RFK Jr. Will Stop All CV19 Vax Bioweapons – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who is back with some good news about the CV19 bioweapon vax.  Kingston was one of the first to say the shots were dangerous bioweapons and did not work as intended.  She also predicted late last year that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) would not only be confirmed as the new HHS head, but one of the first things he would do is pull the CV19 “vaccines” off the market.  Now, other news outlets are picking up on this story.  Kingston says, “I think the (CV19 vax) shots are going to come off (the market) quick.  I think this upcoming ACIP meeting (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) that is going to be scheduled is going to be used by RFK Jr. as a platform to present data that his staff has pulled as well as to allow parents to speak and other doctors that are experts to speak out against this. I think it’s going to be tremendous. . . .In 1979, they got rid of the diagnostic code for vaccines to cause any disease or death.  That doesn’t stop RFK Jr. and those at Health and Human Services from running data reports that say a person got the CV19 vaccine on this day, and then the next day they were dead, and there were thousands of these.  So, that data is going to be audited and looked at as well.  It’s very easy to pull the CV19 shots.  They are going to do it because they are not effective.  They are going to pull them because they have caused increased disease, disabilities and death.  Now, it’s all over the news that those that are suffering from ‘Long Covid’ are the ones that are vaccinated.”

Kingston says that RFK Jr. will also expose hype over the so-called Bird Flu outbreak that is being pushed around the clock.  Kingston is on the record saying the Bird Flu was really a scheme to destroy the food supply.  Look at the skyrocketing egg prices.  Kingston says, “They say the number one sign of sickness of H5N1 (Bird Flu) of dairy cows and chickens is no symptom at all even though they are still sick. . . . The chickens are testing positive for chicken DNA.  Now, cows are testing positive for chicken DNA and humans too.  It’s all a bunch of made-up stories and nonsense so they can inject us with these gene-editing technologies and inject our animals with gene-editing technology.  I think RFK Jr. is going to have a powerful voice to speak out against the use of vaccines and not just for adults and children, but for our animals and food supply. . . . We are told Bird Flu has an 80% mortality rate, and there has only been one case of death in the last year. . . . The top symptom of this highly deadly disease is no symptom at all.  People don’t even know they have it.  So, how can it be deadly?   It’s a total scam.”

Kingston does have a warning about artificial intelligence (AI) and Elon Musk, who is using AI at DOGE cutting federal waste and fraud out of the budget.  Cutting waste and fraud is a very good thing, but Kingston says, “Elon does not want his AI regulated.  AI is infiltrating more and more responsibilities in our government, in our US military and in our workforce.  Senator Josh Hawley says if we don’t start regulating AI, we are going to have tech billionaires who produce this AI, and they are going to be programming the AI that is going to be running our government and taking away human rights and running us out of our jobs.  Again, that was Senator Josh Hawley about two years ago. . . . Data is the new gold . . . Elon Musk needs data to feed his AI machine called Colossus.”  It is the largest supercomputer in the world.

There is much more in the 64-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with renowned biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she predicts the mRNA CV19 bioweapon vax will be pulled from the market soon by new HHS Secretary RFK Jr.   Kingston also gives a warning about artificial intelligence (AI) and warns about the possible takeover of government if AI is not regulated.

To get a “Contagion Emergency Kit” or “Medical Emergency Kit” from The Wellness Company and get at least $30 off and free shipping, click here.

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After the Interview:

There is some free information on Kingston’s Substack.

To support Kingston financially, you can become a subscriber to her Substack by clicking here.

If you want to donate to Kingston electronically so she can continue informing the public, please click here.

Here is the 8-minute video to explain how easy it is to ride out any terror attack or extreme storm with battery backup.   You can get more information at Sat123.com or BeReady123.com.

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  1. Charles England

    I don’t think RFK should pull the CV19 vaccines off of the market, instead he should simply make the liability exemption null and void and let the ambulance chasing lawyers take care of big pharma. Without this liability exemption the drug compaiies would pull the CV19 vaccines themselves therefore eleminating any kickback on RFK.

    • Anthony Australia

      This blew my mind.

      Dr. Lee Merritt Get Ready – They’re Exposing The Whole Thing!

    • Linda

      I hope he will ban the self-replicating bird flu vaccine. And I hope he will test the Texas outbreak measles strain to discover if it is actually a vaccine strain.

      • Andrew Wheeler

        If kids have chicken pox it’s called measles. You’re being lied to for the promotion of fear.

    • Linda

      Congress passed the PREP Act on Obama’s way out the door in 2019. The medical establishment doesn’t even have to provide informed consent if they deign that it’s in your best interest to die for the good of the planet.

      • Katy Bar

        “To Die for the Good of the Planet” is “Still Official US Policy” (until US NATIONAL SECURITY MEMORANDUM 200 IS ABOLISHED) which states: “It is Official US Policy to Reduce the World’s Population by 2 Billion People through War, Famine, Disease, and Any Other Means” (like putting fluoride in children’s drinking water to Lower Their IQ’s, or spraying chemicals in the air to Give Children Autism)!! Until US National Security Memorandum 200 “is Abolished” the US Government “Remains Genocidal”!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      So a connected idiot with $100 and no experience or staff to deliver anything is awarded a cool 2 Billion…
      Nothing to see here, folks, move along.

  2. Shirl


    • Anthony Australia

      GOLDEN SANDS Don unveils bizarre AI vision for ‘TRUMP GAZA’ with casinos, golden statues, dancing girls & cocktails with Netanyahu

      • Greg Hunter

        I thought this was a fake story but it’s real: https://nypost.com/2025/02/26/world-news/trump-shares-ai-video-of-his-vision-for-gaza/

        • Anthony Australia

          Thanks Greg,
          Sad state of affairs.
          I put my faith in the Creator not these self indulgent demonic worshipers.

          Why am I here? To prepare for eternity. People who are confused about why they are here may pursue pleasure or wealth or fame as the goal of life, but all of that is vanity, as the book of Ecclesiastestes. Part of the reason why we are here is to prepare for the inevitable journey we must take after death: “Everyone is destined to die once, and then face judgement”. Jesus promoted an eternal prospect, asking, “What is the use when a person conquers the whole world, but loses his soul? Or anyone can give away anything in exchange for their souls?”
          “It’s really true. Satan rules the lives of so many people who always whisper to us that we can have everything in this world right now, we have to gain wealth and property right now to be important, what a lie”

          • Andrew Wheeler

            Nothing to say except….


            PS… America has gotten worse since 1948. Israel isn’t in the middle east… it’s us.

            “I am the way the truth the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.”

            ~best MFer EVER!!!!


            • Reality

              Isaiah 66:8
              Who has heard such a thing?
              Who has seen such things?
              Can a land be born in one day?
              Can a nation be brought forth at once?

              Ezekiel 37: 1-3
              The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. 2 He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. 3 He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”

              I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”

        • greg garnier

          Might want to add Dr William Makis to your interview rotation. He has a couple Substacks and mostly talks about cancer treatments. . https://makismd.substack.com/

        • Lynn Scott

          Greg I have been trying to get a message to you. You advertise for the wellness company which is owned by black rock – Eric Prince. It will not look good for your program if it gets out you are an affiliate of theirs. It’s all over X people discovering this stuff

          • Greg Hunter

            Eric Price is Blackwater security not Black Rock. I see nothing wrong with TWC. The doctors running it are top-notch.


