Trump Cuts Biden, Hunter’s Laptop Sinking Joe, Economic Update
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 454 10.23.2020)
If you are a staunch Biden supporter, you probably thought he did pretty well in the last Presidential debate of the 2020 election season. If you are a Trump supporter, you probably thought the President won. The fact is this debate did not settle much, but it did draw some gaping wounds on former Vice President Biden. Biden finally admitted that he does want to do away with the oil and natural gas business. That is going to hurt him in States like Texas and Pennsylvania. Also, news of his son Hunter’s damning emails showing the Biden family cashing in was not denied by Joe, but simply passed off as Russian propaganda.
The Hunter Biden emails are real, and the trouble for Joe Biden is real too. Now, two of Hunter’s business associates are rolling over on the Bidens. They are confirming the emails and providing new material damning to Joe and family. This opens Joe up for many more questions about son Hunter and family with news of money received from places like China, Ukraine and Iraq. This is not going away before Election Day.
Another 787,000 people filed for first time unemployment claims last week. That was less than the week before, but not a good indicator as more than 60 million have filed claims since March. The good news is GM will invest $2 billion in the USA to get ready for new electric vehicles coming out under the General Motors brand. Why did they decide to build in the USA and not China? Maybe somebody at GM got nervous doing business with a totalitarian communist regime?
Join Greg Hunter of as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.
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After the Wrap-Up:
Top Trends researcher Gerald Celente will be the guest for the Saturday Night Post. He talks Trump, election, young voters and the economy in an in-depth interview.

thanks for having your your private website. no need to reply – just want to say Thanks
Thank YOU Juanita!!
Mr. Hunter:
I had a very interesting conversation two days ago. A white workman had parked his truck at a job site, and I noticed the big Trump sign he had placed behind the windshield. So I asked him about it. Of course he was ardently pro Trump.
Most of the crew he was working with were Latinos (many were speaking Spanish). So I asked him what their views were. He told me they were solidly pro Trump too.
It looks like a Trump landslide to me.
Thanks William!! I keep getting that metric over and over again.
But apparently a lot of Biden’s votes will be postal
I have to admit that it occurred to me too: maybe a lot of undocumented aliens are going to vote for President Trump . . . at least the ones with jobs.
I have not seen anybody ask the simple ?
Who has showed Black lives don’t matter ?
The #1 people i see doing it is black women killing black baby’s
And black men killing black men .
I did say doing and not saying.
Like they say actions speak loader than words…
Thanks Mr Hunter for an impartial ,surprisingly, look at the presidential debate.
As for the unemployment numbers I was surprised to find that California alone comprised 25% of all unemployed,why?
Whilst Treasuries and MBS are the flavour of the day,
Suggesting we outside the USA are frantically trying to pay off some of our US Dollar denominated debt.
I know Catholics are loathed in the USA as they are here in the UK,but still the odd nugget slips through and Fr Altman does a great deconstruct of Communism from 167 years of Papal writing,
Cleverer people than I ever will be are trying to stop this Green New World Communism with reasoned debate,I fear only a rifle will stop it.All I can ask of Americans is be prepared for the Commie assault you will have to endure post election.Mr Armstrong assures us via his acclaimed methodology that extreme stress awaits whoever wins,seems like Mr Celente sees similar problems.
Here in the UK the Bolsheviks are in control and are deeply brazen about it. We are being encouraged to prepare for war so that we can forget the corruption and thieving with the elite moving their money into China’s banks. This does not seem sensible.Still our blood and that of our children will wash away all the lies and deceit from this Bolshevik elite ,yes even Prince Charles glorifies the New Green World Order he just hasn’t bothered to tell us yet which of us must die for his glory.
Still our economy here in the UK is n the septic tank and money printing for the Stasi elite is in full force.
Should Biden win America and the whole western world would be doomed and poised for disintegration, spiritually, socially and economically. I do not like Trump’s character but he and his fellows are the only ones who could prevent fascist/socialist subjugation, a process which appears almost unstoppable, globally. Trump is our last chance.
According to the commies in Russia … the commies in the EU and the US are worse then the commies in China … and according to the demon-rat commies in the US the commies in Russia are worse then the commies in China … seems our commie politicians can’t make the world safe for either demoncracy or commie-nism … but all the commies have successfully succeeded in one area … engineering a mostly-fake worldwide pandemic to accelerate their plans to remake the world into a One World Commie Utopia (by burning it down and removing Constitutional Rights)!! … .
Joe Biden ‘wouldn’t be the nominee’ if FBI properly looked at ‘laptop from hell’
55,140 views•Oct 23, 2020
Sky News Australia
Joe Biden wouldn’t be the Democratic nominee for President had the FBI “acted on” the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” when it received it in December 2019, according to Sky News contributor and New York Post columnist Miranda Devine.
Ms Devine and former Labor Party strategist Bruce Hawker clashed in a fiery post-debate showdown about the veracity of the New York Post article detailing Mr Biden’s alleged corrupt activities through his son Hunter Biden.
She said, during the debate President Donald Trump “introduced Americans” to the story which they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to access because the “rest of the media has decided to hide, and run cover for the Bidens”.
“Trump did a good job of introducing to the American people to millions of people who haven’t been able to hear our story … because they’ve been censored,” Ms Devine said.
