Iran Nuke Deal — Bribes, Treason and Fraud – Dave Janda
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Dave Janda, host of the popular radio show called “Operation Freedom,” says the Iran nuclear deal (also known as the JCPOA) is an unsigned scam with huge implications of “treason and fraud.” Janda says, besides the public not being told it was never signed by Iran, they were also lied to about the enormous amounts of cash brought to Iran on pallets. It’s way more than the $1 billion or so the Obama Administration admitted to giving the number one state sponsor of terror. Janda, who has high ranking sources in Intel, politics and law enforcement, explains, “Everybody got a piece of this. My contacts say when this happens, the cash gets lighter. (Meaning, everybody gets a cut of the money.) I spoke to my contacts about the cash part of this and, according to my contacts behind the curtain about this stuff, they say it’s more than the $1.5 billion that folks have been speaking about, significantly more. My contacts are also convinced that some of that cash was filtered back to Obama, the Clinton Foundation, John Kerry himself, but not through him, through accounts through his wife Teresa. The money also went to (George) Soros and to European leaders. You can understand why Angele Merkel came jetting over to talk to Trump on the Iranian deal and why Macron came over. . . . Some of this money was laundered through the banking syndicate, which the Rothschilds are huge players.”
So, the Western leaders, who were a part of this Iran no signature “deal,” are up for treason and fraud? Janda says, “Yes, based on the information my sources are telling me.”
It gets worse. Janda says there was a so-called “deal within the deal” inside the Iran nuke deal. It involves drug trafficking between Iran and drug cartels south of the U.S. Border. Janda says, “The way the drug trade does business is in cash. So, according to my sources, this ‘deal within the deal’ with Iran was a deal that keeps spitting out more and more money because of this drug pipeline between Iran, South America, Central America and Mexico. . . . My source also told me that while Kerry was publicly meeting with Iran . . . at the same time, Obama reportedly, according to my source, took a little quick trip to Colombia to meet with people on the other end of the ‘deal within the deal.’”
On another subject, the coming economic reset that world leaders and global bankers have been talking about for years, Janda says, “I think what the reset is going to look like is a devaluation of the dollar to a significant degree. . . . The value of gold and silver is going to be reset to a much higher level. . . . When you see governments acquiring gold and silver and . . . when you see the banksters acquiring huge amounts of gold and silver for their own vaults, it tells me it is going to happen sooner rather than later.”
But do not fear because the best days for America are ahead. Janda predicts, “I believe the rule of law is going to be restored. I believe all of our lives will be much better. I believe we will have more opportunities than we can imagine. We are going to look back on these decades before, and we are going to say we were so oppressed and so persecuted by this criminal syndicate that was stripping us of our freedoms, liberties and our finances across the board, we are going to say how did we not do this sooner? How did we not overturn the system sooner? It was so bad then and it is so good now, but that doesn’t mean there are not going to be some tough times in the middle here.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dave Janda.
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OK … That’s more like it … Janda finally gives “a good reason” for going after Iran … not that they are going to build a nuclear bomb when Israel has 300 nuclear bombs … not for the fact that they had an unsigned deal when many deals are made simply with a handshake … but that they are bringing drugs into our country “hurting our children” … and “for that” … they should be nuked and 1000 Tomahawks launched at their oil wells!!
And if Obama actually took a trip to Columbia to meet with the Drug Cartel … to make a “Deal within the Deal” to hurt our children … he should be immediately arrested and tried for Treason (as such immoral dirty filthy backstabbing of the American people was not part of his official duties as President) !!
If everyone else can ignore the Ten Commandments of God Almighty … so can I … from what I recollect he didn’t put his signature on the Tablets Moses brought down from the mountain … so “Thou Shall Not Kill or Murder” should have no force of law in this world … for only Satan rules here … so let’s kill, kill and Kill all the evil swine in this world … everlasting constant war is what we are all about … and let’s make sure we burn their evil bodies to ash … so that their DNA code can never be used to bring them back as clones of their evil selves!!
The Pope say’s there is no Hell … so I have nothing to worry about … and the Father will forgive me … for “I know not what I do” (wink, wink, wink)!!!
With the latest nuclear weapons … ovens are obsolete … no need to round up all who would do us harm including their women and children … simply burn them right in their cities in a nuclear fire so hot it will turn their evil bones to ash … and we must strike first … before they do … never again will we allow evil people to take advantage of us!!
This was sarcasm and Israel has the right to defend against a country building 10 military bases in a neighboring country for the express purpose of attacking them.
Iran hasn’t attacked another country in centuries – what makes you think they would attack another country now – especially one that has nukes.
Greg, with all due respect, you’re way off base on this one.
Iran has built 10 military bases in a border country with Israel and it attacking them now according to the plan laid out by the Iranian Supreme leader 3 years ago: So, I call BS on your comment.
On behalf of all weasels everywhere, I would like to thank you for giving us a voice.
Greg, I’m sorry, but I cannot take much more of these antisemite, antiChristian comments. If they are against Israel, they are against Christianity. They don’t need to argue that point, just read the Bible. God will take care of disciplining Israel, it is not up to humans. Those who bless Israel, will be blessed, those who curse Israel will be cursed. It can’t be any plainer.
Why can’t I find the “scripture” you quoted in the MANY bible translations I searched? NIV, King James even the Complete Jewish Bible to name a few. Maybe because it isn’t scripture.
Does it say unarmed protesters should be shot dead as well?
Just because it hasn’t happened in recent history: doesn’t mean it won’t. This kind if mental futility is what functions for mass school-shootings.
Sworn enemies don’t mince oaths.
According to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Israel likely has 200 or more nukes. Maybe Iran wants some for that reason.
Yep, Iran is on that regime change list of the American military.
Sorry, wrong link above.
DanT, Look at Genesis 12 and if you can’t figure it out there, read more of Genesis.
Susan that statement/promise was given to then Abram later named Abraham. Israel (Jacob) was not even born yet much less all of his sons (children of Israel) . They would be in Egypt 430yrs. Lets call them a nation at the exodus . So you are telling me at least 500 years before the fact God would “bless” Israel? Scofield would twist the scripture to what you say and NO other translation would dare. Schofield was a heretic.
Start in Exodus and read how God himself would begin to UN bless those rebellious people. Rebellious to the point of breaking the covenant that God was prepared to make ever lasting should they uphold their end. Now a new covenant,a better covenant has been formed and YOU are on the other side. Other than Christian converts do any Jews have a part in this? Sounds to me they UN chose themselves about 3000 yrs ago.
I don’t think you are properly understanding God’s inspired word. All through the Bible, in Old and New Testament, God’s love for Israel and Jews is clear. Here are 100 bible verses:
This is like saying – because cops have guns: lets allow the gang-bangers to have their own stockpile. Nations and cultures are NOT equal.
“let’s kill, kill and Kill all the evil swine in this world”
This is too big a job (at least 100’s of millions of people need to be removed?) and is impossible from a human standpoint. Worse yet, the stupidity of people that made possible this mess would still be there. This is why there is so much about this topic in the Bible and its very clear what the Bible says will be done about it.
Yes … it is a big job … but at least we should make a try at stopping the madness … I propose three(3) simple Confidence Building Measures (CBM’s) to make war “more difficult” for the warmongers who benefit from death and destruction!
1) Both sides agree to kill each other … but forbid the killing of women and children at the same time!
2) Both sides agree to stay vigilant to the lies and false flags used by the warmongers among them to promote war (and establish a hot line to talk with each other)!
3) Both sides agree to establish joint economic incentives to foster closer cooperation (“Joint Strategic Projects” like oil pipelines, etc., etc.)!
Before you get all righteous about the drug angle, keep in mind there are ample reports from ex-GI’s etc who note that they spent a fair bit of time in Afghanistan guarding poppy fields for Uncle Sam — specifically the CIA to use said funds to finance black ops around the world.
If true, think these drugs don’t make it to American youth?
Not saying (if true — who is Jandas “source” anyway) state sponsored drug involvement doesn’t deserve strong condemnation — but nuking them ? Please. Countries that live in glass houses shouldn’t be throwin stones .
Heck,,, Why only 10 Mr. Hunter?
The NYT , Post, Breitbart, and JPost have nothing on Debka which claims there are 13 bases!,,, and you know that has to be true coming straight from Mossad!
My source was not Mossad.
Isnt it oddly coincidental that a nation weve been at war with for going on towards two decades, is also the.biggest poppy grower in the world, and people wonder where’s all the heroin coming from that is causing all the heroin addicts here in the USA and Europe.
Makes you wonder doesn’t it Robert
Robert … you mean if we nuke Iran we won’t solve our drug problem in America? … damn … guess that means we will have to nuke Afghanistan also … that should solve our problem … right? … well maybe not … we may have to add the Italian drug running Mafia and throw a few nukes at Italy … but then … Saudi’s are also involved aren’t they? … humm … perhaps we should simply drop one on Langley??? … no wonder Trump wants to build thousands more nuclear weapons … seems the US will have to “nuke the entire world” to get rid of evil!!
Father forgive me! … “Now I am become death the destroyer of worlds”!!!
Take a breath. This has been going on for a long time. It’s tough to clean up.
As you can see … I am totally frustrated Greg … OK we can’t “love our enemies like ourselves” as Jesus told us to do … but we also can’t just go around “killing them all” in constant unending little wars or one big Nuclear war … if humans can’t be a loving relationship … at least we can show some respect for each others women and children (there is no closer bond then that between a mother and child) … can’t Nations have the common human decency to come to some agreement (even an unsigned one) to try their best not to break that sacred bond by indiscriminately murdering our women and children in war? … perhaps by showing some respect for life and trying our best to treat our enemy’s women and children as precious things … they would act in kind toward our women and children … and perhaps one day the All the Nations of the World will come to the realization that “all wars” are immoral … and that humans like natures other wild animals have the God given right to Life and Liberty … and at least Companionship will reign between all natures living things on Earth for 1000 years!!
And Afghanistan receives the highest amount of US foreign aid – coincidence?
What is your source?
I guess horticulture is an expensive hobby.
Besides the poor to bad sources… opium production IS quite expensive.
“Isnt it oddly coincidental that a nation weve been at war”
Perhaps the war was over control of the drug trade – can’t have the Taliban controlling it you know…. Now the war is to eradicate it and the Taliban to keep them from getting back into the business.
As for Iran, they have a huge drug problem of their own. Apparently, they are the nation to have discovered this drug several millennia ago.
