The Last Days are Dangerous Days – Jonathan Cahn
By Greg Hunter’s
Nine-time, best-selling author and renowned Bible expert Jonathan Cahn has written a new book called “The Dragon’s Prophecy.” Cahn, who is a Christian, says many signs foretold in the Bible have happened or are happening now. Cahn says, “It says in the Bible that the end times or ‘The Last Days’ will be evil and dangerous times. You look at the Book of Revelation, you can see it, and all nations are going to be involved. . . . How do you know we are in “The Last Days”? The Bible says you will know it when Israel comes back into the world. That’s number one. When Israel comes to Jerusalem–number two. That’s where Jesus is coming. Number three: The whole world will be focused on the Middle East. You’ve got it. The whole world will be against Israel. You are getting there. There will be a great apostasy. People will be falling away from the faith. Well, that’s happening. Men will be lovers of themselves. Men will be unnatural. You’ve got it all now. And they will be persecuting the people of God. We’re there! God says he will shorten those days. Meaning, He (Jesus) will come, and He will interrupt them.”
Unlike Cahn’s other best-selling books, evil attacked him when he was writing his latest book, and Cahn says something evil tried to stop him from writing “The Dragon’s Prophecy.” It’s clear, evil spirits and demons are intensifying. For proof, look no further than the recent opening and closing to the 2024 Paris Olympics. Cahn points out, “What did that have to do with sports? Nothing. This had to be the most widely viewed act of blasphemy in world history. This was all over the world . . . . they were basically focused on blaspheming Jesus. . . . This is very significant because it says in the Bible that the enemy is going to increase what he is doing. When the Bible talks about the spirit of the anti-Christ, it is a spirit of desecration, taking Holy things and defiling them. The Bible says there will be abomination that will spread around the world, and you had a little taste of it with the Paris Olympics.”
In Cahn’s new book, the Dragon is the enemy of Jews and Christians and is the same as the Dragon in Revelation 12. In short, the Dragon of Satan and evil fights the Lamb of God. Cahn says, “How do we fight the Dragon? Look at Revelation 12. It talks about the Dragon, but it also says they overcame the Dragon, by the Blood of the Lamb, loving not their lives to death, and they were all on fire for God. The Bible says if we are following God with all of our heart, we are going to win. We are on the winning side. In the Book of Revelation, it not only talks about the Dragon, but it also talks about the Lamb. If you have a Dragon and a Lamb, most people would put their bets on the Dragon, but the Bible says the Lamb wins. . . . the victory is as good as done. Yes, it looks like we are the underdogs, but we will win if we keep fighting. The end of the book is good, and the end of the book is victory.”
In closing, Cahn says Pharoah tried to destroy the Jews. Babylon tried to crush them. Rome tried to destroy them. Hitler tried to destroy them. Soviet Union tried to destroy them and the terrorists, too. You know what? The pharaohs are gone. Asyria has vanished. Babylon has fallen. Rome has crumbled. The Soviet Union has collapsed. Hitler is gone. The terrorists will be gone. But, but, but, the nation of Israel lives because the God of Israel lives. Because Messiah Jesus of Israel lives, and so, if you are following the God of Israel, you are going to live. You are going to prevail. That’s not hype, it’s real, and it’s history. . . . Fight the fight. It ends with your victory!!”
There is much more in the 51-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with nine-time, best-selling author Jonathan Cahn to talk about his upcoming book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” for 8.31.24.
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After the Interview:
If you would like to order Jonathan Cahn’s new book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” click here.
You can always find Jonathan Cahn at

Mr. Greg Hunter
The Ultimate American Patriot
We Win in the End
GOD Saved Trump so in my mind there is no way he loses on November 5, 2024
Stay Well My Dear Friend
“God” saved Hitler in the “20 July” plot.
Operation Valkyrie!
Jerry, God allowed Hitler for a reason.
Hitler’s hatred was followed by the world’s acceptance of a restored Israel after WWII.
A prerequisite for the fulfilment of apostle John’s book of revelation that has stated what has now come and soon shall be.
Should Trump ever stand in the restored third temple and demand the world’s worship then I’ll give your words an ear.
p.s. on a different topic:
Has anybody else noticed when the left pushes a communist idology/lie that your own logic questions, they always nod their head up and down to present a “let’s agree on what i’m saying” body language thing.
When I first saw Kamala do that head bob, I flashed back to the 60’s in college where my socialogy teacher (a communist) would to the same thing when spreading lies that unless we adopted their ideas mankind would destroy our planet by 1982.
Sorry Jerry, that wasn’t God that saved Hitler
and community using sometimes even worse tactics.
Excuse me, that should have been communists, not community.
Sorry…. Stupid spell correct!
Hitler was actually Kermit Roosevelt an actor that replaced the evil Hitler.The Germans were fighting the evil we are fighting now.Look up the VW bug,car,still a very beloved automotive today that Hitler designed for his people & it was very dependable too.Then the Italian Mafia vilified Hitler,as he was winning,so we being dumb helped the enemy.Had we helped Hitler we would not be going thru this now.Hitler was having tribunals for evil but…When we went in that stopped & all that evil came here reinvented themselves under new names.And…here WE are.Netflix documentary Wyatt Earp narrated by Ed Harris tells the truth of what really happened.We have been lied to about EVERYTHING,bud,you must wrap your head around this to move forward.😎🇺🇲👍Have a wonderful life going forward
Wanted to drop this off….. Explosive news
Wowser! This is gonna cook ah’lota gooses! Especially the Hitlary, Torskiya and Obombski nuclear gun runnin triad! Could bring the whole house of cards down, of the CIA Al Dulles, deniable plausibility scam dermic and bring back representative governance! We the sheeple fought the bloody British fer!
Oop’sy Daisy, Here’s Lonnie Wit da Trutski!
The story of the CIA under Allen Dulles is a complex and often controversial chapter in Amerikan history. Dulles, who served as the Director of Central Intelligence from 1953 to 1961, was a master of covert operations and the concept of “plausible deniability.” This term refers to the ability of officials to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others in an organizational hierarchy because of a lack of evidence that can confirm their participation, even if they were personally involved.
The Dark Web of Covert Operations
1. The Golden Triangle and Drug Trafficking in Laos: During the Vietnam War, the CIA was heavily involved in Southeast Asia, particularly in Laos. The region, known as the Golden Triangle, became infamous for its opium production. The CIA’s covert operations included supporting anti-communist forces, which were often funded through drug trafficking. This led to a complex relationship where the agency turned a blind eye to the drug trade as long as it served their filling up they’re coffers using coffins, for strictly strategic US. interests of course.
2. Iran-Contra Affair: Fast forward to the 1980s, the Iran-Contra affair is another example of the CIA’s controversial activities. The agency facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was then under an arms embargo, and used the proceeds to fund Contra rebels in Nicaragua. This operation was conducted without the approval of Congress supposedly. But was actually under the CIA plausible deniability scam and led to a major political scandal when it was exposed by Nancy Reagans urgings, to her then husband Ronnie. For him to admit guilt in the affair, thus abandoning his cover of plausible deniability and ending the whole sordid affair. That was threatening to bring down the whole house of cards, of cads. Of the so called house of representatives, in reality very unrepresentative! In trying to hide they’re culpability in this upheaval of Realityville as Rush would say!
3. Benghazi and the Tragic Loss of Ambassador Stevens: The attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, resulted in the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The incident has been the subject of numerous investigations and political debates. As Jeff L. points out in his explosive comment above. The compound was involved in a covert
web of CIA operations, including arms smuggling to Syrian rebels, Isis in Syria. To topple the Assad government, which was not allowing Saudi oil and gas pipeline’s thru Syria to Europe. To bypass and cut off Russian pipeline’s at the time supplying Europe, For which ambassador Stevens, who dedicated his life to serving his country, tragically lost it in this complex and dangerous backstabbing environment created at Langley and D.C. .
The Legacy of Allen Dulles
Allen Dulles’ tenure at the CIA set a precedent for the agency’s involvement in covert operations around the world. His strategies
which ultimately caused him to fall on his own sword, thus being fired. Often involved the influence of the operation Paper Clip Nazi’s
and morally ambiguous actions justified by the broader goal of combating communism and community using sometimes even worse tactics. The ramifications of these actions are still felt today, as they have shaped the perception and role of the CIA in global affairs.
A Shout Out to Ambassador Stevens who will return!
Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a dedicated diplomat who served his country with honor and distinction. His tragic death in Benghazi is a stark reminder of the dangers faced by those who work in volatile regions. His legacy continues to inspire those who believe in the importance of diplomacy and international cooperation for a new world order or dis-order?
You be the judge as we wait and see who wins. Malz, Kamala puppets? Or Wierda’s Trump, RFK Jr. and J.D. Clampett?
For more explosive news and updates, you can check out the link Jeff L. provided above;
Great to have you back Greg you have been so missed
Gosh, I admire and treasure Greg Hunter! Compare him to the Antichrist Obama, Hillary, the Kamala Bear, the Biden Crime Family, Tampon Timmy Walz, those RINOs, and other members of the November 22, 1963 – founded Communist Democrat RINO Party!
Thank you, Greg. Keep Fighting!
Bravo, Greg!
Welcome back. Ur still showing your A game.
Jonathan was an excellent guest.
Keep them coming!
Tom Adkins
The days cut short – Mt. 24:22 – the word cut short is kolobothesontai — it means mutilated.