“Then you’ve had Facebook and Twitter who have censored the New York Post stories.
“That’s reprehensible and quite scary”.
Mr Hawker said the story has appeared quite late in the election cycle which raises alarm bells over its veracity, but Ms Devine said the FBI had the laptop late in 2019.
“If the FBI had had acted on what was on there, we would have had a very different situation now,” she said.
“Probably Joe Biden wouldn’t have been the nominee.”
It’s all there on the laptop from Hell … the Big Guy is for the little guy (being screwed)!!
The New York Post reported that Hunter Biden’s laptop was abandoned at the computer shop in April 2019 for months and was found to contain e-mails that have raised questions about Joe Biden and the typical Washington fraud where they have money directed to family members that do not have to be reported.
With these allegations, it is clear that Biden would never be acceptable legally as President. The ethical thing to do would be resigning. However, the strategy for the Democrats and mainstream press in the United States is to ignore the evidence, deny it is real, argue it is stolen, blame it on Russia, and just keep throwing dirt in the air and hope they win the White House. Nevertheless, between now and January, the evidence can build, and even if Biden wins, he may have to still resign AFTER he takes office under threat of impeachment by his own party. That would make Vice President Kamala Harris rise to the highest office in the land and become the first woman president making Hillary ever so jealous.
Our Model still shows a Trump Victory if it is a legitimate election.
The US dollar just broke key support, and is now going to move downward rapidly. Gold is about to really sky rocket here folks.
Its going into a MAJOR c wave up, and it will be RELENTLESS.
this next gold move will take your breathe away.
Its gonna be 20 weeks at least, before the dollar hits an intermediate cycle low.
Mike R: You want to wager on that? I say the Dollar is about to skyrocket and Gold will get crushed.
Here is a chart that points the way …
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Biden labels Hunter Biden laptop scandal a ‘Russia plant’
14,291 views•Oct 22, 2020 SkyNewsOz
Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden has labelled the Hunter Biden laptop scandal a ‘Russia plant’ as President Trump accused Mr Biden of being a corrupt politician.
“You know who I am and you know who he is, you know his character and my character. You know our reputations for honour and telling the truth. I am anxious to have this race, anxious to see this take place,” Mr Biden said.
President Trump responded “if this stuff is true about Russia, Ukraine, China, other countries – in Iraq – then Mr Biden was a corrupt politician.
“Don’t give me this stuff about how you are this innocent baby… The laptop from hell,” he said.
NBC Moderator Kristen Welker tried to steer the candidates back to the topic of race in America, but Mr Biden asked to address Mr Trump’s comments.
“There are 54 National intelligence folks who said what he is accusing me of is a Russia plant,” Mr Biden said.
“He has said this has all the characteristics – five former heads of the CIA – both parties say what he is saying is a bunch of garbage.
“Nobody believes that, except him and his good friend Rudy Giuliani.”
President Trump asked whether Mr Biden was claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop, which led to a New York Post expose on Ukrainian dealings with Mr Biden via his son, was another “Russia hoax”.
“You’ve got to be kidding,” he said.
“You gotta be kidding, here we go again with Russia.”
Pay $2800.00 a month for Blue Cross/Blue Shield to provide health care to “others.”
Joe Biden looked ‘quite tired’ and was caught ‘searching for words’
11,320 views• Oct 23, 2020 Sky News Ozstralia
The final presidential debate saw the contrast between the President who was “full of beans” and Joe Biden who looked tired and was “searching for words,” according to Sky News contributor and New York Post columnist Miranda Devine.
The debate was set to be one of the most critical events of the election as the campaign comes to an end in just over ten days.
Both President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden landed blows on their opponents throughout the debate, but there was a clear contrast in both candidates’ outlook for the nation, according to Ms Devine.
“What you’re seeing from Donald Trump is optimism and hope, and he embodies that,” she said.
“Then you’ve got Joe Biden saying ‘oh we’re in for a long dark winter’”.
Ms Devine said the president acted on advice given to him by key members of his staff following the first debate to give the former vice president room to make mistakes.
“He (President Trump) was resolved no matter what to allow Joe Biden to talk because the more Joe Biden talks, the more sort of waffly he looks, and the more low-energy.”
MACY’S lays off Santa Claus…
Doesn’t the online experience described below sound like fun?
Be virtual. Be safe.
Macy’s will be offering a free online experience on its website at the end of November, where families can play games, get a virtual tour of Santa’s workshop and take a selfie with Santa.
“Moving to a virtual engagement will safely bring the magic of Santa Claus to children of all ages this year,” Macy’s said in a statement to The Associated Press.
Have you considered doing a livestream Q&A on Youtube? You have great guests but it would be very popular to get your down to earth views as well, aside from the great weekly news wrap ups…
G’day Greg from Perth, Western Australia ! I watched your report on Steve Quayle’s Final Warning : Brace for Impact. Wow , you did a really fine job.
My opinion of the debate, Trump wiped the floor with Biden. Trump was calm and careful and hammered home some important points. Halfway thru the debate i noticed Biden on the backfoot and he showed signs of dementia and defensiveness. I was pleased to see a fair mediator as i swear i am sick to death of the relentless negative attacks against the President. Even blind freddie can see how dishonest the Lamestream Media are, of which anyone with intelligence can only include that there is an agenda
My family really appreciates you, a voice of Christian honest reporting. Love your work, keep it up. I often pray for Mr Trump, and America. The west is watching closely, as if this election falls to the Socialist Marxists….. we all fall ! God bless
Thanks Adam!!!
