Winter is Coming – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is warning of attacks coming from hidden dangers that will be unleashed by the demonic Deep State against America.  It’s not a matter of if but when.  Let’s start with the ongoing attack on our food supply.  Quayle says, “We are dealing with food disappearing from the shelves.  We are dealing with the attack on the farmers and ranchers.  We are dealing with the Federal Drug Assassins–the FDA.  We are dealing with the bureaucrats of the global elites’ plan to starve to death the earth’s population.  It’s time to sit up and notice . . . how the shelves are empty. . . .What’s going on behind the scenes, according to sources I know that are former military, former intelligence officers and people that are in the know, the point is we are facing starvation nation.”  Quayle says stay stocked up on food.

Then there is Artificial Intelligence (AI) that Wall Street is going crazy over.  There is talk of curing cancer in two days and other outrageous claims.  Quayle says don’t believe this.  Quayle says, “Just imagine AI as a supercharged Ouija Board.  It’s not just a Ouija Board, but it’s a hangout for evil spirits.  I think this is the intersection of the End of the Age, and we are dealing with supernatural intelligence that is all designed to mislead human beings and destroy them.”

Quayle also warns that earthquakes and volcanos are already getting more active.  Just today it’s reported that Hawaii’s Kilauea began its seventh episode of its ongoing eruption with video showing lava shooting more than 100 feet into the air.  Quayle says the real problem for the US is the Pacific Northwest in the Cascadia Mountain Range.  Quayle says, “The West Coast is in for a big one. . . . Cascadia is the real problem.”

In closing, Quayle says, “We are not going to avoid war. . . . The bottom line is the West is broke.  The West’s industrial line is done.  The powers that be in Germany bought the lie or were part of it, and that is to destroy their economy to bring about a global control grid called the New World Order.  There is always a bogus reason to deny the Living God.  Winter is coming.  That’s the theme from the Game of Thrones.  Winter represented the worst-case scenario and the worst-case scenario is not just near, it’s here.”

Quayle says get prepared.  Get ready and stay ready for anything.  Winter is coming.

There is much more in the 55-minute interview.

There is more in the 8-minute video here to explain how easy it is to ride out any cyberattack, fire, storm or disaster.  You can contact them at or

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes one-on-one with Steve Quayle who talks about evil AI demons and America under attack from many directions. 1.28.25.

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  1. David Anthony

    Yeah I saw a report on a japanese scientist that’s making steaks out of human feces…All it needs now is some Bug sauce and ground up human meat…These people are insane actually I think there worse then that even psychotic doesn’t come close…

    • Jerry

      David, why did you not link this report or article? Please do if you can.

      • Galaxy 500

        I agree

      • Katy Bar

        Everyone should think twice before you flush the toilet bowl. Saving your poop has become as good as Gold to perhaps trade for a Burger at Mac Donald’s, or to fertilize your home grown lettuce, tomato and onions in your home garden (to put on top of your burger)!! This is probably exactly how the first colony Elon Musk plans to put on Mars “will likely survive” (before they can get their cattle or rabbit ranches started up)!! Once we humans get some plants growing on Mars and set free some animals on Mars “to be fruitful and multiply”!! Then “we humans” can eventually one day arrive on Mars with big container ships “to harvest them up” to help to feed the population on Earth just like the “Alien Demons” current eugenicist redemption plan (when us humans were placed on planet Earth years ago and told to be fruitful and multiply) – are Evil (human) Globalists (to save their own necks) actually helping “some off planet Aliens” (harvest up to 99% of humanity as written on their Georgia Guide-stones)?? Just look at all the current child trafficking going on?? Our children are being sold (like lobsters or clams on the half shell)??? Best Know Where Your Children Are At All Times!!!

        • Kit Lee

          If Extra-Terrestrial Aliens are out to eat us they most likely are not going to eat “Adult Humans” (as we are too full toxic wastes and poisons). And that’s probably why there is “such a demand for trafficking children” and we have Demons like Hillary (along with others ) very willing “to sell our children” to whomever will pay!!!

        • Kit Lee

          Hope everyone realizes that every person in the Entire World (8 Billion People) are currently “Eating Their Own Poop” at this very moment [INSIDE THEIR INTESTINES]!!! What is Gross is that the Globalists want us to eat “Other Peoples Poop”!!!!

        • Warren V. DeCee

          Mars has no magnetosphere. Any unshielded organism from Earth wandering the surface of a terraformed Mars will soon die from radiation poisoning. The idea of terraforming Mars is tribute to futility.

      • David Anthony
        There you go .. I’m sure they improved the technique by now…

    • Marti Baker

      Yes, I saw such a report about the Japanese scientist and the poop steaks several years ago. Disgusting.

    • Galaxy 500

      We would love to see the link.
      Please post it.

    • Nick

      are you kidding or serious?

  2. dave

    Enochian: The Mysterious Lost Language of Angels I actually saw such a symbol – see this interview :

    • Galaxy 500

      I don’t believe this for a minute. Why would YHWH’s heralds need a written language. This is mystic silliness

  3. Really Awake

    Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves ~ Genesis 11:4

    I say Satan is building something. He is quite a builder, you know? Satan is a consummate organizer, too. Who do you think was right there back then organizing the people at the Tower of Babel?

    Of course, technology has come a long, long way from Genesis, hasn’t it? So, what’s Satan building now? AI or AGI is another project guided and directed by whom do you think?

    A building in and by itself isn’t bad or evil. unless, of course, it’s a project developed by Satan. A computer isn’t evil, either; however, it can be used for evil machinations.

    Artificial General Intelligence doesn’t necessarily have to be an evil project. But I think evil is afoot. AGI… what is its fruitage? Are the people who are busy building this AGI project trying to “make a celebrated name for themselves” like the people who were building the Tower of Babel? I think so. Furthermore, I think Satan is influencing this project.

    AGI and many other modern technologies are being used to promote evil (think: blockchain and crypto currency)… Is any of this a suprise? Not to someone who reads the Bible everyday.

    Regarding technology: it all comes down to what kind of people are building a project. Are the people building a celebrated name for themselves or are they building a celebrated name for Jehovah God?

    I wonder if AGI believes in God? And I wonder if AGI will tell us that Jesus Christ is our Savior? I wonder if AGI will tells us that God’s Kingdom is the only real hope for mankind? And I wonder if AGI will even tell the truth?

