Will Nuke False Flag Keep Trump Out of Office – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is telling the public to brace themselves for the evil deeds that will be done to try to keep President Elect Donald Trump from taking office.  This includes a false flag nuke that will be blamed on Russia.  One side of government is trying to nuke America, and another side of government is trying to stop it.  This is what some say all the drone traffic is about.  Quayle explains, “A false flag is when you initiate an illegal act.  In this case, we are talking about the detonation of not only ‘dirty bombs’ but also nuclear warheads.  The rumors are there are active nuclear warheads. . . .They that hate Trump and want to literally destroy this country to save the majority of the Democrats and Republicans that appear to have an affinity for China.  That came out in the Australian News about how many US politicians are on the China payroll.”

Lots of crime and treason have been going on in Washington D.C., and it only got worse in the Biden Administration.  The so-called Swamp is scared.  Quayle says, “They are scared because of the revelation that President Elect Trump is sending public signals that he’s going to clean house. . . . The bottom line answer is if you have sold out to the Chinese. . . . Our government was in collusion with the Chinese.  We funded (CV19) gain of function experiments that resulted in the deaths of people who were vaccinated . . . and participated in the knowing and willing destruction of American citizens. . . . A top Communist Chinese Party member said . . . with our bioweapon, we defeated the United States. . . .They are afraid because they know what they are guilty of. . . . President Trump has the goods on them — there is evidence.”

Quayle says there is another government group who is working to stop any false flag. Quayle contends, “They are going to use everything in their bag of evil tricks, including false flag nuclear detonations.  The Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST) are good guys, and they are working tirelessly.  They really want to stop this nuclear false flag,”

These people who are against Trump are both desperate and evil.  Quayle says, “They will do anything, including detonation of nuclear warheads in the US to stop Donald Trump.  These are soulless creatures. . . . Their sole purpose is to destroy mankind. . . . There is only one reason to provoke a nuclear war with Russia, and that is they don’t want Trump in office.  They are Luciferian, and they want a mass sacrifice of 250 million Americans.”

In closing, Quayle says to be on the lookout for the big lie coming in the future.  Quayle says, “The big lie is aliens created us . . . and there is no God. . .”

There is more in the 50-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes one-on-one with Steve Quayle who talks about evil demons that will try a nuclear false flag detonation to stop Donald Trump from taking office for 12.17.24.

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After the Interview: 

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Go to Darkbags.com or Sat123.com or call 1-941-841-0844.  Place your order on or before Sunday, December 22, and your items will arrive before Christmas. 

Follow Steve Quayle at “Real Steve Quayle on X.”

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  1. Jeff

    Just remember God is in control and will turn it all around. There will be casualties but in the end His wors stands True.

    • Greg Hunter

      Brother Jeff,
      Amen to that!!
      Brother Greg

    • Galaxy 500


    • Trey

      Turn it around? How about everything continues to collapse toward the Tribulation. That said, who knows how bad it will get before we see Jesus in the clouds?

      • Adam Munyard

        I’m a bit pessimistic also Trey. I don’t see your country recovering and things improving. I’m of the personal belief as Steve has said, ‘ normal will no longer exist’. I believe the world imminently will become worse in every way, wars / economy / death / seismic and weather events. And so on and so forth

        • Ken Yu

          Normal will continue to exist because “Homo” sapiens (who only have sex with other Homo’s) will eventually die off and become a “Lost Branch of the Human Family Tree” – but only if we “Normal” sapiens stop the “Homo” sapiens from “Coming For Our Children” (To Create New Homo’s)!!

      • Galaxy 500

        And what happens when you are wrong about the timeline?
        Pray, prepare and live the life YHWH has for you. Even Jesus doesn’t know the timing

  2. Shirl

    Pray for Peace, better yet by Christ mas 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  3. Fred Flintlock

    Teamsters head says GOP has ‘great opportunity’ to prove it’s the pro-worker party!
    The Trumpster Sends a Message!

  4. Art Simpson

    That balloon passed over Hawaii first. I saw it in my telescope.

    • Katy Bar

      That Fat Balloon at Homeland Security (Alejandro Mayorkas) said on Friday: “The Government Doesn’t Have the Authority to Shoot Down Drones”!!
      So, According to Mayorkas – Any Country Can Just Violate Our Air-Space (The Same Way the Illegals Can Just Violate Our Land-Space)???
      Patriots need to spread the Warning:
      “ONE IF BY LAND! –
      TWO IF BY AIR!! –
      THREE IF BY SEA”!!!

      • Galaxy 500

        It boggles the mind that they say these things

  5. Katy Bar

    Quayle says: “Be on the lookout for the Big Lie coming (In The Future) that ‘aliens’ created us and that there is no God”!! In the Future??? What about (The Past)?? We Christians have been repeatedly told for many Centuries (Right in the Bible) that non-human “Angels came down from Heaven” to announce that Jesus Christ would be created within the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Bible also explicitly says that a non-human (God the Father in Heaven) created us from the clay of the Earth. So, I don’t see it as a Big Lie that we were created by a non-human “Entity in Heaven” (God The Father) – the Lie Is: THAT THERE IS NO GOD that created us!!!

    • Kit Lee

      The Globalist Demons with their “toy drones” are currently trying to “Make Us FEAR AN ALIEN INVASION”!! We should NOT FEAR the coming of God (and his Angels) from Heaven – Who As The Bible Says “CREATED US” and normally would not be “OUT TO KILL US” (say in another Great Flood) unless we have been ignoring his Commandments and instead have been Trafficking in and Killing Children, Raping women, Selling drugs, starting Nuclear Wars, etc., etc.)!!! We non-Globalist Christians should therefore be Praying That Our Extermination Will Only Occur By Globalist Hands and Should Instead Celebrate the Coming of “OUR CREATOR” With “GREAT JOY” And The “BLOWING TRUMPETS TO WELCOME HIM”!!!

    • Ken Yu

      Humanity’s Extermination “has already begun” with the Globalists “Kill Shots” and their incessant rush toward “Nuclear War”! People should not let the Globalists get away with saying “They Are Doing Gods Work” (by Exterminating Humanity)!! As Their God is SATAN!!! The Globalists Evil Plan is to Destroy all Belief in Religion, and then try to blame Jesus, God the Father and the Army of Angels who are coming to “SAVE US” as being “Aliens invading Planet Earth To Kill Us All”. The Truth is: God will Save “All The Good People” (just like he saved Noah and his family). Only the Evil Globalists (pretending to be “gods” are the ones who will be Exterminated (just like they are now Exterminating Us)!! So People should not be fooled into helping the Evil Globalists Slaughter Humanity. And definitely they should not help the Globalists in Any War Against Jesus when he arrives “To Save Us From The Evil Swamp” (if Trump as God’s Chosen Servant somehow fails to succeed)!!!

    • Shirl

      Hi Katy, the other day I replied back in Bill Holter’s interview regarding the drones the day after President Trump’s response when asked about it…my reply to you didn’t get posted until after SQ’s interview here. As you know, our posts don’t appear right away and sometimes are delayed for whatever reason…here is the reply with the link to the presser:

      “There is currently a lot of wild speculation out there regarding the strange “drone” phenomenon.
      Yesterday during President Trump’s first news presser post re-election he was asked about it and he answered assuredly that the gov knows all about them, has complete tracking ability and should have better transparency on it with the public. BTW, the entire presser was superb, he really knocked it out of the park…not just over the fence.! He answered all questions and did not mumble incoherently or use communist phrases or giggle like a hyena or shake invisible peoples hands 🙂”

      See it here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=mtaPcFECfVY

      BTW, SQ’s explanation might be as legit as he claimed in this interview but, none of it is verified with a single source let alone two, just sayin’ because it sounds like more wild speculation to me.

      • Shirl

        Quick synopsis

        • Katy Bar

          Trump better not get caught under one of these drones as they my be releasing viruses or radioactive depleted uranium upon his head!! Leading spray drone manufacturers such as DJI, XAG and Hylio are already manufacturing drones capable of “adjusting droplet size as low as 50 or 100 microns” — extremely drift-prone droplets (necessary if you are trying to kill off a large population where really fine droplets are called for to enter the respiratory system)!!!

          • Shirl

            Katy Bar,
            I hear you on that and it clearly is the case that The DESPERATE Deep State are pulling out ALL of the stops at an increasingly maniacal unhinged pace. Nothing unfortunately would surprise me at this point…it’s pure lunacy!
            Pray up!

          • Better Chetter

            If that be the case, it is a good reason to buy one of the Contagion Emerg Kits that Greg advertises, & whose sales support him & these great alt media stories. Those nebulizers are great for restoring the immune system, with the helpful agents released into the lungs.

    • Tim Ryals

      They may use mass casualty to hide, or cover up the Rapture of the Church. They will do anything to try and prove God’s Word is incorrect, and use every excuse to back their Delusions, and Doctrines of Demoms. I have never read this so called prophets vision, so I don’t know where that is coming from. I have never seen him, or heard about him before and only heard his name on SQ. I don’t put my faith in men, I closely watch the outcome and see who is winning the most people to the Lord, and how much the Holy Spirit is actually using them and not just what they say He is doing with them. Some of these visions are counterfeit, I would rather put my trust in God’s Word, and it says “Caught Up” (Harpazo) Snatched away” “in the twinkling of an eye” The trumpet will sound, and the voice of yhe Arch Angel will shout, and the dead in Christ rise first, and we who are alive and remain are caught up together to be with yhe Lord forever. That is sound doctrine. That’s where Maranatha comes from, too many things to list…come quickly Lord Jesus. Not visions from a stranger….unless you can find his name in the Bible somewhere?

      • Galaxy 500

        They would have to know the timing of the Second coming to do that. So what you are concerned about is a non sequitar .
        If the Son of YHWH doesn’t know when he is coming back, I don’t think worrying a a Government plan to cover it up is rational.
        It will be over and done with and NONE will be able to deny

      • Citizen1988

        Hey Tim,
        When you say “rapture,” and “harpazo” are you referring to the pre-tribulational rapture? You mention you trust the Word of God, can I ask you to consider a few passages that put to rest the idea of a secret rapture? These passages convinced me there is no pre-trib rapture.

        (I wrote this out and somehow fat-fingered a button and lost it – mentioning it in case it shows up)

        1. Acts 1:11 the angels tell the disciples Christ will return in the clouds.
        2. Paul tells his readers in 1 Thessalonians 4 that we will be “caught up” to be with the Lord and forever be with Him. (note: it does not say go back to heaven in this, or any other passage)
        3. Paul talks about the same event in 1 Corinthians 15:51,52 when he writes:
        “Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.”