Democrats aim to get Biden over the line ‘by any means’
1,920 views•Oct 23, 2020 Sky News Australia 784K subscribers
Former Victorian Liberal Party President Michael Kroger says the whole agenda of the Democrats is to get Joe Biden over the line by whatever means necessary.
The second and final presidential debate was set to be one of the most critical events of the election as the campaign comes to an end in just over ten days.
“The best they (Democrats) can say about his (Biden’s) debate performance is ‘he didn’t stuff up’ … which is basically all you can take out of Biden’s performance,” Mr Kroger told Sky News host Rita Panahi.
“It’s just a matter of getting elected, getting Trump defeated and then working out the details.
“The whole agenda here is to get Joe Biden over the line by whatever means.”
Regarding voting, keep in mind eddiemd’s comments of yesterday. (Shipp interview).
Voted in person today in north Phoenix. Large number of people in line 2 hours after opening. This is a strong republican district.
They verified my ID. They provided a paper ballot and Sharpie pen.
I noticed a man nearby holding his ballot up while complaining t0 a poll worker that the Sharpie pens was bleeding through the paper. I checked mine and same thing. It is a bubble reader system. Two years ago we used a complete the arrow ballot. Not sure why they changed it. Perhaps the bubble system affords an opportunity to misread or alter the counting.
I went and dropped my ballot/envelope in the box. I asked the lady about the use of the Sharpie pens and the bleeding through the paper. She stated that she also noted this and was going to say something to the people in charge. I told her she should.
It was obvious to me, the guy next to me voting, and the poll worker that there was a problem with using the Sharpie pens to fill out the ballot. With the amount of bleed through there could be a problem with the scanner reading the ballot properly.
I called the AZ Republican HQ and left them a message. Have not heard back. Also sent them an email through their website. Called the GOP HQ in DC and reached the legal office. They could care less. Trouble on the horizon.
We have a problem Houston.
Tony Bobulinski spills da beans on big da da
666,884 views•Oct 22, 2020 Fox News
John J Shorey
Is God Judging America?
The answer to this question will depend on who you are listening to. If you believe as I do that Dana Coverstone has been hearing from God then the answer to this question is yes. If you believe David Wilkerson was a true prophet then the answer is not only yes but long overdue. Some question the prophetic warnings given by David Wilkerson in the 70’s and 80’s. I am reminded that the prophetic warnings of Jesus, John the Revelator and many Old Testament prophets have been unfulfilled for two thousand years or more.
About 20 years ago when 911 took down the twin towers, it was such a shock to America that it created a spiritual awakening. The churches filled up for two weeks. Around this time, I remember Pat Robinson saying on his show that one of the big storms hitting America was the hand of God’s judgment. He took a lot of heat for saying that God was judging America.
A lot has happened to the church in 20 years. Pastors have lost their backbone. Most pastors don’t preach sermons that will convict those in the pews of their sins. We have become a seeker friendly church. What is seeker friendly? Don’t offend anyone in your pews because they will leave and you will lose members and income. Shame on you spinless preachers. We have not been called to entertain the sinners in our pews, we have been called to preach the powerful Word of God that will convict sinners and fill your alters with repenting sinners.
What has happened, the source of your income does not come from the sinners in your pews. No! it comes from obedient Christians listening to the voice of God and responding to the needs of the church.
Do I believe God is bringing judgment down on the church? You bet I do. God has to wake up the church, no matter what collateral damage that may occur. If God did not severely judge America and the world, millions more would go to hell.
Back to 911, with only just over 3000 people dying in the twin towers there was a small period of spiritual awakening. Look at what is happening in America just this year.
1. The biggest plague in 100 years with over 200,000 dead and climbing.
2. The greatest number of unemployed since the great depression of 1929
3. The greatest year of destruction by forest fires in American history.
4. The greatest year of storms and extreme weather in our history
5. The greatest year of riots and civil unrest in American history.
With all this, are we seeing a national revival and repentance? Are we even seeing regional revival and repentance? A real revival is not just a great church service, No! it is churches filling up with sinners and tissue paper being passed out at the alters from sinners crying and repenting before God at the alters.
So, what am I hearing from my prophetic sources? God is about to turn up the heat. The complacent and sleeping church needs to be shaken up from their sleep and if the preachers are not going to do it, Then God is about to step up to the plate.
The list of judgments I have listed above, has not stirred the church to repent and obey God like their eternity depended on it. This list is about to get added to. Below I will list things I see coming that will either wake up those in the pews or kill them.
1. The plague will get worse, more contagious and dangerous.
2. The riots and the burning of our cities will get worse.
3. The record extreme weather events will become more extreme.
4. Mega earthquakes will shake America and finally start shaking those sleeping in the pews.
5. We will either see the sun send a huge Coronal Mass Ejection that will take down the grid or terrorists will do it.
6. The Bible says we will see a meteor event that will send tidal waves into our coasts that will cause men’s hearts to fail from fear from what is coming on the earth.
