Sliding Towards Chaos – Signs are Everywhere

By Greg Hunter’s

Every week there are new signs we are sliding towards chaos.  Is this what they want?  Look no further than the underreported mess that is Ukraine.  Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in a stark warning just last week, said, “The West is playing with fire,” and he made a chilling WWIII warning directly to the USA.  Now, Lavrov has said that the West is “asking for trouble” by considering Ukrainian requests to loosen curbs on using foreign-supplied weapons. . . . He added, “Americans unequivocally associate conversations about a Third World War as something that, God forbid, if it happens, will affect Europe exclusively.”  Lavrov went on to point out nuclear war will not be contained in Europe, but it will affect everybody everywhere.This includes the USA.  If there were ever a time to make sure you have backup power and sat phone communication, this is it.  Satellite Phone Store can help you do both along with  (Here’s an 8-minute demo video for solar battery power back up.)

Here is another warning sign the world is sliding into chaos and that is billionaire investor Warren Buffett selling a huge 34 million shares of Bank of America for $1.48 billion, according to a public filing Friday.  This brings the total shares of BofA sold by Buffett to about 90 million since mid-July.  What does Buffett see coming that we don’t?  If Bank of America was solvent and strong, would he be selling?  Look at the rest of the economy.  It’s a basket case being propped up by inflation and lies.  This is why you should consider diversifying into hard assets for insurance in a financial paper world.  This can be done at Discount Gold and Silver Trading.  Melody Cedarstrom is totally honest, and I have not had a complaint in more than 10 years.

Want some more current chaos?  Think you are safe in America?  Think again.  Look at the recent armed Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes in Colorado and Chicago.  This is all brought to you by the open border policy of the Democrats and RINO Republicans.

Look at all the fires happening all over North America.  They continue to burn, and as a side effect, wildfires poison water systems.  You also get poison in water and air with what is going on right now in New York City.  NYC began spraying for West Nile virus recently.   This is going to go on for a while.  Mosquito spraying all over town will probably be done in many other cities soon.  (Who knows what else they are spraying.)  Can spraying massive amounts of bug killers harm your air and water?  You bet it can, and don’t expect government officials to care about you—they don’t.   This is why you need the water filtration tech of Dry Element.  They are American made and are experts in water filtration and storage.  Dry Element filters fit Berky, too.

You also need a way to scrub all the smoke and poison out of the air in your home.  Simply walking inside and closing the door is not going to work.  This is why you should consider the patented bipolar ion air scrubbing tech of Weston Scientific.  They have a new machine called the WS 2000, and it is state of the art air scrubbing tech you need now.  There is also the compact tried and true CarryiOn.  There are deals on these products now.

Finally, my confidential election data miner says they have new information on Kamala Harris.  The data mining shows her job approval is bouncing at around 8.5%.  It gets worse as the latest data shows Harris is “unelectable.”  Harris does not win a single demographic.  My source says if the Deep State wants to cheat her in, the cheating is going to be obvious.  The Deep State is desperate NOT to allow Donald Trump into office.  Could they start a war?  Could they crash the financial system?  Could they release a super deadly virus that kills many and locks us down again?  Or, all of the above?

All the signs are in front of your face that we are sliding into chaos.  So, get prepared now.

There is much more in the 24-minute video below.

Join Greg Hunter of as he tells you why you need these survival tools and shows the USAW sponsors that have them.  You are not just helping the sponsors and USAW, but you are helping yourself too.  Don’t wait.

After the Post:

Discount Gold and Silver Trading:  Call 1-800-375-4188.

Satellite Phone Store:  Call 1-941-841-0844.  They can help you with all your communication and power supply needs.

Dry Element:  Call 833-379-3536.  They are American made water filtration experts.

Weston Scientific:  Call 573-469-5013.  High-tech air scrubbing machines that can make you safe from mold, chemicals, pathogens and even spike proteins and nanoparticles being sprayed in the air.


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Satellite Phone Store

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  1. jerry

    I’m glad you’re feeling better Greg.
    God Bless you.

    • Anthony Australia

      Greg I wax thinking about you and your awesome contribution to our community. I hope that you could mend the relationship with Gregory Mannarino and have him back on your broadcast.

      “If you forgive people their sins, your Father in heaven will forgive your sins also. If you do not forgive people their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

      • Greg Hunter

        I forgave Greg Mannarino a long time ago.

        • Anthony Australia

          Great news Greg, I hope you can have him on your show along with Marc Faber, Bo Polny & Michael Pento

      • Galaxy 500

        Hi AA,
        Forgiveness does not put a relationship back to where it was before the betrayal, etc… or what ever happened
        It also doesn’t require forgetfulness. It merely means you have forgiven the transgressions against you.

    • Anthony Australia

      Greg I was thinking about you and your awesome contribution to our community. I was hopeful that you could mend the relationship with Gregory Mannarino and have him back on your broadcast.

      “If you forgive people their sins, your Father in heaven will forgive your sins also. If you do not forgive people their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

  2. H. Craig Bradley


    The insecticide for controlling mosquitos is commonly low concentration Malathion. I worked for the White River National Forest in the early eighties and the Town of Rifle, Colorado would aerial spray low dose of Malathion in the Summer for mosquito control using a helicopter. ( I did not die )

    All such pesticides are rated for lethality and given a LD 50 rating in the lab. As I recall, Malathion has a low lethality, meaning its not harmful in diluted form to humans and livestock. ( Proof: I did NOT die).

    How much Malathion per acre for mosquitoes?
    A:For mosquito larvae, you would use 13 fl. oz. of Malathion Concentrate per acre. Otherwise, for adult mosquito control you would use a spot application at a rate of 1 part to 28 parts water, fuel oil or diesel oil. Broadcast applications cannot be done on residential lawns for adult mosquitos.

    • Greg Hunter

      So, you know everything they are spraying? Yeah, and the CV19 vax is safe and effective. Give me a break.

      • Dave

        Hi Greg, I only have a partial scan analysis of the welsbach seeding contents, and the spraying is done at 3 elevations for various uses.
        For the most comprehensive list analysed, contact Cliff Carnicom, since he’s the foremost expert in the world that will tell you. He can also give a list of the military departments & of the industrial complex that have visited his site.
        Earth has been weaponized. From Gakona Alaska to space based platforms, the abilities range from level ten Tesla weapons, to rods from gods etc… The effects can be global, and biblical, along with the pole shift, that will place Havana on the equator, moving at the elderly with a walker speed.

    • DAVID

      Aerosolized “Herbicides and Toxins” by US Military is Not Uncommon

      “mRNA Lettuce Vaccines” are not medicines. They’re bioweapons of mass destruction (WMDs) that can also be aerosolized. Unfortunately, the US military has history of aerosolizing bioweapons of mass destruction, such as Vietnam’s agent orange.

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Craig,
      I don’t think we have any idea what they are actually spraying these days… I lived the 80s as an adult and that is ancient history

    • Rwmctrofholz

      The mosquito companies that spray fog in our state all where masks with respirators. Why if it’s safe??

    • Rob

      Since we now know they are trying to kill us, what’s stopping them from increasing the lethality of what they are spraying, or adding other poisons too it?

      • Katy Bar

        Here is one Poison that would surely Kill Everyone and put a big smile on Kamala’s face (along with her happy cackle, cackle, cackling)!! Her proposal is to put a 44.6% to 75% Tax on UNREALIZED Capital Gains!! But don’t fear Trump Supporters (Kamala has to Win first) and her Commie Demon Rat buddies must gain control of the two Houses of Congress to introduce such a Capital Gains Tax Bill “on Unrealized Appreciation” that she could then sign. But such Legislation on Unrealized Capital Gains (like they currently impose each year on every homeowner with Property Taxes Based Upon a Home’s Unrealized Appreciation) would probably engender Court fights, that will hopefully rise all the way to our “very conservative” Supreme Court (who could by their ruling also finally eliminate “The Unfair Property Taxes Homeowners Now Pay on Their Homes “UNREALIZED” appreciation every year!!

        • Kit Lee

          Kamala is now proposing only a 28% tax capital gains, probably figuring that she can easily print enough money once in office (just like Zimbabwe did) “to make everyone a billionaire” subject to the capital confiscation of close to one third of everyones assets!!

  3. Richard Dewayne Howard

    Greg, God blessings 2 you, your family and everyone. I appreciate your honesty you are in my prayers.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother Richard!!
      Brother Greg

  4. RmbrumleyLt.ColonelUSMC (ret.)

    Melody is Outstanding
    I highly recommend if any of your viewers are wanting to buy Gold
    Discount Gold & Silver is my pick!!! Silver by the way is the most undervalued asset on Planet 🌎
    Greg Hunter is our Ultimate Patriot

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks LTC Brumley!!

    • Katy Bar

      The price for a 400-ounce Gold bar has now reached One Million US Dollars (400 x $2500 = $1,000,000)!! Back in 1971 a 400 oz Gold bar Cost Only $14,000 Dollars (But Our Darling Politicians “in China’s Pocket” Along With The Banksters “At The Fed” Have Succeeded In Reducing The Purchasing Power of Our US Dollar By 98.5% (Over Just the 53 Years Between 1971 and 2024)!!!

      • Ken Yu

        So the Evil Politicians who took a $14,000 Dollar Bribe in 1971 now need to ask for a Million Dollar Bribe for it to be equivalent!! That means turning Traitor on our Nation today requires taking seventy-one (71) 400 ounce Gold Bars (instead of the one(1) 400 ounce Gold Bar they took back in 1971)!!

