North Korea Success, Iran & Israel Tangle, Blue Wave Sinks

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 334 5.11.18)

Even the biased propaganda of the mainstream media (MSM) had to call what is happening in North Korea a good thing. Will Trump win the Nobel Peace Prize?  Who knows, but there is zero doubt that Trump has made more progress on North Korea than any president since Truman.

Iran has been building military bases in Syria for war, and Israel is attacking them. Syria is also attacking Israel in what looks to be a new chapter in the Syrian conflict.

This week featured several primaries in multiple states. Instead of a so-called “Blue Wave” hitting the political shores, what we saw was a blue fizzle and laid bare the advantage the Democrats have been touting for the upcoming 2018 mid-terms.  The Dems are running on tax increases, impeachment of Trump, destroying the 2nd Amendment and basic Marxism.  That is a very tough bill to sell without outright lying and cheating, which is what I predict the Dems will have to resort to come November.

Join Greg Hunter as he talks about the top stories in America and around the world in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

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After the wrap-Up:  

Dr. Dave Janda from Operation Freedom, with his excellent sources and intellect, will be the guest for the Early Sunday Release.

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  1. Robert Zionist Lykens

    The United States will defy most of the world with its Jerusalem embassy opening on Monday.
    There’s something almost spiritual about going against what the majority of the world wants. I’m not saying it is spiritual, understand. But the Bible makes it plain that there are three enemies: the world, the flesh and the devil.
    So combine America defying the will of the world with honoring Israel – whom the world despises – and it adds up to an act of our government which is very encouraging to fundamental, Zionist Christians.
    Seeing America blessing Israel by officially recognizing that Jerusalem and Israel are inseparable is a very encouraging thing.
    God bless America.

    • Greg Hunter

      God the Father is smiling!! He might even be laughing out loud.

      • Robert Zionist Lykens

        “Trump’s decision to pull out of the nuclear deal, but also the blows Iran and its proxies have sustained in recent days in Syria, have been received with unveiled glee by many in the Arab world, who sense that Washington is returning to filling a leading role in the region by defending its allies and blocking Iran’s expansionist endeavors.”

        Greg, I suspect that the Arab nations which approve of Trump’s actions are the “Sheba and Dedan” of Ezekiel 38:13.

      • Mohammad

        Smiling and laughing at the lives that will be wasted in the coming inferno?


        • Greg Hunter

          Why would you be smiling and laughing?

          • Mohammad

            Not me Greg
            Am asking why would your god be smiling and laughing at when scores of lives are going to be lost in the coming war.
            He should be sad.


            • Greg Hunter

              Because the truth was exposed. You think the lies would protect everyone??

          • Arthur Barnes

            Because the “the Religion of Peace” tells Mohammad that he can’t live with Israel, Christianity, or the Western Infidels, this country is great not because it has open borders allowing opponents to its borders such as Islam but because it is still a Christian country; and, Mohammad whether you like it or not this IS A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY! Your bull crap about Syria being the all in all of the world is crashing down. The only thing I would like to know is why aren’t you over there trying to protect your ancient history if you love it so much & why does the Muslims want to come to the West in the first instance? Frankly, you can all stay home and leave us alone to enjoy our Bible, Guns & Butter. We never ask your Religion of Peace to cover here, we were doing just fine with Christ in our lives. Your many hateful blogs show your true self as an American Hater, you can’t fool all of us Mo, just some of the usual American beer drinking, football watching idiots, but believe me there are others here not so gullible. Good luck with Syria, hope you return soon!

            • Paul ...

              What Mohammad is trying to say is that those who are happy, gleeful and jumping for joy about war with Iran and the attacking and killing of their enemies now … will be crying the loudest about the “inhuman slaughter” and “foul deeds” of the enemy when bombs and rockets begin falling on Israel in retaliation Israeli women and children are taken away in body bags!! … they will be calling for use of the Samson Option to kill millions more … because working toward “peace” is not their goal … war is … and they will look to the Bible to promote war … irrespective of what that “Crazy man named Jesus” said about his enemies … even when being nailed to a Cross … “Forgive Them Father for Hating This Jew “even though” They Believe I Don’t Have a Right to Exist”!!

              • Arthur Barnes

                Paul, one of my thoughts was that the Religion of Peace will not allow for independent thought. Any deviation from hating Jews, Christians & the West is forbidden and, in fact, punishment could be death. The Religion of Peace was founded on hatred and its kind of innate even for those who come over to the West can’t help but hate the hands that feed them here. I make no apologies for American Christians, I am one and I am proud of it, I will hold onto to my Bible, guns and butter; don’t press it Islam as we are fed up to here with your culture & religion. That is not to say that I don’t believe you have a right to your ideology, you do, its just that I don’t have to assimilate to it, NOR WILL I SUMMIT TO IT~

                • susan

                  Bible, guns and bacon is more like it here.

        • Frederick

          Mohammad According to Zerohedge 56 percent of Americans oppose Trumps abandonment of the Iran nuclear deal or Non deal as some call it Only 26 percent support him

          • Greg Hunter

            That’s because they think it was signed by Iran. Of course we all know it was NOT. So ask them should the US stay in a deal that was NEVER signed by Iran?? I bet the answer would change.

            • Arthur Barnes

              I didn’t agree with the “deal” in the first instance, now the truth is being revealed; Iran made monkeys out of Obama and Kerry. What could you expect from a “closet Muslim” such as Obama, but Kerry, I guess he just couldn’t help but try and hurt America because they wouldn’t make him King; egocentric a##hole that he is.

          • Mohammad


            It does not matter,
            What matters is the war against Iran which Gen. Clark talked about years back is set in motion.
            Hillary said it, TRUMP IS GOING TO PRESS THE BIG RED BUTTON. We tried the Clintons before for years in the White House, they never initiated a nuclear war, this guy WILL, we had then the best prosperous years here in US, we had the gallon of oil in the sub dollar for YEARS not for a short spike.
            Now for all those cheering Trump in his coming war which he declared by shredding the treaty with Iran, I want to say to them CONGRATS, lets hear what you will say when you will cough up 10 dollars a gallon (at least) at the pump.
            Am waiting for that moment to post.
            They will get their wish, but like the old say goes, be careful what you wish for…!


            • Greg Hunter

              So it OK with you that Iran’s leader writes a book about how to destroy Israel and take the Nuke “deal” (No Signature) and builds 10 military bases in Syria with the intent to make War with Israel and try to wipe them out for a third time. You are good with that? Nothing wrong with this military action against Israel? Those Jews should just walk into the gas chambers–again–NOT!!

              • Mohammad

                No it is not OK with me, Iran with the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia/Emirates/Qatar decimated my country, setting emotions aside am for tightening the bolts and the noose but shy from an all out war that you love to take place which will lead to world war III that you and your Israelis partners are awaiting impatiently, that is all to it, I oppose Iran’s regime, they are Zealous just like the zealous regime in Israel and the zealous regime in Saudi Arabia, and the zealous neocons in US/West/East, but am not for WWIII, and for Sure Clintons would of not get involved in it, we tried them before, but your guy will.