7. As David Wilkerson saw, “When we are weak our enemies will invade us”
8. It has been prophesied from tested prophets like Dumitru Duduman that a number of cities in America will be nuked.
I say, let’s not wait for God to full judge of America. Let do our repenting now and fully commit our lives to obeying God and finding out our purpose from Him and go to work being all we can be for God.
Great News Wrap-up Greg!
America’s supply chain runs off the credit markets, especially the food supply. I have been unsuccessful in finding fresh information on how a major crash would impact the credit markets. I was hoping you could ask one of your many economically centered experts to explain how the credit market would or could interrupt the supply chains. Thanks, Greg
Bill Holterhas explained the credit problem very well. Take a loaf of bread. There are at least 8 steps or credit events between the seed being planted to the delivery of the bread to the grocery store. If just one of these events has a credit problem, then there’s a domino effect and the bread never gats produced or delivered.
Everyone can see it (if their eyes are not covered by Fauci/Gates masks) … Biden is a shameless deceitful psychopathic sociopath … what gall he has … to stand up in front of the American people and outright lie about his son and himself being involved in treasonous and criminal activity against our Nation … simply passing it off using the old Demon-ratic trick of blaming the Russians to cover-up the wholly outlandish and in your face criminal/treasonous Biden Crime families actions against all the American people)!!! …
You have just illustrated part of the “final exam”for Politics 101. Also, at graduation, they must shake hands with the devil to ensure a fruitful (for them) future.
Biden is cooked! Other than cheating there is no way he can or should win the Presidency. One of the many problems with liberals is the one size fits all everywhere, attitude does not work. Trump gave so many memorable one liners. It was great!
God bless you Greg & stay well.
Puting aside that the entire Biden family should be indicted, tried and executed for TREASON, Biden lost the election when he promised freedom from fossil fuels within a decade.
I have been listening to the comments on the debate all morning. I think people are missing the big picture. The significant thing about this election has nothing to do with Biden or Trump or who won the debate. Someone once told me that America was once a great country because the people were governable, and America cease to be a great country when the people became ungovernable. The people became ungovernable when the critical mass of people shifted from the Judeo-Christian mind set to a third World view. I do not think the country can continue as it presently exists. Regardless of who wins this election I see a breakup of our system as we know it. From now on there will be two or more Americas. It is already happening. I have witnessed in the last six months the transition of our education structure as we have known it. I have two grand kids, one a HS senior and one a college freshman. The HS senior went back to school the first time this week since last March but has been working online. She goes on campus two days a week. Three people in her class showed up Tuesday and the rest said they were not coming back. They will go it from home online. Last spring grandson was headed off to University. Instead he is studying online at home and loving it. Yesterday I asked him when his college classes moved back on campus. He said not this year. They have already moved all classes online for the remainder of the year. They will never come back. This is just one example. We are heading into a whole new World and what this election is all about is the dying days of the old government system all due to a population of very ungovernable people. I am reminded of when I was a kid killing snakes. I was fascinated that when the snake’s head is cut off it keeps moving around. My granddad told me the snake would wiggle until the Sun goes down or the lightening strikes. The Sun is setting on America and the lightening is about to strike so gird your loins and get ready for the show.
I fear you are correct!
Trump was huge last night. Biden looked befuddled and tired. During the last half hour he was having trouble finding his words and was looking at his watch. Biden was also caught lying about his position on several issues including fracking. He actually said “I have never said I oppose fracking”. What??? How could he say that? Then when Trump says he did Biden says put it up on your website. Well, Trump did that and more as I hear that there is a new campaign ad showing the truth about Biden and fracking. But seriously, does Joe even know what his positions are? Every time he speaks he contradicts what he has said previously. No matter what you believe about fracking or anything else, how could you possibly vote for Biden who is either a pathological liar or completely senile?
Tommy, I watched the debates, and as soon as the candidates left the stage I switched over to Twitter. There it was. On Trump’s twitter account, was a small collection of video snippets showing Joe and Hoe both saying they would end fracking. The tweet had been posted 8 minutes ago. <(last night) Trump was definitely ready to expose Joe's lie on fracking.
Listen you “evil ones” in Heaven and you “evil ones” on Earth … let’s get one thing straight … Jesus is our LORD (as he does not have “a hostile” Agenda 2020 or Agenda 2030 for mankind) … he is “a being of truth” who believes we should be our own masters (Deut:32) … we know you bad guys in Heaven (Satan, etc.) and your helpers on Earth (Bill Gates, etc.) have a different agenda for mankind (population reduction, slavery, a dumbed down consciousness, etc., etc.) … we know you Deep State entities in both Heaven and on Earth are out to take away “our uniqueness as conscious human beings” … and we know the real reason for this Cov-19 plandemic … we will not take the Bill Gates vaccine that will hook us up to “a mind control” computer … as it will “take away our very souls” … we see you “evil ones” … and we choose to be our own masters … get out of our lives and be gone!!
Hey Satan … your Demon helper Gates has given vaccines to our children to give them autism and polio … your other Demon helpers have put fluoride in the water we drink … put glyphosate in the food we eat … and put aluminum in the air we breathe … the objective being “to dumb down our consciousness” … and “rob us of our uniqueness as human beings” … STOP this taking of Our Souls “without our consent” … and get the Hell out of our world!!!
