Disasters Increasing – Get Prepared – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Sponsored Post)

 Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is warning that disasters of all types are increasing, and it’s not going to get better anytime soon.

Look at what happened with back-to-back hurricanes in Florida and the Southeast.  There was massive flooding, huge wind damage and millions without power and cell service.  There are 10,000 people still without power in the North Carolina mountains after massive flash flooding caused by Hurricane Helene.  People were abandoned by FEMA and the government. That storm struck the Florida coast in late September, and there is no telling when the lights will come back on.  This is not bad luck or an accident, and Quayle contends, “This is a scripted takedown, takeover and takeout of the United States of America.  The power grid is what has enabled us to live with such a blessedness and an abundance of everything. . . . You need to recognize the globalists, the Luciferians are absolutely plotting and planning the destruction of human beings in this country.  This is the genocidal destruction and the extinction of Americans.”

Quayle is a spokesman for Satellite Phone Store.  They are experts in backup power, satellite phone communication and security of RF/ballistic Faraday bags that will stop both electronic thieves and bullets.  Quayle says, “It is critical and no longer a luxury that you have to have what I call a life assurance plan.  Life assurance is taking the forethought and saying to yourself look at what happened to Florida.  That could be me.  If you live in an earthquake zone, it’s the same thing.”

Also, FBI Director Christopher Wray has testified to Congress many times that we should expect hacking and terrorism that could take down the power grid, communications, water systems and even the banks.

So, check out the backup power systems from Satellite Phone Store.  Watch the 8-minute video to explain how easy it is to ride out any power killing event.   You can contact them at BeReady123.com.  

Along with millions of power outages in the Southeast because of storm damage from Helene and Milton, there were just as many cell phones that could not function because cell towers were down or damaged.  Sat phones don’t need ground-based towers, and their signals travel into space.  Check out the options at Sat123.com.

Finally, there are new ways for criminals to break into your home and into your car to rob or hurt you.  Wireless key fobs and garage door openers are being hacked using technology that gives thieves access to your car or garage.  One such robbery recently happened in Phoenix when a man watched his truck being stolen out of his driveway using this technology to open and start his vehicle.  Darkbags.com have ways to stop thieves from gaining access to any of your electronic devices.

In closing, Quayle says, “With the open Southern border, this is like taxpayers hiring their own firing squads.”

There is much more in the 30-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes one-on-one with Steve Quayle who talks about getting ready for increasing disasters on 10.15.24.

After the Interview:

Watch the 8-minute video to explain how easy it is to ride out any power killing event.  You can contact them at BeReady123.com or call 1-941-841-0844

For all Satellite communication go to Sat123.com or call 1-941-841-0844.

For stopping thieves and spying, there is a big selection of Faraday EscapeZone bags at Darkbags.com or call 1-941-213-8547.

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  1. Anthony Australia

    Prepare spiritually as we are within biblical times.
    Repent and make your peace with God.

    • Greg Hunter

      Amen Brother AA!! Pray to Jehovah in Christ Jesus name!!
      Brother Greg

      • Anthony Australia

        God bless you Greg & USAW Community.

    • Galaxy 500

      Good advice, but you need to have the Body’s needs covered as well.
      No mane knows the time of the coming, not even the Son.

  2. Anthony Australia

    Gold price today in AUD $3,983 & NZD $4,395

    • Anthony Australia

      Record price AUD $4,001.37!

  3. Galaxy 500

    Getting prepared is no longer optional.
    A medium for trade

  4. Jakob1944

    There is no canned chicken on the shelves in Walmart in Copperas Cove, Tx……none

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for the street reporting Jakob!!