        • Earth Angel

          How sad. Just what the world DOESN’T need more of- another rich playground for the world’s millionaires and billionaires- where drinking, gambling, excess of all kinds proliferate and other worships of the golden calf take place. Meanwhile the lives, homes and livelihoods of tens of thousands of unfortunate Palestinian men, women and children have been decimated only to be relocated somewhere else. It would not surprise me if this was Netanyahu’s plan all along to finally get hold of the coveted Gaza strip.. bomb the crap out of the place ’till there’s nothing left to save, then go in and take it under the guise of ‘remodeling it’ for a ‘better’ purpose. . and his pal Trump comes in to save the day and facilitate the whole deal. Just pitiful for the thousands of families forced to relocate to (where now? and the dead) who will never see their home lands again. Somehow I just don’t see Jesus thinking this is such a great plan.

      • Ray

        That is one of THE most disgusting things I have ever had the misfortune to look at.
        It perfectly exhibits Trump’s Achilles Heel….the thing that will no doubt bring about his ultimate demise:
        His perception of himself……his GROTESQUE, OVERGROWN EGO.

        Donald……you’re not a King son.
        As US President, you’re a PUBLIC SERVANT.

        Fair Dinkum.
        This bloke reminds me of a freight train barrelling full steam toward the end of the track, off into the oblivion of the canyon floor.

        May God protect us from this insanity.

        Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘. 🐊

        • Andrew Wheeler

          You are missing the point. Trump Tower has an upside down triangle on its front with a grove of 21 trees. 21 is the perfection of man, the 21st Tarot which is actually the 22nd Hebrew letter Tau or Tav. This is why Truth Social is a T, or 22, the Omega, the Last. His tower then rises with another 7 points to give 28 points. 28 is the number of the abyss. It is why the Trump watch has the number 28 on it.

          In the beginning there was the void…the chaos, the unfinished, the queens chamber, the passive energies…then God said let there be light and the active force took over and Creation began. This is what they believe.

          The Trump coin and the 2025 Economist cover both show Saturn at the apex, the pinnacle, the upmost point of rising. Apollo and Saturn and Chronos are all the same, the Hebrews call the spirit Abaddon. This is what you are witnessing. Trump’s Tower is filled with Greek and Jewish iconography. You are watching the rising of Apollo and Abaddon.

      • Paula Packard

        AA—Every Christian who voted for and stubbornly supports Trump, no matter what he does, should be extremely embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.

        Sadly, I think they’re beyond having the ability to self-correct and that they’ve gone “all-in” on Trump (and Zionism to be frank) to the extent that they have placed him (and Zionism) above their own religion.

        If they’d taken their own Bible seriously, they’d have known not to make an idol out of Trump (and Zionism). Sadly, Christians have been deceived by false teachings and haven’t taken their religion seriously for 2-3 generations now.

        Greg is so taken with these false idols and so blinded with rage and pride that he’ll probably censor my post…poor lost soul…

  3. Jonathan



    Thank you…

    • Andrew Wheeler

      No vaccines are mandatory. Every state has exemption laws. Be a man already and learn how to fight. Stop letting things happen to you.

    • Slobodon Slobstich

      Ray, mate/Bud,
      This guy you say is a creep’azoid is our Robin Hood!
      And yes some of those things you attribute to Trump can be said of Robin.
      These two men are cut from the same cloth old son, as you’ll soon realize mate!
      Robin Hood is a legendary heroic outlaw originally depicted in English folklore and subsequently featured in literature, theatre, and cinema. According to legend, he was a highly skilled archer and swordsman. In some versions of the legend, he is depicted as being of noble birth, the club we are not in mate and in modern retellings he is sometimes depicted as having fought in the Crusades, the first endless war still being fought today in most Europeon cities. Thus Robin returned to England, only to find his lands taken by the Sheriff of Nottingham and a lot of hambones! In the oldest known versions, he is instead a member of the yeoman class. He is traditionally depicted dressed in Lincoln green tights. Today, he is most closely associated with his stance of “robbing the rich to give to the poor” (i.e. redistribution of income and wealth). The hope of all Trump followers, not in the club of Rome!

      Working class Russki peasant farm girl, Tomboy’s!
      Amerikanski’ there available, mate. Where are the men?
      hE’S A MAN

      Why China President Lives Like He’s Broke
      Nature Discoveries 905,465 views Nov 3, 2024
      Did you know that China’s President, Xi Jinping, has a net worth of over 1 billion dollars, yet he still chooses to live a modest lifestyle? But, surprisingly, his frugal lifestyle is a far cry from the lavish spending of his predecessors. So, what drives the most powerful man in China to live like he’s broke? From humble beginnings to anti-corruption crusades, we’ll uncover the secrets behind his unassuming approach to power. Stay tuned to discover the intriguing reasons behind Xi’s choices and how they’re shaping China’s future and our own.

      • Anthony Australia

        SS you reference Robin Rood, I reference Ephesians 4:28

        “Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.”

        • Earth Angel

          What beautiful Scripture AA. In those words are much wisdom. Thank you for posting it. Would that it could transform the heart of every evil globalist and thieving politician out there. Wouldn’t it be great to see the likes of Suckerberg, Bill Hates, Hilldabeast and Bill, the N’obama’s, Zoros & co., the Bush crime family, the B’riben’s, (the list could go on & on) all being housed at Gitmo- actually farming and sweating, working the soils with hand tools, doing some woodworking, carpentry, sewing or cleaning and scrubbing up the place! Perhaps then they could actually be of valuable service to others. What lessons they could learn. Now THAT would be worth seeing.

      • Anthony Australia

        SS you reference Robin Hood , I reference Ephesians 4:28

        “Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.”

    • Earth Angel

      I second the motion! Geoengineering is at least AS LETHAL as the mRNA shots are and certainly AS bad long term. Halting geoengineering MUST be next on the list as soon as lethal vaccines are recalled. Hopefully the dismantling of usaid might help evaporate any funds that are being laundered into black ops programs enabling the destruction of our planets vital life support systems, sickening and killing EVERY form of life on Earth. YES, it is absolutely essential that these evils be dismantled at- ‘warp speed’!

  4. MJ Quinn

    Great ! Remove the bioweapons !! Reinstate OTC ivermectin.

    Chronic diseases result from “lifestyle” injuries to our autonomic nerves (nerves to our organs). They are largely preventable.

    • Dave Scrimshaw

      There is OTC Ivermectin in TN.

  5. Don W.

    Thank you Greg for having Karen on again. This needs to get out to ALL.
    I am one that lost my oldest son to those shots. He got his shot, on the fifth day, he was showering and passed out, fell on his right shoulder, demolished it totally. His wife was down stairs, just below him and heard him fall. He was still alive, but almost gone. She got him to the hospital and then called me. I flew from CO to WA and got to the hospital about 3:30pm. He was still awake but almost gone. We did get a little talking in before the hospital made me leave at 7pm. His wife notified us several hours later, that he had passed away. ALL DUE TO THOSE “MAKE PEOPLE DEAD” SHOTS.

    • Robert from Alabama

      Don, I’m truly sorry about your son. My son was a Marine and one of the few EMT’s in the Corps. He got out before the mandated military vaccinations but the arrogant Lloyd Austin was able to get him vaccinated because he works for the military. Will Austin get off with a slap on the wrist for his part in destroying our military?

      • Robert

        EDTA, liposomal high dose vitamin C with Rugby Brand Nicotine gum or patches….. breaks up all they put in him and what was transfected shredded to us….per a last doctor…. for your son

        • Seer

          Add c60 oil 1 tsp daily and Arterosil. NicNac makes non tobacco nicotine with xylitol in gum or mint form. If one has high blood pressure be careful using nicotine.
          There are also detox baths and suppositories to remove the metals and circuitry.
          We will see more of what has been done in two years.

      • Andrew Wheeler

        Trump isn’t arresting anyone. He said that in December. So no. Justice for your son is at the end of a barrel from your own gun.