Abortion’ is the ‘Sacrifice of Innocent Life’ to the ‘Demon Deity Molech’
John yer wrong, it’s Chemosh! He’ll take children too and pay you fer!
Bow down to Chemosh, all. Hail Chemosh! Bring your children too and down with the Hebrews God;
I think Molech is covered better here than the Bismark sinking? Er, Chemosh. Same difference, eh.
The Economist is giving Trump only a 1% chance of winning. Virtually EVERY mainstream media is so intent on removing Trump and ushering in this Great Reset. I have never in my entire life witnessed such an organized operation on a global scale to conquer all our free system of government and install a new worldwide Marxist regime with the end goal to make the United Nations a new overlord to ensure that climate change is overseen by them and enforced internationally.
I thought that there were several times when Biden was losing his concentration and starting to become confused. At these times he would change into his “look at the camera” mode and change the subject. Trump even called him out on one of these incidences. I suspect that Biden had a mic in his ear and his handlers coached him.
In the Shipp comments I posted about my voting experience on Thursday. I contacted a local TV reporter by email. There is an obvious problem in Phoenix with the use of Sharpie pens and the bleeding through the paper ballots. In a strong republican district.
Thank God for the VA healthcare. Over the past three years we have had minimal scandals under Trump.
Reminder. This election is about Harris. She is the real candidate. Biden will be cast away within months if elected. She is evil.
Get your spiritual house in order.
Eph 5:14
14 Therefore He says:
“Awake, you who sleep,
Arise from the dead,
And Christ will give you light.”
Romans 8:1-8
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, 4 that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. 5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
Don’t be a meathead.
Update from TV 7 Israeli news.
Meanwhile in Armenia.
The coming American Inquisition. When Harris is upgraded to president.
MSNBC calls it a reconciliation commission.
No. This is the reconciliation. In Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Holy One of Israel foretold by Daniel.
Daniel 9:24
“Seventy weeks are determined
For your people and for your holy city,
To finish the transgression,
To make an end of sins,
To make reconciliation for iniquity,
To bring in everlasting righteousness,
To seal up vision and prophecy,
And to anoint the Most Holy.
Romans 5:11
And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.
2 Cor 5:17-19
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
When the EMP attack comes…
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
Who will make such an abominable breach in the Churches that neither the reds nor the whites without eyes nor hands will know what to make of it.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
And their power will be taken from them.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
Neither Christians nor Muslims, without communications or mobility, will understand what is happening to them.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
Their technological power will be taken from them.
This is something you can appreciate.
‘How the coronavirus, the internet and tons of money unexpectedly fueled sports cards’ biggest boom.’
When I was in med school in 94 I drove out to western Mass to Greenfield. I stopped off in a sports card shop and bought a complete set basketball and baseball cards. Topps. I still have them. I have a Shaq rookie card. I have them in storage somewhere. I should see what other cards I have.
Judges 19:22
22 While they were enjoying themselves, all of a sudden certain ungodly men[o] who lived in the city surrounded the house, pounded on the door, and ordered the old man who owned the home, “Bring out the man who came to visit your home so we can have sex with him.”
o. Judges 19:22 Lit. men of Belial; i.e. men so wicked as to be worthy of death
Men of belial. Don’t be fooled by this man of perdition. Francis the Jesuit pope. He is a man of belial. Promoting the homosexual agenda. It is an abomination.
2 Cor 6:14-18
14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
“I will dwell in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people.”
17 Therefore
“Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you.”
“I will be a Father to you,
And you shall be My sons and daughters,
Says the Lord Almighty.”
Jesus Christ of Nazareth has no accord with belial. Come out from among them.
Another reason to back president Trump.
Prov 5:21
For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, And He ponders all his paths.
Prov 15:3
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, Keeping watch on the evil and the good.
I truly appreciate your weekly updates.
A question for you. I am wondering why President Trump has not rescinded the Emergency Order on Covid? It seems that this indirectly supports Blue State governors and mayors in their efforts to destroy their local economies to say nothing of giving major bucks to Big Pharma.
Your thoughts?
Best regards,
He left it up to the state governors. SD totally different than NY and CA.
We’re from DHS and we’re here to help you.
Folks name one time in United States history when the military has been involved with vaccinating the public? Sorry but giving small pox infested blankets to the American Indians doesn’t count. Pray that Donald Trump gets re-elected. I’m convinced he doesn’t have a clue how far down the crap hole the globalist have taken us, and he might be able to put the brakes on. Joe Biden ? You’d better get ready for a hard lockdown followed by mandatory vaccinations. He’s in bed with the globalist. After watching Biden last night I’m convinced the man was juiced up by steroids and had an implant in his ear to keep him on track. The eye blinking gives it away. The 25th amendment that was unearthed by Nancy Pelosi ?. That was meant for Biden, The mans a shell of what he used to be.
I hate to be the barer of bad news, but the globalist have plans, big plans for January 25, 2021 and they don’t include President Trump,
or people who won’t go along with agenda 21.
Today I watched a high level CEO of Franklin Templeton Investment Corporation pretty much guarantee a blue sweep in the election to their investors. It’s apparent that they are planning on rigging the elections. Are you surprised? Not me. They’ve got to much at stake to let this opportunity pass, including 80 trillion dollars in transfers to the banks involved with the reset. Get ready folks. It’s coming whether you want to believe it or not.