        But notice verse 50 that precedes it:
        “50 Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.”

        The event described in First Thessalonians 4 is the same event described in 1 Corinthians 15, which is part of the Second coming of Christ to earth. The transformation of our bodies is necessary.

        To tie it all together, Paul also explains our new glorified bodies will exist on the earth in Romans 8:19-23:
        “18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, [i]in hope 21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. 23 And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.”

        Paul is describing what will happen when we are caught up with Christ – not to ascend to heaven, but rather to be a part of His return.

        “Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.
        “You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth.” – Revelation 5:9,10

        Our being “caught up” with Christ, and receiving our glorified bodies is the same event, and as you can see from the passage in Romans 8, it is for the revealing to all creation.

        Lastly, here is an excellent short lesson that helped me understand “harpazo” correctly as Paul used it, by R.C. Sproul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dILQHlaqINg
        You can start at 15:00 minute mark, I found it incredibly helpful.

        Grace and peace!


  6. Don Doerr Sr.

    Thank you, Greg, for fighting for us!
    It is essential that all Americans – and the world – understand that the Democrat Party of our Ancestors and Grandparents ended on November 22, 1963. For detailed verification, read Dr. Jerome Cori’s recent book on the assassination of JFK and consider the Antichrist Obama and his Hillary’s corrupted FBI, etc. attacks upon President Trump, including the shots that almost put him in the cemetery with the Kennedys, Ashli Babbit, Bernard Ebbers, John Sidgmore, Vince Foster, our 13 Soldiers in Afghanistan, and so many more…. Lincoln said it best: “NOW WE ARE ENGAGED IN A GREAT CIVIL WAR.” Sadly, this decadence is being blessed by Pope Francis. Either we are in End Times, or God through Jesus is giving us one last chance.

  7. Stephen

    It is unbelievable that the US, a fantastic food producer, could starve its people, but the food factory fires, the FDA destroying millions of tonnes of food are indicators that this is happening. Where are the investigations into the food factory fires? Maybe the FBI are too busy arresting Christians quietly standing neat baby-killing centers! And the police harassing scholl-board members protecting their childrens’ morals?

    • suzanne wilhelm

      To understand the level of destruction in food processing and growth, Read Range. A magazine that ranchers, farmers and food growers tell their stories. They tell of how they must constantly fight with government agencies, adapt to changing Enviromental changes, regulations just to maintain their livelihood. Yes, during the Obama administration they saw everything change for the worse. forced to sell of property, livestock and entire farms. Our government is derailing the food processing industry.

    • Katy Bar

      During the Great Depression 40% of the civilian workforce was employed in agriculture. Today 40% of the civilian workforce is employed in Government. During the Great Depression most people had some means to survive because many private farms were at least still producing food for survival. Today’s public servants can produce nothing!! So instead of praying and getting arrested by Federal Government Officials (for simply standing and praying in front of abortion clinics to save children we don’t know) people should be getting arrested by Town Officials for setting up chicken coops for eggs and hog pens for bacon in their back yards!! This is a matter of our own children’s SURVIVAL Folks!!!

    • Ken Yu

      The Globalists are “irate” that they “Did Not Kill Off Enough of Us With Their Plandemic KILL SHOTS” (they only killed the equivalent of all the lives lost in WWII, Korea and Vietnam). And now With Trump about to “Stop Their Evil Plans for a Worldwide Nuclear War” which They Were Counting On “To Kill Billions” the Evil Globalists have turned to “Implementing a New Strategy” (their New Evil Plan is to go after the Cattle and Chickens, figuring that if they can cut off a significant amount of the Meat, Milk and Egg production they can achieve Killing Off Billions of People “Without Their Nuclear War” THROUGH STARVATION)!!!

  8. Jay Cornell

    Russia: Army Must Be Ready For Conflict With NATO | WION World DNA
    WION 2 hours ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6yMGlk07rU

    • Galaxy 500

      I am not pro war. America pushed Russia into a corner and started this conflict just like we forced Russia to invade Georgia.
      But the big question I have for those pushing war…. What is NATO going to fight Russia with?
      Beijing Biden disarmed America. We sent the vast Majority of our front line equipment to Ukraine where it was either sold on the black market or the Russians just blew it up.
      If I had been Putin, I would have blown up an ass load of American infrastructure right after Joe blew up the Russian pipeline. That was a despicable act and one that was push for WW III even back then.
      These endless wars have been nothing but the elites way of killing of our best and brightest and bleeding the American treasury dry.

      • Katy Bar

        We need to realize that the Deep State currently has control of Some Very Sophisticated Alien Technology that they plan to use to “Take Over The World” and the Globalists have been testing their equipment (using it for “Petty Criminal Activities” (like stealing all the Gold at the WTC on 9-11 and for more recently robbing Land in Hawaii) but the Real Goal of these Globalist Neocons is to use their Space Based Laser, Microwave and Matter-disrupter Beams to “Take Total Control of Planet Earth”. This is why we need to put a Space Force up there “That is Under the People of United States Government Control” (not private Deep State MIC Control)! The Deep State took over Space Operations when “they purposely blew up the Challenger” which “Completely Ended the US Government NASA Manned Space Program” (and they have successfully kept us from stepped on the Moon again for over half a Century). The only Force currently in Space (and on the Moon right now) are “Deep State MIC Units” who are currently planning to “Stage an Alien Invasion” in order to put the US and all other World Governments “Under Their Total Control” (before Trump gets in to STOP Them with our own “US Government Space Force” Under The Control of the People of the United States of America)!!

  9. LoriQ

    Thyroid cancer is escalating amongst the population as well. Is there a product (scarf?) that is available to shield that area? This is a great interview, thank you.

    • youknowwho

      KI – potassium iodide.

    • Kit Lee

      The thyroid gland is very sensitive to radiation, so I would not at all be surprised if Bill Gates and his Globalist handlers are behind these “unknown Drones” (that the US Military can’t shoot down because we have not provided the Pentagon Crooks with enough money) and these Evil Satanic Globalists are probably right now dropping radioactive plutonium powder into our drinking water reservoirs to further their Human Extermination Eugenics Holocaust Agenda (HEE-HA)!!

      • Chris

        Kit, there isn’t a square inch of US airspace that the military industrial complex can’t surveil and control. Nothing enters or leaves US airspace without permission or it gets shot down. If you are unfortunate enough to be on a hijacked flight you’ll be shot down with the hijackers. They can pinpoint the origin and destination of any object entering that airspace. Dozens of satellites are up in orbit that can pinpoint a person on earth in his garage and if necessary direct a missile to take him out. NORAD and the other tentacles of the military get billions annually to do just that. If they don’t recognize any object it is destroyed. So, this is obviously a psyop by the usual deep state outfits that are going for broke globally and domestically before Trump is inaugurated. The fact that they have some previously unseen technology would not surprise me. That these things are still flying is enough reason to believe they are allowed to. The explanations given are absurd and cartoonish but work to create fear among the masses. Funny how it is all happening while a fake “enquiry” into UFOs is going on with CIA “whistleblowers” front and center.

    • Galaxy 500

      It isn’t Covid kiddies, it’s the mRNA shots
      NIH report excerpt:
      The genomic composition of human cells may also be modified by the presence of COVID-19, potentially leading to more aggressive types of cancer such as thyroid cancer. In general, inflammation and oxidative stress induced by a COVID-19 infection can contribute to the development and progression of cancers, where they disrupt standard regulatory mechanisms controlling cell growth and differentiation [16,17].


  10. spirit

    There are nightmares and Steve Quail expresses them well. Bad news sells. Yet, there are happy dreams which the Q Army is creating. Q was not mentioned once in this podcast. Those who ignore Q are dreaming nightmares. Why do that when there are good people in power, slowly revealing the miracles of God?

    • Ray

      Which of the below is the odd one out?

      Santa Clause
      Easter Bunny
      Tooth Fairy

      There isn’t one.

      Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

  11. Thomas Malthaus


    See new posts
    Dr. Jim Willie
    Hidden Hands and the Inevitable Reset.

    The great game has begun, my friends. A silent chess match is unfolding on the global financial stage. The players? The collapsing Western banking system and the rising gold-backed powers of the East. At the center of this story are two critical themes: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and gold’s quiet re-emergence as the ultimate monetary anchor. This isn’t just a story of digital currency innovation; it’s a saga of financial control, economic resets, and the return of sound money. Buckle up, because I’m about to reveal what they’re not telling you.

    CBDCs: The Financial Chains of Modern Slavery

    CBDCs are being rolled out under the guise of innovation and convenience. From India to China, the system is already in testing mode. The goal? To track, trace, and tax every financial move you make. CBDCs are not just digital currency—they are a weapon against financial liberty. China’s digital yuan is already in motion, and now India is piloting its digital rupee. The globalist elites are watching closely, testing compliance among billions of people in the East before they force the same system on the West.

    But here’s the rub: CBDCs require trust. Without public confidence, the system collapses. That’s where gold comes into play.

    Gold: The Hidden Savior of a Broken System

    China and India are hoarding gold at an unprecedented rate. Why? Because fiat currencies are in their death throes. The dollar—the backbone of the global financial system since 1971—has been stretched to its limit. Trillions printed, endless debt, and yet we’re supposed to believe it’s “money.” But gold? Gold doesn’t lie. Gold is trust.

    China quietly resumed gold purchases in November after a six-month pause, and India shattered records with its gold imports. These aren’t random events. Gold is being stockpiled as the ultimate hedge against the coming collapse of fiat currencies.

    Here’s the masterstroke: if CBDCs fail to gain acceptance, the central planners will pivot. The “B Plan” is already on the table: gold-backed digital currency. A CBDC tied to gold would be the perfect carrot to lure skeptics into the system. “Look,” they’ll say, “this digital currency is backed by real gold. You can trust it!” But this, my friends, is a trap. Even gold-backed CBDCs will remain centralized, and your financial freedom will still hang by a thread.

    The Quiet Whisperings of the FED

    Make no mistake—behind closed doors, even the Federal Reserve is contemplating the role of gold. With modern monetary theory (MMT) pushing infinite money printing, they know the system is unsustainable. So, what happens when the digital utopia collapses? Gold becomes the reset button. The whispers inside the corridors of power are growing louder: “If the new system fails, can gold save us? Will a gold-backed digital currency gain adoption?”

    Trump’s return to the White House? Don’t kid yourselves. While some libertarian voices might gain attention, the real agenda will remain: technocracy and digital control. Figures like Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are championing artificial intelligence, laying the groundwork for CBDC infrastructure. The bureaucratic functions of governments will soon be replaced by AI, ensuring the smooth rollout of digital currencies under the guise of efficiency.