      • Frederick

        I’d like to hear Dr PC Roberts view on all of this nonsense

    • This sceptred Isle

      Robert, do you believe that every Jewish Israeli person will be saved regardless of their individual actions or will they have to face judgement like everybody else?

      • Robert Zionist Lykens

        No, of course not every Jewish Israeli will be saved. But “all Israel will be saved” according to Romans. That means that Israel will be a Christian nation just like America is, even though not every American is a Christian. But in my opinion a great majority of Israeli Jews will be Christians.
        You have to think about it this way: one day Jesus Christ will be reigning as King of kings from the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. There will be few indeed who will be able to remain unsaved with King Jesus dwelling among them.
        I urge all who read this to seek Christ now because as the Bible says, “Every knee will bow and every tongue confess” that Jesus is Lord. It’s far better to bow and confess now than before the Great White Throne of judgment.

        • Robert Zionist Lykens

          God goves a prophecy in Zechariah 13:8, 9 about Istael being saved.
          2/3 of Israel will die and 1/3 will be saved.

          8“In the whole land, declares the LORD,
          two thirds shall be cut off and perish,
          and one third shall be left alive.”
          9”And I will put this third into the fire,
          and refine them as one refines silver,
          and test them as gold is tested.
          They will call upon my name,
          and I will answer them.
          I will say, ‘They are my people’;
          and they will say, ‘The LORD is my God.'”

          So even the third that gets to live and be saved will have to be refined in the fire – no pleasant thing!

          Those who resent Israel for being God’s chosen people don’t have a clue what their resentment is about. No people in history have, or will have to suffer like Israel.
          And even in “good times”, being the nation which is supposed to represent God to the world is a life-consuming thing.

          • This sceptred Isle

            Ok, thanks for answering the question.

    • Randy anti-zionist Hitt

      God separated Israel and Jerusalem many times and Israel has not repented since they rejected and murdered the Christ, for which god through the Romans completely destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD.

      Since then every Jew has specifically rejected the gospel Jesus shared with Nicodemus.

      Maybe I’m missing something here, but I’m pretty sure Christian doctrine says only those reborn in the spirit will inherit ever lasting life. So why are US Christians giving the holy land to those god has NOT sanctified?

      You can have John Hagee, I’ll keep my scriptures and 2000 years of Christian tradition thank you.

      • Greg Hunter

        Yes Randy you are missing something. God loves Israel and the Jews in both the old and new testament. Here are 100 Bible verses to back up my point:

        • Jallen

          What Bible are you reading? New Testament John Chapter 3 versus 34 – 36;
          For he whom G-D hath sent speaketh the words of G-D: for G-D giveth not the spirt by measure unto him.
          The Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into his hand.
          He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of G-d abideth on him.

          Keep in mind Greg, many Israelites converted to Christianity when Christ and his disciples walked the earth!!! THERE IS NO SALVATION BUT BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST!


          • Greg Hunter

            God loves Israel and the Jews. He will no doubt work it out.

            • Luther

              Dear Greg,
              You are exactly right! Even though God appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and made personal covenants with them Israel didn’t always live up to being the nation God intended, which is the case even now. If anyone has any doubt of God’s plan for Israel, as a nation, I would urge them to read the thirty-sixth chapter of Ezekiel or at least verses sixteen through thirty-eight.

              Really appreciate what you do! This is my favorite website for content and comments.

              • Paul ...

                Luther … were those Covenants with God signed or unsigned deals? … we Christians only abide by signed deals!! … that’s why the Ten Commandments are not adhered to (we Christians can’t abide by “only the word” of God … so what if he says “Thou Shall Not Kill” … he never signed his Ten Commandments!!

                • Greg Hunter

                  This is a brand new height ridiculous. God does not have to sign anything because his word is his bond.

            • Jallen

              You are correct. See my entry below.
              Israel will be converted and regathered.


        • Paul ...

          Were we not taught in the Bible that God loved “all his creations” (even the ones that killed his only Son were offered forgiveness) … God was not prejudice nor selective!!

          • Greg Hunter

            Yes he does Paul.

        • Jallen

          According to the Prophets Israel, regathered from all nations, restored to her own land and converted, is yet to have her greatest earthly exaltation and glory.
          Note: to happen after the fullness of the gentiles.



        • Arthur Barnes

          Greg, try a few thousand verses to back up your point!

      • Charles H

        God sanctifies ANY one who come to Him by Biblical faith, whether Jew or Gentile. Have some Jews been converted to Christianity? Yes. Have some Gentiles been converted to Christianity? Yes. So are the Jews to be condemned by percentages?!? You over-generalize. Also – Israel was ‘blinded’ purposefully and spiritually so that the Gentiles could be ‘grafted in’ to the first tree of promise. And you are utterly incorrect about Christians giving the Holy Land to anybody. God Himself deeded this land. Scripture indicates they will return to it. And you might even question your “Christian tradition”. Lots of teachings going around aren’t even Biblical. Keep close with the Scriptures, and nothing else.

      • This sceptred Isle

        Yes, the Zio Christians tell us the only way to be saved is through Jesus and from what I have read most Jews reject him as their saviour. Am I missing something?

        • Robert Zionist Lykens

          Many reject Christ, including Jews. Just make sure you don’t.

      • Robert Zionist Lykens

        Randy, being a Zionist doesn’t mean hating America or Christianity, or believing that Israel has no flaws.
        It means supporting and promoting the nation of Israel as the former and future home of the King, and being obedient to God, who made it clear that we should bless Zion.
        Look up and read all the places in the Bible that mention Zion. You’ll find that God has a special place in his heart for Mt. Zion, and anger in store for those who don’t.

        • Paul ...

          I’m not sure Bibi is working to save Mt. Zion from being turned to glass in a nuclear exchange with Russia … working toward peace is a lot harder then going to war … but most people want things easy … and they eventually pay the price for taking the easy way out!!

        • Randy anti-zionist Hitt

          Jesus spent his entire ministry trying to convince the Jews to accept him and for all his efforts he was crucified as the Jews screamed “crucify him!” then Pilate said ,”I wash my hands” and the Jews screamed, “his blood be on our hands and on the hands of our children” from that day to this every Jew has explicitly rejected gods messiah.(of course there are a few who accepted, today we call them ‘Palestinians’). I don’t need to look up and read anything. I will put my bible knowledge up against anyone, especially the heretic John Hagee.

          Your refusal to address my points from my original post speaks volumes…

          You and Greg want me to read everything ACCEPT what Jesus had to say on the matter John 8:44

          Christs elect hear his voice and do what he instructs. The reason his church in America is in crisis, why it is bearing no fruit, is because Christian zionism is replacement theology, replacing ‘Jesus’ with ‘Jews’.. God never said he would bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. If had said that then these words, “We are saved through faith alone in Christ alone.” Exactly what Jesus told Nicodemus, would be meaningless.
          Here is what he said…” Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”

  2. virginia M conway

    President Trump is the bottom of the pot stirrer. God bless him, Yes, let’s see what is on a slow simmer.
    I am ready for indictments……..

    • Greg Hunter

      Me too Virginia.

      • John

        Me too but as I predicted a couple months ago, nothing will happen. Very predictable. The swamp is alive and well. Sessions has been a huge disappointment.