According to the Bible Hub entry, the word is ἐκολοβώθησαν (ekolobōthēsan) and means “had been shortened.” But the Greek is not the only version of the original texts. I have done extensive study of various translations and come to the conclusion that the Lamsa translation from the original Aramaic is the most correct in terms of understanding what was actually said. Aramaic was the secular language of Christ’s time in that region of the world. Greek was used by some in commerce and Hebrew was only used in the Jewish temple and for prayers until the modern state of Israel was formed and the Sephardic form of Hebrew (as distinct from the Ashkenazic) was adopted as the secular language.
The Lamsa translation for Matthew 24:22 is “And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would live; but for the sake of the chosen ones, those days will be shortened.”
There are many places where the Lamsa translation corrects the many errors made in other translations. For example, the original Aramaic is preserved in Matthew 27:46, as “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?”
In the King James Bible, Matthew 27:46 is translated as “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” The Lamsa translation for that verse is “And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice and said, Eli, Eli, lemana shabkthani! My God, my God, for this I was spared!”
Did Jesus doubt God was with him or does it make more sense that he understood that by dying on the cross and defeating death itself in his resurrection, he had fulfilled the purpose of his life? There are some entries where Christ is said to have disappeared from the midst of the crowds around him who would have caused him harm. His life was spared so he could complete his mission. He had surrendered to his fate in the Garden of Gethsemane — “not my will but thy will.”
Reply to NC Gal,
Did Jesus doubt God was with him or does it make more sense that he understood that by dying on the cross and defeating death itself in his resurrection, he had fulfilled the purpose of his life? There are some entries where Christ is said to have disappeared from the midst of the crowds around him who would have caused him harm. His life was spared so he could complete his mission. He had surrendered to his fate in the Garden of Gethsemane — “not my will but thy will.”
Dear NC Gal,
If you don’t mind me butting in!?
Jesus’ Understanding of His Purpose
Jesus was fully aware of His mission and purpose on earth. From a young age, He understood that He was to be about His “Father’s
business” (Luke 2:49). His life was dedicated to teaching the truth
about God, his heavenly father, and ours too. But always remember he too as the only begotten son maintaining perfect integrity, and ultimately sacrificing His life to set humanity free from sin and death.
Jesus’ Resolve in the Face of Suffering
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, “Not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). This prayer reflects His complete submission to God’s will, even in the face of immense suffering. Despite the agony He faced, Jesus did not doubt God’s presence. Instead, He demonstrated profound trust and obedience.
The Cry on the Cross or the Roman torture stake!
When Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34), it was not a cry of doubt but a fulfillment of prophecy and an expression of the depth of His suffering. He was quoting Psalm 22, a Messianic psalm that begins with despair but ends in triumph. This cry highlights the intense human experience of Jesus, yet He never lost faith in God.
Miraculous Escapes
There are instances in the Gospels where Jesus miraculously escaped harm, such as when He “disappeared from the midst of the crowds” (John 8:59). These events underscore that His life was under divine protection until His mission was complete. Jesus’ life was spared on several occasions to ensure He could fulfill His purpose of dying on the cross and rising again.
The Ultimate Sacrifice
Jesus’ death and resurrection were the culmination of His earthly mission. By dying on the cross, He paid the ransom for our sins, and His resurrection defeated death itself. This act of love and sacrifice provides the basis for our hope of eternal life. As 1 John 2:2 states, “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world”.
In summary, Jesus’ life and mission were marked by unwavering faith and obedience to God’s will. His moments of suffering and miraculous escapes all served to fulfill His divine purpose. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus provided a way for humanity to be reconciled with God and assured us of His ultimate victory over sin and death.
NC Gal,
This scribbler uses the Lamsa
translation—and another of
its correction to King James
is “rope through the eye of a
needle”—not C A M E L.
The Eye of the Needle was a gate in the city wall/fortifications. You had to unburden the camels to get it thru the gate and then you load it back up on the other side.
So much for Bo Polny’s post tribulation scenario… Greg thank you for bringing on Jonathan…sound theological doctrine!
Crazy weather. The innocent blood shall cry out. Who in this country once so blessed that has any spiritual eyes open thinks the times we’re in don’t have a spiritual connectio?. It’s clear. Lord help this country come back from the brink!
Lord you saved your modern day Jehu the anointed, Trump, from the brink of assassination. Just as we too are on that brink as a country.
God help America!
May God Bless and protect Greg and all his guests and their families!
Amen, Mike
The Israel of God and Jesus will triumph but the Israel governed by the wicked and evil we see today will also be destroyed.
Israel has been blessed and we love Israel and its leaders. No one is wicked there. The so called “Palestinians” are Arabs who were kicked out of Jordan because they could behave and no other country wants them. Israel was attacked and when they defended Israel they were condemned by the world for trying to get the hostages back. Supposed during WW2 the Japs took hostages from Pearl Harbor. Think what Americas response would have been.
Perry – Is it Israel’s plan to drop two(2) Atomic Bombs on the Palestinians (like America did to the Japs)?? So then, Israel could totally rebuild the Palestinian homeland (like America did with Japan) and thus make the “New Palestinian Nation” both Strong and Independent, AND A GOOD ALLY TO ISRAEL??? I don’t think so. As that would be like accepting a Two(2) State Solution (like the US accepted with Japan)!!
What a crock of steaming bovine excrement.
YHWH commanded King Saul to wipe these people out. While late, Israel is finally doing it.
Tim, please expound on how they are wicked? Killing cowardly murderous terrorists that use women and children as shields?
Please Timmy… tell us a story
Is there anything you can make, grow, or sell to the American public during the coming hard times? It would be like contributing to a war effort.
Everyone Should Grow the Weed (Purslane) so we can Eat and Live (rather then smoke and die) when the Globalists take all the Governments of the world down!!
Folks, you don’t have to be concerned whether God wins or we win in the end. If you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, then you’ve won already!
Michael -The problem with winning by dying (either of the Jab or Nuclear War) and simply joining Jesus in Heaven, is that we won’t be around to smell the Fruit of Victory!! I say (before we go) we make sure the Globalists are put on a rocket ship to the Sun (to Burn in Eternal Hell Fire) so “they too” won’t be around to enjoy “The Stench Of Their New World Odor”!!
The problem with the Mentally Defective Globalists is that they Look upon Humans “Like a Fly that Needs to be Swatted out of Their World”!! Now who exactly gave these “Loose Screw Homo/Transgender Sapiens” the Right to Make the Rules as to which of God’s Creations “Needs to be (or not to be) Eaten and Exterminated”!! And Who gave “Them” the Absolute Right to Simply “Lay Claim the Entire World As Their Own”?? SATAN??? (just like he did once before in the Garden of Eden)!! These “Totally Immoral Perverts” look upon “Killing Humans and Trafficking in our Children as a Sacred Right”, which they Celebrate each year at their Bohemian Grove Ceremony’s (where they “Roast and Eat our Babies and Think it is Completely Normal”)!! In the Totally Immoral Perverted Minds of the Globalists they consider someone who wouldn’t even swat a fly “As Being The Psycho” (who according to them “Needs to be Re-educated at one of their FEMA Camps” that they have Already Taken the Liberty to Built with our Taxpayer Money and have Stocked with Hundreds of Thousands of Black Coffins and Guillotines (along with many spare blades)”!!
The Armor of God is like an Umbrella that keeps the Globalists from Reigning over you!!
It’s way more powerful than an umbrella.
I honestly believe that YHWH wants us to actively oppose evil with the best of our ability,
Brilliant Michael H. ! We must keep this thought of comfort forefront in mind as we live through these most troubling and dangerous times. Remaining free from worry is often easier said than done these days. Thank you for this simple reminder of faith and truth.
Our times pale in comparison to the death and dislocation that accompanied the plagues of 2nd century Rome, 6th century Byzantium, and certainly the Black Death of the 1300’s. And of course, to the well-read of those periods, it all lined up with the “End Times”.
On the Beach (1959) 1440p – Gregory Peck | Ava Gardner | Fred Astaire | Anthony Perkins | Sci-fi/War Silver Screen Remaster 9,515 views Jan 22, 2024
I know this movie has been posted here before, but today in this mad mad world, it needs to be seen more often than not! Especially by the uninformed and misinformed deadheads amongst us!
“On the Beach” is a 1959 American post-apocalyptic science fiction drama film directed by Stanley Kramer. The movie is based on Nevil Shute’s 1957 novel of the same name. The story is set in a world devastated by nuclear war, and it explores the lives of a group of people in Australia as they await the inevitable arrival of deadly radiation that will reach them soon.
The film features an ensemble cast led by Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Fred Astaire, and Anthony Perkins. As the characters face their impending doom, they grapple with the existential questions of life, love, and the consequences of human actions. “On the Beach” is known for its poignant portrayal of the impact of nuclear war and the inevitability of the end of humanity.
The movie received critical acclaim for its powerful performances and thought-provoking themes. It remains a significant work in the genre of post-apocalyptic cinema.
It can only be hoped that the Kagan’s and Bill Crystal Mike Morell’s of the world, can wake up to the fact, that what this film is depicting is what we could soon be facing and it seems that the only one of they’re ilk that seems to realize, the dire straits were in is Bill Maher. May God willing Maher can wake them up, out of their stupor before it’s to late for us all!
Thanks for the link. I’ll be watching this later . Love and peace is the way forward . We will survive , God bless.
Love of Christ and being at Peace with what happens…
There is turmoil coming and you need to be prepared. Peace isn’t going to get you through but fear not, prepare
A devastating film. I can never see the final sequence without crying like a baby.
Death is the ultimate loss where you lose everything. . . .
