Threat of WWIII is NOT Fear Porn – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is sounding the alarm on the increasing possibility of nuclear war between NATO and Russia.  Quayle says, “The threat of nuclear war is not fear porn–it’s real.”  Quayle is not alone because for the second year in a row, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says, “A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight.  2024 Doomsday Clock Statement.”  Today’s escalation is caused by the fact that NATO is contemplating allowing Ukraine to fire long range missiles deep into Russia. 

Now, breaking news that the Biden Administration did give the go ahead to fire long range missiles into Russia from Ukraine.

There is also this breaking headline from the Asian Times:  “Biden, NATO effectively declaring war on Russia.”

Quayle warns, “This is not a trial run, the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban missile crisis.  This is World War III. . . .We are seeing people crazy or people demonically possessed, in my opinion, talking about launching western missiles, German, British or US missiles into Russia.  The Russian Ambassador to the UN said on Friday (9/13/24), ‘If you do that, we will consider it an act of war against Russia, and all options are open to us, and none of your countries are safe.’   That’s the bottom line.  All these years you warn ahead of time, and they mock you saying fear monger and fear porn. . . . Well, we are at the inception point for World War III.  This will not be getting any better.”

There have been nearly zero talks of peace in Ukraine, only requests for more weapons and more escalation with Russia.  So, NATO is clearly wanting to start a world war.  It’s not just Russia we will be fighting, but China, North Korea and Iran, too.  Quayle says, “This is what is so pertinent about this show because, this weekend, everybody (NATO) is talking about giving President Zelensky (Ukraine) the okay to launch against Moscow, which will result in the thermal nuclear detonation of over 100 targets in the United States and another 100 targets plus in Europe.  NATO Headquarters will be toast.  D.C. will be toast. . . . The Bible has made this clear if God did not shorten the days for the elect, that’s the people who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, there would be no flesh left alive.  So, as we sit here podcasting, 250 million Americans are at risk.”

Even if nuclear war does not break out and the world gets a reprieve for a while, the financial system will not be fixed.  JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is warning of something coming that is “worse than recession.”  In simple terms, Quayle says, “Dimon is warning because the banks are in deep doo-doo.  Last week, you may remember billionaire Warren Buffett started dumping Bank of America stock. . . . I am told that Buffett dumped, all told, up around $50 billion in BofA stock. . . . When Buffett does some like this, people notice and they followed suit.  The banking stocks are in deadly peril.  I have been in the precious metals business for 35 years, and we are now watching clients being blocked for sending wire transfers.  I am talking about the biggest 5 or 6 banks because they are running short on cash. . . . At some point, they will cut off all credit cards.  I don’t know when that will be, but eventually, they will be stopped.  This is what my sources tell me is going to happen.  The ‘when’ is up to God.”

There is much more in the 1-hour & 5-minute interview.

You can find all the products Steve Quayle mentioned at

Join Greg Hunter of who goes one-on-one with Steve Quayle as he talks about WWIII, demons behind it, economic collapse and many bags to protect your privacy from spying and even some bags that will stop bullets.  You can check out the wide variety at

After the Interview:

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  1. Lloyd G

    Greg is there an issue with the publishment of this new episode? The formatting seems to be off because the whole wall of text covers the page when you first enter the website.

    • Greg Hunter

      It looks the same as it always does on my end. If you are on a laptop try this: (Tech Note: If you do not see the video, know it is there. Unplug your modem and plug it back in after 30 sec. This will clear codes that may be blocking you from seeing it. In addition, try different browsers. Also, turn off all ad blockers if you have them. Finally, clear your cache and that might help too. All the above is a way Big Tech tries to censor people like

      If you are on a smart phone, try taking the battery out and put it back in in 30 secs.


      • AL HALL



    • Marie Joy

      Lloyd, Sometimes it takes a few minutes for everything to catch up with everything else.

  2. Really Awake

    You’ll know once WW3 actually begins. Your cell phone, your internet and your electricity will all stop working simultaneously….. A few minutes later the power lines will melt and catch fire. Soon thereafter blinding flashes from nuclear impacts 100 times brighter than the sun will happen all throughout Western Civilization. Don’t look at the flash with your naked eye unless you want to go blind.

    If you have survived the first hour from the minute your cell phone, internet and power grid goes black – and the blast wave – next will be the radioactive fallout. ☢️. 30 minutes after a nuclear ground burst the deadly fallout begins. Air bursts don’t produce very much deadly fallout. But ground bursts do produce very lethal amounts. And dying from radioactive poisoning is a very horrible and excruciatingly painful way to go. That’s why your grandparents built fallout shelters- if they were smart.

    Survive the first two weeks and congratulations. Now you get to live in a Neo-Dark Age worse than the Bronze Age Collapse.. For some of us, that won’t be too bad of a life because we are ready. Very ready. But for most it’ll be better to be vaporized at ground zero than to adapt and survive a Neo- Dark Age….

    There could be a very happy ending for Christians if WW3 is subsequently followed by the Glorious Second Coming. The many miracles and blessings Jehovah God and His Glorified Son, Jesus Christ, bestow on Earth will be so wonderful that no words can fully describe the reality.

    Only time will tell and no man knows the day or hour. The best we can do is be the best Christians we can be as we wait for The Glorious Good News of God’s Kingdom to be fulfilled. Almighty God and His Son are the only two who can bring true peace and security.

    • Won Witness

      Really Awake,
      God’s gift of Foreshight and Surviving the Fallout.

      Since the 50’s my family keeps some Potassium iodide (KI), at home and in our car’s cloveboxes to help mitigate fallout damage to the human body. Look it up on wikipedia and elsewhere.
      Potassium iodide (KI) can be found at prep sites, Amazon, and elsewhere.
      In the early years of the duck and cover school days, my elementary shool’s nurse’s office had a supply.

      Someone might reply how they would rather die quickly, please bear in mind Many Japenese survived the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bomb Drops in WWII. Plenty of still living elderly Witness stories years later.
      As a parent/grandparent not having this stuff that reduces absobtion of radiation in the body seems negligent.

      A reality check for those who say It’s hopless or I’ll do nothing, it’s in God’s hands.
      Is in God’s hands mean you shouldn’t have a home fire extinguisher ? or drive defensively ?

      p.s. Greg, may God the Creator and Master Physician continue to heal you.

      • Jerry

        This is a great comment, I run it to Christians like this.

      • Really Awake

        Reply to Won:

        “Someone might reply how they would rather die quickly”.

        Personally, I would rather die quickly than suffer fatal radiation poisoning. I would rather die quickly than succumb to dehydration, starvation or hypothermia. In other words, to me, personally, I’d like to die a quick and painless death rather than a slow agony.

        Regarding the Japanese survivors of WW2: That was then. This is now. An entirely different situation. This time WW3 will destroy Western Civilization and thrust mankind back into a Dark Age and maybe a Stone Age.

        Keep in mind that the average American is totally dependent upon the modern conveniences. Tens of millions of Americans require daily medication just to survive. They will die a very unfortunate death if they aren’t killed by the over- pressure, blast wave or fire ball of nuclear detonation.

        Of course, Almighty God and His Mighty Son could step in and provide Divine Intervention. God could stop this. This is what I pray for each and every day. That God will provide miracle(s) and save us. Without God’s mighty hand protecting us no amount of preparation will help. In the end we all have to answer to God.

        Moreover, we just don’t know how this ends, when it ends and who survives. This could be The Second Coming or it could be another secular Dark Age. We don’t really know. We keep on the watch and we do the best we can.

        The bottom line is I’ve said my prayers and I’m ready to die or live.

        I hope that answers your question, Won.

      • richard s.

        great comment. a fire extinguisher and a firearm are both nearby. if needed, they are needed NOW, not in 5 minutes. also, to anti gun people, ask, “if there is a problem, will you defend me? will you guarantee my safety?” of course, they answer, “no.” next is, “well, don’t criticize me for protecting myself, and for better or worse, if you are with me at that time, you fall under the protection of my umbrella.” that usually shuts them up. best regards to all. richard s.

    • Paul Fudacz

      Really awake, you are indeed really awake. Thanks for alerting the citizenry at large. Blessings!

  3. Katy Bar

    The Demon Rats are deliberately pushing for World War III “to cancel the US election” and thus leave Commie-la in charge of the Federal Government so the Neocon Deep State to protect their War/Crime/Syndicate will Definitely Authorize the Launching of Missiles Deep Inside Russia. Poor Putin, hopefully he will have the strength to turn the other cheek “once again” so the US election can take place and bring Trump to power (who will then Stop this Insane War) and then take down the Deep State!!

    • PJ

      1 Thess. 5:3 “When they shall say, ‘Peace and safety,’ then SUDDEN destruction cometh upon them…..” (Thus saith the Lord.)

      NO MAN can save that which God has reserved for judgment. ONLY true repentance and turning from sin can (maybe) change His mind. No nation has known the grace and mercy of God like this nation has….and no nation has thrown it back in His face like this nation has.

      2 Peter 3:7
      But the heavens and the earth, which are now,by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

      The tares will be bundled for burning, then the wheat will be gathered into His barn. Which will you be?