Taliban forbidded Afghan farmers growing poppy or get involve in the opium. The Northern Alliance, our ally which forms the current government in Afghanistan, is the one responsible for supplying 90% of the world opium.
When Afghanistan turned red in 1978, I believe the Golden Triangle opium trafficking also came to a halt at around that time due to extended drought, the CIA was forced to switch over to trafficking cocaine. The American crack epidemic started between the early 80s and 90s.
That’s just brilliant Paul. You want to destroy untold numbers of Iranian children because of a portion of American “children” get drugs from an Iranian source. I will doubt Iran is in the drug business as I doubted Iraq had WMD. Just another excuse for another damnable war.
Fact resistant”
I don’t defend the nut jobs in Iran but that whole story is way out there and just because some “source” tells Janda this is not compelling enough for me to accept it as truth and fact. Hell the very well established MSM tells us Trump works for the Russians so it must be a fact if I use the same line of logic. The guests you have like Pento, Prins, and the like present undisputed FACT.
Let’s start with the Fact it is NOT Signed by Iran. When I first heard that I immediately thought the whole thing is a fraud. What Janda says is not that much of a stretch and I am proud of putting him on.
I think Janda is a good guy for certain but he is human and prone to error like the rest of us, possibly me now. We will see by and by. One thing I know for sure is you bring on so many guests so often a person is forced to think about and consider a multitude of topics the MSM reader/watcher has no clue of. Thanks for your hard work. Brother.
Then there is this tweet from Raman Ghavami @Raman_Ghavami
H.J.Ansari Zarif’s senior advisor: “If Europeans stop trading with Iran and don’t put pressure on US then we will reveal which western politicians and how much money they had received during nuclear negotiations to make #IranDeal happen.”
The tweet and the guy who sent it, is legit. Bribery was a big part of the Iran no-signature “deal.”
It would be naive to assert that Iran has not been in the Drug pipeline for a long time.
What the world is witnessing now is truly Ian Fleming-like, covert, global intrigues. Nobody gets the whole story; and sources can’t just write out diagrams with explanations.
I had an incident with some ‘kids’ booming their music too loud across the street. So I went over and informed them that they needed to turn it down; and that the actual Law prihibited them from doing so. (And it did.) But I was quickly surrounded by three suddenly, and was being pushed and shoved into the street. It was the biggest kid who threw the first punch, but I countered that easily. The smallest, punk blindsided me in the head; then tried to tackle me to the ground for a pummeling of kicks: he didn’t get me out or down – I stepped out and retreated. My point here is – it isn’t who you think you have to deal with that is the danger. And just because you are civil – doesn’t mean others will be.
Iran is an autocratic regime; and not a straight dealer.
Charles H:
Now I know why you want that 308!
Just kidding, it wouldn’t surprise me if you were armed anyway, and made a conscious decision to let them live . . . this time.
Sometimes, you just can’t figure out fast enough where you are going to stash all the bodies. LOL
Sometimes exercising self control just sucks.
First of all … I want to congratulate you – as you have become quite a good commentor here.
Second – I once had a Winchester Model 94, bought out of a Navy Exchange for about eighty bucks. The 30-30 wasn’t impressive and I sold it to a friend. Never do this.
Thirdly – I live mainly in Mexico: and NO FIREARMS are allowed to citizens. Knives and arrows suffice. But when in the USA – I am armed at all times, with a very capable 9.
If occasion is unavoidable – processing a body for disposal would take time.
All one has for proof is circumstantial evidence. And it works to a degree. Remember that most criminal convictions are made on circumstantial evidence.
Paul . . .
You are obviously a brilliant man. However, it looks like you’re letting your ego influence the tone of your comments. BTW, I have similar weaknesses.
William you are the master diplomat – a gentleman to be sure.
And I’m sure Dr.Janda is a gentle man also … however “could his sources be using him” (to promote a more logical reason for the US to nuke Iran)??
That might happen, but he’s know some of his sources for years and that sort of thing has not happened in the past. They have always been right in my experience with him.
Paul you are one of my favourite commenters on this site. However, we will have to agree to disagree on this one.
Ahh, apologies may be in order. Was your top comment ironic? If so I understand your point now.
TSI … I use satire is to make a point … perhaps if people hear “what they are saying” … it shocks them back to reality!!
It was only on second reading that I saw the quotation marks denoting irony. The subtlety went over my head so to speak.
Our duty as Americans is to demand the truth, expose the corrupts officials and demand punishment. Elected officials must be held accountable to the people for any acts of corruption and treason. Any person that is elected to represent the people of our country or holds a position within the US government who allows himself to be bribed by a foreign entity or U.S corporations in exchange for financial gain or illegal influence is guilty of corruption and treason. It is a fact that a great number of U.S. Politicians and government representatives are getting rich at the expenses of the American people and the future of our country. A great number of Republicans and Democrats do plenty to fill their own pockets while in power with complete impunity and immunity from our U.S. Justice Department that fail to do their jobs and become part of this corrupt system of government.
I hope that Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari tell the truth about the Western officials who were bribed to pass the new nuke deal.
What we need in this country is Capital Punishment. We need people who are guilty of treason, put to death. We need to get serious about trying these people and taking them out. It may seem cruel and unmerciful, but if you let these kinds of people live, they destroy the whole world.
It’s not just elected officials that have this duty, unelected federal employee’s also take an oath to support and defend the constitution… Chip
Good point Paul
Dear Greg,
At last, at last in the Netherlands they wrote in the Telegraaf a very good story about how the rule of Law is functioning in de USA and also the ‘Deep State’ had there attention. Even ‘ the ‘false flag’ story was good, but missed the ‘Colin Powell – Iraque’ lie and the ‘ 9/11’ show. They spent a lot of blood and sacrificed a lot of people to the purpose of starting wars.
This makes the USA a BANANA Republic and very dangerous
It is starting. The USA will be alone and China is waiting with a lot of patience.
Yes Peter, back the country that just made it’s leader dictator for life. That will be a beautiful world for you to live in. Please look up the term “useful idiot”.
We have are own problems, THE FEDERAL RESERVE being number 1.
End the Fed and let them eat the debt they gave us!!
Greg, as I am the black hole of nothingness, perhaps I could save the world by swallowing all the debt.
You could just turn to Christ and be happy and loved? Why chose to be a black hole of nothingness?
Which one Greg,
The false one
Or the true one
Both are coming, and seems to be soon.
Can you tell which if it happened in your time?
Do you have a clue?
Son of God walked the earth 600 years before Islam. I don’t know when He’s coming back but he will return to judge the living and the dead.
That I agree with you Greg, he will be back and he will judge and rule.
But you do not believe he is the Son of God, and that is why my God is different that your god. Jesus is not coming to cut my head off for believing He was the Son of God, and He will not send me to “burn in hell” either.
No he is not the son of god, and he will set the record straight. If it is in our time Greg it will be very interesting times indeed but rough one, we will see the truth one way or another, like I always say, TIME WILL TELL.
Jesus is the Son of God and we will have to agree to disagree.
Sumer is the first civilization on earth. I suspect all religions derive one way or another from the Sumerian religion.
God as the Father in the Old Testament is probably Enlil, Jesus is probably Enki, Mary is probably Inana.
Clay means from earth or earthlings. Satan means administrator.
Then again – it may NOT. It requires Faith to begin to search into the Divine Counsels. Your speculation here shows there is doubt. And there is no Divine female entity.
The Holy Bible has proved itself true, does prove itself true, and will prove itself true – to those who has the eyes to see.
Charles H,
I do have doubt and that’s why I’m still searching.
I suspect Mary may be Mary Magdalene, Black Madonna, Whore of Babylon or Inana.
The Knights Templar strongly favoured her as their special Saint. The Templars used seemingly normal references to “Mary”, appearing to mean “Mother Mary”, to instead privately emphasize the importance of Mary Magdalene in their prayers.
Souther France, especially the Mary Maggdalene site of Aix en Provence, was always a major stronghold of the Knights Templar, since the inception of the Order.
Btw, Jesus may be Enki’s son Marduk rather than Enki, and Eden means enclosure.
Jesus is the Son of God–period.
The Holy Bible – is the only Divine revelation established to man. I you don’t have the heart to commit to that fact: you won’t get any light from God to understand. God does not have to earn our respect: we owe it to Him. Without taking His Word at full face value – we fail respect; and He is not obliged to honor us. First move is yours.
Your plan is BRILLIANT!!!. Let us put the Rothchilds, Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and their ilk in pin stripes. Let us start a Bankers most wanted list, you know put their Mug Shots in the post office etc. Oh, I almost forgot, number one on the MUG SHOT LIST is reserved for Alexander Hamilton. Number two on the list is reserved for Woodrow Wilson the President who signed the Federal Reserve bill into law. For the Gentlemen who met at Jekyll Island and created the Federal Reserve we have a very hot vacation spot for your permanent resting place!!!!
How did they end up with a dictator for life in the first place? Maybe because the US helped overthrow a Leader in the 50’s? Then a genuine dictator puppet was set up then overthrown in a revolution and you see what they have today. Please look up the term Blow Back”
Ever hear of the term “fact resistant”?? Please go to Oh so sorry that can’t exist with a dictator–get the point???????
“How did they end up with a dictator for life in the first place?”
The answer is in the psychology of the people. Examine closely and you will find a high degree of narcissism in Iran and elsewhere in the Middle East, and making great inroads into the USA. And narcissists are NEVER satisfied. They always complain about others and everyone one else owes them something. So they were dissatisfied with their Shah and go Kohmeini isnstead. Only Kohmeini put to death anyone that complained, so the complaining stopped.
Gold Loses $1300 As Cartel DUMPS $1.75-Billion Worth Of PAPER GOLD In ONE SINGLE MINUTE
It that manipulation? Yep! That is trading to intentionally to lose money.
Diligent trolls need to change the wording of their posts from time to time. Otherwise you will become boring . . . as you’ve managed to become within a time-span of only two days.
Typical nonsense When you disagree with someone just label them a troll So predictably lame
Typical derogatory slam. Peter’s post is word for word from before – so William is completely correct. And calling the USA a ‘banana republic’ sure places the comment on the border of troll territory.
Dear William,
I’ve got what I want in reading your answer.
Greg who give a hoot about is signed or not, lets look at what Iran has done is that it has allowed IAEA under the US led agreement with the UN for inspections to take place, They are in full agreement to remove nuclear weapons programs from the middel east.
Now lets have a look at Israel inspections, the Negev Nuclear Research Center in Dimona, They are not allowing and have in the past hidden their nuclear program from the rest of the world, They hold over 400 nukes, and continue to manufacture uranium, for weapons, and that my friend is the deal.