        • Kit Lee

          Gold has now moved ahead of and eclipsed the Euro to become “the worlds second largest reserve asset behind the US Dollar” (and is speeding to soon surpass the US Dollar) and “Become The World’s Number One Reserve Asset”!!!

        • Katy Bar

          The Bible says: By their “fruits” you shall know them!! With all the “Demonic Queers” found everywhere in America everyone should know them by now!! Even Russia!!! Who Announced Today (a Asymmetric Attack on these Demonic Queers who have brazenly attacked the Russian Homeland) “Russia Stated It Will be Buying Over Thirty(30) Tons of Gold Next Month”!!
          Now “THAT” Should Drive the Warmonger Queers and Gold Manipulators in the US and NATO into a FIT OF ANGRY RAGE, VEXATION and VIOLENT EMOTION AS THEY PANIC IN HYSTERIA (to Cover their Massive Short Positions in Gold and Silver)!!! This “Conniption Fit” by the Globalist Demon Rats (who have manipulated the price of Gold and Silver for too long) IS JUST WHAT IS NEEDED to finally get these Evil Globalists off the backs of the Common People who have been steadfastly accumulating Precious Metals all these many years (only seeing their 400 ounces of Gold rise from $14,000 Dollars in 1971 to One Million Dollars today)!!!

  5. Warren B.

    Buffet knows that BOA (part of the infamous 5 Large SIFI group) has total derivative exposures of almost $40 TLN with JPM $54TLN and CITI $51 TLN leading the pack.
    The 5 also have circa 96% ($5.8TLN) of the total US Bank Credit Derivatives of $6TLN.
    Credit derivatives are the most dangerous form and BOA holds almost $1 TLN of these.
    The Financial reform of 2010 has done very little in reigning in the gambling efforts (risks) of the Casino Banks.
    When considering the risks associated with Derivatives one must look to whom the other party(s) (Counterparty) is/are. As we all discovered after the fact in 2008/09 these extended to other Banks, Brokerages, Insurance Companies, Hedge Funds and Asset Managers as well as Domestic and International Corporate entities.
    This is where the uncertainty about Bankruptcy could have the contagion effect – any listed or unlisted entity could have exposure to the reckless dealings of the American Mega Banks. Said differently any shareholding could be rendered worthless in an instant ….should the unthinkable happen.
    Does Buffet see something on the horizon ? Its not rocket science for those who are close to the centre. In fact its staring them in the face. Its the intermediaries and the masses who are left holding the bag. The next crisis is on our doorstep.
    The system (Banks) has continually been propped up by secret funding through undisclosed loans at below market rates. New regulated Capital requirements will not be sufficient/adequate. FDIC Insured deposits will cover 5% of deposited funds based on available FDIC Capital.
    Jim Sinclair often said GOTS – GET OUT OF THE SYSTEM. If you dont become your own Bank – you will lose most if not all of your wealth.
    There were signs back in 2006 and 07 about an imminent day of reckoning. Having the foresight to see what is beyond the edge of the precipice will give you an advantage.

  6. MJ Quinn

    Sophisticated Lvoting algorithms are in place to rig the election in 13 states. An investigation has been launched in Ohio. Should produce plenty of chaos ?

  7. Earth Angel

    I’m curious as to who/ what entities would be interested in picking up some/all of the 34 million shares of BoA that Buffet is now dumping?.. Will it be the central bankers who print the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (perhaps via shell corporations) to keep things propped up for awhile longer?.. a foreign investor or corporation?.. some foreign government via a shell corporation?.. brokerage houses trying to make a quick deal sticking it to uninformed investors out there?.. Who?? Seriously, does anyone have a theory on who would be interested in rolling the dice on this?

    • Anon

      Sometimes the high flyers do a deal among themselves to manipulate the market.

      Dumping stocks might “appear” to be a sign of no-confidence which will snowball into other people dropping stock therefore lowering the stock price. Then the very people who dumped the stock in the first place buy back twice as much at less cost.

      They’re probably just preparing to either prop up or destroy the US economy depending on who THEY want to win the election.

    • Shiloh1

      Government pension funds and corporate 401k.

  8. Fredrick (Rick) Getzschman

    Great report Greg.

  9. Fredrick (Rick) Getzschman

    Great report and demonstration Greg.

  10. Seer

    Years ago viewing the future saw Bank of America did not exist. Also, IBM was gone. Whole Foods closed. Mergers or failures?
    Avoid mosquitoes. for non tobacco nicotine amazing remedy or use patches per Dr Ardis. Any chance to interview Ardis?

    • Earth Angel

      Love to see those two companies gone. I think IBM is a despicible company responsible for much of the dystopian technology and the many woes we face because of it today. Good riddance to bad rubbish the old timers used to say.

  11. Steve Carter

    Good to see you back and hope you fully recover. God bless you my friend.


    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Steve!

  12. Rebecca Chance Chauncy

    Christians Witnessing, as represented by the lot here in the comments, should emphasize in these critical times and start leaning and leading to principles such as neutrality in the midst of division, respect for authority, and the importance of personal freedom within the framework of your religious beliefs. Here’s how we might view Benjamin Franklin’s quote:
    Benjamin Franklin once said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” That quote often comes up in the context of new technology and concerns about government surveillance. Benjamin Wittes, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and the editor of Lawfare, tells NPR’s Robert Siegel that it wasn’t originally meant to mean what people think.

    Observations from a Christian’s Witnessing Perspective
    Personal Freedom and Responsibility: Christian’s value personal freedom, particularly in the context of religious worship and moral choices. They might resonate with Franklin’s emphasis on essential liberty, as they believe in the importance of maintaining their religious freedoms even in the face of societal pressures.

    Neutrality and Government Surveillance: Christians try to maintain a stance of political neutrality we find ourselves in these end times, which means they do not participate in divisive political activities or conflicts. However, they are aware of government surveillance and the potential for misuse of power. They might see Franklin’s quote as a caution against sacrificing fundamental freedoms for the sake of temporary security measures, which could lead to greater control and loss of personal liberties.

    Historical Context and Modern Application: While Franklin’s quote was originally meant to address specific historical circumstances, Christians might apply its underlying principle to modern issues, such as the balance between security and freedom in the digital age. They might agree with the idea that essential liberties should not be compromised for temporary safety, as this could lead to a slippery slope of increasing restrictions.

    Insights from Benjamin Wittes
    Benjamin Wittes’ interpretation, as discussed on NPR, suggests that Franklin’s quote is often misunderstood and taken out of its original context. Christian Witnesses might appreciate this nuanced view, recognizing that historical quotes can be reinterpreted over time. They might also see the importance of understanding the original intent behind such statements to apply them correctly to contemporary issues.
    For more details, you can visit the NPR article.

    • Galaxy 500

      No offense but I don’t take anything pushed by NPR that has to do with history, freedom or religion as anything of value.
      NPR is a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC

      • RCC

        Just testing G500!

        • Galaxy 500

          Hey, I understand. I used to listen to Cartalk. Those guys were a riot.
          You have to hear what the minions of Satan are saying. You have to be aware of their newest target. I remember NPR being anti 2nd amendment 40 years ago. These guys are a good measure of what target is next

  13. Loxie Lou Davie

    For anyone interested in the Jesus Story, The Urantia Book contains a more complete version of it!

  14. Galaxy 500

    What a powerful demo of Dry Element water filter system!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks 500. I had zero bad taste in the muddy water that was filtered.

      • Galaxy 500

        I don’t think most people realize who important Dry Element is in their “disaster” prep

  15. Galaxy 500

    It’s hard to believe Kamala has 8.5% support after her many “successes” running the border, etc
    I mean she is a world class or is that classless? woman boss…
    LOL… While I admit I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, she makes me look like Einstein.

  16. Galaxy 500

    They lied about everything…
    And that is a fact.
    Monkey Pox is an STD that is running rampant thru the gay community. How much of this was traded around during the Satanic Olympics? It would have to be high amongst those who participated in the Opening ceremonies
    Jesus is Lord. YHWH is GOD and Jesus is His only begotten son.

  17. D.WohlersLtCol.USMCRetired

    First, I pray that you Greg are getting back close to normal.
    Then, since the demoflats have already moved Kammie into the running position, and now she is really gooofing it, they will move someone like Maaaaa Obama into the slot with another VP pick to be voted for yet this year.
    But the most important is the Bible tells us about all these things that are happening and that they will happen in the end times.
    I personally think that Israel will be in a major war soon and no later that three years from now. That war will go on and only end with a world peace agreement signed that will be the start of the last seven years on this earth. And then Our Lord and Savior comes with His Angeles and takes us home.
    But in the mean time, the wealthy that are controlling this Nation today will have moved us to a ONE WORLD GOV. which the Bible tells us that we will be under a ONE WORLD GOV. during the end times.
    Since I am 90, but doing well in my getting around, driving my car and helping others here in this Senior Center, getting my wife out of Memory Care every day and go for a walk and taking care of her for about two hours, I may be here, but really looking forward to it as I AM READY. ARE ALL OF YOUR READERS ? I Pray they are.

  18. Jim Frikkie

    Sky News host bursts out laughing over Kamala Harris’s ‘bad acting’
    Sky News Australia 32,555 views Sep 4, 2024 Power Hour
    This week on Power Hour, a well-rested Joe Biden forgets he’s not running for president, veterans slam “coward” Tim Walz, protests in Israel over hostage deaths, and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle face more staff exodus woes.

