Iran Nuke Lies, Rudy to the Rescue, Dems Are Socialists

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 333 5.4.18) 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is out with massive amounts of new evidence that Iran does have a nuclear weapons program. In a press conference this week, Netanyahu said Iran has been lying about the military application of its nuclear program for years.  He also says the so-called Iran nuke deal to curtail Iran’s nuclear ambition is “based on lies.”  Is this going to lead to war?  Is Trump going to pull out of the deal which Iran did not sign?

Former New York City Mayor and federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani has signed onto the Trump legal team to protect the President from the witch hunt of the debunked Russian collusion story. Democrats and so-called “Deep State” forces are trying anything and everything to remove Trump from office.  Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is supposed be looking into Russian interference in the 2016 election.  He’s been trying to frame Trump for crimes he did not commit, while ignoring real crime of the FBI, DOJ and the Clinton-run DNC.  Looks like a constitutional crisis is brewing between team Trump and the criminals trying to overthrow a duly elected President.

Did you know Democrats are socialists? Well, Hillary Clinton finally made it official by saying, “41% of Democrats are socialists.”  Clinton considers herself to be a capitalist, and she says this is one of the many reasons why she lost in 2016.  The list of excuses grows every week.

Join Greg Hunter as he give his take on the week’s top stories in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

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After the Wrap-Up: 

Best-selling book author Nomi Prins will be the guest for the “Early Sunday Release.” Prins will talk about her new book “Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World.”  How much longer will the “rigging” go on?

To see the story that contains a copy of the letter by the John Kerry State Department admitting there is no signed deal with Iran Click here.


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  1. Keith

    Greg, Bibi says all this stuff was found implicating Iran. Have you seen it? I haven’t. Sorry my friend. They must make public what they found that demonstrates what they say. If not. It’s lies.

    • Greg Hunter

      He held a press conference with a 10 foot high scree to show the evidence. Yes, I saw it. It’s not “lies.” Did you see the Iran “deal”??? Now that was a HUGE LIE.
      Are good with this huge lie??? I am not. This lie has brought us much closer to a very ugly war. Thank you Obama and John Kerry!!!!!!

      • Evert

        Lavrov wonders why does Israel not show this evidence to the International Nuclear and Energy Agency? I believe he has a point. De-escalation is very necessary. There is no win in case of war, never has been. Both Korea’s have proven that a normalising process is possible.

        • Paul ...

          “Normalization” scares the hell out of neocon warmongers, the Deep State and the Military Industrial Complex because peace is not their goal … war is … this is why the “unsigned gentlemeans deal” with Iran must be trashed … just like the gentlemens agreement between North and South Korea must be trashed by the warmongering neocons … they can’t conceive of the possibility that “they” will have to remove American military bases from South Korea and bring 70,000 American troops home (who could then guard “our” boarders from “a real enemy” that is doing economic harm to our economy) … they don’t want to close any American bases from “the hundreds of countries” around the world they have built bases (of course Iran has to remove its bases or be bombed) … lets get real you evil neocon warmongers … bring our boys home … bring them home now … and allow us to cut the defense budget … the extra money can be used to rebuild America … we need high speed railways, etc, etc, etc. and spending money on bases in South Korea “we don’t need anymore” … keeping our troops in South Korea is an abomination after Normalization and Peace has been achieved … it simply adds more Billions of defense dollars to the 7 Billion defense dollars that the military and its crony contractors already lost on us!!!

      • freebrezer

        Greg – you leave out that this process was started under the Black witch (HRC) … one can only wonder how much Hillary and crew (Huma Abedin & the muslim brotherhood) made off the deal? The other item that boggles the mind is giving Iran pallets of cash! This is the biggest DAH … can you say bribes under the table that are not traceable! This is F*****g Nuts! The American tax payer – we are all being taken to the cleaner by this ruling class (The Deep State), and worse … it is purposeful!

        • Paul ...

          freebrezer … it was easy for the “very intelligent” Iranians to outwit dumb Hillary and the Demon-rats … if you don’t sign a deal … how can you be accused of breaking it? … Iran simply did the same thing an accused will do when dealing with adversarial attorneys … “you don’t sign any stipulation agreements” … which can easily be turned against you! … the Iranians obviously “are not fools”!!

          • freebrezer

            which does not say very much about Kerry and crew … or maybe it does … they do not care much about America

      • foggygoggles

        Don’t those documents predate the 2015 agreement? Don’t they also conflict with actual inspections by the IEAE?

        • Greg Hunter

          No, and the inspections do not cover military installations. Iran would not allow it. Iran is has also publically stated it is building ballistic missiles.

  2. Paul ...

    Hey Bibi … if the police break into someones home and find a permit application all filled out to purchase a gun … does that mean the homeowner has already purchased the gun? … you have to find the gun … and in Iran’s case the nukes!! … if you can’t find the nukes Bibi … Iran doesn’t have any … and it doesn’t matter whether Iran signed a deal or did not sign a deal … if there is no nukes … there is no need for a war or sanctions … unless the oil price “needs to be driven higher” to protect the banksters derivative contracts from imploding … in that case Iran’s archives can be used to Trump up a case for launching 1000 Tomahawk missiles at Iran’s oil wells … the oil price will go to $150 per barrel and gold will rise … this will help Russia out immensely as they own lots of oil and lots of gold … they will be so flush with cash they would be able to give their ally Iran hundreds of S500 missile systems and even nukes for free … how does that provide security to Israel?? … let’s back off from war … and don’t push the price of oil up to make Russia so rich Iran becomes an instant nuclear power (without having to build any of their own nukes) … as for gold not rising because the threat of war is lessened … I’m willing to make that sacrifice … we moral Christians don’t need to make our money by killing women and children … as Wolf Blitzer says is necessary for the greater good of the Military/Industrial Complex!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      “if the police break into someone’s home and find a permit application all filled out to purchase a gun … does that mean the homeowner has already purchased the gun? … you have to find the gun … and in Iran’s case the nukes!! … if you can’t find the nukes Bibi … Iran doesn’t have any.” You have to be kidding with this sort of idiotic line of thought.

      • Paul ...

        Greg … remember how we were dragged into a decades long war by “claims” of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq … I want to see the European Union nuclear inspectors search and verify that Iran has nukes … and is thus in violation of the unsigned deal!

        • Paul ...

          Let’s not so easily rush to judgement the way Trump did when he fired off 100 Tomahawks before verifying if the chemical attack in Syria was “real” or not … if we are all going to die in a nuclear Armageddon we should at least “know for sure” we are being incinerated for something “real” … especially with all the “fake stuff” we are constantly subjected to by Government officials and on TV by news media lets give ourselves at least a little time to have the European Union thoroughly inspect former Iranian nuclear sites before Trump presses the red button on the advice of the truly crazy neocon warmongers …

        • Greg Hunter

          You said, “I want to see the European Union nuclear inspectors search and verify that Iran has nukes.” Iran said all alone it’s military site will never be inspected. This is the problem with the no signature and no enforcement deal.

      • AndrewB

        Hi Greg and thanks (I think) for WNW 5.4.18.
        I am ever hopeful for good to win over evil and champion truth tellers, like you, who have the courage to openely join in battle. However, I despair when you revert to US stereotypical programming – such as your rants against Iran – and your unquestioning (robotic) support of Israel. If a person of your intellect holds to such unequivocal ‘black and white’ opinions about whole populations then there truely is no hope for good to prevail in the world. Furthermore, you deride other countries for lack of ‘true democracy’ while failing to heed the views of many of your esteemed guests, such as Doctor Paul Craig Roberts, that the US ‘two’ party system is a total sham! All the good you do – LOTS – is compromised by your slavish adherence to propagandised emnities. I wish you could truly break free . . .

        • Greg Hunter

          My “rants against Iran.” Are you that dense not to understand the huge fraud that was perpetrated on the world with the no signature no binding phony deal or do you just hate Israel and Jews so much you are blind to fact and evidence?

          • AndrewB

            Hi Greg,
            Your reply to my comment is beneath you. I agree the Iran ‘deal’ is a fraud BUT who is behind it and what was/is its purpose? Should you be throwing insults at Iran when plane loads of cash are shipped out of the US? Perhaps it would be more journalistic to question who sanctioned this ‘transaction’ and what did they gain from it. As for your ‘hating Jews’ comment, this is a cheap shot used by people unable to comprehend the sinister regime that is militant Zionism. I have nothing against Jews. Many times, my wife and I applaud your broadcasts and comment how brave you are – other times we listen in sheer bewilderment as your ‘patriotic programming’ rises to the surface and rational thinking takes a back seat. Shame.

