Dollar Dying, Russian Missiles Here, CV19 Vax—NOT!

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 638 6.14.24)

This past week, the so-called petrodollar officially died.  What does this mean to Americans?  The petrodollar ending will affect everything from interest rates and inflation to solvency of the Treasury market, and it can even affect whether the US survives as a country.  In short, the US dollar is dying, and that death just got kicked into overdrive.  Now that Saudi Arabia will accept many currencies for its oil, the world does not have to hold dollars.  Get ready for hard times as all these useless dollars find their way back to America.  When you have a lot of something, the price goes down.  The dollar will survive, but the buying power of it won’t be anything like it is today.

A few weeks ago, the Biden Administration started supplying missiles to Ukraine and gave the evil regime their permission to start shooting them into Russia.  What could go wrong with that hairbrained decision?  How about Russia is now sending nuclear armed subs and stealth submersible craft to patrol the US coastline.  How long will Russia allow the US to shoot missiles into Russia before it shoots a few into the US?  If a nuke hits Saint Louis, there will be no Republicans and Democrats anymore.  It will be just “We the People” sinking in the same boat.  Call your Congressman and Senator and ask them if they have lost their minds to be pulling this reckless stunt with Russia, a hypersonic nuclear armed country.  Really—call them.

It’s official.  The CV19 vax is NOT a vaccine.  It is a “treatment,” and it does not stop the spread of Covid or provide immunity.  The 9th Circuit Federal Court came to this conclusion this past week.  The CDC honchos changed the definition of vaccine when the CV19 shots came out a few years ago, and they have been lying to the public ever since.  The 9th Circuit ruling is the official admission that the entire country, with 700 million CV19 injections, was hit with one big deadly and debilitating fraud.  One thing the CV19 injections are good at is disabling and murdering its victims.  Don’t be surprised because, this week, Harvard Law professor Francis Boyle, who drafted the 1989 Bioweapons Act, went on record to say the CV19 injections are, in fact, “weapons of mass destruction.”  That is exactly what biotech analyst Karen Kingston said nearly three years ago on

There is more in the 50-minute newscast.

There is an 8-minute video to explain how easy it is to ride out any terror attack or extreme storm.

You can get more information at or

Join Greg Hunter of as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 6.14.24.

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After the Wrap-Up:

Join Catherine Austin Fitts, the Publisher of the Solari Report, as she explains what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is and what it will mean to your life and freedoms.

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  1. Ex Navy Seal,Shedding, Covid,Blood Clot

    A HEALTHY Ex navy seal now has blod clot is it due to shedding or covid?

    • Don W.

      My oldest son, age 61 at the time, got his second booster shot and five days later was taking a shower and a blood clot in his brain blacked him out and he fell on his left shoulder and demolished it. His wife was down stairs just about under the shower area, and she heard the noise. She rushed up and saw him laying there and called the ambulance at the hospital that came and got him. His whole body was blood clots. He died just 36 hours later with blood clots that were dragged out of his body that were about TEN INCHES LONG. I personally saw them do one.
      A lot of Mortician operators have also stated that they found that to be true with a lot of people during that time.
      But a couple of my girls did NOT take any shots, and I stopped my wife and I from taking any more of that junk.

      • Greg Hunter

        Thanks, Don, for reporting the truth. I know this was hard for your to do. I am so sorry for your loss. We both know it was murder.

        • Bill McKelvey

          Hey I gotta great idea, everyone grow hemp for hemp oil
          and we don’t need ugly black oil! That’s what they did before the Rockefeller clowns took over.

          Everyone gets a job and it’s clean energy from God.

          I’m tired of watching stupid people run the world.

          Works better than JP4 jet fuel!


          • Galaxy 500

            Think your smoking that rope instead of making oil.
            Again, please cite a few sources

            • pap

              How to make hemp oil
              Making hemp oil at home is a simple and cost-effective way to create a natural, non-psychoactive oil with potential health benefits. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making hemp oil at home:

              Materials Needed:

              High-CBD hemp flower (available online or at local dispensaries)
              Carrier oil (coconut oil, olive oil, or MCT oil)
              Grinder or food processor
              Double boiler or slow cooker
              Cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer
              Glass jar with lid
              Step 1: Decarboxylate the Hemp Flower

              Preheat your oven to 240°F (115°C).
              Grind the hemp flower into a fine powder using a grinder or food processor.
              Spread the ground hemp on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
              Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the hemp is lightly browned and fragrant.
              Allow the hemp to cool completely.
              Step 2: Infuse the Carrier Oil

              Combine the decarboxylated hemp with the carrier oil in a double boiler or slow cooker.
              Heat the mixture on low heat for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally, until the hemp is fully infused into the oil.
              Strain the mixture through cheesecloth or a fine-mesh strainer into a glass jar with a lid.
              Discard the solids and reserve the infused oil.
              Step 3: Filter and Store the Oil

              Filter the oil through cheesecloth or a fine-mesh strainer to remove any remaining particles.
              Store the hemp oil in a cool, dark place, such as a cupboard or pantry.
              Use the oil within 6 months to 1 year, as it may degrade over time.
              Tips and Variations:

              Use high-CBD hemp flower for a stronger oil.
              Experiment with different carrier oils, such as coconut oil or olive oil, for varying flavor and texture.
              Add essential oils or herbs to the oil for additional benefits.
              Use the oil for topical application, cooking, or as a dietary supplement.
              Safety Precautions:

              Always follow local laws and regulations regarding hemp and CBD products.
              Ensure the hemp flower is free of contaminants and pesticides.
              Use proper handling and storage techniques to avoid contamination and spoilage.
              By following these steps, you can create your own hemp oil at home and enjoy the potential benefits of this natural, non-psychoactive oil.

              AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. Learn more

            • Paul from Indiana

              One can make diesel from hemp oil I don’t know how economical it is to do so, but it is physically possible. Obviously, it would have to be done at scale. It would certainly not be cottage-industry prosperity for all. Best always. PM

          • Yahya Muhammad

            The US dollar is still king. Here in the Philippines they need dollars, not RMB, not Euros, Yen etc, Its murder what the high dollar to Peso exchange rate is doing to the adverage filipino.

        • Greg

          Greg, Sean from SGTreport had on Dr Robert Young on his podcast several times and Dr Young has a product therapeutic medication that he claims treatment/removal the covid19 bio weapon. Perhaps you too can interview him?

      • Jerry

        Don, this is so sad and I am sorry to hear this. I pray the JC will give you comfort.

      • Galaxy 500

        God YHWH bless you and yours Don. I understand your loss and I pray for your family.

      • Bobby Maloney

        Don, So sorry for your loss and the worry you must feel for you and your remaining family….know that I did not take the shots but react(ed) in exstreme manner with blood sticking together, dizzy, couldnt breath etc….and am a retired Lt. from the Sheriffs Office and am a C.S.I. Crime Scene Investigator so we started researching and discovered “shedding” which is Transfection……We had and still are doing the ivermectin Fenbedezol etc etc all the front line doctors and others recomendations but another thing done was a silver pulser that worked great…did a several hour conference meeting and calls with company representatives in UK and Canada and the powers that be didnt like that and have attacked ever sense. Since then emf radiation in my home is off the charts per our Emf Meter and blood is back sticking together so they have identified frequencies / ways to emf your blood and have it stick together by changing magnetism through towers and rumor has it AI will decide who to zap or not based on comments like this, search history, shared info etc so be preparted not scared….we all know the pain you are experiancing as we have all been marginalised and have lost friends family etc…and still no one listens. Remember Greg always says its treated and untreated not vaxx’d and unvaxx’d….so protect yourself and Be Blessed! WE are with you and you are never alone…as Greg always says God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit are firmly in control… they are finding nano particles of chems, metals etc in air, water and food…..extreme amounts of Graphene Oxide in bottled water soda as they are using graphene in filters and adding it etc….it is magnetic and assembles and reacts to frequencies from Emf elec/meters and cell towers etc so water distiller for you water and chelate/bind and pull out all metals you can as that is how they will zap as we all are full of metals aluminum etc graphene and when hit with frequencies it can stop the haeart etc….cell phones are a tracking listening harrasment monitoring control folder etc device so limit exposure….protect yourself as your son would want you to and share pray and fight on!

    • Philip Quinn

      Thanks and God bless

    • Mario

      I saw that 3of7 episode. I usually agree with Chad but the clot isn’t from the virus. It’s from the jab
      “Enough said.”

    • Tim K

      I had five pulmonary clots and the following were true.

      a. Did not have any deep vein thrombosis from my legs
      b. Saw a pulmonologist and my lungs were good
      c. Hematalogist: Multiple blood tests for genetic conditions for clotting were all negative
      d. Did not take the jab.