    The 1930s in Colour – Countdown to War | Part 2 |
    Free Documentary – History

    Kamala Harris LOSES TEMPER & ENDED RALLY Early After It Was NO MORE Than 100 People In The CROWD
    Life With Recklezz 120,267 views 10 hours ago

    NEW RFK Jr & Trump Ad Breaks Internet For America’s Last Hope to Unite
    OkayRickk 64K views 1 day ago

  19. Dan Gowin

    Greg take a look at this. Property tax fraud.
    Counties are raising property taxes to meet budgets. They’re NOT evaluating property value by comparative values based on sales. The fraud is systemic across the U.S. and is so large counties are running into trouble servicing debt. People losing homes due to high property taxes. Its the cause of property prices being so high.

    • Earth Angel

      I was speaking with a friend who is in her mid-late 50’s. She told me she ran into a friend she went to school with here locally but hadn’t seen in years. The woman told her she has been living in a TENT and moving it from place to place because the county runs her out when they find wherever she is in the woods, etc. She has evidently lost her home and subsequently her car and job. Bidenomics is working out just great for her, isn’t it?! (We live now in one of the top 5 growing counties in the NATION I am told, and from the looks of it I don’t doubt it one bit) Unbridled growth with little planning for roads, excess traffic, and quality of life for the rest of us by county officials is making our once pastoral and peaceful communities a wreck. People seem to be flocking here from everywhere. The Eagle’s song lyric got it right;” You call some place Paradise, Kiss it goodbye…”

      • Galaxy 500

        That is sad. I know several people who have been forced to “downsize” under Beijing Buy-Dem and is sidekick, Hiding Hoe Harris. These people were not elected, they seized power and are robbing the treasury and weakening our nation as fast as they can. I hope I live long enough to see them brought to justice

        • Earth Angel

          Me too Galaxy. They started a wrecking ball to the American economy in earnest when obama was installed in 2008 and he got 2 terms. If Harris is somehow cheated in again (Heaven forbid!) that will make 8 additional years of obamunism unleashed upon America. Not sure how we could recover from that. I’d love to see the treasonous criminals brought to justice too. Its all hands on deck and as DJT so powerfully said its “Fight, Fight, Fight” to save our country, our freedoms and the America we grew up with. With RFK jr.’s recent request to his supporters to vote for TRUMP I don’t see ANY way for the marxist/globalists to win except by cheating again. Let’s hope there is significantly better scrutiny at ballot boxes nationwide this time around.

          • Galaxy 500

            Well said

    • Katy Bar

      A Big Chunk of a Homeowners Property Tax is based upon the Number of Children that have to be taught their “Queer Story Time Lessons” in your School District!! And with Kamala “KEEPING THE BORDER OPEN” for the last three and a half years the Schools are “Now Filled With So Many Illegal Aliens that School Taxes will probably be Double or Quadruple what you have been paying!! So I hope you Demon Rats now planning to vote for Kamala this coming November realize (when looking at your next School Tax Bill) That it was your “Commie Kamala” you supposedly picked at the DNC who has already succeeded in SMASHING THE AMERICAN DREAM!!!

      • Galaxy 500

        Sad isn’t it

  20. lither van fruss

    Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442
    Lex Fridman 2,775,440 views Sep 3, 2024

  21. Jack Rakes

    Megyn Kelly weighs in on Kamala Harris’ ‘absurd’ requests ahead of Trump debate
    Sky News Australia 22,571 1 hour ago
    ‘The Megyn Kelly Show’ host Megyn Kelly joins Sky News host Paul Murray to discuss the upcoming presidential debate as Kamala Harris and Donald Trump continue to fight over the rules.

  22. Katy Bar

    This is outright Gender Discrimination ( to give Life in Prison to a “MAN” for killing his daughter!! When Women who Kill their baby daughters and sons don’t get any prison time when they do their Abortions upon (Hearing the Voices of Demons in the Blue States) saying: WOMEN HAVE AN “ABSOLUTE RIGHT” TO KILL THEIR CHILDREN!!!

    • Paul

      The usa would not be in need of immigrants for low labor participation if abortion were not so easy to be performed.

      Big money in performing these surgeries as well as the down stream sales of body parts, especially the stem cells.

      Soylent green in action.

      Paul from arkansas

      • Katy Bar

        Good point Paul – The Demon Rats “for all their talk about being for the Blacks” are instead killing as many of them as they can by abortion (and instead are giving everything Free to the Alien Commies coming across the southern border (American Blacks are “True Americans” who have been raised to be “Free Men” and have given their lives in many wars to protect the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights!! The Illegal Aliens “have no such loyalty” and so the Demon Rats prefer the Illegals over the Blacks (that the two-faced-forked-tongue Kamala is trying to pretend she is)!!!

        • Kit Lee

          Now I understand, why Massachusetts “Demon Rat” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (also known as Pocahontas) wanted to make herself into “An Indian”!! It was so she could then call herself Black (like Kamala did), knowing the Exceedingly Dumb Demonrats who vote for Demons over and over again (have the mental age of a 3 month old rodent) and can be Talked Down To “like small child” (the way Kamala does) and will believe whatever they are told!!

  23. Ken Yu

    Invading Aliens have now secured a beach-head on American soil.
    No opposition has yet come from American forces (seems our defense forces have been told by the Bribe’n Administration “To Stand Down” (just like our defense forces stood down on 9-11)!!!

    • Katy Bar

      This is why the Demon Rats have created SANCTUARY CITIES all across America (so we Americans can’t fight back against the illegal aliens taking over our Nation)!!!

      • Kit Lee

        Sanctuary Cities Were Purposely Set Up by the Evil Commie Demon Rats to Protect their Criminal Aliens so they could be left free to Rape, Steal and Murder (Without any Fear of Being Arrested or Deported!)! These Sanctuary Cities have been set up all across America by the Globalists in-order to Undermine Federal, State and Local Laws Designed to Protect Ordinary American Citizens (and Purposely Endanger the Legal Residents of these Cities (whom Governments are Sworn to Protect)!!!

    • Kit Lee

      How Is It Possible that the US Army (paid by our tax dollars) is “Protecting FOREIGN INVADERS” at a NYC Hotel?? See it for yourself (at about the 40:34 mark)

  24. Ken Yu

    This is very interesting – Did you know that an Earthquake can produce gold nuggets as large as 130 pounds!!!
    So when you go out Prospecting for Gold (to Survive the Chaos to Come) forget about panning “for tiny microscopic gold flakes” in streams. It may pay to instead look for a Really Big Payoff, like those “130 pound gold nuggets” found in Earthquake prone regions!!

  25. Russ 2

    Thanks Greg, chaos is coming and it’s not just Aurora, CO and Chicago.

    For those not paying attention, note that Cities in Cali and other States don’t need to pass Sanctuary City laws because the entire State is a sanctuary. Now it becomes more obvious why Texas and Florida are prime destinations for those escaping occupation.

  26. T.A. Shannon

    Once Upon A Time,

    The stench of the New World Odor was released in New York City in 2001, seven months and nine days after Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

    Right, Bill?


    Is there a lawyer in the house?

  27. Katy Bar

    We may be criticized for even suggesting that “a few” Evil Deranged Psychopathic Globalists be sent to the Sun in a Space X Rocket! But, NO CRITICIZEM is ever Leveled at the Truly Evil Globalists (who brazenly) Want to Bring “Hell Fire (and Chaos) to Our Entire Nation (in their pre-planned Nuclear World War III they are about to initiate!! Burning “not just a few of the Evil ones” on a rocket ride to the Sun, but want to “Burn Every Man, Women and Child” Nuclear “Sun Like” Fire right here on Planet Earth)!!

    • Katy Bar

      Why don’t we Carve into Granite Stone Our Very Own “Georgia Guidestone” Message Clearly Stating That: “Ninety-Nine (99%) Percent of the Useless Commie Globalist Psycho-Demons SHOULD BE EXTERMINATED and Erect it For all the World to See: Proclaiming How By Doing So “We Will Make Our World “A Better More Sustainable Place for a Minimum of 800 Trillion Human Beings”!!!

      • Galaxy 500

        Hi Katy,
        Are we using the other 1% as fertilizer?
        Asking for a friend

        • Katy Bar

          No not fertilizer G500. The Galactic Federation wants to put the remaining 1% on display in a Zoo on Pluto to be sexually assaulted by perverted trans-aliens visiting to our Solar System (you know, the way Jeffery Epstein did for the Perverts in Washington AC/DC)!!

          • Ken Yu

            Like those Perverted Annunaki?? Who supposedly came to Earth and screwed around with the DNA of the indigenous monkeys (to make them into worker slaves who could then mine the gold the Annunaki so very much prized???

    • Ken Yu

      Yeah Katy!! The Evil Globalists can Brazenly Try To Burn up 8 Billion People IN ALL THE NUCLEAR FIRES “THEY ARE TRYING TO CREATE” RIGHT HERE ON EARTH (and that thankfully Russia won’t buy into). But It would be Immoral for Us to Send “a few” of these Human Hating Eugenicists on a one-way Space X Rocket Ride into the Sun??

      • Katy Bar

        These Evil Commie Globalist Demons must be sent to “Where No Man Has Gone Before”!!!

  28. Watchman on the wall

    Watchman: anthrax in Wyoming

    Thank you Greg for all your efforts, remember you are Loved-dje

  29. Cinthia Buick, DoverUS.

    by September 3rd 2024
    Bombshell Confession! Kamala Harris Publicly Admits The Election Polls Are Fake


    Russia-Ukraine war LIVE: Putin launches air attacks on Kyiv, western city of Lviv | WION LIVE 10,606 views Streamed 16 hours ago
    Russia launched missiles and drones on Kyiv and the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, not far from the border with NATO-member Poland. This comes just a day after Russia hit a military institute in Ukraine’s central town of Poltava with two ballistic missiles in the war’s deadliest single attack this year, killing 50 and wounding hundreds more.

