The One Surefire Economic Prediction
By Greg Hunter’s
The one surefire economic prediction I can make is we are going to have big inflation. Already, (real) inflation is running at 9.4% according to (calculated the way Bureau of Labor Statistics did it in 1980). The mainstream media seems to be finally catching on to this theme. In the last week or so, Forbes ran a story called “Prepare for inflation.” (Click here for the Forbes article.) Just last week, CNN penned an article called “The coming inflation wave.” (Click here for the CNN story.) Whether it is the exploding federal deficit or famed investor George Soros doubling his gold holdings, it seems all the signs are flashing more inflation is baked into the economic cake.
Economist John Williams thinks the new health care legislation will generate new taxes and spending that will speed the inflationary process already underway. He thinks there will be significant double-digit price increases by the end of the year. After that, Williams predicts, “A Great Collapse . . . and a hyperinflationary great depression. Such will reflect a complete collapse in the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar, a collapse in the normal stream of U.S. commercial and economic activity, a collapse in the U.S. financial system as we know it. . .”
I also feel that, in the end, we will have a currency crisis where the dollar will be shunned to the point it will have to be replaced. The reason is very simple– the debt and commitments of America are just too large to ever payoff without printing vast sums of money. The federal debt and obligations stand at $71 trillion. And, as if that is not bad enough, that number is bound to increase dramatically in the next few years. Trillions of dollars will be spent on Fannie and Freddie, unfunded wars, bailouts of most of the states in the union, thousands of bank failures and ballooning government deficits–and these are just the highlights.
Some say we will experience hyper-inflation; others say the world will look something like a Mad Max movie in the not too distant future. Who knows, but inflation is here and it will accelerate significantly. That is what you should prepare for. So, today I leave you with a 2 part video. It hasn’t had many views, but it is worth the time to watch. It is called “Time to Wake Up: Economic Armageddon.” Enjoy the show:
Part #2 below:

The video seem to play only part 1, and then ask you to continue to part 2.. no place to punch for part 2 and it does not switch to a second Part. Just ask if you wish to replay part 2.
thought you should know.
Bill Holland
Sorry that did not work as it was supposed to. I added part #2 after part one. Thank you for contacting me.
Well done! Just recently discovered your site after a friend recomended it to me. Your material is spot on. I am a suscriber of Richard Maybury’s EWR and also Bob Chapman’s Int’l Forecaster. They too are delivering a very similar massage. Gold and Silver must be bought and I have been doing so for the past year.
Keep up the good work Greg!
Thank you for your support.
If you get hungry, kill something an eat it. We humans are just part of nature and nature is not kind to the weak and old. Everybody is worried about money, when they should worry about if there job is going to be needed. A good butcher will always be needed. I grew up when a trade skill was a ticket to making a living. It will be the same again after half the people starve to death. We older people who were raise by the people from the 30s are not scared of not having any money. Inflation is part of the system.When I started my trade as a Ironworker my boots cost 20 bucks, 40 years later they cost over two hundred bucks. The boot maker is still making boots. You know all this BS,more things change more they stay the same, it’s nature. The hard part is when the table has no food on it. Inflation will happen but this time there won’t be no place to keep your money safe from inflation better have some skills to trade with. My oldest boy became a banker, didn’t like living in the woods. When he lost his job at Washington mutual he wasn’t scared like the other people in the office he learn about nature sitting in the outhouse. You don’t need to post this Greg I just like reading your site good luck to you.
More very tough times are ahead. Thank you for taking the time to weigh in.
trying to get the word out. so many are so blind.
It is tough but I will “Never, Never, Never give up.” You hang in there too!
Great video! Sent it to a couple of friends & also to my Youtube friends. I like your articles on your website too.
I thought the videos were well done too and have not gotten many views. Thank you for passing them along and for your continued support.
Spot on with the two videos you’ve tagged. It’s just amazing that there are so many blind, ignorant & apathetic sheeple out there…Thanks for the info. I just came across your site today, and I’m passing these two videos along to others…
For years I’ve been warning my friends and family about these same issues. I will definitely pass these videos along as well. I’ve done a lot of research about the future breakdown and where it will leave this country. Many people aren’t even aware that there is a secret government program in place to build a strange vehicle for police and military in the future. What does it look like? A dune buggy. What on earth would we be needing dune buggies for in the next 5 years???
That is a good question but one thing is for sure gold and silver coins will have value!!