      I think I got shedded on when took several plane flights in a row.


    • Simone Frohne

      Dear Greg the prophecies of France 🇫🇷 getting struck by a nuclear bombs is from Catholic mystic Julie Marie Jahenny in 1850 she wrote WW 3 starts from Ukrain and Russia 🇷🇺 when Russia 🇷🇺 has had enough it takes a day to take control of Ukrain tgen Russia takes over Poland 🇵🇱 tgen marches to Tge Rhine River asks to March through Switzerland 🇨🇭 the first nuclear bomb goes off in Orleans France 🇫🇷.

      • Greg Hunter

        Nostradamus also has a prophecy about France and civil war. The original French people win apparently a war with Muslims.

        • Galaxy 500

          I read that as well. It seemed silly 40 years ago but now it seems manifest

      • Galaxy 500

        Oh, woe is me… Russia the warmonger… Righttttt… the USA illegally overthrew the duly elected government, violated treaties etc… Putin understands what will happen if he is FORCED to retaliate against the West with nukes. Hence his AMAZING restraint.
        If the French get nuked, it’s because they forced Putin to do so.
        And I don’t believe a “prophecy” from 1850s talked about nukes. You seem to forget that evil France had just invaded Russia in 1812 and the French got their collective asses handed to them. Just as the corrupt and evil leaders in France are poking Mother Russia again today. Russia has done nothing and America, Germany, France and the rest of NATO has violated legally binding treaties and agreements with Russia.
        So you are spewing fear porn… yes, Russia will nuke France’s if forced but it won’t likely be Orleans, a city without any vital industries…
        So remember history and remember what the Bible says about corrupt Kings and leaders…

      • Galaxy 500

        I apologize. I shouldn’t cast dispersions upon your prophet.
        When I put things in their historical context it seems that the French feared righteous retribution from Russia. In 1812, the French attacked Russia without provocation. I am sure that the common people of France were concerned because “payback is a Biotch”
        Can you point me to the prophecy so I can read and interpret for my self. As you can tell I am somewhat of a doubting Thomas.

    • Katy Bar

      A Big World War with Russia will soon help to take peoples minds off the gathering realization that they were subjected to a purposeful and well designed “Covid Bio-Killshot Holocaust”!! A New World War will serve to cover up the Evil Neocons Population Reduction Extermination Program which could possibly get them along with Fauci, Gates, etc., etc. locked up as mass murderers – so they are doubling down with World War III that will serve to kill additional millions along with fostering the impoverishment of any survivors (who will own nothing and eat bugs) due to the Fed printing Trillion’s of new paper dollars out of thin air every 100 days (to fully fund the Evil Globalist Neocons War and Extermination Efforts)!!

      • Galaxy 500

        I don’t think people’s brothers, sisters, sons and daughters dying in a war Beijing Buy-Dem started will takes peoples minds off of anything… but it may foment the Second American Revolution… if Buy-Dems doesn’t start it with massive in your face voter fraud

    • Attila Keri

      I would say shedding, I watch 3of7 and Chad is around alot of people that could have shedded on him making him more susceptible to catching covid also.

  2. Seer

    The $ continues on. Oil has been trading in various currencies and commodities for awhile. The $ is valued with the euro not only in US$s. So much is manipulated look at the value of metals and oil. Currencies as well. Every country except 1-2 are also in debt at similar levels. Experts are too American-centric in their reports.
    Fitts was on New Zealand RCR show and Maria Zee at Infowars this week. She states use of cash is increasing. AJ predicting bioweapon-aerosols coming to a city then worldwide so be more diligent preparing and be rural or out of N America!

  3. stanley skrzypek

    I am wondering if Catherine Austin Fitts, is coming on to “Eat Humble Pie”….she really took it broadside in her last interview with USAWATCHDOG…attacking President Trump.

  4. stanley skrzypek

    Th Bible says PRIDE comes before the FALL….

  5. radar21

    “Fire will fall from on high, fire that will spread through almost the entire Earth by means of nuclear energy.”

    “The Angel of Peace will arrive after the public appearance of the Antichrist.”

    ~ 10 June 2024 Luz de Maria

  6. Mike Durkin

    Please open your Bibles to 2nd Chronicles 7:14
    If you don’t have a Bible get one. Stay in the word daily. thank you Greg

    • Galaxy 500

      14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

  7. Shirl

    Thank you for the Honest Weekly Wrap-up!

    I have heard of many speaking to the death of the “Petro Dollar” …I’m afraid Martin Armstrong is correct on his assessment of the NEED for WAR in part because of it…the War Mongers are SEETHING like the demons that they are in their Blood Lust too with many reports that detail the poking of the BEAR of many sharp sticks…

    Nothing short of derive intervention is NEEDED NOW! Pray up folks!

    • Shirl

      ….DEVINE Intervention

  8. stanley skrzypek

    “Nothing short of derive intervention is NEEDED”…..You are Right……but….not “NOW” like you just said… will be here when Our Heavenly Father says we Need IT! When WE NEED IT….IT WILL COME!…..He Never Misses a Promise!

  9. Erick

    I study law and cases as a hobby, call me crazy. It amazes me how young this country is and how corrupt it is as a whole. One thing that is never mentioned is the Genocide in 2020 in China. My friend never got out of prison in china over posting what was going on. This whole system is a ponsi scheme. Flash Crash 2010. You tube. I think whom ever is elected they are still in charge. As my grandfather who was a POW survivor in Stalag 7-A. His last talk to me at 13 Never trust this government.

    Good video Greg.

  10. Galaxy 500

    Biden went after the Saudis and said we would make them a pariah…
    Yes, another great Demoncrat plan to destroy America

  11. Galaxy 500

    With German accent…
    “Papers… Your Papers”

  12. Paraclete

    Hi Greg –
    Dr. Boyle inspected the virus with a gene editing microscope back in 2019 – 2020.
    Dr. Boyle also broke the news that it was manipulated to have gain of function due to the fact that said manipulations leave “finger prints” of the activity.
    I’ve seen Dr. Boyle interviewed about this, and other topics, many times since 2020.
    It would be nice to see you interview him as you’re surely to pose questions to him that might not have been asked by others.
    Thank You For Your Consideration,

  13. Galaxy 500

    I believe that Tish and Yokel Hockle might not like the Cumos…
    Just saying.
    And I don’t really believe any of these death shots were placebo… if someone paid for “medicine” and were give saline… well that’s fraud. Especially if the government paid for that shot to kill you. Biden’s handlers have to be pissed… LOL

    • Greg Hunter

      Cuomo’s would be a powerful enemy to take on, especially if Ivermectin was treating a family member for a vax injury.

      • Galaxy 500

        Greg, what you say is true but these people are not very smart.

  14. Galaxy 500

    I can attest that I am using one of Weston’s unit and it’s made a big difference…

    Did you see the fake Joe Biden on CNBC Power Lunch? Whether it’s a mask, filter, or AI… it ain’t Joe Biden. Do they plan to use a stand in for the debates?
    Who do I know? The real Joe Biden hasn’t been this eloquent in 30 years, maybe never…
    Look at the demarcation around the neck, the color change, and most of all, how coherent this person is…
    That ain’t JOE…
    Is this the plan for the debates…

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, 500, for the positive reporting on the Weston Scientific product. I have one in every room of my home. Yes, I paid for them because I think the tech is that good.

    • Bill McKelvey

      It’s not about the oil in the Middle East Mr. Hunter. You could use cannabis oil like they did before the Rockefeller clowns took over! It works better than JP4 jet fuel.

      Bamboozled comes to mind.

      Something bigger in the desert, ask Billy Carson.

      Don’t need that ugly black oil stupid people, just saying.

      • Galaxy 500

        Bill, got a source for that?

      • Galaxy 500

        You keep posting this under unrelated items. Stop the silliness.
        Do you have any sources about hemp oil. I can’t see how it can be cheaper than petroleum one of the cheapest commodities on the planet

    • Judith

      If you look carefully, you can see the same shadow on the other guy’s neck. Just sayin.