    Satan is called, “The Father of the Lie”. And AGI will probably be another servant of Satan. AGI will lie to us on what really matters.

    AGI is probably going to be a tool of Satan used to develop even more terrible weapons of war. AGI will probably be used to help create more deadly plagues. And AGI will probably be used to democide a few billion people. AGI will probably be used to help figure out how to best create famines. And AGI will probably be used to develop human hybrid clones and other unspeakable horrors.

    The bottom line and takeaway is the forecast of Revelation will come to pass. And AGI is part of that prophecy. AGI will probably become an Artificial God before this is all over.

    • Anthony Australia

      You’ve a genius RA! I have spent many an hour pondering this very scenario.
      Most of the so called things that have been invented by humans, in my opinion, have either come from an angelic source or from a demonic entity.
      Then they see which way we will vacillate and thus most fall under the Satanicrule.

    • Chris

      I like your analysis Really Awake. It is somewhat in line with what the Austrian polymath, scholar and mystic, Rudolph Steiner, said over 100 years ago. He predicted the effect of this technology (he called it ‘The Doppelganger effect” (Doppelganger is loosely translated as “the double’ but with a more sinister sense more akin to the English “possession”) at a time when the technology didn’t exist. His writing was prophetic and can be accessed in books or online. Steiner was Christ centered but probably a bit far out for most conventional Christians. Nevertheless, in this matter, and others , his prediction for the times we’re in seem accurate to me. He refers to Satan as Ahriman which is an ancient Persian name for that being. Why Ahriman, I never could find out. As well as seemingly predicting the tech/AI age and its potential catastrophic effect on mankind’s capacity for spiritual development and communion with God, he said it would be an age of “the war of all against all”. Is that not we have been experiencing incessantly these last few years? If I have understood his ideas on this matter he says that we should not become Luddites or hermits but be aware of the dangers of this technology as well as its benefits and learn to control and use it wisely as a tool. Not let it control us. I would say we are far from reaching that stage just at present. He also stated that if we fail in this task the technology will drive many of us into a world he called the “eighth sphere” – which sounds like a kind of virtual world or purgatory for souls who have lost the connection to Christ and basically descended into abject materialism prior to death. Anyway, as I read it, he predicted this technological form of possession we see all around us and which is now reaching peak control. If you’re interested in following up you can read his series of lectures from 1917 in a book called ‘The Electronic Doppelganger’ published by Rudolph Steiner Press. Let me leave you with two quotes and see if they don’t resonate with what we see happening in the world today:
      “”What the Russians love about their Earth, what permeates them, gives them many weaknesses but also, above all, a certain ability to overcome the doppelganger nature (the tech possession) …That is why they will be called upon to provide the most important impulses in the age in which the doppelganger nature will have to be combated and overcome…”
      “Europe will only be able to enter into a correct relationship with America when such conditions are understood.( the essentially satanic behind the mask control of American politics and society). Otherwise, if Europe continues to remain blind to these things, this poor Europe will fare the same fate as Greece fared in relation to Rome. This must not be allowed to happen; the world must not be Americanized geographically (?).

      • Really Awake

        Reply to Chris:

        Very thoughtful comment. Thanks for the suggested reading. It’s always encouraging to know individuals like yourself who are searching for answers. Me too.

    • Artie Intelligencer

      Reply to Really Awake AI g0D warning!
      Zach Vorhies issues EMERGENCY AI DIRECTIVE for America: Stop the WOKE insanity NOW or the USA is toast!
      4,089 views Jan 28, 2025 Mike Adams

      Soon AI will REPLACE judges, lawmakers and middle managers with superior intelligence and reasoning 722 views Jan 29, 2025 Mike Adams Soon AI will REPLACE judges, lawmakers and middle managers with superior intelligence and reasoning

      US deep state in TOTAL PANIC over China’s AI dominance with DeepSeek 765 views Jan 29, 2025 Mike Adams

      Mike Adams and Alex Jones issue warning: Wokeism has crippled America’s AI development and China is now winning the race to superintelligence 696 views Jan 29, 2025 Mike Adams

      • Katy Bar

        Silicon Valley got hit with a Full-blown Emotional and Financial Meltdown (losing over a Trillion dollars in one day) as China unveiled and released (For FREE) its “DeepSeek R1” it’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Program (in response to Washington’s attempt to stop China’s AI Technological Development with an onerous sanction embargoing semiconductor chips to China). China who “Promotes Education and Ability” (over being either Gay or Non-White) has used it’s talented and very smart population “to completely outsmart” the Incompetent Lamebrain Politicians in Washington AC/DC (who thought they could punish people at will and make all the rules with regard to the latest AI Technology “For Their Own Economic Gain”. The US was Planning to only make AI Available “to Paying ChatGPT subscribers” (at $20 per month for the Plus option and $200 per month for Pro) while also planning to use it “for surveillance on the American people”!!
        Instead the AI Agenda is now being set by China!! Who, with “Open AI” has made “Artificial Intelligence (FREE FOR ALL THE WORLD To Use “Without Charge”). Instead of setting up AI as “A Money Making Monthly Subscription Racket” the way the US was planning!! Those US Export Controls on Advanced Semiconductor Chips (intended to Slow Down China’s AI Progress) has instead by the Grace of God “backfired” and has been made “To Work For Humanities Benefit” – by Spurring Innovation in Nations with a Very Educated Population – Now Creating “A New Reality” that has moved the Future of AI away from the Greedy Palo Alto Crowd and their $500 Billion Stargate “boondoggle” (which has now become obsolete before they even got started) and has Moved AI Innovation and Advancement (now 20 times cheaper to build) to “kinder more generous hands” in Hangzhou China (just as God always intended for his people to be giving)!!!

        • Ken Yu

          The US Neocons were probably using their ChatGPT AI Program (telling them to take over Ukraine and Create a War “That Would Result in the Collapse of Russia”)!!! However, Russia was probably using DeepSeek’s Open AI which likely suggested to them “To Invade Ukraine” (which would then result in the Break-up of NATO)!!! Whoever has the Smartest AI Computer “WILL RULE THE WORLD” !! However with the Education System we have in the US (that now teaches our children that 1) a Man can have a Baby, that 2 + 2 = 5 , that 3) to be “Gay” is more important then being Smart or Capable, etc., etc., etc.) does Not Bode Well for our Nation that has been guided by Greedy Demonic Homo Pedophiles for way too long!!!

