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Russia Strikes Back, Bridge Disaster, FDA Ivermectin Lies

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 627 3.29.24)

There was a terror attack in Moscow last week that killed at least 130 unarmed people who were out for a night of fun.  Russian security services (known as the FSB) think that the US, UK and Ukraine were behind the attack.  The FSB claims they paid the terrorist gunmen with crypto currency.  Didn’t Sam Bankman Fried, former President of FTX, launder money through Ukraine and then give it to the DNC to use in the 2020 election?  Russia is preparing for a global war against NATO.  Martin Armstrong says the Deep State neocons want global war, and they are going to try to get it started between May and July, well before the 2024 Election.  Money managers at JPMorgan warn Russia could strike back and push oil past $100 a barrel by Election Day.  There is plenty more Russia could do to get even for this murderous attack in Moscow. (more…)

Destructive “Chemtrails” Finally Coming to Light – Dane Wigington

By Greg Hunter’s 

Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says it looks like the destructive climate engineering operation that has been going on for decades is finally coming to the attention of the public with new legislation happening in states like Tennessee.  Terms like “chemtrails” are used to hide the massive harm being done to the climate.  Tennessee is taking action because the harm being done to the “public welfare” with everything from heavy metals, aluminum and nanoparticles being sprayed on everyone to manipulate the climate.  Of course, there is no public discussion, let alone public approval, of this evil weather warfare that is well established climate Engineering science since just after WWII.  (more…)

CV19 Vaxed and Unvaxed Need Treatment Now – Dr. Betsy Eads

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Dr. Betsy Eads warned about extreme disease and death coming because of the CV19 bioweapon/vax since the beginning of Covid from infection to injection.  She warned about AIDS, infertility, turbo cancers, heart disease, blood clots and many other problems caused by the CV19 bioweapon injection.  Dr. Eads was right every single time.  Now, Dr. Eads is saying everyone needs treatment whether you are CV19 vaxed or unvaxed.  Dr. Eads explains, “We are getting transmission from the vaxed to the unvaxed.  We are getting chemtrails.  They are putting the mRNA in our food.  People have to understand, people need to detox and protect yourself whether you are vaxed or not.  I contend everybody should be taking some Ivermectin.” (more…)

Theft Legal in NY, Black Swan Coming, Fed Rate Cut Tease

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 626 3.22.24)

It is looking like the Democrats are making theft legal in New York.  Donald Trump is on the verge of losing nearly a half billion dollars of property in Westchester County because he lost a fraud case where nobody actually was a victim of fraud.  The case is a classic study in abuse of power by the New York State Attorney General and a judge willing to suspend reality to bankrupt the GOP nominee for President.  Theft appears legal in New York if it is orchestrated by Dems against the GOP.  The Appellate Court should step in and put a stop to the theft for the good of everyone. (more…)

Survive with Lifesaving Power – Greg Hunter

By Greg Hunter’s (Satellite Phone Store – Updated Sponsored Post) 

There are many ways these days to have your power go out.  There are extreme weather events such as in California on (3/13/24).   A headline from Newsweek read: “California Warned of Massive Blackouts as Urgent Weather Alert Issued.”  The report said, “Parts of California are bracing for power outages as high winds were forecast to whip through the state from Wednesday night into Friday.  ‘Damaging winds’ were expected throughout the prolonged windy period in the state, as well as in most of Nevada.” (more…)

Stop All Nanoparticle CV19 Vax Injections Now – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 mRNA nanoparticle vax.  Kingston proved the CV19 vax was a bioweapon from the very beginning and is now on a team pushing to stop using it in Florida.  Kingston says, “We know the mRNA injections never provided any benefit, and because of that, they actually meet the definition of a biological weapon under 18 U.S. Code 175.  It’s also a weapon of mass destruction under Florida law 790.166.  The statement of facts that was submitted (to the Florida Supreme Court) goes through all the evidence. . . . There was 1.5 million adverse events.  The definition of a weapon is any biological agent or device that doesn’t prevent against infection, doesn’t prevent any kind of disease . . . and was not done under bona fide research.  (more…)

Biden Unelectable, Arbitrary Prosecution of Trump, Fed Not Cutting Rates

Greg Hunter’s (WNW 625 3.15.24) (Updated)

The news you are about to read you can find nowhere else than  You have heard me talk about the “real” approval rating of Joe Biden.  It’s been stuck at 9% for months.  I have two very good sources for this number:  One is Martin Armstrong with his “Socratees” program.  The other is a confidential source I know personally that I have to protect; otherwise, he could get fired from a very big tech company.  The new news is from my confidential source, and he says that Biden’s real approval number is about 8%.  It’s gets worse.  My confidential source says on a deep data dive on Biden, he cannot win a single demographic.  Let that sink in.  JOE BIDEN CANNOT WIN A SINGLE DEMOGRAPHIC.  This has never happened in presidential polls.  When I asked what this means, my deep data mining source summed it up by saying “Biden is unelectable.”  (more…)

