FBI Investigates Biden Family, Journalism Dead, Economy Up & Down
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (WNW 455 10.30.2020)
More bad news for the Biden crime family hit this week when it was discovered there is an active FBI criminal investigation into “Hunter Biden and associates” in what is now an obvious influence peddling scheme that has been going on for many years. Emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop and whistleblowers confirm that Joe Biden is taking part in this action. The bigger story is the mainstream media (MSM) is either ignoring it or passing it off as, wait for it, more Russian disinformation. Of course, this is a huge lie, and all the information that has been released so far has been totally confirmed by multiple U.S. government sources.
The MSM has reduced itself to a DNC propaganda machine to protect Joe Biden and help him defeat Donald Trump. They are now outright making up stories with zero backup or sources calling the Hunter Biden revelations a “smear campaign.” This is a huge crime to misinform the public and not tell them before a Presidential Election that candidate Joe Biden is compromised and sold out to multiple enemies of America. The MSM is complicit in treason, in my mind. Journalism is dead at the soo to be bankrupt MSM.
There is good news and more bad news in the economy. The GDP is up a record 33%, and it looks like Trump has America heading in the right direction. The bad news is another 775,000 people filed for unemployment last week, and simply not enough jobs are being created to put America back to work in bigger numbers.
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.
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After the Wrap-Up:
Bill Holter and legendary gold expert Jim Sinclair from JSMineset.com will be the guests for the Saturday Night Post.

Glenn Greenwald on resigning from his own publication due to censorship
319,320 views•Premiered 3 hours ago FoxNews
Founder of the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, joins ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ after resigning due to censorship from editorial staff
Claiming censorship, Greenwald leaves the Intercept
American journalist, based now in Brazil, co-founded the news organization in 2013
Glenn Greenwald said he will soon publish the article about Joe Biden on Substack, the newsletter platform to which he posted the letter
October 29, 2020 at 1:05 p.m.
In a lengthy letter of resignation published Thursday, Greenwald alleged his editors “censored” an article he wrote this week about former Vice President Joe Biden. He claimed that the editors were “refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all New-York-based Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.”
It’s interesting that the Mercury News first published Gary Webb’s work before being bashed into removal by the other larger papers. This was the beginning of shutting down real journalism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Webb
Journalism failed us many decades ago.
Our republic’s weak link is what this scribbler terms: “Jumping Jack Journalists”; a derogatory term borrowed from John Swinton’s truth-telling criticism of his profession:
“There is no such thing, at this date in the world’s history, in America, as an independent press . . . If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” -John Swinton, former Chief of Staff of the New York Times, speaking before the New York Press Club to toast an “independent” press.
BREAKING: Incredulous!
Glenn Greenwald, who helped publish Snowden revelations, RESIGNS from outlet he founded after editors censor his Biden reporting
29 Oct, 2020 19:36 / Updated 9 hours ago
Resigning from the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald cited as the last straw the decision of “authoritarian, fear-driven, repressive” editors in New York to suppress his article critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
Greenwald co-founded the outlet in 2014, with Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill, in part as a vehicle to publish the revelations from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Editorial freedom was supposed to be the Intercept’s core mission, he explained in a letter of resignation posted on Thursday.
The publication “now bears absolutely no resemblance to what we set out to build – not in content, structure, editorial mission or purpose,” Greenwald wrote. MUCH MORE;
BLM has a whole new meaning . Biden’s Laptop Matters. Just sayin.
Excellent, John 🙂
To the MSM propaganda machine (protecting “commie” Joe’s Bribe’n) … it has been revealed from “multiple verifiable sources” that the Chinese “commie” Spy Network has been Bribe’n Treasonous Joe … so tell me MSM why what you are doing isn’t just like you protecting the head of the Russian KGB to be President of the United States of America?? … and I want an answer to my question before November 3, 2020 … if you choose not to answer … it will prove you are a bunch of deceiving Demons (furthering treasonous transgressions against the United States and the American people) … immorally and purposely working to criminally hinder our ability right the wrongs of this world and bring righteousness, morality and ethics back “as the normal way of life” here on Earth!!
KAYLEIGH MCENANY tears BIDENS a new one !!
36,387 views•Oct 29, 2020
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany weighs in on Hunter Biden / Joe Biden allegations. Including breaking news on Ex-Hunter Biden associate Tony Bobulinski and further developments.
and for the UK,
He obviously took a leaf from New Labour under the Blair creature.
Mr. Hunter:
Thanks again for your thoughtful choice of stories.
Tuesday night I’ll be watching your coverage of the election.
#FoxNews #Tucker
Hunter Biden documents suddenly reappear
789,184 views•Oct 29, 2020
Tucker gives an update on his missing UPS package.
SuperOmnicron 8 months ago
“You’re close. You’re closer than you think.”
National security advisor warns of China threat if Biden wins the presidency
464,178 views•Oct 29, 2020
National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien details how the Trump administration has tackled China’s growing threat on ‘The Story’ with Martha MacCallum.
Noend26 D.A 6 hours ago
Trump wants to make AMERICA great again and he’s working on it .. Biden wants to make CHINA greater, and he’s getting $$$ for working on it..
Carol Doemel 4 hours ago
Biden is a TRAITOR! Why isn’t the media all over this??! Unbelievable!!!
