From a Bunker in Israel, American Empire is Over – Charles Nenner
By Greg Hunter’s
Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning of a huge war cycle. The Iran missile attack in Israel that rained down 180 missiles on the Holy land, “is just the beginning,” according to Nenner.
Of course, America and everybody else will be involved in this war, and Nenner says don’t expect America to come out on top. Nenner says, “I don’t know how big this war is going to be because everybody is going to be involved. Israel is not going to sit on its hands like last time because this cannot continue. I guess Israel will go for the enrichment of the uranium places and attack Iran whenever they are ready. . . . I don’t vote in the United States because I am Dutch, but if Trump were in, this would be over in an hour.”
When it comes to the 2024 November election, Nenner says, “I think the media is doing a great job. So, I am not sure that Trump is going to win. I really have no mercy for America anymore if they vote for Kamala. It’s just the end of an empire already. Even if Trump wins, I don’t think he can fix what needs to be fixed because the Biden government put all kinds of people in positions that are going to be there for a while. I watch Congress and see who the Biden Administration brings forward for new judges, and I have no words for it. It’s ridiculous. I don’t even know how to fix the United States anymore. . . . According to the cycles the United States is finished. This war now will probably turn into a world war, and the problem is they (US) will have to fight Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, and they have no chance to win. . . . Nobody will have to invade the United States. They will just finish them off with rockets from the air. It is a hopeless situation.”
Nenner famously said several months ago, “If you know winter is coming, you can buy a winter coat. Trump is the winter coat.” So, can Trump still be the winter coat America needs to survive? Nenner says, “I don’t think he can. It’s too late.”
On the markets, Nenner thinks there is going to be a stock market crash that will be equal to or greater than the Great Depression market crash in 1929. Nenner says, “We are telling our clients to get out of stocks. . . . We have zero stocks.”
Nenner also thinks gold is the place to be for the next three years. Nenner thinks gold is going much higher. On interest rates, Nenner says they are going higher too, and real estate and bonds are going lower. This is the longer term trend in Nenner’s cycle.
When will this market crash come? Nenner says, “It’s still going to take half a year or a year until everybody realizes how bad the situation is compared to the BRIC countries. The dollar is not going to be the major currency. Nixon stopped backing it by gold, and Saudia Arabia stopped backing it by oil. It is not backed by anything. So, why would you trust the dollar?
There is much more in the 30-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with renowned cycle analyst and financial expert Charles Nenner for 10.01.24.
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This segment is sponsored by Discount Gold and Silver Trading. Ask for Melody Cedarstrom, the owner, at 1-800-375-4188.

God bless you Greg & USAW Community.
maybe just maybe these yiddishers would look inward and realize they don’t belong there! go back to poland!
Brother, it is obvious that you know nothing about Jewish history. The Jews were there long before the Palestinians. This will only be solved by Jesus Christ.
God bless Isreal and the USA.
Ammen Brother Don!!
Brother Greg
Greg, Is the time at hand for Jesus now coming but Satan comes first but he had better hurry now. Awful time. If Trump win, I agree with Charles 100%. Greg, Thanks for all your prayers and I am much better now. God is great.
We have 31 days to go 🙏 until we really know what is going on Nov 5. The deep state destroyed Lahaina Hawaii, now they hit Florida, Georgia South Carolina Tennessee North Carolina weather wars Dane Wigington they’ll do something else before Nov 5 but then maybe we’ll see what is really the
truth. Maybe then Pres Trump can tell the county what they did to us including the Covid Biological weapon war and vax 💉 used against us. Also I just read Tucker Carlson and his dad DICK are in the evil British PILGRIM SOCIETY and if so traitors against our country the USA. AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE MEDIA read it and weep Henry Kissinger was also on the list. We are all ready at war. Call out to Lord Jesus Christ the only way truth and life.
🙏🙏🙏Lord Jesus Christ is the only way.
Why would CHARLES be a buyer of GOLD he’s in a bomb shelter. WHAT?
Nenner is a top a financial cycle expert and people around the world pay for his guidance.
Pres Donald John Trump is still my ☃️❄️❄️❄️ Winter 🧥 coat but Lord Jesus Christ is my Savior.
45-47 👍👍👍
The Palestinians have been kicked out of every Arab country yet Israel is supposed to put up with their slovenly ways and split their land with the infiltrators. SAYS WHO?
According to this page, Palestinians have a lot of Jewish blood, and many descend from Jewish converts to Islam.
Maybe they can just convert back and use the right of return rule to stay where they are? Would that be allowed?
A 2010 study by Atzmon and Harry Ostrer concluded that the Palestinians were, together with Bedouins, Druze and southern European groups, the closest genetic neighbors to most Jewish populations.[50]
Edward Said and Daniel Barenboim in Sevilla, 2002
One DNA study by Nebel found substantial genetic overlap among Israeli/Palestinian Arabs and Jews.[51] the study concluded that “part, or perhaps the majority” of Muslim Palestinians descend from “local inhabitants, mainly Christians and Jews, who had converted after the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD”.[46]
It sounds like Palestinians have been there as long as Jews, based on these DNA studies.
wow! honesty
With permission Greg.
The 3rd se of revelation!
Bo Polny and of course Scriptures say it and now this interview confirms we are on track.
New Clif High & David Rodriguez – A Cataclysmic Event That Will Change The World Forever.
The winter coat is done!
Not sure about that. We are better off with Trump with an implosion. Rule od Law or rule of chaos is the question.
Greg, if I am not mistaken Charles said this. I do agree with you; we are better off with Trump and I pray he wins this election. We are in serious trouble.
I agree with you Greg and disagree with Nenner. The Kamala regime with have us all dead or worse (totally enslaved)
Your friend in Christ
you know Greg, you quote verse, and profess your Christianity – while chearing on the slaughter of men, women and children of Palestine. True Semites. I will never again listen to your program. You really are a dumbshit. . . .
The “slaughter” is because Hamas and Hezbollah conduct military operations in densely populated civilian areas as a military strategy. This is well reported and well know but ignored by demonic loving dopes like you. How many civilian Palestinians died on Oct. 7th? Answer: NOT A SINGLE ONE. That’s because Hamas got out Infront of its civilians and conducted war operations. Of course, it was unarmed innocent people they butchered, but I digress. If the Evil bastards, you back (Hamas and Hezbollah) want to stop the murder of civilians they will get out Infront of their women and children instead of using them as human shields and PR points. Your comment proves you are the “dumbshit” as I am surprised you can string more than two sentences together. Now, go away and seek Jesus.
Right on Greg! You are Awesome and thousands of us really appreciate you!!! 🙂
Thanks Donna!! You are very kind to say this.
Ditto that Donna. He is a lovebug !!
Damn, right…
Killing terrorists that have mercilessly murdered your civilians and then runs and hides among their public. But Greg, most everyone in Gaza is supporting Hamas. Palestinians UN workers held, raped and murdered Jewish kidnapped by the terrorists.
Amen Greg !!!
Unfortunately, I believe Charles is 100% correct. it is the last days of empire. I live in a full-on globalist state. Our leaders imported many newcomers. My local school does not have a single Caucasian student. It changed in 3 years. Aside from that, 45% of our state is on welfare, yet we magically have budget surpluses. the state destroyed small businesses with knockdowns, including mine.
My area turned into a total third world country. Homeless camps everywhere. Trash and excrement in alleys. All in 3 years. I appreciate Trump’s ideas but he is completely underestimating how bad things truly are. We would occasionally see a hand full of homeless, now I count dozens of encampments and about 1000 homeless people in our sector.
Lastly, I am thankful Charles took the time for an interview. I feel confident Israel will be victorious.
If you are referring to the illegal newcomers, they are actually illegal criminal invaders. They DO NOT belong here. They need to be deported.
I agree that President Trump is underestimating how bad things are. The enemedia is hiding as much as they can.
Trump has plan and you and I are going to help round up the illegals and toss them across the Rio Grand
“I don’t know how big this war is going to be”
Armageddon sound familiar? This is just the prelude.
The final battle has not yet begun but will in the future.
I believe this war will be as big as necessary. Israel is making a huge gamble that is in line with the interests of the Deep State. After the bombing of Nord Stream pipeline and Russia continued to be sanctioned, the role of supplying European energy and cheap natural gas will fall on Israel. This is exactly the new Middle East plan that Netanyahu announced at the United Nations with two maps before the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The purpose of this chaos is to seize control of the oil and gas fields in the Middle East, including those controlled by the US military in Syria, the Gaza coast, and Lebanon. Having control of the Leviathan oil and gas field in the Mediterranean Sea is aimed at cooperating with the United States to block Russia, Iran and Syrian energy supply to Europe.
The new oil and gas fields (Leviathan, Gaza coast) will be developed to supply Europe. If successful, it will not only interrupt the last leg of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, but also become a life-saving straw for the petrodollar, binding Europe within its own circle. Therefore, the wars in Russia and Mid-East have gone so crazy, and still receive substantial support and endorsement from the United States. You can find videos or news reports of the new Middle East plan that Netanyahu announced at the United Nations years ago (it should not be difficult to find).
The Syrian war was launched only because Syria refused to sell off Leviathan’s natural gas transaction offer a year ago and refused to lay pipelines for the Qatar natural gas project, the Russia-Ukraine conflict and bombing of Nord Stream ….. When everything is combined, you will find that Israel can monopolize the energy (natural gas) supply to Europe with the Deep State (and the black hand is Qatar) blessing.
P.S. Five years after Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip, Israel conducted a geological survey in 2010 and discovered the huge reserves of the Leviathan gas field. Hence, Netanyahu proposed a new Middle East plan with an Israeli solution at the United Nations. The new Middle East plan can redraw the distribution of geopolitical power, which is exactly what the Deep State wants.
Thanks for sharing what is really going Tin Foil hat. I didn’t know about the Gaza natural resources, but now everything starts to makes sense.
It does help explain why the Nordstream pipeline was destroyed by the deep state, with Israel suddenly in control of things for Europe’s natural gas needs.
The deep state wanted to destabilize Russia, with its sanctions against Russia, as well as shutting down Russia’s exports of oil and natural gas.
Instead, by taking out Nordstream, it galvanized the BRICS nations to trade more within themselves. Loyds of London Insurance was needed for oil tankers travelling from Russia to the west, so now Loyds is much poorer, thanks to Russian oil going to BRICS nations.
Unfortunately for Israel, their foreign policies has galvanized Arab nations into working together in their battles with Israel, as in the past, they were at odds amongst themselves in the Arab league.