  3. Maria das Santos

    Thanks Mr Hunter.
    Here in the UK oue economy still sucks for us “deplorables”,yet it is astounding to see the displays of wealth being touted about here in London from British nationals and those who are of questionable wealth,quite a number of the British nationals fall in the questionable wealth zone as well.Here we have laws about “wealth of unknown origin”yet our legal authorities cannot contort themselves enough to accommodate this money no matter how blood soaked.Why even Harrods is owned by a terrorist supporting state(Qatar)according to the CIA,so the idea that Iranians are parading around the UK and despoiling their wealth is not surprising.Why even murderers from Odessa(Ukraine)who we all support are desperately trying to decide whether to buy a Bentley a Ferrari or both with their drug money laundered via Malta into London all known by our beloved security services.Still this goes on from Georgia,Azerbaijan.Israel and Russia of course.London is nothing but a cheap hooker for blood money and still our government with all its laws are silent and inactive.
    Back to scrubbing floors.

    • Diane

      Sad commentary Maria.
      We were shocked to here that last weekend there were more GUN VIOLENCE in LONDON than Los Angeles!!!!!!!

      • Greg Hunter

        Here in America we shook off the crown and we did that by arming ourselves. Millions of people are law abiding and we the people should not lose our rights to bare arms. The UK is now a total mess and the people of the UK are now are not even allowed to have a knife for protection. Only the criminals have guns and knives. New flash: You are losing your beloved Britain to globalists and evil.

        • Arthur Barnes

          Greg, agreed, London is a mess with every immigrant known to man who is anti-Christian. Let them in, good luck England, your so politically correct you lost your own culture. Oh, by the way, have your Bobbies go down to the “no goes” areas of London, see if they may have something to say if they come out alive. London is toast, their immigration policies of India, the Middle East, and North Africa has seen to that, good by, won’t be over anytime soon to watch the changing of the guard as it has already taken place!

  4. Joe Sinclair

    Wireless Energy In Your Future New World Order?
    From the old world . . . . .

    • MCasey

      Joe Sinclair, Thank you for posting this link. I don’t know what motivated you to do so since it doesn’t seem relative to today’s video, but it came at a most opportune time for me in my “studies”……your timing is more than a coincidence. Thank you, again.

      • J. Sinclair, Extrordinare.

        M, your welcome!
        You know I was wondering the same thing my self.
        In fact I usually don’t check out such things, because their sort of way too out there for me. Somehow I found myself there and after watching a little, found it very interesting. Then with the connection with Nicholas Tesla, unbelievable!
        I also liked Tesla’s take on the higher consciences-ness thing, where he felt he got his idea’s and the producers tie in with the ancients.
        As George Norie would say, it was beyond belief!
        I was so fascinated and Greg is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast with his buddy Norie, where they cover this sort of thing, a lot. I said what the heck.
        Maybe this is a fore gleam of God’s kingdom on Earth? One day hopefully, sooner not later.
        “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as in heaven”
        Were in need of it now, like pronto! As Greg’s WNW and comments seem to pertain too, here on,

        • MCasey

          To J. Sinclair, Extrordinare.
          Me too.
          Friday night, concurrent with reading your post/watching your video, I was also watching the History Channel and its several shows on Tesla and Ancient Monoliths. And same night, stumbled on John G Trump’s (Donald’s uncle) connection to Tesla. (All dots I needed to connect.)

          You know the “higher consciences-ness thing” (God’s revealed wisdom) is not limited to great men and great revelations, but can occur on a regular basis on regular topics to those who ask, seek and knock (although ultimately, they do lead to a ‘higher’ revelation). And, I felt your post was a part of revealed knowledge on my ‘study’ Friday night.

          I am not familiar with George Norie but will accept this as a ‘clue/guidance’ to investigate…..maybe another dot to be connected. Thank you, again.

          • MCasey

            J. Sinclair….Found him! “…..George Noory (Norie) has also appeared in the History Channel series Ancient Aliens….” Seems like the dots have come full ‘circle’ back to the History Channel and Ancient Aliens on Friday night!….Thanks again.

  5. bob

    greg, you are on fire!!!!!!!!!!! red pilling. maybe we should call you dr. hunter. god bless!

  6. William Stanley

    Mr. Hunter: It sure is challenging trying to sort out the ME/Israel. However, much is being revealed which was hitherto hidden.
    One thing that fascinates me is the fracturing of the Anglo/Rothschild/American cabal as it tries — not only unsuccessfully but counterproductively — to cover its tracks while attacking President Trump.
    A related issue is the apparent impossibility of reconciling all the alliances and factions in the ME. Here, my thesis may be at odds with Biblical prophecy: However, my crystal ball tells me that (1) NATO will break up, benefiting Russia; (2) Turkey will align with Russia since they need each other for oil pipelines out of Russia and central Asia; (3) Russia will not back Iran in the coming showdown with Israel and the US. Indeed, it would seem that Russia wouldn’t mind at all if Islamic Iran were weakened. Nor would Russia mind if oil were bottled up in both Iran and Saudi Arabia as a result of hostilities in the Persian Gulf. Moreover, it would only be a plus factor for Russia if the US did most of the dirty work with Iran, suffered most of the costs of the undertaking, and took most of the blame; and (4) Israel wouldn’t mind too much if Saudi Arabia were dinged up in the process, as long as that increased the price of the hydrocarbons it would sell to Europe.
    Bottom line: Russia is the big winner, but Turkey and Israel are also winners and . . . get ready for it . . . become more allied than opposed.
    The US wins by getting out of the quagmire in the ME and weakening its relationship with the Anglo/Rothschild part of the globalist cabal, who are among the losers. (Incidentally, it wouldn’t surprise me if the House of Rothschild clings to the House of Windsor and back stabs Israel in its struggle with Iran).
    With Iran weakened, China loses its ability to dominate the One Belt One Road; indeed Russia wins there as well.
    Finally, if the US smartens up enough, it will try to align itself with Russia, which alignment would benefit both as they both break free of China and the Globalists and save western civilization in the process.
    And they all lived happily ever after.

    • This sceptred Isle

      William you made a number of astute points.
      I believe your points 1 and 2 are related as how can Nato survive in its current form when Turkey is pivoting towards Russia? Surely the potential for Turkey to pass on vital strategic information to Russia, regarding Nato troop movements etc, would be too grave a danger.
      However, not sure if Iran could take on Israel and America without Russian backing as it is a non-nuclear power.

      • Charles H

        The world – from unipolar, to bipolar.

      • William Stanley

        My thesis is that Iran is a loser here whether they fight or not. The question is, I think, how badly they get dinged up.

    • K. Wayne

      ” if the House of Rothschild clings to the House of Windsor and back stabs Israel”..
      “US wins by getting out ….weakening its relationship with the Anglo/Rothschild part of the globalist cabal”..
      Hmmmmm !!!
      I was under the impression that the US was the protector of the Rothschild interests in the ME. Have I been fooled ?

      • Greg Hunter

        Yes K.
        Trump killed the Iran nuke (no signature) nuke deal. Rothschilds shills Obama Hillary and Kerry imposed the deal. They did not want the deal killed.