      • Galaxy 500

        I saw that but that doesn’t mean that Biden. The line of demarcation doesn’t appear consistent with light sources. They both could be constructs.
        If Biden was this cogent, competent and coherent, they wouldn’t have to lead him off stage with his diaper full…
        I don’t know if it’s CGI, AI or a guy in a mask but Biden didn’t sound that good 50 years ago. Did you see him the video of him at the G7? These are 2 different people.
        Just my two centavos, I don’t say cents because Beijing Biden has let so many illegals in

  15. Justn Observer

    Greg, Nice wrap up…Thanks! A short clip of G Edward Griffin’s take on “their” Agenda 21 on Endtimes rumble report for your scripture followers…
    @ 48:55

  16. Galaxy 500

    Great wrap up. The “Puppeteers” , the ones that are actually pulling the strings, are actively trying to distract us from reality… the UFO Shiite, the JFK assassination Shiite, the Hunter Biden conviction Shiite,
    This is done to demoralize us, distract us, and divide us…
    Then you have the so-called MSM telling us that we are too stupid to understand HOW GOOD the economy is, even as every month our grocery prices go up. How Biden has done so much for us stupid Americans…
    And the Demoncrats hate success of the poor black in Harlem. They shut down one of the best charter schools there. It was an embarrassment for the public school unions… The Demoncrats hate the blacks. They want them poor, uneducated, and if they can’t abort them they want them feral… destroying successful blacks, being chaos to civilization. Blacks don’t want crime. No one does. Well, no one but the Demoncrats.
    How do we know this? It’s easy. They pass destructive laws (decriminalizing drugs, shop lifting and most of all either releasing harden criminals back into the public or refusing to prosecute them). They prevent the police from doing the job of public safety. And the DAs don’t prosecute and when they do, the judges release them…
    This is how you bring down a country. You destroy the public trust in governmental agencies. Does anyone here trust the DOJ? The FBI? CIA? All of these Agencies are demonstrably partisan. The are captive organs of the DNC…
    Justice be damned. And this flows down to State Agencies. Does anyone believe they could get justice from Leticibles James the AG in NY?
    These Demons are actively crushing the “little” people that they hold in contempt. You know… us. They can no longer hide their hatred of us. You have Donnie Douchnozzel telling the TV audience that the half of the voters that support Trump and freedom are the problem. Listen to what these evil bastards are saying. They are telling you that you are the enemy and that they are declaring war on you.
    If you don’t vote Trump you’re a fool. I hear all kinds of stuff being attributed to Trump. He was one man with little to no support because you keep voting RINO. Our so called side actually works against the people, sent one of our side home because they lied on their resume when every frigging Demoncrat in congress lies daily. We had one say he was gonna leave Congress but postponed his departure so it would damage us the most…
    And some how, people come here and cast dispersions on Trump. The one man in our history that did a good job for FREE because he believes in America.
    So don’t come here and say I am not voting for Trump for XYZ… no one of consequence respects you and we know what side you’re on… the NOT us side. The side of evil

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks 500!!

  17. Ed Siceloff

    I did not actually like Chris Cuomo because of his actions during the “pandemic”. He showed up here though and did some interviewing about the consequences of the Norfolk Railroad trainwreck in East Palestine. He changed my mind about himself. Nearing the end of a class action lawsuit, and the settlement amount is too small while the railroad (Norfolk Southern) literally gets away with murder. Their CEO decided to blow it up, spread the vinyl chloride by the explosion, along with a host of other chemicals, so he could get his railroad running again. Profits over people’s lives. Pretty much all of the “authorities” are in on it.

    • Greg Hunter

      I am so sorry those evil bastards did this to you all in Ohio! The federal Government was in on the massive pollution and approved it.

    • Shiloh1

      Most of the NS c-suiters live in north suburban atlanta.

  18. Winfred S Boyd

    And He will rule with an iron rod.

  19. Dean Charles

    A million thank yous Greg. I was thinking as you spoke about your relationship with Chris Cuomo and his awakening that he would be an excellent guest for the Saturday evening post.
    Dean Charles

  20. Evelyn Noyes

    Have you ever interviewed Andy Schectman, CEO Miles Franklin? A good interview regarding national debt, BRICS, Belt Road Initiative, dedollarization, the “Petro Dollar and of course, God’s real money… gold and silver. Just a thought and I know your viewers would appreciate hearing from a reallly honest guy.
    Evelyn Noyes

  21. Jim McPeak

    Waiting Patiently for an End of Wickedness?
    Has a direct bearing on the question many lovers of righteousness ask: “Why does God even permit wickedness, in the first place?” There are some who argue that wickedness proves that God is not deserving of, or to be believed in. According to them, either God is unable to stop wickedness and therefore is such a wuss and so not deserving of our beliefs; or he is unwilling to stop wickedness and therefore is not just any good and so likewise does not merit, being trusted.
    What about those objections? Are they sound, incontrovertible? By no means, by jove! Jehovah God the father has a due time to end wickedness. His Word and only begotten son, Joshua in Hebrew, “Jesus in English”, tells us that he has a certain time to destroy the wicked, as in the flood of Noah’s day. (Gen. 6:3) He had a certain time for freeing the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. That is why he did not at once destroy Pharaoh and his military might when that Egyptian king refused to let God’s people go. As God himself told Pharaoh: “For this cause I (God) have kept you in existence, for the sake of showing you my power and in order to have my name declared in all the earth.”​—Ex. 9:16.
    Similarly, only when God’s due time came, did he send his Son to the dimension earth: “When the full limit of the time arrived, God sent forth his Son . . . that he might release by purchase those under law.” Truly, “for everything [God has] an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens.” How wise it is therefore for us to wait patiently for God’s time for things to take place!​—Gal. 4:4, 5; Eccl. 3:1.

  22. mark

    Dear Greg and all who come here to read and post:
    In the comments section after your interview with Martin Armstrong, someone who posts by the name of Richard Gould called out as evil the wrongdoing of those who censored the name of God (YHWH or “Jehovah”) from the King James translation of the Scriptures and who in turn have, therefore, wittingly or unwittingly, contributed to the suppression of the knowledge of the One and only True and Living God.
    However, in reading further on in Richard’s comment, it occurs to me that he himself, wittingly or unwittingly, is committing an error which, though similar in nature, is of consequence far greater by refusing to acknowledge the New Testament as the Holy Spirit inspired testimony of the same God Who is now embodied in and revealed through the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Whose very name, Jesus (or Yehoshua, or Yeshua) means “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation”.
    Therefore then, to say that Jesus being the “son of God” does not mean that Jesus IS God is to contradict the plain language of the testimony of the Holy Spirit recorded in the Scriptures.
    So in the Scriptures we find that, for example, besides Isa. 9:6, John 1:1, Rom.9:5, Phil.2:6 and Heb.1:8, there is the incident recorded in the twentieth chapter of John where Thomas himself, who was not among the disciples when the Lord first appeared to them after being raised from the dead, confessed directly to the risen Lord Jesus, “My Lord and my God” (Jn.20:28) to which Jesus responded, not by correcting him so as to refuse his acknowledgment as to being his “Lord” and his “God”, but only as to his refusal to believe upon hearing the report from the others who saw Him at His earlier appearance.
    A post taken from Barne’s notes on the Bible found at explains well the confession of Thomas recorded in Jn.20:28.
    “My Lord and my God – In this passage the name God is expressly given to Christ, in his own presence and by one of his own apostles. This declaration has been considered as a clear proof of the divinity of Christ, for the following reasons:
    1. There is no evidence that this was a mere expression, as some have supposed, of surprise or astonishment.
    2. The language was addressed to Jesus himself – “Thomas …said unto him.”
    3. The Saviour did not reprove him or check him as using any improper language. If he had not been divine, it is impossible to reconcile it with his honesty that he did not rebuke the disciple. No pious man would have allowed such language to be addressed to him. Compare Acts 14:13-15; Revelation 22:8-9.
    4. The Saviour proceeds immediately to commend Thomas for believing; but what was the evidence of his believing? It was this declaration, and this only. If this was a mere exclamation of surprise, what proof was it that Thomas believed? Before this he doubted. Now he believed, and gave utterance to his belief, that Jesus was his Lord and his God.
    5. If this was not the meaning of Thomas, then his exclamation was a mere act of profaneness, and the Saviour would not have commended him for taking the name of the Lord his God in vain. The passage proves, therefore, that it is proper to apply to Christ the name Lord and God, and thus accords with what John affirmed in John 1:1, and which is established throughout this gospel.