One thing I need to say, is that Iran’s retribution attack on Israel the other day, like the one about 3 months ago now, was one where they pre announced it was coming to both the U.S and Israel, so it was no surprise. In both attacks very minimal civilians were killed, and consisted of military targets for the most part. The first attack consisted of about 150 missiles, while the second one close to 200 missiles. The majority of the Iranian missiles sent to Israel were of lower quality missiles, but still required at least 2 Israeli missiles to intercept each Iranian missile sent, so in both attacks, the Israelis had to use a total of 700 missiles. Iran’s best missiles (hymars) however were successful in reaching their targets, as the west has no way of shooting these down.
If it is a war of attrition, I believe the Israelis are no match for Iran and the Arab league. Don’t forget Iran can also shut down 1/3 of the world’s oil going through the straights of Hormuz at a moment’s notice.
Netanyahu is now at odds with Biden over his recent actions, right now.
I would be keeping a full tank of gas, a number of full jerry cans handy, and a full pantry of food and water handy in the mean time, and take 10 people with you to vote in advance for Donald Trump as well as praying to God everything will work out for us all. The internet might also go down in the next month or less, so have some prep books in your library as well.
Other than empty rhetoric, Israel’s foreign policies has not galvanized Arab nations into working together against Israel other than verbal condemnation.
Egypt and Lebanon will get their cut once the Leviathan oil and gas field is developed. Saudis and UAE should know by now they had bet on the wrong horse (Putin), they wouldn’t want to stick out like a sore thumbs (Syria, Iran and Hezbollah) against the Deep State by going against its proxy as Israeli missiles pounded Russian Khmeimim Airbase in Syria.
I concur the Deep State wants to destabilize Russia but its goal is not limited to shutting down Russia’s exports of oil and natural gas to Europe. The main objective is to shut down the debut of BRICS Pay and the impending BRICS Pay platform – nearly 50 nations are looking to the blockchain-based payment system over the US dollar and 47 countries in total are discussing the adoption of the payment system that is likely to debut at the BRICS 2024 Summit on Oct 22-24.
Indeed, Iran can also shut down 1/3 of the world’s oil going through the straights of Hormuz. However, almost 100% of that oil is going to China. Btw, do you really think the shoeless Houthis are capable of shutting down the Bab al-Mandeb Strait all by themselves? Somebody told me not too long ago, “Why should we keep the sea lanes open for China?”
I hate to say this but the Deep State is not only winning, it’s winning big time! I know the fat lady hasn’t sung yet but we will see more certainty by the end of this month.
So you think Saudi betting on Putin is betting on the wrong horse? Who betrayed Saudi? Oh, that would be the USA. Saudi gave us the keys to the Kingdom with the Petro dollar. I am not sure going with Putin is the mistake you think it is
Yes, the USA betrayed the Saudi, S Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, …. and ultimately we the people will be betrayed at the very end.
I like Putin too and I wish him the best of luck.
The first thing that Trump needs to do when he gets back in as president—which he should have done in his first term—is bring in state and local people to replace everyone in Washington. Surely some town sheriff from Florida or Texas can do a better job of running the FBI than what we have now.
Next: Put a $100 million dollar bounty on the heads of guys like Schwab and Soros (actually the whole Soros Family). Dead or Alive but preferably the former.
Finally: Get back to a World War II or even Civil War mentality. You’re not going to round up tens of millions of illegal invaders but, since they commit most of the crime, you can get rid of them another way. Caught drunk driving? Bullet in the back of the head. Caught looting or raping? Hanged in the town square. Human Trafficking? Electric Chair at Sing Sing. And not after 20 years of appeals. Sentences to be carried out right away.
Excellent plan on crime Cheri.
Illegals have committed crimes on a daily basis all across the country and USA citizens are penalized if they defend their own property, some are jailed for it. We need to make a stand. We sit around watching it happen and nothing is done. What’s wrong with this freaking picture????
Basically we’re watching the prelude to Armageddon playing out as prophesied. As far as Nenner’s question of how big it can get….plenty.
Matthew 13:49
So it will be at the end of the age; the angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous
Israil will not survive
Want to bet?
Keep this in mind, Revelation 11. 1 Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. 2 But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city (Jerusalem) underfoot for forty-two months.
And all what you said Ollie was in 70ad with the Roman invasion by Titus who destroyed the temple, just as Jesus said it would be destroyed. There is no third temple
That was the minor prophetic Fulfilment. The major prophetic fulfilment is coming. All prophecies have a major fulfilment and a minor fulfilment according to Bible scholars.
Amen and Amen
“…This is what the Lord Almighty says: You must drink it! See, I am beginning to bring disaster on the city that bears my Name, and will you indeed go unpunished? You will not go unpunished, for I am calling down a sword on all who live on the earth, declares the Lord Almighty.’ “Now prophesy all these words against them and say to them: “ ‘The Lord will roar from on high; he will thunder from his holy dwelling and roar mightily against his land. He will shout like those who tread the grapes,
shout against all who live on the earth. The tumult will resound to the ends of the earth, for the Lord will bring charges against the nations; he will bring judgment on all mankind
and put the wicked to the sword,’ ”declares the Lord.
This is what the Lord Almighty says:
“Look! Disaster is spreading from nation to nation;
a mighty storm is rising
from the ends of the earth.”
At that time those slain by the Lord will be everywhere—from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or gathered up or buried, but will be like dung lying on the ground.”
-Jeremiah 25:28-33
This is what’s starting to happen, (imo). I agree with your guest: it’s unfixable (by any human), but is being allowed to happen by God. God’s kingdom is real and is a real government. It WILL fix all of this.
– see Daniel 2:44
We call this the cleansing, and the sword has been taken from some and given to others to carry forth His works. Some will delusionally believe they have the sword but will fall like dung. We know them by their words and their arrogance towards their fellow man with no regard. Clever schemers with no morals or ethics.
Revelation 3:9
Are they all fake? I don’t think so.
Time will tell.
From the river to the sea Palestine will cease to be.
-Israel stands forever.
“And in that day I will set about to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
“I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced…”
-Zechariah 12:9-11
if you’re right, then all the scofield, darby dispensationalist churches will be in for a rude awakening.
Not what the Bible says.
Marcus, ahhh my grandson’s name is Marcus. Kudos. Anyway, Israel has always survived and will continue to do so. God will see to it.
” When Jerusalem is surrounded by armies, know that the end is near, “- Gospel of Saint Matthew in, The Holy Bible before, The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus is letting his Disciples know the signs of the End Times.
So glad you have got Charles Nenner on Greg. Thank you!!
Where is the interview link? Or did I catch you in the middle of putting it up?
Stay well.
I think Satan comes first as the AntiChrist and will be on earth ruling for 5 months and that is at the 6th Vile, 6th Seal and 6th Trump and then Jesus comes with his rod of iron on a white horse at the 7th Vile, Seal and Trump and in instant, ALL will be turned into their Spiritual Beings and be in Paradise awaiting the 1,000 reign of Jesus and in Paradise, on the righ are the good and on the left are the bad with all awaiting Final Judgement at the end of the 1,000 year mIllineium and all being taught and given a second chance to come to God. Satan will be released but a short time and then those who would follow him will go to the Lake of Fire and go up like a puff of smoke with Satan.
Got it. Cheers
Israel is not under attack by hypersonic missiles. It’s ballistic missiles. A ballistic missile is guided during its powered ascent but then follows its trajectory during its descent phase (not guided). Given today’s technology, these are NOT sophisticated weapons. Iran knows Israel and the US will intercept these missiles so it was an anemic attack at best and in my opinion was a way to save face and show Hezbollah they are doing something. If Iran really wanted to hit Israel they could have rolled out their bigger munitions. Iran is holding back. Markets took a hit yesterday but will recover at least short term. At this time the markets don’t think a short conflict between Israel and Iran doesn’t really matter, and oil prices are confirming this. If the world was really concerned, oil would be over $100. Long term, Gold definitely goes higher, silver has been a huge disappointment. I am now selling out of stocks and should be completely out by end of Q4 – there are still plenty of profitable trades out there. I like Nenner but IMO his predictions are ahead of schedule.
Chris, this is excellent analysis for which I thank you. Ballistic missiles are very similar to the old battleships launching 1-ton projectiles 20 miles, but they can have bigger payloads and go further. Still, they are only as good as the calculations (which set the trajectory) and the equipment that launch them. The snowballs we threw at each other as kids were technically ballistic projectiles.
To be a little snarky (just in fun, OK?) all predictions are, by definition, “ahead of schedule”! Best always. PM
The idea of nuclear annihilation ties together some heavy strands of human anxiety, religion, and geopolitical tension. At least for us informed, yet ignorance is not bliss for the uninformed, as stagflation hits the pocketbook of the poor and the rich worry for the olive oil and the wine.
The imagery of “olive oil and the wine” in the context of Biblical prophecy often symbolizes luxury and excess—commodities that the wealthy enjoy. The reference evokes the idea that in times of great distress and scarcity, even the wealthy, who typically indulge in such items, might feel the sting of economic turmoil.
In these so-called ‘last end – time days,’ where economic concepts like stagflation—stagnant economic growth coupled with high inflation—threaten overall prosperity, it’s a stark reminder of the delicate balance of wealth and comfort. Stagflation impacts everyone: it erodes purchasing power, stifles economic progress, and can lead to widespread economic anxiety. Even the rich, who might have more buffers against economic shocks, can’t completely insulate themselves from the broader societal impacts. The worry isn’t just about maintaining their wealth but preserving the ‘good life’ as well.
The tension between war and peace, war creating inflation as the printing presses run 24/7 churning up discontent among the masses as they lose purchasing power and the government can’t fulfill its obligations as in natural disasters, as the war machines massive appetite runs rough shod over we the sheeple, greasing the palms of the corrupt warmongering neo-conmen and women thirsting on human blood! Plays into this narrative, further threatening the stability of peace freedom and prosperity. War disrupts trade, exacerbates resource scarcity, and strains economies, making luxuries like olive oil and wine harder to come by or afford. It reminds us that wealth isn’t always a shield against the world’s larger turmoil’s; sometimes, it only serves to highlight what can be lost.
That’s quite the poetic picture, eh? How do you see these dynamics playing out in our current world?
If you’re considering the perspective from a religious view possibly Biblical, like many here at The general view from the guest’s and commenters is centered on the sovereignty and omnipotence of a God, Jehovah and in Hebrew Yahweh or the highway! They believe generally that while humanity might face dire circumstances, including the potential for catastrophic wars, it is ultimately under God’s control to guide and direct the future of inhuman kind.
These Christian witnesses here, often interpret biblical prophecies to mean that God’s purpose will prevail over human actions, and that divine intervention will ultimately prevent the complete annihilation of humanity. They emphasize that true salvation and lasting peace come from God’s Kingdom under Christ Jesus, no longer a babe in a manger and with unlimited powers beyond the laws of physic’s, all from a human prospective of governments or military might.