Raid Shaba 3 hours ago
Biden is loyal to China , we don’t want to see communists in the whit house , that’s why America must wake up and vote fro Trump for the sake of our country
Trump 2020 God bless America
Tic Toc Bang 6 hours ago
Vote FOR America, not against it. Trump 2020!
Journalism is dead. Follow the money.
Bill Gates is a very clever man. He knows how to create monopolies and was forced to resign from Microsoft to prevent its breakup. He has been doing far more than just pushing for lockdowns and vaccines. He has also been funding the media to slant the news and scaremongering for COVID.
Armstrong needs to acknowledge he was wrong on gold and the Dow. Gold is not going sub 1000 dollars and Dow is not going to reach 35,000 by 2021. Once Armstrong acknowledges he was wrong on these predictions I will listen to him and his machine.
Maybe to be constantly updated on Armstrong’s predictions you would have to be a subscriber.
In any case, I don’t think he, or anyone else needs a computer program to realize that Bill Gates is a scumbag.
There is probably no pope in history who has been so disliked than the current Pope Francis. He is clearly a communist and full on board with the Great Reset. This Pope is a real disgrace. He is preaching economics rather than the faith and is agreeing with Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab on everything from inequality to vaccinations.
Come on. There have been corrupt and genocidal Pope’s before. It is a requirement of the position. How did child abuse become a defining feature of the Vatican?
What is the point of a prediction if it is constantly updated then? Are you saying Martin Armstrong is infallible and gets some predictions wrong? He thought markets would top out in 2015 and always has an excuse if he’s wrong. Surely Socrates should have predicted the greatest economic downturn since the second world war?
His model did in indicate a “turning point” in January 2020.
‘Bruce Springsteen criticizes Trump’s “nightmare” presidency, urges Americans to vote him out.’
What an asshole.
I call him “Banjo Bruce.” Self absorbed Marxist idiot. Hey Banjo just play your stupid instrument and entertain us. Don’t push your Marxist crap and men in bathrooms with little girls crap on us.
Who needs this guy? Do we need entertainment so badly that we sell our principles out just to “enjoy” their “work”? I no longer watch college or professional sports for this reason. We need to send a message, all of us. Many thanks for your courageous and steadfast work on behalf of all of us. Best always. PM
JC, Bruce is a known LIBERAL in my area of NJ, his wife Patti is even worse! JonBonJovi sold his house and moved out of my neighborhood last year…another LIBERAL clinton supporter. Think of NJ as ‘California East’, full of LIBERALS that has pockets/enclaves (like mine) that are Patriot strongholds! If you see ANYTHING coming out of NJ in support of the president it’s from my area, Monmouth County!
The Subpoena Song
Judgment is coming to America. But:
“If my people, which are are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
– 2 Chronicles 7:14
Please take this word literally and personally.
Who wins the election is not what will turn away God’s judgment. The future of America – and probably the world – depends on you deciding to repent and turning to God.
Jonathan Cahn has called for a day of fasting and repentance on 11/3, election day. Please take this seriously and join him.
Did you not hear of the National Day of Prayer in Washington D.C. in September? We all prayed and have been praying. I do agree we need to pray and repent though.
It will likely take more than one day of prayer and fasting, Greg. It took me three years of prayer and fasting(intermittently) to convince my wife of 43 years to marry me. She turned me down 3 times. Dr.Geoff
Hi Greg, you give me strength by showing strength so thankyou. I have repented but I don’t know if I did it right. I don’t deserve any special treatment from Jesus but he is my Light. I want people to stop destroying innocent life and i prayed these criminals will turn on eachother instead of the children.
Yes judgement will be all inclusive. Including all those that defended the neocons for the abomination of 9/11 and those that cover for Epstein’s handlers (mossad).
Thank God For Australia! 🤙
____________Real News Real USAWatchdog’s!
FBI reportedly confirms money laundering investigation into Hunter Biden and associates
20,474 views•Oct 29, 2020 Sky News Australia
US media outlet The Federalist reports the Department of Justice has confirmed the FBI is still investigating Hunter Biden and his associates over possible money-laundering offences.
Former Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski claimed he was interviewed by the FBI for five hours in relation to the ongoing investigation.
Mr Bobulinski argued Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden had been lying about his involvement in Hunter Biden’s foreign business ventures.
The Biden campaign has repeatedly claimed their candidate did not involve himself in his son’s, nor any other member of his family’s, overseas business dealings.
The Trump campaign seized on the story, published on Thursday night, local time.
“Joe Biden has not denied that he met with Tony Bobulinski,” Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh said.
“He says that Joe Biden is flat out lying when Biden repeatedly said he never spoke with his family members about their foreign business dealings.” MUCH MORE FOLK’S BELOW
Forget Halloween, a ‘real horror show will begin’ if Trump loses
5,679 views•Oct 30, 2020 Sky News Australia Minutes ago
Sky News host Rowan Dean says the “real horror show will begin” if Donald Trump is not returned as President of the United States in next week’s looming election.
“It’s Halloween tomorrow night … make no mistake, if Donald Trump is not returned on Wednesday as President of the United States, then the real horror show begins,” Mr Dean said.
“Tuesday’s election is indeed about the character and soul of the United States, which is why an unequivocal Trump victory – as I believe will occur – is so important.”
Mr Dean said if you “rip away the mask” of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden you will get a “senile ghost, a virtual politician, a phantom hiding in his own basement, a wraith-like presence lurking and unwanted leftover from the gloomy Obama years”.