            • Greg Hunter

              I don’t agree with your anti-Israel stance and should be shamed??? I don’t have “rational thinking” bcause we disagree politically?? That crap is not going to work on me. I have no shame. Which Jews do you love? You say, ” I have nothing against Jews. ” but then again, you don’t really like them either, do you?? How about militant Islam? Does that upset you? Probably not. Is that shameful?? How about the 238 people killed in April by radical Islam. Run, don’t walk to another site, and please and pitch your condescending arguments with people that will buy them.

              • AndrewB

                Hi Greg
                Your replies to comments that question your point of view are overtly hostile. You are seemingly unable to debate an issue dispassionately. It’s almost as bad as trying to introduce a ‘social justice warrior’ to critical thinking. This is very odd because the Greg Hunter who conducts interviews and the WNWs appears to be reasonable and entirely rational. Anyway, to your text: I did not claim, “I loved Jews”. I said, “I have nothing against Jews” and this is true. To ‘love’ an entire people is rare indeed and, having considered your accusation, I do not ‘love’ any entire group of people comprising any race and/or religion. You go on to accuse me of support for militant Islam. I hate militant Islam. I hate militant Zionism. I hate neo-con imperialists who wreak havoc upon innocents. I do not have any cause for shame in that.

            • Frederick

              Andrew You are correct It’s truly a shame

      • Jallen

        Please explain to us how Israel got its nukes.


        • Greg Hunter


          You want Iran to have Nukes?


          • Frederick

            Greg You deflected the question and didn’t answer it

          • Jallen

            It would be best for the world, if no one had nukes.

            • Greg Hunter

              It would be best if everybody were rich and nobody had to work for a living but that is not the case either.

          • Robert Zionist Lykens

            And Greg, that really is the answer to Jallen’s question. There is a world, a galaxy of difference between Israel having nukes and Iran having them.

            • Occasnltrvlr

              Haven’t you ever heard, that actions speak louder than words? Iran threatens Israel, but Israel attacks Iran.

              Doesn’t Iran have every reason, and right, to seek to obtain weapons equivalent to their hostile neighbor’s?

              • Greg Hunter

                Iran is building bases in Syria so they can attack Israel. If it was the other way around would you overlook Israel building based to attack Iran? I think not.

                • This sceptred Isle

                  America incentivised the acquirement of nuclear weapons. They are the only deterrent to American attacks. It is no coincidence North Korea has not been attacked.

                  • Greg Hunter

                    Not true. What NK has would be gone in the first 10 minutes of a war. The biggest deterrent is China. It always has been.

            • Frederick

              True Israel having them is far more dangerous due Their their stated goal of destroying the entire world if attacked

              • Greg Hunter

                “Their stated goal of ‘destroying the entire world if attacked'” can I get a source for this quote?

                • Frederick

                  Samson option Google It

                  • Greg Hunter

                    “Samson option says basically, “strategy of massive nuclear retaliation against “enemy” nations should its existence as a Jewish state be jeopardized through military attack.” “Retaliation” is the key word and it sounds reasonable to me if someone is attacked they should be able to fire back. How dare those Jews fight back??? Can’t they just walk to the gas chambers like the last time? (Extreme sarcasm here) Is that your feeling about them??? NOT MINE.

        • Keith wilson

          Jallen, Israel got its nuclear technology from its friends
          In the United Kingdom, and France. The Rothschild banking dynasty who also owns Israel ordered and got the leaders of these countries to deliver all nuclear secrets to Tel Aviv. This was achieved over the last 60 years. Don’t forget Israel is a very peacefully nation which has never caused any trouble in the middle east. Only Islamic countries like Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen cause trouble and where all behind the 9\11 attacks. But not Israel. Ok. Also Saudi Arabia which is trying to stop Yemeni Islamic terrorists from invading and occupying its country has asked the US military for help . We must all get behind Saudi Arabia and stop Yemen from carrying out an invasion of that democratic peacefully nation. Also Saudi Arabia had no hand in the 9\11 attacks. Only Islamic terrorist countries. OK. This is why Iran must never have a nuclear bomb. They can’t be trusted with it. They would use it on any one who questioned islam. Only Christian nations can have the nuclear button. Not Muslim countries who worship Allah,and whose religion belongs in the dark ages. That is the crux of it all. No A -Bombs for Mohammed or Akmad, or any one else who reads the Koran and worships Allah.

          • AndrewB

            You forgot to add ‘SARC’ . . .

      • andyb

        Greg: it is immaterial to me whether or not Iran has nukes. Israel has nukes, why shouldn’t Iran? The problem I have is that Israel virtually runs US foreign policy for the Middle East and is seeking to have us join them for an Iran invasion and regime change. As a combat vet, I decry war and do not wish to see the US involved in ANY war, much less one that we cannot win without the real threat of nuclear catastrophe. As it stands, in any event, the unstoppable nuclear radiation from Fukushima will kill us all within a century.

        • Greg Hunter

          Sure you don’t have some bias there Andy? You said, “Israel virtually runs US foreign policy for the Middle East. . . ” If that were true we would not have the no signature unenforceable Iran deal.

          • philipat

            You keep going on about the “No deal, deal” but you surely know, yet never mention, that said deal was given legitimacy under International law by virtue of having been ratified by the UNSC. And there are many parts of the world where even still very large business deals are done on a handshake, no contract necessary; including in Asia and Eurasia. In general, contracts are written with layers of fine print to be broken as required so there is really no difference. The important part of any deal is that both sides deliver the “contract”. And in this case, it is clear (at least according to the IAEA) that Iran HAS delivered and the US has not.

            • Greg Hunter

              Are you stupid? You got to be. This is a fraud and it was covered over.

            • Greg Hunter

              Oh, and please show me another $150 billion deal that was done with no signatures?

        • freebrezer

          Andyb – I would not worry to much about Fukushima (Unless you live over in Japan ) … The big radiation plume never really materialized to be much on the west pacific coast. And most of the contaminated spill out water flows directly in to ocean and mixes with the deeper currents right off the Japanese coast and is carried away deep in the ocean. What this highly contaminated plumes are doing to deep sea life is a big question? These deep sea current take hundreds of years before they resurface. This is why it is not much in the news … out of sight/out of mind. The real nasty stuff are the heavier elements which naturally will sink! Now if some ocean floor dwelling worm or such mutates and grows to be 300 to 400 ft big and attacks Tokyo … there will be something befitting about that.

    • Bob

      Israel has nukes and has threatened to use them against Europe.
      Why is there a double standard here?

      • Greg Hunter

        Please show a source for that huge lie! (A legit source)

        • Pieter

          The more a read you the more you sound as a closet zionist. Are you a zionist as it sure sounds you are one?
          Israel is talking about a nuclear threat for decades man it is getting a joke. Not to mention Israel themself done the same with their nuclear program in the past and present and still they themselfs not accept inspections on their own nuclear program. Be a realist you believe that the usa would accept to be threatened by greenland? Why you never have a credible expert from Iran on your show this is what real journalists do normally.
          Really sicking hearing John Mcain talking about bombing Iran.

          • Greg Hunter

            Are you a closet Jew hater and Israel hater? I put up the facts about the Iran NO signature “deal” and that is a fact. But you are not upset about that FACT let alone mention it. You see that is what “real journalists” do–present the facts. The Iran “deal” a fraud, rip-off, bribery scam and treason in multiple countries. I am so sorry the facts do not fit into your anti-Israel political views.

        • Greg Hunter

          For balance this link that keeps track if the murders every day by radical Islam. In April month Radical Islam murdered 238 people. Does that bother you as bad as the “radical” Jews????

      • Paul ...

        Isn’t the threat of using nuclear weapons the exact reason for building them? … What good is the Samson Option if you can’t threaten anyone with it?? … Israel might as well give up all its its nukes if they are so useless … N.Korea did … Iran did … we need the US and Russia to do the same … but QDTT (Quick Draw Tomahawk Trump) is going to “Build More” (hopefully just to use as a threat) and not in an instant nuclear first strike based upon an unconfirmed false flag!!

  3. FC

    MARK 15:9
    “Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?” asked Pilate, knowing it was out of self-interest that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him. But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead.
    “What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?” Pilate asked them.
    “Crucify him!” they shouted.
    “Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.
    But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”
    Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.
    MAY 4:2018
    “Do you want me to release ground troops?” asked Trump, knowing it was out of self-interest that Bibi hand over allegations of nuclear weapons to him. But Bibi wanted to stir up the MSM to have Trump release tomahawk missles instead.
    “What shall I do, then, with the country you call your enemy?” Trump asked them.
    “Crucify them!” they shouted.
    “Why? What crime have they committed?” asked Trump.
    But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify them!”
    Wanting to satisfy Israel, Trump released the tomahawk missiles upon them. He had Hassan flogged, and handed Iran over to Israel.

