Stay Connected No Matter What With a Satellite Phone

Satellite Phone Store Sponsored Post 11.29.21

It doesn’t matter what part of the country you are in, it’s always good to have backup communications when or if things go wrong.  Whether it’s natural disasters, widespread blackouts or massive tech failure, a sat phone from Satellite Phone Store keeps you connected no matter what.

Also, some people have sensitive conversations with people they may want to keep secret. Satellite phones are a great way to protect your calls from being heard or tracked by Big Brother or Big Tech.

Having surefire reliable communication is extremely important. Satellite phones work anywhere on the planet, like in the video below, where there is no cell phone service for miles around:

After the Sponsored Post from Satellite Phone Store: 

Take advantage of the Promotional Offer with Satellite Phone Store for a FREE “IsatPhone2” satellite phone with 1 year contract. You get 150 minutes monthly, a free USA number and Rollover minutes for only $99.95 + tax per month. Click here for more information. Be sure to mention USAWatchdog when you call or visit Satellite Phone Store and speak to one of the agents or when you make contact on the website Live Chat.

Thank you for supporting and Satellite Phone Store!



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  1. J.A. de Vreede DC DACNB

    Sun, Nov 28, 2021 9:55 am
    John A. de Vreede DC DACNB ([email protected])
    To:[email protected] Details

    She/you should contact Rainer Fuellmich from Germany. He’s busy with a process against the WHO FDA and CDC called Neuremburg 2. He’s the attorney that got Deutsche Bank and Volkwagen Dieselgate convicted.
    I just send the email below to him.


    Senderstr. 37
    37077 Göttingen
    +49 551 209120
    +49 551 20912144
    [email protected]

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Kind Regards, Met vriendelijke Groet,

    Jan (John) A. de Vreede DC DACNB
    W-Breukelderweg 1
    6721 MP Bennekom
    The Netherlands


    —–Original Message—–
    From: John A. de Vreede DC DACNB
    To: [email protected]
    Sent: Sun, Nov 28, 2021 9:47 am


    …………………………………That’s why there are such strong mandates for our schools and for our city and state employees. . . . 740 of the 1,850 police here in San Diego are not vaccinated and don’t want to be. Mayor Todd Gloria gave them two choices: You can surrender your body to be injected with this biological agent, or you can surrender your badge and gun. I gave the police a third option which was arrest the Mayor.”
    Kingston says the CV19 so-called vaccines are not vaccines but bioweapons and goes on to say, “The hot water that Pfizer is in is they never demonstrated anything even remotely being a vaccine, and their mechanism of action is defined by the FDA under viral gene-based therapy, which is what it is. They met no criteria as a vaccine. On top of that, the FDA has approved other products in this category for cancer treatments. So, if there is a serious attorney out there that wants to engage me and my analysts, this is actually a big case. Pfizer broke their (liability) shield, and the FDA was grossly negligent. The data is right there to show you this goes beyond false and misleading labeling and off-label claims . . . . They told doctors that this was a vaccine–when it’s not.”…………………………………………….

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Kind Regards, Met vriendelijke Groet,

    Jan (John) A. de Vreede DC DACNB
    W-Breukelderweg 1
    6721 MP Bennekom
    The Netherlands


  2. Zip

    O MAN look at this. 1999 the new BS was born

  3. Ryan Kindel

    I have the phone and it works great.

  4. JC

    Avoid situations like this by getting a Satellite phone!

    Don’t forget to mention USAWatchdog when you call!

  5. Stan

    I bought ones of these to keep on my Bertram 60. It is a must have for any yacht owner.

    • Jerry

      A Bertram is an old man boat. This is what we have where I live.

      • Stan

        Jerry: The stuff in that video is for kids. Grown ups travel in Bertrams.

  6. timothy senger

    Hi Greg, not sure if you received my e-mail, but i mentioned there that i think this whole buisiness about satellite phones sounds o.k. if you have money to throw away, which of course most people out there are living pay check to pay check, if they even have a Job. i also think it is totally rediculous that most or all of the emergency food is not only expensive, but filled with chemicals you would never use to feed your dog or cat, if you have one.
    i also think with good reason that alot of what you might be hearing and also seeing is a total Psy-op. seems every thing is and has been over the top expensive, and these fear monger’s are peddling there fear using using it to sell you there wares. people are being taken advantage of here and abroad. GOD sees everything, it will all come to light soon enough!! be careful who you call a friend or brother in CHRIST, the devil has also infilterated churches, and conservative organizations here in this country and abroad,
    this is all a part of the end times deception that we were warned about to take heed of.

  7. ron martin

    Bought my sat phone two months ago Greg. Thanks anyway.

  8. peter Erikson

    An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. SAT PHONE is good Bang for the buck. Keep Yourself out of Deep water.

    Good Promo deal.

  9. Jerry

    You may want to take advantage of Greg’s offer on the satellite phones while you can. This morning I got a report from one of my sources that the military is moving personnel and assets into the South China Sea.

    While this is pure speculation, just remember the globalist will use whatever opportunity is available to them to promote the reset and restructuring of global control. Conflict with China would open the door to a great many things, including martial law and military lockdowns. Get your spiritual house in order, and get prepared.

  10. James Anderson

    Yes, I’m using the satellite phone of Motorolla since 2017, because I love hiking so there are some places where SIM signals do not work.

  11. Piter

    Nice post!

  12. Yetihunter

    Satellite phones are great and getting better. Supply is in hot demand since the Russian-Ukrainian war started. Rentals are a good choice for some.

    Satellite Phone Store is a trusted source as well. Good write-up!

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