The subtlety of this film is crushing. You watch this and it takes a few moments to realize all of these friends and families you see singing and picnicking in this beautiful country will be dead in a very short time, just like the rest of the world before Australia and nobody will ever remember any of this, or us now today because of wicked people influenced by a higher wicked power, or our very own Id! Because all life on earth will be gone. It will be millions of years before evolution gets around to reproducing higher life forms again — if ever. Unless, of course to the faithful followers of Cahn and “Thy Kingdom”, God’s Kingdom comes, as many here seem to believe.and stop the entire history of man and life on the planet wiped out with the push of a few buttons. I read this book and saw the movie as a high school sophomore in the 1970s and watching it still now is devastating.
Which this film begs the question inadvertently….
Does the Bible describe death as a state of non-existence? Can you imagine that? Death, where consciousness actually ceases? A novel thought indeed! One key verse often overlooked and never cited is Ecclesiastes 9:5: “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten”. This verse underscores the belief that in death, all thoughts, emotions, and activities come to an end.
Some Christians, that are not rice Christians. Believe that death is a state of complete unconsciousness. They interpret scriptures like Ecclesiastes 9:5 to mean that the dead are not aware of anything and cannot interact with the living. This view is reinforced by Psalm 146:4, which states: “His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish”. Wow, the dead really dead? As dead as a door nail?
Despite this seemingly bleak view of death, some folk’s hold a hopeful belief in the resurrection. They believe that God will bring the dead back to life in a future paradise earth. This hope is based on scriptures such as John 5:28-29, where Jesus says: “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out”.
Yet they also look forward to the time when death itself will be eliminated, Corinthians 15:26 states: “The last enemy to be destroyed is death”. They believe that God’s Kingdom will ultimately abolish death, bringing eternal life to faithful humans.
Understanding death as a state of unconsciousness, sure can provide comfort to those grieving, as it suggests that the deceased are not suffering.
The belief in resurrection can offer hope and motivation to live a life pleasing to God, with the expectation of being reunited with loved ones in the future.
The scriptural view that death is not permanent and the end of all thought and love, is a significant aspect of many Christians beliefs. It emphasizes the temporary nature of death and the hope of a resurrection to eternal life like Jesus himself, who was supposedly dead three days and nights. This perspective can provide both comfort and motivation for those who adhere to these strange teachings!
Enjoy the film? Ya right!
As Shakespeare once said, “Parting is such sweet sorrow!”
Hi Clu,
Video is unavailable in Australia.
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Olaf, I’m in Australia and I watched it using VPN [Virtual Shield]. Great movie.
On the Beach (1959) ORIGINAL TRAILER
Apparently a cold war hit, maybe why were still here?
OTB Blu-ray New Trailer Revised
The saddest ending of all time. So well done, it hurts. I find it very hard to watch now, knowing the whole story. Just hurts too much. The film hit it’s intended audience with me. It’s message is burned into my brain, for as long as I live.
Oop’s Here’s the Original 1959 trailer_ On The Beach
Amen that tks Greg Cahan
WORD TO THE WISE!!! Any Man Looking To Get Married and Raise a Family “SHOULD MOVE TO A RED STATE” (where you will much more likely find a Women Who “WANTS TO BE A MOTHER”). Men who sadly Marry a Women in a Blue State will more then likely find a Women Who Wants To “KILL HER CHILDREN”!! (Along with the additional problem of trying to ferret out the Queers (posing as women) and just outright Lesbians (who are in greater abundance in the Blue States) !!! And You Can Rest Assured (with a very high probability) that the Women who “WANT TO KILL THEIR CHILDREN” Will Absolutely Never Move To A Red State!!!
This is probably why Klaus Schwab and his Globalist Buddies try to put “Childless Women” into High Political Positions of Power in every Government, as they will more readily go along with the Eugenicists “GENOCIDAL POLICIES” (like using various means to Reduce the World Population “BY SEVEN BILLION PEOPLE” and by “Any Means Possible” (from forcing m-RNA “Kill Shots” on Mothers and their Babies, to supporting the First Strike Nuclear Wars that the Evil Globalists are determined to strike Russia and Iran with)!!
Outstanding Encouragement, Jonathan Cahn firing up the elect to stand strong, Fight Fight Fight, bring people to Christ, and pray pray pray!
All Glory to God.
God Wins!
God Bless,
Cheers from Australia
I thank God every day for helping President Trump that horrible DAY. I ask him to help America and give strength to all those involved in the days when those took the poison shots and had terrible effects from them. I ask for Love, Peace for all and my family. I am elderly and have watched a horror show going on in our government. God Help Us All. Amen 🙏💖
Bless you Irene, and thank you for your prayers. I agree the horror show that has become (all) governments is now beyond shocking to watch. I have been doubling down on my prayers, especially since they shot at DJT and thankfully missed their target. Though naturally an upbeat and happy person there are days I feel like crying, for all the wickedness being unleashed upon this world. So far I’ve managed holding back the tears. Prayers definately help and trusting in Jesus our Savior is a comfort. KOKO
We should all be praying for our nation and our President Trump. And our fellow men, women and children that were poisoned. It’s hard not to revile in some of these smug bastards getting their due but we should resist.
There is no better soldier on our side than the lost that see the Light of our Lord Jesus, Son of the ONE True GOD, YHWH.
Take heart!! WE have the power within us!! Check out Michael Salla’s recent interview with Miram Delegado. Also, for a wider Cosmic View, check out The Urantia Book!
We win in the end!
Glory be to our God Jehovah in the Highest
The last days were 30-70ad. Scripture and history are pretty clear about this. Taking prophecy and extending it thousands of years out of time and context is not a good thing.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Stop pretending you know the Bible–you don’t. It’s “not a good thing.” Every prophecy has a major and minor fulfilment. 70 AD was a minor fulfillment. Jesus said the end times would be like “The days of Noah.” Jesus said,(Matt 24:21) “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” The time you are describing (30-70 ad) was not the worst time ever–not by a long shot. So please, don’t spread your misinformation about a Bible you really do not understand. Major fulfilment has yet to come. Now go away and do not comment again.
Well said, Greg, even the Apostle Paul thought he was living in the end times. Many have claimed that the time they lived in was the End of Days… When these Days arrive, there will not be any arguments
Amen, Brother 500!!
Brother Greg
The “Last Days” … I don’t think those words mean what you claim they do
Last days, end of the age, consummation of all things, the time is complete, the kingdom is at hand, the time is near, it is the last hour, I am coming speedily, etc.
How many ways can it be said before we believe it?
Wow, Dude, the Apostle Paul said that, people said that in 1917 and again in 39.
As for as basic language, “Last” as in no more…
And yet there have been 730,000+ days since your “End of Days”
Is this a JW thing? Where end doesn’t mean end?
Hey Guy’s,
I assume your guy’s, if not don’t shoot first!
Being in cyber space, I guess it has its advantages, eh!
The concept of the “last days” is a significant topic in biblical prophecy and is discussed extensively by Jehovah’s Witnesses on Let’s break down what this means and how it is understood.
The Last Days in Biblical Prophecy
The term “last days” refers to a period of time leading up to the end of the current system of things and the establishment of God’s Kingdom. This period is characterized by specific events, conditions, and attitudes that fulfill biblical prophecies.
Minor and Major Fulfillments
Many biblical prophecies have both minor and major fulfillments. A minor fulfillment serves as a precursor or type, while the major fulfillment is the complete realization of the prophecy. For example, the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD is seen as a minor fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy about the end times, while the major fulfillment is yet to come and will be far more significant in scope.
Signs of the Last Days
According to, the Bible provides several signs that indicate we are living in the last days. These include:
War on a large scale: Jesus foretold that “nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom” (Matthew 24:7).
Famine: Jesus also predicted “food shortages” (Matthew 24:7).
Great earthquakes: There would be “earthquakes in one place after another” (Matthew 24:7; Luke 21:11).
Disease: Epidemics of “terrible diseases” would occur (Luke 21:11).
Crime and lawlessness: An “increasing of lawlessness” would be seen (Matthew 24:12).
Deteriorating attitudes: People would be “unthankful, disloyal, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness” (2 Timothy 3:1-4).
Breakdown of the family: Many would have “no natural affection” for their family, and children would be “disobedient to parents” (2 Timothy 3:2-3).
Diminished love of God: The “love of the greater number will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12).
The Great Tribulation
Jesus described a future period of unprecedented distress known as the Great Tribulation. In Matthew 24:21, He said, “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.” This period is expected to culminate in the battle of Armageddon, where God’s Kingdom will decisively defeat all opposing forces1.
The Days of Noah
Jesus compared the end times to the days of Noah, emphasizing the suddenness and severity of the coming judgment. In Matthew 24:37-39, He said, “For as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” This comparison highlights the unexpected nature of the end times and the need for vigilance.
The concept of the last days is not unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses but is a significant part of biblical prophecy. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that we are currently living in the last days, as evidenced by the fulfillment of various prophecies. The major fulfillment of these prophecies, including the Great Tribulation and the establishment of God’s Kingdom, is yet to come.
If you have more questions or need further insights, feel free to ask God! 😊
Oh, I believe the End of Day will come. And it will be the actual End of Days. I believe the Bible. I also recall when the JW in Cola., SC had the world ending in the mid 1970 and made a lot of bad financial choices that lead to dire consequences when, inconveniently, the world didn’t end. I remember Mama trying to talk a few of them out of financial suicide by quoting scripture that even the Son of God, Jesus, didn’t know the time of the return so how could some JW mystic know. I also remember the JWs number allowed into heaven being updated to 144K. Has that been revised again?
My Lord YHWH’s kingdom has room for more… all that are save.
Well, at least they know the name of God, Jehovah.