    • Greg Hunter

      Boy, what a stretch in logic. You forgot to add how much you hate Israel and the Jews.

      • philipat

        I’m truly surprised that you would respond with such a cheap shot ad hominem. You will be well ware that the standard response by the Israel lobby to anyone who criticizes Israeli policy (Political Zionism) is that they are anti-semites. Nothing could be further from the truth and, in my own case I am not anti-anything or anyone but am strongly opposed the the genocide of the Palestinian people and the shameless land grab in Palestine as a matter of Israeli Government policy. I would note that there have been many demonstrations in Israel by Israeli Jewish citizens AGAINT the policies of their own Government. So does that make them anti-semites also?

        • Greg Hunter

          My comments are “cheap shots” and you have the intellect and the high ground with yours??? Stop being a baby. You sound stupid with no debating skills what-so-ever. “Genocide of the Palestinian people.” No, you are not biased at all, quoting the Muslim side of the UN. Just answer this question with Yes or a No. Does Israel have a right to exist? Yes or No Mr. high intellectual commenter who’s political views are the correct ones. I will not post an answer other than YES OR NO. Let’s check your true “political Zionism” argument.

          • philipat

            I have responded to all your comments in an attempt to engage you in an honest debate but you now delete all my comments. I have used no profanity but just expressed an alternative point of view, which you obviously do not wish to publish.
            Why not engage some of your guests regarding Israel to see how they think? I would suggest Catherine Austin Fitts or Paul Craig Roberts?

            • Greg Hunter

              I don’t care what they think. They are free to think what they want. I think for myself. Please do the same and stop acting like a baby. You made your points and I mostly disagree. Is this really col again?

          • Paul ...

            Ask God … and he will say “everyone has a right to exist” (even Satan) … but it didn’t stop God from weeding out the bad guys from his mist!!

      • FC

        Damn it, Greg, you cost me a bottle of Yiron Galil Mountain Red Blend by posting my comment.
        My longtime friend who happens to be born in Israel and is Jewish said that you would post it and I bet him a bottle you wouldn’t.

      • Charles H

        It is not just a stretch in Logic, Greg – it is an irreverent and ignorant use of a Divine source and expression, applied to an illegitimate speculation. Trump is no Pilot. And Holy Scripture is not something to lightly use to denigrate politicians.
        I often reflect on the idea that God Almighty – Who is Holy, in absolute perfection… will not be amused with such people when they stand before Him. It is one thing to twist another man’s words; but the gall to bandy about the Divine Narrative: will not be overlooked.

        • DB Cooper

          Brother Charles, So is it wrong to make a distinction between secular Israel and the Jewish people? Who should we hold responsible for the attack on the USS Liberty?? Surely President Johnson but what about Israel? I would ask Greg this question but would prefer to not be attacked for the asking!! Yours in Faith and Liberty, FN, DB.

          • Greg Hunter

            Sure DB bring up the USS Liberty. It was attacked during the “Six Day War” in 1967. Get that?– during the height of battle. Jus make sure you get the entire story not just the part that makes Israel look like an enemy of the U.S. It was a huge mistake made DURING A WAR.

            • Paul ...

              I don’t remember any battle going on when the Twin Towers were brought down on 9-11?

              • Greg Hunter

                Let me guess, the Jews did that too? Hitler once opined “If we could only get rid of them.” You see how that worked out.

              • Frederick

                Paul You’re over the target brother and be prepared to take a heavy flak attack

            • Frederick

              The attack on the Liberty was NOT an accident That Much is pretty much accepted as fact by now

              • Greg Hunter

                It’s accepted as “fact” my Jew haters world wide, but not by people like me. The Bible says “fools hate knowledge.”

            • DB Cooper

              Greg, WTF … The USS Liberty was not attacked by the Arabs and it was not just attacked a little, it was attacked for hours and hours and Johnson stopped the American response !! I am missing your point. DB

              • Greg Hunter

                You must have not read this link. My point is there are two sides to this story, and I never said the L:iberty was attacked by Arabs.

              • Frederick

                Thank you DB Greg is revising history now Perhaps he could get his job back at CNN

                • Greg Hunter

                  I don’t want it back because I have a better job now and you have a place to vent.

          • Charles H


            I honestly don’t know – but the One Who counts in this matter is God. He sees all the matter as it is; and we don’t. If He doesn’t make a difference between ‘secular Israel’ and the Jews: should we? Even New Testament Christianity allows the wheat to grow among the tares. The Jews are one blood, and I don’t know if political or unbelieveing ideology has anything to do with blood.

            I think Israel deliberately attacked and killed Americans KNOWING who they were at the time. I also suspect they couldn’t have done it without permission from the Top. Can of worms.

            I have to side with caution and benefit of the doubt – toward the Jews as a whole. No nation has a halo on it.

            And I abhor the drawing down of the Divine (God’s Word) for secular purposes; principally lambasting.

  4. bETTY bOOP

    Winston Churchill Lion of the British Empire Could Not Stop It

    Is the US headed in the same direction, which is what both Russia and China are counting on. Its crushing debt burden, costly wars, and out-of-control spending are sapping its productive capacity, which the military industrial complex taps to sustain itself.

    The US’ enemies have based their strategies on this. In reference to the US’ involvement in the Afghanistan quagmire, Osama bin Laden reportedly said:

    We, alongside the mujahideen, bled Russia for 10

    years, until it went bankrupt and was forced to

    withdraw in defeat . . . So we are continuing this

    policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy.*

    Osama Bin Laden

    The question that remains is when will a collapse occur or at least another crisis like in 2008 take place? The warning signs abound. The most pressing is the exploding US deficit which had soared in March 2017 to $209 billion. In 2007, the entire deficit for the year was less than $200 billion!

    The collapse of the US economy is unavoidable, however, it is not “if” but “when.” For world peace, it had better be sooner than later.

    The 64,000 dollar question is, which will get here first, collapse or peace and security?

    *Brian Whitaker, “Al-Qaida is Bleeding US to Bankruptcy, Bin Laden Claims.” The Guardian, 3 November 2004.

    Special Thanks

    Will This World [Age] Come to an End?

    International Standard Version
    When people say, “There is peace and security,” destruction will strike them as suddenly as labor pains come to a pregnant woman, and they will not be able to escape.
    ◄ 1 Thessalonians 5:3 ►
    What yet unseen developments are indicated in the following scriptures?

    1 Thessalonians 5:3

    Revelation 17:16

    Daniel 2:44

    New Living Translation
    But you aren’t in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won’t be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief. ◄1 Thessalonians 5:4►

    EARTHSHAKING events are occurring one after another and will soon occur, faster and faster, closer together, like birth pangs of women giving birth.
    ◄ Matthew 24:8 ►
    The fulfillment of Bible prophecies confirms this fact, so we need to keep on the watch. What will help us to do that? The apostle Paul urges us to “keep our eyes . . . on the things unseen.” Yes, we need to bear in mind our reward of everlasting life, be it in heaven or on earth. As the context shows, Paul wrote these words to encourage fellow believers to focus on the happy outcome of their faithful course. Doing so would also help us to cope with the trials and persecution to come, if not happening now in your case personally.​—2 Cor. 4:8, 9, 16-18; 5:7.

    Paul’s admonition contains an important principle: To keep our hope firm, we must look beyond the things that are immediately before us. We need to focus on significant events that are as yet unseen. (Heb. 11:1; 12:1, 2) Consider ten future events that are closely related to our hope of everlasting life.

    Leaders announcing peace to people around the world?

    One future development is mentioned by Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians. (Read 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3.) He draws attention to “ day of the Lord ” Refers to the period that will start with the destruction of all false religion and will culminate in the war on true believers, like a finger in God’s eye, then Armageddon.
    GOD’S WORD® Translation
    This is what the LORD of Armies says: Afterwards, the Glory sent me to the nations who looted you. Whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye. ◄ Zechariah 2:8 ►
    However, just before that day of God begins, world leaders will be saying “Peace and security!” This may refer to one event or to a series of events. Nations may think that they are close to solving some of their big problems. What about the religious leaders? They are part of the world, so it is possible that they will join the political leaders. (Rev. 17:1, 2) The clergy would thus be imitating the false prophets of ancient Judah. Jehovah said about them: “They [are] saying, ‘There is peace! There is peace!’ when there is no peace.”​—Jer. 6:14; 23:16, 17.