    The Golden Reset: Where This All Leads

    Gold is the ultimate fallback. It’s the hard anchor in a system of crumbling fiat lies. When the great reset arrives—and make no mistake, it is coming—gold will re-emerge as the cornerstone of trust. Whether it’s through gold-backed CBDCs or alternative gold-backed cryptos, the elites are preparing for the inevitable.

    But here’s the takeaway: gold is freedom; CBDCs are chains. The globalists will dress those chains in gold and present them as salvation. But a gilded chain is still a chain.

    • Pat

      it’s not “gold backed” unless you can turn it in for the gold if you choose to, otherwise it’s still fiat, regardless if it’s paper or digital.

    • Katy Bar

      Seems the Trump Administration and its Pro-crypto Advisors have been brainwashed into going “All-In” on Crypto-currency and are now proposing to establish a “Strategic Bitcoin Reserve” (where the United States will be the “Crypto Capital of the Planet”), and some are even suggesting “Selling America’s Gold at Fort Knox to buy Bitcoin”!! This is Madness, and will only have a depressing effect on Gold and Silver (which have been “Very Reliable Stores of Wealth for the Common People for Over Six Thousand Years”)!! The Globalists at the Fed knew that their “QE to Infinity” would eventually COMPLETELY Destroy the Purchasing Power of the US Dollar: [https://www.richdad.com/MediaLibrary/RichDad/Images/charts/usd-purchasing-power-1913-2008.png] forcing people to abandon the US Dollar!! So they needed to create “some new means” (Crypto) to “Absorb Much of the Fiat Paper Money they were “Printing Out of Thin Air” (and thus Protect the US Dollar from a “Total Free-Fall” and Mitigate Inflation for a little bit longer)!! So far “The Globalists Crypto Plan Seems to Have Worked” as a Huge Amount of the Money the Fed is now Printing (out of thin air) is going into Bitcoin, etc., etc. “even very frivolous meme-coins like Doge-coin now has an astonishingly high market capitalization of $64 Billion” (Shiba Inu is at $18 Billion, Pepe is at $11 Billion, Peanut the Squirrel is at $1.3 Billion, and even Fart-coin is at $332 Million)!! These absurd Meme-coins have Market Capitalization’s that surpass even Long Well-Established Companies (with Real Earnings) such as Target at $63 billion, General Motors at $58 billion, Owens Corning at $17 billion and Jet Blue Airways at $2.38 billion!! Therefore, the Globalists Crypto Plan Seems to Have Worked “and is directing Billions of Dollars away from Real Companies and Real Assets like Gold, Silver, Oil, Farmland, etc., etc. “Thus Keeping Inflation Subdued” (while the Globalists buy up “Real Assets on the Cheap”!! When the End To The Globalists Ponzi Monetary System “Finally Takes Place” the Elite’s “Will Own Everything” and the Common People Will Be “Happily” (Holding a Computer “Full of Worthless Bits”)!! Now, if common people still want to Play (this coming Trump Pump of the Crypto Markets) they should at least be smart about it (and get their original investment out on any major rally)!!!

  12. Stephen

    I love reading Quayle’s blog. Somehow he gets the scoop before things hit the news. These drones are looking for something. And we are being lied to. Again.

  13. john lance

    Maybe that is the reason Biden keeps pushing Zelensky to nuke Russia.

  14. Really Awake

    007 anyone? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The James Bond movies were truth through fiction. Top secret! Top Secret! Top Secret! One government secret after another after the other. You and I are living in a real-life movie.

    Do you wanna have some fun on your next vacation? Try visiting Site R. Site R used to be a top secret site where your government masters would run to in the event of nuclear war. They have way, way better Top Secret locations now. So, you, dear American Citizen, are granted the exclusive privilege of touring an amazing facility. Site R.

    Now you, dear American citizen, can spend your next vacation touring Site R and, if you’re lucky, include traveling over six miles underground through the secret tunnel to Camp David. You get to see all of the James Bond stuff (way, too much stuff to list) that your loving government had 50 years ago and also use your imagination to extrapolate what your Blob Government has as Top Secret today. Believe me. The government drones are the least of your worry.

    You’ll get lots of demonstrations by your Site R tour guides on how all that cool top secret stuff works. Really, I’m not kidding. Of course you’ll have to sign a disclaimer releasing your loving government from any injury you may accidentally incur while deep underground amidst all that cool stuff.

    If you’re lucky, you’ll get to hang out at Camp David and spend the night where you can have more fun things to do than at the Four Seasons Resort. You thought that the Four Seasons was fun? Well, you ain’t seen nothing, yet, until you spend time at Camp David. Swimming, bowling, pool, tennis, skeet shooting and lots of other things that the James Bond types like to relax and do. Camp David even has a non- denominational church where you can thank God on how lucky your are to be a guest of your loving government and be James Bond for a day.

    See you there. And remember to order your drink shaken, not stirred. And say hi to Q for me.

  15. Justn Observer

    Greg, good morning ! Among other’s – big Pharma suspected =
    Ukraine killing Russian General – the Middle East under Huge changes?

  16. DyingWorld

    IF a nuke goes off in America, I can tell you that every oath taker in the nation no matter what side they claim to be on, will be guilty.

    Our government and military brass have been corrupted for over 100 years.

    The so-called good guys within the ranks are bullshit. Genocidal Vote Thieving War Starting Human Trafficking Pedophiles is what 99% of them are.

    The American Judiciary are traitors through and through.

    ALL of them go along with everything done to us without question and if a regular citizen tries to stop them, ALL OF THEM come after us.

    We The People have been Revenue Slaves since 1913 and every oath taker is a prison guard.

    Personally, I hope every single one of them suffers the worst losses imaginable on this Earth for what they have done or stood down too.

  17. Jim Hebert

    Greg, look into the new laws concerning the flying of drones all over the US. All drones over 250 grams must be equipped with real time GPS tracking of both the drone and the pilot so that they can be tracked by law enforcement.

  18. Marie Joy

    http://www.ki4u.com for radiation detection products and free information.
    IF China/Russia want this land, it is unlikely they will nuke us. A Dresden/London type carpet bombing is more likely unless they want our infrastructure. IF they want our infrastructure an invasion is more likely. The problem is the Deep State wants war.
    Starvation is THE most likely and it has started.
    A False Flag nuke is possible.
    A holiday invasion is possible, before we have a real president. This is the big reason Americans should use our 2A. THIS is why they want our guns. Democides/Genocides happen after gun grabs. Take our stand, America. IT’S UP TO US.
    President Trump needs our help.
    Organic, heirloom seeds, fertilizers, and growing supplies.
    Youtube shows Bobby walking around with 20?, mostly men, walking with him.
    20ish years ago, law enforcement discovered all state armories’ ammunition had been stolen. When I asked who they thought had done such a thing, a leader said they thought it was militias because they swept and cleaned up after the theft.
    There are MINIMUMS of mass necessary to save you from radiation sickness. Among those MINIMUMS are 3 inches of lead, 6 feet of paper, 3 feet of packed dirt and the list goes on. It is always better to have more than the minimum.
    I knew a person who wanted everyone dead. Everyone.
    I hope I am woman enough to do what is necessary.

    • Greg Hunter

      M J,
      You are!

  19. John

    There’s a time for silk and a time for sandpaper, now is the time for sandpaper!

  20. Mike Buchan

    Greg –
    I have subscribed for about 6 years. I lost all contact for quite a few months, then by chance you were back in my inbox. So for about 6 weeks I’ve got to read your articles and the thoughts from the guests.
    I have one speed bump – there are no videos at all. Where are the videos located????
    I live in Russia and have for 25 years, I retired from a Russian college – I was an English professor.

    • Greg Hunter

      You have a browser problem. All the videos are embedded right above the “After The Interview section. Try this:

      (Tech Note: If you do not see the video, know it is there. Unplug your modem and plug it back in after 30 sec. This will clear codes that may be blocking you from seeing it. In addition, try different browsers. Also, turn off all ad blockers if you have them. All the above is a way to censor people like USAWatchdog.com.)

      Please let me know if this works!


  21. Jerry

    Just my humble opinion, I like Steve but good grief! it is nothing but doom with this guy, every interview. Perhaps what he states is coming, only the Lord in heaven knows. The contrast between Bo Polny and Steve are literally black and white.

    • Greg Hunter

      Steve has good sources, Jerry. I try to cover all angles. Both Steve and Polny will be proven correct to some extent. I like and respect them both. The timing is the hard part, but we are getting close to some big negative events.

  22. Kay

    Believers must double their efforts to spread the Gospel while they can! The American church needs to wake up. The Harvest is ready. We are the only ones with the true solution.

  23. April Reeves

    Steve Quayle is fairly correct about the cell phone issue but it’s a bit ‘different’ than just some radiation and other rays that will hurt you. I knew this in the early 80’s when I typeset the ‘discussion papers’ for the UN – S’oros. They wanted to create a ‘device’ that people would become so addicted to, even if you told them they could k i l l you, they wouldn’t put them down. They will ramp up this any time now, and they’ve always had the capacity to hyper ramp. This is way more important than just ‘wear this’ – it won’t be enough Greg. Get RID of the phone, even if it’s just for a year or so until we’re out of this. I’ve never owned a cell and never will. Toss the phone. Get a landline if you have to. My cousin also told me this in 2005 when he came to our place to tell us about this. He headed the 5G in Victoria BC. He had the first model of cell on his left hip. They must have been listening to us because he was ‘pinged’ by his cell on the ferry trip home. He died less than a year later with cancer all through his body. His left hip was burnt off where his phone hung. These people are this dark. Pay attention.

    • Ken Yu

      In the old days it took a Year. Today these same Dark Evil People have “way more Advanced phones and pagers” that can be immediately used to “Blow off your Head” (because they now implant inside all their phone devices “a Dynamite Stick along with that Microphone they use to listen to our conversations”)!!! But all is Not Lost, as we can use these devices “Like Hand Grenades” against these Evil Globalists!! However, instead of “pulling the pin” like on a normal hand grenade you simply Whisper into Your Phone “That You Hate The New World Order” and then “quickly toss the phone” (preferably into a Globalist Hideout)!! This way when they Press the Button “TO KILL YOU” (They KILL THEMSELVES)!!

      • Ken Yu

        Seems Cell Phone Manufacturers are as Dumb as the People putting Sanctions on many countries (like Russia and Iran) by throwing them out of SWIFT!! The Cell Phone Manufacture’s are so dumb they can’t figure out that there will bet economic consequences for putting Dynamite Sticks into their Cell Phones?? Like People will still go out and buy them??? And those People putting Sanctions on many countries can’t figure out that Everyone will join the BRICS and simply “Stop Using the US Dollar”???

