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Special Labor Day Update 9.3.12

Greg Hunter’s 

A lot going on this weekend, so I am giving a special Labor Day update.  Looks like things continue to heart up in the Middle East.  Israel is asking the world to set a “clear red line” for Iran’s nuclear program.   Tensions between the U.S. and Israel have reportedly been rising over the timing of a possible attack to stop Iran.     (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.31.12

By Greg Hunter’s 

There’s a new U.N. report out that claims Iran has doubled its number of uranium enrichment machines.  This does not bode well for diplomacy in settling the standoff over Iran’s nuclear program which is largely being done in heavily fortified underground bunkers.  The Obama administration has said once again, this week, diplomatic options will not remain open “indefinitely.”  (more…)

Real Estate Turnaround?

Housing Prices Rising: Real Estate Turnaround? By Greg Hunter’s 

There was some good news released yesterday by the Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller home price index.  Residential housing prices rose .5% year-over-year for the first time since June of 2010.  In a press release, David M. Blitzer, Chairman of the Index Committee, said, “All 20 of the cities saw average home prices rise in June over May and all were by at least 1.0%. . . . We are aware that we are in the middle of a seasonal buying period, but the combined positive news coming from both monthly and annual rates of change in home prices bode well for the housing market.”  (more…)

Ron Hera-We’re at 2008 crash levels

Greg Hunter’s

“We’re at 2008 crash levels,” says Ron Hera of   Hera thinks, “The dollar has been artificially strong . . . the dollar is due for a sharp decline.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.24.12

Greg Hunter’s 

Remember how I’ve been telling you there is no real recovery?  Dr. Marc Faber said this week he thinks there is now a “100% chance” of a global recession.  How can Faber make this call and we have any meaningful recovery?  We simply do not, and what we have are bailouts and bottom bouncing.  Faber has made many monster calls on the economy.  (more…)

Nick Barisheff – $10,000 Gold within 5 Years

Greg Hunter’s 

Nick Barisheff is an investment pro with a 30 year track record.  He manages more than $500 million in physical gold, silver and platinum.  He has a new book coming out titled “$10,000 Gold: Why Gold’s Inevitable Rise is the Investor’s Safe Haven.”  You think that is an overly bullish prediction?  Not if there is hyperinflation.  Barisheff says, “If we get into hyperinflation, $10,000 will be a conservative estimate.”  (more…)

Greg Mannarino – People Are Going to Suffer on a Biblical Scale

By Greg Hunter’s 

Greg Mannarino is a former Bear Stearns floor trader in the mid 1990’s.  He has written seven books on the ongoing financial crisis.  His latest is called “The Politics of Money.”  Mannarino is a rising star on the internet for his YouTube commentaries.  He says, “The global debt bubble is the biggest in all of mankind, and every single one has burst in the past.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.17.12

By Greg Hunter’s 

The Middle East is in the spot light again this week, and it’s all because of continued talk of war.  Matan Vilnai, an Israeli defense minister, said Israel is “ready as never before.”  He’s talking about a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities and predicts it “. . . will last 30 days on a number of fronts.”  (more…)

The Next One will be the Big One

Prepare for US and Euro Collapse: The Next One will be the Big OneBy Greg Hunter’s 

I don’t see how anyone could say the financial system is stable.  The facts say it is anything but well-balanced and steady.  The Western world is in crisis with Europe leading the way over the financial cliff.   Pick a country in the EU.  France, Greece, Spain or Italy are all capable of causing the next financial panic.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard or read the word “collapse” in reporting on this spiraling financial crisis.  (more…)

One-on-One with Professor William Black

By Greg Hunter’s 

Professor William Black is an outspoken critic of Wall Street.  Black, a former bank regulator and professor of law and economics, says, “Outright fraud caused the great recession, and they are able to do it now with impunity.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.10.12

By Greg Hunter’s 

There’s a new U.S. intelligence report that is raising urgency over Iran’s nuclear program.  The White House has, once again this week, reaffirmed its commitment to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.  Commenting on the new information, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said, “A nuclear Iran is taking shape right before our eyes.”  (more…)

Greg Hunter-Financial Survival Network Interview

By Greg Hunter’s

The Financial Survival Network (FSN) invited me on to talk about the state of journalism in the mainstream media (MSM).  People are largely in the dark about what is really going on in the world today and are woefully unprepared for a coming calamity.  It’s all because of the terrible job the MSM is doing informing the public!   (more…)

Charles Biderman-What else is there besides gold?

By Greg Hunter’s 

Charles Biderman, CEO of Trim Tabs Investment Research, says, “If Europe, the U.S and Japan are all printing money to pay bills, what else is there besides gold?”  Everone should be holding physical gold in their portfolio.   (more…)

Is Silver Manipulation Case Being Dropped?

By Greg Hunter’s 

Lots of news out this week about the silver manipulation case being dropped by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) with zero action.  The first of several stories was put out by the Financial Times on Monday.  (more…)

One-on-One with Eric Sprott

By Greg Hunter’s 

Eric Sprott of Sprott Asset Management is one of the best performing money managers with returns topping 20% for more than a decade.  He has $10 billion under management, and it’s no secret Mr. Sprott is a long term bull on physical gold and silver.  It looks like other big money men like “Bond King” Bill Gross are also thinking about going long on the yellow metal.   Sprott points out, “When the Bond King goes to some sort of physical asset, I think you can see some kind of sea change.”  (more…)