  7. Peter from the Netherlands

    Dear Greg,

    At last, at last in the Netherlands they wrote in the Telegraaf a very good story about how Law is functioning in de USA and also the ‘Deep State’ had there attention. Even ‘ the ‘false flag’ story was good, but missed the ‘Colin Powell – Iraque’ lie and ‘ 9/11’ show.

    It is starting. The USA will be alone.



    • Greg Hunter

      The EU will be destroyed by the NWO policies by George Soros.

    • Charles H


      Many Americans can not understand the idea of America being alienated. They don’t give account to all the bad things it has done in recent history. Some still believe that all that has to be done is mend a few fences and all is good. Perspective is quite different from’outside’.

    • William Stanley

      RE: “It is starting. The USA will be alone.”
      Alone? Maybe. But not lonely; and, maybe, free!

      • Tin foil hat

        Exactly, the deep state is not the USA. Perhaps the deep state will be alone and isolated (preferably in Quantanamo Bay) but we will be free.

  8. Steven Poloncak

    Greg, I will ask you again. Can you get somebody on to explain to everybody who owes what debt to who?

    • This Sceptred Isle

      Bonds are units of debt issued by governments and corporations. They are held by foreign governments as part of their reserves, by pension funds, individual investors and multi billion dollar investment funds.

    • William Stanley

      I think that there is some ambiguity in your question because you haven’t explained why you want to know. For example, are you interested in who the winners and losers would be in a debt jubilee or mutual defaults on debt? Or, are you interested in the question of whether gross debt matters if much of it nets out? Or, are you concerned that even if debt nets out in gross, that counter-party defaults could cause a cascading chain of defaults leading to widespread bankruptcies, and therefore, that the size of gross debt is indicative of the multiplicity of possible weak points and the probability of failure of the system?
      In any event, Steven, I doubt that there is a data source that would provide a granular breakdown of all debt both public and private.

  9. Nick de la Gaume

    Great stuff.
    Looking forwards to Dr Dave.
    God Bless

  10. Regan Straley

    So the Deep State is lying about the economy, but telling the truth about Iran and North Korea? Please explain your logic. Are they only selectively dishonest?

    • Greg Hunter

      I am trying to sort the lies from the truth each and every week.

    • William Stanley

      Regan: “A half truth is a full lie.”

  11. Costas

    Mr Hunter, I am a big fan of your program and have over time mostly agreed with your comments. Whatever the internal issues about your political parties may be, I do not assume to know better; so I listen to your comments instructively. On Iran itself, you are plain wrong, indeed your view generally about any of America’s targets for regime change are WRONG because you confuse what America wants as being fundamentally right, without the benefit of an objective view of the problem. Unfortunately, there isn’t a shred of media in the western world that could possibly give you a fair counter-view of the regional issues in the Middle East; not even Al-Jazeera does.

    I can’t pretend to know what Mr Trump and his team are up to with this move, but I fear it will not have positive consequences going forward. We are all sailing on one boat, and no nation can be ejected out of it. Trade is for everyone; without it, we are all at war and it matters not what you or I think is the right and the wrong of it, because this time round EVERYBODY gets hurt, including Americans at home. Whatever the Wolfowitz doctrine has achieved so far is ALL it will achieve because the final group of countries it wants to bring down are seasoned heavyweights; they cannot be coerced nor destroyed as were Yugoslavia and Libya; and the Ukraine (which was a prelude to bringing the RF down).

    If good governance is about setting a long-term course of peace and stability, Mr. Trump’s actions look not to be addressing the long term. Nevertheless, the best comment I ever heard about Mr. Trump, though I don’t know if it is correct, is that burdened by a syndrome of empire over-reach, he is beating a retreat from global dominance without wanting to give that impression to the rest of the world. If this is all that the Trump method is about, it’s a risky way to do it, but quite understandable that he should want to do it that way. If he gets away without causing a major war, the US will recover its prudent governance at home and the world will survive and prosper as a whole. Let’s hope this is not just another zero-sum game, because there is no longer any room for that.


    • Greg Hunter

      I am not a proponent of regime change I just reported it is on the table. I am NOT wrong about the unsigned fraud that is the Iran nuclear “deal” (JCPOOA).

  12. Jerry

    I post this for the people who still think that the petroyuan is no big deal. Keep in mind that the list compiled of countries using yuan for oil trade was collected in 2015. You can add Iran and Venezuela to that list.

    You have to ask yourself if more and more countries are using the dollar less and less for trade, then what is driving up the dollar index?
    More importantly who?

    • Jerry

      I’m not sure if you noticed it or not, but ever since the,Iran deal fell through the dollar index has started declining again.

    • Jerry

      Once again the story no one wants to talk about.

      Like I’ve said before the ESF can mop up all the treasuries it wants to, but what happens when countries refuse to take the dollar for trade? History says war. Libya, Iraq, Syria, and maybe Iran.

      • Mohammad

        It is Iran jerry (On the surface).
        For people who are blessed with clear vision, it is someone else that is intended.


      • Diane

        Martin Armstrong has a different opinion

      • Stan

        Jerry: Only a fool would not take dollars for trade. Dollars go up in value. For example. the Dollar buys you far more Gold. Silver & Platinum than a few years ago.

        • Greg Hunter


          No it does not. Gold was up 11% in 2017.

        • Jerry

          They are missionary’s from my church. When the presidency of the church perceives a potential threat, they pull them out. In addition the U.S. ( unreported by the msm) is building bases in Syria. But by all means follow Stan. He has all the answers.

          • Frederick

            Why are you getting so defensive I simply stated that I live here and have not heard such a thing Missionaries might not be overly welcome They never really have been I didn’t even like it when they came knocking on my door in Sag Harbor to be honest

        • Jerry

          Wrong again Stan,
          Look how the dollar has dropped the last 100 years,

          Do you ever research anything before you post it?

          • JMiller

            I could say the same about you Jerry on some of the misinformation that you have posted in the past in which I had to correct you on.

        • Frederick

          Not if you bought your gold at 250 or your silver at 8 or 12 dollars as I did I haven’t made a fortune but I sleep well at night It’s a sort of insurance policy against dollar depreciation I also own various real estate investments Stan I think you are simply NOT GETTING IT

        • Jerry

          Stan here is a 10;year performance chart for gold.
          gold price over the last 10 years

      • K. Wayne

        “countries refuse to take the dollar for trade”
        Can you not see how China and Russia are being lured into this scenario too? If the theory holds true for the ME countries, then it should most definitely apply to the latter two (Rus-Chi) as well.

    • Jerry

      Everyday the petroyuan inches closer……….and all I hear are crickets.

      Greg I might remind your readers that we are in a full blown currency war.
      1. China has cornered the gold market.
      2. They’ve set up their own currency exchange system with CIPS and SWIFT.
      3. And now they’re stripping away the underpinnings of the petrodollar with the petroyuan.
      Its as plain as the nose on your face. Should the central banks continue to put pressure on the emerging currencies of the BRICS alliance by printing money, they will be forced to choose between breaking away from the petrodollar or risk collapsing their own currencies. What would you do? The contingency plan is the “Silk Road Project”. Once that is complete I have no doubt that they will lay their economic cards on the table.

  13. Jerry

    I don’t know what’s going to happen in Syria but I am hearing reports from my sources that Americans In Turkey are being advised to leave. That sends up a red flag that something is getting ready to happen.