  24. Susan Russo

    Steve Quayle is speaking truth! Somehow, I heard truth many years ago and paid attention. I may not survive, but I am prepared.
    Please, everyone here, do what Steve and Greg are pleading of you.
    Greg pledged himself to Jesus many years ago and we all need to know the truth of life that awaits us after death. I have known this since childhood. I was educated in my Roman Catholisism religion since a young girl. I have stepped away from the formality of that but not the knowledge and spirit and continued on to gather firsthand knowledge for myself. I know and feel this connection and have experienced the Truth.
    Being prepared for what will come is essential and will give us all the strength to face anything knowing we go home to our Father now or later.

  25. Gene Machine

    This old blowhard has been predicting the end of the world since the 1980’s.

  26. Jeffrobbins

    Sounds like we need to take our homestead up a notch. We’ll be ordering some replacement fruit trees in the pre-spring. Any yard can have a few fruit trees. Even if Trump is the winter coat, winter is still coming.

  27. Bruce Wayne Vetter

    pantry food. Only stock food your family eats. Inventory it by the amount of total calories assuming a normal person needs 2,00o per day, and a physically hard working person could require twice that amount. Insects will be your worst enemy. Mylar bags and O2 absorbers solve that problem. Flour does not store well. Wheat berries will store a very long time. Grind it into flour as needed.

  28. Artist Robert Blumhagen

    If my health is at stake, I will want to see, with my own eyes, this material actually works at blocking MICROWAVE RADIATION.

    So, I put my money where my mouth is and purchased a Microwave Meter. The same meter I bought for you, Greg. I suggest all of you buy the meter first, ($230) then buy the blocking materials. You will soon be able to see the chaff among the real blocking agents which are Copper Mesh or layers of foil or aluminum screen in layers. None of the Blocking Material worked as blocking agent for me. The copper mesh works best at blocking. I have it in all the windows of my truck except the windshield. Foil gets compromised within a few weeks by burn holes.

    I am a microwave expert after having the veins in my leg eviscerated by a WiFi router 3 feet from my leg. This caused my leg to cut the blood supply to my leg with clots.

    Greg, go around your house and cars with the meter I sent you. Do a show on this. Check all appliances. Check your microwave oven then throw it out when you see the meter reading. All microwave ovens leak…they are built that way.

    • Greg Hunter

      Good idea and good to know! Thank you.

  29. Rod Brumley Sr Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

    Mr Greg Hunter is our Ultimate Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
    Thanks for all you do !!!
    GOD saved Trump to steer us thru this unbelievable mess we are in. The Debt of 36 Trillion with unfunded and underfunded govt liabilities are estimated to be 200 Trillion – from what my research have uncovered the world has 750 Trillion Debt which includes underfunded and unfunded liabilities – this Debt cannot and will not be paid back. The nightmare is already surrounding us.
    In GOD I Trust

  30. Robert Blumhagen

    Microwave Radiation from phones….this is why cell phones are made of glass. If they had a metal housing, that would block the Microwaves. As Glass, the Microwaves are free to flow through the glass exposing you to lethal amounts of Microwave Radiation. (4000 times safe limit of 0.005, set by the FCC.) The meter number from phones is 20,000. far and away higher than the safe number of 0.005

    Nobody is immune to this Radiation

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Robert, for the info. Keep giving it.

    • Katy Bar

      Satellite phones “are essential in a grid take-down” (as long as the satellites in orbit remain unaffected). But, we should be cautious about allowing our children to use our satellite or mobile phones “except in a dire emergency”: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.flavay.com%2Fassets%2Fimg%2Fgraph-cellphone-radiation-brain_640w.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=956bc18940043277fbaf0b2e9af70a126c077af3f8e0b8fa779240595aa141ee&ipo=images!! Although the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) sets a health limit of 1.6 W/kg for the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) levels in body tissue “many experts believe that this limit is outdated and may not adequately protect us and our children against potential health risks”!! Most Mobil Phones (that are definitely bad for kids) operate at 835 Mhz, but satellite phones must be kept out of kids hands (it is for “adult use only”) as they need to use frequencies between 1616 and 1626.5 MHz (to communicate with the satellites in space). [Just be aware that a typical microwave oven “used to cook your steak or pork chops” operates at a frequency of about 2450 MHz]!! Additionally, some countries around the world outright ban or restrict satellite phones and will put you under arrest just for carrying one (so everyone should do their homework before traveling)!!

  31. Judith

    Buy dehydrated butter, cream and milk for your supply closet. Comes in gallon containers. Too, 50 year cans of water.

    • Galaxy 500

      Good advice Judith

  32. Judith

    Forgot to add, buy dehydrated eggs. There is also powdered peanut butter. Don’t forget jerky. It’s easy to make your own. Do a search on various methods. Instant coffee has an indefinite shelf life. Don’t forget various barter items. Have a few of these on hand: Antihistamines, Antacids, Decongestants, Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc…. Last but not least, PRAY !!!

    • Proud Prepper

      get Chlorine Dioxide Solution, or make your own. best medicine for most illnesses. purifies water, disinfects everything.

  33. Greg not Greg Hunter

    Who cares what Wall Street says the dollar is worth. The dollar for decades has been worth zero. It is junk money.

    • Galaxy 500

      And yet mine are still spending albeit a faster rate than last year.
      Banks and fiat Currencies are faith based organizations. That is why Bitcoin is worth more than Zero. And it did start at Zero. And like all fiat currencies, it will end at Zero

  34. Candy Crowley

    Wednesday LIVE: Trump Slams Biden For Covering Up Real Source Of Drone/UAP Swarm, Musk Warns Latest Congress Spending Bill “Should Not Pass” & Prominent Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Says Nuclear War Would Be “Good For Evolution!” Do NOT Miss This Emergency LIVE Broadcast! https://www.infowars.com/

    The Oldest Human Genomes in Europe Show How an Entire Branch of Humanity Disappeared Story by Tibi Puiu • 22h •

  35. George Berwash

    No runways, no sorties: Chinese missiles threaten US airpower plans
    Opinion by Kelly A. Grieco and Hunter Slingbaum • 1d •
    American air bases “can no longer be considered a sanctuary.” That is the sobering conclusion of the U.S. Air Force’s new Installation Infrastructure Action Plan, released last week. Unlike the last 30 years, when U.S air bases were largely safe havens from enemy attacks, the document continues, “adversaries now possess high-end capabilities, hypersonic” and at the low end, drones. Both, that threaten and eliminates, renders the use of such Archean installations, obsolete.

    WATCH: Russian General Who Told World About Ukrainian/US Backed Bio-Weapons Labs Assassinated In Russia by Infowars.com December 18th
    NATO/Ukraine are the prime suspects as Russia says it will retaliate!

  36. James

    Never Believe Anything Until It Is Officially Denied.

  37. Doug

    What organization can we rely on to help the people in North Carolina with their needs should we decide to donate for Christmas ?

    • Justn Observer

      Go to YANASA.COM YOU TUBE…very trusted…helping the farmers and ranchers in that area. donate site listed there.

  38. Shiloh1

    False flag to blame Iran/Russia to enflame middle east and Ukraine towards WW3 – agreed. To keep Trump from taking office – agreed. However the drones (and associated holograms) are part of the Deep State Theater to prepare the way. Orson Wells – War of the Worlds radio show and Ed Wood’s Plan 9 From Outer Space movie(s) – but tech version of the paper plate and hubcap flying saucers.

    Not sure if Trump really knows what’s going on, though. Sebastian Gorka (MI-6 Brit spy) in his administration – again! Warmonger Rubio as Secretary of State – why – he doesn’t even have Bolton’s sinister mustache. I get Elon is merely talking his EV book on the Carbon and Climate Change nonsense – but Trump’s EPA pick, too?!!! Peter Thiel as JD Vance’s mentor – Palantir is at highest echelon of Surveillance State Tech Bros.

  39. Galaxy 500

    You have to wonder what is really happening. Is it a biological weapon? Nerve gas?
    Sad to say but if the new media is reporting nukes at the same time as UFOs with a side order ow we don’t know where those drones are coming from or who’s running them…

    You have a 15 yr old that hates men so much that she somehow planned and committed a school shooting. Her parents need to be investigated. How can you be so disconnected from your child that they didn’t know the kid was this mentally ill and evil? Did the mother hate men as well?
    Feminism is the death of society. Not just ours but any society. It has destroyed the family, destroyed marriages and children. It’s raised generation after generation of gib-me-dats and “I want equality” as long as we are more equal than everyone else. Equality of outcomes means no one gets anything… except our “betters” running the show LOL.
    The Press Conference of this 15 yr refused to even say she was a girl. Another crazy trans? What Trans are crazy? Yes, every single transgender is crazy. Then you have to wonder about the parents. How many of them are seeking validation and attention do the detriment of their children? How many have Munchausen by Proxy? I would say ANY parent that givers their child cross sex hormones has this and they are F’ing Evil
    When MLK did a big march, people showed up in suits. Today, that culture has been destroyed by the Democrats. The proud black man asking merely for equal opportunity and education had been vilified and destroyed .
    Those who stole the mantle of MLK after his murder and instead of struggling for the betterment of black Americans (African Americans is a Dem construct) they grifted and used their position for personal enrichment. They actively supported and participated in the destruction of the nuclear family in the black community. Black culture no longer admires and pursues merit in favor of the gangsta wrapper and the ner-do-well. Look at the who BLM deifies. St Floyd of the Fentanyl. The big black thug that did strong armed robbery of a convenience store and then attacked a LEO before being shot. I mean that seems ok. For thugs to attack people, even LEOs as long as they are white.
    So why did I bring up blacks? Ok, so you think I have gone off on a tangent. Nay, Nay I say unto you, LOL.
    Blacks do not what crime and feral humans preying upon them anymore than any other demographic.
    And The same destruction of our culture mirrors what the Demoncrats did to Black America’s culture.

    When you have children unable to grasp the binary nature of sex, it’s Male and Female. There is no spectrum of gender. That’s just the Pedos grooming and ruining our children.
    And this creates mental illness and hate. How bad could things have really been for this 15 yr old that the only answer was to plan and execute mass murder. Fortunately for us, she wasn’t very good at it. Probably like every single other thing in her life where she was given accolades and participation trophies when failing.
    Culture… Those that define the culture hold the direction of the society in their hands. And that is why the Demons push deviancy. That is why the Demons attempt to vilify merit and ability.
    These Demons hate Christ, they hate us Christians, they hate American exceptionalism and they really hate our God given rights.
    People we need to raise our voice and our fists of affirmation against these assaults on America. If they destroy our culture they destroy the country.

