Ultimate Survival Go Bag from Prep123.com

Sponsored Post for 3.7.24 

It seems every week there are increasing stories about weather events that are causing people to evacuate in a hurry.  There are recent fires in Texas and Maui.  There are weather events of flooding one day and 10-foot snowfall and blizzards the next.  On top of that, the FBI is warning about big hacking from China that could shut down the grid and even your bank.  The FBI is also on record predicting terror attacks that will be happening in large scale in America sooner than later.  If you are put in a situation that you are forced to leave on short notice, do you have the tools to survive this hardship?

If you have the “Ultimate Survival Go Bag” from Prep123.com, your chances of survival in dire situations increase dramatically.

There is much more in the 6-minute video.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he explains the advantages of having the “Ultimate Survival Go Bag” from Prep123.com.

After the Post:   

For more information on the “Ultimate Survival Go Bag” from Prep123.com, click here.





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  1. Greg G Gorton

    Keep shining the light upon the Darkness Greg

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Greg!!
      Brother Greg

      • Kev

        Why would anyone want to be prepared for anything (everything they do not want to happen, which is what happens when one holds fearful expectations- the exact opposite of what they want to happen). Stop giving your power away through fear, Americans!

      • David A

        Greg, you stated,
        “It seems every week there are increasing stories about weather events that are causing people to evacuate in a hurry.”

        (This is Greg Hunter and I deleted the rest of your comment. Have you not seen the many interviews I have had with Dane Wigington with GeoEngineeringWatch.org??? Please understand the real problems with the deteriorating climate and it is NOT global warming from burning too much fuel.)

  2. James Hastings

    Hello from Georgia…usa….

    Great video Mr. Hunter. Allow me to suggest, people buy most of your silver in small change. Less than a silver dollar. Silver dollars are great, but buying and selling will require “change”. Their gold is the family wealth. Savings. Silver is the go too for everyday needs. Pirates would cut up a larger silver coin into “pieces” of 8″…change.

    Thank you. I enjoy your programs.

  3. Roger Stamper

    tks greg

  4. Justn Observer

    Greg, likely will need somthing to get thru the year…
    This study is MASSIVE and exposes the LIES they told and are still trying to hide in theU.S.
    which leds into the fact they will stop at nothing now as Victor Daivd Hanson tells Tucker Carlson = first 25 min.


  5. Keith

    Looks like a nice go bag kit. I bookmarked their site to purchase something in the near future.
    Thanks for all that you do as far as keeping people informed.

    Take care

  6. H. Bagich

    Scott Ritter Explosive Disclosure: The Shadow War in Ukraine Skies
    មាតុភូមិ Studio HD Mar 7, 2024
    Exploring Scott Ritter’s insights into modern covert operations, this content unveils the intricacies of stealth warfare that’s shaping the future of military engagement. Through Ritter’s expert analysis, uncover the evolving tactics and technologies that make today’s battles more invisible yet impactful than ever, highlighting the strategic importance of secrecy and surprise in achieving dominance.

  7. Lesley

    I firmly believe the USA Gvt is doing the hacking and as always blaming others.

  8. Scott

    Greg that bag needs one additional thing. A copy of my book Paranormal Beagle check it out. Great information. Thanks

  9. H.B.

    Ukraine keeps losing Abrams tanks…
    RedEffect Mar 7, 2024
    After the first loss of an Abrams tank, we got several more confirmed losses. So far, there are 3 confirmed losses of Ukrainian M1A1SA tanks…
    Hope some of these crews had a survival -go-BAG!

    • john lance

      Not to worry , an Abrams tank along with training operators is north of 10 million dollars . I don’t think fries come with them .

  10. William

    Greg, I constantly see folks thinking of “bugging out” and asking what to take. My take on this is, where are you going to go that doesn’t have someone already there? Can you carry enough supplies to keep you alive? Do you have the necessary skills for survival? Are you healthy enough to undertake your intended plans? Why not build a coalition of like-minded people where you are and arm yourself to protect what’s yours and your family? If your a city dweller, hopefully you have a family member who would be willing to take you in provided you have necessary skills and or supplies. God bless all.

    • Prospector

      William , ” Bugging IN ” , will be the better option for many. Have a kit for the unexpected sure, but home supplies and good neighbors will be key. Unless you already have stuff prepositioned at a second site you will not be able to carry – haul enough.