    • Frederick

      Jerry What are your sources as I live in Turkey and have heard no such thing Maybe Stan is right about you after all

      • Jerry

        See above.

    • Stan

      Are these the same sources that told you the Dollar and economy would crash in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018?

      • Jerry

        You’re ignorance is breathtaking. Do the math. 1.3 trillion dollars in tax revenue cannot support 125 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities . The debt to GDP ratio is upside down. It’s people like you that got us in this mess with your something for nothing thinking. All I can say is enjoy your lounge chair sniping while you can. You don’t have much time left.

        • Frederick

          I think Stan actually has a huge precious metals stash and he’s just pulling your leg Jerry

      • Jerry

        A little education Stan. I have been doing real estate investing and insurance for over thirty eight years . Do you know how many times I have purchased foreclosure homes after bubbles have popped ? I have seen equity’s go from $250,000. Down to $65,000. In a matter of months. Don’t tell me there wont be an economic collapse because they happen all the time. The only difference is the rigged Ponzi scheme the fed runs to keep the economic system propped up as a whole. You’re an idiot if you think this can go on indefinitely. It can’t. In the history of the world it never has. Prove me wrong!

        • John

          Let those rates rise like the fed is communicating and you are going to see equity in houses evaporate as liquidity is taken out of the housing market. I feel that we are headed for another housing crisis because people will be so upside down in their mortgage that they will just walk away like they did in 07/08. Just as important as rates rising is the decreased purchasing of bonds going forward – this and rate increases will trigger a bond market collapse and then a stock market collapse. IMHO – this will be the point that Au, Ag and Pt starts to rise as people move out of paper and into precious metals to seek safety – only to soon realize how scarce these commodities are in the market place. Get prepared people – I think we are close to a deflationary collapse in all things paper and an inflationary rise in commodities as people seek safety.

    • Arthur Barnes

      Jerry, Americans in Turkey should leave, its predicted that Turkey will side with Iran and Russia when the SHTF. Turkey is no friend of the West, just more talking out both side of their mouth as with most Islamic countries. Case in point, Iran still insist they were never trying to build a nuclear weapon; two forked tongue as usual. Remember the 1979 American hostages, I haven’t!

      • Jerry

        I agree. Unfortunately president Trump has capped a news blackout so there is no news coming out to what is really going on. Tensions are high.

  14. Arthur Barnes

    Greg, can you tell me why you think Trump didn’t mention that the “deal” was not signed when he announced the withdrawal of the Iran deal? On another note I would love to know who got what in Obama’s & Kerry’s “deal”. As to the Golan Heights, it was given to Israel by God among other land(s) not yet within Israel’s borders. Lastly, loved the cartoon! a b

    • Arthur Barnes

      Greg, wish you could offer an opinion about my initial question.

  15. Jallen

    Greg and Watchdogs,
    Food for thought. What comprises Israel in the last days? Please refer to you Bible the book of Genesis, Chapter 48 and 49. These chapters foretell what will happen to the tribes of Israel in the last days. Please note, Israel is comprised of the twelve tribes plus the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh (Sons of Joseph). After reading these chapters, do you think all the tribes of Israel can be contained in the current nation named Israel? Notice Joseph’s younger son will become a multitude of nations. No doubt Judah is the royal tribe. Some people think Ephraim and Manasseh are England and the United States. I am aware the current nation of Israel has not yet obtained the physical boundaries set by the Almighty G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.


  16. Arthur Barnes

    Greg, Israel is not going to allow Iran to hold unto their new military bases in Syria. The last strike this week was fairly large and I suspect more is coming. Notice how Iran does not send rockets to Israel from within their own borders, they don’t have the balls to as they know their Persian land will be subject to a strike, that is why they have launched from Syria. Their mistake so far has been to believe Russia will protect them from strikes from inside of Syria but that has not happened and probably will not. Iran’s Syrian bases will become a big waste of money and energy very shortly if they haven’t already. There is just no hope for Iran in their attempt to wipe out Israel from the face of the earth, their cards have been played and they stand ready without remorse to receive His wrath for the blood they have shed against His people. Gods will be done! a b

    • Frederick

      Do you hear yourself “Israel is not going to allow”;How is it any of their business who Syria allows into their country The hypocrisy is astounding

      • John

        Well it is your business if those bases are staging areas to launch attacks at your country – bases from an entity that has promised to destroy you within 25 years.

  17. KB

    Dems will also run to drain the toxic Trump Swamp of self-dealing and influence-peddling family, associates and cabinet heads. The most corrupt administration headed by the most hyperbolic, divisive, abusive and immoral leader in living memory!

    I don’t think God the Father is smiling, and he is certainly not laughing out loud about Trump’s character!!

    A Christian conservative who thinks character counts!

    • Greg Hunter

      You do know what Saul/Paul did before he meet Jesus don’t you? You sound like man unforgiving Christian and that is not Christ-like at all.

      • Judy

        St. Paul changed his entire life, mindset and future after meeting Jesus. Nothing about Trump says he has ever met Jesus and undergone such a change. Nothing.

        • Greg Hunter

          I disagree Judy. I’d say there was much evidence a dramatic change has taken place. Do not wallow in despair and “Fear Not”.

        • Arthur Barnes

          Judy, I know Trump supports Israel and that is enough for me as He blesses those who bless Israel & you know the rest of the story. God Bless, a b

          • Paul ...

            A true Christian throws Holy Water to combat evil not Tomahawks!!

            • Greg Hunter

              Let the “True Christians” without sin throw the first stone.

              • Paul ...

                Yes … as you say Greg … Trump (who cheated on his wife) is disqualified from throwing the first stone!

                • Greg Hunter

                  So you have no sin? Congratulations.

                • J. Sinclair, Extrordinare.

                  Paul can you prove Trump cheated on Milania? The msm hasn’t.

            • Arthur Barnes

              Paul, your so blind, what a ridicules comment, America has never drawn first blood! It send out peace and doves first, then after if it gets slapped, the Tomahawks get a button pushed. So, so, so…..many American haters, even in our own back yards; shameful.

              • This sceptred Isle

                On the contrary, Paul is one of the more enlightened commenters on this site.

      • KB

        Forgiveness is important, but Trump also needs to be contrite for his wrongful ways. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran theologian, once said forgiveness without repentance is like communion without confession, it is not real. Instead it is a form of “cheap grace” or bargain-basement Christianity. Those who followed Trump’s campaign will remember is his response to pollster Frank Luntz who asked if he ever turned to God for forgiveness, Trump’s uncomfortable response, in part, was most telling,”I don’t think so.”

        Trump is the master of never admitting he was wrong and for not apologizing for mistakes. Telling the truth is always a better option than exaggeration, deception and lying. Unfortunately Trump sees any admission of wrong or making mistakes as a sign of weakness prefering, like a petulant child, to deflect or to blame others. Yes, people including presidents are imperfect, but Trump is out of the box – a narcissistic, hyperbolic, mean-spirited and a thin-skinned bully.

