World at War with Criminals Controlling Weather – Dane Wigington
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says Hurricane Helene is the latest crime the climate engineering cabal put on the people of Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Florida. The storm was no accident, and neither was its path. Wigington says, “You see, these events are being ramped up to even more catastrophic levels. Finally, and thankfully, people are waking up to what is being done to them. More are waking up to the fact that these storms are being steered. This is patented technology. We can and are recording the transmission activations. . . . Those transmissions are posted on the homepage of There are plenty of other storms (that are steered). We recorded other hurricanes, too, such as Ian, Harvey, Michael and Maria. This is not new, but the level of damage in this case (Helene) is.”
Who is behind the destructive weather control? Wigington says, “Anybody who still thinks the U.S. government is there to protect them and preserve their future and their posterity’s future needs to wake up. Those that run our government are nothing less than a criminal cabal. They are a cancer that exists for their own ends. Bottom line with Hurricane Helene is we see the same process that we have seen with other hurricanes in recent years. These storms are not allowed to organize when they are out in the ocean, but when they get close to landfall, we get rapid intensification. You have heard that term a lot lately.”
Why target Western North Carolina? Wigington says you can speculate on the lithium mining in the area that locals want to restrict or crystal mines as well. What is not speculation is technology that can be used for storm steering. Wigington points out, “The world’s oceans are super-heating. If the planet was left unfettered, there would certainly be storms spawning. . . That’s the world’s attempt to cool itself. So, any intervention with these life support systems is definitely a leap in the wrong direction. All of these programs are about power and control, ultimately. The fact that they are steering the storms, we can definitively conclude that.”
Wigington has been in contact with members of Congress with districts that were in the path of Helene. Wigington says more and more people are waking up to the weather warfare happening around the world to destroy humanity. Wigington says, “These congressional representatives are hearing from their constituents in the field, and they are saying nothing about this storm was normal, natural or anything they experienced before. When you interfere with the planet’s life support system, you trigger downstream, cascading effects that are beyond catastrophic. We are seeing that right now. How many of these types of storms do we need to see? . . . All of this is a giant Ponzi scheme, and it’s about to come to a head. . . . They have taught and trained people in a way so they don’t know how close impact is. Those in power are preparing. They are doing everything they can to feed normalcy bias until the moment of impact. Thus, the pumped-up stock market, the false jobs report and everything is going to be wonderful. They make people think we are going to have some renaissance of consumerism, and it’s not going to happen. This is a grand and lethal experiment . . .We are at war with a criminal cabal that runs it all. That is the fact of the matter.”
Wigington still holds out hope that more people will reach a critical awareness and force the climate engineering to stop so we can salvage some of what’s left of the life support system of planet Earth.
There is much more in the 40-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with climate researcher Dane Wigington, founder of, with an update on the calamity of manmade climate engineering that destroyed much of the southeast with Hurricane Helene for 10.5.24
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After the Interview:
If you want to see the latest geoengineered heat map of the US, click here.
If you want to see a 90 sec video proving steering Hurricane Helene, click here.
There is vast and totally free information on
To see the free film called “The Dimming,” click here.
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We must be concerned about the impact of the November 22, 1963-founded Communist Democrat RINO Party, their Open Border Criminal Illegal Alien Invasion of the United States, the safety of President Trump, and the integrity of the 2024 Election. Why are they spending money on their murdering, raping, and free-loading Invasion Force and letting our citizens in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, and neighboring states die?
Weather manipulation is another form of War.
They now openly admit to cloud seeding technology . The Indonesian government, Chinese Party, Thai government are at the forefront.
Many parts of Asia have been destroyed by these attacks and have become more prevalent than ever before.
Thanks so much to Dane and a shout out to Debra Tavares ❤️
Typo sorry….
Deborah Tavares.
Hope Marc Faber is okay in Chiang Mai Thailand, severe flooding there.
The following is copied and pasted from the comments section of Julie Green Ministries (prophesy dated Oct. 8, 2024 – entitled Judgement Day is Coming for the One World Government )
Wouldn’t it be crazy if one of the richest lithium deposits in the world was right outside of Ashland, North Carolina?
Wouldn’t it be crazy if the mining company was just given $250 million dollars in grants to help with construction of their mine right outside of Asheville, North Carolina?
Wouldn’t it be crazy if less than a month before the flood started BLACKROCK acquired 2.2 million shares of stock in the mining company?
Wouldn’t it be crazy if the residents that opposed the mine had their homes and property destroyed?
WOULDN’T IT BE CRAZY IF Ablemarle Mining; the salivating, greedy, mining company that intends to rape this now decimated area in North Carolona was owned mostly via shares by Blackrock and Vanguard?
WOULDN’T IT BE CRAZY IF the one who owned the MOST shares of blackrock was Doug Emhoff the husband of Kamala Harris?
WOW! WOULDN’T IT BE CRAZY IF the person who approves the mining permits is KAMALA HARRIS?
North Carolina OMG!
Are Hurricanes Used As Cover to Exterminate Homeless People?
Asheville 😔😢
Watching this reminds me of the precarious times we face from the warning scripture and adaptations in Leave the World Behind movie.
Not sure why this has and Asian tragedies has not been covered more here in Australia. Then I heard Dane mentioned they are trying to avoid exposure and subsequent investigations by the open minded.
This one Greg please.
Asheville 😔😢
Watching this reminds me of the precarious times we face from the warning scripture and adaptations in Leave the World Behind movie.
Not sure why this and Asian tragedies has not been covered more here in Australia. Then I heard Dane mentioned they are trying to avoid exposure and subsequent investigations by the open minded.
Drone Pilot: Officials Halting Death Count Due To Overwhelming Destruction from Helene
It worse than that… the Feds are trying to interfere with citizens helping citizens
my MD friend who works in Tampa area with board of elections said vote “early and in person”
said They will try to set up events to stop nov 5 voting
dems always vote early
DJT supporters must do the same from now on… to put all your hope in voting on one day makes the conservatives’ cause VULNERABLE to potential deep state false flags in early November, targeted for preventing DJT votes, when 80-90% of dem votes will have already been cast!
in this grand game of chess, we must play well
DJT votes must be in before Halloween
there are no $750 checks. those that have internet can APPLY for the $750 “assistance” which is a LOAN that if not paid back on time allows the gov to seize their property. if you had homeowners insurance you do NOT QUALIFY for the $750 loan. check out the increased wealth of Kamala husband since the storm
The $750 dollar “Assistance” Checks to Homeless and Flood Damaged AMERICAN CITIZENS have to be REPAID?? While “Illegals Sneaking into our Country are Simply Handed $2,000 to $10,000 Dollars on Credit Cards “No Questions Asked” and “No Obligation to Ever Pay It Back???
Yeah! And the Homeless Flood Damaged AMERICAN CITIZENS are also required to “Apply for Assistance” ON LINE When “THEY HAVE NO ELECTRICITY” OR “EVEN A COMPUTER” on which to make such a request for some token FEMA funds that were All Splurged Away on the ILLEGAL NON-CITIZENS!!!
Michael Jaco & Riccardo Bosi: White Hats in Control: Trump’s Secret Military Ops That Are Happening NOW:
Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Wigington, in any other field Mr Wigington’s research would carry a doctorate IF science were free along with universites.
Here in the UK we have a lottery,I dare not say which one, but its statistics are way off and have been for many years. One researcher has asked a few difficult questions and he barely makes a living now. So much for randomness!
Much of what you’re talking about can be found in”After the Warning to 2038” chapters concerning apparitions of Mary , the Mother of God, to various seers(pages 145 to 168”
Dane in my opinion is the REAL WATCHDOG in the room,when you have knowledge that Dane has about what is going on with the rigging/manipulating of our climate world wide and he goes to all lengths to get it out to the world at large.
So on a peculiar note the scum of the earth better known as the cabal have taken their rigging of the stock markets/currencies/financial data etc etc to NEW HEIGHTS!!!
I have witnessed what Dane told us about in at least 6 different countries and tried to speak to the people living there about the manmade disaster happening right in front of them unfortunately most of them thought I was cooky to say the least.
General Flynn EXPOSES The Dark TRUTH About What’s Happening In Appalachia: ‘THOUSANDS Are Dead…
check to make sure swing state voters are registered, please
With permission Greg.