  5. Ron

    Greg, please see if you can interview Andrew Bridgen (ex British MP), who was thrown out of the UK Conservative Party for being Conservative and for opposing Vax mandates. https://youtu.be/OQx3AARRXEs?si=J5DbHnMNG0fMITfy

  6. Katy Bar

    Steve Quayle as an archeological dig expert has been able to throw some light on our desperate human condition. I think it is time we try to get out of this “Ocean” filled with Evil Deep State Murdering Globalist Sharks and get on to the “Land” where we can live our lives Free of all these Evil Murderous Demons around us!! Many millions of years ago according to archeological scientists the first fish stepped out of the ocean upon dry land and evolved to become the mammals we are today (evolution theory) – whereas according to our Christian Belief the first step of a Christian “fish” upon Moral High Ground occurred 2000 years ago during the time of Jesus!!! Now if we consider the cognitive and emotional responses of non-human fishes millions of years ago (seeking peace from a murderous ocean filled with evil sharks trying to kill them) resulting in the rise of reptiles, dinosaurs and then us mammals (where according to archaeological evolutionary theory Synapsida Dinosaurs (https://paleontologyworld.com/exploring-prehistoric-life/synapsids#google_vignette) were the mammal-like reptiles we human manuals derived from (and therefore one part of our brain according to Scientists is reptilian) but this does not mean the reptile within us can’t be social, emotional, and sensitive (if we Learn To Control the “Dinosaurus Rex” within us and stop the Constant Wars)!!! Actually brain scientists (like those experimenting with the m-RNA Kill Shots) have found that the Human brain comes in Three (3) Functional Layers – the Reptilian brain, the Limbic system, and the Cerebral cortex where the Human Reptilian brain controls the regulatory systems in our body (like hormones, body temperature, blood pressure, and hunger) while the Human Limbic system is the emotional part of our brain (making us feel fear, anger, joy, or gratitude) and finally the Human Cerebral cortex (the most evolved part of the brain) oversees and controls our decision making and long-term planning. What is interesting about all this is that Science seems to have “Proved” we Humans have “Three Persons Within Us”!! Which leads me to question why can’t Noahide Jews can’t accept the fact that there is “Three Persons” in the One God (From Which We Came)???

    • Ken Yu

      Katy, I always wondered what happened to the Dinosaurs, are you telling us the Dinosaurs became us Humans???

  7. Brianroy

    This region of the Middle East in and of and surrounding Israel, has throughout history, especially in the 1st century B.C. and the 1st century A.D., seemingly has ALWAYS been torn: by famines, by drought, by pestilences, and by wars from without; by civil wars from within, by robber bands, and by mobs following false messiahs and crazy men; by foreign forces which swept back and forth across the Land, and by opinions and politics that was as attractive as a kazoo brass band. Exhaustingly, this strife was so annual that there hardly seemed to ever be a year or two together that could be called “peaceful”. In the 1st Century A.D. period of New Testament history, we never really read or find that the “Land had rest”, as we might in the book of Judges. Through the history left us by Josephus, there is a presumption of peace in Jesus’ ministry, but then we are told of Barabbas and informed by Josephus of robber bands after Jesus’ ministry that were ex-gladiator caliber Sicarii that gradually consumed Israel, and seemingly died only with their last robber-band fall in Masada.
    The Christian will do well, to learn by the first 44 years of Christian sufferings (they who were by profession primarily sailors, soldiers, and farmers) after Christ’s resurrection and ascension and learn from them, use them as an example. We are to put our trust exclusively in Christ, both for our life in this world, and for the one in the world to come. Therefore, as Christians, we are to be wary of unbelief; lest it be a root cause for personal tribulations and downfall. Each person must prayerfully seek the LORD, not out of fear or confusion, but of and from a trusting mind and a trusting heart. We are to heed the Instruction if for us it is better to “bug in” or to gather funds and prepare to “bug out”. Scripture advises in such things that it is better to go to a neighbor near friend that is truly near than a brother afar off (Proverbs 27:10), but I would say someone that also can expect you and make room by a previous recent agreement to do so AND can truly be trusted as a friend.
    As I stated before, I learned from the COVID-19 lock-downs that “all bug ins should go on the presumption of you being in a permanent flu-like or injured state, and to plan accordingly.: (or words to this effect). In other words, for bug-in supplies, have nothing that requires great strength to have access to or in itself to lift or move, and keep it as much as possible to less than 40 lbs, less than 24 lbs, with 10 lbs or less as the operational goal, because there will come a time that even just a gallon of water to be lifted might seem as a great feat of strength, and woe to those needing to remove 5 gallon bucket lids or move heavy storage boxes and having no physical strength to do so.

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