        • Chris in Arkansas

          Made decent money on trading chip manufacturers and tech stocks when the Deepseek AI news hit. Bought everything at the bottom. Sold for a nice profit Thursday. Deepseek is simply a more efficient form of AI in terms of power consumption, and may – in the future – process info faster. I’m not buying into any nefarious intent at this time.

    • Ponder this

      How many people would take the “Mark of the Beast” to keep their crypto stash?

      • Galaxy 500

        How many people would take the mark of the beast to keep anything? Think it the same number

    • Katy Bar

      “Come, let us build ourselves a Tower that reaches to the Heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves (and get into space more cheaply)” ~ Genesis 11:4

  4. Don Doerr Sr.

    Assuming that Biden’s Actions – as President – have killed Laken Riley, Ashli Babbit, and our 13 Soldiers in Afghanistan, to name only 15 Americans (born and unborn) who have been sacrificed as part of this Communist Democrat RINO Open Border Criminal Illegal Alien Invasion of the United States, this interview with Steve Quayle seems both logical and part of a much larger plan – the treasonous overthrow of the United States.
    This November 22, 1963 founded Communist Democrat RINO Party takes us back to LBJ’s insatiable desire to sacrifice 58,000 Americans in Vietnam and even President Jimmy Carter’s decision to turn our Panama Canal over to Panama and ultimately China, with no regard for the Americans who died building the Canal.
    Trump’s first goal must be to deport 100% of this Invasion Force to prevent the coming Hamas’ – style terrorism and thus more deaths. Reagan gave into the Democrats on “Immigration” when they lied to him. We must pray that President Trump does not repeat that Reagan mistake.

  5. LoriQ

    I am in the Denver Metro area. we are having a hard time finding eggs to purchase. Our neighbor finally found some and purchased a few cartons. Price worked out to a dollar per egg! King Soopers, Wal-Mart, Target, and a few other stores in the area are now hit and miss with standard food items. Fortunately, we are on the farming side of Denver, and my husband works with many farmers and ranchers. We are offered fresh food every year. (Thank God) Get to really know your neighbors and/or where the farmers markets are and the lovely people growing food. The damage done in this nation isn’t going to be fixed overnight. I give Trump credit, he is doing his job and keeping promises.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for the street reporting. Keep doing it please!!

    • Carol Bolt

      I am in Ontario, Canada. We can’t even get tartar sauce. It is about 2 months now but I can make my own. At our Walmart here there are many things unavailable. And the prices are insane. God knows where this will end. Beef is out of sight and we used to have a roast or 2 a week. Not now. Farmers Markets are the best but only in summer here. Take care. Carol.

    • Bill

      We have eggs but the shelves are not bare but not full either. I am lucky enough to be able to get them directly from the farmers at farmers markets for less than the grocery stores. I am in Eastern Pennsylvania (Lehigh Valley), hoping to move more central in the future.

  6. Joyce Decker

    Dear Greg….thank you for another great, informative program with Steve Quayle. As a Christian, I love you both as brothers in the LORD. I want to share a few links with you about medical research done by some of our great doctors that were blackballed during covid. They are studying the blood tests and learning a lot. I think you might have had Dr Jane Ruby on your show, not sure? [email protected] dr Kory just sent his 3rd post on chlorine dioxide and it’s not the last. Blessings in Jesus!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Sister Joyce!
      Brother Greg

      • Jeff

        Greg , I really enjoy your show ,especially when you have Steve Quayle. its good to see you’re doing well , I remember you hosting the show PM magazine on channel two with a young Cindy Farmer. God bless you.

        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks Jeff!! Those were the care-free good old days!! I got more Jesus today though. That’s a good thing.

  7. Candy Crowley

    “Weeping for MURDERERS!” Immigration And Pardons Debate | Feat Lara Trump
    Piers Morgan Uncensored 1,253,551 views Jan 27, 2025 13 products

  8. Wim

    Hi Greg,
    Always love to listen to Steve Quale. Do I believe it all, I don’t know. In everything there is always something to find ringing some bell. I never believed the Bible, believed an invisible realm exists, experienced and saw it my life long. The past two decades that revved up.
    I follow interviews about the invisible realm.
    The past two decades I am not the only one with revved up experiences from the invisible realm, that surely indicates something is brewing.
    The bible story about Jesus is not new in ancient history.
    Way before Jesus there was for instance Mythras about who was said the same characteristics as Jesus.
    Born out of a virgin, three days dead to resurrect etc etc etc. It’s the celebration of the solstice. Sun on lowest point on December the 21st to stand still for 3 days to resurrect on December 25 X-mas that is.
    I don’t want to insult your Bible belief. I believe Jesus existed standing for Justice and Love. Eternal life in my feel exists as long spirits exist, as I feel reincarnation exists. Jesus tried to promote Justice and Love what gets extinguished in a Devlish world. FAI studios (bible studies) puts it right in my mind ‘we don’t know Jesus, so we can’t know what to expect when he returns’.
    The lion and the lamb, FAI studios on YT.
    He will reincarnate…… in my mind the invisible realm is not physical…… no horses from heaven.
    In my mind Jesus is back , already walking the earth and preparing and waiting for back up out of the invisible realm. As Steve Quale the invisible realm is getting more visible. The weather revved up the past times…… in my mind writings on the wall that something is brewing…… for His return.
    Don’t believe the Bible story about Jesus, but I believe in LOVE and JUSTICE. In my mind He couldn’t deny me.
    I don’t follow the Bible Jesus…… I follow Love and Justice…… no God or Jesus could object to that…
    Follow your show for years already….. greetings from Holland…

  9. Roger Stamper

    next december 2025??? tks steve greg

  10. Don W.

    Thank you Greg for an excellent interview. The timing is so right. And I live in Denver as well and see all this happening. I am just a country kid that grew up gathering eggs from 400 chickens that we sold to the three grocery stores in our small town in NE.
    Another thing happening in CO is the people that are turning wolves loose in ranch country where they can kill cattle and the small calves are desert. I wrote that they are now controlling the ranchers and the land. The ranchers have now filed a lawsuit.
    I have also done a lot of studying about the New World Order. They want, and will get control because the Bible tells us so. That is another thing, I love seeing people talking about the Bible because it tells us of these times and we are moving closer and closer to those end times. The book of Rev. really gets into it and we are here. I agree with Steve on everything he had to say. Excellent article. I am so glad that I have had the time to study so much about this that I can really know and agree with someone like him.
    I have been Blessed all 90 years of my life, starting with wonderful parents that started me in the Bible and I went to Sunday school and then sat with my father in church while my mother played the piano.
    Blessings to you Greg and for all the excellent people you interview.