        All those 20 years of prepping for SHTF. All that propaganda on YouTube and TV…and then COVID hits and no one does anything!!!!! Total losers!!!!!!

        I tried. There are no men left in America. I’m not fighting for you anymore. You need to start fighting for yourselves, then we will join you. We aren’t looking any longer to start groups or find like minded people.

        You all left us to rot in prisons for 4 years and be hunted by the most corrupt lawless and coup govt in American history, and did nothing but complain in comment sections. You aren’t fighters and don’t deserve to be fought for.

        In other words, Robert from Alabama, it’s up to you to defend your own son, not ours. We will join you, but you have to act first. I’m tired of trying to help those who want everyone else to fight for them while they sit back and watch. That’s not in the cards, obviously, so you had better buck up.

    • Andrew Wheeler

      I’m sorry for your loss. Too bad you didn’t raise him better to not take the shot. You left your own dying sons bedside, so I guess the apple fell close to the tree. Sorry, but that’s not man actions. Do better.

  6. Justn Observer

    Greg, Kelly Loeffler recently reported 19 million dead people ‘potentially’ on voter roles via Social Security. Wonder how they can identify how many are where, in which States….which might, depending on which state, make one wonder if HOW MANY Representatives some states have more than they should have? Representatives are determined by population- right? In states where the balance between parties are tight..might make a difference if one party or another ‘really’ did not have all the ‘LIVE’ votes they say they do!

  7. Roger Stamper

    tks karen greg

    • Dave Scrimshaw

      But would the guv really protect her?

  8. Linda

    Well, I hope he stops the self-replicating bird flu vaccines that have apparently been approved in Europe (I haven’t listened yet, so maybe this will be addressed here).

  9. Yvonne

    What about the self-replicating bird-flu vaxes

    • Galaxy 500

      As someone who has had many real vaccines which I stopped when Greg told us about the Kill shots…
      I will not get another until this madness ends and to be honest… I really don’t expect it to. The companies that I trusted 20 years ago I will never give another penny

      • Robert

        sv40 in those too Dr. kruse out of Destin Florida revealed .. gives cancer to all….was in polio vaccine and all and changes u….look it up.

        • Galaxy 500

          From the squishy research I’ve seen and read, everything cause cancer.

        • judy hulsey

          I was one that received the polio shot in 1955 when I entered first grade.
          It is written the shot had monkey cancer cells in it.
          Fortunately, I am healthy and take no prescriptions at age 74.

  10. Unprecedented Exodus

    How I See the UK After 20 Years Living in Russia
    Sam’s Russian Adventures Feb 25, 2025
    After living so long outside of the UK, my views about the country have changed. This is what I think…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1ULvbiQIb8
    I recently set up a second channel with a little bit different content, you can check that out also: at this link / @broadrussia

  11. Joy N.

    True.. COVID-19 vaccines have considerably compromised with the human immunity system. A telling sign that we are indeed on the end times. Indeed, the Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity’s doorstep & the time to escape is very short.
    To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

    • Galaxy 500

      There is no Covid vaccine. These shots provide ZERO immunity. They had to redefine the word vaccine to make these kill shots fit.

  12. Galaxy 500

    When you and Karen talk, I listen to!
    Thank you

  13. David Bain


    Karen needs to understand that COVID was the impetus behind the small businesses losing at least 3 million jobs during the plandemic. Government workers were not touched. Many Government workers were not performing any work since COVID. Why should taxpayers pay someone for non-performance. That is clearly a fraud to compensate someone for producing nothing. Make them move, retire or whatever and do something more productive for the good of the USA.

    This house cleaning is long overdue!

    Yes, America is suffering and bankrupt. Most don’t see this cleaning out as part of the bankruptcy process but this proves the bankruptcy is in motion.

    From my chair.


    • Jerry

      David, not sure what you are talking about… I work for a very large gov contractor (you would know it) and let me tell you first hand; the crap this company put us opened minded free thinking individuals through is pretty unreal. The company did exactly what the gov, DoD, OSHA etc told them to do! Masks jabbs social distance you name it. I can tell you with absolute confidence witnessing management ridding up the production line in golf carts yelling out “mask up!” People were fired for not wearing the mask and not being fully vaccinated. I will never look at these ignorant clowns again the same way! Spineless! I agree with you on the small business.

    • Paul

      Agreed on governments balance sheet and fraud.
      Destruction of small businesses planned and accelerating commercial real estate plunge as well. Remote working.
      Repo crisis in overnite bank lending
      Was set to destroy their cash flow.
      Banks bailed out-check, WHO medical tyranny-check, election fraud-check. De-population-check.
      Much more not mentioned, but to subdue definitely populist movement worldwide.


  14. Newarkman

    Why do we have a shortage of eggs, due to chickens being destroyed, but plenty of chicken in the markets with no dramatic increase in chicken prices?

    • Andrew Wheeler

      Most food we eat is imported. Meaning it’s frozen in transport. You can’t freeze eggs. They are different chickens. Dogfood went up, but not the chicken we eat.

      • Galaxy 500

        Damn, did good quality dog food up

    • Katy Bar

      “No eggs” (high prices). “Plenty of chicken” (low prices). So What’s Going on??? Very likely we are being fed the “Infected Birds” they have been Killing (to get the Bird Flu Virus to spread into the Human Population)!!! Cooking your chicken can “inactivate the virus” (But Not Kill It). So be prudent and cook your chicken “Well Done” at the Highest Temperature Possible (if the chicken legs come out “red around the bones” it should be Cooked Some More in your Broiler at the High Heat setting)!!! https://www.clrn.org/can-virus-be-killed-by-cooking/
      AND: Be Sure to “Wash Your Hands Very Well” after placing the raw chicken into the roasting pan!!!!

  15. Darlene

    So grateful to Karen Kingston and other brave whistleblowers who put their own safety on the line to warn people! Let’s not forget Brandi Vaughn, who did lose her life. She was one of the first to speak out about this stuff. She had worked as a pharmaceutical company rep (don’t remember exactly which one,) until she started reporting on the evils of this stuff. Her home was raided more than once and other stuff was happening to her that made her know that she was a target. She was aware that she might be killed, and then she was. Independent journalists like you, Greg, were reported what she said. I believe this might have been while everyone was still on YouTube, not sure about that. As a nurse, I saw big red flags about this stuff from the beginning. Also as a Christian, I think. I heard that one component in this stuff was called Luciferase and I was adament about not taking any of that stuff into my body. I was going to lose my job, applied for a religious exemption and encouraged any coworkers who would listen to do the same. I have never injected this stuff into anyone and told my supervisor at that time that I wouldn’t.

  16. Johnny

    Greg. Is doctor McCullough still trying to murder Karen? As you may remember that is what she said, when she was “hiding” at a Mexican beach resort supposedly broke begging for money. You as a investigative reporter what answers did you find about that?

    • Greg Hunter

      That was NOT Dr. Peter McCullough. McCullough and Kingston know each other and like each other.

      • Johnny

        Yes , my mistake was it Robert Malone? Any who what ever happened with that bizarre story? I mean when you accuse someone of trying to kill you and you run off to Mexico to hide, that’s serious.

    • Frank S.

      No, she only mentioned that since Dr. Malone worked for the CIA, could he tell them to back off on their attacking her. It was nothing at all to do with Dr. McCullough.

  17. Katy Bar

    I wonder?? If Martin Armstrong’s AI Computer (Socrates) is put up against Elon Musk’s AI Computer (Colossus): To determine things like the Chance of World War, Where the Economy is Going, Etc., Etc.!! And, they “Disagree” and come up with different answers for us like God and the Devil!! It is going to come down to Us Humans “to make the choice” (with the supposedly limited minds God created within us) and figure out “Which AI God is the Correct One To Determine Our Future” (just like we recently did with the Demon-rats and the WEF pushing their Satanic One World Government answer upon us, saying “we will own nothing and eat bugs”)!!!