Note the words of Klaus Scwab, ‘the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity’… Hmm… rare but narrow. Anybody care to decode that?
The World Economic Forum’s founder and executive chair, Klaus Schwab, also believes ‘The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world’. ‘All aspects of our societies and economies must be revamped, from education, to social contracts and working conditions.’ He labels this the ‘Great Reset’. He points to uneven access to healthcare, education, economic opportunities
I have friends in medicine and just neighbors who say that they will not take the vaccine. When I tell them that the cashless system is coming and the vaccine will be linked to having access to their bank accounts, work, and travel….they just laugh. They say that will never happen. “They can’t do that”
Guess what? The joke is on them.
I prefer to die of hunger than take the vaccine. They can shoot me in the head, torture me, cut my head off, burn me at the stake…you have to be ready for such a scenario. God has not appointed us to wrath but Christians need to be prepared in case. Ask Richard Wurmbrand. He knew all about the Marxists.
Tortured for Christ.
My impression throughout the debate was “those are some damn good drugs they pumped in to Biden”. He was spiffy and semi-bubbly at first, but the drugs started wearing off towards the end when he kept looking at his watch. Was he bored? Was it passed his bed time? Was he so full of Sh1t that his internal sump filled up to the rim and he had to go purge? Or… was he just worn out?
I voted early, so did my Family. (all for Trump of course). I heard the lines were long and the rumors were correct, I had to wait in line. NEVER EVER did I see this occur in early voting.
I had to show my license, they had to show me my district and that I was in the roster to vote. In other words, I was FULLY VETTED prior to voting using a paper ballot.
When my Family and I left the voting place, we noticed the line going in was much longer. If this happens in my sleepy little town I’d hate to see what November 3rd’s lines will look like.
If ANYONE AT ALL even thinks of voting for sleepy Joe, they need their head examined for real. The lies from Buffoon Biden were EPIC! JUST EPIC!!! Easily proven false.
That was pure elder abuse, fortunately the moderator was decent and didn’t tick off Trump by being a left-tard like all of them.
The fact that Joe Biden didn’t fall and crack his head on the floor means that he won the debate, in the eyes of the MSM and many Americans. He looked much better than usual, but he still looked feeble and disjointed. He kept saying that he will have a plan for everything and Trump does not. He went to the old Democrat playbook that “you can trust me” and “we Democrats care more about you average people”, but that’s a little worn out by now. Democrat politicians (especially the Clintons and Obamas) have proven themselves to love living in opulence and engaging in corruption and crimes as much as anyone else. The Bidens are surely not an exception. Biden does have the benefit of low expectations on his side, and his shady past will never be seriously investigated by an honest media, even Fox.
But I still think Trump will win the election in a landslide. Even here in California there are Trump signs and flags popping up all over and some impromptu Trump parades, although I’m in a more rural area. Trump did fairly well in the debate, especially on matters of substance, but I think left-leaning Americans will always vote the Democratic ticket. They want their legalized abortions, free money, free sex, wealth confiscation and redistribution, open borders, and to radically change the Constitution and America.
Trump will have a lot of challenges in his next term dealing with these people who really need to leave America and emigrate to a socialist country and see what it is really like. Winning this election will not mean that he has defeated the Deep State or the NWO. They will keep fighting dirty, and to the death to destroy our country.
The real battle is ahead of us, as the world economy crashes and the US Petrodollar is finally recognized for the fraud that it really is. Lots of ordinary people around the world will be angry as their standard of living drops to very low and painful levels. Major wars usually occur in such desperate circumstances.
Will Trump and the good guys bring forth an honest new monetary system and keep us out of war, or will the Globalists still be in total control? Will COVID also be used in conjunction to crush the few freedoms that we still have.
We shall see.
I’m not a Democrat and have never been one. Truth of the matter is that neither candidate deserves to be our President. They are both irrevocably flawed. We deserve better. I wouldn’t bet the farm on who will win this election but as I see it people won’t vote for Biden because he’s better than Trump, they will vote for Biden because he’s not Trump.
And they are uninformed idiots one and all.
The ones to poor to be informed and the partying rich, to busy being rich to worry about reality.
“Peace and Security!”—Then “Sudden Destruction”
“3 While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”—1 Thessalonians 5:3 English Standard Version.
MANY observers of human affairs agree that world conditions have deteriorated in recent years. In Canada, at a Global Conference on the Future, the president of the Club of Rome, Aurelio Peccei, declared: “The world is in a worse shape now than it was ten years ago—and is getting worse. Today the world begins more and more to resemble a ricocheting bullet as it careens from disaster to disaster.” André Fontaine, editor of the Paris daily Le Monde, said: “No one in the West seems able to cope with massive problems such as inflation and unemployment. The gap between the North and the South is widening. There are more and more wars, and the arms race is frightening. So I don’t see any reason for optimism. . . . I see no Government in the world today which appears capable of coping with the major economic problems of our time.” And a South African magazine reported: “Mankind would appear to have reached an all-time low of savagery, immorality, irresponsibility, selfishness and greed.”