Really who gives a rats ass about the drug trade deals, Israel or Iran may have done with America….. the fact is Trump is in bed with Benjamin N and is part of the NWO. and there weapons of mass destruction,
James Corbett , And now it;s time to discuss the REAL MIDDLE EAST NUCLEAR THREAT.
I am now sure that your program is not seeing the real story of the deal that Iran has always allowed inspections, when is Israel has never allowed inspections WHY, Trump is a puppet.
“who give a hoot about is signed or not” if you announced you had a deal three years ago that Iran did NOT sign do you know how stupid you would look??
Marcus, I realize you do not believe in the God of the Bible, your hatred of Jews is just that, hatred. I don’t like listening that kind of diatribe.
Susan What are you reading Nothing that Marcus wrote is anti Jewish
Passing on nuclear secrets to Israel must be a treasonable offence, surely.
Ya, the Jews are the bad guys.
I just want someone to explain to me how the US having troops in over 100 nations world wide has anything to do with national security and American sovereignty?
An oversimplification I know, but why can’t we have the worlds strongest military, bring them home, then strike out at anyone who actually dares to threaten our actual nation?
As a former Marine 0311, I don’t like being the defacto mercenaries for half the planet.
Stop fighting anyone, bring them home (too much money to be made by us and corrupt foreign governments)
End naive rant
I suppose you’ve read the book written by another Marine, General Smedley Butler (“War is a Racket”).
BTW, Mark, I often visit another channel with intelligent comments,
Lots of Marines (and special operations guys of all sorts) there; and, though very Christian and Israel oriented, also very anti-war, for the most part.
Sorry, Mark, it’s a you tube channel:
the revolting man
Marcus – You keep coming at Israel again and again. Iran has disallowed nuclear facility inspections just as Israel has – but Israel is bad, and Iran is good? And we are not talking bows and arrows here. All you have here are half-truths that lead to foregone conclusions. A gun for everyone’s hand is your idea here? Some people shouldn’t have one; or a driver’s license for that matter.
Don’t forget, today Sunday you can listen to Dr. Dave Janda’s Operation Freedom. Broadcast live over southeast Michigan, northwest Ohio and northeast Indiana and worldwide over the still free Internet @ WAAM 1600 am, from 2:oopm to 5:oopm eastern daylight time USA. See you there!
Dear Greg,
I’ve a question for Dave Janda:
– please can you tell me the real story about the “9/11” show, because a lot of people are thinking that this was a ‘false flag’.
Pete, do you imagine that most here do not already know that 9/11 was a false flag? Is that new information for you?
I think you in America are still dreaming! But do something about it!!!
I assume your lumping Americans all together and accusing us of “dreaming” about world domination.
If so, I think your understanding of the majority of Americans is almost completely wrong. We did “do something about it”: we elected Donald Trump as President. He is in the process of dismantling the Globalist syndicate and its drive to dominate the world by any means necessary, including war.
I know you disagree with my assessment of President Trump. Therefore, I know you will disagree with my assessment that President Trump is not only the last best hope for America, but for Europe as well, in our need to break the Globalist (NWO) syndicate and preserve our ways of life. And if you do not think your way of life is threatened by the Muslim invasion of Europe and the NWO, then maybe it is you, not the majority of Americans, who is “dreaming.”
William Stanley,
Bravo. You are a great American.
+100 from the first word to the last.
Can read my ……..!
How do you know that I will disagree with your assessments?
Sorry, that’s classified.
9/11 was a heist, a robbery. Like a normal citizen has any chance against that kind of firepower and organization.
And yet most overlook 9/11 and blindly support the phony War on Terror. Truth is truth. It is not agenda-based. Agendas blind men to the truth.
William Stanley,
I laughed at whoever tried to tell me that 911 was a false flags for more than 10 years. I didn’t become a 911 Truthers until I figured out the real motive. Looking back, it’s amazing how I didn’t see it.
Peter from the Netherlands;
Your drivel about 9-11 is disconcerting to me. Regardless of false flag or not, a lot of Americans lost their lives in that incident, and we do not take it as lightly as you do.
You also forgot to include we were now a banana republic in your post. Your envy of the US is clearly evident
Dear ‘ Flattop’,
If you have heard the story of Dave Janda, how can I envy you (or the Americans).
Please tell me.
ROFL – “Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari warned Western officials this week that if they do not put pressure on the Trump administration the Iranian regime will leak the names of all Western officials who were bribed to pass the weak deal.”
Good one… LOL… bring it on… hard to believe anyone could be that stupid. If the Iranians had to bribe western leaders in order to get that deal, you now know for certain it was a bad deal – that’s what he just told everyone.
Thanks Mr Hunter and Dr Janda,just in some ways overwhelming.How Mr Trump can even sleep is beyond me,to his left and right treachery abounds.From my very ill educated perspective ,this treachery is all about money and the immediacy of that money,not the long term prospects of the USA.Just look at the number of high end car dealerships in and around Washington,where does the money come from to pay for such luxuries?
Here I am thousands of miles from the power of the USA,so I think,yet deeply touched by that power,whether I like it or not.The corruption of Washington is deeply infiltrated by our own government here in the UK.They lie in parliament and induce a reaction in the USA,to the point of sending young men and women from the USA to die for that lie.Again,these are your friends?
Above all else,the asset stripping of the USA is in full swing,the model being used is that of Russia 1990s,and the people of the USA “seem”quiescent of this,although a few ,such as USA Watchdog have been warning of this,with Dr Catherine Austin Fitts and Mr Warren Pollock trying to bring this to the people of the USA attention.Geniuses like Goya painted and sketched a warning from history,”In the Sleep of Reason, Monsters are Born”,are our very own Christian values being used against us whilst the monsters run rampant and we sleep,do we not need to awake?
Here in the UK our economy still sucks and our elite are still perverts and lying thieves,so no change.
Maria: What a pleasing persona you are! Scrubbing floors is a nice touch. Kudos, whoever and wherever you are, your stuff is well done. A good spy joins the fight against the evil trolls: it’s getting interesting here.
Diana I sure hope so, we need to know who is getting what when, and over what!
Mr. Hunter: Thank you so much.
The lead UN IAEA nuclear inspector resigned 3 days after Trump pulled us out of this unsigned “sgreement.”’s_chief_inspector_resigns_after_us_pullout_of_iran’s_nuclear_deal
I saw it briefly on the front page of the post. Crickets mostly though.
Zero reason given. No statement. A Finnish guy. Socialist nation.
You’d think the UN would at least give the public some anti-Trump grandstanding BS PR statement. Nope. Nothing. Dude just resigns.
Please dig into this. I suspect it’s because his “inspections” were bullshit.
Does Iran have nukes? The US did cyberwarfare with the infamous “Stuxnet” virus to target Iranian nuclear facilities.
The most charitable version I’ve read of Obama’s “accomplishment,” is that this “agreement” bought the US time. It seems to be agreed that eventually Iran will figure it out. This makes sense to me. Do they even need help? It was scientific innovation that enabled the US to do this. All it takes is money and some smart people. Or spying/ treason.
Quite frankly I don’t know what to believe.
That said, these democratic “elites” still don’t get it.
I was briefly worried about a blue wave. No longer. Trump 2020, and at worst republicans lose a chamber, likely the house with all the retirements. The approval rating could climb further depending on the NK summit in June.
People like John Kerry make it too easy. Does he not realize how much he is absolutely hated by at least half the country? If not 3/4 or more? Nobody wants to see a former deep state loser meddling in the affairs of this nation. Go home John. Play golf.
I really don’t know what to believe. The middle east is such a mess.
I’ll end with this. Israel is an interesting place. I’ll admit I’ve read a lot of anti-Israel stuff and been skeptical of them. Paul Craig Roberts bangs this drum, whom you’ve had on, but not for a while. IMO he is nuts or on the payroll of the Russians/RT and strangely posts almost exclusively Russian propaganda from Sputnik.
People complain about the Jews all the time. I’ve never quite understood it. Especially as an atheist I really don’t care about minor petty differences in theism between jews christians and muslims.
How many jewish hospitals does the US have? Steven Spielberg is one of the great directors of all time. Etc.
Conversely, how many Jews are knifing people in France? Or throwing gays off buildings? How mang Islamic hospitals do we have (what a laughable idea btw.) How many great Islamic-American filmmakers are there?
Zero. Literally, zero.
Food for thought.
“Does Iran have nukes?” Most likely they do – they would have been easy enough to get from North Korea or even Pakistan. But they may even be making their own.
People should read Hilary and Harvey Weinstein’s emails on wikileaks.
They’re unreal.
Harvey signs one
“Your bad friend.”
She knew. Or if she didn’t, she is an absolute moron. Or both.
harvey: Interesting tidbit!
What do you make of Hillary-confidant Huma Abedin’s recent contacts with Weinstein’s ex wife? Coordinating a coverup under the guise of helping an attack on Weinstein?
One word:
I don’t care what they’re doing. I am sympathetic to an extent as people can be great liars and manipulators.
Just like a lot of disaffected men search for answers in various ways, it is almost always scorned women who become feminists. The “empowerment” comes after their millionaire husbands humiliate them. Every. Single. Time, in my experience. Same for men, really. Except for men it’s called misogyny. Feminism is a hateful ideology in my opinion.
These women are just doing their best I suppose. I find their politics extremely annoying, to say the least, but whatever. I could not possibly care less about what these women do or what they have to say. I wasn’t even aware Weinstein was married until a few days ago.
A couple of thoughts about modern “feminism.”
(1) It has morphed significantly from the Betty Friedan version.
(2) It was hijacked by the cultural marxists to be used as a tool to split-off women to support leftist causes, much as the civil rights movement was hijacked.
(3) The cultural marxists were, in turn, hijacked by the Globalists, who are more Fascist than Marxist.
(4) Soros and others, e.g., many foundations, “charities,” and think tanks are tools of the Globalists.
(5) So, as destructive as modern feminism is to social cohesion and the welfare and happiness of ordinary people, it now is supported as a tool of the Globalists, rather than as an independent phenomenon or as a tool of the leftists. In other words, feminists are “useful idiots” not so much of the Marxists, as the Globalists.
(6) Therefore, the Hillary-affiliated Huma Abedin’s association with Weinstein’s ex-wife is not about some women who hate men; it’s real significance is different, it’s directly about politics and Hillary’s continued position — with life and death consequences — as a tool of the Globalists.
