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Weekly News Wrap-Up 2/1/13
By Greg Hunter’s
The Middle East and North Africa are hot and getting hotter in terms of war and conflict. Pick a country from Mali to Egypt or Yemen to Syria; there are wars and rumors of war. Israel jet fighters attacked a convoy in Syria this week. Israel says it was missiles to be used against Israel. (more…)
CBS Anti-Constitution Network
By Greg Hunter’s
This past Sunday, CBS ran an op-ed segment on its morning show called, “Let’s give up on the Constitution.” It was written and delivered by Georgetown law professor Louis Michael Seidman. Professor Seidman gave a longer version of this in print at the end of 2012 in the New York Times. (more…)
May 2013-End of the Road-John Williams
Greg Hunter’s
Anybody who thinks the U.S. is in a so-called recovery isn’t listening to economist John Williams. He contends, “We haven’t had a recovery and we’re not about to have one, and it’s getting worse.” Williams says it’s because, “The consumer is in very serious trouble. . . . The average guy is not making it. His income is not keeping up with inflation.” As far as Congress getting the budget and debt ceiling under control, Williams says, “Both sides are faced with devil’s choices.” (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.25.13
By Greg Hunter’s
Debt and guns are really the only two topics in Washington D.C. this week. The House of Representatives passed a bill that will suspend the debt ceiling until mid-May. It’s has a cute little clause called “No Budget No Pay,” but I think that’s just a side show gimmick. The real deal is the Republicans are throwing a political hot potato over to Harry Reid and the Democrats in the Senate. (more…)
German Gold-Not Last One Holding the Bag-Tom Cloud
Germany recently announced it was moving some of its gold back to the homeland. Investment manager Tom Cloud says, “People are starting to pull away and take care of themselves. . . . You don’t want to be the last guy holding the bag.” In his 35 years of investing, Cloud says, “I am now seeing countries buying gold that are talking to me. . . We have banks buying the heaviest they have ever bought.” (more…)
USA Going to Get Downgraded-Karl Denninger
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial analyst Karl Denninger says, “If you keep raising the debt ceiling willy nilly, you’re going to get downgraded.” Denninger thinks the latest talks in Washington will only kick the fiscal can down the road. He says, “The truth of what we have to do is still politically impossible.” (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.18.13
By Greg Hunter’s
It’s all guns all the time as President Obama makes a big push for gun control. Part of the plan includes “Executive Orders.” The other part of the President’s plan includes new legislation that bans assault weapons. This coming at a time when the nation’s top bankers fraud and crime is enormous and going criminally unpunished. (more…)
Bernanke Playing With Fire-Laurence Kotlikoff
By Greg Hunter’s
Boston University Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff is worried about America’s dire financial situation. Dr. Kotlikoff says, “The situation is getting worse and worse and worse. We are running a massive six decade Ponzi scheme, and it’s coming to a real threatening point.” (more…)
Guns Protect Honest People-Catherine Austin Fitts
Greg Hunter’s
Financial expert, Catherine Austin Fitts, says the sudden turn to gun control in the face of mounting financial problems is no accident. Fitts contends, “Guns protect honest people. It’s a little scary, the timing of this, and I think a little bit obvious. Gun control is a way to take away the financial assets of the honest hard working people.” (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.11.13
By Greg Hunter’s
Looks like the gun control debate is taking precedence over the severe financial problems the country is facing. We have a debt ceiling issue that could call into question the “full faith and credit” clause of the Constitution. In other words, we might default on our debt. We have these automatic cuts that have been postponed, and we still don’t have a deal to cut government spending. So, why is the Obama Administration pushing gun control now? (more…)
Borrowing From MasterCard to Pay For Visa-Gregory Mannarino
Greg Hunter’s
Financial analyst Gregory Mannarino says, “The Fed cannot and will not stop printing. . . If they do that, overnight the system would collapse. . . . They are in desperation mode.” Mannarino thinks the U.S. should be cutting spending and not raising the debt ceiling. He contends, “By raising the debt ceiling, we are borrowing from our MasterCard to pay for our Visa.” (more…)
Alex Jones Rips Piers Morgan a New One
By Greg Hunter’s
Alex Jones was on Piers Morgan’s CNN show last night to talk about gun control and, boy, did Jones take it to Morgan. I found myself mesmerized by the debate. Well…not much of a debate anyway, more like a verbal beat down. I don’t think Morgan knew what to say. I thought Jones won hands down, and Morgan didn’t have a single comeback to the points Jones made to Morgan on guns. (more…)
Peter Schiff: Get Real Money, Gold and Silver – as the Fed Will Not Stop Printing Money
By Greg Hunter’s
Money manager Peter Schiff warns that Japan will likely stop buying U.S. government debt. He contends, “If the Central Bank of Japan has a choice between monetizing Japanese debt or U.S. debt, they’ll go for their own debt . . . that means the Fed has to print even more money.” (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.4.13
By Greg Hunter’s
The Fiscal Cliff turned into a can kick on tax policy. Yes, they averted some nasty tax increases for many Americans, but there were zero spending cuts. In fact, the legislation added $4 trillion in debt!!! I’d say President Obama won round one, but not by much. I have to give a little credit to Democrats and Republicans for the compromise, but this is still the “blame game theater.” (more…)
Gerald Celente on 2013, Gold and Silver and WW III
By Greg Hunter’s
Trends forecaster Gerald Celente predicts the global financial system will continue to be propped up. Celente says, “The scheme continues to go, the scheme being dumping cheap money into the system to perpetuate an economy that should have crashed in 2008. So, for 2013, our best shot is more of the same, but worse.” (more…)