    • Ken Yu

      We MAGA Republicans and Putin may find that although Trump wins the election HE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE POWER by the Deeply Ingrained Neocons!! Then what do we do??? Well, ordinary people who don’t want to be Nuked better immediately hire moving trucks and get the hell out of all the “Neocon Controlled” Blue States and find a place to live in a Red State (without ICBM missile launchers), and then pray with all your might that Putin has the good sense to only Nuke the Blue States!!

      • Kit Lee

        If Putin “just” Nukes the Blue States there will be “No Need To Retaliate” (as it would be like a doctor doing precise cancer surgery without inflicting damage on your other vital organs)!! And No One In Their Right Mind Would Want to Shoot the Doctor Trying to Rid You of Cancer!! IT IS TIME FOR US TO LEARN TO TURN THE OTHER CHEEK!!!

    • BobKauffmann

      Bible’s Message of Peace Hope Love
      According to the Bible, true peace comes from God and can be experienced even in times of despair. Scripture reminds us that God can give us a peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). This peace is not based on our circumstances, but on our relationship with Him.

      Seeking Hope

      When despair threatens to consume us, the Bible encourages us to:

      Serve the Lord with fear and trembling (Psalm 2:11)
      Turn from evil and do good (Psalm 34:14)
      Seek peace and pursue it (Psalm 34:14)
      Listen to God’s promises and trust in His goodness (Psalm 27:14)
      These actions help us focus on God’s love and faithfulness, rather than our circumstances.

      The Power of Love

      In times of despair, the Bible reminds us of God’s unwavering love:

      God is the God of love and peace (2 Thessalonians 3:16)
      He is our Rock, our Refuge, and our Savior (Psalm 91:2)
      He promises to be with us, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty (Psalm 46:1-3)
      Biblical Promises

      Some specific Bible verses that offer hope, peace, and love in times of despair include:

      Isaiah 41:10 – “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be frightened, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
      Romans 8:28 – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
      John 16:33 – “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. Really I do. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

      In times of despair, the Bible offers a powerful message of hope, peace, and love. By seeking God, turning to His promises, and trusting in His goodness, we can experience the peace that surpasses all understanding and find comfort in His love.

      Follow up
      What role do biblical figures, such as Job and Elijah, play in modeling faith and perseverance through despair?
      How do the themes of comfort and protection in Psalm 91 and other passages translate into practical applications for modern-day struggles?
      Can the concept of ‘peace that surpasses all understanding’ (Philippians 4:7) be applied to specific situations, such as grief, anxiety, or trauma?
      26 Bible Verses About Find Hope In Time Of Despair | OHBV
      50 Bible Verses About Peace – Encouraging Scripture Quotes
      What Does the Bible S

  4. Mike S

    Confusing…last week Christian Bo analyst of time told Geeg God will intervene on 22-23 Sep or in early October. So will God create something to neutralize our stupor as a country and allow Americans to repent and unite? Remember how we were after 9/11.
    Only on steroids!

    Christian Steve is saying 250 million lives could go poof. They are desperate in this country for sure to not lose power. But Russia might wait longer than Steve thinks. So will they create a false flag attack to justify a bigger war? Time will tell!


    Thanks Greg Always Best Reporting Steve Quayle

  6. LoriQ

    I am in agreement with Steve Quayle. We are in very dangerous times with psychopaths at the helm. Our Federal government is purposely goading Russia, purposely seeking to set off a global conflagration the world will never forget. Personally, I think they need cover when our dollar falls and our economy crashes.

    The most important element at this juncture is God’s word and His judgment for the USA. When I was a young adult, America was filled with such promise, the attainment of the American Dream was possible if you worked hard and made smart choices and decisions.
    That was the 1990s and early 2000s. Today, I see a very different America. One ravaged by poor leadership, bad choices, sinful transgressions, polluted air, land and food. I could go on and on, however, Greg you have an intelligent and savvy readership who are pretty awake to the problems we see, face and hopefully remedy. I pray people, in general, know Him. They repent, they share God’s word and they prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

    As always, Thank You for your website, your guests, your time, your effort, your skill, your professionalism and your care to keep us informed. May God watch over you and your family. Psalm 91, may God always keep you safe.

  7. dave

    Interesting that holly wood made the 1988 movie “Earth girls are easy”.

  8. dave

    The nuclear super weapons are as real as the moon landing

    • Greg Hunter

      Hope you are right.

      • Galaxy 500

        Well we know the Tsar bomba exists because they have detonated them just like we have a bunch of nukes.
        Thinking nukes don’t exist seems silly but that is just my 2 centavos

        • Dale Anderson

          they definitely exist

    • BobKauffmann

      Yet weapons exist that can fry Lahaina.

  9. Dr. Tyz

    The problem is no one is connecting the dots. There will not be a third world war but there will be a total takeover of the US with most of the population eliminated in the aftermath.

    Nothing and I do mean nothing of importance in the world is happening by chance. It is all being orchestrated with an end goal of the destruction of the US and most of the other Western countries. As the West declines, the East will rise.

    A basic question, does anyone believe the millions of illegals that have not only been allowed into the US, but have been given preference over US citizens, was designed to increase a voting pool in the coming election? Ridiculous. You don’t need this to control election outcomes.

    After the election, whichever side wins, there will be an “event” that will lead to a civil war. You can also expect an attack on the power grids likely from highly trained Chinese operatives that are already in the country.

    To ensure the chaos will be overwhelming you only need to look to the organized gangs that are located throughout the US that are starting to come to the forefront. There are not enough police or any other forms of law enforcement large enough to handle this and they will be more concerned with trying to protect their own families and lives. You will all be on your own but fighting off what is coming will be futile.

    Add to this the fact the weather can be weaponized, there are more “viruses” at the ready to be released along with the killer “vaccines” they already have stockpiled and it should be easy to see why you are all doomed.

    So keep looking at all the distractions going on while preparations are going ahead to eliminate the majority of you. My guess is the ones that initially survive will wish they didn’t. That is how horrific things are going to get.

    As the saying goes “the end justifies the means” and maybe the world will be better off from what is coming. Drastic times call for drastic measures and that is what we are going to get.

    The bottom line is stop listening to the nonsense you are being told. There is no way to prepare for what is coming other than getting out of the country while you can. Just don’t go to a country aligned with the US but find a safe haven elsewhere and they do exist. You just need to do some research as your very life depends on it. Good luck – you will need it.

    • andyb

      The civil war will commence on November 6 when the laughing moron wins by a small margin in spite of the exit polls showing Trump the victor by a margin of 2:1. The Dems already have 40 million votes secured from illegals, dead people, phony addresses, etc. The vision of America from our founders will die on January 20, 2025.

      At the age of 84, I am grateful that I lived at a time of relative peace and prosperity (1940 to present) and will not be part of the truly dystopian future. I am also thankful that I have the education and background to discern what truth there is among the ocean of lies that exist ever increasingly today over events that occur. Easy to do by examining the anomalies of Dealey Plaza, the Moon Landing, Oklahoma City bombing, 911, Sandy Hook and all the mass shootings, and almost every other national “event”.

      My advice: question everything, believe nothing.

      • Don Doerr Sr.

        Thank you, andy B. I too am elderly and have seen our America dwindle from Dwight David Eisenhower to the Satanic Antichrist Obama to the Evil Kamala Bear. Either we are in End Times or we have returned to 1861.
        “NOW WE ARE ENGAGED IN A GREAT CIVIL WAR.” – Abraham Lincoln

    • Paul

      When your country might need you most, your suggestion is run away. Please don’t come back for those that leave, others will fight the battle. America will remain the frontier battle line as it was always destined to be.

      Paul from arkansas

    • Mike M

      There is no place to go. No matter what country you pick, you will always be considered an outsider and a target. Wherever you live is the Alamo. Defend it. Your ancestors did and expect no less from you for their sacrifice.

    • Katy Bar

      Exactly – No one is connecting the dots (it is more then the Demon Rats trying to bring us to Nuclear War) remember Obama brought the Somalians to America (introducing polio back to the United States) and now Biden and Kamala have brought all kinds of people across our border and we are seeing TB, AIDS, Whooping cough, etc., etc. and with the m-RNA “vaccine jabs” they have weakened the immune system of over 200 Million Americans!! The obvious End Goal of these Evil Demon Rats is the Total Destruction of the US and the American People Who Hold Beliefs That Do Not Fit the Globalist “Slave” Narrative (where no one has the right to free speech or a gun for protection)!!

      • Ken Yu

        When Trump gets elected he should “Reward Russia” for being able to Turn the Other Cheek while his Nation’s Capital was being Bombed by NATO. As a very just reward Trump should give to Russia the choice of taking over “One NATO Country As Its Own” (and make it part of the Russian Empire). It could be any NATO Nation that Russia wants Poland, England, France, Germany, etc., etc.), and whichever country they choose “We Should Hand It Over To Them As Reparations” for “All the Damage Inflicted On Russia by these Insane NATO Freaks” (currently bombing the Moscow Capital)!!!

        • Katy Bar

          I think the only country that NATO and the US will agree to give to Russia is Ukraine!!