      If / when the dollar collapse happens , all of the illegal alien invaders that are now getting FREE MONEY and debit cards will be cut off. They will rage and riot in the streets and blame GOP , conservatives for stopping ” their free money .”

      Natural News , Feb 16 :
      Migrants also directly receive cash, or what the UN emergency manual calls “cash in envelopes,” and they know that the U.S. border is wide open. According to the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security, there had been 6.2 million encounters at the southern border, in addition to 1.7 million known gotaways since Biden took office. “They say, ‘Well, you know, we’re coming now because Biden’s letting us in,'” Bensman said.
      UN agencies are “financing the ongoing U.S. border crisis,” Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) said in a Jan. 26 statement. “The United Nations is using our own tax dollars against us”

      As Bo Polny just said in the interview , ” You must know history to know the future .”
      Here is history.
      Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! …… individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government .”— Henry A. Kissinger , 1991 after the L.A. riots.

      New York Post , one day ago , do you see it yet ?
      Gov. Hochul deploys 1,000 National Guardsmen, state cops to carry out bag checks in NYC subways – Papers Please.
      When the free money and SNAP / EBT cards shut of , predictable chaos follows, to be ‘ solved ‘ by emergency measures worse than COVID.

  11. Conrad B.

    Russia Destroyed US Army Officers Along with HIMARS MLRS In NIKANOROVKA┃T-72B3 Destroyed ABRAMS BORZZIKMAN 15 hours ago.
    It’s became known that the Armed Forces of Ukraine, lost a 5th in a row US Abrams tank. Thus, it can be stated that all five US Abrams tanks that were transferred to the Avdiivka direction of the front, near the village of Berdychi, were completely destroyed. It is reported that the last fifth Abrams tank was destroyed during a tank battle with a Russian main battle tank T-72B3, on Tuesday, March 5…

    UK Mercenaries and Hangars With Maritime Drones Were Wiped Out In ODESSA┃NATO Air Defense Defeated
    BORZZIKMAN 33,340 views Mar 5, 2024 #BORZZIKMAN
    UK Mercenaries and Hangars With Maritime Drones Were Wiped Out In ODESSA┃NATO Air Defense Defeated
    Against the background of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico made a rather alarming statement. In particular, during a video message, He addressed the citizens of the country and said that the Italian government had urgently withdrawn the air defense system SAMP-T from Slovakia, which the Italians had lent to Slovaks in 2022 to protect Nuclear Power Plants and other strategically important facilities in that country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llEi5Y_OMnU

  12. H/ H. Asquith

    There Is If It’s At $40,000 An Ounce!
    16K views 8 days ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJd1CN8eTEo

    Nuland Author Ukr Disaster Quits, Ukr Disastrous Day, 3 HIMARS, Abrams, S300 Destroyed, Rus Advances Alexander Mercouris 15hrs

  13. Rich

    Great items. I have a question about satellite phones/Bvy sticks for texting: will they work in a grid down situation? As I understand the tech, they still sent “packets” down to relay stations to verify your subscription/available time/minutes and this would NOT work in a grid down situation. I think a cyber attack or a solar flare or an emp attack are ALL possible. I just wonder if those types of coms would work at all? I think they are GREAT for hikers/travelers, etc, but I don’t know about a grid down situation. Since you have contacts that sell them, I would love to hear their thoughts. Anyway, thanks for sharing.

  14. anti-atomist

    Wall Street Survivor: Demystifying Investing. (1:23)



  15. Ken Yu

    Haven’t heard from Stan recently telling us to sell our gold – perhaps he finally bugged out of his shorts (those who listened to him likely jumped off the George Washington Bridge long ago)!!

    • George K

      Could it be gold is getting ready to re-test the $2050 level and Stan wants all that “short profit” for himself?? – https://stockcharts.com/h-sc/ui?s=%24GOLD

    • William

      I was wondering the same thing about Sam. Could it be that he couldn’t cover the spread?

