Trump Will Face War & Depression – Charles Nenner
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
In October, renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner warned of a huge war cycle. Now, with the EU getting ready to fight a war with Russia, Nenner has a new warning in the economy, and President Trump will be forced to deal with both war and a big depression in the not-so-distant future. Let’s start with war. Nenner explains, “I think all the war cycles are pointing up, and we are getting into big trouble. You mention Ukraine, but I would say the situation in the Middle East is as bad and dangerous as it is in Ukraine. In Ukraine, there is a solution, and that is Ukraine is not going to be part of NATO and Russia is going to keep a little bit of the land. I am from Amsterdam, and we don’t have any army anymore, but now they want to make it official that everybody has to go back into the army. It’s like they are forcing a third world war. These people have no clue what they are doing. This will cost billions and billions of dollars. I talk to people who have their children in kindergarten, and now it is not subsidized anymore because the money is going to go to Ukraine.”
German bonds are now under stress and reportedly “melting down.” What is going on there? Nenner says, “German Bunds went down because the (EU) countries need money. This is also going to be an economic catastrophe as the economy is going to slow down. I hear they want to change into what they call a war-time economy. I don’t know exactly what this means. This is all for nothing. All this money has been destroyed. For the Americans, I am not sure, but we are talking about $500 billion now has been destroyed. . . What Zelensky does is say if we don’t stop them, Russia is going to take over Europe. I absolutely think that is totally ridiculous. . . . My long-term cycles look the same as in 1928 and 1929. They all come together, and we are in for a very bad situation. So, it could be a depression. . . . Yes, we are headed for a depression because the yearly income cycles are the same as just before the crash of 1929. In 1928 and 1927, there were already big down moves, and then they came back until the whole thing collapsed in 1929.
Recently, Nenner was shorting home builders and made 40% on the move down. Nenner is still long-term bullish on gold, and he likes silver too, but you have to be ready to be patient with silver. Nenner says the dollar is not going to crash anytime soon, although it has sold off in the last few weeks. The US dollar will stay strong for the foreseeable future. Nenner thinks a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve “is a crazy idea,” and people should concentrate on tangible investments like gold or paying off your house. On the interest rate front, Nenner predicted we hit bottom when the 10-Year Treasury was around 1%. He said interest rates would be going up. He was right, and now the 10-Year is above 4%. That is a big move. Eventually, Nenner says rates will, once again, be going back to double digits and says, “We will eventually get back to 16%.” Don’t worry, Nenner says that’s going to take a while.
There is much more in the 42-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with renowned cycle analyst and financial expert Charles Nenner for 3.08.25.
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Nenner said:” So, it could be a depression. . . . Yes, we are headed for a depression because the yearly income cycles are the same as just before the crash of 1929. In 1928 and 1927, there were already big down moves, and then they came back until the whole thing collapsed in 1929.”
Isn’t that what Gerald Celente likes to say? “When all else fails, they take you to war”. Those in power know the economy is heading towards a global collapse so therefore they want to distract the masses with war. It’s a tried and true recipe from their playbook and the Banksters are the ones who benefit from war .
It’s Happening – We Are Getting A New Financial System – Dr. Kirk Elliott 2025
I continue to accumulate Pre 1965 US Dimes – Quarters – Half Dollars
My Goal is to purchase monthly – last year I exceeded my yearly purchase due to premiums being so low – they continue to be the best Silver to purchase.
Stay Well my Brother – unfortunately I agree with your guest on War
I believe Charles is correct,,, seems war is in the air,,, I would remind everyone USA has NO hypersonic weapons,, Oreshnik is the ART OF WAR,,, nothing under the Sun can defeat it,,,nothing,,, factor in Russias Satan 2 and Belgorod carrying 6 posidon’s,,, Wake up people!!! China has hypersonics also and their Luni Tance-4 satellite appears to be able to track all stealth aircraft including F-35,F-22,and B-21 Raider doing Ai search,,,
If anyone has time to watch Ricky at End Time Headlines please watch ” We are witnessing more framework for the coming Beast system” ,,, Hopefully Trump seeks peace for everyone and not war,,,Thanks Greg & Charles !!! Charles is very accurate on his predictions ,,, especially Gold !!!
Thank you for inviting Charles. He is among my personal favorite top 3 speakers. I am not a prophet, but I would like to impress I’ve been feeling a “change in the air”. I believe the administration is losing ground and it is going too soft. Which, in my opinion will be its downfall, once again. As a disclaimer, I am mostly an independent and only want stability for the USA. However, I feel we are at the end game of an empire in free fall. The Trump administration will be our last chance.
DOGE ought to have a TURN YOURSELF IN week.
Where persons or the persons in charge that knowingly defrauded to American taxpayer can turn themselves in, agree to assist DOGE and the FBI in its investigations; in exchange for a lesser or even no time served in prison. Repayment of the missing money stolen will still be payable in full, with interest tied to the FED 30 year mortgage rate.
Also the DOGE Fraud Whistleblowers, where anyone that knows of any fraud in which Federal tax dollars are involved, can turn in the offender and receive a one time payment up-to $100,000 depending on the level of fraud.
I know, it’ll never happen. But it could really help eliminate a small portion of the fraud shenanigans.
Also consider this: President Trump, Elon Musk and DOGE are like a wrecking ball to government spending. I’m all for it; however, when one trillion in government spending is suddenly removed from the U.S. economy then how does that affect the economy? Well, Keynesian economics has demonstrated that government spending adds to GDP and currency and credit expansion. So, again, I ask: what happens when you abruptly suck out a trillion dollars from the economy? Cold Turkey?
