New Fear Campaign for Bird Flu Vax – Dr. Peter McCullough

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Dr. Peter McCullough is a renowned cardiologist who has been fighting the government CV19 vax propaganda from the beginning.  Dr. McCullough is on record saying “The CV19 vaccine did not help a single person.”  Now, Dr. McCullough is fighting a new false government narrative on the Bird Flu.  They just held the “International Bird Flu Summit” near Washington D.C in early October.  At the same time, they were holding a Bird Flu summit in Arkansas for veterinarians.  So, the evidence says, they are planning on a new pandemic.  Dr. McCullough, who monitored both summits, says, “This is what we learned.  Bird Flu is spreading around because it actually came out of a lab.  It came out of the USAD research lab in Athens Georgia. . . . Bird Flu has been around for a hundred years, and the current version is very mild.  There have been just over 10,000 animal deaths, yet, they have intentionally culled or killed tens of millions of healthy chickens.”

Dr. McCullough goes on to say, “We have never had a human Bird Flu death in the United States. . . . Bird Flu looks like it’s coming out of research labs.  It’s ‘gain of function’ research.  The Biden Administration has put out legislation in May of 2024 enabling this.  It’s called ‘Dual Purpose Research.’  They create a virus to get people sick, and then they can try to create a vaccine.  This is all about ginning up fear for more public mass vaccination. . . . I am fearful of a campaign, whether it be Monkey Pox, Bird Flu, Marburg or disease X, that actually does have people take another wave of genetic messenger RNA vaccines. . . . We have seen more damage from the Covid vaccines than the illness itself. . . .The Biden Administration just gave money to Moderna to make a Bird Flu messenger RNA vaccine.  I can tell you it does not look safe, and none of these genetic vaccines look safe.”

Dr. McCullough warns, “No one should consider taking a Bird Flu Vaccine. . . . More people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group.  No one should consider this.  We have simple drugs that can handle this . . . such as antivirals, Hydroxychloroquine will cover Bird Flu, and we use iodine nasal sprays and drops.  The bottom line is nobody should risk a vaccine.”

In closing, Dr. McCullough says, “This is a new authoritarian approach, and the new message now, which was all over media in the last few days, is ‘misinformation.’  Don’t trust anybody but the government.  Everybody else is spreading ‘misinformation.’  ‘Misinformation is a classic propaganda tool by The Third Reich.  No government official should be using the term ‘misinformation.’”

There is much more in the 28-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he interviews top cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, who is Chief Science Officer of  The Wellness Company, as he warns against getting a deadly Bird Flu vaccine for 10.12.24.

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After the Interview:

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  1. Anthony Australia

    Brilliant guest Greg, thanks.

    Viral Australian Senator Malcom Roberts Issues Emergency Warning To The World: Humanity Is Coming For the Globalists.

  2. Anthony Australia

    MASK MANDATES RETURN! – California Pushes Mask Mandates As Pharma Propaganda Ramps Up!

    • Anthony Australia

      I was a nurse who thought my anti-vax relatives were crazy when they told me not to get the Covid jab. I quickly regretted my decision after I ended up in hospital.

      • LoriQ

        On one hand, I am sorry for the injuries sustained by those who received the vaccine. On the other hand, I am angry with medical professionals who rabidly pushed and coerced millions of people to get the jabs. My mother was severely injured by them, and there is no reversing the damage inflicted. She trusted medical professionals and they left her permanently injured because they blindly trusted big Pharma. To add to injury, the insult is no one is held accountable for the damages sustained. The cherry on top is the continued gaslighting by medical and pharmaceutical professionals who say their product harmed no one.

        I will never trust the medical profession ever again especially where I live in a deep blue state where reality is suspended on a daily basis. If I could leave, I would.

        Unfortunately, this article is a heads up for another lockdown coming. I appreciate the information, but now I have to watch paranoid crazy wash over the metro area again. It’s as if I live in the biggest insane asylum ever built run by the craziest batshit lunatics running around without straitjackets. They’ve chased most of the sane away, and the rest of us are hiding until Armageddon comes.

    • Anna

      I believe that the mask mandates are back in California because they released the Replicon self amplifing vaccines in volunteers in Japan. God save us all. The mandates are in heavy Asian counties. I’m guessing they want to see how many people it amplifies too. a Japanese Canadian Dr was interview on A Minute To Midnight yt channel and explained how the shedding sheds the brain of mRNA not just the virus. plus go listen and have him on…God Bless u Greg.. ps Malone went to Japan and begged them not to release Replicon…

      • Earth Angel

        Volunteers? Who in their right mind would voluntarily take that shit?!

    • Robert Solomon

      Dear Greg,
      I ordered 2 kits from the Wellness Company. I have received one kit but.the kit.ordered on 9/28 has yet to arrive.
      Since you cannot reach.a.human being when.telephoning, I sent an email 7 days ago but no response as.of today.
      Thought would let you know. All your other advertisers are quick to.respond.
      please inform.Wellness.Co of the situation as I know others.are displeased as well.
      Thanks in advance,
      Robert Solomon
      Plant City, FL.
      post script. They money.same day.I ordered

      • Greg Hunter

        I am sure this is some sort of screw up, and I am also sure the Wellness Company will make it right. Call this number: 800-758-1584 during normal business hours and let me know how it works out. Yours is the only complaint of someone not getting the product they ordered. I will help if this does not work. I promise.

  3. V Lee

    Keep up the good work Greg. Thanks to you & others the great awakening is here! The “Great Poisoning” will be stopped.

    • Hotrod

      About impossible to argue with McCullough. Will pass this interview around. Many people still can’t associate so many health maladies today with their MRNA.