Janda keeps referring to his source(s) for all the info he’s referring to. I hope he met his “sources” in some clandestine location, while they were both naked, to show there were no recording or geo-location devices overseeing their exchange of information, because that’s the only way that sources can remain anonymous these days. All calls are recorded and its fairly common knowledge now, that our cell phones operate passively listening to our conversations. Not to mention the deliberate bugging of peoples calls who are known to discuss and have mass influence on subjects the deep state players and their buds at the NSA, hold dearly?
In this current environment of eavesdropping on all citizens, how can attys believe their phone calls with their clients have any degree of privacy, and in very high visibility cases and those cases where high dollar settlements are in play, how can either side believe there conversational content , even behind closed doors or in phone calls, doesn’t become info the NSA and other agencies to sell or provide to the biased players they side with? But I digress….
So , all Im saying is when we hear news provided and obviously the use of anonymous sources is noted , how can anybody referencing “sources” think their sources are really confidential?
Robert: That “bugged” me, too.
Good point. Janda loses credibility with all of his “sources.” Greg rightfully criticized the MSM losers for using anonymous sources.
I just wish greg would probe a bit on who these sources are. I think anonymity can be important, but certainly it is more credible to have a named source.
I really do not believe the US airdropped $170 billion, to Iran. That is an insane amount of money. The bank bailouts were about $750 billion though. So who knows. The world is pretty effing corrupt.
In this case a real person is vouching for the information instead of the reporter.
Glad to see the poll come back. I’d like to suggest registering people to use the poll. I wouldn’t mind submitting to a “membership” here and logging in to vote if it would thwart trolling and false results.
Loved the Dave Janda interview too.
Hi Greg
I hope all is well.
I recently read in someone’s comment on another site that the pallets of money that we sent to Iran was there money to begin with… they were wanting to buy military weapons then the USA changed their mind. Have you heard this?
SolarGuy out
Luckily you guys have the constitution. We are just fed baloney t24/7 about the Royal Family and our MSM here thinking we’re going to win the Eurovision Song Fest.
My Sunday’s wouldn’t be the same without you Greg, thanks!
Best interview ever. Heartfelt thanks to both of you.
The floaters in the septic tank may not go to prison but they will feel the edge of The Donalds razor against their throats for the rest of their lives and never know when he will slice.
Thankfully The Donald has his own security. Tricky as they come and a fine strategist.
God Bless.
Hi Greg
WOW! Dave Janda – best interview yet. Great that more and more people are becoming vocal about the Rothschilds. Dave describing Obama, Clinton et al as merely ‘middle level managers’ within the ‘cabal’ puts the extent of the struggle for human freedom in context. Love the ‘rope-a-dope’ analogy – helps explain ‘apparently’ inexplicable behaviour/s.
Real estate may not be the safest asset…
Certainly not in Illinois anyway Or several other overindebted states I would be a seller if I still owned in the US but I missed a lot of upside potential by sellin* in 2015
I had a stocks and shares ISA savings account, which I cashed in during the same year, 2015. I guess timing is not our forte.
TSI: Death and/or taxes eventually gets most of us most of the time.
Seriously, though, what are mere mortals to do? Are PMs, storage food, and guns/ammo the only sane investments right now?
My view is that the powers that be will not spend time sending SWAT teams round to break doors down in order to confiscate tiny amounts of precious metals from private owners (at least outside of India and China). They will just confiscate or raise taxes on the sitting duck assets that are widely owned by the public and that cannot be concealed such as real estate, pension funds and bank deposits. The worst that I can envision for precious metals is massive taxes for buying ans selling them. If they do come for gold and silver it will most likely be after every other asset has disappeared.
The “deal within a deal”. Fantasy.
And your sources are? Janda’s are high ranking political, Law enforcement and Intel. I’ll go with Janda. I know who some of them are.
David: “Fantasy” implies that Janda is wrong. I suspect even Janda’s sources are speculating, but doing so based on expert knowledge of a multiplicity of known facts about past relationships and other facts. Connecting dots is analysis, not fantasy.
“I suspect even Janda’s sources are speculating”
Possibly they are, but consider just how big these intel agencies are along with other agencies. In just one of them, if you could get 20 good insiders, they would all tell you something slightly different or even significantly different. Even if one works on the same floor as others, its impossible to know what the others are doing. And then there is the problem with Trump – one day he says (to the insiders) he is going to do this and the next day does something different. So what does an insider do? One needs to take all this with a grain of salt and instead look for trends in the info to form.
Are changes being made? yes
Are there many (25,000) indictments? yes
Have high up officials been proven corrupt? yes
and so on…
Thanks Greg,
For those here who have not seen the State Department letter to (then) Representative Mike Pompeo regarding the JCPOA not being a treaty, executive agreement and having not been signed…
Greg – Do you recall when you first mentioned the JCPOA not being a signed “deal”? Is it unknown by so many simply because the MSM kept it suppressed? Why is it just recently that the true details regarding the lack of signatures on the JCPOA are coming to light? Almost 2.5 years and only now… really curious.
Russ: I suppose it is impractical to make a “treaty” out of every understanding/agreement that is made between Presidents, governmental departments and agencies with foreign governmental entities. However, the danger of getting an out-of-control, tyrannical government that bypasses the Constitutional requirement that “treaties” be approved by the Senate is the inevitable danger in such practices.
As for secret deals of any sort, I can’t imagine how that squares with a republican form of government. Indeed, the profligate invocation of secrecy is proving to be great threat to all of us, as Kevin Shipp and many others have pointed out.
I’m sure that Kerry, Obama, and Euro leaders all got paid off handsomely out of the billions on pallets flown to Iran. The sanctions were (and are) severely hurting Iran. Its economy is a mess; almost critical, but not as bad yet as Venezuela. See the Gateway Pundit article by Jim Hoft that claims that Iranian leaders will expose the payoffs to politicians if the EU abides by Trump’s existing and increased sanctions.
Supposedly, the money given to Iran was to repatriate the value of financial and real estate assets frozen by the Carter Administration when the Shah was overthrown and the US embassy was attacked. Reports at the time put the value at a $billion; inflation adjusted to 2017 might make it $5billion +. However a C5A cargo plane could carry many billions in palletized $1oo bills fresh off the printing press. One pallet equals approximately $200million; 100 pallets = $20,000,000,000. So how many pallets will a C5A hold?
Greg, great guest, so astute. More information about just how wide and deep the swamp is. Can someone out there, including your guest, tell us WHY WAS THE DEAL NEVER SIGNED? What was the purpose of not signing the deal. Hey, is it just some kind of mystery, there must have been a purpose of not signing it. Who benefited by not signing the deal, Iran? Why have the MSM and even Trump not discussed the non-signing of the deal. Once this part has been acknowledged and the reasons known I believe the puzzle of this whole deal (no pun intended) will come to light.
Terrific interview! wow, Thanks Greg
Regards, Bill
Very informative week for USAWD, Greg in my view. Thank you!
Your numbers are not correct. A billion dollars is about twelve pallets of one hundred dollar bills. See here…
It WAS 1.5 – 1.7 billion in cash. The other 150 billion was in the form of frozen Iranian assets due to US sanctions. If it was 150 billion in cash then planes would have been landing non-stop in Tehran… Chip
Here, Greg you were correct, $1.7 billion in cash. First payment was $400 million and then another $1.3 billion payment. I’ve even heard Rush saying $150 billion in cash which is totally false.
Further, there is only about $850 billion of US dollars in circulation… Chip
It appears your thesis on the bribes is correct… Chip
Chip: As I recall, other currencies besides dollars were also used. And maybe there are now a lot more dollar bills in circulation than admitted.
According to Janda and his sources the cash payment was exponentially higher than $1.8 billion.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell fact from fiction.
There is a lot, yet to be decided. But as I have stated multiple times there is a reason that China has been importing trainloads of gold. And no, it’s not because they have a love affair with gold. There is a reset coming. Whether it is planned or just a result of massive debt, is open for debate. And whether this is a global takedown of the crime syndicate or a plan by the globalist to instill one world government is also open for debate. Either way it’s coming.
Jerry, The clue as to who will benefit from this “debt” forgiveness begins at the 2:24 mark:
“All debts owed to banks will therefore be forgiven. Honest debts between private individuals and companies will still need to be honored.”
What that phrase really means is the bank inter-lending will be forgiven to unravel the derivatives market but the “private individuals” who are the masses will still owe the “companies” who are the conglomerate of corporations working in cohesion with the central bankers:
For some enlightenment as to who “FA SIRIUS” is, who made that video you posted please check out their “temple of ISIS video:
The lines are being blurred at every turn:
Matthew 24:23-27 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is the Christ, or, Here; believe it not. (24) For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. (25) Behold, I have told you beforehand. (26) If therefore they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the wilderness; go not forth: Behold, he is in the inner chambers; believe it not. (27) For as the lightning cometh forth from the east, and is seen even unto the west; so shall be the coming of the Son of man.
Jerry: You can’t point to any legitimate source that there is a rest coming or that China possesses anymore that about 1600 tons of Gold. Stop spreading lies!
Are you on meds? It’s been covered a thousand times
That article is all speculation by a loser Gold Bug
Stan, if you lived in Argentina today. The price of gold rose another 6.65% against the peso. Being a gold bug has preserved your wealth. Since 2004 your up 30 times your money verses the peso. When the dollar goes the same way as Argentina. You will wish you was a gold bug instead of an ignorant troll who only wants to bully Jerry. Please give it a rest ?
“Loser” gold bug Stan you are truly an idiot
Stan is a troll – either by lucre, or some other vested interest. He “targets” you like lazer; and never lets up. Problem is – he is clueless , or a liar in presenting his arguments. Color him ‘nothing’. He is a no read.
Thanks Charles,
When I have the time, there’s nothing I like better than grinding on Stan. He’s not only clueless, he’s gutless. Stan is a byproduct of years of socialism so he cant even begin to grasp a tiny particle of the topics we discuss here. Greg can trot out expert after expert to reinforce what we discuss, but that doesn’t seem to penetrate Stan’s brainwashed skull. He’s proof positive that if you repeat the lie often enough you believe it.
If China was buying train loads of Gold the Gold price would be soaring. Chine needs Dollars, not Gold. And the value of the Dollars China holds is worth far more than the Gold they hold.
Are you teachable?
Stan is a counterpoint – who just keep trowing to find out what sticks. Truth is – you are so prominent, and share some of the BEST info and perspective: that Stan only engages to frag you down, get a reaction, or generally detract from your posts.
Forget this guy. He’s not here to learn anything; just tear you down.
