Paris from Hell, NATO Fights Russia, Bankrupt Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 642 8.117.24)

The 2024 Olympics in Paris were straight out of Hell. What was being signaled was not just “woke” but a not-so-subtle public notice of how things were going to go for years to come. First off, they mocked the Last Supper and the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. In doing so, they also mocked Jehovah because in John 3:16, it says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” In the future, these wicked demonic globalists will give you a new god. It might be an alien they dream up or Artificial Intelligence (AI). Christians, especially, were put on notice to comply or die, and that is not over-the-top analysis. This is why Christ Jesus will come back.

The reporting says the Ukraine army is penetrating Russia all by itself, but that it not the case. Now, more than ever, NATO is deeply involved in the fighting INSIDE Russia. How long will Russia play along without attacking NATO on its soil. Be on guard as this fight in Ukraine is not heading for peace talks–just the opposite.

The new inflation numbers came out this week, and you would think that 2.9% inflation was a magic economic potion that has fixed the economy. The real inflation rate is much higher, and that is what the general public is feeling while trying to make ends meet. Nothing could be further from the truth. The 10-Year Treasury is still around 4%, and the 30-Year mortgage is 6.5%. Lending standards are tightening, and home prices are at or near all-time highs. This is not going to help the commercial real estate (CRE) market that is in deep debt trouble. On top of that, you are seeing thousands of companies filing for bankruptcy at a dramatically increasing rate from last year. The general economy looks like it’s bankrupt or headed that way. That is a stunning rebuke of how the economy is really doing.

There is much more in the 49-minute newscast.

Join Greg Hunter of as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 8.17.24.

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After the Wrap-Up:

I am starting to post new content, but it is not going to be at the rate as before my heart surgery. I will be working up to full speed in the weeks ahead. So, please be patient.

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  1. Shirl

    Take care of yourself Greg, easy does it…the Border Czar and Tampon Tim write their own jokes 😂😂😂

    • Robert

      Best of luck with your recovery always in our prayers

      • Better Chetter

        It just hit me, that both DT and GH made great escapes from situations that could have taken their lives. Situations dis-similar, but still shows the resolve of a life, rightly-lived, and being continually blessed by their Creator. It serves as a reminder to the rest of us, to get our ‘houses’ in order. Thank you Greg

      • Warren B.

        Wishing you a speedy recovery Greg.

        Back on May 23 2022 I posted a comment to alert your viewers/readers in the Betsy Eads interview ( go here on the threat of a New Monkey Pox outbreak and how this was simulated through the NFP NGO called NTI. They estimated it would infect 3 BILLION people and KILL over 270 MILLION people worldwide. They did this under the cover of the PLANDEMIC for COV19 , intentionally…as they probably assumed no one would be /was paying attention.
        I then followed through with another posted comment on June 1 2022 in the Alex Newman interview that spoke of the disease with cited Doctors opinions at the time (go here ).

        Fast forward to 2024 and I find it deeply disturbing what is now unfolding -esp. given that Biden back in 2022 ordered million of doses of MP Vax.
        I have recently come across an interview with Dr David Martin who unpacks this MP PLANDEMIC part 2 – he works through the background and then provides exactly what this MP is. They have poisoned the human race with the COV19 bioweapon – now they expect the fallout from the intial rounds of the lethal injections to present (genetically engineered variant to MP that is vaccine resistant – and thereby intiate the next level of mandates with Vaccine Passports. They have a convenient narrative to explain a new variant – which in truth is the known adverse reactions to the COV19 Vaxx.
        I would strongly urge all viewers to view this enlightening interview with David Martin where he exposes the truth behind the MP narrative. and more importantly states that “MP is a VACCINE RESISTANT PATHOGEN”.
        God speed everyone.

        • Southern Girl/Older Lady Now

          Warren B.,
          Holy Smokes jumping up and down. That interview was mind blowing. All of my siblings except one are all jabbed and boosted and getting their flu shot. I saw my oldest brother when he was here for the eclipse. He is only 3 years older than me, but he looked 13 years older. I regularly take Ivermectin to keep people from shedding on to me. Every one of my siblings will probably die before their time unless God has heard my prayers for their lives.

    • Leslie

      I fear the deep state slipped you some spike protein, Greg. Jehova and Jesus saved you. Praise be Lord Jesus Christ

      • Greg Hunter

        Sister Leslie,
        Nothing would surprise me. We are fighting pure demonic evil. Yes, Jesus and Jehovah saved me. I am VERY grateful.
        Brother Greg

  2. Prospector

    We keep hearing talk that Hillary Clinton will somehow reappear on the political stage and push Kamala Harris out.
    Nope. Not. Gonna . Happen. She is already running the ” Elect Kamala ” show.

    Think about what we know. Joe Biden is Obamas puppet.
    Is it so hard to think that Kamala Harris is Hillary Clintons puppet ?
    All the talking head pundits out there and not one has ever figured this out.

    Now you know , the rest of the story.

    • Katy Bar

      Hillary is probably telling “Chameleon” Harris (who can not only “Change Color”, “Change Ethnicity” and “Camouflage her Ignorance with Insidious and annoying Laughter”) to Mimic every Campaign promise Trump proposes!! While Hillary and her buddies in the JUST-US (Globalist, Neocon, Demonrat) DEPARTMENT feverishly work behind the scenes to try and “Lock Trump Up” at Rikers Island this September (which regrettably Trump failed to do to Hillary when he had the chance) so that the Demon Rats can then “Label Trump a Criminal” and Legally Bar Him From Taking Office as President of the United States of America Under the US Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment!!!

      • Ken Yu

        The Demon Rats will never release the Vast Majority of Innocent J6 Protesters “because the Demon Rats need to show that Trump was Engaged in an Insurrection or giving aid to a Rebellion!! Section 3 of the 14th Amendment and Clause 18 of the U.S Code Sec 2383 prohibits former government officials from holding office again (for simply having “engaged” in an Insurrection or Rebellion against the United States Government!! But even failing that the Demon Rats are planning to try and deny Trump the Presidency for simply “Being Disloyal To The United States”!! But these Dumb Demon Rats “are digging their own grave” because if “Disloyalty To The United States” is going to be the basis for removing someone from holding office we Trump Patriots can now legally CLEAN THE SWAMP of ALL THE DEEP STATE DEMONS (even if they are Not Convicted of a Crime) but simply for being “Disloyal To The United States” (like for instance Kamala not defending our borders)!!!

      • No worries

        Good comments…
        I remember Bill Clinton doing the SAME trick in his campaign against Bush. He STOLE every good idea! And the Republicans did the same thing they’re doing now, nothing. The No offense Republicans.
        It should be: Gas, Groceries, Crime and Borders!!! And nothing else! Nothing!

        Greg, we’re so glad and so Grateful to God to have you back safe and sound. Our prayers for you and your family are being answered with every episode…
        We love you brother!

    • GM Florino

      Good to see you back.

  3. Prospector

    If you ever wonder if you are doing the right things by getting prepared , just read this.

    “The environmental crisis is the cornerstone for the New World Order” Maurice strong ( U.N. environmental leader ) was quoted as saying, ” Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

    Please read for yourself what is said by these people and out in the open.
    Ask yourself , WHY do none of the talk radio people ever talk about this evidence ? Huh ?
    Because all those conservative talk shows are still owned by just six mega MSM corporations. You are allowed to talk about some things , but not important things.
    Suggested that you print these quotes , now , before it gets erased.

    The U.S. Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. It details a three stage plan to disarm all nations and arm the U.N. with the final stage in which “no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. PEACE Force.” The U.S. State Department issues Document 7277 entitled Freedom From War 1961

  4. Edgar J Hartman

    Glad to hear you are doing better 🙏

    • William Simonton

      yes and to hear Greg’s words of wisdom.🫡

    • Joe

      Bang on !

  5. Scott

    We all love you and missed you Greg. Take care of yourself and may Godspeed.

  6. John Maskell

    God bless you Greg . You’re such a fighter and an excellent reporter . Take it easy , one step at a time. All our love and best wishes from the UK , John .

  7. Justn Observer

    Greg, report posted on Karen Kingston’s substack about unvaccinated now have bots forming in their blood everywhere…
    Microrobots And Nanobots Everywhere! Seen In All COVID Unvaccinated Blood Samples Now- Darkfield Live Blood Analys…

    The Kingston Report cross-posted a post from Humanity United Now – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

    Karen KingstonAug 16 · The Kingston Report
    “I want to share some more video footage of microrobots in UNVACCINATED blood. I am sharing my concerns with the world, because I find these in everyone now, especially when they come to my clinic for detoxification for the first time. It is my hope that the video images will break through the walls of denial. I am very concerned about humanity and the future of our species.” – Dr. Ana Mihalcea
    Ephesians 5
    “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. Everything exposed by the light becomes visible – and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.” =

    • Katy Bar

      Remember how Aaron Russo warned us about the Globalist Rockefeller and his Evil Conspiratorial Scheme” to eventually “Chip Everyone” [ ].
      Well, the “Covid Death Jab” was the Globalist Ruse used “To Implant Self-assembling Micro Nano-chip Bots Into Everyone” (just as Rockefeller had proposed). And now, these “Self-assembling Communicating Micro-chip Bots” are Out of Control (spreading even to the unvaccinated who never even took the Kill Shot) and are “Dangerously Clumping Our Blood” (not allowing proper oxygen delivery to our Heart and other Vital Organs)!!! This Globalist Demonic Conspiracy “TO CHIP EVERYONE” with their evil mesogen (blinking, communicating and self-replicating) DNA microchips has now turned what was supposed to be “Only a Chip” into a DEADLY BIO-WEAPON within everyone’s bodies which has now become “A MORTAL DANGER TO ALL HUMANITY”!!!!

  8. Kerrylyn

    “The re-set = default.” Well said. That’s what it boils down to. Good to see you’re on road to recovery.

  9. Mary

    Good morning Greg,
    It is really great to have you back with us.
    You are looking in very good form.
    Amazing what you’ve been through and emerged from.
    May Jesus and Jehovah continue to bless and protect your life,
    Thankyou for all that you do.

  10. SB

    Welcome back
    Sorely Missed

  11. Bob Bigaouette

    Good to have you back, Greg. Easy does it.

  12. Andrea van de Kleut

    indeed ,easy does it.! it is not to be take lightly ,all the bad news and hair raising world situation we all must live through , Stresses like this ,do indeed make us sick. PLease make sure you can “dis-charge” all these feelings and stress related ‘news” that bother us all so much. It is in their interest to make us care so much ( where they terrorize us with our god-given empathy for our fellow man ), as they keep the suffering and pain of their Satan at such a high level everyday. I believe most , is indeed just to raise up our empathy and anger toward them , it is what their satan lives for and where he gets his energy from.

  13. Dale W

    Thanks Greg, interesting report.

  14. Da Yooper

    Greg so glad you are doing well.

    Take care of yourself …. FIRST…..all of us who have followed you for soooo very long know where things are at & can wait patiently for you to get better. This is all in Gods hands.

  15. Anthony Australia

    We put up with crap here.

    Urgent warning about return of dormant killer diseases as vaccination fatigue takes hold during ‘perfect storm’ of sickness

  16. Lynne Reville

    Dear Greg,
    It’s wonderful to see you back. Keep healing.
    With love in Christ,

  17. Claude 2

    Winter is coming, and Kamala is a bikini. Priceless!!!!

    • Ken Yu

      Kamala is a bikini and all her unthinking followers will soon be “Shivering in the Cold, unable to eat” as she shuts down our wood burning fireplaces, turns off our gas stoves and transforms our Beautiful Warm Planet (where plants can grow abundant food for us) into a “New Ice Covered and Food-less Planet”!!!

      • Katy Bar

        Kamala who as Vice President was in charge of the Border for the last 4 years tells us that she will do something about it “If We Elect Her President” (probably just visit it and visit Europe too because she hasn’t been there either)!!

        • Ken Yu

          Kamala as VP did not defend our borders for 4 years and “now” All of a Sudden as President “she will do what she never did before”?? I would not go near “a forked tongue color, ethnic, shape shifting Commie Khameleon” with a 10 foot pole (nor get near her Comrade Wray who recently ordered that tampons be put in all men’s restrooms (although for the life of me I still can’t figure out what orifice he plans for men to stick it in) are men supposed to use them as ear plugs??? Talk About WEIRD!!!

  18. Blumhagen

    Were there any REAL women in the 2024 Olympics? You decide.

    • Earth Angel

      Wow- that is really disgusting. This year I instinctively was not too interested in viewing the Olympics.. now I understand why.