      • Greg Hunter

        Thanks, Hotrod, for the viral promotion!

        • Paul

          McCullough is a heck of a man. Thank you sir for enduring. You to Greg

          Paul from arkansas

          • Greg Hunter

            Jehovah and Jesus saved my life. No way I am leaving mu post now. Thanks for the very kind words.

            • Lili

              Amen & Amen

            • Galaxy 500

              Amen, Brother Greg. You can not leave until you have finished YHWHs plan for you!

    • Sarah

      Dr. McCullough, a TRUE hero! for his steady fast medical advice.

      so many posers now a days, acting like they fought against medical tyranny back in 2020 to 2023, when it was most difficult.
      Dr. McCullough never waivered and continued his advice and warnings. He has saved so many lives and opened so many eyes to the “illness” care industry.

      thanks so much Mr. Greg for having him on!!!!

      Trump/Kennedy 2024!
      (A BIG YUCK yet another poser and grifter Vance –YUCK!, hopefully he gets dumped for Kennedy. )

  4. Robin Redbreast

    Here in the UK we are now required to register birds. The rules only used to apply for 49 birds or more.
    We now need to register EVERY bird from a single indoor caged parrot to a small flock/brood of back garden chickens. The fine for failing to register is £5000.

    The online registration system started on the 1st October 2024, so not long ago, but is currently frozen as it has been overloaded with people registering chickens in their freezers, chicken nuggets. and people identifying as chickens, bantams, Ostriches etc etc.

    It’s just another freedom being taken away and God bless everyone who is currently standing up to government overreach over here. I doubt we will win but at least we are resisting.

  5. Neville

    Cold blooded evil and vindictive murders that describes the Bio Weapon manufacturers in AAcrime.
    Oh well JUSTICE may not be too far away with the advent of our LORD JESUS who will rule the world with a Rod of Iron.This craziness /insanity which is enveloping the planet is completely out of hand.Do not trust your rulers who you elected instead pay a regular visit to your Church and get on your kneecaps and pray like thunder to our Father in Heaven who will hear your prayer for protection agains satan and all evil spirits who wander around the world seeking the ruin of souls

    • Ken Yu

      We have “according to God’s Plan” built that “Rod of Iron” (the Space X Rocket) to implement GOD’s plan to cast the Devil(s) into a “Lake of Fire”!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      Prayers great Chamberlain. But YHWH is looking for more than that from us.

  6. Joe Wong

    Yep – Dr. Peter McCullough is correct here, and Bill Gates is part of the problem as well, since he’s part of the WEF that wants to reduce the world’s population from approx 8 billion down to a more manageable level of 3 billion people. Also, Chickens do NOT have an immune system, and you are wondering why many, many people are now getting SICK from eating chickens in the past 3 or so years since Covid-19 first came out. Most Factory farmed chickens have 92 % chemicals and only 8 % meat in them mostly due to the use of growth hormones as well.

    See Food Inc or Factory Farms for more info.

    Also, then you wonder why the people in Asia still eat CATS and are living somewhat longer lives than we are here in the west. Look at Dayton & Springfield Ohio where these migrants are eating peoples pet cats, and are poachine feral and stray cats for their meat as well, Feral & stray cats will become a thing of the past if these migrants continue down this path as well. Maybe these migrants know a thing or two about food that we don’t know about about their consumption.

    • Kit Lee

      I always wondered why the Chicken Chow Mein I’ve eaten at a Chinese Restaurant always tasted better then the Chicken Chow Mein I made at home!!!

      • Galaxy 500

        Can’t speak to that. Never had that but then Chinese never look appealing to me

    • Galaxy 500

      I’ll take a factory farm raised chickens over some feral cat any day of the week. Asia can eat all their cats and dogs. Mine are pets, not food animals and their lives are worth a thousand Haitians… at least to me.
      Yeah, these Haitians know a thing or two I don’t but I wouldn’t say healthy food is one. And that diseased feral cats are some how healthier than a chicken… hard pass Joe but then my people don’t have a history of eating cats and dogs so I cant claim to be N expert.
      I wonder why there is this manufactured astroturfing of factory farm chickens going on. You can get sick eating chickens but it’s bacteria not viral. At least so far. And that can be taken care of by hygiene and proper cooking. I don’t know about either of these being a big thing in the illegal community.
      But I do know that chicken is a healthy lean inexpensive protein source for growing boys and girls.
      Oh and My pets don’t steal, rape, maim or murder so maybe it’s 10,000 Haitians. Oh, and they don’t get my tax dollars…
      These people have destroyed their island paradise, why did they bring them here? To destroy ours. You don’t think I know what I am talking about? The Dominican Republic is on the same island as Hati. Separated by a mountain range. and I have been there a few times. It’s a beautiful place but then it doesn’t have the crime, has functional infrastructure, beautiful clean beaches…hmm, doesn’t have Haitians…

  7. Roger Stamper

    tks peter & greg

  8. Larry Hansen

    Greg, a great interview packed with useable information, as well as products
    We live in Germany, and would like to order some of Dr. McCullough’s products.
    However, we live in Europe: DE, and would likely have the products confiscated
    by customs. What would be our alternatives for getting these products sent to
    Thank you Greg for all you do. God Bless you and returning to full health.

    L. Hansen

  9. Rodster

    The solution is simple. Whatever the government or media tells you to do, do the opposite. From now on I am suspicious of anything that comes from the government or media.

    Assume from now on that the Cabal is blowing smoke up and into your orifice.

    • Galaxy 500

      Good rule of thumb, Rodster.
      Even the weather is suspect when it comes form the MSM.

