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Global Growth Will Never Return to its Glory Days-Chris Martenson
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Chris Martenson of says, “We have an economy that requires constant exponential growth . . . that won’t happen. We’re on an unsustainable course.” Martenson says the next 20 years will look nothing like the last
Weekly News Wrap-Up 12.14.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The Fed made it official, this week, with continuation of money printing to infinity. The Federal Reserve is now engaged in $85 billion a month in pure QE. It is continuing to buy the sour mortgaged-backed securities
America is Going to Crash Big Time-Paul Craig Roberts
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, and he warns, “America is going to crash big time.” Dr. Roberts says, “The real problem is not the fiscal cliff.” The dollar is on very
Cash is Going Out of Style-Gregory Mannarino
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Financial analyst Gregory Mannarino says, “The Federal Reserve is going to print into oblivion. Why? Because cash is going out of style.” It was recently reported the Fed is buying 90% of U.S. Treasuries. Mannarino contends, “The
Weekly News Wrap-Up 12.07.12
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s Once again, there are two multifaceted stories dominating the news. They are the Middle East and the U.S. financial crisis. Syria is in a full blown civil war, and it is spilling out into Turkey and Lebanon. So
Gold is the Anti-Bubble-Jim Willie
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Jim Willie is the editor of the “Hat Trick Letter.” He has a PhD in statistics and crunches the numbers on things like gold, currencies and bonds. Jim Willie says, “Gold is the anti-bubble. . . .
Jon Stewart and the Fiscal Cliff
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s I don’t know about you, but I’m already sick of the so-called “Fiscal Cliff” battle in Congress. That’s the mandatory concoction of tax increases and spending cuts that kick in January 1st if Democrats and Republicans can’t
Over 20 Million Houses Sitting Vacant-Fabian Calvo
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Real estate expert Fabian Calvo says there’s more to the story about rising prices in the housing market than what’s reported by the mainstream media. Calvo charges, “There’s a tremendous amount of manipulation . . .
Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.30.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The two big issues, this week, are the U.S. debt deal and the Middle East. The debt deal that everyone thinks was in the bag looks like it is nowhere near a done deal. It all comes
Gold Higher by End of Year-Yra Harris
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Yra Harris is called a “trader’s trader.” He says the latest deal on Greek debt is just “pretend and extend. . . . The real problem is Spain because they’re big, they’re in debt and they have 27%
Climate of Fraud, Negligence, Incompetence and JP Morgan
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s I was thinking about titling this post “Fire Jamie Dimon.” I changed my mind because this article is much, much bigger than Mr. Dimon. This is really an article about the current climate of fraud, negligence and
Gaza-Israel Fighting, Fiscal Cliff and Debt Ceiling to Infinity
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s Weekly News Wrap-Up 11/23/12 A cease-fire was announced earlier this week in the Gaza-Israeli conflict. Fighting lasted longer than a week and claimed the lives of 140 Palestinians. Israel counted five dead and more than a dozen wounded. It
Hyperinflation and Complete Collapse – Nick Barisheff
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Asset manager Nick Barisheff says, “There’s never been a fiat currency in history that didn’t end in hyperinflation and complete collapse.” Barisheff thinks that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s most recent call to have an “unlimited debt ceiling”
Central Banks’ Gold Likely Gone-Eric Sprott
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Eric Sprott says, “The central banks’ gold is likely gone with no realistic chance of getting it back.” Don’t expect this revelation to get any coverage by the mainstream media. In an interview last week,
Donations Button
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s During the past few months, I have had several people either comment or email asking if there was a way to support the site with a donation. I have installed a “Donations” button at the top of