    • Paul from Indiana

      Feminism is a false god of the Left, straight out of Marxist collective theory, designed to give the appearance of Progressivism, when, in actuality, it destroys the natural trust and bond between Man and Woman. Like anything of, by, from, or pertaining to the Left, it exists to promote NIHILISM. Best always. PM

  40. Galaxy 500

    Joe Biden, The gift that keeps on giving… like herpes and drug resistance syphilis…
    Who ever is behind him pulling the levers want us to be local and not be able to move around freely

  41. Chris in Arkansas

    If you want a somewhat entertaining view of America after false flag nuclear strikes, watch the series “Jericho”. It only ran for two seasons. We liked it, if only for the entertainment value. I think it’s available on Netflix.

  42. Les Deplorables

    I took note that the lawfare used on Trump was the same thing that happened to MANY good Americans over the last 40 years. But many of us had the local community including very good Christians assume that we were guilty of the most hideous things without evidence. The same way the liberals believe everything about Trump today. I am glad it was exposed but I would ask all of you to look back at all the patriots, Christians, whistleblowers, and others who made great sacrifices. Some died others lost family fortunes, children. etc


    My fellow Americans 1913
    Theodore Roosevelt wrote
    His ONE WORD
    My fellow Americans 1913
    This year Chinas year of the DRAGON
    PSALM 91
    My Fellow Americans
    Written to
    And I only Quote
    He will call upon me and I WILL ANSWER
    My fellow AMERICANS
    CHINAFY has taken hold of THE LAND OF THE FREE
    THE DONKEY RINO All have shown in WORDS AN DEED
    All in the last grasp of holding on to
    Will start to the

  44. john geis

    And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.
    We have killed over 70 million innocents and millions of Christians
    It is possible a false flag nuke will be blamed on Russia and then I expect they have given Ukraine 155 mm nukes to use on Russia. Then Russia will take out America

  45. Son of a Marine

    Bill Gates has greased every palm in Congress for decades…..


    https://www.americandemocracyscorecard.org/microsoft/ SCORE: F







    George Floyd died suddenly from Covid-19 infection/disease, fentanyl intoxication, passing counterfeit currency, and resisting arrest, not murder, nor manslaughter.
    Pardon Officer Chauvin for doing his JOB!

    J6 was entrapment. The Capitol Police provoked peaceful protestors with rubber bullets. Then, a “trainned” policeman shot a tear gas canister into their own police line, which the lying “Patriot Act” Bush regime immediately called an “insurrection.” Entrapment is illegal! So are UNCONSTITUTIONAL HOME SEARCHES ILLEGAL!!!


  46. H. Craig Bradley

    Its just the Fall of Rome v 2.0, not necessarily the literal end of the world, as yet.

    Sigmund Freud:
    “Sometimes a cigar is JUST a cigar”

  47. Joy N.

    The Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity’s doorstep & the time to escape is very short. To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

  48. Ellen and Bob

    Greg, thanks for the information, praying for you each night. Got this from Mark Crispin Miller by email. Relevant In reference to their disregard of human life which both mentioned. Ah FEMA so glad you came just in time to help…
    “On another note, my neighbor who is semi-retired does volunteer work and decided to spend last week helping to do delivery work in western NC. In the area where his group was assigned was a large bulldozed-up pile of rubble which had been processed by the local Fire Department several weeks ago near Craigsville maybe. Out popped a human hand and soon the first body was recovered. More bodies were found until after several days they had recovered 47 bodies, from one FEMA pile.”

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Ellen and Bob for the reporting. Please keep doing it.

  49. Don Doerr Sr.

    Thank you, Son of a Marine, for speaking up for Officer Derek Chauvin. He is indeed innocent and is a Minnesota Communist Democrat RINO Party’s Political Prisoner. I suspect that they are also responsible for the 22 knife-wound prison attack upon Charvin, clearly an effort to kill him. George Floyd was ill and resisting arrest when he died. I will not ridicule George Floyd. As far as I am concerned, George Floyd, like Officer Chauvin, is a victim of the November 22, 1963-founded antichrist Obama-Hillary lead Communist Democrat RINO Party. I hope that those who are reading this message can get this to Officer Chauvin and to those who can rescue him and return him to his family for Christmas, along with the non-violent patriots of January 6th. It should be noted that Officer Chauvin was called to the scene by his superiors where George Floyd died. About two years ago a lovesick young White Minnesota man, posing no threat to anyone, was shot off a bridge peer by an Officer using a shotgun. His friend was put in the squad car to eliminate any witnesses. Still his fellow officers asked him, “What the hell did you do that for?” No charges were filed. Thank you, Greg Hunter for making this format for truth available.

  50. Prospector

    @drefanzor 12/18/24
    so weird that the spending bill they tried to pass had inclusions for pandemic lockdowns and now the ” bird flu ” is hitting the news

    ALL news headlines have the same scary headline ” FIRST severe human case found ”
    And suddenly California declares an ” emergency ” over it.

    From 12/09/24 – Culling the food supply

    ( This is not the false flag you are looking for , move along citizen )

  51. Roger Stamper

    tks steve greg

  52. Galaxy 500

    Autozone closing more than 700 stores in CA, OR, WA, NV and AZ

  53. Justn Observer

    Greg, things in Ukraine not getting amy better as if we really think it will any time soon!
    Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine is OVER After Assassination of Russian General! Putin Decided to Destroy! =

  54. Dave Milne

    Russia-Ukraine War: Putin’s Big Announcement, Says “Will Meet Trump For…” | Ukraine Peace Deal? WION Started streaming 24 minutes ago
    Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that he was ready to talk to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, and said Russia was getting stronger. When asked at his annual press-conference what he was going to offer to Trump, Putin said that he didn’t know when the two of them would meet.

  55. Nowo Spoke

    Maybe rambling, but good rambling.
    While I am not a formally educated biblical scholar as mankind may designate such, I am someone that knows the Creator personally and has been enlightened through his words and no doubt the direct intervention of His Spirit. That being said, I must say that while some may see the events portrayed through the apostle John in his Revelation of end time and the fulfillment of God’s mystery in dealing with creation as “doom and gloom”, I find it to be exhilarating and nourishing to the hope that lies within me. Some of the comments I have read cause me to believe that there are some that do not fully accept what God has spoken to us in his word. We are not in a battle or war against nefarious forces of humanity. Humanity itself is in a battle and war against “evil spirits” that occupy positions of power in the principalities over which they preside. Humanity happens to at this moment of time reside within these principalities which exist in the physical realm. Not all humanity is engaged in this battle or war against these spirits as a vast number of us have been captured through the manipulation of the mind. Much of humanity supports these powerful evil ruling spirits. The power of the spirits presiding over this physical realm cannot be defeated or escaped by physical forces. These spirits have presently been defeated by a more powerful spiritual force, though their power over the physical realm of their principality has yet to fall. Humanity can not escape, defeat or otherwise overcome this present reality through it’s own physical power, might or intellect. We are truly as sheep led to a slaughter without any hope other than that provided by the victorious all powerful Spirit of the Creator. Our God has not left us without guide markers by which to know that our salvation draws very near. There is only one “world power” on the earth today that has direct connection in form and political philosophy as the last great “world super power”. The Word teaches us that the last world power shown in Revelation will have a direct connection to this prior entity. That being said, we are also informed that before Jesus Christ of Nazareth returns, the “head” of this government will receive a “deadly wound, as it were unto death”.
    We are also informed that this wound to the “beast” does not kill the government and that ultimately the position of leadership shall be restored whole. All the world will wonder in awe and quickly submit to its undeniable power and authority. In short order of time this shall be completely fulfilled and we should not be surprised to see mankind across the world form images of this great government, that should a man refuse to submit or it’s like image, shall not buy or sell and ultimately be executed. Nothing is as it may seem or as one may wish that it was, but it is never the less, what it is. I don’t know the day or the hour, nor do I know shall I be alive or already at rest, but I do know Jesus Christ is coming back very soon to tread the clusters of grapes of the fruit of this world and now is the time to seek to know Him. Not to know of him or to attempt to serve him acceptably but to literally meet and know Jesus Christ while you are in the body of death. All that matters for any of us is that Jesus Christ know us personally and that can only happen by His graciousness to come when we sincerely request his audience. God is full of grace, knowledge, power and might and if we but humble ourselves and cry to him, WE SHALL BE SAVED and eternally bound to HIM.
    Remember that the kingdom of God is not presently seen by men, and the ruler of this world, having been rebuked by Jesus, has given the glory and riches of this world to another. The time of reaping is at hand, some shall reap life and some death, this is the patience of the saints. He that seeks to save his life shall lose it and he that loses his life for Christ’s sake, shall see it saved.

    • Donovans Reef

      Dearest Novo Spoke,
      I hope you don’t mind me delving into your comment through the lens of Biblical scripture, with an emphasis on the hope and restoration promised by God’s Kingdom as found in God’s word, the Bible. . . . . .
      Novo Spoke,
      The Battle Against The Evil Spirits and I Don’t Mean Spirits from Liquor, which is Quicker off course! To get you caught up in their evil, demonized machinations! Drinkers beware!
      Ephesians 6:12 states: “because we have a wrestling, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.” This aligns with the idea that humanity is engaged in a spiritual battle, not just physical struggles. The evil spirits, or wicked spiritual forces, dominate this world, influencing human governments and systems, Saloons and the Bar’s serving alcoholic Spirits, in bottle , shot glass, or cuppa!
      There is Hope Amidst the Despair
      Although the current world may seem rather hopeless, 1 John 5:19 reminds us: “We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” However, Revelation 21:4 gives a promise of hope: “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” This hope of a new world under God’s Kingdom is the ultimate restoration of paradise lost, of the Garden of eatin, “Eden!”
      The Last World Power
      The prophecy in Revelation about the beast receiving a deadly wound and then being revived is found in Revelation 13:3: “I saw that one of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded, but it’s mortal wound had been healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration.” This can be interpreted as a future political system or entity that will seem to collapse but then recover, leading the world to marvel and follow it. The UN., last world power?
      The League of Nations was the first worldwide intergovernmental organisation whose principal mission was to maintain world peace and security. It was founded on 10 January 1920 by the Paris Peace Conference, that had officially ended the First World War. The main organisation basically ceased operations during the second world war, but officially on 18 April 1946, when many of its components were morphed into the new United Nations. As the template for modern global governance, the League that profoundly shaped the modern world. But seemed to collapse as fast it came about. Because it could not stop our second world war, but recovered as the United Nations. The last great world power?
      As we face, or are we in it, now? A third world war, on the verge of it going nuclear?
      It no doubt will be very interesting, the UN. in its role. As we enter the great tribulation. Being worse than anything experienced by mankind, or anything ever again. Thank God for that second part!
      The Role of Jesus Christ
      Romans 8:35-39 reassures us of Christ’s unbreakable love and our eventual triumph through Him: “Who will separate us from the love of the Christ? Will tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword? […] For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
      This reflects the assurance of salvation and victory through Jesus Christ.
      Restoration of Paradise
      The ultimate promise of God’s Kingdom is the restoration of paradise. Psalm 37:29 says: “The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.” This echoes the hope that through Christ, that paradise lost with Adam and Eve, will be regained. Leading to eternal life on a restored earth, reupholstered. Or possibly brand spanking new, as some interpret scripture. Not a reason to argue over, let’s just wait and see. It won’t be long now anyways, comprende!
      In these challenging times, the Bible provides guidance and hope. The spiritual battle against evil spirits in its many manifestations’, the restoration of God’s Kingdom, and the assurance of Christ’s return, are central themes that offer comfort and direction. By keeping faith and aligning our lives with Biblical principles, we can look forward to the fulfillment of God’s promises and the ultimate restoration of paradise on earth, RULE in the heavens, or even a brand new spanking one. Me thinks this one, under me feets is fine with me. With a little tidying up! But heck we will soon find out, fur sure!
      So let’s’ all be there, or be square mate!👍👌✌🤞👏💋😉😎✔🦌🐑🗽
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPjqAV0-4Qs Paradise Hawaiian style
      Home of Barry Obama and Tulsi Gabbard, one still a Democrat!
      Novo Spoke, feel free to share any more thoughts or any questions you might have! USAWatchdog.com is here to help and discuss anything further, thanks to our gracious host, Gregory Hunter!