  18. Martin Miller

    CAN WE GET SUM1 TO STOP THE CONSTANT CHEMTRAILING WORLDWIDE TOO!!! RFK Jnr is well aware of this… as i heard him talk about this numerous times in past… Over here on MALLORCA it is horrendous!! It was bad previous years but this year so far has been unbelievable!!
    The covid vax was a bit of an idiot test… but for the non idiots (ie – Me!) has no say over these bloody planes spraying their chit!!

  19. James

    Hi Greg, was watching this in Rumble and wanted to make a post.
    YOU MUTED ME! Rumble ID: CX32!
    I did not post profanity, insults or other such responses.

    Post wanted to make on Rumble:
    If an egg is infected by some pathogen, will simply cooking it kill that?
    Yes some consume raw eggs.

    • Greg Hunter

      You are unmuted. Don’t know how that happened.

  20. helot

    Have you guys seen exactly how ‘they’ are culling the large flocks of chickens & turkeys? It looks quite cruel, not too mention, is that a toxic forever chemical they are spraying? Doug at, ‘Off-Grid with Doug and Stacy’ has some film footage of it being done in this video a little bit after the 5:25 mark:

    ‘”Security guards posted at both gates of the farm” THIS IS GETTING BAD!!’


    • Andrew Wheeler

      Posted this to you. Any questions ask.

      ETFs had the flood gates opened 2012 to 2014. Everything changed. Crypto got locked into that nonsense also. Crypto and Gold follow each other, no matter what, has been that way for over 10 years now.

      Look at the charts

      England is moving massive amounts of gold into America due to our higher valuation. You will see gold and crypto jump this spring, or, this summer. Either way, they are both going higher. Buy Bitcoin, ADA, LINK and ETH. Sell when it starts to drop. But sell into more Bitcoin.

      Bitcoins 500 day high average hits in summer of 2026 if I remember. Maybe Spring. just go back to Bitcoins low and add 500 days. Be ready to dump everything into DOGE about that time and then when DOGE starts jumping….sell everything into a stable coin and then start drawing your money out.

      That’s it. Learn it. Make money.

    • Andrew Wheeler

      Whatever. Let the elites destroy our food. That way the only thing left to eat is them. If Trump and RFK Jr aren’t man enough to step in then no one else will. These tests are coming from that company Biden gave 133 million to in Michigan, who said test kits ready in 2024. Can’t let the money go to waste, so …… kill all the chickens.

  21. Jackie Miller

    Greg: Set your system up so that we can check on a site to forward your posts to – will promote you, give you more exposure for the great work you are doing, and won’t charge you for doing so. God bless you!

    • Andrew Wheeler

      You mean like a Soros protege? BS. Hard pass on that grifter. A student of crap will only be that.

      • Galaxy 500

        I am hoping that most understand when I put “You shall not pass” you see Gandalf (MAGA) on the bridge facing the Balrog (Team Turtle and the Dems)

        • Earth Angel

          I recognized that quote from The Lord of the Rings straightaway! Loved that scene from the book and the movie. It should be every person’s resolve against evil.

  22. Justn Observer

    Greg, some candidates down ballot in some states that lost by very few voted even in State precincts….MIGHT get in touch with DOGE…and see if they LOST due to the vote of DEAD people as well? I know in my state some were very close, and maybe some of those areas in California, where some say ‘they’ are still trying to ‘dig up’ some more votes? Maybe it literal? lol

    • Earth Angel

      Yes, That was a really enlightening interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi on the subject of downline ballot theft and fraud. Another first rate interview, just as is Karen’s most recent one. Greg’s guests are always first rate!

  23. Lynette Enrico

    Hey Greg, Hi from ID. I watched the legislative hearing on this. Slight correction….Dr. McCullough tried to appear by zoom, but ended up commenting by phone.
    The bill SB1036, is being held up in Health and Welfare committee since 1/30. Don’t know why, but many of these senators took $$ from Phizer.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for the correction.

  24. Carla

    The reason Mexico has no problem with Bird Flu in their poultry is because they’ve been vaccinating against Bird Flu since 2023.

    • Greg Hunter


    • Galaxy 500

      So you want us to believe that the Narco State of Mexico has vaccinated the great unwashed masses with a vaccine that doesn’t exist.
      Quoting the man, Greg Hunter,”I call Bull Shiite on the Bull Shiite.”

      • helot

        Galaxy 500 says, “the Narco State of Mexico has vaccinated the great unwashed masses with a vaccine that doesn’t exist.”

        What if, … it was something else? …What if, it was self-assembling nano-bots?

        Are you prepared to be assimilated?

        Have you studied everything, everywhere, to know it ain’t so?

        Known, unknowns. Vs. the unknown, knowns?

        Who knows?

  25. Justn Observer

    Greg, wonder if Karen Kingston has any information on the AVIAN FLU vaccines as far back as 2012 that involved FAUCI and a PH’d Fouchier that may have gone down the ‘gain of function’ road as early as 2011?
    @6:45 =
    IF Fauci now has immunity….he needs to be taken in by Congress for hearings as well as the FBI as to what he did/knows about the depth of just who and what has/is going on as to the ‘GAIN OF FUNCTION’ activities…and the money they got thru USAID. AND it needs to happen ASAP, before the new Secretary of AG.. starts all her ”’funding”” for more rollouts ‘to help’ the egg industry? Or, is it the chickens were not getting broad infections and having to be destroyed UNTIL they started getting avian flu vaccines? OR are they just early versions of mRNA type injections, that now function thru the chickens into their eggs and into the consumers of the eggs? Which NOW, having driven many smaller private farmers out of business, the chicken-egg production can-will be more under central control and distribution of the ESG wok larger corporate farmers and ranchers?
    Pretty much time now for….Government and Large Corporates to KEEP THEIR F’n hands off our food supply. STOP, ‘REGULATING’ the private farmers AND ranchers out of business!
    THAT’S NOT a U.S. or State thing…its a world thing. Time the EU, Canada, Mexico, and South American and other nations farmers and ranchers UNITE ! The farmers and ranchers have fed their people just fine until the ag bus pesticide and pathogenISTS came along…to ‘apparently’ help a de-population effort? Just more ‘we are the gov’t and were here to help GONE MED-EVIL !

    • Andrew Wheeler

      The Avian Flu of 1978 was used to make the Swine Flu vaccines of 2009. I knew 3 people that got the swine vaxx and 4 people that got sick from it. One girl was even put on a ventilator, she almost died. Bird Flu is respiratory, swine flu is not, hence why here lungs filled with fluid. Look up 2009 swine flu patent. The 1978, maybe 68?, bird flu is listed as being used to create it.

    • Carla

      I already forwarded you the article in a previous comment replying to your “BULLCRAP” comment …. PROVING that Mexico IS vaccinating their poultry against Bird Flu. You probably still won’t believe me because it doesn’t fit the narrative, BUT what people won’t ask themselves is: Why doesn’t the USA import eggs from Mexico? Why are they going all the way to Turkey to import eggs? ANSWER: Because Mexico vaccinates their birds and Turkey doesn’t.

      IF you missed seeing the article proving what I am saying is true, I am reposting the link here:


      • helot

        Thanks for the link, Carla. For sure, The Bird Flu is a total scam–period, howevah; the Vax on the other hand, is it a sinister diabolical plot?

  26. Frank S.

    Her Instagram post 12/22/2021, “I smile cuz I’m fully vaccinated”

  27. War Monger

    Another one fully vaxxed… now completely dead.

