Trump Pulls Out of Syria, Market Meltdown, 2019 Judgement

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 365 12.21.18)

President Trump abruptly decided to pull U.S. troops out of Syria and ordered an “evacuation” of all State Department employees. He also ordered troops home from Afghanistan. This was followed by an abrupt resignation from Defense Secretary General Jim Mattis. What’s going on? Who knows, but in a new poll, 80% of Americans agree with the move.

The markets continued to meltdown after the Federal Reserve decided to raise a key interest rate another quarter of a percent. Some market experts, who have been featured on, say the fall is far from over.

When will the Deep State officials, who tried to remove President Trump from office in a failed coup, be brought to justice? Many say 2019 is the year the hammer of justice falls on the wicked.

Join Greg Hunter as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-up.

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After the Interview:

Alex Newman from The New American will be the guest for the “Early Sunday Release.”

He will talk about the Deep State’s fight to control humanity on a global scale and how people are fighting back.

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  1. Doug McDowell

    Hi Greg,
    Maybe Trump is withdrawing our troops from the Middle East and bringing them home because they are going to be needed here in the US to safeguard the American people when the economy implodes. There is going to be great civil unrest and the people need to be protected. This may also have to do with an expected massive influx of illegal aliens trying to cross into the US. The troops may be stationed at the border.
    Thanks for all you do to keep us informed !!
    Doug McDowell

    • Greg Hunter

      You may be right!!

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