The 3rd seal of revelation!
Bo Polny and of course Scriptures say it and now this interview confirms we are on track.
New Clif High & David Rodriguez – A Cataclysmic Event That Will Change The World Forever.
Greg, unfortunately I too believe there is no Renaissance coming. I have been feeling very strongly for many years the ruling class is keeping us busy while they prep. I believe it all comes down between 2027 and 2033. All of it. Until then, they want to reduce the population for their own safety. They intend to start fresh on the other side without most of us. I also feel we should be adding the moving magnetic poles to the discussion.
Don’t give these elite bastards too much credit and Jesus and Jehovah not nearly enough.
Didn’t Tennessee just recently ban chemtrail over flight operations in thier state? I think you reported this few weeks ago. I wonder how this plays into the matrix…..
Yes, Tennessee banned chem trails and our sky is much clearer.
Greg notice how so many people are screaming about Israel and Palestinians deaths but where is their concern for the 70,000,000 babies MURDERED and the 1.000,000’s of people dieing from the CLOT SHOTS all over our Country USA and the world 🌎🌍. Where is the compaction for ALMIGHTY GOD’S BABIES and all our fellow Americans and fellow Humans.
PS When I wrote about the GEO Engineered storm that hit and killed 1000’s of people destroyed everything they had on our South Eastern side of our country on your I had no idea that you were going to have him today. 🙏
Greg This is what I was talking about gold? Dane said we might not make it to 2030 it would be better to help others anyway possible right now to get people born again what will we say to Lord Jesus Christ 😭 when we stand before Him and our Father when they say to us , What did you do for others did you learn to love? Or did you fill your BARNS with gold, silver , antiques and tons of food ? For your life will be required of you today. For your life is but a vapor. What did Almighty God do for the widow woman and her son when she listened to the Lord ? He didn’t let her flour gar empty and she had 🍞 bread until the end of the drout and how about the widow woman with her two sons who only had a little oil ? The Lord put it on the prophet’s heart to tell her to gather 🫙🫙🫙🫙🫙🫙 jars gather not a few them go into your house with your sons and shut the door and pour the oil into the jars. What happened? The widow woman and sons were told to go sell the oil pay your bills and live on the rest of the money for the rest of the life.💰.that was a lot of oil. If we listen to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit we will be guided through all of this. I think of all of those DEAR PEOPLE 😭 in North Carolina and Tennessee and the other states that were intentionally destroyed were mostly prepares had their food. water,guns,gold,, can goods, medical supplies all ready for what was coming they thought. But they were only one breath away from their Master Lord Jesus Christ like each of us is. What did Lord Jesus Christ say about building 🏫 barns. 😭
Also I don’t know what was happening on my phone but the whole time I was trying to listen to Dane Wigington every 5 minutes Tucker Carlson came on saying ” what if they turn off all the power in the country there is going to be total chaos” Nothing will happen to him money 💰💰 is he and his dad Dick predicting something he knows from the British PILGRIM SOCIETY ? I don’t like seeing his face anymore there’s something wrong about him he’s TO Mr Perfect. ? Somethings wrong. Remember we’re in a Psychological operation.
Hi Greg,
Bunkers will not save the globalists (at least not for long) if everything is destroyed on the surface. These psychopaths are stupid. The stupid pilots and other people doing their dirty work are even more stupid. You won’t be able to spend your money if they and their families and everyone is dead.
Your friend in Christ
I agree Tim. Above ground so you can see Jesus come back is the place to be!!
Speaking of the elites in their underground bunkers and their confidence in their safety,if by Chance,a large deep earthquake happens where they are at. Chances are,their bunkers would be crushed ,and they included. Our lord said “be not afraid and trust in Him”. So I will stick with Our Lord.
Poochiwoo: You do have good and valid points. On a metaphysical level–God’s own NATURAL Earth cannot hold unfathomable EVIL that we have on it now–to the extent we see here:
Are we all going to make a BRAVE STAND for what is good, right and true and help our fellow Humans? Did the Founding Fathers do it? Did the American Revolutionaries do it? Or are we just going to let the guillotine force do to us what they are doing to our fellow Humans over there?
All a Satanic distraction to keep us apart from God’s purposes in Jesus Christ. To keep truly born again in a state of babyhood with a false sense, imagination of growing when in reality they are not. They remain 1/8th in. deep and a mile wide when many should be swimming in rivers of Living water.
We all love Jesus and Jehovah here, but are we supposed to simply lie down to evil and give up? 2 Chronicles 7:14 Pray, everybody continue to pray.
We are now being told that another Hurricane will directly hit the West coast of Florida. How do they know that for sure unless they are steering it in our direction? Could it be that they want to create chaos in Florida prior to the election? Florida tends to be pro Trump.
yup! Hurricane Milton has “Rapidly Intensified’ and may be a Cat 5 by tonight. should weaken some before hitting around Tampa but still going to be the biggest hurricane to hit Tampa in over 100 years. punishment for voting for Trump I suspect.
Sense you’ve been back, your videos are getting any annoying break ins that we have to exit from. I figured you don’t have any control over this. Love yah Greg!
That is a Rumble thing. So sorry.
In the past week or so, its happening on every podcast and video for me, whether on Rumble or directly on the podcaster’s own website. Usually cheezie ads, but also the the Tucker “what if they unplug…” short.
If anybody has a fix for settings or blocks, please let me know.
Why are so many people neglecting to mention the devastated areas of Eastern Tennessee? Complete farms are under water, and their animals have drowned. Patients and staff had to be evacuated from the roof of a hospital. The town of Erwin is just gone. We have people and animals who have died. Our people are suffering too, but the “news” and a lot of truther channels are just ignoring Tennessee. It’s really sad.
Thank you for bringing it up.
Wow, I knew West NC was hit. Hadn’t seen any reports
Revelation 11:17-19
“……………and the time has come to destroy those who destroy the earth…………………..”
enough said
Brother Adam,
Amen to that!!
brother Greg
Thank you Greg for this.
regarding energy weapons, the technologies they intend to use on the entire population is described in detail at
Lets all get on the phone and Yell at our “Our Demonic Uni-Party Representatives” to Stop Using Directed Energy Weapons (like Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Lasers, Microwaves and Atomic Bombs) against the very Civilians who Voted Them into Office, and to Also Stop putting Their Illegal Surveillance Devices in our Cars, Dishwashers, etc., etc., and Immediately Recall and Remove the Explosives they put into our Cell Phones!!! Then, we also should in no uncertain words tell these Demon Rats to Stop with the Vaccine Kill Shots and Stop Blowing Up our Food Processing Centers, Close the Damn Border and Remove the Illegal’s Children out of our School Systems (which has already doubled our School Taxes), then demand they get Rid of the Fed (who have Totally Destroyed the purchasing power of our US Dollar) and also get the UN out of the United States (and demolish the Globalist Building like we got rid of their Georgia Guidestones) and to Immediately Stop All The Insane Continuous Never Ending WARS and as a Token of Their Good Will they should give us a “Real” Cost of Living Raise that Reflects the “True Inflation Rate” (like what the Bankers get on their Credit Cards)!!
Do you think calling the perverted queers in Washington AC/DC will do anything to solve the above problems?? I guess you could give it One Last Try, but Martin Armstrong says his Socrates Computer (that has a track record over the last 40 years of “Never Being Wrong” with regard to Major Global Trends calling every Major Shift in the World Economy, even Correctly Forecasting Wars like in Ukraine years in advance) Has Now Predicted: **THE DESTRUCTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA**!!!
You know Ken, while Socrates is predicting “The Destruction of the United States of America” Evil Globalists are Planning The End of Humanity!! Back while Rome “burned” the Politicians of the day debated “How many Angels would Fit On the Head of a Pin”. Today while the EU burns (under the Influx of Various Ethnic and Religious Invaders and a very probable Nuclear War with Russia) the High Court in the UK (most likely composed of a Queer, Transvestite, Lesbian, Person 1 and Person 2 “for Equality Reasons”) will debate and decide “WHAT A WOMAN IS”!!! Like this is the Burning Question of Our Time???