  10. Katy Bar

    The Evil Globalists are really “Very Dumb Immoral People”. Do they really think they can use the same technique “To Kill Us” as they did before?? Now, once again in Georgia (where they built their Georgia Guidestones) they have created A NEW “Gain of Function” Bird Flu Virus (that can easily spread to Humans) so they can “Once Again Inoculate Us with their KILL SHOTS”!! It has now become Just as Important for Trump and RFK Jr. To Shut Down these Georgia “Gain of Function Bio-Labs” Still Waring Upon the American People (as it is to Stop the Kinetic Wars in Ukraine and the Middle East)!! First by “Completely Shutting Down All the Gain of Function Bio-labs”!! Just Stop their Funding and then begin the process of rounding up all the Evil Scientists (and their Globalist Eugenicist Henchmen and Neocon Supporters) getting rich “By Killing Human Beings (i.e. like Bill Gates, Trudeau, Soros, Klaus Schwab, etc., etc., etc.)! WHO DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THE WORDS OF GOD “THOU SHALL NOT KILL” MEANS!! We Need to Round them up (the same way they now round up Our Children for Sex with Perverts and for Organ Harvesting) and simply Transport (and drop them off) where their God Lucifer they Love and Worship so much resides (The SUN)!!!

  11. Dave

    I have my Wellness Medical Kit and highly recommend it – I come from a 3 generation medical family (Dad was the Chief physiologist in the Medical Service Corps of the Navy and Mom was a RN).

  12. Galaxy 500

    Good morning Greg,
    Another Great interview with the Doc. These Demons seek to cull those that are stupidly trusting the formerly storied Medical Profession that has turned to Baal.
    Never again will I get a vaccine

  13. Norlin Gutz

    A local Turkey producer told me there were bird’s in his flock that the bird flu didn’t effect. He commented to a USDA official why don’t we study those birds and see why the bird flu didn’t effect him…..USDA official dismissed him as just a farmer and said NO we cqn’t do that….

    • Galaxy 500

      Heaven forbid we study the healthy birds and breed those with immunity

  14. Galaxy 500

    Do the Demons think that stealing Trump signs will affect the election? But evil is all these people have. Their ideas are the moral equivalent of rape, pillage and plunder. Merit gets you nothing

    • Katy Bar

      Don’t these Democrats trying to elect Kamala understand that she will impose Price Controls on their Gold and Sliver by shutting down the Exchanges, etc., etc. to prevent the price from rising??

      • Earth Angel

        Yes, It is beyond me as to why anyone would vote AGAINST themselves by voting for Harris simply because for some reason they hate Trump. Can they not see that they were much better off 5 or 6 years ago than we are now?! Harris is THE most un-presidential candidate that I have ever seen run for the office. She isn’t even a good speaker, motivator, or leader. I have to think the respect level for her on any international level would have to be just about ZERO. Its embarassing to me that she comes across as such a goofball with her waving hand gestures and that horse laugh of hers. She speaks to her audience as if she is speaking to a group of kindergartners. Which is perhaps the level most of her supporters are at; the low information voter.

  15. Susan Russo

    We are ALL enrolled in a death program. Greg, you brought up Helene and the lack of rescue. I saw so many videos but one was at a remote camp with tents when a Blackhawk helicopter swooped down low and hovered until the wind force destroyed the whole camp and then flew away.
    My awareness has become focused on the evil that has invaded most of our agencies, private and public. To me it seems obvious the lure of money can buy any level of wickedness. The obvious question is who or what is behind this, who wants to wipe mankind off the face of this planet. I am assuming people cannot see or believe this and that is why this is successful.

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Susan,
      The short answer is Satan and his host of demons. They hate us and want us wiped from existence … in this world and in the next.
      One of Satan’s biggest and most successful lies is “Satan doesn’t exist.”
      Have you seen some of the TV shows and movies that vilify YHWH and attempt to rehabilitate Satan?
      “Lucifer” is one. “Supernatural” started out as Good against evil but then the Angels were as bad as demons… you could actually trust the demons more in the end and then they had God as evil and destroyed by his son… I was an avid watcher the first few seasons until they started with the Angels are evil nonsense.

      • Susan Russo

        Galaxy 500, I suspect the answer is as you say. It is surreal to the extent of our living in this time. I watch very little TV and stay away from the content you talked about when picking movies.
        I rely on my spiritual education and inner spirit to live this time on earth. I know this is not my home.

  16. Stephen Ryals

    Catherine A Fits? Why don’t u have her on? Talk about the great land grab under trump mid January?

    • Galaxy 500

      What make believe great land grab under Trump?
      The only land grab I have seen and the only evil that I have seen Steven is by your friends Buy-Dem and Kamaltow. Has CAF sold out?
      I guess you haven’t been paying attention to what has happened since the Demons took almost full control of the government. But you say that is preferable to Trump…
      Dude, I’d call you a few names at this point but to be honest… I don’t know any that would do a creature such as you justice.
      At some point when I have a few minutes I will have to go see what CAF has sold out for

  17. Katy Bar

    Dr. McCullough says: “Misinformation is a Classic Propaganda Tool used by The Third Reich” and the Deep State has Adopted It and are using it in AI which is something we Need to Correct if eventually (as Klaus Schwab and Noah Yuval Harari tell us) we are going to become “Immortal Borgs” fundamentally disconnected from the Natural World Around Us (where a connection to Nature, even at an unconscious level, may be the Only Unique Fundamental Quality of Being Human!! Become disconnected from Nature based upon Carbon, Water and Sunlight (as God Created) and we will likely “Kill Our Own Children” and “Voluntarily Sterilize Ourselves” TO END HUMANITY (just as Satan always wanted)!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      This AI thing is scary. If you look at the images now, you can tell they are fake but in another decade… as computers get better the errors go down and I guess you would have to have a team of humans looking at individual pixels for errors, etc
      Satan hates us … he wants us cut off from YHWH and His Son, Jesus. Jesus scares Satan as Satan know Jesus will destroy him in the end.
      As for as the baby murder, I believe these people are sacrificing these children, these infants, to Baal (Satan), then they sell the parts for a profit.
      And I guess we were deem uncooperative as they unleashed the bioweapon on an unsuspecting population.
      Thank for the thought provoking post of the video