It’s a fascinating mix of apocalyptic literature and faith in divine salvation. Their stance provides a comforting certainty amidst the chaos and uncertainty of global conflicts and nuclear threats, suggesting that despite humanity’s mistakes, there’s a higher spiritual power, possibly alien and ultimately determining the course of human events.
Pretty profound stuff, eh? What about the rest of inhumanity, how should we all think about potential future threats and our collective destiny?
Who’s Pablo?
Jesus is at the door!
Pray for forgiveness because you need it
don’t be left behind or get condemned to hell
eternity is a LONG time
Has been for years decades
God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all that matters
End of the end times are here
We are not finished yet but we will be if they Cheat Kamaltow in
2 Chronicles 7:14
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
And HIS NAME is Jehovah. Ps 83:18 KJV
Has anyone here purchased a Weston Scientific purifier? I am looking for some honest feedback about them before buying. My husband is skeptical. Thanks
It’s cutting-edge tech and you can get it no place else. I have them all over my house and I paid for everyone. It is worth it.
My husband installed the home purifier in about 39 minutes into our HVAC System.
The air or home is crisp and clean now. We are so happy we purchased this!
We also purchased the i-carry last year and had kept it at bedside for each of us.
Several weeks ago we bought the travel kits and batteries for each of them, for cold and flu season. I have spoken to the owner, Wes, who is easily available. I recommend that your husband, if skeptical, talk to him. He explained, in laymen terms how this work.
We rate these purifiers 100 %. I’m an RN with over 25 yrs experience, very knowledgeable in “Infection Control.”
My friend Ron has one and loves it. Lent it out to a few friends too, to try it out. I never asked him to lend it to me for a few days cause, I’ve been to his house many times and love it too and going to get one, one day soon hopefully.
It gets rid of odors too, I don’t know if it’s because the air is so clean or what? But it works and it’s just the portable!
I have a 2700 and 2 carryions. They have really helped with my allergies. They are great
Nenner should consider moving to Ghana
James: Nenner is married to a brazilian wife. He already once considered to move to Brazil if things in Israel are too bad. Ghana? There might be better spots like Namibia with bright offshore oil future and still some german former colony tradition left.
The American Empire is finished. Sooner or later all empires come to a finish. What’s different this time is that the previous empires didn’t have nuclear weapons, biological weapons or cyber-weapons. The situation today is far, far different than when previous superpowers collapsed.
The crazed Washington demon inspired politicians and their NATO allies are leading mankind right into WW3 and all of the destruction, death and misery which modern warfare shall rain down upon the entire inhabited earth.
So, here we are on the brink of WW3. And this situation has taken on a life of its own. And, personally, I don’t believe for one minute that Donald Trump (or any man) can stop WW3 from happening. At best, WW3 gets delayed. But I sure wouldn’t count on it… What should we count on?
Count on mankind’s continued march through the Book of Revelation and all that that implies. You and I are living somewhere in time, somewhere in the chronological time-frame found in Revelation. In other words you and I are living in the Book of Revelation in real time. And no man on earth is going to alter even one paragraph or one sentence or one word or one punctuation mark in the Book.
Get ready for all of the coming war, famine, plague, natural disasters, socioeconomic and geopolitical conflagration(s).
Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ will step in at just the right prophesied time and bring to ruin those ruining the Earth. There won’t be much flesh surviving as the Book of Revelation comes to an end. But the Glorious Good News is that after all of death and destruction are finished it’s God’s Promised Kingdom that prevails over Satan and his earthy, secular government(s) including the United Nations.
Well, “Really”, the upside is that if what you say is true, that this is our march through the Book of Revelation, then we won’t have to guess, and we won’t have to argue about, anymore what all the signs and predictions in Revelation actually mean; it will all finally be revealed. That in itself will unburden (a popular term these days) humanity, My idea of “heaven” is final, full understanding. Best always. PM
Fritz Springmeier mentioned this in 1998, he spoke about the establishment setting up Empires to rule then ultimately fail. Rinse and repeat if you will but true to your words The Almighty has the only answer to this problem.
How sad it is we are all human beings created in Gods image to only be indoctrinated and mind controlled into a slavishly reality, believing that one is better than another ond has the right to exist overall.
Your last paragraph is excellent.
Well said Brother.
Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺🦘🐊
I missed you my Brother. Hearing from you has lifted my spirits!
Ditto mate.
You are my Brother.
You are my Teacher.
Ray, Canberra, Australia.
Hi Ray,
Nice to see your post. I hope all is well with you and yours
Thank you Galaxy.
Love you Brother.
To be true, my heart is somewhat troubled betwixt these testing days.
I feel that something horrible is upon us.
I try hard to stead myself with the word of the Lord.
Moreover, recently, I have found much solace in re-watching one of my all time favourite movies….. Ben Hur……a tale of The Christ.
Charlton Heston gives one of THE great cinematic performances in that movie.
The ending never ceases to bring tears of pure joy to my eyes.
My best wishes be with you and yours mate…….always and forever.
Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺🦘🐊
Thanks for posting this information, Greg. BTW, I am still Dutch by nationality and do not Vote HERE in Australia. Why encourage those Politicians.
We have very little time left before the Last trumpet sounds.
Daniel 12:1. And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation [even] to that same time: and AT THAT TIME thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
2. AND many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and SOME TO SHAME [and] everlasting contempt.
I understand that there will be a POPULATION Explosion, with ALL of those resurrected – as it appears that even those that NAILED Jesus will be raised – Rev.1:7.
I also understand that from Adam all the dead (Except Enoch) will be walking the earth shortly! The Feast of Trumpets is (Israel time? – 2nd – 4th October 24) and Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement – (At-One-Ment?) on 12th October ’24 will be the LAST Trump?
I stand corrected on the facts – as I am not so familiar to Hebrew Festivals! Maybe a Jew could comment on this.
1 Corinthians 15:51. Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
Fortunately, the chosen will be caught up to go to heaven, so there will be more space for the rest of Humanity.
There WILL be WW3 – Malachi 4:1. For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
2. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
3. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do [this], saith the LORD of hosts.
I understand Elijah and Moses will arrive when we go up -Malachi 4:4&5.
Lets pray that we can be amoung those that escape – (John 14:1-4)
Olaf V
House speaker Johnson claims to be a Christian yet sends our taxdollars to finance death. So much for the American pro life movement.
Yeah, so does Jill and Joe Biden and the Pelosies…
Yet their actions show they do not follow Christ
I think America is just simply LOST @ this point. I don’t like it at all and its disgusting.
Never give up. Don’t just lie down in front of evil.
With all respect…. my impression is two-fold:
1. I do not feel Mr. Nenner has much empathy for the suffering of others, e.g. the people in the USA who, through no fault of their own, live under a Satanic, Communist government.
2. Mr. Nenner also seems to have little hope for the future. I wonder of what religious faith he is.
Let me please offer one point of view. This is only a partial explanation, of course. Look at the head of a sunflower. Look at the arrangement of the seeds in that sunflower. There is a mathematical arrangement of those seeds, just like those in Echinacea, or in the scales of a pinecone. It is called the Fibonacci sequence. Everything our Creator made is in accordance with His Divine Order.
The Universe itself is biased on the side of God’s Divine Order. I have to believe He has a vested interest in not seeing His beautiful creation destroyed by Satanists….
Blessings to you all.
Amen Brother Jonathan!
Brother Greg
Australia no better off.
Pauline Hanson unleashes after Albanese government votes to support United Nation’s ‘Pact for the Future’
There is some called the “5 Whys” that is used in manufacturing. Ask at least 5 times Why on an issue, problem or anything. You will find the root cause of the problem.
Apply the 5 Whys to this.
They are acting now because they know Trump will be in office soon and come down on hard on them
Were you affected by that hurricane where you are in NC?
What a crazy time we are living in.
Fear not! Pray!
Jesus is coming back.
Barb [hoosierDownUnder] Australia
I was not affected at all. Thank you for asking. I am good.
Have you heard about the people of the town of Blowing Rock being forced to give up their land because the government is claiming the land for lithium mining? Also what about the failure of FEMA in all the states affected by the storm? Also why is all attention being focused on just one area of impact? Lastly Dane Wigginton has said this hurricane was pulsed or steered.
No, not true.
FEMA is paying for the illegals to destabilize America. They are a poison that must be removed
Greg, your emails still come through, but I can’t access them without going to your site. I have unplugged my modem and replunged it in without correcting the issue. Any advice? I love reading the information I read on your site. I tell everybody. You’re a saint.
It is a browser problem. Try some different browsers. This is big tech’s way to censor. So sorry they are doing this. Thank yiou for supporting USAW!!!
Google Chrome and Microsoft Next are giving hell to It can be viewed on Mozilla Firefox.
DuckDuckGo is also good.
‘Behold, I am going to break the bow of Elam,
The [a]finest of their might.
36 I will bring upon Elam the four winds
From the four ends of heaven,
And will scatter them to all these winds;
And there will be no nation
To which the outcasts of Elam will not go.
37 So I will [b]shatter Elam before their enemies
And before those who seek their lives;
And I will bring disaster upon them,
Even My fierce anger,’ declares the Lord,
‘And I will send the sword after them
Until I have consumed them.
Dutch edeot saying the media is doing a great Job? The media is the problem!
Do you know what sarcasm is?
Greg, in defense of Nenner, the media ARE doing a great job. Their job is to sell the empty vessel Kamala Harris and to give cover to the insider elite actually running things. They are not doing the job for which they were granted 1st Amendment freedom, but the job they have accepted (what I call the Unholy Alliance, they give cover and for that cover get access to the power for which they are covering). So, Nenner is right. The media have succeeded in helping the insider elite kill the country, and in that they have done a GREAT job. I’m sure their bosses are pleased. You of all people should know; you were once unintentionally part of the media sellout, and I am glad you realized that and bailed. Best always. PM
I think Nenner was being sarcastic too. What you say makes sense too.
i,m surprised he ( Nenner) say there is going to BE a “market” at all. LOL
That USA is on it’s way down , is a given . This gov. doesn,t know what they’re doing .
So we knew that ,but the Market casino , is still running then? hard to believe.
Charles said quite a few things here for which I have been blocked.
What puzzles me is why is he still in israel that according to Prophecy
is going to be a major HOT-SPOT when the crap hits the fan.
As for AAcrime old blue eyes really had that place nailed so go on take
a listen and sing along with him!!!
All wars are bankers’ wars. They finance both sides. The world’s banks are in trouble non. They’re in no condition to finance war.
America is under JUDGMENT. We have abandoned our FOUNDATION
who is Jesus Christ, our Savior, for Lucifer, who has come to kill, rob and
destroy. Does that make sense? It is SUICIDE, and Post-Christian Europe
is our model. We have followed them down the path to perdition’s flames,
and because of all the blessings that the Lord has poured out on America,
we will be the first to reap the harvest that we deserve.