Farmer Jack,
Major and Minor Fulfillments of Prophecy
In biblical prophecy, many events have both a minor (or initial) fulfillment and a major (or ultimate) fulfillment. This concept is often referred to as “duality” in prophecy. The minor fulfillment serves as a precursor or a type, while the major fulfillment is the complete realization of the prophecy.
The Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD
The destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD is considered a minor fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy about the end times. In Matthew 24:1-2, Jesus foretold the destruction of the temple, which occurred when the Romans sacked Jerusalem. This event was catastrophic for the Jewish people, but it was not the ultimate fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy.
The Great Tribulation
Jesus spoke of a future period of unprecedented distress, known as the Great Tribulation. In Matthew 24:21, He said, “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.” This period is described as being far worse than any previous calamity, including the events of 70 AD.
The Days of Noah
Jesus compared the end times to the days of Noah, emphasizing the suddenness and severity of the coming judgment. In Matthew 24:37-39, He said, “For as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” This comparison highlights the unexpected nature of the end times and the need for vigilance2.
The Major Fulfillment
The major fulfillment of these prophecies is yet to come. According to some Biblical authorities the Great Tribulation will culminate in the battle of Armageddon, where God’s kingdom will decisively defeat all opposing forces. This event will bring about the end of the current system of things and the establishment of God’s righteous new world.
Understanding the dual nature of biblical prophecy helps us see how historical events like the destruction of Jerusalem serve as foreshadowing of greater fulfillments to come. The Great Tribulation and the end times, as described by Jesus, point to a future period of unparalleled distress and divine intervention. By studying these prophecies, we can better appreciate the urgency of remaining faithful and vigilant.
If you have more questions or need further insights, feel free to ask God! 😊
Yes, the days will be shortened so that some may still survive, but there is more to come. Matthew 24:29-31 says, “Immediately after the suffering of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the universe will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in the sky; and all of the generations of the earth will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a large trumpet, and they will gather his chosen ones from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”
I was called to follow Christ on March 9, 1981. In March of 1982, he gave me a vision of what was coming for this world. We are now living in the times I was shown. The massive earth changes described in Matt:24:29-31 lead to the chosen ones being taken to safety before a shift in the planet’s axis of rotation throws off all life, including the oceans. Rev.21:1 says “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away; and the sea was no more.”
The story of the Bible begins with “God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1) and ends with “a new heaven and the new earth” (Rev. 21:1). I have seen the New Earth, and we are now in the times that will lead to that becoming a reality. I totally accept that the events that are unfolding now are necessary for that new earth to emerge.
I don’t know what to think when people post this
You might want to read the following passages, to put what I said in its proper frame:
Isaiah 24:1 Behold the Lord shall destroy the earth and lay it waste and turn it upside down and scatter its inhabitants. 3 The land shall be utterly destroyed and utterly spoiled; for the Lord has spoken this word.
65:17 For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered nor come to mind.
66:22 For as the new heavens and the new earth which I make shall remain before me, says the Lord, so shall your descendants and your name remain.
See also 2 Peter 3:10-13
I was questioning your claim of visions not Bible. I remember when a girl I was dating in college took me to her church and people spoke in tongues and others. It seemed odd to me the Holy Rollers seem to get this every Sunday. It never made sense to me that God would work this schedule.
I do believe in Joel 2:28
“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:”
I have been praying for wisdom and guidance with regards to this
Not insulting you, I truly don’t know. When people claim this, I don’t know what to do or believe.I will pray for guidance and wisdom. That’s all I got
Galaxy, thank you for clarifying your comment. I was raised as a traditional Jew and was expected to deny Christ as the Messiah. In January of 1981, I began what what supposed to be a 4-year term on the Board of Directors of the local Jewish temple where I lived, which was the highest vote of confidence the congregation had in my status as a member of that Jewish community.
I had never read the Bible, as girls were not supposed to be involved with that, but had bought an 1875 edition of the King James Bible in a used bookstore at some point in my adult life. In 1980, I started to read it, but some parts of it seemed like they were badly translated, so I got an American Standard version from the library. I was overcome by a strange weakness right after that and had to stay in bed, so I read the entire New Testament and then went back and read the book of Isaiah because I had heard that he had prophesied the Messiah. When I came to the description of the “suffering servant” in Isaiah 53, I recognized that Isaiah had foreseen Y’shua’s life, 500 years before it happened.
This put me in total conflict with the way I had been raised, so in desperation to resolve this, I sent a silent but powerful thought toward the Christ and said, “If you are there, please let me know in a way that I can know!”
I could not see him, but I FELT him materialize at the end of my bed. He came around to the head of the bed and put his hands on my head. They felt as solid and physical as any hands could be. He put his knowledge and power into me and a cone of light came out of my body. I did not hear words as such. It came in as a total knowing, from which I understood that I had lived in ignorance and my past was forgiven, but from that moment forward, I would be held accountable for every thought, word, and deed. I was told I walked a narrow path and I must not deviate from it, and I haven’t.
When I told the rabbi of that temple what had happened, he treated me like a pariah, so I left the congregation and was on my own. A year later, I was taking lessons in accessing other planes of reality and received a vision of these times. It came in images and feelings, not words, until at the end. I saw the New Earth, and Christ on his throne, overseeing it all.
He told me that he would be with me throughout all that I had been shown and totally enfolded me in his love. He told me to be in a prayerful attitude while I waited, feeling gladly serving. He said that I would be called, and then it all faded and I was sitting in the room with my teacher again. That changed the course of my life, ended my marriage, and led me to look for confirmation of what I had been shown.
The first confirmation I found was in Revelation 21:1. The part about “the sea was no more” convinced me of the accuracy of what I had seen. I know what is coming and I am prepared to serve when the call comes to gather up those who will be taken to the New Earth. It will come, but not before a great deal of suffering, death and dying takes place. All of that is in the Bible, too.
I had received inner baptism, but didn’t feel complete until I found a priest who would baptize me without requiring me to adopt a particular dogma. I received outer baptism on Easter Sunday of 1987.
I believe that I am a living fulfillment of that passage from Joel that you quoted and of another one, about a remnant of Israel being saved/converted in the last days. I am convinced that these ARE the Last Days, and I look forward to being on the New Earth when it’s time for that to happen. I have seen it and it’s the only thing that matters to me now.
Wow, NC Gal!
I’M A BELIEVER – 1966 Original
Thank you for the explanation.
Joel 2:28
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
PS. I learn much about Gods word from a Jewish friend
Jews wrote every book in the Bible except two. Luke is one.
Thank you for your heart felt words. I would love to hear more from you.
This may well be the season where YHWH begins to curtail the sustaining utterance. Joel is clear that there will be many with vision and dreams. Please keep posting what you are seeing/dreaming. I am open to it.
If you’re on the Riverwalk in Wilmington and you see a tall bald guy with a beard and a juvenile Great Dane at Elijah’s come say HI.
I like the food and its canine child friendly
Could the Bible be warning us of Earth’s coming encounter with Nibiru?
Where a cataclysm is supposed to occur that could be so disastrous that the encounter between Earth and this large planetary object could “SPEED-UP EARTH’S ROTATION” (either by a direct collision or a near-miss)!! Many believe this encounter will take place in the early part of 21st century and prophesize a doomsday collision with this “Planet X” (The Destroyer of Worlds)!!!.
Folk-law, Truth or Fiction?? You Choose!!
Ok, Katy. Thanks for the laugh. Nibiru doesn’t exist… well except in a new Star Trek movie.
The “Black Star” does.
Please Read Benjamin Baruch’s book The Day Of The Lord Has Come. He documents how America will be destroyed this fall. Greg you are in a bad place. please move to your farm. Sadly most Pastors and prophecy experts are lying to Americans telling them American is not Babylon. This fall revelation 18 will be fulfilled.
Why do you seek to sow fear and despair? Sorry, I don’t believe America is Babylon. America is a nation founded on Christ and Christian principles. Yes, we fight a mighty evil this fall. The Minions of Satan will try to defeat and subjugate the Chosen in America.
YHWH is with the s and has raised up a Champion from the people; his name is Trump.
I say if I gotta go, let it be spectacular! Best always. PM
In a pile of hot empty brass surrounded by the corpses of evil bastards… LOL
I don’t want a single round of ammo left for them…
I got your back
Be Love 2 Be Loved
Ahh…William is another Jew Hater, claiming it’s not Jews and Israel that he hates but those darn Zionist…
YHWH gave Israel to His People, the Jews, who accepted YHWH as their GOD without reading the rule book. There are no Palestinians, there are just terrorist claiming the name.
People like William hate both YHWH and his people. Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ, do not fall for William’s flowery rhetoric as these words are evil
I am deleting this. I missed this.
I agree with you Galaxy 500. We know the truth and love Israel.
Welcome back Greg, God bless you.
Blessings back, Brother. Craig!
Brother Greg
So these evil politicians lie like a striped dog (my apologies to all canines) until they can no longer deny it due to a Mt Everest pile of evidence
Strange how irrefutable evidence changes a politician’s position
Voting matters…
Mayor Tiffany Henyard was elected by Lodi voters
And Mayor Tiff’s criminality is small potatoes compared to Biden and Hotlips Harris
A union of what?
Wow, the Minions of Satan hate free speech
Elon Musk is out of control. Here is how to rein him in
Robert Reich
Elon Musk rests his hand on his chin as he listens at an event.
Elon Musk is rapidly transforming his enormous wealth – he’s the richest person in the world – into a huge source of unaccountable political power that’s now backing Trump and other authoritarians around the world.
Musk owns X, formerly known as Twitter. He publicly endorsed Donald Trump last month. Before that, Musk helped form a pro-Trump super political action committee. Meanwhile, the former US president has revived his presence on the X platform.