    • Paul from Indiana

      Thank you for this analysis. First off, nuclear war is a possibility, but in concert with your premise, it is not a preferred option. Those who want to see the US fail do also covet America’s resources. All-out nuclear war will render those assets unusable for a 1000 years, perhaps permanently. What’s the point? It’s easier and more profitable to have the US cause its own destruction from within. The Left has been plying this option successfully for the last 60 years by weakening the pillars of the nation and its culture via indoctrination through co-option of information (media), education, and entertainment establishments. Why blow it all up now? They are on the verge of getting what they have been working for. The only rationale for nuclear war is a scenario where one side decides it must have a physical victory regardless of cost of said victory. That’s not outside of the realm of possibility when dealing with ego-maniac lunatics, but there is no profit, which is the primary reason war is waged at all. Best always. PM

    • Bernie Shingoose

      Red state Rural America has a chance. As long as we maintain food water and shelter. But the blue states are screwed.

  10. Southerner

    Dmitry Medvedev himself said on his Telegram channel (Yandex machine translation from Russian to English)
    “However, the pompous Anglo-Saxon bastards do not want to admit one thing: any patience comes to an end. In the end, those moderate Western analysts who warned: “Yes, the Russians will probably not respond in this way… although there is still a possibility. In addition, the answer can also be achieved with the use of new delivery vehicles in non-nuclear equipment.”
    In other words, Russia is ready to respond to NATO attacks – brutally with advanced conventional weapons. However, the Russians are NOT going to launch a nuclear war just because a NATO conventional missile stuck a military airfield, oil refinery, or apartment building. The only people who actually want a nuclear war are the psychotic neocons in the US State Department.

    • A_Friend


      When you find the psycopath neocons “why” it will shake your foundations in a way 99.999% of the population cannot fathom. That is what “The Great Awakening” is all about.

      • Galaxy 500

        We know who they are

  11. Don Doerr Sr.

    Pope Francis has publicly criticized President Trump for promising to Deport millions of Open Border Criminal Illegal Democrat Party Migrants consisting of Terrorists, Moochers, and even Foreign Spies.

    Despite the fact that Francis knows that the November 22, 1963-born Communist Democrat RINO Party of the Antichrist Obama and his Hillary (as fronted by the Kamala Bear and Tampon Timmy Walz) threw open the Borders to increase crime, threaten the American Power System (“The Grid”), breed Democrat Party voters, and disrupt the 2024 Election, he has vowed to set a Positive Example by filling the Vatican with similar Border Crossers.

    As Part of Francis’ Plan, he will move into the Vatican basement and turn his residence over to pet-eating Migrants similar to those who now occupy under- siege Ohio.

    In this way, Francis hopes to set an example for all Christians rather than appear as a Hypocrite, especially after the criticism he has endured following his call for “Civil Unions” to accommodate and thus promote LGBTQ Biblically-condemned “Abominable” Sodomy.

    Also discussed were the facts that 9-11 and the assassination of JFK (by the CIA as confirmed by Dr. Jerome Corsi ) were both inside jobs, noting especially that the 9-11 Terrorists were trained on American planes, and Building 7 was taken down separately, independent of the initial strike.

    All those at the Conference appeared to agree that America is now at the threshold of becoming a full-blown Communist State under Harris and Walz.

    Many Americans are reportedly preparing Defensively to protect themselves and their Families as the siege intensifies – all this while our public school are sexually corrupting our children.

  12. Thomas Malthaus

    Generally speaking, Hal Turner is Clickbait central.

  13. Lee Cooper

    The bible doesn’t say the world ends, It is the world of wicked Mankind that comes to an end. And Jehovah protects those who belong to him, who have done the work of preaching the good news of the Kingdom just like his son showed them how to do at Luke Chapter 4 verse 43..
    There may be a limited nuclear exchange between these nutcases In power, but Jehovah God will never allow them to destroy his creation, flesh is saved because of the anointed.. Matthew 24:13

  14. Don Doerr Sr.

    Will Jesus, using President Trump, save America from the Antichrist Obama and his Hillary (the Kamala Bear and her Tampon Timmy Walz), or is it too late within the Promise of End Times? Christian Americans, consubstantial with the Jews in Germany, must Defensively arm themselves….

    • A_Friend

      Have you or anybody wonder where Ivanka and Jared went? They are keeping a super low key. My take is that Trump is compromised. I would not be surprised that Ivanka is under a threat and Trump playing long. The neocons have no regard, remorse, or empathy for anybody including themselves.

      • Galaxy 500

        Trump compromised? ROFLMAO. A_Friend? Of who exactly ? You are not a serious thinker or person. Perhaps you should change that to “A_Friend_of_Satan”? Actively spreading manure is what you are doing.
        They’re actively trying to murder Trump. You don’t waste that energy, money and risk jail and execution

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Don,
      “Seek and you shall find” “Ask and you shall receive “. “Knock and the door shall be open”
      It isn’t too late.
      But notice in the above scripture it requires action on our part. We have to proselytize for our Savior, Jesus, the Son of the One, True God, YHWH.
      And we must vote Trump. Do You have neighbors that are good Christian people (of course they would support Trump) and need help getting to the polls? Drive them. Talk up how expensive everything is now compared to when Trump was in. Talk up the other problems Team Buy-Dem brought. You can do this without mentioning the Donald.

  15. Roger Stamper

    tks again greg – steve

  16. john geis

    However, Berlin has so far refused to follow the UK and France’s example in arming Ukraine with long-range missiles. In May, Scholz explained that supplying Ukraine with Taurus missiles with a range of 500 km (310 miles) would amount to Berlin’s direct participation in the conflict.
    This says Russia is right!!!

  17. Takuto

    – There are (non-mainstream) military experts who say that even nuclear war will not be as bad as people think; on the countryside one can survive quite well, far from military sites and cities.
    – The best renowned German Christian prophet Alois Irlmaier predicted everything correctly from 1959 (his death year) until now, e.g. smart phones, credit cards, illegal aliens, drone wars. His further predictions: WW3 will come to Germany not during Ukraine-Russia war, but when the Israel war will culminate and everybody calls for peace. It will be in some year end of July. War will take 3-4 months and end with 3 days of darkness, when everybody dies who is outside the house. Nuke will be, but not many. New York destroyed, Marseille and Paris, but the latter from civil war. US: civil war. Christian belief will resurrect, good times will come before evil comes back with more power than even now.
    So we do not need to fear.

    • Greg Hunter

      You have to be kidding. What kind of moronic analysis is this. If nuke war happens our bond market will go poof. Our dollar will go poof. Our credit-based supply chains will go poof. The hospitals will be over-run. All Medicines will be gone. You will not be able to buy food, and ammunition will trade like gold and silver coins. Stop listening to these morons. Get right with Jesus and get prepared.

    • Jay

      The Bible says that if the tribulation of those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved. I’m not going to tell you whether you should fear or not. And I’ll leave that up to you. But the Bible tells us in great detail about how this tribulation is one picnic you don’t want to be any part of.

    • Galaxy 500

      So some nut say, “Aw nukes ain’t so bad” and you bought their flights of fantasy. Who is going to feed and protect these people? Do you have any idea of how to survive?

      Please by all means show me something published before 1958 from German Christian prophet Alois Irlmaier predicted everything correctly from 1959 (his death year) until now.
      Is it gonna be like Nostradamus where it subject to interpretation (lol)?
      And please don’t translate it from German to English. My daughter has that covered.

  18. Ken Mazel

    Hi Greg,

    Would you consider putting Steve and Nino in contact together? I think it would help Nino understand the alien situation into perspective and help his audience understand it’s not fake news.
    Just a thought, be well and blessed.

  19. Jay

    So in light of all that has been said here, I speak only to those who name the Name of Jesus Christ, if it all ended today and either you died in a nuclear war, or the rapture came and took you away before the tribulation, or you lived through the Tribulation to the second coming of Jesus Christ, how many people have you shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with? Could you say, “yes, I shared the Gospel with thousands, or millions of people and did exactly what God put me here to do?” Or would you walk into the presence of the Father and say, “sorry about that, I just had so many other things to do that I didn’t bother to be a witness for You on earth as you commanded and I was sort of embarrassed to say anything about the Lord or hand out Gospel tracts?” What if it were today?

    • Pastor Mark.

      I share the truth with as many members will listen.
      The truth is, Hillary, the Bushes, obamamas and all their cohorts serve satan. What they do to children would make most normal men throw up.
      These are the people that built and run the dumbest sick army. Most of you are members of infer gard and citzen core. Those two plus antifa and blm are ALL rum by the marxists. And you are probably gleefully salivating tge opportunities to hurt other innocent people put on their list. They are liars. They are election stealers. And you help them the most corrupt three letter agencies ever assembled. Ever.
      Take a look at whom you are serving Mr. Christian.

      • Jay

        Well Mark, I’m not sure what you are pastor of and while it’s probably true that many of these politicians don’t think twice about abusing or even aborting a child, telling people about it is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And yes it’s definitely true that many Americans are Christian in name only, however, just cursing the darkness and telling everybody how bad our politicians are is not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ either. Just telling people that Bush was a Bonesman and naming politicians who visited Epstein island is not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And God is not going ask you about how many people you told that Hillary is a child sacrificing Satanist or abortionist. But The Lord did in fact say, “If you are ashamed of Me and My Words in this wicked and adulterous generation, I will be ashamed of you when I stand before My Father who is in heaven.”