Jerry should take it as a compliment that he has his own personal troll.
Eventually it will all come to gold holdings.
Dr. Janda is right. There may not be anything left in Fort Knox but gold plated titanium. This what happens when crime syndicates run your country. Could an audit really be that difficult ? The truth will eventually come out.
Jerry Plated “ tungsten “ titanium wouldn’t be heavy enough
Gold is no longer part of the world monetary system. This is not the stone age.
The wealthy are vaulting gold and are adding to positions of physical. This is a fact.
Stan you sound like Bernanke Do you work for the FED?
even Greenspan is a goldbug so it turns out.
Is that a backhanded way of calling him a troll?
Seriously. You need to check your meds dude.
Hard assets will always have value. What does your banker ask for when you want to take out a loan?
Why do central banks hold gold then?
I agree, gold holdings will be valuable—for a while. But, when it all comes right down to the very core of all of this, the thing that will be the most valuable is the righteousness of our country and whether we are serving God the Father and Jesus Christ. We cannot live in a world that only holds worldly things dear. Christ told the people that the things of this world will stay with this world and that spiritual things will be for eternity. All the worldly things that we focus on getting—-why? What purpose will they serve? It’s just STUFF. What we need is food, land, water, clothing, shelter–the basics. Beyond that, we need God. We are always looking towards all the stuff we can get, but really, we don’t need all that stuff. People who learn this lesson and look towards God, will be those who are still alive in the end. Nothing else will matter.
Beverly I agree with you that its important to be spiritually ready, because many of us may not survive what is coming.
On the other hand I also know what humanity is capable of. My mother was Jewish, and my father was French/ Indian.
Both cultures experienced what it’s like to be disarmed and have your freedom taken away by a totalitarian government. Unfortunately for me, my mother raised me to never run from a fight so I don’t know any other way to be.
I agree with Greg, that in the overall eternal scheme of things God the father and his son Jesus Christ are firmly in control, but in the meantime until he returns the rest of us are forced to live in Lucifer’s empire whether we like it or not. All of us are bond slaves to the Federal Reserve Bank whether we are willing to admit it or not. They don’t give IOU’s at the grocery store, and we don’t get to print money.
Published February 7, 2016
LOL… Chip
The timing may be hard to get right but a debt reset is coming.
It will eventually happen.
Hi Greg,
It’s time for the State Department to revoke the passports of former government officials who are conducting (illegally) their own private foreign policy, i.e., Kerry and Obama. Also, stop minimizing your general studies degree. You’ve done well with it. Some people rely on the reputation of their alma mater and some alma maters benefit from the reputation of their graduates. Remember that famous dictum that a graduate degree in any field simply means that the graduate knows more and more about less and less.
You know Greg, I hate to point this out, but the only reason the economy and plain daily life in the United States is not worse than it already is because of charitable people like the Rothschilds, Soros and the Rockefellers. They contribute billions of dollars every year yo the welfare of many Americans who without their help would be drowning in a sea of self pity. It is a shame that you and commentators like Mr. Dave Janda cant appreciate this. Things would have worked out much better if Trump didn’t steal the election from Hillary. That’s okay though. 2020 is coming and so is Hillary, Kamala, Oprah, Maxine Waters and Miss Sheila Jackson Lee.
You are going to get major push back for this comment praising global criminals.
You got that right Greg Gina has truly lost it If she ever had it to begin with that is
Yet another personal attack against someone with whom you disagree (even if they are a “troll”)?
Yup And you’re in my crosshairs so back off Mr Stanley
I think I just hear your Mom yelling back at you down the cellar stairs, “No I won’t bring you another hot pockets even if you are being a bad ass on the internet.”
Mr. Hunter: I have a different take. Gina#2 made me laugh, again. Perhaps I’m alone in this, but I’m getting to appreciate his sense of the absurd (at least the parts you let us see).
Your not alone William … I’m still laughing at Gina’s words: “it is because of charitable people like the Rothschilds, Soros and the Rockefellers contributing billions of dollars every year to the welfare of Americans who would be drowning without their help (i.e. like stealing their life preservers?)”
What do you know about the Federal Reserve?
How much money does Hillary have and how did she get it?
What do you think about Bill and Monica?
Why do so many Democrat run cities go broke and have such high crime rates?
Are you prejudice against men?
Is it true you secretly voted for Donald Trump.
Gina, America is twenty trillion dollars in debt, how do you propose
how we will pay for your Democrat give away programs?
If you raise taxes above twenty percent you will get less taxes in return
in the long term. How do you propose to pay for your welfare progams?
Gina, you have the floor, let us see what you know!
Simple problem. Simple solution. First enact legislation so that all those unemployed receive a living stipend adequate for living needs and mandate reforms for our minimum wage. Next, we need to compensate the African American race for 400 years of oppression. I would say we should award about a million dollars each.
Enact communism. Thank you to admitting what you and the Democrat/Marxist Party really is all about.
What would do to the people who sold the slaves to America?
Why did you not answer all the questions?
OMG, Gina, you manifestly harbor a secret hatred for “Native Americans”! What an insult to forget about them completely! Off to the reeducation camp with you, you racist!!!
Gina You truly are insane Are you related to Stan?
Yes, Frederick: they both work at the same place. In fact, Gina#2 is Stan’s boss and mentor. However, let’s be honest here: Stan just doesn’t have the creativity of Gina#2. He will always fail in his duty: “It is a student’s duty to surpass his teacher.”
Gina my girlfriends great great granddad was shot in the leg in the un-civil war. Lincoln visited his sickbed in hospital. How much should she get for his bum leg he had for the rest of his life? Bury the hatchet Gina> Be the adult in the room before were all at each others throats!
Gina … you say: “we need to compensate the African American race for 400 years of oppression … with an award of about a million dollars each” … actually the Fed is working on it right now … soon with their Universal Basic Income (UBI) plan so much helicopter money will be produced that hyper-inflation will make everyone’s Social Security Check a million dollars … each month!!
I want a million myself – for the decades of reverse discrimination of Affirmative Action.
In the infamous words of Sheldon Cooper “sarcasm ?”
Thanks for the laugh !
This is what’s going to happen. If president Donald Trump doesn’t unseal the indictments and begin to arrest these criminals soon, you will see an armed rebellion in the midst of an economic collapse take place in this country. Between the outsourcing of jobs and the theft by the bankers, the middle class has had enough. Nobody outside of California and Illinois (which are both broke because of socialism policies) is buying the B.S. anymore. Every conservative I know is armed to the teeth and loaded for bear.
The unsealings will start soon, Jerry. Trust the plan.
According to Q postings it could be within 30 days.
I sure hope he’s right. These crooks have gotten away with robbing us blind for to long.
Jerry above; Every conservative I know is armed to the teeth and loaded for bear.
Yup Jerry and so are the Rangers, literally, in Grand Junction!
Anyone who has any doubt about the United Nations intentions should read this article.
You need to do more reading if you are deceived or just get off this site if you are a troll. We all know that the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Soros are some of the most evil people on the planet. It’s well established. They may think they are doing right by servicing Satan’s plan, but they are not. And, you are also servicing Satan’s plan with your remark. These people are nutsos and you are part of that nutso gang. Please spare us the stupid remarks. We know the truth about these people. You call sacrificing children on alters, charitable? You can witchcraft charitable? You are evil.
sacrificing children on alters ? witchcraft ?
Really ? You must be sewn into the fabric known as the lunatic fringe.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Soros are not evil. They are concerned fellow human beings. They have spent much of their wealth paying the debts of the Southern slave masters who owned plantations before the civil war and oppressed an entire race for 400 years if you check.
When the truth comes out, what will you do?
I love it when uninformed people toss around the term “ conspiracy theory”. My mother (who was Jewish ) said they did the same thing during WWII about the death camps in Europe . There was a reason general Patton made the press film the gas chamber, when the allies to control. But yet some people still denied it. That will be you Gina .
No Gina,
I am NOT on a lunatic fringe. There is all kinds of pedophile crap going on in the world, and where does that lead to? It leads to Satan worship. Those people know what they are doing. You can think what you want about the innocence of these people, but you are walking in a daze and in denial.
Here is a 7 min video of John Mcarthur on jesus in the koran/hadeath, and the anti Christ of the bible.
Look forward to all your broadcasts .please research for THE AVERAGE GUY ON THE STREET how we might use our CURRENCY in the future. Just received a letter from Citi Bank . This letter tells me that in July tellers will no longer accept cash for credit card payments . If Citi no longer accepts what has always been legal tender for all debt public and private , what/who is next.
John: Interesting! Citi seems to be on the vanguard in the deep-state attack on freedom, especially via their credit card operations. They also now ban purchases of guns (or is it just purchases from gun stores?) with their cards. I’m in the process of trying to find a less hostile credit-card provider.
Have you looked into “ Wells Fargo” ?
Frederick: Thanks for the suggestion.
Maybe they want bitcoin for payment
This type of thing has been going on for a few years.
I have a question regarding the money paid to Iran. If it was used to build the Iranian military bases in Syria, why would Israel have been a part of the lightning of the money released to Iran? It appears to be a contradiction for Israel.
What is more contradictory is the fact that money was needed at all to pay to Iran … when they have official $100 dollar bill printing press plates given to them by the US Treasury … and can print up any amount of money they want … the official US Treasury $100 dollar printing press plates were given to the Shah of Iran years ago when Iran was our ally!!
I remember when original sanctions were placed upon Iran, there were 150 billion in Iranian assets frozen or in other words, financial assets captured outside of Iran in the western world financial system and Obama returned the 150 billion in frozen assets back to Iran. True or False?
In addition Obama paid 1.8 billion in interest in cash in Obama’s mind??
True or False?
Is this the Obama narrative? True/False?
Now, however the cash was used??? or
however Iran used the 150 billion is up to Iran.
I am more interested in the truth to the above as I have no problem considering the discussion in today’s interview.
I believe Iran is the last country to be dealt with after Syria and could this middle eastern axis be drawn into the global financial Globalist financial system.
General Wesly Clark made the statement after 911.
It appears the Globalists are being kicked out and losing in their attempt to construct the NWO.
Listen to the interview and many of your questions will be answered.
I was also going to mention the fact that when he Iranian Revolution of ’78-79 overthrew the USA’s puppet, the US froze 150 billion 1978 US dollars.
According to Dmitry Orlov, the reason Trump pulled out is that this amount plus interest would need to be released back to Iran under the ‘deal’ . Furthermore, the Treasuries/dollars would immediately be sold as Iran no longer can legally deal in dollars. THAT action would severely compromise the demand & liquidity issues already building, perhaps irreparably.