“Rip away the mask from Kamala Harris and behind the fake, grating laugh is a horror show of socialist ideals and doctrines and a thirst for power that no amount of lolly bags will make up for.
“Yet tear away the mask from Donald Trump and you get, surprise, surprise … the hard-working, passionate, determined – sometimes aggressively so – fun-loving, often religious, always patriotic, proud and ambitious men and women that made America great in the first place.
“There’s one thing I can promise you; if Trump loses, the real Halloween begins and it will be a long, dark night.” MUCH MORE;
‘Complete media bias’ censoring Biden allegations is ‘astounding’
Oct 30, 2020 Sky News Australia 1 hour ago
Sky News host Chris Kenny says the level of “complete media bias” around Democratic candidate Joe Biden not having to confront allegations about his son profiting off his father’s position is “astounding”.
“There is a lot of evidence about Hunter Biden profiting off his father’s position in the past as Vice President. There are suggestions Joe Biden profited as well,” he said.
“He hasn’t denied the allegations in straight forward terms; he hasn’t answered questions.
“A lot of the media is just censoring the issue altogether; Twitter and other social media platforms just won’t run it. It’s complete media bias.
“And to think, for three years, most of these same media organisations ran on the Russia collusion allegations which had even less evidence; more flimsy evidence; so big on it and tried to impeach the president.”
Mr Kenny said the only reporting aside from Fox News or the New York Post was on conjecture the claims themselves could be part of some conspiracy. MORE BELOW;
REPENT YE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is almost midnight. Or the last call if you will.
God is getting ready to come back with FIRE in his eyes to render judgement.
beginning at the house of God.
There seems to be a delusion that believing in Jesus will get you to heaven.
The bible is plain that you must be born again.
satan believes in Jesus is he going to heaven ??????????
So if you are running around living like satan are you going to heaven ?????
Rapper Lil Wayne meets with Trump to help with the ‘platinum plan’
Oct 29, 2020 Hannity Fox News
Lil Wayne praised President Trump’s work on prison reform in a tweet and said he worked with the president on his ‘platinum plan’. Maria Bartiromo joins ‘Hannity’ for reaction.
GDP numbers are more proof of ‘the Great Trump Recovery’
192,832 views•Oct 29, 2020
Laura Ingraham compares Trump’s economic record to that of the Democrats.
RamJam 6 hours ago
Hiding behind the Virus. Their communist agenda is dying down fast and patriots are taking the country back!
Is Jessica Fletcher playing Kamala Harris here, wanting Larry Harvey to make her the first woman president?
Kamie better watch your back, Maybe aunt Nancy has other plans for you, like first woman on the moon!?
You know Nancy’s been salivating and biting at the bit, for 4 years. Praying for Donald Trump and wanting to be president herselfie.
Don’t take the ride Kama. knowing Nancy, it be a one way twip.
YesWe Love You Angela!
I mentioned this months ago here, that DEMONCRAT PELOSI has her eyes on the presidency! She is ONLY 3rd in line for the office. You’d have to be dead to not see that joe byebyebiden is NOT the person being voted for the office of the presidency, it’s kammlaallaa who’s chomping at the bit with her smug smile that WILL BE wiped off her communist face when the Commies lose the election. That leaves nancy the old hag with her CCP handlers in line.
Patriots are not getting worked up over this, rather we have been preparing our whole lives, as taught to us by our parents and grandparents, that this day might come to pass. BRING IT!
Bonnie, is Lawrence Harvey playing Hunter Biden, Kamala, (Lansbury’s)love interest? Ha.ha!
Lawrence is obviously a crackhead in this film and you’ve certainly piqued my interests in the movie.
Must see it before the, Night of Decsion, Tuesday night!
Lockdown Sceptics
What SAGE Has Got Wrong
16 October 2020. Updated 21 October 2020.
by Mike Yeadon
October 22, 2020
Dr Mike Yeadon has a degree in biochemistry and toxicology, a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology, has spent over 30 years leading new medicines research in the pharmaceuticals industry, and founded his own biotech company which he sold to the world’s biggest drug company Novartis in 2017.
He talks to James about his devastating paper What SAGE has Got Wrong in which he says that the Covid pandemic is over, that there will be no Second Wave, that we have already achieved herd immunity and that Sir Patrick Vallance, Britain’s Chief Scientific Adviser, is a liar and that the vaccine is more or less a waste of time. He doesn’t pull his punches. Recording;
It is ‘vital’ Trump remains in the White House
3,740 views•Oct 30, 2020 Sky News Australia
Liberal Party Vice President Teena McQueen says she fears President Donald Trump will not win the election, but it is vital he remains in the White House.
“I must admit I’m not as confident as I was last time round,” Ms McQueen said.
I think they will go to great lengths Trump from being the president – or try to.
But it’s vital that Trump remains in that White House.
I really fear for all of us if Biden gets in.
The Great Reset: Globalists using the virus to destroy the ‘Old World Order’
4,081 views•Oct 30, 2020 28 minutes ago
Sky News Australia
Spectator Columnist James Delingpole says the World Economic Forum is seeking to use COVID-19 to reshape the world with its “Great Reset” in what globalists see as a chance to destroy capitalism and the “old world order”.
“I started off this pandemic thinking it was just people being a bit stupid and it would all pass, but now I realise this is organised,” he said.
“When you hear the phrase “Build Back Better”… this is the code phrase for the great reset of our lives.