        • Katy Bar

          In the Star Track TV series we were told that “it was wrong to interfere with other civilizations” but the Bible tells us that Jesus’s Father (who resides in heaven) “artificially inseminated” his Mother on Earth to produce a Better Human Being (by adding some of God’s genes into us humans) which can technically can be labeled “interference in our civilization” by the Rulers running things here on Earth and who wanted to keep it that way (by Crucifying Christ), however God’s Intercession in our affairs was in actuality “An Act of Great Kindness” (to try and “Upgrade the Morality” of the Deep State Savages here on Earth) who are now trying to start a Nuclear War with Russia and who recently injected millions of innocent people with a Kill Shot to Reduce the Human Population (so they could Better Control the People they Rule Over)!!

        • Pastor Mark.

          you sound guilty of signing your soul to the secret cell phone club. Go back to hiding. waiting for the lions while the crowd cheers. You are Luke warm in His mouth and will spat out like your milk toast attitude.

  20. Pamela Hankins

    Although I realize why you think you need to push your sponsors, I don’t tune in to hear advertisements. Its offensive and discouraging. I skip through them or just stop listening. What you were doing before was sufficient.

    • Greg Hunter


      Well Pam there is always this: You have some balls coming on this free site and telling me “to hear advertisements. Its offensive and discouraging.” I am not making the free content good enough for you??? Ungrateful people is what is “offensive and discouraging” to me. I lost my income for 6 weeks and it is barley trickling back. Do you understand the term “free-tard”? Don’t come back here.


      • Diana

        Bravo Greg so tired of foolish people.

      • Anthony Australia

        Fear not Greg. God looked after your health, it will be the same for financial security. God guides and provides.

    • Pastor Mark.

      And right here is an example of tge average christian in America. Again, most I see have sold their souls to inferno guard. They are Luke warm in God’s mouth for what they do and serve. They’ll be spat out.

      • Galaxy 500

        You say Pam is what you call a Christian?
        Really, Dude? Do you have a flock Pastor? If so, is this your average? Because This isn’t what I call an average Christian. Just an average Democrats pretending to have the mantle of Christ. Eaten up with jealousy and petty self importance

    • H. Craig Bradley


      Amazon and Netflix have reduced subscription rates for their streaming services IF one accepts online advertisements. Cable T.V. started ad free but then had to resort to ads to pay rising bills. Its the same old story. Bill O’Reilly also has paid sponsors for his nightly online broadcasts on the First Network.

      So, why would YouTube programs be a bit different today? Greg has servers to pay for and other related costs to make a nominal profit. His farming activities are part-time so these days, you have to get paid somehow.

    • Thomas Scrimshaw

      Your feedback is a reminder of the importance of maintaining Christlike sensitivity and meekness, especially in our interactions with others. The Bible teaches us that meekness is not a sign of weakness, but rather a strength under control. Jesus himself said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5)1. This means that those who exhibit humility and gentleness will be rewarded under God’s kingdom rule.


      While it’s understandable that financial struggles can be frustrating, responding with harshness and anger does not align with the teachings of Christ. The Bible encourages us to be “completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 4:2)2. Jesus exemplified meekness throughout His life, choosing to serve others and respond with compassion even in difficult situations.

      In Philippians 2:3-, we are reminded to “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others”. This passage calls us to prioritize the well-being of others and to approach conflicts with a spirit of humility and understanding.

      Both of you have valid points, but it’s crucial to communicate with kindness and respect. By embodying the meekness and gentleness of Christ, we can create a more compassionate and understanding community with the meekness to inherit this old wicked earth not under Satan the Devil’s thumb and turning it into a paradise on earth, where righteousness can dwell forever and ever so help me Gawd, dang it!

      The Disorderly Orderly Tom Scrimshaw
      1: Matthew 5:5 2: Ephesians 4:2 3: Philippians 2:3-4

    • Galaxy 500

      Wow, Pam, I find this offensive

      • Jay

        Proverbs 19:25 says, “Smite a scoffer and the simple will be made wise.” Some people are very presumptuous as Pam just demonstrated and I don’t see how Greg was out of line at all. Quite frankly, I don’t know how he makes it with all the hoops you have to jump through for the small return on his advertising investment.

        • Galaxy 500

          Just so there isn’t a misunderstanding, I found PAM and her preposterous comment as offensive

    • Katy Bar

      Pamela – Pushing your sponsors “negatively” (like the US pushed its sponsors, i.e. Saudi Arabia right into BRICS) is as dumb as say closing Russia’s bank accounts (the way Commie Trudeau did to the Vax Freedom Truckers)!! One must support ones sponsors “otherwise you lose them” like the US lost Saudi Arabia who is now Buying 160 Tonnes Of Gold In Switzerland (instead of buying US Dollars)!!

      • Galaxy 500

        Very wise and very true. It’s amazing the number of people that think anything is free. Nothing is free, not even the air you breathe because that take energy to take in and energy to put out

  21. Susan Russo

    The art of the interviewer is crucial and you Greg, capture the essential.
    Steve Quale is one of my very favorites because he melds the heavenly and earthly powers by being an extraordinary research historian.
    “We have been destroyed from within by design” captures the how which leaves not one bit of room for safety. Each person has to fully realize what is taking place to fully understand what is needed for protection. I believe the greatest place to start is the divine. I needed this protection years ago when I was being attack by other dimensions. Most people will laugh at this only till they are attacked. I direct my intensions for protection to God every day in my prayers.
    Our protection needs to be multi layered and the products Greg and Steve show can help with that. I am tackling the power production, the lights will go out for sure. Food will help or otherwise all other precautions mean nothing. I just finished processing this year’s abundance of concord grapes.
    “Quantum shift in everything we have seen as normal” points for me to re-evaluating every aspect of my day-to-day life, and I have a ways to go addressing this.
    One of my cousins is a General and one is special-ops who did not come to his father’s funeral per orders. These people know what is going on better than I but do not talk about it. I am afraid the majority will not be ready because the smokescreen is doing its job.
    Prayers to God and his son Jesus help by calling for the powers that we do not have to direct at the powers that we do not want destroying us. This is to a great level a war in the heavens being waged on humans supported by humans who have gone to the dark side.

  22. Rmbrumleysr Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

    Mr Greg Hunter
    Our Ultimate American Patriot
    Thanks for all you do
    You look totally recovered
    In GOD I Trust

  23. Frank S.

    With only about 50 days to the election, a timely enactment of martial law and suspension of the election due to WWIII seems likely.

  24. Robert from Alabama

    I am a two-war veteran but am now in my late 70’s and lack the agility to make long marches to fight. I can defend my own home, but don’t want to have to do so. Why can’t people see what the Commiecrats are doing. I consider Dick and Liz Cheney as Globalists and not Republicans and posses the same fabric that these sorry Democrats have. I don’t think that they have seen a war that they didn’t like and I have absolutely no respect for them. That is why they are backing Harris and not Trump.

    I know a guy that was at Camp Alpha Iraq and was a convoy driver. When he wasn’t on convoys he was talking to KBR personnel. Kellogg, Brown and Root had multiple contracts and had the job of feeding all personnel. He said that KBR was charging $28 a meal for meals times 3 meals per day. The Cheney’s and others have made a lot of money in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, the global elite want to get us involved in a war that may lead to deaths of of 250,000,000 Americans. They will be protected but waiting to pick up real estate for pennies on the dollar.

    There is not higher “high” than to be subjected to enemy fire and live. I don’t want my grandchildren to experience this. Correction, I inadvertently made a mistake. If you are comforted by the Holy Spirit you also experience an adrenaline high but are filled with “joy” instead of “fear”. I hope that we can avoid war and everyone can come to a saving grace through Christ.

  25. A_Friend

    “By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Make War”

    These people keep poking the Bear every which way they can. I think Russia has been extremely patient taking the punches.

    They are desperate, keep an eye on Israel, they are poking the other nations. Data suggest that they will overplay their hand and pollute a large area of the middle east.

    Get a map, plot all the conflicts and you will see how all develops. Follow the money trails.

    • Katy Bar

      Many in the West “Fear the Russian Bear”!! But when a bear “wants to be your friend” and “calls you a partner” and “wants to join NATO as an equal buddy” we in the West should have taken that Golden Opportunity to be Friends with a Very Kind and Intelligent Bear who tried so hard to be One With Us (the people in this small town did not miss that opportunity)!!

      • Ken Yu

        Like the Bear in the video above, Putin is “PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN”!! But with the Evil Neocon Demon Rats bombing the Russian Capital and trying to turn Moscow into a heap of ashes I’m not sure Putin “can continue to be so gentle and protective of our children for very much longer”!!

      • Shiloh1

        Agreed. The answer goes back to who wanted the Romanovs murdered in WWI? I’ll go with Luongo on this one, the Brits. Always about divide and plunder for those rats.

  26. Jerry

    I must say this interview is overwhelming. To prepare for what ever is “coming” is a monumental task that is pilled on top of daily activities. Perhaps it’s a fair assumption to guess that most of us do the best we can but it will never be good enough. I follow about 3 -4 different shows all with different takes on the “happenings;” it is literally insane as to what is unfolding. I pray to the Father in heaven to get us through!

  27. Tom Grier

    Times of India reports that Biden and Starmer have told Ukraine to not fire NATO missiles into Russia.

    • Shiloh1

      New 10,000 piece puzzle game featuring The City of London, delivered at Mach 11, about 7 minutes.