Seems as logical a motive as the ” Trump hates Obama and wants to undermine his legacy at all costs” meme doesn’t it? One must always consider money when trying to understand motive.
Dave’s absolutely right that the rule of law must be restored if we are to save our country. These lying traitorous weasels from the administrative and intelligence deep state simply cannot be permitted to get away with the malfeasance that being brought to the light of day… Chip
Great interview guys!
Its generally well understood that the hard narcotics trade in Europe is controlled by the Calibrian Mafia out of Italy. In fact, the Calibrian Mafia has exclusive rights to distribute and sell narcotics in Europe. Their drugs ( heroine, cocaine, meth, marijuana, etc.) are sourced in Central America and then shipped to various street dealers in their European network for sale. Someone else runs the North American drug market: The Mexican “Mafia”. So, “The Mafia” is not one monolithic entity, but rather an assortment of regional gangs (GROUPS) today.
When you have been around as long as I have and have seen so much of how the underside really operates, your first inclination is to say that this all sounds too good to be true. However, Dr. Janda does come across with a great deal of authority, he is certainly well connected enough to speak as he does, and just because what he says sounds good, it does not mean that it cannot be true. After all, did you ever think you would see the NY Post write a column like this one?
So I am going to sit back and remain hopeful that perhaps the septic tank is indeed being cleaned and I will remain patient and watch as it all unfolds. Thank you Greg for what you mean to all of us. Great work once again!
Does not mean its all true either. For example, Bill O’Reilly does NOT use “anonymous” sources for his daily podcasts. His news reports and commentary always are based on real sources and he has to know exactly who they are first; never just “anonymous”.
Mr. O’Reilly regards mainstream media reports who so often use and only rely upon such undisclosed sources as questionable at best and unethical, in His professional opinion. Fake News has no (real) sources, in reality. Its all either opinion or fiction. So, You be the judge here. Jandie may be a Dandy.
Mr. Bradley:
Dr. Janda seems to know exactly who his sources are. What he is vague about is whether “his sources” have first hand knowledge. My sense is that they do have some first hand knowledge, but they also have heard things from their sources. It’s the totality and consistency of it that lends it credibility. Remember, Janda has not claimed that he knows all the details with certainty.
I, for one, want to hear this type of partial information. I then can compare it with what I think I know from other sources to clarify my understanding. Definitive proof concerning such matters may never be forthcoming because we are dealing with an enormous lie/fraud/con-job. Yet top-notch conmen almost never give up the con. Nevertheless, even in the face of uncertainty, we must make the best decisions we can, and act.
I concur. No need to reveal the actual sources – who would be endangered: not when the facts are true.
There are two sides – right and wrong (Rule of Law); and Winners and Losers (Status Quo). This is the older-than-dirt attempt to discredit. Crimes take a lot of work to solve.
Endangered ? By whom? We need our boogiemen.
Money, mercenaries, intelligence… come on.
All the sources can be 100% correct about Iran and a drug deal “within a deal” … but what we must remember is … not to let drug trafficking be used as “an excuse” to drive us to war with Iran … otherwise … we will be fighting almost “every” Nation on Earth (who deals in drugs) for the next century … of course the neocon warmongers would simply love that!!
We have been fighting a “drug war” in Afghanistan for the last 18 years … has it helped to get drugs off the streets of America? … trillions of dollars have already been spent fighting this drug war? … do we have all the extra cash in our budget to fight another drug war now with Iran? … and then the Saudi’s, the Turk’s, Pakistan, etc., etc.?? … yes …. the Fed can simply print up the money for “a worldwide” War on Drugs (along with Universal Basic Income) … but our Million Dollar Social Security Checks likely won’t buy us a half-loaf of bread!!
Instead of a worldwide war on drugs that only helps the warmongers get rich on the backs of slaughtered women and children … why don’t the scientists at Monsanto “do something good for the world” and produce “Seedless Poppy Plants” … instead of seedless grapes and seedless watermelons???
By source, Bill O’Reilly means first hand sources, not a rumor passed along third hand. That is never considered reliable. You missed the point entirely. Go Drink some more of Janda’s Kool Aid. Better buy some gold too. OH, its down again today! Must be because of price manipulation. Oh MY !
Mr. Bradley:
Dr. Janda has Kool Aide? Yum, grape is my favorite.
And, Yippie!, gold is down. If it’s still down tomorrow, I may buy some.
How much gold did you ‘Actually’ Buy, Troll ?? How about Zero. Bet you don’t have the guts (balls) to put your money on the line and pay-up. Time to Walk Your Talk or at least “grow a pair”. Chicken.
Please understand the “deep state” just like “Pharaoh” works for our Father:
Romans 9:17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, For this very purpose did I raise thee up, that I might show in thee my power, and that my name might be published abroad in all the earth.
Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil. I am Jehovah, that doeth all these things.
Trump, less than 1 month after his inauguration, clearly announces a reset(which is a construct of the banking cabal) to a level exchange rate will take place sooner than most think :
Mike Maloney, in less than 3 minutes, proves this will happen at an emergency meeting:
It is certainly looking like the “table” is about to be set:
Daniel 11:27 And as for both these kings, their hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table: but it shall not prosper; for yet the end shall be at the time appointed.
The “lawless” are about to make their move:
I recall the Iranian deal vividly because of the photographs that were taken of pallets of currency being loaded into airplanes. At the time I questioned why cash, why not electronic transfers? In March 2012 Iranian banks were cut off from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (Swift) payment system. Without access to Swift, countries have difficulties importing or exporting of goods to other nations. Within that time period, all commodities such as oil, grains, metals, and others were priced in U.S. dollars and settled in U.S. dollars. Could this have been the reason that the unsigned deal with Iran tied currency assets that were frozen in U.S. banks to be settled in cash? In 2016 Iran was reconnected to Swift in Belgium, the headquarters for Swift. Since the U.S. dollar is the world’s reserve currency, many economists state the United States controls access to Swift. So in July 2015, it would appear to me that Iran could have been reconnected to Swift and the funds could have been transferred then, without resorting to using physical currency. Now the reported 1.7 to 2 billion in U.S. currency is a great deal of physical currency, especially since the highest denomination is the 100 dollar bill. So much so, that the transfer included Euros and Swiss Francs. In my opinion, the explanation that the inability to access Swift was a bogus excuse, and the real reason(s) was nefarious. Trump has claimed the deal actually cost 150 billion dollars, which the mainstream denies. Fast forward to January 20, 2016, the LA Times reported that Iran had repatriated billions from South Korean, Japanese, and United Arab Emirates banks. Simultaneously Europe relaxed sanctions and allowed Iran to convert currency into Gold. Somebody as Dr. Janda has pointed out, has to be pulling the strings. An article in Forbes confirmed what Dr. Janda said about billionaire Jeffrey Edward Epstein… “The source of his wealth — a money management firm in the U.S. Virgin Islands — generates no public records, nor has his client list ever been released.” It further states his money came from billionaire Leslie Wexner. As far as the treaty is concerned, I have read the Koran and Muhammad states it is acceptable to lie and make treaties with infidels that can be broken. In 1938 Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain held up the peace treaty that Hitler had signed. Worthless, just like this Iran Treaty. I believe Dr. Janda is spot on. Godspeed
Mikey: Thanks. Good detail.
Yes….very interesting
Thanks Mikey…please post here often
BTW, the link to this interview has gone out to a friends email list. I send it to one person and she sends it out to the world. Is this interview showing on yet?
Don’t sell yourself short Greg. I have known plenty of Ph.D.’s and you have waaaay more sense with your General Studies degree than many of them. A guy I know calls them educated idiots as he has known many of the same people.
Hi Greg etal, Happy Sunday, Great interview w/ Dave Janda. I had a thought in regard to Trump’s MO … Suppose he knows that the debt cannot be paid / and suppose that he knows that the US infrastructure needs a serious rebuild / and suppose he knows that our military needs a serious rebuild/reboot and moral boost … if President Trump’s strategy in the past is leverage w/ debt and it worked then … might it not work now ??
In regard to your visiting trolls … I choose not to respond to someone who attacks others simply because they do not agree with a point of view … I see three possible responses to a troll (or someone with whom you disagree) …1/ beg to agree to disagree and offer to discuss … 2/ ignore and do not respond thereby taking any potential wind out of their sails and 3/ attack them. Now I do not come here to attack anyone … I may not agree but it is beneath me to attack their character … not my place and what’s the point ?? For example … until the Good Doctor admits that his “religion” is a Fascist Ideology that promotes murder/rape and heinous acts and behavior then there is nothing to discuss with him; I once promoted (and still do) the idea of turning Mecca and Medina into glass thereby cutting the head off the snake … I was then accused of insanity and was accused of being inebriated … I once told the story of the present condition of our national forests and the history there and was accused of lying … it goes on but the point is without being able to agree to disagree then we have lack of civility at best and war at worst … I would say that now we are somewhere in between.
Yours in Faith and Liberty, FN, DB.
Wow! My favorite guest on my favorite website. What more could one ask for as a
gift on Mother’s Day? What a wealth of information and understanding we receive listening to Dave Janda for an hour.
Thanks, Greg, for all you do.
Thank you very much Jeannette!!!
Excellent interview with Dr Janda.
The question of “who” is the real Donald Trump is on the minds of millions of Americans-
is he an agent of the global elite, which appears to be so, by the people he has surrounded himself with. Dr Janda’s theory provides some hope as our path seems increasingly fraught with chaos and danger. Just as Trump’s appointment of Bolton as NSC director
challenges the premise Dr Janda is suggesting. I hope he is right.
Trump”s last few moves on the global chess board with Pompeo to SArabia, Macron, Merkel and Bebe to Washington plus Israel’s made for TV presentation on Iran, Israel bombing in Syria, Trump cancelling the Iran nuclear agreement. Not a peep from Congress. And $650B for the military industrial complex. Isn’t this the Deep State in action? No wonder we are confused about who we elected for President.
Millions of Americans want their liberty back, stolen post 9-11. They want their jobs back.
They want their middle class wealth returned, stolen by the global elite. They want an end to foreign militarism plus an end to the corruption of Washington, DC. They want the government to be less intrusive and more productive and effective. Awareness is spreading of the control by the oligarchs, politicians and other global elites over our society and our best interests as a nation are not relevant.