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    Story by Kathrine Frich • 11h •

    Are Russia and NATO’s ‘red lines’ in Ukraine’s war shifting? | Inside Story
    Al Jazeera English 32,490 Sep 4, 2024
    Both Moscow and NATO have so-called ‘red lines’ that could trigger outright war between them.
    The conflict in Ukraine now involves many countries, with western weapons being used against Russia.
    So are these red lines shifting?
    And is there a greater risk of a wider war?

  31. Richard Gould

    Tree of life – A tree in the Garden of Eden. The Bible does not indicate that it had inherent life-giving qualities in its fruit; instead, it represented God’s guarantee of everlasting life to those he would allow to eat of its fruit.—Ge 2:9; 3:22. – There are a number of Bible terms/words that most do not really understand although many honestly believe that they do. Such as The Way, Sacrifice, World, System of things, Soul, Spirit, Talmud, Repentance, Nazirite, Judgement Day, Josephus, Flavius, Jerome, Gospel, Eusebius of Caesarea, Epicurean philosophers, Cities of refuge, Chief Agent and Christian Greek Scriptures. If you want the Bible definition of these words, about 4 pages of information, please request them by email. Make no mistake about this; time is NOW very short. We have been notified that the Great Tribulation is VERY close! When that starts, the door to salvation will be much harder to open! I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home. Please request the link to study the Bible in your home via email.

  32. Duke Nukumski

    Jeffrey Sachs, Taibbi: How The West DESTROYED Russia
    Breaking Points 22,740 views
    Sep 4, 2024 #news #politics #youtube
    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member for EXCLUSIVE content including LIVE AMAs and to watch/listen to the show uncut 1 hour early visit:
    Ryan and Emily are joined by Jeffrey Sachs and Matt Taibbi to discuss the Ukraine War and how the west destroyed Russia.

    Scott Ritter: Russia is WIPING OUT Ukraine’s Army and NATO is Doomed ft. Dan Kovalik /Danny Haiphong 14,428 1 hour ago
    Former US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer Scott Ritter SOUNDS off on the dire condition of Ukraine’s military as it faces an ongoing war of attrition it cannot win against Russia. This begs the question as to the future of NATO and hint it isn’t good. This video breaks it all down.

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Duke
      How exactly have we hurt Russia?
      To me, it looks like we shot ourselves in the right foot and then gave the gun to the Nazis in the Ukraine who promptly shot us in the left

      • Kit Lee

        Don’t know about Russia but Trudeau is hurting Canada by recklessly spending with no end in sight. Only Switzerland and Australia exceed Canada’s debt levels. Now, the Bank of Canada just voted to cut rates by another 25 bps to 4.25% (marking its third consecutive rate cut). Seems Canada’s Trudeau (just like the Commie Politicians in the US) simply prints all the money necessary to support Foreign interests and the War in Ukraine (placing his citizens last, just like the US does)!!

        • Dupa Dukie

          G, I don’t know I just work here!

          • Galaxy 500

            The only thing I see the West has destroyed is morality, civilization, and freedom…
            Oh, and our economy and military… OH, and education.
            But Russia…
            Not so much

  33. Laura & Lars Parsons

    Col. Douglas Macgregor: Is War With Iran Coming?
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom Sep 4, 2024

    Scott Ritter — Is Putin’s Patience Paying Off?
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom Sep 4, 2024

    Ukraine Soldier ‘Leaks’ NATO’s Kursk ‘Gameplan’ On Cam; Reveals Nuclear Plot Against Russia/Times Of India 67,966 views Sep 4, 2024
    Reports suggest that Ukraine’s Commander-in-Chief discussed a sabotage operation involving NATO, according to a Ukrainian soldier captured by Russian forces. The soldier claimed the operation aimed at the Kursk nuclear power plant and involved collaboration between NATO experts and Ukrainian specialists. It remains unclear whether the soldier’s statements were made under duress or voluntarily.

    Ministers Deserting Zelensky? Dy PM In Charge Of Kyiv’s NATO Bid, FM Kuleba Quit As Putin Rains Fire /Hindustan Times 17,634 views Sep 4, 2024
    A series of resignations hit Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky amid Russian bombardment over the Kursk incursion. Seven top ministers of Zelensky’s cabinet have tendered resignations. Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, Olha Stefanishyna, Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, have submitted a resignation letter to the Ukrainian Parliament. She was responsible for Kyiv’s integration into NATO and the European Union. Watch this video to know who else offered their resignations.

  34. Yolanda Beryl

    Russian missiles blast Ukrainian military academy and hospital, killing more than 50, officials say/Story by LORI HINNANT and ILLIA NOVIKOV, AP • 18h •

    “War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them
    all they want.”

    “It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell.” ―

    “You might as well appeal against a thunderstorm as against these terrible hardships of war. War is cruelty, there is no use trying to reform it; the crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.”

    “You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices to-day than any of you to secure peace.”

    “It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell.”

    “I think I know what military fame is; to be killed on the field of battle and have your name misspelled in the newspapers.”

    “War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them
    all they want.”

    “You might as well appeal against a thunderstorm as against these terrible hardships of war. War is cruelty, there is no use trying to reform it; the crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.”

    “You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices to-day than any of you to secure peace.”

    “You people of the South don’t know what you are doing. This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you don’t know what you’re talking about.
    War is a terrible thing! You mistake, too, the people of the North. They are a peaceable people but an earnest people, and they will fight, too. They are not going to let this country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it … Besides, where are your men and appliances of war to contend against them? The North can make a steam engine, locomotive, or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or pair of shoes can you make. You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth — right at your doors.
    You are bound to fail. Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with. At first you will make headway, but as your limited resources begin to fail, shut out from the markets of Europe as you will be, your cause will begin to wane. If your people will but stop and think, they must see in the end that you will surely fail.”

    “In treading upon the ashes of dead men in Italy, Egypt – on the banks of the Bosphorus, one almost despairs to think how idle are the dreams and toils of this life, and were it not for the intellectual pleasure of knowing and learning, one would almost be damaged by travel in these historic lands.”

    “You might as well appeal against the thunder-storm as against these terrible hardships of war. They are inevitable, and the only way the people of Atlanta can hope once more to live in peace and quiet at home, is to stop the war, which can only be done by admitting that it began in error and is perpetuated in pride.”

    “There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell.”

    “Never give reasons for what you think or do until you must. Maybe after a while, a better reason will pop into your head.”

    “The American press is a shame and a reproach to a civilized people. When a man is too lazy to work and too cowardly to steal, he becomes an editor and manufactures public opinion.”

    “People are deceived and drawn on step by step, till war, death and destruction are upon them.”

    “War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.”

    “I confess, without shame, that I am sick and tired of fighting — its glory is all moonshine; even success the most brilliant is over dead and mangled bodies, with the anguish and lamentations of distant families, appealing to me for sons, husbands, and fathers … it is only those who have never heard a shot, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and lacerated … that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation”. [Like Lindsey Graham and Mike Morell?]
    Sorry couldn’t help myself!

    “General Polk, who was dignified and corpulent, walked back slowly, not wishing to appear too hurried or cautious in the presence of the men, and was struck across the breast by an unexploded shell, which killed him instantly.”
    ― William T. Sherman, The Memoirs of General W.T. Sherman
    Deep Ste step up to the plate_END The WAR of No Winners Don’t wait for Trump, JFK Jr. and JD VANCE. freedom & peace = Prosperity! One life spared is worth more than many sparrows!

  35. Galaxy 500

    What exactly do we pay the FBI to do? I mean besides political assassinations, Political prosecution on Trumped up charges and framing people…
    When do they actually serve and protect the PUBLIC?

  36. Marie Joy

    Sniper, kinetic, guerilla, lone wolf, etc.

  37. Galaxy 500

    The Myth of Kamala Harris…
    Good Border control, good crime, good economy…
    Dems lie big.

  38. Galaxy 500

    I can tell you from personal experience that it is much greater than 35%

    • Kit Lee

      Just like Demon Rat Governor Hochul of NY installed a Chinese Communist Party spy to operate at the Highest Levels of the New York State Government – Demon Rat VP Kamala has installed a Chinese Communist Party spy (Tim Walz) to operate at the Highest Levels of the United States Government!! It’s not Just Trudeau who loves the Commies!!!

  39. Galaxy 500

    These guys are just like Hollywood remaking the same Shiite over and over. No new ideas, no morals…

  40. Duke Nukumvich

    Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi blasts privileged activists
    Sky News Australia 84,199 views Sep 4, 2024
    Sky News host Rita Panahi has blasted a group of activists for spraying red paint on the offices of an Israeli arms lobbyist.

  41. Lynx Hargrove

    Russia’s All-Out Attack Forces NATO Nation To Scramble Jets As Putin Wipes Out Western Weapons /Hindustan Times 9,926 views 1 hour ago
    Sep 5, 2024 #russia #putin #Zelensky
    Russia on Sep 5 announced dealing deadly blows to Ukrainian defence industry facilities. Russia said it used Kinzhal hypersonic air-launched ballistic missiles in Lviv. Russia also announced that it captured Karlovka & Prechistovka villages in Donetsk oblast. Watch this video for all the details.

  42. Dave Milne

    Russia Says It Will Buy Over 30 Tonnes of Gold in Next Month.
    maneco 64 9,484 views 4 hours ago

  43. Burdened By What Has Been

    Misheard Lyrics Again:

    Kamala Harris is the Beast of Burden,
    Tim Walz is you tampon hurtin’?
    You’ll never, never, never, never, never ever bleed.