    No matter who will share in saying “Peace and security!” that development will indicate that the day of the Lord is to begin. Paul could therefore state: “Brothers, you are not in darkness, so that that day should overtake you as it would thieves, for you are all sons of light.” (1 Thess. 5:4, 5) Unlike mankind in general, we discern the Scriptural significance of current events. How exactly will this prophecy about saying “Peace and security!” be fulfilled? We must wait and see. Therefore, let us be determined to “stay awake and keep our senses.”​—1 Thess. 5:6; Zeph. 3:8.

    Proclamation of “Peace and security!”

    Nations attack and destroy “Babylon the Great”

    Attack on God’s people

    War of Armageddon

    Satan and his demons are abyssed;

  5. william cochrane

    Great post as usual. Thanks Greg

    All the Best, Bill

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Bill!

  6. David

    Trump Investigation:
    – Americans are growing tired of the drip, drip, drip. Where’s the beef? Mueller fatigue has set in. If I were Trump, I would keep this charade going through the summer.
    – Even if Trump were to go to trial, half of the jury will be Republican. Thus, a mistrial. No jury is going to convict Trump once the “FBI follies” take center-stage in a court of law, not to mention the classified information that Trump will declassify so that it can be heard in a court of law.
    – This is a political issue. Impeachment by Congress is the only course of action. This will only happen if the Democrats are in control.
    – The Democrats will fail to take back Congress because the only issue on the campaign trail will be Trump and their zealousness to impeach. As one Democrat said recently, “… Democrats can’t win because they are always running against someone, and not running for something (i.e., an issue that really matters to hard-working Americans).”
    – The Democrats are rapidly losing the black vote, the mainstay of their base.
    – The only question is whether the Republicans gain a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate this November. Can I get an Amen? Can I get an Hallelujah?

  7. Jerry

    Can you say Patsy ?

    I hate to break to you but the Donald is being set up for what’s about to happen. The upward pressure of the hperbond buying by the central banks is collapsing the rest of the global currency’s. Beijing is already in survival mode and will break from the petrodollar soon.

    • Charles H

      The other half of the world – China, Russia and about everyone outside of Europe: is going to hand the baseball back to the US and her allies (the Dollar) and say for them to play sandlot baseball by themselves. Trump is a pawn, caught in greater impetus than anyone understands.

  8. Russ McMeans

    Thank you Greg. Will share via email and Facebook. Simply the best news reporting that I know of.
    Your warnings of dire consequences regarding the Democrat socialist Marxist communists fascists is most noted here. Do not underestimate them folks!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Russ!!

  9. Reggie

    Israel wants a war and of course wants the supply the
    troops. The neo-cons want control of the resources os Syria
    and Iran. The Saudis are also backing this agression and it is
    all about control of oil and gas and running a pipeline thru
    Syria and cutting Russia off from supplying gas to Europe.
    Russia is also in the crosshairs due to their abundance of natural
    resources. Why not talk about the U.S. sending Javalin tank missles
    to the border of Ukraine. Charles Nenner said in his inteview 2019
    the world enters a war cycle. I think world war III is ennevitable.

    • Greg Hunter

      Let’s be fair. Iran is building military bases in Syria and in striking distance of the Israeli border. If Iran wants peace maybe they should be building gardens instead of military bases on the Israeli border???

    • Robert Zionist Lykens

      Sometimes it’s not about “wanting war”, “wanting control of resources” or “neocons”.
      Sometimes it’s about being obedient to God and supporting the people he chose to bear his Name and message to the world.

      • This sceptred Isle

        Anyone can convert to Judaism and then say that their actions are in accordance with God.

      • Jallen

        The message to the world is; Redemption is by the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!! There is no other way.!
        As far as Israel is concerned; the twelve tribes and two half tribes are scattered around the world and they make up the real Israel. The true definition of Jew is ‘One from the tribe of Judah’.

        With all due repect you you Robert,

        • Occasnltrvlr

          Hear, hear!

      • Paul ...

        Yes … you are right Robert … I would like to see Bibi go before the TV cameras … and in the name of God proclaim the message of our Lord” … “Thou Shall Not Kill” … and propose in the interest of Peace and Good will Toward Women and Children … sugest that all sides in the current conflict agree “to the best of their ability” not to maim women or children … and simply make War …”a Men’s game” … where only evil warmongering Men are killed!!!

    • Frederick

      Exactly Reggie You “ Get It “ sir

  10. Maria das Santos

    Thanks Mr Hunter.
    Another week and no arrests of the elite here in the UK same as the USA.

  11. Tinfoil hat Canuck

    Not to get your blood pressure all jacked up, but when removing emotion from analyzing Bibi’s presentation to he world, a skeptic might look at the following.

    1. The timing. We are really close to the May 12 th decision by President Trump. Given their mutual admiration and working partnership, it looks like a done deal. But the people need to be supportive should some nasty incursions and bombings be needed.
    2. Bibi’s credibility. Was this leader not a prime mover and driver of the Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction ” meme along with Blair and Bush ? What has history told us of that little war ?
    3. What about the international agencies that have been giving Iran a stamp of compliance ? Is he saying they have been massively duped ? Probably the Russians influencing their reports.
    4. And let’s examine the veracity of the intel itself. Is it dated or current ? Again, referring back to point #2, the intel community has proven itself to be corruptible and political ( as we know with their Trump witch hunt ).

    For me, the timing is worrisome. The West has been going with a “shoot first, ask questions later” policy, knowing they have a war loving mass media to push their agenda into the minds ( and emotions ) of the sheeple.

    Again, given your use of !!!! in your response above, it’s obvious this is a very emotional topic for you — and you could very well be right . But sometimes the exposure of truth takes time, no?

    • Greg Hunter

      What worries me is this analysis is surprisingly similar to the MSM drivel.

      • Tinfoil hat Canuck

        Reading the other comments, it is obvious many are taking you to task for your absolute support of Israelis policy and behaviour — as is your right.

        I would just like to commend you on the “freedom of speech” you allow on your site. Lots of viewpoints let’s community members with a desire to form a realistic worldview get closer to that goal. Thanks again.

        • Greg Hunter

          There is nothing stopping you from exercising your “Freedom of Speech.” I am
          not letting a pack of paid trolls take over here. You are welcome to use your capital as I did and start your own site and work around the clock 7 days a week to make it successful. It’s easy–try it. That said, I put up plenty of comments that I do not agree with. I am not going to put up every link (that I have to vet) with every crazy thing under the sun. This is work for me. Make your point and please move on.

          • This sceptred Isle

            Greg, you have become overly sensitive on this subject. I though Tinfoil hat was trying to pay you a genuine compliment!

            • Tinfoil hat Canuck

              I was.
              I don’t condone extreme, emotional arguments, but rather encourage — and appreciate — reasoned, calm dialogue.

              And Greg’s site certainly ( in most cases) displays the latter .

    • Frederick

      Nope Bibi is just a warmongering psychopath along the same lines as Hillary or John McCain/ Bolton Nothing complicated about it actually

      • Greg Hunter

        How about some negative comments about your fearless leader (dictator?) in Turkey???

        • Frederick

          Greg I am a guest in this country and do not get involved in their politics Why do you keep prodding me this way It’s really ridiculous

          • Greg Hunter

            No it’s factual, and the facts can be very uncomfortable for people in glass houses.

            • Frederick

              Greg I’m NOT Turkish I’m American and I’m a guest here I refuse to make any comments about their politics I would do the same if I lived in ANY other country as a guest out of respect Too bad the illegal aliens in the US can and do trash our president on a daily basis

              • Greg Hunter

                If you were a guest in America, you could make comments about the government and that is my point.

  12. Todd

    Thanks, Greg for your great work. We must understand that capitalism creates true wealth. Socialism is favoritism. It punishes wealth creators and rewards wealth wasters.

  13. Roger D

    Netanyahu is evil. He will never allow Americans to enjoy peace again. Congress and POTUS serve him (and Satan), not Americans. The US is waging war on Israel’s many enemies. Not one American home has been attacked by any of these nations.

    Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said, “we think the price is worth it.” The ‘price’ being a half million children dead in Iraq. That was 22 years ago.

    That’s pure evil.

    • Frederick

      I agree with everything you wrote Netty is a warmongering old fool like MCCain and dangerous

    • Charles H

      You assume that Netanyahu runs the show. That is a false conclusion. Also – how does he serve Satan? Because America does not enjoy peace? America has been war-mongering since Korea. And “any of these nations” in the Middle East are destroying entire buildings; bombing peopled centers; or driving vehicles through crowds – based not upon national boundaries; but political/religious ideology. Your rant, RogerD – is unfounded and erroneous. Socialism has killed Bilions more. The slant here is all too obvious.