Trump has two more years… we must be patient and allow him more time… as Greg said its a huge task and if he truly opposes the global elite, it should be evident by Nov 2020. I’d suggest if Hillary and co-conspirators are not indicted and arrested by then, Trump failed. The rule of law has failed. The destruction of our country has taken a big step forward.
Side note: Anyone see the recent news video of Hillary down under in Australia, babbling on about ” when I was Secretary of State, we” blah , blah blah. Can’t this witch ever STFU?
Thanks again Greg for all you do.
“it should be evident by Nov 2020. I’d suggest if Hillary and co-conspirators are not indicted and arrested by then, Trump failed. The rule of law has failed.”
SPOT ON!!! Chip
Greg, you are the KING of news.
Thank you very much but I am just a servant trying to break news patriots need to hear!!
It’s nice to see Dr Dave having faith in his President, but he leaves some questions unanswered in his reasoning.
Why would Iran just roll over and do whatever Trump tells them? If anything they are likely to be very happy to assist in Americans poisoning themselves with drugs.
So what if the U.S. has sanctions on them, it’s not like they were great trading partners in the past.
It’s a new world out there and it’s going to take more than just waving the stick this time.
And what about the pallets of cash? For Iran it was a great bonus to actually get some of that money back, it must have been akin to winning the lottery for them.
You need to comment on a site that wants America to fail not on USAW!
Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari warned Western officials this week that if they do not put pressure on the Trump administration the Iranian regime will leak the names of all Western officials who were bribed to pass the weak deal.
I can hardly wait to see how all this plays out.
For me, this was a quick hour, and very engaging. Thank you Greg and Dave.
‘Catastrophic’: Wading into California’s shark problem
Will Pres. Trump TO BE playing his Trump Card or NOT TO BE playing it?: that is the question.
Patience is a virtue, but how long can America keep waiting for justice? Time’s a ticking and Donald is not getting any younger despite his incredible stamina and hair, especially with so many vile enemies and sneaky”friends” with long knifes surrounding him. Need I say, we definitely do not need another –“Et tu, Brute?” moment — at this time. As of now, the whole future of America hangs on every word and breath of Pres. Trump (who is 71 years young).
The public, here and abroad, has been kept in the dark (like insignificant little mushrooms) about the humongous conspiracies of treason, theft, drugs, human slave and trafficking, child sex and ritualistic murders, … — which is often hidden by globalists doing their dirty business through official governments, many big banks and corporations, global organizations, charities (Clinton Foundation, etc), WARS, and fighting global “TERRORISM” (whatever the heck that is?).
What happens when America, and the world finally realizes, that the foundation of the current American Empire is mostly based on FRAUD and LIES? Not only is America naked and without any clothes of VIRTUE and HONESTY, but it most likely does not have a loin cloth of REAL GOLD as well.
Despite the horrific magnitude of the drug trade and pedo-activities, the real crux of our problem is still financial and monetary. I’m not sure how Pres. Trump — the ultimate “deal-maker” — can ever restore America to greatness when so many traitors have systematically destroyed America from within, since Jekyll Island to our current Kissinger/Nixon PETRODOLLAR that will soon be worthless.
At some point, all this tedious rope-a-doping by Trump must transition into some hard knock-down punches. We must trust in God no matter what happens, but the popcorn is surely getting stale and trusting in God is never easy.
John M: When the arrest warrants are issued, those arrested will have the best lawyers money can buy, and who know all the legal loopholes. Better to go slow and make cases solid than to rush and allow the charged to get off free through a loophole. I have every confidence it all will come to pass in due time
Here is an update from Syria: Pro Assad forces attacked by Israel. This is not about Iran, but removing Assad.
It was Syria that allowed the building of 10 military biases in Syria. By the way, Syria is attacking Israel too in this report.
if you go to the 4:26 mark and hear Dr. Janda, he says, “When Flynn was directer of Defense & Intelligence, he was the one [Flynn] who came out and said. Listen ISIS is weaponized, funded, trained, by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Israel. Then you chime in with a MMMM, MMMM, MMMM!
Greg we all know why they were trained and funded. Why Chris Stevens and staff were allowed to die to cover up Hillary’s gun running to Syria. To topple Assad and Pipelines to Europe! Marginalize Russia, no Russkie gas to Europe and why we surround Russia. They then they would have done to Putin what they are trying desperately to do to the Trumpster, regime change! Believe me they still will try to take out the Trumpster because they’ll never trust him. Trump and Putin are are in the way of the glorious New World International Socialist dis-order. Adolph Hitlers very own 1000 year very wet dream of world domination.
What they don’t realize is Adolpho took that 1,ooo year reign, [riech] from Revelation and it’s Christ’s thousand year reign and it promises to remove all the kingdom’s on earth and Greg, all means all. The problem, when they always get down to the Christian is they don’t trust them either. They always get to, do you pledge your allegiance to your country or your God?
The only country on the face of God’s green Earth is the United states of America that say’s in God we trust and our allegiances in the pledge are under God. But dictators don’t like that and because our allegiance is to God first the New World dis-order people wont like it. But what they don’t know is when they come after us, because of it, our allegiance to God first, it will all be over for them and then we will have a New World Order not Odor!
They will have to know;
Psalm 83:18 King James Version (KJV)
18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth.
King James Version (KJV) Public Domain
With all the talk of us going the South American way,[Banana Republic]. In my work I came across this little ditty in my research. Is this what we have to look forward too, corruption along with massive monetary inflation? Critical times ahead!
MD-82 Tyre birst in Kinshasa-NDjili Airport
By Iceman on Friday, Mar 4th 2011 15:31Z
I do believe Hewa Bora Crew on that MD-82 are great pilots, I can’t compare Philadelphia International Runways to Kinshasa.., however I do is the government of Congo thru the Civil Aviation ( Airport Authorities) known as R.V.A ( La Regie des Voies Aeriennes) that is responsible of poor airport runways maintenance, Back in days my Father was a Director of RVA money allocated for Runways maintenance went to maintain Airport Runways..but these days? with Corruptions and mess up Government? what can you expect? they rather steal money and spend on New 4X4 , Benz, 5 Wifes that see money going to maintain Airport Runways, Fact: GOMA Airport Runway? since the Volcany Erruption? lava still there! How sad! but Government spend more on other BS..while no Highways in the Country and Airports and Airplanes are the main mean of moving People and Good thru out Congo. oh well! I guess it is a new generation of Crooks or just Kooks.
Deplorable Runway…..
By Mobotu on Sunday, Jun 27th 2010 17:09Z
They are 100% correct is saying the runway is in deplorable condition. Although in the article it states "No anomalies were found with the runway" – This is utter bull…T – I talked with a civil aviation inspector the day after the accident who was present at the crash site – he informed me he and his collegues walked the runway where the aircraft had taken off minutes before to find pieces of wood, metal and other debris lying on the runway, not to mention adjoining concrete blocks having up to 5cm difference in hight AND broken and/or missing runway center lights with protruding retaining bolts up to 2cm in hight. This is the FIFTH such incident/accident within a year and although they have been working on and off for the past two years rebuilding the first 1500mts of RWY 24 it is still VERY dangerous – Even an SAA A320 had the same problem with damage to hydraulics and flaps at the same airport.
Hi Greg…Your doing fine… Great job. You can’t grasp the final solution… God….)
Jesus wins and rules for 1,000 years? (actually forever)
What am I missing?
Cant even find some good kids to get off their butts and do honest work?
With so much corruption, who wants to even work? Not Gina and her Ilk! They’d rather steal and get away with murder. Like the judge who wanted plain English not legalese [the lawyer to the judge, ok your honor, we stole that money fair and square! That’s how they think! That’s why politicians are all lawyers, to steal legal!
Look at Comey taking 7 mil. from our military complex! Look at Obama’s bud Rain’s when at Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac. Corruption is going to go rampant in our country because of these fools!
Greg, can’t wait until Obama’s Iran Deal is leaked to the fraud it was. Could Iran spill the beans? They are threatening to do just that. Iran as an enemy of the U.S. I understand their motives, but the American traitors I guess it was greed, either way Iran needs to return our money (restitution) and we need to jail the perpetrators. That trip of Kerry’s to Iran IS TELLING!
Hillary is in town…………….Same message different day.
Aussies are not that gullible Lady!
Hopefully Iranian officials will SQUEEL on the corrupt western traitors. That would make me very very happy.. I want some hangings to occur ASAP.
I agree DBCooper I don’t read or respond to a troll’s comment, by all means, Greg should post their comments if they are within his standards but by us responding only fuels their narcissistic craving for attention from our reactions……………Gina and alike will move on once their cravings haven’t been met.
Unfortunately, when she comments she gets all the attention and I only get to read half the comment section because I won’t read the reactions.
Shalom Dave and Greg,
Just thought you might like to see this:
I have survived the fall of 4 nations. It will get ugly. Please prepare for it.
Lo Iyrah,
What The President Does on Days Off
If trump wants to m.a.g.a. He needs to audit, then abolish the fed .the parasitic Rothschild banking cartel has been around since the 1600s but its roots go back to Babylon .credit suissebank estimated their net worth to be about 235 trillion.these are ill gotten gains .isnt it interesting that the only time Christ was violent was when he chased the money changers from the temple .you could only use temple Coinsbut you had to give them two roman coins for each temple coin .another good interview Greg.
F-22s Intercept 2 Russian Bombers Off Alaska Coast Friday
First an old white woman, who can’t stand on her own two feet, is gonna be chained and thrown into a black paddy wagon like a sack of potatoes. Then an old white guy, sporting a horses’ head on a greyhounds body, is gonna be shot for treason. And now , our black/white Muslim ex president is gonna be hung for crimes against the State!?!? Our enemies nukes can stay siloed while the good ‘citizens’ burn every City to the ground. Now thats
Greg, its official, America’s embassy in Israel has opened in Jerusalem all to the dismay of all those peaceful Palestinians reading the Koran. One interesting point of all this is that Turkey has loosened its belt from the United States once again and is, of course, supporting all those peace seeking protesters whit only kindness in their heart. Turkey is readily unbuckling from NATO and the West and, as predicted in Ezekiel 38 & 39 and align themselves with Iran and Russia. Wow, we live in interesting times don’t we. Frankly, Turkey should have never been in NATO from the start, that old Ottoman Empire leader has been slaughtering Christians & Jews for centuries and its about time they took off their face mask and sided with their real buddies in crimes against Israel; at least they won’t be hypocrites any longer when they come out of the closet
To J. Sinclair, Extrordinare.
Me too.
Friday night, concurrent with reading your post/watching your video, I was also watching the History Channel and its several shows on Tesla and Ancient Monoliths. And same night, stumbled on John G Trump’s (Donald’s uncle) connection to Tesla. (All dots I needed to connect.)