“They don’t want us to own anything, it will be provided for us. Who does own the property? Who’s renting it out to us? Some shadowy elite. This is a takeover by the technocrats.”
Mr Delingpole said the reset involved The World Economic Forum combined with UN Agenda 2030 – formerly Agenda 21 – is a complete transformation of the world’s societies on Communist or Fascist lines. More Below;
Brace yourself. The fix is in.
Please understand, it’s not about the election. It’s not about the pandemic. It’s about the “ great reset”. The corporations that control the MSM want it, and they will do ANYTHING to insure that it happens, including rigging an election. Greg they simply can’t let this opportunity slip through their hands. It’s all planned. Down to the details. That includes the purge of sites like USA Watchdog. Friends, the time is almost up. Make final preparations. Pray for the lords intervention, and get your spiritual house in order.
Thanks, Jerry, now everyone here go to Mr Hunter’s main page and click on the contact and write it down. If the balloon goes up and UWD goes down we all owe it to Mr & Mrs Hunter to send them support by mail. I’ll gladly send support their way….
It looks like they forgot that the Almighty God is still in control. All their plans will go to waste when the wrath of God comes upon them.
More on Israel.
Wow, the Israeli newsman has the most irritating voice, unbearable.
The great hold hard” are The Masters of The Game, the powerful families and institutions who have controlled the modern world since the Middle Ages. The most powerful is the Vatican. The Jesuits have been history’s Special Operators. Their intelligence service has had a lot more continuity, even beyond kings, queens, and their lineage. The Vatican topples kings like chess pieces and then prunes the family tree to their liking.
Most Americans hold childish beliefs about the system they live under. They do not want to believe that intrigue, murder, and assassination have been the way that humans have conducted business throughout history. It may sound like great theater and entertainment, but most people refuse to apply the fictional world of movies and books to the real world.
We already have the first sign of what will happen if President Donald J. Trump is reelected.
Nicely stated, Jerry!
Most disregard the wisdom penned by Quintus Ennius in his tragedy, Iphigenia.
‘No one regards what is before his feet; we all gaze at the stars.’
Best Regards, SOD
It’s remarkable how the Dems have run a clone of the 2016 campaign. Both corrupt, morally bankrupt candidates who they had to hide during the campaign because the more they are seen the worse they do. Both who monetized their positions in government which enriched their families while selling out our country to our enemies. Both blaming the Russians for disinformation and collusion with Trump. This all has not been lost on liberal Hollywood madman Michael Moore who is sounding the same alarm and asking the same question of the Democrat party that he asked in 2016; “what the H are they doing”? At least you have to give him credit for not drinking the cool-aid and for recognizing that the emperor has no clothes.
Excellent!!! Keep it up.
Lo Iyrah!
I was thrilled to hear you say you will be covering the election this Nov 3rd. I am so grateful for your service. The wife and I will be watching. God bless Sir!
We are now in a period of Biblical import. Allow me to share two items that appeared this morning (Friday 10/30 – H/T Gateway Pundit):
Archbishop Vigano (via General Michael Flynn) has penned a phenomenal open letter to President Trump, in which he eloquently lays out what is at stake in this election: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/hour-fate-world-threatened-global-conspiracy-god-general-flynn-archbishop-carlo-maria-vigano-send-open-letter-president-trump/
On a more micro (vs. macro) level regarding the forces concerning which the Archbishop is warning us, this discusses the ongoing efforts to disrupt the election and effect a “color revolution” in this country: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/important-gaffney-segal-loudon-beattie-discuss-planned-chaos-violence-coming-americas-streets-next-week-organized-left/
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your links. Here is a direct link to the Archbishop’s open letter . . .
IMO, very well worth reading! Even though I personally have no way of verifying its provenance, the letter speaks the truth.
Thanks Greg, good wrap-up. Thursday night’s Tucker Carlson was interesting to say the least. If I heard right, Tucker is conflicted regarding Hunter Biden due to knowing him. He’ll still report issues that pertain directly to Joe Biden, but not Hunter’s personal demons. I see it as you do, everything about Hunter’s demons is relevant to the ongoing story because of if nothing else the cover-up. I say let the laptop information out without compromising criminal justice and if Hunter’s life is ruined, so-be-it — let the chips fall.
As for the election and voting fraud… The early voting may — not necessarily will — may go to Biden and with that early vote NBC/ABC/CBS and maybe FoxNews will call it and Biden will declare victory, but President Trump will not concede. Then the rest of the votes will trickle in and the late voting will go to Pres. Trump who wins the final tally and the electoral college. That will be enough for the Dems to scream voter fraud, Trump “stole” the election again just like in 2016 and then they will let loose the rioters if they aren’t already in the streets. Ugly, ugly ugly…
…or, contrary to all poll numbers, Trump takes it early in a landslide — my personal preference. Just look at the size of his rallies compared to Biden’s.
Michael Moore: “Don’t Believe These Polls”
— Zero Hedge
… “Don’t believe these polls, first of all. And second of all, the Trump vote has always been under-counted,” said Moore. “Pollsters, when they actually call a real Trump voter, the Trump voter is very suspicious of the deep-state calling them and asking them who they’re voting for…
Unfortunately the FBI will not prosecute the Bidens as they did not prosecute the Clintons. The Bill Barrs and Dunhams of the world do as they are told and do not prosecute the protected class, but they will shoot us in a nanosecond.