        Meanwhile, the Trump tax cut is being eroded by rising gas prices and health care costs continue on an upward trajectory. Trump has reneged on his promise to allow Medicare to negotiate discounts with pharma (a generally accepted negotiation practice in procurement). The imposition of trade tariffs is a mess, posing big problems to exporters and consumers alike down the road. China has already stopped buying soybeans (canceled a net 62,690 metric tons of U.S. soybean purchases recently), the second largest market for our agricultural exports. Other countries around the world will now stand to gain at our expense. Sorting out global trade is not as easy as Trump boasted.

        The national debt is sky-rocketing and government spending is spiraling out of control. The administration and associates are self-dealing and influence-peddling. Kushner business received over $500m of loans originated around the time he was named a senior adviser at the White House No, the swap is not draining but rather turning into a large, dark lagoon with more even bigger albeit different creatures inhabiting it.

        Oh, whatever happened to Trump campaign promise: ‘If I win I may never see my property — I may never see these places again because I’m going to be working for you, I’m not going to have time to go golfing, Believe me. Believe me. Believe me, folks!!’

        To err is human, but we can choose better leaders with the humanity and the moral compass necessary to serve us all.

        • Greg Hunter

          The other choice was Hillary! Enough said.

          • KB

            I did not vote for Hilary either!
            The two flawed candidates did not deserve my vote.
            What I said above still stands.
            A Christian who believes our Democratic Republican deserves much better!
            Thank you.

  18. Mikey Lee

    Good Morning Greg,
    You have many and frequent guests who discuss “fractional reserve banking”, debt-based currency, and Fiat currency. There are very few individuals in the world who understand this very complex system; in fact, the average person when asked, say it is too complicated or they really don’t want to know, because “ignorance is bliss”. I read many articles and textbooks on this subject and often struggle to cement some of the concepts. I stumbled on a non-profit organization out of England called “Positive Money”. I have looked at their policy statements and financial statement and they appear to be an upfront legitimate organization, and “apolitical”. Their goal is to educate the public to demand a fair and stable monetary system. They have only researched the Bank of England Central Bank, and state upfront, they have not studied our Federal Reserve System; however, they believe they all operate the same. Many of your guests have referred to the “Fed’s Reserve Ratio” with fractional banking. If Positive Money is correct, there is NO reserve ratio. They have put together six very short educational videos, most are only five minutes, the longest and most interesting, lesson three, is twenty minutes long. In my opinion, Positive Money would be a fantastic guest to have on your show and then have past guests like James Rickards or Greg Mannarino evaluate their statements. These “training videos” are the best I have ever seen; they take a very complex subject matter and make it understandable for the person on the street. Thanks for all you do, Godspeed.
    Mikey Lee

    • William Stanley

      Positive Money’s tutorials look really good to me. Moreover, IMO, Positive Money is correct: there is no simple “Reserve Ratio.” However, (as I understand it) bank regulators, like the Fed, do have regulations relating to capital requirements; and cash and bank balances at the Fed count toward the capital requirement (which provides the “reserve” needed to weather loan defaults and bank runs).
      It should also be noted that the old text book explanation of money creation was always wrong/over-simplified even in the days when there was a simple “reserve ratio,” because it assumed that banks would always lend up to the limits imposed by the reserve ratio without considering the demand for loans and the probabilities of loan defaults. Yet banks did consider such things anyway.
      Despite all this, Central banks, e.g., the Fed, still can and do influence interest rates via their purchases of notes and bonds (as well as by other means) which, in turn, influences the amount of money commercial banks want to create and lend, and borrowers want to borrow. Moreover, the probabilities of defaults on loans is always weighed against the bank’s capital and the capital requirements imposed by the “Fed.”
      In short, IMO, the term “fractional reserve banking” is still a useful shorthand even though, strictly speaking, there is no simple “reserve” requirement, only “capital requirements.”

      • Mikey Lee

        Thanks, William,
        Your input is much appreciated. I have also read that commercial banks can also use current mortgages they hold as collateral with the Fed to write even more loans. It appears to me that currency creation still remains the only thing that man can create out of nothing.

        • William Stanley

          Another tricky aspect of money creation is that, although a commercial bank can create it “out of thin air,” it is a liability on the bank’s balance sheet. The borrower’s promise to repay is the “offsetting” asset. So, if enough borrowers default on their promises to repay, the bank will go bankrupt and its investors will lose money. Put another way, the created money is not entirely free money to the bank.
          The situation for central banks, e.g., the Fed, is somewhat different. It also can create money out of thin air in order to buy assets, usually bonds (but not limited to bonds). But, although, it can technically go bankrupt (with liabilities greater than assets) if the bond issuers default on their promises to repay, a central bank won’t go out of business. That’s not to say that a central bank cannot “print” so much money out of thin air that it destroys the purchasing power of the money it has created.

          • This sceptred Isle

            crazy system isn’t it?

        • Paul ...

          And it will get worse as time goes on … remember what Pento said … the banksters always try inflation to fix things (i.e. Germany, Zimbabwe , Argentina, Venezuela, etc., etc.) … so the Fed will surely try “Inflation Adjusted Universal Income” dropped from Fed Helicopters like manna from Heaven to keep the people fat and happy … even if it means those who worked all their life to accumulate a few or a trillion US dollars toward their retirement will be wiped out in the process … for under communism “everyone is equal” and the Bushes, Hillary, Comey, etc., etc., with all their millions, billions and trillions will have the exact same wealth in their hands (worthless fiat dollars) … which may actually be a good punishment for the crooks and thieves … as we little people can put “all our wealth” into gold while “they” can’t!!

    • JMiller

      Mickey Lee,

      Just started to watch the banking series videos and already they are saying erroneous things. They say that when you deposit your money in a bank that your money becomes the property of the bank and is no longer your money. That is false. When you deposit your money in the bank you are loaning them your money. There is a debtor-creditor relationship and you have every legal right to expect the return of your money. It is not the ownership of your money that changes. It is the control of your money that changes. The same is true when the bank loans you money. The money is still the banks money. It does not become your money. You are just borrowing it and are required to pay it back and the bank can take legal action if you fail to do so.

  19. Craig

    Iran is thanking the U.S. for that $100,000 for the deal Kerry made. Where’s the other $149, 999,900,000?

  20. Flattop

    The Nobel Peace Prize committee will do everything in their power to see that Trump DOES NOT receive the prize. Awarding the prize to Obama prior to his accomplishing ” Anything ” shows they are political in nature. They are ” never Trumpers “

    • Jodyp

      The Nobel Peace Prize has been cheapened to the equivalence of winning an Oscar.

    • This sceptred Isle

      Yes, awarding the Nobel peace prize to Obama was a terrible decision. However, Kissinger was the real slap in the face!

      • William Stanley

        TSI: How subtle you can be! Yes, he created the petro-dollar, which creation underlies so much bloodshed.

  21. Dan

    Chose a sound that matches their new identity…How bout the flushing of a toilet? Thats a sound we all know and can identify with…..God the Father has already voiced His opinion on this sort of thing….’And it ain’t good”

  22. iwitness02

    There was an interesting theory about who is paying Stormys lawyer over at Patriot Retort. Dianny speculates that it may be Trump that is paying Micheal Avenatti. The theory is that the one who seems to benefit the most is PDT, as he escapes false allegations presented by Avenatti.
    I can’t remember anyone coming onto the world stage, and shaking the whole earth like DJ Trump has. I feel pretty certain we are going for the ride of our lives. We are apt to see more history unfold than any other generation. People who don’t like change are going to be in for a tough time.
    Appreciate you Greg. Keep on keeping on. Your voice of reason is most welcomed in our home.