The Lord will ALWAYS take care of His children, so no matter how bad
it gets for the world around us, REST IN HIM.
It’s never too late to Pray for help: 2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
America had a chance to repent 9/11/2001. America should have said “America, make Jesus Christ great again!” But it did not. They said they would “build back stronger.”
America’s god is money. It has a heart of stone.
But God knows this, and it is playing out that this nation is run by fools, and the people just care about the stock market.
Woe unto them that trust in their own power and money. They will not be saved from the judgement.
The wheels of God’s justice turn exceedingly slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.
Pray for the peace of Jesus Christ, ruling in the hearts of men.
Mr. Greg Hunter
The Ultimate American Patriot
Protect yourself buy Gold from Melody Cedarstrom – Discount Gold and Silver – quick ship and great prices
Trump Wins Nov 5th
To Big to Rig – 300 plus Electoral Votes
Stay well Greg and thanks for all you do
The USDs are a Wealth Trade Token, a receipt that represent wealth, it is not wealth per sé. The Stock Market in the US is USD denominated, not true value denominated; just a number of USDs.
Gold, Silver, Land, Commodities are true wealth. Martin Armstrong said the USD will fall when the confidence on the Gov and USDs fall. It is a psychological fail. Precious Metals are leverages against inflation and financial debacles, not a get rich scheme. Who knows, Lead and Copper might have a better value due to their industrial value.
For the little people, if cannot buy any PMs, stash some Steel, Copper, Lead, Aluminium, any kind of industrial metal that can be traded for services, food, and medicine. That old car that is sitting in your driveway, might worth some for parts; that appliance that has an electric motor, the Copper might fetch your family next meal.
time to move the pieces on the chessboard.
The global elite want to destroy our way of life and reduce the population by at least 250 million people. Then, they pick up land for pennies on the dollar if the Chinese don’t kill us all and colonize America. Trump should win the election but we all know that Stalin made the comment that it is not who votes that count but it is who counts the votes. Therefore, you can’t beat cheating. The Russians want to protect their country and said that they would nuke America and sink Britain. The Russian cargo ship that is near Britain loaded with 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrite could be a way of destroying the country without going nuclear. If I remember correctly, ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (ANFO) is 55% as powerful as TNT which would make it nearly as powerful as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. If the Russians sunk this ship in the right place it could create a tsunami that could devastate much of Britain. I don’t think that the Russians really want to do this but they could if pushed.
What these evil politicians better worry about is if Putin decides to take out the World Economic Forum or a Bilderberg Meeting instead of individual nations.
Mr Nenner; Please keep yourself safe. We appreciate your help very, very much.
Greg; Take care of yourself! We need you too!
Robert from Alabama, Let him take out the WEF and the UN, WHO and the Davos crowd. They are behind all the cultural destruction and wars. They most want to destroy our
Constitution. That might save the country for four more generations.
“ What these evil politicians better worry about is if Putin decides to take out the World Economic Forum or a Bilderberg Meeting . . . “
I fear it’s more likely that the ‘Western Alliance’ will attempt to annihilate the BRICS attendees at their upcoming meeting in Kazan, Russia, 10-22-2024, via long range missile/s fired from Ukraine. If Putin, Xi, et al have not factored this risk, perhaps humanity deserves what it gets . . . a 1,000 years dystopian nightmare!
According to recent figures (Martin A. Armstrong, Economist) the multi-decade trend in the use of the dollar is down, but the world’s central banks still keep 43% of their reserves in the U.S. Dollar. All the Western developed nations (block) trade everything and settle each trade in U.S. Dollars. However, central banks have been big buyers of gold bullion in recent years, explaining the trend of ever higher gold prices. The U.S. Dollar Index is down -5% in the past 12 months.
In-fact, most of the printed U.S. $100 dollar bills in existence circulate overseas. So, no, the dollar will be around for some time to come (years). It will never completely go away unless we are first defeated or more likely, annihilated in a nuclear missile exchange (WWIII). Until then, the dollar remains a major currency amongst midgets.
The cycle of war is indeed up, so since war is inflationary, we can expect higher inflation and in-response after 2025, rising interest rates. We are in a new real estate cycle, in-fact, year two of a 12-year cycle. It historically takes 5 years to hit bottom and so far, most prospective sellers are trying to hold-out. They will lose. Everyone’s house will devalue into 2028, along with the new recession we are entering. Its all cyclical.
Nenner is correct in that the United States has probably seen better days and as time progresses many of those who remain will notice their financials are not getting better. More dollars does not in itself = better. ( Likewise with a higher stock market). Most people don’t see this insidious decline in their overall standard of living. They simply ignore it and instead pretend elections make a difference. No politician nor Trump can alter the cycle for long, if at all. However, Harris/Waltz can make it feel much worse.
We, the people, have been hiding behind voting for 60 years, while the insiders robbed us blind. It let us off the hook (or so we think) for doing the dirty work of so-called self-government. It’s happened that way in every instance. Humans are fallible. It’s not an excuse, but it is an explanation. Best always. PM
Half the real estate market in this country is rural. There is no money in the rural areas anymore. Our property and house have had no appreciation since 2008, almost 20 years. What makes real estate appreciate is movement within the market (people trading up or down) and move-ins. Places where real estate is high (Texas or Boston, MA for example) have seen and experienced tremendous move-in activity. None of that applies in rural areas. We live here by choice. I never expected to have the property appreciate. That was not my intention. Safety and sanctuary (relative, of course) from the coming civilization collapse were my priorities. Best always. PM
Paul I have a suspicion that good farm land will noticeably appreciate as people realize hard assets have value, especially where food can be grown.
All the best to Indiana
Country Codger, please update us too on your cycle work in comparison to Nenner …
To have to live in a Bunker like Nenner is now doing is “Totally and Outrageously Bonkers”!! It shows just how much Our Politicians “HAVE FAILED US” (and these Incompetent Lying Corrupt Politicians “Hate Trump With a Passion”, because he has shown that “Wars Can Easily Be Prevented”)!! We now have Idiot Trudeau (Who Seized Peoples Bank Accounts) telling us that “We Can’t be Bullies” and “Must Safeguard Peoples Privacy” to PROMOTE TRUST IN GOVERNMENT AND THEIR SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGY!! And also have Secretary John Kerry telling us that: The First Amendment Right to Free Speech is a “MAJOR OBSTACLE TO IMPLEMENTING CHANGE” and that “We Need to Win the Ground by Stealing Enough Votes to Bring About Change”!! So the Evil Globalist’s “mouth pieces” are now on the stump to put Kommie Khameleon Kamala and Traitorous Tampon Tim into office to put the last nail in the coffin of the United States of America “BY TORCHING OUR CONSTITUTION”!!!
I think maybe unintended but this was a great interview, a classic. The level of comments in general seems so low for the quality of what we just heard. Aside from good news for goldbugs, Nenner is doing what a Jew should, risking it all in the home land. and has insights into the world that are priceless. They are an insiders view of what really is taking place and a good read on where and why Israel does what its does. This is a classic interview, good on many levels. Spiritual, practical, in the heart of the guts of whats happening. A real gem.
Thanks Greg, and thanks to Charles Nenner for toughing it out. I believe Armageddon is several years away (the antiChrist has yet to be revealed), but things will definitely continue to worsen. Have a nice day.
Satanyahu has been eliminated. Don’t trust any media. They use avatars and old footage to try to fool us. The operation to round up 1,000,000 khazarian mafia gangsters has gone active. Our Canadian military is assisting USA in the Pacific Northwest in so called Joint Task Force 2. Source:
polio vaccine gave everyone cancer
bio weapons created to kill castro – sv40 in every vaccine ?
God bless you and Israel!
Long time subscriber. Just subscribe. Charles is magic
Mr Nenner; Please keep yourself safe. We appreciate your help very, very much.
Greg; Take care of yourself! We need you too!
According to Martin Armstrong “It is the American Neocons” behind pushing Israel To Initiate a Big War in the Middle East (to Turn Up the Heat on Russia who would then be force to defend Iran and thus weaken their Military actions in Ukraine)!! Khamenei in Iran has reportedly ordered IRGC Military Commanders to “LIMIT” their ongoing Attacks on US and Coalition Forces within Syria and Iraq (but CIA operatives are whipping up “almost unstoppable emotions” by Probably Ordering their Operatives to Kill as Many Civilians As They Can “ON BOTH SIDES”!!!
Now if the US Neocons can get their puppet in Japan to initiate a false flag stand-down (like Israel did) and attack China!! It will work to keep China busy and limit any help they may give to Russia or Iran!! The Psychopathic US Neocons have belatedly become Increasingly Concerned about the “Growing Military Cooperation” between the Chinese, Iranian and Russian Military Forces after dumbly starting everything with their overthrow of the Ukrainian Government so they could implement their completely moronic plan to put US and NATO Missiles right on Russia’s border (that that Psychopathic Queer” Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy is now firing into Moscow)!!!
ON OUR OWN ! After Hurricane Sandy , it took a week plus for FEMA to even get its pants on and get moving.
The New American – October 2, 2024
Biden-Harris Admin Redirects FEMA Funds to Illegal Immigrants, Prioritizes “Equity” in Disaster Relief
” While hundreds remain missing in flood-ravaged Appalachian towns, with families waiting for federal assistance, it became apparent that more than a billion dollars of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds have been diverted for services to illegal immigrants.
According to The Federalist, FEMA, the agency responsible for coordinating emergency responses to natural disasters, redirected nearly $364 million in 2023 and an additional $650 million in 2024 to the “Shelter and Services Program.”
ALERT: Shelters in West North Carolina are OVER CAPACITY and DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH FOOD
I’m beyond infuriated. @ChrisHallWx and I were luckily able to fill the gap with hot pizzas and Gatorade, as one shelter was 30 MEALS SHORT
But BILLIONS for Ukraine …..
It gets better.
Not only is volunteer assistance being turned away and threatened with arrest for those who dare help with the disaster…
THEY are also stealing all the food and monetary donations and taking it too the invaders coming over the border.
Now it has come to light that North Carolina Demon Rats “Did Cloud Seeding” during Hurricane Helene, injecting Silver Iodide into the Hurricane Wall” which produced a foot of rainfall along with the devastating high winds!!
Prospector plus Anon: Thanks for mentioning the Fema issue even if it is not related with Nenner. A very big mess, what I saw on zerohedge looks like years to rebuild IF money is available with whole aereas so destroyed that no job might be left. As foreigner far away I wonder when US citizens start to flee their homecountry in droves while being replaced thru cheap haitians and other migrants. No one reports about US migration trends in press so far, only referring to europe we Know that many are unhappy being overwelmed (1 Mio syrians in Germany for example).
Jehovah is The Greatest Forgiver – “You, O Jehovah, are good and ready to forgive; you abound in loyal love for all those who call on you.”—PS. 86:5.