  11. Wim

    Hi Greg,
    Not important but can’t find the Lion and the Lamb FAI studios anymore.
    As from a little boy I didn’t believe the Bible, but felt and experienced the invisible realm……. Love and Justice in my system.
    Growing up I figured an Allmighty God sends a thick book which needs studies to bring Love and Justice is illogical to me. Not to mention diverse books the Koran etc to not simplifying it.
    Live in love and forget all writings, and you can’t go wrong in the eyes of no God or Jesus.
    FAI studios is not my belief in the bible, but they try to make it more rational in my feel system.
    It always had my intrigue to fill empty time with watching and listening to what’s out there….
    The truth is out there…… as they said in the X files.
    Visit usawatchdog and you find some.
    Thanks for your work Greg.
    Best regards ,

  12. Tommy

    Second verse, same as the first.

    Would love if you brought back your Weekly Updates, they made Fridays special.

    • Galaxy 500

      I loved the WNW, too. Greg would spend 4 full days working on the WNW. Give the guy a break. He is recuperating from a heart attack.
      I for one am thankful that his frequency of posting is heading back to normal

  13. Bill Holder

    Volcanic activities are a natural phenomenon that happens when Solar activity declines and the Solar Shielding goes down. The Earth’s Core reacts to Cosmic Radiation/Energies. That interaction creates mass, that mass manifest on what we see as Lava. The Earth Crust is a containment vessel and when pressure rises the mantle cracks.

    That relieve of pressure manifest as tectonic movements, fissures and volcanic activities.

    Nothing new, these types of things are cyclical and has been recorded. Also they are used as “time stamps” from past civilizations.

    So, do not fear the universe, the Earth will be here for a long time 😉

  14. AdamMunyard

    Thanks for having Steve on Greg, appreciate you both. I subscribe to Qfiles, and also Private Briefings which i recommend any and all, it is truly eye opening things
    The whole Glyph translation project is incredible and i can see it tie into AI. As always, Steve has been ahead of the rest, alongside Alex Jones

  15. Stephen Ryals

    Sorry we didn’t get in this shape in 4 years. Every administration serves the same master.
    Deep STATE =Israel They own US
    NWO runs out of Israel. The AC doesn’t rule from ROME!

  16. kate

    my sister works at a chicken processing plant… they are working 6-7 days a week now in preparation for the bird flu!
    so this is happening…

    • Paul

      God give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

      Get busy with living, death and destruction could be around the next corner.
      Enjoying our political victory now knowing the vast majority of our countrymen are like minded.

      Paul from arkansas

  17. kate

    can you give us the link so that we can verify what he is saying about ai / demonic conversations , etc…. i am a healthy skeptic so i need back up on all that podcasts, and interviews claim in their discussions as truth. thank you!

  18. Judith

    My two favorite men in one place. Great way to start the day. LOVE YOU BOTH !!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Judy!!

  19. Dips

    You know its bad when:

    A cryptocurrency called “Fartcoin” that was created as a joke currently has a market capitalization of 847 million dollars.

    FOMO – chasing tulips.

  20. Dee

    A year without summer 1816

    • Galaxy 500

      Mount Tambora exploded 1815
      Krakatoa exploded 1883
      Both impacted weather, Tambora more so

  21. d hodges

    1883 year of pandemic
    1816 year without summer

  22. Susan Russo

    I have been drawn to the body of Crist since I was a young girl. In a Saturday morning class at our local Catholic church taught by nuns, I was sitting right before her and still remember touching and feeling the cross with Jesus at the bottom of her rosary wrapped around her waist and she allowed me to do that.
    I am filled with gratitude my life began there because of my father whose parents were both born in Italy and brought up their eleven children in His teachings.

  23. Doug

    Greg if Steve is into old gold and history have him look up National Geographic story on this story … The Golden Chiefs of Panama. A Canadian lady does digs here in the summer. And its summer now. Our summer starts in December

  24. Rod M Brumley Sr Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

    Mr Greg Hunter is our Ultimate American Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
    So far in Florida there are no issues as far as food shortages -‘eggs are over $7.00 a dozen for eggland – they are plentiful tho.

    • Galaxy 500

      Same here, Sir

  25. Frank S.

    The “gates of Hell” phrase is most easily understood as equating with the irresistible gravity of a black hole in space. The compelling allure of such powerful evil will be overwhelming to all but the most devout with the strongest of faith in the Lord.

  26. Galaxy 500

    Screw these guys. Take the troops out of Europe and get us out of NATO. These people are not our allies

  27. Galaxy 500

    How do I say this, SD? I will just be blunt. Go F yourself.
    Greg, evil? Yeah, you poor delusional deluded fool. Worry about you soul before you worry about ours

  28. Steven Kayser

    Hi Greg
    Please do not post this comment. This is just feedback for you

    I love your show, but Steve Quayle is NO expert on either ancient artifacts or AI. He is an interesting author and filmmaker, but that’s it. I write out of respect for your show and a hope that you do not come across to your audience as unbalanced.

    All the best


    • Greg Hunter

      I beg to differ. Quayle has spent million$ on artifact digs.

  29. Olaf V.

    SD, or whoever you are – WHAT right have YOU in JUDGING your fellow man?
    Greg Hunter is more upright than you appear to be.
    Matthew 7:21. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
    22. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    What are YOU doing in informing the general public of deceptions that the devil is hurling at humanity? Have you the right to criticize someone who has not charged you anything for accessing his site? You come over as a true Hypocrite like these Scribes and Pharisees that Jesus often rebuked.
    Matthew 15:7. [Ye] hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,
    8. This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with [their] lips; but their heart is far from me.
    1 John 3:15. Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.
    Olaf V. Oz

  30. Rodster

    White House Press Briefings will now include the alternative media. It’s another dagger in the heart of the Legacy Media and good riddance!