Now I ask: Do “Women” really need the High Court in the UK to Decide “WHO and WHAT THEY ARE”?? Do these Evil Globalists think Women are simply a bunch of “Dumb Do-do Birds” Without a Brain of their Own??? The reason the Dodo birds “WENT EXTINCT” was because Immoral Predators were able to Easily Hit the “Dumb Clucks” in the Head with a Club and Then Consume them “As Easy Prey” (Eventually Completely Extinguishing their Species) simply because they Did Not and Could Not Recognize who the Evil Predators right around them who (like Yuval Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab are now on track to eventually “Hack” and “Replace WOMAN” with some other species “LIKE A BORG”)!!!
Looks like the Evil Globalists are now planning to “GET TRUMP WITH A HURRICANE” (since bullets don’t seem to work) AND “ARE STEERING ONE” RIGHT NOW “TO HIT HIS HOME” IN FLORIDA!!!
Katy, perhaps the UK will define a women to simply be like a dumb Dodo Bird (without a brain of her own) like Kamala?? Would they be wrong??? I see many brainless women on various TV talk shows and all these women are voting for the Commie Demon Rat “Dodo Bird” (that as President will ultimately finish them off and kill their children)!!!
Thanks for this interview Greg.
The detailed message is stunning, revealing and terrifying. Our leaders are corrupt beyond description. Only Satan can program such evil in leadership. We must get on our knees, seek forgiveness and beg for help.
Jonathan Cahn delivered another message today re warnings for America. Here’s the link.
Keep up your great work. I’m very happy for you that your recovery is progressing well as evidenced by your work.
Revelation 21:8
“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
Thanks , Greg and Dane you are true warriors in this epic end times battle ! The gloves are off and the lucifarian globalists are going all out to destroy humanity, created in the image and likeness of the living God ! Choose this day whom you will serve ! I choose Jesus , the King of Glory ! Revelation 21: 8 spells out how plan B will work out for those whose chose to follow satan ! The battle is on ! Ephesians Ch. 6
Milton is coming for the West Coast of FL on Weds. Please keep us in your prayers. The storm surge from Helene is putting 40-year-old small businesses out of business, and they didn’t even get a direct him. Milton is now making a beeline for the West Coast of FL. They will ramp it up to deadly status and push it across the State. Realtors say that existing contracts are falling through because insurance companies will not write new policies. All this will mess up the real estate market in FL as it messes up humans.
Heck of a way to manipulate the election coming up. Gonna be hard to get out the vote in all this mess. One has to wonder are they that scared of Republicans? Terrible destruction everywhere. I hope Karma comes back to bite them real hard!!
Who is exactly responsible for Geoengineering? Names and positions? Whos desk does the buck stop at? How is the program specifically funded? How do we kill it?
Mr. Greg Hunter
Our Ultimate American Patriot
Stay Well Brother
Thanks for all you do
In GOD I Trust
Israel has ‘three options’ to respond to Iran as ‘world prepares for war’
Story by Ciaran McGrath & Charlie Jones • 3h •
Scott Ritter: Ukraine’s Elite Brigades Decimated – Russia Gains Strategic Upper Hand!
WarZone Echo2,33 views Premiered 83 minutes ago
In this episode, we explore the shocking and game-changing developments on the Ukrainian battlefield, where Russia has executed a perfectly timed and devastating offensive on October 1st—Ukraine’s National Defense Day. Scott Ritter, the renowned military analyst, dives into the strategic brilliance behind Russia’s recent victories, the crumbling Ukrainian defenses, and the catastrophic losses suffered by Ukraine’s elite forces. With critical supply lines cut off and morale at an all-time low, Ukraine faces its most significant defeat yet. Discover how Russia’s relentless precision is reshaping the war and pushing Ukraine into a corner.
I wish I could show you pictures of a hail storm that occurred in CO back in 2018. TENNIS ball size hail. NOT NORMAL. There were so many hail storms that summer in CO it was unfathomable. My friend had his car totaled two years in a row and the roof of my house had to be repaired two years in a row.
Re; WNC, I lived in NC for many years and that area of the country is so incredibly beautiful. What is happening there is unconscionable and insane. But you know what? They messed with the WRONG people. The people are uniting and helping each other out. Time for everyone else to wake the hell up. Enough already.
Inside Hezbollah’s heartland, Iran and Israel. Will there be war? | Four Corners
ABC Australia 2,867,745 views Aug 26, 2024
With the Middle East on the brink of war, Four Corners travels to Iran, Lebanon and Israel to investigate why a new regional war is looming.
Four Corners gains rare access to Iran. There they reveal the fault lines of a repressive regime, and how its power extends through proxy groups in the region – Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis.
Global Affairs Editor John Lyons travels to Hezbollah’s heartland in Lebanon, then to Israel, now facing war on multiple fronts. He speaks with key figures, politicians and military insiders to unravel the challenge of defusing this geopolitical timebomb.
Scott Ritter LEAKED: Iran Destroys 50 Israel F35 Fighter Jets, U.S Move sends Middle East into Panic
195,963 views Oct 4, 2024
The cost of an F-35 fighter jet varies depending on the variant, but it generally ranges from $90 million to $150 million per aircraft. For simplicity, let’s use an average cost of $120 million per jet.
So, for 50 F-35 fighter jets, the total cost would be approximately $6 billion.
That’s a hefty price tag! What do you think about the investment in such advanced military technology?
Will we end up with the best jets, but captured because of economic collapse caused by a top heavy military industrial/Wall Street trader’s like James Diamond, BlackRock’s Fink, devastated taxpayers and banks busted fiat currency Ponzi scam gone awry!
BREAKING! Democrat Party Lawyers Have Filed In Texas State Court To Appoint A Receiver Over Alex Jones THE PERSON! Literally Repealing the 13th Amendment’s Outlawing Of Indentured Servitude and Slavery!
by October 4th, 2024 6:55 PM
Elon Musk joins Trump onstage at Butler rally:
Fox News 2,377,060 views Oct 5, 2024
Elon Musk takes the stage at a rally in Butler, Pa., to show support for former President Trump following the July 13 assassination attempt on him.
Four Corners ABC Australia used to be on my weekly viewing schedule alas the hard left woke adherents has become unbearable.
World War 3 – is a very real possibility NOW. Trump Guilty, Missiles Fired on Russia
Everyone knows that the US debt is never going to be repaid; that is impossible with those who actually control who is ‘acceptable’ to ‘serve’ in the US government; the BIG donors. These are also the benefiters of the massive government pay outs/debt buildup. Much/most of the wealth of the BIG donors came from the ridiculous and continuously growing unpayable debt of the US Corporation in Washington DC. We know why this Satanic system ends; “IT WILL WITHOUT FAIL COME TRUE” is the promise given us in the Bible about the end of Satan’s time to rule the earth and select the politicians; Luke 4:1-8.
Some of Almighty Jehovah God’s (Psalms 83:18) servants have been waiting for the end of this system of things for a long time. From a human standpoint, the fulfillment of God’s promise might seem to be delaying. Jehovah addressed that concern when he assured the prophet Habakkuk: “The vision is yet for its appointed time, and it is rushing toward its end, and it will not lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it! For it will without fail come true. It will not be late!” (Hab. 2:3) Did God provide that assurance for the benefit of Habakkuk only? Or do His words have meaning for us today? Under inspiration, the apostle Paul applied those words to Christians, who are in expectation of the new world. (Read Hebrews 10:36, 37.) Yes, we can be sure that even if our promised deliverance seems to delay, “it will without fail come true. It will not be late!” And, we have been told that the end is very close; VERY close. We were told before that the end is close; this is the first time we have been told that the end is VERY close.
