had a set up from Corbin where I could swag .224 bullets using 22 rimfire cases as the jacket material. I need to look for that stuff. The scrap value of expended 22lr is probably several “C” notes
Need to find all my loading stuff
they will not let Trump’s election be certified. Then what?
Ltc Steven Murray, starts about 5 min in –
“But they told us we were wrong, a small group and we believed them.
But Know, We are the Majority and will not tolerate the lie or cheat.”
Marie, you ask “than what ?”
A short but too simple answer,
We are the majority – strength in numbers
If 1% of trump voters surrounded their state capitals, surrounded Washington, Circled The malls, ammusment parks, etc. They would be heard. and if 25% of trump voters ……..you get the idea.
The Longer answer is here:
What I believe you should not do (Yet);
I think that watering the liberty tree with the blood of tyrants (and too many patriots), should be a last resort as WEF/UN/Deep State would never waste a good crisis like the country in caos .
You don’t have to destroy an enemy’s goods and resources, just deprive them of them.
Two years ago…a lesson learned
When the American freedom truck convoy drove from Adalanto, Ca. to Washington D.C. to protest Vax Mandates and support for the Canadian Truckers the D.C. Police Blocked off ramps into D.C. They stopped them, silenced and altered their message with mainstream media help they were even vilified.
Today let’s think what could happen and what we should do about it.
What if V.P. Harris casts the tie breaking vote to not ratify a trump win or ratify’s a blatant stolen election?
Here’s a few ideas / suggestions / options
1. what if now the Truckers honour the D. C. police’s two year old “rules” and stop delivering loads to D.C. or any other Tyrant controlled region.
2. Thanks to the economy many of us worry about our cars stalling on the way to work. shame if traffic is slowed or jammed and people boycott work for a few days, drive with their lights on in protest, etc.
Let’s Remember what they did to us ! and how return the favor.
Recall how California, (and elsewhere?) enforced driving curfews. Antifa, sprung up to created fear and caos by throwing flares on highway shrubbery and tookover parts of cities, set fire to buildings while democrate mayors and governors told the police to stand down and do little to stop their actions?
But how hey demanded We Take Action, Mask up (unless you were marching in a BLM protest) , Exteame pressured us to isolate, and take the bio weapon or no restaraunt, concert, grandma visit, No Job ? Even our own brain washed relatives demanded our complience? We who resisted have no regrets and should feel proud.
Too many took action to compy but Now we are on to their game.
I Propose we do the opposite, Take INaction !
Boycott, become the non compliant.
Recalling the fable of the ant and the grasshopper,
We should realize we are the working ants and our adversaries the lazy grass hoppers. They need us to survive, where as we really don’t need them to steal away the fruits of our labors, our freedoms and especially our right to free speach. Some times free speech is expressed as an action like throwing bags of tea in a Boston harbor. Maybe NOT delivering the tea is as good a statement of freedom.
In closing,
Before someone says none of this would work, they won’t listen or some other argument for a more aggressive action. Remember that king Geoge received and for the most part ignored a list of grievances from the 13 Colonies. Because of this, the Colonies were more justified in their actions. Ask any soldier when his life is being risked if he thinks more peacfull solutions preceeding conflicts are a waste of time. Should one have to bear arms hesitation can kill you but hesitation is less likely if your not wondering if you could have stopped it all before it came to this. A combatant needs to know they are fully justified to do what must be done and know all alternatives were tried. Not wonder wether he should have asked that trucker , or his co worker, or his friends to please join
the boycott.
We are the majority, They tricked us into thinking we weren’t.
If everybody who put on their first mask followed their gut feelings and tore the damn thing off , chose not to followed the crowd, I suspect the crowd would have followed him, and lost their damn masks too.
“But they told us we were wrong, a small group and we believed them.
But Know, We are the Majority and will not tolerate the lie or cheat.”
May God bless and protect our country and the patriots who dwell here.
May God watch over and protect the election process from dishonesty.
And Dear Lord please protect Donald Trump from those who would harm him.
And lastly Dear Lord Touch the hearts of our enemies, that they may see you and work for good instead of evil.
And much more! Of the, Last days of Alex Jones? As InfoWars attempts to shoot through mate!
I wouldn’t call this a disaster…
Good riddance, cause you can’t fix stupid.
So do we Guess a fellow Demon needed some parts…?
Whoops, he isn’t brain dead..
The Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd campaign…
Look at this grotesque mound of Satanic excesses. She isn’t overweight or bogged boned. She is fat… she is morbidly obese and full of depraved urges and actions… according to law suits by former employees.
The Dreamers…
Their Dreams are our Nightmares…
News you can use… opinions are like noses… everyone has one and they all smell…
But facts… facts are facts, not opinions… you are entitled to your opinions but you don’t get to make up facts… From Galaxy far far away … LOL…
I hope this is OK.
One of your readers posted this charity…
I humbly ask those that can, to PLEASE Give to these guys to help our friends and family in NC
PS they do not do anything on Shabbat. Not even take a donation. The more I find out about these guys, the more I like them.
Shabbat Shalom!
I live in western NC and endured Helene for two and half days. We were fortunate here at our house as it only rained twenty inches and had winds up to sixty mph. Three years ago I purchased an EcoFlow Delta Pro and a small Honda generator to have on hand just in case we lost electric service for extended periods of time. Helene knocked our power out for almost four days, however, we got through the situation just fine. We continuously ran two freezers and one refrigerator along with a couple of lights for four days with the EcoFlow. We actually plugged in the washer and gas dryer a few times as well as the dishwasher to keep the wife happy. I used the Honda generator to charge the EcoFlow back up to 100% each morning and evening. The EcoFlow performance was flawless the entire time we needed it until our electric service was restored. I just wanted you to know that you are representing a company that manufactures a great product and we were prepared ahead of time for such a catastrophic event.
What a fantastic success story!! Thanks for posting it here.
Don’t need to worry for me got 2 years of food ,water maker and solar power live on a catamaran oh can not forget the Bible everything I have runs on 12 volts including my refrigerator I am ready bring it on
GREAT ARTICLE !!! However, this is what happens when this current Joebama Buyden’s administration keeps pissing-off the rest of the world’s 192 other nations, and are making more new ENEMIES for themselves, and their complete lack of dialogue and diplomacy by Blundering Anthony Blinken is leading to the DESTRUCTION of the USA, and they are also taking their marching orders from their largest donor Gyorgy Schwartz and his OPEN BORDER SOCIETY, and the other rich billionaires that Trump gave his huge TAX CUTS to back in 2017, which also helped, and funded Joebama Buyden’s campaign in 2020.
All Anthony Blinken does is threaten your nation with SANCTION, and if that fails, with WARS with DEATH & DESTRUCTION as well. That’s NOT how a civilized society works in 2024, and have a nice day as well.
Then y’all wonder why God no longer wants to bless America anymore, because of their SINS.
Hello Greg,
I have 2 questions about the faraday and ballistic bags.
1. If the phone is shut off, pwr button + vol button shuts the operating system down. Does this do the same thing as leaving the phone on and putting into the faraday bag?
2. What does ballistic mean. Is it bullet proof?
Thanks, pap
Power off is not really tracking off. The back packs stop most handgun rounds.