    Is Joe smart enough?
    Is Joe rough enough?
    Is Joe rich enough?
    He’s much too blind to see

    I’ll tell you, Kamala will put you on the street
    Put you out with no shoes on your feet
    She’ll put you out, put me out
    Put us out of misery, yeah

    Kamala Harris is the Beast of Burden,
    Never, never, never, never, never, never, never be

  44. Burr Pickford

    The Puppet Fully Agrees With her Boss’s!
    Breaking Video: Kamala Harris Announces Plan to Silence Free Speech on Elon Musk’s X, Twitter! ‘He Has Lost His Privileges & It Should Be Taken Down!’ DOWN?
    In a ring of FIRE?
    by September 4th 2024
    A Kamala presidency will mean the end of free speech as the founders and we have known it!
    There would have never been an abolitionist movement without free speech or an end of the klu Klux’s Klan.
    Or a woman’s suffrage movement, a civil rights movement, or end of the Vietnam, first forever war! In other woids, we’d all still be colonial, in chains and still British today, without free speech as were all created equal Kam.
    Your a sham, Sham’ala!
    Sam the Sham and Kamala’s Pharos!
    Iran when they had free speech and fun too!

    • Kit Lee

      Commie Kamala’s “Plan to Silence Free Speech” says it all about Who She Really Is!!!

  45. Laura Parsons

    Prof. John Mearsheimer : Russia/China and the Middle East
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom 40,559 views 3 hours ago

  46. Larry Bertram

    Russia Just Announced New Supersonic Military Jet & SHOCKS The Entire World!
    13,531 views Sep 5, 2024
    In this video, we look at Russia’s astonishing reveal of a new supersonic military jet, which has surprised the international defense establishment. This game-changing aircraft features cutting-edge technology, unprecedented speed, and superior weaponry, establishing Russia as a prominent role in the future of air combat. With the ability to fly at supersonic speeds, this jet not only strengthens Russia’s military capabilities but also raises concerns among other governments about its possible impact on global security and balance of power.

    ‘Be Ready…’: Russia Gets 190,000 New Soldiers As Ukraine Struggles To Find Troops For Frontline Times Of India 71,966 views Sep 5, 2024
    As Ukraine reallocates troops from the frontline to Kursk, Russia is experiencing a significant morale boost with increasing numbers of people signing contracts with the Russian military. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov noted a growing willingness among Russians to join the military amid the ongoing conflict, which he attributed to successful economic measures aimed at streamlining the enlistment process. Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev reported that around 190,000 Russians have signed contracts since the beginning of 2024.

  47. Mark K. Betrump

    After Kursk, Russia Inflicts Heavy Loss On Ukraine In Donetsk; ‘Liberates’ Zavetnoe
    Times Of India 20,279 views 4 hours ago
    Russian forces have captured one new settlements in eastern Ukraine, with the Russian Defense Ministry announcing the ‘liberation’ of Zavetyoye, located nine kilometers southwest of Pokrovsk. This village, part of the larger Ocheretin bridgehead, is significant for advancing on Novogrodovka and Kurakhovo

    Andrei Martyanov: Russia Ready to Strike Back at NATO?
    Dialogue Works 13,981 views Streamed live 3 hours ago

  48. Galaxy 500

    Expert… Ex = has been. Spurt = that last little dribble at the end

    It is hilarious that these people that told us to take these kill shots and people died… Killed people we all know… I didn’t take these experimental shots thanks to Greg. I tried to educate people and some people that I respected turned out to be idiots. They paid the price. I pity them and pray for them. Some have already voted themselves off the island…
    Let’s recap. A Vaccine is a shot that provides immunity against deadly diseases for many years, some for decades. So these Covid Kill shots are not vaccines. Demonstrable fact that they DO NOT provide immunity. Well THEY said it gives you protection from the SERIOUS disease and you only get a mild version of the normally mild Covid.
    That is … to Quote Joe Buy-Dem, “That’s Malarkey” and my friends, Joe know malarkey. His entire family is full of it as is his VP.
    And I have taken over 30 Flu shots in my life because of asthma, pneumonia shot, shingles, Hep A & B (travel) plus a few others for travel. I haven’t had a “vaccine” since the Drug makers decided their job was to kill me instead of heal me. To make people lab rats so billionaires could extend their evil existence thru gene manipulation

  49. Alen

    Glad you are doing well. Wonder what Warren is buying?

  50. Neville

    I see a lot of articles on ASTEROID watch on google ,why is that ??what are you americans afraid of.Could it be the Prophet Daniels prophecy…….It is coming to a country heavily divided AND IT WILL COME TRUE!!!

  51. G.Cochlear

    Biden Admin Revives Russian Election Interference Bogeyman Just In Time For November/Reagan Reese White House Correspondent September 04, 2024
    President Joe Biden’s administration launched new accusations of election interference at Russia nine weeks before the 2024 election.
    The Department of Justice alleged Wednesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered several Russian companies to target Americans through the use of influencers and social media pages to spread propaganda and interfere with the election in a campaign titled “Doppelganger.” As a result of the indictment, the DOJ is charging two Russian-based employees of RT, a Russian state-controlled media outlet, with “conspiring to commit money laundering and to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act,” according to a press release.
    Some internet domains discussed in the indictment, according to the DOJ, were used to try to influence American voters and push Russian propaganda to lower international support for Ukraine and sow discord.

    AG Garland, who launched the task force three years ago after a steep increase in violent threats to election workers, reaffirmed his commitment safeguarding election workers domestically and also announced two actions against Russia for the attempted covert influence operations.
    But ALTERNATIVE media scuttlebutt’ing has it;
    That the CIA project Mockingbird brained media propaganda failure to continue to fool and propagandize the informed middle class moral majority, has caused such an outrage with the banking families and corporate media. Especially perverted NBC Comcast exec’s. That Langley and the puppet Obomber’s D.C. deep state HANDLERS & FINANCERS! Have Obomber’s neck on the chopping block, finally being fired as the longest running fake president and dictator puppet in waiting, in American history! Well the wait is over and he’s out! Not singlehandedly mind you, he bringing the entire world onto the verge of economic collapse! Blame his handlers, the enablers. Coupled with Thomas Crooks complete coup’oled failure at Butler! This wild bunch will do anything to save their I’ll gotten ass’et’s, even if Trump doesn’t win and end up with these peace and prosperity freedom sapping forever wars, how long can the people not rise up?
    Communism, with its promise of a classless society, often leads to authoritarian regimes that suppresses individual freedoms and leads to economic hardships and lack of meaningful employment and the oppressive nature of bloodthirsty governments in financing forever wars, with Vietnam a glaring example in the stagflation of thr 1970’s. Yes, all bloodthirsty governments communist or fascist drive people to desperation and heavy taxation, in the guise of inflation! Hitting the poor foremost!. This desperation, in turn, leads to uprisings and revolutions, as people goaded to desperation seek to overthrow regimes that they see as unjust and tyrannical.

    On the other hand, the belief that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value, Nihilism. This philosophy of hopelessness which abortion of child or grandparent David Axelhead, can fester and eventually lead to a sense of complete hopelessness and despair, as individuals struggle to find meaning in a world that seems indifferent to their very existence. This sense of meaninglessness can drive people to extreme actions, as they seek to assert their existence in a world that feels chaotic and purposeless.

    The broader implications of these themes, brings us to to biblical prophecies, suggesting that the rise of such ideologies is a sign of the times and the holocaust generation still very much with us but near it’s end! Indicating the imminent fall of “Babylon the Great” as described in Revelation 18:21. This fall is seen as a necessary step towards the establishment of God’s Kingdom, where true justice and peace will prevail.
    Imagine a world where the ideologies of Communism and Nihilisticte fascism have taken root deeply. Cities are filled with people who have lost faith in their governments and in the very fabric of society. The streets are filled with protests, and the air is thick with the tension of impending revolution. In this world, the words of Revelation 18:2 echo as a warning and a promise: “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a lair for demons and a haunt for every unclean spirit, every unclean bird, and every detestable beast.”

    In this scenario, the fall of Babylon represents not just the collapse of a city, but the end of an era of human governance that has failed to bring about true peace and prosperity. It is a call to look beyond human solutions and to seek the divine intervention that promises a new world order based on righteousness and justice.
    It’s time to end the bickering and put the final nails in the cold war gone hot and if you think the hope of God’s Kingdom as nonsense? Were all doomed you know, the whole silly lot of us.
    I hope this captures the essence of the themes 😊

  52. Galaxy 500

    A man that sold his soul to Satan, accidentally tells the truth, walks it back

  53. Dave Milne

    Richard D. Wolff & Michael Hudson: Is the US Rapidly Approaching Bankruptcy?
    Dialogue Works 43,940 views Streamed live 17 hours ago
    Michael Hudson is President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. He is the author of Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire (Editions 1968, 2003, 2021), ‘and forgive them their debts’ (2018), J is for Junk Economics (2017), Killing the Host (2015), The Bubble and Beyond (2012), Trade, Development and Foreign Debt (1992 & 2009) and of The Myth of Aid (1971), amongst many others.

    Putin’s Men Destroy Patriot Warhead In Kursk, Su-34 Bombs Kyiv’s Forces, Zelensky Loses Over 700 Men/Hindustan Times 17,051 views Sep 6, 2024
    Russia On Kursk Attack | Kursk Latest Updates | Kyiv Attack | Russian Attack On Ukraine | Russia Ukraine War
    Russia, on Sep 6, announced the destruction of a volley of western arms in use by Ukraine. Russia said its bomb squad decimated a Patriot missile warhead in the Kursk region. Russia also announced downing three ATACMS missiles in a day in the Donetsk region.