      • Katy Bar

        G500 – I was doing some thought provoking thinking about Genocide and it seems it is often preceded by our human brain having “A Feeling of Disgust” (and then our Brain Stops Thinking Rationally)!! As people tend to Hate What Disgusts Them they then tend to want to “Get Rid Of It”. Tyrants “have exploited this vulnerability in humans” and their victums always tend respond in the same way (by ascribing Disgusting Words back upon their Enemies by say calling them disgusting names like Rats or Demons!! Even I do it calling a Democrat a Demon-rat and the Democrats will call Trump all kinds of nasty things “to trigger disgust”!! Nazi Germany “did it to the Jews” (creating the Holocaust) and for that matter Israel “is now doing it to the Palestinians”!! So, this Disgust-Based Rhetoric must stop as it paves the way for “Unimaginable Atrocities” and Assassinations. My point is our human brain’s “disgust avoidance” tendencies “Overwhelms Our Moral Reasoning” and this is “The Psychological Achilles’ Heel” in All Us Humans that is Responsible for Every War Throughout Human History!! So I’m going “to try” Not to Label Democrats as Demon-rats Anymore!! This is going to be very difficult but I must make the effort to “grow up” and not burn “these damn ants anymore” with a magnifying glass like I did as a kid. The only reason I believe “History Repeats” is because Human Nature “never changes” Throughout Millennia, and therefore we have Unending Unceasing Continual Wars and Commit and Perpetrate Inhuman Atrocities (upon our own species). Jesus said: “We Must Learn To Turn The Other Cheek” (Putin to his credit has not launched Nuclear WWIII at the US and NATO, even though these “Rabid Loony Tune Psycho Neocons” most probably “Disgust Him to Hell” by launching their missiles at Moscow)!!

        • Galaxy 500

          Jesus when he comes back isn’t gonna be the “turn the other cheek” Jesus, he is going to be the Temple Jesus.
          Nor was Jesus telling us that we need to let evil beat us to death.
          Just my thoughts

  18. Deborah Gross

    What a delightful, stellar and expert guest! Thank you, Greg, for keeping us informed during these perilous times.

  19. Frank S.

    Just watched Dr. McCullough in a great interview giving his take on UN’s Agenda 2030.

  20. Nina

    What is terrifying it this is the business model. It has been all along. This COVID theater was just in your face. Everyone saw. Remember tobacco, thalidomide, AZT, highly processed food, ineffective chronic care,contaminated water and air. The new business model is fear-porn advertising for mandated snake oil.

  21. Prospector

    They come at you from many different angles all at once.


    Event 201 was telling you what they planned for their scamdemic. Now they are telling you they will initiate a cyber-event to make you beg for their intervention and introduction of their CBDCs. And the sheep will be thankful. So it goes.

  22. Prospector

    National Public Radio , NPR says everything you have heard about the North Carolina disaster response is — ” misinformation. ”

    5 minute audio – 10/13/24

    • Galaxy 500

      Yeah, not so much…
      Places I went hiking with my girl who owned a 2nd house in Boone… a lot of places are gone. A full time resident say the places that just were reopened for fishing a few years ago are gone again. Houses wiped out all thru western NC into the foothills. Roads gone, Blueridge parkway locked down except to people that live there. Reports of looting.
      Nothing in the some local stores, no gas cause you can’t get there from here and FEMA is doing everything to murder these people… And when the citizens in Western NC try to help their neighbors you have an NC National Guard Jackass like VP wannabe Tampon Tim Walz’s rotor washes the area destroying supplies and blowing them into the highway. That’s after the unmarked government cars did a drive thru. That action was not a childish prank it was an evil act of sheer hatred and disdain.
      These are people I talked to this week. It’s not filtered.
      Oh, and a very good friend is a retired Cobra Flight instructor. He advised you can should have seen that the area was too crowded to land from 1000 ft or more. It’s not like you head to the ground and at 50 to 100 feet go “oophhjj I can’t land there” and firewall the throttles

  23. Lady Au Stackers United

    Feral cats = free and cheap to prepare meat.
    Factory Farmed chickens destined for mass slaughter = unclean, cheap, taxpayer subsidized meat.
    I choose not to eat either of the above and I no longer eat pigs or cows. I was raised in Nebraska so I’m no stranger to cognitive dissonance when I consumed these animals. When I do rarely choose to eat animal flesh/meat on my plate, it’s either wild caught Sockeye salmon, Halibut, or wild harvested Venison or Elk. Backyard chicken raising for meat consumption imo is alright because you know how your meat is raised, your birds were probably allowed to truly free range and you know what antibiotics were or were not given to them. Factory Farming is disgusting and a more than terrible life for these intelligent and capable of sharing compassion, sentient beings… it’s not about going on a vegan or vegetarian diet but rather becoming more aware and having the cognitive mindfulness of where your meat food came from and what kind of life the animal you ate experienced. Hopefully that animal flesh on your plate or between your two slices of bread did not suffer abuse, particularly the abuse from living in severely crowded conditions amongst its sick and dead companions knee deep in excrement.