Eventual Financial Death Spiral Now Imminent – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino warned nearly four months ago of a “U.S. Financial Death Spiral.”  This past week, Bank of America caught up to Rubino and issued a warning about a “US dollar death spiral” because the federal government was going deeper in the red by creating “$1 trillion in new debt every 100 days.”  Maybe this is why gold and Bitcoin have been hitting new all-time highs day after day.  Rubino says, “When a building was worth $200 million and someone sells it for $48 million, that means there is a loss that someone has to take.  Those losses are mostly on the books of regional and local banks.  So, they are in big trouble financially. . . . (more…)

Trump Wins Big, Biden Fumbles State, Dollar Death Spiral

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 624 3.8.24)

Super Tuesday was this week, and Trump ran that table. He won 14 out of 15 primary states. Nikki Haley finally stopped embarrassing herself and gave up. Meanwhile, Joe Biden gave the State Of The Union address and left out the real things he should have been talking about. Here’s my short list: The border, Ukraine war and US military boots on the ground there, the Fani Willis/Trump RICO case pushed by the White House falling apart, flying 320,000 illegals into America and the federal government involved in massive sex trafficking are just a few of the things that should have been talked about Thursday night. The country is falling apart, and this is exactly what the Deep State wants. (more…)

Ultimate Survival Go Bag from

Sponsored Post for 3.7.24 

It seems every week there are increasing stories about weather events that are causing people to evacuate in a hurry.  There are recent fires in Texas and Maui.  There are weather events of flooding one day and 10-foot snowfall and blizzards the next.  On top of that, the FBI is warning about big hacking from China that could shut down the grid and even your bank.  The FBI is also on record predicting terror attacks that will be happening in large scale in America sooner than later.  If you are put in a situation that you are forced to leave on short notice, do you have the tools to survive this hardship? (more…)

BRICS Will Devastate US Dollar & Economy – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny predicted last year to “expect the US dollar to go lower and gold, silver and Bitcoin to trend higher, much higher in 2024.” What have we seen so far? Bitcoin and Gold are, once again, flirting with all-time highs, and silver is starting to turn up, too. What about the dollar? So far, it is holding steady, but Polny contends the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are about to put a hurting on the buck. (more…)

Putin Nuke Warning, CV19 Vax Inflation, Tanking Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 623 3.1.24)

Russian President Putin warned NATO that sending troops to fight in Ukraine could cause a nuclear war. Putin pointed out that Russian nukes travel at hypersonic speeds, and the weapons of the west are no match. Putin also signaled that he was ready to talk about a peace deal to end the fighting. With 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed in action and even more dead civilians in this war, isn’t this a good time to stop the killing? (more…)

Entering a Global Great Depression – David Morgan

By Greg Hunter’s

Economic analyst and financial writer David Morgan has gone against the majority in the past with predictions that seemed unbelievable at the time. One prediction last year is the Fed not cutting interest rates in 2023. The Fed didn’t, and Morgan is still predicting there will be no Fed interest rate cut anytime soon. Now, with a record high stock market, Morgan is predicting “We are entering into a global depression the likes of which the world has never seen.” The warning signs are many as Morgan explains, “When we enter a depression, people cannot keep up with inflation. So, they work even harder or more hours to try to make ends meet.” (more…)

Super Bull Market in Gold About to Start -Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning of a huge war and financial cycle, and it is clear both continue to build.  The war cycle will continue to amplify until World War III breaks out.  Meanwhile, unpayable debt will continue to explode until another Great Depression hits America again.  Standing in the gap is gold, and the wait for a bull market is about over.  Nenner explains, “The dollar’s buying power could possibly  be cut in half. . . . That’s the reason why we expect a super bull market in gold and silver when the cycle bottoms.  You remember I came on and said coming, coming, but not yet?  I say it was too early . . . but, now, we are getting very close to a bull market.  . . . Gold could still have one more down move because the cycles are still down.” (more…)

China Hacks, Get Trump’s Money, CV19 Vax Murders Continue

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 622 2.23.24)

AT&T suffered a widespread cell phone service outage this week, but if China attacks Taiwan, that is going to be a small event, according to US Senator Marco Rubio.  He says the AT&T outage will be “100 times worse” if China launches a cyber-attack on America preceding an invasion of the island nation off the coast of the Chinese mainland.  Rubio says, “A China cyber-attack could knock out power, water and even your bank.”  Remember that more than half of the US Senate got satellite phones last year to provide what is called “continuity of government” in case of emergency and war.  You have been warned. (more…)