      • Frederick

        In defense of Rogers statement Just because the US foreign policy is evil that doesn’t make Netty any less so DOES IT?

  14. Flattop

    Heard some lame excuses, but losing an election because you are a capitalist???

  15. Flattop

    GREG: one more thing
    Since the Russia collusion story has collapsed, the Stormy Daniels story is collapsing,
    Where is the deep state going next in their effort to take down our Prez?

    • freebrezer

      flattop – Do not even mention that the Stormy Daniels story is collapsing … this is real troubling news!!! What is CNN and MSM going to do? There is going to be a great void in cable news!

  16. Tom

    Many Iranian assets were frozen after the Islamic Revolution. “In general, the value of all Iranian assets blocked since 1979 most likely exceeds $100 billion. However, the assets that will be released in the aftermath of the current deal are those that were blocked more recently because of Iran’s nuclear program. These represent only a fraction of Iran’s total frozen assets and probably won’t include any of those in the US.” (

    Never the less, my point is……….IT’S THEIR MONEY in the first place, not Americas.

    • Greg Hunter

      Yes Tom, and we gave it back under a fraud, rip-off agreement and that is my point.

    • Frederick

      Exactly Tom and yet the biased fools will scream that we are “ giving” Iran all that money

    • This sceptred Isle

      The Persians will rise again – Fuelled by solar power and dates!!!

  17. Walter Baumgarten

    You raise a great point about the Nazis and how our socialist progressives here in America are one and the same. Read The Devil’s Chessboard by David Talbot. He documents how before, during and after WWII Allen Dulles and his CIA operation not only supported the Nazis, but actually helped many of them escape and took them into their ranks. I do believe that these people have actually continued on their war against humanity and that it has grown from the secret halls of hidden government to the main streets of the progressive American agenda. One of the big downsides of any war is that the winners always absorb at least some of the traits of their defeated enemies. In our case, those bad apples have infected the whole barrel and if they are not called out and stopped we will all be in a big world of hurt.

    Keep up the great work my friend, thank you!

    • McKonica

      I just finished reading “The Devil’s Chessboard” by David Talbot. IMO, all Watchdoggers should add this book on their must-read list. It goes a long long way to describe the deep state and military industrial complex genesis in the USA. Great research by Talbot and very readable.
      For Greg, thanks for another awesome wrap!

      • Walter Baumgarten

        I am almost finished reading a book titled “Three Days In January” which starts out as a biography of Dwight Eisenhower, but concentrates on his relationship with JFK as he succeeded Ike into the White House. The book is clear in the emphasis that it places on Ike’s concern, since the day he took office until the day he left, that the perverse relationship that retired military personnel going into new careers with military contractors and suppliers of the tools of war could lead to a really, really bad future. Apparently JFK understood this if you consider the “secret societies” speech that he made and his change of heart to withdraw from Vietnam and it is clearly evident that those that murdered him did it for profit. Check it out.

  18. David H

    Brother Greg,
    It appears that Muller and the forces of evil are willing to act boldly and decisively. Why is it that the good guys rarely seem capable of such decisive action. Why are Trump and the good guys paralyzed?

    David H

    • Paul ...

      Perhaps Mueller figures … when a man cheats his wife … he’s got to have some other dirt hidden that he (Mueller) can get him on!!

  19. Diane

    In regards to the neo-democrats……

    MARXISM is the FAILED system responsible for the deaths and suffering of hundreds of millions of people in this planet.

    SOCIAL JUSTICE warriors are the enemies of all life on this planet

    • freebrezer

      D – until the general public rises up and stop sending there kids to the liberal arts universities to be brain washed (and to boot, pay outrageous tuition costs) we are on train track where the bridge is out up ahead … and America is going to crash!

  20. iwitness02

    Ebola, Zika, Iran. What do they have in common? Throw money at them and they go away. At least the MSM will drop all coverage once the money is released. The tax revenue collected in this country is little more than the devils playground. The tax payers are raped and pillaged. The tax payers are under constant attack. No rights for us. But if you are corrupt and undeserving, our government will open the flood gates of cash.
    Sometimes I sit an wonder how can we ever make America great again with such monumental corruption in the ranks of our ‘elected’ leaders. I am a Trump supporter, but the job of MAGA is yuge. So far, I can’t be sure if POTUS has enough support to even finish his first term. I am always seesawing back and forth between bitter agitation and hope. Thankfully, I also believe in the Holy Scriptures, which is my anchor that holds me to sanity in an insane world. Everyday I pray that our Lord will heal our land and deliver us from the wickedness that is in this present evil world. Thy Kingdom come…..

  21. Tim McGraw

    W. Patrick Lang; “Juvenile Ground Army”. Mr. Lang wrote an excellent piece in today’s 5/4, Lew Rockwell Report on the make up and performance of the IDF (Israeli Army). Mr. Lang worked with the IDF for months. The IDF is a state militia. The young men and women in the IDF are important workers in the Israeli economy. If the IDF reserves were called up and put in the field for any length of time, the Israeli economy would collapse.
    This is why Israel needs US troops to fight Israel’s wars.
    I understand your concern over the Iran “deal”, but be careful. If America gets dragged into a war with Iran the whole planet could go up in a nuclear holocaust.

    • Greg Hunter

      The4y didn’t need U.S. troops in 1967 and 1973. Are you sure you are not repeating propaganda?

      • Tim McGraw

        Hi Greg,
        You make my point. The wars in ’67 and ’73 were very short. Israel’s Army could handle those. The IDF cannot handle a war with Iran. The IDF couldn’t even win a war in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah kicked them out with Iran’s help of course.
        Why is the Middle East any of our business?

        • Greg Hunter

          Read the Bible and find out.

          • sk

            But – in the USA, the church and the state are SEPARATE!!! So the bible should not be relevant to foreign policy.

            • Greg Hunter

              WRONG!! The church and state clause in the Constitution was in reference that the King of England was the head of State and also the religious head. It was that way since Henry VIII kicked the Catholic church out of England. It does not mean you cancel God out of your life. “In God We Trust” is written on U.S. currency today and I think it should stay there.

              • sk

                I know the technicalities. But – one cannot let a small, but rich and powerful, faction within the population of the USA, use its financial clout to tailor US foreign policy to its liking and to the detriment of the people as a whole. That’s oligarchy. God is A-OK! A-doubleOK!!! It’s the cynics who use religious mythology to steal real assets via an oil pipeline through Syria and via theft of the Litani waters, that bother me. Their naive dupes…….a bit less.

                • Greg Hunter

                  Well that’s one way of looking at it.

            • Charles H


              In the USA the Church and the State are NOT separate. This expression came from a Supreme Court Justice – and his restatement was in error to the intent of the Constitution. Therefore the Bible SHOULD be entirely relevant to foreign policy. Your statement above proceeds from a false conclusion.
              The religious freedom expressed in the First Amendment was to insure that no one religion could be sanctioned by government; thus unsuring equality to all within the cultural acceptance. The prohibition of official recognition can in NO WAY be interpreted as an absolute negation of influence. To subscribe to such dribble is to ignore both history and the Framers; as well as intend to make government completely godless. If ‘separation between Church and State’ was in fact real – then all candidates would have to pass a test of complete atheism. Absurd.

            • Frederick

              thank you “sk” You are correct

          • Tim McGraw

            Dear Greg,
            I’ve been having a conversation with an old high school “Born Again” Christian friend over the Bible for weeks.
            The Bible is a book written by who knows who. It’s gone through so many translations that who knows what is the truth and what is not.
            The Hebrews came up with the idea of one God. He was transcendent and kind.
            The Hebrews are great story tellers.
            God does exist, but I doubt if He is sentimental about the Middle East.
            His Son was crucified there.
            The Bible is propaganda for the various churches in my opinion.
            I believe in kindness and life.
            Israel’s leadership wants death and so do the “Born Again Christians”. They want us all to die so that Jesus, the Messiah, comes back to save them for eternity. The rest would of course rot in Hell.
            I’m fed up with that crap.
            We are stuck here. We need to live in love and quit killing each other.
            God would approve of that.

          • Frederick

            Oh I see So in your mind we should use the Bible as our reference to dictate foreign policy ? That’s insane You do realize that you are discrediting yourself by making such statements Greg

            • Greg Hunter

              In a word, Yes.

  22. DuggoG

    Dear Greg
    How many bases does Iran have in Canada and Mexico?

    • Greg Hunter

      If they had them there we would bomb the crap out of them. You are an idiot and should not comment publically.