    • Richard Gould

      You are missing the most important part of this. In 1947 the Dead Sea scrolls were found in a cave in the middle east.; Dead Sea Scrolls
      A collection of thousands of ancient scrolls and scroll fragments, in particular those found in 11 caves at Qumran, near the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. (See QUMRAN.) These writings are thought to have originally been part of some 930 Biblical and non-Biblical Jewish manuscripts. The majority are written in Hebrew, others in Aramaic, and still others in Greek.
      The documents, discovered between 1947 and 1956, had been placed in earthenware jars and hidden in the caves, apparently to keep them safe. About one quarter of the documents were Biblical manuscripts or fragments, which represented every book of the Bible except Esther.
      What makes these documents exceptionally important is their age. They date from the third century B.C.E. to the first century C.E. One of the scrolls, a leather roll containing the whole book of Isaiah, was written about a thousand years earlier than the oldest copy of the same Hebrew text previously known to exist. (See Media Gallery, “The Great Isaiah Scroll.”) The text of the Isaiah scroll—as well as the text of other Bible books among the Dead Sea Scrolls—was carefully compared with manuscripts that were copied about a thousand years later. The comparison showed that the text of the Hebrew Bible has been transmitted with extraordinary accuracy. It is of particular interest that the divine name appears with great frequency in both Biblical and non-Biblical documents.
      Additionally, ancient manuscripts have been found in other places in the Judean Desert near the Dead Sea. One of these places is Wadi Murabbaat, a dry riverbed to the south of Qumran. (See Media Gallery, “Certificate of Divorce” and “Written Agreement Acknowledging a Debt.”) Another place is Nahal Hever (Cave of Horrors) further south, where an early copy of portions of the Greek Septuagint was found. In the Greek text of this fragmentary manuscript of the so-called minor prophets, the Tetragrammaton is written in ancient Hebrew characters.—See App. C3, Mt 1:20.
      Bibles that were translated BEFORE 1947, which is pretty much ALL Bibles (except one) nweed to be updated, but that won;t happen, obviously.

      • mark

        Dear Richard,
        If you go back and re-read the comment which was posted in your name after Greg’s excellent interview with Martin Armstrong, you will find the statement: “Please note this point: Jesus is NOT God, he is the son of God” .
        And so as I posted in my response, I am writing to point out to you and to any and all who come here to read and post that among the mysteries spoken of and revealed in the Scriptures, including one which is called the “mystery of lawlessness” which is “now operating but only until the one now restraining goes out of the way and then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord (Jesus) will slay by the breath of His mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of His coming” (2Thess. 2:7-8) surely the greatest of all mysteries is that which is called by the apostle Paul the “mystery of godliness” which mystery is “God manifested in the flesh” (1Tim.3:16) with its “hope of glory” being “Christ in you… Whom we announce, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man complete (full-grown, mature) in Christ” ( Col.1:27-28).
        But don’t just take my word for it.
        There has been and continues to be since the death, burial, resurrection and ascension into glory of our Lord Jesus Christ a seemingly innumerable multitude whose very lives have become testament to the transformative power of this mystery, one of whom is named Charles Wesley (1707-1788).
        Have you ever heard of him?
        After just two short days upon “opening his heart to put his personal trust in Christ, and in Christ alone, for salvation”, he penned the following hymn which explains well this mystery of godliness, which mystery again is “God manifested in the flesh” (Isa.9:6, Jn.1:1, Jn.20:28, Rom.9:5, Phil.2:6, Heb.1:8) with its “hope of glory” being “Christ in you”. (Col. 1:27-28)
        1 And can it be that I should gain
        An int’rest in the Savior’s blood?
        Died He for me, who caused His pain?
        For me, who Him to death pursued?
        Amazing love! how can it be
        That Thou, my God, should die for me?
        Amazing love! how can it be
        That Thou, my God, should die for me!
        2 ‘Tis mystery all! Th’Immortal dies!
        Who can explore His strange design?
        In vain the firstborn seraph tries
        To sound the depths of love divine!
        ‘Tis mercy all! let earth adore,
        Let angel minds inquire no more. [Refrain]
        3 He left His Father’s throne above,
        So free, so infinite His grace;
        Emptied Himself of all but love,
        And bled for Adam’s helpless race;
        ‘Tis mercy all, immense and free;
        For, O my God, it found out me. [Refrain]
        4 Long my imprisoned spirit lay
        Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;
        Thine eye diffused a quick’ning ray,
        I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;
        My chains fell off, my heart was free;
        I rose, went forth and followed Thee. [Refrain]
        5 No condemnation now I dread;
        Jesus, and all in Him is mine!
        Alive in Him, my living Head,
        And clothed in righteousness divine,
        Bold I approach th’eternal throne,
        And claim the crown, through Christ my own. [Refrain]
        So Richard my prayer for you and for all who come here to read and post is that which the apostle Paul prayed for all of us in his letter to the Ephesians, that “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full-knowledge (recognition) of Him, the eyes of your heart having been enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of His calling and what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints and what is the surpassing greatness of His power towards us who believe, according to the operation of the might of His strength, which He caused to operate in Christ in raising Him from the dead and seating Him at His right hand in the heavenlies far above all rule and authority and power and lordship and every name that is named not only in this age but in that which is to come” having “subjected all things under His feet” and “given Him to be Head over all things to the church which is His Body the fullness of the One who fills all in all” (Eph.1:17-23)
        And for brother Greg especially, that the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ would continue to be richly with your spirit for “God has not given to us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sober mind” (Gal.6:18, 2Tim.1:7).
        Thank you brother Greg for all of your diligent effort and for your gracious kindness in providing this platform for your guests and viewers to comment.

    • Richard Gould

      Dead Sea Scrolls — A collection of thousands of ancient scrolls and scroll fragments, in particular those found in 11 caves at Qumran, near the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. These writings are thought to have originally been part of some 930 Biblical and non-Biblical Jewish manuscripts. The majority are written in Hebrew, others in Aramaic, and still others in Greek.
      The documents, discovered between 1947 and 1956, had been placed in earthenware jars and hidden in the caves, apparently to keep them safe. About one quarter of the documents were Biblical manuscripts or fragments, which represented every book of the Bible except Esther.
      What makes these documents exceptionally important is their age. They date from the third century B.C.E. to the first century C.E. One of the scrolls, a leather roll containing the whole book of Isaiah, was written about a thousand years earlier than the oldest copy of the same Hebrew text previously known to exist. The text of the Isaiah scroll—as well as the text of other Bible books among the Dead Sea Scrolls—was carefully compared with manuscripts that were copied about a thousand years later. The comparison showed that the text of the Hebrew Bible has been transmitted with extraordinary accuracy. It is of particular interest that the divine name Jehovah appears with great frequency (that means that in a Bible translated from these documents, His Holy Name Jehovah occurs more than more than 7000 times) in both Biblical and non-Biblical documents.
      Additionally, ancient manuscripts have been found in other places in the Judean Desert near the Dead Sea. One of these places is Wadi Murabbaat, a dry riverbed to the south of Qumran. Another place is Nahal Hever (Cave of Horrors) further south, where an early copy of portions of the Greek Septuagint was found. In the Greek text of this fragmentary manuscript of the so-called minor prophets, the Tetragrammaton is written in ancient Hebrew characters.

  23. Don Doerr Sr.

    As America diminishes into the 3rd World Country established by the November 22, 1963 Communist Democrat-RINO OPEN-BORDER INVASION Terrorist Party, we ask that all remaining Loyal Americans understand that we Traditional Catholics are suffering a double loss! Your Abortion-Promoting Crime Boss Joe Biden has been described by our Rogue, Anti-Jesus, Pope Francis as a “GOOD CATHOLIC ,” and Frankie has called for “CIVIL UNIONS” to both accommodate and promote “ABOMINABLE SODOMY” or “STICK IT WHEREVER IT FEELS GOOD [INCLUSION].”

    We Traditional Pre-Vatican II, Pre-Pope Francis Catholics now have no place to attend a Legitimate Mass or to Educate our Children!

    • Dewey DeMarco

      You are correct, Don Doerr Sr.
      We Traditional Catholics trace our unbroken lineage back to Jesus Christ, the Apostles and the Church Fathers.
      We are targeted and persecuted by the world, the United States and even our own Church, unlike anyone else to my knowledge.
      Reason is that we have the Truth. Therefore, we must try to persevere and learn to revel in our persecution.
      Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.

    • I Dig Au

      Our ‘churches’ have become evil and corrupt. Form your own religious meetings in private at home like the Christians did during the Russian/Soviet occupation of Europe.

      Keep your children out of the communist indoctrination camps we call public schools and teach them at home or in a private school with same values.

  24. Steve Carter

    Adel Shape Shifting ? Check it out Greg !

    Steve Carter

  25. J.Blow

    Living In La La Land?
    Wow Greg, your picture captures the typical lost, young American male, on the government dole.
    Lying asleep in the shade, on an old couch, in the back yard. Near a barbecue of course, source of the fire? In shorts, T-shirt or Tank-top and thongs, nowadays called flip flops. Because now they call string bikinis thongs?
    No doubt an old S.U.V. (Sport Utility Vehicle) nearby. Probably a junkie clunker, he tinker’s with all day.
    Not knowing his government is burning up his future, imploding his earnings, in war, debts and paying off the educated for votes, they’re school bills and they have the jobs! As the US. Almighty dollar falls off the cliff, into oblivion!
    Could have been me, not to long ago, during the last recession, or even the covid-19 scam.
    The only thing missing is a six pack of beer, in a cooler. To help put out the fire, at least, lol!
    Better wake up buddy and grab a hose, me old Sunday school mate. Don’t forget to turn on the water, the droughts over!

