The Other Real Estate Problem

By Greg Hunter’s

I love the phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words”  because you tell a lot of people a complicated story in a short amount of time with just one look.   The “Other Real Estate Problem”  I am talking about in the headline is commercial real estate such as malls, hotels, office space and industrial sites.    You have not heard too much about this problem, and most people believe it does not affect them, but it does!   As commercial real estate goes so goes the economy and that could very well mean continued job losses.   The picture below is from the The National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries:

National Propert Index

This graph is included in an excellent article written by Brian Pretti of  Financial Sense Observations.  Please note in the lower left hand corner of the chart,”We have NEVER seen anything like this.” That means this is big folks!  This chart shows what is happening to the value and the income generated for about 6,000 properties with nearly 300 billion in value.  For the rest of the story about commercial real estate, please read Pretti’s well done in depth article by clicking this link.

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