You are 100% right. We need to pray. Prayer ( God and Jesus) is a lot more powerful then anyone can imagine. I also want to compliment you on your journalism. Excellent!!! You also made me laugh on the comments about blowing your nose at the dinner table. God has a sense of humor and so do you.
God bless you my friend
Yes, pray, on election night we as Christian Americans need to pray to GOD The Almighty to save the Republic, and have President Trump win the election as a sign that HE hears us! We are ready to return AMERICA back to a CHRISTIAN NATION OF MORALS!
Prayer is powerful, but you also have to “DO”. God helps those who help themselves. We can’t just sit back and pray. The kinetic “war” in the streets needs to be countered and crushed kinetically. Simply praying isn’t going to beat back the communists at our gates.
Intellectual Frog Legs
The American Intelligence Agencies, including the FBI are literally at war with the American people and our Republic.
If coming election shenanigans drives the VIX over 50 … https://zh-prod-1cc738ca-7d3b-4a72-b792-20bd8d8fa069.storage.googleapis.com/s3fs-public/styles/inline_image_desktop/public/inline-images/VIX%2010.30.jpg?itok=lzreKjLV … a market meltdown (just like in 2009 and March of this year) will likely occur… so the Fed’s in a quandary … if they print like crazy to bring the VIX down … it is going to drive gold and silver prices up … which they hate to do … because it generates a lack of confidence in the banking system!!
Looking forward to the dream team of Holter and Sinclair interview Sat. nt. Nobody I’d rather here from on the eve of the election.
Voted yesterday. Praying everyday. Waiting to see God’s will revealed.
These are not “happy days.” More like ‘man made hell,’ from the rat bastard
ruling class, all around the globe.
EddieMD, Back when I was AD there was a blk ops base down in sEirraGrande, was still there in 1990. Interesting place to fly in and out of…
Agree, the clowns rioting are the ‘no ed’ type who have no clue what IS valuable! It ain’t sneakers, tv’s, or the other crap they pilfer! When I lived in phx 1990’s, I had plenty of friends who owned gun and knife shops. Good guys with white hats every one of them.
Yeah, 1 molotov and most places are burned out. These riots remind me of the LA riots when the korean shop owners got up on their roofs with mossbergs to keep looters out. Why have’nt any of these store owners followed suit? Because the ‘laws’ enacted by the Demoncrats has them handcuffed!
Have plenty for my barrett in case you need some LOL! Been by the Depot up near flag back in the day. Like you say, they built a target for the enemy.
dix, they made that a target for the ccp also. as if the nwo/un/ccp needs a direction arrow! means the mic is part of the master plan un/nwo and NOT a defensive force FOR AMERICA!
EddieMD, my take on the (eventual) war (coming) with the CCP as you mentioned, “the enemy is already inside the wire, 375,000 of them”.
At least ‘they’ can’t hide amongst us ’round eyes’! They stand out in a group especially when they open their mouths. Which is how we’ll be able to vet anyone at the gate.
I posted months ago here on UWD my (ongoing) concern about all of the ‘chinatowns across AMERICA’ that the DEMONCRATS have encouraged/allowed on AMERICAN soil to propagate as CCP ‘bases of operation’! If you go to any large city in AMERICA you will find a ‘chinatown’ where all of the inhabitants speak CHINESE amongs themselves with no interest in ‘assimilating’ into society. They are essentially outposts of the CHINESE govt on AMERICAN soil! THEY ARE HERE TO TAKE OVER AMERICA IN WAR WITH CHINA!
WAKE UP PEOPLE DO NOT PATRONIZE THEIR BUSINESSES IN YOUR TOWNS OR CITIES! THIS IS OUR TIME TO SAVE THE REPUBLIC! DO NOT SURRENDER AMERICA! Hire and employ veterans, do business only with other veteran businesses! It starts in YOUR small town, grow it outward!
As for isreal(sp) I posted months back how Jared’s father is the isreal(sp) connection! It leads back to netenyahooo and net’ is trying to drag the usa corp/mic into war in the ME! dhs is an extension of Idf>isreealie armed forces mark my words…
Good discussion between Protestant and Catholic
Great W’W’UP Mr Hunter, Speaking of ‘influence peddling’, has anyone here purchased a copy of Mike Stanton’s book, ‘Prince of Providence’? It lays out how political graft originates at the Mayoral level of politics and works it’s way UP to the presidency! It gives the reader a sense of how SENATORS are MORE POWERFUL than the president!!! It’s how the DEMONCRAT govt turned the Panama Canal over to THEIR MASTERS the CCP!!! Again, enriching themselves in the process at the expense of everyday working AMERICANS!
Panama City is the CCP stronghold in the western hemisphere. They run everything. Not just the canal. The banks are infiltrated and run by the CCP. That is where they launder the drug money from Mexico, and South America. They work with the Marxist forces in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Chile, etc. You have subversives such as ELN, FARC, Sendero Iluminoso, etc still operating in many countries waiting for the opportunity to strike again with support of the CCP.
Trump knows what is going on down south.
When the system collapses, and it will, there will be a mass migration north as never seen before. The democrats support the open border. They will allow for the mass migration to storm the border.
Again, the COMMUNIST DEMONCRAT business owners are attempting to control the election now for their masters like peloosi, by laying off thousands of hard working AMERICANS to make the unemployment numbers look worse for p’ Trump! These are the businesses that grafted all the bailout money and are owned by demoncrat communists! This is intentional people! This is being orchestrated by the nwo/un media to bankrupt the remaining working AMERICANS so that they will beg for THE MARK OF THE BEAST in order to feed their families!!!