  26. James Hall

    True Story.
    BioMADE, a lab-grown meat company that has been given over $500 million in U.S. tax dollars via the Department of Defense (DOD), is now requesting a contract to feed U.S. service members fake meat in the name of reducing the military’s carbon footprint.

  27. James McPeak

    That God will, indeed, bring an end to wickedness he makes clear in his Word. Why, from the very beginning he gave a prophecy that righteousness would triumph, when he told the Serpent, Satan the Devil, that his head would be bruised by the seed of the woman, which seed proved to be Jesus Christ.​—Gen. 3:15; Rev. 12:9; Rom. 16:20.
    Thus God repeatedly assures us by means of his psalmists: “Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; . . . but the meek ones themselves will possess the earth.” “Come, you people, behold the activities of Jehovah . . . He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth.” “All the wicked ones he will annihilate.” And in the Bible’s last book we read that Satan and all his agents will be destroyed and that, not only wickedness, but even sorrow, pain and death will be done away with.​—Ps. 37:10, 11; 46:8, 9; 145:20; Rev. 20:1–21:4.
    Not without good reason therefore does Jehovah God tell us to wait patiently for him: “Keep silent before Jehovah and wait longingly for him.” Rather than rising up violently against wicked conditions or disputes, as so many are doing today, leave it to Jehovah to straighten out matters, including he being the person father and his son and their holy spirit. The prophet Jeremiah said after the destruction of Jerusalem: “Good it is that one should wait, even silently, for the salvation of the LORD.”​—Ps. 37:7; Lam. 3:26.

  28. Robert E. Salt

    The vaxxine is an extention of the holocaust. It was meant to eliminate 15 out of 16 people to reduce the world’s population from 8 billion to a half billion. I told my wife and daughter that it was poison and begged them not to take it, but they took it anyway. Most people have been brainwashed by the educational system and the news media. In this country the military could have substituted placebos for all the vaxxines, but people would have continued sleepwalking through life. Unfortunately, some people had to be sacrificed so that the survivors could see the truth and save themselves. There was no other way. The challenge was to sacrifice as few people as possible and still have everyone else understand what was going on. You don’t see many people wearing masks anymore. 99% of the vaxxines may have been substituted with placebos. The chances for everyone to survive in a random sample of 100 vaxxinated people would be .99 to the power of 100 or 37%. In a sample of 500, it would be less than 1%. Donald Trump was recruited by the military to lead us through this nightmare. He told people to take the vaxxine to get us beyond this episode. We all know some of those that were lost. God bless those that made the ultimate sacrifice.

    • Galaxy 500

      Yeah yeah… crock of Shiite
      You wrote this drivel? So you get paid by the word or are you really this out of it? I am really shocked and amazed

      You wrote:
      “Donald Trump was recruited by the military to lead us through this nightmare. He told people to take the vaxxine to get us beyond this episode. We all know some of those that were lost. God bless those that made the ultimate sacrifice.”

  29. McPeak

    What will help you to wait patiently for God to act and to end wickedness? One great aid is hope, based on faith. To the extent that our faith is strong our hope will be bright. To keep our hope bright we must keep refreshing our minds on God’s promises regarding the future. Another aid is to appreciate the wisdom of waiting patiently. To chafe frustratingly or to take matters into one’s own hands can only make matters worse.​—Rom. 8:24, 25; 12:19.
    Another great help is joy. “The joy of Jehovah is your stronghold.” Joy gives one strength. It was joy that gave Jesus Christ the strength to wait and to endure. And even as hope is built on faith, so joy is built on appreciation. To the extent that you appreciate God’s goodness, your present blessings, the pleasures of association with our fellow Christians here on USAWatchdog, even though they may not be up to snuff yet on doctrines, the privileges of telling others the truths of God’s Word as you and our savior Jesus did too and still does even now and here, you will have joy and be able to wait patiently as he works out all our salvation.​—Neh. 8:10; Heb. 12:2.
    FAITH WITHOUT WORKS is a COWARDS FAITH. Your works are appreciated here Mark, your a brave and loyal slave, to the
    unknown God, of the Greek amphetheirter, of the Areopagus, at Mars Hill.

    • mark

      Dear “McPeak”
      Of the mysteries mentioned in the Scriptures, one of which is the “mystery of lawlessness” which Paul refers to in his second letter to the Thessalonians and which is only in effect until “the one now restraining goes out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed (whom the Lord Jesus will slay by the breath of His mouth and bring to nothing by manifestation of His coming”. (see 2Thess 2:7:12)
      However, the greatest of all mysteries mentioned in the Scriptures, which is also mentioned by the apostle Paul is something called the “mystery of godliness” and which mystery is “God manifested in the flesh” and which mystery has “Christ IN you” as its “hope of glory” (1Tim.3:16, Col.1:27-28).
      Now this “mystery of godliness” refers categorically and definitively to the Lord Jesus Christ on an individual and personal basis as witnessed by other confirming Scriptures such as: Isa. 9:6, Matt. 1:23, Jn.1;1, Jn.20:28, Rom. 9:5, Phil 2:6 and Heb. 1:8 which is why it is of great concern for anyone to say that Jesus is only the “son of God” and therefore, “NOT God”.
      For there is an aspect of this mystery which also refers to His Body of which He Himself is the Head being that He has incorporated Himself in and joined Himself to each of His members as one spirit (1Cor.6:17) since in resurrection He, as the “Last Adam” was made, or became, a “life giving Spirit” (1Cor. 15:45) , thus making our “spirits life because of righteousness” though our bodies be “dead because of sin” which dwells in our mortal members of flesh. (Rom8:10, 7:17-24)
      So since then even the mortal bodies of flesh of those who believe on the Lord Jesus have now been made “members of Christ” (1Cor.6:15) because of our birth by His very Spirit from above sent forth into our hearts which cries “Abba, Father” (Daddy!!, Pappa!!!) (Jn.3:3, Rom.8:15, Gal. 4:6) and sin still dwells in our members of flesh,(Rom.7:18-25), we are “no longer in the flesh, but are in the Spirit”(Rom.8:9) and are henceforth under no obligation to perform works of law to justify the flesh, (Rom.7:4-6) for “by works of law shall no flesh be justified” (Gal.2:16) for we have been “made dead to the law through the body of Christ that we may be joined to another, even Him who has been raised from the dead that we might bear fruit to God”!! (Rom.7:4-6)
      Furthermore then, if “the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from among the dead dwells in you, then He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies by His Spirit which dwells in you”!!! (Rom.8:7-13).
      So then, until such time as our “bodies of humiliation are conformed to the body of His glory, according to His operation by which He is able to subject all things to Himself” at the appearing of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil.3:20-21), we continue to “put to death the (sinful) practices of our bodies (of flesh) by His Spirit which indwells us ” (Rom.8:13) while continuing to encourage one another to “run the race of faith” by “looking away unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of faith Who “for the joy set before Him endured the cross despising the shame”, thus making “purification from sin once for all”, and “has sat down on the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 1:3, 12: 1-2) having become a Great High Priest according to the order of Melchizidek, Who continues to intercede on our behalf while sympathizing with us in our weaknesses, as we eagerly await His appearing in glory at which time will be fulfilled that which is written “Where O death is your victory? Where O death is your sting? The sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1Cor. 15:54-57)!!!!

  30. Prospector

    FOOD as a weapon. It’s what commies do.

    American Farmer Breaks Down What’s Taking Place In Idaho

    In addition to the water shutoff order on a half million acres of farmland impacting farmers and about 6,400 water users. The Government is targeting chicken farms and cattle across the US

    “They are coming for this food system and they’re coming for the homesteaders”
    @WallStreetApes – June 13

    It just so happens that in the Ukraine aid bill is money for Cobalt mining in…. Idaho.