  28. Tom Grier

    NATO allies refuse nod to Kiyv for Russia attacks. Big victory for Putin, Biden, Starmer surrender, block Ukraine from hitting Russia.

    — Times of India

    YouTube has taken down this article!

  29. Mary probus

    Love yr testimonie Greg. Christ needs you here to educate the masses and profess His love for us.

  30. TheNew World DisorderOrderly

    Judge Joe Brown Drops BOMBSHELLS on Kamala Harris’s Career!
    TYSON DELACRUZ 516,872 views Premiered Sep 8, 2024
    Judge Joe Brown absolutely exposes Kamala Harris in this interview . Calls her a media crafted.
    Says she financed her 2004 run with money she got from positions Willie Brown appointed her too.
    Goes through her actual record as DA which indicates that she is not tough on crime or the border.
    Absolutely devastating take down.

    | BREAKING FOX NEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo September 15, 2024 54,326 views 2 hours ago

    US Marines ATTACKED By A Mob in Turkey!
    Combat Veteran Reacts 29,451 2 hours ago views Sep 15, 2024

    Germany Takes DRASTIC ACTION To Fix It’s Immigration Crisis
    New Wave News 285,766 views Sep 10, 2024
    In this video, we analyze how Germany has tackled its immigration crisis with new policies and measures. Learn about the recent changes in border controls, stricter asylum regulations, and the government’s approach to deportations. We also discuss the reactions from opposition parties and civil rights groups. Tune in for a clear look at the facts behind Germany’s immigration strategy and its impact on migrants.

  31. H. Craig Bradley


    Trump was out there swinging and landed a few body blows, but no K.O. Ditto with Kamala Harris practicing the art of Rope-A-Dope by being vague or simply not answering her specially prepared, “soft ball” questions and resulting in a kind of “Mexican Standoff” or inconclusive victory on either side.

    Remember, debates can go either way. Reagan did not do well in his first debate against Walter Mondale back on Oct. 7, 1984 but in a second debate that October, President Reagan was much better prepared and handily beat Democratic Presidential contender Walter Mondale, winning his second term in-office. The rest is history.

    We need a rematch! Trump needs to win decisively by clearly exposing Kamala Harris incompetence in-office for the past 3 + years. No excuses.

    (It was especially frustrating for loyal MAGA voters to see Trump so unprepared with specific facts which he could have then used to easily expose Kamala’s many misrepresentations and falsehoods, as well as her general incompetence as V.P.)

  32. H. Craig Bradley


    President Putin has markedly changed his rhetoric since being re-elected President of Russia. Now, embolden with his continuing tenure, he is vocally warning the West (NATO) that further attacks into interior Russia may result in a real war, possibly with nuclear missiles raining down on European cities and the U.S. IF “our military is caught directly being involved”. That is indeed a big IF, as they say.

    PRELUDE TO WWIII: (1938 Retro)?

    I do NOT believe President Putin can win a conventional war against even NATO as things currently stand. Moreover, I do not think he will go nuclear either, but I could easily be proven wrong. What I do believe is China is not interested in any direct troop involvements in the Middle East nor Ukraine at this time anyway. The future is anybody’s guess.

    President Xi is apparently not “ready”, as yet. However, If China were to get involved then all bets are off. North Korea has already established a supportive partnership with Putin. Until China weights-in, the conflict remains a slug-fest but still, essentially a stalemate with Russia.

    • A_Friend

      Do not understimate your opponent. Russians are good “poker players,” they do not show many emotions and I bet they are not showing all their cards.

      Sun Tzu, “The Art Of War”
      “Look weak when you are strong, Look strong when you are weak.”

      I bet they got quiet a bit of NATO hardware, purchased from Ukranian black markets, and they are studying as we speak.

      • Kit Lee

        The Russians need to rapidly back engineer the NATO and US missiles so they can be turned around in mid flight and bomb the places they were launched from (this way Russia can’t be blamed for attacking the EU or the US)!!

    • Galaxy 500

      We don’t have gas, we have given our best weapons and ammo to Nazis.
      How do you think we are gonna win anything?

  33. Desiree D Effner

    Folks, the US and Russia have an entire thermonuclear weaponry system, referred to as Ripple. It is a nuclear warhead that leaves very little radiation. This goes back to the 1950s. JFK was on his way to give a speech, where one of the creators of this was to be there – and meet with him, when he was murdered in Dallas 1963. If JFK’s intentions had gone thru, if he hadn’t been killed, there would have been no cold war. The MIC could not allow that, thus his assassination. If you want more info on this, watch this video with Joseph Farrell.
    We do have some incredible things up our sleeves. But so does that rest of the world.

    • Galaxy 500

      So another person who believes we can have thermonuclear war but not the radiation. It is widely know JFK was killed because of him planning to sink the Fed Reserve. He had issued dollars on our silver that did require Fed.
      Another nut that is pushing the… Aw, Shucks nuclear war won’t be so bad

      • Katy Bar

        Donald Trump (who is being targeted for assassination by the same group of Demonic Murderers who killed JFK) “should put Silver back into US coinage in memory of JFK” and to “Get the Goat (namely Satan) of these Evil Draconian Blood Sucking Vampires who Lavish Big Red Devil Commie Ceremonies at our Olympic and Football Games!!

        • Galaxy 500

          I would love to see real money return to the US. For use inside our country only

          • Galaxy 500

            Hi Don,
            “Seek and you shall find” “Ask and you shall receive “. “Knock and the door shall be open”
            It isn’t too late.
            But notice in the above scripture it requires action on our part. We have to proselytize for our Savior, Jesus, the Son of the One, True God, YHWH.
            And we must vote Trump. Do You have neighbors that are good Christian people (of course they would support Trump) and need help getting to the polls? Drive them. Talk up how expensive everything is now compared to when Trump was in. Talk up the other problems Team Buy-Dem brought. You can do this without mentioning the Don.

      • Katy Bar

        The Evil Demonic Globalist Eugenicists who have been having a bit of a hard time “Killing All The People They Want To” with their m-RNA Kill Shots have now latched onto Nuclear Weapons as the next best thing to “Hell On Earth”!! Because they can KILL and Wipe Out 60% Of The Human Race on Planet Earth in Just 72 Minutes with a nice big Nuclear War with Russia!!

  34. Galaxy 500

    And they sent someone else to kill Trump today. Praise YHWH that Trump is safe

  35. Prospector

    AGAIN. Second attempt on Trump. Suspect in custody.

    Will suspect be alive long enough to talk ? Protective team fired shots at suspect and MISSED , they drove away, caught later.

  36. Galaxy 500

    You have to be a corrupt demented old fool to say this in public, much less believe it

  37. Galaxy 500

    These people are guilty of what they accuse us of

  38. Galaxy 500

    Nicely put together article on the despicable Kamala Harris

  39. Galaxy 500

    These are not people that can be reasoned with…
    If you don’t vote Trump, these people will have more power and you will not like what they then…

  40. Katy Bar

    Martin Armstrong’s Comment: On The Second Assassination Attempt Upon Trump’s Life!!

  41. David Gordon Dunne

    Greg, Thanks again for all you do and I pray and have for a long time everyday just about. I pray for all those in here too. I am so happy you are out of the woods and God is Great. You know I am recovering from Prostate Cancer. It got removed 14 months ago now. The Surgeon misssed a little so my PSA has been rising some. I chose The Keto Metabolic Diet with fasting. It is still low but rising some at only .441 under 1 but doubled the last 3 months. I take and have for about 6 months take 2 Ivermectin and 2 HCQ on the 4 days cycle with 500mg of Mebendaole all crushed up. I take Turmeric/pepper daily along with Ashwangda Powder. I am getting low on money now as no ins. in Thailand and even if and it is much cheaper here, it drains you. I had $168,000 in my Schwab Acct. not long ago and now only $12,700. I am bit scared but God will take care of me. I think the Bible says there will not be the end coming with Nuclear Bombs. The AntiChrist will come first followed by Jesus Christ at the 7th Trump, Vile and Seal. I need some help and am asking you all to help me now some if you can please. God Bless all of you. Dave Dunne.

    • Greg Hunter

      You have been part of the USAW community for a long time. All the best and I am praying for you too Brother.

      • Dale Anderson


        I was a boomer sailor. How does Steve know our boomers are all shadowed? I tend to think not based on my experience.

        • Galaxy 500

          Dale, I agree. I don’t see how it is possible. My cousin was career Navy, specifically nuclear engineering. I asked him about this and he laughed… hard

      • David Gordon Dunne

        Greg, Thank you so very much. We got run out of the Country by OB in 2016 doing everything legally and the way his Immigration runs you out is they force you to keep filing for the Green Card so you can not argue when they deny you as you can only refile again and so after 2 years from 2014 to 2016, I spent a total of $60k and that was money I really needed. It is about 25% the cost ot live here in Thailand but my Schwab Acct. was $168k not long ago and now only $12,200. I do have some who have donated to my GoFundMe but the real super wealthy who I have many all but 2 ignored my pleas for help. I would sit drinking beer with my friend Scot in Louisville and both us would always say what we would do if we won Power Ball and both us always said, we would give a Million to all those we love and care about and go about helping others. Neither of us have a giant ego to feed but care about others. This has made me very sad to see so many just wipe a life time of friendship out for their greed. I am shocked by it all to tell you the truth. I have God on my side and pray for all of them still.