    Trump Reacts To Putin Endorsing Kamala Harris As Next US President: ‘Don’t Know If I’m Insulted Or…’ Hindustan Times 3,006 56 minutes ago
    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump reacted after Russian President Vladimir Putin picked Kamala Harris as the next US president. Addressing a rally in New York, Trump said, “I don’t know if I’m insulted or he did me a favor.” On September 5, Putin said we will support Harris after Biden recommended her.

  54. Galaxy 500

    There is plenty of water in my area I can use in the Dry Element system. A lot is in between the clear water and the turbid water. How many gallons of turbid water will one of these filters do? I believe that the filters will be closer to 2700 gallons if you use a simple screen, let the water settle, etc… prefer as it were for really muddy water.
    Average human needs, in round figures, a gallon a day. If you have a dog, add a gallon for your pup. This doesn’t count hygiene needs. I put out that while you can “shower in the rain”, you need relatively clear water.
    So a family of 4 would at bare minimum, just to stay alive, would need 120 gallons a month. No problem you say… until you look at your water bill. Average family of 4 uses 12,000 gallons a month…
    Bathing, cooking, cleaning… all of this takes water.
    So for cooking and living a healthy life a family of 4 would need about 1,200 gallons a month… with you bathing in pond water. That is a 90% decrease. 600 gallons is a 95% decrease.
    So while you are thinking about your Dry Element order, consider these things. Heck, I got a letter a few years ago that said I was being notified that 6 months ago there had been a problem with the water the county had supplied me… The water was really good tasting from a natural aquifer… but it alway filtered it anyway… So good to know, that had I not been filtering my water, I might have been in peril.
    If you are on city water, what is your plan to get water when the spigots are turned off? Rain barrels? Streams that will be overflowing with sewage when the water stops?
    You had better have a plan for obtaining and storing water.
    I recommend Dry Element. Many people plan for water but they really don’t do the math.
    And it will likely be chaos for several years. You can do without food for 3 times as long as you can without water.

  55. Laura Parsons

    Scott Ritter: Russia’s GLOVES ARE OFF as NATO Makes Fatal Mistake, Ukraine is Done / Danny Haiphong 93,763 views 15 hours ago
    Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter UNLEASHES on NATO’s dangerous escalations in Ukraine and reveals just how imminent the threat of nuclear war is as Russia makes progress on the battlefield. This video is a must watch of anyone seeking to understand the disaster unfolding due to the reckless actions of the collective West.

    Ramstein Meeting LIVE | Ukraine Defense Contact Group Meeting | Ukraine War | US | Germany | UK /Hindustan Times 2,650 views Streamed live 3 hours ago
    President Volodymyr Zelensky is visiting Germany, where key supporters of Ukraine’s military are convening. This visit comes shortly after one of the war’s deadliest strikes and amidst Russian advancements on the battlefield. Zelensky is scheduled for “one-on-one” talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Frankfurt, though specific details about their meeting have not been disclosed by a German government spokesperson.

    According to German news outlet Der Spiegel, Zelensky will also join a gathering of Ukraine’s allies at the US Ramstein Air Base, hosted by US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. This meeting, taking place southwest of Frankfurt, is intended to highlight the critical situation in Ukraine, especially following a recent Russian missile attack on Poltava that resulted in 55 deaths and 300 injuries.

  56. Vie Vernard

    America’s EPIC STRUGGLE for FREEDOM | Ultimate Guide to the Presidents *Full Episode Marathon*HISTORY 58,911 views Aug 25, 2024
    The United States of America was a bold invention of enormous risk. An 8-year war of independence, followed by intense political debate produced a government of, by and for the people.

    • Katy Bar

      Yes Vernard – The United States of America was a Bold Invention!! It Is In The Blood Of Us American Patriots “To Innovate” (To Protect Our Nation and Our Freedoms)!! Now since our US Military, Industrial Complex has Turned Traitor on The United States of America (and Won’t Lift a Finger to Protect Our Borders and Simply Stands Down On The Direct Orders of Foreign Globalists) IT IS TIME!! IT IS TIME for American Patriots to contribute to a “FREEDOM FUND” (Where the money donated is used to hire the Mercenaries now attacking the Russian Homeland “at double the pay” to fight the Alien Invasion of our American Homeland!!!

  57. Lorna Dew

    Larry C. Johnson on the Shocking Truth About US Delusion on Russian Political Interference! Dialogue Works 38,059 views Sep 4, 2024 Interviews
    Larry C. Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder and managing partner of BERG Associates, which was established in 1998. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years. He has been vilified by the right and the left, which means he must be doing something right.

  58. Chuck E. Windsor

    Britain has gone to war with the Russki’s
    George Galloway 47,911 views Sep 4, 2024
    The corpse of Russiagate has been disinterred. Pell mell Ukrainian retreat. Zelensky’s cabinet meltdown. And Sleepy Joe, sixteenth day on a Delaware Beach. Not a pretty sight!
    Ukraine terrorisms?

    INTERVIEW: This doesn’t smell of stability George Galloway 20,985 6 hours ago
    Are these the last days of the dictator Zelensky? With seven, and counting, of his closest advisers sacked or resigning Zelensky is now isolated among his own cabinet, says Chay Bowes
    CIA terrorism? What happened to the Geneva Convention’s?

    INTERVIEW: ‘Brat summer’ is over for Kamala
    George Galloway 3,780 3 hours ago
    Democrats’ enthusiasm for Kamala Harris is beginning to wane. And she remains behind in all the swing states, says analyst and former Bernie Sanders aide Briahna Joy Gray

  59. C.Windsor

    Britain has gone to war with Russia
    George Galloway 47,911 views Sep 4, 2024
    The corpse of Russiagate has been disinterred. Pell mell Ukrainian retreat. Zelensky’s cabinet meltdown. And Sleepy Joe, sixteenth day on a Delaware Beach. Not a pretty sight! Ukraine terrorisms?

    INTERVIEW: This doesn’t smell of stability George Galloway 20,985 6 hours ago
    Are these the last days of the dictator Zelensky? With seven, and counting, of his closest advisers sacked or resigning Zelensky is now isolated among his own cabinet, says Chay Bowes
    CIA terrorism? What happened to the Geneva Convention’s?

    INTERVIEW: ‘Brat summer’ is over for Kamala
    George Galloway 3,780 3 hours ago
    Joy Gray
    Democrats’ enthusiasm for Kamala Harris is beginning to wane. And she remains behind in all the swing states, says analyst and former Bernie Sanders aide Briahna

    • Galaxy 500

      British Special Forces have been in the Ukraine more than 2 years and I hear we have people there too

  60. Justn Observer

    Greg, Just in time for the selection elections?
    Gas Prices Are TANKING, Here’s What That Means for the Economy =-

    but what is actually going on in the background that will surface soon after?

    Keep your eyes on these land grabs =

  61. Galaxy 500

    The Holy See, the Catholic Poop, has lost his damn mind… not sure he has read the Bible and I am really sure he hasn’t read any of the Koran… you know, Satan’s bible

    • Justn Observer

      Galaxy, Black Pope Francis of the Jesuit order, IS just doing what Jesuits do…= infiltrate, as what military agents are pledged to do. Revisionist history is also a part of that, but to gain comrade with ‘their’ enemies, then either convert them or destroy them via political or other means. It is in the oath of the Jesuit order= Society of Jesus. They have been ill-received around the world for centuries. =

      For the Jesuits to draw near the Muslim nobility to advance ‘their’ NWO = one religion, one ‘all roads lead to Rome’ world government…the Roman Empire under the guise of the ‘HOLY’ Roman Empire is not a new ideology…IT IS the ideology for world dominance by how many ‘popes’ who have claimed the world and all in it… ie pope Boniface and those that followed with their papal bulls etc.

      Long ago the set the Wreath of Casear for a papal tri-crown to co-opt the Christian religion…and since use the ‘re-legions’ to foment struggles against all other religions, using them to against each other, to weak or destroy each other thru ‘re-formations’ to ‘their’ ends. And where is the Wreath of Casear today/ As symbolism, like the pyramid and shields of nobility can give the clues of their origins….one might suggest with the Roman Catholic Church having import into the League of Nations as they also had some alignments with the NAZI, and their help with ‘rat-lines’ etc….it is not that surprising to see that wreath as a symbol on the emblem and flag of the UN.
      As of the times of Francis Ignatiuis Loyola, many popes were of the families of nobility of those times…more like ‘political’ appointments and of families that were the ‘wealth= stakeholders’ of the day. NOT so unlike many of the world leaders who are ‘trained up’ in the many universities of Jesuit influences…and of course ‘orders’ or secret societies long ago infiltrated, as Albert Pike MIGHT attest to as positively as Klaus Schwab does, as one from the area that was once called Greater Germania.

      IHS = isis/horus/set the ‘three sun gods…of the old origins of the SUN god of Egypt and the Pharoah bloodlines.
      As the other links show, the Knights Templar are the Jesuit Order etc which has if one listens to the whole link, has nothing to do with the teaching of Jesus Christ=

  62. Galaxy 500

    These are Kamala and Joe Buy-Dem people. They are the new Brownshirts who are allowed to illegally enter America by the Demons to sow evil among the Chosen. These people want to rape our children, rob and murder us. These are the same people that in charge that sacrifice babies to Baal.
    We allowed the Demons to steal an election and finish destroying our country. Are you ready to fight for your children? For your country? If you sit this fight out, you will be lost. As will your family…

  63. War Monger

    IMF Admits In Paper CBDCs Would Allow Personal Data To Be Collected And Stored And Provided To Police, Creating Surveillance State:

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has disclosed in a new report discussing the safety risks surrounding central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and fears people have about them. In it’s report, the IMF concedes that a central bank could collect a plethora of private data and could even overturn this information to authorities, acknowledging some of the animosity those critical of CBDCs have had about them.