  19. Craig

    So glad you’re back and feeling well enough to do another wrap up! You were missed!

  20. TJZ

    Good morning Greg,

    I have missed you and it is good to have you back!
    I thank God for the mercy he has shown to you!

    The idol being held up by humans is the light bearer; the fallen angel; Lucifer.
    As we have spoken in the past we are in a spiritual war of Good versus evil; between God and satan!

    Take care and God bless you and your family!

    • Greg Hunter

      I have missed you all too!!

  21. Joe

    Much Love Greg, appreciate you and USA Watchdog dot com. I just wish you wouldn’t censor and mute me from replying on your Rumble channel. Folks that censor others really rub me the wrong way and the Truth is the Truth whether folks want to hear it or not. I will pray for you and all of us.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Joe!

      • Janice


        If I may make a suggestion, just eliminate the Friday news summary, as we can easily get that information elsewhere. Doing it gets you all riled up (justifiably so!) and probably contributed to your heart attack.

        Best contribution is the invaluable interviews with the great guests who agree to speak with you. Just do 1 or 2 a month and otherwise “take it easy” if at all possible.

        Nothing is more important than your health. You have done more than your share to inform and expose. We are all praying for you.

        • Greg Hunter

          Funny you should say this. For the weeks to come I will be replacing the Weekly Wrap-Up with an interview.

  22. Mark

    So glad to see you back Greg and as full of fight as ever! We know why they do the fake polls, to cover for the cheating that is sure to follow. We don’t hear much about the machines. Have the people behind Trump tackled this? New pandemic means mail-in-ballots. So obvious. They are doing everything they can to get a war with Russia. I have to think Putin will wait to see what happens in November. Let’s hope.

    • Katy Bar

      Would Hillary wait to Nuke Russia if the US was Invaded (the way the US and NATO just invaded Russia)?? Putin patiently waiting for the election in the US to change the leadership is “A Gift From God Almighty!!! Knowing Hillary and her Neocon Backers, she would have Immediately given the Order to Launch our Nuclear Missiles at Russia if America was Invaded by Russian Military Forces trying to blow up a Nuclear Power Plant!!!

  23. Don Doerr Sr.

    In my 80+ years, I have never seen America in this much danger, especially since November 22, 1963 when the Communist Democrat RINO Party replaced the Democrat Party of our Grandparents, and with the Rigged 2020 Election, the murder of Ashli Babbit, the imprisonment of Patriots following January 6th and more! Only Jesus, through the efforts of people like Greg Hunter, can defeat the antichrist Obama, his Hillary, the Kamala Bear, and Tampon Tim Walz, all blessed by Pope Francis.

    • Katy Bar

      Don – Pope Francis and his “Queers for Lucifer” play a big part in the worldwide Demonic Shows we continually see at the Olympics and our Football Games!!

      • Ken Yu

        Yes Katy – Pope Francis In St. Peter’s Square At The Vatican Declared To The Entire World That Lucifer Is The God Of The Catholic Church!!!

      • Ken Yu

        Satan fooled us once (in the Garden of Eden). Now “Fool Us Twice” (with this Olympics bull sh*t)???? Shame, shame, shame on us Very Naive, Totally Deranged and Queer Moronic Idiots!!!! Remember how we were fooled into getting thrown out of the Garden of Eden, now once again we are being bamboozled and are losing the ability “to even grow food on the land we were tossed out on” as Satan and his evil globalist minions close down our farms, get rid of our cattle, stop our production of fertilizer and genetically “remove the seeds from our foods” so we can’t even grow things on our own when they shut down the farms!!!

  24. Mark Goff

    It looks like the democrat fix is already in. There’s nothing you can do but make people aware.
    The software already exists to correct the voter rolls but, the secretaries of state won’t do anything.

    Rip might be an excellent interview. But, time is of the essence.
    Best regards for a quick recovery.

  25. Really Awake

    Team Satan continues to advance wickedness from bad to worse. This situation is to be expected and was all written down in the Holy Bible. Not long ago Alex Jones tried to explain to his tens of millions of listeners that “Satan is currently the ruler of this word”. In other words, Satan exerts control over the government(s), big business, false religion, academia, popular culture, sports and, yes, the Olympics. Alex took so much pushback for openly stating the truth. People called Alex a Satanist for telling the truth.

    I say Satan is extremely powerful; a highly experienced criminal genius; a master of deception; the most adroit liar who ever exists. Jesus called Satan a “manslayer” right from the start of human creation. Satan is a powerful adversary. Satan is your worst enemy if you want to be a Christian.

    I’ve watched and studied Satan and his tactics for decades. Satan has been very busy. Very busy.

    “If I were the Devil”…..

    • Ken Yu

      Really Awake -Three thumbs up!!
      As for the Demon Rat “Dumb Team” they probably have 7 Billion Thumbs Up for Satan!!!

  26. Susan R

    Brother Greg, your return fills a huge void that I believe was bigger than we could have realized until it happened. You are our mentor. Your presence is 100%.
    Trump will have a historical job ahead of him if he wins to prevent total collapse. Our country has been damaged by evil, but his return will shore up people’s hearts to withstand the battle for survival, otherwise we go down FAST.
    I am stunned continually with the advancement of decay. Listening to whatever comes from online current news mostly belongs in a category of evil, like Kam’s intention to keep grocery prices from going up. I have been hearing what that action will do down the chain to suppliers to put them out of business. The problem is not to be found there, the rot and decay is at the bottom or top, whichever. We will become identical to our southern neighbor Venezuela. Our food supply has been attacked now for a while and this would be a huge advancement.
    There are quite a few who point out the nature behind this attack on humans is not originated by us, but by others not of this realm.
    The invasion of this country is so massive, and the migrants are being promised everything needed for life. This has been going on throughout Europe for a while also. This one event is enough to take us down, not to mention all else. For this reason, I believe Trump is the only chance we have. Alex Jones confirms Trump will be jailed by Sept. 18 and kept for one year. The opposition is all the force of all evil against God’s (Jehovah’s) reign. This is the fight of humanity against evils throne.

  27. shayne

    The False Christ will skewer these fools to PROVE he IS THE Christ, just watch.

    The 1st Christ we will see, will be the FAKE Christ, and he will do things you would expect Chrsit to do. To Fix this world, and take out the “known evil”

    Bank on that. DO NOT BE DECEIVED.

    When they say “He’s in the desert!!!!’ DONT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2 Thess 2
    3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

  28. Bob

    Congratulations on your “miracle” surgical outcome, Greg. It’s good to have you back where you belong. Just take it slow for a while.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Bob!!

  29. Marie Joy

    I would ask Tampon Tim where they put the tampon. Just a grandmother’s curiousity.
    Are we men or are we mice? They want civil war. I suggest a different, less obvious way.
    Find your backbone, die, or become a communist.
    We, all, need to be in better shape, in every way.
    Plan on a loss of electrical power.

    • Holy Smoke

      Tampon Tim would probably tell us the Queers put the tampon “where the sun don’t shine” as they want constant pleasure that a good sh*t just can’t provide!!

  30. watcher on the wall on bitchute , friend of the king on rumble

    Olympics …. and theres no push back from the churchs ,the people or vatican , disgusting

    • Greg Hunter

      I totally agree. Sinful to keep silent in the face of evil.

    • Jerry

      You know why, church’s are non profs. Church’s are complicit to keep their tax free status. IMHO church’s should organize as for profit, pay the tax and not be under the grip of the IRS.

  31. Robert Dziok

    GOD was with you for sure GREG. Not only with your heart but kidneys also. Two miraculous turnarounds with no medical explanation for. WOW! One would be something but two beyond words. A message to us all. The statistical likelihood of two happening would be astronomical.

    • Greg Hunter

      I agree Brother Robert and Amen to all the glory going to Jehovah and Jesus my Lord and Savior!!
      Brother Greg

  32. Dan Corner

    Hi Greg:
    Greetings in Jesus’ name. Please check God’s name in Hebrew OT. YHWH is the Hebrew. “Jehovah” is a hybrid invention from the 13th century.

    Though Jesus is NOT the person of the Father, he is the God of the Old Testament – YHWH (Yahweh). Here is the proof

    I’m glad you are not ashamed to mention God on your broadcast.

    • Greg Hunter

      You are misinformed here. I speak English and in English the name is Jehovah–period. (Think Tower of Bable and Jehovah did this on purpose.) You are incorrect about the name being made up in the 13th century. It is in the KJV Bible (Still) at lest 4 times and one of those is Ps 83:18. You do realize the Psalms goes back thousands of years??? Yes, Jehovah’s name is also Yahweh or YHWH along with the “Great I AM.”

    • Katy Bar

      Dan – From the mouth of the One True God: “I Am Who I Am (Whatever the Name ‘you choose’ to call me”)!!!

  33. Vernon Tart

    Hey Greg,
    Good to see you doing well.
    just a little note!
    Walz ing Kamala Walz ing Kamala
    Will you go walking tyranny with me?
    Walz ing Kamala, Walz ing Kamala
    Will you go Walzing Tyranny with me?
    You bet I will!

    • Katy Bar

      To Garner Really Huge Crowds Walz ing and Laughing “Chameleon” Harris (who Dances at Every Rally) simply has to get her Reptilian Commie Lizard skin to “Change Color to White and Change Ethnicity to Australian!!

      • Nadine Sheldon

        Thanks, Katy,
        The US. has no finer friends in the world then the Australians! Not the Canadians or even the English, notice I didn’t say British! Of course, it may be the fact the Canadians and us Yank’s didn’t team up as the Canadians chose to remain loyal and royal. And the Royals though loved and respected are sorta lumped in with politicians, why Trump is so popular, not being a politician!
        Jump to the 58:00 mark;
        Following the grueling Guadalcanal Campaign in the Pacific during World War II, the 1st Marine Division was sent to Melbourne, Australia, for much-needed rest and refit. This period of respite was not just about physical recovery but also about forging bonds with the Australian people, who welcomed the Marines with open arms and heartfelt hospitality.

        The Adoption of “Waltzing Matilda”
        During their stay in Melbourne, the Marines were introduced to the traditional Australian folk song “Waltzing Matilda.” This song, written by Banjo Paterson in 1895, tells the story of a wandering worker, or “swagman,” who camps by a billabong (a waterhole) and captures a sheep (jumbuck) for food. When confronted by the owner and the police, the swagman chooses to leap into the billabong rather than be captured, and his ghost is said to haunt the site12.

        The Marines found a deep connection with the song, which resonated with their own experiences of hardship, camaraderie, and resilience. “Waltzing Matilda” became more than just a tune; it became a symbol of the bond between the American Marines and the Australian people. The song’s themes of wandering and facing adversity mirrored the Marines’ own journey through the war.

        A Lasting Tribute
        To this day, the 1st Marine Division honors this connection by playing “Waltzing Matilda” whenever they ship out. This tradition serves as a tribute to the kindness and support they received from the Australians during a critical time in the war. It is a reminder of the enduring friendship and mutual respect between the two nations.

        The Significance of “Waltzing Matilda”
        “Waltzing Matilda” is often referred to as Australia’s unofficial national anthem. The term “waltzing” refers to walking with one’s belongings wrapped in a “Matilda,” or swag, slung over the shoulder3. The song captures the spirit of the Australian outback and the resilience of its people, making it a fitting anthem for the Marines who faced their own trials and tribulations.

        The Power of Music in Wartime
        Music has always played a crucial role in boosting morale and fostering unity among soldiers. For the 1st Marine Division, “Waltzing Matilda” became a source of comfort and strength, a reminder of the support they had back in Australia and the shared values of courage and perseverance.

        The adoption of “Waltzing Matilda” by the 1st Marine Division is a beautiful example of how cultural exchange can create lasting bonds. It highlights the power of music to transcend borders and bring people together, even in the most challenging times. The tradition of playing this song continues to honor the memory of those who served and the friendships that were forged in the heat of battle.
        What nicer than the heat of battle in marriage!

        • Mrs. Allison

          Nadine, sO TRUE!
          The Sundowners – South Australian Movie Review

          I think Sundowners is one of the most interesting depictions of marital love in film. Mitchum and Kerr are very real in this; great performances from both of them.

