Political Analysis Archive

This section gives political analysis for all sorts of subjects. Social unrest, the militarization of local law enforcement, poverty, wealth, survival, NSA spying, money laundering by the biggest banks, crime, global fraud, unpunished top bankers and the politicians that turn a blind eye to it will all be some of what is talked about here. From Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Communists, Socialists, the Tea Party and their effects on American life will be part of the conversation.

Some of the people lending their analysis here include former top HUD official Catherine Austin Fitts, top trends forecaster Gerald Celente, former Treasury Assistant Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, best-selling authors Robert Wiedemer and John Perkins, $2 billion money manager Peter Schiff, hit documentary filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, Shadowstats.com economist John Williams, futurist Chris Martenson and economic genius Martin Armstrong.

Politics often overlap with money issues. The views here are seldom brought to light in the mainstream media. Whether it’s from Main Street or the Middle East, you will get a unique perspective found only on USAWatchdog.com.

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Evil Attacking the Air -Weston Warren

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Scientist and inventor Weston Warren says evil powers have plans to continue attacking the air you breathe.  The Deep State came up with this decades ago.  To combat, these evil plans, Warren invented his germ killing and

Gold & Silver Fight Tyranny – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says, “The federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise. . . .not

CV19 Vax is Anti-Christ Technology– Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  (Saturday Night Post) Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 vax that she tagged as a bioweapon from the very beginning.  She was the

Border War, Global War, Get Food and Special Guest Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (WNW 618 1.26.24) The southern border of the US is becoming a flashpoint for the political parties.  Texas has been ordered by the Supreme Court to stand down and allow federal border patrol agents to cut down

Landslide Trump Victory in 2024 – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong has correctly predicted every presidential race since the 1980’s with his “Socrates” data mining program.  The 2024 race, featuring Donald J. Trump, is shaping up to be the most

You Will Own Nothing – Because They Will Steal Everything – David Rogers Webb

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) David Rogers Webb (DRW) is a financial expert and former global money manager who lives in Sweden.  Recently, DRW revealed the game plan of globalists like Klaus Schwab who publicly predicts, “You will own

Disaster If WHO Gets Total Medical Control – Dr. Meryl Nass

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Dr. Meryl Nass is an expert on vaccines.  She has testified to Congress many times.  Dr. Nass warned about the dangers of the CV19 vax.  Massive amounts of deaths and disabilities have been documented around the world

Trump is the Winter Coat – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning of a huge war cycle that happens every 120 years or so.  With Tiawan/China and Russia/Ukraine and Israel and the Middle East conflicts,

Pushback to Tyranny & Control Increases in 2024 – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the top story (out of 20 top stories) of 2023 was massive, documented

UN Goal to Destroy West with CO2 & Education Scams

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” is back from the recent so-called COP28 conference in Dubai, UAE.  Newman continues to report on the not-so-secret plan to destroy everything in

Chaos, Turning Point & Great Awakening – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny has been saying all year that the end of December is going to be the beginning of big trouble for the stock market, the dollar and the

Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda – Mark Crispin Miller

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night post) New York University (NYU) Professor Mark Crispin Miller (MCM) is an expert in propaganda. Dr. Miller says from infection to injection, Covid 19 was a global “propaganda masterpiece.” Propaganda on this level has never

Death Touch for Global Debt Coming – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle says just about every aspect of American life is under a new threat from unimaginable debt. There is record credit card debt, an implosion in

Deep State Controlled Demolition of America – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” says there is a not-so-secret plan to destroy everything in America and everything it stands for.  Newman contends it is the only way

Horrifying & Historic US Dollar Crash – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Biblical cycle timing expert and geopolitical/financial analyst Bo Polny contends we are close to some very big financial events that will happen by the end of this year and into the next.  A stock