    • Prospector

      WM – Spot on brother !

      “The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”
      Zbigniew Brzezinski , in his 1970 book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era

      Readers , please read that again paying attention to the words ” UNRESTRAINED BY TRADITIONAL VALUES “. Rules for thee … but not for me.

      The best way to understand the enemy is read their writings and know how they think.
      Source has many revealing quotes. PRINT them out before censorship.

  64. Galaxy 500

    They said they are not coming for your gas appliances…just like they aren’t after our guns either. But they keep trying to ban them.

  65. War Monger

    2024 Bilderberg Meeting Participant List

    Madrid, Spain, 30 May – 2 June 2024

    Abrams, Stacey (USA), CEO, Sage Works Production
    Adeyemo, Adewale (USA), Deputy Secretary, Department of the Treasury
    Adlercreutz, Anders (FIN), Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering
    Albares, José Manuel (ESP), Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chair, Evercore Inc.
    Alverà, Marco (ITA), Co-Founder,; CEO, TES
    Amodei, Dario (USA), Co-Founder and CEO, Anthropic PBC
    Anderlini, Jamil (DEU/USA), Editor-in-Chief, POLITICO Europe
    Appathurai, James (INT), Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Innovation, Hybrid and Cyber, NATO
    Applebaum, Anne(USA) , Staff Writer, The Atlantic
    Auchincloss, Murray (GBR), CEO, BP plc
    Aydin, Mustafa (TUR), Professor of International Relations, Kadir Has University
    Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), Chair and CEO, Temaris & Associés SAS
    Barroso, José Manuel (PRT), Chair International Advisors, Goldman Sachs International
    Baudson, Valérie (FRA), CEO, Amundi SA
    Bengio, Yoshua (CAN), Professor in Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal
    Bini Smaghi, Lorenzo (ITA), Chair, Societé Générale SA
    Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Group Executive Chair, Banco Santander SA
    Bourla, Albert (USA), Chair and CEO, Pfizer Inc.
    Braathen (NOR), Kjerstin, CEO, DNB ASA
    Buschmann, Marco (DEU), Minister of Justice
    Calviño, Nadia (INT), President, European Investment Bank
    Carney, Mark J. (CAN), Chair, Brookfield Asset Management
    Carvalho, Charlene de (NLD), Executive Director, Heineken Holding NV
    Castries, Henri de (FRA), President, Institut Montaigne
    Castro, Ildefonso (ESP), Secretary International Affairs, Partido Popular
    Cavoli, Christopher (INT), Supreme Allied Commander Europe
    Champagne, François-Philippe (CAN), Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry
    Chhabra, Tarun (USA), Senior Director for Technology and National Security, NSC
    Chubays, Anatoly B. (RUS/ISR), Visiting Professor, London School of Economics
    Corydon, Bjarne (DNK), CEO and Editor-in-Chief, Dagbladet Børsen
    Coveney, Simon (IRL), Former Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment
    Creuheras, José (ESP), Chair, Grupo Planeta and Atresmedia
    Cuerpo, Carlos (ESP), Minister of Economy, Commerce and Business
    Daurella Comadrán, Sol (ESP), Chair, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners plc
    Della Vigna, Michele (ITA), Head, Natural Resources Research EMEA, Goldman Sachs
    Domański, Andrzej, (POL) Minister of Finance
    Donohoe, Paschal (INT), President, Eurogroup
    Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chair and CEO, Axel Springer SE
    Easterly, Jen (USA), Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
    Ek, Daniel (SWE), CEO, Spotify SA
    Empoli, Giuliano da (ITA), Political Scientist and Writer, Sciences Po
    Entrecanales, José M. (ESP), Chair and CEO, Acciona SA
    Eriksen, Øyvind (NOR), President and CEO, Aker ASA
    Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Stanford University
    Finer, Jonathan (USA), Deputy National Security Advisor
    Fontcuberta i Morral (CHE), Anna, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, EPFL
    Fraser, Jane (USA), CEO, Citigroup
    Gabuev, Alexander, Director (INT), Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center
    Gentiloni, Paolo (INT), European Commissioner for Economy
    Gil, Isabel, Rector (PRT), Catholic University of Portugal
    Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor, La7 TV
    Gruyter, Caroline de (NLD), European Affairs Correspondent, NRC
    Gürsel, Kadri (TUR), Journalist, Medyascope
    Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor Em. of Economics, Leiden University
    Harrington, Kevin (USA), Managing Director, Thiel Capital LLC
    Hassabis, Demis (GBR), CEO, Google DeepMind
    Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation
    Hernández de Cos, Pablo (ESP), Governor, Banco de España
    Hobson, Mellody (USA), Co-CEO and President, Ariel Investments LLC
    Hoekstra, Wopke (INT), European Commissioner for Climate Action
    Johansson, Ylva (INT), European Commissioner for Home Affairs
    Kaag, Sigrid (INT), Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza, UN
    Kadri, Ilham (BEL), CEO, Syensqo
    Kalemli-Özcan, Sebnem (TUR), Schreiber Family Professior of Economics Brown University
    Kallas, Kaja (EST), Prime Minister
    Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies Inc.
    Kerameus, Niki (GRC), Minister for the Interior
    Kieli, Kasia (POL), President and Managing Director, Warner Bros. Discovery EMEA
    Koç, Ömer (TUR), Chair, Koç Holding AS
    Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
    Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chair, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
    Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Chair, The Museum of Modern Art
    Kudelski, André (CHE), Chair and CEO, Kudelski Group SA
    Kuleba, Dmytro (UKR), Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Lander, Eric S. (USA), Founding Director, Broad Institute
    Lee, Peter (USA), President, Microsoft Research
    Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chair, dsm-firmenich AG
    Lighthizer, Robert (USA), Chair, Center for American Trade
    Liikanen, Erkki (FIN), Chair, IFRS Foundation Trustees
    Linde, Ann (SWE), Former Minister for Foreign Affairs
    Luckey, Palmer (USA), Founder, Anduril Industries
    Meeus, Tom-Jan (NLD), Journalist, NRC
    Mensch, Arthur (FRA), Co-Founder and CEO, Mistral AI
    Merz, Friedrich (DEU), Leader, CDU
    Michel, Charles (INT), President, European Council
    Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP
    Minton Beddoes, Zanny (GBR), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
    Monti, Mario (ITA), Senator for life
    Moreira, Duarte (PRT), Co-Founder and CEO, Zeno Partners
    Netherlands, H.M. the King of the (NLD)
    O’Leary, Michael (IRL), Group CEO, Ryanair Group
    Pannier-Runacher (FRA), Agnès, State Secretary at Ministry of Agriculture
    Papahelas, Alexis (GRC), Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper
    Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), Chair, TITAN Cement Group
    Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chair, KKR Global Institute
    Philippe, Édouard (FRA), Mayor, Le Havre
    Phillips, Richard H. (USA), Office of the Director of National Intelligence
    Pind, Søren (DNK), Founder and CEO, Danish Cyber Defence
    Pouyanné, Patrick (FRA), Chair and CEO, TotalEnergies SE
    Rachman, Gideon (GBR), Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, Financial Times
    Ramírez, Pedro J. (ESP), Director, El Español
    Rendi-Wagner, Pamela (AUT), Director Elect, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
    Ruiz, José Juan (ESP), Chair, Elcano Royal Institute
    Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister
    Sawan, Wael (GBR), CEO, Shell plc
    Sawers, John (GBR), Executive Chair, Newbridge Advisory Ltd.
    Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
    Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Former CEO and Chair, Google
    Schmidt, Wolfgang (DEU), Head of the Chancellery, Federal Minister for Special Tasks
    Šefčovič, Maroš (INT), European Commissioner Green Deal, Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight
    Sewing, Christian (DEU), CEO, Deutsche Bank AG
    Sherman, Wendy R. (USA), Former Deputy Secretary of State
    Siddall, Evan (CAN), CEO, Alberta Investment Management Corporation
    Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Şimşek, Mehmet (TUR), Minister of Finance
    Stephens, Bret (USA), Opinion Columnist, New York Times
    Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO
    Stubb, Alexander (FIN), President of the Republic
    Suleyman, Mustafa (GBR), CEO, Microsoft AI
    Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital LLC
    Varadkar, Leo (IRL), Former Prime Minister
    Verhoeven, Karel (BEL), Editor-in-Chief, De Standaard
    Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chair, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
    Ward, Jonathan (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
    Wolf, Martin H. (GBR), Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
    Wright, Thomas (USA), Senior Director for Strategic Planning, NSC
    Yläjärvi, Erja (FIN), Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat
    Zadrazil, Robert (AUT), Country Manager Austria, UniCredit Group
    Zakaria, Fareed (USA), Host, Fareed Zakaria GPS
    Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), President, Warner Bros. Discovery International

    The key topics for discussion this year are:

    State of AI
    AI Safety
    Changing Faces of Biology
    Future of Warfare
    Geopolitical Landscape
    Europe’s Economic Challenges
    US Economic Challenges
    US Political Landscape
    Ukraine and the World
    Middle East

    Founded in 1954, the Bilderberg Meeting is an annual conference designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Every year, between 120-140 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, labour, academia and the media are invited to take part in the Meeting. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; approximately a quarter from politics and government and the rest from other fields.