          All those plans foreshadow disappointment. And yet, they go on, together. “Life is hard for everybody “, yet they love each other. It isn’t about selling Australia; Australia is just the exotic setting (for most of the right-side-up world) of this human story. I think the kangaroos cutting across the screen, like the sheep jumping over sheep, celebrate nature, overflowing life: their relationship, their relationship with their son, their fascinating friends, and how good it is to be alive, in spite of the hardship. They also point back to ” a few years back”, when it would have been supposed to have been like that. It is just a beautiful film, and it was one of my family’s favorites. We saw it at a drive-in, about a mile north of Melbourne, Florida, no pun intended, although we enjoyed it at the time. We had moved there for the space program, were relatively poor, although we thought we were middle class, met some fascinating friends, and felt like another family of sundowners. The area was relatively wild, compared to where most people came from: fewer stores and more inconveniences, with the trade-off of the beaches and oceans. We truly loved this film.

          Another Australian film we saw at the same drive in was On the Beach. I had never heard Waltzing Matilda before, but I will never hear it the same way again.

          As a Yank, I really enjoyed this movie. Two reasons really, I had a similar lifestyle to the Carmody’s, as I traveled from job to job with different employers at a time. It was a great time so I was sympathetic with Robert Mitchums character’s desired to hang on to it as long as I could. But I could also see Deborah Kerr’s point of view in that they were getting older and could not continue with such a life and her son’s desire, to belong somewhere and see what other kind of lifestyle was out there.

          I believe the Sundowners is one of the best Australian movies ever made, even though it featured some very talented actors from abroad. The roles of Robert Mitchum and Deborah Kerr were believable, and they deserved nominations for top awards. The Australian actors such as Chips Rafferty and John Meillon did a brilliant job to give more authenticity to the story.

          Devotion, love, commitment and loyalty are some of the values that were not only shown in this movie, but reflected those values in real life Australia, whether in the Outback or in the Cities.

          I cried, laughed and fell in love with these wonderful characters. Life is tough, and parting is such sweet sorrow. They’re all gone, the way of all flesh. But not forgotten and most Important not forgotten by God!
          It’s better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all and God loved the world so much he gave his only begotten son so that all may attain to everlasting life in peace, security and paradise on earth, including the great Australian way out back, in this space and time!

        • Liam Costello

          Thanks Nadine, They Loved the US Marines in Australia, We Almost Forgot About the War

          First 100 Years of Mateship: Australia and the United States

        • Shirlie Illingsworth

          Thank you so much Nadine, recognizing the commitment we have for our two great countries together forever!!
          Twilight Tattoo Celebrating 100 years of Mateship with Australia
          Joint Staff Public Affairs 9,075 views Jun 28, 2018
          Gen. Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, hosts a special Twilight Tattoo to celebrate “100 Years of Mateship” with Australia at Comny Hall, Joint Base Myer Henderson Hall, Va. June 27, 2018.

          Learn more about the origins of our enduring bond with Australia:

      • Dave Milne

        Lefties losing it: Sky News host bursts out laughing at Kamala Harris
        Sky News Australia 1,361,971 views Aug 15, 2024
        Sky News host Rita Panahi has burst out laughing at Vice President Kamala Harris trying to pump electricity into an electric vehicle.

  34. Brianroy

    We are heading into a world that less and less knows Jesus as GOD from GOD, the exact image and representation of GOD the Father who spoke the words that the Father gave Him to speak. There is a cognitive disconnect even by those who were supposed to be Church Leaders, who failed to acknowledge that Jesus in His pre-incarnate state SPOKE the Universe into existence and hung the Earth on nothing. So many are turning to an ET version of Jesus, a return to the New Age of the 1980s where Jesus was an ascended master or enlightened one, made weak, when there should be NO comparison between the Creator and whole advanced civilizations of alleged Extraterrestrials that cannot even create a planet, let alone a solar system, let alone a constellation, let alone a Galaxy, let alone the Heavens and spread them out as a curtain in an enclosed universe that seems infinite in appearance and yet is finite in a greater universe of light.
    Steve Quayle produced a DVD called “Earth in the Crosshairs” and it makes you think. I recommend getting the video on demand download and storing it on several flash-drives for personal use. Like with the Tavistock Institute attempting to normalize the abnormal and redefine words and meanings through the major Media, so too is Jesus being redefined to a now Biblically illiterate world and a more often than not Biblically illiterate Church. The Great Deception that Jesus will be in the desert or here in that place is made easy when people disbelieve Scripture and believe into the Star Trek scripts as if this is the new reality, which is quickly gaining mass popularity. Be aware, that when we preach Jesus, we may often have to re-enter apologetics of His Deity and contend for the Faith concering Him, citing many Scriptures as evidence, and note that from the late 50s AD the Church of Alexandria is as much a witness affirming the manuscript Scriptural Integrity as the Church of Rome was. In fact, the oldest fragments (sentences of John’s Gospel) are out of Egypt, not Rome, for those who want to bash Rome and deny the faith based on complaints against Rome only.
    Good to have you back. You need not publish this. Thank you kindly.

  35. Kevin Jones

    Greg Hunter ‘s an Originalist American Journalist!
    Love ya GH!!!
    And support your work on a Monthly Basis!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Kevin, for the support and very kind words.

  36. RMBrumleyLt.ColonelUSMC(ret.)

    Greg the Ultimate American Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
    Take it easy my friend and remember IN GOD WE TRUST
    So thankful you are doing better
    We need you!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks LTC Brumley!!!(Brother)
      Brother Greg

  37. Terri B

    Greg – So thankful you were spared. God is good. Glad to hear you are returning slowly – don’t over do it.

  38. watcher on the wall on bitchute , friend of the king on rumble

    so happy to have you back , you should watch this Greg

  39. Lora

    Hi Greg
    There has been a recent, data breach involving social security numbers and other sensitive information, affecting millions of people in America. EVERYONE needs to go to the three major credit bureaus and put fraud alerts/freezes to their account information. This is a free service and alerts last one year. Do this to protect your assets/credit.
    Our world is completely contaminated with
    Corruption, so the Olympic mocking of Christ was not a surprise to me, nor is any of the other massive debauchery occurring everywhere in these latter days.
    So rather than letting it all make me sick/fearful inside, I simply boycott affairs like the Olympics, not watching or supporting in any manner.
    People turn your TVs off, watch a good movie or spend time with loved ones, and stop giving precious time and money via media sponsors to organizations like this.
    Cackling, Socialist Kamala and her side kick Walz are complete frauds, so ignore the corrupt, lying, mainstream media and vote with your heart, and do what you can peacefully to make a difference in restoring our American Republic.
    And pray to the Lord to protect yourself/family because conditions are just going to continue escalating for a time.

  40. Richard Gould

    Always enjoy your information, Greg. And have done so for many years. I pray to Jehovah to watch over you because the work you do is sorely needed in this evil world. Richard

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Richard. He’s watching over both of us.
      Brother Greg

      • Lorna Dunn

        Greg, fellow countrymen, Brother’s & Sista’s
        According to the Bible and publications from various sources, angels do indeed play a role in watching over and helping humans. Here are some key points:
        Angels as Messengers and Protectors: The Bible describes angels as powerful spirit beings who serve as messengers and protectors. For example, Psalm 34:7 states, “The angel of Jehovah camps all around those fearing him, and he rescues them.” This indicates that angels are actively involved in protecting those who are faithful to God.
        Guidance and Assistance: Angels have been used by God to guide and assist His people. In Acts 8:26-35, an angel directed Philip to an Ethiopian eunuch who was seeking to understand the Scriptures. Similarly, in Acts 10:1-22, an angel appeared to Cornelius, a Roman centurion, to guide him to Peter, who would teach him about Jesus.
        Angels in Modern Times: While we may not see angels today, the Bible suggests that they continue to be involved in helping sincere people come to know more about God. Hebrews 1:14 describes angels as “spirits for public service, sent out to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation”.
        Angels and the Last Days: In the context of the last days, angels play a significant role in carrying out God’s judgments and protecting His people. Revelation 14:6-7 describes an angel proclaiming the good news to every nation, tribe, language, and people, emphasizing the global scope of their work.
        The Bible and publications from a myriad of sources affirm that angels are actively involved in watching over and assisting humans, especially those who are faithful to Jehovah. They serve as messengers, protectors, and guides, helping people to understand God’s will and navigate the challenges of life.

        Any questions or need further insights, feel free to ask and think!!

  41. Bill Holder

    Greg, take your time, you are going to need your heart in working order for the Great Awekening. Humanity is not ready yet for what is coming; the Global Finacial collapse is going to be kindergarten.

    • Katy Bar

      When the Global Financial Collapse occurs we Americans will be under Kamala’s newly proposed “Commie Price Control Scheme” (which will limit price rises and thus drive American Businesses into Bankruptcy) thus creating “Even Higher Prices for the few goods that can still be manufactured”!! Which of course means Kamala (who is now enrolled in Economic Kindergarten 101) will always see a need “To FURTHER CONTROL Prices” which will then drive the last few remaining American businesses Right into Bankruptcy!!!

  42. Southern Girl/Older Lady Now

    Soooo, glad you are back! What a shock (happy) when I just happened to click on your site. Yeah!!! Please take care of yourself we all love you here! Still praying for you! God is LOVE!
    Something inside my spirit stirred and said, “NO” to everything to do with the Olympics. I never watched any of the evil pagan Games. And the first Olympics were started by the pagans. Now they are showing their true colours pagans (demons).

    Stay close to the Trinity! By the grace of God, I have paid off my house and car all in with gold and silver and bought one of the large Brick (Eco Flow Max 1600 with solar panels), can my own food, stored water, bought Weston CarryiOn, take Ivermectin at least once a week, etc. I am ready as much as I think I can be. Have cash on hand and have just about bought all my Christmas gifts so if the SHTF I’m prepared!

  43. Debra Arterburn

    It’s so good to see you back. Since you shared your health with us been praying for you and your family. Thank you for all the years of speaking the truth. I watch your show every time it comes on.

  44. Stephen

    Get some morning sun ! Go for a walk! Eat clean !
    Enjoy Gods creation ! Be at peace ! Your work is needed !

    • Katy Bar

      Stephen – Eating clean is getting easier as 78% of American consumers “view Fast Food as a Luxury Item” as it becomes “Increasingly More Expensive”!!

      • Ken Yu

        But finding “a clean bug to eat” (without glyphosate or some other insecticide on it) is getting more and more difficult!!! The damn farmers are putting so much insecticide on cherries I can’t find even one protein laden worm inside one (and that awful taste of the insecticide remains in my mouth for about an hour after eating just a half dozen cherries)!!!

  45. Jim Griffin


    Good to see you back. Take it easy and don’t over do it. Get lots of rest.

    Jim Griffin

  46. Joe

    Hi Greg,

    I doubt if your Doctor told you what caused you heat attack? It was your diet!

    Check out Dr. Shawn Baker and Dr Ken Berry on Youtube an start a Carnivore diet.

    Avoid all seed canola oil. Remember all resturants se seed oils.

    Stay well

    • Katy Bar

      Joe – Omega-3 and Omega-6 are two “essential omega fatty acids” (which are found in seed oils) and “they are crucial for bodily functions”. So we must get them through our diet since our bodies cannot produce them. Now “Excessive Intake of Seed Oils (from all the processed foods we eat) Can Contribute to Inflammation” – so we need to remember “to use them in moderation” (to reduce inflammation). But our focus should be to keep to a healthy diet 1) “High in Antioxidants” (found in fruits and vegetables) and 2) also High in Unsaturated Fatty Acids” (found in fatty fish, nuts and olive oil)!! Eating your carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and leafy greens along with onions, leeks, asparagus, garlic and legumes will probably be more meaningful then focusing too much “on the occasional use of seed oils” (which as I said before “is very crucial for our bodily functions and our bodies don’t produce them”)!!

  47. BDS

    Greg, I am Happy to see you back and the positive news on your heart health!

    Insurance rates are going up for various reasons and now is the perfect storm on the insured. EV’s have an accident car usually totaled, Bad driving as you mention (probably and the most important (just like pensions) payout on claims. Payouts need money from the reserves held for future claims. Future claims are here when the ins. carriers (similar pension funds) have to raise cash they sell those bonds at a low rate and all those unrealized losses on that investment appears on the books. So that million dollar bond they bought for $800,000 @ 2% now is sold for say $500,000 to compete with the 5% bonds offered today. The example shows two losses, the car claim and the financial loss on reserve investment. In order to make up for the loss is to increase rates to stay solvent. If any Governor keeps an Insurance company from taking rates will cause a company to leave the state if bad enough. Will ,ala (Kamala) call ins. companies for price gouging and put them out of business? When the Fed Reserve plays with interest rates many business’s are effected. The Fed is aware along with Wall Street and that’s how they know where to invest and the average joe has no clue along with most retail financial advisors. There is $750 Billion about to ease liquidity to the banking system over the next couple of months. People will feel better before the election but hurt in about 18 Months with added inflation. This will cause commodities to go up by the end of the year. Gold, BTC, and other assets will increase in price because some of the cash will go into these assets! That’s how they can predict what will happen with all their graphs and charts. Gold $3,000 predicted by year end!