The Neocon Globalist “Commie Control Freaks” (who created the Federal Reserve in 1913 to “Enhance their Power and Control over Everyone” now find that they have Run the US Dollar “Too Far into the Ground” and Bribing People (with their Unbacked Paper Dollars To Do Their Bidding) has become “Too Exceedingly Difficult”. For even people outside the BRICS Nations now consider the US Dollar to be almost worthless. So the Globalists need Other Mechanisms to Keep Their Control Over The People (as bribery with worthless paper is just getting too difficult). So the Globalists have decided to use WAR, FAMINE and VIRUSES to keep exerting their CONTROL OVER PEOPLE!! Their Problem Is The Common People Have Seen Through their Global Warming Hoax (and have stockpiled food as these Globalists shut down their farms, stopped fertilizer production and burned down food processing plants) and The Common People have Rejected their Virus Laden Vaccines to create Plagues and have also Rejected their War in Ukraine (which is definitely not going well for them). So the Globalists “Have Doubled Down” by expanded their Weather Attacks now using Hurricanes to target these Common People, and are bringing out New Plagues (that spread without the need for a vaccine injection) and have Expanded their War with Russia (into the Middle East) to create a Two Front War for Russia. But “to create the two front war” THEY MUST ATTACK Russia’s Ally Iran!! The two main targets the Globalists need to go after is Iran’s Nuclear Facilities or their Oil Production. The problem with going after Iran’s oil facilities is that it will drive the Price Of Oil Sky High (which can’t be done for political reasons Right Before An Election (where they Need To Get Their Puppet Elected). So this leaves Attacking Iran’s Nuclear Facilities (but Iran has placed them so deep under ground that only Space Based High Power Directed Energy Microwave Weapons can be used to Burn Through the Ground (the way they were used to disintegrate the stone and steel in the World Trade Center into powder) . When the Evil Globalists use this Direct Energy Weapon it will (according to Clif High) have an order of magnitude higher emotional impact upon the world’s population then the 9-11 Attack they used to cover a Deteriorating Financial Situation (remember the auditors at the Pentagon and all the underhanded financial records in Building 7 were completely destroyed). The Globalists now feel that only an Attack Upon Iran will get Russia and China coming to Iran’s aid and Give Them The WWIII Cover They Need to Bring in Their New Digital Currency (That Will Replace Their Now Almost Worthless US Dollar and Serve to Maintain Their Complete and Total Control “OVER THE PEOPLE”)!!!
The Federal Reserve needs to be Abolished!! Listen to the “Logic” of former Fed Chief Janet Yellen (now working at Treasury) telling us that our Deficit is being REDUCED From 32.7 TRILLION TO 57 TRILLION because Bribe’n has Raised Taxes to Prevent the Deficit from being even Higher!!!
This is the caliber of the people who destroyed the purchasing power of our US Dollar “down to a penny”
Katy, I believe you are right. We all know Israel takes orders from the US (just like Zelensky takes orders form the US). So Israel “had to allow” Hamas to Attack into Israel with the full power of their Hang Glider Air Force and their Jeeps with AK45’s attached (which constituted their Tank Brigade) so that America could then Send the Bombs Needed to Kill Thousands of Innocent Palestinian Civilians “that would then Generate the Response the US Needed to get the Middle East all Rialed up” (and therefore “Open a Second Front Against Russia (who’s now winning the US instigated War in Ukraine), and thus force Russia to help their ally Iran in the South (which will drain Russian strength in the North). So Israel is not to blame “they simply obeyed orders” and took away the guns from the guards patrolling their border fence and dutifully did not respond to the Gaza Invasion Force (composed of flimsy Hang Gliders and old Jeeps) for Seven(7) hours (to make sure enough Israeli’s were killed and taken hostage “to justify the starting of a Huge War in the Middle East “THAT THE EVIL NEOCONS IN THE UNITED STATES ORDERED”!!!
Looks like the US Neocons in the Demon Rat War Party are telling NATO to now threaten Korea in-order to get a “Three Front War” started against Russia!!
Interesting quick demo video on an electrical field steering water.,https://instructional%2D…
I wonder if we can use an Electric Field to Deflect the Evil Globalists??? How about we connect a 240 Volt Electric Line to a Chair and have the Evil Globalists SIT IN IT!! That might “Deflect” Their Human De-Population Agenda Somewhat (To The Benefit of All Humanity)!!!
Jeffrey Sachs Interviews – What You Need to Know!
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Clearly when the Israelis made the decision to go into the south of Lebanon that was the start of the regional war, says Colonel Douglas Macgregor. But what follows?
🔴 US ECONOMIC DECLINE: Money Supply Contraction, Recession, Tariffs on Americans| Dr. Steve Hanke Lena Petrova 5,478 4views Oct 6, 2024
2 hurricanes in Florida within one week in the exact same spot? This is impossible. (at lease it’s impossible for mother nature. But NOT impossible for the Chemtrail guys). Re: Hurricane Milton: How does a hurricane jump from the Pacific ocean over Mexico into the Gulf of Mexico? It’s going the wrong way! Hurricanes form off Africa and travel from east-to-west. Something very fishy here, especially since Florida is a Red State. I wonder if North Carolina was a Red or Blue state? (notice I said “was”, because they destroyed N.C just before elections.
If we know these bastards are modifying the weather for nefarious agendas, destroying the planet amd killing its own citizens a thousand ways to Sunday that can be tracked and proven, why can’t some organization, people, devices, whatever, combat those efforts in real time to prevent these routine disasters and rapid intensifications from taking place?
If they can manipulate the weather and storm steer, surely it is not outside the realm of possibility to course correct their evil agenda(s) and counter their storm steering and path of devastation and keep folks and their towns safe, is it? Asking for a friend
I want more dialougue around this to prevent these “routine” storms from escalating each month, or turning into Hawaii, which is an entirely different way of warfare manipulation.
Additionally, did it ever cross anyone’s mind that they’re intentionally causing chaos this close to the election in these areas to prolong the tabulation process for the presidential election and to cheat once more? I can hear it now, “We can’t declare a winner, because we’re waiting on mail in votes from Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee”….
A.K.A. Borrowing enough time to manufacture and ballot dump by the tens of millions until they reach their desired number needed to steal another election…
Breaking: This Is Big – 60,000 Trump Supporters Flood Butler, Pennsylvania, as Trump Returns for First Time Story by Jack Davis • 20h •
Thank you for allowing Dane to speak without interruption. It Matters!!
I strongly recommend folks listen to Dane’s weekly radio broadcast heard every Saturday on 30 plus radio stations across Uhmericastan. You can find it on Dane Wigington you tube channel. News you will not find anywhere else but do need to know.
I am one of the many that Dane refers to that have been in this fight for many years to halt Geo engineering. We need everyone to join us in this fight for awareness. Mass awareness is the only way forward. Without it we are ALL toast, literally.
Please visit the home page of and donate as much as you can and send links to “The Dimming” to everyone that has eyes to see and ears to hear.
Face to the wind my friends I have not met, yet.
Love and strength to ALL.
Looking at live flight radar , there are only about 6 or 7 military aircraft flying at any given daylight hours. THAT’s IT !!!!
There should be dozens / tens of dozens / hundreds by now from all over the nation !!!
They are doing the bare minimum , just like they only provided Trump the bare minimum of security. SEE THE PATTERN ?
READ : Gates Of Vienna
Author warns about being fed disinformation about Chimney Rock , land grabs and lithium mines. His research shows the lithium deposits are NOT in that area but farther east.
He says this is done to discredit all other reporting that is real and exposes the incompetent ( INTENTIONAL ? ) poor and slow response.
Dane is a lion and clearly switched on. He sees the weaponization of not just the weather, but medicine, the food, the money and pretty much everything related to life on earth, all done by the same evil people. It’s a war on so many fronts, that many people can’t believe it’s real. This is part of their cover and makes it easy for them to label people as “conspiracy theorist”, as if conspiracies never happen for real. What a laugh. Conspiracies have been around for as long as people have been around. Yes it’s a mine field out there. Yes only 5% of what is in the grocery store is actually good for you. Forewarned is forearmed.
Thank you for bringing Dane on who I have followed for about as long as you Greg, fourteen years. I have studied this destruction watching many, many videos, it is Biblical. Rebuilding in huge areas of the worst damage will not happen. It is torn up good and ready for the lithium miners to go to work.
I listened to reports of the stench of rotting bodies beneath the mud. The death count will never replicate the truth.
Evil has its name all over this. Dane mentioned we have something like six years left before the planet will not recover. The prepping will not save our earthly home, it is time to prep for return to our heavenly home.
This guy on YouTube MonkeyWerx tracks military and government contractors flights. This includes Weather modification flights, cloud seeding.
Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 10/6/24 | BREAKING FOX NEWS October 6, 2024 Free BROADCAST 6,905 views 2hours ago Oct 6, 2024
IN FULL: Julian Assange makes first public statement since prison release
SBS is an Australian public broadcast service. Wikipedia 135,414 views Oct 1, 2024
Julian Assange says he was freed after years of incarceration because he “pled guilty to journalism”.
“I am not free today because the system worked,” the Australian WikiLeaks founder said during an address to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France, on Tuesday — his first public remarks since he was released from prison.
He has been giving evidence to its Parliamentary Assembly, which includes parliamentarians from 46 European countries, on his detention and conviction and their effects on human rights.
The truth be told, the real reason Mike Pompeo didn’t get his death wish for Julian Assange was because of Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny’s death in prison as a political prisoner of Vladimir Putin, in Siberia. Pompeo’s deep creep state masters said, lay off Julian and set him free. Because people are figuring out were no better than Putin
That last line is the truth.
Prof. Mearsheimer WARNS: Israel is Forcing a MAJOR Conflict. Ukraine is Rapidly Deteriorating /The Strategist 2,262 views Oct 6, 2024
Professor John Mearsheimer, prominent international relations scholar. Discusses the Israel-Hamas war, conflict with Hezbollah and Iran, Netanyahu’s objectives, U.S. support of Israel, Iran and Russia oil exports, the Ukraine conflict, the Israel lobby, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris and the 2024 US prudential elections, Biden foreign policy, the crisis in Gaza, and the risk of nuclear conflagration.
Government Nowhere to Be Found in Hurricane Disaster Area, Says Healthcare Security Official by October 6th, 2024
“This place is a war zone people and the military are not here.”
The USA, is woke, broke, busted and were all disputed!
Hell has no fury as and American populace scorned, mark my word’s you deep state creeps!
For Whom the Bell Toll’s it Toll’s for Thee
Neil Oliver: WATCH How The Elites Are EXPOSING Themselves For Who They Really Are..GBNews 36,190 views Oct 6, 2024
Neil Oliver explores the increasing tension between freedom of speech and the powerful elites who aim to control the narrative. From social media censorship to state secrets, Oliver dives deep into the challenges democracies face in an era where self-selected information is deemed a threat. Watch as he unpacks the impact of censorship on free expression and the alarming influence of state control.
Scott Ritter Exposes: US Plan for Nuclear War – Is the World Hours Away From Total Annihilation Khánh Handmade 4,832 views Oct 6, 2024
Scott Ritter Exposes: US Plan for Nuclear War – Is the World Hours Away From Total Annihilation
Elon Musk: ”NASA Just DESTROYED Voyager 2, Because Of THIS!”
Elon Musk Rewind 13,459 views Premiered 5 hours ago UNITED STATES
Elon Musk: ”NASA Just DESTROYED Voyager 2!”
Elon is calling out NASA! As NASA recently made a critical decision to shut down one of Voyager 2’s key scientific instruments, Elon had something to say. He sees this move as a missed opportunity. The legendary spacecraft has been traveling through space for over 40 years, collecting groundbreaking data. But now, with its power supply dwindling, NASA had to make some tough calls. Elon, however, believes this could’ve been avoided.
Elon Musk & Joe Rogan: ”We JUST FOUND A TERRIFYING OBJECT On Proxima B!”
Elon Musk Rewind /1,689 views 1 hour ago October 6, 2024
Premiered 84 minutes ago UNITED STATES
Elon Musk & Joe Rogan: ”We JUST FOUND A TERRIFYING OBJECT On Proxima B!”
Elon’s got something mind blowing to share. Recent images from the James Webb Space Telescope have revealed a planet that’s captured the imagination of scientists for years. Elon, alongside Joe Rogan, is diving deep into this discovery. It’s not just your average space news. We’re talking about artificial lights on a distant planet, lights that could indicate an advanced alien civilization.
Can’t find Hillarys emails but they have no problem finding alien planets. with Dollar Generals on them…focus
Speaking of Joe rogan…I find him annoying and I know he interviews many informed minds but not my thing… but anyhow I was wondering why I never see any Rogan videos on youtube
How dare Tennessee legislators recently vote to stop geo-engineering over their state.
Helene hurricane was designed for payback and it was also supposed to shut the knowledgeable citizens up in the future!
Greg, silver with cash back and tax free in Florida?
“Elite’s Are Collapsing America!” [And Must Collapse Before ELECTION!]
Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed 102k views 2 days ago – Daily Crypto & Finance News
Could Americas Ukraine Gambit, be the fall. Of the arm, of the CIA deep state shadow government? ~” POWER to da Sheeple! “
Don’t give these weasels too much credit. Pray to Jehovah in the name of Christ Jesus! They have all the real power.
Right on Greg! For some we seem to be in the Tribulation already and it’s gonna be worse than anything the world has ever seen?
How do you prepare for that? The consolation prize, if you survive it, we’ve been told it will never be that bad ever again. Not very comforting beforehand! Eh? I’ve all ways enjoyed your site Greg and now I seem to wish I could go back before covid because I can only see the future is to dig a hole in the ground and hide in it till what’s coming blows over! Pray for us Chicken hawks everybody!
I like Mr. Wigington, because of his thoughtful, out-of-the-box thinking. Hurricane Milton will “rapidly intensify” in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and is forcast to downgrade before it slams into the Florida coast. So, I’ll be watching closely whether Milton hits land with greater intensity or lesser.
I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near landfall, because of all the piles of waterlogged junk created by the last hurricane, Helene. Those loose piles of junk will be swept off the ground and turned into deadly projectiles by Milton’s high winds.
Regarding Florida: I had a very profitable opportunity to move to Tampa- St. Petersburg Fl., but I knew Florida was a bad choice to be living in during the collapse of The American Empire. I respected Marty Armstrong when he chose Tampa for the reasons he explained to his followers. But I respectfully disagreed with Marty…
Strategic survival planning to me means don’t move to hot, humid zones prone to yearly hurricanes. And if weather modifications are being used on Florida, that’s just one more reason I don’t want to live there….
We are living through the Book of Revelation, and it’s important to think about where you want to be during the Seven Seals, Seven Thunders, Seven Plagues, Three Woes and other natural, anthropogenic and demon caused disasters….
We built our survival place underground in a spot where it won’t be flooded, burned down, away from earthquake faults, 20 miles away and downwind from nuclear targets, low population density and many other factors which increases our odds of living through momentous times.
Really, Florida could be totally swept away by a nuclear generated tsunami from a nuclear Russian sub or an earthquake off the coast of Africa… Florida is a low laying peninsula with only a handful of highways out of the state…. basically there is no escape during a real, long-term emergency.
Florida is a death trap. Just my opinion. Please don’t be angry at me for telling it like it is according to my extensive research.
Finally, I understand why most of my blood family actually lives in Florida. And I know that some people don’t worry about the future and they leave it in Jehovah’s Hands. I have no criticism of that. Those who want to leave matters in God’s Hands have real faith. And even if they do perish in The Last Days, God will have a massive resurrection as per promised in Revelation.
Nowadays, we all have to make life-or-death choices. It’s the times we live in.
Good to have you back Greg!
We were told to “watch the water” by 17
“BlackRock’s Next Plans Will SHOCK THE WORLD” – Whitney Webb’s LATEST LARRY FINK EXPOSE
Savvy Finance 3.3M views 2 months ago
BlackRock: The Conspiracies You Don’t Know
More Perfect Union 2,724,782 views Sep 19, 2024
BlackRock and other asset managers are profiting off of every aspect of your life. It’s not a conspiracy — it’s an open restructuring of society.
—– More Perfect Union’s mission is to build power for working people. See More in Text under Video
@AmericanMutt-os6bu 37 minutes ago
it’s time to replace this government as per the Constitution, we have that right with a consensus of states
@jackieingalls6628 1 hour ago
I hope so. Harris needs to be accountable for her actions just like Biden
WARNING: BRICS Just Dropped A HUGE BLOW To The U.S. Dollar
NCashOfficial – Daily Crypto & Finance News 498 views Oct 7, 2024
WARNING: BRICS Just Dropped A HUGE BLOW To The U.S. Dollar
The BRICS are now accelerating the Bretton Woods III financial system based on commodities using blockchain & crypto. The US Dollar is being challenged and the dominance is eroding rapidly. Now is the time to wake up & realize what’s happening.