    Funny how the ones doing the ‘shaming’ and ‘gaslighting’ are dropping like flies.



  28. Hot rod

    I shure hope trump is aware of that which is within these 3 articles series … probably be important for everyone to read make sure you have the basic antique tools you and future generations need to not become a dog waiting for your bowl to be filled. https://truthunmuted.org/technocracy-rising-part-1-why-its-crucial-to-understand-the-end-game/

    • Katy Bar

      The people who have bought COMEX Gold Contracts “BETTER UNDERSTAND THE END GAME”!!! And begin “Standing For Delivery”!! Because it will “likely” soon be found (by Musk) that some Gold “is actually missing” from Fort Knox!!! And, “TRUMP WILL DEMAND IT BACK”!!! (just like he demanded back the Panama Canal and is demanding back critical metals from Ukraine)!! Trump demanding back “All Our Fort Knox Gold” will create a “Musical Chairs Situation” at the COMEX (as there is not enough Gold at COMEX to pay everyone back with “REAL MONEY”(Gold), and they will instead be paid with “Fiat Paper”!! So, lots of people who own “Paper Gold Contracts” WON”T BE GETTING ANY GOLD (instead, they will be given “fiat paper dollars” [https://www.richdad.com/MediaLibrary/RichDad/Images/charts/usd-purchasing-power-1913-2008.png] that Trump will be pushing down in purchasing power even more “to get Foreigners to Buy American” and thus get our Economy Moving”!!!

  29. Tori Spellbound

    _____& Regime Change
    LIVE | Leaked US Call Exposes 2014 Ukraine Coup – “FK the EU” Bombshell Revealed | CLRCUT Started streaming 9 hours ago
    A resurfaced leaked 2014 phone call between Victoria Nuland & Geoffrey Pyatt reveals how top U.S. officials discussed orchestrating Ukraine’s leadership, backing a coup against then-President Viktor Yanukovych. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwacoihJgt0

    🔥 Did the U.S. stage the 2014 Maidan Revolution?
    🔥 Why did Nuland say “F**k the EU”?
    🔥 What does this mean for the Ukraine-Russia conflict today?

    📢 TUNE IN LIVE The truth behind U.S. foreign policy and what this means for Ukraine, the EU, and global politics!
    🗣 COMMENT BELOW: Was the 2014 Ukraine coup a U.S.-backed regime change operation?

    A Chilean kayaker had the fright of his life when a humpback whale briefly swallowed him unharmed. off the coast of Patagonia before quickly releasing him the incident, caught on camera, quickly went viral. https://www.ntd.com/kayaker-swallowed-by-humpback-whale-then-spat-out_1047739.html?utm_source=mixi

  30. Fred Dakke

    Most of the top people who Trump has been hiring are independent thinkers. It seems to me like it will be like trying to herd cats to keep them all working together. However, if he is successful in getting them to work together, it will be fantastic.

  31. Fred Daake

    Great information about pharma from Karen Kingston. She is, however, superstitious when it comes to AI. Guns don’t kill people. People Kill people. Computers don’t kill people. People kill people.

    I have been in the computer industry since the 1960’s and the fear of losing jobs or human control to computers comes up every-time a new generation of systems is announced. We could always go back to the days when there were no adding machines and we did everything either on paper or abacus.

    The truth is that no one wants to go back to the days when it took fifteen hours to do a client write-up that can now be done in fifteen minutes. No one wants to give up smart phones or computers that will eventually connect you to the world via satellite. No one wants to eliminate the possibility of analyzing gut microbiome in a patient that can project diseases twenty years in advance. Why would anyone want to prevent the blind to see or paraplegics to use their limbs?

    America can either embrace these technologies or let the rest of the world do it for us.

  32. Daniela Davidovich

    More From the Tomboy’s!

    ___________ To Be a Tomboy Once Again. . .

  33. Thomas Lash

    The real question after suspension of the bio weapon is. Will they review all hospital protocols and deaths over the last five years. How many people received remdesmivir?
    How many of those were treated with out consent? How much did the hospital make on each patient? Who gave the directives and was there cohesion? There should be a long line of hospitals and doctors getting ready for their court date and conviction. If I have 80% of my patients diagnosed with Covid dying from a drug interaction I think I would stop.

  34. Katy Bar

    Breaking News: “Some Epstein Files to be Released Tomorrow” https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/its-pretty-sick-attorney-general-pam-bondi-confirms-epstein-files-to-be-released-tomorrow/articleshow/118590745.cms
    I bet we find that “eugenicist pervert” Bill Gates was a “frequent flyer” on the “Epstein flight logs” (that will be released on Friday)!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      We knew that it was going to be depraved

  35. Railroaded

    GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE: Inside Sources Confirm The DOJ Has Overwhelming Evidence That James Comey Committed Treasonous Crimes Against The American Republic & Will Be Indicted Soon by Infowars.com February 26th, 2025

  36. Galaxy 500

    These activist judges needs to be disbarred.

  37. Tori Spellbound

    Sukhoi Su-57 Takes Off in 10 Seconds at Aero India 2025, Leaving F-35 Helpless!
    TAPUR UPDATE 14,021 views Feb 21, 2025
    The Aero India 2025 airshow in Bengaluru, India, has become a battleground for showcasing the world’s most advanced fighter jets. Among the highlights of the event was the Russian Sukhoi Su-57, which stunned the audience with an incredible 10-second takeoff, leaving the American F-35 Lightning II struggling to match its performance.

    World Shocked!! Su-57 Lands in Iran, A New Alliance or Russia’s Strategic Move? TAPUR UPDATE 2,206 views Feb 26, 2025
    Satellite images and on-the-ground photos have confirmed that a Russian Su-57 fifth-generation fighter landed at Iran’s Bandar Abbas airbase for several days. The aircraft stopped in Iran to refuel on its way back to Russia after participating in the Aero India 2025 aerospace exhibition. This unexpected stop has sparked speculation about a potential Su-57 sale to Iran, especially as Tehran faces growing regional security threats.

    • Galaxy 500

      F35s were a welfare program at best and at worst a scam… they never come close to the hype. What kind of military weapon has 100 hr maintenance for every flight.
      It’s a steaming heaping pile of bovine excrement…
      And those in Congress got a payout just like those in military procurement. They should be flogged

  38. Will Robinson

    backlash, Intel’s woes and Google’s antitrust battle
    Written by The Associated Press February 3, 2025
    Although Microsoft founder Bill Gates sat down for an interview with The Associated Press to discuss his new memoir, “Source Code: My Beginnings,” he also shared his views on a variety of other topics, including vaccine conspiracy views about him, his thoughts on the struggles of longtime computer chipmaker Intel and his take on the antitrust challenges facing Google. https://www.marketbeat.com/articles/bill-gates-shares-his-thoughts-on-vaccine-backlash-intels-woes-and-googles-antitrust-battle-2025-02-03/?utm_source=miximedia&utm_medium=miximedia

  39. keith

    The Lying Legacy Media (LLM) hardly ever now reports on those deadly, gene editing, cv shots. However, long covid is here to stay and the residual side effects are coming to fruition. Humanity is yet to experience any lessening of the horrible, deadly, strokes, blood clots, brain fog, and a whole host of other side effects. Those in positions of authority, delegated to ensure the safety of the public, are going about their business oblivious to the fact they are walking time bombs, and are still unaware of any potential, time sensitive, release of nanotech that is designed to alter/destroy human behaviors.