    • Joe

      Complete rubish, this is why Americans are so sick!

  48. Robert Dziok

    For an excellent explanation of current financial collapse check out recent interview with Jim Pugh ( on Sovereign Radio (Host – Scotty Saks). Go to Click on “Blog”. Then click on “Podcasts & Interviews”. Then click on “Death to the Federal Reserve & Fiat Dollar”. Excellent info and insight. Sorry, I don’t know how to post links.

  49. Robert

    Our prayers are with you for a full and speedy recovery. Carry on, brave patriot.

  50. A.Handler

    The Last Days and the End of the Age
    The Bible describes the period we are living in as the “last days” or the “time of the end.” This period began some years ago with the first world war in 1914 when war broke out and in heaven too. When Jesus Christ was enthroned as king in the heavens as the beginning of the end in one generation. The signs of these last days include wars, famines, earthquakes, and an increase in lawlessness and immorality, as detailed in Matthew 24:3-14 and 2 Timothy 3:1-5. These events cause great fear and anxiety among people, fulfilling Jesus’ prophecy that “men’s hearts will fail them for fear” (Luke 21:26).

    “Babylon the Great Has Fallen! God’s Kingdom Rules?” The last book of the Bible Revelation explores the symbolic fall of Babylon the Great, which represents the world empire of false religion. This fall signifies the end of religious institutions that have misled and oppressed people. Revelation 18:2-4 calls for God’s people to “get out of her,” indicating a need to separate from false religious practices and align with true worship.
    Rising Desperation and Global Turmoil
    In these last days, many are driven to desperation due to economic instability, lack of employment, and the oppressive actions of governments. The Bible foretells that there will be “anguish of nations, not knowing the way out” (Luke 21:25). This turmoil is a result of human rulership failing to provide true peace and security and policing economic cooperation for posterity instead of war and misery. Engaging instead in war and terrorism by government and shutting down and blowing up pipelines as we are experiencing now at the very end of days of this end times generation, with the world at the brink with now endless war that if not for divine intervention will surely end in a third world war in one generation with only sticks and stones to fight the fourth!!

    But the Bible provides hope for survival through this great tribulation we are now entering. Revelation 7:9-14 describes a “great crowd” of people from all nations who survive this period. These individuals are characterized by their faithfulness to God and their adherence to His principles. They are described as the “meek” ones who will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5).
    What Can We Do?
    To survive the coming calamities and be part of the great crowd?
    The Bible encourages us to:
    Strengthen Our Faith: Regular study of the Bible and prayer can help us build a strong relationship with Jehovah through His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus, who is the Messiah for both Jews and gentle Yentl Gentiles. This relationship is central to the faith of Christians, who are described as followers of Christ and those who “grab the skirt of a Jew” (Zechariah 8:23). Hebrews 11:6 emphasizes the importance of faith in pleasing God too.
    Separate from False Religion: Revelation 18:4 urges us to leave behind false religious practices and align ourselves with true worship.
    Show Love and Compassion: Jesus taught that love for one another is a hallmark of true discipleship (John 13:34-35). Acts of kindness and support within our communities can strengthen our bonds and provide mutual support.
    Stay Spiritually Awake: Jesus warned his followers to stay alert and watchful (Matthew 24:42). This means being aware of the times we live in and remaining steadfast in our faith.
    Preach the Good News: Sharing the hope of God’s Kingdom with others is a vital part of our Christian duty (Matthew 24:14). This message provides hope and direction for those seeking answers in these troubled times.
    A New and Better World
    The Bible promises a new world where righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13). In this new world, there will be no more suffering, pain, or death (Revelation 21:4). The earth will be transformed into a paradise, and the meek will inherit it, living in peace and harmony under God’s Kingdom.

    By adhering to these principles and maintaining our faith, we can look forward to surviving the great tribulation and entering into a new and better world as part of the great crowd of meek ones who inherit the earth.

    If you have any more questions or need further insights, feel free to ask!

    Urgent Message: This Video Will Be Deleted – Watch Before It’s Too Late!
    Steven Van Metre 73,115 views 19 hours ago

    • Katy Bar

      The Last Days are upon NATO (that was originally created to Stop War) because it has now become “A CAUSE OF WAR”!! By NATO attacking Russia it has become a clear and present Danger to the Very Survival of America!! NATO is a Dangerous Anachronism “That Must be Abolished” before Nuclear Weapons begin to Explode Over Our Cities!!!

      • Ken Yu

        The American People funded NATO with many hundreds of Billions to Trillions of Dollars all these many years Because We Knew It Was Designed and Created “To Ensure and Maintain Peace” – “NOT TO START WARS”!!! Now, NATO has Metastasized and become a TURBO-CANCER that is Actually TRYING TO START A NUCLEAR WAR by INVADING RUSSIA and trying to Blow Up a Nuclear Power Plant (just like they Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipeline). NATO must be quickly DE-FUNDED, BROKEN-UP and DISBANDED!! Lets bring our expenses down and bring our boys home to DEFEND OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!!!!

      • Kaylin Blade

        Dear Katy,
        Ukrainian Soldier Switches Side, Reveals Zelensky’s ‘Dirty Design’ Against Russia Amid Kursk Battle
        Times of India 11,247 views Aug 19, 2024
        Ukrainian soldier Aleksandr Makievsky, after surrendering to Russian forces, made startling allegations about the Ukrainian government. He claimed that while soldiers face severe shortages of food and water on the battlefield, government officials are profiting from the conflict. Makievsky accused commanders of abandoning troops without essential supplies for days and enforcing brutal restrictions against retreat, with severe threats of death for those attempting to escape the dire conditions. His revelations paint a grim picture of the Ukrainian battlefield’s reality.
        I hate to think our hard-earned fiat tax dollars are going to pay off the Ukraine authorities to continue feeding those poor young men forced by press gangs into the Russian meat grinder. How could they be so cruel to take out the flower of their youth for a lie that Putin ever wanted Kiev or even cry me a river Crimea and they the Russians were paying rent for it before the coup! Now no rent.

  51. Prospector

    Invasion of Ireland and the West – Population Replacement

    Civilisation undos itself: conversations with john waters

    This conversation with Michael Yon is the fulfilment of a promise I made on my Substack page (John Waters Unchained: two weeks ago (July 14th 2024) when I reposted a post by Michael from about three weeks earlier, in which he warned in the strongest imaginable terms about what he ambiguously called the ‘invasion of Ireland’.

    Michael’s post was based on information gleaned directly on a trip he made to Dublin in 2022, and indirectly from research more recently provided to him by a person with a military background here in Ireland. The picture he paints is bleak indeed: that, as in other parts of the West, the recent influxes of outsiders — mostly males between the ages of 25 and 35 — amounts to a stealth-invasion of our country, with a view to its capture and the eradication and replacement of its indigenous population.

    In that June 19th video (linked below) he outlined in detail the research he had acquired, which pinpointed a total of 36 military-style encampments in the area of Dublin County, and 293 more in the rest of the Republic, accommodating about 120,000 military-age males. He pointed out that the locations of these facilities in the vicinity of Dublin were clearly such as to render it easy to block off the main entry and exit points of the city,

    Alternate Link :
    Gab . com / Matt_Bracken

    As James Delingpole says – ” It appears to confirm what a lot of us have suspected from time to time but have then dismissed as so scary it couldn’t possibly be true: yes, all those fighting-age men that our governments have mysteriously been allowing to creep across our borders and to be housed and maintained at our expense really are being imported in order to kill us. “

    • Katy Bar

      Trump who wants to stop a Revolution and the Overthrow of our Government by hundreds of thousands of fighting-age men (being allowed to cross our border by the Treasonous Demon Rats) is now being blasted by Demon Rat Chuck Schumer (who makes it sound like Trump is the only politician claiming immunity), yet Demon Rat Prosecutors and Judges all across the Nation claim immunity. But Schumer says “nobody should be above the law”, yet we don’t don’t hear him calling for the removal of all the Demon Rat Judges and Prosecutors who Act “Under Color of Law”, nor do I hear Schumer calling for the removal of those in Congress who are supporting Foreign Wars while keeping our borders Open To Invasion!! Only Trump (who wants to stop Wars and the Foreign Invasion of our Country) is TARGETED by Schumer, who also wants to Tear Apart the Supreme Court (so the Laws of America can be manipulated by his Demon Rat buddies with a Political Agenda). Such Tyranny has not been seen since the Traitors who worked against the American Revolution!!! Schumer will ultimately go down in History as a leading Demon Rat instrumental in fostering “The Destruction of the United States of America”!!!

      • Ken Yu

        It will take a Revolution in the Thought Processes of the Demonrats in New York to ever vote Schumer out of office. But, perhaps we don’t need such a Revolution. As we can deny Politicians from taking office if they have worked against the best interests of our Nation (by say keeping the border open and or funding foreign wars by NATO) under the 14th Amendment (even if they have enough fraudulent votes from aliens and dead people to win an election)!!

        • Katy Bar

          Schumer is enraged at the Supreme Court’s “Immunity Ruling” but is just fine “with the Demonrats Rigged Selection of Two Commies” (Harris and Wray) who obviously need to see Trump imprisoned on September 18th 2024 to give them any chance at winning!! Martin Armstrong’s Socrates Computer is currently showing Trump will win the 2024 election (which may very well be our last). Four of Martin Armstrong’s six models show Trump should win. So if he does not, election rigging took place because Martin Armstrong’s Socrates Computer “IS VERY ACCURATE” [Back in 2016 Socrates projected against the odds that Trump would Win against Hillary, who outspent him 40 to 1]. The Judge (Juan Merchan) deciding Trumps sentencing on September 18 “is obviously biased” because his daughter IS WORKING FOR KAMALA HARRIS (and has a contract earning her Millions of Dollars)!! The Demonrat Lawyers who brought Trump to trial “used his Official Acts (as President of the United States) to “prove” their criminal case against Trump which “tainted their entire Kangaroo Trial”, and Trumps Lawyers logically moved to have the Guilty Verdicts “Thrown Out” (based upon the Supreme Courts recent “Immunity Ruling”) which put Schumer “into a frenzy”!! But Judge Merchan has signaled to Schumer (to calm down) that come Hell or High Water he intends to (illegally) sentence Trump to Jail (just one month from now) which will likely be the “Spark That Divides Our Nation” (to the point where “it may be doubtful it can survive”)!! Trumps lawyers only option now is to try and hold off sentencing until after the election (a very low probability)!! What Judge Merchan and the Demonratic Lawyers are doing “Is An Outright Federal Crime” (in light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision that held Presidents ‘including former Presidents’ are (a) Presumptively Immune from Criminal Prosecution for any Official Acts taken as President and (b) Absolutely Immune if the Official Acts are “Core Constitutional Duties” of the Chief Executive. The Supreme Court also instructed that “this Immunity Extends not only to Charges but to Evidence”. Which means, these Evil Demoncratic Lawyers are not just Barred from Alleging Official Presidential Acts as Crimes; but they are Further Prohibited from using such acts As Proof offered to Establish Other Crimes. What is very interesting about this Demoncratic push to get Trump into a Jail Cell on Rikers Island (where he can then “supposedly hang himself the way Jeffery Epstein did”) is that both Judge Merchan and these Demonratic Lawyers “have Absolute Immunity from Lawsuits “for what they are doing”, but ludicrously seek to deny President Trump “The Very Same Immunity” that these Evil Lawyers and Judge enjoy!! Be assured, if this 2024 election is rigged once again by these Demon Rats “It Will Be Overturned This Time” in order to “SAVE OUR REPUBLIC”!!

  52. James P Paradise

    So good to have you back Greg. Take all the time you need to heal. God Bless you Brother.

  53. Jeff gerst

    “ He’s back in the saddle again!!!”’ Welcome
    Back. I was pleasantly surprised
    To see this video this morning.

  54. christine reeves

    I read this on a church sign today……..Prayer……the best…….most powerful……….wireless …..connection!Amen. Thank you Greg.

  55. christine reeves

    Also……..the Bible……..the best TEXT we will ever read!

  56. John

    So good to see you again Greg !
    Congratulations on your successful surgery .