  56. T.Argyle

    BREAKING: Elon Musk Declares War On Deep State As We Learn Over Ten Government Agencies Funneled Billions To Reuters To Manufacture Hit Pieces Against The Space X Leader! Posted 17 hours ago
    Alex Jones broke it: “He was the test case for this type of Deep State/MSM collusion Psyop.”

  57. JC

    Hi Greg, Thank you for such great interviews and reporting! The information you provide is so valuable for us who are preparing. I have always looked forward to hearing from Steve Q until his infomercials became so dominating during his interviews. More and more expensive products are being consistently added and promoted. You both talked about food inflation and how people are struggling, but Steve continues to push very expensive product. I did purchase a SAT phone, but subscription cost resulted in my cancelation even though I bought the phone. I was also a subscriber to both of his platforms, but cancelled due to this situation. I appreciate that you tried several times, without success, to pull him back to the interview.
    By the time the interview resumed I had no idea what he was sharing before he began his product push.
    It’s your show, but this constant pushing of very expensive product is unfortunate . It also degrades the seriousness and importance of the interview content.
    YES…! BUY FOOD BEFORE investing in all the “SAT 123” products.

  58. Bondi Bleach

    Syria LIVE: Jolani’s Unusual Message To Putin Stuns Erdogan; ‘With Russia, We Want…’ Times Of India Started streaming on Dec 16, 2024
    Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, leader of the Syrian rebel group HTS, spoke to Russia about its role in Syria. He confirmed that the new Syrian administration chose not to target Russian bases, instead urging Russia to reconsider its stance on the Syrian people. Jolani emphasized that the administration has no intention of confronting Israel or engaging in conflicts with Iran, but he did mention the fall of Assad’s government as a victory against Iran’s influence.

    Col. Larry Wilkerson: Will Israel’s Expansion Policies Trigger Catastrophic Consequences?
    Dialogue Works 26,799 views Streamed 13 hours ago

    LIVE: Russia Confirms WW3 With NATO As Trump Sends Message To Putin? Watch
    Times Of India
    Started streaming on Dec 17, 2024 #Russia #UkraineWar #NATO
    Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov has warned NATO against providing military support to Ukraine and deploying troops near Russia’s borders, stating that the country must be prepared for a full-blown conflict with NATO.

  59. Swine Flu Shot Anyone?

    Russia-Ukraine War LIVE: Who Killed Russian Chemical Weapons Chief Igor Kirillov In Moscow? | WION
    WION Started streaming on Dec 18, 2024
    Russia-Ukraine War LIVE: Who Killed Russian Chemical Weapons Chief Igor Kirillov In Moscow? | WION
    US President-elect Donald Trump called for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations between Ukraine and Russia to end “the madness”. Trump has vowed to bring about a negotiated end to the conflict.

  60. Mikail Morellova

    Stop the madness, someone could get hoit!

    • Greg Hunter

      Trump, in a press conference this week, called the shooting of long-range missiles into Russia “STUPID.” We all agree here.

      • Nigel Brewster

        Greg, of course we all agree. World War four WWIIII , will be fraught and fought with sticks and stones! As Aberto Einstein so eloquently reminded us long ago. But as we all know, Jim Crow slow Joe and his vice president Kamala are out to lunch. So the $64.000 dollar question is, if it isn’t Dr. flirty Jill. Who in the heck is running the country? Obomber left town fur Martha’s vineyard. So who’s visiting the White House, clandestiny now? Alex Soros? Or whose asleep at the switch. It’s not the guy carrying the briefcase nuclear codes I hope? Can’t somebody find him and find out whose he’s following around all day and night 24/7 and you’ll find out whose the mega-mole viante and it’s head honcho! Enquiring minds want to know! We can’t wait on the Enquier in the checkout line at Wal*Mart, to spill the beans. They checked out when Joe’s handlers stole the selection and time is now running out. We know Satan, having been thrown out of the heaven’s, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. To cause all Hell to break loose. But what about Putin, waiting to strike like a Cheshire cat! The minute one of our obsolete Raytheon pieces of junk, hits a children’s daycare center or something.
        Then we’ll all be toast! With those supersonic mach 10 hypersonic non-nuclear, but with the fury and heat of the sun, rods of God, will we even know that were dead?

      • Silvio Trench

        We know the luminary from the president’s close orbit is openly questioning current White House strategy. Ron Klain left the administration in February last year, having spearheaded the passage of much of Biden’s agenda and he also has had a long-standing reputation for being among the more politically aggressive of Biden’s core advisers. But whose in charge now?Who’s the real president now? Anthony Blinking Blinkin himselfie!
        We the sheeple must demand he comes clean and address the nation immediately! Before this smoldering state of fear consumes us all, in a world wide nuclear holocaust. A failure and the blame, will ly at the feet of the mainstream, CIA project Mockingbird media!
        Reality Check with Ross Coulthart, Do Not Miss!

  61. Mal

    is that an AI note taker in the background, or does brother Greg write notes like a madman when his guests are speaking?

    • Greg Hunter

      Yes. Deal with it. The site is free.

  62. Angie

    If Trump is truly aware of what is going on then why does he not come out against the vax? Keep in mind that Trump is not America’s savior!

    • Greg Hunter

      Let’s see what happens after Trump’s cabinet take office.

    • Galaxy 500

      America Savior? Damn, right he is. He isn’t a religious savior, not our Lord Jesus, but he saved America in 2016 only to have the naysayers (you sound like one but I don’t know for sure) give the next election to a doddering old fool Bedard what? Mean tweets? Because the economy was too good?
      Why would he make any grand moves while these evil bastards are still at the levers of power. They are auctioning off the parts of the border wall at pennies on the not the dollar but on the Hundred dollars.
      Do you understand that Trump was out of power when the first of these so called vaccines were delivered? These shots came out a few weeks before Joe was sworn in.
      Ner’do’wells keep trying to lay Pfizer’s and Fauci’s and the Biden Crime Family’s sin upon Trump.
      It wasn’t Trump…
      And Trump is America’s cultural and economic savior thank you very much… Thru the Grace of the One, True GOD, YHWH

      • Jerry

        Angie, I am right there with you on the jabs! To many conveniently let that slide. Funny how many will defend him to the nth degree. In my opinion he was the clear choice for Nov 5. but I still have my suspension. He has had every opportunity to speak out and yet has not. Why? This is concerning.

  63. Les L

    When the power grid goes down from an EMP wouldn’t that power generator be wiped out as well ? curious to know.

    • Greg Hunter

      Faraday Blanket?

    • Galaxy 500

      Nope, easy to shield but you loose some convenience by not having it plugged in to your house with auto cut on

    • Won Witness

      search the web for metal garden shed And faraday or EMP.
      lots of stuff on that.
      Also quick expedient smaller cages,
      Your microwave is a Faraday cage by design. but Do NOT power it up with your goodies inside ! (pickup a spare at goodwill/salvation army)
      I wonder if a broken old larger garage freezer could be an option ?

  64. Won Witness

    I was almost overwhelmed by all the doom, goom and disaster to come after reading all the posts.

    Then I Remembered:Isaiah 9:6

    For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
    A Merry Christmas to all !
    (it’s a little early but I think we can all use a little Wonderfull right now)

  65. Galaxy 500

    I call on all of those that support Greg to call out your Congressman if they votes against Trump’s bill… Our Bill to fund government without the thousands of pages of pork.
    WE NEED to be DONE with These F’ing RINOs . They need to primaried out. Call them, email them and do that old fashioned thing… write them a letter. We can not sit this out any longer. Get involved, make calls…
    Fight, Fight, Fight…
    We asked YHWH to send us a good man. HE did but HE expects us to do more than sit this out. Rend unto Cesar what is Cesar’s and unto God what is God’s.


  66. Justn Observer

    Greg. Very interesting conversation all should consider and share…yes pushback is not enough, people have to know and start doing something…like how about making sure all of our state and federal Congress knows this, if they do not already but are staying silent? , if not your ‘rights’ appear to be on the chopping block one after another as the nation is pushed over the cliff and devolves into a new NWO/WERer hybrid- ISM of a facist-marxism? =
    The transition to Stakeholder Capitalism is happening =

  67. Justn Observer

    Greg, so the market tanked with uncertainty of what? was it really Powell’s interest cut OR was it because $663 billion went POOF?

    • Greg Hunter

      J O
      Commercial Real Estate is a very BIG problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OD7DUkX7iP4

      • C. Whewell

        Perhaps, but the big problem goes away if one gets rid of the debt ceiling, as DJT is set to do. Then, the comm. real estate problem is fixed via more debt issuance, and the “losses” created by the big spenders are spread out to the entire population via hyperinflationary downward pressure on the “value” of the paper-denominated “dollar”. Removing the debt ceiling is a wet dream of central banking since it translates to unlimited debt issuance, to resolve problem debt with new debt while simultaneously weakening the value of the fiat currency unit. It is easy to predict the concept of a debt ceiling will be removed very quickly once this next executive administration is sworn in. I suspect by April, the “debt ceiling” will be a relic of the past.