SE, I spent plenty of time around panglao/mono beach/carmen/cebu when I was there. I did some things with andy smmith over at the boatworks. I don’t know where the yacht is now that he’s not near internet service. Have’nt heard back from a pm I sent him. He was dockside, then was ‘allowed’ to anchor out. Pretty strict protocol the govt there is imposing upon him/vessel.
SE/Paul, as far as my meetup with Stan. He mentioned he would be a guest there at his friend’s beach house this past week. I found the only time I had to get down there and back was Wed. I drove around for an hour in cape may oceanside to bayside but did not find him. I did not say he was/ is’nt there, only I did not meet him. I had lunch and turned around and went home.
Stan if you think I can’t afford to eat at the Loobster House you don’t have a clue. I had a standing reservation twice a month at Nicolas, THE MOST EXPENSIVE RESTURANT IN THE STATE OF NJ! It’s only 1 mile from my front door off navesink river road. Look it up! It’s the ONLY resturant in NJ with a ‘Presidential Room’ for, the President! YOU could not even get a reservation there Stan, since Nicholas was always booked out months in advance because it was THAT GOOD!
No pissing contest Stan. Someone else can vet you I don’t have time to play internet games with someone who directed such a nasty post to me. Anyone else here want to have the ‘privilege’ of meeting Stan be my guest!
notyourpatsy: Are you talking about Restaurant Nicholas in Red Bank? If you think that is a great restaurant then you must be smoking something. I’ve been there a couple of times (got some friends in the area) and it was at best one step above White Castle with absurd prices. The Lobster House in Cape May blows Nicholas away. You obviously don’t know jack about fine dining. And if you were in Cape May and drove along Beach Ave you would have to be blind to miss the Bentley parked at 140* Beach Ave. That was my Bentley and I parked it so you would see it as we agreed to. All you had to do was ring the door bell.
Google maps says that’s a vacant lot !
You were south and east of the island I’m on in the Central Visayas District Region 7 Bohol Island. I think you saw many beautiful white sand beaches and resorts. I planned to go to Cebu but was discouraged by peoples reports that it was becoming/like Manilla. I was very familiar with Manila [ Emita, Makati, Malate, Paranaque, Baclaran, Pasay] so decided to go more out and into the provinces. As such I’m on the island of Panay Region 6 in Aklan Province known for Boracay Beach. The area is considered conservative but still has it’s issues. The Island was a hot spot for the NPA in the 80’s and they are still active on occasion; not always making the news. The protocol for sailing I’m not aware of; I can not imagine trying to monitor these islands coastal areas from a law enforcement stand point. The accessibility of this nation undetected by boat is inconceivable. I saw a UFO near the sea wall in New Washington, and to add a logical conclusion to a rather bewildering experience I thought it might be a coastal surveillance device. As far as Stan I can not expect his sending If I do not try to send.
Oh, and stan, I have friends over in Brooklyn which would be glad to give you a lift over to the bridge you wanted to jump from…whether you want a ride over or not. If you are such a big stocks and bonds guy, then you should n’t have time to sit around and post amongst us everyday peons. We’re not privileged by your aggravating posts here where you know that your views are the complete opposite of the majority. Don’t scratch your BENE’ on the way out.
The MARXIST ENEMY MEDIA will start getting defunded in spades after Nov 4th!
oh how I HATE the Enemy Media, how I loathe and despise those putrid effeminate demonic blood-guilty pedophiles. May God strike them down and make them eat grass like nebuchadnezzar. May he turn their brains in to pea soup like Biden and Pelosi, and make them look like the fools and jack-asses that they are.
I am proud to say that my Wife and I CUT THE CABLE over 10 years ago and never looked back, I have a 60″ flat screen TV and it acts as an Internet monitor. It’s DVD or paid movies on Internet providers like BozoBezo’s Amazon, yes, I know, but it’s better than CON-CAST, or similar.
People always ask me with amazement, “how are you so up to speed with everything?”…
2- ZeroHedge
3- Other alt sites
If you are paying for TV “disservice” then you’re being suckered, period!
I’m getting informed and saving all this money watching USA Watchdog, so what do I do? I donate to this great cause. Greg doesn’t have to do this day in and day out with out a vacation! He’s prompt, very professional and let’s face it, he is funny. I love his style. Most of all, Greg loves Jesus, so does Trump and so do I.
Thank you Greg for all you do. May God Bless You and your Family.
Thanks AL!!!
Got to give you credit Greg you are an optimist believing the Biden scandal will be reported by msm and that the FBI and Barr will press charges against the Biden pay to play scheme. Just like the Epstein scandal,Russian hoax etc the Biden laptop and pay to play will be buried by the powers to be .Heck if average Joe did this prison for years if not life.
As for election who wins may matter in the short term but either candidate will instigate printing to infinity and beyond. The markets will be injected with liquidity and continue to rise and gold will be suppressed. Too many pensions,401ks and investments are tied up in the markets to allow them to crash.Only a major war, catastrophe or black swan will pop the bubbles that have been and continue to explode. Here in Oregon property valuations are on the rise my taxes increased around 10 percent this year even though many businesses remained closed And our economy is lagging .Houses on market here today sold today.