  16. Shiloh1

    This linked doc was in a comment on ZH Cuomo post today. “ventilator” shows up a few times –
    COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on
    Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) Billing

  17. Papa J

    I agree so much with the idea and many of the products, but people need to understand the difference between a GHB (Get Home Bag) and an BOB (Bug out Bag) If you want it to get home, which people need to understand, if you drive somewhere and is 50 miles from home, you need the gear for that walk home. Silver is not necessary until it is a BOB, and boy you need a lot more stuff. Both bags though need one very important thing; a water filter or purifier. I like some of these products, but it needs so much more added that they should sell this with a much larger bag so people can customize it per their needs. The contents will also change per season. Things to think about but not limited to are Shoes, clothes, food, Hammock, paracord, eye glasses, gloves. The other thing I’ve noticed is I’m 70 now and the back isn’t as strong, so to have my bag attached to a collapsible hand truck with wheels. I’ll stop there. Think about what you need when backpacking, or talk to someone that has, although you may be in a different jungle. I like prep 123, but these two bags need to be customized more by the user.

  18. Truth Avalanche

    Does anyone remember the alleged “Muslim Terrorist” recently recorded at the US border who ominously proclaimed that we would all know his name soon?

    Yeah…turns out he’s linked to Mossad/Israel…Zionists are laying the groundwork to blame Muslims for the next Israeli/Mossad attack on America (just like they did with 911).

    When are conservative Americans going to wake up to the “enemy within”?

  19. Justn Observer

    Greg, a Tucker Carlson report on wuth doctors exposing the vaccine problems? 3/7/24 =
    Tucker Carlson 3/7/24 | Breaking News March 7, 2024 =

  20. Geena Gador

    Hi Greg: Please watch Tucker Carlson interview this researcher about the covid 19 death shots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWme-JBr5U4

  21. Justn Observer

    Greg, hmmmmm, U.S. Forest Service aided the military with data of how to use ‘wildfires’ as a weapon = Wildfires As A Weapon, US Military Exposed by Dane Wigington =

  22. Justn Observer

    Greg, is this were the silver is heading to? =


  23. Stan

    Gold is at an obvious top and headed back down soon.

    The Goldbugs’ loss will be my gain.

    Easier than taking candy from an infant.

  24. harve pell

    Putin’s Forces To Enter Kyiv? Russian Military Blitz Shakes Ukraine; New Offensive On The Cards/Hindustan Times 128,598 views 9 hours ago

  25. Jeffrobbins

    Great idea.

  26. helot

    I was impressed that the mess kit was stainless steel. I noticed that in the package I looked at on their website they did include a water filter, Life Straw is a good one.
    A bag like this needs to be lightweight, and it does look like it is.
    The only thing I would add is a Wiggy’s sleeping bag tied to the outside. Look into it, Lamilite is The Best insulation. (I’m not advertising, I just really really love the product.)
    While it’s worlds away better than having nothing, you’re not going to sleep well with what’s in that bag. If I had the money, I would buy the “Ultimate Survival Go Bag”.
    Just be sure to try & have some place to go to, beforehand, if at all possible.

  27. LoriQ

    Sorry if this is a silly question, but how much do these bags weigh? 40 lbs? 50 lbs? 60 or more lbs? Has anyone purchased this or something similar? Thank you in advance for responding.

    • Greg Hunter

      I just weighed my Ultimate Go Bag and it is a little less than 11 pounds. This is the bag at prep 123.com that goes for nearly $3,000.00. https://prep123.com/

      • LoriQ

        Oh, ok! 11 lbs. That is surprising, in a good way. I thought it would weigh so much more like the 80 pound camping bags some hikers use. My husband could carry it with ease, me not so much.

        Thank you, Greg, for going out of your way to answer my question. I do appreciate your professionalism very much. It will be easier to pick and purchase a go bag in the very near future.
        God Bless and take care.

  28. JustheFlax

    Hope for the best,
    prepare for the Borst, err worst!
    Better a good Boy Scout, minus the LGBQ+ nonsense,
    than a cooked goose!
    Gone to China

  29. sam

    Mr.Greg Hunter would be a GREAT….”White House Press Secretary”…..under President Donald Trump…..someone with “juice” should whisper that in our Presidents Ear….

  30. Galaxy 500

    Everyone needs a grab and go bag. This sis a nice setup. Some emergency coin (silver) check, communication check, power source (check), fire starter check, water filter check, first aid kit…
    The only thing you need to add is your choice of rations, and a PewPew . This is a comprehensive kit. Bivystick with smartphone and 36 months, is a big deal

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