    WOW 🚨 Idaho Farmland Water Shutoff “Coincidence”

    Hidden in the Ukraine Bill was funding for cobalt mining in America. Over 200 politicians invested in this company mining cobalt. The Department of Defense gave that company $15 million out of the Ukraine bill to mine in IDAHO

    What are the odds?!?
    @WallStreetApes – June 14

    • Justn Observer

      Prospector….it is what the German Nazi also used ! and the 4th Reich is doing so again…

  31. Jimbo McPeak

    Altar to an Unknown God’
    When the Christian apostle Paul declared the “good news” in Athens during the first century C.E., Epicurean and Stoic philosophers spoke with him controversially. To some of them he seemed to be “a publisher of foreign deities.” So they seized Paul and led him to the Areopagus, or Mars Hill. There the apostle opened his wise witness concerning the true God, Jehovah, with these words:
    “Men of Athens, I behold that in all things you seem to be more given to the fear of the deities than others are. For instance, while passing along and carefully observing your objects of veneration I also found an altar on which had been inscribed ‘To an Unknown God.’ Therefore what you are unknowingly giving godly devotion to, this I am publishing to you.”​—Acts 17:16-23.
    At places other than Athens, some inscriptions have been found that are comparable to the one Paul mentioned. For example, the ruined altar, discovered at Pergamum, bears such an inscription in Greek. Also, the well-preserved altar discovered on the Palatine Hill in Rome, Italy. According to the Latin inscription on this altar dating from about 100 B.C.E., it was held “sacred to a god or goddess.”
    Mark, you’ve drawn close to the God about whom Paul preached! Great present and future blessings are assured for those worshiping Jehovah, the Most High God and only begotten Son Jesus the Christ and the holiest of Spirit.​—Ps. 83:18.

  32. Prospector

    Say it with me , all together now …..
    LIES — LIES —- LIES , corporate big media is captured and fake.

    These are the same pukes that said a paper mask could stop a sub-micron size germ particle and the VAXX death jab was 100 % effective. Protect your farms !!


    Infectious bird flu survived milk pasteurization in lab tests, study finds. Here’s what to know.

  33. EH Foundation

    Love Greg Hunter so Informed Spot On with intelligent knowledgeable guests he provides US with Great Interviews Thanks for Keeping US with what we need to know to address concerns we are being lied to by so many Americans are some of the Stupidest Sheeple On Earth going along with false narratives propaganda from corrupt UniParty Politicians Participants in criminal Big GOV

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks EH!

  34. Jamesbo

    When the Christian apostle Paul declared the “good news” in Athens during the first century C.E., Epicurean and Stoic philosophers spoke with him controversially. To some of them he seemed to be “a publisher of foreign deities.” So they seized Paul and led him to the Mars Hill. There at the Areopagus, the apostle opened his wise witness concerning the true God, with these words:
    “Men of Athens, I behold that in all things you seem to be more given to the fear of the deities than others are. For instance, while passing along and carefully observing your objects of veneration I also found an altar on which had been inscribed ‘To an Unknown God.’ Therefore what you are unknowingly giving godly devotion to, this I am publishing to you.”​—Acts 17:16-23.
    At places other than Athens, some inscriptions have been found that are comparable to the one Paul mentioned. For example, the ruined altar, discovered at Pergamum, bears such an inscription in Greek. Also, the well-preserved altar discovered on the Palatine Hill in Rome, Italy. According to the Latin inscription on this altar dating from about 100 B.C.E., it was held “sacred to a god or goddess.”
    Mark, you’ve drawn close to the God about whom Paul preached! Great present and future blessings are assured for those worshiping God the Most High and only begotten Son Jesus the Christ and the holiest of Holy Spirit.​—Ps. 83:18. King James Version

    • Galaxy 500

      You keep posting under different names…

      • JM

        JW demon manifesting because Mark told him the truth.

        Richard Gould, etc. He has lost his sanity.

  35. Edgar J Hartman

    I don’t believe there was any saline shots

    • Greg Hunter

      If there were, it was Very few.

    • Galaxy 500

      I am right there with you.

  36. Prospector

    There is that word again. ” TRANSITION ” . Beware when the WEF wants to ‘ help.’

    Feeding the future: why Renovation and Reinvention are key to saving our food system
    Jun 13, 2024

    The food transition requires comprehensive transformation.
    Our global food system is in urgent need of transition. At present, one-third of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions come from food production.

    A great example of Reinvention is the introduction of alternative proteins
    In 2024, Unilever launched their first precision-fermented “cow-free dairy”, which reduces the carbon footprint of their ice cream. Meanwhile, Nestlé developed a bio-identical whey protein supplement, their first animal-free protein powder. And they are not alone:…….

    EAT THE BUGS , peasant !

    ( Creepy mad scientists truly think they can do better than GOD himself. )

    The food transition aims to reshape the way society produces, distributes, consumes and discards food .

  37. Prospector

    I hope this make thigs clear. They invent the problems so they can ” offer ” their final solution.

    ” In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. .
    Book – The First Global Revolution ” 1991
    Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations.

  38. Bluex68

    Revelation 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make WAR.

  39. Don Doerr Sr.

    As America diminishes into the 3rd World Country established by the November 22, 1963 Communist Democrat-RINO OPEN-BORDER INVASION Terrorist Party, we ask that all remaining Loyal Americans understand that we Traditional Catholics are suffering a double loss! Your Abortion-Promoting Crime Boss Joe Biden has been described by our Rogue, Anti-Jesus, Pope Francis as a “GOOD CATHOLIC ,” and Frankie has called for “CIVIL UNIONS” to both accommodate and promote “ABOMINABLE SODOMY” or “STICK IT WHEREVER IT FEELS GOOD [INCLUSION].”

    We Traditional Pre-Vatican II, Pre-Pope Francis Catholics now have no place to attend a Legitimate Mass or to Educate our Children!

  40. Coal Burner

    I was shedd on by my adult daughter, and Dentist, totally hooked on the lies. I immediately took Ivermectin and knocked it out. I Have begged my wife to take “I”, with some cooperation. I think my daughter finally saw the light. I do not gloat.
    My other daughter was like me from the beginning, as evidence grew we were more certain. I had COv early and was asking what was the big deal. Because of that and working a lifetime for a certain agency that taught me to believe nothing said openly by government or the news. Very early I know to listen to certain Doctors and NOT Fauchi. He was full of lies, total lies. It was try to not let the Grandkids gen mRNA.

  41. John Connelly

    Thank you for honoring Jehovah, Greg!

  42. Galaxy 500

    Someone with big kahunas did the right thing! These guys are major criminals, unlike Trump!

    CALLS FOR JUSTICE: Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and Other Public Health Officials Have Been Submitted to District Attorneys in Louisiana
    by Jim Hᴏft Jun. 14, 2024 12:45 pm512 Comments

    The Vires Law Group, in conjunction with the Edward L. Tarpley, Jr., APLC and bolstered by the support of the Former Feds Group Freedom Foundation, has announced the submission of criminal referral requests to the District Attorneys of nine Louisiana parishes.

    The referrals call for the initiation of criminal investigations against Dr. Anthony Fauci, Deborah “Scarf Lady” Birx, Rochelle Walensky, Peter Daszak, and other public health officials for alleged crimes committed against Louisiana citizens preceding and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The parishes of Caddo, East Baton Rouge, Jefferson, St. Tammany, Orleans, Lafayette, Lafouche, Tangipahoa, and Rapides are the focus of these 30-page criminal referrals, detailing accusations that have stunned the local communities, according to the press release.

    Funded by contributions from entities like the Diamond Mind Foundation and the Fight Like A Flynn PAC, this legal action raises significant questions about the conduct of public health officials during one of the most devastating health crises of our time.

    MyPillow’s “$25 Extravaganza” on Blankets, Towels, Dog Beds and More – Plus Free Shipping on Orders Over $75


    Bariatrician Stunned: Forget Ozempic, This “Fixes” Your Hanging Belly! Try It!

    Dermatologists Stunned: This Removes Wrinkles Like Crazy! Try It!

    Attorneys Rodriguez, Miller, and Tarpley have requested that the District Attorneys refer these cases to Attorney General Liz Murrill for further investigation and potential charges.

    These referrals are made on behalf of next-of-kin relatives of nine victims in Louisiana who have sought legal assistance in investigating the deaths of their loved ones.

    Allegations include mismanagement of COVID-19 infections under hospital protocols, intentional suppression, and denial of life-saving treatments within Louisiana hospitals, nursing homes, and other facilities.

    The criminal referrals accuse Dr. Fauci, current and former federal officers, and hospital systems providing care within Louisiana of committing crimes as per Louisiana criminal code. The alleged crimes include:

    Terrorism – by Causing Intentional Killing or Infliction of Serious Bodily Injury (La. R.S.
    First Degree Murder (La. R.S. 14:30)
    Second Degree Murder (La. R.S. 14:30.1)
    Manslaughter (La. R.S. 14:31(A)(3))
    Human Trafficking (La. R.S. 14:46.2)
    Prohibited Racketeering Acts (La. R.S. 15:1353)
    Cruelty to Persons with Infirmities (La. R.S. 14:93.3)
    False Imprisonment (La. R.S. 14:46)
    Second Degree Kidnapping (La. R.S. 14:44.1)
    Battery (La. R.S. 14:33)
    Simple Battery of Persons with Infirmities (La. R.S. 14:35.2)
    The individuals and officers subject to the requested criminal investigation include:

    Anthony Fauci, ex-Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
    Cliff Lane, Deputy Director, NIAID
    Francis Collins, ex-Director, National Institutes of Health (NIH)
    Deborah Birx, ex-White House COVID Response Coordinator & former Director of DOD HIV Research at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
    Rochelle Walensky, ex-Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    Stephen Hahn, ex-Commissioner, Federal Drug Administration (FDA)
    Robert Redfield, ex-Director, CDC
    Peter Daszak, President, EcoHealth Alliance
    Rick Bright, Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)

  43. Becky Osborne

    I will vote for Trump if he disavows the vax but will vote for Biden if he doesn’t.