  40. Ron

    Greg, I don’t think it will be enough for Trump & DOGE to fix the USA without fixing Europe and the UK/Ireland too, else it could all be back in the USA 10x worse after the 4 years are done.
    British PM Liz Truss was over for CPAC and explains here what they are up against – why not see if you can get an interview? https://youtu.be/hA17ma1SyZ0

    • Galaxy 500

      I don’t believe this is necessary. Either the UK, Germans, Etc wake up or they convert to Satanism aka pislam.

      We can’t save the world. Japan doesn’t let evil in their country. Russia will stand and I think China will undergo another revolution.
      £#€¥ Europe

  41. Susan Russo

    This conversation takes on a familiarity of a well-used word today, dystopia.
    How I describe this from the distance of another planet is humans are in the process of capture and demolition.
    The task of humans right now is to survive life on this planet with all that was invested in us by our maker, God. Humans are being wiped, and it appears this is not a difficult task with our priorities mostly managed by systems put in place with TV and computers.
    Our divine source is God, and the opponent of God is Satan. What is defining humans is a Satanic takeover. This life, contrary to what it may seem, is a blip in time. All of existence continues on in the flame of Christ, an eternity to reconsider our actions at this point in time from wherever one spends it, Heaven or Hell.
    I make every action I commit as best I can, from this point of view, and I urgently plead with everyone to very carefully consider the same.
    The distractions are the delivery system for evil.
    This is what was discussed today, here.
    We need to armor up, prayer up.

    • Galaxy 500

      You left out ammo up
      Luke 22:36
      Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
      My sword is a modern sporting rifle…
      YHWH has give you time to prepare. Let those who have ears hear and those that have eyes see

  42. Susan Russo

    This conversation takes on a familiarity of a well-used word today, dystopia.
    How I describe this from the distance of another planet is humans are in the process of capture and demolition.
    The task of humans right now is to survive life on this planet with all that was invested in us by our maker, God. Humans are being wiped, and it appears this is not a difficult task with our priorities mostly managed by systems put in place with TV and computers.
    Our divine source is God, and the opponent of God is Satan. What is defining humans is a Satanic takeover. This life, contrary to what it may seem, is a blip in time. All of existence continues on in the flame of Christ, an eternity to reconsider our actions at this point in time from wherever one spends it, Heaven or Hell.
    I make every action I commit as best I can, from this point of view, and I urgently plead with everyone to very carefully consider the same.
    The distractions are the delivery system for evil.
    This is what was discussed today, here.

  43. Andrew Wheeler


  44. Rob

    Everyone sits on their butts and waits and hopes for a White Knight to ride in on their white horse and save them. WTF? Psychopaths are trying to KILL you and you do nothing! People should be making A LOT of noise and forcing the politicians to stop this crime, and all the other crimes, in progress. Not waiting and hoping that they do it, FFS!

    If RFK Jr. stops the Convid shots is he also going to stop the bird flu and cancer shots? Nobody knows. So it’s up to We The People to make sure that they are stopped!

    Nobody even appears to be upset about everything that was done to them since 2020. The PCR test, the masking, the 6 foot rule, the lockdowns, etc. etc..The WHOLE thing was a total fraud and nobody seems to care. If they do care then why aren’t they mad as hell and stopping this crime in progress from continuing instead of just sitting there and waiting for a White Knight?

    The other crimes in progress are the directed energy weapons, killing the chickens, injecting the chickens and other animals, burning down food factories, weather modification, chem trails, child poison vaccines, poison food, poison water, AI, 15 minute cities, Cel phone tracking. What else did I forget?

    They ARE killing and enslaving us in multiple ways and everybody just sits there, quiet as a church mouse, and waits for the White Knight. Very sad.

    Thankfully people like you Greg are trying to do something, I’m referring to the general population. You give us the information but then most people don’t act on that information and force the politicians to stop the crimes in progress.

  45. Bret Skurdal

    please get Dr. David E. Martin on for at least an hour iterview on his research on covid and all vacines.

  46. helot

    IF, RFK Jr. Will Stop All CV19 Vax Bioweapons – into people, what about all these plans to inject MNRA vax into the animals in the food chain?

    It appears they are already distributing honey bees with MNRA, & now it seems that eventually All the chickens will have it too. How dangerous is this? Have some MNRA honey & eggs for breakfast?

    Here’s another quick video from Doug and Stacy laying it all out:

    ‘Back Yard Chickens MANDATORY VAX?!? Stay Tuned….its getting crazy’


    • Earth Angel

      Back Yard Chickens- Mandantory Vax?!? .. I say Hell NO; NO Way!.. That’s WHY we have the 2nd Amendment in place!

  47. Joan Jetson

    An AMERICAN, a RUSSIAN and a BELARUSIAN try SKIING in SOCHI! EXPAT American 1,587 views Premiered 5 hours ago
    See what Russia is really like in the mountains! Travel with an International group, that includes an American and a Belarusian, up the mountain and see how Russian ski slopes compare to yours! Is Russia a Scary place? Would you travel here?
    Russian Ski Village video:
    • 🏔️Experience a Ski Village in RUSSIA!…

    Kristoff’s 1st time Skiing video:
    • How do RUSSIANS Exercise in Winter?!

    Immigration inquiries website:

  48. Railroaded

    Lefties Losing it WAR WITH RUSSIA
    ________From Romania With LOVE
    LOVE that BOB BOMB!
    Best of Dr. Strangelove
    OkehWolf 432,188 views Nov 18, 2019
    The best moments from the 1964 Stanley Kubrick film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

    Dr. Strangelove belongs to Sony Pictures Movies & Shows
    You can watch the full film on YouTube, iTunes, or Google Play

  49. Slobodon Slobstich

    Germany’s Merz Wants “Independence” from US as Conservatives Win Polls
    Vantage with Palki Sharma Firstpost 559,663 views Premiered Feb 24, 2025
    Germany’s election results are in, and the conservatives have won. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) will form the next government, with Friedrich Merz set to become chancellor. But the results reveal a deeply divided nation — West Germany backing the CDU, while the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) dominates the East. What does this mean for Germany’s future? Who are the biggest winners and losers? And how will Merz tackle immigration, the economy and Germany’s relationship with the U.S? Palki Sharma breaks it down for you.

    German Election Shockwaves: Rapid Decline of US Influence in Europe
    Prof. Richard Wolff BreakThrough News 294,335 views Feb 25, 2025 The Socialist
    Germany’s election results reflect an increasing polarization; establishment political parties are losing ground, while the far-right and socialists are both gaining traction. Prof. Richard Wolff argues that this is a result of the “fundamental” shift in global geopolitics; the US empire’s decline and the rise of China and the Global South. As the US pivots away from Europe and toward “major power conflict” with China, Germans – and Europeans more broadly – are reconsidering their alliances. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyM-jOuKSn

  50. Daniella Davidovich

    Ukraine 🇺🇦 LIFE IN KIEV, February 26, 2025. The Streets of Kiev, Ukraine. Streets Scenes. 3,280 views Feb 26, 2025
    Ukraine 🇺🇦 LIFE IN KIEV, February 26, 2025. The Streets of Kiev, Ukraine. Streets Scenes.
    Friends, welcome to my YouTube channel – Ukraine 🇺🇦 Life in Kiev!
    Look, how Ukrainian people live in Ukraine and you will see many beautiful stylish girls and beautiful architecture of a big city.
    Friends, please write on the comments under the video what country you are from!
    And don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and like it 🙂
    I will be grateful for your subscription to my channel and welcome every like and all comments.
    I will be pleased with financial support, even the most symbolic.

  51. david

    AI much better then anything of the evil in government.our paying taxes our support of big gov,has allowed this to come…NOTHING will stop elon musk AI its already to late FEAR CHRIST!

