What was Steve Jobs Secret to Life?
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
The passing of Steve Jobs is like losing the Alexander Graham Bell or Thomas Edison of our day. He was truly brilliant. His thoughts and inventions changed the way we live. What was his secret? Is it something we all could incorporate into our lives? I stumbled upon Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford UniversityCommencement Speech a few weeks ago. I watched from beginning to end because it was riveting. He gave his secret to success and life in this speech. Please watch it. I think you will find it just as enjoyable, and it is in his own words. Peace –Greg Hunter–

Here lies the question. Why is this man dead? He has BILLIONS of dollars, he could have hired 10,000 scientists paying them a million a year since 2004, to find en exclusive cure for his ailments. VERY BIZARRE. (Hence: NEW Conspiracy)
There is “new” evidence out there that cancer is a form of candida albicans….a fungus that causes systemic disease in humans and I myself was almost killed by it. Funny how this gets no attention from the medical community, after all radiation treatment is a billion dollar industry. Naysayers can say what they want, but Steve is dead, even with all the treatment and all the money, they could have at least TRIED to kill it with antifungals or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). In my case it started in my stomach and reached all the way up to my maxilliary sinus (on its way to my brain) before i realized just how to deal with it (no thanks to the mainstream doc who just wanted to perform surgery after surgery). There is a reason that every other commercial is about a new drug that “you should ask your doctor about,” because hey, its all a business, just like apple. RIP sir, and that speech left me with goosebumps. I dont feel so scared about tomorrow all the sudden. Together we stand, divided we fall, lets work together. Thanks Greg.
Hombre, you are truly one of great depth, keep that thought.
Greg: Thank you for sharing this video, first time I have seen it.
Each of us could say what we think Steve’s secret was, focus, being hungry, confidence, taking chances, picking himself up and continuing on. He expected a lot from himself and he drove himself.
His vision will be missed.
Peace to you Greg as well, Steve
Thank you Steve.
Theres no doubt the guy was talented, and had a vision. But hes just another corporate elite when you break it down. Your worshiping and praising a guy that was in the exact system you’re fighting against. Nice!
This is non news. People die everyday. We all get that privilege. No one is special in that regard. The guy made computer products for god sakes – He didn’t invent the wheel or electricity – Now THOSE things are truly life changing for EVERYONE. Steve jobs didn’t change everyones life – Only a select group of cult like followers who believed he was messiah of technology and bought his products.
I just can’t get on board with all the brown nosing for another corporate elite who could have used his money to really do something good for America.. No he dies with billions in hand just like the rest of the corp elite do.
I have to disagree on just about every point. I am not fighting against the system, but the unfairness of the system. There will always be some sort of system. I do not expect civilization to go back to living in caves The press is supposed to keep track of what’s going on and expose injustice so it can be corrected. Because the MSM is failing to do the job it is supposed to do it is moving to the Internet. As far as Jobs is concerned, his list of accomplishments and the fact that he started from scratch speaks for itself. Thank you for the comment. By the way, I am putting this comment up because I believe in the 1st Amendment.
The Macintosh computer was a major invention! How could you claim that a guy who was a part of the computer innovation movement didn’t engage in life changing technologies for everybody now? What are you typing on just to post this message? MSFT was APPL’s alter ego and between those two companies, all of our lives have drastically changed in the last 20 years alone. We used to do research papers on selectric typwriters and phone brokers to place stock orders just 20 years ago yet now, most communication is done on social media sites. Gates/Jobs are visionaries which we need now. Not more cogs.
BTW, regardless of how much money this guy took to the grave and how much work he did for the federal reserve, his message was significant. Many youngsters have indebted themselves indirectly ultimately to the federal reserve on the notion that they could “join the system” in order to be another cog in the wheel. This is exactly the opposite message of Jobs! He’s trying to tell kids to live their lives and not the lives their parents expect of them. Moreover, that somebody else should create the next amazing life changing invention rather than aspiring to being another cog. That is a huge message all too lost on nearly everyone today.
Perhaps you’re too young to remember the “good ol days” when computers weren’t around?
Hey Greg,
I commend you for your sharing this wonderful speech of Steve Jobs. I have never owned an Apple product but I was curiously emotional thinking of the passing of this quintissential American, from his fragile beginnings, struggling through life’s challenges and gaining wisdom and achieving success in life and business. This is our American story that demonstrates to the world that you don’t have to be a European noble to rise to the top. That he achieved wealth is simply a tribute to a great country that allows for the innovator to thrive. Americans have invented a huge proportion of the marvels of our age and I am grateful to be a part of it.
Thank you Brad and Jan,.
I thought it was really special.
I think Steve Job is an inspiration to all. He won some and he lost some, but he always picked himself up, dusted himself off and got back to work. He was given a death sentence in 2004, he did not stop working until six weeks ago. He could have, but the man loved what he did and he contributed until he felt he could no longer fulfill the duties of his position.
The products he invented rank right up there with the telephone, tlegraph & the light bulb. He was the inventor of the 20th Century. May his company survive and continue to innovate as a tribute to its’ founder.
The man gained wealth, friends and respect, most of all achieved happiness as he worked and created, life to him was his vacation.
We should all be so fortunate as Mr. Jobs….RIP