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Subprime to the Rescue

By Greg Hunter’s  (Revised)

Subprime lending is back, and it is creating headlines like: “February auto sales rise to highest level in 4 years.”  That comes from a story last week from Reuters.  Reuters goes on to say, “U.S. auto sales rose nearly 16 percent in February and the annual sales rate leapt to its best level in four years . . . For a second month in a row, sales surpassed even the most optimistic expectations.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.2.12

Greg Hunter’s 

The Middle East is hot and getting hotter.  Reports are out that the Pentagon is preparing aerial refueling for Israeli Jets.  U.S. military, also, now says it has what it takes to knock out Iran’s deep bunkers hiding its nuclear program.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says, once again, this past week, the President’s policy is “to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons capability.”  (more…)

Dollar Alternative Anyone?

By Greg Hunter’s 

Countries around the world have been actively seeking ways to not do business in dollars for the past few years.  The U.S. dollar is the so-called world reserve currency, but the big question is for how long?  China and Japan are beginning to shun the dollar in trade between the two countries.  Mind you, this is the 2nd biggest economy in the world doing business without dollars with the 3rd biggest economy in the world.  Russia and China, also, have an agreement to not use the dollar, and even India recently announced it would trade gold for oil with Iran.  (more…)

Two Parties No Difference

By Greg Hunter’s 

The political season is well underway, and the real problems of the country and how to fix them are not being talked about.  Instead, we get lengthy discussions on things like contraception or religion.  The banking system is being propped up by phony accounting and is insolvent if it were audited using the same accounting methods as the IRS.  Neither party is talking about real issues and real solutions for the country.  (more…)

Gas Prices Signal Tsunami of Inflation

Greg Hunter’s

A good friend of mine, who has family living abroad, called me this weekend. One of the first things out of his mouth was about his sister in London and how she was dealing with “terrible inflation.” No doubt he was talking about the spike in gasoline prices that have risen to more than $8 a gallon. (The official inflation rate in the UK is around 3.6%, but I’m sure the numbers over there are as reliable as the inflation numbers in the U.S. where fuel and food are not counted in the so-called “core” inflation.)  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 2.24.12

By Greg Hunter’s 

Syria is the top story, this week, because the bloody revolution there has big super power war implications.  This violent uprising against Bashar Assad has been going on for months. Two journalists covering the story were killed in the fighting.  Now, there is talk of a NATO type involvement much the same as Libya.  (more…)

Greek Debt Deal Done—Yeah Right

Greek Debt DealBy Greg Hunter’s 

I keep asking myself, when is a deal not a deal?  Every time I hear the words “Greek debt deal” or “Greek bailout” in the same sentence, I wonder if, this time, they really have a deal.  Yesterday, I was thinking that again when it was announced there was a new Greek debt deal.  The headline from Reuters read, “Europe seals new Greek bailout but doubts remain.”  (more…)

Consequences of Iran-Israel War

The latest headline proves, once again, Iran and Israel are moving closer to war.  The only question is when.  A headline, today, from said, “Tehran steps into US-Israel Iran row with threat of pre-emptive strike.”  The story goes on to say, “Deputy Chief of Iran’s Armed Forces Gen. Mohammad Hejazi issued a new threat Tuesday, Feb. 21: “Our strategy now is that if we feel our enemies want to endanger Iran’s national interests… we will act without waiting for their actions.” debkafile’s military sources report that an Iranian preemptive attack on Israel has been in the air for some weeks. (more…)

Inflation Everywhere but MSM Says NOT

By Greg Hunter’s 

It seems every chance the mainstream media (MSM) gets, it tells us things really aren’t that bad.  For example, the headline from the Associated Press (AP) said, Consumer prices on the rise, but inflation outlook is benign.”   Who approves the headlines at the AP?  Prices are rising, but there is no inflation?  Aren’t rising prices the main ingredient of inflation?  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 2.17.12

165 Banks on the Verge of Collapse, WW 3, Iran's Nuclear Program: Weekly News Wrap-UpBy Greg Hunter’s

The big story is the continued threat of World War III in the Middle East.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, this week, sanctions are not working on Iran; and the U.S. Senate is talking about a “time table” to stop Iran’s nuclear program.  A new bi-partisan resolution says that containing a nuclear armed Iran is not an option.  These are just two more signs that war in the Middle East is approaching.  The only question is when?  (more…)

U.S. Dollar Will Take Beating in the End

By Greg Hunter’s

In the simplest of terms, the U.S. dollar will take a beating in the end.  That is going to be the result of all the bailouts and money printing to save an insolvent banking system.  Today, I bring you two videos that speak to the dollar calamity that lies in front of the entire planet.  (more…)

Mortgage Settlement Not Only Thing Plunging Prices

Mortgage Delinquency RatesBy Greg Hunter’s 

New data just released revealed delinquency rates for mortgage holders is up in the last quarter of 2011.  Now, the national mortgage delinquency rate is 6.01%, up from 5.88% in the third quarter of 2011 according to TransUnion.  This downward trend in real estate prices will not be slowed by this bad news.  (more…)

World Crisis in Pictures

Police in Greece Sunday 2/12/12

By Greg Hunter’s

It is said “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and the following story features more than a dozen from Greece, Europe and the Middle East where people are protesting the burden laid on them by the crooked, wreckless bankers.  Nothing is settled in the European debt crisis, and the deal in Greece is on and off and on and off.  This summer, journalists in the USA will probably see some of the same photo opportunities.  (more…)

Mortgage Settlement Will Plunge Real Estate Values

By Greg Hunter’s 

It is official.  State and federal governments have condoned forgery, perjury and fraud in what’s been called the “robo-signing” foreclosure debacle.  Last week, the five biggest banks in America signed on to a $26 billion deal that, basically, lets them off with a slap on the wrist for fraudulently foreclosing on homes in the last few years.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 2.10.12

Mortgage and Foreclosure Fraud, Syrian Revolution & More: Weekly News Wrap-UpBy Greg Hunter’s 

The big news, this week, was the $25 billion mortgage settlement with the five biggest banks in the country over allegations of mortgage and foreclosure fraud.  It has been reported that $13.5 trillion of potential fraud is going uninvestigated and unprosecuted.  This settlement is a travesty of justice and a total rip-off of America.  (more…)