    • William Stanley

      Agreed: Donald Trump will be remembered by history as HUGE.

  23. John Lodge

    Dedicated To Ray from Oz, Canberra.
    The Real West ~ Gary Cooper real American,
    solid British stock.

    • William Stanley

      John: Thank you for the fabulous documentaries!

    • This sceptred Isle

      Yes, good documentaries. We can see why Israel’s colonial policies are tolerated and encouraged by western leaders.

  24. kevin

    I love your work and you have great guests but I think you want trump to be the saviour. He might not be , well he isn’t .. Congress passed law to release all kennedy assassination docs. He didn’t and postponed until after the next election .. . there is no 4 D chess . (Just another swamper ) . and then there is this.

    • Greg Hunter

      I disagree Kevin. Look at what he has done so far. Climate accord–gone, TPP–gone, Iran deal–gone and much more.

      • kevin

        If you watched video not sure how you came up with that conclusion. No matter you do great work and are hopefully waking up some sheeple .. peace brother

  25. Flattop

    The Dems are in a panic, Trump got the 3 prisoners freed, and they are scared out of their pajamas that he will succeed in Singapore making his approval rating soar…
    I say, go Trump go!!!
    I am surprised there are so many Christians who hate/criticize our Prez. Was looking on one of the sites where modern day prophets communicate, and some of them are spewing hate toward him. One would think they would be praying for him!!

  26. Russ

    Thanks Greg, good news wrap up. BTW, listening to Rush Limbaugh this AM, he quoted from the State Department letter to Representative Mike Pompeo stating that the Iran nuclear deal was not a treaty, not even an executive agreement. Basically it was a simple statement of policy and was not “legally binding.”

    State Department: Iran Deal Not ‘Legally Binding’ and Iran Didn’t Sign It
    By JOEL GEHRKE, National Review, November 25, 2015
    … “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is not a treaty or an executive agreement, and is not a signed document,” wrote Julia Frifield, the State Department assistant secretary for legislative affairs, in the November 19 letter.”…
    State Department: Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it’s not binding

    Note that both of those articles are from November 2015; this is not new News. It’s just that now we are seeing the other side of the not legally binding agreement coin.

  27. Robert Zionist Lykens

    In Tehran, Hossein Salami, deputy commander of the Revolutionary Guards, said that “100,000 missiles are ready to fly’’ in Israel’s direction, and warned they could bring about its “annihilation and collapse.’’

    “14 I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel,
    and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them;
    they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine,
    and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit.

    15 I will plant them on their land,
    and they shall never again be uprooted
    out of the land that I have given them,

    says the LORD your God.”
    – Amos 9:14, 15


    • Arthur Barnes

      Amend, ADDITIONAL MEMO TO THE WORLD: in fact, their borders are going to be enlarged at the expense of their present surrounding enemies, including, but not limited to, those peaceful Palestinians swatting in Gaza,

  28. zteve.0

    Its not really correct or fair to say Trump is “embarrassing” – the media exaggerate every time he gaffs and they ignore any issue where he shows his classier side. Especially Trump who comments 1000x per week compared to other public figures. If the media chose to pick out his good side he would look like George Clooney on his best day. Instead they take the 10 worst moves he makes and things he says – the “LYING MEDIA” make him look they way they want him to look. Back in the 1990s he was the darling and could do no wrong – ask Oprah Winfrey who interviewed himon her show.?.?.?

  29. Da Yooper

    Hey Greg

    Didnt kerry marry or someone in his family marry an Iranian?
    If I remember correctly he has some family connection to Iran???

  30. Keith wilson

    Greg. Over the last few years the Argentina currency has collapsed. Due to government financial problems the currency is going to toilet paper. If living in Argentina in 2004 you placed your peso in gold. You would have made 3000% return on your monies. On silver your doing 2500% return on your monies. This proves that having some gold and silver in these assets will protect you when the dollar goes the same way as the Argentine peso. Over the last 12 months gold is up nearly 60%. The currency is in collapse. How many people in Argentina wished they had gold in there hands today ?

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Keith!!!

    • This Sceptred Isle

      That is the real tragedy with digital currency – when it becomes worthless you can’t even wipe your arse with it!

      • J. Sinclair, Extrordinare.

        LOL, good one TSI!

  31. Paul

    The people of Iran had their democratically elected government overthrown by the CIA and a ruthless dictator ruled for near 40 years as a result, no one should be surprised by hatred caused by the greed of the Illuminati who benefited from the wealth of a country and not the people. Truman did not want to do this but the start of the creeping military industrial complex had its roots in the Eisenhower era. This is a must watch

    • Paul ...

      The US has become a wasteland … we have squandered hundreds of trillions of dollars fighting nonsensical wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine, etc., etc., etc., etc. and the only thing we have to show for it is a failed fiat monetary system, debt up the kazoo and more enemies then any nation in world history …when are the American people going to put a stop to the neocon warmongers who need to do regime changes every year to keep their military industrial complex money flowing … and with all our money spent on “useless weapons” like nukes that can’t be used, F35 planes that can’t fly and aircraft carrier fleets that can all be sunk in one minute by a couple of dozen Russian hyper-sonic Kinzhal anti-ship missiles … all our money spent on a military “that is not only obsolete” but can’t defend its own Pentagon from a Terrorist with a box cutter that could hardly fly a Cessna but “was able” to wipe out the exact office in the Pentagon that was doing an audit on the 2.3 billion in Defense Budget money that went missing!!

      • Arthur Barnes

        Paul, maybe you live in a wasteland, but I don’t. I live in America the Beautiful, outside in my town the birds are chirping, the skies are blue, the lawns are green, the people are nice, and, by the way, mostly Christians. Sorry you don’t participate in that America, I really wish you did you might not hate her so much.

    • Arthur Barnes

      Paul, nonsense, the Iranian people could have chosen a moderate government at the time of the overthrowing of the Shaw(s) (which were supported by the U.S). But the Iranians wanted to go back 800 years and have Shari-law instead; they supported censorship, anti-Christian, anti-Jews and anti-western values, evidently they still do. They could have placed our embassy people on a plane instead of taking them as hostages. They still have some egg in the eye coming and I think Israel is about to give it to them. They can live in peace, fine with me, but don’t arm and support terrorist to come to my back yard as then I will have to support the demise their government for doing so, and, if the Iranian people support that as well, then let the chips fall where they lay. Frankly, I believe that the Iranian people do support their government with its anti-Christian, Jews, & Western policies and, if so, will receive whats coming to them for their hatred and blood on their hands. As the old saying goes, there will be hell to pay!

      • This sceptred Isle

        It is the Saudis and USA who are behind ISIS. Sort out your own glass house first before throwing stones.