  57. Margo

    Something I think was missed in the filthy display mocking he last supper was this: When one studies ancient history, you see that corona over the fat lady’s head was representative of the queen of heaven. Ishtar, Semiramis etc, call her what you will depending on the culture…but all of it’s the same luciferian goddess worshipping garbage.
    They didn’t just mock the true Son of YAH, they exalted ‘her’ into Jesus’ place, replacing Him with their goddess. It was so much more a slap in the face than it appeared on the surface. So much symbolism, it’s nauseating!

    • Greg Hunter

      I agree, Sister Margo!!
      Brother Greg

    • Katy Bar

      Isn’t it kind of paradoxical and ironic that the “Queers for Lucifer” want to worship a woman (Ishtar) rather then a man (Jesus)?? Something seems to have snapped inside the already very mixed up minds of these Queer Demons who have taken control of many important positions within our American Government (like President Obama) or our next possible Vice President (Walz)!!!

      • Ken Yu

        I wonder if all these “Queers for Lucifer” realize that the Evil Globalists are out to Kill Them Too with Monkey Pox (that only seems to kill gays and the bisexuals that get intimate with them)!!

        • Katy Bar

          Ken – You forget that the Globalists have intentionally made sure (before releasing their Monkey Pox Virus) that All The Children in our Schools are forced to “mingle with Queers” every day (at their “Story Time” Sessions) and therefore “will become infected”, and these children will then also bring the Monkey Pox Virus “back home” to “Infect and Kill Their Parents”!!!

  58. Matthew Gibson

    “And He gave them over to their delusional minds”

    The bible says…..

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother Matt, for the exact Bible quote!!
      Brother Greg

  59. Poochiwoo

    You look great! like nothing happened.

  60. Mark

    Dear brother in Christ, Greg!!!!!
    It is such a huge blessing to see you back “on the air” after your medical hiatus.
    I mean, it is actually quite amazing as I sit here watching this week’s wrap up in comparison to last one you gave back on 07/05.
    I know it seems like a “long time” since you last posted, but it really hasn’t been that long at all, it’s just that YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH since your last “weekly news wrap up” !!!!
    It’s kind of funny because, as I viewed your wrap up from 07/05 and I recall how you always say: ” Fear Not!!! Prepare yourself mentally, PHYSICALLY, and above all spiritually and above all, for “God the Father (YHWH, or Jehovah) and His Son (Yeshua, or Jesus) and the Holy Spirit are all FIRMLY IN CONTROL”, I am wondering if you had any idea what kind of “preparation” you yourself would be undergoing which was only just a few short weeks ago!!!! WOW, brother Greg!!!!
    “Thank you Lord, for your mercy and grace to our dear brother Greg and in granting him such a successful outcome!!!!
    We continue to pray, Lord for the strengthening and healing of our brother Greg’s body through Your Spirit who indwells him and the operation of the very same power which You caused to operate in raising Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, from the dead and by which power He was exalted to the right hand of the majesty on High where He now reigns as ” King of Kings and Lord of lords” and where He, as a Kingly High Priest according to the order of Melchizidek “ever lives to make intercession on our behalf” having made purification for sins once for all”, Hallelujah!!!!, Amen!!!!!

  61. John

    Currently in the U.S. Economy we have;
    CRE Bubble
    Auto Loan Bubble
    Credit Card Debt Bubble
    Student Loan Bubble
    Home Loan Delinquency Bubble
    Guess we are on The Lawerence Welk Show with all these bubbles?

  62. Country Codger

    Shabbat shalom Greg,
    We are very glad you are well. You are in our prayers.
    Lo Iyrah!

  63. Stanley

    Hi Greg, all good stuff again, thanks.

    About capping the silver price. I’ve said for the past few years that it is all about solar panels. They (“THEY”) are determined to push ahead on renewable energy and solar panels need silver. If the silver price was at its true level in a free market, then the switch to renewables would be unaffordable. They need cheap silver so they rig the price. The miners are being robbed by the global warming lie.

    • Katy Bar

      Precious metals won’t remain cheap much longer because once Trump (or Kamala) get in we will be getting “a lot more currency debasement” then we have now
      Yes, Trump will also be “devaluing the US dollar” to make American exports more competitive, while Kamala will simply continue government spending at astronomical levels (probably more then a Trillion Dollars every 100 days) to finance all her social and commie programs!! So, NO MATTER WHO WINS the upcoming Presidential Election, the American People will be THE LOSERS (unless of course they own gold or silver in their possession)!!! Because Confidence in the US dollar “Will Continue to Evaporate”, and Foreigners will out of necessity be dumping their US dollars wholesale and most of those dollars will try to come back to the US in exchange for US assets (just as Trump wants) resulting in Domestic US Prices Exploding Upwards!! Trump will then be forced to Impose Exchange Controls (trapping the Foreigners into holding Trillions of fiat US dollars) who will then likely “PANIC INTO GOLD” (a Well Recognized International Financial Asset now used by the BRICS Nations) and even though Gold is now approximately $2,500 US dollars per ounce “it is on the verge of going a lot higher.” The American People are currently walking on the Edge of a Financial Cliff where the stones under our feet are now falling into the grand canyon below. At some point we will slip off and only by the Grace of God will our gold chain hook on a rock ledge and hold us (dangling) from Falling to a Certain Death!! The Banksters are intelligently preparing and accumulating Gold now (before the wholesale panic into the precious metals by the Public begins)!!!

      • Stanley

        What you say is correct Katy, but only in theory. You are talking about market forces lifting the prices of the metals and my point was that the market is rigged – market forces have been over-ruled somehow. Your theory is that the incredible amount of money printing will lead to higher prices. True, it should, in theory, but many of the gold experts I read have been saying for years that due to the amount of dollars printed since 2008, the gold price should be at least $10,000, and that is based on the same theory.

        So I believe that they will find some way to keep a cap on the silver price. The push towards renewable energy is a major factor in their plans for the new order, The Great Reset, so they will not let anything stand in the way. Kamala Harris is a Marxist \ communist and so she might resort to more extreme measures to keep the silver price from exploding. It is what communists do. Didn’t FDR cap the price of gold after he raised it from $20 to $35.

        That is my theory. Will I be proved right? Only time will tell, but I am heavily invested in shares of gold and silver miners and I hope I am wrong. It is a gamble that worries me, and as Greg said here, Bo Polny warns of the danger of nationalizing the mines.

        • Katy Bar

          All you say is true Stanley but we must prepare the best we can for an unknown future!!!

      • Stanley

        I think you are going to be proved right Katy.

        “Silver Market Update – PERFECT BUY SPOT AHEAD OF MASSIVE UPLEG…”


        Hopefully this means that the factors driving the prices of the metals are so huge that even the market riggers can’t fight the rise.

  64. steve

    They always do these black magic shows with these ceremonies, basically to tell people who really runs the world. The citizens of the earth need to wake up soonest.

  65. Randy Best

    Ammo up!

  66. Frank S.

    The demonic “god” in the ceremony was probably symbolic of Baalzebub: The Lord of the Flies (aka Satan).

  67. Lauran F.

    Greg……you sound great, but do not over-do! God bless, and know that not many of us watched the Olympics. We just heard about the rot!…….France has been broke from sometime, and they did not even have proper air conditioning, and food for the athletes. All these things are a distraction from the failure of countries to take care of their economy, and their citizens. They want war because they are broke! How dare they make fun of the Lord!

  68. Not So Free

    Glad to see you up and “running”.
    Take your time and heal.
    It looks like the Lord Jesus is not finished with you yet.
    Interesting to see what He has planned for you now.

  69. Dewey DeMarco

    I am so glad you are back!

    You NEVER gave up hope and you NEVER gave up the fight. Even after the stunning reality of the rigged election and the Orwellian insanity of COVAIDS…you always persevered!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Dewey,
      Giving up would make it worse.
      Hang on to Jesus and Jehovah!!

  70. Felicia Music

    Greg, a theory is being put out there that Kamala was only a placeholder. That someone else will be pushed at the DNC this coming week.

    • Greg Hunter

      Anything can happen.


    Greg, thank you for sharing your journey with us and reminding us that God is in control and that is who we need to follow. I, too, believe that Jesus is the greater healer and that he will heal us if we believe he will. One of my favorite versus is:
    Proverbs 4: 20-22
    “My son, to my words be attentive,
    to my sayings incline your ear,
    do not let them slip our of your sight,
    keep them within your heart,
    for they are life to those who find them
    and to man’s whole being they are health.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Sister Mary!!
      Brother Greg

  72. Fred Zayas

    Great to have you back, Greg. Take care of yourself and don’t let the evil we are surrounded with get you down.

    Our thoughts are always with you. Greetings from New Zealand.

  73. Matt M.

    Words cannot describe how much I appreciate Mr. Hunter. His relentless passion and unwavering commitment to Christ and the father Jehovah put me on a path years ago for more self discovery.

    After watching The Case for Christ and doing a lot more internal discovery, I came home to The Father and hugged his son Jesus Christ in a dream and have been better for it ever since.

    This is coming from a very logical, scientifically driven, relentless truth seeker whom used to mock Christianity/Jesus Christ through the hyperbole of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM).

    Heck, I even used to have a shirt that I proudly wore with my chest out proclaiming to the world that science rules and Christianity/Jesus Christ is a control mechanism. Boy, was I wrong.

    So now I ask everyone within the USAWatchdog Family to say the following prayer: “Our dearest Jehovah, in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, please continue to watch over Greg Hunter, his family, and support group. Allow him, through his health recovery, to come out stronger than before his surgery. We need him for the times to come as he is a guiding light in a world increasing filled with darkness. We pray for Mr. Hunter’s continual healing. In the name of the holiest Father, Jehovah, His son, my guardian and Shepard, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit within and all around, Amen!”

    Please, PLEASE join me in saying the prayer. Say it out loud – with fervor, conviction, and intensity. It’s the very least we can do for Greg and his family whom have given us so much!

    I love you brother and thank you for your unwavering commitment to everything holy and reporting the truth.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you very much, Brother Matt!!
      Brother Greg

  74. ted

    Great to have you back Greg

    thank you for many years of incredible current events coverage

    huge fan of your work


    • Greg Hunter

      You are very kind to say this, Ted. Thank you very much!!

  75. The Revelator

    Thank you for spreading the Gospel, Greg. A great expose’ of the demonic olympic. Praying for a speedy recovery for you also.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother “Rev,”!!
      Brother Greg

  76. Tom McLaughlin

    Ah Greg, been saying plenty of prayers for your speedy recovery. Eight straight years of Weekly News Wrap Up’s, you were sorely missed.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Tom!
      Brother Greg

  77. Perry

    Glad you are back. By the way I put the following (not true) on several
    sites that cater to liberal Democrats:

    My friend owns a gas station and is planning to vote for Harris. He said Harris
    will make gas go up to $20 – $30 dollars a gallon and he will be rich.

  78. Maria dasSantos

    Thanks Mr Hunter and God Bless.

  79. Dick Burroughs

    Nice to have you back. You were missed. WE need you and your tell it like it is method. Take good care of yourself.

  80. The Helper

    So good to have you back, Greg. I was glad to hear that you are doing pretty well now, and improving.

    You certainly are correct, God played a role in your recovery, no question there, as God is in action everywhere with all of us, bringing ever closer to fruition what he has willed to be accomplished.

    You are certainly a positive part of God’s plan. I suppose the question I would ask myself if I had experienced what you just have is, “Is what I was doing prior to my recent medical experience why God intervened as he did, so that I could continue on in the very same manner? Or, did all this happen so that I would contemplate a shift in my life, and life’s work, a shift that would better align all that I do to the will of God?”

    I’m reminded of a saying I heard growing up, “If you are not getting better, you are getting worse. Nothing stays the same”.

    May your recovery from your recent medical episode be a complete one! Many blessings to you!

  81. MikeG

    NATO direct War against Russia is just around the corner in 2025.

  82. Mark

    After the mockery. when a massive power outage struck Paris on Saturday and lasted into early Sunday morning—apparently affecting all of the city except the catholic Church the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus— which was like a lamp upon the hill it’s no surprise that many are citing the church as a sign of a divine response

  83. Marla Flint

    So great to have you back-I’ve really missed you and your podcasts. Furthermore is a precious commodity these days, and you tell the truth in all things, spiritual and temporal. The Lord has blessed you and brought you through your medical emergency, and I love that you have glorified Him. Get well, and don’t push things too hard right now.

  84. neville

    NOVAK DJOKOVIC, you have my utmost respect and may GOD BLESS you and your

    Novak Djokovic: THE SIGN OF THE CROSS that Shakes the OLYMPICS!