I just heard a UN/WEF term “Managed Retreat” that the Government is implementing in Hawaii and NC. to Take people’s land under this “Managed Retreat” program..
Could this be the “October Suprise: that kicks off the domestic terrorism that the Government has been pushing for ?
Great report.
The “Deep State” Explained Johnny Harris
9M views 6 months ago
Trump was Right, the Deep State is Real
Tulsi Gabbard – Who Actually Runs the US Government?
Chris Williamson 7,412,912 views Aug 5, 2024, Full Length Modern Wisdom Episodes
Tulsi Gabbard is a politician, military veteran, and former U.S. Representative.
Our elected officials are supposed to be in charge of the country we live in. But the more we learn about the inner workings of government, the less that seems to be true. So, who is really running the show, and what will the future of America look like for those who truly hold the power?
Expect to learn what Joe Biden is actually like behind the scenes, why RFK Jr’s campaign didn’t succeed, the reason that Elon Musk’s X platform was so important during Trump’s assassination attempt, the truth behind Project 2025, Tulsi’s thoughts on Kamala Harris as a presidential candidate and much more…
BREAKING NEWS: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Urges Voters to Reject Kamala Harris at Trump Michigan Rally
Forbes Breaking News 2.2M views 9 days ago
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks at the Trump-Vance 2024 campaign event in Walker, Michigan.
There was a time I was skeptical of this. The sheer amount of money it would take… and then you reported how there is more than 20 trillion dollars missing. That did it…
The Elites want us dead
Jill sends SLO Joe to steal Kamela’s thunder…
The Biden’s hate Kamela…
Of course we do too…LOL
Everybody hate Kamela
The Demon Rats Just Love “TELEPROMPTER HARRIS” as she will say (and probably eat) anything they put before her!! She has “NO THOUGHTS OF HER OWN” – Except for “32 Days Until the Election” … “32 Days” … “We have Some Business to do” … 32 Days … We (probably) Won’t Do It !!
Great Post Ken
I live in Pennsylvania–the most important state to win in this election.
I’ve been waiting to GIVE Trump my vote–all he had to do was come clean about his role in the Plandemic & reverse course on the vax.
It looks like I’m staying home on Election Day…
So a vote for Kamala and tyranny. — Stupid.
Greg, do you think I set the bar too high for Trump?
No, you set the bar too low for your wellbeing.
Please Sarah consider,
If enough people like you stay home and Trump looses……..
You will miss out on your last chance to cast a vote in America !
Because of your apathy says your ok with :
total government censorship,
world health organization globally mandated mRNA bio weapon jabs,
Forever fixed elections
and worst of all Total slavery to an unelected deep state and W.E.F.
You Will have Rejected God’s gift of FREEDOM.
p.s. Trump contracted for a safe and effective Vaccine and big pharma is in breach of contract. NOW Go Do your Civic Duty and VOTE !
Sarah – Instead of being so focused on “Placing Blame” why don’t you simply “NOT TAKE THE JABS”!! You are being like an Israeli saying: I’m not going to vote for Netanyahu because he didn’t come clean about his role in Jabbing “All The Jews”!!
Greg–I thought I was setting the bar EXTREMELY low for President Trump. Was I expecting too much for him to reverse course on the greatest medical fraud/crime ever perpetrated against America?
Won Witness–Sorry but no one is ENTITLED to my vote. Trump had every opportunity to EARN it–HE has failed to do so. REAL apathy is “holding your nose” and voting for a skunky politician!
Kit Lee–America is on the verge of collapse because people like you have FAILED to “place blame” on (i.e., hold accountable) terrible politicians. Your ‘logic’ gets traitors like Lindsay Graham & John McCain re-elected until death removes them from office!
Sarah, you are correct about politicians.
BUT, Donald Trump wasn’t a politition (and never held office until 2016) but had to compleate against them.
When elected he chose to be paid a salery of one dollar. That isn’t a politition, that is a statesman/patriot trying his best to serve his country.
Because he wasn’t a devious politition he assumed the Rino’s and deep state would help him not sabotage him. The work he completed during his one term was impressive especially when you think of all the phony impeachment and media attacks he had to endure.
On the mrna shots, he pushed for alternatives like hydrochloroqine sp ? and alternatives until a relentless press attracked him claiming he thought people should inject bleach. I could go on But on only this much, Donald Trump has earned MY vote.
Joe Biden NOT Donald Trump mandated the bioweapon. I will never forget Joe Biden’s words
“Our patience has run out for the un vaccinated ”
I and so many others had to walk away from our jobs to avoid the bioweapon.
Trump stood up to the international forces trying to bring America down, while Kamela is their favorite
marionette and big pharma has hold of more than one of her strings as well.
As to someone “earning Your vote”.
Your Country/America HAS earned your vote.
The easiest payment for the cost of freedom is a citizen’s informed vote.
More expensive costs are born by young men and women in uniform who have paid terrible costs.
Col. ? Tulsi Gabard has joined the Trump campaign.
Staunch Anti Vax Kennedy Jr. has Joined the Trump campaign. Elon Musk has joined forces to stop censorship, the tool of dictators. These three are testiment of the fear that the last four year’s path, if continued, ends America’s freedoms.
The perfect candidate and government is not on any ballot.
He is with the Father and will return, soon I think.
The world needs his perfect justice.
Until then, We vote for the best not the perfect.
OR don’t vote. but you’ll really miss it when the day comes they won’t allow us to vote.
Based on the above comment. You’re not a serious person. Did you see Karen K’s reporting? Do you think she was lying about Trump?
You have this one thing against Trump that is make believe and you ignore the Demons in the White House.
I don’t believe a real person can be this F’ing stupid. Either you are an idiot or a paid troll.
And you can’t be Christian. But I do admit to the possibility you are real and … naw, I can’t lie like a Dem. I don’t believe you can be real, one of Greg’s regular viewers, and have this position.
Galaxy 500–You’re a troll. I have no idea why Greg allows you to pollute his CS with numerous posts that no one is interested in.
If Trump was “bamboozled” as Karen K claims, he should loudly and publicly say so and also tell us that he is going after Big Pharma with a vengeance. He would have my vote for sure!
You can be a mindless Trump Cheerleader if you choose…he must EARN my vote, however!
You Trumpers had best believe that there is a SIGNIFICANT % of ex-Trumpers who are no longer allowing ourselves to be taken for granted!
If Trump wants our votes he can come and actually OFFER us something for them!!!
That’s me… Troll Boy. As you statements imply you hate the country. Because what you propose is the Death of our Great Nation and the enslavement of We the People.
You need Trump to OFFER you something? How about you brainwashed cretin.
OFFER you something? How about no War?
What do they pay you to post this nonsense Sarah?
These are the Demons you support by not voting Trump. I know this isn’t what you believe in
Galaxy 500–The Left couldn’t shame me into taking Trump’s Kill Jab.
I’m a strong independent Conservative Woman–a RINO like yourself has less than ZERO chance of shaming me into voting for Trump!
I’m not the Welfare Office–if Trump wants my vote he can WORK for it!
Sarah by not voting for Trump you are voting AGAINST YOURSELF- and the rest of us too. No one candidate is perfect but the Trump, Vance, Kennedy Team can make a real difference for the better for all of us if given the chance. They could still cheat Kanala in again anyway but Please go vote for Trump!.. You’ll feel better about yourself no matter what happens.
A warning from Jim Kunstler article ” Like a prayer .”
” Accordingly, I received notice late Sunday from an informant in commercial aviation, with connections to military aviation, that a massive deployment of aircraft is preparing logistics for a major operation set to go down in about a week, probably in the Middle East. I can’t guarantee you that it is for real, but it was a real warning message, at least, from a serious person, and you know that something could be up. . . some humdinger of an October Surprise, like a big fat world war. What else have they got now? ”
Is this why so few air assets are over the Carolinas ?
Latest from Ron Paul on pending war with Iran. Undeclared , of course.