Conditions in human society today certainly parallel what happened on earth just before God destroyed an ancient world by means of a global flood, sparing only righteous Noah and his family. Of those days, the Bible says: “Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was abundant in the earth . . . And the earth came to be ruined in the sight of the God and the earth became filled with violence.” (Gen. 6:5, 11) “Just as the days of Noah were,” Jesus Christ foretold, so it is in our time. (Matt. 24:37) Once again the entire earth is “filled with violence” because “the badness of man” is abundant. Such conditions before the Flood gave evidence of the impending end of that ancient system of things. So today the evidence of world conditions in fulfillment of Bible prophecy clearly establishes the fact that this present system of things is in its “time of the end,” its “last days.” This has been so since the the world war’s seen by many still alive today!—Dan. 12:4; Matt. 24:3-14; 2 Tim. 3:1-5.
Jesus foretold that some of those who were alive when the “last days” began would live to see this system’s end. Already over 100 years have passed since that “generation” saw the start of these troubles. (Matt. 24:34) So time has nearly run out on that “crooked and twisted generation.” (Phil. 2:15) Shortly we may be eyewitnesses of the fulfillment of the many Bible prophecies related to ‘the passing away of this world.’ How much longer can these old folks last? (1 John 2:17) And we can have complete confidence that these prophecies will be fulfilled in every detail, before they’re passing? Jehovah, “the One telling from the beginning the end,” the One who has inspired these prophecies, “has sworn, saying: ‘Surely just as I have figured it out, so it must occur; and just as I have counseled it, that is what will come true.’”—Isa. 14:24; 46:10; 2 Pet. 1:20, 21.
Thank you again Greg for reporting the real news. I pray that all posts are correct regarding a Trump election win. All the weird info coming from the left, even Fox news to some degree is a little disconcerting to say the least.
Also alarming is the graft that goes on with the Bidens, “almost” makes the Clintons look tame – beyond belief. How can this go on and not be prosecuted. This double tier system of justice will bring down the country as more and more people decide, well if the politicians do it, why shouldn’t I cheat as well. Very sad state of affairs.
Your are doing a great job. Thanks for all your hard work.
As more revelations come out, it looks like Joe Biden is the modern version of the Manchurian Candidate. In that 1962 movie, China used drugs and indoctrination, with Joe they simply used money.
Mike Wolff
Great information as always Greg. Really appreciate all the hard work you do thank you sir
Thanks Frank!!
When i read of those who prophesy of doom and gloom coming upon America, I am reminded of a verse in Gods word. Isaiah 26: 20.
Go , my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you. Hide yourselves for a little while, until His wrath has passed by.
His wrath is coming, but not for those of us who have accepted JESUS as their Lord and Savior. God bless you and your family
For my friend Paul jr.
Get on line for your vaccination. It will be free of charge.
I can see that you are still angry that I corrected your erroneous statements about face masks. And you call yourself a Christian.
Here come the personal attacks again.
Lighten up and get on line for your vaccination. And wear your mask while you are waiting in line.
And don’t forget to vote for your heroes…Joe Biden and Kamala.
Why should I vote for them eddie? My “hero” and Lord is Jesus Christ. And who is your hero? Yourself?
Being that you are such a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ…why don’t you attack me on the Scripture. Go ahead. Since you are obviously a Biblical scholar.
Do you really know what the Bible says? Are you really a follower of the Jesus Christ?
What I post speaks for itself.
What personal attacks? You need to take a look in the mirror eddie. You are the one that is sinning. Maybe you should start obeying what God says in the Bible.
More personal attacks.
Very sad.
Repent Paul jr. While there is still time. Your postings don’t fool me. They reveal the bitter person that you are.
After it is shown how corrupt the Biden Crime Family is … … some immoral CEO tells his 10 million customers to vote for criminal Biden … … what does this CEO think? … that we are hooked up to the cloud and our minds can be simply controlled by him flicking a switch? … we are not there yet you immoral Demon … we are still our own masters … we have not yet given our soul to Satan!!!
Greg mentioned NYC being empty. I wonder if what comes next is what happened in my city. Same as NYC, this Democrat sanctuary city, people and businesses quickly moved out. There are 2 big routes out of the city going south. It is all now owned by immigrants, some legal, some not. I’m talking miles and miles of businesses completely taken over. No one shops there anymore because no one can speak English, and frankly people are afraid to go near there. Once a hustling bustling city, now there is trash everywhere, an awful odor when you drive by, buildings run down some with a few broken windows. How did they afford to buy all those businesses?
Because Halin, we killed all our babies in the womb. We had to let all these wog’s in.
Either that or we’ll all be speaking Chinese one day. English not allowed!
I see your face Satan … in the fire you bring to our world … yes I see your evil horns … and I spit right in your face … … do you think burning down our world will make me vote for a psychopathic criminal pervert (Biden)?? … you are one evil stupid Demon (just like the other evil sky-people who once ruled this world that we had to get rid of) … stay out of our world … we are “our own masters” … leave now … that’s an order!!!
Beware of Obama…
1) On March 11th, 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev was appointed General Secretary and leader of the Soviet Union.
2) Earthquake in Mexico kills thousands.
3) Volcano eruption in Columbia kills thousands.
4) The Swedish Prime Minister, Olaf Palme, is assassinated.
My conclusion is that Barack Obama is Nostradamus’ Third Antichrist, and he began his “Community Organizing” in 1985, two years after he was hired by the CIA front company Business International Corporation.