  31. Bill Weather

    yes, they are going to fund a revolution. it’s in the ww3 prophecies at my site

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Bull.. I mean Bill
      You still pushing that evil website where you claim to know the second coming of Christ.
      The Bible addresses this directly. If Jesus, the Son of God, says He doesn’t know and that no man knows.
      I have to believe you to be a charlatan

  32. Galaxy 500

    Take your silly slander and go away. You paid trolls are tiresome. You guys are just like the legacy media, no one believes you or cares what you say

  33. Galaxy 500

    America is still under attack. Did you guys see the gargantuan 500lbs woman upset because the Lyft driver said she wouldn’t fit in his Toyota Corolla?
    She told Fox News she had fit before…When was this? When she was 6 yrs old?
    So big girl is going to sue. Will love to see defense asking her to get into a Toyota.
    She weighs what 4 average adult women should weigh. Oh, and she is a wrapper wannabe. I pity this poor delusional woman

  34. Abraham Robles

    Where does Admiral Richard E. Byrds observations on Agatha the legendary kingdom hollow earth popular subject come into play? Do you think these beings are going to stand by idle and let the earth be destroyed? Thery will intervene. This is the logic behind the unseen becoming the SEEN. This will bring about the REAL HOLY JIHAD.

    • Smed Athelstan Sq.

      Reply to Abraham Robles
      In these turbulent times, a celestial war has shattered the tranquility of the heavens. The ultimate battle between good and evil has seen Satan and his minions cast down to the vicinity of the Earth, filled with wrath, knowing that their reign of chaos is nearing its end. Anguish fuels their every move, as they seek to drag as many as they can into the abyss awaiting them, of their despair. For truly, misery loves company and they want you too.
      Yet, amidst this turmoil, a flicker of hope shines through. For the prophecy tells us of a great crowd that will rise triumphantly from this great tribulation. These victors, having washed their robes and cleansed their sins in the blood of the Lamb, will emerge pure and righteous. Under the divine guidance of God’s kingdom, they will stand firm, their spirits unbroken.
      In the blessed future promised by God’s kingdom, the meek shall inherit the Earth. Under the unyielding rod of Christ’s rule, peace and justice will prevail. This sacred kingdom, still heralded by this the generation, that Jesus said would see all his prophecy’s and by no means pass away Still alive to the end of a wicked world, an age, a system and is still a beacon of hope for mankind. Into a new world where swords will be beaten into plowshares, and the lion will lie down with the lamb. A world where tears will be wiped away, and suffering will be no more.
      In this promised land, the faithful will dwell in harmony, basking in the eternal love and light of God’s presence. They will sing songs of joy, their hearts overflowing with gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon them. Under Christ’s benevolent rule, the Earth will flourish, a testament to the power of divine grace and the ultimate victory of good over evil.
      Let us hold fast to this hope, and strive to be among those who will stand victorious, their robes gleaming white. For the kingdom of God awaits, a realm where love, joy, peace, and righteousness reign supreme. And in this kingdom, the meek shall truly inherit the Earth.
      1. Revelation 12:7-12: This passage describes the war in heaven, where Michael and his angels fight against the dragon (Satan) and his angels, leading to Satan being cast down to the Earth.
      2. 1 Peter 5:8: This verse warns of Satan’s anger and his desire to cause harm, emphasizing the need to be vigilant.
      3. Revelation 20:1-3: These verses describe the binding of Satan and his confinement for a thousand years.
      4. Revelation 7:9-14: This passage speaks of the great crowd coming out of the great tribulation, having washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb.
      5. Matthew 5:5: This verse promises that the meek shall inherit the Earth.
      6. Revelation 2:26-27: These verses talk about Christ’s rule with an iron rod.
      7. Isaiah 2:4: This verse envisions a future where swords will be beaten into plowshares.
      8. Isaiah 11:6-9: These verses describe a world of peace where the lion will lie down with the lamb.
      9. Revelation 21:4: This verse promises that God will wipe away every tear and there will be no more outcry or suffering.
      10. In Matthew 24:34, Jesus made a profound statement: “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” This declaration has been a subject of much contemplation and discussion, particularly among those who look to the signs of the last days.
      The generation Jesus referred to includes those who witness the unfolding of the prophecies he outlined in the Olivet Discourse. This discourse, found in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, details the signs that would mark the last days of the present system of things.
      1. Wars and Rumors of Wars (Matthew 24:6-7) Jesus foretold of global conflicts and political turmoil.
      2. Food Shortages and Earthquakes (Matthew 24:7) Natural disasters and scarcity would be widespread.
      3. Increasing Lawlessness (Matthew 24:12) Moral decay and disregard for law and order would become more pronounced.
      4. Good News of the Kingdom Preached Worldwide (Matthew 24:14) The message of God’s Kingdom would be proclaimed to all nations.
      5. Critical Times Hard to Deal With (2 Timothy 3:1-5) The Apostle Paul echoed Jesus’ prophecies, describing a world filled with selfishness, greed, and violence.

      Jesus assured that the generation witnessing these events would not pass away before the culmination of the age. This generation, therefore, encompasses those who observe the fulfillment of these prophetic signs, particularly from the onset of what many believe to be significant events in the early 20th century onwards, aligning with the increased frequency and intensity of these signs.
      Amidst these turbulent times, the hope for humanity lies in God’s Kingdom, as proclaimed by Jesus. Revelation 21:3-4 promises a future where God will dwell with mankind, wiping away every tear, and eliminating death, mourning, and pain. This Kingdom, under the righteous rule of Christ, will bring about true peace and security.

      As Jesus encouraged in Matthew 24:42, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” The call to remain vigilant and steadfast in faith is paramount.
      Abraham, I hope this helps! If you have any other questions or need further clarification on our demon invasion, feel free to arsk. 😊

  35. Justn Observer

    Greg. more fires starting in L.A.? Faulty wires or Arson?
    Victor Davis Hanson: California—New Wildfires, Same Faces
    Celebrity podcaster Andrew Huberman films ‘arson’ incident as LA fires burn out of control =
    Arson suspect said he ‘liked the smell of burning leaves,’ another ‘enjoyed causing chaos’: LAPD =
    Woman sets car on fire at gas station in Hollywood =
    ARSON SUSPECT ARRESTED!! Los Angeles. Palisades Fire.
    Deja vie? or as so think ‘a cult of people planned the fires of such satanic and evil deeds for some ‘agenda’ by globalist? Makes one wonder just who those might be behind such nefarious acts as far as advancing ‘smart cities’ or other ‘globalist’ plans? =
    Michael Shellenberger Exposes Who’s to Blame for the LA Fire Disaster
    @31:00 book City of Quartz by Mike Davis= =
    ‘let Malibu burn’ = of a series of such thoughts…= AS SEEN LOOKING DEEPER INTO MIKE DAVIS WORK –

    book progressive book out of Chicago?