  52. Robert Messina

    my only thought on the covid shots is that they may have a very useful purpose
    simply fully vax all of the Palestinian hostages before making any exchange
    it may sound cruel but it would save many innocent lives

  53. Fri/Sat War Film

    (American WW2 film 1942) John Payne

  54. Lynn Scott

    This is the stuff I’m talking about Greg. Be wise.

    • Greg Hunter

      This is a big leap. Careful about connecting the right dots.

      • helot

        I sense a disturbance in the force here. …I hope you two can fill in the gaps. …If there are any.

  55. Paul Anders

    I live in Northern Michigan and I have not seen a single chemtrail in 6 weeks now.

    • helot

      Hi, Paul. I live in North Eastern Iowa and they are as bad as they have ever been. Criss-cross grid, the works. …No breaks at all.

  56. Galaxy 500

    Democrat is clearly a mental illness..:


  57. Sally Rand

    The Human Side of War – German Paratroopers’ Remarkable Act of Kindness during WWII https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0uT2lVNJUQs

  58. Grant Sedgwick

    ‘Huge problem’: Democrats arrested for alleged voter fraud
    Sky News Australia 10,749 views Feb 28, 2025
    Government Accountability Institute President and Author Peter Schweizer has called alleged voter fraud in the United States a “huge problem”.
    Five Bridgeport Democrats were reportedly arrested for allegedly tampering with absentee ballots during a 2023 local election.
    “It’s a huge problem – it continues to be a huge problem,” Mr. Schweizer told Sky News host James Morrow.
    “In South Florida, they call it ‘granny farming’.
    “Doesn’t surprise me, but it is a reminder we need to stay on top of this issue.
    “Elections in America are highly contested, there’s a lot at stake, so it needs to be something that continues to get focus.”

  59. Osceola Poindexter

    The Main Goal: Convincing Trump to Help Ukraine
    Negotiations, Resources, Guarantees Tanya Fiona 5,435 views Feb 26, 2025
    My name is Tanya Fiona and you are watching my YouTube channel The Other script.
    I appreciate you taking the time to watch.
    If you enjoyed the content, kindly consider giving it a thumbs up, hitting the follow button, and subscribing to my channel.
    Your support is truly valued.
    Thank you 🇺🇦

  60. Galaxy 500

    So who many laws does this invalidate?
    You can not legally sign anything unless you have, I think it’s 70% of your mental faculties…
    Being generous to Beijing Biden, he was less than 40% … his level of understanding would be well less than 70IQ.
    Not being mean, just making a fact based analysis and I admit I don’t have all the facts. Lucid people don’t hide from press and campaign from their basement. During Joe’s 1 and only debate against Trump? A third grader would have done better… but then I am talking about a classically trained 3rd grader that was educated instead of inculcated.

  61. Shiloh1

    Bondi / Epstein fiasco yesterday: “Too Stupid To Be Stupid.”

  62. Vlad the Impaler

    Putin Accuses West of Backing Ukraine’s “Terrorist Operations” | Times Now World
    Times Now World 2,066 views Premiered 8 hours ago
    Russian President Vladimir Putin has signaled cautious optimism about U.S.-Russia relations under the Trump administration while warning that “certain Western elites” may attempt to sabotage any efforts at dialogue. Speaking on global security, Putin blamed past Western policies for fueling instability, particularly in Ukraine and other regional conflicts. He accused Western intelligence agencies of backing Ukrainian operations against Russia, calling for a shift toward a “new system of indivisible European and global security” that does not undermine Russia’s interests. Putin also hinted at internal turmoil in Western nations, stating that their political and economic crises are becoming increasingly apparent.

  63. Led Skeletor

    I’m surprised Michael Moore hasn’t gone full queer yet.

  64. Lesley

    But where is the accountability for the shots that kill?

    No way Trump is going to hold Fauci and friends accountable

    So what’s the point? They got away with murder
    I’m just soooooo happy they experimented on humans for this and NOT animals but next time we should use the criminals in jail instead.

    • Greg Hunter

      Trump has been in office a month. Let’s see what happens. RFK has to pull the mRNA bioweapon CV19 shots first.

      • helot

        I was thinkin’. RE: “Trump has been in office a month. Let’s see what happens.”

        …How long shall we wait? …Until we know, the old boss, is the same boss?

        Don’t get me wrong [I’m not TDS] I do wish the new boss was different, awake & aware & ready & willing to: get rid of the Vax, stop Geo-engineering, look towards The Constitution & make gold & silver money & stop the Administrative State from ruining everybody & everyone.

        Catha Quando? …May? …Maybe?

  65. Randy Horton


    “Who is subverting POTUS? The #Epsteinfiles are a total joke. I know Kash, Pam B and The President. This is not the file. WH tells me that they believe the usual suspects FBI/SDNY has the actual #EpsteinClientList and are refusing to turn it over. THIS IS AN INTERNAL CIVIL WAR if true.”


    ME: We’re only a month into Trump’s 2nd term and the SAME OLD BS excuses are ALREADY being parroted as in his 1st term!!!


  66. rick

    nobody is taking COVID shoots anymore anyway. It’s all for show.

    Kennedy is invested in mRNA crisper technology. He is not your friend. None of these people are against you. History will show it, maybe not because they will rewrite it as usual.

  67. rick

    nobody is taking COVID shoots anymore anyway. It’s all for show.

    Kennedy is invested in mRNA crisper technology. He is not your friend. None of these people are for you. History will show it, maybe not because they will rewrite it as usual.

  68. Paul Seward

    How about letting the chickens with bird flu die and leave the remaining with natural immunity survive and breed new flocks of birds with natural immunity?

  69. Rick

    why is my comment deleted about RFK owning a stake in crisper tech for ‘vaccines’?

    also about him discontinuing COVID-19 shots like it matters now that the majority of people will not take them anyway.

    it’s called dog and pony show. all the leaders work against the common man, period. it’s very simple, they work for their father Satan. May Jesus protect the innocent and give us justice one day. amen.

  70. War Drums

    Did Putin Just Win? How NATO Miscalculated Ukraine
    Vantage with Palki Sharma 205,699 views Premiered Feb 24, 2025
    Did Putin Just Win? How NATO Miscalculated Ukraine. Three years ago, when Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, many experts called it a strategic miscalculation. Three years after the fighting began, those assumptions are being proven wrong. Putin has displayed strategic patience to outlast the US-led NATO alliance.
    Palki Sharma brings you a special report on how Putin’s bets paid off in Ukraine.

    European Finance Minister Reveals Truth About Ukraine and Future of Europe
    Cyrus Janssen 170,577 views Feb 28, 2025
    Donald Trump is ending the Ukraine War but what does it mean for the future of Europe? Today we welcome Yanis Varoufakis to the show to discuss why Europe’s lack of leadership is leading it to act as a vassal to the United States and how tariffs from Donald Trump could result in Europe shifting closer to China. Let’s begin!

    White House Tussle! Trump v. Zelensky / Prof John Mearsheimer
    Daniel Davis / Deep Dive Feb 28, 2025
    This presentation discusses Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s recent visit to the U.S. and his interactions with former President Donald Trump. The speakers critique Zelensky’s approach, arguing that he lacks leverage in negotiations and made missteps by engaging in confrontational exchanges with U.S. officials. They assert that Zelensky’s goal is to maintain U.S. support for the war, but that Trump is determined to cut aid and push for an end to the conflict.
    The discussion suggests that Zelensky’s visit was ineffective, as Trump’s position on Ukraine remains unchanged—he wants to end the war quickly, which the speakers argue is in Ukraine’s best interest. They highlight that some officials in Kyiv are beginning to recognize that continuing the war is not a viable strategy. The speakers also emphasize that Ukraine is unlikely to win militarily, and that prolonging the war will only result in more casualties and territorial losses.
    Additionally, they mention Trump’s firm stance, reportedly telling Zelensky, “We either make a deal or we’re out.” They also discuss potential fallout, particularly regarding financial and resource-related negotiations between the U.S. and Ukraine. The overall tone suggests skepticism about Zelensky’s strategy and support for Trump’s approach to ending the war.