I’m just hoping That whoever wins they bail out the states which they will and send me some more funny money before Christmas Cheers! As we say on the farm what’s good for the goose is good for the gander
Hi Greg. I just talked to friend here in Phoenix and had received all his ballot info in the mail but not his early mail in ballot. When he called to request one he was told his ballot had allready been filled out and mailed in. On another note. Woo woo stuff. They’re now saying zinc and vit. D12 are powerful covid fighters. Maybe the chem trails are just blocking U.V. To weaken our immune system or maybe its just an unintended bonus.
Readers, this is a big deal. This will be one of those moments in history where you will remember where you were when XYZ happened. I for one would like to say I was watching Watching USAwatchdog when I found out. Let’s support Greg here. Doing this as a one man show, for that many hours, cannot be an easy thing. I applaud him for having the courage to give it a shot.
I will be watching with you and rest of the USA watchdog community!
Just looking at things.
Its getting old with all the black verses white thing.
A tug is a tug no matter what color or sex they are.
And as far as the government goes R or D or what ever they want to call then selves .
What i see it is like the crips or bloods when it comes down to it.
Either one is going to rob us.
But i will vote for Trump because he is against Killing baby’s
If its growing it is alive period . Not a part of her body although in her body.
They are their own being. God knew them before they were there and is up to him
if they live or die….
Trump campaign’s DEVASTATING ad hits Pelosi’s ‘let them eat cake’ moment
1,285,764 views•Apr 21, 2020 The Hill
Krystal and Saagar discuss a Trump campaign ad that knocks Pelosi for showing off her $24,000 thousand-dollar fridge filled designer ice-cream pints, in a webcam interview, as most Americans wait in food lines.
Dopa Hkiin 2 months ago
WHY is there no add when Pelosi invited every one to come to Chinatown during Corona??
Donald Trump is the ‘obvious choice’ for the future of western civilisation
66,731 views•Oct 30, 2020 Sky News Australia
The Institute of Public Affairs’ Evan Mulholland says President Donald Trump is the obvious choice for the future of western civilisation.
“Donald Trump has led America to strength again,” Mr Mulholland told Sky News host Gary Hardgrave.
“He has displayed that strength without getting into any more endless wars, the fact that he’s been able to do that is a real testament.
“The choice is pretty obvious, I think for the future of western civilisation.”
‘I’m not cancelling’: Trump fights Minnesota over rally restrictions
89,004 views•Oct 30, 2020 Sky News Australia
President Donald Trump has lashed the Minnesota state government over restrictions on mass gatherings ahead of a planned rally he says he won’t cancel.
“We have 25,000 people in Minnesota, which is our last stop today, 25,000 people want to be there, and they say you can only have 250 people,” President Trump said.
“They thought I’d cancel, but I’m not cancelling, and we’ll find out what happens.”
Meanwhile, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has targeted Mr Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic during campaigning in Iowa.
“The debate last week with Donald Trump, he said we’re rounding the corner, it’s going away, and only he could say we’re learning to live with it,” the former vice president said.
“We’re not learning to live with it, we’re learning to have to die with it because of you.
“Donald Trump has waved the white flag, he’s surrendered to this virus, but the American people don’t give up.”
The two contenders have made markedly different public appearances, with Mr Biden favouring smaller events with strict social distancing while President Trump hosts large rallies.
Facebook, Twitter and Google CEOs testify before Senate
687,229 views•Streamed live on Oct 28, 2020 Fox News
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Alphabet Inc., Google CEO Sundar Pichai are set to testify at Senate hearing on tech companies’ treatment of
speech and information on their platforms.
I AM 2ND 2 days ago
Zuckerbergh just exposed himself, he picks and chooses what he calls misinformation.
RS Rampersadh 1 day ago
Why does your algorithms not take down Democrats, BLM, AOC and Antifa’s call to riot.
Jacob Rommel 2 days ago
They all know what they’re doing, especially Zuch who lies more than a politician
Lawrence Dol 2 days ago
These platforms should not be involved in moderating political content in any way whatsoever. What a bunch of liars and hypocrites.
Salty Methods 2 days ago
These three CEOs are straight up lying.
Jessica Newberry 2 days ago
There is no respect for our President of the United States. Shouldn’t matter if you like him or not.
Teresa Ward 2 days ago
And how was it misleading for Trump to say he was concerned about voter fraud? It’s a fact… it didn’t bully, lie, etc… you all are corrupt.
Ice Cube discusses working with Trump, financial reform for Black Americans
151,855 views•Oct 29, 2020 Fox Business
Rapper and Actor Ice Cube weighs in on his plan for Black Americans and what he has to say to those criticizing him for working with the Trump administration.
They may make it hard, for you/us, to vote, in person. They will stop at nothing.
This years flu vaccine may be the mRNA vaccine developed by the same company that is making the coronavirus vaccine.
“two trials of avian influenza mRNA vaccines (influenza A/H10N8 and influenza A/H7N9) that were manufactured by Moderna with the use of an earlier lipid nanoparticle capsule formulation”
Big Pharma/Gates/Fauci are propagating the mRNA vaccines which have potential to alter human DNA. They are not telling the people that the flu vaccine is a mRNA vaccine.
Don’t take the flu vaccine.
Take elderberry, zinc, vit c, vit D…stay away from HFCS, artificial food (color, flavor).
You are what you eat.
Put down your cell phone. Read your Bible and pray. Take heed.