”Over the weekend, the Commander of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), General Michael Kurilla, arrived in Israel to “coordinate” with the Israeli military and plan a military strike against Iran. Think about that for a moment: one of the highest-ranking officers in the US military is planning a war in a foreign country against another foreign country which will be fueled by American weapons, American intelligence, and American tax dollars.”
“We are sleepwalking into a catastrophic war, lulled into compliance by non-stop media propaganda. More billions will be drained from our economy and many more innocent lives will be lost in this madness. Almost a quarter of a century later we still have not learned the lessons of 9/11. When we go abroad wreaking havoc and destruction on foreign populations who have not harmed us we create enemies who will seek revenge. We harm ourselves. And we risk blowback. The time to oppose this impending war is NOW! ”
Apathy is your master America…
Really? This guy was acting with apathy. What do you suggest we do and what country are you in or part of?
I hope and pray you are young because if you are old there is no hope .
The man in the video is saying if people are not mad about what
is going on something is wrong with them .
moral apathy, is the death of the heart.
By the way don’t tell somebody they are not real when you use
a made up space cadet handle / Man up and use your God
given name .
Wayne Hardin
No I am old and jaded. I take my name from a an old Ford Galaxie 500.
Man up LOL . You too dude.
Please answer the question. What’s you plan Wayne?
If you check back on some of Greg’s responses, you will find that I am not hiding but I am known to him.
And are you in America or else where? Because Apathy is not my master nor do I think it is most Americans. It’s a defeatist attitude. Not are we Sodon and Gomorrah.
How many times has Greg told people to
use their real name when commenting .
I live in what some call the United States
of America .
Which is a joke would you not agree .
My plan is to pray for Jesus to come
back every second of every day .
Knowing that is the only way the evil
will be done away with .
When i can see what is happening to innocent
people and know that nothing will stop it
but his return / i can not pray for this evil to
continue .
Wayne Hardin
If you can show me in the word where evil
will be done away any other way besides
his coming back . PLEASE DO .
And don’t quote the ifs .
They don’t happen .
I have read the book .
When someone posts nonsense that Trump needs to OFFER them something to earn their vote while the country burns, how can I consider them serious or real?
In the 1990s in Los Angeles, California, I met Ted Gunderson, a retired FBI agent who was one of the first to talk about what “chem trails ” are. He also spoke about the satanic rituals in Hollywood, and the molestation of children in the Santa Monica pre-schools.(The Mc-Martin preschool scandal). He was sanctioned by the government at the time for talking about this, and paid for it with his life, I and his friends, believe.
He was ahead of his time, and I am so glad that Dane is out there speaking about this to all who will believe. It is NOT a conspiracy! Thank you for having him on, Greg! It has been a government cover-up for years.
Greg, good for a laugh?
Dear God, please help us here in America and all of the rest of humanity and your entire creation.
In Jesus’ name we pray:
10/7/24 9:37 AM
Katie T.
The Holy Spirit speaks –
Instructions are coming through for you today. Instructions to keep you safe from harm and to lead you out of destructions path. Hear the word of the Lord my dear ones. The special people I hold close to my heart.
You who abide in me . You who speak to others for me. You who are willing to lay your life down for me.
I say to you that no greater love exists than one who would lay their life down for their friend.
I love you and I am with you. I will hold you in the palm of my hand . My wing will overshadow you and only peace and safety will you find. You will find this place in me. Not in the earth where you reside. Not in the darkness where sin abounds and has taken hold of society by taking root of each mans soul.
There is only one way to God and to heaven and that is through me.
Hear what the Spirit of the Lord says to you this day.
I will instruct you and lead you to a new place – some of you in the earth and all of you under my wing . All that is required of you is to turn from your wicked ways. Repent my people of your sins.
Sins of strife and bitterness – arguments and all manner of sexual immorality. Come out from among them and be separate . Repent and never commit these sins again. Step up and out of the pit of your life. Don’t you know that my judgements are created for you child ?
They are created for you. It is all for you. You think that you are fine and safe but you were not fine. Everything is not ok. You think you are my sheep . You think you have chosen me. Yet you remain in sin. How you ask ? How are we in sin Lord ? I’ll tell you how.
You sin against me every time you say a curse out of your mouth. When you are prideful and arrogant against others – you have done this to me. When you listen to music that was created by the devil. When you listen to people who are not led by my spirit. When you mock the people who are. When you think that your grandiose mind set is the only way it can be. You lack wisdom and it shows in every word you speak. It shows in your actions. You can not sin and break my law and enter My Kingdom.
You can not war with man in your homes – work – church – in school and say that you live for me. I am the Lord of Peace. I instruct you in my word that you must live in peace with those you know and that without doing so you will not stand before me.
You are wicked and perverse and you blow it off every time I convict you of your sins. Instead of repenting and turning from the sin. You reserve it for later and just hold off for now and again. You tell yourself that none is perfect but me. Yet I tell you that you are to lay down every sin and weight that hold you down in life and keeps you away from me. I command you to be a peacemaker . Come up this day from among them and walk separately says your God.
I want to take you, and grow you, from Glory to Glory. I have a plan for you in this life and eternity. I want you with me. Will you do what it takes ?
Read and study my word. I have directives that will show you the way you are to live your life. You must be careful to obey them. Follow me – I am the bread of life. I am the way the truth and the life.
Taste and see that I am good and have only good for you.
Understand that the good that I have for you may come through your suffering in this earth.
My ways are not your ways and my thought are not your thoughts.
Renew your mind through the reading of my word and come to me with a sincere heart. I will never turn you away my love. I desire to be one with you. I desire to talk to you . I love you . I gave my life for you.
The severity that you feel is for your good. Everything is allowed by my hand . Don’t turn from me. Turn to me and hold tight. I will save you for all eternity. This life of yours is but a vapor. Talk to me. Come to me. Turn from ALL of your sins. Sanctify and heal your minds – wash your soul through my word . I am always with you until the very end. I love you.
Word received this morning while interceeding for people who are hurting today.
I want to encourage you to hold on to Jesus. To hold on to His Word.
I want to encourage you to go deeper. To seek Him with all of your heart .
To seek the deeper things. Spiritual and heavenly things. I want to encourage you when you’ve lost everything in life or when you’re suffering from a divorce , abuse , incest , rape. Sickness and disease. Discord in your homes. Whatever is hurting you today.
I want to ask you to please surrender all to your healer King Jesus. Surrender your speech, your words, your body as a living sacrifice and come up higher in Him.
I hear the Lord say there is a new level He wants to bring you to this day
Come up again in wisdom
Search for wisdom from above. Lay up your treasure in Heaven.
I hear the Lord’s Spirit say that He is going to elevate you from this place of despair and agony but you must surrender all and not be a repeat offender.
He’s going to do a new thing and he wants to breath Life into you and I.
He wants to save the Lost through you and I but we have to be honest with ourselves about where we truly stand . It’s not just about service in a building . It’s about truly giving up our life and becoming a vessel of honor . One that is fit for our Master’s use.
As we diligently seek Him – His word says He will REWARD us and He does ….He truly does.
We are meant to be ever changing and to go from Glory to Glory. I am not the same person this year that I will be next year. I am continually being filled with His Spirit . I am continually fighting for the faith. I am contending in the spirit realm. I am standing in the Gap. I won’t stop and we shouldn’t ever back down from what is right and just and Godly and Good. This is our heritage from God. We are one nation under Him but it’s a different Nation it’s a Holy Nation. It’s a group of people . It’s the remnant.
Are you ready to change the life of someone you may never meet on this side of the earth ? Fill yourself with Him.
Are you ready to change the atmosphere in your home – in your town- in your family ? The answer is to fill yourself with Him.
The apostle Paul said – I thank God that I speak more than you all in Tounges of FIRE.
Do you want to be consumed today by the Holy Ghost ? Then go for it. Press in towards the mark of the High Calling of Jesus Christ – forgetting the things that lay behind and pressing towards the mark of Jesus Christ .
All praise and honor and glory be to you the most High God.
We love you and we praise you and forgive all who have sinned against us. Please forgive us of our sins , oh Holy and Righteous Father.