Musk just hired a Republican operative with expertise in field organizing to help with get-out-the-vote efforts on behalf of Trump.
Trump and Musk have both floated the idea of governing together if Trump wins a second term. “I think it would be great to just have a government efficiency commission,” Musk said in a conversation with Trump earlier this month streamed on X. “And I’d be happy to help out on such a commission.”
Musk reposted a faked version of Kamala Harris’s first campaign video with an altered voice track sounding like Harris and saying she doesn’t “know the first thing about running the country” and is the “ultimate diversity hire”. Musk tagged the video “amazing”. It’s got hundreds of millions of views, so far.
The Michigan secretary of state has accused the Musk-supported America Pac of tricking people into sharing personal data. Although the Pac’s website promises to help users register to vote, it allegedly asks users in battleground states to give their names and phone numbers without directing them to a voter registration site – and then uses that information to send them anti-Harris and pro-Trump ads.
According to a new report from the Center for Countering Digital Hate, Musk himself has posted 50 false election claims on X so far this year. They’ve got a total of 1.2bn views. None of them had a “community note” from X’s supposed fact-checking system.
Evidence is mounting that Russia and other foreign agents are using X to disrupt this year’s presidential race, presumably in favor of Trump. Musk has done little to stop them.
Meanwhile, Musk is supporting rightwing causes around the world.
In the UK, far-right thugs burned, looted and terrorized minority communities as Musk’s X spread misinformation about a deadly attack on schoolgirls. Musk not only allowed instigators of this hate to spread these lies, but he retweeted and supported them.
At least eight times in the past 10 months, Musk has prophesied a future civil war related to immigration. When anti-immigration street riots occurred across Britain, he wrote: “civil war is inevitable.”
The European Union commissioner Thierry Breton sent Musk an open letter reminding him of EU laws against amplifying harmful content “that promotes hatred, disorder, incitement to violence, or certain instances of disinformation” and warning that the EU “will be extremely vigilant” about protecting “EU citizens from serious harm”.
Musk’s response was a meme that said: “TAKE A BIG STEP BACK AND LITERALLY, F*CK YOUR OWN FACE!”
Elon Musk calls himself a “free speech absolutist” but has accepted over 80% of censorship requests from authoritarian governments. Two days before the Turkish elections, he blocked accounts critical of the president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
And his friendly relations with authoritarians often seem to coincide with beneficial treatment of his businesses; shortly after Musk suggested handing Taiwan over to the Chinese government, Tesla got a tax break from the Chinese government.
He may be the richest man in the world. He may own one of the world’s most influential social media platforms. But that doesn’t mean we’re powerless to stop him.
Here are six ways to rein in Musk:
1. Boycott Tesla.
Consumers shouldn’t be making him even richer and able to do even more harm. A Tesla boycott may have already begun. A recent poll said one-third of Britons are less likely to buy a Tesla because of Musk’s recent behavior.
2. Advertisers should boycott X.
A coalition of major advertisers has organized such a boycott. Musk is suing them under antitrust law. “We tried peace for 2 years, now it is war,” he wrote on X, referring to advertisers who criticize him and X.
3. Regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X.
Global regulators may be on the way to doing this, as evidenced by the 24 August arrest in France of Pavel Durov, who founded the online communications tool Telegram, which French authorities have found complicit in hate crimes and disinformation. Like Musk, Durov has styled himself as a free speech absolutist.
4. In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission should demand that Musk take down lies that are likely to endanger individuals – and if he does not, sue him under Section Five of the FTC Act.
Musk’s free-speech rights under the first amendment don’t take precedence over the public interest. Two months ago, the US supreme court said federal agencies may pressure social media platforms to take down misinformation – a technical win for the public good (technical because the court based its ruling on the plaintiff’s lack of standing to sue).
5. The US government – and we taxpayers – have additional power over Musk, if we’re willing to use it. The US should terminate its contracts with him, starting with Musk’s SpaceX.
In 2021, the United States entered into a $1.8bn classified contract with SpaceX that includes blasting off classified and military satellites, according to the Wall Street Journal. The funds are now an important part of SpaceX’s revenue.
The Pentagon has also contracted with SpaceX’s Starlink broadband service to pay for internet links, despite Musk’s refusal in September 2022 to allow Ukraine to use Starlink to launch an attack on Russian forces in Crimea.
Last August, the Pentagon gave SpaceX’s Starshield unit $70m to provide communications services to dozens of Pentagon partners.
Meanwhile, SpaceX is cornering the rocket launch market. Its rockets were responsible for two-thirds of flights from US launch sites in 2022 and handled 88% in the first six months of this year.
In deciding upon which private-sector entities to contract with, the US government is supposed to consider the contractor’s reliability. Musk’s mercurial, impulsive temperament makes him and the companies he heads unreliable. The government is also supposed to consider whether it is contributing to a monopoly. Musk’s SpaceX is fast becoming one.
Why is the US government allowing Musk’s satellites and rocket launchers to become crucial to the nation’s security when he’s shown utter disregard for the public interest? Why give Musk more economic power when he repeatedly abuses it and demonstrates contempt for the public good?
There is no good reason. American taxpayers must stop subsidizing Elon Musk.
6. Make sure Musk’s favorite candidate for president is not elected.
Robert Reich, a former US secretary of labor, is a professor of public policy at the University of California Berkeley and the author of Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few and The Common Good. His newest book, The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It, is out now. He is a Guardian US columnist. His newsletter is at
Trump never traded sexual favors for political appointment
God make us Champions but only when we stand strong (and keep those leg muscles working) in-between our posts to Greg’s website!! However, one must also stop eating the food industry’s “Breakfast of Champions” (cereal) and instead “eat” eggs for breakfast (that you were incorrectly told “not to eat”) and prevent the clogging up your arteries!!
Eggs and dairy are good for you just like butter is better than margarine
Exactly 500 – The Food Processing Industry is a Silent Accomplice of the Globalist Eugenicists!! Greatly Helping These Globalist Demons Achieve Their Population Reduction Goals (by putting SUGAR into almost everything they process, and we and our children innocently and unwittingly (but enjoyably) guzzle down all the Sugar every time we eat!! It’s the Sugar (they put in all our foods) that “Creates the Inflammation and Plague” that “Clogs up our Veins and Arteries” producing “Heart Attacks”!!
My connection to God and Jesus started as a very young girl attending Catechism, taught by Catholic Nuns and continued through high school and summer classes for a number of years. God was forever the central force in my life.
A few years back I was fighting demons in a house that was left to me. An aunt who is only ten years older than me, put me in contact with two women who each did the work of clearing evil spirits. I did do that with their help. My aunt gave me a beautiful statue of Archangel Michael with his foot on a devil and his spear in his hand. That sits next to my bed and his presence is real. I fought a real battle, the likes of which I had not encountered before.
Jonathan Cahn’s words bring life to forces that are real, and in my daily prayers I ask for continued protection from evil and communion with God and his Son, Jesus.
Thanks for sharing, Sister Susan!! Lovely story.
Brother Greg
Great post Susan, I wish more people would understand that we are living within a realm that has many demons; they’re all part of Satans army, existing only to do us harm through temptations and mind control.
Stay vigilant and let’s all fight off these demons, with the help of Christ& Buddha, once and for all.
Of one believes in Angels, and I do, then they have to believe in Demons. Not sure how you put Buddha in anything Holy but to each his own
Studying Buddhism for 25 years was brilliant.
How Demons Can Cause Negative Thinking – Derek Prince
I, like many other believers on this site, have been under attack in various ways by the enemy. These attacks may indeed have been the worst we’ve ever suffered in our lives. Will they get even more so? Count on it! “Be strong and of good courage, for He is with you”. The enemy doesn’t attack unless he’s losing. Keep up the fight and finish your race!
So happy you are back Greg and this was a great interview. Jonathan always brings it, but I don’t think Putin would jump on Israel . He is not trying to start WW III and he knows prophecy. We will see who is going to tempt God’s wrath.
God Bless You and the work that you do!
Hello Greg
Hope you’re doing well.
You’re feed has always come through on my older device up to your heart attack and now that your back I can no longer view it. Rumble has changed something.
Not sure if you can do anything about that? Thanks
It is a browser problem or ISP problem. Try thus and let me know if it works: (Tech Note: If you do not see the video, know it is there. Unplug your modem and plug it back in after 30 sec. This will clear codes that may be blocking you from seeing it. In addition, try different browsers. Also, turn off all ad blockers if you have them. Finally, clear your cache and that might help too. All the above is a way Big Tech tries to censor people like
OK gang , turn in all of your Freedoms , the ” experts ” have spoken.
Trust the ‘political’ science you heretics !!
Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution “Outdated”, “Threatens The United States”
Just as legislation is drafted well in advance and then introduced , so too are several alternate ” new ” constitutions.
One example. Barf bag warning applies.
Jesus said no one but the Father knows the end of time but somehow this guy figured it out. Kudos.
Mt 24:36
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
What are the best ways to make a contribution for the poor among the believers in Jerusalem, per Romans 15:26-27?
Who is doing the most good?
Any recommendations?
Why do we grow old and die? We were created perfect. How do we know this? Because our Creator, Almighty Jehovah (Psalms 83:18) God is infallible, which means that He is incapable of making mistakes. When you examine His Creative works, which include the earth, moon, the sun and the other planets that orbit our sun and the entirety of our galaxy (named the Milky Way galaxy) which has, according to our best estimates, our galaxy is made up of approximately 100 billion stars. These stars form a large disk whose diameter is about 100,000 light years.