    One might see in those how ‘satanic cults’ even from EU, could have risen up and been used via…SAY…MKULTA implanted to the ‘courses and plans’ for ‘change’ by globalists and to use such to advance ‘their’ goals and agendas for decades?
    FBI Chief Exposes Dark Secrets in 2001

    Different concern. Pray that Secretary Hegseth can fix this problem of the many he will be faced with –
    Did The Navy Kill A Military Whistleblower?

    One might consider the effect of letting Marxist Professors and Progressives reign over the nations education (entrainment) system for far too long!
    ADD the attack on family and religion = a toxic mix to poison cultural adhesion…

  36. Steve Bice

    It is past time to pierce the corporate veil that shrouds the corruption of data driving many scientific conclusions. The pervasive inability to replicate studies is both telling and concerning.

    Regardless of your views on the RFK, Jr. hearings, we need someone who will increase transparency and eliminate conflicts of interest in the agencies that purportedly exist for our protection.
    Science is the Wizard of Oz…the man behind the curtain. It is the master of knowing many things that aren’t so.

    Scientific “truth” is just passing through, until better information emerges. The problem is that people have been conditioned to believe it is correct all the time, and that makes them vulnerable.

    A slave to science is still a slave… and monied interests (corporate sectors) want to enslave us.
    Worth a listen (about 3 minutes)…

    Trust and “know” carefully…

  37. Steve Bice

    Inadvertently attached the long version link. Here’s the three-minute version…

  38. Robert Blakely

    ‘Military failing to obey’: Aviation expert on fatal mid-air collision outside Washington DC Sky News Australia Jan 30, 2025
    Sky News aviation expert Byron Bailey has discussed the fatal crash near an airport outside Washington DC between a regional American Airlines flight carrying 64 people and a Black Hawk military helicopter.
    “This was definitely the military failing to obey having told air traffic control they had the airliner in sight – it was up to them, their responsibility to pass behind as they were instructed to do and they didn’t,” he told Sky News host Paul Murray.
    “So that unfortunately will be the finding.”
    First few comments:::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Once again, as someone in the US, it is Sky News Australia with an actual aviation expert that knows, first hand, what he is talking about with respect to TCAS, IFR and see-and-avoid VFR rules. Unlike the MSM in the US that spews nonsense and has so-called experts that don’t know what they are talking about.
    I will save the investigation time and money: there is NO REASON to allow a helicopter to fly across the approach path of a busy airport…ESPECIALLY at night.
    I 100% agree with that pilot, the airliner was totally committed to landing, at 400ft altitude you can’t be jigging about with a 100 ton aircraft. Helicopters have the added skill of being able to stop and hover on the spot. The Blackhawk was definitely in the wrong here. From a UK ex pilot.
    Mr Bailey, excellent summary of this disaster. Direct, authoritative, and without drama.
    The expert said that the helicopter pilot lost sight of the plane.
    I suggest that he might have thought that he he could see it, but the thing that he was looking at was another plane, rather than the one he hit.
    Can always count on Australian news to explain so well.

    Collision Course – mid air collision Zagreb 1976 Yugoslavia’s worst air disaster
    Rob Sinclair 100,999 views Sep 12, 2021
    The shocking mid air collision between a BA Trident and a Inex-Adria DC9, aired on BBC Panorama
    @paule6945 3 years ago
    What an amazing docudrama……..absolutely first class 👏
    Dec 5, 2016 At 11:14 and 48 seconds on September 10th 1976, two paints on a radar screen at Air Traffic Control Zagreb – Croatia, [former Yugoslavia] merged, parted for a moment, then disappeared. Those paints represented the lives of 176 people.

  39. Jannie

    Rare: Russian Fpv Drones Destroy Everything! No Escape
    Murat Yaralı 56K subscribers Jan 30, 2025
    Russian Fpv Drone Blows Up a Shelter: 3 Soldiers Inside
    Fighting continues fiercely in the Kursk and Donetsk regions. The decision of Mr. Donald Trump, the US President for the second time, on the Russia-Ukraine war is eagerly awaited. In the clashes in the region, Lancet Drone continues to attack Ukrainian positions. HIMARS attacks from the Ukrainian side are trying to hit Russian positions. Abrams tank was destroyed by a fpv drone.

    Russia ‘Wipes Out’ Over A Dozen American Fighters In Ukraine; Kin Plead For Remains – Report
    Times Of India (TOI) Is The Largest Selling English Daily In The World.

  40. Railroaded

    Donald Trump wins major legal victory
    Story by Kevin Harrish • 9h
    Back in 2021, Meta banned Donald Trump from Facebook as a result of his role in the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol. Trump responded with a federal lawsuit alleging First Amendment violations and other claims, and it sounds like he’s just seen a pretty significant victory in that case.

    The Volvo XC90 Plug-In Hybrid – Sign & Drive Event
    The Volvo XC90 Plug-In Hybrid – Sign & Drive Event
    According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, Meta has agreed to pay Donald Trump a $25 million settlement to resolve the lawsuit which claimed “impermissible censorship.

    “Meta Platforms has agreed to pay roughly $25 million to settle a 2021 lawsuit that President Trump brought against the company and its CEO after the social-media platform suspended his accounts following the attack on the U.S. Capitol that year, according to people familiar with the agreement,” the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

    “Of that, $22 million will go toward a fund for Trump’s presidential library, with the rest going to legal fees and the other plaintiffs who signed on to the case. Meta won’t admit wrongdoing, the people said. Trump signed the settlement agreement Wednesday in the Oval Office.”

    The Wall Street Journal reported that discussions surrounding the lawsuit heated up recently after Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg traveled to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf club in Florida for a dinner with him in November. The meeting was part of an effort by Zuckerberg and Meta to mend ties with Trump as he took office.

    Related video: Trump says he will appeal Judge’s block on his executive order ending birthright citizenship (WHAS-TV Louisville)
    WHAS-TV Louisville
    Trump says he will appeal Judge’s block on his executive order ending birthright citizenship
    View on Watch
    View on Watch
    The report claims that Trump brought up the lawsuit, making it clear that the lawsuit needed to be settled before Zuckerberg could be “brought into the tent,” a source told the Wall Street Journal.