Trump holds ‘Make America Great Again Victory Rally’ in Michigan
679,270 views•Streamed live on Oct 30, 2020
Pam Rose 20 hours ago
It would be so sad to lose this man as our president! GO TRUMP!!!
Doug Craig -The Ferret Man 19 hours ago
What a champion of the people, God Bless him, Trump for Australia 2020 all the way baby 4 more years
ALM 20 hours ago
President Trump is an absolute workhorse for the American people. 4 more years! 🇺🇸
We are a country of hope and strength, not fear and weakness. Vote! Vote! Vote! 🇺🇸 Trump 2020! 🇺🇸
william tsanakas 19 hours ago
I have NEVER seen a PRESIDENT accomplish as much as “PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP!!”
Thanks Greg, for your show, its the one show I look forward to and the people you interview, and I especially enjoy your Weekly Wrap Up….its the one place for balanced TRUTH.. so rare it seems now adays, Its time for Goodness and Trudh to be set free… enough of these GeedMerchants families of Satanic persuasions.
CNN is ‘utterly biased’ and has ‘cooked’ its ability to report news accurately
113,066 views•Oct 30, 2020 Sky News Australia
Sky News contributor Gemma Tognini says it is extraordinary to be on the outside watching CNN and see how “utterly biased” it is as Chris Cuomo is threatened with a fine for not wearing a mask around his NYC apartment.
Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton noted the CNN show host had previously criticised President Trump for not wearing a mask, but was now being threatened by his apartment building managers with a $500 fine for walking around without a mask on several occasions.
“CNN’s an interesting bucket of fish aren’t they,” Ms Tognini said.
“It is really extraordinary to sit on the outside of that organization and watch – as a news consumer – how utterly biased it is.
“Mr Cuomo is perhaps an extreme example of that.
“They’re so cooked by the idea that President Trump may actually be an effective president.
“CNN has really cooked their ability to fairly and accurately cover the news.”
Donald Trump will get ‘over 300 electoral college votes’
734,106 views•Oct 29, 2020 Sky News Australia
President Donald Trump will benefit from a surge in voter turnout amongst his supporters and win the election with over 300 electoral college votes, according to Sky News contributor Cory Bernardi.
“And that will send – of course – the left absolutely ballistic,” he said.
Trump holds ‘Make America Great Again, Again!’ rally in Newton, Pennsylvania
145,299 views•Streamed live 2 hours ago Fox News
Video of woman stealing yard sign goes viral
890,969 views•Aug 24, 2020 KCAU-TV Sioux City
I cant even imagine a Trump supporter doing this!
No matter what happens, this country is never going back to the way it was. We are way beyond that. This country is as divided as it was during the Civil War, if not more so. This time we have family members against one another. The MSM & Unsocial media are totally corrupt, as are those morons in the movie and music industry. If they, the left, are allowed to, not only suppress news, but outright lie about it, that is a huge benefit to overthrow this country. We have all just lived through the worst political term, as far as depravity from the democratic party, in our life time and it promises to only get worse the next four years, no matter who gets in. Trump and his supporters have been under attack since before day one. The fact that the dems have not one but two candidates who are at the very bottom of the barrel as their choices is astounding. They will definitely cheat, it’s all they have. Biden is, without a doubt, mentally deficient and his running mate was/is about as popular as the “turd in a punch bowl”. Barry O told Biden not to run and Willie Brown told Harris not to run. They should have listened. Both of these individuals shouldn’t be allowed within a mile of the White House, much less in it, but at least half this country believes otherwise. This race should have been decided by this time. The democrats should have already conceded this race to Trump and begun to ponder who they will prop up in 2024. But instead we’re told that this a neck and neck race that is still up for grabs. Trump is getting 25,000 people to defy their governor’s order to attend his rally and Biden gets more horn honking Trump supporters, than his supporters. And yet the race is close?
I’d just like to close with…WHERE”S HUNTER!!!!
BREAKING: Philadelphia Burning Fake News Coverup.
Just heard Philadelphia is still burning,
They’re still rioting and the operation Mockingbird press refuses too cover.
Can anybody confirm? Philly is in Pennsylvania! Can you imagine that?
Penn seems so mid- Western, sort ah like Kentucky, with Daniel Boone types And coal miners!
Poor Philly. . . .
A lot of people keep saying we need to come together ????????????
It is goat and sheep time people God said.
34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.
There seems to be a lot of people putting other people before God.
And he is not pleased .
Biden’s Plausible Deniability Isn’t Plausible
Larry O’Connor|Posted: Oct 30, 2020
Just what is plausible deniability, exactingly?
A condition in which a subject can safely and believably deny knowledge of any particular truth that may exist, because the subject is deliberately made unaware of said truth. So as to benefit or shield the subject from any responsibility associated through, the knowledge of such truth.
The CIA black ops division undertakes dangerous and usually what would be considered illegal missions, that are not officially sanctioned by the US administration. So that the administration, which usually benefits from such missions, can safely disavow any knowledge of them, in the event of their publicly uncovered success or failure. Thus the Obama Biden administration, was in the position of plausible deniability, towards the Mike Morell headed unintelligent community and the Biden family’s covert and clandestine, pay for play actions.
Yes! Plausible deniability is a term coined by the CIA during the Kennedy administration to describe the withholding of information from senior officials in order to protect them from repercussions in the event that illegal or unpopular activities by the CIA became public knowledge.
President Trump is Going to Dominate the Election and Win the Presidency, again.