KING Solomon observed: “There is no righteous man on earth who always does good and never sins.” (Eccl. 7:20) How true! We are all sinners. (1 John 1:8) So we all need forgiveness from God and from fellow humans.
2 No doubt you remember a time when you offended a close friend. You wanted to correct the matter and repair your relationship, so you offered a heartfelt apology. How did you feel when your friend freely forgave you? Relieved? Yes, and happy too!
3 We want Jehovah to be our closest Friend, but at one time or another, we will say or do things that offend him. Why can we be certain, though, that Jehovah is eager to forgive? In what way is Jehovah’s forgiveness unique in comparison with the forgiveness that we can extend? And finally, who can gain God’s forgiveness?
“Jehovah is waiting patiently to show you favor, and he will rise up to show you mercy.”—ISA. 30:18. – Almighty JEHOVAH God (Psalms 83:18) can help us to cope with the challenges in our life and to find joy in our sacred service. In what ways does he help us? And how can we benefit to the full from the help that Jehovah provides? However, before we examine the answers, let us consider this related question: Is Jehovah really willing to help us?
A word used by the apostle Paul in his letter to the Hebrews can help us to find the answer. Paul wrote: “Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Heb. 13:6) Bible reference works state that the word “helper,” as used in this verse, refers to a person who runs to the aid of someone crying for help. Picture Jehovah hurrying to rescue someone in distress. You will surely agree that this description highlights Jehovah’s willingness—yes, eagerness—to be our Helper. With Jehovah on our side, we can endure our trials with joy.
What are some ways in which Jehovah helps us to endure our trials with joy? To answer, let us turn to the book of Isaiah. Why? Many of the prophecies Isaiah was inspired to write apply to God’s servants today. Further, Isaiah often describes Jehovah in terms that we can easily understand. Take as an example Isaiah chapter 30. There, in language that creates vivid pictures in our mind, Isaiah describes how Jehovah helps us as his people (1) by listening attentively and responding to our prayers, (2) by providing us with guidance, and (3) by giving us blessings now and in the future. Let us take a closer look at these three ways in which Jehovah helps us. Politicians lie ALL of the time? Why? Because they are put into power by the father of the lie, Satan; Satan rules! Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.”
Follow Christ’s teaching and your soul will be safe as long as you avoid the JWs. They corrupt the teachings of Christ
This was an interview in war. Are these bunkers available to all Israeli citizens? Charles Nenner is a sought out consultant in investing but I could not avoid the issue his life is in danger, and it was stated here that we in the US, being allies, are in danger too. I avoid MSM most of the time because it is propaganda, but what has filtered through is not openly talking about this country having war on our ground. Even Nenner said something about our country in war. There are, I am sure, plenty of bunkers here where those in power will make it through. Keeping the rest of us from revolting and ransacking by not saying the quiet part out loud may not last much longer. Now the story of Helene, from Hell, is spreading about how rescue is being prohibited like in the Maui fires. Knowing how these cataclysmic storms can be manipulated, there is a big chance this one was too. Also, Biden is limiting financial help. If all of this is solely being run by humans, we are possessed of evil or manipulated by it or as some say running with it. The risk is getting higher of the real cataclysmic event. For sure, we need to make peace with our Maker, however we each define that.
Add this to the ” Too stupid to be stupid ” file’.
In WAR , you target the enemy supply lines right ?
In the 1970’s it was ” Keep on Truckin’ ” , now its ” KEEP ON PREPPIN’ ”
Like draining strategic petroleum reserve. Like draining of our military supplies.
HURRICANE: Communities across the south are being told to prepare for extended power outages as a result of a massive short of critical electrical equipment. It turns out the Biden-Harris regime hasn’t just sent the bulk of our artillery shells to Ukraine – they’ve also sent them our nation’s stockpile of critical electrical equipment.
The U.S. has always kept a stockpile of critical electrical equipment—like transformers and switchgear—to quickly restore power in the aftermath of disasters such as Hurricane Helene.
Now, with 360 substations in desperate need of new transformers, the country should be ready to respond. But here’s the catch: the Biden-Harris administration recklessly drained our stockpile by sending these crucial resources to Ukraine.
So while they’re prioritizing foreign aid, millions of Americans could be left in the dark for months, suffering through extended power outages because of their poor decision-making. Once again, it’s America last under this regime.
Oh and don’t get me started on selling our nation’s strategic petroleum supply to China…
It is Very Sad that our Globalist Demon rats Biden and Kamala gave Ukraine help to Defend its Borders and give Ukraine our Electrical Generators to Keep Their Lights on, while completely removing America’s Borders and leaving the US dangerously exposed to a Total Lights Out Black-Out!!
Vile ignorant hate speech. May God have mercy on you. You are an agent of satan.
Greg, others also think we are close to the door closing to stop a wideningWWIII =
and maybe the saw it coming and passed this legislation..that now makes any illegal that applys for a drivers license draftable per the contract in ‘applying’ for it?
Nice millions of border crossers that cannot be scooped up and sent to the front in Ukraine?
‘States with laws linking registration to driver’s licenses
Following is a list of the 40 states, 4 territories, and the District of Columbia that have such legislation in effect, as of Oct. 25, 2013, according to the SSS website: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Virgin Islands, District of Columbia.
States and territories that have enacted but not yet implemented the legislation are Maine, Maryland, Puerto Rico.
Find out if you have automatically been registered for the draft by typing in name and social security number at the Selective Service website .
— Lucas Kauffman is a senior at Manchester University in N. Manchester, Ind., and a January term intern with the Church of the Brethren News Services.’
FxxK you Carr. So you side with terrorists who murder, behead and rape. Go live in Iran with your brothers. If they destroy Israel they will go after Christians.
Another source :
Natalie Winters
North Carolina power outages are due to shortages of transformers/electrical equipment. The White House recently signed a $422 million energy assistance deal with Ukraine, giving them materials needed by North Carolina right now including:
,093 generators
11 auto transformers
460 tons transformer oil
495 instrumental transformers
203 power transformers
God’s wrath will be swift and divine justice will be served:
It’s right in your damn face now.
It always begins at ‘home’…
your color and energy look great!
Keep up your steps each day!
Gods Speed
I know we had different opinions about Oct 7th but here we are a year later almost and now Isreal attack on Lebanon has thei u.s. putting it’s nose ad artillery where it doesn’t belong. now we’re all but in a world War now because of it. this has always bothered me that we can’t just let them do what they’ve been doing forever. I wished they’d let em settle their own business and we take care of ours. like send these billions to aid our own disasters.
It’s a real shame that your guest has this horn looking background !
Thank you, Greg. Really appreciate Charles and Martin Armstrong as your guests. Keep up the great work in these troubled times, God bless you.
Nenner is way too pessimistic. The United States of America will prevail. Hopefully we will elect more people like Congressmen Massie who has resisted AIPAC and than the recovery of our country would happen even faster. It is really troubling that Massie’s wife died very soon after his interview with Tucker. Why not have him on for an interview ? This interview was featured on Zero Hedge. The comment section was pretty revealing. People are getting tired of Nenner.
that’s the spirit. Never give up. That said tough financial times are coming because the debt is massive and unpayable. Get ready. Trump will be much, much better than Kamala.
I disagree with Nenner saying Israel can finish Iran when it wants to.
Iran is friendly with Russia and China and also a BRICS partner, so no chance Israel can do this unless they want to commit suicide.
Russia also knows 20,000 Russian Jews are fighting against Hezbollah and Syria, so good luck to those Jews if they wish to get back to Russia.
As for the United States they are so far behind Russias military weapons, its crazy to take on Iran, as Russia’s air defence weapons are in Iran now.
Yes Boz, from Oz.
Soldatensender Belgrade, was a radio-station that broadcast news and music to German military all over Europe during World War II – with receptions reaching across the Mediterranean to North Africa. The station first played an obscure love song, ‘Lili Marleen’ which became a huge hit among German soldiers, that German General field Marshall Erwin Rommel requested it to be played daily. This fan base would later include Allied listeners with UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill becoming a fan of the song.
Originally Radio Beograd (Радио Београд) the station changed to ‘Wehrmachtssender Belgrade’ (Armed Forces radio) when the Nazis took over. The station transmitted from the city of Belgrade, capital of then Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
“The Story of Lili Marlene” – Short Documentary
Diverzant 1,884 views Nov 6, 2019
One of the most famous songs of WWII.
From the trenches of WWI, throughout the Second World War, to the lights of Hollywood. Song that marked an era!
LILI MARLEEN – Award winning WW2 Short Film | Wehrmacht/Airborne – German Perspective
3M views 2 years ago ParaLight WorX
The Allied invasion is just one day old and Manning and his comrades of the 101st Airborne Division are trying to find their . . .
Ladies and gents, I have discovered the name of the American soldier who inspired the short doc film.
The American soldier’s name is Jack Leroy Tueller. He took his trumpet with him to Europe during the war and was one of the Americans to land in Normandy, France, on 6 Jun 1944.
One night, he was feeling stressed and decided to play his trumpet to relieve his stress. His commander warned him against it as there was a German sniper nearby, but Jack insisted on playing his trumpet as he thought that the German soldier was scared just like he was.
So Jack played ‘Lili Marleen’ on his trumpet and surprisingly, nothing happened to him.
The next morning, a jeep with German soldiers arrived to surrender. One of the soldiers asked, in broken English, who was playing ‘Lili Marleen’ the night before.
Jack said that he was the one who played ‘Lili Marleen’ and the German soldier, who was only 19, broke into tears and said that when he heard the song, he immediately thought about his girlfriend and his family, and was unable to bring himself to shoot the Americans.
He reached out his hand towards Jack and both men shaked their hands. Jack said that he felt no hatred towards the German soldier at all, he was right, after all, about believing that even an enemy soldier would feel about the war the same way as he did: Longing to survive the war and return home to be reunited with family and friends.
Music has the power to unite enemies together and bring out the best in people during the worst of times.
Lili Marleen traveled across all frontiers and war zones, moving within an ambiguity that flouted norms – it was a product of the Nazi Third Reich sung by English and American soldiers, alike! Alas they were both sides human. Unlike traditional wartime compositions, Lili Marleen is about the harshness of the conflict and about saying farewell to one’s nearest and dearest, with no promise of future peace and happiness or any future at all. Except for maybe the grace of God.
Russia also knows 20,000 Russian Jews are fighting against Hezbollah and Syria, so good luck to those Jews if they wish to get back to Russia.
There just may be hope Boz. U.S. Veteran Didn’t Expect to Find This in Rural Russia w\@Wild-Siberia Real Reporter 81,807 views September 27, 2024
In a surprising twist, unsettled U.S. Marine veteran Daniel Castellon moved to Russia amidst the Ukraine conflict and international sanctions. Settling in a tranquil Siberian town, he not only became a popular YouTuber but also bought land, now facing one of the biggest decisions of his life. Dive into the third episode of Daniel Castellon’s incredible journey in Russia.