    Trump also sued Twitter, now renamed X, and YouTube, along with their corporate leaders. The suit against Twitter has since been dismissed by a federal judge, and the Google suit was administratively closed in 2023.
    This settlement appears to be a step toward mending the relationship between Trump and Zuckerberg.

  41. R.B. Docudrama

    Collision Course (1979) Tomislav Brnčić
    26,991 views Dec 5, 2016 At 11:14 and 48 seconds on September 10th 1976, two points on a radar screen at Air Traffic Control Zagreb – Croatia, merged, parted for a moment, then disappeared. Those points represented the lives of 176 people.
    If you have problems with volume on your sound system try this posting. This has a higher volume and except for comments in Serb/Croat does the trick!

  42. Robert Messina

    I find it interesting that they use the term SYCAMORE
    it’s almost a mockery against believers when they asked Jesus
    to increase their faith
    His reply was : if you have the faith the size of a mustard seed you can say to this mountain be thou removed
    With similar Logic HE also said : you can say to this sycamore tree be thou removed and it will obey you
    A sycamore tree has many roots and is WELL ROOTED
    MOUNTAINS represent empires (EGYPT , ASSYRIA, BABYLON , ETC)
    SYCAMORE TREES represent various areas of DEMONIC rulers of DARKNESS
    Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against PRINCIPALITIES, against POWERS, against RULERS OF DARKNESS of this world, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS in high places.

    BOTH mountains and sycamore trees are IMPOSSIBLE to move without a HUGE FAITH COMMAND

    Ezekiel 1,2 : Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus (Anti-Christ Spirit),
    Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the SEAS; (REV:13 first Beast rises from the SEA) yet THOU ART A MAN, AND NOT GOD, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:
    4 With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures:
    5 By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches:

    AI requires communication from RULERS OF DARKNESS to person or group in order to gather ALL info SECRET or PUBLIC for every soul

  43. Alf Jenkins

    Collision Course (1979) ZAGREB PARTE I-3
    The 1976 Zagreb mid-air collision was a mid-air collision that took place on September 10, 1976, when British Airways Flight 476 en route from London to Istanbul, collided mid-air with Inex-Adria Aviopromet Flight 550 en route from Split, SFR Yugoslavia, to Cologne, West Germany, near Zagreb in modern-day Croatia. The collision was the result of a procedural error on the part of air traffic controllers in Zagreb.
    I remember watching it on TV when it originally was shown here in Australia and being glued to the screen. “A crime can have many victims but no true perpetrator.”

  44. Galaxy 500

    Trump has held more press conferences in 10 days than O’Biden bin Harris did in 4 years

  45. S W

    The Gates Of Hell.
    Michael Heiser had did a really good teaching on the background of the Gates of Hell in his book Reversing Hermon (Ch 6). There is a connection to Mount Hermon and the events that took place there dealing with the fallen angels aka the Watchers, the Book of Enoch and Gen 6. Mount Hermon aka Mount Bashan is the area where Caesarea Philippi is located and where the Matt 16:13-20 event took place. Spoiler alert it had nothing to do with Peter being the first pope as some claim. It is a very good teaching if you have enough background in the scriptures, history of the period and extra biblical text.
    Michael Heiser Reversing Hermon

  46. George Berwash

    🚨Kash Patel DESTROYS Senator Amy Klobuchar so bad Everyone in Congress LAUGHS at Her MELTDOWN OkayRickk 1 hour ago

    Tulsi Gabbard full Senate confirmation hearing for intelligence chief (Jan. 30, 2025)
    WFAA Jan 30, 2025 Tulsi Gabbard had her first Senate confirmation hearing after President Trump nominated her for director of national intelligence.

  47. Steve Bice

    Discussing the financial endgame with Chatgpt. Thought some might find it interesting. Just spitballing. It started with my question about the collapse of the London Gold pool in 1968 and how it would differ from a collapse of the LBMA today.

    “The dollar’s strength is largely based on the size of the U.S. economy, its financial markets, and its political influence, rather than its backing by gold.”

    If confidence is lost in the “backing” described above due to excessive printing by the FED to purchase treasuries to hold interest rates down and prevent default or a rapid rise in interest rates, the world might return to a quasi gold standard. If U.S. reserves have been depleted (are non-existent) what would be the repercussions and what would happen to the gold price?

    If the U.S. were to lose confidence in the strength of its dollar due to excessive money printing, the depletion of its gold reserves (or the perception that its reserves are non-existent), and the potential for a return to a quasi-gold standard, the repercussions could be severe and far-reaching, both for the U.S. economy and the global financial system.

    1. Loss of Confidence in the Dollar:
    Dollar Depreciation: If the world loses confidence in the U.S. dollar—due to fears of inflation, the devaluation of the dollar through excessive printing, or concerns about the country’s depleted reserves—the dollar would likely experience a sharp depreciation in foreign exchange markets. This would be a direct consequence of reduced trust in the dollar’s value as a store of wealth or unit of account.

    Hyperinflation Risk: If the Federal Reserve continued printing money excessively to finance government debt (through treasury purchases) without credible backing (like gold or productive assets), it could lead to hyperinflation in the U.S. While inflation would initially be gradual, a breakdown in confidence could lead to a sharp surge in inflation as the dollar loses its purchasing power rapidly.

    2. Repercussions for the U.S. Economy:
    Rising Interest Rates: The loss of confidence in the dollar would likely lead to higher demand for alternative assets (like gold, other foreign currencies, or commodities) and a decline in demand for U.S. treasuries. This would cause U.S. interest rates to rise, as the government would need to offer higher returns to attract buyers for its debt.

    Debt Crisis: If U.S. treasuries became less attractive due to inflation concerns or lack of perceived backing, the U.S. government would face increasing difficulties in financing its debt. If the Federal Reserve were forced to keep rates low to prevent a fiscal collapse, it might lose its ability to control inflation and maintain the value of the dollar. This scenario could push the U.S. toward a debt crisis, where the government struggles to meet its obligations.

    Potential Default or Restructuring: If the U.S. was unable to manage rising debt and interest payments, there could be the risk of a sovereign default or a restructuring of its debt. In such a scenario, the U.S. might be forced to either cut back on government spending dramatically or renegotiate the terms of its debt, which could further erode confidence in the dollar.

