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It’s All About Control
By Greg Hunter’s (Revised)
Ever since the original Patriot Act was passed by Congress in 2001, American civil liberties have steadily shrunk and government control has steadily grown. In a financial crisis, your bank or brokerage can severely restrict the amount of money you can withdraw from your accounts. The government can now assassinate so-called terrorists anywhere in the world, including on U.S. soil. (more…)
Nigel Farage Strikes Again
By Greg Hunter’s
I suspect most of the Members of the European Parliament really despise Nigel Farage. Farage represents the United Kingdom, and even though the UK is a member of the EU, it does not use the Euro as its currency. Farage is a straight talking truth-teller and says things about the latest Greek bailout such as (more…)
Karl Denninger–EU Debt Crisis and Coming Financial Crash
By Greg Hunter’s
Plenty of financial news was made last week which gave us lots of questions for Karl Denninger. It seems almost every week, there is a major story coming out of Wall Street, Washington D.C. or from the other side of the Atlantic. Greg Hunter talks to Karl Denninger of to get some answers. (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.16.12
By Greg Hunter’s
Israel and Iran are, once again, the big stories this week. The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, basically said he doesn’t need the blessing of the U.S. to attack Iran’s nuclear sites. Meanwhile, the U.S. has given Iran a “last chance” ultimatum to work out a peace deal with its nuclear program or be attacked by the end of the year. Can war be far away? (more…)
More on CME, CDS and Iran
Is the Greek Debt Problem Really Solved?
By Greg Hunter’s
Yesterday, a short but ominous press release was issued at the Commodities Futures Trading Commission. It said, “At the request of CME Clearing Europe Limited (CMECEL), pursuant to Section 7 of the Commodity Exchange Act, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission issued an Order on March 13, 2012, vacating the registration of CMECEL as a derivatives clearing organization.” (more…)
U.S. Deficit Growing–Not Tax Receipts
Monday’s post closed with, “. . . The nonpartisan agency projected the government will run a deficit of $229 billion in February, the highest monthly figure ever.” (Click here for the complete report from the Washington Times.) That means the government spent nearly $8 billion more than it took in each and every day of last month (29 days). (more…)
Collapse Coming–Not Recovery
By Greg Hunter’s (Revised)
The way the latest unemployment numbers were reported by the mainstream media (MSM), you would think the Great Recession was over and the United States was solidly on the road to recovery. The Associated Press reported the numbers by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) with a story that said (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.9.12
By Greg Hunter’s
The big story was the meeting between the Prime Minister of Israel and the President of the United States on Monday. Netanyahu told Obama in no uncertain terms that he was tired of waiting to attack Iran over its nuclear program. Iran has said repeatedly it is for the peaceful production of energy, but Israel is not buying it. (more…)
The Banking System Needs to be Fixed
In my mind, ever since Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) allowed the banks to value things like mortgage-backed securities and real estate at whatever they think they will be worth in the future, the system was insolvent. The banking insolvency problem in America is so profound (FASB) changed the accounting rules in April of 2009 to cover it up. In short the big banks,who control most of the assets in this country, are a mess and the system needs to be fixed. (more…)
Israel is “Master of Its Fate”
By Greg Hunter’s
On Monday, President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met in the White House to discuss how they were going to handle Iran’s nuclear program. I think the meeting was a disaster for anyone who thinks we are on the way to settling the situation with sanctions and diplomacy. The President wants to give sanctions against Iranian banking and petroleum exports a chance to work. They are harsh and getting rougher by the month. (more…)
If Greek Debt Deal Blows Up–$1 Trillion in Losses!
By Greg Hunter’s
There are more ways for the world economy to get much worse than there are ways for it to get better. One landmine waiting to be stepped on is the Greek sovereign debt. The IMF and the European Central Bank are running the show, and the deal on the table now requires bondholders to voluntarily take steep cuts. (more…)
Subprime to the Rescue
By Greg Hunter’s (Revised)
Subprime lending is back, and it is creating headlines like: “February auto sales rise to highest level in 4 years.” That comes from a story last week from Reuters. Reuters goes on to say, “U.S. auto sales rose nearly 16 percent in February and the annual sales rate leapt to its best level in four years . . . For a second month in a row, sales surpassed even the most optimistic expectations. (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.2.12
Greg Hunter’s
The Middle East is hot and getting hotter. Reports are out that the Pentagon is preparing aerial refueling for Israeli Jets. U.S. military, also, now says it has what it takes to knock out Iran’s deep bunkers hiding its nuclear program. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says, once again, this past week, the President’s policy is “to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons capability.” (more…)
Dollar Alternative Anyone?
By Greg Hunter’s
Countries around the world have been actively seeking ways to not do business in dollars for the past few years. The U.S. dollar is the so-called world reserve currency, but the big question is for how long? China and Japan are beginning to shun the dollar in trade between the two countries. Mind you, this is the 2nd biggest economy in the world doing business without dollars with the 3rd biggest economy in the world. Russia and China, also, have an agreement to not use the dollar, and even India recently announced it would trade gold for oil with Iran. (more…)