    Novak Djokovic is Serbian, and we Serbs bow to no one except God!

  85. neville
    The above link is what brought Novak Djokovic’s BRAVE AND DEVOUT ACTION TO MY ATTENTION.

  86. Johnny Nobody

    Greg & fellow Watchdoggers: Video interview with Dr. Scott Atlas who, for three and a half months, was on the Covid Task Force:

  87. Ken Yu

    Do you all know that Commie Kamala was the last person in the room with Biden “totally supporting giving $43 Million to $87 Million Dollars EVERY WEEK to the Taliban soldiers families we killed on invading Afghanistan”??? If not, listen to this at the 1.35 Mark !!
    If Commie Kamala is elected you better prepare to see her begin paying Millions of Dollars per Week to all the Ukrainian solders families we were instrumental in getting killed fighting the Russians!!!
    Yet, all the families of American soldiers that are killed fighting other peoples battles “only get a Letter of Condolences” from the US President!!!

  88. Ira Elliott

    good to see you back. With the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics I think it might be much worse than you reported. It looks like they were casting a cursing spell on the people who watched the ceremonies. This is a spiritual war first and foremost. I prayed a curse removal prayer last night and this morning to remove any curses that may have been placed on me. The Bible does talk about the dangers of curses and spells and prayers to remove those curses and spells.

  89. Jeffrey

    Greg, I’m so happy your recovery has gone so well and you’re back Praise God

  90. Justn Observer

    Greg, Drs mis-diagnosing and treating patients based on political affiliation? =
    Did You Know? Democrats Are Using Organization with 50,000 Physicians and Software Giant Epic to Sign Up Patients to Vote – Includes a Script for Undocumented Aliens – Led By Harvard Dr. Linked to Kamala Harris | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
    Vot-ER is a group of 50,000 physicians who are signing up patients to vote in the 2024 election.
    From an interview with Newsmax Saturday morning.
    Dr. Kat Lindley: Well, actually, the reason is that, interestingly, a few days before I found out about this, there was a tweet from an anonymous physician on the West Coast. I believe it was the Oregon area. It’s a female physician who said that if she treats Conservatives, she often misdiagnoses them and gives them the wrong treatment. Just that lets you know that there’s no reason for any physicians to know the political status of our patients. We’re supposed to be completely impartial. We are supposed to just deal with the health issues that a patient has and do the best we can to make them recover.
    Certainly seems nefarious and Criminal….and should be investigated and whatever Dr. are mis-treating patients let alone for political reasons should immediately lose their license and go to prison. If nothing shakes the confidence in the healthcare industry, this will likely do it !

  91. eddiemd

    Arm ergometer.

    Usually a part of cardiac rehab. Perhaps you have already been doing this. In rehab it is useful. I would assume with the use of heart rate monitor to detect emergence of tachyarrhythmias (atrial fibrillation, flutter).

    Light dumbbells can also be used for arm exercises.

    You can talk with your cardiologist.

    It can be used for an alternative to stress testing although chemical stress is used.

    Take it easy and don’t forget diet modification.

  92. eddiemd

    We can always rely on the King of Glory. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

    Revelation 1:17-18
    New King James Version
    17 And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. 18 I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.”

    Revelation 12:10-11
    New King James Version
    10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

    • Mr.Greenjeans

      I thought you were never to return. I’m glad you took my advice, glade yer back, mate! Just don’t be the religious cop again on this beat. Tell us all you believe and not directed at anybody. That’s what’s so nice about this site and so popular.
      Let’s keep it that way, Mr. eddiemd!

  93. Randy

    Why the U.S. feels the need to “defend” Israel for murdering a man in cold blood in Iran’s capital city is anyone’s guess. Yet, for some reason, the U.S. is doing exactly that. This is from Hal Turner and the beat goes on , David Icke, Alex Jones, Brain Adams and the beat goes on. This is from people that say they are Christians!> What went Wrong in american christians for Israel??>> They hate israel as much as the satanic left for their world woes!

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Randy,
      All the drum beating? Didn’t understand that nor did I understand your feeble attempt to call the ISA out for supporting Israel against the evil followers of Satan in both Hamas and Hezbollah.
      Killing a Terrorist agent that has planned terror acts, supports terror acts and finances terror is not murder. It’s self defense. And the Bible allows both self defense and war.
      It’s is a simple concept: Good (Israel) verses Evil (Hamas/Hezbollah/ and all the other moslem terrorists). You don’t have to guess now do you?

  94. Justn Observer

    Greg, the U.S. is certainly well divided now, rural against inner city, the farmer-rancher=forestry and mining small town ‘providers of goods and services’ vs. the ‘free stuff’ and government base urban areas. Those that want to be left alone against those that want to push ‘their’ personal values and morals on others via the use of political force!
    This is not just in Oregon, as it is also in many other states…as we now see huge migration from Blue TO Red states. and yes, some the other way to get closer to ‘their’ progressive views.
    A non-violent approach for a solution to balance the now compromised State senate vs. Representative process and the then compromised electoral elector scheme intended to give balance between population centers running roughshod over the rest of the states and rural lands which the Democrats have never hidden as ‘their’ goal values/morals as they use promised ‘free stuff’ for votes in those urban centers to get control over the purse = Houses of Representatives for ‘their’ socialist programs, values and morals they hope and ARE imposing on all of the population.

  95. Prospector


    Had not heard about GMO seeds developed to thrive in aluminum rich soil. But we know from( Geoengineering Watch . org ) that is is one of the chemtrail compounds.

    Is this one of the goals ? Farmer explains in 3 minutes.
    @Wall Street Apes

    This Is One Of The Most Important Videos You Can Watch

    American Farmer says he’s tested his soil and it has 5x the amount of aluminum it used to have. The GMO seeds grow fine, all his heirloom seed crops are all the sudden failing (shows proof)

    Reminder, Bill Gates is creating GMO seeds that grow in aluminum rich soil. I’ve posted the video proof

    We are being ruled by extremely evil people and one day only their GMO seeds will be the ones that grow. Total control of our food supply.

  96. William T Westenberger

    I tried to “Like” your post but when I did I got a frowny face, Is that you competition?

    • Greg Hunter

      I don’t have any program that does a “frowny face.”

  97. Prospector

    Any EXPERIENCED gardeners having a hard time growing vine crops ?
    I Heard that was a thing for some.

  98. WW2 Russin Front

    Putin Infuriated, warns of ‘Harsh Retaliation If…’: Stunning Report Exposes Ukraine’s Kursk Plans
    Times Of India 96,668 views Aug 17, 2024
    The Russian military has warned of immediate and severe retaliation if Ukraine attacks the Kursk nuclear power plant, located about 90 km from the Ukraine-Russia border. Moscow’s Defense Ministry expressed serious concern over reports of a potential Ukrainian strike, which it claims could be a “false flag” operation intended to accuse Russia of aggression.

    Colonel Douglas Macgregor Reveals Truth on Ukraine Invasion of Russia
    Cyrus Janssen 168,154 views 6 hours ago Aug 18, 2024
    The Ukraine Invasion of Russia is major news, but what does it mean? Does Ukraine actually have a chance at victory? Or is this invasion an effort to drum up more support from Western countries? What will Putin do in response to this invasion? Also, what will Trump or Kamala Harris do as President to end this war? We discuss all this and more today with Colonel Douglas Macgregor.

    Stalingard 2.0? Russian Forces Inflict Massive Material Losses on Ukrainian Army in Kursk Battle Times of India 7 hours ago
    Ukrainian forces have faced heavy losses while advancing into Russia’s Kursk Oblast, seizing 200 square miles in just eleven days. Despite the rapid gains, the advance has come at a significant cost, with several Ukrainian tanks and infantry vehicles lost, according to a Forbes report. In contrast, Russian forces have lost fewer vehicles but experienced a higher number of infantry surrenders.

  99. Justn Observer

    Greg, As we wait for your return and weekend wraps…thought I’d circle back a few decades and after listening to this…who I agree had a few things not quite right…but certainly now appears it has become less cons=piracy theory than many thought at the time…especially when one also considers the warning of Gen. Smedley Butler…
    The Beast we may not know or realize? = Revisiting Myron Fagen’s warning of decades ago….= 50-Year-Old Recording Explains Why the World is Going Crazy! =
    Then there was the warning by Major General Smedly Butler =
    and JFK =

    There were those that thought FDR was controlled by Communists or Fabian Socialists and of course all those that are sure Woodrow Wilson sold out the U.S., so little wonder these days that with the CFR, TRI-LATERAL Comm., Bilderberg, WEF movements is anyone surprised that EU and U.S. are becoming Socialist/Rascist/Communist as all are undermining their middle-classes and overwhelming their cultures using multi-culturalism and excessive migration as ‘the tool’ to break down and national cultural ethos,cultures, religions, values, morals so from that chaos and confusion will rise ‘their’ PHOENIX of a NWO. Just who are and where did this aristocracy and oligarchy heil from? what is the apex of the current beast system from which ‘they’ think ‘their ashes’ the Phoenix will rise and ‘fundamentally transform itself to take power and control as a one world government? A rebirth of EGYPTIAN PHAROAH’S or the RISE OF THE FOURTH REICH, of which the NAZI party so well aligned itself in the highest levels? Everyone seems to know something goes within and behind the chaos, events, and now undermining of Governments and their agencies…but few will bother to even take a guess…or even speculate…and so the fake news, the gas-lighting, the propaganda continues, content to whine and put up with the Hegelian Dialectic and that which is simply called Conspriracy theory…which are becoming more true that theory every day.

    • Prospector

      Justin Observer speaks truth. Observe and study what he says.

      Myron Fagan was correct. As were many others like Anthony Hilder , who mad a vinyl record years before anybody was talking about a NEW WORLD ORDER.

      THEY — have many names. When one group gets exposed , they shapeshift into a new form. New name. Same old Luciferian doctrine.. ( they reject GOD , because they think they will become ‘ gods ‘ themselves. )

      ( And Jesus asked him , ” What is your name ” ) ” My name is LEGION …. and we are many .” — Mark 5 : 9

      • Seer

        Yes, I knew Hilder and Gary Arnold. They were proactive to halt planning department hoax scam in N. California.
        Arnold still alive 80 and still has strong mind – retention of political history excellent.
        Moving on, remote viewing to Inauguration Day stage, Trump and Melania coming in weak silhouette still so it is not solid they will be there yet. Will
        post again remote viewing updates.
        I do see very strong inflows to Earth of divine light energies/holiness/goodness providing overriding of the cabal rulers efforts to remain in power. As you can track they have been failing over and over again.

  100. Coal Burner

    Dear Greg:
    I believe your synthesis is dead center of the target on the Olympic freak show. I believe the King has come out of hiding. The Red Devil Painting, the ugly finish to the Olympics, followed but the King’s speech to Parliament telling them he is the new Tyrant, Socialist and the British can shut up, their rights are gone!

    I always thought the King was Insane and the Queen was trying to outlive him so he could not be King. May she was helped out of this world, I don’t know. But also Klause Schawb Rothschild just retired. That is the Rothschild of London the most powerful and wealthy family in the world or very close to that. Is the King their new figurehead? Getting down to the money, remember the WEF wants the world to pay taxes to them and they have let all the signals that they think they still own their “Colony’s” ! We fought for Independence over taxes, we are not going to pay them to Britain’s King or the WEF unless you consider sending them all those weapons for free paying for that as a tax. Maybe they got upset because trump told the to start paying their own way. So these clowns buy our politicians and create chaos.

    • Prospector

      COAL BURNER SAID : ” They think they still own their colonies ” — BRAVO !!!

      Exactly correct ! If all readers will look up – ‘ THE SECRET TREATY OF VERONA ‘ , it is proven true because it was read into the Congressional Record as historical fact by Senator Mr. Owens in 1916.

      The old families of Europe , some call them ” The Black Nobility ” have never recognized the independence of the United States. The Secret Treaty Of Verona , is their contract with each other to take back ” their ” breakaway colony. GO , read it.

      Once you understand this ….. so much else makes sense.

      • Justn Observer

        Prospector, good call and yes the Treaty of Verona is in the Congressional Record but appears to have never been properly ratified. Much like other Amendment-switches as to ‘titles of nobility’ as well as some accounts as to the vote on Income tax?

        Treaty of Verona April 1916 = =
        “Having failed to win by military valor, the Popes and the failed monarchies of the European Continent have never repealed nor repented the content of this gross Breach of Trust, and the same parties conjoined with corrupt British Government interests, have still conspired to wreck all the free people of the world via fraud, deceit, undisclosed contracts, unlawful conversion of property interests, bankruptcy fraud, probate fraud, false claims of abandonment and similar legal chicanery to
        attempt to realize their goals and reduce the world to Commercial Feudalism.