Just like Israel couldn’t wipe out Hezbollah’s leadership overnight
Thanks for that comment!!!!
Your friend in Christ
2:53 “Everyone feels they can do what they want, you can kill American soldiers in Syria or Iraq”
Yes, because Amerikans have absolutely no business BEING in Syria or Iraq! You people live half a planet away from those places ..STAY AWAY!
Did everyone get that Nenner Horns message? Amen!
martin armstrong and charles nenner 2 best guests
Thanks Greg and Mr. Nenner. I keep going back and reformatting past projects- modifying them, adding to them, making them bigger. I guess that part of the prepping way.— one thing that i was thinking on was this port strike. If this drags on for more than a few weeks, the down stream effects will be devastating to business. How many missed and late debt payments will that be?This could be the black swan that causes/ initiates mass bank failures. And by the way the news keeps saying ‘77% pay increase’. But, that’s over 6 years and may not be far off the inflation mark.- so expect this to last.
One other note to consider about mass bank failures. If large numbers of people were out of work and the real estate loans were in default and the banks fire sell sold the ‘paper’ backed by the real assets- in theory huge amounts of real estate could be bought for pennies on the dollar by picking up the bad loans. The goal would be the properties and not the paper.
Proposed new ‘Public Health Bill for Northern Ireland’, described by one libertarian politician as an Oxymoron – because the provisions of the bill are injurious to public health. This bill is the spawn of the unelected and unelectable World ‘Health’ Organisation. Dear Watchdogger, do not skip this because it pertains to Northern Ireland. These measures are coming to your homeland if we the people surrender to the Globalist Cabal.
Here are some of the proposed draconian measures:
“The regulations may;
Impose restrictions or requirements on or in relation to persons, things or premises in the event of, or in response to, a threat to public health, or enable a Northern Ireland department, the Regional Agency or another person, by virtue of a decision taken under the regulations, to impose such restrictions or requirements.
In relation to a person, the regulations may impose a ‘special restriction or requirement’ such as:
requiring a person to submit to a medical examination;
be removed to a hospital or other suitable establishment;
be detained in a hospital or other suitable establishment;
keep a person in isolation or quarantine;
require a person to (be – sic) vaccinated or to receive other prophylactic treatment;
a person to be disinfected or decontaminated;
that the person wear protective clothing;
that the person provide information or answer questions about the person’s health or other circumstances;
that the person’s health be monitored and the results reported;
that the person attend training or advice sessions on how to reduce the risk of infecting or contaminating others;
that the person be subject to restrictions as to where the person may go or with whom the person has contact;
that the person abstain from working or trading.
In relation to a thing, the regulations may impose a ‘special restriction or requirement’ such as:
that the thing be seized or detained;
that the thing be kept in quarantine;
that the thing be disinfected or decontaminated;
in the case of a dead body, that the body be buried or cremated;
in any other case, that the thing be destroyed or disposed of.”
Note: the ‘thing’ being destroyed or disposed of could be your home!!
Learn more from one of the very few Northern Ireland politicians opposing this bill:
LTC Murray , situation report. On Rumble.
Mass non compliance may have worked first time around.
Unfortunately, the masses here in Northern Ireland are fully jabbed and have lost their ability (such as it was) to think critically. Worse than that, according to Doctor Sucharit Bhakdi the CV-19 vaxx affects the brain such as to alter personality – to reduce empathy. In combination, these factors have resulted in a population, the majority of which consider it right and proper that vaccine dissenters be forced by law to comply, or to face the harshest of penalties. By analogy, the Nazi regime in pre-war Germany propagandised the public that Jews were disease vectors (generating fear) and that driving them out was a ‘Public Health’ issue. The proposed ‘Public Health Bill for Northern Ireland’ informs the general population that the unvaccinated are disease vectors . . .
If this new Public ‘Health’ Bill is passed into law in anything like its present form, Northern Ireland will descend into a Honecker / Stazi style East Germany. George Bush senior talked of a “rules based, new world order” . Rules (laws) should not be confused with justice.
Hey Greg, Charles is wonderful in his analysis and answers to your provocative questions for clarification. Keep up the good work. Let’s pray that he survives these trying times.
We are witnessing a hegemonic shift, as painful as it is for some to accept, from America and it’s purchased allies to the volunteered BRICS, all 140 of them. America will survive as a nation, just not the world leader. This also what happened to Italy after the fall of the Roman Empire and England after the end of the British Empire. Empires come and go and America cannot escape that historic event.
We are watching history unfolding.
Yikes Greg, great interview. Everybody is talking about Revelations, but nobody is talking about Ezekiel’s war Magog. This could be what happens next.
Greg, are you aware = US Army Just Demolished The LARGEST Ammo Production Facility in Independence, MO
Rather agree with this guy, in light of current events, probably a dumb time to destroy a critical ammo factory. OR is Biden/HARRIS regime setting up the U.S. for a fall?
Notice, America has no bunkers for American citizen. DC has bunkers for politicians but none for citizens.
Get ready for a loss of power.
IF you can, hide from your genocidal government.
Ammo up!
Ammo up
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
You’re going to die over there Charles. Get the hell out.
What does a patriot do if Trump, for whatever reason, loses 2024?
Don’t answer me. Just think about it.
If Trump doesn’t win? Do you mean if they steal another election? Because Trump can not lose an honest election
The USA has been following the footsteps of the Roman Empire for quiet some time now.
Have you noticed , like me , that MSM talk radio ONLY talks about topics that are already disclosed and well known. They must talk about it because they can no longer ignore it.
If the mainstream talk radio ” gatekeepers ” are saying this it is a sure sign anger is reaching the boiling point.
No other country in the world would allow the systematic defrauding of its immigration system, then privilege the fraudster migrants over its own people in the distribution of resources, to include emergency funding for natural disasters.
The Boston Tea Party happened for less.
Do you hear it?
Revolution calling?
They are turning away help. Many such cases as this.
Another American confirms that the federal authorities are deliberately hindering rescue efforts.
This man is a drone pilot with drones with infrared cameras that wanted to use them to help find trapped people. He was told no.
His rage is palpable.
@WanderersChoice / Gab . com
He should have just flew for ‘fun’ for finding his lost pets, etc… Good intentions, noble intentions get penalized. Know that is the world we live in now. Dumb is in. Be dumb and if you happen to find something then get help from an average Joe.
Russia and China are not the enemy. The enemy is within.
Our Emeny is the Demoncrats and RINOs and all the government bureaucrats…
With these Demons at Home (We Need to Hunker Down and Immediately Deal With These Rats In Both Party’s “TO SAVE OUR REPUBLIC”)!! We simply don’t have The Luxury To Go Overseas, Spend Billions and Draft our Young Men and Women “TO FIGHT OTHER PEOPLES WARS”!!!
Ken, you are right. Close UN. We are basically paying 80% of NATO… get out of that. Close and fire 90% of Federal workers outside of military
Twenty-three years ago when Islamic Terrorists were used by the Bush and Cheney Neocons to fly airplanes into the Pentagon & World Trade Center (while “They Bombed the Buildings into Their Own Footprint” – Conducting one of the Worst US Government Controlled Terrorist Attacks on US Soil since Pearl Harbor), we now have a new National Security Threat “whereby High-risk Non-citizens without Identification are Being Allowed to Fly all Across the United States” most likely as a prelude to “the Current Neocon Government Initiating a Controlled Attack Upon the United States of America” so as to Expand the Current Regional Wars in Europe (Ukraine) and Many Countries in the Middle East into the Full Fledged Global WWIII “the Globalists Desperately Need to Stay in Power and Rule the World”!!!
America Last: After Spending $640 Million On Migrants And Billions Abroad, FEMA Suddenly ‘Broke’ by ZeroHedge 10/3, 2024 [USA Brook, Woke, Busted & Disgusted!] And while the administration sends billions more to Ukraine, VP Kamala Harris has offered a laughable $750 in FEMA relief for hurricane victims.
Iran Attacks Israel: Trump’s Warning To Iran | Donald Trump Speech
LIVE: TIMES NOW 1,868 watching Streamed 66 minutes ago
Trump Escalates Attacks On Harris | Trump Pennsylvania Rally LIVE
Prof. John Mearsheimer : Does US Want War?
Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom 26,135 55 minutes ago
Iranian Catastrophic non-Nuclear Option
Keep your tank filled and spare cans filled to the brim!
Neil Oliver: The end of the world!?!
183K views 1 day ago …momentous change coming…
Unless Those Day’s Were Cut-Short,
________ No Flesh Would Survive!
Thy Kingdome Come, Thy Will be Done
PANIC YEAR ZERO:My Family Must Survive
America Last: After Spending $640 Million On Migrants And Billions Abroad, FEMA Suddenly ‘Broke’ by ZeroHedge October 3rd, 2024
And while the administration sends billions more to Ukraine, VP Kamala Harris has offered a laughable $750 in FEMA relief for hurricane victims
Desantis is bringing in the National Guard to open up Florida ports. I found that on Youtube on the Patrick Humphrey channel. These are desperate times.
The port strike appears to be postponed.
Damn, Greg,
Another great interview!
And Nenner is likely correct.
And that is scary, isn’t it.
No money for the tax payers from FEMA,
But illegal aliens… the new Dems voter base? Yes, and if you are a criminal illegal alien … you get extra
Forbes Breaking New
At his campaign event in Saginaw, Michigan, former President Trump attacked Vice President Kamala Harris for Biden Administration spending ..
According to Dane Wigington the United States Government has had the ability to steer hurricanes since the 1960″s!! So I ask why didn’t the Harris Administration steer Hurricane Helene (the Second-Deadliest Hurricane to Strike the US Mainland in the Past 50 Years) AWAY FROM the Critical Battleground Key States of North & South Carolina and Georgia) “BUT SIMPLY ALLOWED HELENE to TEAR THEM APART” and then “Not Provide Immediate Assistance To The Victims” (who were probably mostly Trump supporters) and threatening to Arrest Citizens who were Trying to Provide Aid and Assistance [go to 1:45:52 Mark in that attachment below]??? The Kamala Administration uses Hurricanes (like AR15’s) to Kill and Create Horrific Carnage (just like the School Shooters Tim Walz knows) but with Many More Casualties and “It Does Not Have To Be This Way” [go to the 1:59 Mark] and the another way the Demons Try To Kill Us is with their Jabs [go to the 1:17.56 Mark]!!!
I love Charles Nenner, he’s a such a great guest. Always enjoy hearing his views and sentiments about the world. Thanks so much for bringing him back on, Greg.