Think for a moment about what you just read; 100,000 light years. A light year represents how far light travels in a year so our galaxy is an immense construction of Almighty Jehovah God but, how many OTHER galaxies exist?? Please note this very important point; the universe is expanding/growing. WHY? We are in what we call a galaxy BUT There have also been identified many other galaxies. And one of the galaxies that has been observed apparently is a “breeder” galaxy which produces other ‘new’ galaxies! WHY?
Our Solar System is about 25,000 light years away from the center of our galaxy so we live in the suburbs of our galaxy. And all of this immense expanse was created through His power and wisdom, and when you meditate on what is now visible to us, we begin to suspect AND understand that He has plans that are far greater than anything we can imagine. Genesis 1:37 After that God saw everything he had made, and look! it was very good.
Being created perfect means that we were not created to die, but to have eternal life. Think on that for a moment or three; eternal life, never to die. Which means our children would be the same as us; never to die. Now consider this; we marry and have children. Adam and Eve did so we know that this was Almighty God’s plan for us. In a thousand years, how many ‘perfect’ children could a “perfect couple” produce? A hundred? One child every ten years? More likely, more children than that! Please consider this curse that Eve received for her duplicity with her husband; Genesis 3:16 To the woman he said: “I will greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy; in pain you will give birth to children, … And so it is down to this day for all women, BUT, as we return to perfection because of our obedience, that curse certainly will be lifted. We should count on that meaning many more children will be born and enjoyed by their parents and grandparents and great grandparents and etc.
And how soon would those perfect children begin producing more children?
The earth was created perfect, with a belt of water protecting it from any meteors or radiation and having many thousands of square miles of additional land to use to grow food but we do not have that extra land presently. Why? Because of the Great Flood that Almighty Jehovah God used to wipe the earth clean of the demonic forces Satan ruled over in his plan to steal the earth away from Him. This is when Moses built an ark to carry him, his family and countless animals to safety on the other side of the great flood. How many people could the original perfect earth support? Far more than we could probably suppose.
That flood caused other changes in the earth. There were no great mountains like the Rockies of the Himalayas. Those mountains were forced up out of the ground by the weight of the water that was never supposed to be ON the earth; it was to protect the earth, not to flood it. Then, we have the universe….
(finished below)
Adam was created perfect but was corrupted by Eve.
Many a man and nation was laid low by women
Now Wait a second 500, “NOT ALL WOMEN ARE BAD” (and that’s the reason why men have a difficult time enjoying themselves)!!
Hi Katy,
Not all women are bad, Nor all men are bad. YHWH knew man needed a helpmate and created Eve.
But YHWH gave us all “Free” will.
He gave us the ability to make mistakes, to learn and to Sin.
And so was Eve! Hmmm; perhaps man is weaker than he looks. All woman has to do is bat their eyes, show a little skin and putty in their hands. Where was Adam when Eve was being deceived, was he tending the live stock, tilling the soil or was he standing there with her complicit? Adam willfully took part in eating, he very simply could have sad no. Question is why?
The Bible says she gave it to him. We have never been very bright dealing with women, even from the start. LOL
Remember that Adam was without guile, while Eve had eaten from the forbidden fruit.
Richard – Everything in this Universe came from a single point that existed before the Big Bang (Religious people will call that point Almighty God (the Father), while Atheists call that point from which everything came into existence the “Zero Point” (or Nothing), but from the Father (Almighty God), or Zero Point or Nothing ” A TOTAL OF THREE ENTITIES are all agreed to (by both the Religious and Atheists) to exist In Our Universe “Simultaneously” (the Religious say: “Three Persons Exist in One God”), the Atheists using mathematics say: the Zero Point Set is composed of “Three” entities (the Positive Entity, Negative Entity and a Neutral Zero (+1,0, – 1). In Science terms the Atheists go on to call the positive entity a Proton, the negative entity an Electron and the neutral entity a Neutron and proceed to show us how the Entire Universe was constructed out of these “Three Entity’s” in their Periodic Table of the Elements. While the Religious Folks simply say “Everything was Created out of the Three Persons of the One God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost) [which in the Atheist’s Scientific Terms is simply called a Neutron, Proton and Electron]! But one thing both the Atheists and Religious people “CAN AGREE ON” is that: “Everything That Exists CAME FROM A SINGLE ENTITY, That Always Existed. Even Before The Universe We See All Around Us “Ever Existed”!!
And Therefore, when our elements disassemble (or what we humans call Death) It Is Really Just Us Returning “To A God Like State”!!
I would definitely like to hear comments from both the Atheists and Religious among us!!
2 trillion galaxies… and yes, I repeat myself, but that is something that needs constant repeating! 2 TRILLION GALAXIES!!
It is estimated that there are between 200 billion (2×1011) to 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe (Please remember that there has been identified at least ONE galaxy that produces new galaxies!). Most galaxies are 1,000 to 100,000 parsecs in diameter (approximately 3,000 to 300,000 light years) and are separated by distances in the order of millions of parsecs (or megaparsecs). WHY?
So many WHYs and not enough answers. But, we do have some idea of what Almighty Jehovah God has planned for us; Genesis 1:27 And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them. 28 Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.” ALL of Almighty Jehovah God‘s works are perfect. He never makes mistakes. He IS infallible.
What happened? Imperfection caused by Satan. We were never intended to die!
2 TRILLION GALAXIES! How many habitable planets exist in all of that immensity? PROBABLY TRILLIONS OF THEM! Almighty Jehovah God does not produce useless works; everything He does is carefully planned out to fulfill His purpose for us AND for His universe which He created as our home. Let me repeat; everything He does is carefully planned out to fulfill His purpose for us AND for His universe which He created as our home! If we are not intended to spread throughout His universe, then who will use all of that wonderful creation that He prepared… for who?
PLEASE remember; everlasting life. That was His intention for us in the beginning and that is what we will have once Satan is dealt with permanently. We ARE very close to the Great Tribulation and that will usher in the thousand year rule of Jesus over the earth during which the resurrection of ALL who have lived and died (with notable exceptions of course) will be resurrected to live once again here, with us, on the earth. The famous mathematician Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) also had a keen interest in the Bible. He understood that the holy ones (numbering 144,000; I always used to wonder why 144,000 were necessary for one planet, but I think I am beginning to understand somewhat better why there are so many co-rules with Jesus) will be raised to heavenly life and will rule invisibly with Christ. (Rev. 5:9, 10) As for the subjects of the Kingdom, he wrote: “The earth shall continue to be inhabited by mortals after the day of judgment and that not only for a 1000 years but even forever.” Meditate on this; but even forever! AND, consider this; one of the greatest joys we have in life is raising children. I was married to my childhood sweetheart when we were 18 and we had 3 children. I have outlived all 3 of my children. There is not much joy left in that, EXCEPT knowing that they will be back in the resurrection.
Are there insurmountable problems involved in us traveling to other planets/stars/galaxies? LOL! Not hardly! There are no insurmountable problems for Jesus and his and our Father Almighty Jehovah God!
There are no problems that exist that will stop Almighty Jehovah God from completing His work and fulfilling His vision for His creation; our universe! Our HOME!
II am simply a student of the Bible and someone who closely observes what is happening with Jehovah’s people, being as I am one of them in obedience to Jesus our now ruling king.
Richard, I agree!
2 trillion galaxies—a number so immense it almost defies comprehension. Each galaxy, a vast collection of stars, planets, and cosmic wonders, speaks to the grandeur of Jehovah’s creation, through his only begotten son Christ Jesus. The observable universe, with its estimated 2 trillion galaxies1, is a testament to the infinite power and wisdom of our Almighty God.
Jehovah’s purpose for humanity is clearly outlined in the Bible. Genesis 1:27-28 states, “And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them. Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: ‘Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.’” This passage highlights God’s intention for humans to live in harmony with creation, filling the earth and caring for it.
However, imperfection entered the world through Satan’s rebellion. This was not part of God’s original plan. Romans 5:12 explains, “That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned.” Despite this, God’s purpose remains unchanged. He has provided a means of redemption through Jesus Christ.
With 2 trillion galaxies, the question arises: How many habitable planets might exist within this vast expanse? Scientists estimate there could be billions, if not trillions, of potentially habitable planets2. Jehovah does not create anything without purpose. Isaiah 45:18 states, “For this is what Jehovah says, the Creator of the heavens, the true God, the One who formed the earth, its Maker who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, but formed it to be inhabited: ‘I am Jehovah, and there is no one else.’”
God’s original intention was for humans to live forever on a paradise earth. This promise is reiterated in Revelation 21:4, “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” The Great Tribulation will soon usher in the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ, during which the resurrection will occur, and those who have died will live again on earth.
And yes Rich, the Bible speaks of 144,000 who will rule with Christ in heaven (Revelation 14:1-3). These co-rulers will assist in administering God’s Kingdom and bringing about His purpose for the earth. Sir Isaac Newton, a renowned mathematician and Bible scholar, believed that the earth would continue to be inhabited by mere mortals even after the day of judgment.
Which begs the question. Was Isaac Newton a Christian?
Centuries since his death, scholars are still debating what to think about Isaac Newton’s scientific discoveries and his unconventional religious ideas. Here’s what you should know about him. Laura Lee Leathers. Salem Web Network Contributor Published Sep 23, 2022
The Joy of seeing dead loved ones again, while still being alive yourself?
One of the greatest joys in life is raising children. The hope of the resurrection brings comfort to those who have lost loved ones. John 5:28-29 assures us, “Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out.”