        We have discovered the true enemies of freedom and human progress deeply embedded in the municipal and territorial governments of the world.

        Those governments are now bankrupt, and we have the opportunity to peacefully and in an orderly way recoup the assets of each country and each Man and Woman, out of the dreadful snares that have been set for them and to return these assets to theirlawful owners.

        The Popes and British and other European Monarchs who have pursued this course of action have been the principal cause of two World Wars, as they have sought to reduce the world to a form of modern feudalism in which billions of people and their assets would be made slaves for an unaccountable and totally immoral few.

        The deceitful and duplicitous United States Congress has been a key component of this plan to overthrow all self-governing nations and most particularly, the fifty nation-state republics of the unincorporated United States of America. The entire world has been confused and deluded by these fraud artists, encouraged to think that they exercise valid power related to the American states and people, when in
        fact they are our employees and have no territorial or municipal authority over us and are strictly limited to the exercise of nineteen enumerated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

        Their usurpation and trespasses and acts of fraud against us have been fully researched and evidenced and they have been given Due Process and Summary Judgment. Their false claims in commerce against the American states and people stand forever and fully and conclusively rebutted, including all claims of abandonment and presumptions of citizenship.

        The Popes are not proud of this history, nor should they be. The kings and queens of Europe have acted more like floozies and gangsters than men and women with any common sense, decency, or heart. It is time that we all turned our backs on feudalism of any kind and cherished the God-given freedom we were born with.

        It’s time to make a new start. Their plan to use bankruptcy and probate fraud and false claims of abandonment in commerce as a means to defraud the entire world have failed. The Americans have
        returned to the land they never actually left, and their claim stands firm. Let all those people around the world who have been similarly mis-characterized and defrauded come forward to claim back their assets and the assets of their lawful states and provinces.

        We call upon Pope Francis to repudiate the obnoxious Secret Treaty of Verona and the Breach of Trust that it represents against the American states and people. We likewise call upon the other Principals and Principles to honor their contractual obligations to our states and to us in every detail.”


        And for these posts one might end with these Bible quotes and thoughts =
        And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings;He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding. Daniel 2:21 (NKJV)

        “Thus says God: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might; let not the rich man glory in his riches. But let him that glories, glory in this: that he understands and knows Me, and that I am God, Who practices mercy, justice and righteousness on the earth; for in these things I delight, says God.” Jeremiah 9:22-23 =

        So, shall we flirt with socialism or give DJT a shot at turning the U.S. ship around and heading back to what it was meant to be…firercly independent and free of foreign entanglements and despots,back to a Republic of, by, for its people, with a DESTINY rather than a fate. Hoping and Praying of course he is NOT a trickster, and deceiver like so many puppets, but one needs to judge what he promised before, and what he did deliver despite all those ‘insurance policies’, ruses, and crossfire hurricanes, concocted court cases, or shall we have a chameleon Kamela raised by Marxist professors, some say with an ancestry of being slavers, deeply seated in only an ideology that shifts in the wind, now with her wet finger held high, running back to ‘center’ sensing ‘they’ have gone way to far left…and having exposed themselves for what they are. That is for us all to decide…to pray about…that and believing SOMEONE did hang on a cross for having come with a message of love, of hope, that man and woman are good, were created in HIS image, and ARE EXPECTED to act and live like it!

  101. Marie Joy

    Things are deteriorating. The DNC convention is almost upon us and things may get violent. Be ready. FORTIFY.

  102. Johnny Nobody

    If you consider the opening / closing ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics to have been Satanic, just take a look at the opening ceremony for the Gotthard rail tunnel held some years ago in Switzerland. The event was attended by the leaders of France, Germany, and Italy, among others. How they sat through this virtual orgy beggars belief. It starts strangely and becomes more and more bizarre . . .

    WTF has any of this to do with the opening of a rail tunnel?!

  103. Led Skeletor

    Planet of the Apes 2.0 was also triggered by a Monkey Pox.

    If I have to sit through another movie where “white man is bad” and young female “empowered” child is the stronger force, the hero and the brains again…. I’ll just die laughing.

  104. James Hall

    You need to talk about raw milk from grass fed cows and goats. Austin Fitts mention it once. This is the ultimate, protects the heart, research it. Go to the Raw milk insiitute and interview the president. Doctors aren’t allowed to talk about it.

  105. Kay

    We are so glad you are back!

    • Greg Hunter

      I am too, Kay!! Thank you for caring about me!!

  106. Paul Ware

    So good to hear you again. I’m praying for you.
    Thanks for making the effort to inform us.

  107. Dale Anderson

    Good to have you back and healing up as well.

  108. Jim Singletary

    This editorial appears in the August 16, 2024 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
    Wall Street Channels Dr. Strangelove
    by Dennis Small Aug. 13—We again draw our readers’ attention to the urgent warning voiced by Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov on Aug. 4 in an interview with Rossiya-1 TV: “The problem is that there are no circuit breakers anymore…. Strikes on the territory of Russia are allowed. The Americans’ assurances that no such decisions have been made and no indulgences were granted to Kiev, are worthless.”

    And we again remind our readers of what Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated: that Russia’s public nuclear war doctrine permits Russian use of nuclear weapons only if attacked first with nuclear weapons, or if other attacks threatening the very existence of the Russian state occur.

    In light of those two reminders, consider this week’s ongoing Ukrainian incursion into Russia’s Kursk region, with reported support from Georgian, Polish, British, and French mercenaries. That incursion doesn’t threaten the existence of the Russian state; but the intention of those behind it, does—as Ryabkov warned.

    Consider the clinically insane, Dr. Strangelove-like ejaculations from the financial Establishment circles calling the shots in Ukraine, such as a Wall Street Journal editorial statement of Friday, Aug. 9:

    The bold Ukraine move is also a lesson to the Biden Administration, which in June finally changed its policy to let Ukraine use some U.S. weapons to strike Russian territory…. But the best response is to flow even more weapons into Ukraine, including long-range missiles that target bases and supply lines in Russia, and remove limits on the use of ATACMS missiles. The more Ukraine can put Russia’s war machine at risk, the sooner Ukraine will have more leverage to get more of its own territory back.

    The Atlantic Council on Aug. 8 went so far as to compare the Ukrainian attack on Russia—the world’s great nuclear superpower—with George Washington crossing the Delaware. An Aug. 11 Time magazine article by Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, William Taylor, Gen. (ret.) Barry McCaffrey, Lt. Gen. (ret.) James Clapper, and Stephen Henriques, tried to go one better, comparing the Kursk incursion with the taking of Iwo Jima, the Battles of Trenton and Princeton in the American Revolution, and more.

    The extreme danger posed by such “thinking” in policymaking circles in the West was summarized a half-century ago by Lyndon LaRouche, in a June 4, 1975 article, “Two Suicidal Fallacies of RAND Doctrine.” Just replace “Soviet Union” with “Russia,” and “Rockefeller” with “Jamie Dimon” or “BlackRock,” and LaRouche’s analysis is fully applicable today. SEE IT! Below;

    • Galaxy 500

      You posted, “ The Atlantic Council on Aug. 8 went so far as to compare the Ukrainian attack on Russia—the world’s great nuclear superpower—with George Washington crossing the Delaware.”
      They leave out that US, UK and likely EU Special Forces are leading the charge. It like we are asking for a few “terrorist” attacks in response to this Terrorist attack on Mother Russia.

  109. Dave Boone

    Dan Bongino | “Trump, Spygate, and the CIA: Who’s Hiding the Truth?”
    Little Noob 1.07M subscribers 517K views 1 day ago

    Russia ‘Wipes Out’ 3,400+ Ukrainian Soldiers in Kursk; Zelensky Announces Final Goal |Times of India 10K views 37 minutes ago

  110. Carey Trade

    Yen Carry Trade Unwind Far From Being Over as Tremors Felt in Tokyo.
    maneco64 2.9K views 1 hour ago

  111. gasto burger

    Putin’s Men Down 7 HIMARS Rockets; Russian Forces Close in on Pokrovsk; Rostov Oil Facility /Hit Hindustan Times
    As Russian troops close in on the strategically crucial town of Pokrovsk, the conflict intensifies. Russia announces the capture of Svyrydonyvka, just 15 km away, while Ukraine strikes back, targeting key bridges in Kursk to disrupt Russian supply routes. Amid escalating tensions, the Ukrainian Air Force confirms a successful hit on a vital logistics hub, further complicating Moscow’s plans.

    Scott Ritter Unveils: Kursk’s Pivotal Role in the Rapid Russian Blitz – Ukraine’s Defeat in Donetsk!
    WarZone Echo 3,372 views Aug 19, 2024
    In this gripping analysis, Scott Ritter exposes the critical role of the Kursk campaign in shaping the ongoing conflict. Discover how Russia’s strategic victories at Kursk have set the stage for devastating advances in key Ukrainian territories like Avdiivka, Toretsk, and NovoToretske. As Ukraine’s defenses crumble under relentless Russian pressure, the implications of these military maneuvers are laid bare. From the swift conquest of Orlivka to the looming fall of Donetsk, Ritter breaks down the events that have turned the tide of the conflict. Don’t miss this deep dive into the pivotal moments that could determine the future of Eastern Europe

  112. g.b.

    Oop’sy Daisy,
    Putin’s Men Down 7 HIMARS Rockets; Russian Forces Close in on Pokrovsk; Rostov Oil Facility /Hit Hindustan Times

  113. michael burton

    brother GREG happy to see you back i missed you and your work. still take it slow and easy. you say they think they will bring on this demonic garbage or thinking of control of the world and get away with it they won’t it’s been tried before pharaoh of Egypt that he could control the Israelites he lost and his entire army. same with king Sennacherib of Assiya his military might of 185,00 men wipe out by one angel in one night Then the king retreated back to his country and there he was killed by his own people. they shouldn’t have mocked Jehovah god the almighty here is a video about this ruthless king from Assyria. . keep up with Jehovah’s name you will be blessed for it psalm 27:14 Hope in Jehovah; Be courageous and strong of heart. Yes, hope in Jehovah

  114. Randy Best

    Jesus said he will come again when the times are the same as in the days of Noah. The Paris Olympics show us we are getting closer and closer to evil.

  115. Sergeant Hans Georg Schultz

    All the EVIL THINGS that those DEM supporters claimed that Trump would do as President, BIDEN ACTUALLY DID!!

    Only one act remains on Joseph F. Biden’s bucket list. WWIII.

    Here’s the latest crap on old frail Joey Numbnutz:
    The House committees leading the impeachment probe into crocked Joe Biden concluded Monday the faux-president engaged in impeachable conduct by helping to enrich his family with millions of dollars in business schemes that traded on his name and then defrauded voters by lying to cover up the scandal. [YOU SEE, THEY WERE BURNING TRUMP AT THE STAKE FOR EIGHT YEARS … WHEREAS JOE SHOULD OF GOTTEN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR]

    The House Oversight, Ways and Means and Judiciary Committees said they believe the evidence from their nine-month investigation establishes that Biden abused his office and violated his oaths under the Constitution, according to the 291-page report reviewed by Just the News.

    “First and foremost, overwhelming evidence demonstrates that Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family,” the committee’s concluded in the the report released the day Biden was to be honored at the opening of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

    “Among other aspects of this conspiracy, the Biden Crime “family” and their soldiers and associates received tens of millions of dollars from foreign interests by leading those interests to believe that such payments would provide them access to and influence with Capo Biden,” the executive summary added.

    (We already knew Joe’s crap, but we were called the Conspiracy Theorists)

    • Katy Bar

      I was thinking: Why In Hell Would the US After All these Years Of Basically Getting Along With Russia Now All of a Sudden Find it “Extremely Urgent” to Invade Russia and Seize Control of The Russian Government (at the Risk of Total Nuclear Annihilation of the American People)?? The only “Conspiracy Theory” I can think of is that Jeffery Epstein (upon his death) probably automatically sent his “Little Black Book” (naming names) to Putin who probably laughingly showed it to China’s Xi Jinping (who immediately used the info to demand that the US put up two Commies (Harris and Wray) for US President and US Vice President)!!!

      • Ken Yu

        The only way to stop such Blackmail by China, Russia, Iran and even Israel is to IMMEDIATELY REMOVE EVERY Government Officials (Who ever visited Jeffry Epstein’s Island) from their positions of power – as their perverted behavior has become “A Mortal Threat to our Nation”!!!

