Market Analysis Archive

This News section gives analysis of all the markets including stocks, bonds, gold, silver, housing, interest rates, inflation and overall health of the general economy. The Federal Reserve, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Comptroller of the Currency, Bank of International Settlements, derivatives, deficits, demographics, financial calamity, and even the dollar are a few of the things we will incorporate into the conversation.

The views here come from traditional mainstream sources and also from the alternative media. Interviews will come from people who manage money, former government officials and financial analysts. Some of the people in this section who have been interviewed include former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Robert Shiller, Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, $8 billion fund manager Eric Sprott, Professor William Black, gold expert Jim Sinclair, best-selling authors Nomi Prins, James Rickards and many more experts.

The interviews and information provided here are usually in direct opposition of the views in the mainstream media. Oftentimes, market analysis and political analysis overlap. The content and interviews here are for information purposes only and should not be considered investment advice.

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Collapse Coming–Not Recovery

By Greg Hunter’s   (Revised) The way the latest unemployment numbers were reported by the mainstream media (MSM), you would think the Great Recession was over and the United States was solidly on the road to recovery.  The Associated Press reported

The Banking System Needs to be Fixed

In my mind, ever since Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) allowed the banks to value things like mortgage-backed securities and real estate at whatever  they think they will be worth in the future, the system was insolvent.  The banking insolvency problem in America is

If Greek Debt Deal Blows Up–$1 Trillion in Losses!

By Greg Hunter’s There are more ways for the world economy to get much worse than there are ways for it to get better. One landmine waiting to be stepped on is the Greek sovereign debt.  The IMF and the

Subprime to the Rescue

By Greg Hunter’s  (Revised) Subprime lending is back, and it is creating headlines like: “February auto sales rise to highest level in 4 years.”  That comes from a story last week from Reuters.  Reuters goes on to say, “U.S. auto sales

Dollar Alternative Anyone?

By Greg Hunter’s  Countries around the world have been actively seeking ways to not do business in dollars for the past few years.  The U.S. dollar is the so-called world reserve currency, but the big question is for how long? 

Gas Prices Signal Tsunami of Inflation

Greg Hunter’s A good friend of mine, who has family living abroad, called me this weekend. One of the first things out of his mouth was about his sister in London and how she was dealing with “terrible inflation.” No

Greek Debt Deal Done—Yeah Right

By Greg Hunter’s  I keep asking myself, when is a deal not a deal?  Every time I hear the words “Greek debt deal” or “Greek bailout” in the same sentence, I wonder if, this time, they really have a deal. 

Inflation Everywhere but MSM Says NOT

By Greg Hunter’s  It seems every chance the mainstream media (MSM) gets, it tells us things really aren’t that bad.  For example, the headline from the Associated Press (AP) said, “Consumer prices on the rise, but inflation outlook is benign.”

U.S. Dollar Will Take Beating in the End

By Greg Hunter’s In the simplest of terms, the U.S. dollar will take a beating in the end.  That is going to be the result of all the bailouts and money printing to save an insolvent banking system.  Today, I

Mortgage Settlement Not Only Thing Plunging Prices

By Greg Hunter’s  New data just released revealed delinquency rates for mortgage holders is up in the last quarter of 2011.  Now, the national mortgage delinquency rate is 6.01%, up from 5.88% in the third quarter of 2011 according to

Mortgage Settlement Will Plunge Real Estate Values

By Greg Hunter’s  It is official.  State and federal governments have condoned forgery, perjury and fraud in what’s been called the “robo-signing” foreclosure debacle.  Last week, the five biggest banks in America signed on to a $26 billion deal that,

Fed’s Free Money Isn’t Really Free

By now everyone has heard of the Federal Reserve’s free money policy where the Fed loans money to its banking buddies at or near 0%.  This is a great deal for the bankers, but free money isn’t really free, and it

Dollar and America on the Road to Ruin

By Greg Hunter’s  (revised) In the last week or so, I’ve noticed an unusual amount of really well written and researched articles warning of impending doom and financial horror.  These articles are not written by a bunch of angry uneducated bloggers

Will Big Banks Get Free Pass in Robo-Signing Mortgage Mess?

By Greg Hunter’s  The State AG’s are supposed to settle the enormous mortgage mess for a mere $25 billion.  The alleged fraud has been reported to be in the neighborhood of $13.5 trillion.  Will the crooked big banks who perpetrated

8.3% Unemployment Lie

By Greg Hunter’s The most recent unemployment number is a total lie, and that lie was repeated all over the mainstream media (MSM).  Two sins were committed here, and I don’t know which one is worse.  The report was a