Overcoming Challenges
Traveling to other planets or galaxies may seem insurmountable now, but with Jehovah, nothing is impossible. Luke 1:37 states, “For nothing will be impossible with God.” Jehovah’s purpose will be fulfilled, and His creation will be used as He intended.
As a student of the Bible and an observer of God’s works, it is clear that Jehovah’s purpose for humanity and the universe is grand and meticulously planned. The vastness of the universe only underscores the greatness of God’s love and power. We can look forward to the fulfillment of His promises and the joy of everlasting life in His perfect creation.
In Depth Review of Sir Isaac Newton’s Religious Views
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
With an Entire Universe Created by God Almighty (for US to Inhabit). Wouldn’t you know that some Evil Demon from Hell (Satan) would interfere to screw up God’s Plan by (just like in the Garden of Eden) now taking hold of Globalists Minds (and telling them they can gain immortality by Killing Off Seven Billion Humans by 2040 (and to use every means possible from Kill Shots to Nuclear War). We Humans fighting against these Globalists is just like Russia fighting Ukraine (where in reality there is Really “A GREAT SATAN” Behind the Scenes Pulling the Strings)!! As explained in Ephesians 6:10-18 We humans must stand strong and firm against the Schemes of the Devil. We need to put on the Armor of God (for we do not just wrestle here on Earth against “mortal flesh and blood rulers and authorities”, but Against a More Insidious Cosmic Force of Evil (that was thrown down from Heaven and “Imprisoned here on Earth”!! God (it seems) had no choice, he knew there would be a Lot of Collateral Damage caused by Imprisoning Satan down here on Earth (with us Humans), but when fighting “A Formidable Demonic Entity” sometimes you have to accept some Collateral Damage” (like what is happening in Gaza). But, “Not All Is Lost” for Hard Times usually results in people “Becoming Even More Righteousness”!!! We’ll See Just How Righteous This November (when we choose to either 1) Live With The Evil Commie Queer Transgender Globalist Demons or 2) Lock Them Away (but not on Earth this time) instead we need to put them on a Space X Rocket and shoot them into the Sun)!!!
Note: [This is probably why the Evil Globalists are now out to get Elon Musk]!!!
“Former” Globalist Zuckerburg sees the “Writing on the Wall”!! And to Avoid a Front Row Seat on Elon Musk’s Space X Rocket “To the Sun” – Zuckerburg has “Now Switched Sides” and has become “a MAGA Trump Supporter”, actually saying on Main Stream Media that: “It Is Hard Not To Get Kind of Emotional About Trump, etc., etc., etc.”!!! “It was Bribe’n, the FBI and CIA that made me help to steal the 2020 Election”!!!
The Soviet Union has collapsed.
Russia is the strongest power in the world in 2024!!
The USA can only fight a very cowardly war with Russia, as long as the complete male population of Ukrain is dying for their stupid senceless goal to be the masters of the whole world. US Dollar is on his way out. Time to wake up and comply.USA. your days are over. Good riddance.
And no, i am not from Russia. I live in the Netherlands, where common sence is still a daily thing.
Dude, really? There is no Soviet Union. It blew up in 1990 (Bankruptcy), the same road we are headed down. Russia is different from the Soviet Union
Yup it’s different G500, it’s not woke, broke and busted up like were soon to be and it’s all so disgusting! They got lots of gold and we got Ukraine’s, which wasn’t much. 30 t0ns me thinks? How long will be able to survive on that?!
No, it isn’t woke. You wrote,” The Soviet Union has collapsed.
I was giving you the timeline when it did that n fact collapse.
I would go as far to say that Putin is likely a far better Christian than Biden/Harris.
We overthrew the duly elected government in the Ukraine under the Evil Obamites. We shouldn’t give the Ukraine a single penny or cartridge
Hopefully ALL FUNDING STOPS for All The Demon Rat Wars as soon as Trump is Elected in two months!!! The Globalist need to work very fast if they are going to start their WWIII. Hopefully Putin will continue to hold out and “Turn The Other Cheek” for another 60 days!
Putin Well Deserves a Very Very Favorable Deal From Trump (for not Incinerating the World as the Evil Globalists Tried to Make Him Do)!! God Has been On Our Side (And that Includes Russia)!!!
America is a nation founded on the Christian church and Christian principles: take a look at the 19th century and the Westward movement and the horrific treatment of the Native Americans all in the name of the Christian church and Christian principles.
Look at the horrible treatment the Indians Gabe the settlers. That whole “Noble Savage” bull excrement is make believe. These people waged war upon each other and us.
Yes, some Indians were wronged by people, and whites were wronged by Indians. Millions were killed in the name of Satan also called Allah. And millions were killed by megalomaniacs
The Indian tribes waged war on white settlers and amongst other tribes: yes they did in defense of their hunting lands. I’m just saying don’t say that this USA we live in is self righteous Christian good people because they stole from and pushed their way through this land all in the name of Christ? Man has been conquering each other’s land for commodities (food, clothing, shelter, expansion) all over the world for centuries. But engagement in a bloodbath pushing people around in the name of Christ?
You know the Indians declared war on one another for more reasons that hunting grounds.
And yes, I say that we are a Christian Nation. America isn’t perfect but we are/were Christian
I am curious. What is your opinion of YHWH giving Israel, the land of Canaan, to HIS people?
When YHWH told the Jews to “kill them all.”
Please advise
The Big Weekend Show 9/1/24 FULL END
September 1, 2024 Yemek Zamanim 1 hour ago
Woman attacking Putin
Who Lost boyfriends! Tank’s a lot Torski Nuland!
Jonathan Cahn mentioned National Flags that have Red, Green, White, Black as their colors. I only found 12 at the ready, and these were:
1 United Arab Emirates
2 Iraq
3 Syria
4 Egypt
5 Sudan
6 Jordan
7 Kuwait
8 Afghanistan
9 Kenya
10 Libya
11 Western Sahara
12 “Palestine”
13. Kyrgyzstan
I really don’t see these as the 13 horns in which Anti-Christ removes 3, though… (Hippolytus says Anti-Christ removes Ethiopia, Egypt, and Libya on Israel’s behalf).
I pre-ordered the Dragon Prophecy and will get it September 3rd. Always good to see Brother Cahn on your program, as I always learn something just a bit more, and am stimulated to remember some of what I had otherwise forgotten. Thank you kindly.
Greg, Putin started talking about this with Tucker when he did the interview.
‘There Is No Suppressing MAGA’: Kari Lake Rallies For Donald Trump During Glendale, Arizona Rally Forbes Breaking News 801,188 views Aug 23, 2024
During Friday’s Trump-Vance 2024 Campaign rally, in Glendale, AZ, Senate Candidate Kari Lake criticized Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), her opponent Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), and praised former President Donald Trump.
Our Nation is in trouble…
I remember a bumper sticker I saw in the mid 70s, “Save your Confederate money, the South shall rise again.”
It is sad that a Confederate dollar is worth more than a US Dollar. And it looks like there will be another period where States succeeds. Strange times
The Demons in the White House stoke the embers of war… Nuclear F’ing War.
Yes, we are a mess but so is China… Russia is in better shape than both
Thank you Joe Buy-Dem…
We should seize 250 miles into Mexico, mine the Shiite out of 25 miles nearest to the New Mexican border. Set up border towers with sensors and remote controlled automatic weapons, and sniper and 10 miles behind that maned towers that is man by soldiers.
Mexico has waged war on America for 40 years and we should take action
Yes, I know this is extreme but you tell me what 100K American lives are worth per year? A whole lot more than 250 miles into Mexico. That doesn’t count crack, cocaine, black tar hererion and the meth. All this Shiite coming from Mexico. Then add in the tens of thousands of Americans victimized by illegals weekly that not only come thru Mexico but are helped by Mexican government. Mexico should be dealt with harshly and if these Fuktards up North don’t get their Shiite together, we should do the same there.
Our nation is over run with criminals and illegal drugs coming in thru Mexico and some from Canada. We have the power to stop it. The Democrats make money from the cartels and human trafficking as do some RINOs. These people need to be punished harshly
News about the Followers of Shiatan or Allah (Islam the Religion of Piece… as of n cutting Christians to Pieces)
Moslems are told to lie to us, befriend us and then rob, rape and murder us. Don’t believe me? Just look at Satan’s Bible, the Koran.
The path that our unknown leaders are taking is suicidal. Even if Trumps reelection isn’t successfully sabotaged, they will come up with a surprise that I don’t even want to speculate on. Just read the latest news on
The Safe Haven Baby Box nullifies the “echonomic” argument for abortion:
She could drop off her “unwanted” baby at a designated fire department any time.
No questions asked!
America seized Venezuela’s Air Force One because of Venezuelan Gang Activity in America found on “Guns and Gadgets 2nd Amendment News” on Youtube.
It seems the US could stop all Venezuelan gang activity, very easily, IF they wanted to.
Constant worldwide escalation indicates like minded people should come together.
LIVE | Russia Bombards Kyiv, Kharkiv; ‘Wipes Out’ 8,500+ Ukrainian Troops in Kursk /Times of India streaming 16 hours
SCOTT RITTER : Russia STOPS Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive, NATO is Next
Reporterfy Media & Travel 8 hours ago
LIVE | Russia Crushes Ukrainian Troops, Destroys U.S. and British Artillery
as per TASS /Times Now World Started streaming on Aug 30, 2024
In a powerful show of force, Russian battlegroups have achieved significant victories across key Ukrainian regions. From the liberation of Kamyshevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic to the crushing defeat of multiple Ukrainian brigades, Russian forces have inflicted heavy casualties and destroyed critical military assets. This video covers the latest developments, including the downing of 49 Ukrainian drones, the destruction of U.S. and British-made artillery systems, and the strategic advances in Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk, and beyond. Watch as Russia’s military continues to dominate the battlefield, securing vital gains in its ongoing special military operation.