    • Galaxy 500

      Lady Gold,
      Peace and YHWH favor upon you this day. Interesting post.
      I have fried chicken twice a week, as the local small town restaurant has that on both a lunch and evening buffet.
      I am a carnivore that eats a few veggies. I just grilled two steaks. Mashed potatoes with about 1/2 stick of butter, green beans, and I used the other half on the crescent rolls. Thank goodness that cholesterol isn’t a problem. LOL
      A nice steak for me and one off the discount rack for my best boy. Have no idea their pedigree but both were rare and we had a great meal out on the deck.
      The eggs I buy are local small farms and they drop them off every two weeks. They taste better.
      Bought part of a local hog that’s being butchered. I would love to buy in on some beef that way but I don’t have the storage yet.
      But I will say, even a factory farm raised chicken is healthier than the processed Bull crap and bugs that want me to eat. The soy burgers etc that damage men or the fake meat cancer burgers. Forgive, if my food is healthy, I am unconcerned about its happiness unless it impacts the flavor. These are food animals, not pets.
      Just an old man’s two cents. I have fished and hunted extensively in my youth thanks to a loving Father. I will say the best breakfast in the world was 2 freshly killed quail, scrambled eggs, grits and homemade biscuits.
      So I give you that wildlife taste different from farm raised, even the free range farm raised as the diets are vastly different.

      • Lady Au Stackers United

        Factory Farmed chicken meat is not healthy to eat.
        Lentils are packed with protein, a clean source food.
        Factory Farmed animals produce an enormous amount of fecal waste which is either pumped into lagoons and that manure is used to fertilize crops, which is potentially a bacterial laden listeria feeding ground. Of note, a recent report of 10 million pounds of meat and chicken recalled due to listeria – healthy food NOT.

        • Galaxy 500

          Yes, bacteria contaminates… it’s a real thing. You can keep your lentils although I do love black bean soup.
          As far as fecal , the world is full of it, both literal and figuratively.
          Manufacturing processes produce waste.
          Chicken is cheap, protein dense healthy food which is why they are bird flying and burning down the processing plants.
          A lot of people don’t have access and or can’t afford local farm raised and loving executed chickens. Growing up, I was shown how to properly butcher birds but have done that in 30 years. Some skills are persistent, that isn’t one. If I could procure locally raised birds like I do eggs, I would. I talked to two of the egg producers and it just isn’t possible. Different scale and they don’t believe it would be profitable and that they have the skill sets and man power to do it.
          And dried beans have pesticides etc… and some are GMO. It’s just hard
          But I am have fried chicken tomorrow and there was great rejoicing.

  24. Prospector

    The Politics of Disobedience: Just Say NO to REAL ID Before October 15, 2024

    So what’s wrong with REAL ID? It’s just a convenient way of identifying yourself, right?

    It’s also unconstitutional, tyrannical, an infringement on our privacy, a threat to our freedom, a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and a digital prison—especially when combined with biometric surveillance, AI, facial recognition technology, and the global panopticon the technocrats have gotten the inmates to build as Andre describes in My Dinner with Andre:

    Linky :

    • Galaxy 500

      Prosecutor, are you talking about the Real ID at Airports? Because my state has a real id requirement but it’s not biometric? Please let me know,
      Thank you for all the informative posts by the way

      • Prospector

        I think it is for flying , as an excuse , buuuuut , you just know it will be expanded to an internal domestic passport in short order.
        And then :
        Lets add biometrics and eye scans ,
        and lets add Chinese style social scoring to that I.D. as well.

        Just tin-foil hat stuff , they would never do that here ( cough ) vaxxine passports.
        As someone said, the whole Covid thing was used for money and to BUILD the next steps of the control grid.


        • Galaxy 500

          They would never do it here…
          But my Brother, as you know, TPTB have been doing that “never here” stuff before the so-called Patriot Act.
          These Demonic Dems and RINOs are having wet dreams over enslaving us and have veto control over us using our own money.
          I did some checking and it’s at airports

  25. Carl Gruber

    I refuse to cast my vote for the man who calls himself “the father of the vaccine” and who called it “one of mankind’s greatest achievements”.

    Anyone who wants to bring up Karen Kingston’s BS about Trump’s contract for a “safe vaccine” or how Trump “didn’t mandate it” can go GET STUFFED!

    Your lame excuses will NEVER convince me to vote for Traitor Trump!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      You are voting for Kamala? She and Biden allowed more than 20 million illegal invaders into America. You are a Dem and an idiot.

      • Carl Gruber

        Greg, I’m not a Dem and I didn’t say anything about Kamala or Biden you TDS-infected CHIMP!

        GO STUFF yourself & take your lame excuses with you!

        • Greg Hunter

          You sound like an unhinged Dem or a “Lefty losing it” to me. Please don’t come back. By the way, Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a name for unhinged Dems, you moron.

          • Tim K

            You go Greg,

            You are dead on in your rebuttal.

            Friends in Christ


            • Greg Hunter

              Thanks Brother Tim.
              Brother Greg

              • Dale Anderson


                The only genetic code i want in my body is the one I was born with. I’m damn near 60 years old and it’s worked very well so far. fyi I took 12mg of ivermectin daily for 10 days. No bad side effects whatsoever. if I get the Wuhan flu a third time, I’m taking ivermectin. No plaxovid or remdesiver for me!

              • Sam A. Morgan

                ‘Gruber’ – Hilarious – I believe, Gruber fell off the skyscraper in Die Hard. He must be hurting…

        • Galaxy 500

          Damn, Comrade Carl, … it’s a binary election. You don’t have to actually say you’re voting for Kamala. You aren’t voting for Trump.

      • Galaxy 500

        You have correctly ID Comrade Carl on both counts. Who did the mandates? That would be Carl’s boy, Beijing Jo Buy-Dem.
        Trump had Dem operatives hiding in his government like Fauci.