Probably what happens is a Crack-up Boom resulting in acute economic pain. Throw in some 25% tariffs and we got some real bad trouble I’m all for ending even more government spending than DOGE is doing. I say get out that chainsaw and go to work. I’m all for ending ALL trade with our enemy China. But, frankly, I’m ready for a “Depression” just like Charles Nenner’s models are predicting. Charles says he doesn’t know exactly why Depression happens, but I can see some obvious reasons why, how and what catalyst(s) are now igniting an economic conflagration.
Regarding war cycles. Indeed. I agree with Charles Nenner that “President Trump can’t go against the cycle”. Look. We got an Israeli war cycle. Euroland war cycle. China, North Korea and Taiwan war cycle, and let’s not forget the American civil war cycle. I don’t know about you, but I want a divorce from the Dirty Woke Democrats and anybody who is like them. And I don’t think I’m alone. I say Civil War 2 is coming, and so does Marty Armstrong.
“The Fiery Colored Horse” of Revelation is going to break out into a gallop. Think about the long-term ramifications of the global horse stomping. Prepare accordingly. Don’t let those brutal steel hooves break every bone in your body. Get your prepping done.
Missouri Wins $24B COVID-19 Judgment Against China.
A little off topic, but thought I’d share the news for the Show Me State.
China has farm ground in Mo.
Yes I totally agree, the LLM is taming up the War narrative something awful., virtually signalling that they are near to Kaboom time.
Have no fear and repent for the Lord Jesus Christ is in control.
Forget about anywhere else. We’ve got our own war going here in the U.S.—tens of millions of invaders roaming the streets. Bring all American troops home to deal with that.
If the U.S. does have any interest abroad, it’s getting rid of guys like Soros and Schwab. I have no problem with my tax money being used for air strikes or special forces to send them down for the dirt nap.
Pray up folks, the evil will not go down without swinging.
Too right Shirl!
Wonderful interview but I would respectfully disagree with the statement that these people have no idea what they are doing. they certainly do! They are culling the herd…calling it war.
There is no doubt in my mind Mr.Nenner rues the day he used the winter coat analogy. I know I do.
Charles Nenner Warns of a Huge War Cycle Coming!! Meaning lots of missiles will be needed by NATO to fight their 30 year long war against Russia. Now, if each Missile contains 500 ounces of Silver (like some say is in each Tomahawk Missile) we should be seeing “Very Huge Demand” for Silver!! So, lets take a look at the Silver Reserves currently in LBMA Vaults (where we have been told Gold is currently rapidly being withdrawn)!!,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Yep! Actually, Silver is being Drawn Down at “An Even Greater Rate” then Gold!!!
Very Interesting Chart – It shows “In Terms of SUPPLY” there is only about 3 oz of Silver at LBMA for every 1 oz of Gold! Yet (In Terms of Price) the LBMA has market prices set so that it takes 90 oz of Silver for every 1 oz of Gold!! Logically (in Terms of a Very Simple Supply and Demand Analysis) Silver should be selling for $1,000 US Dollars per ounce!!!
Charles has made the right move to get out of the bunker last year!
He’s now in the same state as Martin Armstrong!
He looks healthier to me. In a place of strong sun and Vitamin D which strong sun creates!
Thanks Charles for helping people out!
Great interview, great questions,
-It’s good to see that you get info/opinions from Scott Ritter, and hopefully by association Johnson, McGovern, Sachs . Mearsheimer, Mate, Freeman, Col. Wilkerson, Col. McGregor, Blumenthal, et al.
We are on an informational /spiritual tight rope, stay balanced.
Stop the close caption on the screen. It’s very annoying ….
That’s on your end.
Greg, other experts agree , that the Ukrainian ‘rare earth’ is in large part ahoax, and the scams deepens?
Ukraine’s $500 billion rare earths scam: they don’t exist, and we should know better
2 years of food is not enough.
Expect power, food, and water to be cut off.
Because traitors have decimated our military and weapons, it will up to Patriots to defend America and Americans.
Have more food and water than you need because you will need it.
WE need to help our president and it won’t be easy.
Grow and make what you can for yourself and the war effort.
Wood and woodstoves.
Long term government intent is democide.
Come together with like minded people.
In his first term Trump had an Executive Order that took assets from traitors.
Bitcoin is one more fiat currency.
In war, deaths from infection and lack of meds are greater than batttle deaths.
Greg. Ph’d Jim Willie sources shared some interest take on PM and cryptos coming Trump’s Plans With Ripple (XRP) & Precious Metals Backing
ArkMidnight Saturday Night Fright
John B. Wells, Obomber TERRORIST Funding of Both Sides & media,
Alex Soros and Father________— in The rape of the American taxpayer!
Many good nice questions from Greg: The oil price question is a very good one.
Longterm there is a relationship of 20:1 between oil and gold, so 5000 Usd Would be 250 US oil and 3000 Usd Gold 150 USD in oil, presently we are at a low still. I agree that is more an issue from maybe end of year 2025 on with an eventual Hormusz closure due to a posible encounter with Iran. Do not forget that the Chevron withdraw ordered thru Trump and co. in Venezuela has very big consequences for oil production too as Chevron works far better as the stateowned oil company. Venezuela is already a second Cuba with extremely low wages and shockingly high living costs for locals.