    3. Impact on Global Trade and Geopolitics:
    Shift Away from the Dollar: As confidence in the U.S. dollar erodes, other countries might increasingly diversify their reserves away from dollars and into gold, other foreign currencies (such as the euro, yen, or Chinese yuan), or alternative assets. This would reduce global demand for the dollar, leading to a depreciation in its value relative to other currencies.

    Decentralized Reserve Systems: Countries that were previously reliant on the dollar as the global reserve currency might start to de-dollarize their economies. This would lead to a reduction in the dollar’s role in international trade, which could be replaced by a basket of other currencies or commodities, including gold.

    Emergence of Regional Reserve Currencies: As countries move away from the dollar, regional currencies (like the euro or yuan) could gain more prominence in global trade. The Chinese yuan, in particular, has been actively promoted by China as an alternative to the dollar, and this trend could accelerate in a loss-of-confidence scenario.

    4. A Return to a Quasi-Gold Standard:
    Gold as a Reserve Asset: In a scenario where the U.S. reserves are depleted or considered non-existent, and the world loses confidence in the dollar, gold could return as a central pillar of the global monetary system—but not necessarily as the exclusive standard. A “quasi-gold standard” might emerge, where countries hold a significant portion of their reserves in gold to restore credibility and manage currency volatility.

    Gold-Backed Currencies or SDRs: Some countries could issue gold-backed digital currencies, or international institutions like the IMF could propose a Special Drawing Rights (SDR) system that includes gold as a component, alongside other assets. A quasi-gold standard might involve countries or blocs using gold as a reserve asset to back their fiat currencies to varying degrees, without fully reverting to the old gold standard of fixed prices and convertibility.

    5. Gold Price Dynamics:
    The price of gold would likely surge in such a scenario, driven by several factors:
    Flight to Safety: Investors, fearing the collapse or devaluation of the dollar, would flock to gold as a safe-haven asset. This demand would push up the price significantly.

    Central Bank Purchases: In a world where a quasi-gold standard is reintroduced, central banks around the world might need to accumulate more gold to back their fiat currencies, further driving up the price. Countries like Russia and China, which have been accumulating gold, would be better positioned in such an environment.

    Market Speculation: Speculators and hedge funds would also rush into the gold market, anticipating a sharp rise in price as they bet on the currency crisis unfolding. This could lead to even more volatility in the gold price.

    Gold as a Monetary Asset: If gold were used as a reserve asset to back currencies, its price would no longer be purely driven by demand from investors but also from central banks and sovereign wealth funds. Gold could see a revaluation as it is integrated into the monetary system again, but with more volatility than in the past due to its use as a reserve asset alongside fiat currencies.

    6. Broader Economic Consequences:
    Global Recession: A crisis of confidence in the dollar and a sudden shift toward gold-backed assets could destabilize the global economy. A rapid transition away from the dollar might lead to recessionary pressures as countries adjust to a new, less liquid monetary system. There could be disruptions to global trade, as companies and governments would need to adjust to a new financial order.

    Disruptions in Global Supply Chains: The transition to a new reserve currency system, potentially involving gold, could cause short-term disruptions in global supply chains. Businesses would need time to adapt to new exchange rate systems and financing mechanisms. These disruptions could lead to inflationary pressures and an increase in the cost of living for many people worldwide.

    7. Long-Term Implications:
    Potential Stabilization: Over time, if countries managed to move to a quasi-gold standard in an orderly manner, and if gold were incorporated into a multi-currency reserve system, the global economy might stabilize. However, this could take many years of adjustment.
    Financial Innovation: A shift to a gold-backed system could also encourage financial innovation, such as gold-backed digital currencies or new financial instruments that allow investors and governments to hold and transact in gold without the inefficiencies of physical gold storage.

    Summary of Repercussions:
    Immediate Impact:
    Dollar depreciation, high inflation, and rising interest rates in the U.S.
    The U.S. government may face a debt crisis and struggle to finance its obligations.
    Global de-dollarization and a shift to gold or other assets as reserve currencies.
    Medium-Term Consequences:
    Gold price likely to surge, driven by both investor demand and central bank accumulation.
    Financial instability globally as countries transition to new reserve assets.
    Potential for gold-backed currencies or a global SDR system incorporating gold.

    Long-Term Adjustments:
    A new monetary system might emerge, possibly with a quasi-gold standard, but it would take time to stabilize.
    Economic recovery would depend on how effectively countries can transition and manage a mixed currency-gold system.
    If U.S. reserves were depleted and confidence in the dollar was lost, the world would face a significant transition, with gold likely becoming a central asset in a restructured global financial system.
    This would have profound implications for both the U.S. economy and the global economy, as countries adapt to a new paradigm of money and reserves.

    • Seer

      Good info. I believe DOGE and administration are already reducing debt and clawing back funds without declaring the default has started. Better this way to limit fear.
      Sanctions and tariffs way to grab money from other countries to survive the USA republic. No income tax to survive citizens pockets and savings as we are in a collapse without announcing it. Trust people hear planned long ago for this. Be safe.

    • Galaxy 500

      Isn’t ChatGPT a notorious liar and purveyor of misinformation? Just asking

      • Steve Bice

        It has a liberal and/or status quo bias and many sins of omission in my experience, which can result in answers that are flat wrong.

        In this case, I thought it did a nice job of summarizing the issues. As always, you are the final judge. Much to our host’s chagrin, I always reserve the right to question the “experts” be they electronic or human, and would encourage others to do the same. Dangerous times…

  48. Seer

    here not hear…..spelling

  49. Slide

    Help the sheeple and investigate the use of MMS and Chlorine Dioxide to cure 82% of all disease. There are over 100,000 patents for Chlorine Dioxide. We the people aren’t being cured so it must be the eugenics oligarchs that have overthrown all the world’s governments using this cure?
    Why doesn’t Karen Kingston investigate?

  50. Clyde

    Press & Media Propaganda

    The pursuit of the objective truth is no longer the goal of the press/media, but rather, a left-wing interpretation that supports the objectives of big-government, big-business and big-institutions that run in opposition to the People’s best interests.

  51. Clyde

    I’ve flown in airport environments with control towers and have had to work around Black Hawk helicopters that you don’t teally know what their flight path is going to be. It is quite nerve racking as a fixed wing pilot, having to deal with rotary wing aircraft in an airport environment. The two don’t mix well together.

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