    • Galaxy 500

      God Bless you and keep you safe, healthy and prosper you

  42. Gregory Carter

    With regard to scripture, I doubt there is going to be a WWIII, or anything like that BEFORE the AntiChrist.

    If there are wars they will be highly localized. Nukes could still be used, but it won’t destroy large populations.

    Why do I believe that? Well, because the AntiChrist isn’t coming to rule in ruin. He is coming to rule in splendor, and vast riches in Gold and Silver etc.

    He will be exceptionally convincing and well liked and for a season, everyone will marvel at how well things are handled geopolitically.

    That will change though because he will bend to the will of his master and once his power is solidified he will then bring about the final solution to Christs proposed rule. Namely a planet of his followers, and he will ruthlessly hunt down and destroy anything related to Bhudda, Islamic, Christian or otherwise.

    I refer to the Mark of course, which will be taken by choice. It cannot be forced. People will get huge benefits from the Mark so it won’t be a minor thing. Possibly even coming with advanced medical knowledge allowing you to be cured of cancer or any disease, and with the promise to live 1000 years, possibly longer.

    Satan doesn’t want to stand in front of Christ with these people and say I forced them all to be Marked…

    He wants to say see, these people willingly are mine, there is none to follow you!

    So don’t be frightened about being secretly marked like I see posted on the internet. The Mark will be obvious to anyone who is presented with it, what it means.

    Likewise Christ doesn’t want people who didn’t take the Mark without making a choice in full knowledge what it is.

    • Galaxy 500

      Wishful think that is not supported by anything in the Bible.
      Gregory… one of these things are not like the others.
      “Anything related to Bhudda, Islamic, Christian or otherwise.” It’s funny that you think Satan will hunt down his own minions. None of these are saved but the followers of Christ. And Satan won’t be hunting down his disciples the moslems or any of the others as they are lost.
      And No follower of Christ believes what you are shoveling

  43. Katy Bar

    According to NATO’s Top Military Officer: “Every Nation that is Attacked has the Legal Right to Defend itself. And that Right Doesn’t Stop at the Border of your own Nation”!!
    So this means we Americans have the “Legal Right” to invade Mexico to Protect Ourselves from the Fentanyl and Alien attacks we have been Subjected To for Far Too Long!!! So lets gear up the US Military (we have paid Trillions of Dollars to Keep Us Defended) and Launch an Invasion of Mexico. As for all those Silver mines we capture they can be used to produce “Silver Dollars” to make our US currency Strong Once Again!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      Mexico has been at war with America for the last 50 years. And they appear to be winning

  44. Sam Hanth

    For all of you reporting a 2nd assassination attempt on Trump:

    Was the more recent staged/fake assassination attempt more realistic than the prior fake/staged attempt?

    How about Trump’s miraculously healed ear which appears to have never been hurt in the first place…heheheh…

    • Shiloh1

      Wear a Trump mask on a golf course in Massachusetts and let us know how it turns out for you. They won’t care if you’re the real one or not.

    • Jerry

      Sam what are you getting at? I am open to all scenarios.

      • Sam Hanth


        IMO the first assassination attempt on Trump was completely staged. His once-heavily bandaged wounded ear shows no sign of having been injured whatsoever.

        This 2nd attempt (which wasn’t really an attempt at all) was an even more feeble situation.

        My guess is that they’re intended to boost Trump’s “street cred” as an enemy of the “Deep State” since his first term proved him a complete fraud.

        Outside of the MAGA Cult no one takes these alleged assassination attempts seriously in the least…

        • Galaxy 500

          I won’t bother insulting your intelligence. Your post takes care of that for me. Your ignorance is astounding.

    • Galaxy 500

      You poor deluded fool

  45. Geoff Day

    This is the equivalent of Chamberlain’s 1st September 1939 ultimatum. That did not go well for the world, did it?

    • Galaxy 500

      No it didn’t

  46. Katy Bar

    So according to US Senator Lindsey Graham here is the Reason he gives as to why he and his fellow RINO’s (along with the Greedy Criminal Demon-rats) are RISKING THE LIVES OF EVERY AMERICAN IN A NUCLEAR WAR WITH RUSSIA: IT IS BECAUSE “Ukraine is a ‘Gold Mine’ with $12 Trillion Worth of Critical Minerals” (THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO HIM OR THE UNITED STATES OR TO NATO) AND YET “THIS GREEDY RINO WANTS IT” AND “HE DOESN’T” WANT UKRAINE TO SELL WHAT BELONGS TO THEM TO OTHERS!!! Lindsey Graham is as much a Commie as Commie-la who believes in taking wealth away from people by force or under color of law (like they are doing to Trump)!!!
    Just Listen to this Commie RINO as he shows his Greedy teeth (just like Kamala shows her big teeth to her little Demon Rat Riding Hoods)!!

    • Kit Lee

      There is no doubt that Lindsey Graham is a psycho neocon trying to do a coup in Russia to get all their mineral wealth!! But something very discouraging is that “even Trump” boasted about how “we could have had all that Venezuela oil if we just succeeded in doing a coup in Venezuela”!!

    • Galaxy 500

      You mean those minerals that won’t be worth anything unless they force us to all buy electric cars?
      LOL, the ones that catch on fire when charging.
      When was the last time you heard of a car catching on fire when fueling? Or become flood with water?

  47. MLK

    Wrong. The US has at least 2 hypersonic missiles.

    • Galaxy 500

      Knew they had a few lackluster test. Didn’t know they had accepted any into service

  48. Led Skeletor

    True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht: We Have Identified 25 MILLION Ineligible Names on Voter Rolls [VIDEO]

    I hope True The Votes takes action BEFORE the election, somehow get into all states voter rolls and compare them to the 25 million illegals from the last time. We seen what taking action AFTER the elects gets… absolutely nothing! I suspect the deep state has a dozen other ways to cheat in case this way of cheating ends.

    All “Guatemala Harris” needs is a couple million of these illegal votes cast in Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Colorado. Without them, President Trump easily gets 300+ electoral votes.

  49. Jerry

    Can someone give a non google definition of Neocon???

    • Galaxy 500

      Neo = New. Con = Conman
      They think they are telling the world that they are the new conservatives but the truth is, we know they are not conservatives. They are warmongers and conmen

  50. Marie Joy

    Gov Ron DeSantis (FL) says Florida will do its own investigation of this second assassination attempt because the same people who are prosecuting Trump are investigating the assination attempt. Desantis implied he has little faith in an investigation by the Feds.

    • MLK

      Long ago, it was a label given a new conservative. Extreme concretive is a modification of the definition by the left.

  51. Justn Observer

    Greg…things don’t seem very rosy.

    Does not sound like Biden and his neo-cons plans are going very well?

    as far as who’s running the U.S. is hard to say…but one might want to ask this guy just who he is taking orders from and giving advise to which might narrow it down as we know both Biden and Harris are clueless orbs?

    • Ken Yu

      The Neocons are telling our Politicians in both Party’s that “China is the Enemy”, “China is the Enemy” while they steadily push toward “War with Russia”!!! Russia “knows what these Neocons are up to” and Five Days Ago on September 12th have now stationed its fleet of Nuclear Subs around Britain and the USA (in response to the Neocons sending long-range missiles to Ukraine)!! Russia deployed its “Yasen” Class Subs with Zircon Hypersonic Nuclear Missiles off the Coasts of its Mortal Enemies (so be prepared and make your peace with God Almighty) time is short and Russia “will use them” at their choosing probably depending upon the degree of damage the Neocons inflict upon their Capital in Moscow!! You can pray to God “that Putin will turn the other cheek once again” when the Psychopathic Neocons turn Moscow into ashes but consider what the US Government would do if Washington AC/DC was turned to ashes (not the ordinary American people who would most likely be cheering)!!!

  52. Gerald Wiszowaty

    Hello Greg….praying for you….always..For Your Info…it looks like Greg Mannerino just lost many followers today by showing his real feelings in this morning’s pod cast epic rant by showing his Trump Derangement Syndrome….the comments regarding his rant in his YouTube channel as well as his Traders Choice live chant are overwhelming negative. I believe he needs our prayers because something is not right. God Bless you and looking forward to your healing and gaining strength to be able to bring back the Fridays news wrap up.

  53. Greg Hunter

    This is Greg Hunter, and I want to share an email I got because it’s too good not to share:

    I have been watching the channel for a number of years, even when you were still on YouTube.
    Sunday today and I decided to order some DryElement filters.
    AMAZON sells them here online in Canada.
    I dislike AMAZON, so I thought I would call the direct number to DryElement and leave a message for a callback tomorrow, to place a direct order.
    They answered the call immediately.
    Richard, and his son, both got on the line with me and I placed the order directly. I told them I saw the number on USA Watchdog.
    They gave me an awesome deal that ended up less than the price from AMAZON even with the shipping and dollar exchange.
    Awesome service and I had a very enlightening personal conversation with Richard. Wonderful people.
    Thank you Greg and keep up the best informative content on the internet.

