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Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.3.12

By Greg Hunter’s 

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said to his top generals, “We’ll be at war within weeks.”  The quote and story comes from, a credible source.  Meanwhile, this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly told U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta that sanctions are not working, and time is running out to stop Iran’s nuclear program.  (more…)

MSM Spins Housing Recovery-Again

Greg Hunter’s 

The latest Case-Shiller Home Price Indices report came out yesterday.  This report is considered one of the best measures of the housing market nationwide.  It didn’t take long for the mainstream media (MSM) to, once again, spin a non-existent “recovery” story.  (more…)

One-on-One With Rick Ackerman

Greg Hunter’s   

Professional trader Rick Ackerman thinks “the next market meltdown is going to look like the flash crash” of a few years ago.  Ackerman is the creator of an investment newsletter called “Rick’s Picks.”  He says the dollar is “ultimately garbage” and is backed by “nothing but debt,” but that doesn’t mean the dollar will crash in the near term.  Ackerman thinks it’s “going much higher” before it goes lower.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.27.12

By Greg Hunter’s 

Once again, Syria is at the top of the News Wrap-Up.  Russia is sending a large contingent of marines to Syria.  They will park off the coast, ready to go ashore if needed.  I told you this was not going to go down like Libya.  Russia has a naval base in Syria and is a big ally of the Syrian government.  Now, Iran is saying it will come to the help of the Syrian government and will not permit a regime change.  (more…)

Mainstream Media Recovery Hoax

By Greg Hunter’s 

USA Today’s headline Monday in the “Money” section of the newspaper read “Will fragile U.S. economy shatter?”  This story should have come with an apology to readers for reporting a so-called “recovery” for a couple of years now that was, in reality, nothing more than bottom bouncing.  (more…)

Peak Credit – End of Civilization?

By Greg Hunter’s 

Could the credit crisis we face globally destroy civilization as we know it?  Richard Duncan, author of a new book called, “The New Depression: The breakdown in paper money,” says yes!  Duncan claims the $50 trillion in credit expansion in the last 40 years must continue or the system will basically fall into complete chaos.  (more…)

One-on-One with James Rickards

By Greg Hunter’s 

Investment banker and Wall Street insider James Rickards says the Libor rate rigging scandal “is the greatest fraud and greatest potential liability in history.”  He thinks rate rigging banks could be on the hook for “$2.5 trillion,” and “The potential damages could destroy the banking system.” 

Rickards is the author of the best seller “Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis.”  He says, “Too big to fail has turned into too big to jail.  These guys are outside the legal system.  They can do whatever they want.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.20.12

By Greg Hunter’s 

Syria is on fire.  Top aides of President Assad were killed in a bombing attack this week by rebels.  The government responded by shelling neighborhoods around Damascus.  Syria is threatening to take its chemical weapons out of storage.  Israel is worried these weapons could fall into the hands of Hezbollah and is threatening a preemptive attack.  Increased sanctions against Syria were vetoed in the U.N. by China and Russia.  (more…)

Ron Hera – The End of Cheap Everything

By Greg Hunter’s 

“We are in a computer generated dream world . . . because everything is rigged.”  That’s what Ron Hera of said this week when interviewed about living in an age he calls “The end of cheap everything.”  The system isn’t going to collapse, it already has.  Hera says, “I think the system failed in 2008, and we are essentially living on borrowed time.”  (more…)

One-on-One with Paul Craig Roberts #2

By Greg Hunter’s 

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts says, “The last thing the banks want is a rise in interest rates that would drive down the values of their holdings and reveal large losses masked by rigged interest rates.” The Libor rate rigging scandal was all about keeping the financial system and the big banks from failing.  Forget prosecuting the perpetrators because (more…)

Libor Lie – A Black Swan?

The Libor Interest Rate Rigging Scandal - A Black Swan?By Greg Hunter’s 

The Libor interest rate rigging scandal is being called the biggest financial fraud in history.  Libor is a key interest rate that is used globally to set as much as $800 trillion in transactions.  It is used to set interest rates for things such as credit cards, student loans, mortgages, corporate bonds and hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives.   Libor stands for the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate.  It is supposed to be an estimate of what it would cost for some of the biggest banks in the world to borrow money from one another.  Sixteen global banks are involved in setting the rate, (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.13.12

By Greg Hunter’s

It looks like things are continuing to heat up in the Middle East.  Last week, there was news that the U.S. was sending more military assets to the Persian Gulf.  This week, the buildup continues with news the U.S. is sending underwater drones to combat possible Iranian mines and their drones.  Meanwhile, in Syria, the Russians are reportedly sending a flotilla of 11 warships to the Syrian coast for maneuvers.  (more…)

One-on-One with Robert Shiller

By Greg Hunter’s

The One-on-One series continues with Yale Professor Robert Shiller.  He predicted the current housing meltdown which is now five years old.  If you think we are at the bottom, think again.  When asked, “If the current housing crisis was a baseball game, what inning would it be?”  Shiller replied, “Maybe we’re in the fourth.”  Shiller recently said that home prices may not recover “in our lifetime.”  (more…)

One-on-One with Chris Duane

By Greg Hunter’s 

Chris Duane was a 30 year old millionaire working at his family’s East coast car dealerships when he walked away from it all to become a citizen journalist.  He sold his house in 2005 and started renting just before the real estate crash.  He began warning anyone who would listen about the collapse and paradigm change coming to America.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.6.12

By Greg Hunter’s 

Iran is back in the news.  There was a lot of activity, this week, involving the Iranian nuclear program and efforts by the West to curtail it.  New oil sanctions kicked in from Europe.  The Iranians have, once again, threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz as retaliation for the sanctions.  (more…)