    • Paul ...

      DuggoG … We do believe in sovereign nations with borders right? … we don’t have a One World Government yet … so if the sovereign nation of Canada or Mexico invites in Iran … we don’t have a legal right to bomb them … of course in the world we live in … we can’t expect the idiot crooks and neocons in Washington to have any thought for legality!!

    • Frederick

      DuggoG That’s a very valid point

  23. Jerry

    You heard it here first.

    Jerry 05/4/2018 •

    I fully believe that we have reached the long awaited reset stage as the ECB begins to unravel.

    I find it amazing as a market watcher that both Deutsche Bank Stock, and Bank of Japan Stock are cratering at the same time the main stream media is fixated on Stormy Daniel and we have false flag after false flag. If I were writing a journal documenting current events to a future generation, no one would believe it.

    The Fed. bond buyback Greg M. was referring to is the result of increased selloff of the Petrodollar by the BRICS alliance and increased usage of the Petroyuan.

    Sorry Paul. You were wrong again. Put your wanker down and do some research before you criticize me again.

    • Frederick

      Jerry with all due respect we Watchdoggers need to respect opposing opinions and criticisms otherwise what’s the point of this site

      • This sceptred Isle

        Maybe Jerry is missing Stan so he is trying to fill the void!

    • Jerry

      That’s a repost from The first week of April.
      Here s an update,

      As you’ve noticed I don’t spend much time talking about foriegn affairs. It’s a waste of time. They’re all scripted. Follow the money to find what’s really going on. Deutsche Bank is clearly in a death spiral and will pull the ECB under by July.

    • Jallen

      Do you think we are heading into a NEW WORLD ORDER?
      What you have been tracking and reporting is monumental!
      The beginingf of the end for the Petro Dollar!!!


    • Charles H

      Explain “wanker”, please.

      • DB Cooper

        Brother Charles, In British lingo this a person who masturbates. DB

        • Charles H

          Thank you, DB – but my purpose was to embarrass Jerry for using such language. I understood what it meant, and appreciate your helpfulness.

  24. Bob Tate

    Your remarks regarding Putin are so western propaganda stereotypical. I think you can do better analysis than that. After all you claim not to be MSM affiliated.
    Re Putin. This person assumed Russia from drunk Russian president Yeltsin who allowed Russian/Jewish boys financed by the western banks to purchase key industrial outlets for pennies on a dollar. This is how US brings democracy elsewhere. Most of these Chorakosky and Beresovsky types been kicked out before they managed to siphone (unload) their holdings to Shell, BPs and Chevrons.
    Putin never forgave NATO shelling Serbia or USA stepping out of Antiballistic missile treaty in (2002)
    His response rebuilding Russian armed forces. Today with military budget 15 times less than that of US Russia builds more of everything: planes, tanks, antiaircraft systems, new ballistic missiles. All these weapons are new generation and in some cases 10 years ahead of Pentagon technology.

    His latest wining results are 75%. Sir, Russians love their president. Which western leader had such numbers ever?
    Upon presenting latest military advancement Putin said, “you did not want to listen to us then, listen to us know”
    First Western reaction. Disbelieve. It cannot be. They cannot have such technology. Only after Pentagon generals briefed US congressman that US has no defence against new Russian hypersonic missiles, reality sank in.
    Second reaction. Rage and anger. Here we had Russia guilty of poisoning Skrypal and taking part in poisoning Syrian people.
    I can predict third reaction: coming to terms with reality. Like cancer patent realises he does have cancer and must deal with it.

    Everybody missed NATO briefing soon after they bombed Syria April 2018. One of the targets chemical weapons depot. Why would you bomb chemical depot risking to release chemical Armageddon by poisoning same Syrian people you care so much. Either they don’t give dam about people or there was no chemicals what they bombed.

    • Greg Hunter

      Bob Tate,
      Your remarks are so Russian Propaganda??? “75%” yeah that’s not manipulated at all. Hey bob try to open a site called and criticize Putin and the Russian oligarchs. See it you can do that inside the borders of Russia. I have said all types of negative things about America so We the People” can be aware and fix this mess. Think you can do the same thing in mother Russia??? ha, ha ha ha ha You know the answer.

      • This sceptred Isle

        Putin is a gangster of course. But at least he has retained his sanity, unlike our beloved leaders.

        • Greg Hunter

          At last we agree!! Trump is not crazy though. Hillary would have taken us to war already–no doubt.

      • Bob Tate

        Stay the course Greg

        • Greg Hunter

          Thank you Bob! I will.

  25. Minimalist Jackpot

    Not just socialists. Fascist/Marxist/Communist/Globalist combine.

    The DemocRAT party, not to be confused with the marginally less evil but still demonstrably awful RepubliCON party, is an eclectic mix of the worst ideas and agendas directed against the United States and Earth humans in general.

    The DemocRAT party is merely a big holding tank of weaponized sewage to be used against the country and freedom loving Americans along multiple vectors. Calling them socialists is way too charitable and it does not fully describe the accumulated
    filth contained in the whole, nor how their globalist masters manipulate these
    malleable, pitiful pawns.

  26. coalburner

    Dear Greg: First thought; the Cartoon is spectacular.

  27. gregd

    Honestly, I agree with almost everything you said except one little thing. Many people who work for the government whether it be a city, county, state, or federal government, make as big as money as most doing the same job as the private sector. I know several supervisors who work in the water and sewer dept. who make seven figures. But the biggest difference is the man hours on jobs. For instance, here in Toledo Ohio down the street, they would have 9 guys planting flowers, 9 trucks, and 1 shovel.

  28. Robert Zionist Lykens

    Before any mountain falls to the ground, its base – its fundamentals – must first crumble.
    That’s exactly what we’re seeing with the mountain of America. Few would disagree that America’s fundamentals are crumbling. They’ve been crumbling for some time. The fall of the heights can’t be far behind now.

    A time of upheaval is coming. Without America’s Christian, moral guidance the dark things of the world, which have been circling the fire for over 240 years, are ready to rush in and enslave the souls of men.

    The Bible explicitly describes the coming darkness. Great deception, war, famine, disease, the death of about half the earth’s population and a great persecution of Christians will mark the end of this Age.

    The return of Christ will save what remains of mankind. Jesus Christ will set foot on the Mount of Olives, which will split in two. He will march across the Kidron Valley, Jerusalem’s Eastern Gate will swing open, Jesus will enter the rebuilt Temple and take his throne in the Holy of Holies, the fulfillment of the glory of God filling the Temple.

    With Christ the Messiah on his throne Jerusalem, Israel will become the capital of all mankind and creation.

    God chose Jewish, Zionist Israel to be his priests and to bear his message to the world. Because of Israel’s sin, God for the past two thousand years has instead used the Church while Israel has been dispersed throughout the world.
    Now Israel has been regathered to its ancient land which was given to them by God himself. That was seventy years ago. It is blatantly obvious that the Church Age is drawing to a close and God is about to turn back to his chosen people, Zion-Israel.

    To the Jew/Israel-haters I say this:
    Get with the program. Every promise of God will be fulfilled to the letter, and there are many promises that Israel will become the head of the nations.
    Is present-day Israel perfect? Of course not; this is a fallen world. No one is perfect – not me, not Israel, not the Church and not you. So what? The prophecies and purposes of God remain.
    Will you be an enemy of God because you hold dear your blind hatred? Is that more comfortable to you than God’s mercy?
    Israel has had many enemies from the time that they were just twelve sons of Jacob. It never ever turned out well for those who hated Israel. They all thought they were in the right too.

    • Charles H

      Jesus Christ will indeed return to earth, to establish the Millenial Reign; ruling the nations with a rod of iron. But even with such divine Authority and sustenance; where the lion will lay down with the lamb: in the end – man will again rebel against God; proving that even under the best conditions – man’s sinful nature has no remedy, apart from God’s work itself.

      Mankind is being split into two factions: those who have respect unto God; and those who do not. The great many who do not have extinguished the light in themselves; and there is no help or reaching those who will not help or reach for themselves. They are blinded by self-inflicted darkness. It is Modern-Day Pharisiaicalism; where the blind will lead the blind.

      • Robert Zionist Lykens

        Charles, I don’t believe that anyone is beyond reach. If you want to see someone saved who you consider beyond reach, then intensive, extended prayer with fasting and a broken heart for that person will see them saved.
        If you’re talking about Israel in particular, Romans 11 addresses that, and says in 11:26 “…all Israel shall be saved…”

        • This sceptred Isle

          Israel does not mean Israelis. No-one can freely indulge in evil acts without spiritual blowback. Any such thinking is dangerous and only for the religious zealots.