    My empathy for your heart condition and hope for a positive recovery. Thank you for explaining your situation. I am 71 and a cancer survivor since 2011.
    I am non-vaxxed and will remain so.
    My 73 year old brother had a quadruple bypass 4 years ago. He is an helicopter pilot and has been flying since 1971. After recovery, he did the medical to re-qualify for his pilots license and passed no problem. He is still flying today and does heli-logging and forest fire fighting here in Canada.
    God keeps under his wing and we keep the faith.

    • Michigander U.S.

      WOW! What an endorsement! Three cheer’s Greg!

    • Galaxy 500

      What a great letter Greg!

  54. Yock

    People all over the world need to come together and march on their capitals in order to stop this. Why are people so apathetic as if it’s inevitable? If we show unity, we can stop this with tens of millions demanding peace. There are no preparation measures that will save you from thermo nuclear war. Why are the big alternative media moguls like Jones, Rogan and Tucker not organizing us right now? Do they really think there will be a world left to enjoy their money in ? Why are we all paralyzed by these thugs. Did the shots take out their higher faculties?

    • Knockoff Smirnoff

      yock, you got’s yer Jock, on backwards!

    • Marie Joy

      Yock, When someone wants to kill you, protesting doesn’t work. In fact, when you protest your coming demise, it proves weakness.

    • Katy Bar

      Russia knows War is coming with the Psychopathic Neocons (now running the US and NATO) and because “War Is Inevitable” Russia is now building a Standing Army of over One Million Solders (who “if wounded in battle”) Will Have All Their Debts, Mortgages, and Loans Completely Written Off. And Putin has offered to accept as citizens of Russia people from all over the world who don’t need to know the Russian language, culture or laws!!!
      The Neocons to build its army is giving “non-citizen” Illegal Aliens $25,000 toward the Mortgage on a New Home and about $30,000 dollars in Cash benefits per year (while American Veterans “who are legal citizens” and proudly served their country are “Forced to Live in the Streets” (but at least both Political Party’s in the US now agree “that they won’t tax any tips the Veterans get washing car windows at red lights”)!!

  55. Justn Observer

    Greg, sometimes their arrogance exposes truth.

  56. Katy Bar

    Get this – when it was pointed out that the assassin had to have “inside information” as to “where to exactly enter” the woods “at the exact time” that Trump was playing the fifth hole to kill him MAKING IT A CONSPIRACY INVOLVING OTHERS “rather then the action of a lone gunman” – so the story gets changed – and now they are saying the assassin was “hiding in the woods for 12 hours waiting for Trump to arrive at that spot to shoot him” – but there is a major flaw to that story – because that would mean the assassins car would have been parked on the side of the road for 12 hours “and not investigated by the Police”??? who constantly patrol that roadway 24/7!!!
    So this rush to cover up the fact that it was a Conspiracy actually Confirms That It Was A Conspiracy!!! And therefore there are still OTHERS OUT THERE “who will try again to assassinate” Trump (because Trump is on record saying he will stop the Ukrainian War, that is now about to go Nuclear as the Psychopathic Greedy Neocons in the US and NATO launch missiles at Moscow)!!! When those US/NATO missiles start flying at Russia, the English should expect the London Metals Exchange to be turned to ash, the French should expect the Eiffel Tower to come down, Germany will likely see the Reichstag collapse and the US will probably see Wall Street turned to ashes!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      The Elites want Trump dead and they don’t have good people for the job… and I praise YHWH for that. I thank my God, Jehovah, and pray that He protects Trump and Vance, that He prospers our once great nation and allows us to vanquish the evil doers who usurped an elected.

  57. cytek

    Greg it almost happened on Saturday, the 14th. The red line of red lines have been drawn.
    Scott Ritter : Ukraine, Gaza, and Free Speech.

  58. Justn Observer

    Greg, definitely appears more are using ‘their positions’ for profit than just the Biden family and Pelosi?

  59. Fred Biggs

    Opinion | U.S. Shrugs as World War III Approaches
    Opinion by Walter Russell Mead • 23h •

  60. WW3 News & Views

    Australia and its allies must be ‘ruthlessly ready’ for war
    News Australia 11,663 views Sep 13, 2024
    Retired US Marine Corps lieutenant general Lawrence Nicholson discusses the possibility of a world war amid the ongoing global tension.
    “I think we need to be ruthlessly ready for a war,” Mr Nicholson told Sky News host Erin Molan.
    “The only way you really prevent a war is to be incredibly ready to a point where your adversary says … not today.”

    Latest from Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
    LtCOL. Karen Kwiatkowski : War, Propaganda, and Free Speech
    5.9K views Streamed 1 hour ago

    Matt Hoh: Can Israel Legally Own Gaza?
    11K views Streamed 2 hours ago
    THIS GAME of CHICKEN Who Blinkened Foist?
    Is this Beijing Biden’s last Hurrah, Giving Piece a Chance?

    • Galaxy 500

      Can Israel Legally Own Gaza? The answer is yes and what ever UN law it violates be damned to Hell.
      Well if you listen to the UN, YHWH’s people don’t have legal rights to the land that YHWH gifted them. With that in mind, Gaza and the West Bank is Israel

  61. Led Skeletor

    re Hezbollah’s Deadly Exploding Pagers.

    What if Joe Biden or whoever is actually in charge over there, wanted complete terror and panic… and ‘he/they/those/her/it’ pushed the remote control destruction button to explode all cellphones and electric cars all at once.

    I know it is very unlikely that cellphones and electric car batteries can be remotely exploded, just like I thought a simple Pager didn’t have said feature… what other wi-fi things are Booby-trapped?

    • Galaxy 500

      Great question. Was it software or were these units adulterated?

  62. Mike

    The globalist elite wants war as cover for the Great Reset. If Russia is not threatened with losing the Ukraine war, I suspect every NATO “advisor” in Ukraine will be killed. Would missiles be launched from NATO countries in Europe next? Russia would then strike NATO countries in Europe. If Russia is threatened with losing the Ukraine war, there will be nuclear retaliation.

  63. Galaxy 500

    Hard to believe that Hezbollah bought this Shiite from Iran, yet they are wanting to blame Israel when it blows up.

    • Galaxy 500

      Guess this shows that anyone with a smart phone is carrying around a timebomb

  64. War Monger

    Hal Turner commentary:

    I am not a Religious man, But . . .

    Get right with God. At least TRY!

    If you’re like me, you have not been a “religious” person much, if at all, for most of your life. You can take a few minutes, lock yourself in a bathroom if you have to so as to have privacy, get down on your knees and pray. Whisper the words, don’t just think them. He’s got to HEAR you. And you ., . . . you have to hear you too.

    It doesn’t have to be some formal prayer . . . tell Him what’s going on with you, with your life. Mistakes you’ve made. Bad decisions you made. Tell him you’re sorry and you’re going to do better. Ask his forgiveness and ask him to guide you.

    This isn’t rocket science. He’s God. He made you. He knows you already. In fact, he knew each of us BEFORE we were even born.

    But if you do nothing . . . . if you leave Him out of your life . . . . then what do you think He’s gonna do when it comes time to decide who he saves? If you do nothing toward Him, can you really expect Him to do anything toward you?

    Do yourself a favor, pray.


    As of 2:57 PM eastern US time on September 16, 2024 there are literally HUNDREDS of military aircraft flying over the continental United States (CONUS).

    Those of you who think the likelihood of World War 3 is a “nothing burger” or that folks like me who point out where we are heading – right into World War 3 — somehow makes me “Chicken Little, The Sky is Falling,” would do well to wake up and see what is actually taking place.

    The US, EU, NATO continue escalating the Russia-Ukraine conflict to the point where Russia has the United Kingdom surrounded by nuclear submarines (Story Here), awaiting orders to attack specific sites in the UK.

    At least eleven Russian submarines are off the US East coast (Story Here), as many as nine nuclear-powered cruise missile submarines and 21 diesel-electric attack submarines. off our West Coast from Alaska down to San Diego, CA (Story Here). Several more subs are near the Gulf of Mexico.

    Anyone who thinks this is a joke, or just “posturing” is either in emotional “denial” or is simply a fool.

    Our meddling in Ukraine has cost the Russians over half a million men. Our intention to allow Ukraine to attack Russia with OUR long-range missiles (which need OUR satellites to operate) has gotten us to the point where the Russians openly warned last week, they will consider such an attack by Ukraine, to be an attack BY NATO. (Story Here)

    Then there’s the whole Israel-Iran debacle. The Israelis went and murdered a Palestinian guy named Ismail Henniyeh while the guy was in Tehran, by blowing up an apartment he was staying in about 750 meters from Iran’s Presidential Palace! That murder was an “attack” upon Iran. The Iranians say they are going to retaliate. Israel says if they retaliate, it is all-out war. Russia, China, and North Korea announced they will not allow their ally, Iran, to be attacked and destroyed; they will step-in.

    Meanwhile, we keep doing things with Taiwan, which are akin to sticking our finger in the eye of China. China told US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan last week, that China IS GOING TO take Taiwan! That’s yet another major hot spot the US would be involved in.

    Russia-Ukraine, Iran-Israel, China-Taiwan. then what? North Korea-South Korea?

    Put bluntly, we have gotten ourselves in a world of sh*t by meddling around with countries all over the world, and now, payback may be coming.

    Our mass-media, is almost completely silent about all these escalations and developments.