      • Galaxy 500

        It’s gonna kill most if not all large/Medium regional banks

  68. Justn Observer

    Greg, if this is anywhere near the truth…how can this man be allowed to make ANY decision concerning authorizations for use of weapons putting the U.S. on a path to war, or pardoning people he likely has no clue about! This WH aide should be immediately brought into the House or Senate oversight committee and put under oath. He clearly appears to be zoned out behind the Resolute desk while people who are NOT elected to make such decisions were ‘acting’ in what capacity? That he was not 25th was a massive violation of trust of those in office that used this situation for personal gain and stature and has puit the nation at warranted risk. One might wonder if he even knew what day it was/is?

  69. Jim Porteous

    Lue Elizondo on NJ Drone Mystery: We don’t need paranoia, ‘we need to be prepared’ | Reality Check NewsNation 320,346 views Premiered Dec 18, 2024 with Ross Coulthart
    In this week’s episode of Reality Check, Ross Coulthart speaks with UFO researchers Lue Elizondo and Ben Hansen about the recent New Jersey drone sightings. They discuss who could be responsible for them, the White House’s delayed response, and why the government is looking into this phenomenon now after drones have been spotted around the nation for months. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIGzlGzMSJk

  70. Drone Fever Angels

    ‘WE’RE GOING TO GET HIT’: China expert warns of attack on US soil
    Fox Business 1,143,054 views Dec 19, 2024
    Gatestone Institute senior fellow Gordon Chang weighs the national security threats coming from suspicious drones over New Jersey and New York as well as Chinese geopolitical pressures. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTK7jyDETAM

    The Naked Truth About Drones | Hot Takes Mike Rowe 459,827 views Dec 19, 2024
    Did you hear the one about the naked B-list celebrity who was photographed by a drone before chasing it off with a shotgun? No? Well, that B-list celebrity was me, and my encounter with that electronic peeping Tom made the rounds a decade ago. Today, with flocks of drones filling the night sky, that story is back on my mind. So I thought I’d pour a wee dram, share that crazy story, and discuss these mysterious headlines with my producer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhPVY6wlzmk

  71. D.Milne

    Russia-Ukraine War: Trump Ready To Ditch Zelensky | GRAVITAS Highlights
    WION Dec 19, 2024 GRAVITAS
    NATO has taken over the coordination of military aid to Ukraine from the U.S. And is set to play a more direct role in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War. Is this a sign of U.S. Distancing itself from Ukraine? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6XwLCDg2GA

  72. Joan Johns

    Putin’s Big Surprise; Russia Sends Military Aircraft, Soldiers To Another Arab Nation After Syria Times Of India Dec 20, 2024
    Amid fears of retaliation from Syrian rebel fighters, Russia is reportedly sending military equipment via cargo flights to Libya. Since December 8, planes carrying military supplies have been stationed in Libyan bases, signaling a growing Russian military presence in the region. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuUW2UzAEJo

  73. Galaxy 500

    The list of shame….
    Primary this scum

    The 38 Republicans who voted against the resolution are:

    Aaron Bean (R-FL)
    Andy Biggs (R-AZ)
    Josh Brecheen (R-OK)
    Tim Burchett (R-TN)
    Eric Burlison (R-MO)
    Kat Cammack (R-FL)
    Michael Cloud (R-TX)
    Andrew Clyde (R-GA)
    Eli Crane (R-AZ)
    John Curtis (R-UT)
    Jeff Duncan (R-SC)
    Russ Fulcher (R-ID)
    Bob Good (R-VA)
    Paul Gosar (R-AZ)
    Andy Harris (R-MD)
    Wesley Hunt (R-TX)
    Doug Lamborn (R-CO)
    Debbie Lesko (R-AZ)
    Lauren Boebert (R-CO)
    Morgan Luttrell (R-TX)
    Nancy Mace (R-SC)
    Thomas Massie (R-KY)
    Rich McCormick (R-GA)
    Cory Mills (R-FL)
    Alex Mooney (R-WV)
    Blake Moore (R-UT)
    Troy Nehls (R-TX)
    Ralph Norman (R-SC)
    Andy Ogles (R-TN)
    Scott Perry (R-PA)
    Bill Posey (R-FL)
    Matt Rosendale (R-MT)
    Chip Roy (R-TX)
    David Schweikert (R-AZ)
    Keith Self (R-TX)
    Victoria Spartz (R-IN)
    Tom Tiffany (R-WI)
    Beth Van Duyne (R-TX)

    • Cry Me A Ruble

      Not all these members are scum. A number of them are realists. They think America’s credit card is maxed out. No more spending……period until Trump gets in. Men like Biggs, Burchett, Crane and others are pro-Trump. Victoria Spartz is a staunch conservative that will be working with DOGE.

  74. Galaxy 500

    Biden increases troop..!?!?! Biden isn’t in control of his bowels much less sending troops anywhere…


  75. Stevenson High

    LIVE: Putin Retaliates Hard on Kyiv, Sends it in Darkness After the Assassination of Russian General CLRCUT Started streaming on Dec 19, 2024
    Russian President Vladimir Putin responds forcefully to the assassination of a high-ranking Russian general, launching retaliatory strikes against Kyiv. In a dramatic escalation of the ongoing conflict, Putin’s actions have plunged Kyiv into darkness, marking a significant shift in the military confrontation between Russia and Ukraine.

    The writings on the wall! If you can’t beat am, join them! Europe, ditch NATO while you still can! Join the BRIC’S nations, there not in debt and better join NOW! Let Russia do what missiles cannot! PEACE SECURITY AND PROSPERITY, THE STRATEGY IS SIMPLE\MAKE LOVE NOT WAR! war is for children
    Put food on your table not bullets! Do you want lead poisonings or – the west’s 5G saturation! East or west, pick yer poison? Look east! From Russia Wit Love! Fill er up at the world’s largest gas station and convenience party store!
    They Told Me Never To Film THIS in Russia
    Sam’s Russian Adventures 26,498 views Dec 14, 2024
    Certain things and places are out of bounds to film in Russia, Is this one of them or Chicago’s south side? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVSZxRC5Fic
    THE WEST NEVER LOOKED BETTER, BUT THEN it’s WOKE, BROKE BUSTED and DISGUSTED! So don’t let looks deceive you! Better broke than woke and in debt!
    1,547 pages nobody read since the wednesday before last. Pass the bill so we know what’s in it? Who were the 38 hero’s? Members of congress, liberales with our money and conservative with their own, booth parties who finally stood up and stopped the gravy train! Or did they as come back to do it as of this type driven writing?
    Taxpayers here’s where your hard earned bucks go where poor people of Europe can play army with our fiat printed $135,000 per American person in debt. So how much more of what inflation do you want added to your taxes to destroy Russia and Ukraine to build back better, lol! Must we pay for the swamp here and our foreign entanglements’ there, our first president warned us about and will our reward be a world wide free cremation of ourselfies and loved ones? Even world war, thermonuclear war must be paid for, nothin aint free. No free lunch and no free warfare and lawfare, just ask Jack in the box, Smith! Go break another leg Jack and this time you pay for it and not us you freeloader! But there is a method to the madness. We’ll be to dead and to radioactive, to pay anymoe!
    I went to the Frontline of Ukraine’s Invasion into Russia
    Task & Purpose 3.1M views 8 days ago
    As Bill Clinton said we should stop trying to criminalize politicians and just jail them and throw away the key. Thank God you took my advice Bill when I told you in my yellow silk sport jacket, NO INFLATION! The best advice you ever got, pass it on to your buddies in crime mate!

  76. R. Whitaker

    If, war is fur children. ..

  77. Charles Windbagsor

    Russia-Ukraine War: Massive Fire Erupts As Putin Rains Hellfire on Kyiv | Zelensky Warns | WION LIVE
    WION Started streaming 2 hours ago
    Russian drone strike ignites a massive warehouse fire in the Boryspil district of Ukraine’s Kyiv region. Over 70 emergency responders and specialised teams, including a fire train and local brigades, work to contain the blaze.

  78. Mung Bean

    Direct Russia-NATO War In Ukraine For First Time? UK Confirms ‘Troops Present’ | ‘Next We…’ Times Of India Dec 20, 2024
    The UK has openly backed sending troops to support Ukraine against Russia, with British Defence Secretary John Healey suggesting the deployment of military instructors to enhance existing training programs for Ukrainian forces. Watch for more details. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xHAao01F5o

  79. Lost Ukraine Nuke

    Evacuating New Jersey After New Info On UAP Drones (Terrified)
    The Omar Gosh Vlogs Dec 19, 2024
    Omar and ‪@moesargi‬ learn of some new information related to the new jersey uap drones that scare them so much they end up leaving and evacuating New Jersey in a hurry.

  80. Led Skeletor

    President Joe Hologram has been silent and missing, almost as if he never existed.

  81. Son of a Bitch

    Ye of little faith, why so Glum?


    The American economy is like a 747 with autopilot, not the Kitty Hawk or Peter Schiff’s fishing boat:

    If you believe in giants, but not the little baby king Jesus, then you’re right: “We’re doomed!”

    • Greg Hunter

      Steve and I hear His voice.

  82. Joe Wong

    Yep – and Joebama Buyden is trying to create a BIG MESS before he leaves office after January 19, 2025, and Trump 47 will have a very BIG clean-up job when he takes over on January 20, 2025, and start cleaning up Buyden’s mess of unwinnable MONEY LOSING forever wars in the Ukraine and the Middle East, and the domestic problems of the USA that is destroyed beyond repair as well..

  83. Joe Broadly

    BREAKING:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;………. . . *
    EMERGENCY BROADCAST: US Agencies Alerted To Prepare For Imminent Government Shutdown After Americans REJECT Deep State Spending Bill That Expanded Covid Lockdown Powers, Trump Warns “This Is A Biden Problem” — WATCH LIVE Posted 29 minutes ago
    Today’s broadcast is LOADED with bombshell news & exclusive interviews! Tune in!

  84. JB.

    You have arrived at the tip of the spear in the information war! The transhumanist globalists have unleashed a war on every front you can imagine (and many you can’t) to assure humanity’s extinction! Watch & share this one-off broad broadcast is VITAL for sanity in an insane demonic world wide deep state agony of defeat, conniption & panic as Elon calls they’re bluff as the people’s house clutches victory over medical tyranny and spooks spying up our arses, victory over Chuckey Cheese, shu shu shoemore! Where the sun don’t shine, shine on harvest moon!
    \\\\\\\\\\\\\EMERGENCY BROADCAST/ / / / / / / / / /

  85. Kirk Kursk

    LIVE | Putin’s Ultimatum To Trump, WW3 ‘Declaration,’ Oreshnik, Nukes & New Map | Times Of India Started streaming 87 minutes ago Russian President Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference of 2024 in Englishski.
    Matt Gaetz stands and asks Putin a question, he’s aged 20 years! He looks terrible.