          • Greg Hunter

            Spoken like a true atheist!! That’s the spirit. Oh, I me black hole of godless nothingness.

            • This sceptred Isle

              No Greg, this kind of thinking is dangerous and potentially inspires genocide. As such it cannot go unchallenged. If a member of a particular race/religion (Judaism, Islam Christianity or whatever) believes that they are one of God’s chosen people and that God is acting exclusively through them and their kind, then any evil act can be justified.
              If I understand this correctly, Robert is saying that an Israeli’s place in heaven is assured regardless of the actions that they engage in. How can this be? Robert, if I have misunderstood your words please correct me.

              • Greg Hunter

                TSI (or black hole of nothingness,)
                We will just have to agree to disagree and just because we disagree doesn’t make you right. What you really mean is a political opinion that disagrees with your atheist position “cannot go unchallenged.” You have no belief in the God of the Bible. You do not understand Robert because you have a black hole of nothingness in your heart. Seek Christ. He’s real and will love you too.

              • Charles H


                You cannot even assert that Israel will be in Heaven. Rev.21 begins with “a new heaven and a new earth” . Who is to say that that “new earth” (wherein dwelleth righteousness) will not be the eternal abode of the Jews?

                And Greg is right. You are utterly faulty in trying to use the Holy Scripture to condemn Israel: the unbelieving wrest with it to their own destruction.

        • Charles H

          I believe that even God Himself will not overrule man’s sovereign will. I am a great believer in prayer and fasting; and a heart-burden for the lost. But I can not accept the idea we can either guarantee to move God, or to have Him to guarantee a conversion.

          As to ” my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins”: we do not know the time – except it is in the future. And I must add – how God deals with His Chosen People; and how He deals with us under a “better covenant” : is different. Between then and now – there surely will be some lost sheep. This verse – Romans 11:26 is then dealing with Israel as a corporation.

    • Occasnltrvlr

      Israel is a people, not a place, and Israel HAS NOT been regathered to its ancient land yet.

      “Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand. And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all: Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions: but I will save them out of all their dwellingplaces, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them: so shall they be my people, and I will be their God.”
      (Ezekiel 37:19-24)

      This has not been fulfilled yet. The people who dwell in the current political entity called “Israel” are primarily of Judah, they are not Israel. Most of Israel does not even know who they are, and mistakenly call themselves “gentiles”. This is why they cannot be numbered, but by God alone.

      And, for goodness sakes, Mr. Lykens, you do realize it is Levi, not Judah, who serve as priests, I trust?

      And, Jerusalem will be the “capital”, not Israel. Israel is a people, not a place.

      • Greg Hunter

        Yea, and apples are oranges and not a fruit! What a stupid premise and totally inaccurate. You are misquoting the Bible on top of it to make your Israel hating point.

        • This sceptred Isle

          Greg, whom is the Bible referring to in this passage?

          “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”

          • Greg Hunter

            This is rich. An atheist trying to use the Word of God to trash the people the atheist hates. Who do you think the Bible is referring to in these 100 verses about protecting and blessing Israel???:
            Seek Christ. He will fill that loveless/Godless black hole in your heart.

            • This sceptred Isle

              Yes, I understand that in the bible it is written about protecting Israel. It also warns that some may say they are Jews and are not. Do you deny this? I am quoting from the bible because you believe in it – unless you are just cherry picking verses to suit your viewpoint. Perhaps part of protecting Israel is calling out the imposters who imperil God’s work and chosen land?

              • Charles H

                So… if someone is willing to profess being a Jew and is utterly false: this is grounds to condemn Israel? This is too much like following rabbit trails.

              • Frederick

                TSI Annnnd crickets

  29. Stan the Man with the SHTF Plan

    “I hear this term deep state all the time. There is no deep state, but there is a deep culture and a commitment to the rule of law, equal protection of the laws.”

    JAMES COMEY April 25, 2018 (It would have made more sense on April 1)

    • Frederick

      Commitment to the rule of law That’s a good one Why don’t you ask George Carlin about that Oh right you can’t

  30. Jamie-Dimon

    In 2007 general Wesley Clark informed the public that he had received information that the Neocons would take out 7 countries, among them Libya, Syria and Iran. I beleive the western facists (Bush/Obama/Clinton regime, UN and EU) have set up Iran, encourgaing and supporting Iran’s clandestine nuclear program, now leaking stories of Iran‘s forbidden activities. This may leave Trump no choice rather than to strike Iran and to fulfill the globalists‘ dreams. Bibi is part of the cabale, a war criminal and mass murderer.

  31. al

    Ed Griffin says it best. Collectivism encompasses Socialism, Nazism, Communism, and any other ism you can think of.

    You’ll love this… A co-worker who admits watching too much television took me by surprise. I always thought of him as a smart person and, until now, was able to grasp these advanced geopolitical concepts, but the collectivist mind control mechanism has him saying that “all past U.S. leaders that had slaves are null and void”. Let that sink in. Jackson, Washington, Ben Franklyn, etc… all null and void for doing something that was legal at the time.

    I guess at some point in the future pet owners should be null and void. Yes, I know pets are not human, but in my eyes more worth than most humans. It can and will get that radical the media does not become null and void.

    I just joined your site. Excellent idea.

  32. Russ

    Thanks Greg.
    Someone needs to tell the Matt Viser at the Boston Globe the deal was never signed…
    “Kerry quietly seeking to salvage Iran deal he helped craft”
    By Matt Viser GLOBE STAFF MAY 04, 2018
    …”With the Iran deal facing its gravest threat since it was signed in 2015, Kerry has been on an aggressive yet stealthy mission to preserve it”…

    • Russ

      John Kerry Tries To Salvage Iran Deal Behind Trump’s Back; Secretly Meets With Top Iran Official
      … “Logan act violation?
      Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says Kerry’s push to salvage the Iran deal would be violating the Logan Act, if it was enforced.
      The act prohibits private citizens from acting on behalf of the United States while negotiating with foreign governments without authorization. Fortunately for Kerry, nobody has ever been prosecuted under the 200+ year old act.

      “Fortunately for everybody, the Logan Act [is a] dead letter but if it were in existence, my friend John Kerry would be violating the Logan Act,” Dershowitz told Fox & Friends, adding “He is negotiating, though he is not in the administration, and there are real problems with doing that.” …

  33. Derrick Michael Reid

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: On 4/29/18 in Long Beach CA, at the California Libertarian Party state convention, Derrick Michael Reid was endorsed for the US Senate by the California Libertarian Party.

    Derrick Michael Reid for US Senate Campaign


    I am available for skype or phone interviews and can discuss major issues and problems facing the nation. The California Libertarian Party endorsed my candidacy for US Senate. A comprehensive solution set has been devised to solve the major problems facing the nation. I can discuss general major issues facing the nations including: Immigration, Imprisonment, Corruption, Trade, Insolvency, Environment, Net-Neutrality, Geopolitics, Military, Education, Guns, Death-Penalty, Voting, Economy, Religion Abortion, LGBT, Feminism, Racism, and Common-Core, and, can also discuss problems, solutions, systemic corruption, wealth transfers and geopolitics relating to global influences. (See Website positions and Appendix below)
    (This is Greg Hunter. Mr. Reed please post a website link to you platform. I cut this comment because it was toooooooooooooo looooooooonbg. All the best to you.

    • Gina M Mancarella

      You go Derrick Michael Reid. You’re the man. I love the way you stand behind gays, lesbians, transgenders, transexuals. Love your pro-abortion stance and support of our feminism platform. Also, think you for endorsing the pro-consenting persons platform instead of the narrow minded consenting adults platform. Also, thank you for supporting Hillary ! We will get there in 2020 !

      • Occasnltrvlr

        So, if an unborn baby is a lesbian, is it still okay to kill it?

        • Greg Hunter

          I have to say “OCC” GOOD ONE!!!!

  34. Chris

    Clif High returning soon?

    • Greg Hunter

      Hope so. I like Clif!

  35. Sylvia Sterling

    Your comments aimed against Putin tells me that you have been listening to the “main stream media”. He has done a lot for the Russian people.
    Your failure to print my comment about Netenyahu have convinced me that you do not search for truth. This man is a fabricator.
    Roger D. comment is true.
    Read the following:

    • Greg Hunter

      No mention of the no signature non binding Iran nuclear deal on “ Funny how all the Jew and Israel haters never mention this global fraud perpetrated by the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany. This is bribery, fraud and treason on the highest levels here in the U.S. I do not appreciate being lied to while government officials are obviously taking bribes. This is the only reason for a no signature non binding Iran nuclear deal because this is too stupid to be stupid.