    • Galaxy 500

      Carl, Trump didn’t mandate anything. It’s obvious you are a paid malcontent. No thinking man pours gasoline on themselves and flicks a match to get ‘even’ for something that didn’t happen.

    • Coal Burner

      Well, then, Carl, you get moron Kameltoe. She is too dumb to run the country, some unelected halfwit will, according the on gong 4 year track record.

  26. Galaxy 500

    Praise YHWH… a thinking man. JD Vance Trump Jr 2028

  27. Prospector

    Do your homework. Why this ? Why Now ?

    Expanded assassination authority in CONUS

    As the U.S. prepares for one of the most controversial and closely watched elections in its history, a concerning update to DoD Directive 5240.01 has quietly been put into effect. Reissued on September 27, 2024, this directive governs the Department of Defense’s (DoD) intelligence activities and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force in certain circumstances when assisting civilian law enforcement. While the directive forbids assassination, it opens the door to lethal interventions under “national security” conditions, albeit with stringent restrictions on how such interventions are to be authorized.

  28. Galaxy 500

    Please pray for our country and our President Trump. These evil bastards are all out in their madness… pray for us all. YHWH is listening and HE answers prayers… in Jesus his Son’s name I pray for us, our country and Trump

    • Galaxy 500

      This may have just been a Trump Supporter with a gun…
      When you hear things in the MSM, you know it’s not the complete unadulterated unvarnished truth we get with Greg.
      This could be a diversion from the version

  29. Ken

    Dr McCullough Says:
    “We have simple drugs that can handle this . . . such as antivirals, Hydroxychloroquine will cover Bird Flu”

    My question is whether ivermectin will work on the bird flu ? Does anyone know the answer?

    • Galaxy 500

      I hear Tamiflu works but that is a doctor question.

      • Greg Hunter

        Generic Tamiflu is in the Medial Emergency Kit or the Contagion Kit.

  30. Galaxy 500

    And they let the latest assassin out on $5,000 bond

    • Galaxy 500

      Turns out this was a false alarm…
      Maybe, it’s odd that you would have fake passes but I don’t believe we have any and all of the facts.
      Was this a Trump guy, with a gun in his car?

  31. David Caron

    Hey Gregg- Facebook is censoring your site/articles!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      I guess that’ how you know they are important.

      • Galaxy 500

        Damn, right, Greg. They don’t censor the pedos but they will censor the truth.
        Please Greg, take care of yourself

  32. Country Codger

    Greg, fantastic interview. Keep it up.
    Lo Iyrah!

  33. Cyrano Jones

    The past four years with a DEM President and the past 60 years of all large cities that are run by DUMS. Trillions of working taxpayer confiscated dollars went straight down the toilet supporting the unemployable deplorable, thugs, and those with no work ethic. THE CITIES HAVE NEVER BEEN WORSE!! It is Mad Max in many areas and those hellish areas are growing out into the burbs.

    The answer is not to allow criminals to live freely in society. We are one small fish tank and the DEMS want to allow the sharks to continue to feed off the productive population.

    The super rich and the politicians don’t live in our commoner fish bowl, they could care less if the general population is surrounded by law ignoring welfare-millionaire shoplifters, the drug infected zombies, as long as they stay out of the billionaire gated communities. Now occasionally a big wig or athlete gets clobbered by a street thug and the news story makes the news. And the news blames it on societal racism, how the thugs can’t get a job.

    Our grandparents had work farms, debt farms, and deviant mental institutions. Yeah, but that is back when the schools taught the students the 3 r’s. Today the only thing the school teaches is pretend and things that ain’t real.

    We learned we can’t throw money at the deplorable problem, they must be removed from society. All they do is allow criminals to freely do drugs, kill, burn down, and steal. All they support is more taxpayer dollars to be spent on those deplorable. The DEMS wouldn’t think of removing these DEPLORABLE from society.

    And the DEMS call the REPS deplorable.

    We better, and soon, remove the deplorable from society before it is impossible to leave your home. Bring back shame of getting entitlements, decency, and morality. Bring back GOD, the honor of working, marriage the union of men to women and then have children, the joy of self sufficiency, respect, responsibility, dependability. Instead we get these pretend people demanding we use incorrect pronouns and they force us to piss away trillions to keep the societal scum alive to beat, rape or steal from us. Rehabilitation never works.

  34. Prospector

    From @Michael_Yon
    Callsign : Big Honey 6

    REPLICON factory — ARCALIS, in Fukushima, Japan — Before this is over, you will hear this name hundreds, maybe thousands of times

    ( this is the new ” super shedder vaccine ” he has been telling us Japan is rolling out with a mass jab campaign. They do not need to vaccinate you if your neighbor can just — COUGH — spread the VXX to you , airborne !! )

  35. Marie Joy

    Democide = Genocide By Government

  36. War Monger

    You reap what you sow…

    This feature length investigation by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes . . . (Stop!!! This is Greg Hunter and this is like Epstein investigating sex crimes and child rape..–Don’t post this one-sided crap.)

  37. Jay

    That was quite a plan to control and or kill much of the population. So they inject the clot shot in several billion people around the world knowing that they will shed the spike proteins to everyone else. But these vaccines are not just any old health killers. These vaxxes respond to different frequencies from 5G or other airwaves. Once the spike proteins have been spread to a sufficient portion of the population, all that has to be done is select which frequency is to be sent out in which regions. Today they could decide that everyone in Chicago will receive a frequency that makes them commit suicide. I can just hear the news explanations now. Then tomorrow they could decide that everyone in Dallas will have blurred vision creating massive car pile ups on the roads. The next day they could set of another frequency that causes everyone affected by the shot to become extremely aggressive, killing those around them. The possibilities are really quite endless with the technology that has been loosed on the public.