    BREAKING NEWS: Trump Speaks To Reporters After Fiery Oval Office Clash With Ukraine’s Zelensky Forbes Breaking News Feb 28, 2025
    President Trump speaks to reporters after his shocking confrontation with Ukrainian
    President Volodymyr Zelensky in the Oval Office.

  71. W.D.

    White House Tussle! Trump v. Zelensky / Prof John Mearsheimer
    Daniel Davis / Deep Dive Feb 28, 2025

  72. Jeffrobbins

    I wonder if any of these genetic vaccines will in fact cause mutations of a virus that someone has? Take chicken pox and shingles; could just one person that has that virus mutate it inside themselves from being injected by these new science adventure vaccines?- I have 3 extended family members suffering at the moment. Two have cancer, one supposedly treatable, the other not so much. The third has had to have a colostomy (under 50). They all got the shots in ‘21 and ‘22.

  73. Grant Sedgwick

    Trump Crushes Zelensky’s Globalist Dreams in Explosive Oval Office Showdown – Nuclear False Flag Is Their Only Remaining Move
    by Infowars.com February 28th
    As end to war grows nearer, globalists grow more desperate.

  74. G.S.

    Trump Crushes Zelensky’s Globalist Dreams in Explosive Oval Office Showdown – Nuclear False Flag Is Their Only Remaining Move
    by Infowars.com February 28th
    As end to war grows nearer, globalists grow more desperate.

  75. Jab Blush

    UKRAINE-RUSSIA NUCLEAR WAR ALERT: General Flynn Warns That the Globalists Are Far from Giving Up and Are Attempting to Use Romania as the Trigger to Officially Bring NATO Into War with Russia

  76. Calvin Belgrove

    Think Trump was aggressive to Zelenskyy for no reason?
    Watch the whole talk.
    Zelenskyy was emotional, interrupted Trump.
    Called Putin names. Raised his eyebrows, all before Trump checked him.
    He called Vance a bitch. He wasn’t ready fur peace.

    WOWSER! Was That Linseed Graham cracker?
    Neocon Lindsey Graham Praises Trump for Manhandling Zelensky – After Gushing Over Ukrainian Dictator Weeks Ago by Dan Lyman
    “I have never been prouder of the President. I was very proud of JD Vance for standing up for our country,” Sen. Graham tells press after explosive meeting🗽💥
    Call fur a ceasefire💤elinski! Don’t Worry be a happy hippie!

    Thousands of patriots gather in London to support President, shouting “WE LOVE TRUMP!
    Watch as thousands converge in London to demonstrate their admiration for President Trump in a massive show of support. The streets of London are awash with Trump flags and banners as the President’s supporters make their voices heard. This remarkable footage captures the energy and fervor of the crowd as they rally behind the President of the United States. Do not miss this unforgettable moment in history! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjZH9Fr4Qig
    What the CIA, FBI, NSA Project Mockingbird brained media whores, corporate comcast, Alex Soros pimps don’t want you to see! LOOK!

    Zelensky just got kicked out the WHITE HOUSE. Here’s the HOPKINS HOT TAKE Katie Hopkins OFFICIAL 594,706 views 14 hours ago

  77. Michael Crawferd

    Zelenskyy asked whether he owes Trump an apology
    Fox News 5,184,259 views Premiered 13 hours ago
    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addresses heated Oval Office exchange with President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance, conditions for a peace agreement and more with Putin in exclusive ‘Special Report’ interview.

  78. Galaxy 500

    Did you see this pile of bovine excrement?
    I can’t wait until either the Brits are nuked or they convert to Satan’s islam
    ‘A spectacle to horrify the world’: what the papers say about Trump and Vance’s meeting with Zelenskyy
    The shocking and unprecedented scenes in the Oval Office dominate UK front pages today, with the papers united in horror

    The unprecedented scenes in the Oval Office dominated the front pages on Saturday, with the papers united in their horror. Adjectives including disastrous and vile were used to describe the meeting in which Donald Trump and his vice-president JD Vance openly berated the Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
    The Guardian leads with a quote from Donald Trump: “You are gambling with world war three”, characterising the meeting between the US and Ukrainian presidents as “disastrous”. In a separate sketch of the furious row, David Smith wrote that “Trump on Friday presided over one of the greatest diplomatic disasters in modern history.”

    The Guardian front page, Saturday 1 March 2025Composite: The Guardian
    The Daily Mail called the meeting “A spectacle to horrify the world” and said that during the “shouting match in the Oval Office” a “raging Trump humiliates Zelensky on live TV”.

    The Daily Mail front page, Saturday 1 March 2025Composite: Daily Mail
    The Daily Mirror went for “Shock & War” as its front page headline, with subheads reading “Trump stuns the world with vile rant at Zelensky” and “Ukraine hero forced home without a deal.”

    Daily Mirror front page, Saturday 1 March 2025Composite: Daily Mirror
    The Daily Telegraph summed up Trump and Vance’s approach to the Ukrainian president on its front page: “Make a deal or we’re out”. The paper said that during a “shouting match” at the White House, Trump had told Zelenskyy to “come back when you’re ready for peace”.

    The Daily Telegraph front page, Saturday 1 March 2025Composite: Daily Telegraph
    The Financial Times headlined with “Zelenskyy’s White House talks break down in blaze of acrimony”, saying the minerals deal proposed by Trump had been left unsigned.

    Financial Times front page, Saturday 1 March 2025Composite: Financial Times
    The Times characterised the evening as a “Meltdown in the Oval Office” and also highlighted Trump’s comment that Zelenskyy was “risking world war three”. On its front page were four photos from the meeting. The first three show the presidents arguing, the final one showing Trump and Zelenskyy looking away from each other.

    The Times front page, Saturday 1 March 2025Composite: The Times
    The Express led on “Bust-up leaves Trump’s peace talks in crisis”. The lead story began: “hopes of a Ukraine peace deal were in tatters”.

    Daily Express front page, Saturday 1 March 2025Composite: Daily Express
    The Sun declared “Ukraine hero ambushed” above the splash headline “The Fight House”, alongside a picture of Trump wagging his finger at Zelenskyy.

    The Sun front page, Saturday 1 March 2025 Composite: The Sun
    The Independent said “Zelensky ambushed by Trump, calling the meeting a “disastrously bad-tempered summit”.

    The Independent front page, Saturday 1 March 2025Composite: The Independent

  79. Led Skeletor

    Yesterday I seen the Tesla Cybertruck next to me at a stop light. It looked like a repurposed dumpster, or some sort of a commercial sized trash compactor on wheels. I felt embarrassed waiting at the light next to him, like he was driving a junkyard 1985 Yugo. I felt sorry for this self-volunteering victim. Part of being human is the joy and appreciation of fine art, to be surrounded by visual brilliance.

  80. Galaxy 500

    Even Ukraine Rep know Zelenskyy is an idiot

  81. Galaxy 500

    Screw Norway…
    Get the US out of NATO

  82. C. Whewell

    Matthew 6: 9-21

    Many of us had “gone Galt” long ago (who was John Galt?) b/c the choice remains to not contribute efforts to what amounts to little more than a continuing criminal enterprise.

    Only a fool IMO would contribute any effort, mental talents, invention disclosures, etc. to what these psychopaths have been building.

    Yet, the treasures accumulated by the Righteous in heaven cannot be taken by any of these mis-creant short-sighted narcissistic mental midget barbarians.

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