      • Ken Yu

        I knew there had to be a reason the Demon Rats would put up Commie-la Kamala and Commray-ed Wray!!!

  116. Simple girl

    Good to see you back! Congrats on God’s blessing!!

  117. Jason

    Great show, Greg.
    Glad you are well.
    Best wishes to you and yours. ❤

  118. Arn Handler

    Kursk Revenge? Putin’s Men Fire North Korean Missiles & Kamikaze Drones At Ukraine’s Capital Kyiv /Hindustan Times 38,146 views Aug 18, 2024
    Russia launched its third ballistic missile and drone attack on Kyiv in August 17. However, Ukraine claimed that all the air weapons were destroyed on their approach to the city. Ukraine’s air force said one Russian used ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and kamikaze drones. Ukraine’s officials claimed that Russian troops used North Korean missiles to target Kyiv.

    China: Power and Prosperity –PBS NewsHour

  119. Jeffrobbins

    It’s great to see you back Greg. One note about ‘wrong think’- i had a brief talk with my much younger brother about smoking pot. And he had just wasted some time and gas on a wild goose chase driving around a girl and the waste was due to her not calling ahead of where they went, which she should have because it was about a loan. He holds to a bit of a libertarian view of doing what he wants to do, but was the victim in this case. I explained that i cannot smoke any pot for several reasons. First, i may have to make a decision at any moment for the kids or wife and i need to make good decisions. Someone will suffer for poor decisions. Second, and more importantly, if you wanted to rule over a bunch of people, one way to do that is get them to engage in voluntary sedation. Just like livestock being more docile and easily controlled, so are people when sedation is applied.- How many people are taking mind altering or calming medications/ drugs? A few years ago, i read that almost half of all women were talking some type of antidepressant!??

  120. Les L

    Great to have you back in front of the camera , just take it easy, remember we on the otherside of the lens can see, feel and hear how bad it is in this world, but we will always love your perspective.

    Les L

  121. Jon Kangas

    Great to have you back Greg!you have been missed!

  122. Galaxy 500

    Good to see you back brother!

  123. Galaxy 500

    Telling the truth is bd when you’re a Demon. Yes I use hyperbolic language to describe these evil creatures.

  124. Galaxy 500

    This is what liberal think does to law, justice and public safety… You can not compromise with evil. You can not reason with the unreasonable. These people worship Allah. You know, one of Satan’s many names. They are not your friends. Satan… er, ahhh.. Allah tells them to lie to your face, rob you, rape your children, and murder you. Their “god” tells them this is just. So don’t think you can trust these people. They will pretend to be Christian or pretend to be your friend. Even if your objective and the moslems objectives align for a short period of time such as moslems rejecting the “Message.” Even people who follow Satan understand that this puts their children in harms way.

  125. Galaxy 500

    This goes to prove the old adage…
    Even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while.
    In our case a blind RINO…

  126. Galaxy 500

    The depths of depravity. “Dr. Jill” is vanity personified. She is her favorite charity and at the same time the most important person in her world. She was likely one of the powers behind the Banal Evil puppet on the throne. She knew that Joe was mentally compromised well before 2019. That’s why they hide him in the basement and stuffed the ballot box in 2020.
    This woman is the First Lady. She has no class and is an embarrassment both in the USA and outside it. She stumbles and shuffles her 73 yr old body out on stage during the DNC in a dress that was appropriate for a 20 yr old beach bod, not a saggy, old 73 yr old one.

    • Katy Bar

      DROP (no not Hillary) but Demon Rat Obnoxious Pelosi is still orchestrating Coups (not only upon the J6’ers and Trump but upon Biden as well)!!. So how do we normal people protect ourselves from the fear-based NEGATIVE energy of such a Demon Rat (when Demon’s by definition are already DEAD)??
      Simple, just shift focus to the POSITIVE! Repeat in your mind: “Trump Is Going To Win”, “Trump Is Going To Win”!! And before you know it -“THE DEMON WILL BE GONE”!!!

  127. Justn Observer

    Greg, Appears the gas-lighting by MSM-LLM can only hide things so long?

    Harris o’nomics not near as rosy as ‘they’ led the public to believe ! =


    Think the already SS funding would sustain this if Harris elected =
    Harris’ DNC Platform Calls For ‘Radical’ Mass Amnesty For Millions Of Illegals =

    Could the millions added to SS get worse? lol =
    American Peronism – Kamala Harris’ Radical Left Plan To Ruin America

    Even RFK jr has awakened and running from WOK =
    RFK Jr Campaign Mulling “Joining Forces With Trump” Because We ‘Run The Risk Of Enabling A Harris/Walz Presidency’

  128. N.Carpentaer

    Tuesday LIVE: Alex Jones & Special Guests Break Down The Insane Gaslighting & Propaganda Of The First Night Of The DNC! MUST-WATCH
    Posted an hour ago Alex Jones is LIVE with special guests taking your calls and breaking vital stories globalists DO NOT want you to hear!
    Tune in NOW!Latest Globalism

    And Much MORE sKINNY!
    Déjà Vu Flu? CCP Runs Emergency Drills For “Pneumonia Of Unknown Cause” Spreading Across Country
    by posted 3 hours ago

    German Chancellor Caught Lying About Cutting Illegal Migration
    by Graham Barnfield | The European Conservative
    posted 5 hours ago

    World at War
    Russian State Nuclear Firm Closely Monitors Two Power Stations in The Warzone
    by Dénes Albert | posted 5 hours ago Keep Up to Date now!!!

  129. Galaxy 500

    Damn Greg,
    We need to find some unblemished lambs and get a few Rabbis and build an alter. The Demoncrats have sacrificed 25 infants to Baal in the parking lot of their National Convention asking for Satan to assist them with their evil. Should we not offer sacrifices to the One, True GOD YHWH also known as Jehovah. I prefer to call HIM by the Tetragrammaton but almost the entire world knows HIM as Jehovah. We should truly offer a few sacrifices with all honors, praise and respect in accordance to the ways of old.

    • Greg Hunter

      Democrat = Evil!!

  130. Galaxy 500

    I had physics in HS and College…
    Can someone explain how this works? Does it just blow?

  131. Galaxy 500

    Sieg Heil… Sieg Heil… Heil Islam
    Wow, just a good little Nazi government

  132. Galaxy 500

    They said the quite part out loud…

    • Greg Hunter

      Too late. Everybody knows the Dems are bat s#!! crazy!!

  133. Boyd Floyd Frisk

    EMERGENCY ALERT:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Thursday Emergency Broadcast: Deep State Preparing To Assassinate Trump, Then Frame Iran To Launch WW3 With Trump as Detonator!! Watch LIVE Edition of The Alex Jones Show —JFK Jr. Will Now Stop the Globalist Cabal COLD! Together!
    August 22nd 2024 STAY TUNED FOLKS!

    In these turbulent times, as we stand on the brink of the great tribulation foretold by Jesus Christ, there is a beacon of hope that shines brightly. Despite the chaos and suffering that seems to be engulfing the world today, we are reminded of the promise that God’s Kingdom will soon intervene to end human misrule and bring about true peace and security for all mankind.

    Jesus, the only begotten Son of God assured us. He would put an end to the misguided and often destructive rule of man. He will establish His Kingdom, a divine government, that will replace all human authorities and bring about a new era of justice and righteousness. This Kingdom will not be a mere continuation of human governance but a complete transformation, guided by God’s perfect wisdom and love.

    The Bible tells us that if God did not intervene, no flesh would survive the coming tribulation (Matthew 24:22). However, we have the assurance that He will step in at the right moment to save humanity from self-destruction. This intervention will mark the end of wickedness and the beginning of a new world where God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

    In the Garden of Eden paradise was lost by the pair on the ground, not the pear on the tree. Paradise is still God’s stated purpose for earth. That he originally gave the pair on the ground , to spread out the garden to encompass the whole earth and nothing but! Now the Job for the great crowd that comes out of the great tribulation. For the whole earth to become a global paradise under God’s Son Jesus’s divine jurisdiction. Under His Kingdom, the command to fill the earth.* spreading what was the garden earth wide to its intended beauty and purpose.. Will be,” made a paradise again,” M A P A! A place of peace, security and abundant prosperity for all. The meek shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5), and no longer will any wicked ruler succeed in their schemes against God’s people.

    In this new world, there will be no more suffering, pain, or death. God’s Kingdom will bring about true peace and security, and all of humanity will live in harmony with one another and with the natural world. The prophecies of old will be fulfilled, and God’s promises will be realized in their entirety.

    As we await this glorious future, we are encouraged to remain steadfast in our faith and to trust in God’s plan. The trials and tribulations we face now are temporary, and they serve to strengthen our hope and perseverance (Romans 5:3-5)1. We can take comfort in knowing that Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33)2, and through Him, we too can overcome the challenges that lie ahead.

    Let us hold on to this hope and look forward to the day when God’s Kingdom will reign supreme, bringing true peace and security to all the earth. 🌍💖

    I hope this scenario resonates well with you all and if any of you folk’s have any more details you’d like to add or any requests, feel free to let me know here on, Where you’ll see, hear and read the news, you’ll know!

  134. F.Boyd Floyd

    * Return to Paradise Paradise

  135. Patysue

    So good to see you back, Greg. You have been missed! Praying that your health continues to improve. We, your minions, missed your weekly news wrap-ups!

  136. Pamela Hankins

    John 14:9, “…he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?” and vs 16, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 16:25-27, “…the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father. 26 At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you:
    27 For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.”

  137. Pamela Hankins

    The Lord Jesus IS the Father veiled in flesh. This is a mystery that confounds the natural mind, John 1:1-14. Also there are many names for God in the Old Testament, each with its own meaning and context. The Name Jehovah refers to God in His covenant association with man, whereas Elohim is used in the context of Creator; Adoni as Owner and so forth. All of these were translated ‘Lord’ but the change is noted in the font used and explained in the forward of the Bible, as are some other things that people often overlook in their studies.

  138. christine reeves

    That is an excellent point for us to remember , these wicked people do not think of Jesus as a myth……they know Jesus is real. James chapter2 verse 19……..even the demons believe, and tremble.

  139. Mark Sansone

    They are both mocking Him AND begging — or divining/conjuring — Him in their preferred image. In terms of constructive realism, THAT is how Powers plan to rule — via dichotomy and technology — for 1,000 years.

    Although, no one wants to THINK …, OR HEAR TRUTH.

  140. Andrew Y

    Just happy to have you back. Thanks be to God!

  141. Danny Williams

    Thank you Greg for all you do! God bless and recover quickly. My wife Marie and I are huge fans. We thought this might be interesting. This is footage of the Trump boat parade we shot today on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire.
    Watch for fun and enjoy! It’s a little over an hour.

  142. Guardian Angel

    One of Crete’s own prophets has said it: “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.”
    Titus 1:12

  143. Joshua Porter

    When people ask me why I did not take the bio weapon “vaccine”, I am always reminded of Greg Hunter on youtube. It was from watching his videos that I was warned not to put this stuff in my body. Thank you, Greg, I’m praying for you still. Joshua

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Joshua, for supporting Me and USAW!!!

  144. Joe the Idiot

    Are you a Jehovah witness now? Christians don’t refer to Jesus as Jehovah.

  145. Diana Brown

    9/27/24- Came looking for your valued Weekly perspective to find this one from back in August. I know you are doing the best you can Greg after your horrendous health scare. Im just one person but I want you to know, its YOUR view/perspective I most want to hear. Its the lens you look through that is most valuable to me. Thats why I tune in. I miss that, a lot. I know you value your guests, but I value YOU most.

    Bless you and your family Greg. Thank you even if you decide never to return to the Weekly News Wrap-ups.

    • Greg Hunter

      I am working back to that, but I don’t want to kill myself with stress. I am only 8 weeks out from quadruple bypass surgery. Thank you for your kind words though. I am going to do 2 interviews a week for the immediate future. Thanks for supporting me at USAW!!!

  146. Diana Brown

    While I doubt you will get this Greg given this is a 7/2024 release date and today is 2/6/25. I can assure you I am not a bot. I am, instead a woman with limited resources largely given the devastation over the last 4+ years. I won’t bore you with that saga. I do have a relevant message in case this does get to you. I watched and looked forward to your Weekly Wrap ups because they came from you, not your guests. I know you appreciate them (the guests) . I appreciate your filter based on what you know, who you know and the various contacts you have. Your delivery was unique as was your insight. Whatever your reason was for discontinuing it, I wish it was not so. I miss that very much. Good luck in all you do.

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