  38. John Duffy

    10 Things People Get Wrong About Columbus

  39. Prospector

    What is the status of lawsuits against the vaccine manufacturers ?

    Will the courts just dismiss claims as ” without standing ” like voter fraud cases ?

    Steve Kirsch – Oct 23 Tweet
    Breaking: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It’s considered adulteration. I just got off the phone with Professor Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone on this.

  40. Sam A. Morgan

    The Fake Legacy media will not talk about the Miraculous disappearance of Flu during the Plandemic. For the first time in 100 years flu cases in the USA plunged to 1,316 cases for the whole flu season. This is astonishing and seemingly impossible…Crickets from the Fake News and Medical Industrial complex.

    From Harvard School of Public Health:
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that it had logged 1,316 positive flu cases in its surveillance network between September 2020 and the end of January 2021. During that same period last year, the CDC had recorded nearly 130,000 cases.

    Harvard preposterously opines the plunge in flu was due to, “Wearing masks in the wintertime…” Ridiculous – Masks Don’t Work! And Harvard knows this.

    The First-Time – Ever – virtual disappearance of flu is the Big Tell and needs to be questioned and pointed out.

    • Greg Hunter

      Good point, Sam!

    • Shiloh1

      Yes, agreed.

      John Cullen – What Happened To The Flu?

      Starts 2 minutes in

      • Sam A. Morgan

        Just watched the Rumble video. Now seems, to me, this miraculous eradication of the flu during the Plandemic is a wedge to help root out WHO or what is behind Covid.
        Now realize – Harvard is full of it – if masks prevented the flu from spreading then masks would also prevent Covid from spreading.

  41. Old Rancher

    I really like Dr. McCullough but that blue tie triggers me. He needs a red one.

    • Galaxy 500

      Indeed… LOL

  42. Thermos

    Fool me once shame on you – fool me twice and shame on me. Applies here.

  43. Katy Bar

    So why is it we are told by the Noahide Jews we can’t believe in Jesus? Is it because Jesus “Is Not The Son of God” (as these Modern Day Pharisees say)?? Or is it because Jesus made A Sermon on the Mount “the Children of God” don’t like? When Jesus went up on the mountain and called his disciples to him, his Sermon was to teach them some Basic Moral Conduct!! JESUS “DID NOT” SAY: “THE CHILDREN OF GOD ARE THE WAR-MAKERS”!!! (Yet we currently see the “Supposed Children of God” not only “Denying Jesus as the Son of God” but are also “Openly Disobeying and Flaunting what Jesus Taught” in Matthew 5:9!!!

    • Ken Yu

      1 Peter 3:11 Pursue Peace With All Men (otherwise you will not see the Lord)!!!
      If the “Children of God” choose to Wage War instead of Seeking Peace. Then there Will Be Only One Way Out Of This!!!

    • Kit Lee

      The Gods-of-War are MANY!!!! And soon those being attacked will be calling upon their War God’s (To Help Them Inflict Death and Destruction)!!

    • Galaxy 500

      Question? Why spend effort on studying this evil? Jesus is real, regardless what a bunch of evil doers say, regardless of their pedigree. And this is a small faction. I don’t get it. I am widely read, break bread with both very observant Jews following the old ways and modern religious Jew. I asked and they had heard of this nonsense.
      Posting their evil thoughts here has exposed more people to their lunacy that they have received in the previous hundred years.

    • Galaxy 500

      Isn’t this the same thing the Atheists, Satan worshipers, and Moslems say?
      Why would I care? I am reading this again and I apologize, I don’t get it. Didn’t sleep well and have been up since about 4AM so i am not at the top of my game

      No real Jew I know has heard of these guys. But then I don’t hang out with the Hollywood version.

  44. Prospector

    Dear Greg , and Greg’s guests who read here , and all Watchdog readers , I ask you all listen to the first 8 – 10 minutes of this Redacted segment from OCT 14 , 2024.

    In just 9 days, everything changes for the U.S. 🇺🇸 Russia & the BRICS nations are set to unveil a gold-backed currency at their massive October summit, while NATO ramps up nuclear exercises as a “deterrent.” 💥 Buckle up, it’s about to get real.

    ( OCTOBER SURPRISE – End of Bretton Woods ? , Who thinks this will start a major war ? Or two ? )

    • Galaxy 500

      Brenton Woods? Dude, that ended 50 over 50 years ago. Who is that a surprise?
      And tell me, you have a Chinese instrument do you actually think they will honor their agreements? Tell me. What is a gold back currency worth if you can’t convert it to gold. Do you think they will. Actually, the Russians are an honorable people and they might. Possible Brazil. But China, LOL South Africa, Saudi Arabia , India… I don’t have any faith they will and I don’t think many in the western world will.
      It will take some demand among away from dollars as all this trade would previously have been in dollar.
      But everything changing in 9 days… naw, well, at least not from this.
      There is war coming, Israel is determined to finish of the evil bastards. And I pray YHWH blesses their efforts. So things may change in 9 days but not from Brics doing anything

      • Prospector

        It’s been ” OIL for Dollars ” since Nixon , thus continuing US Greeenback dominance , even after closing the gold / silver window.

        Pushback is welcome , but as teacher said , show your work 🙂

  45. Marie

    OMG you got my favorite doctor on!!! You always have the best guests on!! You are the best!!!

  46. Galaxy 500

    I called an out of state west coast business yesterday. They were closed not for Columbus Day but for “Indigenous Peoples Day”
    Hey, guys, I will take a paid day and let them change the name to what ever appropriation the dumb-a$$ want to call it. It will always be Columbus Day to Americans, just not the Marxists.
    And then you see that they pedos really do want our children. And they WILL STEAL YOUR CHILDREN after they inculcate them and abuse them.