May God Bless Russia and Vladimir Putin:
Russian forces have struck a facility hosting Western fighters in Ukraine’s Odessa region, with the kind of asset used in the attack remaining unconfirmed. Such forces have consistently been singled out by Russian attacks since the outset of open hostilities in February 2022. Earlier in the month a missile strike eliminated up to 30 foreign fighters and six units of hardware at a temporary deployment point in the Stetskovka area, while a large attack much earlier in the year on January 16 targeted the headquarters of European contractors, predominantly of French origin, causing at least 80 casualties 60 or more of which were killed. Russian state media reported in January that these personnel were “highly trained specialists who work on specific weapons systems too complex for the average Ukrainian conscripts,” which “put some of the most lethal and long-range weapons in the Ukrainian arsenal out of service until more specialists are found” to replace them.
Western advisors, logisticians, combatants, and other personnel operating newly delivered NATO-standard hardware have played a central and growing role in the war effort since early 2022, ranging from British Royal Marines deployed for frontline combat operations from April that year at the latest, to SAS advisors supporting armoured offensives against Russian positions. The Ukrainian-led assault on the Russian Kursk region launched on August 6 has notably seen foreign personnel play a significant role, with American Forward Observations Group forces having been pictured operating in the region. Ukrainian personnel involved in the Kursk operation have themselves attested to the presence of Western personnel, including Polish, French and English speakers. This has been vital to facilitating the use of a number of newly delivered Western weapons systems, and in many cases to bolstering manpower in units fielding new equipment as Ukraine’s better trained units have taken extreme losses.
The Russian Armed Forces have continued to single out Western personnel in the Ukrainian theatre in multiple strikes as part of their ongoing war effort, with this recently confirmed by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. Speaking to local media, Peskov stated regarding Western personnel both providing training and directly taking part in combat operations: “Our military is increasingly effectively carrying out strikes against such targets. This is very good from the point of view the special military operation and achieving the goals that have been set.” One of the most recent strikes launched targeted Western contractors near the settlement of Stetskovka, located north of the city of Sumy in northeastern Ukraine. The Russian Defence Ministry stated regarding the strike: “Strike on mercenaries … Stetskovka area (north of Sumy) … As a result, the missile strike eliminated up to 30 foreign mercenaries and 6 units of hardware in a temporary deployment point.” Drone footage released showed the strike being carried out. Russian state sources have consistently referred to foreign combatants in the theatre as “foreign mercenaries,” although many have been volunteer fighters. The less pejorative term “contractors” is used to refer to equivalent Russian contract personnel such as those from the Wagner Group.
The Ukrainian-led assault on the Russian Kursk region launched on August 6 has notably seen foreign personnel play a significant role, with American Forward Observations Group forces having been pictured operating in the region. Ukrainian personnel involved in the Kursk operation have themselves attested to the presence of Western personnel, with a notable example being the following statement from 80th Airborne Assault Brigade serviceman Ruslan Poltoratsky: “When we crossed the border with Russia, at first I thought there was some line noise. But then I distinguished what they were saying – they were speaking English, Polish, maybe even French. I did not understand anything, I said into the walkie-talkie – ‘repeat, repeat,’ hearing some gibberish.” “When they had already taken positions [in the Kursk Region], they also went on the air with their superiors, with ours as well, and I also heard them saying something in English and in some other language. Something about houses, chaos,” he added. Russian military sources, and civilians in areas held by Ukrainian and allied forces have made a number of separate reports on the operations of Western personnel in Kursk. Major General Apty Alaudinov, deputy chief of the Russian Armed Forces’ Main Military-Political Department and commander of the Akhmat Special Forces commando unit, stated in mid-August that a large number of French and Polish military contractors were encountered during operations.
Western advisors, logisticians, combatants, and other personnel operating newly delivered NATO-standard hardware have played a central and growing role in the war effort since early 2022, ranging from British Royal Marines deployed for frontline combat operations from April that year at the latest, to SAS advisors who have reportedly provided significant support armoured offensives against Russian positions. Strikes on the positions of Western personnel in Ukraine have been common since the outbreak of hostilities in early 2022, with an early example being the targeting on March 13, 2022 of a military training base in Yavoriv less than 15 kilometres from the Polish border where close to 1000 foreign fighters were based, killing an estimated 180 personnel.
A notable example from early 2024 was a strike on the headquarters of European contractors, predominantly of French origin, on January 16, which caused at least 80 casualties 60 or more of which were killed. Russian state media reported that these personnel were “highly trained specialists who work on specific weapons systems too complex for the average Ukrainian conscripts,” which “put some of the most lethal and long-range weapons in the Ukrainian arsenal out of service until more specialists are found” to replace them. Western personnel have also been singled out for targeting far from their bases, with a notable example being an Iskander-M missile strike against Georgian Legion foreign fighters near the frontlines in late April 2023, destroying 15 vehicles, killing up to 60 personnel and seriously wounding more than 20 more.
Nenner says, “It’s still going to take half a year or a year until everybody realizes how bad the situation is compared to the BRIC countries.“
I disagree with that statement. Putin is supposed to announce the BRICS’s alternative to SWIFE during the BRICS summit this month. It doesn’t look like it’s going to happen as drones flying and raining bombs over Moscow. I don’t see much BRICS members showing up for that summit.
I’ve heard it said that BRICS is just the Soviet Comintern in drag.
Not a great alternative to what we have now if that’s the case.
They are withholding body bags so the count stays low and the current admin doesn’t look bad. My Aunt was at the hospital near Tryon NC and she said they told her at least 100 dead people a day are found left to rot because of no body bags. In the meantime the liars in the media still hold on to the low BS number of dead and the rest are “missing”.
They say “confirmed dead” in the media, which probably means bodies identified somehow and delivered to relatives for a proper funeral.
Rotting corpses under the mud and bodies stacked in freezers don’t count.
Coin dealers/Pawn shops are being slammed on PMs. People see the handwriting on the wall and they want PMs. It’s one catastrophe after another and our genocidal government is all too happy to make everything worse.
FEMA big in DEI and deliver help to blue areas, NOT red areas per Steve Poplar on The Poplar Report on Youtube.
Some probable SOROS? funded non profit DEM/COMMY entity is sending out UNSOLICITED OFFICIAL LOOKING crap in the USMAIL. My neighbor has two sons, both received supposed voter registration mail today from ELECTION MAIL SERVICE out of AUSTIN TX (a non-governmental entity) . Both adult boys have severe autism and are legal wards to parents under guardianship, not legally allowed to vote. Just the people that Carmilla Guatemala Obama wants, the people that are legally barred from voting.
U.S. Postal employees have testified that mail-in ballots to bad addresses are collected and given to organizations who later vote them illegally. Over 150,000 ballots that should of been voided due to non-address issues in 2020, but were miraculously submitted in one middle population state alone.
Expect voter fraud up until the end of the USA because the government is selective in enforcing the laws.
If you are illegally doing something that benefits the DEMS they won’t enforce the law.
True- and its all been bought and paid for by Gyorgy Schwartz and his “open border society” that giving Joebama Buyden and his entire administration including your members in Congress their marching orders, due to their huge campaign contributions (aka broibes). THIW’s. and have a nice day.
The Demonrat/Commies tell Women they are PRO-LIFE (then encourage and support Women who want to kill their unborn and born babies)!! These same PRO-LIFE Demonrat/Commies are now bombing Moscow to get a Worldwide Nuclear War Started (to Kill off those they didn’t finish off with their m-RNA Jabs)!!! And the time has now come for these PRO-LIFE’ers to begin Killing Off Their Own Demonrat/Commies with Monkey Pox Injections (but Only After Millions of Them Vote for Commie Kamala and Tampon Tim)!!!
G500, I loved a guy in Saginaw Michigan……..
You know what Michigan means in’ Indigenous Native American Injin?
Land of Big Water! So if you ever get thirsty we got the largest fresh water in the world!
Michigan has a massive amount of fresh water thanks to the Great Lakes, which it shares with several other states and Canada. The Great Lakes—Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario—contain about 84% of North America’s surface fresh water. Lake Michigan is the only Great Lake entirely within the United States, and its water volume contributes significantly to the region’s fresh water supply.
However, if we’re talking globally, the title for the largest reservoir of fresh water technically belongs to Antarctica, which holds about 60% of the world’s fresh water in its ice sheets. But when it comes to accessible fresh water, the Great Lakes region is one of the most significant sources on the planet.
The largest significant source of fresh water on Earth, aside from Antarctica, is Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia. It’s the world’s deepest and oldest freshwater lake, holding about 20% of the world’s unfrozen fresh water. To give you some perspective, Lake Baikal is over 1,600 meters deep and contains more water than all the Great Lakes combined. A natural wonder, right?
Nature sure knows how to balance things out, doesn’t it?
Did he drive a Galaxie 500…LOL
What the purpose of your post?
My friend Ron has one and loves it. Lent it out to a few friends too, to try it out. I never asked him to lend it to me for a few days cause, I’ve been to his house many times and love it too and going to get one, one day soon hopefully.
It gets rid of odors too, I don’t know if it’s because the air is so clean or what? But it works and it’s just the portable!
Another Jew hater… “it’s all the Jews fault”
Dude, really
Good ale FEMA…
PS.. the above is Demon propaganda in case you were wondering
Harris wined and dined while people died
These people are so self absorbed and unaware. They hate us because we are the chosen. Normal everyday Christians are the Elites bane
I N C A S E Y O U M I S S E D I T . . . .
Approximately 1 Million Tuned In Sunday to Event Uniting the Left and Right
Trevor FitzGibbonBy Trevor FitzGibbonOctober 4, 2024
Did you miss it? I did. You got to give credit were credit is due and it’s directly due to the power of the CIA project Mockingbird. Useful idiot’s, the corporates bought paid for woke, broke, busted and disgusted. Mainstream media giants!
From the Comment’s Section of;
Olaf Vennik 10/02/2024 •
Thanks for posting this information, Greg. BTW, I am still Dutch by nationality and do not Vote HERE in Australia. Why encourage those Politicians. “I found out about the rally at the website he posted.
Olaf Vennik 10/02/2024
Thanks for posting this information, Greg. BTW, I am still Dutch by nationality and do not Vote HERE in Australia. Why encourage those Politicians.
We have very little time left before the Last trumpet sounds.
Daniel 12:1. And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation [even] to that same time: and AT THAT TIME thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
There is more to his comment, if you wish to see it all, check it out above here, somewhere.
Kamala Harris’s gushing tribute to Dick Cheney backfires spectacularly: ‘The single most evil man in the 21st century’ President Joe Biden also praised Cheney’s ‘character’
Daily Mail US By Charlie Spiering, Senior Political Reporter, Washington, Dc
Published: 20:48 EDT, 4 October 2024
Children should be seen and not heard, KEEP YER DAM MOUTH’S SHUT!
Puppet’s Just Got no Brain’s!