    With the vax having been totally exposed as a deadly fraud, it should be the easiest thing in the world for Trump to do!

    • Greg Hunter

      You will vote for the guy who forced the vaxed and supplied the money to bribe everyone associated with it? You are a moron.

      • Becky Osborne

        The choice is Donald Trump’s…all he has to do is stop lying about the vax.

        If he can’t do that then I’ll vote to be stabbed in the chest rather than the back.

        And, btw Greg, the only reason Trump didn’t mandate the vax was because he lost the 2020 election.

        You’d be defending him right now if he had been the one to mandate it, so stop pretending you actually care about the Biden Mandate!

        • Greg Hunter

          Trump has said many times he would not have mandated the vax. Also, please watch this and keep an eye on Dr, Birx over Trump’s left shoulder. Trump was one guy surrounded by traitors and corrupt evil bastards cashing in. Becky Don’t be evil.

      • Bobby Maloney

        YOU Crack me up! So funny….”you are a moron” lol keep up the great work!
        God the Father, JC and HS are firmly in control!
        With Greg Hunter cheering them ON and ON and ON!
        Go Greg!

  44. Jeffrobbins

    I had a conversation with my pastor yesterday and we talked about a guy that just died from heart issues. He brought up the fact that James had gotten the covid vax, not me. This is becoming common knowledge- talk about a loss of confidence in a government and its currency.

  45. Stephen Ryals

    Ben Carson for president!

    • Galaxy 500

      He’d make a great VP

  46. Marie Joy

    IF you have the shots or the test, how long does the patient have to take Ivermectin?
    Our politicians have turned against us for money.
    Thank you, Greg.

    • Greg Hunter

      The mRNA injections are in fact a gene edit that is permanent. They do not know how to turn off the spike protein producing nature of these shots. 20-year VP of Pfizer (Dr. Mike Yeadon) who brought new drugs to market says it here in the third paragraph:

      You have to keep taking Ivermectin (IVM) indefinitely because there is no off switch. Ivermectin (IVM) binds to spike proteins and removes them from the body. You are making Spike proteins all the time if you are vaxed and IVM dramatically reduces the harm these spike proteins do. Here is more of what happens for untreated people:


    • Bobby Maloney

      Marie Joy,
      Keep researching and fighting! You’ve got this! Distilled water fasting helps also remove the bad guys…..hit it from all angles, clean up diet, get water distiller, follow Gregs advise and all his supporters educators doctors …rewatch his shows with the Front Line Doctors….Tenpenny even gives her cell phone and will help you personally….you are not alone, just plug in and fight on!

  47. john lance

    Just because Biden called MSB a pariah , MSB decided to ditch the dollar . So sensitive . As a matter of fact though ,I am ditching the dollar and buying gold and silver . It seems the dollar is losing valve daily .

  48. Galaxy 500

    These people hate us. They hate your babies… unless they can sacrifice them to Baal. Not enough baby formula… and they screw around a year… how many babies will have problems later in life because they couldn’t get enough nutrition?

  49. Galaxy 500

    Yes, your cronies on the court protected for consequences… but they are rolling down from the mountains in Nov…

  50. Galaxy 500

    I won’t be buying their product… it appears I am not their target demographic
    And praise YHWH for that!

  51. Helen Ann Rudinsky

    Ed Dowd said last time he was on that he thought the US dollar would last another 5 years or so. Yes, it is losing value but I wonder does the US dollar still have a 5 year life span?
    It would be good to get Ed Dowd on again to see what he has to say now.

  52. Dan Yeager

    Let’s see Zelensky without his shirt on.

    • Jerry

      What do you think is under it?

  53. Igby

    The Western Christian world has fallen to Satan. Nobody with eyes to see can avoid seeing it unless they are locked into the matrix. It is time to get out before September 17, 2024, if you plan on surviving. IT’S OVER. You have all been warned.

    • Jerry

      Do tell us what is supposed to happen on Sept 17, do not leave us hanging in the midst.

  54. Clyde

    Greg, please get the terminology straight. These massive illegals are not migrants, they are illegal invaders. They’re being brought into this sovereign nation by the criminal regime to breakdown and destroy the US economically, politically, culturally and socially.

    • Galaxy 500

      Roger that!

  55. WaiLani

    This is a WONDERFUL example of what AI is and will bring us !!!!!

  56. Prospector

    FDA Changes Course, Advises Updated COVID-19 Vaccines Target KP.2 Strain
    Zerohedge – Epoch Times – June 15 2024

    ( That last line says it all , this is big money. They are in fact counting on new outbreaks of disease $$$$$$$ )

    ” “We are making progress on the development of cutting-edge treatments, such as vaccines administered as a nasal spray or as a pill,“ Health Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement. ”The Biden-Harris Administration won’t stop until we have the next generation of innovative vaccines, therapeutics, and other tools to protect against COVID-19, OR ANY OTHER PATHOGEN THAT COULD THREATEN THE AMERICAN PUBLIC .”

  57. Jeffrobbins

    Just to add to the ivermectin conversation; I had covid and have been shed on several times; once so bad by a guy i was working with for a couple days that the head ache had me throwing up behind the job site. Ivermectin works for me and works well. It takes 24 to 36 hours to feel 90% better-for me. Also, another factor i remember mentioned early on in this discussion was an issue with statins and the vax. If i remember correctly statins lessened the effect of the vaccines, and that would be another variable in why some people think there were placebos.

    • Bobby Maloney

      Jeff, thanks for sharing …statins???? hmm will snoop on that ….also natokinnase like a commentor mentioned in earlier comment on here i thinlk helps with blood clots and distilled water fasting will help …..dont just stop at ivermectin as am sure you havnt keep researching as if it transfected (shedded) to you …..your dna/genetics are targetted and from your comment am sure you are as you help and share and learn and grow…..they dont like that, lol. keep up the fight and be blessed and safe…..wwg1wga

  58. Anna

    Please please please – You need to interview Masako Ganaha and get her hooked up with Karen Kingston and Todd Calendar the international attorney that Catherine Fitts knows. She is fighting to save Japan and stop those self replicating death vaxes. Please please Greg -:you could be very instrumental unstopping this mast genioside of the entire planet. 4200 Japanese have already been injected with it as an expirament in Japan. Japanese fly to the USA every hour. I believe – it is what disease X is….

  59. Prospector

    This is all over the net in the past 12 hours. 5 minute video with Serbian Pres, Vucic at Bitchute link. ( Looks legit , but do your own homework folks.)

    Serbian President Vučić: “There will be a world war in 3-4 months – we are checking the stocks of oil, flour, sugar”
    What does the Serbian president know? Shocking interview for the Swiss media..

    Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić gave a long interview to the Swiss weekly Weltwoche in which he revealed that Serbia is checking oil, flour and sugar stocks because there will be a world war in 3-4 months.

    Given the very good relations of the Serbian president with Vladimir Putin and Moscow, it is possible that Vučić knows what is happening behind the scenes and interpreted the Russian ultimatum to NATO, especially after admitting the transfer of Ukrainian F-16 fighter jets to NATO bases in Romania and Poland.

    In the interview, he stated, among other things:

    The rhetoric is getting worse day by day and it reminds me of a quote from a famous historian: “The train has left the station and no one can stop it.” I believe that the last days are approaching when we have the opportunity to reevaluate and reflect on what is happening in Ukraine . If the big powers don’t do something soon, yes, I’m pretty sure we’re in for a real disaster.

    If you’re betting that someone is bluffing, it means you don’t have better cards. You just think that the other person has weaker cards. You’re not sure because you don’t know his cards and haven’t seen them. I am always very cautious and circumspect when assessing Putin’s wishes or possible future move.

    The situation is further complicated by the fact that everyone is talking only about the war. No one seeks peace. Nobody talks about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word!

    I find it very strange that no one is trying to stop the war. There is another theory – which I understand.

    I am not saying that I approve of her – that the West thinks that they can easily defeat Putin, they want to exhaust him in Ukraine and then enter the space and Russia with its current territory will cease to exist and Putin will be overthrown, etc. Maybe it is doable, but… ..