    The Bilderberg Meeting is a forum for informal discussions about major issues. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor any other participant may be revealed.

  66. Prospector

    BREAKING: United States has detected increased Russian military activity around key undersea cables, and believes Russia may now be more likely to carry out potential sabotage operations aimed at disabling a critical piece of the world’s communications infrastructure – CNN

    Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) September 6, 2024

    Nordstream Part 2 ? Blame Russia , Russia did it !!! ( Even if they didn’t )
    Cutting the internet is just an extreme form of censorship. Who would benefit from that ?

  67. Prospector

    EXCLUSIVE: Texas-based oil company issued a memo to employees warning them about security concerns from violent migrant gangs.

    The gangs are allegedly attacking oil workers and attempting to steal oil, fuel, and copper from oil fields in Texas.

    Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 5, 2024

    ( Permian Basin Area )

  68. Prospector

    Rural areas not immune. 6 minute clip.

    captive dreamer
    Small Alabama city, Sylacuaga, has city council meeting cut short after citizens voice concern about recent Haitian immigration:

    Small Alabama city gets a gift of Haitians. Citizens ask their council what’s going on. “Well, nobody told us anything but it’s going to help our economy.” Citizens not buying it.

    • Galaxy 500

      Haitian help the economy by driving up violence and crime

  69. Prospector

    ” SLIDING TOWARDS CHAOS …. ” , indeed , the argument can be made that we are being pushed.

    The The Committee of 300 has long-ago perfected plans to destabilise
    civilisation as we know it, some of which plans were made known by
    Zbigniew Brzezinski in his classic work “THE TECHNOTRONIC ERA” and the
    works of Aurellio Peccei who founded the Club of Rome, especially in his
    book, “THE CHASM AHEAD”.

    ” The United States will be flooded by peoples of alien cultures who will
    eventually overwhelm White America; people with no concept of what the
    United States Constitution stands for and who will, in consequence, do
    nothing to defend it, and in whose minds the concept of liberty and justice is
    so weak as to matter little. FOOD and shelter shall be the main concern. No
    central bank except the Bank of International Settlement and the World
    Bank shall be allowed to operate. Private banks will be outlawed.
    Remuneration for work-performed shall be under a uniform predetermined-
    scale throughout the One World Government. ”

    ” At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by
    means of limited wars, organised epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases
    and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence-levels ”

    ” From time to time there shall be artificially-contrived food and water
    shortages and medical-care to remind the masses that their very existence
    depends on the goodwill of the The Committee of 300. ”

    A few snippets from ” Conspirators Hierarchy ” , by John Coleman

    • Justn Observer

      Prospector, likely elements of the many infiltrated world orgs. Sunday reading for those that chose to go beyond X TWEETS to discover truths. Clearly there is too much going on all at once for there NOT TO BE a long-planned conspiracy to suppress and overthrow the only country dare a DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE…and set up a nation with a constitution based on Judeo-Christian beliefs and GOD GIVEN rights superior to mere cronyliberties provided monarchs and false prophets by edict, license, fees, or indulgences based in ‘their’ desire to surveil, force compliance rule they so arrogantly claim is ‘their’ world !

      FACT IS…one does NOT need a church…one NEEDS a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
      ‘THEY’ set up false re-legions to use to coronate and ordain ‘their’ monarchs, and the monarchs then use ‘their’ power to keep ‘their’ religious leaders relevant. One hand washes the other… THAT is why they had to co-opt the word of Jesus Christ …
      ‘Out of Europe, a voice is heard from the secular world that documents historically the same information told by ex-priests. The author exposes the Vatican’s involvement in world politics, intrigues, and the fomenting of wars throughout history. It appears, beyond any doubt, that the Roman Catholic institution is not a Christian church and never was. The poor Roman Catholic people have been betrayed by her and are facing spiritual disaster. Paris shows that Rome is responsible for the two great world wars.’

      The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order
      ‘Monsignor Leone’s exposé of the Jesuit “Secret Plan” of domination took the 19th century by storm. Was Jacopo Leone a sincere clerical whistle-blower?
      Let the damage of his work speak for itself.

      Were he an agent of the Papacy or of the Company of Loyola, itself, it wouldn’t be the first time Rome over-played her hand of disclosing truth in an effort to divert or distract.

      It is certainly plausible that Father Leone arrived at the Santa Margherita Chieri monastery, desiring nothing more than to take his service to the next, and perhaps, ultimate level as a Jesuit, only to be shocked to learn that the most powerful, dedicated order in the Catholic Church was neither benign nor Christian. The machinations that were exposed to him shocked him into action: he must expose this terrible insurgency.

      The inversely-named “Society of Jesus” isn’t a renegade cloister; it is the ultimate expression of Catholic domination. The agenda of Loyola is the agenda of Rome: to subjugate all humanity—body and soul—under the authority of the “Successor of Saint Peter” and, if that successor proves unworthy of his office, he, too is removed by any means necessary.

      As you examine Monsignor Leone’s claims, how the Jesuits control from Corsica to China, you will draw the same conclusion: they are simply taking the agenda of the Fourth and Final Beast—the Great Harlot of Babylon—to its ultimate conclusion.

      ~ Giovanni ‘Johnny’ Cirucci, former Marine, Army officer and Iraq war veteran; author and researcher of Vatican history and inter-government manipulation.

      General Lorenzo Ricci, eighteenth Superior General of the Society of Jesus, on a request from the French King Louis XV to change the structure of the Jesuits in recognition of the newly formed Gallican Church recognized by the French state replied “Let them be as they are, or not be at all.” The Abbate Leone’s work on exposing the Sunzutian grand plans of the Jesuits give one great insight into the current geopolitical landscape in the 21st century.

      Knowing that the Jesuits themselves say that they never will change, the grand plot for world conquest exposed by the Abbate Leone becomes a necessary read for understanding the current paradigm. The ambitions of the Jesuits are boundless, as Claudio Aquaviva, fifth Superior General, said “Why are there not regions beyond the stars, that one might be able to conquer other worlds than that pertaining to earth?”

      ~ Eric Bowman, self-educated scholar (future author), Vatican geopolitical researcher, B.A. in economics, Youtube channel – Eric 777

      ‘The Jesuit Conspiracy – The Secret Plan of the Order’ by Jacopo Leone has been remastered and published from the public domain by Resurrect Books.

      Resurrect Books – Remastering and republishing forgotten and suppressed non-fiction public domain books

      All electronic versions of the books we publish will always be available for free. Go to our page.’


    • Ken Yu

      You know, the Space X’s Star-ship will be capable of sending 100 people to Mars by 2026. Now if we leave out the stored food and life support equipment I bet we can get the entire Committee of 300 on board and send this Evil Shadowy Group (trying to control global affairs and institute a New World Order) on a one way Vacation Trip into the Sun to meet their God Lucifer!! And the next rocket should be filled with all the House and Congressional “Traitors” who took Bribes from China and other Governments to do their bidding!!

  70. Katy Bar

    BREAKING NEWS – New York Judge Merchan is forced to postpone the September 18 Sentencing of Trump to Prison on Rikers Island (where Trump would have most likely been killed “Jeffery Epstein style” ) probably because it would have looked “Too Much Like Election Interference” by Diehard Commie Demon Rats who desperately want to Kill Trump Before the Election (they probably felt it was “too soon” after Blackrock’s hiree (Crook) recent failure to Assassinate and Kill Trump Dead in Pennsylvania)!!!

  71. Led Skeletor

    From the Russian and Palestinian points of view, the American taxpayers are electing politicians that use taxpayer money funding terrorists.

    Ukraine and Israel are Ticky-Tacky Terrorists, they set off small ones and then run and hide under Auntie Sam’s dress. It is time to clean her bloomers and delouse DC.

  72. BrokeRealtor

    Dr. “Jaws” Fauci’s Jesuit-educated medical extortion gang has been sliding major mafia money into prime commercial real estate that small business owners and tenants were forced to dump or abandon during the SARS-Coronavirus-2 Plandemic….

  73. Galaxy 500

    Sliding toward chaos…
    Social Darwinism in action… Turkish-American girl goes to Israel and protests with rock throwing PaleSimians… throwing large rocks at Armed IDF troops gets you just what one would expect… shot.

  74. Galaxy 500

    Lumber Liquidators…gone. Dollar General closing stores. Now Big Lots files for Bankruptcy

  75. Galaxy 500

    Told you this was their religion…

  76. Galaxy 500

    How do we flush this Shiite out of the party? Or do we start a third?

  77. Galaxy 500

    I was good for a Flu shot every year… But they went from healthy to death dealing…
    I will never get another Pfizer anything ever…
    Pfizer’s vaccine business is so pfucked that they are going direct to patient Rx.

  78. Kit Lee

    As Kamala dreams up new ways to spend our taxpayer money those paying taxes are losing their jobs – while Her Border Illegals who take those jobs at lower pay consider themselves exempt from paying taxes because “as an undocumented person who is not an American citizen” they feel they have no legal obligation to file a 1040 with the IRS (and besides, many U.S. employers pay undocumented persons in Cash “under the table”)!! And, Commie Kamala’s Illegal Aliens who are now taking over American Homes and Apartments in Sanctuary Cities similarly do not pay any taxes on their stolen property!!! Don’t the Demon Rats tell us that All Americans (legal and illegal) deserve the SAME RIGHTS (under their Communist System)???

  79. Galaxy 500

    These lying MF’ers… Do any of you believe anything these Demons or RINOs say? The Criminal illegal gangs openly attacking and they say it isn’t happening

  80. Prospector

    LIKE button .

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