Daily Mail US By Charlie Spiering, Senior Political Reporter, Washington, Dc
Published: 20:48 EDT, 4 October 2024
Children should be seen and not heard, KEEP YER DAM MOUTH’S SHUT!
Puppet’s Just Got no Brain’s!
Kamala Harris’s gushing tribute to Dick Cheney backfires spectacularly: ‘The single most evil man in the 21st century’ President Joe Biden also praised Cheney’s ‘character’ Oop’s here it tis!
CNN host airs theory on how Biden is trying to SABOTAGE Kamala’s campaign
By Ishita Srivastava For Dailymail.Com
‘I’m in constant contact with her. She’s aware. We’re singing from the same song sheet. She helped pass all of the laws that are being employed now, she was a major player in everything we’ve done,’ Biden told a journalist.
Soon after, CNN host Scott Jennings posted a clip of his answer and theorized that the 81-year-old was damaging her chances by connecting Harris to all of his decisions – the good and the bad.
Somebody shut that sock puppets mouth up please!
Even 12 yrs ago, I had the belief that most of the police were honest. I have realized that most of these police are power mad cretins. They will lie you into jail, they will rob you under color of law, and they will destroy your life over nothing. I remember when this happened.
A Houston Drug Cop’s Murder Conviction Highlights the Potentially Deadly Consequences of ‘Testilying’: Similar Scandals Across the Country Suggest the Problem Is Widespread
Ammoland Inc. Posted on October 2, 2024 by Jacob Sullum
The Only Ones
Nearly six years ago, Houston drug cops killed a middle-aged couple, Dennis Tuttle and Rhogena Nicholas, after breaking into their home to serve a search warrant. Last week, a jury convicted Gerald Goines, the former narcotics officer who obtained that no-knock warrant by reporting a heroin purchase that never happened, of felony murder.
Although that outcome was highly unusual, the dishonesty that led to Goines’ prosecution is much more common. When your job involves creating crimes by arranging illegal drug sales, it is not such a big leap to create crimes out of whole cloth, especially if you are convinced your victim is guilty.
Goines targeted Tuttle and Nicholas based on 911 calls from a neighbor, Patricia Garcia, who described them as armed and dangerous drug dealers who had sold her daughter heroin.
Garcia, who did not even have a daughter, later admitted she had made the whole thing up, pleading guilty to federal charges related to her false reports.
In his search warrant affidavit, Goines claimed a confidential informant had bought heroin from a man at 7815 Harding Street, where Tuttle and Nicholas lived. Goines later confessed he had invented that transaction, although he claimed he personally had bought heroin at the house the evening before the raid.
Prosecutors showed that was not true either. They presented evidence that Goines was 20 miles away from the house at the time of the alleged drug purchase and had not visited the location that day.
As jurors learned during the sentencing phase of Goines’ trial, his lethal lies were part of a long pattern.
For more than a decade, drug suspects had complained that Goines was framing them, but no one in a position of authority took them seriously until it was too late for Tuttle and Nicholas.
Back in 2008, for instance, Goines claimed he had bought crack cocaine from Otis Mallet. Mallet, who always insisted that Goines was lying, served two years of an eight-year prison sentence before he was released on parole. In 2020, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals declared him “actually innocent.”
Mallet’s case was one of 1,400 involving Goines that the Harris County District Attorney’s Office reexamined after the Harding Street raid. More than 30 convictions have been overturned as a result of that review.
The informant who supposedly bought heroin from Tuttle worked with Goines for more than two decades. Initially, she testified, she would buy drugs from the suspects he identified, but eventually, he would pay her to sign forms documenting fictional purchases.
But for the disastrous Harding Street raid, which precipitated an exchange of gunfire in which Goines and three other officers were injured, the 34-year police veteran would have been free to continue business as usual.
“Goines and others could never have preyed on our community the way they did without the participation of their supervisors,” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg said in July 2020. “Every check and balance in place to stop this type of behavior was circumvented.”
It is hard to say how often this sort of thing happens, since prosecutors, judges and jurors tend to discount the protestations of drug defendants, especially if they have prior convictions, and automatically accept the testimony of cops like Goines, who are presumed to be honest and dedicated public servants. But similar scandals in cities such as Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and San Francisco show the problem of “testilying” is not limited to Houston.
“Police officer perjury in court to justify illegal dope searches is commonplace,” Golden Gate University law professor Peter Keane, a former San Francisco police commissioner, wrote in 2011. “One of the dirty little not-so-secret secrets of the criminal justice system is undercover narcotics officers intentionally lying under oath.”
Testilying “is a perversion of the American justice system that strikes directly at the rule of law,” Keane observed. “Yet it is the routine way of doing business in courtrooms everywhere in America.”
US cops are something else.
I was in Colombia as a tourist a few years back and remember chatting to some cops about their AK47s or whatever they had on their persons. They were nice guys. Most were young (some only 19 years old), carrying machine guns but it didn’t go to their heads. They even let us touch their guns, and take photos, but wouldn’t let us hold them because of the rules.
Cops in the anglosphere are generally very dangerous people in comparison. All those arm tattoos and attitudes are not appropriate for such a job.
In NZ they had a police recruiting ad campaign called “Better Work Stories”. Most such stories involve destroying someone’s life on a daily basis, and it’s inappropriate to trivialise such incidence as “fun” and “cool stories” but nobody seemed to care.
In the old police rules from 100 years ago you were disqualified for the position if you had a single tattoo, used bad language, or were seen to frequent drinking establishments. These days the criminals and police are often hard to distinguish. They are often football players with macho attitudes.
Now we have a multicultural police force with all the favouritism and corruption that goes with that. Cops are best avoided if possible.
Wow… Fitness requirements are discrimination. Damn right. Police, Firefighters, Military should have a minimum fitness requirement that is the same for all. Female Police are a joke as are Female Firefighters. I’m 220lbs. If I am passed out and my house is on fire, the average female firefighter can’t pick me up or even drag me out,
The Beijing Buy-Dem administration can be described in three (3) words…
Evil, corrupt, incompetent
These government officials and agencies should lose their jobs and be legal prosecuted for criminal negligence
How did Booty-Judge get this job? He said he allowed people to run trains on himself…
Yep – and thats why the late Dr Jack Van-Impe (aka the Walking Bible)’s preaching are now coming to fruition at a very rapid pace, and spells it out pretty clear and prophesies that Russia (aka Rosh, and the 2nd graveyard of empires) will be the KINGS OF THE NORTH, While Iran (aka Persia) will be the KINGS OF THE SOUTH, and China (aka Cine or Cathay) will be the KINGS OF THE EAST, and finally a 10 nation federation rising out of the ashes, ruins and rubble’s of the EU & NATO will be the KINGS OF THE WEST – displacing the 5 Israelite nations known as the 5 eyes consisting of the Americans, Australians, British, Canadians, and New Zealander’s which will be STRIPPED of their wealth and power unless the REPENT from all of the sins they have created and committed for a very long time.
As for the USA’s Collapsing Empire – Empires RISE & Empires FALL, and the USA is really no exception at this point in time.
They won’t get New Zealand’s wealth because there is zero gold in the reserve bank of NZ.
BTW during the GFC, the reserve bank governor wrote in his book that they had teams surfing the net 24/7 to figure out what’s going on, and printed 50,000 extra hundred dollar notes to cover people’s panic withdrawals. Apart from that they didn’t do much. We just do whatever the US tells us to do anyway. (Except allow nuclear ships in port).
Shylock winning…
Army LTC Eye-witness gives shocking details on Helene that are being Covered up.
Jesus said,
“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones” (Luke 17:2).
God Clearly Condemns Sodomites: “Gay” Couple Charged With Molesting Their Adopted Sons, Pimped Out To Pedophile Ring
Does humor heal?
Trump Rally LIVE
Greg, thank you for all your efforts. Remember you are Loved-dje
The Un-Professionals…
And Like Hunter Biden, this gay got an exception to enter the army at an advanced age…
Kamala’s America…
These people surrendered to their enemies and thought they could have peace… they were fools
We need to close the UN and dissolve NATO…
And dissolve Kalergi’s EU as well.
Hey Katy!
Invasion of the Demon-rats… LOL
I live in rural America. I went to pickup something from the Dollar General. Had a sign up saying it was temporarily closed. There are any two stores like this in my town and it is likely gone for good.
While the JWs have their watchtower, as a Christian, Jesus is my Shepherd and this is my watchtower.
Notice how the FBI left this guy alone so he could kill the Judge. Finally, after he didn’t act, the FBI arrests him.
Douglas Macgregor’s LAST WARNING – What’s Coming Is WORSE Than World War 3 – 10/5/24..
hi Greg I love your reporting but when it comes to Israel you are so blinded. . . . (This is Greg Hunter and I deleted your Jew hating comment. The way I see it, YOU are the one blinded and are backing the demonic forces such as Hamas and Hezbollah. These are officially designated as terror organizations–totally demonic. One more thing, Palestine was NEVER a country. The Bible says the land belongs to the Jews and it has been that way for thousands of years. By the way I am NOT your “pal.” Now go play in the street.
The these evil cretins that push the Hatred of YHWH’s people have no same. What I don’t understand is how the Demoncrats have effectively Stockholmed a lot of Jews to the Demoncrat’s agenda. It’s like they hate themselves and their own people.
Isn’t it amusing that the poster took the name of the antichrist in the movies?
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Hi USAWatchdog,
Thought you guys could use both a laugh and some gun education
Isn’t it true that if you remove the top 5 drive-by gang playgrounds from the US statistics, it’s 187th in gun death rate in the world?
But we don’t talk about that because those guns are black too.
This is very eye opening…
Here is mine
Price of Gas UP 18.75%
Groceries. UP 61.52%
Rental Costs. UP 28.86%
Housing Costs. UP 38.51%
Average Personal Credit Card Debt
UP 32.4%
Mortgage Interest Rates. UP 83.3%
FEMA refuses to help and they prevent other citizens from helping. I wonder why they are not helping. Ooohhhh…. Axelrod says it’s because the rich people can get to the polls where poor conservatives can’t… these people are F’ing evil. But then we knew that already
The World Economy today is like a table standing on 3 legs. It is so ready to collapse. LOTS and lots of stuffs are sitting on that table.
The Power That Be is doing everything they an to prop-up this 3-legged table from toppling over. At least for another 30 days until the Election is over. Because a collapsing economy will not look good for the Democrat.
FEMA official:
“We plan to execute between 70 and 80 thousand people…. …. …. I’m mean evacuate 70 to 80,000 people.”
7 second clip. Worth a watch I guess:
Apparently survival kits need a gay flag in them too along with food, water, flashlights, batteries, etc. You need to wave the gay flag now if you want to get rescued by helicopter. Priorities have modernised. Get a flag just in case. It might save your life.