  47. Galaxy 500

    And I see the disloyal opposition wading in, all for their 30 pieces of Silver.
    “Oh, Trump has to earn my vote…” Tell me Oh, paid minion, what has Kamel-tow done to “earn” your votw? Is it all the disappeared illegal alien children you have access to and then put in shallows graves after they have been passed around? Is it because of the share of Beijing Buy-Dems’ s Ukraine kick backs you get? Other diverted Government funds?
    Even Buy-Dem doesn’t like and respect Kamel-tow and as embarrassing as it is, he as a demented old fool is still a better public speaker than Komrad Kam.
    Kamel-tow and her husband are despicable, people bloated with delusions of grandeur and self importance. She climbed the political ladder by sexually gratification of an old married politician in CA. That isn’t speculation, it’s a demonstrable fact.
    And yet the TPTB’s paid shills come here and tells us Trump is bad and Trump did this make believe thing or will do this make believe thing.
    All the while, the Demonic Dems ARE doing what they project upon Trump.
    The Demons can not point to one case she prosecuted as AG (was Lead Attorney) not can they point to a single example of a Victory of something under her purview in the last 4 years.
    But somehow Trump is responsible for Covid, inflation, the border and all the illegal alien crimes and murder… the robbery of the American Treasury so the Dems and their RINO allies can get Ukrainian kickbacks.
    And you Demons come here and call us names because we can do basic logic. We are hurdling down a steep hill and we see the road closed, bridge out signs and WE are hitting the brakes on the Stupid Shiite, while you Demons scream “faster” from the passenger seat…
    No thanks, I am tired of your evil…
    I will resist and I will vote Trump Election Day and vote against every demon running for office no matter how small
    Vote for America in this battle of Good against the powers of Darkness… Vote Trump

  48. Galaxy 500

    New… Coming to a Theater Near You…
    Tampon Time as “Elmer Fudd, Pheasant Hunter “

    This impressive movie is as impactful as the actors that played “Real Men for Harris “ Definitely Emmy material…

  49. MLK

    Any plandemic will fail as long as there is adequate communication. Eliminating free communication will have to disappear first.

    • Galaxy 500

      Even the sheeple know they were injured by the non-vaccine Covid vaccine.

  50. War Monger

    New Fear Campaign for…


  51. Prospector

    PLEASE remember , they want you to feel alone and isolated. The NUMBER ONE thing the power mad deep staters can’t stand is our being — UNITED !!!

    The people have spoken.
    ” Not going to help us in NC – TN with flood relief ? Fine , we’ll help each other , stay out of our way. ”

    The propaganda response to deflect from the heat of their non response and stand down is here.
    Armed Militia ‘Hunting FEMA’ Causes Hurricane Responders to Evacuate – Newsweek

    Mainstream Media Tries to Project Horrendous FEMA Hurricane Helene Response from the Biden Admin as the Fault of Angry White People, Claims Armed Militia ‘Hunting FEMA’ Has Caused Hurricane Responders to Evacuate and Abandon North Carolina’s Rutherford County – None of It Ever Came Close to Happening and Was Just Online Chatter, Man Arrested Already on Bail and Denies Allegations
    – by Newsweek

    Ignore the lies — Stay UNITED !

  52. Marie Joy

    Ammo up

    • Galaxy 500

      Marie, it’s a joy to Ammo up with SG Ammo.
      Tell Sam, I sent you.
      Done business with him for a decade and half.

  53. Larry Serflaten

    I was thinking maybe there is some trigger words that block me, but I do not always speak of God or Jesus. The earlier post here made no such references.

    This is the test.

    • Greg Hunter

      I found you in the spam file and I did not put you there. Sometimes you end up in spam because of a glitch in the backend I don’t know about. You should be good to go now.

  54. Galaxy 500

    Yes, Charlotte, there are Nazis in America and they are Democrats, one and all…
    Who knows, when the Social unrest and or Civil war breaks out, maybe these Nasty Nazi twits will come up here in their boat. I’d like a boat

  55. Galaxy 500

    How did this evil, dried up old hag get so much power?

    A blind hog does find an acorn every once and awhile

    These people, these Kamel-lites, have to be stopped from destroying what little we have left…

    I keep a budget as all of us should… I also have accounting degrees… I can attest to all of this.
    My results are a little different. My household expenses are 21.69% higher.

    What is one more conspiracy against Trump and America? I want these people brought up on charges. I want them tried, and then I want to see them hung. I want the fines to put their families into poverty for generations. This must be punished under color of law, to the full extent and the most extreme punishment possible.

  56. Larry Serflaten

    People should be aware there is a Health Care Directive people can add to their health records to inform their health care providers of their wishes for end of life care (resuscitation efforts, treatments for prolonged life, designated care agent, etc.) In that document people can stipulate that they do not want any drugs that are delivered via lipid nano particles or that alter their DNA. That would safeguard against the occasions when they are not able to deny the treatments themselves (after surgery, arrive at hospital unconscious, etc.) An HCD template can be found online.

  57. War Monger

    Jeff Rense interviews retired military specialist Mitchell Henderson.


    Current geo-political discussion leads to how your going to either die or survive what is coming…

  58. Larry

    Peter McCullough encouraged everyone to take one of the Covid bioweapon jabs
    and he continually lies on Covid existing and from China, when its never been
    isolated and proven not to ever existed. They simply re-named the flu and called
    it covid, and used fear, lies and extortion to push it. Peter is not upright on Covid by
    what he said and did…

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