    Why do I say that we are walking right next to the edge of the abyss? Analyze the situation of NATO and the USA. They cannot afford the luxury of defeat in the war in Ukraine.

    Second, the position of Europe and the collective West will deteriorate so much from a geopolitical point of view that no one will be able to regenerate and restore it…..

    ( This appears to be original source )

  60. Prospector

    Well , this would be a confirmation of sorts. — This will not go as planned. America will not hand over it’s children for another insane war !!!

    BREAKING: House of Representatives Passes Bill for Automatic Military Draft Registration of Young Men Between 18 and 26
    June 14 , 2024

    • Shiloh1

      The only thing more frightening to me than the Blue Zoo Dems cheating in elections is South Carolina legitimately electing the likes of Lindsey Graham, Nikki Haley and Trey Goudie. At least they are closer to V’s nuke ship in Havana Harbor than I am in Flyover.

    • Tonique

      let Galaxy 500 and his Evangelical brethren go fight Israel’s wars

      Pastor John Hagee – “Israel: God’s Gateway to Blessing”

  61. Robert Dziok

    And since 1913 the US Dollar has lost 97% of it’s purchasing power on top of this. But the dollar is up versus other currencies? That’s because such “value” was “rigged” long ago to depend on how much US Treasuries a country had in reserve. So when Japan rapidly dumped some 200 billion in US Treasuries to buy Gold it’s currency dropped some 22% in value causing a national problem. So BRICS and other countries learned from this and watched and will do so more gradually over a couple of years. Dr. Jim Willie covers such at his website and podcasts he has been on. A strong Christian but very outspoken. All fiat paper “money” systems have collapsed throughout History. Gold and Silver GOD’s money for thousands of years, Need to have physical of and in own possession of. Central banks and countries (e.g. Russia, India, China) buying massive amounts of gold and silver. They know what’s coming and in the process of happening now. Crytos an Illusion in Cyber space like Tulip Mania centuries ago.

    • beth

      Jim Willie is a Jackass and a loser. If you’ve listened to him over the last 20 years, you lost your shirt and are suffering from hopium. Get a clue. He’s a moron.

  62. Johnny Nobody

    Interesting discussion with two pilots about ‘chemtrails’ / geo-engineering.

  63. Joe Wong

    That’s what happens when you have a bumbling fool Joebama Buyden as the president of the USA.

  64. Rodster

    But were they vaxxed? 🧐

    “Millwall goalkeeper Matija Sarkic dies aged 26”

    “Kevin Campbell: Former Arsenal and Everton striker dies aged 54”

  65. Galaxy 500

    Good Morning
    If any of you Beijing Biden supporters here, you know the ones constantly complaining about Trump not being perfect … if anyone had any delusions about the DOJ NOT BEING a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC [Demon Never-Trumper Cucks] that does not administer justice and is a cudgel used against Christians and people that said DNC sees as enemies whether a political opponent or the little guys.

  66. Neville

    The fact of the matter is that AAcrime has been running on empty for at least 25 years and during that time until present all they have done is built up humungous DEBT and insanely created $5 QUADRILLION in mostly Cyber Dollars or serviced those countries which us the dollar a secondary currency.
    The CRUX of the matter is this ,AAcrime has used the creation of these counterfeit for extremely evil purposes I.E. Funding the the DOD with $7 TRILLION to fund the corvid scam as they have all the logistics to distribute the BIO WEAPONS posing as vaccinations to the the worlds population.

    • Galaxy 500

      They murdered children and those children that lived have serious long term damage…
      Matthew 18:6 New International Version (NIV)

      “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

  67. Galaxy 500

    Interesting claim by a known anti Constitution liar and political hack…
    2nd amendment… A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
    There is no ambiguity there. The Militia is every able body citizen in the USA. Beijing Buy-Dem has used the straw man argument that in 1776 ordinary citizens couldn’t own cannons. This is just one of a multitude of lies by Buy-Dem and the anti-gun mafia.
    Many mean of means owned cannons and in the 1860, they owned Gatling Guns and even machine guns until the US Government illegally banned them citizen ownership without draconian financial penalties and regulations.
    I am sure our Forefathers would call out the Demons that are arrayed against us. But you know, if you are intellectually honest, our Forefathers would been “bussin caps in their asses” long ago.
    Does anyone believe our storied Forefathers would have allowed the allowed the Satanic FDR to seize their gold. To add insane taxes on their sweat and toil? F#€k NO… They would have rallied against these grand overreaches and after a short trial, publicly executed these usurpers. Our Christian Founding Fathers would not allow our borders to be violated nor would they have allowed these moslem monsters to gain a foothold in our land.
    You ask what my point is… Easy, voting matters and a vote for anyone but Trump is a vote for the continued destruction of our country. I hear the intellectually bankrupt say it doesn’t matter and some here even parrot these talking points. If elections didn’t matter, the Principalities of Power and their Demons would not spend so much money and effort to convince our side that it does matter, all the while their Demons are stuffing ballot boxes. Voting matters…

  68. John Maskell

    Greg, you’re news coverage is first class . You report on sensitive issues where others go silent . God bless you for the life changing topics that you bring to us which can affect our daily lives. People have commented on USA Watchdog ” that you warned them about the dangers of these vaccines that can disable or kill and thanking you for not taking these bio weapons . ” Greg, you must have saved many lives and the gratitude for this is priceless ! We are on a very dangerous path , humanity is hanging by a thread but having people like you and believing in our faith , we can pull through . Never give up , always remain positove, loving and forgiving because evil cannot exist on these levels . Love from England, John .

  69. Prospector

    DRAFT will apply to females as well — U.S. Senate markup of military spending bill..

    H.R. – 8070 , N.D.A.A. Defense Authorization Act moving out of committee to full senate for passage :



    ” Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of WOMEN for selective service. ”

    Page 14.

    Gateway Pundit also confirms.

    ( Greg , can you think of anything else that will UNITE Americans better ? I can’t.
    Left and right will be fighting DC together on this one, not the fringes , but the core of each ” side ”.)

  70. Pursue Truth Defend Liberty

    Does anyone know where we can purchase Ivermectin on a website??? It is difficult in Democrat Blue States to purchase it. They do not want Americans to get better from the Bio-Weapon Covid 19 vaccines! I go by CVS drug stores and they are still promoting getting the shots…..

  71. Galaxy 500

    LOL, China and counterfeit parts… say it ain’t so.
    Spirit AeroSystems is the DEI company where DEI matters more than merit and competence…
    Counterfeit Chinese Titanium Discovered In Some Boeing Jets, Per FAA
    by Anthony Scott Jun. 15, 2024 7:15 am369 Comments

    On Friday, the Financial Times reported that Boeing acknowledged some parts of their jets contain counterfeit titanium from China.

    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reported that Boeing had told officials they had received titanium parts containing counterfeit documentation.

    Boeing bought the counterfeit components from Kansas-based aerostructure manufacturer Spirit AeroSystems.

    In the past, Spirit AeroSystems has had problems with quality issues.

  72. Galaxy 500

    Does anyone believe this? Corey Bush, Satan’s Handmaiden claims Miracles…

  73. Stephen Ryals

    How are u not censored? You censor ur comments. Same as MSM. Ben Carson. For president. Write him m in. Done no drama or cult! Your boy tbone is backing didigital currency. Lol

  74. Charles Bronson

    Dr. Bryan Ardis said to use a 7 mg. nicotine patch, every 24 hours, for 6 days only, for adverse effects from the covid vaccines. Most people still had no adverse effects, 6 months later. Dr. Bryan Ardis said that the nicotine patches were 30 times more effective than using ivermectin.
    Internet search “The Dr. Ardis Show”.
    Watch the video about, the other “N” word. N word is nicotine. This is a 3-hour long video.

  75. Galaxy 500

    Their dreams are our nightmares…
    We need to start at the top of the country and moving south, arrest and deport every illegal in America. Someone told me, well their countries won’t take them back… throw them into Mexico. Let the people there deal with these criminals that they assisted in violating our country and peoples…

  76. Hal

    Francis Boyle is not at Harvard. He’s been a law professor at the University of Illinois since I attended in 1980. I took 3 course from him.

  77. Curtis

    Greg, I understand what Martin Armstrong is saying about Hillary being the next democrat candidate. But after thinking it over, I figure that Newsom will be the democrats candidate because of his age, his connections with Pelosi, his similarities to Justin Trudeau and of course, his connections with China. Thank you for your broadcast!

    • Greg Hunter

      You might be right, Curtis.

  78. War Monger

    Homicidal liars totally full of crap…

    • Greg Hunter

      NATO planned and started this and is pissed it got its ass kicked.

  79. Frogger


    Spot on!!!

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