    If you have not yet prepared with Emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on, a generator to keep your refrigerator/freezers running when the electric grid goes down, fuel for that generator, a First-Aid kit for cuts, bruises, or catastrophic war wounds, Communications gear like a CB or HAM radio (for when comms go down), Flashlights for each room in the house or for each family member, a portable radio for news and information — and SPARE BATTERIES for those flashlights and radio . . . then you will not have any chance at all of surviving when TSHTF.

    You should also make it a point to keep some CASH MONEY stashed somewhere in the house. Because once things go bad, and networks get knocked offline, your credit and debit cards WON’T WORK and no one in their right mind is going to be accepting checks.

    Russia has deployed 11 nuclear submarines into the Atlantic Ocean. Each submarine carries from 6 to16, and in some cases up to 32 missiles, each of which may hold from six to ten nuclear warheads.

    This deployment means that a cautious estimate proves there are now around 1000 warheads on Russian submarines that __can__ be headed toward the US east coast, or perhaps the Gulf of Mexico.

    This deployment comes just days after “Ukraine” (or more likely a NATO country) attacked and either damaged or destroyed TWO SEPARATE Russian Over-the-Horizon (OTH) nuclear missile warning radar stations in southern Russia.

    When these stations were hit, the lack of radar coverage put a “hole” in Russia’s nuclear protection.

    When those radars were operational, Russia would have between 14 and 16 MINUTES advance warning that nuclear missiles were coming at their country. Now that those radar are destroyed, if a submarine launched missile was fired from with the eastern Mediterranean Sea, almost anywhere in the Red Sea, in the Gulf of Arabia or from south of the country of Somalia on the African continent, Russia will only have ten to twelve minutes warning, likely less.

    In southern Russia, the destruction of the two radar stations means Russia can only detect inbound missiles when they are past the horizon; i.e. much closer to Russia.

    Given the speed at which such missiles travel, that amount of warning is, frankly, too little, too late.

    This compressed time frame no longer allows Russia to figure out what might be happening before they decide to launch a return strike.

    The absence of time to think things through, might end up causing the Russians to launch their nuclear weapons in response to something coming at them.

    Ukraine derived no military benefit whatsoever, from hitting those two radar stations. Neither one of them tracked anything over Ukraine. The only entities that derived any benefit from attacking those radar stations would be the U.S., NATO, and Israel.

    Clearly, Russia believes this “blinding” of two over-the-horizon radar stations, is a prelude to a US/NATO nuclear first-strike upon Russia. As such, they seem to be sending out their nuclear submarines in order they be in position to hit the US/NATO back, right away.

    Within the past 72 Hours, Russia sortied at least SIX (6) nuclear-powered “Akula” and other model fast-attack submarines into the Pacific Ocean. It is now believed they are enroute to the U.S. west coast.

    The YASEN-class are cruise missile subs that are designed to attack Carrier Battle Groups and can destroy hostile ballistic missile submarines, attack submarines, and ships. They can also be land-attack submarines.

    To strike enemy Carriers, the YASEN’s carry the (3M55) “Onik” missiles with a range of 320 nautical miles or 592.64km. In their land-attack role, the submarines carry the (3M14K) “Kalibr” cruise missile with a range of 1600 nautical miles or 2963.2km.

    Each YASEN has eight (8) (CM-346) complex (3p-14B) vertical launch tubes that can fire either Onik or Kalibr missiles, and can launch either surfaced or submerged.

    The upgraded YASEN-M can also fire the hypersonic “Zircon” missile at either ships or land targets.

    According to Michael Peterson of the Russia Maritime Studies Institute, for the first time in its history, Russia can now lay off the coasts of either Europe or even the United States, and present a persistent land-attack threat with very highly precise weapons.

    This new ability concerns NATO leaders as a threat to physical infrastructure such as ports which would be critical during wartime.

    A 2009 report by the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) says the YASEN is “the quietist of Russian-made submarines.”

    Moscow has “significantly modernized its submarine force in recent years,” with 11 nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines and 17 nuclear-powered attack submarines. By this data count, Russia also has nine nuclear-powered cruise missile submarines and 21 diesel-electric attack submarines.

    The fact that all these submarines are now in the Pacific Ocean and heading toward the US west coast OUGHT TO BE a signal to the US to knock off its interference in the Russia-Ukraine situation. Sadly, it appears no one in the US is listening or even looking for messages from Russia.

    It seems the US will only acknowledge the cost of our meddling in Ukraine when bright, white, flashes start appearing over US cities from Russian submarines and ICBM’s.

  65. Galaxy 500

    So how did the assassin know Trump would be there?
    Was it the SS…er, ah the Gestapo… ah, the Secret Service. Or was it the demonstrably corrupt FBI

  66. Galaxy 500

    Well aren’t we a good ally. We have told the world that Israel was behind radios blowing up in Lebanon .
    I thought that it might be battery exploding but USA is reporting Israel put explosives in radios…

    • Ray

      Hi Galaxy old mate,
      I hope you and yours are well.
      I have seen vision where pagers / walkie talkies have exploded, killing not just the person in possession, but innocent people right next to them.
      In my book, that’s an act of blatant terrorism.
      Take care my friend 😎🍺
      Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘🐊

      • Galaxy 500

        Hey, Ray, glad you are back.
        If you support terrorists, are you innocent?
        It’s easy not to oppose evil, allow the status quo to go forward, saying,” I am not a terrorist. I did sell them weapons, food, transportation but I didn’t “Do” any terrorism.”
        Ray, I am sure there are some innocents somewhere in Lebanon. However, this was committed during a war. Hezbollah has been waging war on Israel for decades. I don’t see Israel’s actions at terrorism merely a response and reaction to terrorists attacks. Maybe there is no difference but I believe there is. You know me, simpleton with a simple code

      • Galaxy 500

        In case you forgot who these guys are, In 1983 over 300 U.S. Marines, Sailors, French Paratroopers, U.S. Embassy staff, and innocent civilians were killed in bombings by Hezbollah.

        • Ray

          Hey Brother,
          As always, your reply is courteous, considered and thought provoking……thank you mate.
          I am not looking to change your mind, just allowing you to see into mine.
          I have had enough of the endless killing, endless blame and endless justification of violent acts….acts that Christ would never have perpetrated upon any of His persecutors.

          As I understand, Christ preached the oneness of Humanity.
          He preached “turn the other cheek”.

          Today, it seems there are some people who set themselves apart from the rest of Humanity, above them some say, claiming that God made this world firstly for them, therein justifying today’s actions.
          I cannot agree with that.
          But I will never hurt them…..I will live with them in peace.
          That is what I believe Christ would want me to do.

          The argument regarding what I have written above goes ever on my friend. I find it sad that any human being would believe that God puts them in front of me in His sight.

          Sadly though, this is all about to snowball and get very real, very soon.
          The beautiful United States and yes, my beautiful home here in Australia, will see a level of death and destruction that people in the Middle East have had to live with for many years…..perhaps even a far greater level if the mushroom clouds appear over the horizon.

          For now, I will pray every night for all Jewish people, all Arabic people……ALL people… come to their senses and see that all we have to do is share this magnificent planet God made for ALL of us.

          Violence only begets more violence……..history clearly teaches us that. Justification thereof only amplifies it into higher & higher levels, in my estimation.

          Take care of yourself mate, and those you love.
          Perhaps consider saying a thoughtful prayer for those you consider your enemy as well. There is both wonder and power to be found in doing so.

          Hoping we can catch up one day for that frosty cold beer!

          Ray, Canberra, Australia.

          • Galaxy 500

            I Disagree with What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It.
            We can agree to disagree . That used to be a common thing

            • Ray

              Agreed mate ❤️
              Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘🐊

  67. Galaxy 500

    They tried a bomb but got caught. The number of people working actively to murder Trump and his supporters is massive. And the gaslighting is Galactic scale.
    They are even trying chemical weapons. These cretins want war, heck, they are demanding things go kinetic. We will win this election. It is YHWH’s will. And there are a bunch of ner’do’wells that will become violent and search out the old, the weak, the helpless and our children. They won’t come after able bodied men unless they out number the man by 20 or 25 to 1. Like the feral human that walked up the an elderly German man in Detroit and sucker punched him. Poor old guy is in critical condition and is not expected to survive

    • Ray

      Agreed mate ❤️
      Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘🐊

  68. Galaxy 500

    If you do not understand who we are opposing, this should give you an idea. We are against the Principalities and Powers of Evil. And those of you that support evil, that lurk to post in support of evil, who seek to put good men and women in doubt. A pox upon and may the One True God, YHWH, hold you to account, if not in this world, then surely the next. I pray you choke upon your 30 pieces of silver as you support Pedos and corruption

  69. Galaxy 500

    Best Kamala ad yet

  70. Galaxy 500

    Wow 98,000 people that are to be looked at if they vote. I would prosecute every single one for voter fraud

  71. Galaxy 500

    Just one more example of government waste and ineptitude… Section 8 Housing payments for a $2.8million house starting in 2006

  72. Galaxy 500

    Here is an article on the Abortion pill causing death. It has been know unsafe and dangerous since the FDA approved with stipulations in 2000. The Demons worked hard to remove these safeguards and lie to people about how “safe” it was… Hmmm, kinda like the Murder-come… ahhh, vaccine*

    *but only if the change the 250 year old definition of vaccine

  73. Galaxy 500

    A really good question… Are they? Damn right they are

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