I am having Thanksgiving at my home this year. My question is this. If one of my relatives comes in my home and steals all my toilet paper. Would I be better under a Trump President or a Biden President.
You would be better off under Trump … because under Biden you wouldn’t even have a pot to piss in!!
Under Trump you could get it back.
Under Biden its CATCH AND RELEASE.
Keiser Report | A New Bretton Woods with China as #1 Power
Biden has little to worry about. Wray has sat on the evidence re Hunter for forever and Barr won’t prosecute.
Who is the bigger liar? … Biden who says 200 Million Americans have died from Covid-19 … … or Harris who says 220 Million Americans have died from Covid-19 … … now remember … there are only 340 Million Americans in the US … so “both” Biden and Harris are saying that more then half the people in the US have already died of Covid-19 (and that it is all Trumps fault) … and autistic idiot Demon-rats (who’s brains have already been dumbed down with Gates vaccines since childhood) are going to vote these two dumb nuts (Biden and Harris) to be the President and Vice-President of the United States of America???
People are not taking any chances … … for even with a Trump win … they know the evil Demon-rats are going to try to break-up our Nation by seceding from the Union!!
Really Savage Questions I WouldHhave Asked at the Debate
By Westwood One Podcast Network
What the debate moderator should have been asking President Trump and VP Biden; It was a setup! Michael explains first ten minutes, very telling!
Savage tweets; DOJ says most MS-13 gang members who have been prosecuted are in U.S. illegally; Kamala Harris Failed to Prosecute Illegal MS-13 Gang Member Months Before He Murdered Bologna Family; Severe cold coming this weekend; Savage goes to a private dining room;
Man wearing Burger King crown yells N-word on JetBlue flight;
Among the many Bible prophecies concerning the end of this system of things is the one recorded at 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, verses 2 and 3. This reads: “For you yourselves know very well that God’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang’s of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will not escape.” What is this saying of “Peace and security”? Who says it? And what destruction comes immediately afterward?
These Bible verses speak of “God’s day,” which will result in “sudden destruction.” So it is apparent that this prophecy concerns the “day” or period of time when God executes his judgments against this wicked system of things controlled by Satan the Devil. (2 Cor. 4:4; Rev. 12:9) This will be Jehovah’s “day of vengeance.” (Isa. 61:2) Jesus spoke of this period of time in this way: “Then there will be a great tribulation such as has not happened since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Matt. 24:21) The apostle Paul wrote that the coming execution of judgment would mean “the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus.” He added: “These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength.”—2 Thess. 1:7-9
The coming “great tribulation,” God’s “day of vengeance,” will involve the entire present system of things—its false religions as well as its economic, social and political arrangements. The order of events in that “great tribulation” is indicated by the prophecies given in the Bible book of Revelation (the Apocalypse). These prophecies reveal that God’s “day of vengeance” begins with the destruction of all false religion. It ends when the political and other elements of the Devil’s world, along with their supporters, “small ones and great,” are finally destroyed.—Rev., chaps. 17 to 19.
WARNING: Video’s contains disturbing images and sound. Viewer discretion is advised.
Man Shot By Police Officer Outside San Bernardino Liquor Store
•Oct 23, 2020
Atlanta Police have released bodycam and dashcam footage showing the moments leading to the fatal shooting of Rayshard Brooks in a Wendy’s parking lot.
The shooting happened at a the fast food restaurant on University Avenue.
This is the first 42-minutes of the 1 hour, 23 minute video from the body cam of Officer Devin Brosnan. The name of a person not involved in this incident has been removed from the audio track. The rest is unedited.
Good guys 02 vs. Bad guys 00
So far, so good.
Katherine Austin Fitt’s Friday’s 10/23/20 infowar’s radio
Here’s agenda 21 in full bloom.
Africa is the globalist test tube. Are you getting it yet? Biometrics being used to install top down governance world wide. Is there a better way to get a biometric hydrogel implant in your body than using a pandemic? Wake up people. Once the second lockdown begins people will begin lining up for the injections. It’s just a matter of time. I just love the terms they keep using. Herd mentality? Dark winter? There’s nothing better than the power of suggestion. Hitler loved using it to. After reading his book in high school, I applied the same principles to my students when I taught high school. People will become whatever you tell them they are. If you tell them they are losers and no good that’s what they will become. If you point out their good qualities and inspire them, there is no limit to what they can achieve. Don’t fall for the propaganda they’re feeding us right now. Think for yourself, and do the research. We have choices. But not much time.
So, My question is:
If most Americans are afraid to freely speak their minds, then they ALREADY lost ( their Freedoms).
If that be the case, then it does not really matter much who wins the election on Nov. 3, or ANY other election going forward. It won’t result in a return to “normal” and state politicians won’t be giving back our liberties. The people complied willingly and to a large extent, with no resistance. This is called unilateral surrender in my book.
We used to make fun of the French for flying a white flag right-off-the-bat. I recall we once temporarily changed the name of “French Fries” to “American Fries” in protest and to demonstrate our contempt for the French who always capitulate and never put up a fight. Now we need to go eat our fries along with the French. We are all “French” nowadays. Wee-Wee.
I was watching an interview with Bill Holter and Jim Sinclair…not only lost it but can’t get it back
all your guest are great but Gerald Celente is my favorite.
thank you for all you do 👊
Paul Anthony