  86. Galaxy 500

    Terrorist attack on German Christmas market
    80 hurt 11 killed

  87. Galaxy 500

    Current version of Li-ion batteries are F’ing dangerous. Had one melt the seat of my Kia about 6 years ago. Was charging on the way home from work. Thank Goodness it wasn’t at night while I was asleep

  88. Galaxy 500

    You can not trust these moslems… they worship Satan and think they will get a better placement in Hell if they rob, rape, maim and murder us…
    These people do not integrate into a society… they seek to take over the government and destroy our culture, our way of life

    • Galaxy 500

      Here is just one of many examples… Satanic Moslem says he renounced Satan… wink, wink… then he does this. Satan commands these people to lie to us to gain trust then slip the knife in the back while we are not looking. There is not a single follower of pislam that you can trust… Zero… just ask the frog how that scorpion thing worked out. It is their nature, they are creatures of evil


  89. Justn Observer

    Yes, that is true…and so is the world Eurodollar and global rates as a result of the world shrinking economic death spiral ? .

  90. Justn Observer

    Greg, Jake Sullivan lying thru his teeth at GZERO =@3:30
    Prof. Jeffrey Sachs | Endless War: Beyond All Limits

  91. Tony

    How much to take out trump? Well $45 billion is no the table


    International Public Notice: Mr. Trump — The One Issue of the Age
    By Anna Von Reitz

    That one issue is the future of corporations.

    Will men be ruled over by nameless, faceless, unaccountable bureaucrats and the corporations they work for?

    Or will we wake up from our stupor and realize that corporations aren’t even real?

    Will we find the strength of mind to say, “No.”—?

    No, we won’t be ruled over by corporations; corporations will be accountable to us, and we will master them or destroy them at our will.

    Criminal corporations have no right to exist. They can only be organized for “lawful purposes” and they consistently fail that simple benchmark requirement in actual practice.

    Which is where we come in, because we do have the power to collapse any corporation or incorporated entity that fails to conduct its business in a lawful manner.

    Now, Mr. Trump, Mr. Putin has bravely exposed the $45 Billion dollar Murder Contract that the World Economic Forum posted on the international Dark Web for your death; are you finally ready to face the actual Enemies?

    A contract of that magnitude will easily mobilize mercenary “armies” to come after you.

    As the CEO of a corporation you have no power or ability of your own to lawfully convert criminal corporations — because your corporation is just another corporation like all the others.

    The situation is made worse, because the authority that is supposed to keep corporations in order, the Office of the Pope, has disappeared in a flash of fire and smoke, and is now called “Patriarch of the West”— and that office that has no such duty or authority under Ecclesiastical Law.

    What to do?

    You can do the right thing, Mr. Trump. You can call upon the people of this country, the ultimate employers of your corporation, and the other living people of the world, for help.

    Unlike your corporation, our unincorporated sovereign governments do have the lawful standing and power to “lawfully convert” corporations that are criminal in nature — a process that can “nationalize” these corporations and place them under Land Law, or liquidate or reorganize these corporations for cause.

    We can bust monopolies on the land or at sea or in the air; we can dismember corporations that obstruct trade or engage in false advertising. Most importantly, we can strip the veil right off of corporations that harm living people and utterly destroy them and those “persons” responsible for abusing humanity for profit.

    And we are not dependent upon any phony, foreign, self-interested judicial system to do it.

    Our research indicates that the vast majority of World Economic Forum Members have been organized under French, Belgian, British, German, HRE/Italian, Japanese or “United States” auspices, while we stand as the Inheritors of most of these stocks and shareholdings.

    This means, Mr. Trump, that we, the actual American Government, hold the key to disciplining and if need be, lawfully converting or liquidating these offending corporations.

    All you have to do is recognize the fact that our American Government has “returned from over the sea” and has been in Session for five (5) years already. Fulfill the contract that your corporation is Successor to, and we have the standing and substantive rights to put an end to the criminal members of the WEF.

    Together, we can give these criminal-minded corporations more to think about (and spend money on) than scheming to murder their competitors, creditors, and innocent people.

    Issued by:
    Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
    The United States of America
    In care of: Box 520994
    Big Lake, Alaska 99652
    December 11th 2024

  92. Galaxy 500

    Yeah, Moore, we are more concerned about political oligarchs like you, Cocaine Mitch, Pelosi the Hammer, Chuck the Schmuck, Eye patch McCain, Limpwrist Lindsey and the rest of the evil empire.
    Mike’s Johnson, Adam Shifty and last but not least, Elizabeth Lie-a-whopper , Indian Princess.
    You have an avowed Communist, running owning Comrade Workwear… hmmm. Comrade giving stuff away… nope, capitalism with the veneer of communism… shows off a deck of cards with the face of Captains of industry in a chat were they are talking about murdering CEOs…
    Why no faces of these doddering old drools …er, ah… doddering old fools. Comrade Mitch married to his ChiCom handler is being lead around like a two year old. Pelosi is in the same shape. Hey, once you start taking meds for Alzheimer’s and dementia you should be booted from congress. Doctors should be required to report this. It should be mandatory. Commercial pilots are forced by Congress to retire at age 65 in the USA. You can’t fly as a commercial pilot even one day after your 65th…But the Federal Government allows any age to fly for them as long as you can pass the Flight physical.
    So if Congress admits that people’s mental acuity declines why are people with one of our most important jobs, Congress, allowed to prop us vegetables in office?
    People, we need to redo our government. There needs to be strict term limits. And Dudes and Dudettes, IF you can not pass as simple end of grade test for HS, you shouldn’t be allowed to serve in Congress.
    Notice I said pass… that’s a 70%… meritocracy
    Not an F’ing popularity contest like the elections in Grammar school… do we even have Grammar schools anymore? My generation was probably the last to receive a classical education with very little inculcation. As a consequence my generation knows if you have an innie, your a girl and an outie your a boy. We played outside l, got dirty and hurt… damn, we had a blast.
    Now we all need to become vocal, volunteer and hold these political turds to account. Mitch, Pelosi, Warren, Schift, John’s and the rest of the demonstrably corrupt and incompetent POS in congress should be held to account. We can not sit this one out. That POS Johnson sold out our nation and hamstrung Trump’s first year. I pray that if he gets his due in this world but I know if he doesn’t YHWH will hold him to account if in the next.
    Mobilize people, we are at political war for the soul of our nation and its future…
    I ask the one true God, YHWH to Bless you all thru His Only Begotten Son, Jesus. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night


  93. Rodster

    If this is true as the lyrics from The WHO song “We Won’t Get Fooled Again” says, “meet the new boss, same as the old boss”.

    So Trump according to this ZH article plans to continue giving military aid to Ukraine. So what happened to the, “I end this war between Ukraine and Russia in 24 hours?” Too many Neocons in Trump’s second term.


  94. Justn Observer

    Greg, another part of The Pentagon’s New Map dissertation on policy ‘he’ thinks the country should set policy with?
    Any wonder we are where we are today. Bias ‘influence’ from ‘academia’ unelected think tanks will self promotiong agendas leading those that are supposed to lead and represent the people’s views without any input from the people themselves, even when such are implemented, the people and Congress these days get NO VOTE if such leads to wars which end up as EO’s and Presidential decided ‘interventions’ and ‘special operations with a built in ‘mission creep” with NO clear objectives or end game that they share with the people? End up being like earlier links…a prolonged agenda planned out since 1954, put in a book form, in 1956 that most people living today in U.S. were not even born, and have no clue this has been on going NWO agenda for 70 years, with upgraded policy objectives as ‘they’ see fit. Installing ‘young global leaders’ here, there, and flipping those that are not going along with ‘THE PLAN’ ,and refuse to PAY TO PLAY? IMO, many of his points never arose and or where wrong, What he was selling has proven to be BS! Global warming became ‘climate change’, Iraq and Afghanistan a failure, appears in Syria and how is Ukraine plan today? all mission creep, more budget spent on same, diverting U.S. blood and treasury, as U.S. stockpiles are drained, are borders collapsed, and our sovereignty at risk along with We the People’s rights. Maybe should have taken POTUS George Washington’s advise and stayed out foreign entanglements? When do We get a vote on these policy decisions?
    seems his plan only got a Central Command Gen to resign for not wanting to go with those views = ‘ Barnett received notoriety in March 2008 for publishing an article in Esquire magazine on Admiral William Fallon which portrayed the Admiral at odds with the Bush administration. This led to Fallon’s resignation as the head of Central Command….which it appears his plan never achieved
    what he was selling = ‘The end result of all of this, if it proves to be successful, would be nothing less than the end of interstate warfare on the planet, and probably a significant reduction in intrastate warfare and other problems like terrorism.’
    As a result, we paid for it, the lives and limbs of our U.S. military…as the taxpayers got the bill. and of course we received those pleasant comments, like Albrights, ‘WE THINK it was worth it’, Hillary’s ‘WE SAW WE CAME in Lybia, and ‘What difference now, does it make? One MIGHT ASK the Gold Star families that question. And now POTUS DJT gets elected, and before he takes office, these same sort of people and HELL BENT on front running and ‘resisting’ he plans, to keep such BS going!

  95. Affinia Realors

    UPDATE: The St. Louis Police did a great job of clearing out the homeless camp on the rim of the expressway in Benton Park within a week. The hard drug-addicted pimps are long gone, except for much trash left in their “woke.” It makes one wonder if crack-smoking President “Beer-ick” Obama was an role model, enabler, or CIA supplier for Hunter Biden’s CIA crack addiction?

    Thank you.

  96. Justn Observer

    Greg, a larger picture…Elon MIGHT be wrong? –
    Yield Curve Gives Warning, Elon Is WRONG About This, Dollar Milkshake Playing Out?=

  97. William R Nicholson

    Greg , I missed this interview due who’s to getting prepared for a residence change. I hope you & Steve had good Christmas. I know I’ve asked you before to research and find who’s a copy of the audio call that I received from The Chairman of The Illuminati Membership Committee. He called 4 years ago early August. Q & Space Force should have a copy. If you find and release that recording to the masses , I believe it will awaken the few remaining doubters of Jesus The Christ. Good Luck releasing the recording. Cordially yours Nick, NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

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