God is wanting to do something new for you today. Press in Beloved one. He loves you beyond measure. Let us prepare ourselves as a wise virgin. Let’s not be like like foolish virgins who say a cuss word now and again and act like the world. A sin here or there . No real growth or maturity. Like little children- babes on the milk. Let us step up and come out from among them . Endure the refining fire.
The choice you make today determines your tomorrow.
Is Katie T saying she is speaking for the Holy Spirit?
Greg. anyone surprised raise their hand. She fits in perfectly with what the U.S. taxpayers expect for people in the Biden/Harris admin.
And what about that Traitor Mayorks (Commie Kamala’s good buddy)? Raise your hand if you are surprised Commie Mayorks spent all our FEMA Money (Allocated Specifically For The Disaster Relief Of American Citizens) On Millions of “Non-Citizen” Illegal Migrants Kamala wanted so desperately to help with Thousands of dollars of “Free Cash”, yet she only wants to “Loan” $750 dollars to American Citizens who need Disaster Relief (and if not paid back will seize what remains of their homes and property)!!!
Just one more insult to American taxpayers. Another kick in the groin.
When Trump takes the Oval Office back, it’s time for retribution and justice
Here is why they aren’t doing anything to help people and disrupting citizens that are trying to help. They don’t want these people voting…
As I await Hurricane Milton here in SW Florida, here’s a video that Dr. Paul Craig Roberts linked on his website. It shows that weather modification and weather warfare has been ongoing since the mid to late 1940’s. It aligns with Dane Wigington’s research that these programs had their start in the mid to late 1940’s.
The video shows how hurricanes can be affected by strength and steered:
This can be traced back to silver iodide in fireworks during the dust bowl
Noticed you are the same as the left. You want to stop people who disagree with you from talking….
Here it is, weather modification, chemtrails. and similar fantasies. is our side’s man made global warming. You need to understand, when you subscribe to these physically impossible schemes, you are making a fool of yourself (and us).
As a result of these stories, you are limiting your listening audience.
This stuff is just like “Q”. I’m willing to bet all of this is a CIA tool to control the opposition. Imagine how many people are thinking you are a nut because of this.
I can’t get you, Alex Jones, or even Mike Adams to stop this reputation killing activity.
This is Alex Jones’ limiting factor. It’s the only reason his shows are not 10 times larger then they are now.
Ethical Behavior of you and your guests is the key to your growth. Just like carbon. As water warns, it expels CO2. As it cools, it absorbs CO2. Is Valley Forge the result of the lack of SUVs? Was Neapolitan’s loss at waterloo a result of the lack of SUVs………..No, it was because of the mini ice age the world was in at time. We just happen to be at the top of a heat/cool cycle the earth goes through.
Stop reacting to me as if I’m a left wing wacko. I’m telling you this to help you.
No one is stopping you from starting your own site and preaching to the masses. Get to it Dude.
We started doing weather manipulation during Vietnam. I don’t know if we are doing it to the extent that Dane says but you can bet we are doing. You don’t have a treaty against weaponizing weather (NATO) if it isn’t being done.
I would sign this Doubting Thomas but then that is Galaxie 500’s middle name
Are you spiritually prepared?
Cathrin A Fits The great land grab = Trump Its why Greg won’t have her on and talk about real reality. Just his delusional blueprint.
Worship Definition:
To obsess, to defend, to carry the torch, to negative or positively have emotions,
to cover up, to ignore reality, to set aside obvious red flags, to replace Jesus with Hope
for another idol, to call someone’s name in public more then Jesus. Worship = the beast
What a crock of Shiite. And full of hate. So you would rather have another 4 yrs of tyranny than 4 yrs of prosperity.
And you throw Jesus’ name around pretending to be a Christian. And if CAF thinks Trump is some kind of Manchurian Candidate… ROFLMAO. She must have taken a Vax or two. I don’t follow CAF but now I am going to have to research her a bit more to see if she’s been bought off.
Oh, and you’re an A$$
Gold and Silver prices are down today but “Have No Fear” because the US External Dollar Liabilities of the Crooks Ruining Things in AC/DC Far Exceed the US Monetary Gold Holdings at Fort Knox (if the Gold is actually still there for No Audits have taken place for Decades). So do as France did from 1963 to 1966 in a Secret Operation called “Vide-Gousset”, whereby France turned in its US dollars and repatriated 3,313 tons of its gold reserves out of the vaults of the Federal Reserve in New York and the Bank of England in London, thereby Saving Itself from the Continual Depreciation of the US dollar, that the Crooks in Washington and at the Fed are Still Doing on a Massive Scale!! The price of Gold in US dollars terms increased sharply from $35 to $800 dollars an ounce from 1968 until 1980 (so France made out well), and from 1980 to today Gold has risen from $800 dollars to $2,600 dollars (so France has made out Extraordinarily Well) as the US dollar plunged in purchasing value and has now lost 99% of its value relative to Gold. Lesson Learned “Use any downturns in the price of Precious Metals to your Advantage” (exactly like the French did)!!
Looking at the purchasing power of the US dollar: we are closer “To The End” then the Beginning!! So the BRICS new”Gold Backed” Currency Unit is going to give the US dollar “a run for its money by normal people who want a currency that retains purchasing power”!! Smart people are already moving their wealth into the New World Currency (Gold) before Gold gets Too Expensive “In US Dollar Terms”!!!
Last time I looked, the sell price of raw gold was right at the cost to mine it. If these guys didn’t get other stuff out of most mines and sell contracts, they’d go bankrupt.
That tells you the price of gold is suppressed… heavily influenced manipulated and suppressed
I wonder if anyone saw them spraying Florida in preparation for Milton? I hope Dane W. is recording this as well. Why are they attacking Florida? I guess they don’t like Dasantis.
They are terrified FL will go Red… if they hurricane it, they think they can steal it
Think this backs Dane up
And the Milton magically jumped to 155-160MPH heading to Florida. The Elites will kill their buddies in Florida just to disrupt the election in FLORIDA
Very good weather site to monitor Hurricane Milton.
155 MPH winds.
Ryan Hall on youtube will be live on Wed. Roads out of Florida are packed.
Greg. as to the last GFC…incredible rhyme to the dates = what will the Stock market do tomorrow on 10/9 ?
Go up because when it starts down, the illegal Plunge protection team with throw away a few 100 of our Billions to prop the market up
Greg., coincidence, or is ‘someone’ aligning events to these dates?
Greg, info for those looking to aid NC.
The NC governor said recently that the Trump Supporters won’t be able to vote for Trump this november. What a coincidence, this happens a few weeks before the election and in NC a law was passed mandating Voter ID to vote but except during a natural disaster where no ID was required.
This is hilarious… When ole Joe has a lucid moment, he knows what Kameltow did to him and HE is still President. He flushed her “View” interview with his own press conference… I told you guys, the Bidens absolutely HATE Kameltow and the First Abuser
The Bidens would rather face prosecution under Trump than under Kameltow.
“People are sick of the bullshit in here.”
Unfortunately not sick enough to want to do something permanent about it.
God help us all…
The only Genocide in Gaza is being committed by Hamas. However, giving our weapons to Ukraine and our intelligence to help them attack Russia seems like a desirable (by Buy-Dem) provocation to start WW III.
It’s not that they think we will win, they want to wipe as many of us out as possible…
Biden’s FEMA sent electric chainsaws to town without electricity… Damn,
3 pallets of electric chainsaws sent by FEMA…
I mean Damn… more absolute stupidity brought by a complete corrupt incompetent government…
Professor says men should be lined up and shot if they don’t vote Kameltow…
How do these people keep their jobs?
Hey Greg, your former network posted this nonsense about Geoengineering.
They Lie Big time. The should invite Dane Wigington on to debate this issue.
Dane would wipe the floor with these idiots.
Greg site is down, confirmed by the Down for Everyone site.
When I hear Dane say the dumbing down of humans I see people every day in a fog created by these chemtrails and of course the “covid” jabs. And now they are pushing for jabs for a made up lab created bunch of scary nonsense. So then there will be the manufacturing of yet another vax and the nefarious vicious circle of these criminals’ agenda keeps on going. Twisted what is happening before our lives. How can this be possible that criminals/murderers in their version of science can not be stopped? What will it take before the end as we know it arrives?☮️🏝🕊🌸🤭