      • Frederick

        Arthur Barnes If you got out of your gorgeous neighborhood once in awhile you would learn some things about the world we live in and maybe how the spell properly

        • Frederick

          Correction “to” spell properly

  32. Buddy

    If it wasn’t for Greg Hunter bringing on the guest that he does ,I believe many would still be relying on the lying mainstream media to try and figure things out.
    And would still be in the dark!!!!
    I thank god ,truly , that the truth is coming out thanks to people like Greg and others in the real alternate true news movement.
    Greg ,you deserve an award for what you do !
    Thank you so much for what you have done in reporting the truth!
    Buddy and Lydia.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Buddy and Lydia!!

  33. Roger D

    Let’s see, you take Iran and Syria. I’ll take Israel and Saudi Arabia. North Korea is back in play. Libya, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan have been taken off the board. We sit at our keyboards and play ‘Rule the World’ as if it is fantasy football.

    Who in hell do we think we are? What gives the U.S. the moral authority to determine what weapons other nations can and cannot have for their own defense, or choose the rulers of sovereign nations?

    ‘Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.’ Proverbs 16:18

    • Paul ...

      Yes Roger … and besides all the above … we have cross-dressing drag queen transvestites in our schools teaching our children about sexual preferences … and how not to be a “bi-sexual bigot” … and now proposing that all babies “must give consent” to have their diapers changed … to put in the minds of our children that pedophiles have the “God given Right” to have sex with infants (as long as that infant gave its consent to the perverted sex act)!!

      • Arthur Barnes

        Paul, we also have great teachers of high class teaching value, good morals, citizenship, and respect for each others; you just don’t see the glass half full.

        • Paul ...

          Arthur … the King has no clothes on … take off you rose colored glasses!!

        • Roger D

          ‘Half full’ is 50%. Even using Common Core math one would verify that 92% of the states teach at the altar of Common Core.

          Yes there are good teachers. Our homeschooling teachers are excellent examples. But any teacher who doesn’t recognize how the public school sets the stage to undermine parental authority and indoctrinate children doesn’t really understand the system they are part of. They need not apply to teach our children.

  34. Jodyp

    We know debt is worldwide, not just US or China. We know China and Russia have been stockpiling gold. And we think we know how metals could help out us ‘ little guys’ after the big one passes. But how do you Greg, or any readers, see the advantages of countries with gold playing out since no ones on a gold standard anymore?

    • This Sceptred Isle

      Countries such as China and Russia could let their currencies collapse before issuing a new gold back one – in theory.

      • This Sceptred Isle

        Gold may also be one of a basket of assets used to back a new global currency.

    • John

      Well if you get a country is big as China making everything and you get a country as big as Russia with all of its natural resources working together and they desire transactions of goods and services in currencies backed with gold and other commodities and outside of the dollar then the US is going to have to follow along or will be left behind in the largest emerging economic zone on the planet – Asia. Seriously, our penchant for debt is making the US irrelevant and if not for our military we would have been off the world stage long ago. We are not going to be able to defeat a Sino-Soviet economic/military alliance in Asia – one that is increasingly looking towards gold as a means to conduct trade between countries who are burdened with US dollars and are wanting to diversify out of the dollar before the SHTF. I would love to see Rickards back on if possible and hear his updated views on the SDR.

      • Jodyp

        Thanks John and TSI. We get opinions on what’s causing and coming, no problem. Seems nobody wants to touch what comes after said collapse… seeking a prediction of course. Just cur

        • john

          Look what happened to the Soviet Union when it collapsed. Look at what happened after 1929 – this would be two good events of epic scale to give an idea of what could happen to the man on the street if the current system implodes.

    • J. Sinclair, Extrordinare.

      Jody, money talks, B.S. walks!

  35. Jerry

    I’m beginning to wonder if the Donald has been compromised by the deep state.

    This is not what I voted for. What happened to America first? Meddling in Iranian politics will avail us nothing but trouble. Both China and Russia are to deeply embedded in this regime to make any significant difference.

    • Greg Hunter

      Killed Iran deal. Killed TPP. Killed Paris Climate Accord. No.

  36. Mary & Dennis Dahlberg

    What a great presentation! We had tears rolling down our cheeks when you were commenting on the LBGQT…alphabet. Your insight is so important to all believers in understanding the true statistics and involvement of the people united within our country. We would so much enjoy and embrace meeting you in person someday and appreciate all your efforts, dedication and leadership. God Bless You!!! Mary and Dennis

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Mary and Dennis for your very kind words and support. I work on the Wrap-Up all week with the big day on Thursday. I started around 4:00pm on Thursday and finished at 2:00 am on Friday. I am happy you like the presentation. I know it’s low tech, but I try to pact it with content. Thank you again and I am very happy you enjoyed it.

      • Diane

        Greg’s Friday morning column is the BEST.
        I always look forward to Friday morning coffee with Greg’s USA Watchdog.

        • Greg Hunter

          Nice spending it with you too.

  37. Diana Dee Jarvis

    I don’t care if Stormy Daniels got paid. I have a life. It does seem to me, though, that as much as she’s blabbing, if she got paid to keep quiet she ought to give the money back.

    • Paul ...

      A man who cheats on his wife is “morally flawed” … yet he is so critical of Hyawatha? … he himself doesn’t make a good Indian … throwing Tomahawks around with abandon!!!

  38. Regan Straley

    I assume you’ve seen this

    Perhaps you should have this guy on your show.

    • Greg Hunter

      He jumps to a lot of conclusions that don’t make sense with the track record of Trump do far.

  39. Bett Booper

    1 Corinthians 7:29-31 English Standard Version (ESV)
    29 This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none, 30 and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no goods, 31 and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away.​—1 Cor. 7:29-31.
    Because we are living deep in “the last days,” we are experiencing “critical times hard to deal with.” (2 Tim. 3:1-5) Yet, keeping spiritually strong will do much to offset this world’s negative influences. Paul was not telling married couples to neglect their marital duties. In view of the reduced time, however, they needed to give priority to spiritual matters. (Matt. 6:33) Although we are living in very trying times and marital relationships are failing all around us, it is possible for us to make marriage happy and successful. Indeed, married Christians who stick with the truth and God’s people, many found here on, apply Scriptural counsel and accept the guidance of God’s holy spirit, can preserve “what God has yoked together.”​—Mark 10:9.

  40. Arthur Barnes

    Greg, so many American haters, so few American believers! Thank you for your work, God Bless, a b

    • Greg Hunter

      American is worth fighting for and saving!!! “Fear Not””!!

    • This sceptred Isle

      respect is earned.

    • Paul ...

      Arthur … To save America … we must open our eyes … listen to all viewpoints … and then after unbiased reasoning … speak our thoughts for others “with open minds” to consider!!

  41. Marcus

    Greg I think you have lost direction.
    Trump is part of the NWO, it is now so so clear he is not for the people. Trump is in full support of Israel and the destruction of sovereign rights. No one is going to jail the noise is just noise, while the NWO continue to remove more and more of our freedom, while they spend millions of $ on all sorts of crap, You congress dose nothing to support Truth.
    meantime we are becoming less and less important.

    • Greg Hunter

      You are a trump hating idiot. NWO?? TPP, Paris Climate Accord and Iran Nuke (phony & unsigned) deal were all Killed by Trump. All of these deals were NWO constructs. Facts don’t match your premise.

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