You know the “higher consciences-ness thing” (God’s revealed wisdom) is not limited to great men and great revelations, but can occur on a regular basis on regular topics to those who ask, seek and knock (although ultimately, they do lead to a ‘higher’ revelation). And, I felt your post was a part of revealed knowledge on my ‘study’ Friday night.
I am not familiar with George Norie but will accept this as a ‘clue/guidance’ to investigate…..maybe another dot to be connected. Thank you, again.
To J. Sinclair….
Found George Noory (aka Norie…lol)
“ George Noory has also appeared in the History Channel series Ancient Aliens….”
So….it seems like the dots have come full ‘circle’ back to the History Channel and Ancient Aliens on Friday night!
In my ‘studies’, I call this a ‘confirmation’…..not the same as a ‘revelation’…but it serves a purpose. To avoid ‘coincidence’, I require 3 confirmations for every revelation…(God knows this about me).
No, I’m not a nut….well maybe I am to those who don’t experience a personal relationship with their God. Thanks again.
You can listen live 1:00 am to 5:00 am ESDT to Coast to Coast each night on the INTERNET or broadcast over the airwaves if your in range of a station, which is hard not to in the US. and it’s George Noory not Norie, sorry my mistake.
P.S. Greg is on the show from time to time, don’t miss it when he’s on. He’s interviewed instead of vice ah versa.
As a Coast Insider, you can listen to the show live or on-demand with your computer or mobile device. All audio streams are delivered in high quality, crystal clear audio.
Additionally, you can download past shows, chat with hosts and special guests, and e-mail the show host directly. You can sleep at night with this available!
J. Sinclair…..Thanks for the info….easier to plan to listen. I have heard of Coast to Coast….looking forward to new stuff to digest.
Great interview and I like to know what is really going on behind the scenes. Dave Janda great individual who like you is working to help AMERICA .
Kind of off the subject but I just found out that I am related to Donald Trump on his mother’s side, Mary Anne MacLeod . Donald is my 13th cousin 1 time removed. Doing research his Father was named Frederick Christ Trump Sr. His paternal Grandmother was Elizabeth Marie Christ. Kind of a coincident? The three names used Marie derivative of Mary , then Elizabeth who was Mary’s cousin and Mary child was Christ.
Iranian group offers $100,000 reward to anyone who “destroys” new US embassy in Jerusalem.
I say if someone wants to destroy you, destroy them first.
You would say that You Bolton and Johnny MCCain are all psychopaths
A Slippery-slope of perspective… ? Your sense is right.
Si vis pacem … Para Bellum
Greg, the Telegraph reported about Turkey and its President which by the way is visiting little old England at present: The United States has forfeited its authority to broker a solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict and has become “part of the problem, not the solution”, Turkey’s president has said. Let me say Turkey is part of the problem, its talks out of both sides of its mouth. Turkey will side with Russia and Iran against Israel shortly, in time it will advance on Israel: Ezekiel 38 & 39; Turkey is marching right along with Ezekiel and they don’t even know it. Turkey should have never been aligned with NATO after WWII (1952) and they have done everything in their power to cause the U.S. problems the last 20 years of so, including, but not limited to just recently supporting the Iran deal and cheating with Iran to name just one. Turkey will be a thorn in the side of Israel and the U.S. in perpetuity. I would advise Christians and Americans to get out of Turkey as soon as they can!
Greg, more Turkey news: Turkey has recalled its ambassadors to Israel and the United States following the killing of dozens of Palestinian protesters by Israeli forces amid the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem.
The diplomats, currently stationed in Washington, DC and Tel Aviv, will return to Turkey for “consultations”, Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said on Monday, adding that three days of national mourning had been declared in solidarity with Palestine.
Ankara also called for an emergency summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to be held this week – possibly on Friday – and a UN General Assembly meeting over Israel’s use of force, Bozdag added.
Look like the old Christian/Jew killing country is back again, just in time to hook up with Iran & Russia against Israel. For those who don’t know all about Turkey’s history of genocide, research the slaughter of their neighbors the Armenians around 19o5 or so, just among others. THERE BACK, just as described by the prophet Ezekiel. Fellow Christians and Jews get out of there while you can as things can change in a hurry!
Hey Greg & Bloggers, Turkey’s President is thick with Russian Putin. The NATIONAL REVIEW: As Erdogan turns his back on the West, the danger is not that Turkey could leave NATO but that it might not.
Independent observers have deemed Turkey’s referendum campaign to be neither free nor fair, but their objections may be moot. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has claimed victory and declared debate over; he will not accept a recount or nullification.
Symbolically closing the door on the secular, Western-leaning republic founded nearly 100 years ago by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Erdogan visited not his tomb after the election but rather that of the Ottoman sultan Mehmet II (r. 1444–46, 1451–81), who conquered Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 1453. The visit capped Erdogan’s more than decade-long embrace of neo-Ottomanism, the idea, promoted by former foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu, that Turkey should focus its foreign policy more on the former Ottoman domains in the Middle East and North Africa than in Europe or elsewhere in the West.
The neo-Ottoman reorientation may have just been the beginning as Turkey seeks to pivot from its westward focus. It appears headed not only toward a break with the European Union, in which it once sought membership — in recent weeks, Erdogan has likened both the Dutch and the German governments to Nazis — but also toward a full-scale embrace of Russia.
NATO authorities have been in denial. “We are grateful for Turkey’s long-standing contribution to our alliance in so many ways,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said after a visit to Istanbul and Ankara last year. He has lauded Turkey’s contributions to the international fight against terrorism, never mind that Erdogan has transformed Turkey into an underground railroad for Islamic State fighters and supplied and endorsed al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria and elsewhere.
On its surface, a Russo–Turkish alliance might seem counterintuitive: Russia and Turkey have been historical adversaries. Russia fought multiple wars against the Ottoman Empire and long sought to win possession of the Bosporus. During the Cold War, Turkey was one of only two NATO members bordering the Soviet Union.
In recent years, Ankara and Moscow have been at loggerheads over Syria, as Russia doubled down on its support of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad while Turkey supported the militant opposition. This tension peaked after a Turkish F-16 fighter shot down a Russian Su-24M attack plane that had strayed into Turkish air space. Turkish-backed Syrian rebels shot and killed the pilot after he ejected. The Russian government retaliated by forbidding Russian tourism firms from working with Turkey, crippling an already-reeling Turkish industry.
In recent months, however, Erdogan and Russian president Vladimir Putin have reconciled (notwithstanding the assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey). Tourists are back. The two leaders met to bury the hatchet, first in St. Petersburg and then in Istanbul. They discussed billions of dollars in energy, infrastructure, and nuclear deals. Often, when the topic turns to the nuts and bolts of business, the professional diplomats leave the room and the two leaders, each of which is a financial giant in his own country, hash out deals that are as much about reconciling bank accounts as national interests. Even the murder of the Russian ambassador to Turkey by a Turkish policeman swearing allegiance to an al-Qaeda affiliate did not derail the rapprochement.
The Turkish military tilt toward Russia has gone beyond the symbolic.
Ok Bloggers, I won’t give you any more Turkey news this week, but be aware, that is where our esteemed member of NATO is; playing the West, loving old mother Russia and getting ready to help the Muslim cause of the extermination of Israel. Christians and Jews, get our of her as another genocide is on its way. The Turkish people are ready, willing, and able to turn on a dime and their President is seeking support for his secret agenda(s).
May I suggest the Movie, “From Russia With Love”. From London to Zagreb to Istanbul on the orient express. You’ll see the Russian and Turkish thing in this movie.
The Slavs from Russia and the Ukraine settled the Balkans and the Turks fought the Slavs in the Balkans taking them over and back to Turkey where today the Turkish population have mixed European blood. There are Blond blue eyed Turks like Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, there beloved leader who made Turkey a modern nation more western than Orient.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Arthur Barnes
John Paul Jackson prophesied that Turkey will one day be the head/leader of Islam.
For those paying attention look at petroyuan futures contract index chart since April 1.
The petrodollar payment system is beginning to fracture.
I remember the day the towers fell. My first thought was the basic tenant of terrorism is to suck the attacked country into an over-reaction, thus sewing the seeds of it’s own demise. I questioned at the time, whether the US had the ‘smarts’ to take a deep breath, and think long and hard about it’s response. Well, that sure as hell went out the window fast. What i didn’t realize was the powerful in the US WANTED an excuse to go postal on the rest of the world. It was a fine opportunity to cloak their greed and ambition in the rightfulness of the ‘War on terror’ (TM). In the seventeen years since 2001, we can trace the overturning of nearly every basic good the US once stood for …internally, and against the rest of the planet. There will not be a great awakening, where the public rises up in righteous anger and restores the values of the republic and its constitution. Instead, count on the final collapse, bringing revolution and blood in the streets. This is the inevitable outcome , the RESET. Think food, safety.
Can you say “ false flag “ ?
OK. I didn’t read the many comments above before posting.
I have read that Iran is talking about releasing the names of those who gained moneterally from the “deal”.
Should prove very interesting if it happens.
Greg Why don’t you have some real men of truth such as Noam Chomsky, and how he exposes the hidden agedness of Americans elite including your Man Trump….. NK and SK do not want Trump interfering with the talks needed for peace. Can the world survive the Ignorance of climate change now that Trump has abundant the world in this direction to cool the world……we are 3 degrees away from this 97% fact of destruction. Christians ideals mean to rule all the nations for money, with nukes.
You mean real men of communism and Marxism. Yeah, that’s where the commie pigs take your rights to bear arms and murder you. This was the result for 100 million souls that fell under communism globally. Chomsky is an black hearted atheist that thinks the government is your god. NO THANK YOU.
Doctor Janda is truly amazing. He has the ability to make his points with such insight and intelligent logic that it is absolutely impossible to make any reasonable arguments against what he says! I never would have found him if you did not do what you do for us, thank you with all my heart. You are doing a great service for us all, keep up the good work!
God bless you brother.
Stormy Loses Steam as Media Sandbags Porn Star & [Shyster] Lawyer
Stormy’s 15 minutes of fame drawing to a close? LETS SNOPES SO! – May 14, 2018
Sick of this “ Stormy Daniels” nonsense to be honest Move on already Shit happens
The Iran Nuke deal AND the withdrawal from it, was written in 2006 by the Brookings Educational Think Tank
Please note Greg: The deal was made in 2015
Is this a record # of comments for an interview?