Russian FAB-3000 bomb hits hangar hiding US-made HIMARS and Patriot weapons in Sumy region / MILITARY TECHNOLOGY
117,564 views 10 hours ago
A Russian warplane has bombed a location in Ukraine’s Sumy Region, which was used to hide a Western-donated HIMARS rocket system and munitions, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed on Wednesday, sharing footage of the strike.
Russian missiles strike shopping mall & events complex in Ukraine’s Kharkiv, nearly 50 injured WION Sep 2, 2024 GRAVITAS
Ukraine is facing a nightmare in Kharkiv following the Russian attack on a shopping mall and events complex, which left nearly 50 people injured.
Meanwhile, Russia has said Kyiv launched one of the biggest drone attacks against it since the war began. Molly Gambhir
Palestine and Israel are to be renamed Judea. This will occur once the head of the khazarian mafia snake in “Israel” is decapitated. Much is happening to defeat satan and his minions in the khazarian mafia. The khazarians control Hamas. They want Gaza to make a resort area built by Jared Kushner so they need to clear the area of all life…a scorched Earth goal.
What The Bible Says About The Roman Catholic Church
Hello Greg. I have been doing research w/ Brenda weltner . She believes Rev 12 has 2 signs. The first signed happened on September 23, 2017. Which is an astrological sign : Virgo . It happens 1x every 7000 years I believe she said. The2nd sign is the dragon (satan) who uses his tail and swipes and 1/3 of his fallen angels to earth. What would that look like? Genesis 6 replayed possibly. She has shared in her research.. the woman in travail is …Israel. Israel will be in a war ( which started October, 2023) . It will escalate and part of Israel will go into the wilderness. She will birth to a male child ( believers) . The dragon tries to kill this male child ( believers) Which Ms weltner believes could be the first people that will be raptured. And that in an instant people will be transformed into a new body like Jesus was after his resurrection. Those people will be here for 7 days giving testimony and on 8 th ascend and join Jesus at his throne. Ms weltner believes in her research there will be at least 3 raptures.
VIDEO: Bill Maher Calls Tampon Tim “A Huge Liar” – Stolen Valor Scandal Engulfs Harris Campaign by Infowars
September 2nd 2024, Stolen valor steals Walz’s electability.
Greg, important for people to be aware of =
Bombshell Report Reveals Government Conspiracy To Defraud Homeowners
Kamala STUMBLES Again After HUMILIATING Misstep at Rally
DeVory Darkins 620,820 views Sep 2, 2024
Watch Kamala Harris stumble at her rally after she makes a humiliating misstep with her speech. To make matters worse she has to drag Sleepy Joe Biden out of cryosleep to help her campaign in Pennsylvania. This happens as the high pressure debate is approaching with Donald Trump and pollsters are sounding the alarm on her campaign in the battle ground states with swing voters.
Ray McGovern : China/Russia/Ukraine and Nukes
Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
434K subscribers
46,733 views Streamed live 9 hours ago
BBC declares official winner of Kursk offensive!
TFIGlobal 8,005 views Sep 3, 2024
The BBC has officially declared Ukraine’s Kursk offensive a failure. The report highlights Ukraine’s miscalculation in focusing on the Kursk invasion rather than reinforcing the eastern front. As Russian forces close in on Pokrovsk, a key strategic city, Ukraine’s position is weakening.
Russia’s recent victories, including capturing Novohrodivka, have intensified the situation. The offensive has left crucial Ukrainian cities exposed and led to a significant Russian advantage. Watch to learn how this blunder could impact the broader conflict.
Larry Johnson : Russian Offensive Picking Up Steam
Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
62,051 views Streamed live 8 hours ago
Jerry 09/01/2024 •
“God” saved Hitler in the “20 July” plot.
Anthony Australia 09/02/2024 •
Operation Valkyrie!
Won Witness 09/02/2024 •
Jerry, God allowed Hitler for a reason.
Hitler’s hatred was followed by the world’s acceptance of a restored Israel after WWII.
A prerequisite for the fulfilment of apostle John’s book of revelation that has stated what has now come and soon shall be.
Should Trump ever stand in the restored third temple and demand the world’s worship then I’ll give your words an ear.
p.s. on a different topic:
Has anybody else noticed when the left pushes a communist idology/lie that your own logic questions, they always nod their head up and down to present a “let’s agree on what i’m saying” body language thing.
When I first saw Kamala do that head bob, I flashed back to the 60’s in college where my socialogy teacher (a communist) would to the same thing when spreading lies that unless we adopted their ideas mankind would destroy our planet by 1982.
Galaxy 500 09/02/2024 •
Sorry Jerry, that wasn’t God that saved Hitler
p.F. 09/03/2024 •
and community using sometimes even worse tactics.
Excuse me, that should have been communists, not community.
Sorry…. Stupid spell correct!
Jeff L 09/02/2024 •
Wanted to drop this off….. Explosive news
Pinkerton Floyd 09/03/2024 •
Wowser! This is gonna cook ah’lota gooses! Especially the Hitlary, Torskiya and Obombski nuclear gun runnin triad! Could bring the whole house of cards down, of the CIA Al Dulles, deniable plausibility scam dermic and bring back representative governance! We the sheeple fought the bloody British fer!
Oop’sy Daisy, Here’s Lonnie Wit da Trutski!
The story of the CIA under Allen Dulles is a complex and often controversial chapter in Amerikan history. Dulles, who served as the Director of Central Intelligence from 1953 to 1961, was a master of covert operations and the concept of “plausible deniability.” This term refers to the ability of officials to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others in an organizational hierarchy because of a lack of evidence that can confirm their participation, even if they were personally involved.
The Dark Web of Covert Operations
1. The Golden Triangle and Drug Trafficking in Laos: During the Vietnam War, the CIA was heavily involved in Southeast Asia, particularly in Laos. The region, known as the Golden Triangle, became infamous for its opium production. The CIA’s covert operations included supporting anti-communist forces, which were often funded through drug trafficking. This led to a complex relationship where the agency turned a blind eye to the drug trade as long as it served their filling up they’re coffers using coffins, for strictly strategic US. interests of course.
2. Iran-Contra Affair: Fast forward to the 1980s, the Iran-Contra affair is another example of the CIA’s controversial activities. The agency facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was then under an arms embargo, and used the proceeds to fund Contra rebels in Nicaragua. This operation was conducted without the approval of Congress supposedly. But was actually under the CIA plausible deniability scam and led to a major political scandal when it was exposed by Nancy Reagans urgings, to her then husband Ronnie. For him to admit guilt in the affair, thus abandoning his cover of plausible deniability and ending the whole sordid affair. That was threatening to bring down the whole house of cards, of cads. Of the so called house of representatives, in reality very unrepresentative! In trying to hide they’re culpability in this upheaval of Realityville as Rush would say!
3. Benghazi and the Tragic Loss of Ambassador Stevens: The attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, resulted in the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The incident has been the subject of numerous investigations and political debates. As Jeff L. points out in his explosive comment above. The compound was involved in a covert
web of CIA operations, including arms smuggling to Syrian rebels, Isis in Syria. To topple the Assad government, which was not allowing Saudi oil and gas pipeline’s thru Syria to Europe. To bypass and cut off Russian pipeline’s at the time supplying Europe, For which ambassador Stevens, who dedicated his life to serving his country, tragically lost it in this complex and dangerous backstabbing environment created at Langley and D.C. .
The Legacy of Allen Dulles
Allen Dulles’ tenure at the CIA set a precedent for the agency’s involvement in covert operations around the world. His strategies
which ultimately caused him to fall on his own sword, thus being fired. Often involved the influence of the operation Paper Clip Nazi’s
and morally ambiguous actions justified by the broader goal of combating communism and community using sometimes even worse tactics. The ramifications of these actions are still felt today, as they have shaped the perception and role of the CIA in global affairs.
A Shout Out to Ambassador Stevens who will return!
Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a dedicated diplomat who served his country with honor and distinction. His tragic death in Benghazi is a stark reminder of the dangers faced by those who work in volatile regions. His legacy continues to inspire those who believe in the importance of diplomacy and international cooperation for a new world order or dis-order?
You be the judge as we wait and see who wins. Malz, Kamala puppets? Or Wierda’s Trump, RFK Jr. and J.D. Clampett?
For more explosive news and updates, you can check out the link Jeff L. provided above;
Mike 09/03/2024 •
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Hi Greg! It’s so good to see you healthy, again. I’ve been watching you for many years, twice a week.
I’ve been doing Bible in a Year. The Old Testament is real confusing. There are so many stories of war against Isreal, and Isreal against other nations. God allows Isreal to be attacked, persecuted, and enslaved for turning their backs and worshipping other gods. Over and over throughout history. Is it possible they’re being persecuted again for their wicked ways? Food for thought
Is it possible that Hezbollah and Hamas are just F’ing evil?
While evil is attacking Israel but YHWH’s people are prevailing
Israel’s leadership is extremely poor.
Hamas is even worse because they use women and children as human shields and execute hostages to keep them from being rescued. It the evil demonic bastards of Hamas want to stop the so-called genocide they cause by their military strategy to surround themselves with women and children for a PR gain when they are killed. If Hamas wants to stop the “genocide” they should have the balls to get out in front on the civilian population and meet the IDF head on. These evil bastards got their Jew hating talking points straight from Hitler.
With all due respect, I am going to disagree with Mr. Cahn.
As is your right…
Fake Jews….
Dude, take you Jew Hate else where