      • Robert G

        Greg. Why do you ignore the facts. Iran did indeed sign as this link shows… Same conference you refer to. Netanyahu says Iran signed the agreement in the first few sentences. You ignored my post earlier. It’s right there for all to see and hear.

        • Greg Hunter

          Iran DID NOT SIGN THE DEAL and this link does NOT say Iran Signed the deal. Here is where the Kerry State Department said IRAN DID NOT SIGN THE DEAL!!! You can scroll down and see the actual letter written by Julia Frifield in November of 2015 in a letter written to Mike Pompeo from the John Kerry State Department.. Netanyahu did NOT say Iran signed the agreement. He said the deal “should have never been concluded.” BIG Difference. Now bug off fool.

          • Robert G

            Greg , wow unbelievable. Netanyahu says they did as he’s standing in front of the screen at the conference. In the first 3 sentences or so. Highly recommend you turn up your volume control. Facts don’t matter here. Weather it should have been signed or not is another matter. You have consistently said Iran did not sign the agreement and you are proven wrong by Netanyahu himself. Unreal.

            • Greg Hunter

              Robert G,
              I know this is hard to take because you hate the Jews and Israel, but I’ll try it one more time. Netanyahu and Israel were not any part of the JCPOA negotiation. This is a fact because Obama hates Netanyahu and Israel. Obama even spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to get Bibi defeated in the last election. Netanyahu may have said the deal was “signed” by Iran, but that, in fact, is NOT true. Heck, maybe he thought nobody would be that stupid to get a $150 billion deal and NOT get it signed by Iran. Listen up– THE JCPOA (aka Iran Nuclear deal) WAS NOT SIGNED BY IRAN. The proof comes in the form of a November 2015 letter written to Congressman Mike Pompeo from Julia Frifield, Assistant Secr4etary Legislative Affairs. You can read the letter for yourself in this November 2015 article by the Daily Mail which is a legit UK news organization: Just scroll down and read it for yourself. Yes, I agree, your Jew and Israel hating is “unreal,” and it stops you from comprehending this simple FACT. YOU LOOSE Mic Drop!!!!!!!

              • Robert G

                Greg, at least you admitted that he did say what I was pointing out. ” Netanyahu may have said the deal was “signed” by Iran, that’s all I was saying. FACT. As far as hating the Jews and Israel, you could not be more wrong. I have been on here 7 years and you will never find such a claim. You are not my judge. Only Christ who was born a Jew in Israel will judge all including you and I. Detected some hate there. An apology would be nice for at least that terrible comment about me hating the Jews and Israel.

                • Greg Hunter

                  Answer this one question with Yes or a No. Does Israel have the right to exist?

                  • Robert G

                    Greg, yes indeed.

                  • Greg Hunter

                    I don’t believe you.

  36. Gina M Mancarella

    Greg, The facts are in. Trump is a misogynist whose biggest flaw is lying, but another character flaw is the serial abuse of women. Trump has many affairs and likes to pretend that he is true to Melania. We know that He also has a penchant for East Bloc/Slavic/Russian women. That makes him a danger because the Russians have video of him in their hotel rooms carrying on with Russian prostitutes. And in the midst of some very sick activities I might add. He can easily be bribed. They arent going to be bought by $130,000 hush money. This is why men in general should never president. The head between their legs is controlling over the head on their shoulders. You honestly believe people wont notice the there there that is plainly and boldly there ??

    • Greg Hunter

      Bla, bala, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .

      • Jodyp

        Greg, this routine is boring now. Please make it go away.

        • Greg Hunter

          What “routine” are you referring to?

          • Jodyp

            Gina’s stand-up comedy routine!

            • Greg Hunter

              She tries to post a lot and I only put up a few of “her” comments (paid troll??) to let people know what the “progressives” Communist/Marxists think. I am using her for instruction and insight. So sorry to bum you out man. I don’t mean to and thank you for your comment and support.

        • This sceptred Isle

          Yes, I agree. Gina used to be entertaining but the act is feeling old now (more like stale bread than a vintage wine).

          • Charles H

            I concur.

      • Doug C.

        So Greg. You let “Gina” voice her (his what ever) voice but you are blocking my questions and concerns? Hmm.
        I have viewed your site for at least 4 years or more and have donated to your site as well. Not sure I like they way you are starting to pick and choose what remarks get posted. Of course it is your prerogative being YOUR site. Just disappointing that’s all.
        Doug C.

        • Greg Hunter

          I have always approved the comments from the very beginning. Very few of “Gina’s” comments actually get on. You made your points.

    • sk

      Gina writes these posts just to get a rise out of you all, to rile you up, to make you furious and red in the face, to make you waste you mental energy. Don’t do it.

    • Frederick

      Gina Don’t we ALL They are the most beautiful and sexy women Can’t fault the Donald’s taste

  37. Jennifer Ohman

    Thank you Greg,
    You were cogent and strong. Nicely done.
    Kind Regards,

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Jennifer. Lots of Israel haters out there. “They will be cursed” according to Genesis in the Bible. “They know not what they do.”

  38. Frederick

    If I’m going to be cursed for opposing criminality and genocide against a People than so be it I proudly accept my fate Nothing can change my convictions and it has nothing to do with organized religion just a deep love for my fellow man

    • Greg Hunter

      To you it’s OK for Palestinians to stab Jewish people and get a reward (Fact) for doing it. That’s your high road?? You will be cursed according to the Bible you do not believe in –Yet.

      • Frederick

        NO it is NOT OK for anyone to stab anyone I never said such a thing However that said The Israelis should stop trying to depopulate Gaza by starving them out and creating a modern day “ Warsaw ghetto “ What’s going on there is unforgivable IMO

        • Greg Hunter

          Israel is not depopulation Gaza. The Israelis cleared out of Gaza and the people elected Hezbollah. It is a beautiful piece of land on the Mediterranean Sea. Gaza could have been anything it wanted to be but as I said the people Elected Hezbollah to lead them.

    • Charles H

      The Palestinians are little more than a human shield, or pawns – to deny the land God deeded the Jews. It is a spiritual war, fought on human terms in the real world. The side you choose to ally with is not with God.

      • Frederick

        That’s nothing but your opinion And I strongly disagree with your opinion Charles

  39. Sean

    Hi Greg,

    Whew! Fight club?

    Greg, you do so much research and it has resulted in a strong following. I implore you to do a little deeper research. I say this as we have family who were moved to Lebanon by the Brit Army before the Balfour agreement and the Red Shield trickery. Unaware, I was a very strong supporter of the “current Israel”. The letters, discussions (Granny was born in Jerusalem well before Zionism) and photos sent me packing to find out more and caused me to seriously review my “World view”. Who are the current “Jews”, where did they come from. Who were the “real Jews” and what happened to David’s Stone!

    I agree with your “No deal, deal” but we do need to look at the (real) history – of which more and more is being reveled. Of all places, have a look at a summary of

    Further in and we go_gle for “The Muslim Brotherhood: The Many Faces of Their Majesties’ Service”.

    We have been taken for such a ride by fake history that has caused so much death from North pole to South pole – it sickens me.

    Go well Greg. You do interview the best guests.

  40. Mme Hedin

    Greg, you are such a coward to not print what I said. I’ll say it again – most of the First World countries are Socialist Democracies – like Germany, France, Denmark and Sweden. They aren’t failing like America is, due to its career politicians in Congress (both Democrat and Republican, who are busy transfering money from the average citizen to their “financial backers”, the wealthy, manipulative oligarchs. Do you know that word, “oligarch”? . Here is Merriam-Websters definition of the word, oligarch
    I think your site is probably paid for by the same kind of folks who run/fund Breitbart News. You and your site are their “tool”, Greg (with a small t). Sad that America is now overrun by propagandists like you and your site

    • Greg Hunter

      “Germany, France, Denmark and Sweden . . . are not failing.”????? Have you see the migrant problem??? The ECB is buying all their bonds to prop it up!! They are not failing?????? Yes they are and their politicians are just as corrupt as the ones in America. So I believe in Liberty and the Bill of Rights and I am a “propagandist”? You lady Judy are a “useful tool.” Look that phrase up in the “Rules for Radicals” Book.

      • Frederick

        I haven’t seen it except on TV What I have seen is my own town in NY overrun by migrants working for peanuts and that’s all that matters to me And I’ve seen the poor Syrian families living on the streets here in Turkey driven from their homes by horrendous foreign policy brought to us by the likes of John MCCain and Hillary Clinton That’s what I see and it’s not very pleasant to be perfectly honest

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